#people need to learn when to shut tf up
theshippirate22 · 1 year
Once again because apparently I didn’t make it clear: my blog is NOT Billy friendly. There is a zero tolerance policy. I’m fucking sick of fighting with people so I’m deleting and blocking anyone who wants to argue. This includes any Billy ship and any stuff with Max or any anon ask or anything about Billy at all. Either block me or learn how to scroll the fuck past.
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omnic · 17 days
love having a fantastic outing and then u come home and that happiness is shattered within minutes of entering through the door 🙃
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
What do you think about Tavros and Dave's relationship? they interact quite interestingly in the first acts, and it seems to me that people undeservedly overlook this
Dave c3< Tavros c3< Equius is one of my endgame ships.
I also don't really mind Dave <3< Tavros because they definitely have a contentious relationship, but I think the Dave/Tavros/Equius throuple suits all three of them better and is also a more healthy and positive force for Dave overall. Especially because parallels are already there - Dave and Tavros's interaction is largely Dave making Tavros really uncomfortable, and then Tavros trying to get back at him via rap; meanwhile, Dave encourages Equius to rap, and is then made really uncomfortable. Together, they can be miserable while rapping at each other together.
But more seriously, one of Dave's biggest problems on the meteor was how fucking lonely he was. After basically ruining things with Terezi because he didn't understand troll quadrants and didn't want to learn, he had pretty much nobody to talk to, and especially nobody to rap with (the activity he's constantly seen doing to try and pass the time), which is why he became so obsessively clingy to the Mayor. Gamzee stopped talking to everyone except Terezi, Rose and Kanaya were busy being codependent and/or having substance abuse problems, and Karkat just thinks Dave's rap shit is dumb and cringe. It was like, really bad for him.
In a hypothetical situation where Tavros and Equius are both brought back to life, a lot of problems are actually solved for Dave - he has two rap buddies (three if you count redeemed Gamzee, who's <> with Tavros in this scenario) and is made to accept troll polyamory... by FORCE. I pretty much imagine that he kind of falls ass backwards into this auspicetism without even realizing it, and when someone breaks the news to him that he's dating the two worst trolls, he'd be like NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! and go crawling back to Terezi on his hands and knees like babe im so sorry please take me back. don't let my defining relationship be this unforgivable threesome
But it'd also be good for Tavros and Equius. Equius is genuinely polite, even if he is bossy, and if he tries to get all weird at Tavros about... y'know, the stuff Equius is weird about, Dave would feel the need to step in, and be like, bro, you two are literally the two biggest weirdos on this meteor, why tf are you beefing (and then theyd be like was that a livestock pun and dave would be like stfu)
Meanwhile, Tavros doesn't seem to be able to stop himself from bugging Dave, and to be frank, Dave's kind of out of Tavros's league? like their first interaction went so badly for Tavros that he BLOCKED Dave, which is hilarious. But Equius doesn't stand for 100dness and crassness, so there's no way he wouldn't feel the need to intervene and prevent things from going that far, inadvertently turning their throuple into a safe space for Tavros to practice self-assertion
And Dave also keeps goading Equius into doing shit, and it backfires horrifically every single time, but you know what? Dave is TAVROS's rival, okay, Tavros called dibs, and with Equius being... the way that he is... he WOULD listen to Tavros and back off. And of course that just sets Dave off, and the beautiful cycle continues. Like they all kind of vaguely hate each other and need to meddle with each other, but in a way that all three of them walk away as better, healthier people.
Also the way Karkat would be like holy fucking shit, this is the most stable auspicetism ive ever seen, i mean this from the bottom of my pusher, like completely genuinely and sincerely, congratulations & dave would be like shut UP!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Alpha!Katsuki Headcanons
Author's Note: I'm working on an actual written blurb for these two, but in the meantime, enjoy this snapshot into what their relationship is like!
From here on out, his omega will be affectionately referred to as BB, just as a pet name.
Bakugou is aged up to mid-20s here, and this does contain slightly mature content so read at your own risk.
BB is quirkless!! Sometimes Bakugou teases her for it, stressing that she needs her big, strong, pro Hero alpha to take care of her and keep her protected. He’s also known for telling her to sit her “basic ass” down. 
She doesn’t really mind the teasing, or the lack of a quirk. She used to be self conscious about it growing up, but now she doesn’t see herself as anything less for it. 
She’s a total crybaby, like big fat Deku tears. She cries a lot when she’s stressed, and don’t even get me started on how she can get when her hormones are all out of whack from preheat. 
Cries a LOTTT during sappy romance movies as well.  One time she got so worked up Bakugou had to cut the movie off halfway, despite her protests. 
These two are stupidly in love with each other!!! Not a single person expected Katsuki to be so open and vulnerable as he is with her, but it’s been such a pleasant surprise!! He’s still the hard exterior Katsuki they all know and love, but it’s impossible to miss how much happier and calm he is around his omega. BB can take him from explosive, aggressive, alpha to someone who’s pulling her close and outright purring at her affections within a matter of moments. 
 He’s very protective of his omega but he’ll be damned if he becomes one of those alphas that has to control her every move. This means BB loves to go out with her friends, but he will be dropping her off and picking her up after, as well as triple checking his ringer is on in case she calls for anything. Everyone jokes that he’s a total mother hen, but it’s an arrangement that makes them both the most comfortable. 
Before he had marked her, there was one time she called him because another alpha was making her uncomfortable at the bar. Katsuki was with Kiri and Mina at the time and let’s just say that Mina had to go in to retrieve BB (checking up on her friends to make sure they were safe as well, ofc), while Kiri held Bakugou back so that he wouldn’t march in and make a scene. It led to him causing a scene outside the front door anyways.
He only calmed down once she was safe and in his arms, her face tucked into his scent glands as her previously sour scent turned sweeter as she calmed down.
BB is very shy at first, but completely opens up once she gets comfortable. This means she tends to be quiet around new people and stick to her alpha’s side, but once she trusts someone, she literally doesn’t shut tf up. 
No, seriously. Bakugou introduced her to the squad once they were officially courting. They had dinner at his apartment, and the poor girl barely spoke while everyone sat around the table, eating. A few hours (and drinks) later, she was practically glued to Kiri’s side, talking his fucking ear off. Bakugou quickly learned that the two are very similar, and they’re best friends now who love to make his life hell. 
About Kiri!!! Kiri is not mated yet, but he has been courting an omega for a while and the two are literally meant for each other. They have double dates with Bakugou and his girl all the time and BB and Kiri’s omega are very close!! 
Whenever they’re at a party, or having a night out somewhere, BB is infamous for pulling Bakugou away after a few drinks to blow him. He always teases that he won’t let her next time, but he’s just a man. He’d be crazy to deny his pretty little omega wanting to get on her knees and make her alpha feel good. 
Yes, this did occur at a hero gala one time. They tried their best to play it off but their friends all knew the blush adorning their cheeks was not from the alcohol. 
Before quitting, BB used to work at a coffee shop in between classes. She would also hang out there to do schoolwork. This is how they met each other. Bakugou caught whiff of her scent one day while on patrol with Kiri, and he was immediately hooked. He bought her a refill and a pastry and the poor dude was stumbling over his words trying to introduce himself. 
He was so nervous, hands shaky as he spoke to her. Kiri definitely teased him about it, but clearly it had worked as BB had slipped him her number before the two men left.
She always felt very safe around him, even from the start. He became a safe space for her very early on in their relationship.
On their first date, he took her to get takeout and they ate it sitting on a blanket at a local park and trying to guess the life stories of different strangers around them. 
Their second date he invited her over to his apartment and made her dinner. She showed up in a dress and heels, and couldn’t help but keep staring at his biceps as they bulged underneath his button down he had chosen for the night. He even set the table with flowers and candles. What a romantic!!
Bakugou was absolutely swooning over her!!! They cleaned up together after dinner, giggling like children as they splashed sudsy water on each other. Bakugou poured them both another glass of wine once they were finished, showing her to the balcony where they sat and talked in the cool night air. 
The night mayyyy or may not have ended with Bakugou’s head underneath the poor girl’s dress, thighs shaking as she fell apart on his face. He moaned into her, cleaning her up with his tongue before pulling away, helping her pull her panties back up into place and pressing a few kisses to her lips as he pulled her into his arms on the couch. He drove her home later that night, making sure she was safely inside before taking himself back home. 
They went on a few more dates before he decided to court her, showing up at her place with a new blanket and a sweater of his he had scented, as well as her favorite chocolates as a courting gift. BB accepted immediately, tearing up at the gesture as she pulled him into an embrace. She left him briefly to add the two new items to her nest, breathing in the mix of their scents deeply once she had finished. She quickly returns to Bakugou, instructing him to take his shoes off before pulling him into her bedroom and inviting him into her nest for the very first time. It’s an emotional moment for both of them as he climbs in, making himself comfortable and allowing his omega to scent him before tucking herself into his chest, the both of them practically purring. 
They spent the rest of the day in her nest and Bakugou even called out the next day for some extra time with her.
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
“Bitch” wow! I don’t see the reason for getting so heated over these characters. They don’t actually exist you know? You’re not defending anyone’s honour or being some saint here. I didn’t mean anything in a bad way, I was trying to have a rational conversation because I’ve never come across an IC hater and wanted to know why you didn’t like them. But obviously having a rational conversation is out of your zone of abilities since it didn’t take a lot for you to get down to name calling. My only suggestion to you because I truly wish the best for you is control that anger and learn to listen to other people before someone shows you your place. It won’t be nice. Good luck bbg 💜💜
You're the one coming in anon and shitting on characters that I like. What did you expect??? I'm going to defend my characters, obviously. You want my dissertation on why I hate each member of the Inner Circle? Let's start with captain asshole Rhysand: Rhysand: Sexually assaulted Feyre, did not apologize, licked Amarantha's boots for fifty years to "protect" no one since he only rules 1/3 of his court. He claims to be uber powerful yet he can't control misogyny within 2/3 of his court. But it's totally fine to go into Tarquin's house, steal an important possession, then act superior later when his wife's antics in Spring caused Summer to be invaded. Pretends to give his wife a "choice" while not giving her crucial information, i.e. that he wouldn't be helping her out with the Weaver at all. Locked Lucien in a house, made rape jokes about his mother, altogether treated him like shit for no reason. Then the Inner Circle acts all shocked and furious that their "masks" as "bad guys" fooled everyone and act violent towards literally everyone not Inner Circle there. Rhysand forcibly shut Tamlin's mouth, Feyre burned Lucien and Eris's innocent mother, Azriel nearly choked Eris to death. Ironically, Cassian acted the most sane here. After Tamlin saved Feyre and Rhysand's lives multiple times, Rhysand has the gall to tell Tamlin to kill himself despite knowing they'll need him as an ally, which is a terrible thing to do and also made Lucien's life harder. ACOSF he locks Nesta in a house and hides the malignant nature of his wife's pregnancy from her. That's just the gist of it. Cassian: Rhysand's dog. He need to grow a fucking spine. He never defends Nesta in front of Rhysand, and constantly abuses her physically and mentally. Won't let her eat sugar, forces her to train, tells her everyone hates her, makes her hike a fucking mountain for having the nerve to disobey rhysand and tell feyre the truth she deserved to hear. Then again in HOFAS not defending Nesta in front of Rhysand when he was screaming at her for giving away the trove and telling her she should've killed Bryce instead. THAT. IS. YOUR. MATE. He treats all the women in his life better than her, like mor and feyre. Azriel: A fucking weirdo violent creep. He needs to man tf up and admit Lucien is the superior man. His creeping on Mor for 500 years when she's clearly not interested is not cute. Nor is choking Eris to death in an important political meeting. Nor is treating Elain like a helpless object and masturbating to a gag gift he gave her. I'lL dEfEaT hIm WiTh LiTtLe EfFoRt boi stfu no you can't and Lucien has done NOTHING to you. I have absolutely ZERO respect for a character who treats the nicest guy in the series like that. Elain is not a child to be fought over. He's so pathetically jealous that Lucien is a good dude and has a mate and is better than him at everything. He needs to admit his homoerotic desire for Lucien and get it over with. Or let Eris humble him. Either way. Mor: the biggest hypocrite of all time. I aM a DrEaMeR aNd I gOt OuT so did it ever occur to you that maybe you're not the only dreamer? You're not even going to try to save good people stuck under the Court of Nightmares or ask your High Lord to? You just write them off because you're the only good one? And you want to throw Nesta into the court of nightmares? You don't do shit when Cassian is harassing Nesta? You're a bitch and not a girl's girl at all. If there's ANYTHING women should be united on, it's creepy dudes. ESPECIALLY if one of them is your best friend. Amren: this bitch should've stayed dead after ACOWAR. How dare she talk to Nesta the way she did in ACOSF? She KNEW how much Nesta was hurting and she did it anyway. She's over 15 thousand years old. What a bitch. They're all part of an elitist establishment and the epitome of modern politics that needs to be destroyed. Oh, I'm sorry? Should I apologize for saying "bitch" when you're the one coming in hot on my anons? How about you get a life besides harassing people who disagree with you first?
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not-5-rats · 2 months
Genderfluid! SugarBoo Stuff :3
I like to think SB would have like this code to tell people how they're feeling genderwise;
Cherry; Feeling Feminine
Raspberry; Feeling Androgynous/ Unsure
Strawberry; Feeling Masculine
Like -
Al, leaning on SB's shoulders: Hmm my beautiful gir-
SB: Strawberry
Al: Mmm my beautiful boy <3
SB, curled up, sniffling on the couch: ...
Seth: So...how you feeling Sugar?
SB: I have no idea what I am right now... :(
Seth, wrapping his arm around them: it's okay darlin', we'll just keep it neutral for now ok?
Rando: Omg look at those homos-
Al: You shut up! That is, currently, my wife! You respect my lovely girlfriend over here!
SB: :3
Seth: Hey Suga- can I still call them that? Do you know what they got by rn?
Al: Seth- calm tf down, Sugar's fine
Seth: You sure???
SB: Both of you shut up, Sugar, the name, is fine but Sugar *points to self* is not fine, and they need hugs from their fav boys
I think Seth would be alot more caution regarding the way he refers to SB than Al. They both care alot and try their best to get things right, always checking in with SB but Seth would defo worry more abt whether or not what he said was appropriate for SBs current gender expression
He would check like a hundred times with them that the nicknames he was using were alright all the time, or if they were only ok sometimes and SB just told him to calm down a bit, that whatever he called them was fine, that they knew he loved then and wouldn't purposefully say anything to upset them
Al also told him to calm down, since he's known SB longer he doesn't worry as much, he's learned through trial and error which nicknames go down well when SBs gender is expressed in a certain way and which ones he should avoid using at certain times.
Sometimes he would share his wisdom with Seth, dropping little hints to what names SB prefers when their expression shifts. But he never tells him outright, it's like when Seth first arrived, he kept hinting, speaking in riddles, so Al played Seths game.
"Y'know...that heart of hers sure is the sweetest...ain't it?"
(Answer; SB likes the name Sweetheart when they're feeling feminine)
"Such an innocent little guy, like a sweet lil fawn"
(Answer; Baby and Dear are some nicknames SB likes when feeling masculine)
"We might have to go shopping to get more honey, they seem to be using alot of it in their baking recently"
(Answer; You guessed it Honey is a name they like when they feel unsure/ androgynous)
(I'm not good at riddles/ hinting ok? Leave me alone 😔)
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dilucsfav · 2 years
cyno hcs & scenarios!! (cyno x m!reader)
AHHZHZHZHSH MY FIRST REQUEST I FEEL SO PROUD <///333 if you send requests, please make sure to send me an ask!! it’s easier for me to reply to it. anyways yes cyno. i farmed for him so much, literally pissed myself trying to find those damn beetles he needs for ascension like tf :(
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warning(s): fluff… & nsfw ofc.
would he sing to you? … absolutely not. would he carry you on his back through the hot dessert? … absolutely.
i know this man gets tired and used to the heat and the sun. so when he sees the snow? don’t even get me started.
the way he’d make snowmen and snow angels with you and genuinely laugh because of how much fun he has with you. PLEASE I’D DO ANYTHING I
it took him a while to open up to you in the beginning, but overtime he grew quite fond of you and your presence :)
you could probably see this as negative traits, but he’s very jealous and overprotective. most of the time, wherever you go, cyno also goes.
when your hands are cold, he’ll take both of your hands and shove them in his pockets to keep them warm. such a kind boy we love :(
he'll even slightly rub your hands from inside the pockets with his own fingers. if you're lucky.
his bad days are the absolute worst. i can picture him getting upset and frustrated easily. maybe not with you, but just with things in general. he likes it when you kiss his nose and his eyelids, when they're shut.
often times, he doesn't like to talk about things when he's upset. instead, he would rather just sit with you quietly in the comfortable silence. he wouldn't mind hearing your pretty voice, though.
^^ that's another thing!! cyno loves to hear you talk. it doesn't matter what it could be about, it could be able the dumbest or simplest of things. As long as he can watch you lovingly as you rant about everything and anything, he's happy :)
i could see cyno's love language being physical touch, but at the same time, he's unsure of how to express said love language, so he barely expresses it. YKWIMMM??
that being said, he sometimes forgets to show you basic human affection. you might have to ask for a kiss or two in a day, but that's okay, you love seeing his face lighten up when you ask for it <3
pet names?? lordy christ jesus fainting for this man. he would call you things like "my star" and "sunshine."
although cyno is overprotective and often times with you, he doesn't show much affection with you in front of others. or rather, he doesn't make it very obvious that you two are a thing. all people assume and see are two boys sitting... oddly closer to one another.
cyno is not the best cooker in the world... however, he loves when you try to teach him how to make pretty simple dishes! even though in the process of learning he seems annoyed, angry, upset, all of the negative emotions in the book, he really does enjoy it.
angry sex. a lot of it. idc.
he knows you're comfortable with him, and he's comfortable with you, so sex with cyno occurs pretty often.
a very dom top.
...however if you wanted to fuck him, he wouldn't mind at all
a lot of the times when you're giving him oral, or he's giving you oral, he has this sinister smirk plastered on his pretty face. makes my legs break every time dude fr
respectfully...... he likes standing doggystyle.
sex with him can be intimate, but a lot of the times it's just extremely hot and eager fucking
"oh, you want me to suck it so bad, don't you?"
def has a spit kink and into brat taming. am i wrong?? ...maybe into teasing as well.
he doesn't talk dirty a ton, unless if he's super into it. it is kind of quiet with him, but you don't mind
cyno is a pretty busy man, warding off evil n shit, so usually the sex is quicker and you can't go on for many rounds.
even if you could, multiple rounds probably wouldn't be necessary if we're talking about cyno
with that being said, the aftercare isn't... phenomenal. but if he's super needy and touch-deprived he'll stay just a bit long for you. when he does have the time, he will wipe you down and even give you a massage if needed :) !!
doesn't say much after it's done though. not so much awkward silence, just a bare type of quiet :(
i want this man so bad ong serve me justice too big boy
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pip-n-chips · 1 year
this is messy so apologies in advance! kind of long so the rest is under the cut
So... Kylar as a murderer, huh?
(warnings include: death, gore, general violence, stalking, kidnapping, manipulation, drugging, Kylar being Kylar)
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Kylar is a stalker, first and foremost- from afar is where they feel most comfortable. They observe your behaviors, who you talk to, what you do- they have your entire schedule memorized. If you think you're alone, you're not. If you think no one is watching you, you're wrong. Kylar is watching you, always always always. They need to learn about you to protect you, and they do! It starts off relatively tame- darts are shot, death threats sent, but nothing that'll harm anybody! They don't act on it!
That is, until you start to make them jealous. Is this a challenge? A test? You must know what you're doing, right? Talking to that orphan, that businessperson, that bully, that religious freak--
NO, that won't do.
That won't do at all.
One of your "friends" disappear, and you're worried. And they can't understand why. They weren't good for you, you should be happy to be free of the grip they had on you. Regardless, this is the perfect opportunity for them to slide into your life, to be by your side. They want to be the light in your darkness, the shoulder you can always lean on. Everyone will leave you but them, can't you see? They love you they love you they love y-
One by one, the remaining friends disappear, and you worry more and more each time- and it does numbers on your mental health. And Kylar tells you it's okay, your friends are okay, they just weren't real friends. If they were, how could they just up and leave you? Oh so wonderful, so incredible you? They'll never leave you like how your so-called "friends" did. Do you know that? Please say that you do. Because they won't! Never ever ever ever!
This continues until they're the only one left, and things are exactly how they wanted...
But no.
You couldn't just accept the happy ending.
(The one that was always meant to be!)
You just had to go out and meet new people, make more connections.
(Are they not enough??)
And so, your new "friends" disappear one by one, again. But it doesn't stop there, because you didn't learn your lesson last time.
They start leaving anonymous "gifts" for you. To remind you that of those who left. To remind you that you are theirs.
Severed arms, feet, fingers. They paint you love notes with blood, smeared over the side of the orphanage. They write your name, the letters shaped by intestines. They place eyeballs around your room so you never feel alone, they leave jackets sewed from skin when winter comes to keep you warm. They leave you jewelery made from teeth so you can feel beautiful.
(And if you have the wolf TF, they'll gift you the bones. Aren't you a good doggie? Don't you love the gifts? Will you be good now?? Will you be loyal??)
And you better pray that they never learn that your previous "friends" were anything more than that, or that you had feelings for them, because they won't take it well, at ALL. Because one day, you'll come home to a box on your bed, and within lies the decapitated head of someone you once loved. (But never as much as you'll love Kylar, right??) It's ruined and decaying, but you recognize it just enough, and maybe you shut down.
You don't understand what's happening, who could do this? Why? What did you do?
Maybe you withdraw, maybe you cling to Kylar even harder, needing their support. And they finally have you where they want you.
But happiness doesn't last, again, and they blame you for it. Because, due to your past behavior, you've made them so so possessive and so so jealous, that all it takes is for you to look at someone else (or, god forbid, talk to someone else. What a waste of breath!), and they snap. Because have you NOT learned your lesson? NO ONE ELSE deserves your time of day, only Kylar only Kylar only Kylar only Kyl-
So you can't possibly blame them when you feel a pinch in your neck one night, and the only thing you can hear are Kylar's obsessive ramblings as your vision fades. You can't blame them when you wake up bound in rope in some dingy old basement. And if you try to plead, they'll remind you that this is all your fault. All you had to do was stay loyal, all you had to do was recognize who (them them them them) was best for you, but you didn't, and you forced their hand.
It's all your fault.
If you try to scream, Kylar would press a knife to your neck and beg you to stay silent. To be compliant. They don't want to kill you, they only want what's best for you. Do you know that? They don't have to beg you to say that you do this time, because you nod along frantically like the perfect thing that you are.
If you try to scream again (how could you lie to them you said you understood you said you said-), they cut out your tongue. Which is such a shame, your voice was music to their ears, but that's okay, they have their old recordings of you.
Your ending perfect life together really just depends on your behavior. If you fight back, your tongue won't be the only thing you'll lose. But that's okay, because you're so smart and cool, you'll learn eventually. You'll learn to be the perfect spouse, they really hope you do.
Because they don't want to kill you.
So go along with it, it's okay. You'll be happy here, eventually.
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s1 episode 18 thoughts
i have been busy and my nightly watch sessions have fallen to the wayside, so i was really excited to watch this one! a great end to a busy day <3
so we open with a child reciting the bible to bring a dead burn victim back to life. i'm american so this was like an ordinary day for me ngl. like yeah yeah the child who believes he can resurrect, we've all seen it. nothing a good southern hallelujah can't fix in some people's minds.
the preacher says he found the boy on the banks of the mississippi which was SO funny to me. moses who?!
there was another scene of the ministry being cultishly devout and i wrote in my notes "like this isn't even really funny this is just the south i know people like this" and i stand by that assessment
scully wants to go investigate even though it's not an x file because they need someone with medical experience. she seems to think he won't want to come but mulder is soooo happy to join :D "when are we leaving for tennessee?"
(he needs to be out of his office for stimulation)
the preacher was dripping in expensive jewelry, had 4 cadillacs, again, many such cases here in the US of A.
when they meet the miracle healer boy (who has been accidentally killing people lately) he says to scully "do you deny the power of God?" and she says "no". i am storing that information for future use.
scully got deeply uncomfortable and tried to shut it DOWN when the miracle guy brought up mulder's sister, but he wanted to hear more. she even called the sheriff over. she said you are NOT going to mess with that man's head in front of me absolutely NOT.
then we had a plague moment in the courtroom. GRASSHOPPER ATTACK BE UPON YE!
mulder was reading from the old testament... this is so ethel cain coded
then he starts seeing his sister as a little girl and running toward her!!! he runs out during a chat with the preacher and scully is confused
she asks hey man. what did you see. he says "a girl". she says "who, jessica hahn?" (now i had to google who that is but she was a model.)
scully you are quick-witted and good at teasing this man. but he's sad and says "a LITTLE girl". making fun of mulder for having a crush has been temporarily POSTPONED due to his childhood trauma resurfacing.
i actually felt really bad for the healer guy who started killing people by touching them because i find it very believable that religious trauma will have you thinking that your evil hands made people choke to death because you are Sinful. again, seen similar things. in a less dramatic sort of way.
they return to the ministry event and mulder points out a seat in the crowd to scully then guides her with his hand on the small of her back. god, when is my turn? i have seen what you make the fictional men do.
the religious people are blocking an autopsy for religious purposes. which is something i will be googling later because tbh i'm curious if that is still a thing.
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she was raised catholic! she is familiar with scripture and says "God never lets the devil steal the show!" mulder laughs and says "you must have loved the Exorcist" and she says its one of her favorite movies! (DANA SCULLY HORROR FAN?!?!)
we see a person in scrubs sharpening a knife for an autopsy and i did NOT like that so imagine my SHOCK AND HORROR to learn it was none other than scully herself getting to business!!!
mulder is also there and he is very squeamish so he's being a great friend by sitting on the counter while she cuts a body up. thank u for ur service king.
(she makes him look at some lungs and he does NOT want to do this. think of the poor man's stomach, scully!)
when he runs out to go see the healer turned killer kid in jail, i was like yeah he was looking for an excuse to get tf out of there
also scully... in scrubs... <3 yes the sharpening of a knife was impersonal and scary but it's still Her... she's in her Doctor Mode and i love to see it
the healer boy tormented mulder about his sister and had him in the jail cell yelling "IS SHE ALIVE" ohhh i was seated. i was on the edge of that seat i was sat upon. needed to know if he was going to crack some skulls to get answers about his sister.
well no skulls were cracked in THAT scene but in the very next one, the sheriff hires some henchmen to kill the healer guy in jail which is like. not really analyzed a lot throughout the rest of the episode. and i feel like we moved past this a bit too quickly. but okay.
i was worried they were going to make the shady pastor the hero of the episode and thankful they did not do that. we don't need that energy to be encouraged. don't we deal with enough as is? another megachurch pastor might break me.
(our duo breaks into the court room where earlier a plague of locusts had begun) "what exactly are we looking for?" "clues" okay cryptic scooby doo mulder. acting like the guy from blue's clues. dumbass. i love him. (blue skadoo, you can too!)
then he yells "SCULLY! it's potato" in a deadly serious tone. this obviously has Implications for the investigation but "SCULLY! it's potato" is a phrase that had me laughing until my sides hurt. the deadpan delivery. scully. it's potato. new phrase entering my mental roster. rotating it in my mind over and over again.
they realize it's the burn victim the boy healed as a child who killed all those people! and when they get to his house, scully takes a deep sniff of whatever he was drinking and announces it's poison. which again, important to the plot. but it looked like she was just:
(scully takes a deep inhale of some liquid that looks like water) cyanide...
like girl why are you sniffing that! they always tell you not to sniff unknown chemicals when you get to high school chemistry class!!! her med school training flew Out the window. she needs to sniff the poison.
we see them getting packed up to head home and MULDER BROUGHT A PHOTO OF HIS SISTER AND KEPT IT BY HIS BED. does he do this for every single roadtrip? holy fuck i was gonna cry. the impermanence of the hotel room but the permanence of his grief, trying to hold on to what he can remember, her photo as a symbol of what he works for, what he spends his life working toward, why he devotes so many late hours and sleepless nights to the job... because its about getting her back above all else. no i'm Fine it's totally okay.
i enjoyed that for once, this was just a good ol' fashioned murder. a guy was poisoning people and letting someone else take the fall. a totally rational situation! a win for the disbelievers from all backgrounds!
(okay, so we don't know exactly why the guy could heal people in the first place or cause mulder to see his sister. but don't think about that too hard! enjoy the w for skeptics and scully nation!)
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amazingmsme · 9 months
i’ve become a little obsessed with your curtwen stuff do you have any more to share 🙏🙏🙏
Aww thank you, that’s so sweet! I honestly need to rewatch saf, it’s been too long since I’ve seen it! All this talk about them has made me really miss them I just wish they could’ve had a happy ending, but I guess that’s what fics are for
I can’t remember what all I’ve said, so I might repeat myself or contradict a previous headcanon, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles 🤷‍♀️
But I love the idea of Curt & Owen flirting via mock interrogations & they progressively get less realistic & more playful (& homoerotic) as time goes on & what we see at the beginning of the show definitely isn’t the first time tickling has found its way into this little game of theirs
They do the will they won’t they thing for probably way too long, but they wanted to be 100% positive they were picking up the vibes they thought they were
Ok but their first kiss was completely accidental. They were running away from someone together & they had to hide in a cramped space like a tight alley or a closet & they’re fumbling & shoving at each other & they turn their heads at the same time & next thing you know they’re fuckin’ smooching! They’re both so shy about it & can barely meet each other’s eyes & Owen just mumbles “not a bad kisser Mega” & Curt’s like “neither are you” & then they’re staring at each other blushing & all of a sudden they’re making out
Pretty sure they both found out each other was ticklish while on a job together since that’s when they spend the most time together. I think most people think Owen found out Curt was ticklish first, but just imagine with me, if you will:
Curt arrives to a job that Owen got to first, but shit hit the fan & he got caught & is being interrogated. It’s pretty early on, so he’s not too roughed up yet, & he can see Curt in the rafters & he’s both relieved & annoyed because he knows he’s gonna rub it in his face that he had to save him. Curt ends up sniping the baddies & hops down like his knight in shining armor & he goes to untie him, but Owen’s hands are tied behind the chair & his chest is tied to the back of the chair, the rope under his arms & around his ribs. So while he’s untying him, he’s squirming around & breathing a little weird & Curt’s like “quit moving so much or I’ll leave you here” & Owen snaps back “quit tickling then!” & he freezes up & Curt has the most gleeful, sinister look he’s ever seen
“What was that?” “Nothing” “no no, you said you’re ticklish?” “Really Curt, that’s what you’re taking away from all this? We need to leave!” “Why? I already killed everyone here, it’s just you & me” “Curt…” “why not have some fun?” “Mega I swear to God-“ & then Owen didn’t get another coherent sentence out for about half an hour
After that, Curt was a fucking menace & never let him live it down. He’d sneak up on him & launch a surprise tickle attack, he’ll constantly bring up how he “can’t believe” how ticklish he is, he’ll even mock his laugh & say how even his laugh sounds posh. Really, Owen had the patience of a saint & Curt really took it for granted
He bides his time, giving him a chance to back tf off with all the teasing, but one night when they’re sharing a hotel room (with only 1 bed mind you) Curt keeps tickling him & it’s really not funny because he just wants to sleep damnit! Cut it out, I mean it! & Curt goes to squeeze his hip again & all of a sudden he’s laying flat on his back with an angry, very smug Owen hovering over him & his life flashes before his eyes. He gives a nervous lil grin & tilts his head like “y-you got me, I’ll leave you alone now” & Owen’s like “oh no no no, you’ve been tormenting me for months, you’re not weaseling out of this that easy” & Curt really should learn to shut up because he doesn’t even think twice before saying “well what took you so long to snap?”
& now it’s Owen’s turn to give him an evil smile & cups his ear like “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” & Curt’s really struggling now, but Owen has him pinned pretty good & he’s sputtering out apology after apology saying how he’ll never tease him again lies & he’ll drop the whole thing. But Owen is smirking so much as he leans down & asks “Curt… now be honest… have you been doing all this hoping I’d get my revenge?” & Curt’s heart has never beat so fast in his entire life & he answers so quick he literally cuts him off by yelling “NO!” & then much cooler “no, why would I want that?” & Owen just hums “oh I don’t know, maybe because it would mean my hands would be all over you” & he waits for Curt to try to argue before striking. He miiiight have gone a bit overboard, but he had a lot of revenge to catch up on. & it’s not like he didn’t give Curt an out, he just refused to “break” to something as “stupid” as tickling, so it was really his fault. He swears his throat didn’t hurt after that brutal attack, but when they wake up the next morning his voice is shot & he can barely speak above a whisper. Of course now it’s Owen’s turn to never let him live it down. “I can’t believe you were giving me so much shit when you’re 10 times as bad as I am!”
I didn’t know this was just gonna turn into one one headcanon but I speak the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth no matter how long it is so help me God
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prismatoxic · 1 month
"I hope any of this was interesting"
that's literally so great, those points you've talked about are some of my favorite things from ptk and it's really exciting to know you're so invested in it! (well, duh. Obviously, you're the one writing it)
At first I was kinda wary about the whole dysphoria and gender stuff, I was sort of scared to read when provided the warnings, but as I kept on going (because well, I just couldn't stop. The fic is just that good) it turned out being a really really interesting exploration of Chilchuck's journey, and some things even I could relate to !! To a strangely deep, personal level what the fuck tox
And oh, fuck yeah. The worldbuilding aspect is top notch. Probably my second favorite part of the whole thing beside the dynamic between chilaios. It's just so good to get to witness this carefully crafted world and how each of the characters fit in it! I really fucking love the way it works so well but is also riddled with some deeply rooted issues. How chilchuck fits in it, or rather, how he doesn't fit in it but makes room for himself anyways, learns to work around it. It's fucking great. It just ends up being sort of the default I think about for when I imagine any more modern universe stuff within dungeon meshi. The car stuff! that's so clever and interesting! Ugh half foots don't even have cars!!! Wtf!!! So cool!!! How do I explain to my friends this without making them read your fic wtf !!
Been ranting for a bit too long, and didn't even mention chilaios too much, but. Their dynamic. Fuck yeah. It had me twirling my hair kicking my feet. Laios' daddy issues, how they manifest in his relationship with Chilchuck (from the beginning too, ugh. Saw it coming from miles away and I was ecstatic waiting for it to finally boil over) and how Chil ALSO has some Dad issues (he is simultaneously the dad and the son) and how they both fuck about it freaky style. They're so good, and this is the perfect Chilaios dynamic, where they belong. So good. I love weird queer sex and if we're lucky they'll be having lots of it. Eventually.
They are SO hot together. I'm going insane. It's just so hot, the fic didn't even have smut yet and I was already cartoonishly pulling on my collar like "is it hot in here??" From having Laios call Chil "sir" instead of his name. All the setup had me going crazy, you did such a good job!
Anyway. Rant over. I need to calm tf down. Ty for writing ^_^ but take your time at the fic, enjoy your oc brainrot hours freely and don't force yourself to be churning out chapters just because we like the fic, we can wait, and we will.
ptk is my baby, i've put a lot of time and effort and love into it and it really does mean the world to me when people appreciate it for what it is ;_; and plenty of people do, it's surprisingly popular ?? but i get very giddy when people engage with it on a deeper level, where i'm writing it from
i do want to get back to it soon, oc brainrot or no i'm extremely determined to see ptk through to the end, and some time away from it has given me some fresh ideas. plus i do need to get to the penetrative sex!!!
anyway, you're very nice and i love how you view and appreciate my story, here's a preview of chapter 12 for you
"...Laios?” he croaks.
“Oh, g’morning,” Laios says behind him, the sound of his typing stopping immediately. “...Good afternoon, I guess,” he corrects himself. “How are you—Actually, forget that, I think I know the answer.”
Miffed by his warm tone in spite of the fact that he’s acknowledging Chilchuck’s abject misery, Chilchuck lifts his head to glare over his shoulder. “Why am I naked?”
Laios is, himself, only in a pair of sweatpants, his legs crossed and laptop balanced on top of them. The curtains beyond him are drawn shut, but the light that is coming through is still far too bright. His stupid smile is even brighter, though there’s a touch of concern to it. “You got hot,” he explains.
That tracks. “Don’t remember that,” Chilchuck mutters, rolling bonelessly onto his back with a groan and throwing an arm over his eyes. “Was I trying to claw my clothes off in my sleep?”
“Yeah,” Laios confirms with a little laugh. “And thrashing around. I helped you get out of them and you went right back to sleep.”
He’s talking quieter than usual, Chilchuck realizes. “So much for me taking care of you,” he mutters.
“It’s a symbiotic relationship,” Laios assures, and Chilchuck feels gentle fingers card through his hair. “Let me get you some fresh water.”
“Don’t use—” Chilchuck makes a strangled sound as Laios starts to get off the bed, the movement making him feel like he’s on a boat at sea. “...Don’t use biology terms about your boyfriend, dipshit,” he finishes when it settles. “Fuck’s sake.”
“Don’t be mean to me, I’m going out of my way to baby you right now,” Laios chides, voice receding from the room.
“Baby me?” Chilchuck squawks, lifting his arm to glare indignantly at the doorway, and Laios laughs out in the hall.
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this is gonna be about Nebuya’s parents and how he came to be born, and is my first time doing HCs so please bear with me :)
His dads name is Andwele/Andi and he is from Tanzania 🇹🇿 and his moms name is Alisha (idk, it’s giving that forme) and she is a black american and they met in middle school (american school system)
Alisha would bully tf out of Andi bc he was the new and he was not having so he kept the same energy but cussed her out in Swahili that shut her up
she liked that and tried to be friends with him afterwards AND IT WORKED by the time they hit 7th grade they became friends and he also taught her a bit of Swahili actually
When they got high-school they gained feelings for each other freshman year and they both knew this, Alisha was waiting on Andi to make the first move but she got impatient and just straight up asked him to be her boyfriend
he said yes while standing in shock like this: “😮”
they got together and became INSEPARABLE, you couldn’t see one w/o the other <3
After graduation and being awarded valedictorian and salutatorian (i’ll let you decide which one got what) Alisha, being the baddie she is, joined the Army and Andi went to college for Software Engineering
When Alisha when to basic training it was hard on them bc it was the first time they have been separated like this without any contact but being the strong willed people they are they got through it
After she got back from basic Andi surprised her with a trip to California Disney for completing the grueling training she went through (she cried up a storm) and he just needed a break from classes
On the last day of the trip they went to see the fireworks show at the castle and he proposed to her and she said yes 🥹
Right after the proposal Alisha got right to work on planning the wedding, Andi had no say in the wedding because he said he didn’t want to “ruin her special day”
BUT she made him pick the color scheme which was blue and white (WHICH ATE BTW)
After a 1 year and 6 months of planning, preparing, and being perplexed about the wedding and about being engaged they said “i do” and went straight into the honeymoon phase
BUTTT that didn’t last long because she got orders to be stationed in Tokyo, Japan which they were both very excited about.
They had 3 months to learn as much Japanese as they could and they learned enough to hold a small conversation
When they arrived to Japan, Alisha found out she was pregnant!!! (they wanted to keep the gender a secret) so she had to go on leave and stayed home which she could handle by herself
Andi at the time started a engineering job for one the top 7 software companies in japan, but don’t worry he still made time for Alisha and took care of her any way she needed
but he still felt bad about not being home enough so he bought a dog to keep Alisha company ( she was an Akita named Star)
By the time her 3rd trimester came they were very nervous about the birth
when i mean “they” i just mean Andi, Alisha had to smack him a couple times to get him to calm down and act straight
then one faithful morning Alisha’s water broke but she was didn’t notice so she was just peeing thinking she just drank too much fluids
Then Andi was like “girl your water broke” and she said “oh that makes sense🧍🏾‍♀️” and they went to hospital
When they got to the hospital (they are both fluent atp) and told the staff what they needed to get for Alisha
And mean like 9 pounds 9 ounces big, he was a chunky baby (the BEST babies btw)
After the birth one of Alisha’s commanders said that they could move back to the states since Big E (yes that is his nebuya’s nickname)
But Alisha said “i am not about to leave a country when i spent months cramming the language in my head… we staying”
The end :)
a/n this was just random and this is cannon ( i was Alisha’s left big toe) hope y’all enjoyed it!!
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volterran-wine · 2 years
In Sickness and Health || 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬, 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 & 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢 (𝗛𝗖)
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ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ @mywinterivy​: “Can I request Caius, Felix and Demetri having/meeting a mate with some significant/visible Child of the Moon scars? I know two of our boys have scars so they can relate but with Demetri he’s someone who’s outwardly seen as ‘vain’ so I think people might think ‘why tf would he choose them?’ and how he/they would deal with that. Thank you!”
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Good afternoon friend, and thank you so much for your lovely request. I do think these vampires you have chosen would be excellent at handling this kind of situation. That being said, you are correct that the intital belief around Demetri.
!𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! Angst & Discussions of scars.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
The moment the king saw his mate’s scars the bond would instantly strengthen from his side, reinforced. If their relationship ever were to fail he would always have a certain fondness for them. There is no vampire in the world who have a deeper fear and respect for COTM, he will let his mate take their time to speak of them; never even looking at them in the beginning in order to make it clear they do not bother him.
Caius knows all about visible scars from COTM, he has two rather extensive scars on his face alone that crosses over his left eye and on the right side of his jaw. In the beginning he too was quite self-concious of them, feeling as if he now was something ‘other’ than his fellow vampiric brethren along with the whitening of his hair.
His mate would be one of the few people he would tell the entire tale of what happened to the COTM. It is a story he does not recount often, but when his mate comes to him late one night he cannot refuse them. At the end of his stories the two of them would be curled up, holding on to one another in a tight embrace.
If they wanted training he would gladly give it to them. At this point in time Caius is one of the most skilled fighters and know exactly how to both get out of fight with a COTM, but also how to avoid them entirely.
Having this man as your mate would be a great help, Caius wears his scars as a reminder of all that he has been through and the lessons he has learned because of them. Through a relationship with him I imagine that he would teach his mate how to live with them as best as they could.
Being Caius’ mate not a single vampire would dare to even think, let alone whisper about the visible scars. And if anyone did... well, Caius is no stranger to all sorts of punishments. In fact, he will happily indulge.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The head of the guard knew the moment he met his mate that their scars would be something they would have to talk about. After spending centuries together with Caius he was well aware the psychological toll an encounter like that could be. For the longest time his mate would refuse to speak of it, even when Felix tried to bring up the subject gently he would be shut down with further explanation.
It would all come to a head when Felix showed them his forearm, for the guard had not made it a habit to show off his scar from COTM. His quarters would grow quiet as they both stared down at the jagged scar left behind by sharp teeth. He would tell them the tale unprompted, how he had been out with Demetri and the tracker had frozen in fear. Had Felix not been there he would have been dead.
If they wanted him to Felix would tell them all of the stories from when Caius hunted down COTM, and how he unfortunately had been along for most of them due to his strength and expertise in violence. The two of them would speak until the sun came up, both having divulged the circumstances of how their scars came about. A new thread of deep trust had woven itself around their fledgling bond.
Felix would only touch the scars with direct permission from his mate, he is well aware that they can both itch and be irritable; so if his beloved needs physical reassurance in those areas they would have to ask. 
If they wished to cover them up somehow he would also be supportive of it, more than willing to help them figure out a way to be confident about the scars and normalise them.
Much like Demetri he would go against any who spoke of his mate in an ill manner due to their scars, in retaliation Felix would most likely being showing off his own more frequently. Making it abundantly clear it was nothing to whisper about. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
A sadness overcame Demetri the first time he saw his mate’s scars, everyone in the guard knew how terrible a fight with a COTM could go despite most of them only hearing stories. Demetri would be instantly brought back to the time when he almost lost his life due to his own incompetence, and a deep sense of not being enough for his mate would settle in him for a while. He would not be able to protect them, and it tore him apart.
The way Demetri became aware of his mates insecurities was because Felix came to talk to him. Fearing the trackers reaction and beliefs his darling mate had gone to the ever dependable Felix instead. Fear of rejection had kept them from confronting the tracker about the visible scars.
While Demetri would be hurt by his best friend’s words he would not be shocked. It was a common misconception that he was exceptionally vain and cared too much of appearances. He would conturing his mate soon after, not giving them much choice but to listen to all he had to say, both the good and the bad. A common understanding would be met at the end of the day, both of them with venomous tears in their eyes.
If his mate was in the right mind space he would joke about how he always found a good scar dashing, earning him either a glare or a fond shove to the shoulder.
With time he would sit down and speak to them of how he almost died because of a COTM, and how he was enterally grateful to Felix for making sure he would get to live another day. He would tell them how his insecurities terrified him, that he would not be able to protect them if he needed to. His mate would softly remind him that they would from now and into eternity protect one another equally.
Further more, if other vampires began whispering about his mate and their scars Demetri will be hitting them with backhanded comments within seconds. No one would speak ill of his gorgeous mate, and he would make damn sure of it.
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
what is the stupidest hill your ocs will die on? lol
Haha I love this, thank you
Rae: People in non-Anglophone countries are not and should not be obligated to switch to English. If you want to visit you'd better fuckin know enough of their language to get around, it's not their job to learn English just to babysit you
Robin: Why tf does the alto clef exist? I mean, seriously. Anyone who's enough of a music nerd to read alto clef in the first place is enough of a music nerd to be able to read things above/below the staff in the other clefs.
Madison: Being alone and being a loner are two completely different things. She has had multiple arguments over this distinction.
Ophelia: If people want high-skilled jobs, why do they make you pay exorbitant amounts of money just to have the skills to get those jobs? She has a doctorate in biomed engineering, she's helping people, but if it weren't for scholarships and funding from Oscorp she'd be drowning in debt just to... be able to help people? College tuition rates make zero sense to her.
Gia: Every single one of the Avengers is physically or mentally disabled in some way, she could list each one (Hawkeye is Deaf, Bucky's an amputee like her, almost everyone's got PTSD, etc.), and she's tired of people just... not acknowledging that? Their superheroes, that they look up to, are disabled, yet half the time people won't even give up the disabled seats on the bus for her.
Jasper: Medical dramas ruin people's perceptions of medicine. They still love to watch the medical shows, sheerly for the sake of making fun of them, but they firmly believe that House MD has led people to self-diagnosing some absolutely wild conclusions for the mildest symptoms. No, you are not like that girl who had the bubonic plague. No, you do not have lupus. You have chills and fever and joint pain because it is flu season and you have the flu. Go home.
Kestrel: Animal taxonomy is... kind of a fucking joke. It works, it's a good system for cataloguing things, but... it's also a joke. Things don't make sense. If you get deep enough into taxonomy then birds don't exist. Either nothing's a fish or everything is a fish. Don't even get them start on hybridization.
Katherine: Realism artists aren't better artists than abstract artists, or any other kind of artist, just because they can do realism. Stop trying to compliment her by saying "I need a ruler to draw a stick man" or "I could never draw like that". Pick up a pencil and practice.
Quinn: People seem to feel the need to critique her choice of footwear when she's out walking with her crutches. No, thank you, her combat boots are more than fine. They're a little heavy, but they're familiar and comfortable, and they're already made for walking over tough terrain. Tennis shoes, or even orthopedic shoes, just throw her off-balance and make things worse. Shut up with the WebMD talk.
Eris: What hill wouldn't they die on? They'll die on hills they don't even care about, just for the sake of having an argument. He finds it fun.
Nikoletta: People who come to New Orleans just to dunk on the haunted history are just as annoying as people who come to New Orleans to rave over the haunted history. Come, enjoy yourself, but understand that it's a city with real history, and real families live there. She was just as annoyed with the people who would come for a "voodoo reading" and gush about it as she was with the people who would come in just to tell her to "do her best, I know it's all tricks". (even if her readings were just a scam, that still takes effort and skill, and besides that she knows there's a lot of people who have total faith in their abilities as mediums)
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friedchickenluver · 11 months
I feel like it takes a while for the general populous to warm up to Zuko as Firelord and that’s mainly because of the last 100 years + his fathers reign didn’t really do anything to help the situation but he later becomes the people’s firelord and that’s with the help of his wife he drags him to charity events and with the backing of team avatar.
Now, Zuko was raised around politics but there’s a period about 5-10 years within his rule where he staunchly disagrees with his advisors mainly because they’re still brainwashed and under the spell that Ozai started with “restoring the fire nation to its former glory.” He later ends up just starting over and picking a new cabinet making sure to have at least one representative from each nation to chime in for rebuilding efforts.
Let me tell you though Zuko hates celebrations for himself and his achievements but when it’s his wife’s birthday and don’t get me started on their children. It’s like a national holiday the parties for them are magnificent.
As far as how powerful he is? Behind every great man is a far greater woman. A lot of his plans he runs by his wife before taking it to the advisors because she just knows that they’ll peddle him bullshit and depending on the day Zuko will agree so he can leave but she’s here to shut that shit down.
Now I know we joke that Izumi, the twins, and baby boy are spoiled. But I’d like to think that Zuko does take the time to bring them up as humble as possible and that’s thanks to Iroh having a big part of raising him and when they were settled in the earth kingdom for a bit. -🧚🏽‍♀️
HEAVY ON THE STARTING NEW PART . he got fed tf up with those old dudes who cared not about the country, but power and Zuko was like “fuck this shit, these mfs are UNFIXABLE.” (😂) he fired everyone after the first years of his reign because they actually began to like piss him off . Except two, which are my OCs Midjair and Indy, who were both apart of Ozai’s secretary and Zuko ranked them both up to major advisors . At first they were so traumatized from Ozai’s serving time and had some of his ideologies engraved in their head . but eventually they both showed that they were fixable and so Zuko kept them .
He’s so hellbent on making sure everyone has a say in how things run between countries and within the Fire Nation itself . I feel like he would also renovate a good portion of the castle just to make it look less depressing and intimidating .
He absolutely despises his own birthdays, like everyone including his wife will like beg him to allow them to throw a party or something for him . she’s trying to loosen him up some because he’s such a hard ass it’s basically impossible to gesture him into having some type of fun . BUT FOR THEM, oh the whole nation is going to hear about it, you should’ve seen Izumi’s sweet 16, they had to plan it a year in advance because she’s so extra like her mom . Their birthdays or him and his wife’s anniversary will be like week long events the whole country is celebrating, including endless amounts of gifts and cards, etc .
And of course Zuko would have to run down over major decisions he makes with the advisors, because as politics is mainly still a male predominant occupation, he needs an intelligent women’s opinion to make sure all side sound fair and just . And if those men ever try to convince her that her opinion is wrong in any type of way , oh she WILL shut they ass down before they can utter another word . Zuko knows it’s best if you never try his wife like that . LMAO
The kids are definitely spoiled like they just so happened to born in the right family because they get almost any and everything they can ask for . But zuko will always be quick to teach them that life is beyond anything more than material possessions and wants and needs, he will take them on visits to hang out with iroh just so they can get a slice of his wisdom . Because it’s important that they learn all factors of life before they have to guide themselves on their own journey . (🥹)
At the end of the day, Zuko will always be regarded as one of the best looking Firelord history has seen for a while . And even in times of doubt his family will always be quick to reassure him that he’s doing great and they all love him .
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 months
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Name: Victoria “Tori” Dimopoulos Age: 34 Time living in Tonopah: 30 years Occupation: Waitress at Dionysos Gang Affiliation: Civilian Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Stephanie Nur
Biography (TW: death, cancer)
Victoria didn’t remember much about her life before moving to Tonopah Valley. From what she had been told, Patras, Greece, was a beautiful place, home to the Dimopoulos family for decades. However, her parents, Georgios and Yasmin, decided to follow Georgios’s brother and moved Tori and her two older brothers, Stefanos and Christos, to the small town.
As Tori grew older, she became very close to her mother, who eventually became her best friend. Yasmin encouraged her daughter to take up horseback riding when she was eight, thinking it would give her something to do outside of school. This is when Tori discovered her love for the rodeo and everything that came with it. She tried many different events, such as barrel racing, trick riding, and breakaway calf roping. Tori competed in anything she could, excelling in each event she tried.
Three months after her 14th birthday, Tori’s brother Christos was suddenly killed. The loss was devastating for her, and for months, she struggled to process her grief. She channeled all her time and attention into riding, finding solace in the company of horses rather than people who constantly asked how she was doing or if she needed anything. Although she may not have processed her grief as she should have, riding was a better alternative to locking herself in her room day after day.
When she turned sixteen, Tori learned the truth about the small town they had called home and the real reason they had moved to America. The Dimopoulos family were members of Los Santos, and the family restaurant her aunt and uncle owned, where both of her parents worked, was a front for laundering the gang’s money. While she didn’t get involved in the organization’s operations, she didn’t ignore them either. Like her parents, she worked as a waitress at Dionysos during high school and throughout college.
At 21, Tori proudly won the rodeo queen title, a significant achievement in her life. Balancing her classes and clinicals, she spent every weekend at the rodeo grounds, her true happy place. After graduating college, Tori began working in the ER at the hospital. Around this time, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time. Tori stood by her side through it all, feeling immense relief when her mother went into remission. However, two years ago, her mother’s cancer returned, now at stage three. Despite the diagnosis, Tori remained optimistic, assuring herself and her mother that they would overcome this challenge again.
Tori’s participation in rodeos gradually decreased, but she eventually bought a horse, a buckskin named Trigger, whom she boards at the Decker Ranch. In her free time, she teaches barrel racing lessons to kids, allowing her to stay connected to her passion without neglecting her job or her mother.
With Los Santos dismantled, her parents, along with her aunt and uncle, moved back to Patras. Although Tori wanted to join them, her heart belonged to Tonopah Valley, and she couldn’t leave everything behind to move halfway across the globe. Despite her concerns about her mother’s condition, she decided to stay, maintaining daily contact with her parents, especially her mother. With her parents and the rest of her family going back to Greece, she left the hospital to help her cousin at his restaurant full time.
Does not know how to shut tf up. A yapper truly
She has a 12-year-old buck skin horse, named trigger. She boards him at the Decker Horse ranch considering she can’t fit him in her two-bedroom town home.
She is here for a good time, not a long time.
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