#permanent cosmetics courses
What is Paramedical Tattooing?
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What is Paramedical Tattooing?
Paramedical tattooing, also known as medical or micropigmentation tattooing, is a specialized form of tattooing that aims to address various cosmetic and medical concerns. Unlike traditional tattoos, which are often for decorative purposes, paramedical tattooing is focused on restoring or enhancing physical features that may have been altered due to medical conditions, surgery, or trauma.
 Paramedical tattooing, post-surgery tattooing, or reconstructive tattooing are all terms used to describe tattoos created to help clients heal from experiences that may leave them with a changed physical appearance.
A relatively new approach to tattooing, it developed from permanent makeup techniques, but paramedical tattoo artists have taken this to the next level.
Creating realistic areola tattoos for people who have undergone mastectomies or gender-affirming surgeries, restoring skin pigment in scarred areas, or even camouflaging or even reconstruction of a belly button after surgery,  these paramedical tattoo artists help their clients to heal psychologically from physical procedures and can really help a person feel more whole again.
Common applications of paramedical tattooing:
Scar Camouflage:
Paramedical tattooing can be used to conceal scars resulting from surgeries,                   injuries, or medical procedures. The Paramedical tattoo artist carefully matches the pigments to the client's skin tone, helping the scar blend more seamlessly with the surrounding skin.
Areola Reconstruction:
Individuals who have undergone breast reconstruction surgery, particularly after mastectomy, may opt for paramedical tattooing to recreate the appearance of the areola and nipple. This can contribute to a more natural and aesthetically pleasing outcome.
Stretch Mark Camouflage: 
  Paramedical tattooing can be used to conceal stretch marks resulting from         pregnancy, sudden weight gain, puberty stage. The paramedical tattoo artist carefully      matches the pigments to the client's skin tone, helping the stretch mark blend more seamlessly with the surrounding skin making it less visible.                         
Vitiligo Coverage:
Paramedical tattooing is sometimes used to camouflage depigmented areas caused by conditions like vitiligo. Pigments are strategically applied to match the surrounding skin, providing a more uniform complexion.
SMP-Hair Loss Solutions:
For those experiencing hair loss due to conditions like alopecia or undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy, paramedical tattooing can simulate the appearance of hair follicles on the scalp, eyebrows, or eyelashes.
Cleft Lip Corrections:
Paramedical tattooing can be employed to improve the appearance of the lip line in individuals who have undergone cleft lip repair surgery.
Alopecia Treatment:
People with alopecia, an autoimmune condition causing hair loss, may opt for paramedical tattooing such as Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) or any permanent makeup procedure to create the illusion of eyebrows, eyeliner, or hair on the scalp.
Skin Conditions:
In some cases, paramedical tattooing is used to address skin conditions such as hypopigmentation (lack of skin color) or hyperpigmentation (excess skin color) by adding pigments to affected areas.
The process definitely has some differences. There are certain emotions that can arise when being a part of a moment that may have such a big impact on that person's life. Whether it be cancer, gender confirmation, auto-immune disorders, plastic surgery, there is a level of empathy and compassion you need to have when discussing these topics with your clients. Keeping the environment comfortable when your client may be feeling very vulnerable is extremely important.
The process consists of designing  hand-drawn on the client. Because we are restoring what may have once been on the body, we want it to form to them and feel natural- which may not always be something you can stencil on.  Another big difference is the skin being worked on, some skin will be more scarred, gone through radiation, or even cadaver skin. These will all respond differently while being tattooed. Each client brings a new unique (and welcomed) challenge to be worked with. 
The emotions right at the appointment, and even after, can be overwhelming!
We definitely see a fair amount of happy tears, and I'm one to easily end up joining them. From what clients tell us, getting to have a piece of them back, even though it is purely visual, means more than words can describe. We have had clients go from telling us  that they don't like looking at themselves after a shower, evolving to checking themselves out more than ever post restorative tattooing.
Restorative work can help bring closure to clients after going through various experiences. The mind is truly so powerful, seeing a part of your body look physically 'complete' as it once was, can really help healing mentally. It is a really beautiful experience to be a part of. We are always so grateful to be welcomed into someone's healing journey in this way.
Becoming a paramedical tattoo artist is more than just a career choice; it's a journey of compassion, creativity, and positive impact. With every stroke of ink, you have the power to transform lives, making this profession a canvas of both artistry and purpose. Embark on this unique journey and discover the ink and impact that await you in the world of paramedical tattooing.
For the entrepreneurial spirit, independence beckons. Operating your own business opens doors to a world of opportunities. Manage your schedule, nurture your artistic vision, and watch your client base grow, turning your passion into a flourishing venture.
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mastertattooinstitute · 8 months
Learn the skill of cosmetic tattooing at Master Tattoo Institute with our certified courses, gaining access to a world of popular services including lip blush, ombre, and microblading.
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madhulikaupadhyay · 1 year
Micro Pigmentation Training Courses in India
There are several micro pigmentation training courses available in India, offering comprehensive education and hands-on experience in the field of permanent makeup and scalp micro pigmentation.
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
Is it possible to punch someone in the face in a way that causes visible damage, but doesn't impair them much in the long term?
It's extremely possible.
Your face is, mostly, a lot of soft tissue positioned directly over bone. This means that blows to the face, even relatively minor ones, are likely to produce disproportionately nasty looking injuries, without inflicting any meaningful impairment.
The first two are bleeding. Either from splitting the skin open, or via bruising. When there is bruising, there's also going to be some swelling (because there's relatively few places for the blood to go), so the victim has extremely visible injuries, which will be painful, but are otherwise mostly cosmetic.
Of course, bleeding from the face will look incredibly bad, whether that's from the nose, a split lip, or from simply from the skin tearing during the punch, but, again, that's going to be mostly cosmetic.
Cuts in the mouth can be a bit worse, but again, this can result in symptoms that look much worse than they are. Normally, if you're coughing up blood, that's an extremely bad situation, however, if someone has punched you in the nose and started a bleed running back down your throat, or if you've bitten your tongue or cheek, you may be literally spitting up blood, without being in serious peril.
Cuts to the cheeks and lips can also be caused by your foe driving the soft tissue into your teeth. This can also result in injuries that have difficulty clotting. The actual blood loss isn't serious, but it can be annoying if you've gotten a gashed lip that refuses to stop leaking blood for hours. (I'm speaking from personal experience here.)
A broken nose is a bit more serious. Not because they're particularly dangerous, but because it's likely to permanently alter the angle of your nose. This will also result in a lot of blood making the injury look worse than it actually is. Again, you're not going to lose a meaningful amount of blood, but it'll look exceptionally bad.
While it's less likely to occur with a punch, cuts to the forehead, even relatively solid gashes, are another cases where it will look far worse than the injury is. Your forehead is one of the most heavily armored portions of your body, and cuts there are likely to cause a lot of visible bleeding, without resulting in a meaningful loss of blood. If your body works the way it's supposed to, bleeding from the forehead should get into your eyebrows and flow around your eye, without obscuring your vision. In practice, you absolutely can get blood in your eyes, depending on your facial structure. I can't really speak to that experience, though I'd be inclined to say it's probably not especially pleasant.
Now, a lot of facial injuries hurt. Your face has a lot of nerve endings, and those are quite happy to report to your brain, when something's just caused it harm. This is especially true of your lips and tongue, as you use those organs extensively to evaluate the safety of the food you consume (even if you don't think about it.) (Chewing off a portion of my own lip to get the bleeding to stop still ranks as one of the most unpleasant bits of field care I've every experienced, and I strongly recommend not seeking out that experience.) So, this isn't without any impairment whatsoever, but in general, these aren't going to be life altering injuries, or even wounds that require weeks to fully recover from. Facial injuries are singularly unpleasant, but they are rarely serious. (Unless we're talking about damage to the eyes, or broken bones. Both of which are unlikely outcomes from punches.)
In a somewhat perverse way, blows to the face is ideal for inflicting injuries that look far worse than they actually are.
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hbyrde36 · 3 months
No Vacancy
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Chapter 11: Private Party
WC: 6366 | R: Explicit | CH: 11/12 | AO3 | Now Complete!
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10
“Huh,” Eddie huffed, flopping down onto Chrissy’s neatly made bed. It jostled the carefully arranged mountain of pillows that were stacked up against the headboard, sending several of them tumbling to the floor. Why did girls always have so many goddamn pillows?
“So that’s why you never let me come in here before. You do live in a two bedroom!”
Chrissy bent to retrieve her fallen children and put them back in their proper place, except for the last, a bright pink fuzzy number with a cross-stitched peace sign on its front that she wacked him in the back of the head with. “I thought we’d moved past this. Haven't I apologized enough for the whole setup thing?”
He stuck out his bottom lip, arms crossed over his chest. “Will the lies never cease, Christine? I feel robbed! You and Robin were never sharing a bed?!”
“We are now and that’s what matters, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie waved a hand through the air. “But where’s the pining for the person lying right next to you night after night?! Where’s the lovesick staring at the other person’s face while they sleep and wishing you could just tell them how you feel?! Where’s the drama?!”
“I think we've had more than enough of that around here—for life. Maybe now it’s time for us all to just be happy.”
“Happy…” Eddie repeated with a sigh. 
He hadn’t meant for it to come off so melancholy. He was happy—really and truly.
It’d been a month of pure bliss since he and Steve returned from Hawkins together hand-in-hand. Since all four of them had come back together with apologies, and made up. 
The weeks had been full of passionate nights, and sometimes mornings when he and Steve were both too tired to do much more than cuddle once he came home from the bar—punctuated by lazy afternoons by the motel pool, and double dinner dates with the girls whenever Eddie’s work schedule would allow for it.
But just there, in the background, in the dark corner of Eddie’s mind was this great big looming thing.
“Uh oh. Is the honeymoon phase over already? Did Steve finally realize all your flaws are actually annoying, and not cute quirks?”
“No! Of course not. And I resent the implication that my many eccentricities are anything less than adorable.”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “Something’s bothering you. What’s wrong?”
Eddie hesitated. He was pretty sure it wasn’t a secret or anything, but it didn’t escape his notice that Steve hadn’t brought up the subject of his impending new job placement even once since their little talk.
“Nothing is wrong, exactly. It’s just… did you know Steve is staying here—or like, moving here—permanently, when the summer is over?”
“Robin mentioned he was thinking about taking a job at the elementary school, but I didn't know he’d decided.”
“Well, he has, and he wants me to think about staying too.”
Chrissy, who had turned away to rifle through the cosmetics bag sitting open on her dresser, froze, the tip of her mascara wand hovering just above her lashes. 
“And are you?” She asked after a beat, resuming her makeup routine. “Uh… thinking about it, I mean?” 
“Am I—” Eddie grunted, slapping his hand down on the bed. “It's literally the only thing I've been able to think about for weeks!”
“Weeks!” She screeched. “Wait, when did this happen?”
“The day we drove back.”
She gaped at him through the small mirror of her blush compact. “And you’re just telling me this now?!”
He shrugged. “I’ve been a little busy.”
“Eddie,” She sighed, snapping the compact shut and spinning on her heel to face him. 
“So, what are your thoughts?”
While he knew she asked out of curiosity and concern for him and Steve and the implications for their future together, she was asking for herself too. 
She’d often made comments over the years, during their all too brief phone calls and in letters, about them living near each other again one day, either in the same town like they did as kids growing up in Hawkins, or better yet, in side-by-side homes or at the end of the same cul-de-sac. 
But those kinds of picket fence dreams were never Eddie’s style, or so he’d always told himself.
“I think…” Eddie stared down at his own hands now resting in his lap, nervously spinning his chunky rings around and around. 
“Me and Steve, I think we’ve done this whole thing out of order. We’ve been living together essentially, since before we were a couple—before we were even friends really. Then we both said I love you within the first few weeks, and now considering permanent for-real moving? Moving towns, moving in together—on purpose this time? That’s huge! I mean, all that’s left after that is to get married, and grow old together, and die, and—” 
Suddenly Eddie felt like he couldn’t get a full breath, what little air he did manage to take into his lungs doing nothing to ease the burning in his chest. His heart raced wildly, and he swallowed hard, tilting wide terrified eyes up to look at Chrissy. 
“Oh god, do you think he wants to get married someday? I don’t know if I’m built for—“
“Ooookay, babe. Let’s just calm down for a second here.” Chrissy sank down onto the bed beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into her side—resting her cheek on the top of his head. 
“For one—honey, gay marriage isn’t even legal.”
Oh right. 
Her words should have filled him with relief, and they did, but to his surprise, just as equal was the feeling of disappointment brought on by the reminder. 
“And for two—” Chrissy went on. “It doesn’t have to be all that. You can always have your own rooms, if say, you decide you want to stay here but you need to slow things down with Steve, or just want some space.”
“No—” He was shaking his head before she’d even finished. “No, I don't want to go backwards. I–I love having him right there. I love his face being the last thing I see before I go to sleep, and the first I see in the morning even though that means waking up at an ungodly hour. It’s totally worth it for his goodbye kiss. I love his sweetness, his gentleness, and the sound of his voice. The soft little smile he gives me when he’s half asleep and I crawl into bed at the end of the night, like I'm his favorite thing in the whole fucking world.”
Eddie took a big breath, he could wax poetic on everything he loved about Steve for hours if she’d let him, but what it really boiled down to was one simple fact. 
“I just love him, Chris.”
Chrissy sniffled, leaning away from him to wipe carefully at her eyes with the edge of her sleeve. “Sorry. I just never thought I'd hear you talk about someone that way.”
Eddie sat up too, shaking his head at himself. “Yeah, me either.”
“So, what's holding you back?”
“Honestly? I wanted to say yes right then and there, the second he told me. The second I recovered from the shock, anyway. But he looked so nervous about it, and scared, and we’d just put things back together again, and—and so I’ve been doing what he asked.”
Eddie leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. 
“I really don’t want to mess this up, and I know I don’t have a lot of experience with this stuff, but I can't help feeling like it’s too soon, like we’re going too fast. What if it fizzles out, and a year from now we can’t stand the sight of each other?” 
She snorted. “Highly unlikely.”
“How do you figure?”
“I think at this point you can admit that you’ve had a crush on Steve since high school, maybe even middle school. That’s a long time to carry a torch for someone. If it’s lasted this long, I’d say those feelings are here to stay.” 
Eddie pushed himself to his feet, resisting the urge to stomp like a petulant child. “Jesus H. Christ. First Uncle Wayne, and now you?! I’m never gonna live that down.”
“Who’s had a crush on who since high school?” Robin's voice filtered in from the other room, just before she appeared in Chrissy's doorway.
“You didn’t tell me she was here.” Eddie scowled at Chrissy before swinging his gaze back around to settle on Robin. 
They may have made nice since he fixed things with Steve, and Eddie did love the shit out of her, but he and Robin’s relationship was akin to that of a slightly antagonistic brother and sister, and he lived for the bit. “Don’t you have a job you should be doing, Buckley?”
Robin cocked her hip, leaning it against the door frame as she crossed her arms, giving him very pointed eye contact. “Don’t you, Munson?” 
Frowning, Eddie glanced at his watch. He had a decent amount of time left before he had to be at the bar to start setting up for Chrissy’s surprise party later, but he still needed to go back upstairs to change, and to get a different little surprise ready for the other love of his life.
“So, you’ve had it bad for Steve since high school too?” Robin said when he didn't hit her with a comeback. “Jeez you two really are perfect for each other.”
Eddie began to roll his eyes but stopped mid-motion as he processed all of what she’d just said. “Wait… too?”
“Oh,” Robin’s eyebrows flew up. “He didn’t tell you?”
“No.” Eddie took a slow step towards her with narrowed eyes.
“Right!” Robin straightened abruptly, hooking a thumb over her shoulder as she started slowly backing away. “So, I’d better get back to the desk. I was just stopping in to say hi and, uh, grab my lunch… I left it on the counter.”
“Robin,” Eddie growled after her, “get back here and explain yourself!” 
“I'll see you tonight!” She shouted back, followed immediately by the slamming of a door.
Eddie sighed, looking back to see Chrissy with both hands covering her mouth, practically in tears with silent laughter. 
“I guess I'd better go too, don’t want to be late for work.” Eddie grumbled.
“Sure, Eds,” Chrissy said, eyes still sparkling. “I’ll see you later.”
As far as she knew it was going to be a night like any other. Steve was off the next day, so once the motel office closed for the night, he, Robin, and Chrissy would come to Tide’s to hang out where Eddie could join in from behind the bar whenever he wasn’t busy with customers. 
It being a week out from her actual birthday, she didn't suspect a thing.
Eddie had talked to his boss, and Dan agreed to close the bar to the public from ten p.m. on for a private event so they could celebrate his best friend with the fanfare she deserved. The older man also offered to handle the guest list, aware that Eddie and his friends didn’t know many of the locals yet, and promised to keep it to those he knew to be allies or members of the queer community themselves, so everyone could feel comfortable being themselves for the night without fear of judgment.
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As the clock ticked down to party time, Eddie couldn’t stop watching the door, his eyes searching for Chrissy’s blonde ponytail, or Steve’s familiar swoop of chestnut hair, any sign that his three best friends had arrived. They’d put up the private party sign an hour ago, and slowly began to clear the bar of any straggling tourists while the weekend bouncer, Manny, sat out front on a stool, ensuring no one uninvited got inside.
At ten o’clock on the dot they finally arrived, and for a moment all Eddie could do was stare.
Weather due to the heat, which had hit another level as July turned to August, or as a personal assault on Eddie’s sanity, Steve had forgone his usual polo shirts and button ups in favor of an old Madonna tour t-shirt that he’d cut into a crop top, showing off even more tanned skin to its best advantage against the crisp white of the fabric. 
It was an effort, but Eddie forced himself to look away and jump into action, ducking under the bar to rush over and greet his people.
He pressed a quick kiss hello to Steve’s cheek but didn’t let himself linger, going right for his best girl straight after, scooping her up into a tight hug and spinning her around. 
Chrissy threw her head back, squealing with delight as her feet lifted off the ground. 
“Happy Birthday, Chris,” Eddie said as he finally set her down, pressing lips to the top of her head. 
Her eyes darted all around the bar, taking in the small crowd, the rotating lights, the decorations, balloons, and finally the big hand painted banner strung up above the bar. 
“This is all for me?” She asked.
Eddie grinned, throwing an arm over her shoulder as he turned to address their fellow revelers.
“Excuse me everyone!” He shouted, waiting for the music to be turned down before continuing. “I want to thank you all for being here, and Dan especially for helping put this all together. I’d like to introduce you all to the birthday girl!” 
Hearty applause broke out across the room, as well as shouts of, “Happy Birthday!” And even a few good natured wolf whistles when Chrissy leaned away from Eddie to steal a kiss from her girlfriend.
“Were you in on this too?” Chrissy shouted to Robin over the cacophony.
Robin nodded, “I take no credit though. I might have known about it, but Eddie did all the work.”
Before Eddie could correct the record and explain again that he really owed it all to Dan, the man himself was striding up to them.
“Evening, girls, Steve.” Dan greeted them warmly. 
Steve, and the girls to a lesser extent, had been spending more and more time at the bar lately, and had all quickly become friendly with Eddie’s boss.
“And a very happy birthday to you,” the older man continued, inclining his head at Chrissy. “If you’d like, I thought I could take you and Robin around and introduce you to some of your guests?” 
The girls agreed, promising to meet back up with Steve and Eddie a little later, before rushing off to mingle.
With a palm pressed to his lower back, Eddie led Steve over to the bar. Not that he actually needed the guiding hand, but Eddie was gonna go nuts if he didn’t get to touch Steve soon, and it was one of the few ways he could do that while still maintaining some semblance of decorum.
Steve slid into his usual barstool down the end by the corner, furthest from the speakers so they could actually carry on a conversation, pouting when Eddie let him go to sneak back behind the bar.
“I thought you’d be on this side of the bar tonight.”
“Trust me, sweetheart, with you dressed like that?” Eddie drummed his fingers along the bartop. “Keeping this wood between us is the only way I'll be able to keep my hands to myself.”
“Who said you had to keep your hands to yourself?”
“Steven,” Eddie warned.
“I thought this was a safe space tonight.”
“Yes love, but I don’t think Dan would appreciate it if I dropped to my knees for you in the middle of the dance floor.”
Steve sagged in his seat, letting out an over dramatic sigh. “Okay, fine.”
Eddie chuckled. Sometimes he wasn’t sure who was rubbing off on who more.
They chatted a little about Steve’s day on the beach while Eddie put together their drinks. The usual for Steve, Jack and Coke with lime, no ice, and a tequila on the rocks for himself. Apparently, the jellyfish were out in full force and it sounded like Steve had spent half his day treating burns with vinegar.
“So, Robin said something interesting earlier today,” Eddie said after a while, when Steve was finished with his stories, and he was pouring out their second round of drinks for the night.
“Oh yeah?” 
Eddie opened his mouth to elaborate but quickly snapped it shut as his boss appeared at Steve’s side—alone.
“Abandoning our girls already, Dan?” Steve asked.
The older man huffed a laugh. “I was just getting in the way anyhow. Introduced them to Tracey and her partner Pat, and the four of them seem to be hitting it off. Figured I’d leave them to make friends. Tracey’s the manager over at Ocean First bank y’know.”
Eddie smiled widely as he met Steve’s eyes, and he knew they had to be thinking the same thing. Not to get ahead of themselves, but if Chrissy and Robin got in good with someone from the bank, it could make all the difference in the motel’s future. 
“That’s, uh, a good friend to have,” Steve commented.
“You aint kiddin’!” Dan clapped Steve on the shoulder, his eyes scanning the room. 
Suddenly he perked up, saying to himself “Oh, there he is,” and began to wave someone over.
Eddie followed his line of sight to the door and nearly choked on his own spit.
He felt all the blood drain from his face as another man approached, a younger man who looked to be about their age—a very attractive man who looked eerily similar to the one Eddie had seen from his hiding spot, kissing Steve goodbye on the fateful night that had changed the course of his life forever. 
Eddie reached over, curling a possessive hand over Steve's where it rested on the bar. He held his breath, waiting for Steve’s reaction, but he was oblivious, looking down and taking a sip of his drink.
“Boys, this is my son, Danny.”
Steve's head snapped up at the name, looking horrified as his eyes landed directly on the newcomer.
“This is Eddie,” Dan continued his introductions, completely unaware of the sudden tension in the air. “My best bartender—though if you let slip to Brenda I said that I’ll deny everything. And this is—
Danny smiled, flashing a set of perfectly straight white teeth. “Lifeguard Steve.” 
Eddie hated him.
“Oh! I see you two already know each other.” Dan chuckled, giving a little shake of his head. “Well, that’s a small town for ya! Anyway, I gotta go check on a few things so I'll leave you three to chat.” 
Eddie watched the man walk away, wondering if it would be weird to ask him to stay, and when he turned back found that Steve wasn’t looking at Danny anymore, his wide worried eyes were now trained squarely on Eddie's face, hand tensing under his hold.
And whatever feelings of jealousy Eddie might have felt were gone in an instant, replaced with the need to prove to Steve, as well as himself, that he could handle this without doing any number of stupid things to ruin what they had.
He squeezed Steve's hand once firmly before letting go, leaning out to offer it to Danny, who took it with a raised eyebrow. 
“Good to meet you, your dad tells me nothing but good things,” Eddie said, keeping his voice calm and even as they shook.
Danny tilted his head. “Ditto.” 
Eddie cleared his throat, resisting the urge to wipe his hand on his pants when they separated. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Sure. Just a coke though, I’m driving tonight.” 
As he poured the soda Eddie could feel the man’s heavy gaze lingering on his face, scrutinizing him. He set the full cup down but Danny didn’t take it, instead resting his chin in his hand as he looked thoughtfully between the two of them.
Eddie topped off his tequila, and braced himself.
“So, Steve,” Danny said, addressing Steve directly for the first time. “Is this the guy?”
Steve's face, which had already been flushed and radiating discomfort, burned a bright cherry red at the question, but he didn’t shy away. He shot off a soft shy smile at Eddie as he answered. “Yeah.”
Eddie’s mouth fell open, and he nearly dropped the glass he was holding. “You told him about me?!”
“Good,” Danny said, ignoring Eddie’s outburst, holding back a laugh as he finally took a sip of his coke. “I’m really happy for you, Steve.” 
It sounded sincere enough that Eddie might have relaxed, but then the man’s gaze was swinging his way. 
“And you—I hope you know how lucky you are.”
Eddie swallowed hard, nodding absently, too stunned and confused to form any kind of verbal response.
“Well,” Danny stood abruptly, leaving his barely touched soda to sweat on the lacquered wood top. “It was nice to finally meet you, Eddie, but I think I'll get out of your hair. I should probably go see if my dad needs help with anything anyway. And it was good to see you again, Steve. I’m glad things worked out.” 
There was a beat of tense silence between them as Danny left, but as soon as he was out of earshot, Steve was falling all over himself to apologize.
“Oh my god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I had no idea he was–” 
Eddie couldn’t help cutting him off, saying again, “You told him about me? On your date?”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you! I… Eddie, you have to know. You have to know the only reason I even agreed to the date with him was to get over you, and he could tell I was distracted.”
“I know we never really talked about that night, um–”
Eddie reached out, once again covering Steve’s hand with his own. “Listen, baby, I'm not upset at you, okay? I’m not gonna freak out, or run away again, or any of that, I promise you. But I don’t think I need to hear the details.”
“No, Eddie. It’s not—” Steve shook his head. “That's what I'm trying to tell you. Nothing happened. Well, um, very little happened.” 
“It’s fine, Steve. I was being an idiot then, and we weren’t—us. Whatever you did before we were together is none of my business.”
“But I couldn’t do it!” Steve blurted out.
“We were—” Steve dropped his voice down so low that Eddie had to lean in close. “We were about to, and—”
“No, stop. I don't need to hear–” Eddie pulled back suddenly, waving his hands, only to immediately lean right back in, his chin practically resting on the bar, eyes level with Steve’s. “Okay, no. I mean, yes—no. Fine! Just tell me. It can’t be worse than whatever I'm imagining.”
“Oh my god, '' Steve groaned, burying his head in his hands for a second before looking up again, peeking at Eddie between the gaps of his fingers. “Not to put too fine a point on it, but he was two fingers deep in my ass and all I could think about was how much I wanted it to be you. So I told him I needed to stop.”
“Baby,” Eddie breathed. So many emotions coloring the single word.
It was so—sweet. And yes, admittedly, relieving in a way, though he’d had no claim to Steve at the time. 
Okay, so Eddie was a fucking caveman, a jealous animal—so sue him! 
But somehow, above all the rest, it was so incredibly fucking hot to learn that his baby, his needy boy had wanted him—and only him—so badly that he’d stopped practically mid-fuck with someone else.
Eddie’s breath picked up, and he knew his eyes had gone dark and heavy lidded, his hands balled into fists so tight his knuckles were turning white.
“Fuck,” Steve cursed, drawn out and breathy, his tongue darting out to lick across his bottom lip, leaving it wet and shining in the party lights. “Eddie, you can’t look at me like that, not when there’s hours till we’ll be home where we can do something about it.” 
Eddie’s eyes remained fixed on Steve as he shouted from the corner of his mouth to his coworker. “Hey Dawn, I’m gonna step out for a smoke, you good?”
He wasn’t even technically on the clock right now, they could manage without him for a while. 
“Yep!” The girl replied without even turning around.
Eddie untied his apron, only breaking eye contact to duck under the bar. He took Steve’s hand, lacing their fingers together as he pulled him along towards the kitchen.  
“Where are we going?” Steve whisper-shouted from behind, barely audible over the music.
Eddie stopped just short of the swinging double doors, pulling Steve in by a belt loop to speak in his ear. “Somewhere we can do something about it.”
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This late into the evening the kitchen was closed and empty of staff. The big overhead fluorescents had been shut off and every surface scrubbed to within an inch of its life, clean and gleaming in the soft glow of the emergency lights and the red exit sign on the back door.
Eddie continued to lead the way, past the prep tables and behind the line, all the way to the very back and through a heavy insulated door. 
He tried to feel bad about how unhygienic it was to do what he hoped they were about to do in here, but in his defense the food was all wrapped up or in air-tight secure containers. Also bleach existed, and Eddie was more than happy to clean up after himself.
Besides, It wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen in a restaurant walk-in.
It was a frenzy from the moment the door banged shut behind them. Eddie twisted his hand into the front of Steve’s shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. Their mouths connected, all tongues and teeth and hot steamy breath mingling in the frigid air. Steve’s fingers pushed into Eddie's curls, scratching at his scalp, tugging at the root, while Eddie's hands found their way to that slutty little bare strip of tummy that his boyfriend had insisted on teasing him with tonight, gripping hard on either side of Steve’s waist as he moved them further in towards the rear of the walk-in.
Steve hissed as his back hit the chilled metal of the wall, his skin breaking out in goosebumps under palms hands.
“Sorry, baby,” Eddie cooed in sympathy, grinding his own hardness against Steve’s as he nipped at his lower lip. “It was this or the bathroom, and I didn’t particularly want an audience.”
Steve pushed off the wall, grinning as he grabbed Eddie hard by the shoulders to spin them around, switching their positions and pressing him into the wall instead. 
Eddie went willingly, delighted as Steve unknowingly played right into the dynamic he was hoping for tonight, and waited for Steve’s lips to find his again, even reached out to pull the other man in again, but Steve slipped from his grip to drop straight to the floor, a desperate and hungry look in his eyes.
With well practiced fingers Steve quickly undid Eddie's jeans, yanking them down to his thighs so roughly he might have stumbled without the wall to lean against. He had a second to feel the cold air hit his most sensitive bits of bare skin before Steve swallowed him down, taking him right to the back of his throat. 
Eddie could do nothing but moan, letting his head fall back against the wall for a breath, waiting for his brain to catch up with the rest of him, so lost in the sensation of Steve's mouth, scorching where it engulfed him, that he almost forgot his surprise. 
Winding one hand through Steve's hair in encouragement, Eddie used the other to take Steve’s hand from where it rested on his thigh to guide it around to his ass. Steve only hesitated for a moment before kneading at the soft plump flesh, still bobbing his head up and down the length of Eddie’s cock, but faltered and froze as his fingers bumped up against the base of the silicone plug that had been nestled in Eddie’s hole for the last several hours.
Steve pulled off with a soft gasp, letting the tip of Eddie's cock rest on his tongue as he looked up, watching Eddie’s face with something like awe as he pushed on the plug. 
From the tips of his toes to the top of his head Eddie felt his entire body flush with a new heat, it prickled along his neck and chest, and he had to fight to keep his eyes on Steve and not let them fall shut at the sudden intensity of his need.
“Where did you get this?” Steve asked, sounding wrecked in a way that Eddie suspected had less to do with the brief blowjob, and more to do with his little stunt.
Eddie whined as Steve tugged on the toy, pulling it out about an inch before pushing it back in again, punching the air from his lungs. 
“Would you believe there’s a little mom and pop sex shop not far from here?” Eddie forced out between panted breaths.
Steve hummed, grazing his lips over the skin of Eddie’s inner thigh as he released the plug, leaving it in place for now. “I guess this town really does have it all.”
Eddie chuckled softly and reached down to pull Steve to his feet, cupping his cheek as he pressed a soft kiss to his mouth. 
“Fuck me?” He asked, fluttering his eyelashes.
Steve made a pained noise, tucking his face into Eddie’s neck, peppering kisses along the underside of his jaw. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, fuck—want it.” Eddie tilted his head back to give Steve better access to his throat. “Been thinking about you bending me over—dreaming about it.”
The words were barely out of Eddie’s mouth before Steve was growling, gripping him up again and moving him—manhandling him in a way he never had before as he gave Eddie exactly what he wanted—bending him over a low, blessedly empty shelving unit.
Steve pushed at Eddie’s shirt, dragging it roughly up and over his head before tossing it to the floor somewhere behind them. He leaned over Eddie’s back, pressing kiss after kiss down the entire length of his spine, pausing at the base of it, resting those big hands on Eddie’s ass again, spreading him wide and taking hold of the plug to gently pull it out, placing it on another nearby shelf.
Eddie swallowed back a whimper, his body clenching around nothing, suddenly empty after so many hours of being filled, but he knew what was coming would be even better, and the sound of Steve’s zipper coming undone only made him clench harder. 
Eddie flushed again, another rush of warmth as beads of sweat beginning to form on his brow in anticipation. There was a brush of rough denim against the back of his thigh, and then velvet heat as Steve pressed in close, rubbing his hard length between Eddie’s cheeks, teasing over his hole.
“Condom?” Steve asked, sounding like it was a struggle just to get the word out.
They hadn’t been using them at all since both their test results had come back clear. And Eddie could appreciate Steve wanting to make the cleanup easier on him since they were out in public for the night, but it couldn’t have been further from what he wanted.
“No,” Eddie pressed himself back, his body shuddering as the tip of Steve's cock caught on his rim. “No, wanna feel it when you come inside me for the first time.”
“Fuck, okay.” Steve sucked air in harshly through his teeth. “Lube?” 
“In my back right pocket.” 
Eddie glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see Steve raise the packet to his mouth, tearing it with his teeth before pouring it over himself. Some of the cool wetness dripped down onto Eddie as well, and Steve spread it around with two fingers, pushing just the tip of one inside at first. When he was met with no resistance Steve plunged them both in at once, reaching and curling until he found that sweet spot inside Eddie that sent his eyes rolling back, and had him writhing and bucking his hips against the hard metal of the shelf. 
“Please, Steve, I’m ready,” Eddie begged. 
Mercifully, Steve didn’t make him ask twice, easing his fingers free before lining himself up, and inch by gentle inch began to push his way inside.
It felt like an eternity before Steve finally bottomed out, and Eddie wanted to cry with how good it felt to be full, really full, for the first time in he didn’t even know how long. It wasn’t something he let himself have very often. He really did prefer to top as a rule, but sometimes—sometimes he just needed it, wanted it, and tonight he also wanted to give Steve the last part of himself that he’d been holding back. 
With shallow careful thrusts Steve began to move, draping himself over Eddie’s back, pressing lips to whatever swaths of skin he could reach. 
Tears streamed from the corners of Eddie’s eyes, overcome with the feeling of being had in this new way by someone he loved, who loved him back. It felt incredible but he soon needed more. Eddie tried to rock back on instinct, but found Steve hands already on his hips, stilling him before he could move an inch.
“Steve,” Eddie whined.
Steve shushed him, rubbing small soothing circles into Eddie’s lower back with his thumbs. “You always make me feel so good, just let me return the favor.”
“I thought you were cold?” Eddie grunted, trying again to fuck himself back on Steve’s length, but the other man’s grip was like a vice.
“Not anymore,” Steve said, and Eddie could practically hear the smirk in his voice, though he did sink a little deeper, still keeping his pace frustratingly slow and even, like he was trying to drive Eddie insane. “Seeing you fall apart like this? We could be standing in the middle of a snowstorm right now and I'd still be sweating.”
And oh he’d definitely be paying Steve back for this later.  
“Baby, please,” Eddie whined again, a high-pitched, desperate sound he could hardly believe had come from his own mouth.
“How soundproof do you think this thing is?” Steve asked.
“How should I fucking know?!” Eddie growled in frustration. “Why?!”
Without warning Steve snapped his hips, slamming into him so hard that for a second Eddie couldn’t even make a sound. He threw his head back, mouth wide open in a silent scream of pleasure—followed by an actual scream. Steve surged forward, slapping a hand over Eddie’s mouth, pulling his head back to hiss into his ear, hot breath ghosting over Eddie’s skin as he rammed into him again and again, hard enough to shake the shelving unit that was bolted to the floor. 
“No reason.” 
There was nothing slow or gentle about Steve after that.
For a while Eddie lost himself to the pounding rhythm and the loud slapping of flesh as Steve fucked into him impossibly harder and faster. 
He’d never last at this rate, it was just too fucking good, and he wasn’t alone. Before long Steve was reaching for him, stroking Eddie’s cock as his own breaths became ragged and he began to lose his rhythm.
With one last powerful thrust Steve came, cock pulsing violently as he buried himself deep inside, and Eddie’s last coherent thought as he followed him over that edge, losing control as he felt himself being filled up with Steve’s release, was that they really ought to switch things up more often.
Steve laid across Eddie’s back for a long minute as they both came down and caught their breath, neither really wanting to move at all, but inevitably Steve grew soft and slipped out, leaving a trickle of cum slowly leaking from Eddie’s hole in his wake.
“Eds, honey, do you have your bandana or anything on you?” Steve asked softly.
Eddie looked back, biting his lip, suddenly shy about what he wanted as the afterglow began to fade. “No, uh, but I was hoping you would plug me back up instead?”
“Jesus, Eddie. Yeah—yeah, okay,” Steve stuttered, his dick giving a valiant twitch against Eddie’s leg. 
Eddie was loose enough, and slick enough with the combined mess of cooling fluids that the plug sank home easily, and he was grateful he’d worn black jeans tonight to help mask any residual mess. 
When their pants were back in place and he’d retrieved Eddie’s shirt from the floor, Steve took him in his arms and lowered them both to the floor, cradling Eddie in his lap as he kissed his forehead.
Eddie knew the rest of the summer would go by in a flash. 
Before long the season would be over, tourism would slow as vacationers traveled home for the year, and the beaches would start to empty. 
The new school year would begin.
Though they hadn’t talked about it, Eddie had seen the note on their dresser. He knew Steve’s final interview was in two short days, and he’d be expecting an answer soon. 
And for once, the idea of it didn’t fill Eddie with panic.
He'd done his thinking. 
He’d weighed the risks and pondered the worries, done the calculations in his head and realized there had only ever been one answer to this equation. 
For now he let himself bask in the moment, so safe and comfortable in the circle of Steve’s arms, the brush of soft lips pressed to his brow.
He knew what he wanted—had known it all along.
Now he just had to find the perfect way to tell Steve.
Chapter 12
All my thanks and love to @penny00dreadful for being the best beta, friend, and cheerleader.
Reblogs are always appreciated and if you want to be tagged, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to do so 💜
Permanent taglist(open): @pearynice @hitlikehammers @bookworm0690 @wonderland-girl143-blog 
@goodolefashionedloverboi @themagicalari @awkwardgravity1 @rocknrollsalad
Fic taglist(open): @manda-panda-monium @hellion-child @dreamwatch @brbsoulnomming @epiclazershark
@estrellami-1 @lokfae @raisedbylibrarians @impala314 @meganwinchester
@kacatshi @warlordess @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @garden-of-gay @meela86
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mrmeowziii · 25 days
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Flat color of the Roti cast at 26! After Lightning’s win.
‘Quick’ explanations for everyone-
Staci’s a hairdresser- She hasn’t quite gotten to owning her own shop yet, but she’s just as happy as long as she can help others see how beautiful they are! She’s made an unlikely friendship with Anne Maria, who shares her profession and love of all things cosmetic.
Brick went off to fashion school after serving in the military for a bit, and has since graduated! He’s more confident in himself, and is trying his best to start his own fashion line. His closest friends from the Roti cast are Anne Maria, Staci, and Dakota, who he talks with often about fashion and hair- Scott, who he’s dating- and Jo, for old times sake.
Scott never fully recovered from Fang’s attack without extra funding and was left with a permanent limp and chronic pain… poor guy. Still, after living on the farm for a few years, he reconnected with Brick at a cast reunion and the two have been going strong since. He’s still trucking despite his disability, and he’s supporting Brick with all he’s got.
Jo never got to open her dream gym, but instead got into nursing. A strange choice for her? Maybe, but she’s good at giving her patients what they need. Oh, and she’s a pro with physical therapy. Despite Lightning’s messiness for a few years, and their initial relationship, Jo and him are pretty good friends now- though that doesn’t stop her from egging him on from time to time.
Dakota’s a professional fighter, while Sam’s a game developer. They’ve been married the second longest, after Zoke, of course. When she’s not killing it in the ring, Dakota’s still quite fashion forward. Her mutation’s been reversed a good amount, but not all the way. It’s unlikely it’ll ever be fully cured, but Dakota’s okay with that. She’s got Sam on her side all the way, after all! As for him, his newest game ‘Groundstory’ absolutely blew up after a great crowdfunding campaign! You’ve probably heard of it.
Anne Maria’s newly single after a messy relationship back in Jersey. She’s crashing with Jo for the time being, so who knows how long that’ll last? Maybe longer than you think… ;) For now she’s working at a hair salon and sharing lots of tips with Staci, while helping Brick with his fashion line, since Scott’s got NO eye for this kinda thing.
Lightning… well, he’s had an interesting journey to get where he is now. For the first few years after winning, everything was great! He was the star of the football team he’d been drafted by, a literal millionaire, and his dad was finally giving him his time! But then… poorly managed wealth is a recipe for disaster, leading to Lightning being dropped by the NFL, his dad disowning him, and a pretty bad drinking and binge eating problem. Only when Cameron intervened was Lightning given any hope of getting better, and he’s on the road to recovery now. They live together, the two comprising a pretty odd couple, but a happy one nonetheless.
Cameron found he liked helping others with their mental health after a bit of trying to figure out what to do with his life, and became a licensed therapist after blowing through college. After a bit of helping Mike and Zoey with their first child, he reached out to a very depressed Lightning and made it his goal to rehabilitate his former competitor. After a few intense years, a few relapses, and an unexpected level of bonding, the two of them now live together, not married- but taking it one step at a time. Cameron’s proud of his boyfriend.
Mike and Zoey got married after All-Stars, and had their first kid at 20. Rosie is the light of their lives, and soon little Enzo will be joining the picture as well. Zoey’s been responsible for every cast meetup since All-Stars ended, and she spends her free time writing about her experiences on reality television. She was Canada’s mom of the year when Rosie was two years old!
Mike, as it turns out, didn’t delete his disorder with the press of a button. Woah. Mike and the gang are multi talented, and each of them have found their passions in different things. Chester’s retired, but the dream of being Miss Canada’s still there. Svetlana hasn’t stopped practicing her gymnastics, and is ready for another go at the Olympics! Vito likes to club, but is surprisingly good with Rosie- besides Mike, he’s her favorite. Manitoba Smith still lives for adventure, and helps Dawn and B in their animal sanctuary when he can. Mal works with Mike at their office job, trolling any employer who gets a little too comfortable in their position. If there’s anything the two of them can agree on, it’s that their boss sucks.
B’s inventions started to earn him a lot of money not long after Roti, but he kept it humble, and helps fund Dawn’s nature sanctuary as one of it’s main supporters. The two of them live happily together, their ability to understand each other when no one else could bonding them for life. B’s working every day to make machines more environmentally friendly, and reduce the carbon footprint of humanity.
Dawn fundraised for years, and with some intense determination on her part, along with some help from B, she finally got to create the animal sanctuary she’d always wanted in the mountains of British Columbia. She works there full-time, surrounded by the nature she’s always loved. At home, she lives with her cat Gaia and her partner B.
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snickersnek · 19 days
Tactical Breach Wizards has altered my brain chemistry in a minor but permanent way.
So I had to make my snakelad as a Wizard. And then I had to come up with a Craft, a Channel, and maybe a Vessel. And then of course I had to draw him as such.
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So.. er.. meet Snickersnek, the Snekinetic Recon, and some of my friends in the squad!
And then I had to come up with some basic lore.
Unlocked while a Golemancy student preparing for a contest, a competitor's creation exploded unexpectedly in the workshop after breaching it's arcanocapacitors. The energy released blinding Snicker and causing him to Unlock in order to shut down the runaway device. Gaining the ability to See through anything getting in the way.. provided it bears his Mark. The ability to pierce illusions and counter-intelligence efforts got some attention, but it was gaining a Telekinesis Vessel that really unloocked Snicker's abilities. Able to grant vision in multiple instances and directions allow a near-complete intelligence beaten only by precognition Craft, with the fringe benefit of negating illusory Craft.
His Channel is the cosmetics around his eyes, which can also be applied to allies to share visions, I think he'd struggle to pass a Vessel on to someone else since his own Channel is so transitory. He can use stickers too, but they don't last that much longer. And his telekinetic Vessel is the blue brooch visible on the table. He finds it easier to move items he's placed a mark of that magic on, his multiple eyes and his own gear are covered in the blue symbol to let him move them freely.
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that-one-i-think · 2 months
So time for some more Tu'la lore, more specifically tattoo lore!
In Tu'la, tattoos are rather common and even have a cultural and religious significance to them. That is not to say that everyone has tattoos, but it is common enough for it to be normalized. Now, much like real life, there are a lot of reason to get tattoos but these are the main categories.
So, cosmetic tattoos simply put are just for cosmetics, much like how we will get moth man tramp stamps, they will get a wyvern on their fore arm. Common cosmetic tattoos are animals, clouds, and flowers with the art style depending on your region. (North Tu'la - Japanese styled, South Tu'la - Indian or henna like designs)
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Familial Tattoos - With the majority of the population in Tu'la being Mei'fwa, it is safe to say that almost all of the human population is related to one in one way or another. A common practice for children of Mei'fwas who end up with human genes is to get their parents stripe or spot patterns tattooed on the shoulder and chest. That way they can look like their parent without having the need for ears and a tail.
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Religious - The Temple of Menphia is very pro tattoos and a lot of initiations for being a priest or temple warrior requiring them. The first set of tattoos that a person receives (normally when they are six) is a large sun tattoo encompassing their back with two suns on their palms. Menphia's iconography involves a lot of the sun. As they progress in age, they get writings of protection on their imbs along with various lines to represent the flow of emotion and magic in the body. Another common tattoo is to get a very small symbol of menphia imbetween a persons pecs/breasts.
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(Last picture for placement and vibe of Menphia symbol tat)
Status - Tattoos can also be a symbol of status as certain tattoos have certain meanings with some ink only being available to those in the royal family. The current king of Tu'la actually doesn't have his family's tattoo for he is actually a coward but he does have servants paint it on him every morning. Very much a tiger with false stripes
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Status tattoos were not reserved for the upper class either and tattoos weren't all fine and dandy for one particular crowd and that is gladiators. When gladiators are indoctrinated the first thing that they are given is a tattoo of a snake eating itself (ouroboros) on their left ribs. It is both one of the most painful places to get a tattoo but one close to their heart without being on their chest. These tattoos are enchanted and used as a tool of submission. When the current benefactor of the gladiator activates the sigil, it causes a burning and sick feeling to course through the gladiators body. They needed to touched up every five years or every time the gladiator gets a new benefactor or else the magic fades.
Not only are gladiators tattooed with the snake tattoo, a lot of them are forced to under go any form of tattoo that their benefactor wants. Like a permanent form of dress up. Liochant got snake tattoos on his arm because his benefactor wanted to capitalize on his nickname "pit viper".
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sayrys-i · 2 months
Has the company screwed up again, or is it just me?
Hello. I write with the help of a translator, so excuse me for grammatical errors.
I have been a Fate Grand Order player for over five years now. Not so long ago, a few years ago, the game was transferred to a new company - and it seems to me, like many players, that the game is getting worse and worse every year.
Perhaps my thoughts will seem confused, but I think they should be stated at least here. If you want to share this post, I will be glad and grateful.
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First, the summoning system. I understand that FGO is a fairly old game. About two or three years ago, they sort of added a guaranteed servant summoning system to it, but let's face it. This system does not provide any advantages. You have to spend a total of 990 SQ for character. Let's be honest, this is not a small figure at all for the average player, even considering possible gifts for holidays, like anniversaries and other things. There is no permanent source of currency in FGO, which means that the SQ is very limited. Spending even more than 330 SQ for a player per character is an unacceptable luxury. And this is not to mention the fact that for spending 500 or more SQ, which you could save all year, nothing will be summoned. I am one of those people - after the summer anniversary, I have already spent more than 900 SQ on various banners, and received nothing. The solution to this problem could be simple - make the guaranteed summons transferable from banner to banner, and slightly reduce the number of SQ needed for it. But what does the company do instead? That's right, it feeds the players breakfast and "cosmetic" updates. Of course, everything for more money and donations.
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The second problem is completely uninteresting and boring celebration quests, or even their complete absence. Remember the old celebration in honor of anniversaries - we were given not only SQ, but also interesting characters and quests with, if not good, then at least a little intriguing backstory and ent. What are we getting now? Characters without a background. And as for the new servants. Many of them may seem good at first glance, but if we go deeper, almost all of them are dummies without a good story behind them. Moreover, I very rarely see truly new animations or poses in servant sprites. They may look a little different, yes, but they are essentially the same and copy each other. I am not a Japanese player, even if I play on jp server, and my opinion is hardly important in the big picture of things, but I can no longer sit and accept the attitude of the gaming company towards my own consumers. And this is not to mention the number of new features of a useless donation.
If FGO is going to be like this, I don't want to play FGO anymore, much less give this game my money and support such shoddy work by the developers and their disgusting attitude towards their own players.
Thanks for reading this. I hope your voice will be heard, as well as mine.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
venus retrograde (!!!) (28 leo)
if it seems like this retrograde has been hyped for a WHILE it's because it HAS, and there is a good reason for that! venus has not been in leo this long, without popping into an neighboring sign, since the early 1800s. taking this depth into the sign of the lion causes the retrograde and both shadow zones to remain entirely encased in the sign.
auspicious: gold and copper and especially rose gold. hibiscus. anything sparkly, especially if it's pink (love the barbie hype in all this.) self love in the form not just of bubble baths and four course meals but also (important!!!) inner child work and the health of your heart (good fatty oils eg from olive oil or avocado oil for example are very venusian and mainly good for you. maybe cool it with the bacon grease for a while.) repose, waiting, fantasizing. also think cat goddesses: bast, sekhmet, freya. cats, broadly, auspicious. deep conditioning your hair (mane). bad plans: textin your ex. if they text you, you get to decide what to do about it but please be wise. but you don't text, ideally. cosmetic surgery, tattoos, other permanent or nearly permanent appearance changes. plan them, don't book them or perform them if possible. if it has already been scheduled, it's probably ok, but don't start it now. same for weddings, romantic getaways, moving in with a partner, or starting a newly serious relationship.
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Comprehensive Apprenticeship Program: Elevating Your Expertise
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At the Ohio Micropigmentation Center, we’re dedicated to sculpting the future of beauty through our Permanent Makeup (PMU) Apprenticeship Program. Nestled in the heart of Cleveland, OH, our program is meticulously designed to cater to the unique aspirations of each student, ensuring a personalized journey towards mastery in PMU.
Tailored Guidance for Every Aspirant Under the watchful eye of our seasoned instructors, you’ll embark on a transformative experience that’s just as much about honing your craft as it is about discovering your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses. Our commitment is to bolster your confidence and arm you with the knowledge essential for a thriving career in permanent makeup.
Flexible Apprenticeship Options Our program offers two distinct paths to suit your pace and goals:
6-Month Apprenticeship: Engage with 6 models over a period of 6 months or complete 100 hours of dedicated training for $3,000. Upon completion, you’ll be awarded a certificate recognizing your achievement in the “6-Month Apprenticeship Program” or “100 Hours of Apprenticeship.”
One-Year Apprenticeship: Take your skills further by completing 12 models within a 12-month timeframe or 200 hours of immersive training for $6,000. Successful graduates will receive a certificate denoting their completion of the “One-Year Apprenticeship Program” or “200 Hours of Apprenticeship.”
Both options include individual hands-on practice sessions with live models, providing real-world experience that’s invaluable in the PMU industry.
Additional Support for Continued Growth We understand that mastery is a continuous journey. That’s why we offer additional hands-on practice sessions, available upon request for an extra fee. Rest assured, throughout your apprenticeship, you’ll be fully insured, allowing you to focus solely on refining your artistry.
Embark on a journey with the Ohio Micropigmentation Center, where your passion for beauty meets our expertise. Together, we’ll elevate your skills to new heights, preparing you for a successful and fulfilling career in permanent makeup.
For more information or to enroll in our apprenticeship program, please visit our website or contact us directly. Let’s turn your dreams into reality, one stroke at a time.
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mastertattooinstitute · 11 months
Learn the creativity of permanent makeup tattooing and improve your profession. Learning the skills, techniques, and trade secrets of a successful permanent makeup tattoo artist. To gain the skill and produce timeless beauty, enroll now.
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javaghoul · 1 year
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Rize is expert at the application of makeup (because she's a finicky bitch), but isn't adventurous with it. Recreates the same look daily.
I don't think Eto wears any. I don't think it's something she'd invest her time into.
Do hair highlights count as makeup? If so, then Hide deserves to be in this list. I can also see Hide trying out makeup if a celebrity he admires starts promoting a brand.
Touka was never exposed to makeup as a kid, so it was never something that occured to her until she started school. It was something she thought was "for other girls, not me", so would look at her teen counterparts with outward contempt, and internal curiosity... And a bit of envy. In adulthood, she is a night-out-mascara-and-lipgloss-gal.
Akira wouldn't be caught dead wearing drugstore cosmetics. She prefers a natural look, and is happy to pay top dollar for her products.
Shuu invests in skincare rather than makeup, but uses concealer if he's feeling under the weather.
Itori lives at Sephora. She is very self-conscious about her appearance, and has problematic skin which drives her mad.
Nishiki wouldn't think twice about applying lip balm if he has cracked lips. Has also let Kimi plaster him in makeup on more than one occasion.
Irimi went through a goth stage in her youth.
Of course Uta wore makeup. Emphasis on the past tense, as he moved on to more permanent aesthetics in the form of tattoos. He appreciates the artistry involved in it, and wouldn't hesitate to wear it again if he felt like it.
Suzuya loves colour, loves doing whatever the fuck he wants, and expressing himself in numerous ways. Fan of all the indie brands.
The only way Yomo will wear makeup is if you smooch him wearing lipstick, and he is wise to this now, so yeah, good luck.
Amon is a concealer guy, believe it or not. He may have been up all night keeping the streets safe, but he doesn't want to LOOK like he has.
Ayato wears (badly applied) black nail varnish because he thinks it makes him an edge lord.
Furuta found an old lipstick of Rizes' and would apply it at night because he wanted to be close to her. And I don't know what to think about that.
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vossn · 3 months
1, 7, and 22 for the RT asks
1. Where are they from? What is their homeworld like? Do they miss it?
Taidia is a relatively small Forge World, and as such it isn't quite as heavily moderated and thoroughly planned as some others (looking at you, Kathekt Nullis by @definitely-not-iorveth and the weird Genetor shenanigans going on there). It mainly manufactures projectile weaponry. Life there as a worker is the same punishing shift-cycle as basically everywhere in the Imperium, he was just lucky to not be in a part of the factory and living quarters with too many fumes or accidents.
He doesn't really miss it. He misses the people and the memories, but there's nothing for him to return to. Besides, he's now accustomed to a life on voidships, camps and wide open spaces, so the cramped alleyways have lost their charms.
He has a tattoo of Taidia's planet symbol though, mainly to cover up the symbols factory workers were permanently marked with.
7. Was there a defining moment in their life that influenced their Conviction?
The Schola Progenium: The Schola raised him to be a hardcore dogmatic, and that was that. It was an effective and strict brainwashing, and by the time he was done there was no spark of defiance left in him.
The Mutiny: First doubts began to bloom in his conscience after the death of the Lord Commissar Mayrie. Beforehand, he'd been taught that only heretics have doubts, but she was an intelligent woman who had always put the most logical course of action before all else - so why? Secretly, he still wishes he'd been on her side back then. His more Iconoclast views were born out of the crisis that followed her death. His work stance afterwards becomes "Do as I say, not as I do."
Becoming Rogue Trader: Not a change in conviction, but a change in the power he wields. He is now a weird Dogmatic/Iconoclast mix who doesn't really believe in either because he doesn't know what to believe in, but still enforces what he's been taught - because what else is there to do?
22. Do they have any augmentations? Were these installed out of necessity, or as a cosmetic choice?
Chest/neck: He has multiple interlocked plates covering the front of his torso and his neck, because post-factory accident he was so badly burned and so much of his inner workings exposed that they had to seal him back up like a tin-can, and vat-skin would not have done the job. Medical necessity.
Eye: His eye augment is a red glass disc (or rather, multiple rings forming one complete circle) surrounded by a metal ring that can be rotated to adjust lense and zoom. It wasn't strictly necessary, but the Commissariat deemed that for a sniper it would be nice to have two functioning eyes again. His augment is Mechanicus craft specifically fitted for sniping, thus the rotating lens. It is made to either attach to or replace a scope, and has some extra readings and features useful for the profession.
Nose: A metal plate over the bridge of his nose. It could have healed by itself given enough rest and maybe some correction to avoid breathing issues, but there wasn't enough time in the Schola, where a broken nose was regular business, so this was the way it went.
Leg: Only post-Commorragh. His leg got fucked up in the mutiny, and after the way down the corpse chute and breaking it a second time, there is just no way to heal it correctly. The core of the prosthetic is necessary, but it has an outer shell that is more cosmetic with the purpose to have roughly the shape of the functioning leg, to make the contrast less stark.
Thank you Finn <3
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reachfolk · 8 months
apparently i haven't been loud enough about palestine on this sideblog at all, because i already had to block one of those liberal zionists that was following me and liking my posts while only ever reblogging from "nooo i'm not a zionist i swear, i just hate palestinians for totally unrelated reasons" types. so, for the sake of complete clarity about my stance, here are some excerpts from decolonizepalestine.com about the myth of the two-state solution:
"What this approach to a solution neglects, is that Israel is not a normal state. It is a settler colony [You can read more about this here]. We are not talking about two naturally occurring populations which have a land dispute. Israelis are descended from settlers that arrived from abroad with the goal of erecting an ethnocratic settler state in an area that was already home to the Palestinians."
"This approach is also inadequate to right historical wrongs, as it focuses on the pre-1967 borders as a starting point, which are in themselves a product of this colonization, and not the root cause of it. It is thus preoccupied with finding solutions to symptoms, rather than dare address the root cause, which is Zionist settler colonialism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians."
"All of these shortcomings are often countered with the assertion that Palestinians must compromise to reach peace. Israeli control is treated as a fait accompli and that Palestinians must deal with it, rather than ask for justice. This is the whole premise of the two-state solution, that Palestinians must compromise on their rights to be granted a small, powerless sham of a state in part of their homeland. Israel, of course was not asked to compromise on anything substantial. The only compromise asked of Israelis is to stop its violation of international law, which it should cease regardless of any negotiation with the Palestinians. This attitude basically boils down to “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is negotiable.”."
"Has it never once sounded suspicious to you how Israelis focus on the number of “peace offers” that were refused by the Palestinians, but never once discussed the actual parameters or substance in detail? Because when these parameters are discussed, it becomes clear that these are terms nobody could accept. So even when Palestinians accepted the 1967 borders, a very limited return of refugees, and other compromises, this was still not good enough for Israel that sought to shrink the Palestinian Bantustan even further. These arrangements seek to formalize the status quo with cosmetic changes. Netanyahu promised that no Palestinian state will emerge, and in the case of any limited self-rule arrangement for the Palestinians, he spoke about a permanent IDF presence in the West Bank, as well as Israeli control of the borders and airspace. These are the amazing “opportunities” that Palestinians have been declining, and as a result are being painted as warmongering rejectionists for doing so."
"It should be mentioned that such arrangements were also concocted for the various Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa. What all of these arrangements have in common, is that they are designed specifically to dance around settler colonialism, and to try and find a “solution” comfortable for the settlers which do not harm any expansionist ambitions. In this way Palestinians are pushed to compromise until there is nothing left to compromise on, they are now even being pushed to compromise on having actual borders."
"That we barely ever hear about the offers that the Yishuv/Israel rejected should be an indicator of the nature of mainstream discussions on Palestine and the silencing of Palestinian voices. The Palestinian Liberation Organization also called for establishing a secular, democratic unitary state for all its citizens. Naturally, none of these proposals included genocide, ethnic cleansing or mass murder."
"Underlying the logic of both of these approaches are racist assumptions that the colonized are barbaric, bloodthirsty and ruthless. It is a deeply dehumanizing logic, steeped in every colonial and Orientalist trope. The idea that a decolonized, free Palestine would inevitably lead to genocide comes from this same logic. As a matter of fact, for all the claims of the Palestinians wanting to push Israelis into the sea, only the opposite has occurred in reality."
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By: Chloe Cole
Published: May 18, 2023
Yesterday, New York Times reporter Maggie Astor published a hit piece about me in an attempt to undermine my story and the testimonies of other detransitioners. Now that I’ve had some time to process everything more completely, I’d like to address some of the inaccuracies and falsehoods that Astor wrote about me—beginning with the disingenuous title, “How a Few Stories of Regret Fuel the Push to Restrict Gender Transition Care.” 
I take issue with Astor’s flagrant use of the word “regret,” which implies a benign mistake like a bad tattoo—something I wasn’t even allowed to get until I turned 18 last year. No, I was a child when I was misinformed and misled by adults, who convinced me to permanently alter my body. 
I learned through social media when I was 11 about boys and girls being trapped in the “wrong body”—an impossibility that should never have been “affirmed” by doctors. I was told by health professionals whom I trusted that I had a medical condition that required medical treatment. Not only that, but my parents were emotionally manipulated by being presented with a false dilemma—“would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?”—despite the fact that suicidality is routinely overexaggerated in trans-identified youth.
Astor relies on the euphemism “transition care” when she means “chemical and surgical sex change services.” This is neither medically necessary nor lifesaving, but rather elective, cosmetic, and experimental.
Astor also flippantly refers to my detransition as “changing course,” implying I merely took a wrong turn instead of having doctors affirm my confusion with experimental medicine. She says I “returned to my female identity,” but being female is not an identity. It is a biological reality that describes half the human population. It is something I never stopped being despite the fact that when I was 13-15, doctors prescribed me puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgically removed my breasts to try to mold me into something that superficially resembled a boy.
Astor neglects to mention the vocal European detransitioners and how European medical societies have backed off of “gender-affirming care” after conducting systematic reviews of evidence and finding that the risks outweigh any purported benefits. She also referred to outdated statistics on detransition which include studies on adults rather than the cohort I belong to—adolescents under the “gender-affirming” model of care. These studies also had serious methodological flaws and a high loss to follow up rate.
Another statistic she likely referenced was from a study about detransitioners that specifically excluded detransitioners. Participation in the study was limited only to those who had detransitioned in the past but still identified as trans–in other words, not people like me.
If Astor had researched the topic properly, she would have discovered a recent US-based comprehensive review of medical records that found 30 percent of teens and young adults had discontinued “gender-affirming” hormones after 4 years. Another US study from this year that challenges the notion that detransition is rare found that 29 percent of youth changed their requests for hormone treatment, surgery, or both. And yet another study from a UK primary care practice found that 12.2 percent of those who had started hormonal treatments either detransitioned or documented regret, while the total of 20 percent stopped the treatments for a wider range of reasons. The authors of this study observed that the detransition rate in emerging research brings forth crucial concerns regarding the possibility of “overdiagnosis, overtreatment, or iatrogenic harm,” similar to issues encountered in other areas of medicine. 
A 2021 study found that three-quarters of detransitioners did not report their detransition to their providers, thus potentially creating a false impression that they were satisfied with the “care” they received. Norway’s health authorities confirm that detransitioners updating their providers is “not a given.”
It is not true that there are only a few vocal detransitioners in the US. Many have spoken out online, but only a few have the time to travel and testify. It’s not easy to open yourself up to an onslaught of criticism, blame, and hit pieces from the New York Times. It’s not easy to go public with details of your private life.
There have been many instances of detransitioners getting overwhelmed from the response to their story and deactivating their social media accounts. Hundreds more reside in support groups and remain anonymous, not wanting the stigma and negative attention.
Lawmakers shouldn’t have to restrict sex changes to adults, but US-based medical organizations are not doing their job at following the science. If they would conduct systematic reviews of the evidence, they would likely come to the same conclusions as European countries, which have heavily restricted medical interventions for minors and specific psychotherapy as the “first line of treatment” for teens in distress over their bodies. 
US-based guidelines ignored an entire body of research that found the majority of children who do not socially or medically transition will no longer experience gender-related distress in adulthood. Instead, most of them grow up to be gay or lesbian adults.
Pioneers of the evidence-based medicine (EBM) movement said the current guidelines for managing gender dysphoria in adolescents in the US are “untrustworthy” and not evidence-based.
Astor took a shot at me for the detransition rally I helped organize in March, but our event was exactly how I planned. My heart hurts every time I see a new detransitioner come out, but soon our numbers will be too large for the New York Times to dismiss as a “few stories of regret.”
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