#perfect dog
pippindot · 6 months
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Pip was the only dog to qualify today in Novice A Obedience. I thought we did awful so I was blown away by the score. She was a cheerful worker, but she made me sweat a little!
The judge was very kind, calling us back in the ring for our ribbons and accosting passerby to be our clapping section for us. He said that "this dog is entered as an All-American, but she is a silken windhound." And went on to discuss that he is familiar with the breed, and that many people think that hounds are difficult to train, but that Pip is an excellent example of a working dog who did everything she had to. He said he was sure she would be able to go far.
I was soooo touched. We had a lot of really kind, good sportsmanship moments over the course of this weekend and it definitely helped my nerves. Now just gotta get that last novice leg!
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ablogofcourage · 3 months
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qroier · 10 months
rivers immediately asked to adopt firusflies and now quackity and firusflais are fighting
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littledogadventures · 2 years
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First hike of the week was perfect
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ratt-teeth · 6 months
my grandma sent me a picture of my dog with his new xmas present and i need a fucking inhaler LOOK AT HIM
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oh to feel a fraction of the unbridled joy he is experiencing
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chickadee-song · 2 months
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Unlike Missy, foxy is a beautiful and trans accepting dog who never bites me and loves me very much. In fact she goes as far as hating my weird shitty dad :)
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shininas-ideals · 3 months
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Souheki having entire convos in their minds
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lilybug-02 · 22 days
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This is Pixel, my Porygon2. She gets really excited when touching carpet - like hilariously so. I always figured it was because real life textures are kinda new and exciting for a digital creature. @realpokemon
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lacilou · 9 months
The Queen demands this pot-bellied potato.
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pleucas · 8 months
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controversial trench coat man
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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ourenjiro · 10 months
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i did not expect to finish (?) this at all, so im left scratching my head because i've already used the hozier lyrics on a fucking sketch. which is my bad, really
i will be the devil in your land of make believe
there. that should do it
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nkogneatho · 3 months
"not all men"
you're right. oda sakunosuke would never.
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 98
John and JLD are up against a threat from the infinite realm. When the being goes to declare their plans to destroy the planet. The being suddenly comes to a halt.
Apparently there is a single ecto entity that has a haunt on this planet. So they can’t flat out destroy the planet, that would just be rude.
Upon an investigation. As they are definitely gonna scout out who the ecto entity is at the minimum. They find none other the Cujo.
Seeing as it’s quite common for ecto animals to claim an ecto being in the realm as their “haunt”. The JLD assume Cujo, who is asleep on Danny, claimed Danny as his.
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falling-off-a-tower · 7 months
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girlboyburger · 7 months
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um... woof? 🐶
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