#people in the book remark on people’s lives going to waste but they never do
lesmiserablesravings · 9 months
When Enjolras asks do you hear the people sing and then when Marius says that he can hear his friends rise with voices ringing after all of his friends die in their quashed rebellion.
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positively-peachy-143 · 5 months
pb & jally / panini hcs
Dallas loves tussling Ponyboy’s hair, not quite playing with it, but messing with it enough to get a little glare from Pony.
Dallas randomly stops by the school to pick Johnny and Pony up and get them to ditch with him, usually to DQ’s or some diner. 
It pisses Darry off.
Pony will sometimes sketch Dallas and Johnny cuddling after they’ve fallen asleep. 
The gang doesn’t know, as per Dallas’ request, but if it were just Pony and Johnny they would have come out to the gang by now.
They don’t mind keeping it secret, having this special little thing between them that no one else gets to see.
Johnny wears Dally’s st christopher, but always hides it under his shirt. 
Dallas always makes up a story about ‘some broad’ when anyone asks him why his necklace is missing, but he ends up lowkey describing either Johnny or Ponyboy each time (for example “nah she’s got this big doe eyes, like a sad puppy’ or ‘she loves reading. Crazy, man.’)
Dallas HATES reading, and doesn’t understand why his boyfriends love it, but he actually secretly likes when either of them read to him. 
Dallas will lift books for them. One time Two-Bit caught him and now teases him for it. 
They each have a little heart on one of their shoes with the other two’s initials on it. Poyboy wrote each of them, since he has the best handwriting. 
Ponyboy gets to wear Dallas’ ring, but similar to Johnny, he wears it on a chain around his neck and hides it under his shirt. 
They sometimes go to the lot together, all three of them, and at first Pony was afraid he’d be irritated by Dallas breaking the silence every two seconds, but he actually doesn’t mind it. Sure it’s not the same as him and Johnny sitting there together quietly, but he actually kind of likes it this way. 
Dallas doesn’t understand why his boyfriends like the quiet so much, but he tries to respect it. He can’t help it though if he wants to crack a few jokes or mess with Pony’s hair or give Johnny a light shove every now and then. He’s pretty restless, but they haven’t reprimanded him or anything for being obnoxious yet. 
Not only did Dallas reluctantly agree to join them and watch sunsets, but he actually secretly started liking them
One time Dallas caught himself watching a sunset alone and got really sad bc neither of his partners were there to see it. He thought the sunset was wasted on him bc his boyfriends would’ve liked it more than he does. 
Dallas still drives and lives recklessly, but he’s a bit more careful now. He’ll catch a glimpse of the heart on his shoe or his ringless finger and remember he has something to live for now. Two somethings. 
Pony and Dally hang out one-on-one the least out of the three of them. Sometimes Johnny tries to get them to bond, and they do, but they like it a lot better with him there too. 
Pony and Dally really only bond one-on-one when talking about Johnny and having a cigarette.
Pony grows to actually like how unconventionally attractive Dallas is. He’s unique to draw. 
Pony writes down all (if any) stories Dallas shares about his time in New York. Usually all he gets is small remarks and basically table-scraps worth of stories, but he’s always trying to urge more information. He thinks it’s fascinating. Like they’ll be talking about something and Dallas will go “oh yeah I remember military camp” and Johnny and Pony will just stare like 0-0
Dallas still flirts in public with girls, but never gets further than that usually. There have been a few times however, where he’s been unfaithful to Pony and Johnny, as to be expected. He’s slept with other people, kissed other people, etc. 
Johnny is more upset about it than he lets on, and if Pony weren’t there, he would have just accepted it and moved on.
Pony was the one to push the “are we exclusive?” conversation, which led to Dallas getting frustrated and storming out
He wasn’t really mad at them, more mad at himself for not realizing that they wanted to be exclusive. 
They broke up for a while, but eventually Johnny managed to pull them back together.
Johnny’s kind of the mediator in the relationship. He’s their glue. 
Every time Dally fucks up or Pony gets frustrated, he’s there seeing both sides.
Sometimes he feels trapped in the middle
In the end though, they always come back together. Dallas never apologizes, as that wouldn’t be true to him to do, but he does try to change for the better, for them. Pony still sometimes thinks Dallas is scary, maybe a bit too real, but it’s in a different way now. Dallas is scary, but Pony is safe with him, Dallas would never intentionally hurt him. And Johnny loves both of them uniquely. They’re both so different but he loves them so much. Pony’s gentler, more thoughtful side, as well as Dallas’ rugged, rebellious side.
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mcflymemes · 2 years
we are... ridiculously awesome.
ahh, i grew up in a place such as this.
you need to worry about what happens before that.
now would be the time to consider it.
i do not think we are alone here.
that’s just a myth, yes?
now i regret that extra pie at lunch.
what is this? some ridiculous ploy to get me to lay down my guard?
how did i get here?
it seems they left one alive.
a trap, perhaps?
you sure that’s a road to follow?
well that’s just typical, isn’t it?
anyone up for a little bit of naked cliffdiving?
almost too perfect.
just once i’d like to walk into one of these places and discover a lively dance, or a drinking festival. or an orgy. but alas, no.
ahh, an untouched treasure!
what wonders await us here?
we’re not planning on... actually fighting it are we?
couldn’t we just... sneak around it?
i have faith in my friends well enough.
let us put our heads together.
nice vase, i should get one for my house.
that smell... we’re definitely approaching some kind of lair.
i see where this is going. downhill. and quickly too.
what a remarkable amount of lava.
it seems darker this way.
we have to be getting close.
that is a sexy sword, and i must have it.
you know, you never feel so alive as when you’re breaking and entering.
these guards will know we have no business here.
you are more cunning and ruthless than we suspected.
carry on. do not let me get in the way.
why do you say that?
what manner of monster do you think i am?
perhaps you ought to think about asking for a little forgiveness yourself, hm?
is there some reason why they should not?
why not, indeed? it’s a mystery for the ages.
still with the stern glances?
you are cruel to subject me to such torture.
what have you heard?
but those stories you heard? all true.
you’ve decided to take the plunge, have you?
the massage is quite pleasurable, do not worry.
you are in good hands.
technically speaking, i still am.
are you thinking of having someone murdered?
what makes you think i intend to go anywhere?
i think i should stay where i am.
off with you, then.
perhaps you have people you need killed?
you may ask, but i may choose not to answer.
you are... feeling all right, yes? perhaps you are tired?
it has brought us... closer together.
i assure you that i am not smirking. no smirking here, no.
sounds intriguing, if you ask me.
but it could be true, yes?
has no one told you?
one day you will realize that you have wasted your youth and beauty on bitterness and suspicion, mark my words.
has anyone told you what marvelous eyes you possess?
we all have our reasons for doing what we do.
i am content to wait and see for myself.
i admire you.
are you dispensing professional advice now?
if you want to bed me, you only have to ask.
you are only slightly more attractive to me than a slime-filled pool of swamp water.
i’m just cheered by the thought that you might have picked up a book at some point.
the stench is worse than your feet.
i think i have a joke for you.
you just decided that, did you?
from you, that’s practically a proposal of marriage.
oh? does that make you jealous?
why, thank you ever so much.
i’m sorry... are you speaking to me?
i know. i am terrible and it makes me sad.
may i rest my head in your bosom? i wish to cry.
you say that like it’s a bad thing.
it drives me mad with desire.
so let’s pretend that i do, indeed, believe that murder is wrong.
i... am so confused.
you are so very cruel.
there is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of male companionship after all, yes?
i couldn’t help hearing about your... predicament.
i mean no offense.
i simply offer my services should you ever feel the need for... release.
adventure has changed you.
you really have no idea, do you?
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thesynthesist · 2 months
Foiled: How Do We React to Fate? Sophie vs Howl
So I just got around to reading the book Howl's Moving Castle, which I've meant to do for quite a while now and I have thoughts! This will have nothing to do with the movie so here's your warning to get off now if that's what you're looking for.
So our protagonist is Sophie, an Eldest Child, who worst than generally being the eldest, is also the eldest in a land that runs on fairy tale rules, where the eldest is often a failure in a quest, especially when you have two younger same gender siblings, as Sophie does.
One of the first things we learn about Sophie is that she has resigned herself to this and her life of labour and unimportance. We also learn that Sophie is kind and empathetic almost to the point of her own detriment - it appears part of the reason she has resigned herself to this fate is on behalf of her sisters whom she genuinely cares for. She doesn't begin to show any bitterness about her position until she is essentially the family hat shop's sole overworked employee who is not receiving a salary.
Once she confronts her step mother about this and truly doesn't receive an answer is one of the first times we see Sophie really experience a lasting negative emotion directed at another person but this doesn't really come to anything besides Sophie getting a bit rude with customers who are rude first. Sophie does not think of leaving the shop, in fact we don't even get any clear indication that she intends to bring the wage conversation back up with her step mother any time soon. In fact, when Sophie runs into her step mother again later in the book, she reacts with her usual empathy rather than feeling upset that being left alone in the shop was ultimately what got her cursed in the first place.
It's only once the Witch of the Wastes curses her that Sophie decides she's had all about the resignation she can manage and sets out of her own. While her change in form is both reflective of how Sophie sees herself - a person without a life before it's even begun - it also gives her an excuse within how she believes fate to work to go off. After all, once you've been cursed by a witch to be elderly when you've maybe lived the better part of two decades, how much more failing can you really do? Even as Sophie sets off to 'find her fortune' as she puts it, she's in part only doing so because now she believes fate will allow it. She has stepped out of the eldest sister role at the start of the story and into a completely different role entirely. This may also be why Howl remarks he decided Sophie 'liked being disguised'. If Sophie returns to her youth, to herself, even if that may have physical benefits and add 60 years back onto her life, in her mind she returns to being trapped by fate, destined to be lonely and overlooked. Even when she's doing magic and actively improving the lives around her, she internally laments how her efforts are not enough and doomed to failure because of her position as first born.
Then there's Howl.
Howl is immediately painted as someone on the run from everything. He doesn't like to answer questions directly and will ignore them or change the subject, he's only in love with women until they love him back and then he no longer cares. He reacts to responsibility and day to day concerns such as cleaning, with an air of flippancy and seems to put his appearance above all else.
In fact, he wants to be seen as so unreliable that he has rumours spread about himself so people will think he's evil and not bother coming around. Howl himself admits that he doesn't like to be pinned down and we find out later that he is both physically and metaphorically on the run from a curse.
Even as he treats his apprentice well and goes out of his way for Sophie, and returns to visit his family on a regular basis, he persistently puts on an air of irresponsibility. His sister despairs that he'll never clean up his act when he shows up at her house in a rugby jacket, but we see moments before that Howl magically changes the clothes that they're wearing. He could have presented himself to his sister with as much flair and vanity as he does in the world Sophie is from but he makes the consistent choice to show up to his sister's house as a bit of a shlub.
Despite appearing to be polar opposites Howl and Sophie have one very important thing in common, they have both accepted fate as a force that moves the world that they will be subject to. And even with the character growth they both experience, which appears to be largely switching perspectives on fate and responsibility with Howl stepping up to take responsibility for things that need doing even if that leaves him fated to ruination, while Sophie rages against the unfairness of it all and seeks a way out, even if it isn't for herself.
This shared view drastically shapes both Sophie and Howl's characters and how they interact with the world around them, even though this belief is not grounded in reality. The book presents Sophie's sisters and to some extent Howl's apprentice as examples of how this world despite its magic is not so much beholden to fate as it is to other people's expectations.
Sophie's sisters, instead of accepting their lots which Sophie feels are appropriate for their birth order and likely fated roles because of it, simply switch places and get along quite famously. To top it off, instead of the youngest falling in love with or even seeking to marry royalty she falls in love quite happily with Howl's orphaned apprentice, while the middle sister handily side steps her 'fate' of falling desperately in love with the disreputable wizard Howl.
Even with these examples right in front of them, Sophie and Howl cannot shake their internalized perceptions of what they should be.
Sophie, while visiting her sister's witchcraft tutor, is asked if she's where her sister gets magic from as it runs in families. Despite being told almost directly to her face that she has magical powers, it's not until chapters later after being told again that she accepts it, and even longer for her to fully claim it and begin actively working with the power she possesses.
Whereas Howl refuses to pay attention long enough to his curse or the Witch of the Waste to really do anything about it. He knew Sophie had magical powers and knew that his own were quite formidable, and his gallivanting about - in part to keep up the appearances that he was a good for nothing self indulgent irresponsible man - and in part to actually be self indulgent most likely worsened how bad the fight was as it gave the Witch of the Waste more time to prepare and gave the curse enough time catch up with him.
Yet this paradigm is also what allows Sophie and Howl help each other. While they might not understand why the other reacts like they do, on some level they recognize what they're reacting to is the same. While Sophie doesn't understand her magic enough to suggest anything direct, she does take the curse seriously because the way the story goes it will be a problem that needs dealing with. She might not be able to do magic but she can deal with problems head on, that's what being the eldest and responsible is about. Howl might not be able to understand why Sophie wants to look like an old woman but he understands why disguises are important and is willing to give her a place where she can escape the fate that she thinks is following her.
So while Howl and Sophie are incapable of seeing themselves and what they are truly capable of clearly, they are perhaps the only two people in the narrative who are capable of fully seeing each other.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Assorted YA Fantasy Books  Quote Meme
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inspired by @ofvalyriansteel​ because their blog is amazing- feel free to edit quotes or change pronouns for rp purposes
“The king is dead. Long live the queen.”
I’ve sometimes come to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast…” 
“Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.”
“None of us are saints. We can all do better.” 
“Understand your limitations so you can overcome them.”
“Threats are the last resort of a man with no vocabulary.”
“We are all someone’s monster.” 
“If you want me obedient, prince, kill me and carry my corpse.” 
“Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it’s actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe.” 
“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” 
“Words can lie. See beyond them.” 
“The sky is everywhere, it begins at your feet.”
“There is no shame in not knowing something. The shame is in not being willing to learn.”
“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
“Some things you can never leave behind. They don’t belong to the past. They belong to you.” 
“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
“If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
“Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read.”
“That’s the trouble with loving a wild thing: You’re always left watching the door.” 
“The worst kind of lie – the kind shrouded in good intentions. The kind cowards use to justify their weakness.”
“Perhaps it’s impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.” 
“Broken people don’t hide from their monsters. Broken people let themselves be eaten.” 
“No kindness is ever wasted, nor can we ever tell how much good may come of it.”
“Hesitation is the death of advantage.”
“What an unchallenging life it would be if we always got things right on the first go.” 
“Those who know what it’s like in the dark will do anything to stay in the light.” 
“Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don’t have to live forever, you just have to live.”
“Maybe it’s better to have gotten it right and been happy for one day instead of living a lifetime of wrongs.”
“It must be so easy to judge the decisions of someone else when you sit back and do nothing.” 
“After a lifetime of darkness, I want to leave something behind that is made of light.”
“It’s pointless to believe what you see, if you only see what you believe.”
“I always believed a man is what he does, not what others say.” 
“The darkest minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces.” 
“Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It’s called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don’t do it halfway. Don’t linger in whiner’s limbo.”
“The truth doesn’t always make a good story, does it?”
“Skies save me from the men in my life and all the things they think they know.”
“Libraries were full of ideas – perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.” 
“We need to face what we are. All of what we are, especially the parts that hurt.” 
"I know that the whole point—the only point—is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go."
"Why would you be given wings if you weren't meant to fly?"
“The main thing to do is pay attention. Pay close attention to everything, notice what no one else notices. Then you’ll know what no one else knows, and that’s always useful.” 
“Maybe it’s better to have gotten it right and been happy for one day instead of living a lifetime of wrongs.”
“People who live in glass houses should shut the f―k up.” 
“Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything’s possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time.”
“Love, as most know, follows its own timeline. Disregarding our intentions or well rehearsed plans.”
“Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself.” 
"Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life."
“You meet a man, you know him. You meet a woman, she knows you.”
“True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.”
"Goodbye, I say, goodbye, as I disappear little by little into the middle of the middle of my own spectacular now."
"There's no shame in fear, my father told me, what matters is how we face it."
Hope? Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic."
"We feel cold, but we don't mind it, because we will not come to harm. And if we wrapped up against the cold, we wouldn't feel other things, like the bright tingle of the stars, or the music of the aurora, or best of all the silky feeling of moonlight on our skin. It's worth being cold for that."
“Vanity is a factor, but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth.” 
"But if I'm it, the last of my kind, the last page of human history, like hell I'm going to let the story end this way...Because if I am the last one, then I am humanity. And if this is humanity's last war, then I am the battlefield."
"What if evil doesn't really exist? What if evil is something dreamed up by man, and there is nothing to struggle against except our own limitations? The constant battle between our will, our desires, and our choices?"
“Even in the darkest and most cruel person, there is still a kernel of good. And within the most perfect champion, there is darkness. The question is, will one give in to the dark or the light? It’s something we decide with every choice we make, every day that we exist. What might not be evil to you could be evil to someone else. Knowing this makes us powerful even without magic.”
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cameronsactivities · 1 year
an f. scott fitzgerald companion
i found this book at a thrift shop and here are some of our beloved scotty's worst moments
"In their correspondence, Fitzgerald saved every letter Ginerva wrote him. He later had them typed up and bound with ribbon. Not a single one of Scott's letters to her survived. She threw all of them away."
From Ernest Hemingway's memoir:
"I had watched him drink two good solid whiskies and nothing happened"
"I had never heard, then, of a grown man missing a train; but on this trip I was to learn many new things."
"While I had been angry I had demoted him from Scott to Fitzgerald."
fitzgerald tries to mansplain pneumonia to hemingway
"Scott then asked me if I were afraid to die and I said more at sometimes than at others."
the entire saga of fitzgerald convincing himself he has pneumonia and hemingway being not quite sure how to react, which goes as follows: "You haven't any temperature. How the hell are you going to have congestion of the lungs without a temperature?" [Hemingway] "Don't swear at me," Scott said. "How do you know I haven't a temperature?" "Your pulse is normal and you haven't any fever to the touch." "To the touch," Scott said bitterly. "If you're a real friend, get me a thermometer." "I'm in pajamas."
An entire section called "That Sad Young Man"
"he spent his whole freshman year at Princeton writing the Triangle Show, which left him no time for algebra, trigonometry, coordinate geometry, and hygiene."
"'F. Scott Fitzgerald,' I said. 'I thought he was dead.'"
he's 5'6 (this might have been exaggerated though)
[at the 20th century fox office] "Fitzgerald made himself comfortable by taking off his shoes"
closing remarks:
i think fitzgerald gets a bad rep for generally being an asshole, which is true, but i also feel really bad for this guy. after the 1920s and his success with this side of paradise and the great gatsby, the media started saying he was "wasting his talent" and basically calling him a one hit wonder. a lot of this was because of the great depression starting in 1929 which made his books unrelatable, like people started saying that the great gatsby was promoting that kind of excessive lifestyle. he fell out of favor with the public for the rest of his life, hence the "i thought he was dead" quote. people just forgot about him. this obviously caused a lot of financial struggle for the fitzgeralds and he later got really paranoid and perfectionist about his writing.
there's this part in the book that stands out to me, where he goes to a play adaptation of one of his short stories and absolutely nobody is there at the theater, which literally has benches instead of actual seats. this man continually got slandered by the media and faced this type of rejection from the public but still worked on his last novel (the last tycoon) up until the literal date of his death. and he was still hopeful that the novel would be his saving grace and planned to write more novels. even after his heart attack he continued to write despite bedridden. idk i just think that's respectable.
i know he was a jerk in MANY other ways but i will have to mention that he genuinely was trying to be better for zelda and his daughter, scottie. he lived frugally because he was paying for zelda's treatment/care and for scottie's boarding school. he was still in a lot of debt but he wasn't just perpetually wasted. speaking of which, he didn't drink for like the last year of his life and tried multiple times in his life to quit alcohol.
anyway this by no means excuses any of the other things he's done, but i think dying thinking that all your entire life was lived in vain is pretty bad. i still laugh at him because it's funny though.
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tsunamiscale · 2 years
I haven't had time to incorporate the stuff from the snapshot yet , but figured now would be a good time to post my take on the minecraft lore! I've always favored a more tragic story, so here we go
There once was a race of builders, of people, of scientists and explorers and mages. They kept up relations with the Piglins of the nether and built wonderous temples of stone to worship their gods. After all, they had all the time in the world
And suddenly the didn't.
The magic that powered their tools wasn't as strong, crops didn't grow as fast. The monsters that had always been around started showing up in greater numbers. The rumors came next. A disaster of epic proportions, the kind that causes extinction events. Disease and destruction. The civilization didn't panic though, not yet. They sent out sailors first, outfitted with some basic rations, paper to record their journeys, and a bit of treasure in case of emergencies. Those ships never made it far as seas were rougher than they should have been. The coastal settlements started noticing the water rising more and more each day. They took everything of value and ran. Some managed to make it to other villages, but most didn't. When word reached the inland settlements they started to panic just a bit. The world they had come to rely on was no longer friendly.
They tried settling in the nether next, building great fortresses in an attempt to withstand the hostility and heat. But the disaster affected that realm too. It took just one animal to bring a disease through and it ran through the realm in no time. Members of the once great civilization left in a hurry. They built portals wherever they could to return to their home realm, chased by the Piglins who they had brought disaster upon. They were running out of ideas at this point. Tensions were high, and time was rapidly counting down. Soon two factions arose. One would go to The End, the mythical dimension that only the bravest of warriors went. They would bring seeds, tools, armor. Enough to make a last stand and hold out, and maybe one day return to the sunlight
But it wasn't enough. There was no way to grow their seeds, and the denizens of the land did not want them there. No one knows how long they lasted, but they never saw sunlight again.
The other group knew they were only delaying the inevitable and so they prepared. They let loose their animals to give them a chance to survive. They packed up their music and books and everything left behind. The fighters and what remained of the sailors had already left so they took the best and brightest; the redstoners and builders. They decided to dig Deep underground, farther than they had ever gone, to where silence was key. The skulk wasn't as bad in those days, you see. The monster it summoned when threatened was passive enough as long as you didn't harm its charges. And appeasing it often made it leave faster. So they did what they did best, and built a fortress of stone hidden far away from the surface. They used every technique they could to blend in, hoping the disaster would pass them by. Hoping their neighbors would tolerate them. They used their precious wool to dampen the sound of walking, they built cold rooms to preserve as much food as possible. They built a great shrine to the protector, the Warden. Over time it accepted them, and protected them too. But even that wasn't enough. Disease and destruction inevitably found them. And as they fell, their skulk neighbors fed on what was left, as there was no sense in letting anything go to waste.
Time passed, long enough for the very land to shift. Long enough for an entirely new intelligent species to evolve. The villagers are doing remarkably well for a sentient species living amongst the ruins of a former world. In time, they may become masters of building and magic as well. But for now they are simple craftsmen and farmers, unaware of the true damage haunting their world. The Piglins, only just beginning to recover, their ancestral homes fallen to ruin as they struggled to survive. The End, full of buildings with no Builders to be seen. And the Deep, adamant to protect what remains of their friends from anything seeking to harm them. By any means necessary.
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brainyxbat · 5 months
Chapter 3: The Heroes' Reunion! His Name is Fire Fist Ace!
(episode 94/95)
In Nanohana, the crew came across a salesman with an interesting, yet suspicious offer. "A solid-gold apple?!" Chopper gaped.
"1,000 years of life?!" Usopp gawked. "For real?! For real?! You found it in some ancient ruins?!"
"Yep, sure did!" The salesman claimed. "It's a legendary artifact of an ancient civilization!"
"One bite, and we can live 1,000 years?!" Chopper exclaimed.
"Yep! It's the truth! I give you my word!"
"Awesome!" Chopper and Usopp gushed together.
"I see you have very sharp eyes! In that case, I'll part with it for the one-time price of 1,000 berries!" He winked.
"1,000 berries?! You got yourself a deal!"
Nami punched them both to the ground. "Honestly, now! What're you thinking?!"
Venus had a closer look, and raised an eyebrow. "Smells weird." The salesman started to panic.
"Yeah, I wouldn't take him seriously if I were you." Zoro pulled a curtain back, revealing another man painting an ordinary apple gold.
"Hey! Let go!" Usopp fussed, as Nami dragged him and Chopper away. "I was about to live 1,000 years for only 1,000 berries!"
"Quit wasting time, and look for Luffy!" She ordered. "We're done shopping, so we leave for the next town the minute we find him!"
"Where did Luffy run off to, anyway?" Zoro wondered aloud.
"Shut up, you two!"
"Wait, Nami!" Venus ahead of him to catch up to the navigator. "I haven't found a spell book on sand yet!"
"Wait for the movie!" She retorted angrily.
"Monkey D. Luffy?" Everyone's attention turned to a woman addressing their captain.
She was talking to a tall, black-haired young man with a purple Jolly Roger tattoo on his back bearing a white beard, and wore an orange hat. "He might be here in town. I've been looking for him for a while now."
"Hmm. Never seen him. Oh, but if you're looking for someone, ask at the restaurant up ahead," She suggested, "The owner there knows a lot of people."
"Much appreciated," He bowed respectfully, "The restaurant, huh? I was just feeling hungry, anyways."
The crew watched, as he made his leave. "Who's that?" Chopper asked. "He looks incredibly strong."
"Why's he looking for Luffy?" Usopp wondered aloud.
"Maybe he's a bounty hunter?" Nami guessed.
"No, he's not," Zoro replied, and kept his eyes on him. Specifically, his tattoo. "That mark..." Everyone turned to him. "As a former pirate-hunter, there's no way I wouldn't recognize it." Before he could clarify, Venus noticed him tense up, and step back. "No... it couldn't be!"
"Zoro?" She turned to him in concern.
He watched a certain spectacled, short-haired woman reprimanding a sword salesman. "It is her!"
Tashigi, from Loguetown.
"I didn't realize you were Roronoa Zoro, and a pirate. You... you lied to me! A rogue like you can't be allowed to own a renowned sword! I'll collect your sword, the legendary Wado Ichimonji!"
"What is that woman doing here?!" When she turned in his direction, he panicked, and ducked behind a giant vase.
"Are you okay, Zoro?" Venus asked.
"What're you doing?" Nami approached him with Usopp and Chopper.
"Why're you hiding?" Usopp added.
Zoro didn't answer, as he kept watching her. That woman spells nothing, but trouble! Dammit!
Venus' eye widened, and leaped down behind the swordsman, when an all too familiar face approached the Marine. "Hey, Tashigi."
Smoker stood behind her, lugging unconscious pirates on his shoulders. "Captain Smoker!"
He threw the large men to the ground. "Small fry pirates. They thought they could act like big-shots around me, so I took care of 'em."
"Even in such a distant land, your distaste for pirates is unfaltering!" She remarked.
"If you have time for pointless chit-chat, have the royal army take 'em!" He ordered.
She quickly straightened up. "Y-yes, sir!"
"There doesn't seem to be any word yet of Straw Hat Luffy having come to this country." The crew listened in from behind the pot. "But don't let your guard down. They will show up; I'm sure of it."
They ducked back into hiding. "Smoker? That's the Marine captain from Loguetown!" Nami whispered.
Usopp put his hand over his mouth. "Are you saying he followed us all the way here from Loguetown?!"
"It would seem so," Zoro grimaced, "And then there's that man. Things could get ugly quick. Where is that idiot?!"
Back at their former meeting spot, Vivi was waiting with Sanji and Karoo. "Where could Luffy-san have gone?"
"Geez!" Sanji griped. "He's always such a high-maintenance captain!" He perked up at the crew approaching. "Oh! Nami-san, Venus-chan!"
"Hey, now! This is bad! It feels like we'll be in big trouble if we don't get moving quick!" Usopp said.
"Big trouble?" Sanji asked.
"The Marines are here," Nami clarified.
"The Marines?!" Vivi exclaimed.
"And a strange man!" Chopper added.
"Let's just find Luffy as quickly as possible, and leave town!" Nami ordered.
Zoro turned to his right, and his eyes widened. "Hey! Hide!"
They were confused, but did so nonetheless. "What for?!"
"What is it?!"
"Get back here!" They heard the familiar shouts.
"The Marines!"
"There seems to be a big commotion!" Usopp remarked.
"Don't let him escape! After him!"
"Some idiot pirate must be running around town or something," Sanji assumed nonchalantly.
"Idiot pirate?!" Everyone exclaimed simultaneously.
"Get back here, Straw Hat!"
They all turned, and saw a familiar face run past. "It's you?!"
Luffy stopped upon spotting the crew, and smiled happily. "Heya! Zoro!" He saw them peeking around the rubble, and made a beeline, to their dismay. "Oh! Is that where you guys are?!"
"You idiot! Go get rid of them first!"
"There's the Straw Hat crew! Over there!"
"Eep!" Venus squeaked.
"So, what should we do now?!" Usopp asked nervously.
"We have to run, obviously!" Nami retorted.
"Hurry! To the ship!" Vivi added, as they gathered everything they needed.
"What're you doing?!" Luffy ran past them. "Let's get back!"
"Hey, you!" They followed after him.
"Stop!" The Marines ordered.
"Don't let them escape!"
"Fall back!"
Venus panicked, and hid amongst the crew when Smoker joined the chase. "Straw Hat is mine!"
"Yikes! Yikes! Here he comes!"
"White Blow!"
"Uh oh!" Luffy ran faster when a smoke-riding fist was heading right for him.
"There's no escape!"
"Heat Haze!" A fiery blaze stopped Smoker's attack, surprising the crew into stopping, Luffy gaping in shock.
"You, huh?" Smoker glared.
"Give it up." The man grinned confidently, as fire billowed from his body. "You may be smoke, but I'm fire. A fight between your power and mine would never end."
"He had Devil Fruit powers?!" Zoro exclaimed.
"Who is he, anyways?!" Usopp wondered aloud. "Why is he helping us?!"
"Ace?!" Luffy gawked.
He turned back to him with a smirk. "You haven't changed a bit, Luffy."
"Ace?! Is that you, Ace?! You ate a Devil Fruit?!"
"Yep! The Flare-Flare Fruit!
"Captain Smoker! We're securing the perimeter!"
Ace stood between the crew, and the Marines. "Anyways, we can't chat like this! I'll catch up! You guys run! I'll hold these guys off! Go!"
"Let's go!" Luffy immediately complied.
"Yeah!" Usopp followed with the rest.
"But, Luffy!" Nami exclaimed.
"Who is that guy?!" Sanji asked.
A small smile grew on Venus' face after she glanced back at Ace. "He's kinda cute."
"Not the time for that!" Nami raged.
"I don't get it," Smoker glared, "Why are you helping Straw Hat?"
Ace smirked pridefully. "It's natural for a big brother to worry about his bungling kid brother."
"What? Brother? You mean to say-?" Ace defiantly ignited some more fire. "Move, Portgas D. Ace!"
He didn't move. "I'm afraid that's a no-can-do." The Marines stepped back when his whole body burst into flames.
"Wait, Luffy! Who is he?!" Nami asked. "Is he an acquaintance of yours?!"
"Yeah!" Luffy beamed brightly through his sprint. "He's my brother!" The crew would only gape silently in shock, as they ran behind him.
Ace summoned an entire wall of fire before them, blocking their path. "Fire Fist Ace," An undercover officer remarked.
"To think you're Straw Hat's brother," Smoker remarked, and prepared a counterattack. "White... Spark!" That sent the billowing flames spinning in the air, creating a fire/smoke twister.
The crew looked back at hearing the concerned citizens, and saw the twister. "What in the world is happening?" Chopper asked.
"It's a fight between flame and smoke?!" Usopp exclaimed.
"He did say he ate the Flare-Flare Fruit," Sanji recalled.
"But Luffy!" Nami said to the captain. "Is it true that guy's your brother?!"
"Yeah! His name's Ace!"
"You having a brother isn't that surprising, but what's he doing in the Grand Line?!" Zoro asked, lugging a barrel.
"Ace is a pirate! He left the island three years before me to find the One Piece!"
Everyone stared in surprise, before remembering what they were doing. "A-anyways, let's hurry back to the ship!" Nami ordered. "Let's escape before anyone comes after us!"
"Yes, Nami-san!" Sanji agreed, and the sprint commenced.
Luffy was running backwards, as he kept watching. The twister turned into a ball of smoke, spitting out large embers. "Still, I never thought I'd see Ace in a place like this!"
"The path splits into two!" Usopp pointed out.
"Usopp, left!" Nami commanded. "Hear me, guys?!"
"Yes, Nami-san!" Sanji complied, as Luffy slipped off to the left. "I'll follow you wherever you go!"
"Enough, pervy cook!" Zoro exclaimed with annoyance.
"Cool!" Luffy kept watching, oblivious to being alone again. "The fireball's gone even higher!"
Meanwhile, the rest made it to the Merry. "Hurry, and load the stuff!" Vivi urged. "We're leaving right away."
"Hurry!" Usopp ordered. "Set the sails!"
As everyone scattered, Chopper turned to Vivi, now small again, as they both lugged small sacks. "S-say, are we leaving again just after we finally reached the island?"
"Yes. We only stopped by this town to get what we're going to need. Now we're going to head up the river into the interior of Alabasta. Our next destination is Erumalu, the City of Green."
"Hurry!" Zoro pulled the anchor up.
"Pick up the pace!" Sanji pulled the sail down.
"All set!" Usopp readied the rudder.
"Okay! Let's set sail!" Nami announced.
"Uh, guys?" Venus spoke up, stopping everyone. "Are we missing someone?"
"Yeah," Nami confirmed, "We're missing approximately one person."
"That moron!" Zoro complained.
"I-is it really okay to set sail without Luffy?" Chopper asked in concern.
"The Marines will be all over the harbors," Nami replied, "We need to hide the ship first."
"There should be a cave ahead that's hidden from view!" Vivi said.
"So we'll wait for things to cool down, then look for Luffy," Sanji decided.
"Yeesh!" Usopp griped. "He's always, always causing trouble like this!"
Zoro groaned in irritation. "He's a real reliable captain."
Venus sat cross-legged on the prow, her cheeks blushing just a bit, as she rested one on her knuckles. "I hope Ace will be with him when we find him; he's dreamy."
Usopp rested his biceps on the deck railing, sulking after hearing her. His feelings of jealousy were pushed away by a familiar hand grabbing the side rail. "I'm back!" Luffy launched himself on deck, knocking Sanji and Chopper down.
"Sanji-san! Tony-kun!" Vivi exclaimed.
"Oh, come on!" Usopp stared in surprise.
"Not again," Zoro facepalmed.
"You guys okay?" Venus looked back from the prow.
Luffy laughed, as he sat up. "Sorry 'bout that, Sanji, Chopper!"
An angry Sanji shot up, and had him by the front of his vest. "Do you not know how to learn your lesson?! I oughta gut you whole!"
"Yeah!" Nami agreed. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused?! Try to act somewhat like a captain!"
He looked up at her, his smile gone. "Sorry."
Venus slid down to the deck eagerly. "Hey, is Ace with you?"
"Oh, that's right! Ace!" He looked over the side he came from.
"I guess he's not," Venus frowned in disappointment.
"Your brother was with you?" Zoro asked.
Usopp approached them with concern. "Is it okay to just leave him there?"
"I guess he'll be okay!" Luffy beamed. "Ace is strong!"
"He's strong?" Chopper asked in awe.
"Yeah! He hadn't eaten the Flare-Flare Fruit a long time ago, but I still never beat him in a single fight! He's real strong, Ace is!"
"Amazing!" A starry-eyed Venus swooned.
"There's a flesh-and-blood person you could never beat?!" Nami exclaimed.
"I guess the big brother of a monster is an even bigger monster," Usopp remarked.
"That's right! I lost all the time!" Luffy laughed. "But I'd win now if I tried!"
"I assume that's another groundless claim," Zoro snarked.
Behind him, a certain someone shot up. "Who..." Ace landed on the railing. "Can win what now?!"
The crew was quiet for a moment in surprise. "Oh! Ace!" Luffy beamed. "This is the crew I was talking about!"
"Oh! Thank you all for taking care of my little brother!"
"Eh? Oh, not at all," They bowed.
"He might be a bit much for you to handle too, but..."
"No, not at all."
"Take god care of 'im."
"It's our pleasure!" Venus almost floated over, her hands clasped together.
"Enough!" Nami yanked her away.
"You probably have lots of catching up to do," Sanji guessed, "Why don't you come in? I'll make some tea."
"No, uhh, that's okay," Ace kindly turned him down, "Don't do it on account of me." Grinning widely, he pointed his finger to Sanji.
On cue, he flinched in surprise when his cigarette lit up out of nowhere. "T-talk about unexpected," Usopp commented.
"That's for sure," Zoro agreed.
"I would've expected him to be as reckless as Luffy," Usopp continued.
"No, this sensible man can't possibly be Luffy's brother!" Nami added.
"He's a nice guy who cares about his brother!" Zoro exclaimed.
"Brothers can be so wonderful!" Chopper cried.
"He's so handsome," Venus gushed.
"The sea is just full of surprises," Sanji remarked.
"Come now, everyone!" Vivi intervened.
"See!" Luffy beamed. "Aren't these guys neat?!"
The fun moment was interrupted by a horde of ships approaching them, all bearing a certain Jolly Roger with wings and swords. "Baroque Works!" Vivi exclaimed. "Those are the Billions' ships!"
"Fire Fist Ace, and Straw Hat Luffy!" One of the agents shouted. "Don't think you can get away!"
"We'll show you what Baroque Works' Billions are made of!"
"Those guys again?" Luffy asked calmly.
"Luffy," Ace caught his attention, "I'll clean them up."
At that, he jumped down on a small boat tied to the Merry, and sailed off. "What's he going to do?" Nami wondered aloud.
"Especially in that little boat," Usopp added.
Zoro watched with crossed arms. "Let's see how skilled this Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates really is!"
"Here he comes! Fire Fist Ace!"
"Just try to get past five of our ships, if you can!"
With a smirk, he leaped straight up off his boat. "He jumped!" Nami exclaimed.
He flipped through the air effortlessly, arms straight out like a bird. "F-fire!"
"Shoot him into the ocean!"
Ace flew over one of the ships, and landed back on his boat after it reemerged. "Fire Fist!" He launched a giant fireball, annihilating every one of the ships, and tipped his hat up with a smirk.
"Whoa!" The crew looked on in awe, Luffy smiling brightly.
"Woohoo!" Everyone cheered.
"Ace is one of us now!" Usopp exclaimed, hiding his jealousy.
"Cheers!" He, Luffy, and Chopper clinked their mugs together.
"Who said I was joining you?"
Ignoring his rejection, the three downed their beverages. "Here's to delicious drinks!" Usopp changed the reason.
"Don't worry about it!" Nami happily assured him. "They're always looking for an excuse to drink to!"
"Medicine is horrible!" Everyone laughed, before Luffy turned to his brother.
"Ace! Are you sure you won't join us?"
"I'm chasing a certain man." Ace downed his own drink. "His name's Blackbeard."
"Blackbeard?!" Usopp exclaimed.
"He's the pirate who attacked the Drum Kingdom!" Vivi recalled.
"He used to be a member of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of my men. But he committed the worst possible sin on a pirate ship: he killed a crewmember, and jumped ship. So, as the commander, I gotta find and get rid of him."
"So that's why you're chasing after him?" Usopp asked.
"I came here, because I caught word that Blackbeard was seen in Yuba."
"Then your destination is the same as ours!" Nami realized, Vivi and showed him a map of Alabasta, pointing to Nanohana.
"We've just entered the Sandora River." Her finger moved to their upcoming destination. "First, we'll land at Erumalu, then head into the interior of Alabasta to reach Yuba here!" She pointed to an X by Yuba. "The leader of the rebel army is in Yuba."
"I see. So you're headed to Yuba next."
"I'll follow Nami-san, Venus-chan, and Vivi-chan wherever they go!" Sanji swooned.
"Get lost, Love Cook," Zoro grumbled.
"Say what, you-?!"
"A-anyways!" Nami cut in, before a fight could start. "It looks like we can travel together for a short while!"
"Yay!" Venus cheered.
"Yeah, yeah!" Usopp agreed. "His brother is more than welcome here!"
Luffy laughed happily, and held his mug out. "Let's have a fun time, Ace!"
"Yeah!" Everyone tapped their mugs together in celebration.
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sautiyahoja25 · 11 months
Just stole this from another page. Absolute wisdom... 1. Have a firm handshake.
2. Look people in the eye.
3. Sing in the shower.
4. Own a great stereo system.
5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
8. Always accept an outstretched hand.
9. Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
10. Whistle.
11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.
12. Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.
15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
16. When playing games with children, let them win.
17. Give people a second chance, but not a third.
18. Be romantic.
19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
21. Don’t allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It’s there for our convenience, not the caller’s.
22. Be a good loser.
23. Be a good winner.
24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
27. Keep it simple.
28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
29. Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
34. Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you.
35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music.
37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.
38. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, ‘Someone who thinks you’re terrific.’
39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
40. Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
43. Make someone’s day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
44. Become someone’s hero.
45. Marry only for love.
46. Count your blessings.
47. Compliment the meal when you’re a guest in someone’s home.
48. Wave at the children on a school bus.
49. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
50. Don’t expect life to be fair
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jesquotes · 1 year
Have a firm handshake.
Look people in the eye.
Sing in the shower.
Own a great stereo system.
If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
Keep secrets.
Never give up in anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
Always accept an outstretched hand.
Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
Avoid sarcastic remarks.
Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery.
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
Lend only those books you never care to see again.
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
When playing games with children, let them win.
Give people a second chance, but not a third
Be romantic.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as it first seems.
Don’t allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It’s there for our convenience, not the caller’s.
Be a good loser.
Be a good winner.
Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
Keep it simple.
Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets.
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you.
Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
Begin each day with some of your favourite music.
Once in a while, take the scenic route.
Send a lot of valentine cards. Sign them. ‘Someone who thinks you’re terrific.’
Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
Send your loved ones flowers. This if a reason later.
Make someone’s day by paying the toll/coffee for the person in the car behind you.
Become someone’s hero.
Marry only for love.
Count your blessings.
Compliment the meal when you’re a guest in someone’s home.
Wave at the children on a school bus.
Remember 80 percent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
Don’t expect life to be fair
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hibiscustease · 1 year
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BOLD THE FACTS TAG. tagged by @morrigan-sims
The rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
morri suggested i do this for solanine, so that's what i'm gonna do!
$ FINANCIAL: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
she's in between poverty and poor, given that she essentially lived on the streets for most of her "childhood" (by elven standards at least) until she started consistently playing her violin at taverns.
✚ MEDICAL: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / not applicable
✪ CLASS OR CASTE: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
she was born nobility, and then ended up on the streets (we'll get into it later in this post!)
✔ EDUCATION: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
she was given a decent education until ending up on the streets, and now her street smarts outweigh her book smarts.
✖ CRIMINAL RECORD: yes, major crimes / yes, minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
she tends to be able to talk her way out of consequences, but very rarely is she caught in the first place.
◒ CHILDREN: has a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ RELATIONSHIP W/ FAMILY: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
she probably has siblings, (i'd imagine an older brother and sister) but she wouldn't consider them family...
◔ FAMILIAL AFFILIATION: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
this is what i meant when i'd explain how she ended up on the streets. her family disowned her after one too many petty crimes and pranks.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
she may be confident enough to perform, (she is a bard, after all) but she hates the subsequent attention, and usually needs to recharge afterwards.
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
she's more on the disorganized end, but this is partly my fault on a player's end. (her inventory is a mess in-game) still, she'll organize her belongings in her downtime.
♦ close-minded / open-minded / in between
she's stubborn, but not entirely stuck in the ways she was taught by her family. mainly out of spite because they disowned her.
♦ calm / anxious / in between
she tends not to worry about things, almost to the point of apathy, but it's because she had to harden her resolve for survival's sake when she was younger.
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
she's stubborn! it takes a lot of convincing to get her to agree to something she doesn't want to do.
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
she has to be cautious when she grew up in a situation where people weren't afraid to take advantage of her. (is this about being nobility or a street rat? i'll never tell...)
♦ patient / impatient / in between
she doesn't have time to waste when there's a parasite in her head.
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
she has opinions, but her introverted nature keeps her from voicing them. she'll get into a debate about her opinions if someone asks, though.
♦ leader / follower / in between
she's the one keeping her companions in check and deciding where to go, after all.
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
she's wary of getting to know people, but if they manage to get through to her, she's very reliable.
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
will stick to her word, unless something outside her control prevents her from following through.
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ FAITH: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual / it's complicated
☆ BELIEF IN GHOSTS OR SPIRITS: yes / no / don't know / don't care
✮ BELIEF IN AFTERLIFE: yes / no / don't know / don't care
✯ BELIEF IN REINCARNATION: yes / no / don't know / don't care
❃ BELIEF IN ALIENS: yes / no / don't know / don't care
...mind flayers. enough said.
✧ RELIGIOUS: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ PHILOSOPHICAL: yes / no / in between
❤ SEXUALITY: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
she's biromantic and demisexual.
❥ SEX: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ ROMANCE: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ SEXUALLY: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / in between
⚧ POTENTIAL SEXUAL PARTNERS: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ POTENTIAL ROMANTIC PARTNERS: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ COMBAT SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
she's perfectly capable of defending herself, but prefers to stick to the sidelines as support.
≡ LITERACY SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ ARTISTIC SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ TECHNICAL SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ DRINKING ALCOHOL: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
☁ SMOKING: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ RECREATIONAL DRUGS: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ MEDICINAL DRUGS: never / no longer needs medication /some medication needed / frequently / to excess
do healing potions count? because that would change the answer.
☻ UNHEALTHY FOOD: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ SPLURGE SPENDING: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
whenever she has the money and a valid reason.
♣ GAMBLING: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
she used to gamble on occasion while living on the streets, but she doesn't anymore.
and that's it! i wrote this all in one sitting, so don't mind any potential formatting errors. feel free to send me asks if you want to know more about solanine! and consider yourself tagged if you've read this far and you want to do it!
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hitheredreamer · 5 months
A year later
1. Have a firm handshake. - doing it 2. Look people in the eye. - doing it 3. Sing in the shower. - failed 4. Own a great stereo system. - done 5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard. - not doing it 6. Keep secrets. - doing it 7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday. - trying to do 8. Always accept an outstretched hand. - trying to, but people fail me in their help, I'm better off doing it myself 9. Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. - doing it 10. Whistle. - sometimes 11. Avoid sarcastic remarks. - doing it 12. Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90% of all your happiness and misery. - have not done it 13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out. - did it once, only one opportunity so far 14. Lend only those books you never care to see again. - not doing it 15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have. - doing it 16. When playing games with children, let them win. - doing it 17. Give people a second chance, but not a third. - no one came back for a second chance 18. Be romantic. - haven't found someone to be romantic with 19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. - failed 20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems. - trying to 21. Don’t allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It’s there for our convenience, not the caller’s. - doing it 22. Be a good loser. - doing it 23. Be a good winner. - I think I am doing it 24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret. - doing it, I carry too many secrets 25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go. - not doing it 26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born. - trying to 27. Keep it simple. - trying to 28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose. - trying to 29. Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river. - trying to 30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read: No regrets. - doing it 31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did. - doing it and the amount of fails... but no regrets! 32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. - not doing it 33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you. - doing it 34. Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you. - doing it, but it is hard 35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in the hospital; you only need to stay a few minutes. - doing it 36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music. - doing it 37. Once in a while, take the scenic route. - doing it 38. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, ‘Someone who thinks you’re terrific.’ - not doing it, forgot about that one. 39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice. - I think I am doing it. 40. Keep a notepad and pencil on your bedside table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m. - not doing it. 41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job. - doing it 42. Send you loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later. - not doing it 43. Make someone’s day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you. - never had chance 44. Become someone’s hero. - trying to 45. Marry only for love. - well see 12. 46. Count your blessings. - trying to 47. Compliment the meal when you’re a guest in someone’s home. - not doing it 48. Wave at the children on a school bus. - not doing it 49. Remember that 80% of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people. - and it is hard. 50. Don’t expect life to be fair. - I hate that one
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evertidings · 3 years
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orbit [short story]
— a short story of K on their birthday, set in between books one and two
as you may or may not know, i’m on a hiatus right now but i wasn’t going to pass up my favourite warlock’s birthday! i don’t really know what else to say here except that i adore them and, as grumpy as they may be, they deserve all the love in the world. getting in K’s head really reminds me of all their complexities that they refuse to share publicly, so maybe this story will help you discover something you didn’t know about K before.
if anyone has any K related asks today feel free to send them in! i don’t know how many i’ll get to because again, hiatus, but i’ll try my best. their birthday story is under the cut <3
According to science, someone’s birthday means they’ve survived another orbit around the sun. K has watched people blow out candles, gift each other presents and sing songs for the occasion, celebrating this so-called miracle.
If K wasn’t immortal, would they be those people? They’ll never know.
Their birthday used to be something of remark. They used to joke among friends and say that they were eighty but hardly looked a day over twenty-two. Everyone would laugh and repeat it, switching the ages out for their own. Immortality has always been bittersweet to them, but surrounded by other warlocks, they tried to spin it into something lighthearted. It was either that or wallow in the idea that humanity would crumble and K would still be left standing.
When they were in love, that was something they had to work on not thinking about. One of their past lovers could see it on their face every time the thought crossed their mind and scolded them for it. K would respond with a small smile, but the both of them knew they couldn’t help it.
He was human and K was not. One day, he was going to leave them. And when he did, things only got worse.
That was the second time K lost their lover to death. They couldn’t bear the pain anymore, so as they grieved, they closed themself off to the world. For years, no one could reach them. They were nothing and nobody. Just a speck of life in a harsh world.
They’ve been pulled out of that phase periodically, but nothing has quite dragged them out like Rylan has.
Because at god knows what time in the morning today, K woke up to Rylan screaming “Happy birthday!” in their face. They don’t know how the half-vampire found out but they didn’t bother asking, slapping a pillow in their face in response.
Rylan, of course, was undeterred. “Hey, that’s no way to treat your best friend. You should be thanking me. I have a whole day of events planned.”
“Waste that on someone who cares,” K grumbled.
Rylan flopped onto K’s bed. “Aw, don’t be like that. You can’t stay in bed all day, you know? Come on, I promise it’ll be fun.”
Though there was a promise, K knew it was going to be anything but. Still, Rylan wasn’t leaving so K waved them out, grudgingly getting out of bed to begin what they knew would be a terrible day. It’s enough to distantly remember how old they’ve turned, but to have it in their face the entire day is something else.
They weren’t looking forward to it.
When they walked into the living room, they were expecting a giant banner with some joke about them being over one hundred, but there was nothing of the sort. No cake, no balloons or streamers—nothing but Rylan sitting patiently on the couch.
“Ready to go?” they asked. There wasn’t even a mention of a birthday outfit. Strange.
But K didn’t complain and simply nodded, following Rylan as they began their day. They’d never spent longer than a couple of hours with the half-vampire, so they were curious as to what they were going to do.
As it turns out: a lot.
Rylan dragged K to what felt like every single spot in the city. It felt like they didn’t know what do to with someone who was over a century and as picky as K was, so they went the safe route.
They stopped at the local museum so K could browse through the newest exhibit, the beach so K could stand and watch the waves crash, and even Central Park, which K has partially despised because of the crowds but could apparently handle it today.
Throughout it all, K caught Rylan texting on their phone, but they never questioned who they were talking to. Maybe they should have, because now, as they ride the elevator back up to their penthouse, Rylan is trying too hard not to be suspicious.
“Don’t tell me you did what I think you did,” K deadpans.
“Depends on what you think I did,” Rylan counters. They lean against the elevator walls, staring at their friend with a mischievous twinkle in their eye. “Take a guess.”
“If it’s a surprise party, I’m changing all of my locks.”
“What do you count as a party?”
K shoots Rylan a glare. “Random people at my place waiting with a cake.”
They exit the elevator and stride down the hallway. Rylan, momentarily surprised by the sudden change of tone, races behind them.
“Okay, wait, it’s not what you think it is.”
K doesn’t need keys to get inside. With a wave of their hand, all the wards they use to protect their penthouse unbind and their door swings open. They’re not surprised to see a group of hunters standing in front of them.
For a moment, everyone stares at each other.
How is it that one expedition to find someone’s boss lead to K being unable to shake a group of misfits off of them? No matter how hard they try, these five people follow them around. It was better when they were lonely. It was. It was it was it was because at least then, K could keep their walls up and protect their heart from further harm.
They can’t do that now.
“We got you cupcakes,” N says, breaking the silence. K’s gaze darts to them. The first hunter of the group they were able to tolerate—and befriend, if you want to take it a step further.
“Cupcakes,” K repeats. Not a cake but cupcakes. It’s almost laughable.
“They’re all different flavours,” A offers.
Rylan steps up beside them. “I know you don’t like surprises, but this is okay, right? I didn’t invite anyone else—it’s only us. I just thought you might not want to celebrate your birthday alone, but if you want to kick us out, we can go.”
It’s one of those rare occasions where Rylan loses their cockiness in replace of something more… shy. It’s how K knows their opinion is actually valued here; they’re not being asked for the sake of it.
K opens their mouth to respond when their eyes fall on you. They’d been avoiding you ever since they opened the door, but the slight shift in your position brings their gaze to you—involuntarily.
K is good at hiding emotions, but something about them at that moment must break because suddenly, they find themself struggling to do something they’ve been doing for decades. How long has it been since they felt the wash of nerves fall over their body? Since their heartbeat has sped up a beat? Since they felt something akin to longing?
And it was supposed to stay like that.
K looks away. “Stay,” they answer Rylan. “I can’t eat all those cupcakes alone.”
The relief that floods the room is immeasurable. K steps inside, closing the door behind them as Rylan runs to join A, Blane and N. They jump and loop an arm around the first two, letting go as the third laughs to pull them along.
You, on the other hand, linger nearby. K pretends not to see you as they sort their things, taking off their coat and placing down their bag. When they’re done, they need to steel themself to walk past you.
“Happy birthday,” you say when they’re close enough.
K stiffens. Being over a century old, they’ve heard the words too many times. At this point, they’re a symbol of their resentment. How happy is a birthday when birthdays have no meaning?
They’re not, that’s the answer.
But rather than the usual bitter feeling they get from hearing the words, K feels something else. A sense of peace resting on their heart, maybe.  
“Thank you,” K replies. Whether it was on purpose or not, some part of them means it.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Levi doesn't know what is killing him more - the excruciating pain in his leg, the constant boredom or sympathy mixed with adoration he keeps seeing in the eyes of people around him.
Adoration, and, to some degree, even sympathy is much better that unabashed hatred and disgust, and Levi should be thankful to Onyakopon for finding him a hospital that doesn't treat him like an abomination.
Nonetheless, Levi would rather left alone, far away from curious patients, kind doctors and caring nurses.
All this sudden attention, all this impersonal concern... It's a good thing, Levi thinks. He wants to like it.
But he doesn't.
Truth be told, he hates it.
He wants to go back to the way things were before. He wants to go back to the infirmary in Survey Corps. There, the doctors weren't at all nice. They grumbled and scolded every soldier, complaining that they were wasting their lives for nothing. Levi used to hate them all. But now he wants to go back, there, to Survey Corps, to his comrades- to everything he's lost.
There is a nurse, who visits him every morning. She opens the windows, letting in sunlight and warm wind. She brings medicine - bitter and viscous, and she tries to sweeten it with her smile.
It doesn't work, though, not quite. Her smile just isn't sweet enough.
She redresses his wounded leg, a sad mist going over her eyes as she looks at the mess of bones, lacerated skin and muscles.
Levi doesn't ask what she sees there. He doesn't ask if he'll be able to walk again or not. In the very beginning, when he was just transferred here, he used to ask about it every morning.
"You'll be up and running in no time," doctors and nurses assured him in unison.
They don't do that anymore. And that, Levi assumes, is an answer in of itself.
After her morning checkup, the nurse returns at noon, bringing him his lunch and another shot of medicine.
If he has no visitors, she spends the afternoon with him, reading a book or fruitlessly attempting to spark up a conversation.
She asks about their struggle against Eren, Battle of Earth and Heaven as they call it now, but there is nothing Levi can say about it, except that it was a pointless massacre, started by a foolish boy.
He doesn't wish to talk about it, doesn't want to even think about it. The others have forgiven him, Levi knows they did, but he can't forget so easily. There is an ugly, dark feeling inside him, a spanless anger that will never go away.
Too many had died, too many lives were lost because of Eren. Men, women, children, Levi can't even think about it, still can't quite imagine what a monster the little boy with bright eyes became.
And now that little boy had taken lives, too many of them. All of them break Levi's heart, but there is one of them that hurts the most, that makes it hard to wake up because sometimes he just can't seem to find a reason to.
When he refuses to talk about the mess that was the Battle of Earth and Heaven, when he ignores the question about the war between Marley and Paradise, the nurse asks him about his dreams.
And the question is so sudden, spoken so out of blue that it takes Levi a while to get his thoughts into order.
Dreams... He's not sure he's ever had one that was solely his own. He's more used to following someone else's dreams - he shared the dream to get out of the Underground with Farlan and Isabel, he wanted to eliminate all titans and see the world behind the walls alongside his comrades from Survey Corps, he longed to start a life Hange had described to him.
But now all of them are gone, and he's all alone. There is no one he can share a dream with.
But I'm still here, Levi reminds himself. He's still here, still alive. And if he can't follow someone else's dream, maybe, it's time to get a dream of his own.
"I'm thinking about starting a tea shop..." he whispers.
"Well, that's a start," the nurse smiles, and Levi slowly relaxes.
"She's lovely," Onyakopon remarks during one of his visits.
The nurse has just left the room, after feeding Levi his medicine and putting a fresh bouquet of flowers on his bedside table.
Levi shrugs in answer to Onyakopon's words. The nurse is lovely - long blond hair, pretty green eyes. She is full of life, she looks so young, but then again... Maybe, she's not as young as he thinks she is. Maybe, it's him who feels much older than he looks.
"You know," Onyakopon smiles, looking at the flowers the nurse brought. "If you ever wish to..."
"I don't," Levi cuts him off, his tone harsh.
He knows what Onyakopon wants to say. Sees in his eyes the same way he hears it in Gabi and Falco's awkward hints.
But he doesn't want to meet someone new, doesn't want to start a new life. He wants his own life back, the one that was promised to him but denied. The one he dreamt about whenever things became too frantic.
Just get through this, he used to tell himself, get through this and this is it, you'll have your chance, you'll get a shot at having a normal, happy life.
And now he got through this. However, Hange didn't.
The time goes and soon, much sooner than Levi expected, the doctors tell him that he's ready to be discharged.
Levi doesn't know how to feel about this. He used to hate hospitals with passion and ached to get out as fast as possible. Hospitals meant being out of loop, meant boredom and pitying looks from everyone around him.
However now... He's not nearly as eager to leave as he was before. He already feels lost inside his small, one-bed ward. What is going to happen when he has to move forward? How is he going to find his place in a world he doesn't even know?
He's done all of it before, though, two times already. He left the Underground and discovered a world with bright sun, faraway stars and harsh storms alongside Farlan and Isabel. He found the ocean and learnt about the rest of the world with his team and his Hange.
But they're not here anymore. Farlan's soft voice and Isabel's delighted laugh don't ring in his ears. He doesn't have Erwin's calm, determined presence to show him the path forward. Hange's gentle, caloused hand doesn't hold his anymore.
It's not the first time he has to navigate through a strange, unknown world. But it's the first time he does it all by himself.
It's his last evening in the hospital, and the nurse is sitting beside him, the book in her hands long forgotten as she carefully studies his profile.
"So," she quietly begins, hands on her knees. "We talked about war and dreams... And what about love?"
Love is dead, Levi wants to say, but is it really?
He looks at the window behind nurse's shoulder, his eyes tracing the faint light emitting from the stars. Even here, in the city, they're bright. Just like her eyes.
And if he strains his hearing a bit, he can hear laughter ringing through the night. It reminds him of her too.
These days, almost everything reminds him of Hange.
It's natural, of course. She saved the world and, before that, she saved him. She left her traces all over, even on him. Every time he looks in the mirror or touches his face, he is reminded of that quiet night, of her gentle touch and her soothing, albeit frantic words.
Hange isn't dead, people like her don't really die, they just leave this world for a while.
And his love... it might have died, but it's not dead. It will always live inside of him, in the depth of his heart that he had devoted to her.
"Love..." he starts, still staring up at the sky. "It hurts. It breaks your heart, it leaves you hollow and empty. And yet... those small moments you share, that short-lived bliss... It's worth all the pain."
"And your love?" the nurse asks, her eyes shining. "Were they worth it?"
"She was," Levi says, but quickly corrects himself. His love might have died, but she's not dead. She just left. Levi can't leave now, he has a little tea shop he has to open and he wants to do at least something, whatever he still can, to make sure that the world she gave them won't disappoint her. But when his time will run out, he will leave too, and then they will meet again, he's sure. "She is still worth it," he murmurs and smiles for the first time since Hange left.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Thank you @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @bazzybelle and @takitalks for the tags.
And happy pride!! 🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈
Have some Time After Time/“damn Baz, you live like this?” I really like playing with death and Visits in this fic, but I also like toying around with immortality and what it does to people. 
I’ve talked to a lot of vampires here. They all said that at one point, you start to forget things. Immortality does impact the memory. Some people have started transcribing entire conversations in thick books in order to remember things.
Well then, I suppose that somewhere in the many years, my memory has started fading. Luckily I know that I will not forget the most important things, like my family.
And Simon. It comforts me to know I’ll never forget Simon.
But stuff I was taught in school? Yeah, that makes sense. Apart from Simon, Dev, Niall, Bunce and Wellbelove, I don’t think I can remember my other classmates pretty well. I mean, I think Bunce had a dryad as a roommate, but that’s it. (Right? That, and she was a lesbian.) (I’m pretty certain about the lesbianism, not about the dryad part.)
Some notes/thoughts on this part + tags under cut.
Of course Baz remembers the lesbianism. But yeah, this part is inspired by the Doctor Who episode The Woman Who Lived. The Doctor made someone named Ashildr immortal, thinking it was a kindness, but no, it only leads to dispair, pain and forgetfulness. Ashildr has even forgotten her identity, so she just calls herself Me to avoid forgetting another name. Ashildr/Me lives alone, because every mortal will die, including her beloveds. She once tried having a normal life, but her kids died in the plague and she decided to never tether herself to another person.
As a result, in The Woman Who Lived, Ashildr/Me has become a bitter and lonely person who’s stopped caring about humanity, since humanity has nothing to offer. The Doctor remarks that by saving her life, he made her heart disappear. Like “I saved your life! I didn’t know that your heart would rust because it kept beating.” bRO. “You didn’t save my life, Doctor, you trapped me in it.” BROOOOO.
And Ashildr/Me has an entire library of diaries, since her own memory cannot keep up with her immortal life, so she sometimes reads them, but they are nothing more than stories to her, since the actual events aren’t remembered. In a later episode, Clara (the regular companion character) sees Ashildr/Me and Ashildr/Me goes to introduce herself. Clara is confused, because they’ve met before and they had a huge ass alien adventure, but Ashildr/Me doesn’t remember any of it, but she reassures Clara that she probably liked Clara’s company, because she’s read their conversations in her diary often.
Look, I admit, all of this has nothing to do with Time After Time/“damn Baz, you live like this?”, so sorry for maybe wasting your time. I just love talking about Doccy Whomst and this episode did inspire the snippet posted above. Yet I won’t go that deep into immortality, since my fic ends after idk 200 years or so (it is still to be decided), so I don’t think Baz’s memory will be as affected as Ashildr’s/Me’s. I just think it’s a great concept to explore. Someone should write that.
And if someone does, then it will be added on my ever-growing to read list.
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Tagging @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @dragoneggo @otherworldsivelivedin @bookish-bogwitch @caramelcoffeeaddict @thnxforknowingme @sillyunicorn @wellbelesbian @excalisbury @captain-aralias​ @tea-brigade @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @martsonmars @urban-sith @facewithoutheart​
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misselko · 3 years
Warnings: Angst, fluff, small violence
Words: 20.130
Loud clashing of lances can be heard through Garreg Mach hallway.
The red-haired skirt chaser barely able to hear you said it when you rushed him. Sylvain knew that he should focus on his strikes.  He didn’t have time to be impressed at this small, petite girl that is jabbing her lance so fast against him. Devastatingly fast. And strikingly strong. ‘It is such a wonder how a small, petite body like hers held so much power’. That’s the last thing that passed his mind before (Y/N)’s lance has cracked so loudly against his that he thought it might snap. Beautiful, fierce, deadly (E/C) orbs that staring into his soul has captivated the Gautier heir and got him hard knock on his shin, felling him over.
“Whoa there! I yield. You do like it rough, don’t you, (Y/N)?” Sylvain raise his hands on the air with and winks seductively. Rolling your eyes, you put a light tap on his neck at his remarks.
“Though she be but little, she is fierce. (Y/N) is the youngest among us, but she is indeed a Lioness!” Dimitri claps over your third in a row winning for today. You beat Felix in sword and Dimitri in the lance spar.
“That’s what you get for skipping classes, Sylvain. And.. keep up with your solid techniques, excellent moves, and rapid quick footwork, (Y/N). That’s all for our combat class today,” said Professor.
“She’s a few inch shorter than me but she had effortlessly defeated Blue Lions’ strongest lancer and swordsman! That’s my favourite lil sis (Y/N) for you!! ” said Annette giddily. She hugs you in a death grip embrace and sings her silly song.
Everyone are so nice to you, to the point of spoiled rotten! Especially Ingrid and Mercie! They are like your big sisters, always offering their help to ride pegasi and give endless supplies of baked sweets that you love very much. Felix is kinda harsh and always eager to spar with you, but he’s the first person to get angry when someone bullies you because you are so small. So kind, almost feel like a big brother! Dimitri helps you with your late night studies and picking books in the higher shelves on the library a lot. Dedue and Ashe cook dinner together with you on your duty day.
They see (Y/N) as the sweet smol bean that has to be protected at all cost!
“Are you free tonight, Munchkin?” Care to join me to visit the town and get something to eat? I know this little restaurant that has nice dessert! My treat, of course! Think of it as a token of congratulations from me on your brilliance today!” Sylvain put his hand on your shoulder in a friendly gesture and wink seductively.
“Seteth will scold us for sure, Syl! This is the fourth or fifth time we went for a late dinner this week,” you pout at his invitation. “He won’t. I’ll walk you back before curfew as usual. Don’t want my Kitten to get  hurt on her way back. Night walk can be dangerous, you know.”
“Why you are being so nice to me, Syl... Your girls will be upset and kill me for sure.”
“Nah.. I don’t have any! It would be a shame to waste such a beautiful evening alone. Besides, I don’t want to let my Munchkin starved in her sleep! Not to mention that you just looked awfully cute with your cheeks stuffed.” You smacked his shin and rewarded with a loud yelp from him.  “Lead the way. And.. it’s not like I like it or something like that, you know! Don’t get any wrong ideas,” you hide your blush and took his huge hand in your tiny ones.
The food was delightful as usual and Sylvain stay true to his words about going back before the curfew.
As you both closed the large door’s that marked the dormitory, you were greeted by the crisp spring night. Warm wind passed over your forms, and crickets chirped in the night.
“While we’re at it, how about a little board games rematch at my quarters? I got a new strategy to show you, Syl!”
“Bring it on then, (Y/N)! Let’s bring some sweet buns as usual to snack on later as well, then.”
“It’s a deal!”
“I’d think playing it on the bed would be more comfortable than doing it on the floor. You might catch another cold and passed out like last month in my room. It scared the living daylights out of me! Nope, never trying that again.”
“It’s not fun being frail and get sick easily.” You sigh.
“No problem. Think of it as a good chance for me to get to carry you around in my arms. For our weddi-- Ouch!!” he faux a sad face melodramatically when you punch his hand away playfully. “You might be small and petite but these hands are a force to be reckoned with. You’re as strong as a lioness,” said the philanderer as he ruffled your hair affectionately.
It was such a beautiful night.
“Do you have a moment, Miss (Y/N)? I have something important to tell you regarding my research and your Crest. We can discuss it in more detailed manner in my research room,” Professor Hanneman ask you out of the blue after the afternoon battle strategy class.
“Crest? But I’m sure I don’t have any, Professor! It’s stated as clear as a day in my enrollment documents, isn’t it?”
“There’s a mistake, Miss (Y/N). And I sworn it on my name as the Father of Crestology, you do HAVE a Crest. A Major one at that! Congratulations! I have sent a letter to your family and inform other Professors and your House Leader regarding this matter. I have my suspicion about your Crests since I watch your  prowess at combat and when it activates, the timing, and the flash of....”
You are a bit shocked about this and decided to ignore this fact, having a hard time to process this shocking information. Your family and other members of Blue Lions will be very surprised of this information. Is it going to be a good thing or not? Professor Hanneman’s murmurs fell on your deaf ears as you politely excuse yourself out of his room. ‘It’ll be better to keep this as a secret to avoid unwanted attention nor unnecessary commotion’ you think to yourself.
Moons have passed. Then the night of the ball came. Urged by your curiosity, you are eager to wait for your true love at the Goddess Tower. You were hardly expecting to see Sylvain, of all people. The surprise at seeing each other was mutual. The both of you stood there for a moment, simply enjoying the scene before you. You wrapped your arms around yourself to stave off the chill that went down your spine, shuffling closer to the older man.
“Do you even believe the rumors about this place?” he asked as he lay his uniform coat over your shivering form. “My curiosity gets the best of me. But am glad to find you here, Syl.”
“Huh.” Sylvain went quiet, his face etched with contemplation. After he thought about it a little, he let out a huff of breath and frowned.
“Well, the person I’m interested in... is already here. You’re here alone. I’m here alone. I was thinking maybe....”
“Wait. Me?”
“Well, of course! We’re the only two people here, aren’t we? I keep thinking about it, and it just makes sense. My Crest and yours...”
“How did you...?”
“Dimitri told me. I have confirmed it with Professor Hanneman as well. A Major one, he said. So lucky.”
He looked down at you menacingly. Your eyes were averted away from his, looking away into the distance. “What do you mean? I’m still me, Syl.  Crest or no Crest.”
Despite your dismissive answer, something changed in his expression. He took his hands from behind his neck and stalked towards you. This wasn’t at all like the kind and flirty Sylvain you loved. He’s... different.
“You know what? I’m a bit jealous. The whole time you were growing up, you never knew you had a Crest. You were free. Nobody pretended to like you. I kind of hate you for that...” he slammed you hard against the wall behind you. Strangled pained noise came from you.
His knees rest on either side of your petite body and his arms cage your head, his much bigger hand grasp yours roughly. “All you’re worth to me is a little bit of fun. We’ve been having fun, haven’t we? I thought that you understood,” Sylvain’s face a mere inch from yours, glaring daggers at you. You can feel your tears begin welling, threatening to spill at his words.
“Is that really what you think of me? I thought... I was different. So… our friendship has just been for nothing?” you muttered quietly, holding back your sobs.
He scoffed. “Of course you are. You’re just some dumb noble looking for crest babies. You never meant anything to me.” His rejection was validation of your worst fear, that you were just like every other girl. Your friendship had all fallen apart and meant nothing for him.
“Playing around with girls is the most fun a guy can have. Besides, I don’t care what you think of me. I don’t intend to change how I live my life. I’m a good-for-nothing, if you haven’t noticed, but I’m still a noble with a Crest. That’s all anyone cares about. It’s best to avoid getting too serious with fools like me.” His expression darkens and unreadable. The carefree mask was long gone.
“My Crest bring me nothing but pain. I thought maybe...if I made someone else suffer, it might help me feel better.” His hand shot up and grabbed you by your throat. Sylvain held you in front of him, tightened his grip, choking you hard. His caramel eyes glowed dark with excitement.
You tried to squirm away but he clamped his hand tighter, making it harder for you to breathe. Your legs felt weak and limp. The pain was too intense.
“You were a spoiled brat who should pay for that Crest. Maybe I’ll collect the debt.” His expression dark as he looked up at you.
Focusing yourself, you punch his jaw as hard as you can. To your surprise, a blinding flash of your Crest shows up when you smack him as hard as you can, making Sylvain flinch in pain, dropping you with a loud thud on the cold floor. You stumbled back and dropped to your knees. Gasping for air, you tried to rub the pain from your throat, doing your best to pick yourself up.
“Sylvain Jose Gautier!  I care not for your Crest nor title! It means nothing to me. I like.. no, love you because you are the strongest, kindest, funniest, and the most caring person that I know. Even you are such a skirt chaser, but you always very considerate and protective of me. I never felt this way before about someone. This is my first time but... This… This was a mistake. Sorry. I hope.. you find your own happiness someday,” you said, your voice is raspy from his deadly grip and your sadness. Tears were finally flowing freely from you.
Sylvain’s posture becoming rigid despite his feigned relaxed position. “H-hey,” Sylvain said, his voice softened somewhat. “Please, don’t cry. I’m sorry...”, he tried to pat your head, but you step back instinctively. The red head flinch and turned away when he saw angry purplish hue on your neck. Guilt began creeping on his conscience.
“I believe you. You’re not a bad person, Sylvain, no matter what anyone says. I care about you. Our friendship, dinners, late nights walk and banters... I cherished them a lot. Really, I do. I love you, Sylvain.” You couldn’t meet his eyes, couldn’t look at anything besides the floor. “That’s what I came to tell you, but... nevermind. Good night, Syl. I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”
“Did you mean that? (Y/N), wait!” He spoke with disbelief.
“Why would I lie?” you asked, hardly audible. “Goodbye, Syl.”
His pleas fell on deaf ears as you dash yourself as fast as possible from Goddess Tower, locking yourself inside your quarters, clutching to Sylvain’s uniform coat, while crying yourself to sleep.
That’s the last thing that you can remember from your Academy Days. Things were never the same since that night. You never talk to the playboy ever again since that incident. No more night walks or late board games. When you have to work together in weekly duty, there’s an unseen awkward distance and heavy tension between you two.
The notorious philanderer went back into his old ways, going around with a different girl each day. You often catch him glimpse at you with eyes full of remorse and sadness (mostly when he thinks you aren’t looking or noticing). Everyone in the Blue Lions noticed the changes between your relationship but being very considerate of your feelings and trying to not mention anything about it.
Your Father called you back home because of his grave illness in Pegasus Moon, insisting you to leave the Officers Academy behind. Blue Lions was taken aback and sad with your abrupt leave. Going back to your home in Fhirdiad, days flies in a blur motion into moons and years.
It’s been 5 years since you left your Academy days in Garreg Mach.
A bloody coup led by Cornelia causes Duke Rufus and Dimitri both to be apparently killed. Her  tyranny left Fhirdiad in poor state with poverty and famine. Holy Kingdom of Faerghus thrown into disarray condition with their Prince’s disappearance. The nation is plagued by civil strife and hardship.
With the vast majority of the former Kingdom lords having bent the knee to the overwhelming power of the Empire, all Blaiddyd territory, including the Kingdom capital, is ruled by those who are cooperating with the Empire, and is thus renamed the Faerghus Dukedom. Houses Fraldarius and Gautier were left to spearhead the resistance as the primary opponents of the Dukedom.
As the legitimate Marchioness of your major noble house in Blaiddyd territory after her Father’s passing, (Y/N) decided to keep on fighting against Empire until the bitter end, along with Houses of Fraldarius, Gautier, and Galatea. You keep maintain close relationships them, mostly with the neighbouring Houses, Fraldarius and Galatea. Whether it may be reinforcements soldiers to House Fraldarius or stock supplies to House Galatea, you are so much eager to give it all (sometimes by going there personally—much to your advisors’ dismay) to aid them.  Being always giving or adding the most relevant information about current war state developments made you overjoyed when you heard about the news of Dimitri’s plan to recapture Fhirdiad.
It’s been forever since your last time fighting on the battlefield. Reclaiming the capital is a daunting task with shortage of soldiers and resources. Rodrigue’s death is a devastating blow to Faerghus’ military strength and resources. Not to mention that House Gautier and Galatea has any resources to spare. With limited resource of your own House, you decided to prioritize evacuation of Faerghus’ citizens and helping Blue Lions to the utmost.
Dimitri marches for Fhirdiad, causing the oppressed citizens to revolt against Cornelia’s tyranny People are rebelling against Cornelia and Fhirdiad has turned into a gruesome battlefield. Fire was everywhere The sound of metals echoed loudly in your ears. Large Titanus crowded the streets and wreaking havoc upon buildings and citizens. With your sword in your hands, you leap and cut through Kingdom Soldiers that is preparing to activate Viskam turrets against Felix.
You pushed forward with great caution. When you are done helping a pair of elders and children under the rubbles to evacuate, you saw him. Sylvain. Fighting over a mage and a large Titanus all by himself. Did he get separated? He barely dodged a fireball when you strike down that mage.
“Munchki--!” He gasped, surprised to see you back.
“Watch out, Syl!”
You leap in front of him, parrying and slash back at the Titanus’ large appendages that is going to smash him. Sylvain cast a Ragnarok and taking down the golem-like creature with a loud explosion, sending flying debris everywhere. He gasped, grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the way. 
“Ugh... that hurts. Are you okay, Munchkin?” He was trapped under the rubbles and the first thing that he asked is your safety?
“W-why did you do that, Syl? You got hurt protecting me. Didn’t you want to kill me?”, you said as you helped him out from the rubble.  Fortunately he is okay aside from a few scratch and bruises.
“When I thought you were going to be killed for real, my reflexes kicked in. I reacted without thinking. It doesn’t mean I’ve stopped being jealous of you. But, come on, I can’t help looking up to you.” He look at you with eyes full of worry and sadness.
“Sylvain..... Well.. It’s been awhile, but as much as I want to chat with you, we have to help Professor and Dimitri first. Cornelia has brought us so many sufferings. Now’s the time to put an end to all of this. And... thank you, Syl.” He nods and push forward to throw his lance at a Pegasus Knight that is fighting against Ingrid.
“I will go to deactivate Titanus’ lever. I know its location and it will help everyone tremendously against that gigantic monster! I’ll open Fhirdiad’s secret passages within my House territory to help everyone to get better access to Cornelia. When I’m done with it, I’ll regroup with reinforcement soldiers from my House to evacuate more citizens on the east side of Royal Capital, then go to help Dimitri fighting against Cornelia. See you later, Syl. Please stay safe.” You bid your farewell and run through smaller alley path, doing your missions, leaving Sylvain astonished at your very thorough, detailed plans.
Without the Titanus, Cornelia only has archers as her backups. As you take the archers down with Felix and Annette, Professor and Dimitri are working together to close in on her and take her down. It was a gruesome battle, but thanks to everyone’s efforts, casualties were kept to minimum and reclaiming Fhirdiad is a big success after Cornelia has been defeated.
It may be spring, but the nights are quite chilly here in Fhirdiad. The people are rejoicing at the return of their King. After a hard won battle of reclaiming Royal Capital of Fhirdiad, celebratory feast shows no sign of stopping. Growing weary of the festivities, you decided to excuse yourself from the banquet at the castle balcony.
“Munchkin. Here you are. His Highness has been looking for you. He wanted to express his gratitude for your loyalty and huge help at reclaiming Fhirdiad.”
“Good evening, Syl. We just did our utmost to help. Fhirdiad’s  peace and safety of the Blue Lions is of the most important thing for me, after all.”
A moment of silence passed where both of you stayed still, just basking in the moonlight and enjoying each others’ presence for a while.
“I’m sorry. I really am.” You are taken aback when Sylvain bows his head deeply in front of you.
“I know I messed up really bad and it’s fair enough if you can’t find it in your heart to forgive me. My jealousy got the best of me and it has brought you so much harm. Most girls just want me for my title or my Crest, and when I thought that it was the same for you, I… I was the one who made a mistake. I’m sorry, truly I am.” Peeking at him from the corner of your eye, you could see the furrow of Sylvain’s brows, the frowning twist of his lips. It was a look you’d never seen on him. Regret and pain. He looks so vulnerable. Somehow, you didn’t doubt the apology.
“Please elaborate, Syl.”
“Since I bear a Crest, my parents made sure I was never left wanting. My older brother didn’t have one, and so when I was born, he was pushed aside. My mere existence stole everything from him. There’s so many people that want to get close to me because of my crest. Because of something I didn’t even want to be born with. I wish I could have cared as little about my Crest as you do yours...,” he grimaces, running a hand through his hair briskly. “Women smile at me for the same reason my parents adored me...and my brother wanted me dead. And I have to meet them all with a smile because I have a Crest.” Sylvain purses his lips.
“But you–you’ve never treated me differently. Always being there for me and understand me, and…and–I like you, (Y/N). No. I love you so much that it scared me. A lot,” he says, closing his eyes.
“You say that, but it doesn’t excuse the things you’ve done.” You didn’t want to look at him, didn’t want to let him see mixed expression you were making at  his sudden confession but you knew he was looking at you. Intently.
“I was devastated when you left Garreg Mach years ago. I lost you once and I won’t let it happen again. So.... what I’m saying is…” he hesitated and briefly appeared at a loss of words which is very unlike of him.
He hugs you closer very tightly it hurts, cradling you gently against his chest. This close, you can feel the rapid pace of his heart and his nervousness. “Can you give me a second chance?” Sylvain’s touch was awkward and clumsy.
“......I will. But first… Please let me go, Syl. You are crushing me.”
Sylvain paused, as if unsure. “Did you mean that?” Vulnerability colored his tone, softened it. “I’d like to be a man who deserves that. Who deserves you. Even if you want nothing to do with me, one day I will find a way to make it up to you, to earn your forgiveness. I promise.” His voice wasn’t strong with his infamous flirtatious bravado. It was sincere.
“You’re so much more than just your Crest or your status, Sylvain Jose Gautier.” Taking his much bigger hand in your tiny ones, you smiled and whisper it against his hand. “You are the most amazing, kind, strongest, and nice man for me. Your path is your own.  I love you just the way you are, Sylvain. Crest or no Crest.” His face turned dark red instantly redder than his hair at your words. Sylvain.exe has stopped working
“You are going to be the death of me, Munchkin!!” Sylvain yells frantically. You can see his ears flushed furious red. He can die happy now. Goddess Sothis please take his soul.
“Why you still call me Munchkin, Syl?” you asked much to your curiousity. “It’s been years but you barely grow a few inch! But y-Ouch!! He yelps when you jab at his stomach. “But you have... grown into a fine, smart, and beautiful woman.”
“Time hasn’t been so kind to me in these past years, Syl. After my Father’s passing, I have to succeed him. Being a Marchioness isn’t an easy task but I learned so much and am still learning.”
“My sincerest condolences for your loss. But... he must be very proud of you, Munchkin. You will be a great Marchioness. Strong, thorough, quick-witted, and lovely as a—”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, Mr. Gautier.” You rolled your eyes at him. The redhead laughs softly and embrace you in his arms.
“When this war is over, will you come with me to my homeland? It’s time for the first step in the right direction. I don’t want to marry a girl who wants to use me for my Crest or a girl who someone else chose for me. I want to marry someone I really care about. With you by my side, I’m excited to find out what this new way of life is all about. (Y/N), I’m serious. Marry me. I’d do anything for you. I’m done lying, especially to myself. I’m going to spend the rest of our lives together trying to make you happy. I promise.”
 “I’d like to.... introduce you to my parents. They’d love to have a new Gauti—Gyaahh!!!” He shrieked when you stomped your feet on him. “I’m so DONE with you, Syl!!” you said with exasperated look, looking away trying to hide the rising heat in your cheeks. ‘A future with Sylvain...’
There’s a pause when you catch his gaze and find something vulnerable there, something familiar. The flicker of hope, mirrored in your expression. It’s as if everything falls into place and clicks. Then his lips were on yours, soft and hesitant, so unlike his usual self. Your eyes fluttered shut, your lips moulding against his, as his hand came up to cup your cheek. It was all the confession you needed.
“I will, Syl. I promise.”
When Professor and the Blue Lions heard about your new relationship with Sylvain, they offer you heartfelt congratulations and throw a little dinner party. Dimitri is OVERJOYED and sobs a little when he saw you are radiating with so much happiness. Back then in your Academy days, he was the one who worry about you the most when Sylvain treated you poorly, after all. Ashe and Dedue throw a lavish dinner to celebrate (Y/N) and Sylvain’s relationship that evening. Mercedes and Annette provide everyone with tasty sweets and dessert. It was a heartwarming small party among Blue Lions members.
Sadly, Sylvain didn’t get to celebrate it together. Rumors had it that Felix and Ingrid has beaten him to a bloody pulp (with Professor’s EXCLUSIVE permission) because he made you their lovely sweet lil sis wept and hurt. Sylvain kept on mumbling something between “Don’t ever hitting another girl”, “RUIN his Lance of Ruin”, “Don’t ever taint her”, or “You’re finished”. Even the kind and benevolent Mercie turned her back and refuse to heal Sylvain. The Gautier heir almost went to hell that evening.
The poor, traumatized philanderer will changing his ways for the better for sure.
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