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enolabar · 1 month ago
Toxic relationships can have a profound impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health. These relationships are often characterized by patterns of manipulation, control, and emotional turmoil. Understanding how to identify and handle toxic relationships is crucial, especially within the lively and inclusive LGBTQ+ community at enola.gr. Identifying People with Issues In any community, whether it be family, friends, or coworkers, you may encounter individuals who have personal issues. These issues can include anger management, self-esteem problems, or deep-seated family drama. When engaging with these individuals, you might find yourself falling into a pattern of enabling their behavior rather than addressing the problem directly. This dynamic can create a cycle where both parties become trapped in a toxic relationship. Consider these scenarios: Your partner spends money irresponsibly, and instead of addressing this, you work longer hours to compensate. The result? Your partner continues the behavior without consequence, and the cycle of dysfunction deepens. A family member deals with anger by lashing out at others around them. Instead of holding them accountable, you become the overachiever in the family, trying to avoid their wrath or to pacify their temperament. However, this only leads to more resentment and unresolved issues. A child misbehaves at school, and instead of setting clear boundaries, a parent shifts blame onto themselves and sacrifices their work-life balance. This only teaches the child that their actions come without repercussions. Let Their Issue Be Theirs, Not Yours In relationships where one person consistently tries to "fix" the other, emotional manipulation can easily arise. People with issues are often skilled at making you believe that their unhappiness is your fault, or that you can make everything better if you just change yourself or your actions. Common signs of emotional manipulation include: Sudden, unpredictable emotional outbursts. Unwarranted criticism and personal attacks. Being blamed for things beyond your control. Manipulation or coercion, often involving twisting the truth. The person in question playing the victim. It's important to realize that, in any relationship, your mental and emotional well-being should take precedence. Do not fall into the trap of believing you are responsible for someone else's happiness. Gaining Perspective When entangled in a toxic relationship, gaining perspective can help you clearly see the manipulating tactics. Distance yourself from constant contact with these individuals, even temporarily, to regain clarity. Regular self-care, reaching out to trusted friends within the LGBTQ+ community, and professional therapy or counseling can also provide the support and perspective you need. Remember, a healthy relationship requires mutual respect and accountability, with each person taking responsibility for their actions and emotions. A Community of Support Enola.gr offers a vibrant community where you can seek understanding, share experiences, and gain support. The LGBTQ+ community is known for its empathy and solidarity, and reaching out to this network can be a significant step toward redefining your boundaries and expectations in relationships. In conclusion, toxic relationships involve unhealthy patterns that can deeply affect your well-being. By recognizing these patterns, prioritizing your mental health, and finding support within the community, you can choose to let others take responsibility for their issues. Doing so not only fosters healthier interactions but also strengthens the vibrant spirit of the enola.gr community.
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viberevstudios · 2 years ago
Have you ever been told you’re “hard to deal with”? Where did they get this idea of you? Perhaps you are very pleasant but have come in contact with others projecting their feelings about self-selves onto you. It's a new Last of the Nice Guys podcast episode now playing on your favorite podcasting app or listen here - https://last-of-the-nice-guys.castos.com/episodes/are-you-hard-to-deal-with-last-of-the-nice-guys-podcast-episode-90
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rrainbowwarriorr · 2 years ago
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flinkliv · 2 years ago
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Ghosting people is not setting boundaries 😮 Read more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/difficult-people.html
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rickgoodman · 2 years ago
How to Manage Difficult People with Leadership Expert Dr Rick Goodman #m...
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raurquiz · 7 months ago
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#happybirthday @may_wise #MaryWiseman #actress #SylviaTilly #startrekdiscovery #shorttreks #mirroruniverse #CaptainKilly #starfleetacademy #Longmire #Baskets #CraftandBurn #DifficultPeople #Room104 #MarriageStory #TheResidence #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek
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chronicloaf · 5 months ago
S1E1 of #DifficultPeople is about to start in the #ChronicLoaf stream
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boomloaded · 3 years ago
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avmria · 3 years ago
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Drop a ❤️ if u feel its true #motivationalquotes #inspirationalquotes #confidencequotes #selfconfidencequotes #lifequotes #quotefortheday #truthoflife #truthoftheday #silentlove #silencequotes #silentscream #silentsmile #smilewithconfidence #postforchange #postfortoday #postfortheday #difficultpeople FOLLOW 👉 @avm.ria https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg4GFt-D9hj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theotherealm · 7 years ago
Working retail(bookstore edition)
me: Hi can I help you find anything?
customer: Yes, I'm looking for a book for my daughter
Me: alright, what's that book's title.
customer: I'm not sure, it's got a red cover.
me: do you know the author?
customer: no, but it's red and there's a girl.
me--really trying: Ok, a red book, do you know what genre it it--
customer: look, I'm in a hurry can you help me find the book or not, I already tried looking myself.
me--lying: OK, let me go ahead and look up books by cover design in our system. *googles books with a red cover* and you don't recall if it's a fantasy novel or maybe it's a non-fiction?
Customer: look could I speak to a manager
me: Of course *manager comes to save me*
Manager: hey how can I help you?
Customer: well I've been trying to find a book but your customer service is terrible, maybe you could help me out?
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kitafit · 3 years ago
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My prayers today are that we all have an amazing thanksgiving day!!! I hope you are each granted a miracle Today from God:) & take an opportunity to see the miracles that have blessed us all year. Upon reflection, even in the hard times I can see mini miracles. Thanksgiving can be a hard day for families & my prayers are for healing light and protection upon all of us. Please know however difficult life or specific people can be, put your faith in God. Remember he commands us-- w his grace to "love the unloveable",(it's easy to love the lovable AND we need to love the UNlovable) to be kind, patient, enduring & everlasting. People will be human, they will say things to hurt us, be strong, put your faith in God & "ride it out w love". I am proof LOVE does conquer & in the end love really is all that matters. Infinite Love to the lovable AND the UNloveable:):):)-xoxo #fitnessinchrist #happythanksgivng #difficultpeople https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtToLJvqx-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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livinhealthee · 3 years ago
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We all know that the people in your life can be difficult, but you don't want to become like them. You realize people have a lot of spiritual blocks (bitterness, envy, unforgiveness, lack of faith, dishonesty, etc.) in their lives that are holding them back. I'm thankful for those difficult relationships because they have taught me how not to act when dealing with other people. They've shown me what spiritual blocks look like in real life which helped clear up confusion on the topic for me personally. Agitate: The thing is, these problems don't just go away on their own. They fester and grow until they start to affect every area of your life, including the ones you care about most. I teach clients how to rid themselves of these spiritual blocks once and for all so that they can live the free, happy, and successful life God has planned for all of us! Let me know in the chat what spiritual blocks you struggle with? #unforgiveness #lackoffaith #dishonest #complaining #fear #coachmelonie #livinhealtheecm #difficultpeople #difficult #spiritualroots #spiritual #spiritualjourney #bitterness https://www.instagram.com/p/CUTA_tOPZW7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rickgoodman · 2 years ago
How to Manage Difficult People with Leadership Expert Dr Rick Goodman #m...
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raurquiz · 2 years ago
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#HappyBirthday @morywise #marywiseman #Actress #Tilly #StarTrekDiscovery #starfleetacademy #DifficultPeople #longmire #baskets #room104 #theresidence #marriagestory #startrek56 @startrek @startrekonpplus
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walterjacobsonmd · 7 years ago
Why We Don't Set and Maintain Boundaries With Difficult People In Our Lives
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alexcarrillosmusic · 7 years ago
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Finally home! had a noisy customer tonight. An older woman was asking me personal questions, like how do i get to work, where does my father live, what time do I go into work...?!.. I replied with "I don't know" because quite frankly, it's none of her business. She then asked me if i was on drugs 😮 becuade I kept awnsering "i dont know". She told me she was just asking because she wanted to tell my boss how much of a good worker I am, so i can get a promotion... first off my job doesn't do promotions as far as I know, and I've been there 4 years. Second, I don't need that in my world. Unless I know you, or you're law enforcement, you don't need to know where I live or what time I come into work, what does that have to do with your order?. she made me feel very uncomfortable. Anyways, she goes on about how that now she's going to come in tomorrow tell my boss to fire me. Apparently I'm rude and don't know how to give good customer service. what do you guys think? was i wrong? 😕😟 I hope everyone had a wonderful day! positive vibes to everyone! including that customer. 🌏✌👍❤ good night!! #sandiego #california #chulavista #losangeles #funny #noisycustomer #personalinformation #uncomfortable #work #customerservice #personalinfo #difficultpeople #postivevibes #international #love #prosperity #music #shortfilmcomingsoon #alexcarrilloofficial #alexcarrillo
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