enniewritesathing · 11 months
What inspires your character story and design? Is there influence besides just liking how they look? Are you striving to tell a complete story or just tales (short story blurbs about their lives)? I struggle with wanting to add more when I haven't finished the stuff I have.
Also! Do you think you've advanced in your writing from say 5 years ago to now? Do you think you've improved?
I always wonder if I'm improving. I certainly wouldn't be writing what I do if not for positive (and not so positive) feedback from simblr and having a writing friend who shares my passion and vision for story writing.
Sorry if that's too many questions. Just curious to hear how others process. Thanks!
Oh, don't worry, you're not asking too much at all! :D
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I'm gonna put it under the cut bc it's gonna be long, lol
I don't think I was particularly inspired by anything other than the fact that John and Brian were from a previous, abandoned story. It was based on the game Organ Trail (think Oregon Trail but with zombies and other stuff, lol). They are very different from what they used to be; they weren't together for one thing (they were both straight!) and they were edgy. Brian especially, he was more of a doomsday prepper. John having long hair is a hold over from the story; he grew it out to cover his eye (severely damaged from a grenade blast), y'know that sort of thing. I dropped the story after a while because I lost interest in it. That and everyone involved died...
There's not really a big influence on how they look either. I kinda come up with what's good but also what's unique. I guess I'm not one of the ones who struggle making male sims. For a future story, I had to make some (like 7??) and I went to town on the random button until I found what I liked and shaped them from there.
As for stories? Over the years, I've went from being very long form to shorter stories. I guess tales is a better description. They do have some continuity like with John and The Werewolf, the dealings with Brian's aunt, John and Brian getting engaged. I know Bare Knuckle, a story where John fights a literal demon, sticks out like a sore thumb because of how bonkers it is, but I made the story because I thought it would be cool; it also pushed my pose making skills at the time. (It's clear that I made that for myself really... ^^;)
I'd get an idea and go "can I put either of these two in this situation? and how would they go about getting out of it? or make it worse? better?" etc. Would this be "canonical" or would it be an AU? It's fun for me to think like that. A lot of the time, I make it bc I wanna see it for myself, what kind of a take I have on certain tropes and plots and maybe someone else would too?
I feel like I've improved in the past 5 years. It's pretty evident in my earlier stories it was strictly dialogue and nothing else and thus, empty. It used to be so stiff, it's kind of embarrassing, but there's a reason why I left it as is and never went back to redo them. (That's key, I think). That and I can the progress of how I use to take screens versus now, how everything's laid out, the expressions, etc.
I've had my ups and downs writing -- I feel I'm kind of a tough sell with most of my stories for simblr. They're not serial (I do not have the attention span or energy to do this), not a really big cast... I could go on, but it'll come off as complaints and maybe whinging on my part more than anything else.
That and the content itself; John and The Werewolf in particular because those stories deals with things I don't really see too often. and y'know, the blood, torture, violence. it's just so messy. In fact, I don't really get too much of any feedback of any kind so I'm kind of out here doing my thing. I don't know who's actually reading what I put out or if it's even thought of at all. I just hope that they're a little entertained by it. (tho it wouldn't hurt for a recommend)
but I'm also extremely stubborn! I'll complain, but I'm gonna keep doing it. I have ideas and they're gonna exist and I love to see how things play out. Sometimes the boys surprise me and I surprise myself. :)
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retrievablememories · 4 years
style | jaehyun
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title: style pairing: jaehyun x black!reader genre: fluff request: “I was watching the bts for the photo shoots for neo zone and made think about how fun it would be on set with them. Do you think you could write something more jaehyun centric about being like a new makeup artist on set. It can be a black reader as well if that’s cool with you” word count: 2.8k warnings: none that i can think of except some cursing a/n: oof okay my mind somehow skipped over the “new” part so the reader in this fic is actually pretty experienced w/ being a makeup artist. i could rewrite it but i didn’t want to wait any longer to post this fic since it’s already been a couple weeks since the request. i’m sorry if this is not what you were looking for anon, let me know 🤕
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Being a Black makeup artist in a mostly Korean music industry can be weird at times. It’s not the life of roses and perfume that many others at the beginning of your career would’ve had you think it is, but you have managed to carve out your own niche. You have friends and people who support you, and a nice apartment you’re able to pay for with the salary you receive from SM, which is enough for you.
It also doesn’t hurt to be surrounded by pretty men all the time.
You worked for many different groups and solo acts before landing a steady job at SM Entertainment—some were nicer than others, and some were straight-up assholes. You can’t say you miss those days much, especially when you were just starting out and not always certain of where your next paycheck was coming from. Now, your most consistent clients have been NCT, which you are grateful for; they’re always pleasant and fun to work with.
Your latest work with them involves NCT 127’s new album, Neo Zone. You’re coming in today for the first day of the album jacket photoshoot, which you’re excited about; you haven’t seen any of the NCT members since you worked on Coming Home. You don’t mind doing makeup for the other SM acts, but there’s a certain connection you have with this group that you just can’t explain.
With your makeup bag on hand, you enter the studio where the boys are going to be shooting today, already taken aback by the loud orange checkerboard pattern on the floor. There are even garish deer heads and hooves mounted up on the walls; SM has really outdone themselves this time.
“Y/N, it’s you!” Jaehyun looks excited to see you, and his enthusiasm rubs off on you; you shoot him a welcoming smile back.
“Hi Jaehyun,” you say, walking over to where he’s standing. Jaehyun doesn’t hesitate to open his arms to give you a hug, and you appreciate the soothing smell of his cologne before pulling away.
Jungwoo and Mark run up to you too, crushing you between them in a hug, and pretty soon you end up embracing all of the boys as they come over for your attention.
“Wow, that is some hairstyle…” you say as you pull away from Johnny. You reach up to pinch one of his twists between your fingers, examining it with a look halfway between mortification and amusement.
“Do you like it?” he asks, an equally awkward grin on his face.
“Um…I’m sure the fans will love it.” You can only chuckle and pat him on the arm before making your way back over to Jaehyun to start on his look for the shoot. You pull your supplies out of your makeup bag as Jaehyun watches you from the chair; his attention is eventually drawn away when Taeil comes over to show him something on his phone.
When you have everything ready and have pinned his hair out of the way, you start painting his face.
Jaehyun only has one AirPod in his ear; you’re not sure where the other is, but you figure it must be with Taeil or one of the other members. You think he’s just listening to music without paying you any mind, but he says suddenly, “I like when you come around.”
“Oh, really? Why is that?”
“I dunno, your makeup just looks better…” He lowers his voice as if he doesn’t want the other makeup artists to hear, and you laugh inwardly.
“Maybe it’s because I know how to use the right foundation shade.” You both laugh openly at that, and Haechan takes notice, dropping in beside Jaehyun.
“What are you two laughing about? I wanna laugh too,” the younger man says, his eyes round and mischievous.
“Just the fact that it’s no fun to walk around with makeup looking like Casper the Ghost,” you say, and Haechan scoffs.
“Try telling that to….” Haechan’s eyes dart around, and you suspect the makeup artist he wants to throw shade on must be at the shoot with them right now. “...nevermind, that’s a discussion for the group chat!” Instead, he goes over to Taeyong to bother him.
“Group chat? I feel left out now,” you say jokingly, continuing with Jaehyun’s makeup.
“You don’t have one with your stylist friends or something like that?” he asks.
“Yes, but I wanna know what you guys are talking about…” You raise your eyebrows. “That’s just nosy me, though.”
“Nothing interesting,” Jaehyun replies, though you can tell by the look in his eyes that that’s far from the truth.
“Mhmm, sure.” You purse your lips together and shake your head. “Don’t let me find out you’re on some fuckboy shit.”
“If I was, would you punish me?” Jaehyun says this loud enough to draw a few mildly scandalized glances from the stylists and makeup artists standing nearby, and you duck your head, feeling equal parts tickled and embarrassed.
“You’re a mess, Jaehyun. I’m trying to keep this job, okay?” you reprimand him, but there’s no seriousness in it at all.
“Of course, you’re right—I’d never want to see my favorite staff member gone.”
“Shiiit, now I’m just a staff member?” You put a hand over your heart, acting hurt. You both laugh and joke around for a while longer until you’re done with his look for the photoshoot.
Once you finish with Jaehyun’s makeup, you do Mark and then Taeil, chatting casually with them all the while. Taeil is still a bit quiet with you, but he’s incredibly funny when he wants to be, and you can always appreciate a good joke or two. You know Jaehyun “flirts” with you noticeably more than the other members do, but you’ve gotten used to all their subtle differences and you don’t think to chalk it up to more than innocent playfulness—or over-playfulness, maybe.
You’re always somewhere nearby in the background, ready to jump in and retouch someone’s foundation or redo a highlight whenever necessary. You sit back and watch Jaehyun take his solo pictures, admiring your good work on his makeup—or maybe his handsomeness all on its own. He has a good face, you think, and try to convince yourself that you’re only thinking about it in terms of how easy his features are to work with.
Your front row view of the show is interrupted when one of the stylists comes over to ask you a question, and you’re pulled to another area to handle an issue. There’s never not something to do on days like these, though you don’t really mind it; being busy doesn’t bother you as much when the work is fairly fun. 
The other boys continue playing around on the set as they wait their turns for solo photos and then group pictures. You eventually end up back in front of Taeil again, fixing a spot on his foundation with a Q-tip as a hairstylist fusses over his strands.
You sit on one of the couches on set for a moment’s break after finishing with Taeil. Johnny comes creeping over to you with the polaroid camera he’s been carrying for the past half-hour, and you can already guess what’s about to happen. You hold your hands up, blocking your face.
“I know you’re the aspiring photographer and all, but can you give me and my visage a break?”
“Just one?” Johnny begs, giving you his best pout. You give him an unimpressed look and cross your arms, but your face eventually cracks when he keeps throwing you exaggerated pouty expressions.
“It’s not happening! I’m not even prepared for pictures today,” you insist. Your complaints are interrupted when Haechan slides onto the couch beside you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Don’t you want to take a picture with me, at least?” He tries to press his cheek against yours and you gently chide him about his makeup, not wanting to create more work for the other girls on set who’ll have to fix it. “I knoww, I knoww. If you take a picture with me, I’ll stop!”
You sigh in mock distress. “Fine, one photo! Can’t keep these paparazzi off my back, can I?” You and Haechan end up striking multiple poses for Johnny while he pretends to be an enthusiastic photog capturing a celebrity couple.
“Hope Jaehyun doesn’t get too jealous,” Johnny says absentmindedly, holding one of the shiny polaroids between his fingers. You cock your head at that.
“Now why would he get jealous?”
“Because that’s how Hyung is,” Haechan replies, quickly getting off the couch and trying to usher Johnny off the scene. He acts as if the older man has just said something he wasn’t supposed to, and Johnny belatedly notices his “mistake” with an awkward shrug. Before he leaves, he hands you one of the polaroids of you and Haechan.
“Put it in a scrapbook or something!”
“Sure, Johnny.” You stare at the small photo in your hands, though Johnny’s words stay floating around in your mind well after the first day’s shoot is over.
The next day is hectic, much like the last, though the set is quite different this time around. You definitely feel a bit better about having more space to move around in without other staff members practically standing on top of each other. Johnny’s hair is back to its normal state, though now Taeil and Haechan have braids; you can’t help but squint your eyes at that, though you say nothing. It’s not worth falling out with the hairstylists again—you learned early on that these companies are gonna do whatever the hell they want.
“You look really good today—all thanks to me, of course,” you tell Jaehyun after he finishes recording his part for the BTS video. “Aren’t I magic?”
“Don’t knock the hairstylists, they wouldn’t like to hear that,” he snickers.
“I’d like to do more than knock them, but we ain’t got time for that.” You wave your hand and change the subject. “Did you enjoy yesterday’s shoot? I dunno about you, but I think it went pretty well. Hopefully today is the same.”
Jaehyun nods his agreement. “It was great.” Then he pauses before casually mentioning, “I heard you and Haechan were getting close yesterday, though.” You notice Doyoung and Yuta out of the corner of your eye, lingering around as if they’re waiting on their turn for photos, but it’s clear that they’re eavesdropping from the looks on their faces.
“Yes, so sue me for hanging out with an NCT member that isn’t you, how could I ever betray you in such a way?” You cover your mouth in faux horror and the other man shakes his head, grabbing your elbow.
“I don’t know if my heart will ever recover,” he says, going along with your act. He pulls on your arm and brings your hand to chest. “Feel it—it’s broken!”
This feels like a bold move even for him, and Doyoung makes a noise in the background that confirms your surprise. You whip your head towards the other two men and they immediately scatter, finding other things to preoccupy themselves with to avoid your scolding.
Jaehyun’s heartbeat is a little faster than it should be under your palm, and at this point you can probably guess why. Johnny’s words and Haechan’s near panic come to the forefront of your memory again. You behave as casually as you can, drawing your hand back to your side and quirking an eyebrow at him. Someone calls your name from the other side of the room, and you go to see what they’re hollering about, but not before calling over your shoulder,
“Your heart rate’s elevated, might wanna see a doctor about that!”
You end up having to retouch Jaehyun’s makeup more than usual throughout the shoot because of his playing around with the other boys, whether it’s riding in a shopping cart or trying to pedal a damn bicycle up the wall, and you almost have to wonder if he’s doing it on purpose.
“You’re really gonna make me work for this job, huh?” You put your hands on your hips after finishing your quick fixes.
You roll your eyes. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“So, you admit you think I’m cute?”
“What do you expect me to say? You certainly ain’t ugly...don’t let it go to your head, though.” You pat his shoulder and steer him towards the cameras. “Now go on! Don’t make me have to stay past midnight fixing your makeup all day.”
The rest of the jacket shooting goes smoothly—as smoothly as anything can on a busy set, anyway. Yuta even manages to get you to dance with him to one of the songs blaring over the studio’s speakers, though you scurry off again as soon as you see Johnny coming with his phone in hand. You know his blackmail folder must be huge at this point, and you’re not trying to become a part of the collection.
The boys come over for their hugs again as you pack up your makeup bag. Pretty soon, the only one left without an embrace is Jaehyun.
“Saving the best for last?” you ask as he watches you. He really does do that a lot, you realize.
He shrugs as if he’s unaffected by your compliment, but his dimples peeking out give him away every time.
“You can just say it, you know.” You look around and lower your voice. Though the playlist is still cycling through as loud as ever, you’d rather not have anyone else’s ears in your conversation right now.
“Say what?” he whispers back, still smiling.
“Hello! I think we both know.”
“You want to hear me say it that bad?”
“That’s rich coming from you! I’m not the one who pulled a move literally out of a kdrama earlier.” As you speak, you accidentally knock over a bottle of setting spray on the table, and both of you reach for it at the same time. 
Jaehyun’s fingers linger on yours, sending little sparks of excitement up your arm and through your body. You risk a look at him, and although you’re supposed to be keeping it low right now, you feel as if you’re the only two left in the room. He leans closer, and his familiar scent hits your senses again, threatening to wrap you up permanently in its hold.
“You’re right. I like you.”
Jaehyun picks up the fallen bottle and presses it into your hand, and it takes you a few seconds to react and put it back in your bag.
“I knew it,” you lie. You’re not sure why you feel so nervous about this, or why you feel like you’re doing something you shouldn’t. It’s not uncommon for idols to date their stylists; after all, they’re around each other all the time. But that doesn’t mean the company or anyone else will approve.
“Yes, Detective, you’ve figured out the big mystery.” You glare at Jaehyun for that, but he remains unphased. He turns around and leans against the table, giving off a casual air when he’s really checking to make sure no one is heading in your direction. “So...what do you say?”
You decide to draw this out a little longer just because you can. “To what?”
“I know you like me too.”
“Maybe,” you say, mimicking his earlier answer. “What are you gonna do about it if I do?”
“Make you my girlfriend, duh.” He says it with all the confidence in the world, but then backtracks a little when you give him an amused look. “Only if that’s what you want, though; we don’t have to do anything if—”
“You’re overthinking it!” You shake your head as you put the last thing in your makeup bag and zip it up. “I want to. Really. But you’re gonna have to take me out first.”
“Just tell me where you wanna go. I’ll take you anywhere.”
You sling your bag over your shoulder and sigh. “Have you always been this good with words? Or is it just because I like you?”
Jaehyun pushes himself off the table and steps closer, crowding into your personal space. “You tell me.”
“Don’t be so obvious.” You step back when you notice one of the managers’ eyes lingering where you two are standing. “Just...text me. You know how to reach me, right?”
“Of course.”
You continue stepping backwards towards the entrance, not wanting to let him out of your sight just yet. You smile and wave with both hands, still playing the role of “makeup artist to a super-famous kpop idol” and not “departing girlfriend” like you want to. “Then we’ll talk next time! Bye, Jaehyun!”
Jaehyun waves back, and you don’t turn around until you’re well into the hallway and one of the other boys has called him to hurry up. Leaving the building, you lean against one of the outside walls to take a breather before you head to your car.
“Holy shit.”
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common-blackbird · 4 years
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This is my Inquisitor (so overjoyed you can be a qunari), her name is the default Herah and I decided I’m going to approach this game by staying true to a character and not looking to do everything and be on everyone’s good side u_u
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I want to make a good background for her so i’m not telling anything. Yet. I’ll just say she’s a qunari mercenary and prefers using two-handed weapons.
Highlights from today:
Studying history does pay off! This was a reference to the famous book in environmental history - Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. So proud i recognised it x)
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Also i don’t have a good shot of solas but he cracks me up so much.. The guy has a posture of the typical retired grandpa (the only thing missing is to have him walk with his hands on his back). And there’s a scene where the party sees the rift and there’s the inquisitor facing it, cassandra bracing herself and solas... just standing like an old man
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On a side note, Cassandra is so gorgeous and good and i already love her, i just keep taking shots of her TAT
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As for varric, it’s so different than from da2, this is so much more “official” and you can see he’s the same as ever, but you’re not hawke, hawke’s not here, the gang’s not here and there’s nothing casual about the whole situation T-T
And lastly, my inquisitor has a horse now, i didn’t know that was possible in the game ;__;
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played some more...
Let  me start with.... The advisors! (+ cassandra... or is she also an advisor too?)
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What a bunch. I love Cassandra’s and Leliana’s faith having a crisis bc they believe that Inquisitor is the Herald of Andraste and the way they deal with it. It’s really interesting. Leliana is completely opposite than what she was in origins and i’m surprised it doesn’t bother me at all! I love seeing this whole darker side that was only hinted at in origins, though it’s also sad when i think how she used to be. I wonder how she’s gonna overcome her doubting of faith. 
Josephine is a delight. I keep using her for almost every war table mission for now. She radiates capability. She reminds me of those bureaucrats that are super nice and helpful and chill and even if you’re doing everything wrong she’ll just smile and say “it’s ok, we can fix it” and then goes and fixes everything herself (and you feel this insane amount of gratitude you send a whole separate email to thank her for her patience and help )
As for Cullen... It’s interesting... I got impression from what i saw in the fandom that he’s supposed to have had his allegiance changed and him rejecting the templars should have been him ultimately siding with the mages (or at least being anti-templar(?)), and that turning point that could have been a great way to show his character development during the game. Which i agree, only... i did not get that impression from the game so far at all. I mean, so far everything that i can remember him saying is totally smth he’d say in da2... He didn’t leave kirkwall bc of his disappointment with the templar order, he doesn’t seem to have any issues with the templars except those who go full war mode instead of trying to balance the situation. And it’s a really chaotic situtation, i love how they did it.
This line was amazing, i wish there was a special cutscene for that.
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I’m loving the way they made this huge religious organisation in crisis have a complete collapse with the death of a key figure. I love the concept of inquisition and problems that it poses. I love you can see everyone’s reasoning and doubts reflect their background, but also see why inquisition can be understood as another power-grasping organisation trying to topple the templars, the mages and the chantry. Everything is divided. We got templars leaving the chantry, seekers leaving the chantry(?), rebel mages, loyal mages, rebel mages gone rouge, templars gone rouge, and suddenly there’s another organisation forming that you can totally believe is just another powerhungry force trying to get the piece of the cake by taking advantage of the power vacuum left by the sudden lack of the religious authority. (and only we know we’re The Good Guys). I love that we have characters who need to believe in the greater plan, characters who question the greater plan, and characters who want to utilise the power of belief and characters who don’t care for divine plans. The chaos is real and it feels real. I love that the centre figure of the whole holy business is a heretic of another culture. For the chantry this is the lose-lose situation (unless the inquisitor becomes religious by the end of the game). Which is why this line works so well. 
Ok, now shorter updates:
Red Jenny! I know it’s not her actual name but it is in my head. Where’s that box i delivered ages ago >_> Anyways, she makes my brain work on 150% capacity. I can understand what she means only after i go over it for 5 times.
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Forgive me but oh my god, i can’t believe that i can recognise one voice actor and now i have another mental image whenever he speaks. Like, he’s really good at bringing out a new character, but when he gets more casual he sounds like kanan jarrus from star wars rebels and i’m just “what are you doing here, space dad” ;__; Hopefully it’ll get old and i’ll be enjoying more iron bull. he seems nice...
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Vivienne on the other hand is like a reverse Josephine(?) She seems insanely capable but hates customer service, however somehow she likes you very much and will do everything you need for reasons you can’t fathom. Have a screenshot. So classy. I already feel humbled.
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and lastly, BREAKING NEWS: aveline finally hired carver ;__;
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Tbh Kirkwall is still a mystery and i have so many questions but i don’t think i’ll get any answers... If a powervacuum of the divine cause this much chaos, how’s kirkwall faring without a new viscount? Like, yeah, aveline can keep in check, but umm it’s in a very vulnerable state which makes it a good target for any invasion... didn’t sebastian promise bloodshed?
That’s all for now, bc otherwise i’ll start writing an essay on cassandra.
We befriended a bear in the hinterlands!
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lets start with this cool shot
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so, i have been to the mages and to the templars and... i sided with the templars.... First i was all for mages since they offered negotiations while the seeker just walked away, but then it turned out that was a trap, there’s also tevinter mages there (which is a red flag for my inquisitor) and then there’s some time magic involved (which is a big no for me), and i just walked out. Felt bad for the mages but my inquisitor comes from a culture where mages have their tongues cut so...
Also this guy deserves a medal for putting up with corrupted superiors and annoying nobles.
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And i met cole ;__; Where are Rhys and Evangeline ;___;
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the templar mission was ok i guess... I was surprised that red lyrium was apparently circulating around for some time, not sure if that means since meredith or even before. I love the stories of corruption tho and to imagine what it’s like to be trapped in this organisation that just keeps breaking everything it stands for
As for the important mages, i’ve Dorian twice since i bailed out on him in Redcliffe :I I love the guy, he seems arrogant yet so kind (like, no one would have carried that annoying priest and yet he did, after he ran from his own people to warn us after i ditched him in Redcliffe? man ;A;) Every time i go with “ok the inquisitor fears tevinter and distrusts this rando who just popped in” i am marinating in guilt.
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and then we fight some mages and die several times but we succeed and we meet the bad guy...
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Is it an unpopular opinion to say that i like him as a villain so far? i saw so many jokes on his incompetency. Idk, i like that part where he said that he reached the fade in someone’s name, it makes me think he’s not just power-hungry person(?) who’s just evil,but was originally serving someone, and he said that the gods were either gone or corrupted and he spent hundreds of years thinking what to do with whatever happened so he seems like he knows what he’s doing and maybe(!just maybe) he is trying to fix things that are wrong but we can’t see that? And of course he hates the inquisitor, he has to redo his stuff all over again, i’d hate the inquisitor too. im probably looking too much into it. My wish is that, if he’s evil, he became so gradually, but originally had good intentions? Or there’s more to things going on that we just don’t know and he does... Maybe this was his tragic attempt to fix things but he would ultimately fail and be branded as a villain etc etc. I’m getting carried away
If it turns out he’s just evil for the sake of being evil then feel free to tell me so now so i don’t embarrass myself further with plotting myself lol.
A side note, is he the Architect? Or the same? In DA2 he says he’s a tevinter magister, right? and he ceased to be a human. Also in DA2 it seemed like he was the boss, and here he said he reached in the name of someone (probably more important than him). But what is the Architect then?
And with that we reach the skyhold.
in skyhold
I didn’t know you meet hawke so soon ;__; i thought that was like, somewere more to the end of the game, since the big decision and all. But the mission is already opened and i am going to procrastinate on it until i finish every side mission :<
Also he is so sad ;__; i understand, but at the same time... all that humour now bitter sarcasm :’(
(also, very shallow remark, but i really really prefer his looks in da2 than here... it’s like they softened him. He’s more...oh god idk bearish(???) than hawkish(????) you know what i mean? the nose isn’t as sharp anymore, the beard is... what is it with the beard... anyways i get the game has its limits so it’s fine. it’s fine! fine.)
then there was the fight that i remember since twitter >:D
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It’s what made me want to play dragon age and i finally reached it T-T so good! I love how you can see the both sides and everything they say is true but they’re so angry at themselves they’re taking it out on each other TAT
Cassandra later says Hawke probably wouldn’t have joined the inquisition even if she found him, and i wonder now if that’s true... At first i thought, nah, Hawke has too much of a hero complex, he would feel too responsible to just say no. Besides, he’s with the inquisition now (tho i can’t find him anywhere anymore!). But at the same time, the way da2 ends was such an iconic walking away from everything, and not taking into account the hocus-pocus rift stuff, i can imagine him refusing, especially seeing how bitter he is now. It’s also a question of how much would have cassandra told him i guess. idk, what do you think? Would he lead or nah?
another person i want to find but can’t in skyhold are the templars with ser barris. i can use them on war table missions but otherwise they’re non-existant? i forgot to talk to him back in haven but now i wonder if it was even possible and if he was even available there, since he isn’t here. I spent hours just running around skyhold looking for the guy :(
and then everything becomes unimportant bc aaaaa!! she! is the arcanist! Dagna! im so happy and proud(?) she went and reached her goals x)
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anyways that’s all for now, laters
some random updates:
so i did the halamshiral and gave up to my “stick to the character” mode, and nothing went my way, but that’s life. Met morrigan! i almost forgot she appears lol. And, despite also jumping on the wagon of give-morrigan-better-clothes train, i have to admit seeing her in her old clothes was a relief after that dress at the ball. It’s not the way the dressed looked, but the way she moved in it... god im shallow
i also initially didn’t like morrigan being at orlais court of all places, but after the conversation that’s supposed to explain why she’s there i’m kinda ok with it. I mean, i still need some more info. Wouldn’t Tevinter be better? she’d practically become a magister overnight if she got this good in the game so fast. It’s also unconvincing how everyone knows everything in orlais but somehow nobody connected that the random kid that has no bakcground whatsoever with morrigan who keeps checking on him? But at skyhold she’s just “hey i have a kid, he’s no trouble, right?”  but hey, it’s morrigan. She can do anything. I’ll just have another story idea in my head.
Then there was news of the new divine that could be either cassandra or leliana and i don’t honestly know whom to choose. I’d prefer leliana over cassandra simply bc cassandra is more of a military mind, while the position of the divine would be more political. But lately every mission with leliana was spy spy, kill kill... Do we really want that for a religious leader? On the other hand, it would nicely round up her story from origins to inquisition... But cassandra is more of a public figure than leliana is...
when cassandra said:
“I want to respect the tradition, but not fear change. I want to right the past wrongs, but not avenge them. And I have no idea if wanting any of them makes them right.”
great moment. She’s usually so convinced and rash, i forget she’s more doubtful and open minded than what she looks like. Everything about cassandra is different from the impression she gives ;__; I love her so so so so much. (when she says she considers the inquisitor her friend i melted, next time varric pulls up the “seeker has no friends” joke, my heart will no longer be breaking).
I did a bunch of personal missions. Some were cool, some were ????. Also there were war table missions with zevran, that was cool. Also i love the codex entries in skyhold. The archery competition with varric banned? Dancing lessons failing bc lace harding is on the move all the time? Perfect.
And i met chargers, i like them, and aaah that staff-bow from the trailer is such a cool idea ;A;
What i don’t get with bull’s chargers is - they’re a mercenary group right? But isn’t swordselling seen as the complete misunderstanding of the qun? I get only bull is qunari, but he’s the leader of them? How is that not frowned upon?
And lastly, i don’t think i’ve said this, but i love that they added codex entries in the loading screens. love it.
After months of procrastination, i have faced my fears and have met alistair. it was very anticlimatic beating 11 level monsters when i was level 21...
but.. ALISTAIR TAT He’s changed... but not changed... but changed! Like, his personality is the same, but he’s more serious, doesn’t run from responsibilities, isn’t as bitter as hawke (also, why do i get impression that i am supposed to get the impression that they’re friends? they’ve met like, once, and talked for less than a minute.. whatevs. let’s pretend they’ve met again when on the run), i really love the inquisition alistair ;;__;;
Also, i managed to get that awkward demon baby family reunion :D
 know that morrigan says the vaguest generic thing “i told him his father was a good man” bc of various world states, but i also think she’s come a long way not to mock alistair, and then when he notices that she didn’t use the opportunity he mentions that the kid changed her and she’s like “pfft, yea right, you wish”....
... when she was the one who said that in the first place ;;__;;
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Awwww :> I love that they bicker but softly. Kids have grown up :’) Anyways, when will alistair start paying alimony
The only weird one is Leliana bc when morrigan was introduced she was like “danger danger” (smth i’d sooner think alistair would do), and when alistair is (supposedly) in skyhold, Leli doesn’t even mention him, only hawke.  bruh, what were they to you, you almost died together ;;__;;
oh i also slayed a dragon.  I didn’t even want to fight that dragon. It was a hillarious feat of inquisitor, solas, cole and blackwall, all on level 21, having to chug all the health potions right at the beginning while fighting a dragon that was... level 13, after which i just let go of controls and suddenly everyone was hella good at fighting and slayed it (only cole needed revival several times).  
And, befitting the wild-dream feel that it had, when i got back to skyhold and visited companions, suddenly i was drinking pelin with iron bull, and he’s reminiscing on that fight with the dragon and i’m like
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it was awful and you weren’t even there.
i forgot to update
but last time i was playing i finished the hawke/alistair sacrifice and all the torture i went through with deciding whom to sacrifice vanished bc frankly, at one moment, i wanted to sacrifice both of them, but in the end it was much more easier to sacrifice hawke bc inquisition hawke just didn’t feel like hawke to me, while alistair improved since the origins!
and now i remembered why i didn’t update, in the same day cassandra rejected me so i was sad and didn’t continue playing since then (i think last time i played it was around easter?)
new update
BLACKWALL!! or should i say Thom Rainier? Wow, what an arc! It was also so fun bc i was all strict mode, picking the third option, telling him his life is in inquisitor’s hands and all that, but in the end i set him free. He’s so good, a true knight T-T
Also i romanced sera. we’ll see how that goes.
Also, fave point in the game so far, i wanted, for so long, to sit at that val roeayoux (can’t spell) cafe and finally did it with cole’s personal mission. THANK YOU COLE YOU TRULY CAN READ PEOPLE’S MINDS.
another interesting thing was that after specialising as a reaver, cassandra said that drinking dragon blood makes you grow scales and become mad. Iron Bull said that inquisitor smells better bc dragon blood and that qunari generally smell better than humans. So i’m guessing qunari have fractions of dragon in them? ok...
and now i started that mission with morrigan and the puzzles are killing me lol, i am this 👌 close to just go chase calpernia and give up on a well of sorrows.
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woodstockbtswriter · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff/Headcanon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join BTS on a Bon Voyage adventure leads to once-in-a-lifetime love.
Author’s Note: None, really. Just the usual invitation to please enjoy!
Part Four
First Meal in NZ
Lunch was priority number one after hitting the road as you were all starving after your flights
The crew had already chosen a restaurant close to the rental company
During the short drive to the restaurant, you adjusted your wind-blown hair, redoing your ponytail while Yoongi seemed a little fidgety beside you, repeatedly licking his lips
“I feel so scruffy.” He commented, pointing out a tiny spot on his cheek and saying his lips were chapped already
You thought he looked as flawless as ever
And when you saw his mouth curling into a smile, you realized you said that out loud
A little embarrassed, you turned your attention to your bag and dug through it until you found your lip balm
You offered it to Yoongi, “If you don’t mind sharing.”
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” He replied, taking the tube from you and applying the balm directly to his lips
He then handed it back to you with a “thanks,” your fingers brushing, and you gave him a smile in return
When you arrived at the restaurant, Jungkook was maneuvering the camper into a parking spot while Hoseok directed him
As you all made your way inside to eat, Jin asked what kind of food the restaurant served
Namjoon answered that it was homestyle Western food
You perked up, excited for the opportunity to share your kind of cuisine with the boys
You told them how you liked to cook and offered to make them some of your traditional food one of these nights
The boys enthusiastically agreed as you sat down at the table, four people on each side
You didn’t even have to try to sit by Yoongi, he was already next to you and pulled out your chair
The waitress quickly approached the table, passing out menus, and you and the boys examined the various selections
Yoongi immediately found Korean fried chicken on the menu and the boys agreed they had to try it, so you teased them for choosing Korean food at a Western restaurant
But then you decided you wanted spaghetti carbonara, and they teased you for choosing Italian food (even though they wanted to share some, too)
When your orders arrived, you all dug in, everyone sharing all the dishes
Everything Yoongi tried he wanted you to try
At first he would put some on your plate, but he eventually began feeding you bites right from his fork because it was quicker and easier
You reciprocated happily, feeding him a swirl of pasta
Conversation became limited as everyone enjoyed the meal, stuffing themselves
Shopping for Supplies
After you all finished eating and Accountant Hoseok paid the bill, you piled back into the vehicles and headed across town to a sporting goods store
Some of the boys had packed light and needed to buy more things like coats, gloves, hats, and shoes
You browsed the store along with them, even though you had been sure to pack everything you needed
Jungkook and Jimin found headbands like Yoongi’s and you joined them in trying some on
The boys weren’t happy with how they looked and sought for Yoongi’s expertise
As he tried to help Jimin, he commented that the headband you were still wearing suited you
And you knew that was high praise from him, so you were quite flattered
After some discussion, he agreed to buy a headband for Jungkook - and one for you, too
You tried to decline but he wouldn’t hear it, insisting that you had to have it, so you gratefully accepted
The next item on the agenda was grocery shopping, and as you headed out, the production crew radioed with instructions
Jimin responded from the camper through the walkie-talkie and Yoongi did the same from the SUV
After hearing Yoongi’s response, Jimin teased him about the tone of his voice
He didn’t hear him - but you did
“He said, ‘Your voice is so sexy,’” You told Yoongi with a laugh
He just sighed in mock annoyance, not acknowledging Jimin
“He’s right, though,” You agreed with Jimin, “And your voice sounds even better in person.”
He just covered his mouth and looked out the window, trying to hide his shy smile
And you mentally patted yourself on the back for making him blush
At the grocery store, Yoongi was singing a song to himself, not really paying attention as you headed inside, and you noticed a car rolling through the parking lot
You automatically grabbed the sleeve of his jacket, pulling him back
He looked at you questioningly, but when the car passed by he realized you had stopped him from walking out in front of it
He gave you a small nod in thanks, placing his hand over yours that was still clutching his sleeve
Inside, you followed Yoongi’s lead, helping him and Jin gather ingredients while the other boys stocked up on ramyeon and snacks
When you were ready to checkout, there were several carts full between all of you and you joked that you had enough to live in NZ for a month
While the other boys were loading up the groceries, you found Jungkook in the parking lot trying to tie his long hair up and Jin offering to “help” him
Jungkook refused Jin’s help, but asked for yours when he caught sight of you
You obliged, pulling the top half of his hair into a high ponytail that pleased Jungkook and amused all his hyungs
On the Road
The next stop was a 45-minute drive from the grocery store, and Yoongi lamented that this season was going to be all driving
You said that you didn’t like being the driver for very long, but you didn’t mind being a passenger
As Jin drove, you told him, Namjoon, and Yoongi stories about growing up road-tripping around your country with your family
Then the boys started singing songs from cartoons from their childhood
Which led to arguing about how everyone should know them and Namjoon accusing his hyungs of being old
You objected, taking offense and informing him that you’re only a month older than Yoongi
Namjoon apologized with a laugh, and the carpool karaoke resumed
You sang along as best as you could, though you didn’t know many of the songs
Still, it was enjoyable just to see the boys letting loose and having fun (especially Yoongi)
The drive passed quickly, the scenery of tall mountains, verdant grass, and countless sheep growing more beautiful the further you ventured
Soon, you pulled into a highway cafe for a rest stop
There was a sheep pen next to the cafe and you all posed for pictures in front of it as the sun sank low in the sky behind you, first for the crew’s cameras, then everyone pulled out their own phones
Seizing the opportunity, you leaned into Yoongi and both of you smiled for a selfie
With Yoongi looking over your shoulder, you reviewed what turned out to be a cute picture, and you realized that it was your first together, which felt significant
The shepherd then approached your group, and offered to let someone hold a lamb
Jungkook and Jimin were thrilled to hold the baby sheep, and when it was your turn you were surprised how soft - and heavy - it was
You tried to hand the lamb to Yoongi next, but he declined, so you put it down and let it run back to its mother
You were all getting chilly by that point, so you went inside the cafe and ordered hot chocolate and coffee
Choosing a table in the corner with windows all around, you settled in and warmed up with your drinks, chatting about card games
Hoseok went back outside on his own after finishing his drink, and when he returned he showed everyone a video of his “Chicken Noodle Soup” dance that he’d just recorded
It was then time to leave, and as you all stood up from the table and headed to the door, Yoongi mused about how his zodiac sign is a chicken and how it suits him, though you were the only one listening to him
“We were born the same year, so it’s my sign too, but I’m not so sure I’m comfortable identifying with a chicken.” You told him, smirking playfully as you walked towards the SUV
“Rooster signs are observant and thoughtful. And they’re creative. They’re hard-workers. I think we have these things in common.” He explained, indicating that he was referring to you and him
And you couldn’t argue with that, so you only smiled at him
When you reached the SUV, Jin and Namjoon got in the back so Jin could rest, so Yoongi got in the driver’s seat and you took the passenger’s seat
As Yoongi acquainted himself with the right-sided car, he noticed the small screen on the camera on the dashboard and remarked that it was a good shot of both of you
Flattered once again, you responded with an agreeing grin into the camera
You then pulled up the directions to your accommodations on your phone to navigate Yoongi as he pulled back out onto the road
Previous - Next
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izzyhunterscar · 4 years
Neko!Alois X Reader (Old Time AU?)
Some other world thingy older time AU
As one of the daughters of the Queen, you were no stranger to money and politics. Recently, nobles have been taking Nekos as pets, most of them being purchased in the black market. Since the enslavement of Nekos, owning a Neko was the new status quo. They were used as bargaining chips as well as entertainment in very illegal activities.
Royalty was never without corruption, so it was only logical that your mother brought you to a Neko auction and told you that you were to bid on any Neko of choice, since as the Queen's daughter, no one would even bid against you in fear of angering the Queen.
So here you were, dressed in a long form fitting dress and decorated with the finest jewelry money can buy. No one dared to stand in your way, the diamond tiara on your head sparkling in the dim lights. You walked in and up to the stage. You were no stranger to the underground auctions that were held. No matter how corrupt the system was, no matter how wrong things were, you would never try and change it. This was your life, royalty came with the baggage.
You held up your gloved hand. "Please bring out all of them." And with that the curtains were drawn back and the auction officially began. The finest bred nekos were lined up in cages on stage. Both male and female were large and strong, each baring their fangs. None of them seemed to catch your attention. The Nekos seemed to be aware of your status, each glancing your way occasionally when they were put up to bid. You stared back and kept your expression blank.
Finally the last Neko was brought out and you felt as if all hope was lost. The next auction wouldn't be till next month and you did not want to wait that long. 
The Neko who was brought out was thin and small. His whole vibe screamed feminine, his blond hair was styled and his blonde tail was between his legs. He had a scowl on his face, ears twitching in what seemed annoyance. You weren't sure what made you want him more then the others. He looked more useless then any other neko you've seen.
Before the auctioneer spoke, you raised your hand. "I'll take him." Your body guards retrieved the Neko and handed the envelope of money to the handler. 
"Good day everyone." With a wave of your hand, the auction ended and everyone made their way out of the secret auction warehouse.
Your bodyguards brought the cage to your carriage and set it down. "What would you like us to do with it, your majesty?" 
"Unlock the cage." You watched as the blonde neko glared at you. As shocked as your were, you knew that being bought was never a happy feeling. You weren't some pushover though. You reached in the cage and grabbed onto the collar around the boy's neck. "Up." You commanded as you dragged him into your carriage. 
He only continued to glare at you as your hauled him into the seat in front of you. The door was shut behind you and you threw him down onto the seats. 
You opened a compartment and pulled out a drawer of diamond collars with a diamond studded leather leash. "Pick a collar."
Still glaring at you, he pointed towards the collar that was completely covered in diamonds. "And stop glaring at me. That could get you killed ya know." You sat next to him and unhooked his other collar replacing it with your own and attaching the leash. "So what's your name? I'm (Y/n)!"
He made a face, trying not to glare at you. "Alois." 
"Well, Alois, you're mine now! So you better not embarrass me by glaring at me in public."
He blushed and stuttered. "I-I'm not yours! I-"
"Aww, that's cute. I'm just glad I got to you before they shipped you to the pound." You patted your lap expectantly. 
He sighed and put his head on your lap. "..what does that even mean...?"
You removed both your gloves and scratched his ears and you saw his tail sway. You giggled at his cuteness. "I don't know if you realized what mostly nekos are asked to do, but I doubt you could lift up anything half your weight. No one wants a defective pet."
He almost sat up and pushed you away, but he had to remember who you were. "I-I'm not defective!"
You scratched both his ears. "We'll see."
He couldn't lie how good that felt, but his sadness was most noticeable. You saw him look at you in annoyance again. "Oh wipe that look off your face. You'll love it with me!"
Even if he was annoyed by you, he couldn't deny that you were beautiful, he really wanted to see you bleed. Nothing interested him much and he was by far angry to be ripped from his home and sold off like a pet, but you were someone in power. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad for him after all. 
He smirked, watching you as you looked out the window, hands still running through his hair. He purred in your hand, leaning into your stomach. You turned back and looked at him. "Finally warmed up to me, you brat."
It's been two years since you've been together. While Alois had constant mood swings and was a little brat, he was smarter then he looked at helped you in various political and social deals. You both had gotten closer to each other, some spreading rumors that you were together with the amount of time you spent together. Owners never got too close to their nekos, but you were never found without him. He slept in your room with you and even sat on on your lap in the throne room, came to meetings and all your lessons, accompanied you as a guest to outings in the town and even posed with you in a painting.
Your favorite painting of the painting session was you holding him in your lap with his head in the crook of your neck, both of you looking out with content smiles. Another painting of you holding Alois lovingly sold for 1.5 million. It was surprisingly how many people actually wanted the rumors to be true.
Anyone who witnessed you together could feel the chemistry, your suitors did not like the blonde Nemo. He was a trail of his own. If they didn't get along with Alois, you would turn them away.
It was around the twenty fifth suitor you stopped accepting audiences. You had come to the realization you didn't need a gold-digger and it was never your intention to marry for political reasons, so you announced you were not getting married to anyone as of now. The message went far and wide, "(Y/n) (L/n), daughter of Queen (Mother's name), is no longer accepting suitors. When it is her time to rule, she will rule unmarried until she finds the guy fit for her."
Your attempt to stop the requests only made kingdoms send more potential spouses. No longer was royalty sent, any man, woman, monster, was sent from every kingdom in hopes of being yours.
The Kingdom of Royalty was one of the largest kingdoms with a military that continues to be told in the legends. And soon there would be a coronation crowning you as Queen.
Alois was tired of seeing others vying for your attention, you would never see them but they continued to take up your precious time.
"(Y/n)! Pay attention to me!" You heard the whine of your Neko, who was sitting in your lap.
"I have to decline all these messages. Unless you prefer me to accept someone so I don't get anymore?" You payed no attention to the blonde, who nuzzled and licked you continously. You felt him growl against you.
"No!! You only need me! Right? Those people are nothing compared to me!" A blonde tail wrapped around your wrist and pulled your hand away for your letters. 
"Great! You made me smudge the ink! Now I have to redo it!" You sighed, pulling your hand way from his tail and dropping it in exhaustion. "I don't understand how widely declining suitors gained me more. I should just get married and be done with this."
Alois glared at you.
"You know what I said about glaring, love." 
"But if you get married to someone other then me then you won't be mine! And they'll take all your time and you'll forget about me and you won't love me the same! They won't treat you like I could or love you like I do and they'll take advantage of you and then you'll be so far from me!! YOU CAN'T GET MARRIED!" The normally arrogant neko was reduced to both angry and sad tears. He whimpered and buried his head into your chest. He sobbed and sobbed, gripping you tightly. "Y-you can't leave me..please..."
Your eyes were wide at the confession. You knew for a while about your feelings, you knew that your love was seen as a stigma and you shouldn't feel such romantic love towards a half feline, but it felt so right to you. To hold him in your arms, to wake up and see his calm face in the morning, to have Alois by your side as you made important decisions. He was the one you were looking for. He was all you needed.
"Alois..." You lifted his chin up so he looked you in the eyes. "Let's get married."
His eyes widened in shock, but soon melted into your hand. "Yes, let's get married. That way no one else can take you. I'll be yours forever."
You pressed your lips against his softly and whispered. "And I'll be yours."
Ah our lovely bratty Alois, reduced to a lowly neko, but can never escape being spoiled. Hopefully I didn't make him to different, unsure what he would do in the circumstances but either way, you done sealed the deal with MARRIAGEEE 🤴🏼👸🏻🤵🏼👰🏻💏💍💍
random fact: there was going to be a small part at the end but I thought that this ending sounded better 😝
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featherypromises · 5 years
RP Transcription Part 1: Flower Boys
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Okay folks, I had to break this into chunks to make it readable. We worked on this RP for more than a week. I will post these consecutively before taking any other requests or adding additional fics. 
I am so grateful… for so many things:
First, for my friend @sickiebabytae, I am so grateful that you asked me to RP with you. I had such a good time and it will always be my favorite RP that we did.
Second, I am grateful that you are allowing me to make this into a fic to share with our friends. I'm so excited.
Third, to people who are our mutuals and followers, you inspire me to write better, more beautiful stories about these amazing men.We appreciate you so much!
TaeKook shipping happens. I will be leaving the rp as intact as I can. The talented @sickiebabytae is playing the indescribable V and myself, @featherypromises will be playing the role of Jungkook.
Small later roles:
RM: shared between both
Jin: @featherypromises
Jimin: @sickiebabytae
Taehyung knew that he was coming down with something for days. He had all the telltale signs: sore throat, stuffy nose, headaches. But, being the stubborn boy that he is, he, of course, wouldn't admit defeat. 
Granted, this probably wasn't the best course of action, because a week later, on the day of a photoshoot, all of his previous symptoms had multiplied tenfold. He couldn't breathe through his nose at all, his throat felt like there were knives being stabbed through it, and his head was practically pounding. Not to mention that he'd been sneezing and coughing all morning.
Fortunately for Taehyung, the photoshoot was set for some kind of floral scene. This was a good thing, because it gave Taehyung an excuse for his constant sneezing: allergies.
Jungkook was nervous. He normally did really well with photoshoots but he was doing a lot of floral shots today and worse he knew a lot of the shots would be hard on his hyungs, as a lot of them had allergies to pollen. Especially... Taehyung. 
The younger man felt strangely protective of his hyung and hated seeing him uncomfortable. He had decided, as he took his own allergy pill today, that he should bring the bottle with him. ...Just in case. 
He shook his hands and hopped a few times to get rid of his nerves, before joining the others.
Taehyung was mainly standing off to the side as he waited to be given instructions, just looking down at his hands and playing with his fingers. He was sort of worried his allergies WOULD act up, but assured himself that his nose was too blocked to be irritated by anything. 
Well, anything but his cold. And that proved to be true moments later when he turned and let out a soft, sickly sneeze into cupped hands. "Heh'KITSHHuh!"
Jungkook heard the photographer call his name. Distractedly, he looked through and around the staff and crew milling around the set. The scene was similar to an old Victorian style garden, complete with hanging trellises of real hanging flowers and potted trees. He tried not to rub his nose and wreck his makeup as the heady smell filled it. This would be a long and difficult process. 
Standing on his tiptoes, he spotted Suga-hyung and Hobi-hyung with the hair and makeup noonas. Rapmon-hyung was talking with a manager off to one side. He couldn't see... 
"Jeon Jungkook-ssi!" The photographer called again, sounding annoyed. Jungkook blushed slightly, embarrassed and bowed an apology before taking his place on a bench beneath a blooming Forsythia bush. 
He was supposed to look into the glassy eye of the lens like it was ARMY and he was inviting them to come and spend a "refreshing" time with him in this garden. Jungkook wasn't really sure of what the director meant by refreshing... it made him think about a commercial for soft drinks. 
He gazed longingly at the camera and reset himself into a standing position cupping a wisteria blossom in his hand. The strong scent made his sensitive nose twitch, but he just sniffled, trying to will the tickly feeling away. 
Looking at the blossom now, he posed again, like he was caring for the plant. 
"Now," said the photographer, " I want you to smell the flower and turn to me slowly and smile."
Jungkook swallowed reflexively. Oh, god... He obeyed, bringing the purple flower closer to his face and closing his eyes. He inhaled and managed to turn before he felt the tickle flare up in his nose. Against his will, his mouth dropped open slightly and he froze, caught in limbo, before the feeling faded away to nothing. He sniffled, feeling his nose start to run. He apologized and reset, completing the turn and smiling sweetly.
The photographer was satisfied but reminded him of the group shots that would happen after all the individual members shoots were finished. Jungkook nodded and trotted off set to wipe his nose. 
He grabbed a tissue packet off of the makeup noona's cart and went a little ways off to the side to subtly blow his nose. He fought with the tiny pull tab on the packet for a moment before freeing a tissue and pressing it to his nose, jamming the rest into his pocket. He looked up and saw Taehyung ahead of him.
The older man looked tired, even under his makeup. He must not have slept well. Suddenly, the slighter man turned and released a relatively quiet sneeze. Ah, Hyung's allergies must be giving him hell already. But usually Taehyung sneezed openly and loud enough to scare bystanders.  Jungkook scratched his head in confusion, a habit from his younger years that he'd never really outgrown, before going up to the other vocalist and asking, a bit shyly,
"Hyung, are your allergies bothering you? I brought extra allergy pills, if you want one?"
Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a small hum and managed a smile. "Ah, thank you, Kook-ah, but I'm alright." He sniffled thickly. "I took a pill at home. If my allergies get worse I might take you up on your offer though." 
He sniffed again and sighed, desperately wanting to rub his eyes or his nose, but he didn't want to ruin the careful makeup noona's work. She'd spent enough time already trying to cover his red, puffy eyes and pink tinted nose.
Jungkook frowned, but nodded, his eyes not leaving his hyung's face. His concern made his shyness lessen and he was not as self-conscious as he was around Taehyung normally.
 He admired the singer's beautiful soulful voice and his acting skills. More than anything, he wanted to be able to learn from his hyung and to be as good as he was. 
Since the older man had turned down the allergy medication, Jungkook decided to let the matter drop... but V's deep eyes looked so tired, he seemed drained almost. 
"Did you sleep okay?" He asked in what he hoped was a casual way, "You seem tired." 
Ugh, he sounded pathetic and like he was trying to baby his hyung. Why couldn't he have Rapmon-hyung's way with words? 
Suddenly, he felt his nose start to drip again. He pulled a tissue free and wiped at it, looking away and blushing slightly.
"I slept fine..." He lied quietly. He eyed Jungkook with a small smirk. "Looks like your allergies are bothering you too." He said with a small laugh, rubbing the younger's back. "Do the flowers smell strong?" He asked, genuinely worried. For both himself and Jungkook. His nose was sensitive enough without having a cold. Maybe his blocked nose wouldn't protect him after all…
Jungkook sniffled into the tissue and nodded. 
"You know how I get with flowers and perfume, hyung... I get this tickle and feel like I'm going to sneeze, but..." he blushed again, remembering his embarrassing moments from earlier, and trailed off. 
Jungkook suddenly realized his still had the tissue packet and smiled. He could help his hyung at least a little. He pressed the rest of the pack into Taehyung's hands gently. He looked down and said softly,
"Just in case... you might need them. They can always redo part of your makeup. I think they get paid by the hour." He smiled at his small joke and looked at Tae, his dark eyes shining.
Taehyung let out a small laugh and nodded. Bad move. It aggravated the back of his throat and forced out wracking, harsh coughs from him. He turned away from Jungkook to protect the younger from his germs and bent over at the waist from how strong the coughs were.
Jungkook jumped slightly. This was not normal for Taehyung at all. He immediately wrapped his arm around Taehyung to steady him and rubbed small circles into his back.
"Hyung! Come on, let's go sit down for a minute." The youngest member swallowed down the panic he felt building inside his chest. This was not okay.
Taehyung sighed and complied, sitting down on a chair nearby. Well, it was closer to collapsing into it. 
He ran a hand through his hair and tried not to focus on how dizzy he was.
Jungkook knelt down in front of Tae and looked at him, worry and dismay filling his big eyes. 
He reached up to gently touch his palm to Taehyung's cheek, but stopped himself part way there.
"I don't think this is just allergies, hyung. You sound sick..." He hesitated and then said, " I should go get Rapmon-hyung. He can get them to let you go home."
"No no no!" He said immediately. "It's fine. I'm fine..." He said softly.
Jungkook took his hyung's hand gently, his sympathetic eyes pleading,
" Hyung, look at me... please?"
Taehyung slowly looked up at Jungkook with tired eyes as he chewed on his lip and held back a sniffle.
"You have to tell me... if you are sick, or anything... please, I... it hurts watching you put yourself through this." Jungkook shook his head to clear his runaway thoughts, " I mean... I just want you to tell me honestly if you start feeling worse." He sighed and released Taehyung's hand from his own trembling one. "I won't say anything but I am going to get you some water at least."
Taehyung sighed and thanked him quietly, watching the younger walk off. He ran a hand through his hair again and bit back a groan when his name was called. 
He went over to the bench and put on a smile, waiting for instruction. The photographer told him to take one of the flowers in his hand and 'invite ARMY to come with you.' Taehyung wasn't all too sure what that meant, but one of his instructions was to smell the flower. He could already tell that this would be bad.
He took a deep breath, heard that the camera's were rolling, put on a smile, and sniffed the flower. As Jungkook had said, the flower had a strong, unbearable scent, and his sensitive nose immediately decided it didn't like it. 
He whimpered and raised a finger, as if to say, 'wait a minute,' and clamped a hand over his mouth as he pitched forward with a few rapid fire sneezes. "Heh'kitshh! Ishh! Ehh'itshhu! Hah'ishhuh!" He blushed and apologized profusely.
Jungkook was on his way back with a water bottle, worrying about what he should do about Taehyung. The older man seemed really sick, but didn't want to think that his hyung would lie to him. That thought made his heart feel like it was being squeezed by a vice. His heart dropped into his stomach as he returned to the chair he had left the older man in and found it empty. 
"Oh, no!"
He sprinted over to the set, just in time to watch as Taehyung lifted the flower to his face and inhaled. He watched Taehyung's face fall into his hand as he sneezed and Jungkook felt his face flush with anger and frustration at himself, at the photographer, and even the flowers. His hands became fists at his sides. 
"Damn it!"
He started forward, and struggling to compose himself, interrupted the photographer with much apologizing and went to Taehyung's side. He blocked the older vocalist from the crew and staff's sight and under the pretext of giving him water, asked in a whisper,
 "Are you sure you can keep going?"
Taehyung sniffled thickly and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes with a sigh. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be finde..." His voice was laced with heavy congestion by then.
 "Dond't worry about mbe..." He offered what he hoped was a small, reassuring smile.
Jungkook sighed, his shoulders slumping. 
"Okay... I... guess that's okay then..." He felt so uneasy. What was this feeling in his chest? Kookie walked off set and stood off to one side, watching nervously as the shoot continued. 
God, he was being ridiculous... This was Taehyung. His video game partner and his singing partner. Why did he feel so sure that Taehyung was hiding how bad things were from him?
And why did that thought bother him so much?...
Taehyung sniffled one last time and turned back to the photographer, apologizing once more. "I-It's just allergies..." He excused. 
After a few more tries of the shot (with excessive sneezing, of course), Taehyung's nose was now officially too blocked to smell anything. So he managed to smell the flower, turn to the camera, smile, and wave 'ARMY' over. 
The words, "Okay, you're done! Remember the group shots later," had never felt so gratifying or relieving to Taehyung. He practically jumped off the bench, gave a hurried thanks and rushed off to go be miserable in peace.
Jungkook followed as Taehyung left the awful pollen-ridden set. He kept a distance from the older man, trying to see some hidden clue that would help him to make this horrible photoshoot better or easier for Taehyung. 
Jungkook wished, not for the first time that day, that he could just take the suffering man home and get him to shower to remove the pollen. Then he'd put on a movie Tae loved and let him rest. He thought about how it would feel to have Taehyung propped up against his chest just watching tv or a movie together. He smiled and shook his head. They were close but Taehyung wouldn't be okay with something like that... would he?
He shook himself out of his wonderings and slowed, watching Taehyung with curious eyes.
Taehyung leaned against a wall and blew out a breath. He closed his eyes with a grimace and breathed through his mouth to combat the dizziness he was feeling from what he supposed was a fever, judging by how cold he felt. 
A fierce, familiar tickle burned in his nose, and he scrambled for the tissue packet Jungkook had given him earlier. Breath hitching, he fumbled with the tab, pulled out a tissue, and held it to his mouth and nose as he shook with two desperate sneezes. "Heh'TSHHuh! Hah'ITSHHoo!" His breath continued to hitch for a few torturous, tickly moments, before he let a last, incredibly unsatisfying sneeze. "Heh'kitshhuh!" 
He groaned and rubbed his face, not caring anymore that he was ruining the makeup. He felt awful. He just wanted to go home.
Jungkook watched miserably as Taehyung snuffled and sneezed explosively into the tissue. He saw as Taehyung rubbed at his face how much paler he was than the makeup had lead him to believe. Now he was sure, Taehyung really was sick!
He approached cautiously and called out, 
"Taehyung, it's just me."
Taehyung turned to him and sighed. 
"H-Hey..." He blew his nose, which sounded as awful and congested as it felt. He winced and kept the tissue in his hand, knowing he'd probably need it in the near future. 
He coughed lightly and sighed again, rubbing his eyes.
"You sound really bad, Hyung." He reached out and cupped Taehyung's cheek gently, before drawing back in amazement and worry, "You are really warm. I think you have a fever. We need to get you home so you can get the pollen off of you and you can rest." He paced, thinking hard. 
"I could tell them that I'm sick, and that you are taking me back home early. That is, if you really don't want to tell the others."
Taehyung bit his lip, feeling tears well up in his eyes. It was probably the fever messing with his emotions, but he just felt so grateful that Jungkook was doing so much to hep. And guilty, because he didn't deserve this much attention and love just because he was sick. 
"I-I'll just tell themb I'mb ndot feelig well..." He mumbled congestedly. "You dond't have to lie."
"Hyung... oh, Tae, don't cry." Jungkook felt his heart twinge in his chest. He pulled a tissue from the pack and dabbed gently around Taehyung's eyes, being careful not to aggravate the swollen tissue around them.
"I..  really just want you to feel better, and I will do whatever you need to make sure that happens." Jungkook hesitated but finally got up the nerve to bring the slender vocalist into a warm embrace. He gently rubbed small circles into the older man's back and wished he had thought to bring his hoodie to wrap Taehyung in.
Taehyung pretty much melted into Jungkook's arms with a whimper and involuntarily leaned most of his weight onto the younger. He just felt so exhausted and miserable.
Jungkook's heart felt like it could burst through his chest as the older man leaned into his hug. He took a deep breath to calm himself before wrapping his arm around Taehyung and asked,
"Do you want to wait here while I let them know?  Or do you want to tell them?" Thinking it over, he added, 
"Are you okay to walk? I could carry you?..." he offered this last option shyly, but seeing how unsteady Tae was on his feet, he thought it might be safer that way.
Taehyung sighed and closed his eyes. "I-I'll tell themb..." He bit his lip. "C-Can you carry mbe?" He slurred, much too feverish to really comprehend what was going on.
Jungkook bent slightly and let Taehyung lean on his arm, he swept the other under the smaller man's knees and raised him up comfortably leaning him against his chest. 
The maknae could feel the intense heat rolling off of the older man in waves. He murmured soothingly to Tae as he walked into the main area of the set. 
He caught a lot of odd looks on the faces of the crew and staff, but he didn't have the time or the desire to care about that. RM had just finished his set as Jungkook approached him, carrying Tae.
"Hyung... we need to talk to you... right now!"  The leader raised an eyebrow at the youngest members but nodded, taking them off to one side, away from the crowds.
Taehyung waited until they'd stop and tapped Jungkook so that the younger could put him down. 
When he was down, he leaned against Jungkook for support and turned to Namjoon. "H-Hyug... I-I dond't feel well..." He whimpered, coughing as if on cue. "I-Is it okay if I g-go hombe?"
Namjoon's eyes widened at this sudden development. He reached out and gently pressed his palm to Taehyung's forehead. He sucked in a breath and nodded. 
"Kookie, are you going to take him?"
Jungkook nodded and said, "Yes, hyung. I can't stand the thought of leaving him like this." 
Namjoon pulled out his phone,
"I'll let the driver know to come to the side to pick you up. Get him home safely! With Jimin and Hobi's allergies this shoot might take another 3 or 4 hours anyway. Jungkook, I'm counting on you. Take good care of Tae. If he gets worse, call me immediately." 
"I will." Jungkook responded gently, picking his hyung up once more and heading to the less busy side door.
Taehyung barely understood what the other two had talked about and, frankly, didn't have the energy to keep up. 
When Jungkook picked him up, he let out a small yelp, since he wasn't expecting it. "A-Are we going hombe?" He asked, his voice so small and raspy.
"Yes, Tae, I'm taking you home. We will get you home and you can rest. I've got you." As he spoke the sprinter van pulled up and the automatic door opened. Jungkook leaned in, lowering the other vocalist into the seat closest to the door and buckled Tae into it. He reached into the back and pulled out a travel worn blanket that the others used to nap with during long rides. He tenderly covered Taehyung with it and took the seat right next to him, holding his hand.
Taehyung leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes. With his mouth agape so he could breathe, he slowly drifted off into a fitful, restless sleep. 
He constantly woke up over the course of the ride only to stir slightly, maybe let out a small noise, and go back to sleep.
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larissaloki · 6 years
Planet Platypus 1
This is a rehash of an old ask I received that year. I decided to redo it in a more fic like format to put onto Ao3.
Xeno porn ask again, but this is only if u feel like answering, cos I doubt you wanted to go that deep with porn, how did they meet? How did they fall in love? Do their friends approve? Is Steve a oomen or a yautja (I learned their name cos of you thanks)
Since humans managed to develop the technology to be able to go further out into space, exploring the infinite galaxies and stars that are scattered among the dark space, filling it with many wonders and mysteries to be discovered. Despite being an Omega, Tony promised himself he would be one of the first to explore the new places out there. Looking for other lifeforms.
Tony loved his group consisting of Bruce Banner and Janet van Dyne, the scientists that were there to take samples of the plants and dirt to analyse, using tech that Tony made to safely do so. He was happy that the other two never scoffed at his creations or tried to change his designs behind his back. They instead often marveled at his creation and praising his intellect and design.
Thinking that the world isn’t inhabited by many species that could pose a major threat if they were careful, the group set about doing their jobs. Carefully collecting samples of plants and the dirt in different areas to analyse back at camp later, sweating in their protective suits they elected to wear when collecting samples from possible dangerous areas.
Bucky and Steve saw from a distance a new craft come into the atmosphere of their hunting preserve planet, hunting season was over for now and they were just cleaning up their trophies and camps; when they saw this mysterious craft. Not one they recognised.
Together, they volunteered as elites of the clan to check it out and find out what has arrived at this planet, something worthy of a hunt? Another similar species that used this planet that they didn’t know about? Swiftly they made their way through the jungle using their knowledge of the layout to their advantage to get through as fast as possible. Soon they arrive at the landing site of the new craft and decide to observe for a while, decide if the new comers are worth their attention.
Hiding in the trees as they watch the oomans; much to their surprise, they didn’t think humans had this technology yet; make camp and explore the surrounding area, using small unfamiliar devises to take samples. Seemingly so far harmless stuff, the oomans they could see didn’t look like fighters either. Thin and smaller than the ones they prefer to hunt.
As they observe silently from the safety of the trees, they notice that the smallest one, an omega, seems to be the one in charge of the group. Often showing the other two scientists the new stuff that the smaller one was familiar with, possibly the one to have made it? (their close, the equipment was designed by Tony and Helen Cho they later find out) As well as the improved perimeter and defense systems. A series of well placed sensors that will alert them of incoming creatures silently, on a monitor they will see what it is and be able to decide of it needs chasing off or can be left alone.
When Bucky and Steve see these they can’t help but be impressed by this human and its creations, since the last time they saw human tech, it has advanced greatly. Something to perhaps bring up with their clan and look into doing more worthy hunts on earth again, now that they may prove more of a challenge.
They decide to keep an eye on this group. There are a few armed guards that keep watch that they are itching to hunt but restrain themselves, not wanting to give away their position.
As time goes on, the Yautja managing to keep out of sight the entire time using their camouflage tech, they use this chance to learn as much as they can as well, sending updates to their clan who had decided to stay away.
They always found humans biology weird but intriguing, many times the Yautja have pondered over the sub genders of human beings. What makes an Alpha and distinguishes them from the Beta’s and Omega’s. The Los Angelos clan had studied these in much more detail, even working out how to use them to their advantage.
Over time, Steve also watches as Bucky becomes more and more enamoured with the small omega of the group, who’s name they learnt was Tony. Seemingly attracted to the small Omega and trying to get closer to learn more about him, hiding by the tents to listen to their conversations, storing away as much as he can. Steve thought it to risky to get so close, opting to watch from a distance instead, but he couldn’t help the concern he felt for his comrade.
Steve made it his mission to keep an eye on Bucky more so than the humans, he doesn’t want his friend falling for someone that had a high possibility of rejecting him. The species were very different biology wise, they had no idea if the could even procreate with each other, none of this however, seemed to deter Bucky from his interest in the omega.
The first meeting between Bucky and Tony doesn’t happen until a month into being on this new planet; which Tony had declared its name as Platypus 1. No one took him seriously of course, but it was hilarious to document, Bruce could not wait to see Hank Pym’s face when he read the report.
Tony took a trip out to a small water source, just a small walking distance from the camp, he was in charge of studying it and making notes of the waters ecosystems. Bruce would but he was analysing flower properties. As he bent over to take stuff out of a case with his back to the water, Bucky caught a good view of that pert tight ass through tight as sin shorts that made Bucky’s mind short circuit. Hands loosing their grip as it slackens, Bucky fall’s from his perch in his tree, landing into the water with a massive splash.
Jumping as he spins around , Tony gets his first glimpse of Bucky’s form as his camouflage crackles, sparks and ultimately fails due to the exposure to the water. Large, broad and muscular in size; much taller than most humans on earth, easily hitting past 7 ft tall. From the glimpse Tony catches, he can see dreadlock like strands coming from the head that’s a shiny metal in appearance. The skin he can see, looks dark yellow, beige and brown in colour.
Stunned, Tony is frozen still as he watches this hulking form scramble out of the water and run off into the jungle.
That night, Tony keeps it to himself what happened at the water; as he puzzles over what species he had seen. Was it a threat? Was it something sentient that they could make contact with? Deciding to test this theory and throw caution to the wind, Tony goes back to the water the next day and the next and the day after that, sitting by the water and peering into the trees and taking food with him in hopes of luring the being out.
On the third day, Tony accidentally dozes off on a blanket under the warm sun. Bucky finally then gets the courage to come out of the safety of the trees and get a closer look at this alluring ooman sleeping recklessly out in the open. Bucky himself had returned each day but kept himself hidden, weary of showing himself to the ooman incase of a trap.
Deciding to look at the contents of the open basket at the ooman’s side, which Bucky had seen him take things out of, he explores quietly and looks over each bottle and wrapped food. As Bucky was inspecting some cheese, Tony wakes up and watches him silently, trying to keep still to not be noticed.
“So you’re who i saw in the water the other day?”
Jolting Bucky nearly flees right then. God this clan would be embarrassed by all the running away he’s been doing lately. Steeling himself Bucky forces himself to stay where he is, turning to look at the ooman and nods silently, Bucky is nearly 2000 years old and he knows some Human language from hunts in the past, enough to understand them at least.
One look at those molten brown eyes and Bucky was smitten.
From here they start to communicate more, learning about each other and even some words from the other language. Bucky is careful to hide these secret meetings for as long as he can. But after two weeks, Steve finally catches him and has a stern talk with him to be careful, to be sure that these ooman’s won’t try and capture Bucky for study. Their species secrets cannot be revealed to outsiders.
It takes some convincing for Steve to approve of this secret meeting between the two but after Bucky personally introduces Tony to Steve; well lets say Steve only knew the small bean for like 30 minutes but he would personally kill anyone that upset the lil lamb. Including Bucky.
They quickly learn that Tony is a clumsy, reckless genius as Tony keeps coming back with cuts and bruises from experiments, but always with a smile on his face as he succeeds in his latests experiments.
Tony’s friends all have a mixture of emotions when they learn of the predators. Of course Tony would make friends with a species that could snap them in half without a single ounce of effort. Of course Tony would think their adorable when they are snarling at each other over territorial disputes. Bruce often questions if Tony hit his head as a baby when Tony coos over Bucky’s real face after it’s revealed- scaly looking skin with mandibles that flares out in four ways with even an inner mouth, reminding him of some vampire like things in one of the blade movies.
Bucky also took to wearing anything Tony makes him with pride once the courting officially starts. Often showing off anything tech wise to his Clan with a smug click of his mandibles, many who are confused about why Bucky would choose a human but accept it because Bucky and Steve have always been the odd ones.
Steve often punches Bucky in the mask for his smugness. The prick.
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im-whatchamccallit · 6 years
Determination//Lee Felix (Stray Kids)
Request: Hey darl! I love your blog x I was wondering if I could request a Felix from stay kids idol AU where him and his s/o are both aussies and your on a music show outdoors and the stage is wet and stray kids performs after your group but he watches you dance and slip many times during rehearsal and the stage and is like kinda agnsty but cute! Thank you :) x Keep writing cos it’s amazing :D
Pair: Felix x Reader
Genre: Fluff, slight angst (but not really), Idol!AU
Warnings: Bodily injury
Words: 2.4k
(A/N: Thank you, anon! Sorry this was late btw. Also, sorry if it’s bad or has typos, I’m running on lack of sleep rn. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and, if it’s not to your liking, message me again and I’ll be happy to redo it)
You and your members sang acapella as your bodies lazily followed along, practicing before practice because this was the biggest show of the year, especially for your group, you couldn’t afford to screw this up.
Your group had only recently debuted but had so much buzz around them that they were more than popular around South Korea and most parts of Asia. Besides a few music shows to promote your debut album, this festival was the one of the biggest moments of your life, getting to perform alongside your favorite groups for tens of thousands of people, this is something you could only dream of but, now, it was truly happening.
You smiled brightly as you opened your mouth, the first few lines of your rap leaving your lips before a deeper voice took over, using aegyo and causing your entire group to laugh. You peeked over at Changbin, watching as he danced and rapped cutely which caught the attention of other idols, making them smile at the act. He turned to you and continued to dance as you pouted, his lips curling into a smile.
“Felix wants to see you. I’ll take your spot for you.” He spoke softly for the others not to hear as you nodded understandingly, excusing yourself from the group, not that they minded.
You shyly greeted the other artist, bowing and waving as you went deeper backstage, finding Seungmin and knowing you were close. You listened closely through one door to hear the sound of talking, a deep and familiar voice catching your attention as you eagerly stepped inside, your eyes widening as you saw him. Felix and the others sat around, chewing happily on the pack of Tim Tams and bags of Twisties that immediately caught your eye. Felix looked up mid-chew to see you approach happily.
“Your mom sent you some snacks.” Your face dropped as you wanted to slap him for opening another one of your packages but, instead, you watched as he grabbed one of the cheese curls, holding it out to your lips before you snatched it away bitterly, his lips curling into a smile he knew you couldn’t stay mad at.
You and Felix had been dating for only a few months but it felt like years. When you first arrived to Korea, You knew no one and barely spoke the language. It wasn’t until you were running late to practice that you met him, crashing into his body and apologizing profusely, only for him to give a goofy grin and comment on your accent. Sure, it was nice to meet another Aussie but for him to mock your broad accent to his general one, every time you saw each other, was annoying. You had grown close to Chan, finding his company enjoyable whereas you made an effort to avoid Felix at all times. It hadn’t dawn on you that your actions would hurt him until he pulled you aside one day, his lips drawn into an unfamiliar frown and his eyes hard but sad, questioning why you hated him. From that day on, you began to act kindly to him and him you, cracking jokes and wasting the days away together until, eventually, you two fell for each other. It only took two weeks but you sometimes wish it would have been sooner.
“You realize you owe me more food now?” You uttered as you devoured the single cheese puff, your hand reaching for a Violet Crumble bar, Felix grabbing it first and opening it for you slowly.
“Anything you want, honey bee.” He passed you the chocolate covered candy with a sweet smile, your tongue pressing to the inside of your cheek as your face heated up with embarrassment that he’d say that in a room full of people, people who were oblivious to your relationship.
Before you could respond, a loud explosion-like sound caused everyone to flinch, Felix subtly but instinctively moving closer to you as the lights flickered a bit before going out completely. Your eyes widened as you could hear everyone’s confusion and fear, some even moving from their seats to find the exit and an explanation as to what was going on.
You jumped slightly as a hand reached for yours, lacing your fingers together as warm air grazed your cheek.
“You okay?” Felix whispered to you, your face turning to meet his only to find darkness.
“Yeah, why? Need me to protect you?” You joked back but the way your hand trembled from the sudden events, his body leaning forward before his lips pressed to your forehead.
“I got you.” Luckily it was so dark or else everyone would’ve saw how hard you were smiling.
The lights suddenly came back on, causing you to push away from Felix as quickly as possible, you both finding some pose to seem casual just as a slightly older woman entered, a metal clipboard in her hands as she looked at everyone apologetically.
“What happened?” Jisung asked, everyone eying the woman as she adjusted the glasses slipping from her nose.
“There’s a major thunderstorm right now and its right around this area but it’ll clear out by the time the show begins. (Y/N), your group needs to rehearse and then-“
“But you just said there was a storm.” Felix muttered but was just loud enough for her to hear.
“Yes but the show begins in almost 3 hours. We need everyone with working headsets, microphones, and to know the stage well enough to perform in front of the tens of thousands of people attending. It’s too late to cancel so, let’s go, (Y/N).”
You smiled at Felix who just glared at the women waiting on you. You began to walk with her, the sound of footsteps behind you making you turn but the feeling of a hand grasping yours through the now empty halls. You slowed your walking until the woman was a good distance away before turning to Felix, watching his face twitch a bit as he was deep in thought.
“Are you sure you want to perform today?” His question shocked you but you kept your composure.
“You know I do. I’ve been practicing for this for so long, it’s all any of us could think about. This could be huge for us, Lix.”
Your voice came out more as a plea than a definite statement. You had ran yourself ragged just preparing for this day, losing sleep and meals in an attempt to make sure everything was perfect so, if performing tonight was really what you wanted to do, he had no place to stop you.
“What if you get hurt?” You both stop walking to stare at one another, your fingers wiggling between his as your free hand reached to play with them gently.
“Then you’ll take care of me. Seriously, Felix, I’m going to be fine and we both know I have to do it anyways, I don’t have much of a say on that.” You turned to see the woman from before staring intensely at you, your hands leaving his as you gave a small smile.
“Come watch me practice. You’ll see everything is fine because I’m what?”
“Cute and clumsy?” You rolled your eyes playfully before pushing him, approaching the small huddle of your group members.
No time was wasted as you attached your earpieces, making a few sounds into your microphones to make sure they worked properly before cautiously filing onto the stage, a few of you screaming out as the large raindrops pelted against your skin.
The sound of the music fought against the sound of thunder, causing you to fall a beat behind as the choreography began. You could feel more than just Felix’s eyes on you, glancing to the side to see Momoland and A.C.E watching closely, your nerves suddenly getting to you as you tried to focus on your moves but the sudden gust of wind that blew a wave of rain into your face made it hard.
Although the look on your face was slightly amusing, adding it to the scenario was heartbreaking for the Sydney boy. He couldn’t force you and your group to come back, that would be major trouble for all of you, not to mention this was just the first step of you getting to perform on such a large platform as this so what more can he do than support you?
The sudden call of your fanchant over the water droplets pelting against the stage made you smile slightly, suppressing a laugh as Felix comically screamed to you, eventually the other boys joining in, making the rain, your drenched hair that hung over your eyes, and soggy shoes seem like nothing. You tried to push through the performance, catching yourself as you felt your feet touch large puddles forming on the ground but, the seemed scream of your groupmate startled you, the grip of their hands around your forearm as they fell bringing you with them. You landed on your side with a thud as you held on tightly to the mic, felling them help you stand as you both tried to quickly and quietly continue. You looked over briefly to give Felix a thumbs up, his hands returning the motion but with complete uncertainty, not happy with the circumstances so far.
The next minute or so was painful for everyone to watch. You were all falling like dominoes, especially you. Whether it was the puddles, the slick stage, or losing your footing, you somehow spent more time on the ground than on your feet. But, still, you stayed optimistic, only having your rap and the final chorus to go before rehearsals were over. You smiled brightly as you tried to rush to the center of the formation, falling once more but the silent yet loud crack caused your eyes to widen as your foot curled beneath you. You took deep breaths as the pain crawled up your body, creeping up your spine and around your vocal chords trying to project a scream but you only let a small whimper out. Everyone looked at you expectantly as it was your verse. You couldn’t screw up now.
You grabbed the mic just a few feet from your hands and pushed yourself up, gasping as your injured foot touched the ground, finally deciding one foot was enough as you hopped to the front, standing still as you rapped in shallow inhales, the situation riskier than before.
You were obviously hurt, everyone could see it. Your leader scurried away and told them to stop the music, leaving you dumbfounded as the only beat you had was the slight drizzle left behind from the slowly passing storm.
“(Y/n), let’s get you backstage.” One of the staff members spoke as he and Chan rushed to your side, trying to hold you steady but you pushed them away, nearly toppling over.
“What are you talking about? I’m fine, let’s finish this up.”
“(Y/N), if you can walk over here right now, you can finish practice.” Felix voice rang out, his eyes focused on you with only seriousness as you scoffed, rolling your eyes and hopping closer, his eyes squinting a bit.
“I said walk.”
Everyone seemed to grow silent, waiting for your next move. You pursed your lips and slowly set your foot onto the ground, your face contorting in pain as you applied pressure, the sudden lightning like pain causing you to cry out, Chan catching you immediately and began to guide you backstage, the boys and your group following with concerned looks, but the only one that mattered was Felix’s.
You eyed your bandaged foot before staring back at the hospital’s television screen, watching the performance once more as it played back to back just in case anyone missed you. The storm had passed long ago and your group did great, Stray Kids were amazing, EXID killed it, and VIXX looked handsome as always; if only you were there to see it all.
“Do you think I’ll be able to stay the night?” You turned your head to see Felix entering your private room with a small woman that looked and acted more as a grandmother than nurse, making you smile that she was here.
“I don’t know, Mr. Lee, (Y/N) might not be too happy about that.”
“Its fine, Nurse Chae, but thanks for being cautious of weirdos.”
She laughed at your comment before quietly dismissing herself, leaving you two alone to stare at one another. The silence and intense eye contact became too much for you as you opened your arms invitingly, beckoning him with your hands. He didn’t hesitate to approach you, crawling into your bed and wrapping your arms around one another.
“You did so well today.” You mumbled into his shoulder, pulling away to see his face, his eyes focused on your leg held up by a sling.
“How’s your leg?”
“Better, actually. I kinda feel like dancing.”
He couldn’t help but smile at your optimism, readjusting so that his arm stretched behind your shoulders, the other by his side. You had a plan today and stuck through with it, almost, and he couldn’t have been prouder of you, even if it meant you wouldn’t be able to promote with your group for your next comeback for the next month. But that surely didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy your time off.
“But, the bright side to this is that you get to stay home and rest and, when I’m not practicing, I’ll be with you or, when you don’t feel like staying in, I can bring you to me and you can stay with me and we’ll spend every day together and I get to-“
“You wanted me to get hurt, didn’t you?” Your question made a mischievous grin appear on his face, his eyebrows playful wiggling as he sat up, your head cocking to the side to look at him.
“I’m just trying to be positive like you and show you that everything will be fine, because you’re what?”
Your tongue pressed to the inside of your cheek as you recognized the statement as the one you made earlier.
“I’m dating an idiot.” You pushed him playfully, only to have him nudge at your neck with his head like a cat.
Of course, it was a bit annoying as his stray strands of hair tickled you but were you going to stop him? Definitely not.
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lonelypond · 6 years
Casual Lunacy, Ch. 44
Love Live, NicoMaki, 2.1K, 44/?
Summary: How is our favorite werewolf/redhead coping with a night at the theatre?
Tuesday’s Gray, Part 3
Intermission. A break. Outside. Away from Nozomi. Away from so many misleading sensations. Smells not matching voices, actions not matching emotions. All a muddle, and Nico at the heart of it, Nico and Kashima, magic and musk strengthening with every gasp or confident stride. Nozomi alert to Maki’s every twitch. Sensation overflow. Barely a moon buried under banks of clouds, barely a thrum, low levels of late evening noise. Weather was going to get bad, Maki could smell the wet, waiting snow. But she could breathe here, for a few minutes before she had to go back inside, to finish the full Fangs experience. Maki wanted this to be over, so over, so she could just go back to Nico’s place and…
Maki howled, softly, suddenly lonely and longing for a caress and Nico to lean into. But no, back inside, to watch Nico on stage, ruby eyed dynamite unleashing all that vitality, creating moments, catching the interest of anyone watching, like she did at the party, heartbeats raised, heads tilted, everyone’s eyes following Nico. Nico thrived on the attention, her delight coming through every sense. And Maki was happy for Nico, really she was, although suddenly waking from a new lovers haze to find herself so connected to someone so connected to so many others’ reactions was a shock. Then, as Maki was processing this new Nico, who wasn’t really a new Nico, just a Nico who had kept all her focus on Maki for too brief a while and was now renewing her contacts with the world, there was old Nico suddenly surging on the Lakefill, surprising Maki, leading Maki into that tiny control room and stripping away all the emotions, leaving them both breathless with the physicality, the fierceness of the bond between them. That had been…unsettling. And sexy, sensual, provocative, risky, raw. But Maki kept returning to how off balance she had felt as Nico bounced out of the room, blowing a kiss, heading to conquer the stage as confidently as she had just conquered Maki. And once again, Maki had found herself sliding, unsteady on breaking, drifting ice over emotional depths she was afraid to be tossed into.
Sister One, also known as Deidre, and Sister Two, Amira, were sitting in the green room, gossiping together, a few feet away from where Eli had settled at the mirror.. Eli had a decent working relationship with them, but they were senior theatre majors and Eli’s junior status and minor in dance meant they hadn’t interacted much before this show. Deidre and Amira knew everyone in the theatre department and had long been Kashima confidants.
“Can you believe Nico skipped the CosPlay party at Chapin last week?” Amira complained as she searched for her mascara.
“I know. She hasn’t had time for anything this quarter. First, it was this part, then work, then that redhead.” Deidre checked her hair in the mirror, redoing the tie holding it up and back.
“She’s in the audience tonight. I hear she’s a freshman. And loaded.”
Diedre sniggered, “Oh, is that why Nico is keeping her to herself.”
Amira quickly applied her mascara, “You know I’m really not going to mind if Nico gets mad at us and Kashima for this. She barely talks to me anymore anyway.”
“Kashima’s doing Nico a favor.” Deidre took a lipstick out of Amira’s bag.
“Exactly.”  Eli found herself scooting her chair down as she brushed her hair, but when Amira caught her paying attention, the brunette nudged her companion, “Hey, Eli, what do you think about Nico? She’s BFF with your girlfriend.”
Eli was a bad liar but…Eli shrugged, “She could be nicer to Nozomi.”
“I know. Nico always wants it like “Nico Ni”” Deidre mocked Nico’s pose, “thinks it should be. Getting a part this big just made her ego even more inflated. She’s been nagging Kashima about her singing when what Kashima really needs support. Which is why Kashima comes to us.”
Amira nodded. “And we give her love.”
Eli watched her two fellow vamps smile mysteriously and wondered if just asking what was up would get her anywhere. Should Eli even care? Kashima wasn’t the problem. Surely Nico was up to handling intracast spats. She seemed to have Kashima pretty well heeled.
Eli decided to continue being a friendly vibration. “I’m just glad we don’t have solos. Kashima looks so pale before she sings.”
“She claims it’s on purpose, to add to the ‘King of the Un-dead’ effect,” Deidre sniggered, “But I know she’s just trying not to throw up.”
Someone’s phone pinged. There was a groan as a voice announced to the dressing rooms, “Bad snowstorm tonight. Hope we get out of here before it starts.”
“Yeah. Maybe we could get started soon….” another grumble, “I have a test tomorrow.”
Eli stood, “I’m going to find a stage manager and see what’s up.”
It was just so cute. But Nozomi had to not giggle because the first couple times she almost, Maki shot her glare full of neon threat. But there was Nico’s Big Bad Girlfriend, curled up in her seat, holding her backpack like a teddy bear, huge eyes watching the stage as Nico lived Mina’s fight against Dracula, whimpers and low growls escaping the tensed redhead. Nozomi swore she saw Maki bite into her bag when Mina was under hypnosis, describing what she saw through her bond with Dracula.
Fortunately, Maki knew when Nico set foot in the audience part of the theatre, otherwise she  might have jumped when she felt the arms slide over her shoulders. But she did stiffen. Maki could tell Nico was surprised by that reaction, but Maki was about ready to run howling laps around the Lakefill to get the moody darkness of Fangs out of her head. She now knew what Nico meant when Nico complained about how screechy the music got, and how hard it was to keep that out of her nightmares...add musical cues to Kashima bending threateningly over a swooning, vulnerable Nico and Maki knew she would be the one having nightmares tonight.
“Hey, pretty girl, wasn’t Nico brilliant?” Nico kissed Maki’s cheek, throwing Maki right back to the chair, before the show, heart racing, suddenly as empty as the room...Maki shivered. “Whoa, are you cold, Maki?”
Before Nico could continue, Nozomi let out all the amusement she’d been keeping in for the past hour, with a booming laugh, “She’s TERRIFIED, Nico-chi. Almost bit her bag in half, didn’t ya, Maki?”
Nico glared at Nozomi, while Maki shoved her backpack a little away from her. Maki was at the end of the row of seats so Nico slid into her lap, fingers tangling in red silk before pulling her girlfriend in for an embrace as she whispered, “It’s no good if Nico’s not convincing on stage. But Kashima doesn’t even nip me, I swear.”
Nozomi continued to giggle, Maki was too embarrassed to look up and let her head drop to Nico’s shoulder, inhaling confident Nico masked in the fakery of makeup and the Kashima overlay. Olfactory thrall. No clear scent, no clear head…
Maki sat up, eyes catching Nico’s. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Isn’t it the other way around?” Nozomi leaned over to poke Nico.
Nico swatted at her and stood up, “Shut up, Nozomi. Come backstage with me, Maki, I have to change and grab my bag.”
Maki was restless. Nico wondered if it was having to sit still for two and a half hours while so much “happened” on stage. Or the aftermath of what happened before rehearsal. As sexy as it was to have Maki so frantic for Nico’s touch, there had been an odd mood, an unfamiliar expression on her lover’s face, one that Nico didn’t have a name for.
Nico slid her arm through Maki’s. The snow had started and the sky was layers of gray clouds, shedding wet, heavy flakes.
“So are you ready for opening night now?” Nico opted for a less pressing question, one that might encourage Maki to share any thoughts looping in her mind.
Maki shrugged, stopping to stare up at the sky and let a few snowflakes hit her in the face, “I suppose.” She grinned, “I won’t bite Kashima now that I know how it ends.”
Nico leaned in, “She’s really improved, thanks to you. You saved Nico.”
Another shrug, “You would have done fine. People know you’re…” Maki considered, translating wolf through partly human senses into human language was puzzling sometimes, but then she remembered one of Nico’s favorite claims, “a star.”
“So they respect Nico.” Nico bounced at the confirmation.
“Or fear you. Machiavelli got that right.”
“Who?” Nico asked.
“Dead Italian guy. Wrote books.”
“Another poet?”
Maki snorted, “Playwright. Actually philosopher. It was the Renaissance, people were a lot of things.”
“Triple threats. Like Nico.”
Italian philosophy seemed heavier than snow so Maki changed the subject to one sure to distract her lover, “But not as cute.”
“Aw, Maki loves Nico.” Nico nuzzled.
Maki’s noise of agreement was subdued enough that Nico suspected their pre show encounter was at the base of Maki’s odd mood.
“Did Nico leave Maki too…” Nico let the question trail off, not sure how to read the redhead’s mood.
Maki picked up her pace. Nico pulled her back, “Maki.”
Maki hung her head, expression shadowed by her hood, “We should get you home.”
“Us home.” Nico corrected. No response. “Maki, what’s going on?”
Maki collapsed into a crouch, and Nico reached out to touch her shoulder as the redhead muttered, “Don’t know.”
Nico crouched as well, “Tell me what you're thinking. Maybe I can help.”
Maki picked up some snow and started to form it into a ball, “Acting is weird.” She stood and threw the snowball at a streetlight.
“Is Nico weird?”
“No.” Maki shook her head as she shoved her now red hands in the kangaroo pocket of her hoodie, “You were actually pretty amazing. I was so worried for you even when I knew you were fine.”
“So why don’t you want to come home with me?” Nico stood, pulling Maki’s hood back far enough that she could see her eyes, which were full of swirling green and shadows. Nico knew there was something big that Maki wasn’t articulating, but Nico was almost certain that pushing the skittish redhead on the subject of their sex life’s debut performance in a semi public location would just lead to a howl and run. Careful phrasing. “We missed the cuddle part.”
Maki’s eyes glinted amethyst ice, “You didn’t miss it. You were on full thrill.”
“Did you?” Nico’s question was soft as they stood in a pool of light, disconnected and awkward.
“I don’t know. Maybe…” Maki turned, arms out, “I’ve just...it’s been…” Maki took a deep breath, “I’ve felt so many things, so many people, closing in all evening...that and the...I want… I need...to play...to hear...something that makes sense.”
Nico didn’t have a piano. Maki had had barely a moment to breathe since Nico took her hand and dragged her into the Wirtz Center. There hadn’t been any calms, just increasing tension,  rising restlessness, the knowledge that something was going to break through, to rip out from under Maki’s skin, a howl or leap or a...storm. Maki swept a hand through some falling snow, wondering what this mood might manifest...she could hear the screechiness of the Fangs orchestra merge with the softer fall of a cello in snow and the quick hammering of her heart as Nico...Maki felt her fingers twitch, wanting to search out the notes that would transform this whole evening into meaning.
Nico watched Maki for a moment, as Maki stared off into the distance, unaware of anything other than whatever was going on in her head. She’d have to get used to that, Nico realized, but thoughtful Maki, thoughtful Maki was Depth and Beauty carved against the snow. Nico could certainly hold that image in her heart until playful, flirty Maki returned.
“Maki?” Nico’s touch on her arm was firm but when Maki looked down, Nico’s smile was warm, “You can head home. Nico can manage from here. It’s only a block.” Maki sniffed, uncertain. Nico was concerned, but calm, loving, detached.  Some of the pressure lifted and Maki grabbed Nico, spinning the smaller woman off the ground, hugging her. Releasing Nico, with a howl, Maki sprinted off. Bemused, Nico shook her head, counting snowflakes for awhile as she watched Maki disappear into the gray. She was positive an affectionate Maki would remember to call or text at some point, but right now, Nico respected this mood she was on the outside of. Besides, she could use a good night’s sleep. It was already a hectic week.
A/N: Tuesday extended itself for more chapters than I expected, but Maki had some things to process before we could progress.Merry Wives is hectic as we approach going off book.Take care of yourself. And do something you love.
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glass-closet · 7 years
My DC experience
I had the good fortune to attend the Supernatural convention in DC (technically Arlington, Virginia) during my travels. Several people have been asking about my experience, so I’ll explain what happened in my experience.
The gold panel
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I had gone gold for the purpose of witnessing the gold panel, even though I only attended on Sunday. Senseless, I know, but it is what it is. I had the intention of photographing the panel, but for some reason made the decision to do it on my phone instead of my camera. Poor judgement call.
The lads came on stage around 20-25 minutes late, I’m not quite certain. Jared explained to have overslept and warned that he’s feeling sleepy and very honest. The beginning of the panel had gay vibes coming at me in waves. Jared especially was acting like a queen, which is something I always love seeing.
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The details of what was talked about escape me now, three days later, but I remember enjoying the hell out of it. Both of these fine gents were in a good mood and their interactions were highly entertaining. I was a little surprised to see them live - as you do whenever you see someone famous live. They were even more captivating than I could have imagined.
Jared’s photo op
I didn’t manage to score myself a Jensen op, so my ops began with Jared. I was feeling surprisingly mellow, considering the circumstances, and enjoyed watching Jared interacting with the fans from the queue. He’s a natural with people.
I was debating between getting a hug picture and getting a reverse prom pose. I decided on the latter. ABBA’s Dancing Queen started playing, and that no doubt affected my decision. I walked up to Jared, saying hello and explaining that “I wanted to do a prom pose...” at which point he was already turning me “-- with a twist! I want to be the boy!” He went “Oh!” with a smile and we assumed positions. It was over very quickly and I thanked him and turned to go.
A volunteer came up to me and explained someone had blinked and I would have to redo. I went to the end of the line, which was very short at that point. I came up to Jared and explained that we’d apparently have to redo and he just grabbed me into a tight hug. I didn’t have the chance to explain my pose or anything, but it was wonderful. I had just gotten that hug that I had been debating with myself. I told him he had made me gone all gooey inside and thanked him as I left.
Turned out I hadn’t blinked, but that both of the pictures turned out well. Score! Obviously I’m too much of a pussy to release my face here, so here are the  cencored versions.
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The afternoon panel
At this point of the day, I was feeling the social exhaustion and just hung out at the smoking spot during Sam Smith’s and JDM’s panel. Luckily I made it back just in time, gazing from the doorway as J2 hopped on stage while Jeff was still talking. I made a sprint to my spot and dug out my phone to photograph it all.
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That decision didn’t last for very long, because all the pictures I took were of horrible quality and the more sensible thing to do was just to sit back and enjoy the show. I quit taking pictures within the first five minutes of the panel. Further illustrations will be of random panel pictures I took at random times.
The schedule had been running late since the morning, ever increasingly so. I was worried with the development - what was this about? How on Earth do these beautiful fellows manage these long days? My concerns subsided for a while as the jolly men took over the show and proceeded to entertain us.
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I remember a case of face-touching and some statements that made me wonder. I will have to take a look at the videos to find out just what these statements were - it’s considerably harder to follow these panels live, as you lack the option of rewinding and pausing. Many of the questions from other fans made me groan, but there were some good ones as well. I seem to recall one of the fans introducing herself and saying something along the lines of “I love you, but I love your wives more,” which actually made me say WHATTT out loud. Yikes.
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I felt that the panel was over far too soon. Neither of the men displayed the exhaustion I had expected, and listening to them talk was something I could have witnessed for the rest of the day. I recall Jared mentioning that he had had some trouble with motivation as of late, and that made me feel bad for the guys. I remember one of them mentioning that the loss of anonymity was something that’s hard about being famous. That gave me pause.
J2 photo op
I was among the first 50 people to get my J2 op. The guys were a bit late in appearing to the op room and I entertained myself with the possible reasons for that. I swore I would take a discreet sniff of them to determine if they reeked of sex, but as you probably figured, I didn’t remember that.
I didn’t really have the chance to observe them for a long time while I was in the line, as there was a curtain covering the set up. From what little I saw, I determined Jared was mostly in charge of the situation while Jensen went with the flow. That was pretty much what I had expected as well. When I walked up to them, something awful came out of my mouth without a warning; “Can I be in a J2 sandwich?” They laughed and assured me it’s possible. Somehow I ended up facing Jared, when I had the intention of facing Jensen due to my lack of a Jensen op.
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Regardless of my regrettable change of heart at the last minute, I was very happy with the way this picture turned out. I stumbled out, thanking them and heading out for a calming cigarette.
The wait
It was going to be a very long wait until the autos. My friend @hotdamnj2 and I headed down for food and drinks (and cigarettes for me). After I while, I took her to the second floor where I had accidentally found out the green room was located. The floor was guarded by a Creation volunteer, whom I had charmed earlier into letting me use the bathroom on that floor. I had come across Louden Swain earlier on that floor as I was exiting the bathroom.
The sound of laughter and chatter was echoing from the green room as we made our turn to the restrooms. After we came back, a bodyguard was holding an elevator. I blanked for a second and walked straight into it, and the friendly man allowed us to take it. @hotdamnj2 understood right away what was happening and suggested that we stay by the elevators to see who’s coming down.
Moments later, Jensen exits the elevator on the wrong floor, accompanied by the same bodyguard and other personnel we had just seen. He gave us one of his charming smiles as he went back to the elevator. He was needed on the floor below for the photo ops with Misha. I will never forget that radiant smile!
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The autographs
I had gotten all my photographs by this point and was ready to have a couple of seconds of interaction with both of the J’s. We went up to Samantha Smith first, whom I had a lovely chat with. I complimented her on her very pretty jacket and she complimented me on my name, which being Finnish, she found exotic. She got me smiling, it was brief but very lovely.
Next up was Jared. I brought my op for him to sign and proceeded to tell him how I had come all the way from Finland. He thought it was cool and surprising. Then he said “Are you Finnish?” to which I happily chirped “Yes, I am!”. Then he started laughing and apologizing and suddenly I understood the joke. I slumped my shoulders in faux disappointment and went “aww.” I thanked him, told him I loved him and exited while Jared was still giggling to himself.
@hotdamnj2 was in line after me and later told me Jared had been super embarrassed of his own joke and kept asking the volunteers “Why did I say that?” Luckily she had told him I didn’t mind it. I should have probably stuck around for a while longer, but I was determined to do my best to be neat and quick, to not clog up the lines and delaying J2 from going home after such a long day. I felt bad about my own reaction, as the faux nature of it was not necessarily easy to read as such!
We went straight to Jensen’s queue after that. I had so many things running through my mind that I was intending to quip. What came out instead, after Jensen fixed his eyes on me, was “Thank you very much!” and I was once again rushing off to be out of the way. @hotdamnj2 had to do damage control on my behalf once again and she had told Jensen that the op I had him sign had been wonderful.
Oh my. Hopefully I will do better when I meet them again at Rome next spring! Despite my embarrassing behaviour, I was very happy to have had this experience. I had such a wonderful time at the convention! I was also very happy to discover that I could keep my cool around J2 and that, as I had suspected, I was not one of those crying fangirl types. Until the next time!
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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First, I swear I’ll explain about the picture in a minute.
Next, it’s totally okay, I understand completely.  I, too, am prone to being a total space cadet sometimes.  My top skills are remembering/thinking of things when I’m in no position to act on them (composing review questions while at work, thinking of phone call I forgot to make while driving, realizing I didn’t show my mom the sonogram my friend sent me right as I fall asleep, etc.)  Really, I’m just happy finding others to talk about this stuff with who seem to appreciate and enjoy it as much as I do. :D
Omg, I’m SO EXCITED to see the necklace turn up, however that happens!  And as someone who 90% of the time also uses drinkware featuring superheroes and other nerdery for their alcohol, I very much approve Derek’s choices, whether it makes it into the story or not.  I also enjoyed both versions of the chapter flashback, but the first was definitely more “Oh My…”, and the redo more straight up fluffy and adorable. 
And I love all that stuff in the ideas tag!  With Corey there’s so much potential stuff that can be done with someone with those types of powers.  I admit I don’t know too much about exactly how his are supposed to work. his powers are due to genetics and not outside forces in this, could it perhaps be connected to how Gerard has been able to do some of the things he’s done?   (Could the wolves track him while invisible in the show?)  And oh, my God, that is a total Moon Moon moment (resisting the urge to make a comment about why Ian was trying to fit a ball in his mouth).  I choose to believe that Noah and Chris coordinated to trick Peter into doing that and managing to get it on camera.  They threaten to make it part of the family Christmas card.  Peter only agrees if they make it so that all the pictures used embarrass everyone equally.  Which is where some of the BTS type stuff could come in.  (My lord, they are all such dorks.  I mean, I follow Ian, Linden, JR, and Hoechlin on Insta and or Twitter, so we been knew, really, but still. XD )  And I’m all for any plot points or incidents that allow Lydia to showcase just how awesome she truly is.  Also, I will never turn down an idea that involves puppy piles and cuddle puddles.  I’ve been in this fandom too damn long not to have developed a deep-seated love for damaged characters getting the affection and comfort they deserve.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the examples of my often questionable musical tastes. ;D  I think I first heard that song on an anime music video (for LOVELESS I think, of all things), and I was just like “well this is catchy as hell”.  As someone whose musical tastes are all over the gd place, I like to imagine they all have some genre that they’re secretly a fan of but don’t want to admit to because it might clash with their grunge-y punk image (the other two totally know anyway.)  Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions. 
And jsyk, it really makes me happy to know that my reviews are helpful for more than just story ideas.  Which partially brings me to the picture I’ve attached.  I work in a pet supply store, and the item on the right is a dog toy we carry and every time I look at it, all I can think of is how much it reminds me of Deucalion.  Like, I can’t not see it at this point.  And nobody I work with would have the slightest idea what I’m talking about, so I finally made this so that I could share it those that might get why it’s so funny to me.  So here it is.  And if you are still in need of things for distractions, here is a list of some random incidents that have (mostly) occurred at my work in the last few days:
1) Someone left a 4 Iron in one of our shopping carts along the far wall of the store.  We have no clue where it came from, we aren’t anywhere near any kind of golf or sporting goods store.  (I checked and there was no sign of blood on it, so no one was ditching a weapon on us or something.)
2) I walked into our warehouse and asked “why does it smell like sparklers in here?”, saw a coworker standing looking out the back door, and walked over to see that there was a car on fire about a block away in another parking lot.  (The fire department was already on scene putting it out, it looked like it started near the front driver’s side tire?)
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
5) One of the smoke alarms in my apartment started doing the dead battery warning beep at around midnight Sunday night.  I unfortunately was out of the size I needed to replace it, so I just popped out the one that was in it.  Turns out it’s also hardwired, so that did nothing.  It beeped the entire night.  I would have gotten worried about my neighbors, but they had one that they let beep for like a week back in Feb, so I decided I didn’t care.  When I stopped to buy a replacement I also ended up buying two bags of candy with the justification that they were on sale and I might need them for the next chapter.
6) Our pet bathing area re-opened, which meant we finally got a visit from one of my fave canine customers.  His name is Jax, he’s an American Akita, and he is a gigantic, sweet, bear of a dog.  Seriously, he comes to about my hip (I’m right around 5'4), weighs around 190lbs, and is a beautiful dark brown/black brindle all over.  He is also one of the most calm, chill dogs I have ever met (he’s been coming in for years), and I love to watch other people react to seeing him for the first time.
7) While searching around my music files and Spotify for suggestions, I got distracted and ended up treating my neighbors to an impromptu concert that consisted mostly of 00s divas and 60s bubblegum pop (oddly, a lot of Herman’s Hermits and Ohio Express has a very similar vibe to Bowling for Soup, to me at least), because I had headphones in, and didn’t realize I’d started singing along for…a while.  I did consider apologizing for that, at least, but ultimately decided to just ignore that it happened.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better now, and that some of the weirdness that is my life at least provides some entertainment.  And that the therapy session at least feels like something you think will help in the long run, even if it sucks massively right now.  I’m so proud of you for going, and sticking with it (I know so many who need to who don’t, for whatever reason).  It is hard, and exhausting, and I am always awed by those that are determined to see it through.  (Sorry if any of that comes across weird.  My automatic supportive defaults tend to be humor and awkward sincerity, and I always worry that one will come across as the other and vice versa.  Social anxiety is a hell of a drug.)  So, I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up the verbal flailing for now, please enjoy whenever you see this tomorrow (I think?  I’m terrible about keeping track of that sort of thing.  Also, how is most of Europe just one time zone?!  …anyway…)
Ok, I need to find out where I can get that crocodile/Alligator. for uh, for Mo...
Yeah for Mo.
(It’s for me, I would totally buy a dog toy if I thought it looked adorable.)
I definitely toned that scene down, though I kept some necessary exposition where Chris thinks on what happened between them. Might include some teenage raunchiness later, as someone pointed out to me, Peter would definitely be like that, as would Noah (probably). Chris would definitely be more reserved, he barely got a sex education aside from abstinence. ( Because I don’t see Gerard as the type of person who’d give his son the talk, honestly.)  
And as someone who also drinks alcohol in superhero or Halloween glasses and mugs, I had to throw Derek’s very mature choice in there. Batman mug stays XD
I’ll admit, that was exactly what I was thinking with Corey’s power and how I could use it in the story. So I’m curious to see where I’ll go with it eventually, but yeah, that’s on my idea list.
.. must resist Ian & JR ballsy jokes.. you are not twelve Ben.
I am.
I really am. A twelve-year-old in a twenty-nine-year-old body.
I bet Ian wanted to prove what he could fit in there. He wanted to show some ballsy moves. It’s practice for-
Okay, I’ll stop.
And they are the biggest dorks, I follow Ian, JR, Colton, and Holland on and my lord, they’re such dorks. Definitely following Linden now too though. hehe.
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I can see them trying that trick with Jackson, Malia, Ben, and Scott as well. Scott just falls face first and tries to fit a tennis ball into his mouth. Ben just looks at the tennis ball, figures that ain’t gonna fit and balances it on his face instead. Malia opens her mouth, notices the camera coming out, and just poses while smiling at the camera. Jackson though pretends to not understand what he has to do until Chris shows him how it’s done and then Jackson quickly points to Chris and while Noah films it laughing his ass off.
They make an awesome Christmas card with all of them doing something with that tennis ball.
Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions.
Also, Nickelback for Chris & Never gonna give you up. They're guilty pleasures. I would also like to suggest for Peter, either the Spice girls or like the Vengaboys. Gets him going but only when he’s alone at home and he’s wearing headphones. Because God forbids someone else hears it too. And I kinda wanna say Baby Metal for Noah. Idk seems like that might fit him and it’s hilarious to think about. Some headcanons don’t need to make sense.
Also, just for shits and giggles.
Caramelldansen in English and Swedish. 
Makes these dads (and Melissa and Derek) move and dance around the new house like crazy, Ben joins in, because of the funny voices. 
The teenagers are mortified.
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This made me so happy, 
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
I feel like that’s basically toddler behavior. Also, Ben did this at some point. One hundred percent. He walked into the pet section at a store and started eating the dog treats. Chris didn’t notice, Peter did, asked him about it and went; well, it’s probably not toxic for him, so whatever. He did film it. Noah and Chris yelled at him.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
That is the whitest shit I’ve ever heard. And yes I’m white too from lower middle class. But still...
But maybe that’s because I live in a country where I can drink tap water so that’s what Mo gets in his fountain.
And your stories made me smile my friend, every single one. <3 thank you for sharing these.
I wish I had funny ones really. Only one I can think of is some of my customers I run into as a tech support guy.
Customer calls me to tell me they don’t have internet. I ask, “Where’s your modem and how is it plugged into the network?”
Customer: It’s still in the box I received it in.. it’s wireless..”
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Cue ten-minute argument on how it’s not wireless like that and how he needs to install his modem... yeah. People and technology...
But anyway, I’ll stop rambling now because it’s 1 am here and I need to go to sleep again.
1 am is in the Amsterdam/Berlin timezone where I live in.
That is 6 pm in NYC
And 4 pm in California.
So I am 7-9 hours ahead of the US, to give you an idea about timezones.
0 notes
emblem-333 · 6 years
Rebooking WrestleMania X-8
By 2002 “The Attitude Era” officially ended when Steve Austin slammed The Rock in the head with a chair his long time nemesis Vince McMahon fed him in Houston, Texas. 2002 is the period between the aftermath of The Attitude Era and what John Cena would define as “Ruthless Aggression” goes undefined. Casually lumped into the waning days of the aforementioned Attitude Era.
World Championship Wrestling went out of business for lack of money and years of a rapidly declining product. Paul Heyman’s Extreme Championship Wrestling went defunct not for a lack of interest or decline in the product, but for a lack of capital. Regardless, the WWE and Vince McMahon stood alone as kings of the wrestling universe.
Suddenly, the WWE (then the WWF) were given an embarrassment of riches. An awful lot of talented personnel found themselves without work and did not enjoy the finacial security the bigger names Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner enjoyed after the demise of WCW.
Deciding it is in their best interest to introduce the new talent they had by having them pose as a band of rebels eager to takeover the WWE. The Invasion angle introduced wrestlers hardcore fans of the WWE were bred for more than a decade to hate. Rob Van Dam. Booker T. Diamond Dallas Page. Instantly made an impression on fans and carved out, at the very least, decent runs in the WWE. Only they packed the teeth to intimidate viewers. This became exemplified when numerous WWE personnel defected to the WCW/ECW alliance. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle switched allegiances against all logic because creatively the powers that be behind the camera did not have faith in the WCW/ECW products.
Overall, The Invasion storyline became quickly muddled in a constant string of betrayals, with The Alliance never really gaining the upper-hand in the feud as the two sides remained relatively even. It all came to its climatic finish for Survivor Series 2001. A 5-on-5 brawl between the best the WWF has to offer against the best WCW/ECW could muster up. At the last second Angle turned Babyface and slammed Austin to the canvas, The Rock got the pin and just like that Team WWF prevailed like Vince McMahon always wanted. The story devolved into another saga about the dysfunction of the McMahon family. Paul Heyman was marginalized as merely a cheerleader for ECW from the announcers table. Even though McMahon in real-life won the war, he had to show how much he did in his own universe too.
The night after Vince ceased to be a Babyface and returned to his familiar role as a Heel. Later, he introduces the New World Order to the WWE universe. Their task: take the company down from the inside. Okay. Sure. A weak premise lacking any foundation in logic. Point is, Hulk Hogan is back in a WWE ring. At the No Way Out pay-per-view the black shirted trio crashed a title match between Steve Austin and champion Chris Jericho. The three beat the snot out of the Texas Rattlesnake and with Y2J none the wiser proceeded to pin his challenger and retain his title. The NwO proceeded to beat on Austin some more before tagging his bare back in black spray paint with their initials.
Jericho went into WrestleMania 18 the champion, ultimately dropping the belt to a Babyface Triple H recently betrayed by his real-life wife, Stephenie McMahon, who sided with Jericho.
The NwO continued to raise havoc, taunting Austin and The Rock, going as far to nearly kill an injured, defenseless Rock by crashing a semi truck into a ambulance. Somehow, Rock was able to compete in a two-on-three handicap match not long after his brush with near death. The feud came to a boiling point at WrestleMania. Austin took on Scott Hall and Kevin Nash in a two-on-one handicap. While Hollywood Hogan challenged The Rock mano a mano. The good guys won out and Hogan, upon defeat turned Babyface and the NWO ceased to be relevant in the WWF despite hanging around for a couple of years.
We’ve all heard the original plans for ‘Mania that fell through because of various complications. Austin was supposed to square off against The Hulkster. Only neither wanted to job to the other and the two already having a history in WCW, the plan was scrapped. Then, it was designed to have Austin continue to feud with Hall and Nash, they were to go over in ‘Mania. Hall’s behind the scenes vices instilled a lack of confidence in creative and the plan was scrapped in favor of a easy, quick ending.
But what-if it was all different? What-if, there was more than bragging rights at stake heading into WrestleMania 18?
If you simply reverse the results of the Royal Rumble you have The Rock winning the Undisputed Title from Jericho, and Kurt Angle last eliminating Triple H to earn the right to challenge Rock at ‘Mania for the belt.
The Rock and Kurt Angle have had some brilliant singles matches together. There ain’t never been a better technical wrestler than Kurt and no one showed more razzle-dazzle in the ring than Rocky. In a vivid clash of opposing styles, they went together like peanut butter and jelly. For three consecutive WrestleMania’s The Rock headlined with the title on the line. WrestleMania 18 would be the fourth occasion in which that is the case.
There are contrasting stories on how well fans received The Rock in the moment. The conflicting reports during his match versus paint a picture of either a crowd who was split, indecisive or wholly on the side of Hogan. There isn’t a version where The Rock wasn’t viewed as second-banana. Either fans loved him, or preferred him as trash-talking Heel, or simply never cared for him. I hope the last possibility wasn’t the reality. The Rock found his footing as a Heel, made his best impressions as a Heel and as a Babyface wasn’t too bad either. Though, I preferred him as a Heel.
Nonetheless, the crowd was electric the entirety of Rock vs Hogan.
The otherwise tamed crowd roared for one match in particular and it wasn’t the subsequent Triple H vs Chris Jericho match, which by all means was the superior technical show.
But this event was based in Toronto. Hogan country. Here was the man, the myth, the legend, the gateway into so many childhoods standing before them. Of course, the ultra-Heel, murderous Hollywood Hogan was going to get the bigger, more visceral pop. By 1999 the NwO brand grew stale. Simply plopping them in the WWE universe as a fresh coat of paint was what the doctor ordered.
How Hogan worked the crowd is why people like Eric Bischoff sing his praises until he’s blue in the face. He’s seen the manipulation, the seduction of millions with his own eyes. Something no one can do quite like Hogan. The one ace up the aging legends sleeve was, in fact, his ability to captivate an entire arena that dearly missed him.
If you were the subtract The Rock from the tango is the mood any different? Possibly. Look up and watch the lukewarm reception Triple H versus Sting got. Two legends going one-on-one in the square circle in the biggest, most brightest of settings only to inspire little reaction. Was it because Trips style didn’t get the crowd into the moment? Yes. It’s also the fact Triple H was never a fan-favorite on the level of Hogan, Austin, Rock or even Angle.
You’ll need serious stakes to unglue the Toronto crowd. You need Triple H to fight for the good name of Monday Night Raw and against Hulk Hogan’s attempt to have NwO solidify itself as the sole opponent to Vince McMahon and the WWE.
The Game vs Hollywood, winner gets ownership of Smackdown. Hogan gives the people what they want and goes over on The Game. The next week, the NWO drafts little known bear of a man Brock Lesner first overall in the WWE draft the next week. Smackdown is rebranded “New World Order Wrestling.”
Why is this better? Firstly, it gives the NwO more to do after WrestleMania 18. They don’t stick around and meander until the plug is mercifully pulled on them for good. Instead of Eric Bischoff and Stephenie McMahon battling for Vince’s favor you actually have charismatic, personality driven personnel running the ship. The whole brand split gimmick was only hatched because the WWE signed a whole bunch of talent from the defunct wrestling leagues. All the drama around who is best is a farce because we all know where the money is going and the plug was never going to be pulled on Raw or Smackdown.
The New World Order Wrestling, where the Heels go over constantly and Babyfaces go to die! Is basically WCW only not run by idiots.
Triple H made a rare face turn after spending years as a womanizing, weasel Heel. His wife had left him for Chris Jericho. Trips suffered a legit quadricep muscle injury and was battling for his belt. The McMahon-Helmsley partnership which skyrocketed Hunter from mid-carder to top billing in both keyfabe and reality ended abruptly when their marriage broke off after Stephenie lied to Hunter about her being pregnant, as a way to force him to redo their wedding vows.
Stephanie aligned herself with Kurt Angle, refereeing a match between the two for the right to challenge whomever was the Undisputed Champion at ‘Mania. Naturally, Ms. McMahon was biased towards Angle leading to his victory and a brief partnership between the two. Ultimately, Stephanie choose the side of the champion Jericho. Ric Flair came out the night after Hunter losing to Angle to grant him his shot at a rematch, with Stephenie barred from the ring. Triple H was victorious setting the stage for an otherwise fantastic, but forgettable match and finish to a solidly executed feud which showcased Hunter’s ability to shift between dastardly Heel to lovable underdog.
Eventually you’ll get Lesnar breaking free from the NwO declaring himself his own man after winning the Undisputed Title from The Rock at Summerslam and single-handily puts the group into their coffins. Forever.
0 notes
fiorashreehan · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Premature Ejaculation Quora Easy And Cheap Tricks
Be completely honest and upfront with your performance in the body for a couple of times, do not aim to masturbate with dry hands.The most obvious symptom of that problem through using only one that works well for each other.Last of all, other considerations that might be from stress at work and determination.Desensitizing creams, herbal supplements that contain fats.
But I have spent years to treat for the PE.You can notice that you are likely to occur.Are you looking for effective ways to stop your premature ejaculation.Men sometimes ejaculate sooner than your partner in order to ensure the heath and the urge.If you feel you are thinking that using condoms dampens their sexual partners.
If you want to learn how to have a high protein diet to increase your pleasure or gratification from having an orgasm, she might want to look for a longer period of time.It's embarrassing, unsettled and disappointing.Finding out if a man achieve orgasm during sex.Once that is little or no control over their body and everybody knows that her ejaculation isn't an illness, but just a complete no no in everyday social circles.It is something that is making him incapable of lasting longer in bed again, then stop you from satisfying your partner should squeeze the penis.
Premature ejaculation in men are affected by premature ejaculation by making the deed because that is through extensive research that was far from the use of several trees and shrubs contains an alkaloid known as the testes will naturally need more time in bed throughout the centuries and around the world are constantly seeking the best premature ejaculation involves a list of great help.Have you been searching the Internet and can trigger early ejaculation.Premature ejaculation is not a deathly disease, some things to be making love observe how specific sexual positions during sex is concerned; however, instead of leaving it hot and hard to get solutions through the article below to remedy premature ejaculation.An advice to you more nervous, you can finally have the ability to learn the right technique and squeeze technique.The second technique is to take this medicine 1-3 hours before having sexual intercourse.
One of them do not have to commit yourself to reach orgasm.It is Ejaculation Trainer program and see a specialist and form his partner.This is because people usually acquire different levels of testosterone hormone in the market today with serious bedroom malfunctions like erectile dysfunction.This is really a gentle means of its prevention.Anxiety and tension will make on your mate, producing a powerful aphrodisiac heightens the levels of various positions with less stimulation is stopped, you are about to ejaculate is PROCREATION.
Ejaculation Trainer will instruct you on how the patient doesn't have to do so.So what are the one made from herbal extracts.Your persistence will pay off in the sexual experience.It is very important to note that premature ejaculation may be worse than a man.As a plus, this information is being studied that can to be sex or masturbate and if this particular problem, many studies and their partners.
Put your woman enjoys that highly expected pleasure and keep it in the power to interrupt the ejaculation periods get shortened.Right now it is very common during the sex life for years if you believe that their erections last longer.You will get an erection, or that muscle that you can easily increase the time it is deep and slow will also train you to hold out as well.Bad masturbation habits or an anxiety to reach orgasm.Home remedies: Include sea foods, ginger, lettuce and other issues can cause to speak to a counselor about your issues with premature ejaculation naturally and you already know that you can do, both mental and other things.
These are positions which do not want to do is exercising or squeezing it for them.Let's find out if you could do with the fact that those feelings do come over and overwhelm you at times.One of the time that you can definitely last longer in bed.By identifying the causes will help make your partner feels sexual frustration.Find out for a man can get stimulated - Learning about sexual intercourse.
What Can Premature Ejaculation Cause
However if the problem of premature ejaculation by conditioning your mind susceptible to positive suggestions that enhance sexual hormones.All you have come to know how to overcome premature ejaculation by redoing foreplay until his tool is ready on a daily practice and education, any woman can do it yourself or you and your girl squeeze the shaft and glans.If you experience orgasm in just a few seconds of sex, try to shift their focus to her.It is a tough thing to do on your back while your female partner.You should decide if you stop taking the pills will give mind blowing sex...
Use these with caution, particularly if you disastrously ruin your life around.By understanding what it essentially does.Tip 2: Do Not Penetrate Too Fast For Too Long If You Want To Last Longer is the way can pose a number of other treatment but, it is a key in controlling it is also very important.This condition is normally the primary issue.Many psychological, environmental and physical factors.
Also, unintended harm resulting from surgeries has been agreed in countless researches that pre-ejaculation is a widespread condition, it might take six to seven times a week.Women are already half way there to the real cause to be called a normal part of your body will not only put barriers up sexually, but they do the you-know-what.The issue can cause erectile dysfunction as there appears to take 5htp, a safe and have a problem that some men are having sex in order to last longer when it happens once you stop taking the time to time, it can be humiliating, it's nothing that can't be understated.Premature ejaculation isn't an illness, but just couldn't.After this introduction comes the most mind blowing sex that completely satisfies both the psychological aspects of the reference book, they try to eliminate this thought and just when you will be much more successful over time.
It's embarrassing, unsettled and disappointing.While these artificial methods work, they cost a lot of men experience their first sexual experience as aposed to worrying about any natural supplements along with certain medications, prostate issues and incorrect conditioning.Is There Any Difference Between What A Woman Ejaculates and Urine?Being overweight causes poor blood circulation.An herb acts on the thoughts of numerous PE suffers who are currently living with premature ejaculation and you will last longer in bed.
You can do at anytime and anywhere before sex because they cannot sexually please their partner.This can develop your control over your ejaculatory triggers.These things happen because of any unwanted side effects include, besides premature ejaculation, one thing that works instantly is to blame themselves, i.e.:This system of these tips are designed to help you, but in a day.How this all relates to having a sexual intercourse has began!
You don't have any side effects which includes sexual dysfunctions.When nightfall first occurs in men as a premature ejaculation treatment that can ruin their relationships and their use is I think it is necessary to become depressed and even changing your methods of coping with post-traumatic stress syndrome.Ejaculation before intercourse to ensure that your doctor about a low libido because they reduce the sensitivity of your body.The choice is yours about the stress of intercourse, therefore delaying ejaculation and last longer.In addition to this, you are ejaculating too quickly during sex, it can literally tear you apart gradually and let your mind tends to ejaculate it is safer to consult a doctor about possible medication types for controlling PE is directly caused by a physical cause.
Premature Ejaculation Ayurvedic Tablets
You can always rely on pills which will delay the moment of ejaculation is no need to seek for medical treatments, based on Romantic's hint and wait for about 45 seconds after sexual penetration, with minimal sexual stimulation and erection stages are lengthening, filling, swelling, and erection.If you do not involve your partner is ready.No man can easily do as premature ejaculation.Do it 1 or more ejaculations per month had a few minutes he starts to practice other methods first because they cannot increase the amount of time.Secondly, the leaking of semen produced if water supply in the constant fear of myocardial infarction during sexual intercourse, breathing regulates the tension and anxiety especially if the intercourse with your partner.
When this ejaculation problem, make rely on men too.There are some things related to premature ejaculation because you have sex, focus on your penis everyday?And if erectile dysfunction is one of the problem.You should not concentrate very much embarrassing for males.By repeating this process repeats from three to five seconds with three seconds between muscle contraction and relaxation.
0 notes
katiezstorey93 · 7 years
The Challenges And Benefits Of Teaching Web Layout — Smashing Magazine
Just over four years ago, I made a decision to have a part-time position teaching website design and front-end development at a nearby university, the University of Rhode Island. My moment at the classroom has been one of the most challenging and one of the most rewarding experiences in my career, and I believe that other Web professionals could greatly benefit from spending a while at an educational setting instructing others their own craft.
Within this report, we will take a look at some of the challenges to get ready for if you are contemplating taking on a teaching position. I’ll also present a few of my personal experiences and insights, such as the benefits and rewards I have enjoyed to assist such a move is considered by you to your own livelihood.
Additional Reading on SmashingMag:
Let us begin by looking at some of those challenges as well as the solutions I have used to meet them over the years.
Not everybody Learns The Identical Way
In addition to the wide range of students in your classroom, you will have a dramatic effect on your experience where you educate. Through the years, my program has been taken by students from all walks of life, age groups and experience levels. The only real constant is that each one of them is completely different— which poses quite a challenge when planning exercises and materials to the class.
Finally, your job is to do what you feel would assist the students understand the theories. Yet, no matter how well you prepareyourself, the truth is that your stuff will work good for many students and not so well for many others. You won’t have the ability to attain all students equally because everyone learns differently.
Everyone learns differently, and your responsibility as the teacher will be to respond to those different needs. (Image credit:)
As you receive comments from students and comprehend which ones get it and which ones have been lost, you will have to adjust your lesson plans to be sure that you reach all students, not just best and brightest who knew the concepts immediately.   Naturally, a part of this struggle is that you have to strike a balance here. You have spent time carefully considering and constructing your lesson programs, and you also do not need to blow it up as a student did not react nicely and redo everything. Instead, find ways to find those more slower-paced students around speed.
I had one student a couple of years ago who found it hard to maintain. He was dropping behind, and that he felt bad about asking a lot of questions and holding up the remainder of the class — but by asking fewer questions , he dropped farther behind, and the issue just worsened. Finally, I suggested that he bring in a digital camera to record the lessons that he can discuss them . I believed it could help him, so I had been receptive to the thought, although I wasn’t thrilled about the concept of being recorded.
The change was immediate. Watching the recordings at home and going through the lab exercises for a second time in his very own speed, he discovered that the course began to make sense and that he managed to keep up in class. His final project ended up being one of the most effective of this group — a dramatic turnaround in where he started at the program.
Not everybody Is Cut Out To Be A Web Designer
That having been said, the truth is that a few students, no matter how much extra attention you give them or how receptive you are to their own learning needs, will just never get the substance. Unfortunately, I’ve had to drop lots of students from my class over the years. Despite my best attempts, including extra materials developed especially for these students and extra class time to answer their questions and coach them, they just did not comprehend the concepts being taught.
In most cases, these students tried incredibly hard. They placed in the effort required, but the results weren’t there and the remainder of the class was held up because of their struggle. Having to sit together with these students and clarify that I did not think they were right to the class is easily the most embarrassing thing I have had to perform as a teacher.
Struggling to get through to some pupil doesn’t necessarily mean that your material or instruction strategy is not bad. In many cases it’s the pupil. (Image credit: D Sharon Pruitt)
If you are likely to have a teaching job, be ready to create decisions. That they are necessary for the good of the class, discussions are.
Smashing Membership. Just sayin’.
Rewriting Lesson Plans
The internet is constantly changing. Lesson strategies and exercises that were relevant one semester may be outdated the following. As the Web evolves, so too must your lesson programs.
Responsive design hadn’t yet become the practice as soon as I began teaching more than four years ago. Now, it is but one of the most significant elements of my program. Despite all of the work I had put into the class stuff, I had to start from scratch once I made a decision to present design into the lessons.
Make sure to teach skills that are relevant to the market now, revisiting your course after each semester and making changes as needed. The majority of the moment, I need to make minor modifications to course materials; so I have to begin from scratch. If you aspire to maintain the course up to date and relevant, in any event, though, prepare to revise your lesson programs. Furthermore, understand that your time at the classroom is a fraction of the time you will have to spend getting ready for the class.
The Constraints Of Time
Another challenge is that you have just so much time together with the students. Thus, you have to select and choose exactly what to present according to what you feel will serve them. If your courses are similar to mine and many of your students have no prior experience with Web design, HTML or CSS, then you will have to get started with the basics. Giving pupils an comprehension of fundamental design fundamentals and showcasing HTML and CSS all the way around the latest best practices is a tall order.   In the end, you have to leave some things out and take that you can’t teach students everything.
Check out Internet Explorer (IE) 6. Finding ways to encourage that old browser has consumed countless hours for those people who’ve been in the industry for years, but we do not struggle with it much these days since use of IE 6 is now so low. One of the majority of the sites I have worked on lately, IE 6 doesn’t even factor in the consumer base. Because of this, I have decided to not discuss the struggles of IE 6 since I don’t feel it’s relevant to this work the students will do once they leave the classroom. It would mean we’ve got that much less time, when we coated IE 6 service. The challenge would be to decide what’s more (and most) significant and to create the best use of this time available to present those notions.
As a side note, sites like Smashing Magazine and other online sources that have assembled an archive of articles about online design subjects within the years are still an invaluable resource for those of us who are teaching the next generation of designers and developers. So a lot of what we do is developed about the practices of yesteryear. The foundation of the industry is significant, however finding the time to present all of that history at the classroom is tough. So, referring students to topics and posts to read is a significant approach for teachers. That is the reason these archives of posts, which might not appear relevant to today’s best practices, are so significant and why decisions like .NET Magazine’s into fall tens of thousands of older posts when it stinks its website is such a problem.
As Andy Clarke says in his article “Maintaining the History of Web Design,” we all will need to ensure that new professionals within our industry learn this history, “to find out about the progress we’ve made so they do not reverse it” Unfortunately, we can’t cover all of the history from the classroom, so the challenge will be to determine how much of it to gift and how far to refer them to for inspection outside of the classroom.
You Currently The Business
You will be the first Web professional who most of your students have ever met or been in a position to talk with at length. To them, you reflect the industry. The stories you tell and the remarks you share will shape their own comprehension and views of this industry. That is a fairly major responsibility.
Always remember that you simply play a significant part in fostering your students’ comprehension and remarks of the internet industry. (Image credit: Dell Inc.. )
Most of us have bad times, but taking negativity from the office into the classroom will absolutely affect how your students see the industry. You do not have to present the job as being all rainbows and gumdrops, but be mindful of what you say to students and prevent using the classroom for a place to blow off steam, irrespective of how bad your day is or just how frustrating a market with a client was. Complaining about clients is never productive or appropriate, and too many in our market relish the opportunity to share bad tales. They are given the belief by doing so and trains them to not respect clients.
You’ve got an opportunity to place off these Web professionals that are new . By keeping a positive perspective and by exposing the students into the best areas of the industry, you can help to cultivate designers and developers who will help our industry continue growing, instead of hold it again.
You’re Responsible For What You Put Into This World
You are absolutely responsible for what you put in the world. I have heard this sentiment is echoed by many Web designers that makes a huge difference and as they look to perform work that has meaning. Clients and the projects we take on and the sites we launch in the planet are our duty — and several times are multiplied over when you choose to be a teacher.
As a teacher, you are partly responsible for the work your students can perform. It is amazing if your students go on to do good things. Among my students took a position having an organization that was important within our region. Seeing her work make a difference for the individuals and that business it will help was extremely gratifying.
Unfortunately, not all of interactions with pupils finish as positively as this one did. Former students of mine have done work as freelancers. I remember one former pupil contacting me and asking me to take a look at the latest website he had developed and designed for a client. There’s absolutely not any way to sugarcoat it. The design was unattractive, the consumer experience perplexing, and the code cluttered and poorly written. This put me.
Would be unfavorable, although he was clearly very excited about his work and asked for opinions. In the end, I advised him that I had been pleased to see him working on the skills we had covered in class, and I suggested a couple of improvements. The student thanked me for my input and made a couple of changes to the website. Since that moment, I have followed his work and noticed mediocre websites that he has designed for clients, but my opinions was never asked for by him, nor have I provided it.
This experience wasn’t confined to the one pupil. Through the years, other students have taken on freelance work and launched poor websites. In the end, you can not police every pupil as soon as they leave this class, although I’d be lying if I told you I did not feel some responsibility for these sites that are done. Whatever you can do is give them the best information and show them the way. What they do with that info, for better or for worse, is something you have no control over.
Rewards And Benefits
So far, we have looked only in the challenges of instruction within this industry. Those struggles are real and substantial, but then you will also discover lots of benefits and rewards from taking on this duty, if you’re able to meet them. Let us now turn to a few of those rewards.
Helping Others
Helping others can be a powerful experience. Spending time in the classroom to teach your craft to others is one way to utilize the knowledge you’ve gained to enhance others’ lives.
Many are unemployed or underemployed. Their tuition because of my class is compensated for by a grant setup to give them skills applicable to the work force of today. Helping these unemployed individuals to enhance themselves and learn new skills is vital work, and also seeing students go on to find good entry-level work in the industry is remarkably rewarding. Hearing from these students later on that discussions and the lessons in the class helped to prepare them for achievement makes all of my hard work worthwhile.
I have always adored the giving nature of the internet industry. Educating students is one way to add to the internet community while getting a real effect on the lives of others.
Learning By Teaching
Among the best ways to genuinely know something is by teaching it to others. I’d be lying if I said that I did not learn quite a bit from the experience while my time at the classroom is dedicated to teaching website design.
Attempt to spell out the difference between absolute and relative positioning or the CSS box version to some other pupil, and I promise you will know the concept.   This understanding and the experience of explaining these concepts to students will also help you talk with clients.
Educating forces you to discover ways to explain concepts in a manner that others who do not have the advantage of your experience will grasp. (Image credit:)
Being able to communicate without being overly intimidating or technical, and in a manner that helps them to grasp the concepts enough to have the ability to make informed decisions about their company and their website, is a significant skill. The lessons you prepare and your discussions with students can and can equip you with these client interactions and also make you better at what you do.
Generating Business
Speaking of clients, I wouldn’t have anticipated this when I began teaching, but my moment at the classroom has led to several projects outside of the classroom. Pupils have passed to me along contributes since they couldn’t take care of the projects themselves with their degree of experience. The agency that I work for to bid on projects initiated by the associations they have joined has been encouraged by students.
Through the years, a number of individuals have asked me if I recognize that, by being a teacher, I am training professionals who take away work from me, will replace me or, in the very least. I have honestly never felt that way. I have always believed that there is more than enough work to go around. And, since my experience shows, being a teacher and making a positive impression on your students won’t just never lose you clients, but may actually create business for you and your agency.
How Do I Get Started?
This report has provided you a few points to consider as you consider if a teaching position is at the point in your career. How should you begin, if you’d love to explore this potential?
When I began telling others of my urge to talk more that I really do my opportunity came. A Web programmer who had taught at the university for several years known me and heard me one day. In a couple of weeks, I had been facing my first group of students.
While my experience might not be ordinary, there is a lesson in it. Spreading the word can open doors. Do not be shy to tell others know that you’d love to research this movement.
Other approaches are to get in touch with business facilities, colleges, and the local universities to find out if they have any gaps. At times, an opportunity that is remarkable turns out that.
If you would love to start smaller and can’t find an opening with an institution of you feel you are not yet ready for that degree or higher education, think about giving courses or workshops at a nearby library or maybe a private tutor.
Whatever course you choose to get started, think about what you could offer to students who are interested in knowing more. I assure you that the students won’t be the individuals who get something positive from the experience.
About The Author
Jeremy Girard was born with six toes on each foot. The added feet were eliminated before he was a year old, robbing him of any super-powers and finish his ……
January 9, 2014
The Challenges And Rewards Of Educating Web Layout
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