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rune-echos · 9 months ago
Song - I Hate People
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I Hate People, it’s plain to see. I Hate People, just let me be. I Hate People, the world’s insane, with every headline making me strain, yeah!
I Hate People, can't take no more. I Hate People, they're such a bore. I Hate People, no end in sight, with every new tweet that ignites a fight.
Now some just rant and some just rave, but I am staying clear. Not with a crowd or even aloud, but hiding out right here.
I Hate People, they're everywhere! I Hate People, but do they care? I Hate People, it’s all too much, with every blunder, fight, and such!
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dogsdogma · 9 months ago
Soooo I've just realized that I've thus far only posted about being a gay. This is tragic. Maybe the homophobes are right, and this is the only facet of my personality. Thus i have decided to post about my hobbies as well.
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kimmy-jimmy · 5 years ago
Я наверное тот человек, который когда видит убийства, относится к ним нормально, /если они оправданы/. А насильство над другими, унижения и другие виды приниження твоей чести и достоинства - свободно можно наказывать убийством или другим способом. Я не люблю вот эти фра��ы "насильство насильству не выход", выход есть всегда и просто иногда сил хватает именно на такой. Меня бесило, что люди не всегда могут это понять и что если убийство совершает человек с псих.проблемами, это не означает, что его нужно закрыть без доступа к свету и воздуху, относясь к нему, как к мусору. У каждого свои ситуации и каждый из них получает своё следствие. Мы живём в мире, где проблемы твоей ориентации, твоего тела и твоего чрезмерного развития - вызывают больший АХ, чем проблемы с экономикой, криминальной средой, с недостатком учреждений, с экологическими проблемами. Такими темпами мир убьёт себя, точнее люди уничтожат сами себя.
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thomas-taylor · 5 years ago
Antonio Long Podcast
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ziarising · 3 years ago
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#toxicrelationships #shequotes #notyourpeople #growingup #childhoodtrauma #familyissues #familyportraits #writerscommunity #writerssociety #writersquotes #igquotes #life #lifeportraits #walkaway #peopleproblems #toxicpeople #narcissistsurvivor #narcissisticabuse #narcissists #thoughts #reflect #writersofengland https://www.instagram.com/p/CgCo74rqdDJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marcusjcreations · 5 years ago
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So true #beingunderstood #relationship #friendship #life #love #journey #peopleproblems #misunderstood https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GApaaBB5U/?igshid=3eqdoaimfp2a
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samanthanneodaniel · 4 years ago
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odellq · 4 years ago
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I see all that shhh 😆😂🤣 I know the difference doggie... Don't interact stay off/out of they feed. #keepgoing💪 #realperson #realpeople #peoplearepeople #peopleproblems #imgood #bymyself https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGohhfHhVK/?igshid=1eg5sf35tb4vk
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michael-thandi · 5 years ago
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Do people certain people bother you? They're not the problem, your mind is. Change your thinking and there won't be any problem. . . . . #mindset #thoughts #peopleproblems #changeyourmindset #positivity #motivational #success #thandi #michaelthandi #entrepreneur #lifegoals #purpose #purposedriven #purposedrivenlife #ididityesterday #motivateeducatedominate #motivationalquotes #thandiquotes #successquotes (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBA0PYenuEg/?igshid=ul2qza8zl072
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buckyrevolution · 7 years ago
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Damn Susan 😂😂😂☕☕🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 #kermitthefrog #zodiacsigns #butthatsnoneofmybusiness #thishennytho #bitchesbelike #deadaf #imweakaf #thestruggleistoreal #shittybehavior #lmfao #thatlooktho #themuppets #awkwardmoment #nochillforsusan #bemoretea #peopleproblems
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jaxxphotographyy · 5 years ago
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Stranger: You’d be prettier if you’d just smile. Me: I was born this way. Stranger: Omg! I’m sorry! #restingbitchface #restingbitchfaceproblems #socialanxiety #peopleproblems @_angie_lynn (at Chillicothe, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QOHfFlJsd/?igshid=1vrf80nxpbrca
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daughtryl · 4 years ago
Again, I might as well had a baby... the time it takes to merely hear/seen/be seen by the C Suite. What a life.
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paraphraze615 · 5 years ago
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Pay attention. #RNS #RealNiggaShit #RealShit #RealTalk #Facts #FactsB #Truth #PeopleProblems #DifficultPeople #DownForWhatever #RideOrDie #Loyalty #LoyaltyLoyaltyLoyalty https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BCsscgagL/?igshid=1joxvyqera176
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holisticspiritualguide · 6 years ago
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FYI☝️ #fyi #hate #mentalillness #personalchoice #accountability #responsibility #peopleproblems #wakeupamerica #wakeupworld #holisticspiritualguide (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B04P8CvnqVH/?igshid=so7jc473v9hx
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wiliomart · 6 years ago
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Coffee Art Exhibition at Blue Cedar Glastonbury 🙏 A collection of my Peace's since starting painting 18 months ago, I never had chance to study but Art became my opportunity to express something - to go within, to allow - connect with spirit. Depression set in after continual let downs, back stabbing n general hurt people hurting people. Society. Don't let the bastards get you down - fight fire with fire - slay the demons - no violence - turn the other cheek - kill with kindness - emerge from the underworld - your gift is your presence 🔥 #art #expression #natural #throughdarkness #comeslight #peopleproblems #spirit #gift #artexhibition #coffeeart #animalpaintings #draw #heal #arttherapy #mentalhealth #society #painting #drawing #localartist #artistsofinsta (at Blue Cedar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwRSwpflf-Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1134nrkosjioe
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himbos-on-ice · 4 years ago
aayyyyy I often struggle to find pants that are short enough!
#peopleproblems i suppose. the grass is always greener, as they say!
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