nathanarcher · 1 year
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Archer, Nathan. “Bond Save.” Tallahassee Democrat, February 19, 2023. https://on.tdo.com/2nUeq7o.
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ghostlybuddy · 1 year
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daily-ethoslab · 5 months
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[631] um actually!
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localcoffeeshop · 7 months
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BACK AGAIN with a variety art dump
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rebka18 · 2 years
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more dumb husbands being touchy feeling for no reason 
reigen does the most stupid ideas just to get to kiss his  teddy bear husband 
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buboloboogie · 1 month
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Oh arthur bennett, sucks that your party years were before 2006.... you would've loved LMAFO.....
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timdrake-yumm · 10 months
Dick: Damian just had his vision checked and he has better than 20/20 vision. I think he’s a witch.
Tim: Are you going to burn him at the stake?
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miwtual · 1 year
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NOAH SEBASTIAN performing “Dethrone” at Pointfest 2023 [src]
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offlinesequence · 3 months
if slenderman was hunting me i wouldnt even see him coming. i cant see shit.
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prompt-master · 2 years
Since Donnie doesn't actually need glasses to see but as a tot he wears them I like to think that he saw the Smart Guy Trope on TV and decided he NEEDED glasses or he would die
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moonshynecybin · 5 days
one xannie in the tub COLD glass of water. duck smoking gif…
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aster-fortuna · 1 month
anime harem show but instead of a man and his many wives/girlfriends its me and my pills
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willfullwanderer · 9 months
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how would ppl feel about $20 USD bust commissions like this. non simple shading and background elements being available at added cost
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jt1674 · 9 months
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thateclecticbitch · 2 months
Looked at the mirror today and had to double take today because holy shit. Like. That's a guy. Not a woman. Not a little boy. A guy. A whole man. He's young and he's fresh out of highschool and hes got a youthful demeanor about him and he's there. And I'm so proud of him :')
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hawnks · 9 months
praise kink activated at the eye doctors 😥
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