#persian classical music
theparanoid · 6 months
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Sote - Parallel Persia
(2019 album)
Youtube Playlist
[Electroacoustic, Persian Classical Music, Progressive Electronic, IDM, Drone]
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jdsoundbite · 2 years
The Core Is Getting Soft.19: Good Kit
The Core Is Getting Soft.19: Good Kit
It’s been a few years since I’ve done a post in this series about music production software. I’ve been more interested in learning to use a few pieces of recording hardware I’ve acquired from Overstayer in LA and studying Persian classical music of late. But – there are still some software tools that catch my ear from time to time. My favorite is from a relatively new software developer named KIT…
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ereyies · 2 months
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hi guys it’s me elaine.
pharoga. that’s it. that’s the whole post.
+ without effects and without red rope (totally not the punjab lasso hahaha *glances around nervously*)
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ilikeit-art · 2 years
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daughterofsarenrae · 22 days
There is an alternate universe where i pursued music as a career and got really into microtonal music
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khaleesiii88 · 8 months
و رو می‌شناسم ای شبگرد عاشق
تو با اسم شب من آشنایی
از اندوه تو و چشم تو پیداست
که از ایل و تبار عاشقایی
تو رو می‌شناسم ای سردرگریبون
غریبگی نکن با هق‌هق من
تن شکسته‌تو بسپار به دست
نوازش‌های دست عاشق من
I know you, you amorous nocturnal wanderer
You are familiar with my watchword
It is obvious from the sadness of your eyes
That you belong to the tribe of lovers
I know you, you crestfallen
Don't be a stranger to my sobbing
Trust your broken body
with the caress of my loving hand
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farewell-persephone · 8 months
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jirlz · 9 months
A little ..... obsessed? with composer, Kian Ravaei. "Family Photos is a musical collage of personally significant places from my childhood. The first movement, “At the Carnival,” takes inspiration from the whimsy and spectacle of my neighborhood carnival. “On the Tehran Tower,” the second movement, incorporates elements of Iranian classical music, inspired by my childhood trips to visit family in Tehran. The third and final movement, “In Arcadia,” represents not only my hometown in the suburbs of Los Angeles, but also the Arcadia of Ancient Greek mythology, a heaven on Earth." Like, literally every movement gets better than the last somehow?!??! In a totally different way?!?! And I don't even like classical music that much? ALSO UHM HELLO?? The Eastern influence in that second movement is SO GOOD .
And then I google him, and he's like, in college?? like WHAT? I am not gatekeeping this anymore
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mudwerks · 2 years
(via Afshari, Kamil Alipour (2000)
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willknightauthor · 2 years
Serious dearth of Persian music on here, or really just traditional or non-mainstream music from around the world generally. So welcome to the glories of pre-revolutionary Iranian psychadelia!
Tried exposing Twitter to real culture, but the losers didn't care. Hopefully Tumblr is full a more tasteful sort.
I'm saying if you don't like this, you're not cool and no-one will hang out with you. Take this as a warning.
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trashpandaqc · 8 months
recent listening
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theparanoid · 7 months
Saba Alizadeh - Scattered Memories
(2019, full album)
[Ambient, Electroacoustic, Persian Classical Music, Field Recordings, Drone]
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geminispiritnb · 1 year
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cavedwellermusic · 2 years
Ghazal - As Night Falls on the Silk Road (1998)
A stunning blend of North Indian and Persian classical music
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Following on the heals of its well-received 1997 album Lost Songs of the Silk Road, classical ensemble Ghazal’s monumental As Night Falls on the Silk Road was released the following year on the wide-reaching Shanachie label. Ghazal’s As Night Falls on the Silk Road made it easy, almost inescapable, for listeners in the West to cast off their misconceptions of the globe’s vast fund of musical meaning. The end of world music.
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Icy cool kittens
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How the frostheim boys would be like as cats
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Wc: 720
The fluffiest white Persian cat, he even came with his pedigree papers detailing his bloodline.
And as if he knew the fact he acts pompously too, specific about his wet food and how much you can touch him before he snaps and scratches you.
Fucker sleeps every hour of the day at the top of the cat tower, it's so hard to find him awake other than when he meows loudly at you to brush his hair
He will only meow when asking ordering something, be it the food you are eating, a door he wants open or for you to get Thoma off of his ‘throne’
If you want to cut his claws or do anything he would normally refuse to, for some reason classical music mellows him quite a bit.
Even if doesn't do it often when he screams at the kittens Luca and Kaito they stop everything immediately and keep quiet for about 10 whole minutes before causing a ruckus.
He was the meanest but prettiest street cat you had ever seen on the streets, a beautiful coat even if it was matted and dirty with dust and cut in some places with scars from previous fights. Luckily he allows you to pick him up and after a shower and brushing he looks perfectly dashing like a show cat like Jin
For some reason he bonds with him really fast!! Seeing how Jin refuses to put in the effort to groom himself, unless it's to bring you the brush so you groom him, Thoma quickly steps up to lick him every morning like a mommy cat would with her kitty.
He doesn't like touch beyond minimum care but catnip tea gets him so high off of his mind he allows himself to sprawl on your tummy and make biscuits on it.
He is much more involved in whipping the kitties in line, quite to swipe a paw at them if they stand on the counters or claw at the furniture. He might even grab them from the scruff and hiss at them.
A small cream Scottish fold with big eyes that don't have one single thought behind them.
He is the smallest of his bunch, when you rescued him from the alleyway his ribs were showing and his fur really matted and stiff. Luckily soon after you got him his appetite picked up and his weight became normal.
The cuddliest baby ever, whenever you sit down or lay down for any reason he is the quickest to rush to your lap or chest and starts purring up a storm. When you go to sleep please be careful to not kick him because he will be right next to your feet.
Every hour is zoomie hour dashing around the house, be it to burn energy or to run away from Luca who was attempting to play fight with him.
Another pedigree kitty, a beautiful British shorthair.
The man who gave him to you told him he has a habit of escaping to seek his littermate he was separated from too soon so be careful with your doors and windows.
Luckily enough his attempted escaping acts stops a few days after coming home and meeting Kaito he seems to have taken him as his missing brother and is stuck to him most of the day.
He seems to recognize his name and will go to you if you call him, but looks so sad if you call him ‘lucas’ rather than ‘luca’ for some reason, almost as if he was about to get scolded like a child. But at the end he is your child so it kind of fits.
When you open your eyes in the middle of the night he will be around your bed or door guarding you, fearful that you might get attacked at night and not be able to defend yourself, and sleep while you go to work/school and the others are wandering around.
He picks so many play fights with Kaito it isn't even funny, at first you even though he might be a bully! But, given how Thoma doesn't step up to break them up and how after getting hissed he relents, you think he might just have a whole lot of energy and decided to make that Kaito's problem.
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thediaryofaurora · 2 months
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General HCs
Bloody Painter/Helen Otis
This bad boy is LONNGG, I included a lot of his backstory in this. Writers block is beating my ass. 💔
- Twenty one!
- 6’1. When I say this dudes lanky, I mean LANKY. Slim and naturally toned, his main exercise comes from chasing or climbing stairs.
- Both of his parents are Korean, but he was raised in Pennsylvania.
- His parents struggled with getting pregnant, most ending is miscarriages. His mom was completely batshit, so when the pregnancy stuck she swore she had some divine intuition that made her believed he’d be a girl. She didn’t even bother having an ultrasound, so when he was born and she saw that he was a boy she thought him being a girl was some sort of prophecy she needed to fulfill.
- His whole life she had always told him he was meant to be a girl and he would be going against ‘God’s will’ if he didn’t follow through. He was always dressed in feminine clothing and had an extremely girly room. His mother didn’t put him in school until he was about thirteen, since she thought the kids would taint his mind and make him think he’s a boy.
- When he was put in school he got bullied RELENTLESSLY. His name, the way he dressed, everything. After meeting Tom he slowly started to realize that all the shit he grew up with wasn’t normal and his mom was psycho, so he started borrowing his clothes and changing in the school bathrooms so he could feel less weird. Once Tom admitted to planting Judy’s watch in Helen’s bag, they argued on the roof while getting slightly physical. Tom had slipped off the edge, but Helen managed to grab him. Of course, a middle schooler isn’t necessarily strong enough to hold another off a building without going down with them, so Tom let go to save Helen. Rumors spread that Helen had pushed him, but no one cared enough to investigate.
- After that school year was over he started to dress more androgynous/ masculine and ignored his mom’s pressure, which lead to her abusing him both physically and mentally. Eventually, with his ignored mental issues and the abuse he completely snapped, killing his mom and several of his bullies right before a Halloween party. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital that Slender ended up taking him from.
- VERY polite and proper. He’s pretty soft spoken and his grammar is like never flawed, big word user. 1000% the type of guy to kiss your hand as a greeting. The most he’ll do if he doesn’t like you is give you the silent treatment or a dirty look.
- Weird little detail, but his fingers and SLIM and LONG. His nails are neatly kept. He likes to pamper himself.
- He does botany in his free time! Any flower arrangements in the mansion and the gardens outside are his doing. There’s a few residents that he brings bouquets to every other week so they can have something nice. EJ, Sally, and Jane are his usual market. Also does flower pressing.
- Used to do ballet when he was about 4-7.
- Definitely the safest driver, but that makes him a pain as a get away driver. Always goes the exact speed limit and follows every possible law.
- Mainly listens to classical music. However, he does like Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, even a little bit of Queen.
- His room is SO nice and very big. Long sheer curtains, velvet & silk bedding, a grand piano, flowers, tall bookshelves, chairs, a large bed with a canopy, big windows, and lots of sculptures and framed paintings done by him. He’s really into elegant things and floral patterns. Has a mural on his ceiling!
- Hangs out with EJ, Liu, Puppeteer, and Jane. Rarely does he talk to any of the proxies or any creeps he’s not close with. Awfully reserved.
- Loves the fine arts. Painting, writing, music, sculpting, all that jazz. Occasionally does poetry! Him and Liu both like to write, so sometimes they’ll get together and talk about it. He mostly reads old classic books & poetry.
- Jane has taught him how to sew, although he doesn’t find much use for it.
- He has a white persian cat named Juliette in his room no one knows about other than his close friends. She never leaves the room, but she’s content; it has enough room to have lots of things just for her. He has a MASSIVE painting of her renaissance style by her bed. (He got her one of those fancy cat beds that look like a tiny rich person couch.) Pampers her to death.
- I know in his canon design he has that denim kinda jacket on with the pin, but in my HC he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that. Usually wears jeans and baggy button ups while he’s painting, but his day to day outfits are well put together. Rich person style in clothes — turtle necks, slacks, dress shoes, almost kind of dark academia.
- Super high standards in general, but especially when it comes to food. Fine dining for sure. Usually buys only enough ingredients for a serving just for him so he doesn’t have to leave them in the fridge. He doesn’t trust the other residents at ALL.
- This guy is ROLLING in it. He has so much loose cash from victims he can do whatever the hell he wants, big reason why his cat is living like royalty.
- Drinks at least one glass of wine a day. He has an entire rack in his room of old, fine wines. A lot of them are from Europe.
- For whatever reason, he’s an amazing masseuse.
- All of his candles and soaps are very high quality and expensive. He won’t settle for anything less.
- Can play the piano and the violin! He would kill to have a harpsichord, he might.
- He’s not big on history, but he could talk for hours about the titanic. He’s done paintings of it and has watched every possible documentary on it. Thinks the movie is a work of art.
I hope you all liked this! I love this fine man.
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