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stashandtell · 6 months ago
Nobody Asked For This: My Rankings of the Hermione x Weasley Ships with REASONS
I drafted this weeks ago and had set it aside with no clear plan to publish it. Then, after a stroke of 2 AM genius this morning, I wrote a piece called Ranking the Weasleys, (to be posted on 19 Sept 2024 in honor of Hermione's birthday) and it seemed like a great time to finalize this post and share it. Feel free to tell me your rankings in the comments, be it your list of the fittest Weasley as you find them or your ranked-list of pairings with Weasleys, whatever you fancy to share. Enjoy! - - - - I made a loooong post with recs for each of my top Hermione/Weasley ships that you can check out here. Read Ranking the Weasleys or see the related post where I talk about writing Ranking the Weasleys and I share just a few initial thoughts on the fetishization of war wounds in the fandom here. - - - - I've recently dove into the world of Hermione x Any-Of-The-Weasley-Brothers pairings, which is what happens when you're burnt out on the regular ships you read and looking for something more. Personally, I'm surprised I gravitate towards so many Hermione-focused pairings, especially het pairings, but that's just what I've been into lately. I hadn't considered pairings with her and any of the Weasleys until someone recommended Charmione fics in a thread for Theomione. Once I dug into the fandom's characterizations of the Weasley brood and had a better sense of who each of them were on their own, I found I really like many of these ships, some more than others. The rankings of my top-three rotate pretty regularly depending on the last great fic I've devoured. This is a snapshot of where things stand today but it could move around. Before we dive in, I've preview my rankings and the major themes of the pairings in the most popular fics shipping Hermione with a Weasley. 1. Bill: Wolf-ish Daddy 2. Fred: Uplifting, Fun, and Romantic 3. Charlie: Sexy and Rugged 4. George: Growing Through Grief 5. Percy: Acceptance of Self, Also Rules Daddy 6. Ginny: A Firecracker and a Friend 7. Ron: Angsty Best Friends-to-Lovers 8. Gideon or Fabian: Time Travel AU or Ghost Lover(s) 9. Arthur or Molly: I haven't read these ships so they're going in the bottom of the list. I'm not opposed to reading these pairings but there's already such a trove with all the brothers in my tbr list that I'm not sure I'll ever dive in. 10. Weasley Progeny: I haven't read any of these ships. I have not read many pairings that include anyone dating their friends' kid in the next generation. (Though I have read a small number of fics pairing characters like Hermione or Ginny with older characters like Kingsley or Sirius...shoutout to the older/younger Nottcissa ship.) 11. Aunt Murial: Technically she's a Prewett but I think I would be into a Murmione ship if we got there. So far nothing comes up on AO3. - - - - 1. Billmione: What I love about a Hermione x Bill dynamic is his position as oldest-sibling and caretaker. If the author has resolved the relationship with Fleur as one that has ended in divorce or death, that extra element of emotional tenderness really can push the story to complex depths. I also find it interesting to see how writers engage with Bill's hybrid/half-werewolf affliction. I'm hard-pressed to really fall in love with any Billmione fic where their relationship starts pre-Battle of Hogwarts, though I do get it. I personally enjoy stories that can be canon compliant so I want to see how the Fleur issue is handled. I also find that with such a significant age-gap for that developmental stage of teenager-dom, (not like Fleur was THAT much older than Hermione but still...), it's incredibly rewarding to see an older Hermione that brings some kind of life experience to the relationship so she can be more equal with Bill.
In some of the fics, especially a few of the multi-Weasley, reverse-harem style pieces I've finally started reading, Bill's older-brother position and wolfy streak create the core dynamic of the group.
I'm not the biggest fan of the multi-Weasley pairings with Hermione but what I loved most in the standout fics are the group dynamics and individual roles that come out. Hermione can be incredibly stubborn and independent on her own and it's always interesting when she's in opposition to Bill to see how the others in their relationship choose sides.
- - - - 2. Fremione: On it's face, I don't even know if I like this ship all that much but I keep finding myself suckered in. I suspect a big part of it is that it hits me in the sentimental feels. My inner-teen just loves a Hermione x Fred story that traces their young love to whatever conclusion the author brings it to. Even if they get together when they're older and Fred lives through the final battle, they both usually end up with a friends-to-lovers scenario that's full of light sweetness and sometimes romance.
There are some truly fantastic works in this ship and I go 50/50 on whether I prefer ones where Fred lives or not. Depends on my mood and the tone of the story I suppose. There are very few stories in this pairing that I haven't enjoyed and the element of pranking really can make shorter fics fun.
I REALLY enjoy past Hermione/Fred relationships being included in fics where she looks back on their love fondly while she navigates new relationships, sometimes with one of his brothers. Fred is often portrayed as a goof, which seems to encourage authors to consistently write a more engaging and dynamic version of Hermione instead of following some of the fanon's (beloved by me as well) personality tropes/traps of her being insecure, slow-to-assert-herself, angry-broken-or-both and etc. His character brings out some of her best qualities consistently across fics, imo.
- - - - 3. Charmione: I quickly realized when I started reading Charmione fanfics that I do not give a shit about dragons but deeply wish I did. It's a cool plot device and part of the world to hang out with but it's not for me. Tons of appreciation for writers who have thoughtful plot lines and research interesting medical maladies-- but it's hard to hold my interest. (A million kudos when a dragon-centered fic does though!) The Reserve is usually full of original characters, which is fine, but I find myself less invested in the story if we don't know much about these OCs to build out that world.
I often find in the dragon-reserve heavy pieces that I was getting part-way through were objectively GOOD multi-chapters but I kept stalling out in favor of reading something else. Usually whenever there's a Hermione that ends up at the dragon Reserve, she's characterized by her unyielding passions for creatures' rights, spurred on by house elf and werewolf activism. Those are interesting characterizations for her but they just don't keep my attention. That said, I have yet, to date DNF'd any Charmione work so clearly it's not a huge imposition. That said, Charmione is in the top third because there's so much that can be done with this character. I've read a number of fics where Charlie is ace (asexual, demisexual, etc.); where's he's inexperienced because he's married to his job; where he's "too free-spirited" and very experienced; where he's enthusiastically bisexual; where he's not interested in marriage; where he's pining over Tonks; and so much more. His sporadic attendance at family holidays and the ability for Hermione or others to visit him on the Reserve lends to great plot opportunities.
- - - - 4. Geormione: I haven't been around long enough to fully understand why Fremione is a more popular ship than Geormione, but here are some observations: - Fred is portrayed in the fandom as the more loveable, airy goof while George tends to be painted as the more serious and quiet of the two - Generally, in the canon, Fred speaks more than George, from what I've been seeing, as I notate up my secondhand copies of the books - Fred's death or, depending on the fic, brush-with-death, is ripe for the reimagining of his relationships and personality - According to internet gossip, Hermione with Fred were considered for pairing in the canon originally but it didn't suit the overall plans for the series. Source for this can not be verified but it's come up in multiple places. I believe this contributes to the numbers: Fremione has 2182 works and Geormione has 548 works on AO3, as I draft this. All that said, George is usually characterized as the quieter and possibly more serious twin. He might be more shy than the outgoing Fred. Post-war, he often mourns the loss of his twin brother, his best friend, and his sense of himself as part of the pair which can, frankly, be kind of a drag if a writer is looking for a pairing to write a hot romance about. (Not that people can't be sexy or have healthy sexual relationships while grieving!) However, when works take the journey to establish Hermione and George, it's often incredibly rewarding. It tends to feel like Fremione with the temperature turned down on the lightness and has the ability to go deeper into any darkness that needs to be explored. I do love a Geormione but there are statistically fewer works out there than some of the other pairings, thus it's earned it's spot mid-tier. - - - - 5. Permione: There's not much to say because there aren't that many longer fics with this pairing written and most times it's tied to a Hermione x Multi-Weasley scenario. This gets the 5th and some days I would rank it higher because there are worlds in which this is the actual correct pairing of all of the brothers, based on what we can surmise from the canon.
A swotty, uptight prefect-turned-Ministry drone with a regretful heart of gold, Percy's guilt over abandoning his family and Fred dying before him is well-matched for how many writers imagine Hermione's coping with the aftermath of the war. Hermione would have known him during some prime formative years and knows he'll date muggle-born or half-blood witches, a la Penelope Clearwater. It's easy to dismiss Percy as being "not fanciable" if you don't read this ship but some of the writers out there make a compelling case for him, particularly when they make a logical transition from his personal fastidiousness to him seeking to play with control and BDSM elements in his private affairs. I love a good Permione piece. He's often positioned as the conservative punching bag of the family and it's a thing of art when a writer makes us root hard for him.
- - - - 6. Herminny: I haven't much of anything in this pairing yet. Truthfully, I've been holding off on it because I'm sure I'll do a deep dive once I start. It shouldn't come as a surprise that I've read almost no Harmony works either. I love a F/F fic but tend to read in waves and I've been working my way through the Weasley brothers pairings (when I'm not refreshing for Nevmione and Theomione works.) If you have any excellent recs for Herminny or other pairings name, please drop me a line! The reason Herminny is above Romione is because I love many of the fanon characterizations of Ginny in all the other fics I've read, especially when she's mischievous, cheeky, in tune with her sexuality, and ready to take on her own adventures in the world. The ones I have read where she and Hermione have been together were lovely but most were very short fics in collections. - - - - 7. Romione: I read A LOT of Hermione-centered works and authors very often find a need to resolve the young romance with Ron or use him and their relationship as a catalyst that propels our heroine down a path into the arms of another man. I can honestly say that I have read ZERO Romione endgame fics to date, and that includes one shots AND drabbles (~100k words or less.) WILD, right?
I really enjoy angst and Ron is one of the punching bags most often leaned on by writers. One of these days, I'm going to go on a Romione bender as an offering of penance to his character for all of the times I rooted against him in every other fic.
- - - - 8. Lowest Tier: I have never read a Hermione x Molly nor an Hermione x Arthur fic, and while I'm not fundamentally opposed, I'd be flabbergasted to find either pairing beating Romione. I'd much sooner read an Arthur/Molly fic than one that ships either with Hermione because that's just where I'm at right now. I'm happy reading works that aren't smutty in any way but damn if some smut doesn't help along a work that really isn't capturing my interest. While I love when I see versions of Arthur and Molly who are loving friends and/or parental figures to Hermione, the angst-lover in me doesn't mind a solid bashing of either of them and it's hard to get that out of my head. As for the other possible pairs with Hermione and Gideon, Fabian, Murial, or the children of the other Weasleys, I'm just not well-read enough in any of those pairings to have an opinion. I literally only started reading Marauders-era works two weeks ago (and really ONLY well-known Wolfstar fics so far.) A Note About Fleur: One character who's excluded from this list is Fleur Weasley nee' Delacour. I've only read triad- or multi-Weasley fics that put Hermione with her and Bill. While I do love a Bill/Fleur/Hermione work, it seemed disingenuous to rank Fleurmione against the others with what little I've read. That and I'm so clearly jazzed about a Billmione where Bill's free-and-clear to be with whoever, that my ranking of Fleurmione would be heavily biased.
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jessiieb · 1 month ago
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I can't believe I managed to get this done as quickly as I did. I'll be excited to finally post it in Feb. now back to writing the main WIP.
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the-puffy-sleeves-of-lucius · 6 months ago
Possibly - Chapter 12 - Simply_Lovely_Reader - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
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permionics · 5 months ago
What do you know about Membrane ?
Membranes are everywhere, quietly working behind the scenes in many industries. But what exactly do they do? In simple terms, membranes are like selective filters. They let some things pass through while blocking others, making them perfect for tasks like filtration, separation, and purification.
Take water treatment, for example. Membrane solutions are used to remove contaminants from drinking water, ensuring it’s clean and safe. Reverse osmosis is a well-known membrane process that many households and industries rely on. But that’s just one use.
In the food and beverage industry, membranes help filter products like milk or fruit juice, giving you that clear, high-quality drink. They’re also critical in pharmaceuticals, where precise filtering ensures the purity of medicines.
Even industries dealing with wastewater rely on membranes to treat water before releasing it back into the environment. These systems are crucial for filtering out harmful pollutants, ensuring the water is safe and clean. By doing so, they play a huge role in protecting both people and the planet, helping to preserve natural resources and reduce environmental harm.
So, whether it’s making water drinkable, refining medicines, or producing clean food, membrane solutions are at the heart of these essential processes.
#membrane #solutions #permionics
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sugardonutslutholes · 9 months ago
Plese pleas wiil somones pla give me permion to cum ive ben edgeng foor hoursss an i fel like im goin insane!!! Pleasles ill do anythin i promise!!!!!! so please i fel like im gonna lose my mind! So sombody pls giv this sluty cumt permission to cum its brans out please!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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screechingyouthstrawberry · 4 years ago
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Am I only one who ships Hermione with all the Weasley siblings except for Ron?
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percydarling · 4 years ago
"Hermione had always got on fairly well with Percy - better, indeed, than any of the others."
-Goblet of Fire
Canon Percy Hermione friendship🤩🤩my beloved
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Reason why Permione is more likely than Fremione or whatever
(I LOVE ROMIONE but if we go like another Weasley brother besides Ron, Percy is more rational than Fred)
Billmione- I don't see it man why? Werewolf romance?
Charmione- Charlie is just Ron but *DRAGONS*
Fremione/Geormione-funny guy serious girl stereotype also Fremione is more popular because people like the name Fred.
Well those are my thoughts on it. If you guys ship it, good! Great I don't get you but great.
Romione rules though🥰
( what can I say? I love bickering couples)
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✨ Drabble : Tall, Dark and Sarcastic ✨
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Author : Sharing_a_room_with_an_open_fire
Prompt : Potions
Pairing : Hermione Granger / Pansy Parkinson
Rating : G
Words : 500
Summary: Both Hermione and Harry were obsessed with the Potions book of the mysterious Half-Blood Prince. Except in Hermione’s case, she wasn't crushing on whoever the person was. She had other reasons for her interest.
✨ READ ON AO3 ✨  
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dresupi · 4 years ago
Hanging holiday lights - Permione
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for @reptilianrenegade​ 212 words Rated T
It hadn’t been that difficult to procure the necessary permits so Hermione could hang her muggle fairy lights in their shared flat. In fact, his father had been so thrilled to be able to grant the request, that he’d practically gift-wrapped it before returning it to him.
As for himself, Percy thought the lights were garish. Too colourful and too bright. They almost hurt his eyes as Hermione plugged them into the wall to check the bulbs. Floating candle charms were more than sufficient.
But he kept his mouth shut tight because more than he loved order, he loved Hermione. And these made her smile in a way that he’d made it his life’s goal to see more often. And if he could achieve it by allowing her to glitz up their flat with as many tacky Muggle decorations as she wanted? A small price to pay.
Besides, the glow they cast when they were the only light in an otherwise dark room was especially interesting.
Especially when Hermione pulled him close and tugged off his jumper in a fit of passion.
He liked how the colours twinkled, illuminating her bare skin as she pulled him down on the floor in the middle of the living room.
He liked it a lot.
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darkangelofsorrow · 4 years ago
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Birthday pretty made for @mrsprobie 💕 Hermione/Percy
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notebooks-and-laptops · 6 years ago
Sleeping Arrangements head canons post-war
After the war Hermione, Ron and Harry are supposed to go back to their regular sleeping arrangements. The first night they all finally get to bed in the Burrow, Hermione is put in to sleep with Ginny and Harry and Ron are in Ron’s room. 
Hermione and Harry wake up in the middle of the night with Hermione sneaking in and laying down next to Harry.
all three of them realise pretty quickly that they sleep better together - it’s not necessarily a romantic thing. They just got so used to it while living in the tent that it’s honestly weird not to. And it works well when they suffer from nightmares because the people who understand best in the world are right there when they wake up, arm slung over someone's middle, head on someone's chest
they move into Grimmauld place together so they can all share one bedroom for sleeping - it’s the best solution that won’t make Mrs Weasley uncomfortable and it gives them a pet project to work on by fixing up the house
when Hermione eventually starts dating both Ron and Pansy (with Ron and Pansy slowly getting to know one another to see if anything is there or if they just both want to date Hermione), Pansy is at first incredibly jealous of the arrangement - she doesn’t get why Potter has to sleep in the same bed as her girlfriend when they’re not together. 
so of course, she ends up playing matchmaker and trying to get Draco with Harry. Which works except, of course, Harry doesn’t stop sleeping in the bed and now Draco is jealous too
Eventually, though, they have a sit down like adults and talk about it, and Draco and Pansy accept that while it’ s not like that between their respective partners, they still deserve to be able to do what helps them sleep the most
Pansy sleeps in the big bed on the regular - though she refuses to sleep next to Harry because ‘he hogs the covers’ and they tend to both be the ones who take the longest to fall asleep AND the ones most likely to bicker
Draco takes a while longer to join - him, Ron and Hermione all have to sort out their shit. But after apologises and getting to know one another (admittedly for Harry and Pansy’s sake) he gets a little more confident and sleeps in the bed between Harry and Ron
which of course leads to much teasing when Draco wakes up one-morning cuddling Ron like an octopus instead of Harry
it’s not conventional - but it doesn’t have to be. It works for them all, and they’re happy, so what else matters?
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stashandtell · 5 months ago
Some Recommendations for Fics That Influenced My Weasley-Ship Rankings
I ranked all my favorite Hermione/X Weasley Sibiling in my most recent post Nobody Asked For This: My Rankings of the Hermione x Weasley Ships with REASONS. Here are some recs to back my completely biased opinons. And now, you can read my fic, Ranking the Weasleys on AO3! - - - - As I sometimes mention on the internet, I keep a WILDLY long and fairly detailed spreadsheet of all the fanfics I've read. I've not been in the fandom long at all but due to life circumstances, I've had too much time on my hands since diving in and have allowed this special interest to wash over me and my whole life like the warm, scented water in the Prefects' giant bathtub. (I hit over 800 works read on my spreadsheet a few days ago and am going to do a numerical analysis and breakdown no one requested, so come back for the data if you're curious.) I've pulled some of my fave fics for my main Hermione x Weasley Sibling pairings -- though I have SO MANY MORE. All of these are mid-length to longfics (~30K-100k+ words, except for one) and are complete, unless noted. Normally I'd copy-and-paste the author's summary but since I'm going to be recommending many here-- I'll give you my 1-3 sentence take on the fic and encourage you to read the author's summary and tags. We're going in descending birth-order by sibling here to keep things tidy: Billmione: What's nuts to me about the Billmione ship is that I don't have a ton of fics I would enthusiastically recommend that explain why I love this pairing so much. I'm not a huge werewolf-ish fan, the age-gap isn't something that inspires my reading that much, and, to be completely honest, sometimes Bill is dry toast in a fic and replaceable with almost any other character. That said, for those of us who love a rare-pair, we feast on the scraps. We love the moments that fuel our headcanons and it's the cumulative experience of developing our own understanding of these characters that drives us into the arms of these fics more than anything. I had a difficult time pulling general recs for this ship, only because so few encapsulate what's I love about Hermione and Bill together (in my mind) in a singular work. I'll keep searching though and plug away at adding my 3 Billmione WIPs to offerings out there, to keep the flag flying. To be perfectly clear: These are GREAT fics I highly recommend. I just don't think of any one of them as the touchstone fic for my love of this pair (imo.) Still Strong by DietCokeofEvil, inspired by I Am Strong by floatsdelicately
Word Count: 38,780 / 19 Chapters
Summary: When Ron leaves Hermione without an explanation a month before their wedding, Bill returns the friendship and care she gave him when he and Fleur separated. They fall in love and build a life together.
My Comments: I read I Am Strong first and I have to say, I loved the two stories together. It's maybe even worth reading I Am Strong before Still Strong because that's how the publishing/inspiration-order goes.
Through the Ages by LadyBlack3
Word Count: 30,301 / 11 Chapters
Summary: Hermione and Bill team up to help research possible causes for a disease spreading through Charlie's dragon reserve and find themselves drawn to each other.
My Comments: This is a fun fic with a plot that keeps things moving. I love them coming together as full-fledged adults with their own lives.
I was torn on recommending Cairo Nights by GillianSteele instead of Through the Ages because they're both excellent examples of this ship, so I'll drop it here as an honorable mention if you're looking for more!
- - - - Charmione: There are SO MANY good Charmiones on my list but I need limits. I would say none of these are exactly emblematic of the typical well-loved Charmione fics, as they don't spend time on the Reserve-- but if you're looking for more recs, feel free to ask me on tumblr or leave a comment and I can happily suggest many more. Last Christmas by KittenShift17
Word Count: 17,079 / One Shot
Summary: Last Christmas, Hermione drunkenly snogged Charlie when she mistook him for Ron and shortly after she broke up with him. This Christmas, she's back at the Burrow and anxious to see Charlie again after thinking about him all year.
My Comments: This was one of the very first Charmione works I read and I recommend it to most my friends looking to get into the ship. As a hefty one-shot, it's a pretty satisfying fic with great Weasley banter and it's on my list of fics to re-read this winter when it's time to get cozy around the holidays. If you like this, check out I Saw Mummy (mind the tag) by Amebb42. Last Christmas is the shortest of all the fics I'm recommending.
Creature Comforts by neilstic
Word Count: 34,588 / 5 Chapters
Summary: Hermione and Charlie are both Hogwarts professors and are into each other. They are also good friends who get to do some fun time travel exploration thanks to the secrets of the castle.
My Comments: This fic is SO well written and snort-out-loud funny. I think of it often and it's not the typical Charmione fic, which is why I wanted to shout it out.
The Eventually Ever After Series by Huffleclaws19 deserves an appreciation post on its own and I HIGHLY recommend it of you're a fan of Charmione and Theomione. It's worth reading it in order. Merry Christmas to Me (the first in the series) is already on my Top-Tier List of all-time faves but the whole series arc is so, so good. Consider this a MOST honorable mention.
- - - - Permione: The Always Series by Simply_Lovely_Reader consists of two stories: Unlikely, which is Hermione's POV and Possibly, which is Percy's.
Word Count: Unlikely - 15,537 / 11 Chapters Possibly - 26,754 / 13 Chapters
Summary: Percy catches Hermione pleasuring herself to thoughts of him in his bed in the Burrow immediately before they start working together at the Ministry. Romance and pining occur.
My Comments: I was overjoyed to find that there was a Percy POV fic for this story but if you only pick one, read Unlikley, which is Hermione's POV.
Reflector by Calebski
Word Count: 39,692 / 7 Chapters
Summary: Hermione seeks Percy's help in finding career her path after the war they're both so changed by. He finds himself seeking her out as well as they develop a friendship and so much more.
My Comments: This author wrote one of my all-time top 3, won't-shut-up-about-my-love-for-it fics, Flourishing Devotion, a Nevmione canon re-write. I really dig their style (Venus Flytrap, another Nevmione is great too.) This Permione delivered.
- - - - Fremione: Fremione recommendations tend to fall in to a few buckets, which often overlap 1) Fred Lives 2) Fred Dies, per the canon 3) Canon rewrites of Fred & Hermione developing feelings during the Hogwarts years There are several WONDERFUL canon re-writes I'll include a few as honorable mentions.
Salve Amor by moonfairy13
Word Count: 31,974 / 20 Chapters
Summary: Hermione saves Fred's life with a bonding spell that can only be cast by someone who carries love for the person they're saving. She doesn't want Fred to know or feel tied to her so of course miscommunications and meddling ensue.
My Comments: The author, moonfairy13, has so many great fics worth checking out. What was great about this one is that the whole fic centers around the Fred Lives turning point.
I Can Love You Like That by LSU Sweetie
Word Count: 31,357 / 12 Chapters
Summary: Fred and Hermione are the last two single people in their friend group at the winter holidays. Hermione wants a relationship and is interested in Fred but has also started to get gifts from a secret admirer.
My Comments: I love a grown-up Fred and Hermione. LSUsweetie has some great works with different pairings and I particularly absolutely freaking loved Festive Fates. This is worth reading because the pairing is undisclosed, so you gotta read it to find out. Paraphrasing the author's summary: Hermione ends up pregnant after a night with a mystery man at New Year's Eve masquerade party right before she has to leave for a year-long work assignment. When she returns the following Christmas, she brings a baby with red hair to the Burrow and hopes to find answers.
Honorable Mentions, Canon Rewrites:
Don't You Know You've Got the Best of Me by raquains
Deal or No Deal by LetticeDouffet
Steel and Soft Smiles by TricksterGhost7 and its companion work, Little Glimpses
Oh So Many Years by fanfictionaries*
The Two Dropouts by tryingsss*
*Denotes a partial canon rewrite (aka ends early or starts later) - - - - Geormione: There were several great Geormione pieces I wanted to recommend but both of my recs relate to navigating Fred's death in very personal ways. That has tended to be the majority of what I've been reading in the Geormione space though there are other dimensions to this ship worth checking out. Like Fremione, there are some great canon-rewrites as well.
I have not started tackling the behemoth that is The Arithmancer by White_Squirrel yet or the rest of the series, though it's queued up as a reward once I finish some very longfics I'm working through... so I know I've read a lower % of the total completed fics on AO3 in the "Hermione Granger/George Weasley" relationship tag than Billmione, Charmione, and Fremione.
To Those Who Wait by Fictionallizzy
Word Count: 56,233 / 9 Chapters
Summary: After Fred's death, Hermione and George spend a forbidden night together which leads to much more than they both expected.
My Comments: In my ridiculous spreadsheet, I give a rating for my personal love of the story and another for the spice level. This is one that has 5/5 on both counts, the smut smuts 💋 and there's some juicy angst in there (my fave.)
In Case You Don't Life Forever by xLoveMx
Word Count: 24,724 / 12 Chapters
Summary: After the battle, Hermione and George are together and apart in their grief. She tries to prepare WWW to reopen and they finds she has to deal with Fred's ghost literally and metaphorically.
My Comments: I've read a few ghost!fred fics but I really loved this one. It was hard to select just one George-Falling-In-Love-While-Grieving fic and the extra dimension Fred's ghost added to this story made it stand out for a recommendation.
- - - - Multi-Weasley Pairings: In fics with multi-Weasley ships, they tend to fall into three buckets: 1) Siblings in competition 2) Love triangle or triad (v-shaped or triangle-shaped) 3) Reverse harems or multiple hookup partners I basically had to read through the majority of all the enticing completed long fics with ALL of the individual siblings I wanted to read paired with Hermione before I started reading multi-Weasley fics. BUT I'm glad I went there because there are some really interesting works that I enjoyed. Here's a fic rec for each bucket: 1) Siblings in Competition: Yours Til The Stars Fall From The Sky by Ronsboggart
Pairings: Fremione, Charmione
Word Count: 64,178 / 7 Chapters
Summary: Hermione and Fred are going to be together until a chance meeting at the World Quidditch Cups finds her and Charlie inexplicably drawn to each other.
My Comments: Mind the tags! This fic definitely has the underage warning on it, which I totally understand isn't everyone's thing. That said, the story of Fred and Hermione falling for each other despite the magnet-pull of Charlie really got me on board with reading Fremione works. Truthfully, I sort of didn't "get" the appeal of Fred until I read this story and for that I'm so grateful. I ended up loving the characterization of Fred and Hermione's love so much in this fic, it's definitely worth it imo.
Honorable Mention: Hot Girl Summer (shorter one-shot) by Anonymous 2) Love Triangle / Triad (V-Shaped): Hic Scunt Dracones by Amebb42 & ShadowAlt
Pairings: Billmione, Charmione
Word Count: 118,498 / 29 Chapters
Summary: On a curse-breaking expedition in a tropical paradise, Charlie, Bill, and Hermione find themselves working a case that puts them face to face with old magic. Both brothers find they care for the same woman and try to encourage her to choose between them.
My Comments: If you read my Ranking the Weasleys post, you know that I don't give a toss about dragons half the time and I REALLY loved the dragon storyline here. I sing the praises of Amebb42 in just a bit but ShadowAlt also has great stories. I enjoyed reading their author's notes in this too.
3) Reverse Harem: Where the Heart Is by Mother_of_Chaos
Pairings: Billmione, Charmione, Fremione, Geormione
Word Count: 40827 / 12 Chapters
Summary: Hermione, who has special abilities and works as an Unspeakable, receives a claiming werewolf bite while helping save a member of the Weasley family and becomes part of their pack.
My Comments: This work was recently completed this past August and was inspired by The Weasley Pack by Mrsmarauders02. Both are worth reading and center around werewolf and pack power. Mind the tags!
Reverse Harem Honorable Mention: Weasley Magic by Amebb42 I included only completed fics here but I have to shoutout the WIP that lives in head rent-free on a regular basis and that's Weasley Magic by Amebb42. This author has so many great works worth reading but this fic completely sold me on the Weasley reverse harem structure and inspired me to give other works a try. Plus, it's not based on a werewolf pack. Yes, the smut is smutty which is great fun, however, all of the characters are so well developed in this massive ensemble work. The Molly bashing-to-redemption is one of my favorite kinds of family angst and there are more relationships beyond Hermione + all of the Weasley siblings that adds delicious complexity to the story. Most importantly, the world mechanics, especially when it come to the Wizengamot, the inherited Weasley family magic itself, and Bill's new status is so, so interesting! I live for this fic . - - - - As For All The Other Hermione x Weasley Family Member Ships: You'll note from my post "Nobody Asked For This: My Rankings of the Hermione x Weasley Ships With REASONS" I don't consider myself well-read in ships with Hermione/Ginny or Hermione/Ron or some of the other family members, so no recommendations at this time. If you have recs, please share! I'd love to know what I'm missing out on or what your fave works are for different pairings.
Don't forget to check out the newest fic, Ranking the Weasleys on AO3!
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medicangels · 6 years ago
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Pansy Parkinson x Hermione Granger 
Witches in love
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permionics · 1 month ago
DIY Ultra-Clean Water Systems: Empowering Individuals to Take Control of Their Water Quality
Access to clean, safe drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet millions around the world still struggle with contaminated water sources. While large-scale water treatment systems are effective, they are often out of reach for individuals or small communities. This is where DIY ultra-clean water systems come into play, offering an affordable and accessible solution for producing high-quality water at home. These systems empower individuals to take control of their water supply, ensuring safety and peace of mind.
DIY ultra-clean water systems typically use a combination of filtration and purification methods, such as activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis (RO) units, UV sterilizers, and ceramic filters. These components can be easily assembled using readily available materials and kits, making them ideal for households, small communities, or even emergency situations. For example, a simple DIY system might include a sediment filter to remove large particles, an RO membrane to eliminate dissolved contaminants, and a UV light to kill bacteria and viruses. With a bit of research and effort, anyone can build a system tailored to their specific water quality needs, ensuring access to ultra-clean water without relying on expensive or complex infrastructure.
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notsissannis · 6 years ago
—The Last Fatal Hour
Percival Graves x Hermione Granger
One-shot: complete
Rated: General
World: pre-fbawtft
Read on [AO3] [FFN]
This is a belated birthday gift for  @cece2046 my September pal, my soulmate, my Dolphins porn pal. I know I’m late, but guess what, C?! I ain’t see nothing for me yet! 
He could point her out easily amidst the throng of New Yorkers. She had her long hair—way past her shoulders—down and free. She had wide, intelligent eyes, darting wildly as she drank her surroundings. She had no feathers on her, no pearls, no funny hat. Only jewellery she had on her was her long necklace with an hourglass pendant.
She was plain among the fancy women around her.
When her eyes finally landed on his, he tilted his hat in greeting and made his way to her. Her eyes looked so much brighter closer.
“I saw what you did to the poor gentleman there, ma’am,” he said, smiling when her cheeks flushed at being caught.
“I promise I didn’t do it for fun, robbing him, that is,” she said in a rush. She was English. “You see, I just arrived today and I don’t know anyone or anything about…” she looked around, her hand clasped around her pendant, “about… here.”
“Well then, I guess an introduction is in order.” He took off his glove and offered his hand. “Percival Graves, head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement of MACUSA.”
“Oh!” She seemed surprised. She stared at him, eyes narrowed and mouth pinched, as if she was trying to remember something. “Huh. I’m fairly certain I've never heard of you in my ti—back home, I mean!” She took his hand. “I’m Hermione Granger.”
He avoided another spell, clutching his bleeding side as he watched another auror caught it and burnt to crisp.
“We don’t need these kids, do we, Mr. Graves?” Grindelwald’s voice reverberated the night.
He laid on his stomach, leveling his breathing as he tried to figure out his location under the fog and smoke. He would die. He was dying, he knew. He could feel it in the way he could barely exhale, in the way he had to fight his shutting eyelids, in the way his feet blanketed with some sort of cool air.
But all the while, his mind drifted only to her.
Did she knew he was going to die tonight? Did she really had to leave? Did she left because she wanted this to happen?
He closed his eyes and all he saw was her. The way her rosy lips pulled up as she smiled, the creases it created as the smile turned into laughter. Also the very same creases smoothed over when she closed her eyes in bliss as he pleased her, worshipping the curves and scars and her.
He shook his head. He was duelling against the most vicious wizard of all time. He needed to focus. Focus. Focus.
“Focus!” He heard Hermione said to herself then followed by a smacking sound, most likely slapping her cheeks in frustration.
“Hermione?” Percival called, hearing the sound of papers and clinking metals before he reached her study. “What are you doing?”
She pulled her hair down, freeing the curls from the tight chignon. He liked it. The ladies been styling bob haircut these days. Seeing hers long, curly and untamed, was refreshing. Special. Her.
“Research, per usual,” she answered simply before she jumped in excitement. “A revolutionary piece!” Pride was obvious on her face. “How was your day?”
He walked toward her, wrapping his arm around her waist and caressing her red cheek, positively from a slap. “Not as life changing.”
She laughed, leaning into his touch and said, “Such a talker.”
Percival kissed her forehead. He appreciated the fact he could be his quiet self with her. She understood. It felt intimate, like they were bound by more than words. He eyed her study room from on top of her head.
Her table was messy with papers but he saw no sign of anything metal. The only metal thing was her hourglass necklace, glinting under the bluebell fire of hers.
“You’d do,” Grindelwald said, crouching down and pulling his head up by his hair. “Yeah, I could get used to this face.”
“Swell,” Percival spat sarcastically, ���Do we elope or should I send our wedding invitations to my colleagues?”
Grindelwald’s face lit with humor. Percival pulled his head down, freeing his hair from his grip. He tried to roll over but Grindelwald had bind his body still. He cursed himself, a sense of panic prickled his skin.
“It’s only you and me left, Mr. Graves,” the wizard sang.
Percival didn’t want to believe that. He strained his ears to listen for any movement but all he could hear was her voice. The clear enunciation of every syllabus as if she was talking to a child—clear and firm and loud, demanding the attention from everyone in the room. The moan, the whispers, the barely audible voice when she woke him up. “Percival,” she had said. Always Percival. Never Perce, nor Percy, nor any other funny nicknames. Percival. Clear and firm and her. Percival.
“Percival,” she called.
He turned to see her standing right at the front door. Her shoulders sagged, seemingly unsure and small yet her eyes were as brilliant, as resolved as he knew they were.
“Percival,” she said again. This time she sounded more sure. “I have to go.”
He put the letter from Madam President down. “What?”
The reflection of the beautiful sunset against her gold necklace caught his attention. He watched as she rolled the hourglass pendant in her small hand until it emitted a golden glow and blended together with the sunray.
“I have to go, Percival. I got it fixed. I’ve stayed here far longer than I should’ve!” Her voice rose, as if the volume would help him understood whatever her reasoning was.
“What are you talking about? What’s fixed? Why can’t you stay longer?” He pushed himself up, walking toward her to wrap his arm around her waist, to caress her cheek, to hold her so she wouldn’t be able to leave.
But she stepped back.
“I’m so sorry, Percival.”
In a blink, she was gone. Second blink, third, fourth, fifth… the space where she had stood was empty.
He ran his fingers through his hair, clearing his throat before he picked the letter up and reread his given mission again, trying to make out the words over his glassy eyes.
In a blink, he, too, was gone, leaving the house alone with their memories to capture the Dark Wizard.
He gave up on his senses and was sure he has gone insane. He didn’t want to think of her. Not now. Not ever. He hated her.
But he hated himself more; for still wanting and hoping, for falling. And the weight of the small jewellery box in his pocket suddenly felt heavier.
“Now,” Grindelwald said as he twirled his wand above his head. Percival watched in horror as he slowly took up his appearance and pointing his wand at him as a perfect carbon copy of Percival Grave. “Shall we begin”—his voice gradually gone deeper—”our revolution?”
“A revolutionary piece!”
“Avada Kedavra.”
There was a brief moment before the killing curse reached him when he actually saw her, smiling under their blanket after the first time they had spent the night together. And he heard her, whispering his name—barely audible and groggy from sleep, perfect and her.
But when the curse hit him, all he could see was the sunset behind her: her hand around her pendant, backing away from his touch. From him.
“I’m so sorry, Percival.”
He wasn’t sure if he could ever forgive her.
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screechingyouthstrawberry · 4 years ago
"Hermione had always got on fairly well with Percy - better, indeed, than any of the others."
-Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
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