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[✎ ITA 📻] Apple Music : SUGA | Agust D Radio Ep.5 - BTS & ARMY | 16.05.23⠸
🍎 Apple Music 🎵
SUGA | Agust D Radio
Episodio 5 : “BTS & ARMY” __ finale
🎶 Playlist
Ciao e benvenutə all'ultimo episodio di ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’, su Apple Music. Io sono SUGA dei BTS. Siamo già arrivatə all'ultimo episodio, ragazzə. Grazie a questa trasmissione, ho potuto condividere con voi storie e aneddoti riguardanti Agust D di cui non avevo ancora avuto l'occasione di parlare. Dato che questo programma va in onda in contemporanea al mio primo album solista, 'D-DAY', e al relativo tour, è ancor più prezioso. Applausi, prego! Affrontare questo viaggio insieme a voi mi ha trasmesso tanta energia. L'episodio di oggi riguarda i membri e tutte le persone che mi hanno aiutato. Questo episodio è tutto dedicato a voi, carə ARMY. Nel corso della mia vita, ho incontrato molte persone che mi sono state d'ispirazione e mi hanno spinto a diventare un musicista, ma l'incontro ed il viaggio più importanti sono stati quelli insieme alle/gli ARMY ed ai membri dei BTS. Dunque, è con cuore riconoscente che vorrei dare inizio a quest'ultimo episodio con questa canzone. Il primo brano è.... "FIRE (불타��르네)" dei BTS.
♪ FIRE (불타오르네) – BTS
Avete appena ascoltato "FIRE" dei BTS, e io sono il vostro dj, SUGA.
Dunque... I BTS hanno degli assistenti. Prima di diventare un cantante, ho iniziato lavorando come aiutante... Ricordo ancora quando ero un assistente, a Daegu. Allora, avevo noleggiato una stanza per me in uno studio di registrazione, ma non c'era nessuno che potesse registrare per me. Anzi, ricordo che mi è stato chiesto di registrare per altrə. Ero un po' un tuttofare, praticamente, quindi so e capisco come sia essere un assistente. Allo staff dovevo sembrare un po' una sorta di Buddha.
Di quanto sto per dire ne ho già parlato profusamente con i membri, ma le/gli ARMY sono le nostre anime gemelle. Le nostre anime gemelle di tutta una vita. Credo sia proprio grazie alle/gli ARMY, che ci sono sempre rimastə accanto fin dall'inizio, mentre correvamo sul nostro percorso, se abbiamo sempre cercato di dare il massimo, di superarci e presentare solo le performance migliori. Ricordo ancora la nostra prima trasmissione musicale. Anzi, in realtà, prima di quello, abbiamo fatto uno showcase... Poi c'è stata la prima trasmissione musicale. Per quelle registrazioni ci saranno state qualcosa tipo 20 persone in tutto. Non so se quelle 20 persone ci seguono ancora, ma quella è stata davvero un'esperienza fantastica. Quando ero a Daegu, mi esibivo di fronte a 2... 5 persone, talvolta... Cercavo di vendere la mia musica facendo performance di strada. Sono ricordi che mi porto ancora dietro, quindi salire su un palco così bello [per la prima trasmissione musicale], un palco così figo, è stata davvero un'esperienza importante per me. Ad ogni modo, è così che è andata. Ora, ascoltiamo insieme "Mic Drop" dei BTS, e poi ci ritroviamo qui.
♪ Mic Drop – BTS
Questa è ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’ su Apple Music. Avete appena ascoltato un mio consiglio musicale per le/gli ARMY. Ormai sono quasi 10 anni che abbiamo debuttato ed i ricordi che abbiamo condiviso con le/gli ARMY sono innumerevoli, davvero. Come dice il proverbio, "persino i fiumi e le montagne cambiano in 10 anni", ma il nostro legame è sempre lo stesso. Abbiamo sempre ricevuto un sacco di amore e supporto e, a questo proposito, ci sono diversi aneddoti che potrei citarvi. Ricordo soprattutto i concerti. L'entusiasmo varia da posto a posto, ma vedendo le/gli ARMY dare il cuore e cantare all'unisono insieme a noi, il pensiero che mi torna sempre in mente è "Ah.. È proprio per questo che lo faccio", "È per questo che devo continuare e dare il massimo". È ciò che realizzo ancora ed ancora, ogni volta di più. Ascoltiamo la canzone da concerto perfetta: "Dynamite" dei BTS
♪ Dynamite – BTS
State ascoltando l'ultimo episodio di ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’, qui su Apple Music. Con cuore grato, abbiamo parlato un po' dei nostri ricordi insieme alle/gli ARMY. Ma ci sono anche altre persone che proprio non posso non menzionare, se parliamo del mio percorso musicale. Tra queste, c'è il nostro direttore delle performance, Lee Byungeun, che oggi è qui insieme a me, benvenuto!
Lee Byungeun: Buongiorno, è un piacere vederti! Sono Lee Byungeun, direttore delle performance alla Big Hit Music.
SUGA: Ah.. perché è così agitato?
LBE: Già... sono un po' nervoso.
SUGA: Oh, si è preso anche degli appunti? Che cos'è quello? È la prima volta che vedo qualcuno venire al programma con delle annotazioni. È già da parecchio che lavoriamo insieme a Lee Byungeun, in che anno si è unito a noi?
LBE: È già da più di 6 anni, ormai.
SUGA: Sono già passati sei anni e ora è diventato il nostro direttore delle performance ufficiale.
LBE: Sì.
SUGA: Sul serio, avremmo un sacco di cose di cui parlare, ma credo non possiamo che iniziare da questo... Hobi ed i Neuron, partiamo da Gwangju. Lei era insieme a Hobi quando ancora sognava di diventare un ballerino ed un cantante.
LBE: Sì, esatto.
SUGA: Per favore, vuole presentarsi/dirci qualcosa in più?
LBE: Ah, sì, da sei anni a questa parte sono il direttore Lee Byungeun, prima ero un coreografo e street dancer. Conoscevo già j-hope, in quanto anche lui ha iniziato dal ballo, e ora sono qui.
SUGA: *ironico* Ah, quindi è nepotismo!
LBE: Ah... non esattamente
SUGA: * scherzando * È nepotismo!
LBE: Mi hanno assunto sulla base delle mie capacità (*ride) e, anzi, il colloquio/provino è stato difficile.
SUGA: Fin dallo scorso 13 giugno, ho fatto un sacco di lezioni ed imparato molto da Byungeun-nim. È davvero un ballerino a 360° e sa destreggiarsi su vari generi. Sono davvero grato di potere fare quest'episodio di ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’ insieme a lei. È la prima volta che partecipa ad una trasmissione radio o a registrazioni simili?
LBE: Sì, è la prima volta. Solitamente non ho motivo di partecipare a programmi simili.
SUGA: E come sta andando? È ancora agitato?
LBE: Sì, molto agitato
SUGA: Perché? Parli pure tranquillamente, come fa di solito.
LBE: Perché c'è un microfono e gente che ci guarda/ascolta
SUGA: Vuole che lo nasconda [il microfono]? Se creo una barriera, tipo così, non lo vedrà più
LBE: No, non importa, cercherò di non farci caso
SUGA: Byungeun-nim, quando parliamo dei BTS e delle/gli ARMY, che canzone le viene in mente?
LBE: Ce ne sarebbero tante, ma, personalmente, credo sceglierei "Run BTS". Abbiamo creato la coreografia di questo brano per un'unica performance ed era la prima volta – a parte per le esibizioni di fine anno – che ci siamo esercitati così duramente. Sono stati i membri a suggerire di creare una coreografia per quella canzone ed era da tanto che non si respirava un'atmosfera così infuocata e piena di passione in sala prove.
SUGA: Prima di ascoltarla, alcune precisazioni. Avevamo organizzato il concerto a Busan e sarebbe stato strano non esibirci nel nostro nuovo singolo. Inizialmente, tra noi dicevamo "Massì, saliamo sul palco e la cantiamo", ma quando ci è stata presentata la coreografia, tutti i membri se ne sono innamorati. Quindi abbiamo deciso di fare le cose per bene e prepararci con impegno. Però, in quel periodo avevamo tutti molti impegni individuali, quindi c'era chi veniva ad esercitarsi per tempo e altri che potevano provare solo dopo le schedule personali – tipo il sottoscritto -. Tutto questo per un'unica esibizione, ma credo la performance abbia avuto un impatto enorme.
LBE: Esatto
SUGA: Personalmente, tra me e me pensavo "Sì, credo sia qualcosa per cui possiamo dare il nostro 100%, è ciò che sappiamo fare meglio", e mi chiedevo anche come sarebbe stato presentarla alle trasmissioni musicali. Ma non avremmo potuto portare così tanti ballerini sul palco degli show musicali, quindi abbiamo ripiegato con orgoglio ed entusiasmo su quell'unica esibizione speciale, proprio perché era un'occasione importante [*il concerto Yet To Come di Busan]. E allora ascoltiamo il consiglio musicale di Lee Byungeun-nim, "Run BTS", e poi torniamo qui.
♪ Run BTS – BTS
SUGA: State ascoltando ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’ e siamo in compagnia di un ospite speciale, il direttore delle performance, Lee Byungeun. Credo sia il caso di parlare del mio primo incontro con Byungeun-nim. Lei se lo ricorda?
LBE: È impossibile non ricordarselo
SUGA: Perché?
LBE: Era il periodo in cui stavamo preparando la coreografia per "Fake Love" e, poco tempo prima, i BTS avevano avuto un fan meeting in Giappone. Praticamente "Let Go" è stato il mio test d'ingresso [*alla Big Hit Music].
SUGA: La coreografia di "Let Go" era bella.
LBE: Ma era difficile
SUGA: Sì, per chi doveva impararla, sì. La versione definitiva è risultata un po' diversa da quella che era inizialmente e, solitamente, da un ritornello all'altro c'è sempre qualche piccolo dettaglio un po' diverso ma, in questo caso, la coreografia sul terzo ritornello ha visto molti cambiamenti, quindi è stato un po' difficile.
LBE: Ricordo che la prima volta che ti ho visto ho pensato tu non stessi bene. Difficile dimenticarsene. Sei sempre piuttosto pallido, ma allora lo eri ancor più di adesso.
SUGA: Quindi è questa la prima impressione che lei si è fatto di me. In quel periodo ero piuttosto irritabile e scostante con la gente. Dato che il nostro primo incontro è stato in occasione di "Fake Love", ascoltiamola.
♪ Fake Love – BTS
SUGA: Bentornatə a ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’, io sono SUGA dei BTS e sono in compagnia di Byungeun Lee. Byungeun-nim, parliamo un po' del brano che ci ha presentato. Ha partecipato alla creazione della coreografia di "Fake Love"? Di quale parte si trattava?
LBE: Ho dato una mano praticamente con tutto il ritornello e, fatta eccezione per la prima strofa ed il pre-ritornello, mi sono occupato anche di tutto il resto.
SUGA: Ora che ci penso, ci hanno aiutato anche tantə coreografə stranierə, quindi era tutto un po' un mix, ma credo il nostro coreografo abbia dato, a sua volta, un apporto consistente. Per favore, può spiegarci qualcosa in più della coreografia di "Fake Love"?
LBE: Fin dalle primissime fasi, si può dire che le opinioni di [Bang] SiHyuk-nim abbiano avuto un grande impatto. Come saprete tuttə, è una coreografia che incorpora sentimenti quali il dolore e la tristezza, ma anche passi e gesti molto eleganti. Però avevamo bisogno anche di un tocco di dinamicità, quindi – sicuramente le/i fan lo sapranno, ma – durante la parte di Suga, sullo sfondo vediamo gli altri "scontrarsi"...
SUGA: Bottoni strappati e tutto il resto... [* rif. alle registrazioni di Inkigayo quando, su quella parte di “Fake Love”, RM ha inavvertitamente strappato il bottone e la camicia di Jungkook, n.d.t.]
LBE: Ci è voluto parecchio tempo perché venisse bene
SUGA: Ma suppongo che, dal punto di vista di un performer, la coreografia di "Fake Love" sia stata piuttosto difficile da creare, perché la traccia è un po'... Solitamente la coreografia si adatta alla parte strumentale o al cantato o, ancora, al ritmo, ma questa non è una base esattamente ballabile. O almeno, quella è stata la mia impressione, dato che ho collaborato alla scrittura della canzone. Quindi, sì, immagino per lei non sia stato semplice.
LBE: Sì, e poi, sul serio, era un tipo di coreografia ancora mai vista da parte dei BTS.
SUGA: Qual è stata una canzone per la quale, mentre ne creava la coreografia, ha pensato "No, non ce la posso fare" ma che, alla fine, è riuscito a completare?
LBE: Se parliamo di resistenza fisica, credo "IDOL"
SUGA: Aaah! "IDOL" è dura. Quando la eseguivamo alle cerimonie di fine anno, sembrava non finire mai. Non si fa che piroettare e saltare. Se non l'avete mai provata, probabilmente non potrete capire, ma quando la si balla, sul serio, è tosta. Dev'essere stata molto difficile anche per i ballerini.
LBE: Ah sì, era davvero difficilissima.
SUGA: Ora che è un po' che ci esibiamo con crew di ballo molto corpose, lei si sente ancora sotto pressione o ha preoccupazioni nel creare quel tipo di coreografie?
LBE: Dopo aver lavorato con una crew così grande, credo, ora, di esser diventato più veloce sui lavori di quel tipo, perché ormai siamo abituatə ed abbiamo più esperienza.
SUGA: Un giorno, stavo lavorando insieme ad uno hyung con cui sono in confidenza. Dopo aver ricontrollato i brani, siamo andati in sala prove per giocare un po' a basket ma c'erano qualcosa tipo 50 persone. Ci siamo chiesti, tipo "Cosa sta succedendo?". Poi abbiamo visto che stavate lavorando alla coreografia di Hobi.
LBE: Ah, sì, era per i MAMA in Giappone.
SUGA: Siamo rimasti un po' ad osservare, a vedere come creavate ogni singolo passo e movimento per ognuno dei ballerini, le loro posizioni.. e poi siamo usciti. Mi sono tornati in mente i Bangtan degli anni passati, quando eravamo più giovani. Credo di pensarci sempre fin troppo.. Mi sa che ho qualche trauma a riguardo... Anche allora lavoravamo così. Mi è tornato in mente anche il maestro (Son) Sungdeuk... Ma in passato non avevamo tutti quegli altri ballerini. C'eravamo solo noi sette ad esercitarci.
Ad ogni modo, ora ci stiamo preparando insieme per il mio primo tour solista, dopo il rilascio di 'D-DAY'. Quando questo episodio andrà in onda, sarò già in tour, ma, a dirla tutta, non ho molte parti ballate.
LBE: Già, ce ne sono poche
SUGA: Questa volta, c'è poca roba.. Anzi, non è che c'è poca roba, non ci sono proprio coreografie
LBE: Ci sono alcuni passi e movimenti
SUGA: Già, solo alcuni movimenti e gesti, e se mi lascerò prendere dall'entusiasmo, al massimo posso ballare col sedere. Lei che è direttore delle performance, ha forse trovato difficoltà nel passare da esibizioni da idol a concerti in cui praticamente non ci sono coreografie?
LBE: Ci sono parecchie difficoltà, in realtà, e proprio per questo stiamo lavorando ancora più da vicino per studiare e sviluppare queste performance insieme. Ma, ad esser sincero, ciò che mi preoccupa di più per quanto riguarda i concerti di Suga è la salute.
SUGA: Intende la mia salute o la sua?
LBE: Al di là della mia salute, dato che si tratta di un tour solista, la cosa più importante è la tua salute.
SUGA: Sono più in forma che mai e ho sviluppato molta resistenza. Sono anche dimagrito e, come ha visto anche lei, non ho perso minimamente la voce anche dopo le tre ore di prove di oggi. Sarà per il tipo di cantato che devo eseguire, forse? Non mi manca più il fiato, come succedeva in passato. Prima, a fine strofa, su qualcosa tipo 10 versi, riuscivo a farne (senza difficoltà solo) 4, mentre, ultimamente, posso farne anche di più senza alcun problema.
LBE: Sì, però al concerto, tra le grida e tutto l'entusiasmo [potrebbe essere diverso]...
SUGA: Sì, immagino [sia anche possibile], e ultimamente faccio incubi in cui stono, mi va via la voce o dimentico il testo, quindi mi sveglio di soprassalto pensando, "Ah, è solo un sogno".
LBE: Probabilmente sei un po' sotto pressione
SUGA: Credo di potercela fare. È ciò che so fare meglio, ma, sì, è un po' imbarazzante a dirsi, ma dato che ho così tanti versi.. Ovviamente li ho studiati e memorizzati tutti, ma immagino che quando inizierò [il tour] potrà anche capitare che io confonda una parte di un brano con quella di un altro, e sbagliare anche solo un verso può significare rovinare tutta l'esibizione, quindi, sì, credo quello sia il fattore che mi porta maggiore stress.
LBE: Fisicamente sei in forma
SUGA: Sto benissimo. A dire il vero, mi sarebbe piaciuto ballare, ma credo mi concentrerò sulla performance in sé. Dato che i BTS fanno sempre esibizioni movimentate dal vivo, credo di dover saltare molto di più, durante questi concerti. Quando lavora alle performance dei BTS, quale aspetto la preoccupa di più? Cioè, pensa mai "Questa cosa mi preoccupa molto"?
LBE: Che proprio mi preoccupi, no, non c'è molto, ma se proprio devo scegliere, credo sia il pensiero "Che cosa possiamo mostrare alle/i fan?". È qualcosa su cui lavoriamo e riflettiamo con molta cura. Buttiamo giù varie idee, creiamo una sorta di piano strategico e poi lavoriamo insieme sulla canzone.
SUGA: Credo sia un po' come io lavoro alla mia musica. Solitamente mi dico"Vorrei questa canzone trasmettesse queste intenzioni, all'ascolto" e anche le performance seguono quella linea di pensiero: "L'intenzione dietro l'esibizione è questa e spero venga recepita così e che questa sia la parte preferita delle/i fan". In pratica è così che va il processo creativo. Come vedete, non ci sono poi grandissime differenze nel modo di operare dei vari tipi di artistə e creativə. Ultimamente, ho avuto modo di entrare a contatto con vari/e creativə e, da ciò che ho potuto vedere, seguiamo un po' tuttə lo stesso processo, quando si tratta di produrre contenuti. Partiamo un po' tuttə da idee tipo, "Spero la gente si ricordi questa parte".
C'è una qualche performance particolarmente memorabile, per lei? Per me, quella dei MAMA.
LBE: Quale (edizione dei) MAMA?
SUGA: L'esibizione di "Mic Drop". Allora, Byungeun-nim non era ancora con noi, giusto? Non era nel 2016? Era o il 2017 o il 2016, ed è quella che mi ricordo meglio. Quella e "IDOL" ai Melon [Music Awards].
LBE: Ah, la buchaechum [*danza tradizionale coreana con i ventagli, n.d.t.]
SUGA: Personalmente, io non ho fatto granché, ma alcuni degli altri membri hanno eseguito la buchaechum ecc.. Quindi, sì, anche se io non avevo chissà quante parti, quelle due performance sono le più apprezzate quando si parla di esibizioni leggendarie.
LBE: Vero, sono spesso scelte come due tra le esibizioni più memorabili.
SUGA: E per lei? Qual è la performance più memorabile?
LBE: Per me è quella di "Butter" ai Grammys.
SUGA: Aah! "Butter" per i Grammys! Ci sono molti aneddoti e retroscena a riguardo.
LBE: Il processo creativo non è stato semplice.
SUGA: Wow, ora possiamo parlarne, ma quando ci lavoravamo la situazione era piuttosto drammatica.
LBE: MOLTO drammatica.
SUGA: Una settimana prima dell'esibizione, Seokjin hyung, inaspettatamente, si è infortunato la mano e, al di là di quello, il covid girava nel gruppo quindi abbiamo potuto provarla tutti insieme solo una volta.
LBE: Proprio solo una.
SUGA: Non è pazzesco? Ora posso scherzarci e riderci su, ma sul momento era un bel problema. Credo tremassi, mentre mi esibivo. Dovevamo schivare raggi laser e cose simili. C'erano dei laser. Sì, credo che se fosse stato solo per me, ci saremmo fatti scoprire.
LBE: Ma quando poi noi membri dello staff abbiamo guardato la performance, sembrava veramente di assistere alla Coppa del Mondo. Ad ogni nuova scena.. eravamo tutti, tipo, "Aaah!"
SUGA: Tipo "Aaah, ce l'hanno fatta! Ce l'hanno fatta davvero!", giusto?
LBE: Sì, e quando avete completato la parte con le giacche, è stato come segnare un goal.
SUGA: L'abbiamo provata un sacco, vestiti strappati e tutto un po'. Mentre la eseguivamo dal vivo, credo io stessi sorridendo. Probabilmente pensavo, "Ce l'abbiamo fatta", perché durante le prove non eravamo poi così sincronizzati, ma è sempre così per noi. Quando dobbiamo fare performance così importanti, fin dall'inizio, c'è sempre qualche problema. Ad ogni modo, questi erano i retroscena dei Grammys. Ora, ascoltiamo il brano più memorabile per Byungeun-nim, "Butter" dei BTS!
♪ Butter – BTS
SUGA: Benritrovatə con me, SUGA dei BTS, per l'ultimo episodio di ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’, qui su Apple Music. Siamo con il nostro ospite speciale, Lee Byungeun-nim, e stiamo parlando di alcune delle esibizioni dei BTS. Il pensiero corre ai nostri membri. Sia sincero, c'è un qualche membro che avrebbe voluto prendere a botte, mentre ci preparavamo per le nostre esibizioni? (*ridono). Ovviamente scherzo. Ora che mi sto preparando per il tour, non ho che la riconferma di quanto ognuno dei membri sia prezioso. Byungeun-nim mi ha seguito nei preparativi, che cosa ne pensa?
LBE: Per quanto riguarda SUGA...
SUGA: Ho bisogno di essere seguito molto. È dallo scorso 13 giugno che mi preparo e ho imparato molti generi (coreografici/di ballo), credo lei potrà dirci qualcosa in più a questo riguardo.
LBE: Non è solo una mia impressione, ma anche gli altri direttori artistici trovano che tu sia il tipo di persona da fare ciò che va fatto senza lamentarsi, hai quell'aura tipo "Va fatto? E allora facciamolo!". Nulla di cui preoccuparci sotto quell'aspetto, dunque. Credo sia quella l'immagine che dai, in quanto membro dei BTS.
SUGA: Non credo ci siano mai state occasioni in cui siamo saliti sul palco senza conoscere bene la coreografia che dovevamo eseguire. Non credo di essere mai stato effettivamente agitato, visto quanto ci prepariamo ogni volta per le nostre esibizioni. Credo di esser diventato più veloce nell'apprendimento, ma non è semplice. Ecco perché, secondo me, se non hai il ballo nel sangue, c'è ben poco da fare. I membri che riescono a memorizzare con facilità i passi di ballo, come Jungkook, Hobi, Jimin e Taehyung, sono sempre bravissimi. Ma, nel mio caso, non avendolo nel sangue, ho bisogno di più tempo e lavoro.
LBE: Ecco perché ora stiamo cercando di lavorare su quella tua vena danzereccia e scherziamo dicendo "Dateci 5 anni.. [e vi faremo vedere]"
SUGA: Sì, "Datemi 5 anni", è ciò che ci siamo detti. Ora non posso dedicare tanto tempo al ballo perché sto preparando altre cose, ma credo sia il caso di parlare di questa cosa... della coreografia di "Haegeum". Di punto in bianco, le ho chiesto una coreografia per "Haegeum", e immagino questo l'abbia messa un po' in difficoltà, vero?
LBE: No, cioè, sul serio, tra me e me ho pensato fosse un'idea fantastica. Non facevo che pensare "Perché no?". Trovo sarebbe stato un vero peccato non avere una coreografia, quindi mi sono divertito un sacco nell'idearla.
SUGA: E a me piacciono i colpi di scena, quindi volevo qualcosa per cui la gente, vedendola, pensasse "Un attimo, la sta ballando veramente?", era quello il tipo di reazione che volevo.
Quando mi ci stavo esercitando, lei stava anche lavorando a "Like Crazy" di Jimin, più la coreo di "Haegeum".. ad aveva anche preparato qualcosa per Hobi. E, in tutto ciò, c'ero io con le mie pretese per una coreografia difficile affinché la gente ne rimanesse sorpresa. Volevo che il pubblico pensasse "Perché è lui a ballare quel tipo di coreografia?", "Perché proprio lui?". Speravo in reazioni simili.
LBE: Sono davvero curioso quali saranno le reazioni.
SUGA: Anche io. Ho filmato la mia prima challenge a febbraio, ed è venuta benissimo. La più recente è stata registrata a luglio [*possibile errore da parte di Suga, n.d.t.], con le Sserafim. È l'ultima che ho filmato e non mi ricordavo bene la coreografia. Di volta in volta, è sempre peggio. È una coreografia da "Che problemi ha quel tipo?", quando la ballo io. E credo sia anche perché non la eseguirò dal vivo. L'abbiamo creata solo perché le/i fan potessero divertirsi a provarla ed esserne entusiastə. Come sono andati i preparativi?
LBE: La sua produzione ha richiesto meno tempo di quanto mi aspettassi. Suga stesso ci ha dato molte idee e, dal nostro canto, ci abbiamo lavorato pensandola più come un contenuto a se stante, invece che una performance da esibire sul palco, quindi l'abbiamo finita piuttosto rapidamente.
SUGA: A volte, ci vuole davvero poco e non ci sono intoppi. Volevo semplicemente preparare un dance video
LBE: Credo tu abbia fatto un ottimo lavoro
SUGA: Sì, ma credo ci sarà sempre qualcosa che avrei potuto fare meglio
LBE: Sì, è inevitabile
SUGA: [Cose tipo] Avrei dovuto fermarmi meglio qui. Lì andava presa più con calma.. Sono tutte cose che noto, anche quando lavoro alla mia musica, sono dettagli di cui mi rendo conto. Qual è la parte per cui lei ha più rimpianti?
LBE: Credo sia la stessa per te. I membri hanno visto il video?
SUGA: Non gliel'ho mostrato personalmente, ma mi hanno comunque visto ballarla
LBE: Credo quando lo vedranno, rimarranno sorpresi. Credo l'unico problema sia che i ballerini sembrano un goccio più avanti sulla traccia, più frettolosi, nel video. Almeno, è ciò che ho notato io
SUGA: Dato che erano riprese one take [*tutte di fila, senza tagli, n.d.t.], l'abbiamo filmata un sacco di volte, tipo 6 volte [dall'inizio alla fine]. Per forza la resistenza e la concentrazione sono andate calando... E non solo io, anche i ballerini dovevano correre dietro alle telecamere, anche loro erano stanchi. Ad ogni modo, sì, questo è ciò che ricordo [della coreografia di "Haegeum"]. Ascoltiamo una canzone, ora, e poi torniamo qui. Facciamo un tuffo nei ricordi, ascoltando alcuni dei capolavori dei BTS.
♪ Spring Day – BTS
SUGA: Ora che abbiamo ascoltato un po' di brani, parliamo di coreografie. Dato che abbiamo qui Byungeun-nim come ospite, potremmo parlare delle performance dal 2018 in poi. Abbiamo già parlato di "Run BTS", ma lei ha anche lavorato a "Boy with Luv", vero?
LBE: Sì, esatto.
SUGA: Halsey è venuta in Corea a filmare il MV con noi. Ricordo di avere pensato "Halsey che viene a Namyangju, sul serio? Namyangju? Possibile?". Ricordo che, mentre provavamo la coreografia, Halsey ne era piuttosto entusiasta e io le ero davvero grato per quello. Ma non possiamo non menzionare "Dynamite". La produzione di "Dynamite"... Ha influenze disco e parti in stile Michael Jackson. Per favore, può parlarcene?
LBE: Per "Dynamite", abbiamo studiato tante coreografie e potevamo scegliere tra lo stile disco o quello Michael Jackson. Inizialmente, ce n'erano anche altre versioni, ma alla fine abbiamo deciso di restare più sul lato 'pop star', quindi abbiamo registrato quella con le mosse in stile Michael Jackson.
SUGA: Come il calcio.
LBE: Sì, si addiceva molto ai membri e, se ricordo bene, abbiamo concluso il tutto senza intoppi.
SUGA: "Butter" è simile a "Dynamite". Anche il sound di "Butter" ben si sposava con quel periodo musicale.
LBE: Sì, esatto
SUGA: Tutte cose che mi riportano vari ricordi alla memoria.
LBE: Dopo "Dynamite", il vostro livello non ha fatto che salire, finché non è uscita "Butter". Ci siamo chiesti "E ora cosa possiamo inventarci?". Non era più qualcosa di così nuovo, ma ascoltando il testo, ci sono venuti in mente il baciamano e la dance break, e volevamo giocare un po' con la sintonia che c'è tra i membri.
SUGA: E allora riesumiamo alcuni di quei ricordi, ascoltando altre canzoni dei BTS, e poi ci ritroviamo qui
♪ Boy with Luv – BTS
SUGA: State ascoltando ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’. All'improvviso, mi è tornato in mente come ci preparavamo per le nostre performance, in passato. Inizialmente, provavamo nella sala prove sotto il ristorante, poi ci siamo spostati alla YangJin Plaza. Quindi c'è stato Samseongdong e ora siamo a Yongsan. Perché ricordo che provare a Samseongdong non fosse un granché? Era un pensiero ricorrente, per me, credo fosse perché non c'era una bella atmosfera, lì. Forse era perché si trattava di un seminterrato.
LBE: Solitamente [le sale prove] sono [almeno] al piano terra.
SUGA: Ora, qui a Yongsan, siamo al piano terra. Allora, invece, non riuscivo neppure a memorizzare le mie parti come si deve.
LBE: È qualcosa su cui abbiamo riflettuto anche noi e credo fosse perché arrivavamo da posti [sale prove/studi] davvero poco salubri, mentre ora che ci troviamo in un luogo pulito [ci sentiamo un po' spaesati]
SUGA: Vero. Credo sia come quando le persone non riescono a studiare ad un tavolo troppo spoglio/ordinato. Come quando si è abituati a mangiare solamente jajangmyeon e poi capita di andare al [ristorante] e ordinare un vero pasto cinese e ci si chiede se sia la cosa giusta da fare. Ma credo le cose siano migliorate, da quando ci siamo spostati a Yongsan. È tutto molto più pulito. Abbiamo gente che ci aiuta e segue, non ci sono più vestiti e scarpe sparsi ovunque.. ma, dopo un po', comunque c'è un po' di disordine.
LBE: Sì, è normale
♪ Yet to Come – BTS
SUGA: Siamo quasi alla fine di ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’. Sono davvero felice di aver potuto condividere con voi molte storie e brani che ascolto regolarmente, durante questo nostro ultimo episodio. Spero anche voi vi siate divertitə.
Byungeun-nim, lei si è divertito?
LBE: È stato molto piacevole, ma sono ancora un po' agitato.
SUGA: Non è passata [l'ansia] dopo un po'?
LBE: No.
SUGA: Ha partecipato al nostro ultimo episodio, c'è forse qualcosa che vuole aggiungere?
LBE: È stato un grandissimo onore. Essere qui in compagnia di un artista che rispetto enormemente è davvero un grandissimo onore, ma non so se mi sono espresso bene, visto che ero così agitato.
SUGA: Ha parlato molto bene.
LBE: Davvero? Grazie.
SUGA: Questa volta, vorrei concludere con un messaggio che i BTS desiderano condividere con le/gli ARMY. Mi sto preparando per il mio tour e potrò incontrare le/gli ARMY ma, sul serio, volevo andare anche in Europa, sarei voluto andare anche in Sud America, mi sarebbe piaciuto andare in Africa, e non è che non ho incluso quei paesi perché non tenessi ad andarci, ma non ho potuto perché non c'era materialmente tempo sufficiente. In due mesi ho in programma oltre 20 concerti... Voi ci dimostrate solo sempre amore incondizionato e noi cerchiamo sempre nuovi modi per ricambiarlo, riflettiamo sempre con moltissima cura su come poter esprimere il nostro affetto per voi. Sperando di poterci sdebitare anche solo in minima parte, abbiamo filmato un sacco di contenuti, quindi, anche in futuro, restiamo insieme per molto, molto tempo.
Grazie per aver seguito fino alla fine. Vorrei concludere la nostra ‘SUGA | Agust D Radio’ con questa canzone: "Life Goes On" di Agust D. Arrivederci, ragazzə!
♪ Life Goes On – Agust D
⠸ eng: © MINSUGAHQ | ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS⠸ Twitter
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bf!niki who surprises you on set of studio choom aotm
today you are on the set of studio choom, filming for artist of the month (aotm). the director yells “cut” and you sit down to monitor the scene.
unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend stands behind you ready to surprise you. he was the first to know of your aotm performance as you excitedly shared ideas with him and continuously gave him updates.
you had asked him previously if he was able to visit but unfortunately his group’s schedules interrupted, at least that is what he told you. although you were bummed, the food truck he sent filled with your favorites made up for his lack of presence and energized you for this powerful performance.
now, he stands behind you placing his hands on your shoulders. you jump in surprise and turn around to see your handsome boyfriend who was supposed to be shooting for vogue korea. “what are you doing here?” you question as you stand up and hug him. “i thought you were shootin–” before you can finish your sentence your boyfriend kisses you. “surprise” he rushes out. you hit him lightly on the shoulder happy that he is here to watch you perform. “thank you, baby” you smile.
after filming was complete and the performance was aired, the bts was uploaded. everyone was bubbling about the cute interaction between their favorite couple.
#enhypen#enhypen fanfiction#enhypen fluff#enhypen x reader#enha#enha x reader#enha fluff#niki fluff#niki#niki x reader#enhypen niki#nishimura riki#enhypen riki#riki x reader#riki fluff#riki imagines#enhypen imagines#enha imagines#enha scenarios#idol enhypen x idol reader#kpopidol#kpop x reader#idol reader#idol au#idol x reader#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#artist of the month#studio choom#idol enhypen x reader
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From Jimin
To everyone
This album is my last one before I go to the military.
Preparing for it wasn’t easy, but that made me even more grateful to everyone at the company who helped, as well as the directors and staff. I sincerely thank you all.
I’m truly thankful to have worked with such wonderful people, and if I can continue working with you all after I return, that would be the happiest thing. I’ll be back soon, so please wait for me!
And to all the ARMY who always show interest and support.
This album… contains a lot of my feelings, as I’ve been experiencing a lot of emotional numbness lately, and I wanted to feel the emotions I’ve shared with you all once again.
I think many of you might be feeling the same way.
I made this album with the hope that you’ll be happy every day. Let’s leave our regrets behind, and I hope we can do even more happy and enjoyable things after I return.
I’m always truly grateful for your love and support.
I’ll do my best to repay you with better albums, songs, and performances after I return.
Thank you and love you all with all my heart.
Lastly, to our BTS members, thank you for always giving me good words and positive influences. I love you all.
See you soon.
Photo credit: @/JAKSAL_5813
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@accio-victuuri has a post about some of the CPN from the GQ feature on GG. There are a couple more CPNs that I wanted to talk about because - with the exception of a couple of tidbits - I haven't seen turtles talking about some things that really stood out to me.
Both of the tidbits being discussed by BXG are based on fake rumors from the past.
Godly Back
Turtles feel that the backless jacket might be what was referred to in the recent LRLG rumor (Apparently wangwang senbei can be a homophone sounding like 'godly back').
In this context, "You saw what I wore, can you please choose something normal" becomes hilarious. 😅
If he really was talking about GG's back, well... DD, the rest of the internet agrees with you given the hotsearch that was trending on both the main and entertainment hotsearches. 😅
Xiao Zhan's back ditch is so deep
This one I wanted to dig more deeply into because it's connected to a few different CPN from a long time ago, and a lot of turtles might not be aware of all these connections.
In the GQ interview GG mentioned he was really nervous for the first performance of ADLAD.
At the time a LRLG rumor came out with some exchanges between GG and DD in the days leading up to that first show. GG talks about being nervous, DD and his staff video call him to wish him Jiayou, and at one point - presumably the last time they talk before that first show - DD video calls with GG and closes off by giving him a high 5.
The day after the first show, GG posted on Weibo.
At the time there was a lot of speculation about what that second photo was. One of the theories was that GG had screen capped DD's hand high-5-ing his phone. Some fans even tried doing that themselves (screencapping their hands up against their phone cameras to see what would happen) with somewhat similar results - photos that were an ombre of pale pink to red.
Some additional CPN
When I saw GG talking in GQ about the first ADLAD show and how nervous he was and I saw turtles looking back over the LRLG rumors from that time, I decided to look over those rumors myself. I found a couple things there that really hit me in the gut, but which I haven't seen other turtles discussing.
Magician DD
One thing that stood out to me from the ADLAD LRLG rumor was when DD told GG he could do magic, and told his staff that only GG believed him.
Back in 2021 a series of pages called the 300G were released, which claimed to be transcripts of some of the best unseen moments from The Untamed BTS (300GB of BTS footage was reportedly sold to BXG fansites). They were translated by an all-star team of some of the best BXG translators and overall fandom MVP on Twitter back in the day (god I miss those days of Twitter 😢).
Disclaimer: We must remember that these are unconfirmed transcripts. As far as I know, none of the footage that could substantiate these transcripts has ever been released, so it could just be someone's fanfic.
Anyway, my absolute favorite moment in those transcripts was an exchange between GG and DD, when GG had been struggling with nailing a scene. My synopsis from a post I made about GG and DD's personalities a while back:
GG is having a hard time getting a take right for a scene, and the director tells him to take a break. DD scoots over to where GG is resting and holds out his two fists facing downward in front of GG and asks him to pick one for a surprise. GG agonizes a bit over which one to choose, but finally picks a hand. DD gives GG a mysterious smile and asks GG to hold out his hand. GG does, and DD opens his fingers over GG’s palm. There’s nothing there. DD says, “I’ve just given you some luck, so that on your next take, you will succeed.” GG asks what is in the other hand and DD turns it over and opens it and says, “See, there’s nothing there! Zhan-ge is so good, you guessed right on the first try!” GG rolls his eyes at DD and says, “WYB, in your heart, do you think I’m more than 10 years old?” On the next take, GG nails the scene.
So it's just possible that DD and GG have a long history of this type of exchange, of DD giving GG his 'magical' support. GG is just superstitious enough that it might genuinely help him, and anyway, who could fail to be soothed by such sweet magic? 🥹
GG and Sleep
Another thing that stood out to me is when GG talked about being unable to sleep. Honestly this part of the interview really got me because I have always struggled with extreme insomnia and I could totally feel his pain. I've tried so many of the things that he's tried, and have had similarly mixed/poor results.
Anyway, aside from the aromatherapy candle CPN that's been heavily discussed in the fandom, what stood out to me CPN-wise was the fact that LRLG rumors have (I think this has happened at least a few times, but I can't recall specifics), featured moments where it seemed like GG and DD left their phone/video calls active to keep each other company when the other one was sleeping.
In the ADLAD LRLG rumor there's a moment when it seems like GG might be having difficulty sleeping and DD keeps him company.
Find someone who will keep you company over the phone while you try to take a nap. 🥹
Just another quick thing from that same rumor, DD talks about wanting to set off some firecrackers for GG, which... ugh, so sweet. My god.
His staff encourages him to do it, and he says he will be 'taken away' if he does (maybe get into trouble, likely exaggerated a bit), and his staff says he'll cover for DD.
In Chinese culture (and in fact, in many cultures), firecrackers are considered very lucky because they are believed to drive away evil spirits and bad luck (which is why they're such a feature of Spring Festival celebrations).
GG and DD always look out for each other, and this CPN around ADLAD and around GG's sleep struggles really hit me hard. I love them both so damn much!
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Happy Special Stage Behind
Those editors are at it again! They obviously keep close tabs on ARMY conversations on social media.
Jin's shyness sharing the stage with Wendy was no joke. The director even asked had to ask him to make sure he made eye contact during the performance. I like the song a lot so I hope they get to perform it together again, this time with a little more interaction.
It kind of reminded me of Jin at Hobi's listening party. Keeping out of the spotlight and going home early to play video games.
Finally with Jimin and JK's enlistment anniversary today, there seems to be a the end is finally in sight kind of vibe going around and BTS back together is beginning to feel like an imminent event.
Here is Jin echoing what they have all said one time or another over the last couple of years. They mean it sincerely but I also suspect that Big Hit is playing heavily into that sentiment to create expectation and build the suspense as we count down to that day in June 2025 when all of them are together again.
Post Date: 12/12/2024
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Acouasm (n.) a ringing noise in your head
Synopsis: When your relationship with Kim Taehyung goes public, a walk down the red carpet turns south when you are attacked.
Notes: I had so much to write in this fic but it ended up being sub par and I wanna release it on V’s birthday, so I’ll probably work on another one similar to this situation. I even had another draft but I thought it was too gorey and violent 🥲 Anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY V! Enjoy reading and thank you so much for liking my past oneshot Saudade.
Word Count: 11.9k
Your relationship with BTS’ Kim Taehyung had a long story.
You came from the same highschool and had been acquainted before, though you hadn’t interacted apart from a few glances in the halls. He was a few years older than you and Korean Arts High School was populated with soon to be popular faces, so you didn’t expect him to remember much about you. However, that didn’t stop you from having a massive crush on him as he seemed to be way different from his fellow BigHit trainee, Jimin.
Taehyung was more reserved and usually kept to a close knit of friends during school hours, though everyone seemed to know him and he knew everyone. He didn’t have any official relationships with anyone during highschool, yet it wasn’t like he was coined a loser. He was oh so much your type, though your crush on him didn’t last long after he graduated.
You knew he debuted in a boy group with his friend Jimin, and that was as far as you knew about his whereabouts. You didn’t have time to worry about him when you were already facing some difficulties in your own life at that time.
You were picked up by a more trustable agency in your third year of highschool. They were adamant on debuting a girl group and you were determined to be a part of that, so you trained harder than you have ever trained, worked harder than you’ve ever worked, and you finally got your pay off when you debuted three years after.
It was 2017 and your debut went smoothly. You weren’t an instant flop, though you weren’t an instant pop either. However, with enough work in producing three albums for your first year, you managed to come through and win the Mama 2017 Best New Artist Award.
Winning an award and enjoying your time performing songs and watching the other idol groups perform in the 2017 Mnet Asian Music Awards also meant that you would make a few new friends during the event. Your group had to switch seats often during the first half, so you had a lot of interactions with other groups. Coincidentally, landing seats right in front of a particularly cheery idol group for the rest of the night.
“Bangtan Sonyeondan! Congratulations!” The woman speaks onto the microphone as the group of boys behind you cheered and gathered into a group hug before they all started making their way out to the stage, and a specific pair of bright eyes catches yours as he passes by. Kim Taehyung.
You didn’t hold back a smile when you realized it was his group who had won a daesang. You clapped your hands even louder to congratulate him as he bows to you and your group and fixes his blonde hair that was held back by a cloth headband.
Later that night when a message from him surprised you. It turns out a director had forwarded your KakaoTalk to him after he asked, and he had made the time to message you despite the fact that they should be celebrating after their win by now.
A few messages at night had turned into friendly calls when no one was around. It was damn obvious that he was interested in you and you couldn’t say that your highschool crush on him had gone away after all these years. He was charming and he understood the struggles of being an idol.
When you and your bandmates would fight then he would drop anything to message or call you to listen to you vent. When he was having a particularly rough time with his schedules, he made sure that you would know and yet still made time to check up on you. Both of you would even be preparing for a comeback at the same time, and yet both of you supported each other through all of it. He was a rock you could lean on and you were an ear for him to rant to.
Soon after, you started hanging out with each other in your free time. It wasn’t a date or anything of the sorts. He just so happens to want to buy something when you would go on errands. He would joke that a popular idol like you shouldn’t be grocery shopping alone despite the fact that he was in fact more popular than you, though you never held jealousy over that fact. You were actually proud of him and his group after you learned of their earlier hardships, and you were even prouder when he would vent to you about their contract problems early 2018.
You two would try new coffee spots together and even watch the new Marvel movies together. Taehyung was certain that Doctor Strange was his favorite Marvel superhero because of his amazing cape, and didn’t hide that fact when he went on an interview in LA that asked him about it. You two even commented on each other’s interviews from time to time since you were both learning English and you two found it helpful to learn from each other.
And don’t start about how you couldn’t take your eyes off of him during Mama 2018, not when you two were on a call the night before he got his hair colored and you sent him a picture of the brightest pink you could see on Google to dare him into changing his hair that same hue. It was a funny joke, yet he called you the night after with the same hue on his hair. You would watch the American movie Trolls together through the call that night and his nickname on KakaoTalk would be changed for the very first time to ‘Poppy Imposter’ alluding to the pink haired Troll in the movie.
After a year of steadily getting closer and calling each other friends, he finally confessed to you. You knew he liked you and he knew that you knew he liked you, yet it still seemed like your heart was palpitating out of your chest. He didn’t kiss you. He simply stated a fact and said that he wanted to court you, and God did you fall for him even harder.
When he asked you out on a first date, he also asked for your parents’ permission. He made sure to make it known that he was serious about you and you were sure that this man couldn’t do anything more to make you fall for him more.
He was such a romantic. He made sure everything was done how it should be. He made sure to pick you up for your date with a bouquet of flowers for you and your mother. He made sure to greet your parents by the front door. He assured your father that he would keep you safe and take you home by your curfew. Despite the fact that you were a full-grown adult and had your own apartment to go home to. He opened the door of his car for you and he pulled the chair of the fancy restaurant for you. He was a true gentleman, and it didn’t take more than five months for you to answer him.
Both your companies knew of your affairs. Taehyung wasn’t exactly quiet about you and you can’t say no to him when he would ask you to go on a late night walk with him whenever you were in the same city. Your companies would help payout any media networks that saw you two in your public dates, though that didn’t stop other idols from gossiping about your relationship. It was getting harder for them to contain you two especially when he went on longer promotion stints outside Korea, and your appearance near his apartment anytime BTS arrived in Korea didn’t go unnoticed. You were two lovers deeply in love, and it got worse during Mama 2019.
“You’re up in ten minutes ladies!” A stage director yells to the hallway over the chaos of staff around us. You and your group were about to enter the dark backstage to prepare for the penultimate performance of the evening, right before BTS.
You had seen your boyfriend and his group leave the artist area earlier, though it seemed like they weren’t going to the waiting rooms directly. You just hoped he could watch your performance on his phone. Despite already seeing each other’s performances during rehearsals.
“Wait! Don’t go up yet! The backstage is still not ready!” Another staff member yelled as an older member tried to make a move to get inside the backstage.
You sigh as the crowded and loud surroundings begin to make you nervous. You could feel sweat gathering on your forehead as a makeup artist tried to dry it down. How long were they going to announce the awards?
The makeup artist by your side leaves to fix up your other members and you take the opportunity to find something in the hallway to keep your attention on. The more you could distract yourself from the chaotic environment the better, so you looked down both sides of the hallway and watched props and staff pass by.
There in the busy and harshly lit hallway was your messy haired boyfriend with a bright red cardigan, that he specifically wore for you to notice him in the crowd of idols, push past the crowd to look for you. His bandmates seemed to get inside their own waiting room to prepare whilst Jimin and Jungkook waited by the door to watch him find his way to you. His overgrown and curled hair was doing nothing to help him find you, though once his eyes met yours at the end of the hallway, you could feel a smile creep onto your cheeks.
“Hey!” Taehyung greets as he walks a few more steps to stand in front of you. He brushes his hair aside and shows you his warm brown eyes, void of any colored contact lenses. His smile was bright as you notice sweat on his forehead.
“Good luck out there. You’re going to kill it, I swear.” Taehyung cheers as you smile at him and nod. He reaches to hold both your hands as you only realize that they were shaking when his gentle and steady ones encapsulates them.
“I should be the one calming you down. You have five songs to do!” You say with a chuckle as he chuckles with you and brings your hands to kiss its knuckles. His lips hover a little longer over your left ring finger, though you don’t notice.
“I perform five songs, but I’m not the popular worldstar that South Korea votes as number one on the most beautiful female artists.” Taehyung says with a shrug as a more boisterous laugh comes out of you.
“Okay, and you talk as if you aren’t internationally known for a handsome face.” You throw back as Taehyung rolls his eye and lets go of one of your hands to throw his hair out his face and show you one nasty pimple that had been growing on his forehead. He had actually been pulling back his dermatologist and facial appointment, so that he could do both of them with you. He wanted to keep your dates ‘unique’ he says.
“Don’t show that around here Tae! You’re going to get exposed!” You scolded as he laughed and shook his head to glance at the even more incriminating position you both were in. Closely standing next to each other with your hands held together and both your eyes shimmering with that profound love. If someone was to take a picture to expose you two then could they send it to him too because he wants to take this moment and make it his phone’s lock screen.
“Taehyung! You have to get ready!”
“Y/N! We can enter the backstage already!”
Both your bandmates say at the same time, though neither of your eyes fall to look away from each other.
“I love you. Be careful in performing and don’t be nervous. You’re amazing and always will be.” Taehyung says as his soft hands grab hold of your jaw to direct your lips to his. The kiss was soft and ended quickly, though the energy and ease it gave you was a pill that made you feel like you could do everything you put your mind to.
“I love you too. Be careful in your performance too. I know you’ll do great already. I might miss the first part of it though, since they won’t let us out immediately after.” You pouted as Taehyung chuckled and pecked a kiss on your forehead whilst rubbing your shoulder to assure you that he didn’t mind.
“I can’t even watch yours live. I have to watch it in the waiting room, but I’ll make sure to cheer for you just as much. We’ll watch the replay later on the TV anyways. My place and some good takeout?” Taehyung proposes as you were always welcome to a night at his place.
“We’ll see if you aren’t blackout drunk from the celebrations.” You chuckled as you were slowly inching away from your lover. You can hear your leader call out to you multiple times already and your manager was coming down the hall, so you really had to close this off.
Thankfully, Taehyung only laughed and let you go. He even waved to you as you disappeared backstage. He wasn’t going to get drunk tonight, perhaps tipsy, but he would much rather remember a night with you than drink. He wasn’t much of an alcohol fan anyways. A glass of wine with you seemed much more his taste.
And that was what ended up happening. The two of you sprawled out on his sofa at six in the morning. Takeout food littered the coffee table along with glasses of wine and a replay of your MMA performances.
After the event, the two of you parted ways to go to separate afterparties for a few hours before you both excused yourselves and got to Taehyung’s apartment. You two had laughed over some funny playbacks that you missed during the event, and you celebrated on your own two ways.
Taehyung had brought you out to his balcony when he saw the sun rising. He felt like a true winner as he watched you bury yourself in his hoodie under a thick blanket on his balcony’s couch. The silence engulfing you two as sleep ate away at your high. Events like the Mnet Asian Music Awards and Melon Music Awards always had your sleeping schedules messed up, though he didn’t mind. How could he mind when the award shows were the reason why he had seen your beauty in the first place.
He thinks that even if you weren’t there in MAMA 2017 then he would have still fallen in love with you some other way. He believes that in different dimensions he still finds a way to find you and love you. He always will, and there was no universe out there that Kim Taehyung existed without you.
“Hey… look at me.” Taehyung breaks the silence as you turn to face him. The sky was only beginning to get lighter, though you were both still enclosed in darkness and the warm lights he had around his balcony.
“I would have never thought that the sophomore I saw in the hallways during break would have me wrapped around their finger in five years time. I would have never thought that the all-rounder of the girl group who won best new artist in MAMA 2017 would have me asking multiple staff members for her number. But what I now know is that I love this sophomore and I love this all-rounder. I love you. I love you so much, and I know for a fact that there is no one else I could love this much. Kim Taehyung in other realities always falls in love with Y/L/N Y/N and I don’t need to be Doctor Strange to know that. So…” Taehyung pauses as he stands up and grabs a box from his sweatpant’s pocket.
You were staring at him in shock and awe as you processed his words whilst trying to process his movements. You two were too young to get married. He knew that and you two had jokingly discussed that, so what the hell was he doing?!
“I’m not proposing. Don’t worry.” Taehyung chuckles as he bends both his knees to crouch on the floor and presents you with a cream box. He opens it to reveal two gorgeous Bvlgari Couple Rings. Both were of the color silver, though one was littered with gems and the other was plain.
Taehyung places the box on the table in front of the couch as he takes the ring littered with gems and softly reaches for your hand just like earlier. He takes your left hand and kisses the knuckle right above your ring finger as he looks up at you with doe eyes. The sun’s rays appeared higher up the horizon now and its soft hues colored his face perfectly.
“I want you to take this promise ring because with this you hold the promise of my heart forever loving yours. All my beauty and imperfections. My tight schedule and long rants. My overly romantic and cringey actions and my eyes that look for you in every crowd.” Taehyung says and a stinging sensation catches up to your eye.
“It will also keep your finger warm until the time I propose to you and marry you, so… will you—“ Taehyung’s slight joking and following question was cut off by your voice cracking. He looked back up to you after eyeing your bare finger and you had tears in your eyes. His eyes immediately fogging as it copies yours.
“Yes. Yes, Tae.” You nod your head to help rid your eyes of tears as Taehyung slips the silver ring through your ring finger and a happy tear slides down his cheek.
“And you, Taehyung. I want you to keep this promise ring until the time I marry you because God knows I’ll save up for a really expensive ring.” You joke as Taehyung laughs boisterously. You reach out for his left hand and take the remaining silver ring.
“I love you so much, baby. I’ve always loved you.” You say as you slid the ring through his fingers and something in your heart locks with security. It was as if life was completed with a simple ring even if it was just a promise ring.
You two had tear stains on your cheeks from happiness and Taehyung immediately stood up, farring you along with him, and brought you in for a deep and passionate kiss on the lips. His lips soft against yours as it held so much love for one another.
When you two parted you simply rested each other’s foreheads against one another as the sun fully rose from slumber. The sun’s light encapsulates the two of you in its beauty and peace. If only someone could take a picture of this moment right now…
Everything changed after these leaks. Both your management team had reached the agreement to put some space between the two of you to avoid any more evidence that could support the strong claim of your relationship. This meant lesser visits to Taehyung’s compromised apartment and lesser events where your group and BTS could have any interactions.
You barely saw Taehyung now and it felt like you had been thrusted back in time to when you were both getting to know each other and only calling and texting each other at night. Back then it felt like the right amount of time to spend with him, but now it felt too little. You missed him and not being able to see each other for months even when you were both in the same city hurts. You felt so close, yet so far.
BTS had also started growing internationally and Taehyung was spending more time abroad. Especially with their Map of The Soul world tour. You had your world tour too, but you two always made the effort to see each other once a month at most. Now, you barely saw each other in three months.
You didn’t understand why they needed you two to be separated after the rumors. There were always rumors in the Kpop world and they had always managed to payout news outlets, so why this ridiculous rule now? It was making you more and more frustrated by each meeting that you asked them to stop.
It all came to a breaking point in late September 2020. It had been ten months and the BTS world tour had ended in September, yet Taehyung and you hadn’t even seen each other since the summer. You were sick and tired of it and your latest comeback failing to reach the charts had stressed you out immensely.
“You know the question I’m about to ask.” You said coldly as your management team didn’t spare you a glance. Your general meeting had ended and though the other members and staff were still in the same room you didn’t stop yourself from speaking your mind.
“And you know what the answer is to it always.” Your lead manager says as you close your eyes to stop any tears from falling down your cheeks.
You were exhausted. You were exhausted from not making it to the charts and feeling as though all your hard work had turned out to be a failure, and you knew that perhaps a small break to be with Taehyung could fix you up nicely. A cuddle and a kiss could boot you right up to start producing and writing songs again. His touch could ease all your sore muscles and his voice humming songs to you could free your ears from the annoying buzz in your ear. A buzz that you think came from the amount of time you spent sampling beats in the studio, and then listening to the same beats during dance practice. Your head was a mess and you could only hear music through a broken filter.
“It’s been ten months…” You say quietly, though the founder of the company abruptly stands up and slaps his hand on the table.
“We can’t risk it!” He sounded angry as his loud voice shushes everyone.
“All of you! We can’t risk it, and you better listen before I put all of you on a dating ban!” He threatens as collective anger boils between all of you girls. You knew that each and every one of you had committed relationships, so there was no way in any universe would you agree to a dating ban.
“What the hell?! You can’t do that so abruptly! What’s really going on? Why is everyone so tense?!” Your leader speaks up as all staff members quiet down and the room is filled with silence. The clock on the wall could be heard ticking and if you really listened in, you would hear your own patience decreasing with each click.
“We’re nearing bankruptcy, okay?! Your album flopped, we’re losing sponsors, and I can’t afford paying out the media for your issue, okay?!” Your boss snaps as he seems to be on the verge of breaking down.
All your group members were at the same amount of shock as you were, though every
“How much time do we have?” Your leader asks as your boss breathes in a heavy sigh.
“6 months at most. We’re reducing staff and we can push for one more studio album. If it doesn’t chart then we’re done. I’m sorry.”
You left the meeting that evening with tears in your eyes and your head feeling agitated. How could they keep this very important news from you and the girls?! This was your job and your future. You had the right to know what was internally happening. Now, all of you had to give your best for the new comeback or else you would be left jobless.
This fury of emotions in you was getting overwhelming and as soon as you arrived in your apartment you called Taehyung for some comfort. Perhaps you could even see each other tonight. A good takeout dinner and a few kisses and cuddles could fix you right up for the new comeback.
“Hey babe, I’m at a shoot right now.” Taehyung answers the phone as you nodded and mentally noted that he would probably be called to hang up on you at any moment.
“Hey…What time do you end?” You asked meekly before you cleared your throat and leaned on your kitchen counter with a glass of water on your other hand.
“Ten or eleven. Why?” Taehyung seemed to be moving on the other side as you sigh. Late dinner would be fine, as long as you were with him, right?
“I was wondering if we could have some dinner at either of our places. I’ve had a bad day and I miss you.” You say truthfully as you closed your eyes and hold the tears that want to push past your eyelids.
“I’m sorry to hear that baby, but I don’t think it would be good for us to see each other right now. Management—“
“Please Tae. I need you.” You interrupted him as a sob coursed through your throat. You felt pathetic for asking for your boyfriend’s attention when you knew how busy the industry is during this time of the year, but you just heard your dreams are in danger and you needed someone you could vent to.
“Baby… I think it would be better if we follow our mana—“
“God! Do you not want to see me?!” This unexpected rage filled you as you began to see red behind the tears that dripped down your cheeks. Your apartment felt too hot. The heat made you agitated. You wanted one thing and the world couldn’t even give you that.
“You know it’s not like that.” Taehyung’s small voice sounded hurt from behind the phone’s speaker, but it enraged you more knowing your hurt was hurting him. You couldn’t do one thing right, couldn’t you? No. How dare he act hurt when you doubt he even fights for you in their meetings. It was always you asking to see him and he would remind you of both your management team’s warnings.
“Really?! Because I’m starting to think that you don’t even want to see me anymore. We haven’t even seen each other since summer! God knows where you’ve been during your tours.” Your last statement was uncalled for. You knew that. Your anger shouldn’t start accusations especially when you know that the man on the other side of the phone was deeply in love with you, but rage makes you do unexplainable things.
You were angry at everything and everyone, and the words that spilled out of your mouth had no further value but the vile that it carries. Taehyung knew that, but he was in the middle of his fifth shoot of the week. He was trying to be as patient as he could be with you, but a nerve had been touched when you questioned his loyalty. How could you question his loyalty when he has done everything in his power to show you how much he was in love with you? He had asked countless times when he could see you, but rejection was always the answer of his managers.
He hated this year just as much as he hated himself for bringing you out to the balcony that night. Not because he regretted giving you his promise ring, but because he wasn’t thinking properly. He should’ve known that neighboring people could see him with you. He should’ve thought about it clearer. He shouldn’t have placed you in that vulnerable situation, and that idea manifested itself to why he was so willing to follow the rules of his managers. He didn’t want to put you in that place again. He didn’t want both your names to go under fire on Twitter again.
“I don’t want to fight with you right now.” Taehyung says dejectedly as the glass on your hand slips to land on the floor. The sound of the glass shattering on the floor and the water spilling on tiles reached Taehyung’s ears as a shock filled him.
“Baby?! What was that sound? Are you okay?” Taehyung sits up straighter from where he was seated in the waiting room with the rest of his band members. All their eyes went to him as he looked panicked whilst on his phone call.
“Yeah, just a glass of water. I’ll talk to you later, V.” Your voice was monotone and the usage of his stage name had caused a frown to rest on Taehyung’s face. It felt strange. It felt as though you were placing a barrier between you and him when you used his stage name. The same barrier an idol had with their fans, but your relationship wasn’t like that. You were the love of his life and the keeper of his promise. Getting called his stage name by you felt cold.
Taehyung turns his phone off after you hang up on him and he leans back on the sofa he sat on. Yoongi sat asleep on his right whilst Jungkook was nearing sleep on his left, though Jimin sat across the room on another sofa with his eyebrow furrowed as if asking the younger for what that was about. However, Jimin was beaten to ask Taehyung about his call as Namjoon pipes in from sitting beside Jimin.
“What was that about?” Namjoon asks as Taehyung sighs. He didn’t want to answer, but now five pairs of eyes were on him and the ears of their makeup artists were pressuring him to answer with something.
“You already know.” Taehyung says in a low voice, though his hyungs nod in understanding.
“I don’t get why you don’t just go see her. You know, I break Sejin’s rules all the time.” Jimin says as he earns a warning shove from Namjoon and a laugh from Hoseok. They all eventually break Sejin’s rules and Taehyung himself even broke his rules earlier into courting you, but he shouldn’t risk it now. Not when your names were out there and any signs that you were dating would be taken as the truth.
“We’ll help you sneak out later, Taehyung ah.” Jin offers as he flashes the younger a playful grin and a wink from his seat in front of the mirror surrounded by makeup artists.
“Sejin will pay you out of everything.”
“You have to be careful though. Our company could buy you out, but hers might not have the funds for it.” Hoseok pipes in as his sudden negative input has everyone turning to him with questioning looks.
“Don’t you guys look at their stocks? It’s been getting lower since last year. It might be the reason why you weren’t protected from the balcony incident.” Hoseok says as he flashes the boys his screen that is filled with stocks.
“No, the balcony incident was because the people who caught us immediately posted it without the help of media outlets. Our management can only protect us to an extent.” Taehyung now speaks as he shakes his head and massages his forehead. They all knew that. If fans capture them then it would pose a larger threat because they were willing to release any media without sending an email and deal to companies.
But what Taehyung did take note from what his hyung said was how your company’s stocks were lowering. You never told him that problem so he thinks it isn’t a major problem, though if his hyung knew about it then the changes must be drastic.
And they were drastic. After you hang up on Taehyung, you have turned your tears into a driving power to get working on some lyrics in your notebook. You didn’t even realize the amount of time that had passed as you spent it hunched over the coffee table writing away. The glass shards still littered the tiles of the kitchen and your mascara still darkened your eyes.
It was already one in the morning and Taehyung carefully got into your apartment building as both his hands held your favorite takeout paper bags with drinks. The boys had in fact helped him sneak out of the dorm that night, and it took him a few minutes and taxi rides to finally get everything he wanted to buy for the night.
He was going to apologize tonight. He was going to tell you the truth of everything on his mind and he would listen to everything you had to say. He wanted to make things right and it starts with giving you a kiss as soon as he enters the door.
The knock from your apartment’s door was the first sound you’d heard in the past few hours. It brought you to consciousness from your endless writing, and when you looked down to see your work everything was only an incomprehensible mess. Dried tear stains littered the pages and the callus on your finger grew thicker from friction.
You pushed yourself up from your spot on the carpet and walked carefully towards your front door. Another soft knock followed after some silence and you wanted to tell the person on the other side that you were coming, though your throat was raw from lack of usage.
“Hey baby.” Taehyung’s figure greets you as you open the door. His freshly trimmed dark hair covered his forehead as his mask was discarded under his chin. His figure was engulfed in a black jacket with its hood unused. A soft smile played on his lips, though it fell as soon as he saw your figure. The smile instead was replaced with a look of worry as you can only imagine what state you looked like.
“I— I’m so sorry I didn’t come any sooner…” Taehyung immediately sets down the paper bags of food by the doorway before approaching you to engulf in a big warm hug. The hug that you had wished for earlier, and finally your emotions were put to ease.
The little droplets of rain left on his jacket and his steady heartbeat got rid of every pain and anger you had in your body and you finally let your eyes close as you hugged him back. His breath on top of your head slowly brings you back to the love and warmth you always knew would come to you.
“Tae, my— my company…”
You both had let everything out through dinner. In the early hours of the day, you both cried and laughed. You catched up with the happenings of each other's lives and you forgave each other.
“You know what would be great right now?” You spoke as Taehyung looked up to you from his place on your lap. His head rested on the valley of your thighs as his Hwarang drama played on the TV in your living room. His eyes bright and a soft smile permanently plastered to his lips.
“A cone of ice cream.” You say as you watch his eyes brighten at the idea. So what if he just got his teeth cleaned and they were sensitive to cold food? If you wanted ice cream then he wants it too.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s get some ice cream!” He says as he sits up and turns off the TV.
“Tae, we can’t go out.” You remind him though the brow he raises and smug look on his face just makes a smile break your lips.
“I don’t care. No payouts, no worries. If they know then they’ll know. I’ll get my girl her ice cream!”
You giggle as Taehyung goes into your bedroom and comes out with a large black puffer jacket, a pair of warm socks, and a scarf. He ordered you to stand up as he wrapped the warm jacket over your figure and wrapped your neck up with a scarf. He pulls out a wet wipe to gently wipe your face with any dried tears or mascara before he pulls you towards the front door.
He doesn’t even let you crouch down to tie your own shoes or put your own socks on because he does it for you before he does his own. And soon you were already walking out your apartment building with his hand playing with yours.
You ended up grabbing a cone of your favorite ice cream from an ice cream place that was open 24/7. It was roughly a fifteen minute walk from your place and when he sensed your pace slowing, he took a detour and took you to a riverside road that had benches looking out onto the river.
Light bulbs tied into strings hung from trees and the gentle flow of the river made the place serene. You two sat on a bench and ate your ice cream by the river as silence engulfed you two. A comforting peace hugging you tightly as time seemed nonexistent when you were with him. You leaned your head on his shoulder and basked in the moment. A buzz of restlessness ringing in your ear, though it didn’t matter whenever he was near.
If someone took a picture of you now then you wouldn’t care anymore. As long as you were with him then you would be fine.
Everyone was convinced that the two of you were dating and ever since then you were a bit more shameless to post pictures on your instagram with a few too many similarities to deny that you two weren’t in the same place at the same time.
With the news of your unconfirmed relationship reaching new lengths with more leaked content, you two became somewhat old news. Everyone knew there was something undeniable between you two, though nothing had been confirmed. Your two companies stayed out of it after their first statement that only clarified that both of you weren’t engaged, though it also said that your companies had no rights in your personal engagements.
A month after, your latest comeback had been released and it was a massive pop. It had landed the charts and stayed on the Top 5 even with rising competition and BTS’s unstoppable Dynamite single. And Maybe, just maybe, it could save your company’s decline.
The end of November was the season of awardings and your latest comeback just manages to squeeze into the eligibility period of the criteria. Which meant your hit comeback had actually landed you multiple nominations, and perhaps your first ever Daesang? If that was possible against BTS’s unstoppable year.
It felt as though your struggles through the year were getting set to rest, and whatever happens now was up to the world’s hands.
Arriving in the 2020 Mnet Asian Music Awards felt like a reward. You could finally relax and enjoy the event of your year’s work. In these events you would always remember how it changed your life by letting you and Taehyung meet gazes. How it made you meet your closest friends and interact with fans from different fandoms. It was a celebration whether you left as a winner or not.
Taehyung took his first step out to walk the red carpet as cameras flash all around him. The crowd of fans behind the media outlets raised their phone cameras as cheers roared. His bandmates smiled and waved as they took a spot right in front of the banner backdrop.
They were missing Yoongi that night. The rapper was absent to recover from his long due shoulder surgery that he got in an accident years ago. This small change in their usual order had all the staff and management team on edge. They already had to relearn their choreography and positions for the performance tonight, and the staff were busy all week to find ways on how they would spend Yoongi’s rap parts of the song without him, so it was an understatement to say that everyone was a little tired and on edge for tonight.
The six remaining members all arranged themselves into their familiar order, with Taehyung leading the line and leaving a space for Yoongi before Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok followed in order.
They all stopped at the first spot where semi-popular outlets took pictures of them and their different colored suits. They all had a mix of muted navy, white, and some accents of maroon, a color scheme that stood out from the classic black suit. Taehyung wore navy trousers and a matching suit jacket whilst his undershirt was a satin white. His suit jacket was buttoned up to his chest and had a maroon colored handkerchief in its pocket.
After a few seconds, a director had signed for Taehyung to continue walking along the carpet as the boy group Seventeen, that was ahead of them in the queue, moved towards the part of the carpet where the event hosts would interview them.
Taehyung glanced behind him to make sure his bandmates were following him as he moved further up the queue. They stopped once again with their line still intact and they posed for the more known media outlets.
At the same time, their junior’s Tomorrow X Together arrived and followed them in the queue by taking their previous spot. Their hoobaes dressed in fitting black suits as they arranged themselves in a line and posed for the cameras. The crowd also cheered for them, before they reverted their attention to the short interview held on the members of Seventeen.
Another cue of a director made Taehyung turn to watch the Seventeen walk inside the building. He waited patiently for all members to enter before he followed to occupy the spot they had left. The host, Song Joong Ki, greeted the members as Taehyung was handed two microphones that he passed to his bandmates. He would let his hyung’s take care of the interview answers, though he still smiled to the cameras that flashed and broadcasted the carpet.
“Welcome! Bangtan Sonyeondan!” Song Joong Ki announces as classic questions fall from his lips, though he has lost all of Taehyung’s attention when he saw you enter to lead your group on the queue of the carpet.
Your body clad in a white angelic like satin material dress. It had thick bows as spaghetti straps on your shoulders, though it kept the skin of your collarbone and shoulders exposed. It hugged your torso tightly almost like a corset before it loosened below your waists and made you seem like a doll. Hemline details on your skirt had separated the silky fabric of the bodice and majority of the skirt to the more flowy and scrunched material that gave your dress an airy aura. Your white heels polished to shine as bright as the cameras, and your angel-like makeup made Taehyung feel like he was actually seeing an angel.
He didn’t care if people saw how his mouth stood agape and how his gaze stayed on you for a moment too long. It was the only appropriate reaction to your outfit. Your bandmates also had varying white dresses on, yet you seemed like the star of the show. A true beauty that he was blessed to witness in his lifetime.
“Taehyung ah, stop staring at your girlfriend and move.” Jin had whispered to Taehyung. The space for Yoongi in between them had disappeared as Taehyung snapped his gaze back to his hyung. He could see you posing for pictures on his peripheral vision, though the slight nudge of Jin pushing him along to enter the venue was enough for him to stop watching you.
He could even see Jimin flashing him a smirk as it was quite obvious who had stolen all his attention. Taehyung was shameless as he only smiled and calmly walked towards the small steps leading to the venue.
He wondered how he would celebrate tonight. The Mnet Asian Music Awards always have been an indicator to him that it had been another year since he met the most beautiful angel on Earth. He would always replay the moment he caught your eyes when he received an award, and sometimes, if he was lucky, your eyes would meet and he falls for you deeper than he had the first time you met. Gosh, he hoped one of the cameras had gotten a good picture of you because he can’t wait to make it his homesc—
And screaming was all he heard as his head snapped to find out what the commotion was about. Everyone’s handheld cameras had turned to the start of the queue, and the cameras that were on fixed stands to face the carpet in front were left unattended by the camera directors. All their eyes widening at a sight that Taehyung couldn’t see.
Security guards that stood near the venue entrance had run past Taehyung to get to the commotion, though Taehyung couldn’t see through a combination of his hyung’s heads and the bodies of managers and staff that filled the red carpet.
Taehyung was more curious than worried about the commotion. All he knew was that the commotion had taken place at the start of the queue where he stood just a few moments ago. Taehyung watched as all his members tried to raise their necks to see past the crowd.
Namjoon had tapped a staff member to ask what happened, and Taehyung would have intently eavesdropped the conversation if not for the face Jimin had flashed Taehyung as he turned with a worried look. It was a look that knew something.
How did Jimin see through the crowd? They didn’t know.
“What is it?” Taehyung asked as Jimin stopped stretching his neck and stared at him with wide eyes whilst licking his lips as if he was finding the right words to describe the situation he saw.
But Taehyung didn’t need to hear it from him as Jin soon found a gap to see what happened, and the loud ‘woah’ that involuntarily left his throat was enough for all members present to look at him.
However, just like Jimin did after seeing the commotion, their eldest member flashed Taehyung worried eyes before grabbing Taehyung’s wrist as if he could bolt at any moment. These glances and actions were starting to worry Taehyung now. He would understand if the members who saw something happened wouldn’t want the other members to know, but why did it look as if they didn’t want him specifically to know or react.
“What?” Taehyung’s Daegu accent came out as he was getting worried at what was happening.
Then a few gasps came from the crowd that watched and Taehyung finally found a gap to see someone on top of another person at the start of the queue. Right where your group was standing mere seconds ago.
Taehyung tugged at Jin’s grip as he finally saw someone pull the erratically moving person off the floor and the person she had pinned to the floor.
Who was getting attacked? Taehyung didn’t know yet, but something in his stomach told him that his hyungs knew.
The crazy woman was pulled off the floor by a security guard. Taehyung's gaze went from the woman fighting the guard to one of the barriers that separated the general crowd of fans from the photographers, carpet, and artists. The barrier was on the floor as other fans didn’t dare cross it, though he had figured that the loud bang was from the barrier falling to the floor.
Taehyung then let his gaze wander to whoever the woman had pinned to the floor and lo and behold… it was you.
Seeing your messy hair and disoriented figure had blood surging through Taehyung’s body. A different type of adrenaline flowed through him unlike the ones he experiences at concerts. No, this one made him want to fight and flight at the same time.
Taehyung easily pulled away from Jin’s grip as he walked past Jimin before he could block his way. The call of his name from Hoseok and Jungkook fell on deaf ears as he continued his fast strides towards you. His eyes fixed on your figure before it was lost behind a crowd of people.
Taehyung pushed past TXT with little to no problems. He simply murmured an apology and an ‘excuse me’ as he passed through.
A ring of people had circled where you were supposed to be as Taehyung pushed past people in his goal to reach you. It felt as though his body was walking through quicksand at how he had to forcibly get his body past the crowd.
He can feel his suit get wrinkled and his shoes get stepped on. His hair must be ruffled by now and perhaps one of his prop rings had already slipped past a finger, but it didn’t matter. As long as the silver band he had as your promise was fine and he gets to you in the least amount of time then anything else could be replaceable.
With one more push he finally got to the middle of the crowd. The air felt less dense, though Taehyung couldn’t get a proper breath in until he could see that you were okay.
It didn’t take long for your eyes to meet each other though. Your wide blown out eyes reach peace as your eyes meet his, and he would be lying if your eyes didn’t give him just a small bit of ease running through his body.
He immediately took a step towards you as a few gasps were heard followed by a louder bang rang and silenced his surroundings. A disorienting buzz ran through his ears as he turned towards the woman to see her get tackled to the floor by multiple security guards and a gun slipping past her grip.
The bang wasn’t another barrier falling…
She shot a bullet
And he didn’t know where it landed.
Taehyung reached for you to engulf with his body and shield you from the direction the woman was. You immediately collapsed into his grip as you brought your hands to cover your face and bury yourself in Taehyung’s suit.
“Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt? D—did you…” Taehyung couldn’t finish what he wanted to ask you as he opted to skim your body for any obvious injuries.
He wasn't going to admit it but he was looking for a bullet wound under the fabric of your dress, though all he saw was the ruffled satin material as you cried onto his chest. His grip on you tightened as he turned his head back to see proper police men restrain the woman in handcuffs.
“You’re okay now. You’re fine. You’re safe, baby. She’s gone.” Taehyung repeats his words over your hair. A kiss landing on your messy hair. His whispers of comfort placed ease into both your bodies, though you could still hear his heart pumping heavily.
“Tae…” You were breathless as tears uncontrollably dripped down your cheeks. You were just thankful that Taehyung was blocking you from the media. Now that the woman was gone, the media was bound to get an aftermath photo of you so you were just glad they couldn’t see you in the middle of a breakdown.
“Yes baby? Are you hurt? Do you need an ambulance?” Taehyung asked as he rubbed a hand on the top of your hair to soothe down some loose strands, though the action was more to comfort you than fix up your appearance. He was well aware of the cameras and whispers around you.
“Are— are you hurt? The g-gun…” Your voice shakes as you wipe your tears and look up at him.
The sounds of cameras flashing, managers and staff speaking loudly, and police, was the loud buzzing of your ear. It started right as you were tackled to the ground with a twist of your ankle and your head hitting the not so soft red carpet. It still heavily buzzes in your ear over any other noise, excluding Taehyung’s calming voice which you can hear just as clear as the vibrations of your heart pumping.
“No. No, I’m not hurt, baby. Please answer me now. Are you okay?” Taehyung repeats himself whilst placing emphasis on the word ‘you’. He brings a gentle hand to wipe tears sliding down your cheek as you take in the condition of your body.
“My— my ankle… I think I twisted it when I fell, but I think I’m fine.” You say as the adrenaline wears off and an uncomfortable sting comes to your left ankle. You still stood on your heels effortlessly, though a growing tingle had started to spread from where the heel’s strap held onto your ankle.
“Okay. Thank you for answering.” Taehyung kisses your lips swiftly before he raises a hand to call for attention, and looks towards the direction of the venue. Paramedics and staff that were on standby were already walking down the carpet as your eyes even catch Jimin’s worried eyes skimming over both you and Taehyung. The medics were by your side in no time as the crowd around you disperse.
“She said that she might’ve twisted her ankle.” Taehyung says to the paramedics who nodded, though they didn’t signal him to let go just yet.
“Let’s go to the back to check for further injuries. The media is out of control.” A manager suggested to the paramedics who agreed.
“Can you walk?” Taehyung asks as you merely nodded before you were led to a private space behind the wall of the red carpet. Taehyung continued to support you as you took heavy steps in your heels.
The small space behind the backdrop wasn’t too spacious though it was enough to shield you as the paramedics opened a kit and let you sit down on a small plastic stool. Taehyung stood right beside you. Your fingers intertwine as your fingers meet the cold material of his promise ring, and that’s when it hits you.
“Sh-shit.” Your once dried cheeks had now turned wet again as you looked down to your hand and found all your fingers were bare from any jewelry.
“Shh… You’re fine, baby. You’re getting treated.” Taehyung rubs your head to help soothe you though your sobs start to grow as the paramedics ask you what’s wrong, though you only shook your head to dismiss them.
“Tae… I lost the— the ring. It— It must have fell when I—“
“It’s fine, baby. I can buy you a new one.” Taehyung reassures you, though you were inconsolable.
“Please, say something if this hurts Miss.” The medic speaks as she caresses the skin of your ankle. A yelp leaving your lips as the medics nodded and continued to assess your shin.
From the way your chest heaved with each sob and the way tears fell from your eyes, the medics couldn’t assess you properly though they made the best of the situation and made the decision to take you to the hospital.
“Taehyung, you need to get into the venue. The event is going to be delayed, but groups need to be inside the venue for security checks and safety.” His manager speaks as his head pops from the other side of the backdrop. A wheelchair strolling behind him as the medics explain to you that they were taking you to the hospital.
“What? I can’t leave her right now. Did you see what happened?!” Taehyung didn’t mean to raise his voice, though he couldn’t leave you right now. Perhaps you were physically okay, but that must have been mentally shocking and he wants to be there just to comfort you even if it doesn’t make a big difference.
“Yes, I did see. Everyone saw. And we don't know if there’s another sasaeng out there, so we need you to get in the venue now.” The manager said sternly, though Taehyung continued to ignore the orders.
He instead opted to help guide you to sit comfortably on the wheelchair. His finger grazing over red scratch marks on the skin of your forearm. He hadn’t seen those earlier, though he doubts the paramedics had missed it.
When they exited from behind the backdrop they were met with security guards escorting them to the road where the ambulance was parked. Taehyung walked alongside the wheelchair as the paramedic wheeled you to the ambulance. His manager followed a few paces behind.
You writhed with shame as you thought about all the news that could be written on this night alone and you hadn’t even entered the venue yet. You weren’t sure you could.
Taehyung was held back by his manager before he could enter the ambulance with you. His gaze in question and slight irritation as he was met by the face of their manager once more, though this time his members were walking out the venue in search of him.
“Kim Taehyung don’t go. For her sake. You can see her after, but right now we need you inside for the media's sake.” Their manager says more desperate now as he turns to meet your eyes that were inside the ambulance.
He was all too aware of the eyes watching both of you and he could tell that you were too. You gave him a slight nod as a sign that you’d be fine as he nodded more to himself and took a step back to be with his manager. For your sake, he wasn’t going to be with you right now. Not when the media would be having a frenzy already. For you, your company, and your reputation.
“Come on, get inside.” The manager nudged Taehyung to follow behind him as he kept his gaze down on the floor when a few cameras took pictures of him walking to the entrance.
A shiny piece of jewelry caught his attention as he bent down and found the promise ring he had given you last year. A promise ring that had caused you more tears than he wanted you to have.
“Come on, V.” Jimin says as he reaches out for Taehyung to accompany him in walking to the venue behind the rest of the members that flashed him pitiful looks.
“You did the right thing. She needed you, and you’ll see each other after this.” Jimin reassured, as Taehyung’s eyes began to sting from behind, though he tried to stop the emotions from showing in his eyes.
“They said it was a sasaeng?” Taehyung asked as the security guards opened the door for them and they entered the dark and cold doors of the big venue that the 21st Mnet Asian Music Awards would take place in.
“Apparently. I tried my best to eavesdrop and they said that the motive might’ve been because of your relationship. She was ARMY.” Jimin summarized everything he had heard as they both stopped in a dim hallway to wait for staff to open a door that led to the artist area.
“I still don’t get how she managed to walk past security, staff, and camera directors. How did she even have a gun?!” Taehyung was exasperated as the two ‘95 liners leaned against the padded walls. Taehyung leaned his head on Jimin’s shoulder as Jungkook came up to squeeze his shoulder.
“Is she okay? We heard guns were involved.” Jungkook asked as it was obvious that the rest of his bandmates were listening from behind the maknae.
“Yeah. She’s shaken up. Maybe even have a twisted ankle and a few scratches.” Taehyung says as his eyes zone out on the pattern of the carpet and his fingers play on the ring he held on his finger.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon shows himself from behind Jungkook as Taehyung simply nods.
The night had gone by like a blur. It was obvious to everyone watching that he was not as present as he should have been, though nobody blames him. The views of the event had skyrocketed after news broke out that an artist was attacked and yet the event continued on. Hashtags about the event and incident even went viral prior to the awards finishing because clips of Taehyung running towards you and escorting you to the ambulance had gone viral. It practically happened in front of everybody so it was bound to get posted, and technically no blood or gore had been shown so the content wasn’t blocked as quickly as both your companies and the event organizers wanted them to be.
Taehyung walks through the hospital hallways with paper bags of your favorite takeout food, your favorite drink, some spare clothes of his that you could change to in case your personal assistant didn’t bring good comfy clothes, and a small cake of your favorite flavor. He had made do with how late it was and how your favorite bakery was already closed.
It felt like deja vu once again. However, this time he wasn’t riding the elevator to your apartment but rather riding it to your hospital room.
Your absence from the event was so painstakingly obvious for him and everyone. He was jittery all night, and your group seemed so small when they occupied the stage for their performance. It was obvious that they had done last minute blocking, and the bactrack had been used for your solo parts. They seemed so small when they walked down the artist area and got to the stage to receive the Best Female Group award and the Best Female Group Dance Performance award. Your group wasn’t small in the sense that they had little members, though it felt like something was missing. Your big bubbly smile and your funny yet carefully worded speech was missing, and Taehyung could speak for everyone that your presence was greatly missed.
He had received a text from you as soon as the event ended and when he got his phone back. Your text contained your congratulations for him and his wins and performances. Jimin even showed Taehyung a message you sent that congratulated Jimin and the rest of BTS. It was certainly a good year for them, and you had grown closer towards your boyfriend’s close friend despite only interacting a few times.
You told him that he should probably visit later into the evening since your group would be visiting you after the event, though Taehyung didn’t listen and still went as fast as he could when ordering food.
He arrived at your hospital room at almost two in the morning and from what he could hear, your bandmates were still in your hospital room talking to you.
He knocked on the door and heard the girls quiet down as one of the members opened the door to see Taehyung standing in the middle of the hallway with his PA behind him holding the bag of clothes and box of cake.
“Hey, sorry to intrude on your celebrations but can I come see my girlfriend?” Taehyung says as a smile couldn’t help but creep up his face as his heart swells with pride with how he openly says that you were his girlfriend.
“Yah Y/Nah, your boyfriend is here.” The member smiled brightly as she opened the door wider to show you laying in the hospital bed with wide eyes from Taehyung’s early arrival. Your other bandmates had visibly smiled brighter when Taehyung entered the room.
“Good evening.” Taehyung greets as he places all of the paper bags on a nearby table and bows deeply to your bandmates.
“Congratulations on your wins and performance!”
All of your bandmates greet the same words as they bow just as deep to their sunbaenim.
“You should have told us Kim Taehyung sunbaenim was coming. We should’ve ordered more food for him—“ You leader speaks as you stay silent yet a small smiles lingers on your lips when Taehyung doesn’t let his eyes leave you.
“It’s okay. I brought some takeout to eat, and a cake to celebrate your wins.” Taehyung opens the small cake he had brought as his PA takes his leave and walks out the door.
“Oh V sunbaenim, thank you! We already had some cake, but I’m sure Y/N would love that. She barely ate anything tonight.” One of your members discloses as you send her a warning gaze as her face contorts into a look of apology.
Taehyung’s brown doe eyes met yours once more and this time it held the same worry it had earlier in the evening. You hated that. You hated seeing him worried over you, though at the same time it made you feel so cared for.
“We should probably get going. We need some rest and we can celebrate properly when you’re feeling better Y/N.” Your group’s leader says as they all excused themselves after they bid you well and congratulated Taehyung once more.
You were left in the silence of your hospital room with Taehyung at last. It felt like a decade just to get some time alone ever since the incident, and it felt like a reward to finally be alone together after the stressful night.
“Why aren’t you eating?” Taehyung asks as he comes towards the side of the bed to give you a kiss on your cheek.
“Not in the mood for it.” You say honestly because you really didn’t feel hungry, though Taehyung’s brow raised to doubt your answer.
“Come on, don’t let me eat all of this alone.” He says as your favorite food reaches your nose. The aroma turns the wheel of your appetite as Taehyung moves the table closer to the side of your bed.
“Seriously, Tae…”
“Please baby? Let me food you a few spoonfuls at least? It would help me feel better.” Taehyung asks as you nod willingly.
He opens up a container and grabs a wooden spoon to fill with the right amount of everything before guiding the spoon to your open mouth. The warmth of the food immediately landing in your stomach as a satisfied hum left you. Taehyung smiled at that and took his own bite with a smile.
“How’s your ankle?” He asks.
“It’s twisted, but it should heal well. I’ll be walking around with a brace, but it's not like we have a comeback coming.” You say as you move your leg from under the white blanket and show him the brace that keeps your ankle straight.
“I don’t know how long I’ll be here though. They said that I’m showing symptoms of an acute concussion, so it would be better to keep me under observation. That’s why I’m not really eating food right now. I don’t want to throw it up in case this does happen to be a concussion. ” You shrug as you eye the movie that showed on the TV.
Taehyung took your left hand in his and raised it to meet his lips. His breath grazing over your ring finger as you feel him slide a familiar metal back to its place.
“What— Woah! You found it!” You smile as you check the ring to truly see if it was the same ring he had given you a year ago. The same small dent that you had accidentally struck against the wall had grazed the design and you knew for a fact that it was the same ring you had worn as a promise.
“It’s kinda hard to miss. No wonder everyone saw it when we wore it.” Taehyung chuckles as he kisses your hand again before you pull him closer to you to kiss on the lips.
His usually soft lips still had some remnants of lipstick from the makeup of their performance. However, the surface wasn’t the soft flesh you’ve come to be familiar with. It was bitten and cracked in some places. Some skin was freshly peeled and others were dry and waiting for the time to be peeled. It was a sign that he had bitten them off prematurely as a coping mechanism from anxiety.
“I’m sorry, baby. I— I heard the fan was a sasaeng and I didn’t even try that hard to join you in the ambulance, but I— I didn’t want the media following and— and our companies… It’s not an excuse—“
“Tae, it’s not your fault.” You state sternly with your expression straight. You didn’t know where this reaction was coming from, but you had to shut down all those thoughts.
“She was a sasaeng— an ARMY…” Taehyung was teary eyed as he sat on the side of the bed with his hands wrapped around your waist as your arms rested on his shoulders.
“You can’t control them and you can’t control what our agencies tell us to do. Just like how they told us to keep some distance when we told them about our relationship. We can break what they say sometimes, but eventually we know we have to follow them. Like how we still kept on seeing each other and how you still had to join the event.” You explained as he nodded.
He was tongue tied or perhaps he didn’t have anything more to say. He just wanted to hold you and tell himself he did everything he could to prevent what happened and that at the end of the day you are fine with injuries that could be fixed. He wanted to kiss you and feel your skin against his. He wanted to breathe in your scent and feel your chest move with every inhale and exhale.
So he did just that. He laid beside you and brought your body down with him to embrace. Your skin against his as you both settle in a comfortable position.
“What if we weren’t idols?”
“Don’t say that Tae. We met because we were idols. We met because we wanted to study being idols and you saw me because you are a damn good idol.” You say as Taehyung laughs and kisses your cheeks.
“I know, but like what if we went away for a while. Just the two of us and some place we don’t know.” Taehyung proposes as you tilt your head to think over the idea as you signal him to continue his brewing thought.
“Just for a few days or a week. We deserve it after a long year. Besides, it’s my birthday soon.” Taehyung smiles brighter when he mentions his birthday as if you hadn’t been saving up for his birthday gift already.
“That does sound nice…”
“So it’s settled! New Year’s and my birthday in some place we don’t know! I’ll start planning it tomorrow.” Taehyung smiles as you laugh with him, but really he was planning on replacing your dented ring with a new one.
“Also I brought some clothes. I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight.” Taehyung asks as you smile and land a kiss on his lips.
“I was waiting for you to say that. My parents are visiting early in the morning though, so you better be up by then.” You both chuckle as he kisses you once more.
“Are you comfy in your clothes? I have your favorite sweater in the bag, and a coat in case you ever feel like having ice cream again.”
You chuckle as you slightly nudge his shoulder. This man truly was something else.
#bts#bangtan#bts fanfic#kim taehyung#bts x reader#bts angst#bts fluff#bts oneshot#kim taehyung x reader#kim taehyung birthday!!!!#birthday boy!!!!#kpop#bts v#bts v oneshot
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So me and @lonelystczennie have been working on a project for a while now that is both of our babies. Around the time the Korea Elle shoot happened for Hyunjin, we both showed interest in this concept. I wouldn't have been able to write this without @lonelystczennie she is one of the best writers I have seen and I love her dearly. Everyone should follow her BTS account @7ndipity
★Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem! Reader.★
---slow burn, obsession, College AU!, pinning, eventual stalker, Fluff/eventual smut????/there is a sprinkle of angst. ---
3.3k wrds. CHAPTER ONE
Y/n sat in a chair in the theatre hall of SNU between classes. The room was large, and the red plush seats were a sight to behold at least in comparison to the underfunded American theatre she was accustomed to. They had just finished Romeo and Juliet for the fall and far on a facade balcony was where their Juliet stood and uttered the famous line “where for art thou Romeo-” Of course in Y/ns opinion she could have done it better.
That was the problem with the South Korean society, or more so any society as far as she was concerned. It was about who looked the part, not that they did it well.
Getting up on stage Y/n started to gather. A music stand, a chair, a folder of monologues she had put together. Holding her imaginary audience captive she readied herself…
“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,”
It was here in this soft moment that Y/n could be herself, be loud, be obnoxious, be in her own little corner of the world where no one would see. She meandered around the stage, using its size to her advantage. Her mind cast back to the years at theatre camps, high school productions, anything to get her hands on stage…where she could be anyone she wanted to be. At least in theory.
“-No more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,”
While she wasn’t insane, she knew where she stood in the world. She knew what people thought when they looked at her. It was hard to miss, but somewhere in the mean girls brimstone there were glimmers. Glimmers of what might be, what could be..what should be.
“Must give us pause—there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.”
The crowd was silent, jaws agape at the performance that befell them. Until it was a trickled down noise, starting as a low hum, but grew to a roar of applause, A tony! One shouted, Encore!! Brava Brava!! Another yelled from their seats. In the space between classes Y/n got to hold onto her dreams.
Silly Y/n, dreaming big dreams…
The door to the theatre opened and like a lightbulb flickering out. Y/n turned finding the head director of the art department walking in.
“Ah! Y/n, you here to pick up some costumes?”
“Oh uh- yea! Just making sure folks didn’t just leave them behind after last show…” Quickly taking the music stand to the side of the stage, it was in reality where Y/n had to stand her ground. So, she batted the stars away and swallowed the butterflies, getting off the stage to grab her bag. Maybe this year’s Musical would be more fun…
Hyunjin slowly followed Jisung across campus towards the art building, watching the dry, faded leaves skitter across the pavement ahead of them, caught in the wind, his hands stuffed in his pockets in an attempt to fight off the growing autumn chill.
Why had he agreed to this?
When he joined the drama department, he hadn’t realized just how much time and effort it actually entailed from him. He didn’t know much about how any of it worked actually, he had signed up mainly just to appease his friends and to get them to stop worrying about him so fucking much…
“I didn’t know this place was here.” He’d commented as they’d navigated their way through the crowded cafe, sitting down at one of the few available tables.
“How have you not noticed it, it’s like two blocks from our place?” Changbin asked.
“I don't know, I just haven't.” He mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. It was surprisingly good.
“You need to get out of the house more.” Changbin commented.
He didn’t argue with his roommate, though he didn’t necessarily agree with him. Nowadays he spent most of his time holed up in his room, painting, but he was okay with that. That seemed to be the only thing that made him happy anymore, the only thing that held any real spark for him.
It was quiet for the briefest moment before Jisung suddenly piped up.
“Hey, why don’t you sign up for the theatre department? Most of the guys are already involved in some way, so it’s not like you won’t know anybody." Jisung suggested, referring to the rest of their group of friends.
“I’m not an actor.” Hyunjin said flatly.
“You look like one though, that goes a long way.” Changbin stated, swiping a cookie from Jisungs plate. “The rest, you can learn.”
“And there’s more than just acting involved.” Jisung adds. “There’s writing and production, wardrobe and set dressing, music-”
“You could paint sets!” Changbin offered, earning a side-long glare from Jisung.
“We just finished the Shakespeare production too, so it’d be a good time to join before we start planning for the spring show,” Jisung added.
“Why do I feel like you rehearsed this?” Hyunjin asked. They glanced between each other guiltily.
He knew what they were doing, they just wanted to get him out of his room, out of his apartment, out of the headspace that he’d been living in these past few months. They’d tried a few similar tactics in the past, and while he appreciated the gesture, he really didn’t see much point to it. He didn’t see much point to anything anymore if he was being honest. Still, he knew they wouldn’t relent until he agreed to something.
“I’ll think about it.” He offered, satisfying them for the moment.
Now, as he trailed behind his friend, he felt a weak flutter in his chest. Anxiety? Probably, but there was also something else, something faint, more pleasant. Excited? He hadn’t felt excited by much since-
No, no. We’re not thinking about that anymore.
He shook his head, quickly following Jisung through the door of the auditorium. Maybe they were right, maybe a change of scenery would be good…
The auditorium was abuzz at SNU. That winter was to be the planning and prep phase for the spring musical, and every theatre geek on campus was somewhere in that room trying to live out their slice of life anime dreams.
Y/n was in the back of the theatre typing on her laptop, busy working herself away already for what she had planned this quarter. Her theatre friends, Chan, Seungmin, Felix, Han, Jeongin, Changbin, and Minho all tended to arrive late. Leaving her to babysit the freshmen if the art director wasn’t in.
This year as part of his senior project Seungmin was going to direct and produce the Musical with the help of his friends. She was glad to be part of it; just didn’t think being late necessarily set a good example for everyone that was new.
The doors to the side stage opened and sauntering in was her band of misfits. Or at least that's what the group chat was called.
With a…new person in tow. His shoulders risen to his ears and yet his gate was sluggish. Shuffling and looking at the ground. Y/n found herself walking down the aisle to the white fold out table with stuff for the crew putting her bag down.
“So glad you cared to join us- oh great leaders~” She bowed dramatically to Seungmin and Chan. She laughed and rolled her eyes at Seungmin flipping her off.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just get on with this.” He said, trailing after her down the aisle.
The light peal of laughter drew Hyunjin’s attention, his eyes flicking up from the floor, quickly scanning the group until he found its owner. She was turned partially away from him, but he could still make out part of her features. Round apple cheeks, bright eyes that disappeared into half crescents as she smiled, her whole body moving as she spoke animatedly with Seungmin about something. He didn’t realize he had frozen, staring at her, until she looked up and met his gaze.
“Um, hi?” She offered, looking at him curiously.
“Oh, Y/n, this is our friend, Hyunjin. He just joined the group. Hyunjin, this is Y/n. She’s in charge of keeping us from accidentally setting the building on fire.” Han said, gesturing between the two of them before quickly snagging the chair closest to Minho’s, as per usual.
“Don’t pin that kind of responsibility on me!” She shot back before offering a warm smile to Hyunjin. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you.” He said quietly, finding himself unable to look away from her.
“Alright, should we get started?” She nodded slightly before turning back to the rest of the group.
After rousing games of zip, zap, zop, freeze and change, and traditional ice breakers for the lonely extrovert, Y/n found herself sitting in the audience scrolling her phone while the rest of the crew bickered over what to do in earnest. Her eyes drifted to the new boy.
His face was a lack luster pale like he hadn’t seen the sun in over two weeks. But his eyes were an abyss. No real emotion, seemed to be dragged here by their friends. Which- was how they got her to come in the first place; now it's their 3rd show season all together. His clothes hung on his body like a wire frame in a department store. Out of place, but far more expensive than the financial aid in her bank account could dream of. Catching his eyes, her own fell back to the screen in her hand. Maybe her cheeks were red from the smut she was reading earlier, or just being stared down by a dark prince type.
Y/n had gotten used to living in and around very attractive people. It was the land of the Idol.
There were enough plastic surgeons to go toe to toe with the number of Walmart’s back home. Everyone had someone they wanted to be, to look like, to sound like, to replace.
There just was no one like Hyunjin…He was who boys put up on their wall as inspiration, and girls put on their wall to admire. She dreaded to think what came to mind when she was caught looking.
“Beautiful, ethereal, the human incarnation of a Renaissance Goddess.” Every word or phrase that came to mind didn’t seem to do justice to the woman sitting just a few seats away from Hyunjin. ‘Y/n.’ Her name danced around the inside of his head like a lyric from a forgotten song, foreign and yet somehow familiar. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying several times to redirect his attention towards his friends, who were clearly in the middle of some heated argument, Jisungs voice echoing loudly through the hall in frustration, but each time, he found himself drawn back to her.
He couldn’t understand it, every little thing she did seemed to hypnotize him. The way her fingers danced lightly across the screen of her phone, brow creased in concentration as she read, sending occasional curious glances in his direction, sending a small jolt of electricity through his system every time her eyes locked with his, even for the briefest moment.
His heart thundered in his chest; mouth dry as his mind raced to figure out what he should do. Should he try to strike up another conversation with her? What would he even say? Every time she glanced in his direction, his mind went completely blank. Maybe it would be better for him to keep his distance? He didn’t know how long he sat there like that, observing her from afar, before Chan suddenly spoke up.
“Y/n, I need another adult!”
She jumped slightly at the sudden use of her name, making the glasses she was wearing slip a little further down her nose. Cute. He bit back a grin, watching as his friend approached her.
“Can you please explain to them why Dracula is a severely overdone production right now and how-”
“Actually I really like Dracula,” She interjected, stopping Chan in his tracks. “I think it’d be a great idea for the spring production. “What do you think, Hyunjin?” He froze as she suddenly glanced over at him.
“I-” He stuttered, his stomach doing somersaults at the way his name sounded slipping from her lips. “I think it would be good.” He managed to agree, causing her face to light up in a triumphant grin as she turned back to Chan.
“See? Majority vote wins.”
“What do you mean you wanna do Dracula? It’s cringey-” Chan exclaimed.
“Says the man who at my birthday went on a tirade about how aegyo is cute and it should be embraced…sir you are a master of cringe- embrace ego death it wouldn’t be that bad for you” Y/n laughed. Still, her eyes glanced at Hyunjin, hoping he didn’t mind that she brought him more into the conversation. Her hand reached up and pinched his hyungs cheek. “-plus, vampires are hot- if you don’t think you could pull off being a sexy vampire just say so”
Chan's eyes widened and he gasped in faux horror. Y/n smiled triumphantly looking to Seungmin with a raised brow, silently asking for his thoughts.
“Director!!” Han yelled clinging onto Seungmin's arm trying to force him into receiving his love and affection “Mom said it's okay! Let’s do sexy vampire show!”
“I told you to stop calling me that!” Y/n yelled back pulling Han off.
While they all ended up bickering about the ethics of sexy vampires, Changbin’s eyes found Hyunjins. Staring at Y/n as she manhandled Han to get off their mutual friend. Was…that a blush on his cheeks?
There was a light in his eyes that Changbin hadn’t seen in so long.
It was a welcome change, maybe with some encouragement, Hyunjin could find his way back to himself again. Or- that was the hope at least.
Hyunjin looked up from his middle-distance stare to see Han chasing Y/n around the stage and her dodging his antics.
“!would-” “-yoU” “QUIT-” “IT?!” She shrieked bobbing and weaving from the younger’s attempts to grapple (he would say hug) her. A small smile teased at the corner of his lips as he watched her interact with his friend, admiring the grace and agility she moved with. I wonder if she dances-
“Alright that’s enough, Han!” Chan called, finally managing to capture the hyper younger man in a tight bear hug, allowing rehearsal to get underway at last. Chan eventually catches Han, and play rehearsal could truly start.
Y/n sat in an auditorium seat in the front row, while the rest of the boys spoke to the incoming freshmen for that year. Explaining Dracula, what it entailed and if they were uncomfortable with it to go now, no hard feelings, but best for them to see just who they could work with.
It was a rather daunting undertaking, but Y/n planned to be in charge of costumes and wardrobe for the year's productions at SNU, and hopefully for the coming seasons as well.
Not by choice of course, but rather had resigned herself to the fact that the cost of auditioning, the cost of being good, but not good enough, the cost of being ensemble as great as ensemble is, was too much. She had a skill set that was fit for behind the scenes work, might as well embrace it. The boys were getting names, contact information, and the like as Hyunjin decided to test the waters, coming over to sit near Y/n, keeping an empty seat between the two of them so as to avoid potentially making her feel crowded.
“So,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, catching her attention. “How do these things usually go?”
“Well,” She sat up a little straighter. “Once we figure out the main production team, we start working on things like set designing, auditions, wardrobes-” Hyunjin’s attention began to drift as she spoke, her hands capturing his focus with the way they moved and flitted about as she spoke, leaving him transfixed. “What department are you interested in joining?” Her question shook him out of his daze, his eyes snapping back up to meet hers.
“Uh, I don’t know yet.” He said. “What department are you working in?”
“Costumes.” She answered with a small, amused grin.
“I might try that then.” He said quickly.
She laughed, or more chuckled. Almost one could think she just cleared her throat, but the smile on her face would prevent the assumption. It was enough though. Hyunjin had fireworks in his soul blowing off and he didn’t know how to stop it. Not that he would want too of course.
“You should audition though! Everyone should give it a shot; you won’t know what you don’t try.” Y/n said in an attempt at being encouraging to the newcomer.
“Are you then? Going to Audition?”
“Nah- not this year, It’s Seungmins project, I wanna support him best I can and that is with costumes.” She smiled and leaned back in her chair.
Looking at Hyunjin Y/n couldn’t help but notice the bags under the boys eyes, the flat expression wore thin and the smile he dawned was tired. Her heart ached, but not in pity, it was in recognition. She knew what it was like for the lights to go out behind ones eyes…thats what happened when she moved to South Korea.
The main 7 that adopted her brought her back to life and now there was Hyunjin. In a similar position to where she was, and maybe with some musical theatre shenanigans he would find his way back to wherever he fell off.
“Y/N do you think you could get the phantom costumes from freshman year?!” Seungmin raised his voice above the chatter. Her head whipped to the sound of her name and rolled her eyes. “What do you think?!” She shouted back only to bow her head at Hyunjin briefly to go join his friends little circle that had been made. Leaving him, to watch her walk away.
Hyunjin watched her join their other friends with a faint pull in his chest as she went. “Y/n”, everything about her seem to draw him in, though he couldn’t quite place the reason why. Was it the bright flash in her eyes as she spoke? The warmth that colored her cheeks as she laughed? Her very being seemed to exude a warm, calming quality that he hadn’t experienced in another person before. He shook his head, looking away from the others as he tried to collect himself.
Was he seriously this infatuated with her after only a half hour?
It wasn’t impossible, he knew he tended to be rather intense when it came to these types of things, he’d been told that more than once in the past, but something about her seemed to strike a different chord within him.
thank you @lonelystczennie for being my writing partner.
Tag List: Open
@kaciidubs @itsseohannbin @ldysmfrst @frenchkisstheabyss @daydreams-after-dark
#Hyunjin x reader#yandere!Hyunjin x reader#hwang hyunjin x reader#stray kids#college AU#slow burn#Dracula#phantom of the opera#Hyunjin x plus size reader#Hwang hyunjin x reader#plus size reader#fat reader#chubby reader
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hmmm idk if this is anything, but rosquez as romcom co stars that keep getting cast together even though they hateee each other but the chemistry is too good?
this is fun because like. it keeps some of my favorite little rosquez saw traps and wraps them up for me like a little treat. forced proximity public pda and EXTREME media scrutiny kind of their bread and butter tbh. make them crazy make them kiss im watching like tashi in the hotel scene in challengers
like marc as a young tom cruise esque (sorry. SORRY. im sorryyyyy) action star who does all of his own stunts loves the physicality of acting loves getting to pretend to do crazy stuff and be a HEROOOO but still kind of plays the same exact character every time. BIG smile always standing on apple boxes to make himself seem taller as he attempts to generate chemistry with whatever actress is his badly written love interest of the day (marc would be SO good in the mission impossible movies im sorry he WOULD be like. can i parachute off of a motorcycle into a ravine please please please youre NOTHING. santi is his extremely stressed stunt coordinator. lmao.) versus vale who came up doing indie movies as a teen in the 90s (his lil face would DOMINATE gay cinephile gifset tumblr) before launching himself to super stardom with a string of successful comedies and sort of settling into that because its easy... secretly frustrated no one will let him bust out his drama chops... BIG chip on his shoulder here a la leaving honda for yamaha etc
so eventually both of them are getting a little tired of being pigeon holed. and decide 2 book a serious ass gay romantic drama. they are tired of being hailed as the kings of fiction for the masses and they want to win at acting!! they get into the chemistry read (marc is still pretty young i think) and its. insane. INSTANT. james dean and marlon brando levels of ARE YOU TWO FUCKING?? but they literally just met. and marc has been a fan of vale's forever but not just the comedies also his earlier dramatic stuff (apocalyptic little gay crush) and they have similar taste in movies and vale is sooooo funny and it is OFF to the races. like. i cannot emphasize this enough they are fucking the WHOLE time. every scene in this movie its just leaping off the screen... they go in to film and its like that BTS clip of the americans where the director was having matthew rhys and keri russell do a sex scene and theyre suspiciously comfortable pretending to 69 and he turns to his assistant and just goes. oh yeah these guys have fucked. they are wayyyy to comfy hitching the other's pussy into their face lmao. just fucking going for it. the director is like hey guys. can you tone it down a little. marc biggggg smile okayyyyyy :3
and the movie comes out and they attend the premiere all smiley and bouncy and feeling really good about the project and then, theyy watch it. and its like. uh oh! not a lot of acting happening there ! um. best performance of either of their careers and they both look at it an can identify all the points they werent acting like evil little signal flares.... and vale shuts marc out HARD yadayadayada the Usual Rosquez Breakup Ensues.... until they both get cast in a revival of the brokeback mountain stage play and shit pops off in the most nuclear explosion of horny heartbreak to ever hit the STAGE…
#could also do the vintage hollywood broke up because they were in the closet and almost outed thing.#and then they get casted in a newman redford type homoerotic buddy comedy and fall back in love#motogp#callie speaks#asks#rosquez#bet with myself to see how many times i can reference challengers on rosquez asks. hashtag influencer.#okay this has been in my drafts to the pint i can’t stand looking at it. be freeeeeeee
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Kristof Lazar GIFs Part 5
That hand kiss is just 🔥. The way Lazar bends with flourish to take her hand (with a magnificient bit of goode clothes faffery) is incredibly swoony. And his eyes opening when he realises he is hungry for her but he shouldn't snack on the girl that saves her daughter... OMG. Brilliant acting 💥
📷 Abigail (2024) my edits
Lazar GIFs Part 1
Lazar GIFs Part 2
Lazar GIFs Part 3
Lazar GIFs Part 4
Lazar clues in the film
BTS pic
BTS footage
BTS interview
Meet Lazar
#matthew goode#matthewgoode#abigail#kristof lazar#hot vampire#vampire love#dracula#dark universe#a discovery of witches#melissa barrera#alisha weir
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bangster277 instagram sale jungkook
The weather is nice☀️this Friday🌞 #TheOneShow #JungKook #정국 #JungKook_Seven #BTS #방탄소년단
etiqueto a nickjxseph brianpuspos dom_lashvwn jakekodish noah_nakta
jakekodish instagramstories e instagram sale jungkook
I’m so grateful to be a part of this!! I’ve had so much fun everyone involved is so great! This performance was so fun and I can’t wait for more! Congrats to everyone involved❤️😭
brianpuspos instagramstories e instagram sale jungkook
Team Seven forever! I’ll never forget the last couple of months. A brotherhood was born. Thank you again to the goats @bangster277 noah_nakta and of course @bboynick90 for this opportunity. Soju soon? 😂
Thank you JK for this full circle experience. You’re a game changer but more importantly, a life changer. I love your respect and care for everyone that shares the stage with you. Didn’t think we would align so much, it feels like we’ve been hanging out for years lol. Until next time!!! Enjoy all this love that you deserve! 🙏❤️🫶
Jung Kook - 'Seven' Live on The One Show - BBC
#jeon jungkook#jungkook#kookie#galletita#amor a el 💜🐱#bangster277 instagram sale jungkook#jakekodish instagramstories e instagram sale jungkook#cr. a jakekodish#JungKook#정국#Jungkook 'Seven' en BBC One#JungKook_Seven#JUNGKOOK ON BBC THE ONE SHOW#JUNGKOOK DEBUT IN THE UK#JungKookTheOneShow#cr. a BBCTheOneShow#Jung Kook - 'Seven' Live on The One Show - BBC#team jungkook#JungKook_Seven performance director bts y bailarines#brianpuspos instagramstories e instagram sale jungkook#cr. a brianpuspos
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★ Let´s start with more press junket for Eric!
Cinescape / Buzz / NME / Heart / Yahoo UK / Splash
★ Benedict Cumberbatch breaks down Eric's twists and turns: “It's about the mess of being human” - (GQ Interview.)
★ Eric Duo Benedict Cumberbatch, Gaby Hoffmann on Exploring Parental Guilt and Grief - (THR Interview.)
★ Kate McKinnon And Andy Samberg Join Benedict Cumberbatch And Olivia Colman In The Roses At Searchlight.
★ Benedict Cumberbatch Battles Inner Demons in Eric. - Netflix Tudum Interview (including new photoshoot! my post)
★ Eric's Benedict Cumberbatch breaks down making of Netflix series puppet .
★ Eric promo played in Times Square, shared by Abi Morgan.
Made by Create Advertising Group
Benedict joined the cast of next Wes Anderson film, The Phoenician Scheme.
★ Benedict and Olly Tylor rehearsing the dance scene for Eric.
★ Benedict Cumberbatch: My family, going grey and the joy of playing miserable roles.
★ Collider´s article about one of Benedict best performances, Patrick Melrose.
★ First look at The Roses from the set in Salcombe. (Galleries) (my posts 1 2)
★ SAG-AFTRA Foundation´s Q&A with the cast of Eric, from last month.
★ Benedict and Gaby Hoffmann broke down a chilling Eric scene
★ A short with Benedict doing voicework for Eric.
★ As its president, Benedict attended LAMDA gala as the host. (clip)
★ Benedict Cumberbatch & Gaby Hoffmann Break Down The Story Behind Eric.
★ New bts pics shared by Photography Director, Benedict Spence.
★ Benedict looked back to iconic roles.
(Confirming as you do, he's back as Doctor Strange bc he's gonna start shooting Avengers 5 next year!)
★ Benedict and his wife Sophie, attended the Serpentine Gallery Summer Party, in London. (my post)
Gallery. / Clips: x x x x
✧ ── ⋅ FIN ⋅ ── ✧
Happy to report another busy month! ☺
#benedict cumberbatch#benedict monthly#june 2024#eric netflix#eric#doctor strange#avengers 5#patrick melrose#the roses#sophie hunter#olivia colman#Gaby Hoffmann#McKinley Belcher III#news#my post#long post
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Description below the cut. seeing that it was included in the trial animation made me smile so. here is a compilation of the background raccoon in iwtv :}
edit: 1. just wanted to say that Daniel reads off one of Armand's stage notes in s2e8, "We need an animation here. It's not clear how extreme the hoarding was." 2. added a bts photo from the director below!
Animated during the trial [s2e7]: Walking from right to left. Head pops out from under newspapers. Lestat presents it on a silver platter.
Original shot [s1e5]: Seen stepping on hat box and statue while the camera pans from the dirty stairwell to Lestat and Louis.
Cast diary from Jacob Anderson [s1e5]: “Episode 5, also known as “the raccoon episode”. There is a scene-stealing raccoon. I was going to say you might notice- you will definitely notice her. She is adorable and she put in such a brilliant performance... We were told, like, under no circumstances should you look at the raccoon. Under no circumstances do you approach the raccoon. She basically ran this set for that entire scene. It was that kind of vibe. She was cool. She’s a consummate professional.”
edit: Tweet by @ImmortalUpdates (Oct. 24, 2022) that has behind-the-scenes images from Levan Akin's instagram stories. The one currently in the carousel view says "bts, scoonie the racoon smelling my hair 😭❤️ @MillikensMovieAnimals" the photo shows Levan looking down while someone holds the raccoon over his head to let it sniff him.
#the transition. i couldnt help myself#this compared to my proper analysis ...today i provide you a watsonian and dolyinian perspective on background beast. tomorrow who knows#its the fact that its an important enough detail for THEM to keep bringing up in their retellings#probablyrambles#ask to tag#amc iwtv#raccoon#wampire linkedin#interview with the vampire
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BTS & Grace: BTS Songs
The piano stared at him.
Well, he stared at the piano in the most accusing stare he could produce. It had been awhile since he played anything, and the last time had been a bit of fun before he had to go and do his military duty. Now that he was out and now in production for his first solo album, his skills seemed to have vanished.
“What’s the piano done?” Grace asked, putting the iced coffee on the table of the practice studio and kicking off her shoes.
“Hmm? Oh, I feel like I’ve forgotten how to play,” Seokjin admitted as his long fingers hit the keys in what he thought was the correct pattern, but it didn’t sound right.
Grace said nothing as she sat on the piano bench and glanced at the music score set out, realising he had been trying to play Epiphany. A special song to both of them if the tattoo on her ribs was any indication.
“So you’ve forgotten how to play, or are you not confident?” She asked, glancing up at her partner for many, many, years.
“I’m confident! I’m World Wide Handsome! I’m always confident!”
The stare he got in return had Seokjin deflating as he sat on the chair that was next to the piano. “Okay, I’m nervous. That’s probably the right word.”
Grace knew a little of what Seokjin was feeling. He was the last one to bring out an album, and there were very high expectations from everyone: from himself, from the fans, from the boys, from the company. He hadn’t exactly had time to hone his skills again after coming out of the military, as he had jumped face-first into other projects, but as Grace knew, trying to do an album that fully displayed all your skills was a hard thing to do.
She didn’t fully know how to play the piano; her skills were more in her voice and dancing rather than an instrument. But, for Seokjin, she could try.
“Let’s sing it first,” she said as she got comfortable.
The first notes of Epiphany started, and Grace didn’t look at Seokjin, keeping her eyes fully focused on the keys and the notes. And it was if by instinct that the lyrics flowed from Seokjin without any trouble. She knew the more he sang it, the more he would feel comfortable, the more he would be inclined to touch the piano, the more other lyrics would come to him for his future album.
He just had to have his little epiphany first.
Grace still didn’t know how she managed to find herself on the set of Yoongi’s new music video but here she was, sitting in the director’s tent as she watched the camera be set up for the cameo of Jungkook and Jin who would ‘perform’ behind Yoongi.
The energy on set was unmatched and she could see props being carried around, costumes being adjusted and Yoongi being run through what was the next couple of scenes. For Grace, she was here as moral support. She didn’t have to do anything other than watch, drink tea, offer a suggestion every now and then and laugh at the beard they had managed to stick to Jin’s chin.
It did look good to be fair, if he could grow one properly.
Next to Grace was one of her favourite directors and long time BTS collaborator, Lumpens. His eye for detail and hidden meanings was well known amongst the fandom and Grace wondered what hidden details he would manage to slip into this movie video.
A historic battle between Suga and AgustD, his two personas - modern and old.
Daechwita was becoming one of Grace’s favourite songs to hit the gym with.
“Are you sure you don’t want a cameo?”
Grace glanced over and shook her head as Yoongi stood next to the monitors, watching as the crowd was being set up along the lane. “I’m good, thanks. Jungkook and Jin are pretty much going to steal the show at this point and you’ve done most of the work. Plus, it’s not like I can slip in un-noticed.”
“You could be the concubine,” Lumpens teased.
The snort of laughter was almost missed as Grace gasped in mocked outrage. “Concubine? Here I thought I would have the higher role of queen, thank you very much.”
Yoongi’s shoulders shook with laughter as he left the area, hurrying over to tell his hyung and maknae what had just happened.
“Concubine,” Grace muttered to herself as she huffed and crossed her arms. Little did she know, less than a year later, she would be performing said song on stage and modernly dressed as a concubine but hidden by a fan until revealed later on in her verse.
But for now, as she watched the scene revealing Jin and Jungkook, she couldn’t help but mutter again, “Concubine,” with a pout.
The video was never meant to see the light of day, after it was deemed by the company to be too sexy, but with Grace’s solo career about to start and Hobi now about to be discharged, Big Hit Entertainment finally released the full version of Boy Meets Evil with Grace in it.
It caused a storm on social media after many watched the video, now fully understanding why they had seen the behind the scenes video but not the actual thing.
“Here’s my dance partner,” Hobi told the camera with a big grin on his face, as if he didn’t know what exactly was about to happen.
“We’ve gone full sexy for this one,” Grace sighed as her lips were touched up with bright red and her hair that had been newly dyed red with black highlights was fluffed up. She was dressed similar to Hobi, but in black leather pants and a loose white blouse, bright red heels on her feet.
While her vocals were in Boy Meets Evil, but in the background and somewhat disguised, Grace’s character was heavily influenced in the WINGS album and story. Her video for her solo song, Dangerous Woman, would be the introduction to Hobi’s video which is why the team thought it would be a good idea to film a version of Boy Meets Evil with Grace in it.
The choreography had been confirmed only two days ago with Grace’s moves to match Hobi’s and there was one move which Grace knew would cause a ruckus, when Hobi would bend his knees to the floor, she would be laid on his back with her chest to the ceiling and her hand reaching up.
It was daring, perfect for the themes but maybe it was too daring.
“Sexy is fun though. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen dark red Grace. Danger has come back,” Hobi teased which brought a small laugh out of Grace. It wasn’t that was unused to being sexy, she had to do it for Skool Luv Affair and Dark & Wild but this was sexy to the extreme. The dance routine for Blood, Sweat and Tears was proof of that.
The final selection of different recordings of Namjoon’s solo and the introduction to the new album played over the speakers in the recording studio with PDogg and Hiss Noise at the deck as they twiddled with a couple of buttons and sliders. So far, it was sounding good with the samples of Intro: Skool Luv Affair but it was clear they were missing something as Namjoon had dragged Grace into the studio with him for the last recording day.
“I think it sounds great, what’s missing?” Grace asked when the song was finished playing.
“There’s just something missing,” PDogg shrugged as he played the song again and got to the part of the song that was clearly troubling him. It was the third verse after the chorus and Grace frowned, not sure what could be missing that was needed to give the extra jump.
“Maybe you need a bit of a high pitched ‘woh’,” she suggested. “Every after line of Joon’s, just add that in so it adds that emphasis on what he’s saying.”
Clearly, from the look on the three men’s faces, that had been the perfect suggestion as Grace then found herself in the booth with headphones on and a sheet of lyrics in front of her. She’d be in there for another three hours as they played around with different tones, different sounds, going high, going low but it was always over the same part.
“My name is R,” played in Grace’s ears as she waited for the parts where she thought she could add that bit of extra something to the third verse and after doing it for the final time, the producers plus Namjoon were satisfied.
“Ah thank you Gigi,” Namjoon beamed as he all but slumped into the chair.
“I’ve never done so many woh in my life,” she sighed but at least the song was done and marked for completion. She just had to go and finish her own now.
WINGS was a major project, and it had Grace being pulled each way. She was in discussions over costumes, doing research with Namjoon to figure out the major points of what was the 'story’ behind the album, and while all that was going on, she was in discussions over her ‘character’ and her own solo song for the album.
Which is why Jimin felt bad when he came to the small office that had been her old office from her secretary days and now turned into a small studio. One wall was covered in images that helped with inspiration, and the computer on the desk was currently playing the instrumental version of Blood, Sweat and Tears while printing out various pages of something in English.
“Noona?” Jimin asked, poking his head around the doorway after gently knocking on the frame.
Grace glanced up from where she was highlighting something and arched an eyebrow, knowing full well Jimin should be in recording right now. “Everything okay?” she asked, putting down the highlighter and swinging her chair around.
“PDogg has a special request,” the young man sighed.
She snorted and grinned, shaking her head. “I bet he does. What do you need?”
“There are these parts in the song where we need ‘a haunting female vocal,’ his words not mine and he’s tried to replicate what he wants and I’ve tried but we can’t quite make it work,” Jimin pulled out his phone and pressed play on what had been recorded in the session.
The vocals were the opener to what would then be LIE, Jimin’s solo song, and the vocals would haunt the rest of the song. PDogg had tried to pull off an almost operatic ‘yeah’ in some parts, but with the way Jimin winced, it clearly didn’t work.
“Okay, let me see what he wants me to do, and let’s see if it works. I’ve got an hour spare before I’m dragged to another meeting with Namjoon,” she sighed as she grabbed her WINGS notebook and her cardigan, swinging it on just before Jimin flung his arms around her.
“Ah noona, you’re the best. I’m going to owe you one if this works.”
What Grace managed to produce in an hour was kept on the final edition of the track. Many would compliment the way it made perfect sense to have her do those parts to accompany what her ‘character’ represented throughout the whole album and BTS universe.
“You want me to sing the whole song with you?”
Grace was a bit astonished when she had been pulled into another meeting with the producers and the team behind Map of the Soul 7.
“Well, sort of. We’re going to mix your vocals in with Taehyung’s and this is at his request because he feels like he can’t do the song justice without your vocals alongside him,” PDogg shrugged.
“But his version is amazing and he’s a talented singer without me and anyone else backing his vocals up,” Grace tried to argue but she knew better than to argue with Taehyung over what he wanted. It was his solo song on the album and while she had provided vocals for nearly everyone else, Taehyung was one of the few who asked. But if wanted Grace on this song, doing what she used to do best, then that’s exactly what she would do.
The next day, in the recording studio, Taehyung was already in the booth and waiting.
“You’re here early,” Grace chuckled as she shrugged off her coat and set her tea down on a table off to the side.
“It’s not often I get to sing fully with my noona,” he grinned.
With headphones on and a sheet of paper handed over to her where Taehyung had underlined the lyrics where he wanted to hear her voice as well as notes on where her backing vocals were needed, Grace settled herself on the chair in the booth next to Taehyung.
And in the final edit of the track, you could tell it was a female’s voice but they had mixed it in a way that you couldn’t quite tell it was Grace’s. Hidden but there and for those who knew Grace’s vocals well, they could easily hear her by the time verse three rolled around as she clearly sang with Taehyung.
They were known for being able to sing a rough guide of a song and make it something magical. Any song Namjoon, Yoongi, J-Hope, PDogg, PDBang or anyone sent to them - let them just sing it and the song made itself. With Jungkook’s perfect pitch and Grace’s adaptability from English to Korean, they made a good team.
When it came to Golden and the final song of the album, there was only one person Jungkook wanted to do his background vocals for him. It wasn’t like any of the other producers argued with him either, he was all the way in Korea and they were in America and so Jungkook sent out the special request to his noona.
The answer, as expected, was a resounding yes.
Grace, personally, thought that she didn’t need to do much as she sat there with the headphones on and listened to what was being called the last rough cut. She could hear Jungkook’s own background vocals blending in and she glanced at the sheet where there had been notes on what she needed to do.
“I’m proud of you,” she said suddenly as Jungkook joined her in the booth to act as a vocal director for her. He blinked and turned bashful, knowing this album was completely unexpected of him with its suggestive lyrics and cursing but he was an adult now and Grace was starting to see that.
She reached over and gently pinched his cheek, causing him to frown at her. “Come on,” she laughed and pulled the microphone closer. “Tell me where you want noona to do what she needs to do.”
#bts 8th member#bts eighth member#bts additional member#bts female member#bts fic#bts fanfiction#bts scenarios
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So I just had some thoughts about the minimoni exchange that I really needed to share - their relationship is so cute. There was one thing that I'm confused about and I wanted to know if it was just me lol, and that's the narrative Jimin was telling about how Muse came about. That Pdogg asked him what his thoughts are, and Jimin said he's been feeling a lot of apathy lately (I'm paraphrasing here cause I can't remember the words!).
Then he went straight into talking about how the album is about having a crush, but he said he can't remember the last time he had a crush. And he had to have help from a younger producer to talk about what a crush was like. He didn't really go into why he wrote an album about having a crush when he said he can't remember the last time, just that he's been feeling not much excitement lately. He even explained this albums emotions as "vague." If I could go into depth about it, my interpretation (could be completely wrong) is that it's an explanation of coming to terms with his sexuality, that the expectation that he fall in love with women but no matter how many relationships with women he's had he just can't find the one. Until JK comes along....
Sorry my thoughts are all over the place 😂😂. I just wanted to know if someone also found it confusing or it's just my ADHD brain!
Hello my love! I'm probably going to use your ask to talk about Muse as a whole I think. Hope that's okay ❤️ I'll make other posts for the songs individually if I have more I want to say in depth about specific songs.... Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and theories too! I love them!
My thoughts and feelings about Muse as a whole below the photo 💜 disclaimer that these are just my thoughts and opinions. I am in no way claiming this as fact or truth and unless I'm quoting something, these are all my own words. Everyone is entitled to agree or disagree as they see fit.
This will be a longer post.... So strap in I guess!
SO! To start, Pdogg shared with us that Jimins album/SMGB was in part inspired by the Beatles conceptual album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." He said, and I quote:
"It was inspired by a conceptual album like the Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.' And I tried to incorporate the excitement I felt when thinking of Muse into the songs. The flow of emotions is directly reflected in the track order, so it will be more fun if you focus on that."
Intro: Rebirth and Interlude: Showtime is what gives that connection and crossover from FACE, with its sound and chorus use, into the new concept and album I believe. Which Jimin has explicitly stated that Muse is not connected with FACE really at all. But that does give its connection and crossover from those first 2 songs. So you could EASILY listen to them back to back and find it flows smoothly from one sound into another!
Face is clearly about introspection, facing oneself, that vulnerability and overcoming that pain. It's about freeing yourself. Muse seems to be conceptually about finally feeling free enough to pursue that prospect of love and being open to those feelings. It was brought up by Minseong Kim, his performance director, in VMagazine that (I'm paraphrasing) they basically were focusing more on his masculine side and expressions for Who and in Muse. While in Face, Jimin showcased more of his vulnerabilities and his more feminine side and expressions. Specifically seeking out that contrast. Full interview here:
Now I don't know about you ... But it's giving gender. And I love that. It's not something new for Jimin, he leans into that contrast within himself alot. It's really giving gender fluidity. And I think that's on purpose. Jimin doesn't do things by accident. He thinks through everything and Jimin is in charge at the end for his projects. And considering how OFTEN this concept of *both*, of feminine and masculine, comes up in Jimins personal projects/stages, it's clearly something important to him that he wants to be highlighted.
Jimin absolutely had full control over the stories he wanted to tell in each song, even Who, where he didn't have full writing credits. He explained the thoughts, feelings and ideas he was wanting to express. We saw him in the behind scenes of things having direct input on his songs, the MV, and creating his own choreo. The Talent 😍 we were specifically told that Jimin "directly explained to them what he wanted to convey and the direction he wanted to take for this album and each song. This allowed us to put together tracks that are more musically diverse, but still feel right for him." Quote comes from an interview article from the Clash here
Similarly shared in another article, Pdogg said "We made it with Jon Bellion in New York. I remember Jimin personally explaining to him what story he wanted to tell, and he was really embarrassed/shy. I met Jimmy Fallon by chance in the studio next door. We played the song for him for the first time after we finished working on it. In fact After finishing work on the 'FACE' album, we went straight into the production of 'MUSE' and I thought, 'He's working this hard before his military enlistment?' Thanks to Jimin's hard work, you'll be able to see his musical journey, which has grown even more." From here
Okay, now that we got all those interview snippets out of the way from Jimins team.... We can get into more of Jimins words and my own thoughts/theories here too.... 😏🥰 But we like to work theories off facts, so we gotta get our base line!
Jimin finished recording his album in June of 2023.
Jimin stated in MMM that the first 5 songs in his album were basically the emotions related to having a crush and confessing your feelings. That would be:
Intro: Rebirth
Interlude: Showtime
Slow Dance
Be Mine
And then the 6th track, Who, he takes it all back and is like no, that's not really true. Where he also lets us know that there really isn't a connection to FACE in the grand scheme of things.
To start with the title too.... Who are the Muses? The Greek Goddesses of artistic inspiration. Jimin has been drawing from Greek Mythology a lot recently, with Apollo and Artemis featuring in his photofolio too. Now while the basics premise of a Muse is and can be very romantic in nature, it isn't always. Jimins album Muse is inherently full of romantic songs, but I also think it's clear from his talk on MMM that this album is not JUST about looking for your run of the mill, romantic relationship and love.... But being in search of your passion, your heart and your desires. It's the expression of yearning. Yearning for love, for life, for his music, his work, his Identity as a person and an artist, to feel excited over something and look forward to something. He specially says to RM during MMM that he isn't sure if he will ever be satisfied with himself as an artist or find a version of himself that he is fully satisfied with (I'm paraphrasing). It's the idea that this search for his Muse (that satisfaction in himself and as an artist) is ongoing and probably will FOREVER be ongoing. Hence why in the end of the Who MV, after all that back and forth with so many people.... He is still alone. That search is still happening. Hence also why this desperate search of who his heart is waiting for is at the end of the album, not opening it up. He still hasn't found her, the Muses. His satisfaction. The yearning that is driving him forward to grow and learn and adapt and dig deeper into his art, is still there.
Jimin has a lot of control over his projects. His albums, songs, and performances. As he should. But it's important for everyone to remember that this album starts and finishes with JIMIN. And what he wants to say and express, this is his art, his emotions and his ideas, regardless of if he has help writing lyrics or not. To bring this back to my last paragraph above.... Passion as an artist is something plenty of people can relate to, but not everyone. Romance on the other hand is something *almost* everyone CAN relate to. And bringing those feelings of yearning and desire for passion and excitement and translating that into feelings of crushes, first love, romantic connect. Brings that full circle and is the outward Expression he chose to help represent the emotions and feelings he was trying to express through this album. I think it's also important to note that while Jimin expressed his desire for excitement and passion and how he is still looking for that.... He made sure to make it clear that he is happy and content with where he is at and who he is currently. These things can coexist!
Who in general could have some takes and theories about sexuality and what not, like anon said, I've definitely seen a variety of theories out there. I do think Jimin has long since come to terms with his sexuality though, but that doesn't mean that the inspiration from that couldn't still be drawn on. I can talk about that more in a post I make specifically only for Who. Soooo many things could be said for Who! Lol and if you've read this far, look forward to my post for Who and thank you for making it through my ramblings!!
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Sanremo 2025 - the post!
Hello everyone!
Here you’ll find this year’s Sanremo’s stuff and news (I’ll be updating this post through all the week). The Festival will start on Tuesday February 11th at 8:30 pm, and end on Saturday February 15th, when the final will be broadcasted.
/ Official website / you can find loads of videos and interviews here + the latest news. You can already find the presentation videos of the songs made by the artists.
Rai’s website dedicated section (here) | youtube playlist | spotify playlist
TikTok official channel: @/sanremorai; @/sanremoesc Instagram official: @/sanremorai Twitter official: @/SanremoRAI; @/SanremoESC Facebook: festivaldisanremo
Each night from February 11th to February 15th, before the start of Sanremo at around 8:25 PM (GMT+1), will be broadcasted the usual PrimaFestival. The hosts are: Bianca Guaccero, Gabriele Corsi e Mariasole Pollio (tv hosts, actors/actresses -Gabriele is the Eurovision's host as well iykyk)
There’s gonna be the usual Dopofestival, with Alessandro Cattelan (tv host, veejay) starting right after the end of each Sanremo’s night (11th-15th Feb.) on Raiuno.
CasaSanremo- A website about Sanremo and all the artists who will take part, with more infos and interviews (also Italian places and food specialties will be shown). Follow them also on their Social Media Channels, usually they make live video/interviews/shows on FB for example.
On Sorrisi&Canzoni you will find also other infos about Sanremo and every lyrics’s explanation (ofc ask me if you need a translation)
"Il Podcast di Sorrisi a Sanremo" - the famous media outlet will host daily starting at 7 PM (GMT+1) from February 11th to February 15th on RealTime TV a podcast about Sanremo with Rettore, Coma_cose, Francesca Michielin and Alessandro Amoroso as guests, sharing infos and special bts of the competition. The hosts are Lodovica Comello (radio/tv host, singer, actress...), Tommaso Cassissa (actor, youtuber...) and the director of Sorrisi Aldo Vitali.
The # on this blog is #sanremo 2025, #sanremo, #sanremo2025 you can black any of these (the first one in particular) if you want.
To watch it live:
Raiuno -> just click on the first video on the left, or here, to open the Raiuno streaming immediately (I added the whole Rai channels things in case you had troubles connecting directly and wanted to try from there). The RAI’s geoblock is usually removed for Sanremo’s week, no need to create accounts or whatsoever to enjoy Sanremo online!! Remember you can rewatch the whole event and each performance on Raiplay few minutes after it has happened and for the whole week too (after the end of Sanremo, there will be only 1mins vids of each performance avaiable).
You can also follow the whole competition on Radio2.
FESTIVAL LIS - songs and whole exhibition explained in signs language
FANTASANREMO - this year as well you can play while enjoying your Sanremo! How does it work? Every person “buys” 5 artisti and marks one of them as a captain. As in the last years, artists will have to do or say something while on stage to help you gain points (and also classification will have a say). Subscriptions open on December 27th 2024. It seems there are some new features in the game too.
I’ll try to write down some more infos/links through the week.
HOST & GUESTS & Other stuff
This years’ host will still be Carlo Conti (who choose the songs taking part into this Sanremo), a TV and radio host/deejay. He already hosted for 3 years (2015-2017). He will be accompanied by a different co-host each night (check the schedule below). Together with them, as usual, during each night there will be different guests. Some will be announced only right before the start of the evening so keep an eye on the schedule.
There won't just be the competition inside the Ariston: the Suzuki Stage will be held in Sanremo's piazza Colombo and every night there will be live performances (they may show something during Sanremo as well). Mattia Stanga and Jody Cecchetto (tv/radio hosts) will be the hosts, while the performers will be: Raf (Feb.11th), BigMama (Feb.12th), Ermal Meta (Feb.13th), Benji & Fede (Feb.14th), Tedua (Feb.15th).
How it works:
There will be 29* singers in the ARTISTI (artists) section. There will be again 2 sections: BIG/CAMPIONI (already known artists) and NUOVE PROPOSTE (youngs). 29 artists of the BIG section were chosen by Carlo Conti, while the 4 of the NUOVE PROPOSTE are the finalists of Sanremo Giovani (held in December 2024). The winner of the BIGs competition will represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest (May 13-17th 2025, in Switzerland): if he/she/they won’t accept, the choice will be another artist, usually the 2nd classified or the next (the first one accepting).
-> *Originally there were 30 BIG but Emis Killa withdrew since he's being investigated
This year we’re gonna listen to the 29 BIGs' songs on the first night and get a top 5 rank at the end. On the 2nd and 3rd night, we’ll get to listen to 2 of the NUOVE PROPOSTE's songs at the beginning of each night. The one with the most votes (each night) will perform in the final on day 4. On day 2 and 3, we'll also listen again to 15 BIGs' songs and get another top 5 rank. People at home can vote for both sections. On the 4th night, we'll get the winner of the NUOVE PROPOSTE between the 2 finalists. Then, there will be the usual “covers” night: the BIGs can choose any song published until December 2024, national or international, and will be accompanied by another artist. From this year, artists can also decide if to duet with another Sanremo's contestant. We'll get the winner of the covers' night but the rank will be a separate rank from the one of the real competition. People at home can vote for both sections again. On day 5, all the BIGs will perform again. At the beginning of the night we'll get the general top 5 rank of the past days, and at the end of the night we'll get the final standing and winner.
Day 1 - co-hosts: Antonella Clerici (tv host, former Sanremo host), Gerry Scotti (tv host, deejay) Prob. guests: Lorenzo Jovanotti, Noa and Mira Awad (singers) We’ll listen to all the 29 songs (in order of performance: ). Top5 rank:
Day 2 - co-hosts: Bianca Balti (model), Cristiano Malgioglio (singer, host, producer, songwriter), Nino Frassica (tv host, actor) Prob. guests: Damiano David (singer, former Maneskin's singer) The fisrt 2 NUOVE PROPOSTE (); Winner of the evening: We’ll listen to 15 BIG () Top 5 rank:
Day 3 - co-hosts: Miriam Leone (actress), Elettra Lamborghini (singer, tv host), Katia Follesa (comedian, tv host) Prob. guests: Duran Duran The other 2 NUOVE PROPOSTE (); Winne rof teh evening: The remaining 14 BIG () Top 5 rank:
Day 4 - co-hosts: Mahmood (singer), Geppi Cucciari (tv host, comedian, actress) Prob. guests: The NUOVE PROPOSTE WINNER is: The 29 BIGs Covers’ list (in order of appearance):
- Annalisa con Giorgia - “Skyfall” (Adele) - Bresh con Cristiano De André - “Crêuza de mä” (Fabrizio De André) - Brunori Sas con Dimartino e Riccardo Sinigallia - “L'anno che verrà” (Lucio Dalla) - Clara con Il Volo - "The sound of silence" (Simon and Garfunkel) - Coma_Cose con Johnson Righeira - “L'estate sta finendo” (Righeira) - Fedez con Marco Masini - “Bella stronza” (Marco Masini) - Francesco Gabbani con Tricarico - "Io sono Francesco" (Tricarico) - Gaia con Toquinho - “La voglia, la pazzia” (Ornella Vanoni) - Giorgia con Annalisa - “Skyfall” (Adele) - Irama con Arisa - "Say something, i'm giving up on you" (Christina Aguilera) - Joan Thiele con Frah Quintale - “Che cosa c'è” (Gino Paoli) - Lucio Corsi con Topo Gigio - “Nel blu dipinto di blu” (Domenico Modugno) - Marcella Bella con i Twin Violins - “L'emozione non ha voce” (Adriano Celentano) - Massimo Ranieri con i Neri per caso - “Quando” (Pino Daniele) - Modà con Francesco Renga - “Angelo” (Francesco Renga) - Olly con Goran Bregovic e la Wedding & Funeral Band - “Il pescatore” (Fabrizio De André) - Rocco Hunt con Clementino - “Yes, I Know My Way” (Pino Daniele) - Rose Villain con Chiello - “Fiori rosa, fiori di pesco” (Lucio Battisti) - Sarah Toscano con Ofenbach - “Overdrive” - Serena Brancale con Alessandra Amoroso - “If I Ain’t Got You” (Alicia Keys) - Shablo feat. Guè, Joshua e Tormento con Neffa - Mix di “Amor de mi vida” (Sottotono) e “Aspettando il sole” (Neffa) - Simone Cristicchi con Amara - “La cura” (Franco Battiato) - The Kolors con Sal Da Vinci - “Rossetto e caffè” (Sal Da Vinci) - Willie Peyote con Tiromancino (Federico Zampaglione) e Ditonellapiaga - “Un tempo piccolo” (Franco Califano) - Tony Effe con Noemi - “Tutto il resto è noia” (Franco Califano) - Achille Lauro con Elodie - "A mano a mano"(Riccardo Cocciante) e “Folle città” (Loredana Bertè) - Francesca Michielin con Rkomi - “La nuova stella di Broadway” (Cesare Cremonini)
Covers' rank:
Day 5 - co-hosts: Alessandro Cattelan (tv host, veejay), Alessia Marcuzzi (tv host, actress, model) + more... Prob. guests: All the 29 BIGs will perform their songs (in order of appearance: ) and after midnight (prob. more like 1:30-2:30 am or later) we’ll know the competition’s final standings. The winner will go to the #ESC2025.
And the winner is:
Final standing:
_______ will take part at the ESC 2025! Other Awards: - Premio della critica “Mia Martini” : - Premio della sala stampa “Lucio Dalla” : - Premio miglior testo “Sergio Bardotti” : - Premio miglior composizione musicale “Giancarlo Bigazzi” : - Premio alla carriera: Iva Zanicchi - Premio alla carriera: Antonello Venditti
BIGs (+ lyrics):
Achille Lauro - Incoscienti giovani
Bresh - La tana del granchio
Brunori Sas - L'albero delle noci
Clara - Febbre
Coma_Cose - Cuoricini
Elodie - Dimenticarsi alle 7
Fedez - Battito
Francesca Michielin - Fango in paradiso
Francesco Gabbani - Viva la vita
Gaia - Chiamo io chiami tu
Giorgia - La cura per me
Irama - Lentamente
Joan Thiele - Eco
Lucio Corsi - Volevo essere un duro
Marcella Bella - Pelle diamante
Massimo Ranieri - Tra le mani un cuore
Modà - Non ti dimentico
Noemi - Se ti innamori muori
Olly - Balorda nostalgia
Rkomi - Il ritmo delle cose
Rocco Hunt - Mille volte ancora
Rose Villain - Fuorilegge
Sarah Toscano - Amarcord
Serena Brancale - Anema e core
Shablo con Guè, Joshua e Tormento - La mia parola
Simone Cristicchi - Quando sarai piccola
The Kolors - Tu con chi fai l'amore
Tony Effe - Damme 'na mano
Willie Peyote - Grazie ma non grazie
Alex Wyse - Rockstar
Maria Tomba - Goodbye (voglio good vibes)
Settembre - Vertebre
Vale LP e Lil Jolie - Dimmi tu quando sei pronto a fare l'amore
[more infos on the lyrics as on December 2024]
[all the lyrics can be found on this page]
(will edit with more updates, corrections and links as we get closer to the event)
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