#bts bon voyage
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jkjmbtsarmy · 1 year ago
Can we talk about this very SUS Jikook moment from Bon Voyage Season 2 ep 2 please?
So the boys are playing Hide in Seek in the dark (aka with blindfolds and all that inside their first accommodation) to win money for spending on their first full day in Hawaii.
They have been split into three teams. A) Namjin B)Sope C)VMinKook
While trying to find our glorious leader, Namjoon, who keeps slipping by all of them, THIS ⤵️ (the SUS Jikook moment in question)
Happens (Ignore the crap quality from my cell phone)
🐥 -Touches Jungkook on his butt- “feels like Jungkook’s butt”
Feels like Jungkook’s butt!? Park Jimin please explain to me how you KNOW that’s Jungkook’s butt just by feeling/touching it?
Especially when this ⤵️
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Happened less than two minutes prior.
Jin was trying to maneuver and climb from where he was in the window to the bed and both Jungkook and Taehyung find him. Jungkook ends up putting his hands on Jin’s backside and goes “whose butt is this? Who are you?”
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always-is-always · 1 year ago
One of the things I have learned through watching Bon Voyage is that Kim Seokjin is freaking hilarious.
He's a big kid at heart. And, I love that about him.
It has made me appreciate that special energy that he brings to the table, so much more. 💜
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deathmentaal · 1 year ago
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BTS Bon Voyage in Malta ep.3
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jiinjiinjarra · 2 months ago
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BTS // Media // Weverse // [Behind Cut] Package // Bon Voyage S3 // Ep. 8 // 181107 // 2018
date: 2018-11-07
Cr. Weverse Media
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kanmom51 · 2 years ago
BTS Bon Voyage Masterlist
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BV S1E2 - JM looking after JK
BV S1E5 - JM driving JK crazy
BV S1E6 - did JM’s drawing in the sand make him a TKK cheerleader?
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BV S3 - a few Jikook moments
BV S3E3 - was there or wasn’t there a kiss?
BV S3E8 BEHIND - Jikook sus moment
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BV S4E1 BEHIND - when JM couldn’t stop looking at JK
BV S4E2 - JK gifting the snow to JM
BV S4E2 - JM’s puppy
BV S4E2 - sus Jikook footsies (?) moment
BV S4E2 - did JK slap Suga?
BV S4E4 - JM is not annoyed with JK
BV S4E5 - hot tub fun
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woodstockbtswriter · 2 years ago
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I remember I think that you said you enjoyed Bon Voyage season 4 the most in terms of enjoying the Taekook content. Why did you enjoy this season the most?
I like season four, but not for the Taekook content. I said that despite what people say, there is Taekook in BV4. You just have to be observant and look for it, and there's more than you think.
BV1 probably has the most unfilitered Taekook Content, BV4 has the most filtered (i.e. it's there but you have to look for it). So in order of filtered/unfiltered it goes like this for me...
BV1 - It felt like every part of the trip was stage managed within an inch of it's life, but we got quite a bit of TK content.
BV2 - Whilst staged/structure very heavily there were moments outside of this, particularly the boys playing music, shooting MVs, dancing and generally just having fun in the outdoor mall. Some TK content, mostly in the beginning and Helicopter ride.
BV3 - Aside from Ep. 4 (where we got TK in a room/double bed and being all homely), we got more content from Malta from photo drops and Redbull, where we see JK and Tae out and about without the rest of the group.
BV4 - edited to limit TK but if you really look you can still see it.
If I were to order my preference, I'd say my favourite to least is...
I really liked BV4 despite the TK editing by BH because it felt less stage managed and controlled by the managers than in previous seasons. BV1 & 2 felt like more expensive RUN BTS episodes. BV3 moved away from this, though it still had its moments and BV4 took this even further and was probably the pre-curser to 'In The Soop'.
And of course In the Soop (both seasons) feature Taekook a lot.
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justasopearchive · 2 years ago
Bon Voyage Sope is the best Sope, IMHO 😌
[he’s happy to get SUGA’s okay sign]
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passion4glory · 2 years ago
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always-is-always · 1 year ago
Bon Voyage....season 1
One of the things I want to do while the guys are away is watch original content that I have not seen. Thankfully, a website was shared on here last month that has a TON of it.
So beginning with Bon Voyage, I start my journey into content I haven't seen outside of people clipping and sharing in various ways, on SM and YouTube....
I just watched the first episode, and I am totally hooked. lol...
I love Norway and it is fun to see them there, in E1. (I was there the same year, just 6 weeks earlier.) Yeah. And, I was also listening to Cold Play at that time in my life, so it's cool when Hobi turns it on....
The best part is the end when they surprise Kook with a birthday cake and song, and then the infamous "who is going to kiss JK" moment... rock/paper/scissors.... Jimin holding his hand out....
It is going to be fun to watch all of it, from beginning to end. I'm grateful to the person who set up the website years ago, for ARMYs like me who don't have access to most of the original episodes and such.
With 17 months to go, I'll be quite occupied watching lots of stuff, and enjoying every moment. I'm probably going to learn a few things along the way, too.... 💜💜💜
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namchyoon · 2 months ago
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day 425/547 until joon returns cr. jung-koook
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jiinjiinjarra · 4 months ago
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BTS // Media // Weverse // [Behind Cut] Package // Bon Voyage S3 // Ep. 7 // 181031 // 2018
date: 2018-10-31
Cr. Weverse Media
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kimseokjinn · 10 months ago
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The fake maknae line
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yooboobies · 8 months ago
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just how fast the night changes.... :') | for @jung-koook
{bv4 cr. 0613data}
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mrs-monaghan · 2 months ago
Hey Shaz, how are you. I have been sad lately, and I was hoping you could cheer me up. Would it be too much to ask you to do a post on Hobi accidentally putting our favorite couple out there?
Listen. Not alot of people would put this moment on the list but its on the list for me. But mostly because this happens to me all the time! See anon, I am a laugher. I laugh ALOT, much like Jhope.
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Not too long ago my sister and her hubby were going at it over something and I was in the back seat just laughing my head off. Then day before yesterday a close friend of mine and her hubby had a silly back and forth and I was there having the time of my life. So when I saw this tweet by Busan baes just now I couldn't help but add it to the list because Jhope here 👆🏾 is me when a couple bickers near me. And I bet I'm not the only one who's experienced this. So yeah, to me Jhope's reaction to Jikook here goes on the list 1300%
But moving on, anon. Exhibit B
A popular moment we all know and love ☺
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I go more in depth about it here. The fact that Jhope didn't even notice his slip up thou 🤭🤭
Exhibit C.
Anon idk what in your life is making you sad but I'm hoping this small analysis of Jhope being a snitch, brings a smile to your face 😘 it sure brings a huge grin to mine 😂 its the way Jhope couldn't wait to tell Jimin what he had seen. Poor JK 🤣 Nah, I love that moment sm 🤭🤭
P.S -> that moment answers the age old question on who Jhope would pick if Jikook ever broke up 🤭🤭
Exhibit D
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I talk about it here. I remember some ot7s tried debunking this moment by saying that Jhope confuses Jimin and JK's names all the time, so this was just him doing that. While that explanation is valid, it doesn't apply here. When Jhope shouts "JK!" He actually turns around to look at JK. So yeah, he didn't make a mistake this time.
Exhibit E
Speaking of Jhope confusing their names. On this compilation is all members confusing Jikook with eo.
Ends at 3:50. You will notice the culprit is mostly Jhope. This part is my fav 😂😂
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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Its hilarious to me but its also really telling, anon. He is one of the reasons we know Jikook spend ALOT of time together.
Exhibit H
This compilation here shows Jhope being the Jikook president he is 😍
Among the things mentioned, is this moment where Jhope shouts "wifey" when JK carries Jimin
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Notice how he didn't say it when JK was carrying anyone else ☕
Exhibit I
I actually didn't know about this one, anon. It's new to me 🤭
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Its on this analysis here by "breakdown the kookmin" we all know that moment in rom coms where the couple goes to a pottery date and the man sits behind the woman, wraps his hands around hers and they mould the clay together. Now why on earth would Jhope tell JK to do that to Jimin? Eh? And like BTK asks, why can't he just do it himself? 😏😏 oh Hobi 🤭 tell us more, please 😂 tell us everything! ☕
Exhibit J
I don't really need to say much about this one do I?
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It's a popular Jhope outing Jikook moment. Basically Jimin was lagging behind and Jhope went to JK specifically -not any other member- to complain about Jimin being slow. You know, like how you can go to a boyfriend about their girl and vice versa?
Tweet with video here
Exhibit K
Is another common moment. We talk about this live a little bit here and talk about Jimin being a big eater here.
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Otherwise there is plenty of analyses videos on this live everywhere. e.g this one.
This is considered a Jihope moment but really its a Jikook one. Once you realise JK was in the room, what Jhope was doing to Jimin makes sense. This was a bestfriend teasing their other bestfriend about how they were gonna get some later 🤭🤭 tihihihihi.
LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST (he will continue to slip once they finish serving. Ha haa)
Exhibit L
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We talk about this moment here. Like I said, he could have used Jin or Suga as an example, but he used JK 🤷🏾‍♀️
Jikook is real. Have been boyfriends for a long while. So if in doubt, then pay attention to Jhope 😁😁 He's the closest to them which means once in a while he will slip up.
Thanks for the ask anon, I enjoyed doing it 😘 Hope you've cheered up and are feeling better 💛💜
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months ago
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Always Together
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