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rune-echos · 9 months ago
Song - I Hate People
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I Hate People, it’s plain to see. I Hate People, just let me be. I Hate People, the world’s insane, with every headline making me strain, yeah!
I Hate People, can't take no more. I Hate People, they're such a bore. I Hate People, no end in sight, with every new tweet that ignites a fight.
Now some just rant and some just rave, but I am staying clear. Not with a crowd or even aloud, but hiding out right here.
I Hate People, they're everywhere! I Hate People, but do they care? I Hate People, it’s all too much, with every blunder, fight, and such!
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dogsdogma · 9 months ago
Soooo I've just realized that I've thus far only posted about being a gay. This is tragic. Maybe the homophobes are right, and this is the only facet of my personality. Thus i have decided to post about my hobbies as well.
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ziarising · 3 years ago
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#toxicrelationships #shequotes #notyourpeople #growingup #childhoodtrauma #familyissues #familyportraits #writerscommunity #writerssociety #writersquotes #igquotes #life #lifeportraits #walkaway #peopleproblems #toxicpeople #narcissistsurvivor #narcissisticabuse #narcissists #thoughts #reflect #writersofengland https://www.instagram.com/p/CgCo74rqdDJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marcusjcreations · 5 years ago
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So true #beingunderstood #relationship #friendship #life #love #journey #peopleproblems #misunderstood https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GApaaBB5U/?igshid=3eqdoaimfp2a
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samanthanneodaniel · 4 years ago
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odellq · 4 years ago
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I see all that shhh 😆😂🤣 I know the difference doggie... Don't interact stay off/out of they feed. #keepgoing💪 #realperson #realpeople #peoplearepeople #peopleproblems #imgood #bymyself https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGohhfHhVK/?igshid=1eg5sf35tb4vk
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michael-thandi · 5 years ago
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Do people certain people bother you? They're not the problem, your mind is. Change your thinking and there won't be any problem. . . . . #mindset #thoughts #peopleproblems #changeyourmindset #positivity #motivational #success #thandi #michaelthandi #entrepreneur #lifegoals #purpose #purposedriven #purposedrivenlife #ididityesterday #motivateeducatedominate #motivationalquotes #thandiquotes #successquotes (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBA0PYenuEg/?igshid=ul2qza8zl072
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buckyrevolution · 7 years ago
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Damn Susan 😂😂😂☕☕🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 #kermitthefrog #zodiacsigns #butthatsnoneofmybusiness #thishennytho #bitchesbelike #deadaf #imweakaf #thestruggleistoreal #shittybehavior #lmfao #thatlooktho #themuppets #awkwardmoment #nochillforsusan #bemoretea #peopleproblems
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jaxxphotographyy · 5 years ago
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Stranger: You’d be prettier if you’d just smile. Me: I was born this way. Stranger: Omg! I’m sorry! #restingbitchface #restingbitchfaceproblems #socialanxiety #peopleproblems @_angie_lynn (at Chillicothe, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QOHfFlJsd/?igshid=1vrf80nxpbrca
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daughtryl · 4 years ago
Again, I might as well had a baby... the time it takes to merely hear/seen/be seen by the C Suite. What a life.
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paraphraze615 · 5 years ago
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Pay attention. #RNS #RealNiggaShit #RealShit #RealTalk #Facts #FactsB #Truth #PeopleProblems #DifficultPeople #DownForWhatever #RideOrDie #Loyalty #LoyaltyLoyaltyLoyalty https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BCsscgagL/?igshid=1joxvyqera176
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holisticspiritualguide · 6 years ago
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FYI☝️ #fyi #hate #mentalillness #personalchoice #accountability #responsibility #peopleproblems #wakeupamerica #wakeupworld #holisticspiritualguide (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B04P8CvnqVH/?igshid=so7jc473v9hx
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wiliomart · 6 years ago
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Coffee Art Exhibition at Blue Cedar Glastonbury 🙏 A collection of my Peace's since starting painting 18 months ago, I never had chance to study but Art became my opportunity to express something - to go within, to allow - connect with spirit. Depression set in after continual let downs, back stabbing n general hurt people hurting people. Society. Don't let the bastards get you down - fight fire with fire - slay the demons - no violence - turn the other cheek - kill with kindness - emerge from the underworld - your gift is your presence 🔥 #art #expression #natural #throughdarkness #comeslight #peopleproblems #spirit #gift #artexhibition #coffeeart #animalpaintings #draw #heal #arttherapy #mentalhealth #society #painting #drawing #localartist #artistsofinsta (at Blue Cedar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwRSwpflf-Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1134nrkosjioe
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lifeovercoffee · 6 years ago
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If you're unwilling to say "no" to some people, you will be overrun with the "tyranny of the urgent." It will be their urgent, not yours, and if you're not careful, you will grow resentful or maybe bitter. Rick Thomas . . #time #timemanagement #urgent #busy #fear #fearofother #sayingno #resentful #bitter #lifehack #tootired #toobusy #people #peopleproblems #love #caring #biblicalcounseling #rickthomas #howtosayno (at Rick Thomas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BomeqP6g4Lu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qbrqwwif0kqq
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kimmy-jimmy · 5 years ago
Я наверное тот человек, который когда видит убийства, относится к ним нормально, /если они оправданы/. А насильство над другими, унижения и другие виды приниження твоей чести и достоинства - свободно можно наказывать убийством или другим способом. Я не люблю вот эти фразы "насильство насильству не выход", выход есть всегда и просто иногда сил хватает именно на такой. Меня бесило, что люди не всегда могут это понять и что если убийство совершает человек с псих.проблемами, это не означает, что его нужно закрыть без доступа к свету и воздуху, относясь к нему, как к мусору. У каждого свои ситуации и каждый из них получает своё следствие. Мы живём в мире, где проблемы твоей ориентации, твоего тела и твоего чрезмерного развития - вызывают больший АХ, чем проблемы с экономикой, криминальной средой, с недостатком учреждений, с экологическими проблемами. Такими темпами мир убьёт себя, точнее люди уничтожат сами себя.
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thomas-taylor · 5 years ago
Antonio Long Podcast
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