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sunsetgreaser · 2 months ago
Dally: Ponyboy has a point.
Ponyboy: Don't agree with me. It makes me uncomfortable.
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Hope y'all liked the ones from before because I ain't stoppin till I'm tired.
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empian28 · 3 months ago
The leaves on the ground crunched and crumbled as Pony stepped on them. He walked down the sidewalk, through the gate, and a few more feet to reach a grave- two graves.
“Hey, Johnny, Hey, Dal.” Pony said, sitting with his legs criss crossed. He gently placed two small ice creams from Dairy Queen on the ground and a take away container of fries. “I finally finished my book. It’s about all of us greasers, and a couple of socs. Y’all ain’t here to read it for yourselves no more so I’ll read it to you- and yes Dal, it’s a bit lengthy.” He chuckled to himself. It was the type of thing he’d say when he read to them in the past.
“When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...”
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dietcolqz · 11 months ago
thinking about that outsiders deleted scene where dal and pony are just RIPPING into this poor woman over ponys milkshake not being up to par, dal asking how he likes it and pony doesn't so they just tear shreds into her-- dally's helping his boyfriend bitch at her, Dallas did pay for the drink after all, couple goals af.
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sodomhipped · 7 days ago
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The Outsiders (1983) + Dallas/Ponyboy
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positively-peachy-143 · 11 months ago
pb & jally / panini hcs
Dallas loves tussling Ponyboy’s hair, not quite playing with it, but messing with it enough to get a little glare from Pony.
Dallas randomly stops by the school to pick Johnny and Pony up and get them to ditch with him, usually to DQ’s or some diner. 
It pisses Darry off.
Pony will sometimes sketch Dallas and Johnny cuddling after they’ve fallen asleep. 
The gang doesn’t know, as per Dallas’ request, but if it were just Pony and Johnny they would have come out to the gang by now.
They don’t mind keeping it secret, having this special little thing between them that no one else gets to see.
Johnny wears Dally’s st christopher, but always hides it under his shirt. 
Dallas always makes up a story about ‘some broad’ when anyone asks him why his necklace is missing, but he ends up lowkey describing either Johnny or Ponyboy each time (for example “nah she’s got this big doe eyes, like a sad puppy’ or ‘she loves reading. Crazy, man.’)
Dallas HATES reading, and doesn’t understand why his boyfriends love it, but he actually secretly likes when either of them read to him. 
Dallas will lift books for them. One time Two-Bit caught him and now teases him for it. 
They each have a little heart on one of their shoes with the other two’s initials on it. Poyboy wrote each of them, since he has the best handwriting. 
Ponyboy gets to wear Dallas’ ring, but similar to Johnny, he wears it on a chain around his neck and hides it under his shirt. 
They sometimes go to the lot together, all three of them, and at first Pony was afraid he’d be irritated by Dallas breaking the silence every two seconds, but he actually doesn’t mind it. Sure it’s not the same as him and Johnny sitting there together quietly, but he actually kind of likes it this way. 
Dallas doesn’t understand why his boyfriends like the quiet so much, but he tries to respect it. He can’t help it though if he wants to crack a few jokes or mess with Pony’s hair or give Johnny a light shove every now and then. He’s pretty restless, but they haven’t reprimanded him or anything for being obnoxious yet. 
Not only did Dallas reluctantly agree to join them and watch sunsets, but he actually secretly started liking them
One time Dallas caught himself watching a sunset alone and got really sad bc neither of his partners were there to see it. He thought the sunset was wasted on him bc his boyfriends would’ve liked it more than he does. 
Dallas still drives and lives recklessly, but he’s a bit more careful now. He’ll catch a glimpse of the heart on his shoe or his ringless finger and remember he has something to live for now. Two somethings. 
Pony and Dally hang out one-on-one the least out of the three of them. Sometimes Johnny tries to get them to bond, and they do, but they like it a lot better with him there too. 
Pony and Dally really only bond one-on-one when talking about Johnny and having a cigarette.
Pony grows to actually like how unconventionally attractive Dallas is. He’s unique to draw. 
Pony writes down all (if any) stories Dallas shares about his time in New York. Usually all he gets is small remarks and basically table-scraps worth of stories, but he’s always trying to urge more information. He thinks it’s fascinating. Like they’ll be talking about something and Dallas will go “oh yeah I remember military camp” and Johnny and Pony will just stare like 0-0
Dallas still flirts in public with girls, but never gets further than that usually. There have been a few times however, where he’s been unfaithful to Pony and Johnny, as to be expected. He’s slept with other people, kissed other people, etc. 
Johnny is more upset about it than he lets on, and if Pony weren’t there, he would have just accepted it and moved on.
Pony was the one to push the “are we exclusive?” conversation, which led to Dallas getting frustrated and storming out
He wasn’t really mad at them, more mad at himself for not realizing that they wanted to be exclusive. 
They broke up for a while, but eventually Johnny managed to pull them back together.
Johnny’s kind of the mediator in the relationship. He’s their glue. 
Every time Dally fucks up or Pony gets frustrated, he’s there seeing both sides.
Sometimes he feels trapped in the middle
In the end though, they always come back together. Dallas never apologizes, as that wouldn’t be true to him to do, but he does try to change for the better, for them. Pony still sometimes thinks Dallas is scary, maybe a bit too real, but it’s in a different way now. Dallas is scary, but Pony is safe with him, Dallas would never intentionally hurt him. And Johnny loves both of them uniquely. They’re both so different but he loves them so much. Pony’s gentler, more thoughtful side, as well as Dallas’ rugged, rebellious side.
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se-hinton-confessions · 11 months ago
why are people trying to argue about if dalpony is acceptable or not 😭😭 its a 14 and 17 yr old i think thats self explanatory
"oh but the jacket exchange!!" "dally said his name!!" "ponyboy talks about him alot!!" "14 and 17 isnt that big!!"
yaa.... ur weird....
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robinaltieri · 2 months ago
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A chibi dalpony practice💖✨. I don’t usually draw them in cutesy style, so i wanted to give try.
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bartxnhood · 2 years ago
HII!! I was wondering if I could request Dallas Winston with a hippie!reader headcanons? I love ur writing btw <3
thanks for requesting ! i hope you enjoy !!
•at first dally really wanted to hate you.
•you dressed so different than most people in town. you stuck out like an eye sore.
•he definitely thought it was weird at first, but when the gang started to bring you around more, he had not other choice than to be around you.
•you were nice, maybe too nice for your own good. anytime dallas had make a snarky or hateful comment towards you, you just hid the pain behind a smile.
• “what are you some kind of witch or something?” dallas would ask, but you just laugh his questuin off and focus on something else.
•he tried his hardest to get you to hate him, but you had no hate in your body. you were someone who thought everyone deserved love. even if they weren’t the best people.
•eventually, dallas let up on his comments towards you. for a while he ignored you, preventing his self from saying something snarky.
•the rest of the guys actually enjoyed your state of mind.
•ponyboy especially, if you’re more into nature. the two of you would sit and watch the sunrise or sunset. you often shared your interests with pony as he enjoyed hearing about it.
•dallas never understood your fascination with nature until stumbling across you in the lot watching the sunset.
• “whaddya doin?” he asks, approaching you from behind. your head turns to him, smiling softly. “watching the sunset. wanna join?”
•you knew better than to ask but to your surprise he walks over and sits down next to you.
• “what’s that?” he asks, pointing to the bundle of flowers in your lap. “oh! a flower crown!” you raise it from you lap letting him look at it.
•he nods “cool” he mumbles under his breath and looks away.
•dallas is shocked when you place it on his head and stifle a laugh. “what?”
•you shake your head, smiling. “it suits you.”
•dallas feels flustered, he hadn’t felt this way toward someone. at least, in a very long time. he didn’t mind that you put the crown on him, in fact he thought it was cute.
•the sun had already set, it was just getting dark. “dallas, do you hate me?”
•the questions makes his eyebrows furrow. it was so sudden.
• “no..but i wanted to” he says, you look at him. “why?” he sighs, looking ahead.
• “you’re too good for someone like me, i thought the best way to not love you was hate you. but it didn’t work.”
•from that moment on, the two of you became something more than just friends.
•but it took some time before he finally realized how in love with you he was.
•and then, he finally decided to make it official.
•dallas learned to love your way of life.
•he’d carry around crystals you gifted him in his pocket. of course, he wouldn’t tell anybody.
•he wore the jewelry you’d make sometimes. it was so unusual for him to do or even let someone do that for him.
•but, dallas let you because he finally felt wanted for the first time in a while.
•he let you be you because that’s the person he fell in love with.
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frankiedane · 9 months ago
it's so funny whenever i see someone going "dalpony is bad" and then i see they've been kudosing fic from me and others and even funnier when i have comments from them praising it but on here their entire personality is "IT'S BAD"
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rosezrdead · 2 years ago
Dally: What's the matter with you?
Ponyboy: I don't know, I guess I'm just really anxious today...
Dally: Well did you take your anxiety meds?
Pony: No, I never do
Dally: And why the fuck don't you???
Pony: Because they make me uncreative!!!
Dally: Dude...
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sunsetgreaser · 9 months ago
Dally: I have an idea.
Ponyboy: A good one?
Dally: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 9 months ago
Summary: "When this is over — whether Johnny gets the electric chair or the state takes me," Ponyboy speaks, his tongue heavy in his mouth, able to feel Dallas tense up beside him, "Or if just nothing goes right — I love you, Dally. No matter what." September, 1965 — Everybody lives, for once. That doesn't make things any easier for Ponyboy, not with his dynamic singling him out, his best friend dealing with life long injuries now, his family life still tense, a court case on the horizon, and his growing, mutual attraction to Dallas Winston getting stronger by the day.
Author: @kyttaron
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dietcolqz · 11 months ago
so uh, i think that one dalpony shitpost FA might be the last dalpony art I make and post publicly. I didn't think THAT many people disliked it, and it makes me feel so out of place, it causes me to dissociate sometimes. I still love them dearly but I probably wont share it here anymore, insta might be different but not here :/
Edit: I privated all of my dalpony fanart, sorry, as much as I love them, I don’t want anyone harassing me over it, I’m such a pussy bro I can’t handle conflict lmao :,P
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sodomhipped · 19 days ago
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Selection from the Dallas/Ponyboy part of my next fic for WIP Wednesday
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ponyboysjacket · 6 months ago
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