#Majid Derakhshani
geminispiritnb · 1 year
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rosariobellini · 2 years
ما را بس Majid Derakhshani Mahbanoo Ensemble Ma Ra Bas
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ceffelkalem · 4 years
Şehirler, göz göze gelmemek için kaçışıyorlar. Oysa sadece otobüs camından izledim olan biteni. Kalmak mı daha zor? diye soracakken, perdelerini örtmüş ev gibi kapandı tüm sokaklar.
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whileiamdying · 5 years
Majid Derakhshani (Persian: مجید درخشانی) (born 13 September 1956 in Sangesar, Iran) is an Iranian musician and composer.
He was born into a family of artists from the Iranian province Semnan, Sangesar. During his studies of string instruments and composition at the University of Tehran, the legendary Mohammad Reza Lotfi became his teacher.
Subsequent to his emigration to Germany he founded the Nawa Musikzentrum in Cologne; the primary and most active center for Persian classical music outside of Iran.[citation needed] In Iran Majid Derakhshani is deemed to be amongst the best on his instrument – the tar. Hence he carries the venerable title Ostad, denoting him as a master of his instrument. His virtuosity has been celebrated worldwide in festivals, concerts, radio and television productions. He Is now the best tar player in the world. He has composed for myriads of international musicians, such as the greatly renowned Iranian singer Mohammad Reza Shajarian (Album Dar Khial).
Majid’s declared ambition is to familiarize western culture with Iranian classical music. He views himself as an ambassador of these magnificently mystical melodies which themselves lead dynamic lives of their own where change is certain and compulsory. Thus, a novel musical style developed, that spices oriental music with European elements. The subliminal magic of his harmonies enthral unswervingly, enchanting people of all ages. Especially in a time replete with one-dimensional and superficial stimulation, this music may serve to enlighten us.
— Wikipedia
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thefreedomus · 3 years
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marcie001-blog · 4 years
Majid Derakhshani & Mahbanoo Ensemble - Jane Ashegh جان عاشق
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ما را بس Majid Derakhshani Mahbanoo Ensemble Ma Ra Bas
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mavibirbahce · 6 years
Majid Derakhshani & Mahbanoo Ensemble - Jane Ashegh جان عاشق
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aegean-okra · 9 years
A concert by renowned Iranian composer Majid Derakhshani, the Mah Ensemble and Mahdieh Mohammadkhani.
The composer and instrumentalist is known for his innovative approach to traditional Persian music. He leads the youthful Mah Ensemble in collaboration with the exceptionally gifted young female vocalist Mahdieh Mohammadkhani in a special concert tribute to all the female vocalists in Persian music, past and present.
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ferahfezamakami · 11 years
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attropin · 11 years
Majid Derakhshani & Mohammad Molla Aghaii - Tasnife Bidar Delan
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kedidirokedi · 12 years
Majid Derakhshani & Mohammad Molla Aghaii - Tasnife Bidar Delan
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Tasnif Khooshe Chin - Mahdieh Mohammad khani - Ostad Majid Derakhshani
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Tasnif Khooshe Chin - Mahdieh Mohammad khani - Ostad Majid Derakhshani
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Majid Derakhshani & Mahbanoo Ensemble - Jane Ashegh جان عاشق
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ceffelkalem · 8 years
öyle der babam, bizimki gönül yorgunluğu iner merdivenlerden, göğsüne tutunarak ekmek derdi diyorlar, dertlerin en güzeli hangi dağı kaldırsam, kabuk bağlıyor toprak
sahibi ölmüş eşyanın derin hürmetiyle geçiyor hevesler bir bir, günlerim dahası kağıda yazılmazmış eskiden mühim sözler kırk odaya sığmıyor şimdi, sandık odası
olduğundan büyük gösteren yaşlar gibiyim dağılıyor uykum, söz bile ağzımda yara kendi şerrinden, gölgesine sığınan çınar diyeceğini deyip, çekiliyor kenara
el örgüsü siyah ellik, saf çelikten bıçak soluksuz bırakıyor beni, camdaki buğu her şeyi biliyor, ateşi elinde tutan öyle der babam, bizimki gönül yorgunluğu
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