#perfume questionnaire
pennylanewrites · 8 months
teacher’s aide (levi ackerman)
warnings: m!masturbation, voyerism, alcohol, smoking, age gap (15 years), me pushing my smitten!levi agenda
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levi ackerman was an esteemed and recognised sociology professor. stern, strict and to the point in all of his lectures. most of his classes kept quiet, trying to take notes while he talked fast and went through powerpoint slides like it was the morning paper.
you had been working hard for that teacher’s aide position for two years, when you finally got the acceptance email. it was no secret on campus that professor ackerman’s assistants worked closely to him and got accepted in prestigious firms right after college, with his recommendation of course.
it was also no secret that professor ackerman was incredibly good-looking. his veiny arms and broad shoulders made up for his short height and the way his raven hair fell over his rectangular seeing glasses was so…
“y/n.” his stern voice shook you out of your thoughts. crap. the whole auditorium was staring at you. “the papers.” was all he said before going back to his laptop. you looked down at your hands, realising you were holding the class’s tests for more than you should. you cleared your throat and went through the auditorium, leaving a stack of papers in front of each student. as you walked down, your eye caught his.
levi noticed everything. he noticed how today you were wearing lipgloss instead of your usual lipstick, he noticed the rip in your tights that went down the back of your leg, your new platform loafers and the beads of sweat on your forehead. levi ackerman was not the kind of man that would catch feelings for a student, but you were so…good.
yes, at first he thought you were very attractive, and maybe that’s why he always rejected your aide application. but he also got to know you better every time you replied to one of his questions. you were the only student brave enough to raise their hand, and he appreciated that. sooner than later, you stayed back every day after class to clean up the mess of loose papers and pens, and before he knew it he was smitten.
maybe it was the way you brushed against him to clean the board and shut the projector, a timid apology escaping your lips, or the way you weren’t afraid to challenge him in a theoretical conversation about archaic philosophy during class.
or maybe…shit, how long have i been staring? levi looked away and cleared his throat when he noticed you trying to contain your smile.
class was over and you were going through your usual routine, marking left over questionnaires from the last lecture as he went through tomorrow’s one.
“sir, i’m wondering about…” you rolled your chair across the auditorium’s stage, holding onto his desk to stop the chair, “this one.” you pointed at a question on the paper.
levi was not one to lose his temper, but he was finding it very hard to contain himself when your knee was touching his and your perfume could reach his brain through his nose.
“well, this-this one…” he trailed off, watched you push your hair off your neck, leaving the bare skin on sight for him. god, he could eat you right then and there.
levi had never been more thankful for his phone to ring in his life. the vice dean’s name flashed on the screen, and you leaned back to allow him to get the device.
“i have to go…meeting…come by my office tonight, okay?” he scrambled to get his things and ran off, leaving you in the empty auditorium.
you let your head fall on your pillow, groaning with despair. he hates me. he can’t even talk to me.
you had seen him earlier with petra, his old t.a who graduated last year. he was laughing, for fuck’s sake. he was laughing and buying her coffee in the campus coffee house, and they were sitting over a book and…
“ugh! what is she even doing here?” you threw your pillow on the floor, but it hit you back in the face.
“oh my god, shut up!” your roommate kept hitting you with the pillow, until you grabbed it. “enough, y/n, please.”
“mikasa, do you think they’re dating?” you sat up on the bed, looking at the girl across you. “be honest, i can take it.”
“i think you’re sick. there’s something seriously wrong with you.” she scrunched her nose up in disgust.
“he’s so…”
“he’s mature because he’s old.” your roommate kindly reminded you of your age difference. “get over him, please. even if he liked you, he’s your teacher. i doubt he would put his job in danger.”
your eyes lit up, an excited smile covering your earlier gloom.
“you think he likes me?”
“that’s not what i said. where are you going?”
you only grinned before grabbing your bag and barging out of the dorm room. your shoes squeezed against the polished floors as you made your way to the teachers’ wing, and to the third door to your left, your favourite wooden door in the world.
with a sigh, you lifted your fist to knock, but something made you freeze. you looked around to make sure no one was in the corridor, before pushing your ear against the door.
shit, shit, shit, shit
he was moaning. fucking moaning, in his office, when he had specifically told you to visit him. you thought of the possibility of him having a girl in there, even petra, but no one else could be heard. everything right in your head was telling you to turn around and leave, but your hand was on the doorknob, and you were slowly twisting it.
just one look. one look and i’ll-
your eyes grew wide at the sight. a half empty bottle of bourbon sat next to an empty glass, a cigarette was slowly burning on the ashtray, the first two buttons of his white shirt were undone. god, you could clearly see his nipples through the fabric. the desk obscured your vision, but you could see his hand moving up and down, up and down, up-
“fu-fuuuck.” his voice strained, his head fell back and you were wet a creep.
you turned around and leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. looking at your reflection on your phone, you made sure pervert wasn’t written across your forehead, and turned back around.
two soft knocks on the door. levi fixed his hair quickly, buttoned his shirt and put the cigarette out.
“come in.” you entered the room and he looked at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
“long day?” you pointed at the bottle, smiling softly. he chuckled and motioned for you to sit down. “i can come back some other…” you trailed off when he took another glass out, filling it halfway and pushing it towards you.
you fidgeted with a ring on your finger, unsure of what to do.
“i shouldn’t…”
“i won’t tell if you won’t.” he filled his own glass and raised it to you, before taking a sip. you smiled softly, taking a sip of the drink. it burned coming down, just like his gray stare on you did.
“i have the tests marked. that question i was wondering about earlier,” you took the stack of papers out of your bag, leaving them in front of the man.
“yeah, i looked it up. it’s actually-”
“i figured it out.” you cut him off. he raised an eyebrow and put his glasses on, looking down at the marked paper, and the right answer which you had wrote down in red ink.
“you did.” he agreed and looked at you through strands of his raven hair. “good girl.”
you froze. you could feel your whole face turning an ugly shade of red. a million disgusting thoughts ran through your head as he walked around the desk to sit on the chair across from yours. his muscles flexed as he reached over the desk to get the ashtray and his drink. you took a big sip of the drink, trying to convince yourself the sexual tension was just in your head.
fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck.
“what?” he shook you out of your thoughts. he knew you were staring at him.
“nothing. i’ve never seen you like this.” you admitted, still sipping your drink.
“like what?”
like you don’t have a stick up your ass.
“relaxed.” you opted for the nice comment.
“i’m far from relaxed, trust me.” you watched as he placed a cigarette between his wet lips, lighting it with a white lighter.
“those are bad luck.” you took the lighter in your hand, fidgeting with it.
“huh. maybe that’s why my life’s shit.” he chuckled, taking a drag of the cigarette.
“come on…” your eyes fell on a book on his desk.
masculine domination, pierre bourdieu. you grinned, taking it in your hands to inspect the front page.
“take it. it’s for my doctorate students, but i think you-”
“i’ve read it.” you closed it and put it back on the pile.
“of course you have. you’re a smart girl, you know?”
he was praising you. and he was filling your glass again. when did you even finish the first?
“are you trying to get me drunk, sir?”
“i think you’re capable of controlling yourself.”
“don’t be so sure.” you mumbled, staring at your feet.
“what was that?”
“nothing!” you shook it off with a smile, but he had heard you just fine.
god, you wanted him so bad. as the hours went by, and the bottle came to its’ end, you became more and more impatient. you were scared of what you would do honestly, if one more drop of alcohol entered your system. but, were you crazy to think he wanted this too? why would he pour you a drink, and ask you all these questions, and make you laugh with stupid jokes if he-
“what are you thinking about?” he shook you out of your thoughts. you showed him the clock on the wall.
“that i should get going. some teacher thought it would be a good idea to have an 8 am class.” you grinned. you reached your hand out to return him his lighter, but you dropped it instead.
“that’s one lousy teacher.” he chuckled, kneeling on the floor to get the lighter. you waited for him to get up, so you could too, but he wouldn’t move. still kneeling, he came closer to you, his hands hesitantly moving to rest on the sides of your thighs.
internally, you were screaming. but not a single breath came out of your mouth as you watched him. he sighed and finally locked eyes with you.
“i’m not crazy, am i?”
“wh-what?” your voice came out as a whisper. pathetic.
“to think there’s something, right? here. there’s something here and i-”
“don’t.” he squeezed your thighs and you swore your heart would jump out your chest sooner or later. he straightened his back and got up, pulling you with him. “don’t call me sir.”
you let him seat you on top of his desk, you let him spread your legs and stand between them. he pushed your hair behind your ear and inched closer. his breath against your neck made you shiver, and a soft kiss forced a small gasp out of your mouth.
your hands trembled as you placed them around his neck, and his breath staggered when you played with the strands of hair that fell on his undercut.
“please kiss me.” he swore his knees would give when he heard your voice, so soft, so sweet. you were as needy for him as he was for you.
his strong hands met your face, his silver ring cooled your burning cheek. you closed your eyes, and his lips finally met yours. it was careful at first, both of you scared the other would change their mind. but all it took was you pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt, and he lost his mind. his hands slipped down to your waist and you arched your back to get closer to him, if that was even possible. your mouth trailed to his jaw, leaving sloppy kisses all the way down his neck. a playful bite made him gasp. you chuckled.
“stop. you’ll drive me crazy.” he squeezed your hip.
“good.” you grinned and leaned in to kiss him again, but his hand in your hair held you back.
“you have to go…” he managed between soft kisses down your chest, at least as far as your shirt allowed, “or i won’t be able to stop.” he held your hands, and kissed them both, maintaining eye contact with you.
“then don’t stop.” you whined, but your grin turned into a frown when he pulled you off the desk and fixed your skirt. “levi-”
“save something for later, right?”
his promise of a later was enough. you left him to clean up and walked out the door with a sheepish smile and a whispered goodnight.
your phone buzzed on your way back to the dorms, and you stopped in your tracks when you saw the name on the screen.
professor ackerman: wear that green dress tomorrow.
you raised an eyebrow.
just the dress.
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elderwisp · 2 months
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tagged by @vicciouxs and @living-undead thank you so much!
Not apart of the tag but i wanted to share his playlist and pinboard as well!
01 ★ NAME
Rowan Barrera
Atlas likes to call him Spaceman or Starman
Male (he/him)
Scorpio ♏︎
6'2" (188cm)
Mexicano ESOOOO!
Watermelon and peaches
He adores fall as it is close to his birthday and the chill in the weather is nice
Atropa belladonna... also known as nightshade
Loves the smell of classy perfumes/colognes, the smell that comes after it rains, and the smell of smoke from a bonfire
None, he prefers energy drinks especially if they're blended
Five, enough to not miss out on what's happening but also plenty so he doesn't crash
Dogs! He likes Cane Corsos or Dobermans!
Anything with a beach, his parents usually plan a lot of vacations so the term dream trip is typically reality for him
A nice fluffy duvet! although it eventually makes it's way to the floor
Rowan used to be in a lot of sports such as soccer. Really competitive guy so he would always make sure the team would win a majority of matches or be suuuuuper bummed out over losing. However once going into high school he dropped that hobby as his interests grew elsewhere.
★ TAGS: @lynzishell @hannahssimblr @youredreamingofroo @gvaudoiin-tricou @sirianasims
@earthmoonz @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @daniigh0ul @pralinesims
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The reporter was so nervous! She could feel how sweatier her hands were getting by the minute and how dry her mouth was. She was going to be the first one in the entire city of Chicago to get an interview with the new Michelin-starred restaurateur in town. She had beaten them all, once again.
When she saw Carmen Berzatto approaching her, she swallowed, hard.
The interview started smoothly, considering her heart was basically beating outside of her chest. She was amazed by how great she could function on autopilot and still remember all the questions she had studied the night before and gone over and over on the way to the restaurant.
He was HOT, she thought in the back of her mind as she tried to remain professional. She had such a crush on Carmy, based on her research, that when she finished booking the interview, she made sure to stop by the salon and get a makeover. Her hair looked like a mane straight out of a L'oreal campaign, and she even wore false eyelashes and her favorite French perfume.
When she confirmed the appointment for the interview and found out that his business partner/CDC wasn't going to be there to join them, she faked disappointment but celebrated on the inside because that meant she could flirt with the sexy chef all she wanted. She didn't care that it was rumored that Carmy Berzatto and his CDC were actually dating. It wasn't confirmed by any of them, so as far as she knew, he was available and she was determined to shamelessly hit on him as soon as she wrapped the interview. They had already swapped phones, so all she had to do now was make sure he knew she was down bad for him, and then wait for him to take the bait.
The golden compound question about how they got the Michelin Star and how he felt about it was mid-questionnaire. She preferred to break the ice by inquiring about him, his personal life, his favorite meals, his funny anecdotes in the kitchen, his trips around the world, and his family, which was a topic she quickly learned he was reluctant to touch so she didn't push it and whenever he stirred the conversation to Sydney she just skillfully changed the subject to avoid her being mentioned or keep her name out of the conversation as much as humanly possible. Sydney Adamu was not a winning chef in her eyes, she was just mere competition at this point, and Carla Redmond was not above treating her like such. She was laser-focused on her prize, to be more precise, on her prize's impossibly blue eyes, not to mention the rest of him.
"So, Carmy, can you tell us, mortals how is it that the Michelin stars happen to those who reach for them?"
"Um... Well, Darla, you make it sound a lot more epic than it actually is, really..."
"Carla, it's Carla, Carmy."
"Oh, sorry, yes, Carla. Well, let me tell you... Um... it's basically a phone call you get. As simple as that, well, scratch that. It's not so simple. I-I- think the logistics in the Michelin headquarters are something along the lines of... Um...so, once each restaurant in consideration has been inspected, the Michelin guide director meets with the um... the worldwide teams for what is called ‘star sessions’, I believe, and that is where the rating of each restaurant is debated. These sessions can last days, often do actually, and um... each restaurant is considered one by one until a unanimous decision is reached. And... the um... The results are then published in a country-specific guide, that's when you get the call."
"Sounds fascinating, Carmy!"
If he had gone over the entire list of colors in the Pantone color system, her answer and gooey eyes would have been the same.
"Before getting to the meat of this interview, the brand new accolade you just got, I'd like to make a quick round-up of all your previous awards: Let's see, you are a James Beard Award winner, right?"
"Um... yes, as it's Sydney, my partner."
"Right, right and you were also the best CDC at the most excellent restaurant in America and at some point not only the CDC of the best restaurant in the world, according to Eater Magazine, but also retained not just one but 3 Michelin Stars in New York? And all of this under the age of 30?"
"Well, yes. It was... Wow! You really did your research, Marla!"
She laughed for a second and then corrected him. Again.
"Carla, it's Carla, Carmy"
"Oh, I'm so sorry! My bad... Um... so, yeah, basically that's it, I was very um... lucky? I guess..."
"You gotta give me more than that, Carmy. I'm sure this must have been really challenging for you, especially at such a young age... Tell me more. How did it feel to get the 3-star call?"
"I… Um… Well, so… The first few seconds I felt like a sort of panic... 'cause I knew I just had to retain them. Is not like I had a choice. I had to retain 'em. Um... And then your brain does this weird thing where it just bypasses any sense of joy because you're just so overwhelmed, so caught up in the turmoil and the pressure, etc... And, um, I don't know... Anyway, I-I had to turn over a really slow table 'cause the, uh, entire United Nations Security Council was coming in, it was just another day in the office for me, I guess."
"So you're telling me you didn't enjoy those first 3 stars? This is like your fourth one, Carmy!"
"No, no, this is my first. Our first star and the only one that matters, actually, Carla."
And just as she was getting excited because he finally got her name right, and was about to dig deeper into his first star, she had to turn around because his face had changed. His eyes sparkled a different shade of blue and his jaw dropped slightly as a smile formed on his face, he looked happy and even hotter. So Carla followed his eyes and could see Sydney making a casual entrance, looking down at her phone, obviously texting. She was completely unaware of the effect her presence was having on the cook Carla was trying to make a move on.
"Syd!" His smile said it all, he didn't need to complete that sentence.
"Oh!" Was all that Carla managed to say. She was not loving it but masked it pretty well.
So the interview continued but with all 4 stars in the spotlight: The Michelin Star, Carmy, Sydney, and Natalie, who Syd made sure to include. Even Richie and the rest of the team made an appearance. After they all had their moment in the sun and thanked her for coming, Carla thanked them for their time and left the premises with a very well-composed tune based on all the instruments of The Bear, but also empty-handed and still very much single and ready to mingle with her nightly schedule fully open. Carmy had not taken the bait, but apparently, he was already taken and he made sure to mention it.
Carla was defeated, but couldn't help but admit that Carmy and Sydney looked perfect together, the chemistry was painfully obvious. As was their mutual love. She felt frustrated, but in spite of herself, she was now rooting for them. They were now her "couple goals". After spending an hour with them, she didn't just want Carmy, even though she knew it was never going to happen, she wanted what Syd and Carmy had.
Her last question for Carmy had been "So is there a memento or some sort of souvenir you got to commemorate this Star forever, seeing as you mentioned that you had already retained 3 before, but this one was the only one that really mattered to you?"
"Yes actually. I-I- um... I got a tattoo, right here, this star is gonna be here forever." He pointed at his heart and looked straight at Sydney. Her eyes smiled in the sweetest way, looking right back at him and Carla felt like such a third wheel that she decided to end the interview right then and there. She didn't even ask Syd if she got a memento or a tattoo too for the same reason.
She could guess she probably did and her intuition wouldn't have failed her. She would have been right on the money on that one. Syd did get a tattoo to commemorate her first Michelin star. It was The Bear logo that Carmy had designed when he first pitched the franchise idea to Michael and it was forever inked in a place south of her back where only her Bear had access to.
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kazuaru · 2 months
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OC Questionnaire - For Arya
NAME: Arya Clayton. NICKNAME: Ari. GENDER: She/Her. STAR SIGN: Unknown. HEIGHT: 5 Something. ORIENTATION: Straight. (for now) NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: African American. FAVORITE FRUIT: Cantaloupe. FAVORITE SEASON: Summer (get to wear less clothes) FAVORITE FLOWER: Jasmine. FAVORITE SCENT: Chanel Perfume COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea (she's been on a tea kick recently after getting sick) AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7. (you'll see why in a second) DOGS OR CATS: Dogs (her grandma had a dog that she loved playing with when she was a kid) DREAM TRIP: Jamaica. NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 Big One. RANDOM FACT: Arya has an ep coming out.
Thanks to @cloudellesims for tagging me!!!! 💘💘💘!!!!
I'll tag @skaterboisims / @veone / @trailerparkdad / @levinbolts & @lucidicer
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
It's been a while since @nocturnalazure tagged me to do this again. Life took over for a while, but here we are, after all. Thank you for tagging, my dear! ❤️ Upon your request, here's Rachel!
I was actually hoping to post the next chapter today, which also centres around Rach, but I need two more days to get that sorted. So consider this your Rachel-fix to pass the time. 😉
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Rachel has a fear of heights and things that go at excessive speeds.
Do they have any pet peeves?
When people comment on the fact that she's quiet, talking on the phone (especially when it can be texted).
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Books, her diary, and a collection of hairbands.
What do they notice first in a person?
If they have kind eyes.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe a 6? She can handle some pain, but not too much. She's also afraid things might hurt.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
This totally depends on the situation. Rachel would fight if she feels passionate about something, but when it's something less important to her heart, she wouldn't.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Rachel comes from a very warm, open-minded, and accepting family situation. She doesn't have a big family, but her parents, her brother and her sister are hugely important to her.
What animal represents them best?
A golden retriever. Loyal and helpful.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Rachel is not a perfume girl. She dislikes most perfumes and artificial smells in general. She picks showergel with a natural smell and non-perfumed washing detergent for her clothes.
Have they broken any bones?
She broke her underarm when falling off a slide as a kid.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quiet, shy.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Rachel loves her sleep. She likes to go to bed at a reasonable hour and sleep until she wakes up naturally, which is usually around 8.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Rachel is vegetarian. When there's meat in a dish and she didn't expect it, she immediately notices upon first bite, and it literally leaves her nauseous. She loves avocados!
Do they have any hobbies?
Reading, writing, yoga, ballet (although she hasn't done that in a while).
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Not too great. Well, she wouldn't show it, but those who truly know her, know she likes to be prepared.
Do they like to wear jewellery?
Yes! Earrings especially! But always understated, never big or flashy..
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
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What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Compassion and insecurity
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Wool and cotton
What kind of accent do they have?
No noticeable accent, but she can speak very softly. Sometimes so quietly that it's hard to understand.
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gudriva · 6 months
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You know, it bothered me that I design the background so badly... so I decided to redo everything and do it normally. And also change the proportions for Rosie..
I also noticed that it is better to describe the characters better in the text, so ladies and gentlemen... I present you 2 bio questionnaires:
Rosie Rose:
Rosie Rose – a snake (according to her) with a rebellious character. At work, she is tough all the time, and can even bite off a foot passing by her door, but-.. It's not that bad. She understands fashion, she just doesn't dare to wear something expensive to work (well, what if something?) so she only gets by with one ring. The smell of her expensive cigarettes can be felt even a kilometer away, and the smell of her perfume will stick on your clothes after 3 more days (Lol, I left my jacket in the locker rooms of the school, and then it stank of men's perfume for another week)) )
Sue Saddest:
Sue Saddest – a butterfly who loves to drink (not to be confused with moths!!). Most often, she is at the bar just to have a drink and wait for her best friend (Rosie), and Howdy, in turn, does not mind regular customers :D. Sue doesn't communicate with anyone in the bar except Howdy and maybe with someone by chance (she already has enough of the fact that her wings are terribly cut, what do you want from her??). Interesting fact: One piece of wing sewn on is NOT her wing but her father's, who usually helps her with everything. +she has back problems (she is being pulled down all the time(( )
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natolesims · 5 months
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Thank you for the tag @windslar!! Our favourite blonde is going to be in the eye of the hurricane for the next days, so let's get to get to know Lottie a bit better :D
1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
She's afraid of thunderstorms! And also, death. She lost her mom at a very young age, so an early demise is something Lottie feels uneasy about.
2. Do they have any pet peeves?
People who talk too much about themselves. Ironic, huh?
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Expensive perfume bottles, at least one bouquet of fresh flowers and a manicure set.
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their general hygiene. Lottie won't judge you about your clothing and style (maybe a little), but uneccesary messiness? Bad smells? Dirty teeth? Ew, no thanks.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Oh no, a complete 0. She'll cry rivers for the smallest, non-visible scratch anytime. She's a terrible patient whenever she's really hurt or sick.
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Lottie will choose violence whenever she feels the lightest pressure on her glamourous and delicate self, thank you very much.
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
No and yes! Her family has been always her and her dad since she was a toddler, and she always grew apart from other relatives or acquaitances. On the other hand, being close to Tiana made Lottie become included by the whole White bunch in their chaotic family antics, what shaped her into a a very familiar person. That's one of the main reasons she would love to have a big family of her own!
8. What animal represents them best?
A very much spoiled angora cat, of course.
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Artificial strawberry, specially on cosmetics.
10. Have they broken any bones?
Nope! And let's hope things stay that way!
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
It would depend on her mood, since she can be your best friend or ignore you completely if she feels like it. In general, people often say she's elegant, well-educated, pretentious and too loud.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Her? A night owl? She won't interrupt her beauty sleep even if her life depends on it. Lottie prefers to wake up early and get things done with a freshly rested face.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Hate: coconut / Love: vanilla!
14. Do they have any hobbies?
I don't know if it counts as a hobby, but wellness is her main thing. From doing yoga and meditating to research crystal properties, Lottie is very passionate about it!
15. Boom, surprise birthday party!How do they react to surprises?
Oh, she LOVES surprises! Only if they reach her standards, what's a bit troublesome. But anything that makes her feel like the main character is a yes, thank you.
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
It's not a preference, it's a sport. And she's the national champion.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Of course it's neat! She wouldn't dare to leave elegant handwritten and scented notes to people with an horrendous one. Fun fact: she even took calligraphy classes to improve her style at some point.
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Flirty (of course) and confident (of course x2).
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
Silk! So fresh, smooth and flattering. And expensive, as usual.
20. What kind of accent do they have?
US English, rich girl edition.
I tag @payte @goldoradove @samssims @pixel-bloom @zosa95 @akitasimblr @duusheen @marcishaun @nitrozem @micrathene-w and @bakersimmer! Feel free to ignoreee
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anamoon63 · 4 months
--- OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag ---
Thank you dear @wannabecatwriter for the tag! 🤗💗 Also a huge apology for taking so long to reply.
For this I chose Roderick Kingston, a very old sim of mine. (The Sims 3 of course). Roderick is, like Patrick Orbison, one of my oldest sims, the first one I made when the Night Life expansion came out.
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Roderick was as important to me as many other sims in my generational games, and, even when I created him before the Generations EP, he had a very large family of four generations.
Why did I choose him, having so many relatively new and more popular sims? Well, because during the time I was caring for my family in their illness I only had a little window of time at night to play The Sims, if I wasn't too tired. So I wanted it to be a free gameplay, mostly to distract myself, some where I didn't have to write, or pose, or take pictures. So I picked this old 2011 save (named The Kingstons), and well, I did take pictures while I played, lol, but nothing to use in any particular story. I played it exclusively for fun.
Currently, Roderick is an elder, and a grandpa, though he refuses to admit that he's old because, like almost every famous musician, he's vain and does not accept that time has gone by. So, takes exaggerated care of his physique, especially his face, and, though he clearly isn't young anymore, he always looks quite good for his age. (This is in part because I create my own elders using the sim adult stage and a lot of costume makeup, since I've always thought that EA elders don't look exactly like real life elders, especially not like elder celebrities like Roderick).
Anyway, without further ado, here is my most ancient sim, and one of my very favorites. (I know I say this about almost every sim of mine I post, hahaha).
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
A fear that is common among vain people like Roderick: fear of the passage of time, that is, of getting old.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Photographers and paparazzi, because he is afraid of having his picture taken from a bad angle. He likes to control which photos of him are published and which are not. (Like the ones in this post, lol).
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Cologne, newspapers and his double bass.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their manners and their clothes, if they are women, he checks to see if they are pretty.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Quite high, maybe 7 or 8, but he has his limits.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Definitely flight mode. He doesn't like arguments, and he doesn't like to look bad in public.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Roderick was an only child but is the patriarch of an extended dynasty of celebrities.
What animal represents them best?
A fox (because the fox is associated with creativity, passion, wisdom, and charm, (among other things) and these are some of Roderick's characteristics.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Hates the smell of cheap cologne or perfume.
Have they broken any bones?
Never, fortunately. And I don't think he'd like how he'd look with casts on his limbs.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Attractive, charismatic, somewhat conceited but friendly in general.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night owl, of course.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He hates the taste of cheap fridge in his food. Loves the taste of well-prepared grilled salmon.
Do they have any hobbies?
Writing and blogging.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Roderick loved surprise parties when he was young, nowadays they are no longer his favorite, mainly because birthdays make him feel older, but he appreciates a good party.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Not really, just his watch, (not an ostentatious one) and his wedding ring. Even though he has remarried, he still wears the one he wore when he was wed to his late wife Tiara Angelista.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
His handwriting is super neat, just like him.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Love (for music, and his family); and embarrasment. He hates to make a fool of himself, he also suffers when his reputation is threatened.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Anything that is comfortable and not cheap.
What kind of accent do they have?
He's from Bridgeport, so, Bridgeport accent, kind of like a New Yorker, I guess.
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Roderick back in 2011 vs. Roderick in 2024.
You can tell I didn't have much CC then, nor a proper skin, but I had a blast playing with him back when. Today Roderick isn't young anymore, but he still walks around dressed in a tuxedo and he absolutely hates discovering new wrinkles in the mirror. He's kind of obsessed with looking young. He was once married to Tiara Angelista, long and happy marriage, they had three children, but then she died of old age. Later their son resurrected her (long story), though a bit late cause Roderick was already married to Suzy Strummer, who is much younger than him. They continue to be married to this day, but they haven't had any children (yet).
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*Note: The Bridgeport save where Roderick lives is different from Patrick Orbison's save, which is more modern, although Pat also dates from quite some time ago, as he was also one of the first sims I made. Also, I know Late Night was released in 2010 but this save is from 2011.
Okay, that's all, we'll probably see more of Roderick and his family in the near future. (If I have the time). Thanks for reading this far. ❤️
I'm tagging: @matchalovertrait @camisulsul @kimmiessimmies @nocturnalazure @sparkilina @edyavtostopom @mysimsloveaffair @akitasimblr @expirisims @plaidisrad @silwermoon-sims @jennisimsand @happy-lemon and everybody else who wants to do this questionnaire. 😊
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wannabecatwriter · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Thanks for the tag @bool-prop!
I'll pick Isobel.
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
I don't know if this is uncommon or not, but she sometimes fears that she's wasting her life.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Incompetence. And when she has to solve the messes caused by said incompetence.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Perfume, random cat toys, lotion.
What do they notice first in a person?
Body language and eyes.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe 4-5.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight, but not physically. She's more likely to take someone down with her words and arguments than with fists.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
She's an only child.
What animal represents them best?
A cat.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Hay - because if she smells it, a sneezing fit is guaranteed.
Have they broken any bones?
Not yet and she hopes and she never does.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Stylish, but also aloof and kind of high-maintenance. She isn't really like that, but without knowing her, some would think she is.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Morning bird.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
She loves citrus-flavored things. She thinks that whoever decided coffee and olive oil go well together should get their head and taste buds checked.
Do they have any hobbies?
Gaming and yoga.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
As long as she isn't surprised while she's naked, all's good and she'd love a good get-together.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Oh yes! She sometimes jokes she should not be allowed near jewelry stores without a parental lock on her cards.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's neat and legible.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Curiosity and competitiveness.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Whatever really comfortable pjs are made of.
What kind of accent do they have?
It's kind of uptown. She's not sure how she picked it up, probably from hanging around coworkers who speak that way.
Tagging @nocturnalazure @anamoon63 @potential-fate
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hamletthedane · 2 years
Transcribing the Oscar Wilde Questionnaire
Because nearly every response is a gem. (Here's a link to a high-res photo of the questionnaire, completed by Wilde in 1877)
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N: Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, 1877
Your Favourite
Colour? couleur de rose (often a [red?]).
Flower? Lilium Auratum
Tree? Stone Pine and Lemon Tree
Object in nature? The sea (when there are no bathing machines)
Hour in the day? Post hour.
Season of the Year? Beginning of autumn.
Perfume? almond blossoms
Gem? Sapphire in winter / Diamond in summer.
Style of Beauty? that of Guido [Reni]'s St. Sebastian and of the "Venus of Melos [sic - Milo]"
Names, Male and Female? Eucharis, Florence, Cecil
Painters? Fra Angelico; Turner; Caravaggio.
Musicians? Mozart, Gounod, Chopin.
Piece of Sculpture? Apoxyomenos of Vatican.
Poets? Euripides, Keats, Theocritus, and myself.
Poetesses? Sappho and Lady [Jane] Wilde
Prose Authors? Plato and John Ruskin.
Character in Romance? Achilles; Nausikaa
[Character] in History? Dr Newman. Alexander.
Book to take up for an hour? I never take up books for an hour.
What book (not religious) would you part with least? my Euripides.
What epoch would you choose to have lived in? the Italian Renaissance.
Where would you like to live? Florence and Rome.
What is your favourite amusement? writing sonnets, and Riding.
What is your favourite occupation? Reading my own sonnets .
What trait of character do you most admire in man? the power of attracting friends.
What trait of character do you most admire in woman? the power of becoming either a Cleopatra, or a St. Catherine
What trait of character do you most detest in each? Vanity; self esteem; conceitedness
If not yourself, who would you rather be? a Cardinal of the Catholic Church
What is your idea of happiness? Absolute power over men’s minds, even if accompanied by chronic toothache.
What is your idea of misery? living a poor and respectable life in an obscure village.
What is your bête noir [sic]? a thorough Irish Protestant
What is your dream? getting my hair cut
What is your favorite game? Snipe and Lawn Tennis
What do you believe to by your distinguishing characteristics? [the word “humility” is scribbled-through] inordinate self-esteem
If married, what do you believe to be the distinguishing characteristics of your better-half? Devotion to her husband [Note: written high in margin as cheeky reference to response in #34]
What is the sublimest passions of which human nature is capable? asceticism; ambition
What are the sweetest words in the world? Well Done!
What are the saddest words? Failure!
What is your aim in life? success, fame or even notoriety
What is your motto? [No response]
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marcishaun · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Thanks for the tag @natolesims! 💗
I chose Deidra, a sim I had created almost 2 years ago. I had created a save just for her, and gave her extended family members. She eventually fell in love with & married a townie, and when the Growing Together ep came out, she became my 1st sim to have an infant. They eventually had 4 kids!
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1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Being alone. It led to arguments with her sister, Kendra, who felt Deidra rushed into a relationship with Stan because she wanted to get married & have a baby before it was too late.
2. Do they have any pet peeves?
Laziness. Deidra gets frustrated easily, & hates when others don't help.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Baby toys (their youngest sleeps in their room), perfume & lotions, hair wraps.
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Probably how they react to her. She can be self-conscious, and seems to be on high alert & observes how people perceive her.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe a 2. It's low. She's never had a major physical injury, and prefers to not deal with any emotional or mental ones.
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Absolutely flight mode. After constantly bickering with her sister, because Kendra didn't accept her now-husband, Deidra stopped speaking to her.
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Deidra comes from an average sized family. She has 1 younger sister (Kendra), and 1 younger brother (Shawn), and even has the family oriented trait.
8. What animal represents them best?
Maybe a lioness. Takes care of all of the babies, hunts/cooks, and is the one REALLY in charge.
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Trash/dirty dish water. It means someone didn't complete their chores.
10. Have they broken any bones?
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quiet, but nice. Seems well organized and put together.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night owl. Her mornings are chaos.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Deidra loves vanilla & cinnamon, and just the smell of pickles makes her gag.
14. Do they have any hobbies?
Reading and art/painting/sketching.
15. Boom, surprise birthday party!How do they react to surprises?
Pleasantly surprised, but anxious.
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Not really. Maybe for special occasions.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Very neat!
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
The last time I played her, they were Flirty & probably some form of Tense.
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
Probably cotton. Simple.
20. What kind of accent do they have?
English, United States. Just realized most of my sims don't have regional American accents, and maybe it's because most people tell me that they can't detect a regional accent in me.
Tagging: @changingplumbob @deardiaryts4 @oofiesims
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elderwisp · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @pralinesims ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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NAME: atlas dubois
NICKNAME: ... cassanova (*me wheezing in the background*)
GENDER: he's just a boy
STAR SIGN: pisces ♓︎
HEIGHT: 5'11 (180 CM)
FAVORITE FRUIT: strawberries
FAVORITE FLOWER: poppies, roses and lily of the valley
FAVORITE SCENT: the smell of the sea, taryn's perfume
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: hot chocolate! he’s not a fan of coffee
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: if he's lucky, 6 hours
DOGS or CATS: he honestly used to not like having pets but after leo, he absolutely adores cats and wouldn't go back
DREAM TRIP: he'd love to spend a summer in portofino, italy on a boat
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: he likes sleeping with nothing or like those sheet covers O_O can't be me
RANDOM FACT: he used to work as a bartender and used his charisma to make hella money before becoming a fulltime freelance artist. he honestly whips up a good drink every now and again
I tag: @lynzishell @goldenwaves @roos-bowl-o-soup @kazuaru @acidheaddd @vicciouxs @moonfromearth if you'd like :)
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holocene-sims · 6 months
oc questionnaire tag
here i am, trying my best to catch up on tag games 😭😭 i have no idea who tagged me in this one anymore because this went around so long ago, and after scrolling through three months worth of notifications, i don't know if i found everyone who tagged me, but i do 100% remember @stargazer-sims @dandylion240 & @jonquilyst tagging me!
BASICALLY thank you so much to everyone who tagged me, and i'm so sorry if i missed acknowledging you here because i am pretty sure i did miss folks! but anyway, i'll tag in return:
@windermeresimblr @slightly-ludic @nikatyler @swallowprettybird @changingplumbob @vercosims @sertrallne @nectar-cellar @sparkiekong @papermint-airplane
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NAME: bae yunha (배윤하)
NICKNAMES: yun, yunie, princess pear (배공주) 🍐
bonus fact: princess pear is spoofing off her name and the translation of princess peach (피치공주), who is yunha's main/ favorite character in mario kart! as for the name thing, yunha's last name doesn't mean pear, but the word for pear is pronounced and spelled the same exact way as her last name (배). so,,, the nickname is kind of princess bae, as in princess bae yunha, but it's also princess pear at the same time lol
GENDER: cis female
STAR SIGN: pisces ♓
HEIGHT: 5'5"
FAVORITE SCENT: oddly specific but miss dior blooming bouquet perfume (it's her favorite perfume but she rations it out in the tiniest of portions because it's $$$$$) 💟
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: all of the above! yunha doesn't discriminate against liquids, she just likes them in different contexts. she drinks coffee out of the house at coffee shops, tea at home (unless it's boba, at which point she'll buy it at a boba shop), and hot chocolate during winter, mostly if it's snowing ☕
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 10 😴 she likes her beauty sleep!
DOGS or CATS: cats! she likes both, but she prefers cats 🤍
DREAM TRIP: paris and/or france more generally! she's aware it's not, like, the romanticized place it's portrayed as in media, but she wants to go to see the museums and architecture, check out the cafes, and walk around the parks and whatnot
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: just one! she's always slept on the floor on a futon, and in her opinion, it's a bit much to have too many blankets when you're doing that because the blankets aren't really anchored onto anything, so if you have more than one, they start getting tangled and crawling off the mattress in multiple directions
RANDOM FACT: she has an uncanny ability to solve puzzles! she's the girlie you give the "solve the maze without lifting your pen off the paper" challenges, and she's proud to say she has never looked up a walkthrough for games like portal or the stone matching mini-games in skyrim 👑 part of the magic is definitely stubbornness btw. she will stare at the puzzle until it's either solved or the universe decays into oblivion, one or the other! she is otherwise not competitive, though; that attitude is quite literally reserved only for puzzles
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rollingsim · 7 months
OC Questionnaire
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Name: Sayaka Mori
Nickname: Saya
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’8”
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Japanese
Favorite fruit: Kiwis
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite flower: Cranberry Hibiscus
Favorite scent: Gritti tutu (Kiku’s perfume)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee
Avg hours of sleep: 8 hrs
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: New York City (to see the MET)
Number of Blankets: 2
Random fact: Her favorite franchise is Charlie’s Angels solely because of Lucy Liu
Thank you so much for tagging me @kazuaru 💕
Tagging: @bunmou @lilypixels @lazysunjade @gleamer
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eljeebee · 7 months
OC Questionnaire
Tagged by: @pralinesims thank you so much Evan!!!! I'm doing two people today 😉
*clears throat* Ahem. *whips out the lore folder in my computer that contains Priscilla and Tony's dossier* Let's start shall we?
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NAME: Priscilla Wuest (soon to be hyphenated Harrison again lmao) NICKNAME: Pri, Precy (usually by me; it's the Filipino nickname for Priscilla), Imera (codename) GENDER: Cis woman STAR SIGN: Cancer ♋︎ HEIGHT: 5'6 (167 cm) ORIENTATION: Demisexual NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: American FAVORITE FRUIT: Dragon fruit (she loves getting those from the Philippines) FAVORITE SEASON: Spring and Summer FAVORITE FLOWER: Baby's breath FAVORITE SCENT: Citrus, Tony's perfume that she's dying to know (but he's not telling her because he made it himself for fun while practicing his magic), Tony's musky scent after his workout (ahem) COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Prefers tea, but indulges in hot chocolate from time to time AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: On mission days, around 6. On a regular day, 8. DOGS or CATS: She doesn't mind both, but they currently have a cat named Moumou! Also does well interacting with farm animals (Lucio Ranch, remember?!) DREAM TRIP: Somewhere tropical, beachy. Somewhere she could wear the hottest head-turning bikini ever, which would make Tony's ego so big NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 and warm arms around her RANDOM FACT: Through her biological mother, she has the blood of a Filipino. She only found out when she was bored and used her security clearance to search anything related to her through The Director's terminal. She didn't mind them not telling her, since she doesn't want to know anything about her birthmother.
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NAME: Anthony Harrison NICKNAME: Tony GENDER: Cis man STAR SIGN: Aquarius ♒︎ HEIGHT: 5'11 (180 cm) ORIENTATION: Heterosexual NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: American - British citizenship, born British FAVORITE FRUIT: Cherries FAVORITE SEASON: Summer (for bikini season ahem) and Winter (to warm Priscilla) FAVORITE FLOWER: Rose, Orchids, Baby's breath FAVORITE SCENT: Fresh linen, floral, Tom Ford Black Orchid (Priscilla's perfume) COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: TEA AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7. Unleashes deep snores that Priscilla uses her power to bend reality in a miniscule level with practiced precision to silence him every night which she had to stop when she saw him choke on his sleep so she learned how to live with it. He's now a white noise machine. DOGS or CATS: Cats DREAM TRIP: Doesn't mind beach vacations (he loves the way Priscilla dresses up for it and would throw himself to her every time) but he'd love to travel somewhere snowy and cold. Like going on Ski resorts! NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1. He can keep himself warm with his magic, and loves it because Priscilla often throws herself over him when it's winter. Walking heater. RANDOM FACT: He was born on 1987. A little older than Priscilla? Ahem, ahem. (How is this a random fact though?)
Tagging: @changingplumbob @igotsnothing @damseljamsel @kimmiessimmies @nocturnalazure @tedsies @buttertrait @morningglory-sims @holocene-sims and if everyone sees this feel free to be tagged by me! Of course, if you don't feel like it, feel free to pass!
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predvestnik · 3 months
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤSTUDY    :    Аякс Кир́иллович Во́лков
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tagged by :    @viaetor !! <3 tagging :  @ccaptain @visionheld (Kaveh or Diluc) @snowtombedstar @csial @melodicbreeze @verdantluxury (Lumine) and it's also up for stealing
—    basics.
▸  is your muse tall    /    short    /    average ? Tall, around 6'2
▸       are they okay with their height ? He doesn't care much for it outside of making his siblings happy by letting them dangle off his arms or climb his back now and then.
▸      what’s their hair like ? Silky, almost thick strands with subtle waves. He has random paler strands that are growing in quantity by the minute but so far are well hidden among the naturally sunset-colored ones. He is the one trimming it now and then.
▸     do they spend a  lot of time on their hair     /    grooming ? Not at all, washing and combing are essentially the extent of his routine with it. It isn't unkempt by any means, but it also doesn't demand much attention.
▸      does your muse care about their appearance   /   what others think ? No, if it's about how he looks but a hard yes for anything else. He may not go after it, but he's a big fan of praises, of having his feats acknowledged and respected. It sends him over the moon. Inversely, criticism will seldom earn a serious response from him, even if he does reflect back on them to fish for anything constructive he can use to hone himself.
—    preferences.
▸      indoors    or    outdoors ?     outdoors. ▸      rain    or    sunshine ?  sunshine. ▸      forest    or    beach ?      beach. ▸      precious    metals    or    gems ?      metals. ▸      flowers    or    perfumes ?     flowers. ▸      personality    or    appearance ?      personality. ▸      being    alone    or    being    in    a    crowd ?     being alone. ▸      order    or    anarchy ?   order. ▸      painful    truths    or    white    lies ?     painful truths. ▸      science    or    magic ?     magic. ▸      peace    or    conflict ?    peace. ▸      night    or    day ?     night. ▸      dusk    or    dawn ?   dusk. ▸      warmth    or    cold ?     cold. ▸      many   acquaintances    or    a    few    close    friends ?   few close friends. ▸      reading    or    playing    a    game ?      playing a game.
—    questionnaire.
▸      what are some of your muse’s bad habits ? As a hyper vigilant individual, he doesn't sleep. He no longer needs it in the same way a regular human does ever since inheriting the Foul Legacy (+everything that came from his connection to Skirk and the Foul) and acquiring his status as a neohuman. That, paired with him always anticipating conflict, makes sleeping an undesirable routine. Still, his stress levels could take a dive if he napped more often. He also prefers to do everything on his own, seldom taking any of the companies under his hierarchy with him, which has, in turn, caused some of them to be shared among other leaders for logistics reasons and shrunk his squad to the point that he mostly borrows workforce (so far, only from Pantalone) when he needs it in other nations.
▸      has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them ? Close, not yet and hopefully he won't, but he's lost many comrades throughout his history with the Fatui and, although it's set with him that those who join it are certain of their fate, it still aches very deep inside how it was not a destiny some of them really wished.
▸      what are some fond memories your muse has ? Most of them involve his family. The evenings spent with his father and older siblings by a campfire, listening to tales of great adventurers under the aurora; getting his first fishing rod and the one experience with it that landed him face first into the freezing waters while trying to catch a particularly stubborn and rowdy fish; Teucer's birth and how he nagged his mother constantly to watch him sleep in his crib; Tonia's tight hug when he came back home after his conscription into the Fatui.
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill ? Yes, he will kill if he must. He will try anything else if he can spare innocent lives, but if all else fails, he will still go for it.
▸      what’s it like when your muse breaks down ? Sadness makes him nearly catatonic, unable to speak, unwilling to move. He will withdraw where he can't be reached and let it run its course. The worst of it is how it makes him feel powerless and naked of everything he's worked hard for, his shoulders may shake but he can't seem to bring himself to cry, and then comes the numbness. If someone he's, like, really close to wants to go after him anyway and tries to offer comfort, he will likely decline it at first but become a crumpled creature if they somehow manage to get him in their arms.
▸      is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ? Yes but the roster of people he trusts with that is so small that it's almost a no, also because he's unhealthily confident that he won't ever need to and if he does, it's because he's willing to make the sacrifice anyway.
▸      what’s your muse like when they’re in love ? Doting, attentive and attuned to his partner's likes and dislikes. Childe is giving in many senses: material, emotional and physical. He will do nearly everything in his power to make them feel seen and wanted despite his non negotiable periods of absence — expect letters, shipments, and couriers knocking on their door to check up on them and deliver special gifts. He is not one to easily fall in love, but becomes a whole entire fool once he does. He's naturally protective, too, but not blindly.
He isn't exactly insecure, but he's resigned to the fact that, maybe, the arrangements of a relationship with him aren't ideal for a partner that looks for or expects him to be around for long or all the time, so he may lack tact, sound detached from it, when addressing this one aspect of being in a relationship with him, which might make others think he doesn't miss them or care to be together. This goes to how he is very open about the possibility of dying out there as well, oops.
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