#people get. so weird about food. so weird.
squiddy-god · 2 days
Malleus, Azul, Lilia, jack, idia with an s/o who’s bad at self care
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Malleus draconia
Mall is confused??
Why is the human not takeing care of themselves???
Only really notices after he sees your health, both mental and physical, start to decline
Asks Lilia about what to do because he’s clueless when it comes to humans.
Once he knows however he’s going straight to you and he’s goona make you do self care whether you like it or not.
It’s simple self care but it’s self care.
Pops out of nowhere and proceeds to make you drink water, no he doesn’t care that you did 5 minuets ago his s/O needs to stay hydrated.
If for whatever reason the dark fae is unable to remind you to take a break or eat or drink water he’ll have sebek bring you a water bottle
Makes you take little breaks
Watches you like a hawk because he wants to make sure that you arnt pushing yourself.
Simple but effective self care is the way to go with malleus, it’ll always be pretty simple but it’s all the love and care he puts into things like makeing you eat something or makeing you drink water.
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Azul ashengrotto
Your both in the same boat here
Azul definitely over works himself and 100% isn’t very good with self care
But when he sees the signs that you also aren’t? He tries.
Noticed pretty quickly, he’s the same way and knew the signs of a lack of self care.
He makes Shure you both eat some food and also that you both drink water, maybe even take a little break.
See, you not being good at self care gets him to do alot of little things for the both of you, like in order for you to take a break he has to take a break, and if you drink water he will suddenly feel thirsty.
Sometimes it won’t actually be a “break but more of a change in location. Can be having you feel like a sad zoo animal
He’ll drag you to mostro lounge/out of his office and will sit with the fishes or other things depending on were you are
Azuls also likes to rant and listen to you rant. He’s a good listener and will listen to you vent for as long as you need while you both cuddle because he's✨✨touch starved✨✨
Azuls self care is a lot of little things that make a big difference he really does try for you and you gradually get better together
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Lilia vanrouge
Noticed right away and his dad senses kicked in
You really thought he wouldn’t notice after raising 3 kids???
Makes you drink lots of water, go on walks, take breaks have a nice shower, the works.
He often has to remind sebek to take breaks and drink water, same with silver but for different reasons
Tries to cook for you so you have something to eat but I think that’s more self harm then care if you eat it.
But hey! It’s the thought that counts!
Scolds you lightly when you don’t self care and gives you "the dad lecture” ™
His internal clock is wired to chime of at certain times of day and make sure everyone drinks water/eats/takes a break
He’s very good about self care and he subtly ingrains it into your very soul.
Almost trains you like pavlovs dogs kekekekek
At a certain time you’ll feel the sudden urge to have a little self care, whether you like it or not.
10/10 dad Lilia comes through once again
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Jack howl
Aggressively cares about you
You better self care or else
*chucks water bottle at you* stay hydrated!!!
Gives you a plant because plants are good and you need it
Makes you take breaks whether you like it or not
Good luck not self careing
He can sense if you haven’t
Seriously its like a 6th sence
Like you can be walking by and he’ll come up to you and tell you to go self care
Don’t argue with him
It’s pointless
Imagine doing face masks with Jack
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Idia shroud
Alright so this is a weird on because like Azul idia is high key shit at takeing care of himself
But on the other hand he definitely worries about the people he cares about
So when he notices (almost instantly) that his light, his player 2, isn’t takeing care of themselves?
So he forces you to self care, shower, drink water, eat something other then monster and Doritos (or candy)
Also has you do face masks and things he found on “howtorelax. Com”
Witch is really good because it kinda tricks him into doing self care himself
So you’ll both get something (somewhat) good to eat, put on a face mask and watch anime together
👉👈 maybe cuddle
It’s really shocking how adamant he is about self care when he himself is so bad at it for himself, but your someone he cares about, a lot, so of course he’s worried about you
Has set timers on his computers for when you should get water and take a break/cuddle him
Expect visits from his tablet and/or ortho telling you to drink water/come to Ignyhide
Idia still won’t go outside-outside but maybe a little walk around Ignyhide won’t hurt (but only if your with him)
Also walks you to class when he’s (unjustly) forced to attend a physical class
And as much as he would like to just nyoom and zoom to his next class lickaty split he makes small stops to get water with you if it isn’t to busy (a.k.a. no people)
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candycandy00 · 1 day
AU setting:Gothic Mansion
Spice Level:NSFW
Kinks:Breeding, Bondage, Choking
The Chase - A Hawks x Reader Fanfic
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Smut. 18+. AU. Hawks as a vampire. Fem Reader. Bondage. Choking. Creampie. Vampire-related blood/biting. 
My first time writing Hawks! I hope it turned out okay! Any feedback would be adored! Divider by @benkeibear.
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When you first met Keigo at the cafe, the location you both agreed upon after talking on a dating app for almost a week, you were surprised. He certainly didn’t look 5’11. But height was never really important to you, so you didn’t mind. He was hotter than his pictures led you to believe, with a bright smile and an easy going attitude that appealed to you. 
When you asked him what he did for a living, he’d only said, “A little bit of everything over the years.”
He was only what, twenty-five? How many different jobs could he have had? But you dismissed it as a joke. You noticed he didn’t eat much, mostly just poking at his food or sliding it around on his plate. It almost felt like he was trying to make it look like he was eating. But his laugh was infectious, and he had plenty of funny stories to tell about traveling to different countries. You wondered how he found the time for all of that. 
At the end of the date, he took you home. You stood in front of your door, hoping he would kiss you, but he didn’t so much as pat you on the back. 
You went on a couple more dates after that, always at night. You joked that you were worried you’d never get to see him in daylight, and he’d laughed heartily. “What? You think I’m a vampire or something?”
“Maybe you are,” you said, giggling. 
He tilted his head, strands of dark blonde hair sliding over one eye as he said, “Maybe I am.”
There was a heat to his gaze as he said it, making goosebumps appear along your arms. And for the briefest of moments, you felt the most powerful urge to flee. You ignored such an irrational feeling. Keigo had been nothing but a gentleman, and in all honesty you were looking forward to him not being one anymore. 
On the fourth date, he asked if you’d like to come to his place for drinks. When you agreed, he said, “I’ll warn you, my house is pretty big. Been in my family for generations. Just don’t be freaked out.”
Now, as you sit in the passenger side of his cherry red convertible on your way to his place for the first time, you wonder how you could possibly be freaked out over a house. 
Until he pulls into the driveway. 
“Is that a fucking castle?!” you blurt out. 
The paved driveway, leading past an ornate, open gate, heads straight to a beautiful looming castle. It looks like something from a movie, probably about Dracula. The stone structure is huge, with literal towers! And though it looks like it was built in the Middle Ages, there are modern flourishes.
All the doors and windows appear to be new, and a lavish standalone garage sits nearby. The lighting is extraordinary, with beautiful colors being beamed at the castle from all directions. Without that, pulling up to this place at night would have been terrifying. 
Keigo laughs beside you. “Yep, it’s a castle.”
You turn to look at him. “Do you live here all by yourself?”
“I have a staff of people helping me run the place, but they all went home for the weekend.”
“Oh,” you say, realizing the two of you will be alone in this enormous building. A weird little thought crosses your mind, that you could get lost in this place, or that he could easily trap you here. You dismiss it, because so far Keigo has been really sweet. You don’t understand why you keep subconsciously thinking of him as a predator. 
And besides, you’re insanely attracted to him. You don’t think you’d mind him chasing you through this castle and fucking you against a wall. In fact you’re a little disappointed that he hasn’t made any moves on you. He hasn’t even touched you yet. 
“I didn’t realize you were rich,” you tell him as the two of you walk up to the door. He hasn’t even put his arm around you. Is he shy? Or just trying to be respectful? 
“I don’t like to advertise it on dating sites. I don’t need a bunch of young girls looking for a sugar daddy,” he replies, an easy smile on his face. 
That makes sense, though with his good looks, you doubt any women who approach him would be interested only in his money. 
Once inside, you find the interior is just as fancy as the exterior. It looks like the sort of house you would imagine royalty living in. High ceilings, plush carpets in some rooms with delicate tile work in others, rich furnishings in mahogany and gold, expensive paintings on the walls, a roaring fireplace big enough for at least three Santa’s to comfortably stand in. And again the mixture of antique and modern, ancient looking vases and art pieces beside a state of the art entertainment system. 
You look around in awe as he leads you down a hallway, through two different short corridors, and across a huge dining room to reach a kitchen. It’s the most modern room you’ve seen so far, brightly lit with beautiful marble countertops and all the best in appliances. 
The thought you had earlier returns to you as Keigo pops open a bottle of champagne - that you could get lost in this massive castle. You try to remember the exact turns the two of you took to reach this room, what the halls looked like as you walked through them. Could you quickly run back to the front entrance if you need to? 
Wait, why would you need to? Why do you keep imagining scenarios like that? 
Keigo is chatty and friendly as usual as he pours champagne into two crystal glasses and sits them both on the counter near you, subtly allowing you to choose the glass you want. He’s telling you about his great great great grandfather, also named Keigo, who lived here so long ago. 
“He was a weird old hermit, or so I’ve been told,” he says. “Spent years hiding out in this castle, letting the neighbors think whatever they wanted. It caused a lot of crazy rumors to spread about him.”
You sip your drink as you nod along. “What kind of rumors?” you ask. 
Keigo gives you that look again, the one that seems to be full of desire, and something else you can’t quite identify. The one that simultaneously makes you want to mount him and run away from him in terror. “That he was a vampire.”
You laugh. “People were so superstitious back then!” But in truth, you just felt an inexplicable chill run down your spine. 
Just then you notice that, while Keigo is holding the other glass in his hand, he’s never taken a sip. It’s a little suspicious, but maybe he’s just a light drinker, or he’s being careful since he has to drive you home later. Nothing to worry about, right? So why are alarm bells ringing in your mind?
And why does that excite you?
He sits the glass on the counter and steps a bit closer to you. There’s nothing explicitly threatening about the motion, but you find yourself drawing in a sharp breath. He stops when he’s close enough to touch you if he wants. Why won’t he touch you? His hands are so close. His body is so close! You imagine him bending you over his fancy countertops and fucking you right here in his pristine kitchen. 
“What about you?” he asks, snapping you back to reality. “Are you superstitious?”
You take another sip and try to project nonchalance. “Not at all. I don’t believe in monsters.”
He tilts his head again in that way that drives you mad. “You should. We’re definitely real.”
Huh? ‘We’? You laugh, almost touching his arm playfully but stopping yourself. “You’re really funny, Keigo.”
He smiles at you, that same easy going smile that charmed you from the beginning. “You’re funny too,” he says, “the way you keep pretending you don’t realize what I am.”
There they are again, the alarm bells, singing loudly in your brain, urging you to flee. The smile fades from your lips “What are you talking about?” 
“I don’t know what it is, some kind of gene or something, but some people just instinctively know,” he says, his tone casual. Friendly. “And usually, those same people send out their own signals, whether they know it or not. Just like you can sense that I’m a predator, I can sense that you’re wired to be the perfect prey.”
You back away a few inches, leaving your glass on the counter. Your heart is pounding wildly. “I don’t understand.”
He grins. “See? There it is again. You’re scared, naturally, but you’re excited too. You’re enjoying this. I can sense your pulse getting quicker, hear your heartbeat getting faster, and…” his eyes shift down your body, “can smell how wet you’re getting.”
You flush with embarrassment. He’s never said anything remotely sexual to you before, so it’s a bit of a shock to hear it now. But the worst part is that it’s true. 
“I knew it the moment I met you. It’s like you were designed to be my ideal prey,” he tells you. And suddenly you notice his warm golden eyes are glowing with a supernatural light, looking eerie even in this well lit room. He grins again, and you can see two prominent fangs, large and razor sharp, inside his mouth. 
You edge further away from him, still in disbelief. “W-what are you?” 
“Isn’t it obvious, sweetheart? Haven’t I been givin’ you hints this whole time? I’m a vampire.”
Your eyes sweep around the kitchen. There’s a knife block, but it’s closer to him than you. Is there anything else you could use?
You hear his laugh, still infectious even now. “Looking for a weapon? Not like you could kill me even if you had a gun. No, we’re gonna have a little chase. If you can make it back to the front door before I catch you, you can go home. Hell, I’ll even call you an Uber!”
You stare at him, trying to process what he’s saying through your shock. “What happens if you catch me?”
There’s that smoldering look again, and you reflexively squeeze your thighs together as he says, “I’ll fuck your pretty little brains out and drink your blood.” 
Your breath hitches, your chest is heaving as you breathe harder, preparing to run. He smiles and says, “I’ll give you a one minute head start. Now go!”
There’s no hesitation as you rush out of the kitchen, sprint through the dining room, and down a corridor. When you get to the end of the first corridor, however, you can’t remember which direction to go. You take a chance on running left when you hear the dining room door open. He’s already coming! 
You stop around a corner and pull off your high heeled shoes. They’re too hard to run in, and they make a lot of noise on the tile. You backtrack and leave the shoes at an intersection where two halls meet, leaving it unclear which direction you went, then take a right down a corridor that looks vaguely familiar. 
As you run toward what you hope is the exit, you can’t help asking yourself if you actually want to find it. You’ve been drawn to Keigo since you first met him, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him to absolutely rail you. He even acknowledged that fact out loud. If that was all he wanted to do, you’d be running toward him. But drinking your blood? Would that kill you? Or would he just take a little? 
You hear footsteps, and panic makes you dart into a room along the hall. It looks like a bedroom, as lavishly decorated as the rest of the castle but with less modern touches. In fact it could be a king’s bedroom from some medieval drama. 
On one wall is a large portrait of a man you mistake to be Keigo at first. Then you notice his clothes are from a different era and his hair is styled differently. Maybe it’s the ancestor he was telling you about. Or wait… if he really is a vampire, he could be hundreds of years old! Maybe he actually was the ancestor all along. 
You feel a warm breeze and look over to find an open doorway leading to a balcony. Red curtains are swaying in the air, and as you watch, they occasionally part to reveal a lovely view of the city at night. 
Just then, the door to the room starts to open. How does he already know which room you’re in?! Maybe it’s his enhanced senses, but you have to hide. You head out to the balcony and wait, listening as he comes into the room. You’re running out of options! 
You back up until you hit the barrier of the balcony. You look down. This side of the castle overlooks a yard that seems way too far down. Jumping would be a big risk! But you don’t have any choice!
As Keigo appears between the curtains, stepping onto the balcony, you quickly climb over and let yourself drop. You hear his voice calling for you to wait, but then you’re falling through the summer night air. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace for the impact. You hear a strange sound, like wind whooshing over fabric, and suddenly your fall stops. 
You open your eyes, wondering why nothing hurts, only to find yourself in Keigo’s arms. Behind him, you can see two enormous red bat wings that have sprouted from his back. His golden eyes now glow red, and his sharp fangs are much bigger. Is this his true form?
“Gonna give me a fuckin’ heart attack!” he says as he flies back up to the balcony and lands, still holding you. 
You squirm in his arms. “Let go!”
“Hey, I already caught you! Game’s over!” 
You go still as you realize he’s touching you. Your body is curled against his surprisingly hard chest. His hands are warm on your shoulder and under your thighs, holding you up like a bride. You look up at his face, and he looks so gorgeous, all resistance melts away. 
Without a word, you lean up and kiss him. You didn’t plan it or even think about it. There’s a magnetism that draws you to him, and you can no longer fight it. 
He carries you back inside and sits you down on the bed, leaning over you and kissing your mouth as he unbuttons his shirt. He’s way more muscular than you expected, and your hands move to his chest, slipping beneath his open shirt. His own hands are working your dress up your thighs, to your waist, then up and over your head. 
His fingers deftly unhook your bra and pull it off you, and when you’re left in nothing but lace panties and thigh high stockings, he pushes you back onto the mattress. He lifts your legs and turns them until you’re lying perfectly straight in the middle of the bed. That’s when you notice the blood red silk scarves tied to each post of the headboard. 
Keigo takes each of your wrists in turn and kisses the inside, right where you feel your pulse most strongly, then ties a silk scarf around it, effectively tying your arms to the bed. You give an experimental tug, but the silk is strong. 
When finished, he looms over you, his shirt still on but open, his eyes glowing, his blonde hair being slightly tussled by the breeze, his crimson wings spread out behind him. You’ve never seen a more mesmerizing sight in your life. 
He grins. “Nothing hotter than captured prey.”
And as he begins kissing you again, first your mouth, then moving down your neck, you feel that familiar prey instinct of wanting to escape. You jerk at your bonds, even as you revel in the sensation of his lips on your skin, his tongue running over one hard nipple before taking it into his mouth. You feel a fang ghost over the tender flesh, and shiver. 
You feel instinctive fear, but you also feel an indescribable thrill ripple through your body. You’re trapped beneath a bloodthirsty vampire, but you’ve never been more aroused in your entire life. 
That’s why you don’t struggle or protest when he slides your panties down your hips and off your ankles, then spreads you open. You’ve been waiting for this, aching for this, since you first met him. You’ve been desperate for him to touch you, to feel his hands and mouth on your heated, quivering flesh. To have his cock inside you. 
“Do you know how hard it was to control myself?” he says, planting a few more quick kisses along your stomach as he moves down. “If I’d touched you on that first date, I would’ve ended up fucking you on a table at the cafe.”
You look down at him as he rubs your dripping slit with his thumb, and ask, “Why didn’t you?” 
He glances up, looking mildly surprised, then he grins as his fingers spread your folds and he gives the first lick, right up to your swollen clit. “I didn’t think that would make a good first impression,” he answers before drawing circles around your clit with his tongue, never quite touching it but teasing it mercilessly. 
You moan, arching your back, lifting your hips from the bed in an attempt to get his tongue in the right spot. “Ahh… please…!”
He pushes one finger inside you, curling it in a way that has you gasping. “Hmm? Please what? Is this little clit feeling neglected?” 
Again he licks a path around it but never on it, making you whine. Finally, he shows mercy and wraps his lips around the tiny nub, suckling it as his finger pumps in and out of you. Your hips buck at the sudden intense pleasure, feeling his tongue run over the tip of your clit, even feeling a hint of teeth grazing over it. 
You cum within seconds, moaning and shaking, your hands balled into fists. He draws back, slowly licking his lips as he unbuttons his pants. You watch with anticipation, eager to see the cock you’ve been hungry for all this time. 
It does not disappoint. 
It’s beautifully shaped, much bigger than you would have guessed considering his height, and glistening with tasty looking precum. He pushes your legs up, hooking them over his shoulders and folding you in half, then looks you in the eyes as he pushes himself in. 
It feels incredible, his cock filling you up perfectly, rubbing you in exactly the right spots. When he begins thrusting, impossibly deep and hard, you can only let out little whimpers and cries, your mind going blank to everything but the pleasure of feeling him inside you. 
He leans forward, kissing you again as one of his hands slips around your throat. God, he’s beautiful. His glowing eyes stare into yours as his hand tightens, constricting your airflow, making your pussy clench around him in response. As you struggle to gasp in air, he runs his tongue along your parted lips and fucks into you even deeper. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he murmurs, his other hand maintaining a bruising grip on your waist for leverage. Just as you feel like you might black out, despite the hard fucking he’s giving you, his hand releases your throat. You take in gulps of air, the sudden rush of oxygen making you slightly lightheaded. 
And before you can fully catch your breath, his mouth opens wide, displaying the terrifyingly sharp fangs before biting down on your neck. 
You cry out in shock and pain, feeling his teeth tear into your skin as warm blood is sucked into his mouth. His tongue prods at the wound as his cock continues to ram into your drenched pussy. 
Well, there are certainly worse ways to go. 
As he repeatedly hits your most sensitive spots, a feeling of euphoria washes over you. The pain of his bite dulls, even as his teeth clamp down harder, and as he drinks your blood, you cum once again, trembling in his grasp. 
He pulls his face back, and his mouth is red all over, your life fluids dripping down his chin. His thrusts grow in intensity, an almost animalistic grunt escaping his bloody mouth as he fucks into you. A few seconds later, his mouth seals over the wound again, sucking out more blood as he shoves in even deeper, shooting his entire load into your womb. 
He finally pulls out of you, taking a moment to drink in the sight of your bound, bloody, fucked out form in his bed. Then he unties the silk scarves. 
“You okay?” he asks, his tone as casual and friendly as before. 
You wince as you sit up. You’re going to be sore for a few days, in a lot of places. Wait, is he not going to kill you? Drain you completely? Make sure you don’t tell his secret?
He seems to read your mind, because he laughs at your confused expression. “Don’t worry! I haven’t killed anyone since the 1500’s!”
You look at him incredulously. “Then what was the deal with that whole chase?!”
He tilts his head slightly. “It was fun, right? You really do have strong prey instincts. I don’t see that very often in the modern age. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Especially when I saw how excited you were getting.”
You blush at that remark. “So what now?” you ask, sliding out of bed and looking for your underwear. 
“Hmm? I guess we plan our next date?” he says, his eyes returning to their normal golden color while his wings seem to retract into his back. He hands you your bra with a smile. “Unless you wanna dump me after this.”
“No, I definitely don’t want that,” you say, putting the bra on. You lightly touch your neck, feeling the sticky blood and torn skin, then hiss at the throb of pain. “But could you go a little easier with the bites?”
An apologetic look flashes over his face. “Sorry, it’s hard to control myself sometimes. I hadn’t fed in a long time, and arousal makes the bloodlust stronger. It should heal up really fast though. Something in vampire saliva makes their bites heal quickly.”
“Good to know,” you say, pulling on your dress. 
He’s smiling at you in that easy going way you find so charming. “Start coming over more often. If you get used to this place, our chases might last longe.”
You stop and stare at him. “Wait, you’re gonna keep chasing me?!”
He grins. “Only if you keep running, sweetheart.”
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armandfucker · 1 day
From Daniels notebook
Observations On Vampirism
- Very weird to feel food (blood) going into my stomach and then it literally disappears? How does it get absorbed? Stomach lining? Strange.
- joints don’t click! No bones grinding!
- I can do sit ups now.
- I can still sneeze (incident with dusty boxes)
- When I clip my nails they take 3 hours to grow back to 2cm
- Tried snorting cocaine but it just gave me a headache
- So my skin and hair still absorb moisture but I can’t drink water. Inconsistent.
- I need to learn how to turn off the mind radio. People think about so much trash. The green hair neighbor has been thinking about grape jelly donuts for 3 days straight and now I’m craving them too.
-Hair won’t stay dyed. Other experiments? Piercings? tattoos?
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struwberrii · 17 hours
Hii! I love your headcanons and I’ve been listening to your haikyuu playlists daily<3 i was wondering if you’re able to do kuroo headcanons cause that would be great(^_^) take care
kuroo headcannons ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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thank you so much!! and thank you for the request!! here are some of my silly headcannons for this dork kuroo tetsurou ヽ(^◇^*)/ (also here’s the link to the kuroo playlist i made)
his love language for EVERYONE is teasing them, especially using his height to his advantage to pick on shorter people
doesn’t really study all that much but has crazy good grades
always walks you to class and surprises you during breaks with snacks
constantly picking on you (guys it just means he likes you)
helps you study but not without making fun of you for being ‘dumb’ first
unironically uses reddit and is constantly reading aita stories
i feel like mentally he’s a middle aged white dad
his favorite show is rick and morty or south park
his mom still packs his lunch (he would pack it but he always forgets)
not secretive about anything, like the entire nekoma team knows his phone password
has very creative insults in arguments
type of guy to eat like instant ramen at 8 am and not have a stomach ache
has a weird amount of sponge bob clothes
doesnt have a skincare routine, doesn’t even use face wash when he washes his face but has perfect skin
honestly he’s kind of a dork
can never tell when girls are flirting with him (girls always think he’s flirting first bc of how he talks)
super good at imessage 8ball
loves grabbing fast food and just eating with you or his friends in the parking lot
plays scrabble on his ipad during class
listens to rock and metal bands
sarcastic af
the worlds louded snorer, sleepovers with him are crazy
at the gym a lot and always asking you to come, sometimes he forces kenma to come too (trust he’s on those work out bikes with his switch in his hands)
gets so nervous when trying to compliment you so he’s just like stuttering and fumbling his words
keeps up with basically every sport
very touchy, always has an arm around you
super confident in your relationship, like he trusts you 110%
loves brushing/playing with you hair, probably knows how to braid hair too
always packs snacks, water and medicine just for you
if anyone else asks him if he has those things on him he says no 😭
looks so good in sweat pants
he met your mom one time and she’s always asking about him now (she loved him and wants you guys to be together)
likes the weirdest foods, like he eats the craziest food combos
literally drinks out of a 64 oz yeti water bottle and refills it hourly
probably really likes deathnote and is always watching those hour long video analysis about the characters and the story
brings a speaker to practice and forced the nekoma team to make a practice playlist with him
tries every new video game with kenma
probably loves hot topic and spencer’s
has a garfield mug
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lenaboskow · 1 day
i'm bored at work so here's an updated list of everything tommy kinard has ever said or done that makes him a bad person who hasn't changed/learned from his mistakes (even if he's not being inherently/explicitly racist anymore) (before you come at me for saying people can change, here's my previous pinned post from 7x05 that explains how he hasn't. i go into it more here about the back half of the season, but all of these points still stand)
season two
chimney begins
the first thing tommy says to/about chimney is "did you forget to tip the delivery driver?". if it wasn't for the fact that they had asian food delivered and chimney is asian, this could've been passed off, but instead they chose to have the first act of racism/general harassment be done by tommy, not the racist captain.
then when they return from a call and see chimney dutifully cleaning, tommy says to chimney: "you're still here?". not inherently racist, but still rude
we get some montages of chimney being left out/harrasef, and tommy is always at the forefront. it culminates in the locker room scene where tommy says "i don't think about you enough to hate you", which again isn't inherently racist but it is rude.
at the end, the only way chimney manages to earn a semblance of respect from tommy is by saving his life, which is fucked up. you shouldn't have to save someone's life to he treated with dignity. but fine, maybe tommy learned his lesson, right?
hen begins
at the beginning, tommy, chimney, gerrard, and a few others are standing up in the loft while hen walks in. gerrard says a few racist/sexist words, and chim stands up for her. tommy just stands there, not even looking like he might want to say something. not saying something when it happens is almost as bad as doing, and obviously chimney, who'd been there a shorter time, was brave enough to stand up for her.
then tommy, during a meal, tommy says about hen: "new york bitchiness is a compliment?". there's no non sexist explanation for this comment
actually that entire meal, he ignores chimney's attempts move the conversation away, which says a lot
again, general enabling of the racism and sexism
now, we don't know a whole lot about how hen and chimney interacted with tommy after the events of their begins episodes, but we do know they weren't close enough to keep in touch after. chimney loses touch for two years immediately after he leaves, and by season seven hen forgot that tommy worked at harbor. i don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like behavior for people who worked closely for ten years.
during hen's "see me" speech, tommy looks pissed off to be there, and then proceeds to look annoyed when he apologizes to her at the end of the episode (if you can even call it that)
post begins episodes
season seven
this episode was from buck's pov, so it's actually the time where tommy is the most tolerable. that doesn't mean he doesn't have his moments, though:
calling buck "kid" and "evan" is a weird way to introduce a love interest. tommy calling him "kid" shows that tommy is aware of the age difference, which as i explain here is at least the same as buck and abby's (and here why that screenshot of tim saying he's 40 is irrelevant). also, tommy calls buck "evan" with no on screen explanation, and we know that lou was explicitly told tommy isn't "allowed" to call him buck. you know the only other characters who aren't allowed to call him buck? his parents. that's all I'll say.
we don't really see much of tommy again until the basketball scene, and then it's focused on buck and eddie anyways, so the next time we see him and buck really interact is the loft scene (which is telling about who buck was trying to get the attention of, but that's a different conversation). in this scene, tommy makes a condescending remark about how "we weren't trying to make you feel left out" and "eddie can have more than one friend", which... again, brings us back to the age difference because it sounds like (in context) that tommy is reprimanding a child. having them kiss right after that was definitely an interesting choice (in terms of their relationship)
oh the date. i have so many feelings about this. we know that tommy knows buck isn't out, because buck told maddie they purposely picked an out of the way spot, and despite the face tommy made at the comment, he didn't seem surprised when buck told him it was his "first date with a dude" (it seemed more like a "i already know this, you don't have to repeat it" face). because of this, the way tommy acted when eddie showed up and freaked buck out has no excuse. the closet comment? even if tommy didn't know buck wasn't out and decided he didn't want to date someone who wasn't out, he shouldn't have made that comment knowing it could out buck to his best friend, who he clearly wasn't ready to tell. lucky for buck, eddie's an idiot (affectionate) with a one track mind (buck) and didn't register the comment.
then we have tommy leaving buck at the curb. leaving the date isn't the problem, it's the fact that he didn't tell buck until he got in the uber, which obviously upset buck (though he was admittedly more upset over lying to eddie). the rest of the episode is spent on buck coming out to eddie, and we don't see tommy again until buck is apologizing for the date, which... why should buck have to apologize for not being ready to come out? buck did nothing wrong on the date. if you just figured out you were queer and hadn't had the chance to tell your best friend before they accidentally crashed your date, you'd react the same way, don't try to tell me otherwise. it was tommy who should've apologized, plain and simple.
the bachelor party. tommy's excuse for not dressing up made no sense to me... he was obviously going to have to change anyways, so why not put in a little effort for your date? i see people saying that only eddie put effort in, but henren was dressed too, just more subtly. tommy chose not to dress up, and made a half hearted excuse of "they had henleys in the 80s" (which you would know, wouldn't you, 70s baby?)
we only see tommy during the medal ceremony, and he still manages to say something to piss me off. "enjoy it while it lasts" because he can't indulge his boyfriend for two seconds. it's becoming a pattern, i'm afraid
then we have tommy leaving, which fair he's on call, and we don't see him again until the hospital kiss. this is the only time we see tommy look remotely interested in buck the entire episode (every other time he has an rbf face, even when they're hugging).
the date scene was a weird way to end their s7 relationship. buck was opening up about his trauma, tried to find middle ground by saying "so we both have daddy issues" (nothing in the context made it seem sexual, in fact i didn't realize until tommy made the joke, so it's possible buck didn't either) and then tommy says "i don't" despite admitting that he did only a few seconds before. buck says with a slightly resigned (barely there, but still there) tone, "but you think i do" and tommy responds with "god i hope so". any other context and it would've been fine, but buck had just been talking ahout how his father figure literally died and came back to life. there's a post somewhere (pretty sure it was an ask someone sent me actually, if i can find it i'll link)that talks about how buck has a habit of going along with his love interests to avoid causing waves, and how that's exactly what buck was doing in 7x10, and it makes perfect sense. if buck had a problem with it, he wouldn't immediately say. he'd sit on it for weeks before even considering bringing it up (like natalia and death, and how he avoided taylor in s5). even if he wasn't uncomfortable, it doesn't take away from the fact that the timing was weird and buck wasn't in a good headspace to respond properly.
in conclusion
tommy is repeatedly a bad person. just because he hasn't said anything racist or sexist since season two, it doesn't negate this. you'll notice that almost all of his scenes are here, if not all. the writers have chosen to have him repeatedly look bad and like someone who only cares about himself (with the way he constantly tries to defend his actions by blaming gerrard, and how he only cares about his feelings about being out), but the bt stans are too excited at the prospect of two white men kissing (or just two men and they don't care who, thus dumping eddie, it depends on the bt) that they choose to look past it and hate on ryan/eddie instead.
these last three months in the fandom have felt so different compared to the rest. the fandom i knew pre s7 would never act this way. is it because lou is a nepo baby? i know it's not because of his looks. but either way, i'm disappointed, and hope s8 treats us (fans who actually care about the characters and don't actively want less for them) better
(if i missed anything, let me know and i'll edit the post to add it)
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creature-wizard · 4 hours
This is very random but, can we talk about the rise in “toxin free eating/clean eating”? Because all of this is so wild to me. The rise in “cleanliness” in general is so weird. (Not saying caring about hygiene is weird that’s not what this “cleanliness culture” is about.)
I’m sorry but drinking raw milk isn’t going to give you this missing nutrition BIG DAIRY has been keeping from you so they could fill you with toxins. Pasteurizing milk is a process so you don’t fucking die!!!
An uptick in bird flu cases have been reported in Dairy cows recently, and with all the dumbasses drinking raw milk that’s just putting yourself and so many others at risk.
But do they see that risk no. They are too busy posting tiktoks about how Air Fryers give people autism. And how “processed” foods are filled with evil toxins and give people autism. (Why the fuck does everything now a days give you autism) What do they think processes food are?? Putting a food in a wrapping is processing it.
Sugar, pasteurized milk, chemicals in an ingredient list you don’t understand, aren’t giving you autism or parasites or “toxins”. It’s crazy they will say they have a borax deficiency and start eating LITERAL BORAX THE LAUNDRY DETERGENT, but demonize sugar or oil. Stop moralizing your EDs and spreading false information to feed your delusions. Let’s also not ignore the political rhetoric that also helps prop up these ideas. (That’s way bigger conversation I don’t want to get into. Also I’m saying “your” and “you” not at YOU but at them. Sorry for any typos, I hope you understand what I’m trying to get at.)
We can and should talk about this! So many people today have been led to believe that Food In The Past was so much better and nobody got sick from anything they ate, which was just. So Not True. Like the reality is that food today is way safer than food in the past, and the health problems people suffer today were absolutely suffered by people in the past. Like you only have to read something like the Lacnunga to see this for yourself.
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perfctvelvet · 23 hours
I love love loved thé Jenna ortega fic, could we get a p2 plzzzzzzzz?????
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Endless Summer; Jenna/Reader
Summary: Jenna is back for the Summer, but this time Y/n changes her approach.
Content: 2nd POV. Infidelity, reader's softer/nicer side comes out, angst (with a happy-ending), kissing, fingering (reader receiving), teasing.
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It's the hottest day of the year on record. People from the neighborhood were either laid out by the pool, baking in the sun, or inside under the blast of cold air. Summer was never your favorite season. Sure it's branded as the time of year when all the fun can be had but all it did was cause agitation and weird pressure to always be having fun.
The arguments in the family home were frequent during the summer time. Your parents argued as if you and brother were still little kids that they had to find a way to entertain. Usually the two of you would bond of your shared annoyance, but this year was different. Maybe one of your parents passed down the arguing gene because your brother was fighting with his girlfriend nearly everyday.
You were surprised that Jenna was still around. You were even more surprised that she would agree to spend the entire Summer with your family. It doesn't seem possible that that little situation you two had hasn't crossed her mind since. Surely she would expect it to be way too awkward to be around you, but she agreed to come anyway. Neither of you had really spoken to each other, and it's not because you still dislike her. How would anybody be able to talk to her when she was constantly fighting with your brother? Your parents...well at least they were married. Your brother and Jenna's relationship barely cracked the one year mark and they were bickering like an old married couple. Day in and day out someone in this house was furious and it made your head spin. You were always marked as the "moody" one who wasn't happy with any decision, but after this Summer, you deserve an apology!
"Well turns out we won't be going to the state fair because you father agreed to work a Saturday!"
"Okay, it's not a big deal, mom. Plus last time we went everyone got food poisoning from that hot dog stand. Remember?"
"Whatever...I'm going to the mall."
She stormed out with her purse thrown over her shoulder and a box of Marlboro Reds in the other. You don't know when she picked up the habit of smoking, but the grey hairs and extra lines in her face gave it away that she was stressed as hell. Both of the relationships you were surrounded by this Summer gave you zero hope and only affirmed your hook-ups-only behavior. Seeing everyone, especially your parents, crash and burn in these tightly wound relationships made you adverse to them. Maybe you could find someone to work it out with and leave harmoniously, but you aren't going to hold your breath for that moment.
Not even five minutes later after your mother's dramatic exit, your brother cam e bolting down the stairs, a complaint about Jenna on his lips. It was like the universe was giving you sign after sign.
"She can be such a bitch sometimes."
"Hey! Don't call her a bitch!"
"Oh so now you like Jenna?"
"It doesn't matter if I like her or not, don't call another woman a bitch in front of me!"
Sometimes you just wanted grab your brother by the ear and twist it in the same manner you would when you two were both ten years younger. Your parents had problems, albeit ones that could be solved with more communication, that were valid. Paying for a mortgage, other expenses, and your brother's college would cause anyone to crack. That was a lot of pressure for most people. They're getting older, crankier, and their patience has worn thin after raising two kids for more than two decades. You could see why they argued. Your brother and Jenna however were just kids. What would they even fight about? Where they're going to eat tonight? Who's party their attending? They seemed so young and naive compared to the real world problems owned by your parents'.
"She's always on my ass about something. I already have a mom, I don't need another one."
"Okay, well what are you doing wrong?"
"Why do you assume it's my fault?"
"I don't know Isaac, maybe it's because I know you? I've only been here for three weeks and so far I've watched you leave her here to go hang out with your high school friends. Don't you think she feels a little isolated?"
"She can come with me if she just asks."
"Who wants to hang out with Jake and Billy? Do they still make fart jokes and play with that whoopie cushion? They're grown ass men in a twelve-year-old's body, who wants to be around them?"
He sighs in frustration before rubbing his face in his hands. Your little brother needed to face the music; he's not built for a relationship. And you're not just saying that because you have your own thoughts about Jenna.
"Okay well...maybe I don't want to be tied down," he sounds so unsure of himself as he speaks. He looks around to make sure his girlfriend is nowhere in sight before continuing. "I just sort of miss my freedom. I really like Jenna and she's a great girl, but maybe I'm just not ready to commit."
"College boys are never ready to commit," you laugh.
You've seen your fair share of college relationships end because one party wants to continue on partying and that is usually the guy in the relationship. It was kind of sad seeing your little brother going through the same thing.
"If you don't want to be with her, you need to tell her. Don't keep her here all Summer just to dump her when you go back to campus."
"I didn't say I wanted to dump her!"
"Okay well you need to figure out what you're going to do, or else you're going to spend the Summer making each other miserable!"
You could tell Isaac wanted this conversation to end. You were broaching a truth that was too hard for him to face right now.
"Whatever...I'll be back in about two hours."
They say daughters are more like their mothers, and sons their fathers, but that couldn't be more untrue in this household. Your brother was avoidant just like your mother. And while you picked up on some of those traits too, you found that you weren't like either of your parents. Maybe in the past you were, but that changed the day you told them your date to homecoming your sophomore year was another girl.
Now your mother is racking up the credit card bill at the mall, your brother is probably heading to his weird friend's house, and your father is God knows where. That leaves you alone in the house with Jenna. You had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. Since that encounter with her you softened on Jenna. You were being a little bit of a bitch to her when she first came around and then you fucked her. You know you confused the shit out of her and that wasn't fair. You struggled to get the words 'I'm sorry' to come out of your mouth all of your life and it wasn't going to be easy now. But this was the first time you two were alone since that night. It's been months.
When you go upstairs to your brothers room you find that it's empty. You know she isn't downstairs, so they're is only one place she could be.
A week after that moment between you and Jenna, your mom found bikini bottoms in the jacuzzi. She called you to ask you about and you told her they were yours. They belonged to Jenna, but you didn't mind taking the blame. Surprisingly though she was didn't chew you out, but that resulted in her and you father moving it from the balcony to the backyard. It had been perfect on the balcony because it was so private, but now if you want to lounge in the hot tub you run the risk of one of the neighbors seeing you.
They replaced the jacuzzi with some lounge chairs thinking that their children wouldn't be enticed by some simple chairs. What they didn't understand that their balcony felt like an escape. It caught the breeze in the right way and faced away from the neighbors. It was relaxing and the perfect place to clear your head. And that's where you found Jenna.
She sat with her feet dangling over the concrete edge and she was holding onto the railing. You slid open the screen door and somehow she didn't hear it. You hated to disturb her, but you needed to talk to her.
"You know if you fall you can sue the shit out my parents. Maybe even pay off the rest of your college."
You try to lighten the mood but your joke falls flat when you see her face. She looks as if she's been crying with her eyes slightly puffy. Seconds later she turned away from you. You felt guilty despite not having done anything. You were on your best behavior, but you have this sinking feeling that you played some sort of role in everyone's agitation this Summer. So you join her as a way to keep her company.
"I heard everything."
"What do you mean?"
"I know Isaac wants to break up with me."
You heart drops at her confession. You didn't think about the possibility of her hearing the conversation you had with your brother. Now you feel awful.
"No, no, it's okay. At least you were defending me," she gives you a half-hearted smile. "I should've seen this coming though. He'd rather spend time with his boys than be with me no matter where we're at."
"Let me guess, he does this on campus too?"
Jenna nods her head in confirmation. You hate to bash your brother so you keep your mouth shut, but inside you're berating him for being so careless.
"Jenna, I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. It's not your fault," she lets out a heavy sigh, one that makes your guilt feel deeper. "I called my parents, I'm going to be leaving next weekend. I'll break up with Isaac on Friday."
Everything about tonight has left you in a state of shock. The last thing you expected though was what just came out of her mouth. You felt remorseful that it had to get to this point, but largely you felt that way because you feel like your chance at a proper apology is now gone. To anyone else maybe it wouldn't matter since Jenna was going to be out of the picture anyway, but to you it did.
"Well if I can't be excuse my little brother's shitty behavior, then I can excuse mine. I wish I could change how things were between us last time."
"You mean you barely saying a word to me and then making me eat your pussy in a hot tub?"
You stared at her, mouth open in shock at how bold Jenna had become. She enjoyed seeing your reaction, finally feeling like she had the upperhand around you.
"I'm just messing with you," she continues. "I know I was probably annoying and coming off as a try-hard in the beginning. Now I just feel like there's not point anymore. I get a little sarcastic when I'm jaded."
"Well I would be a liar to say I'm not stunned by all of this, but in all honesty if you were like this from the beginning I've probably would've liked you instantly. I know that sounds shitty, but we're both making confessions today."
"Can I make another confession?"
"Go for it."
"I liked our night together. You were a little bit too mean for my liking, but I don't think I've felt the same amount of pleasure since."
You had called it the moment you two separated that night that Jenna wasn't use to sex like that. You smugly declared in your head that Jenna would be thinking about it over and over. Now that you've got confirmation about that after her telling you she's going to be leaving for good, you don't feel like taking victory laps. Instead you feel a little sad knowing this is going to be your last moment alone together. It was bittersweet.
"Well my confession about that night is that I thought about it my entire drive home. Knowing more about you know I guess I feel a little bit shitty about it and wish I could override it with another moment."
Jenna focused less on the confession of your internal feelings of shame and more on what was between the lines. You wanted another moment alone with her to do something similar but under a different circumstance. She was blinded by her own desire of needing someone to be there for her to stop herself from kissing you. Her night was suppose to end going to the beach tonight with Isaac to look at the stars, but instead it was going to end with her finding comfort in his sister.
Jenna's kiss was much more powerful than you expected. This side of her felt more true and honest than that happy-go-lucky girl she first met. You wish you'd seen right through that act and got through to her in a different way, even if she says she liked it. Her lips dance against yours in a bruising kiss. You feel her tongue poke at your lips and you let her in. You kiss her as if she was something more than just a hook-up because that's what she needs, and you need to feel better about yourself.
You feels her arms wrap around your neck when she fully turns her body to you. Her legs no longer dangle over the dangerous edge of the balcony. She presses her front into you and you hum in delight. She feels so warm and her lips taste so sweet, but it was a different flavor chapstick that she used this time. Everything about her seemed so different that you struggled to be in control. But, apart of you didn't care about who is or is not in control of the situation. You let things happen naturally, and it felt naturally to let Jenna guide you this time.
"I want you to take your shorts off," she says between kisses.
Each second passes and she seems more and more desperate for the affection. She was touched starved to say the least. You give her what she wants and slide off your lounge shorts without breaking her kiss. She presses into you once you're just in your panties and you yield. Your back meets the rug that replaced where the jacuzzi use to be. Her hand comes between your legs and she rubs your clit through your panties. You don't mean to break the kiss but you throw your head back and moan in delight.
"Fuck Jenna!"
She loved hearing your moans more this time because something about them sounded so different this time. She takes this moment to place her face in your neck and suck at your sensitive skin. She could feel you melting beneath her. You embraced every moment instead of shying away or trying to change anything. She keeps rubbing your clit just to feel your hips rise and legs shake. You can't keep yourself still because the pleasure is too good. A wet spot appears on your panties and you can feel just how sticky you are now. Your pussy was beginning for more attention instead of being touched behind a barrier of fabric. And Jenna could feel that.
Jenna slides her hands into your cotton panties and she moans feeling your slick against her hands. It makes her grow wetter in her own panties. She glides straight over your clit and her fingers slide into your pussy with ease. You let out a blissful sigh instead of a full blown moan. You love the feeling of her nimble fingers filling you up.
"You like that? You like that Y/n? You like me being on top and fucking you with my fingers?"
In that moment she wasn't your little brother's girlfriend, she was a girl who shared the same feelings as you. Fucking her in this capacity felt much more natural that you questioned whether she got with the right sibling.
You don't respond to her. You just close your eyes and let her fingers pump into you. She curls them inside of you and massages your sweet spot and you swear you're seeing stars. She pulls away from your neck to sit up and look down at you. She can see how hard your nipples are through your tank top and it makes her desire grow even more. She bends down again and catches the fabric between her teeth. Jenna exposes your tits and quickly takes your nipple into her mouth.
"Yea! Just like that! I really, really like that!"
You were desperate for release and Jenna loved that. It wasn't the control, but the fact that she was apart of something where both parties were excited for each other. So much with Isaac felt one-sided that it warped her perspective on what she wants. You weren't doing anything to her yet she felt like you were giving her so much.
"I want to make you cum," Jenna sounds just as desperate as you now. "I want you to cum for me, Y/n."
You nod your head fervently. It was like you were saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again and she was accepting the apology. She overwhelmed you with her fingers in your pussy, mouth on your tits, and now her thumb pressing against your clit. Your moans were turning into weak whimpers and you release all over her fingers. There was no room for embarrassment, just nothing but pure pleasure. Jenna, of all people, made you feel like you were in heaven. You wanted to show your gratitude for her, so instead of letting the post-orgasm lull hit you, you grabbed her face with both hands and crashed your lips against hers. It's been so long since you've kissed someone intensely or even felt like this. Everything feels so heightened that it makes sense you blurted out, "I want to eat your pussy," in between a heated kiss.
It was only fair that you ate her out, and you were more than happy to end up between her legs. She laid down where you once did and you pried her legs open. She wore a skirt and the smallest panties you've ever seen.
"Did you know this was going to happen?"
"It wasn't for you," she admits, "but I'm glad you're the only one who's ever seen me wear something like this."
The fabric was so thin that her pussy almost swallowed it. It left nothing to the imagination and it was interesting to see Jenna wear something like this. With cheap material like that, it was easy for you to rip it off of her body. She squeals in amusement and sits up so she can watch you take the first lick of her needy pussy. Instantly her taste floods your senses. You feel her hand intertwine with yours as you begin to move your tongue across every inch of her swollen pussy. You loved how she felt against your tongue and you cursed yourself for not doing this last time. You lick and suck at her, producing the lewdest sounds imaginable. You hope the sound doesn't care in the soft breeze, but you also don't give a fuck anymore. The only thing you could think about was Jenna. You rub the underside of her thigh with your other hand and keep her legs nice and spread for you. She can't pull her eyes away no matter how fast it makes her heart pump.
"Y-You're so good at this," she whines.
You had put your ego away to show that you were sincere, but it was like she was calling it to come out. Hearing her praise you only made you work her pussy some more. You wrap your mouth around her clit and suck on it. The attention makes her shake and grab onto the back of your head. She pushes your face into your pussy as if you would even dare to move away. You wanted to leave in this moment forever; the moment where you lick and suck her while she moans in pleasure for you. You hum against her wet pussy and that sends her overboard. You feel the flow of cum drench the lower half of your face and you don't pull away until you lick up every drop.
It was all the desire she still felt inside of her that made Jenna crash her lips against yours for one more sloppy kiss. Her cum mixes with both of your saliva in a lewd way. Jenna never gets this nasty during sex but she did not care just like you didn't.
The sun has completely dipped over the horizon before you two finally calm down. You lay with back flat against the rug, staring up at the sky while Jenna grabs the remnants of the panties you ripped off of her.
"I accept your apology, Y/n," she says as when she finally joins you, laying her body next to yours.
"Thank you."
It's the last thing you said to her with just the two of you alone. She didn't wait to Friday to break up with Isaac, in fact she did it the next day. Jenna took the dissolving her relationship easier than Isaac did. Your mother used it as an excuse to do something that wouldn't require everyone to join now that there was some awkwardness to that. She would take you and Jenna shopping to have "girl time" aka time where she could rant about your father and blow off some steam. It seemed weird that her now ex-boyfriend's mother was still being so kind to her even though she wasn't obligated to, but she embraced it. You and her didn't get to talk much over your mother's new stories of life, but that was okay. You don't think this is going to be the last time you see Jenna.
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Random silly content for cross guild poly-
• the first time Mihawk and Crocodile actually deigned to attend one of the circus performances for the Guild, they had low expectations - especially when they could not find hide nor hair of the clown. Really, not even HE was attending this, so why on earth would they ever-
Except Buggy IS there - just not as a spectator. He's among the performers. And it isn't even as a strict, gaudy, tasteless solo act - he's right in the thick of things with the other acrobats and only has a solo performance by sheer technicality - it's framed by acrobatics, aerials, and while he is the only one to down act and perform with the hoop, it's by no means talentless or sheerly for clout - it's well arranged, flashy enough to garner the appropriate awe, and almost classy.
They are hard pressed to admit how much they enjoyed it. ((And how much they'd enjoy a more.... one on one experience))
• Buggy is nonbinary. At first, this is an open secret - his men know and his crew is more than aware. He never considered 'coming out' really because it's always just been a thing that Is. There was no discussion really about it.
It only came to a head when one of the guildsmen excitedly calls out "Lady Buggy!!! Your makeup is beautiful as ever, Madame chairwoman!!!"
And Crocodile, of all people, seems mere inches from promoting the man from Worker to Corpse.
Buggy just beams happily, takes the other's compliments with a smile and thanks him. When the clown catches a glimpse of Croco, they're a little nervous, but ultimately reach out.
Crocodile believed the other to be misgendering the clown.
Buggy is.... suddenly realizing that she may actually have to explain things now. Oh golly.
They have a quick aside, sharing tea and information and Buggy explains that gender as a concept is just.... weird to him. He just decided that No, Actually, I'd Rather Not. Pronouns are fine, any of them, he or she or they or even something completely made up on a whim. None of it matters bc Buggy is Buggy and Being Buggy Is Enjoyable.
• Mihawk does not particularly care for labels, but he absolutely will admit to Buggy being the first person he finds painfully attractive regardless of presentation. He's a little feral.
• Crocodile can make a PHENOMENAL mix drink, but cooking is FAR from his pay grade ((He can burn anything and cannot for the life of him figure out how it happens beyond food -> fire))
• Mihawk enjoys cooking, and while Buggy enjoys it as well, they err more on cook -> Mihawk, baker -> Buggy.
• Buggy is INCREDIBLY jealous but tries very hard not to be. Mihawk is typically less jealous, but acts on it more frequently once it reaches a certain point. Crocodile is possessive and shameless but enjoys riding his partners up
• buggy's lipstick is actually more often than not a liquid matte - more control, less smudging, less transfer. After getting with the other two, he's made aware that they really REALLY like having lipstick smudges on their skin. He still uses his matte but touches up with the sticks to drive them wild.
• Mihawk is also open to makeup - he personally swears by a good eyeliner look - but he's never really had the drive to experiment on his own time or energy. With Buggy as a pushing force ((and even Perona, too-)), he experiments. A top lip in a liquid black really makes his fangs pop
• Crocodile is NOT about makeup, could be persuaded for some eyeliner on special occasions. He is, however, very enthusiastic about wearing marks and stains from his lover's affections.
• when one of the denizens of Karai Bari gets pregnant, Buggy as one of the medics and a neurotic mess of a protective captain takes a vested interest in the situation. It's bittersweet, and when she asks, far later on, if Buggy would be open to being a godparent, he is stunned, floored, breathless, terrified, ecstatic, and nauseous. She tells him to think it over.
So he does. He goes through his day on autopilot. It's only that evening, winding down for bed, doing his skin routine, that the other two ask. Their clown answers.
They discuss kids - having actual children - and it's... eye opening.
Buggy wants it, but they're scared of it too.
Mihawk is uncertain, mildly hesitant because children scare him a little, but overall? He's open to it.
Crocodile.... isn't sure he'd be a good parent. He isn't sure their lives are safe for a kid, and when faced with the facts of having a veritable town and island, fortified, protected, etc, he admits that.... maybe it would be an avenue for the future.
They agree to say no for now to a chance for a child. When Buggy explains the reasoning, the woman smiles warmly and tells Buggy he will always have a place in the kid's life - be it captain, uncle, or dad's boss, he was welcome, as were his loves.
• that said, Buggy gets HELLA baby fever and it triggers some dysphoria. Croc is pretty decent at the comfort there, and Mihawk's calm, steady presence is WONDERFUL. Buggy has to do some soul searching.
He's comfortable being called he - or they or she or- you get the picture - but sometimes his skin feels.... so wrong. It's tight in bad places, the dips all wrong, and it makes him conflicted - sometimes he isn't even all that upset by his body, it's just A Thing. But then sometimes that vague apathey becomes smth Bigger and Louder and.... it's hard.
Crocodile understands, a little bit.
• Iva understands too, it turns out, some years later. And with some creativity and a looney toons godling, there are work around.
• Buggy is Buggy and being Buggy is delightful, is charming, is comfortable. And it's not as difficult anymore.
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adropofelixir · 2 days
soft confession - wanda maximoff
𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨): wanda maximoff x fem! reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: when sexuality starts to become something in the forefront of your mind, you can’t help but start to shut everyone out. nobody knows what’s going on with you, but a specific telekinetic woman finds the perfect way to get you to open up to her.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: internalized homophobia, avengers compound/civil war! era, hallway crush vibes, reader not really knowing wanda all that well at first, wlw!au, wanda being perfect, i think that’s it?
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: nice to meet you, i’m lea! since this is my first fic it won’t be perfect, but i’ll get better as time goes on! this is super fluffy… and gay. i hope you all enjoy, happy (ending) pride month!!
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everything about you recently had felt off. nothing was right. waking up felt like you were out of place, your insomnia was out of the roof, you were only eating your safe foods for the past few weeks. all the avengers could tell there was something bothering you.
tony had tried first. saying some words along the lines of, “cmon, kid. you can talk to me — you won’t be shut out.” although his attempt was nice, and oddly caring for the stark man, you didn’t budge. thor and bucky hadn’t really been the best at speaking to girls your age, so they didn’t really attempt much.
next was peter and natasha, they had teamed up to see if they could get you to crack. the two had purchased a large pizza and your favorite sweets in an attempt to see how much they could get out of you; long story short, it didn’t work. you just took the food, thanked them for going out of their way for you, and excused yourself to bed for the night.
cap was last to try. he had been the one person who seemed to get through to you every single time you were acting weird. this time however, he had never seen you so puzzled. after trying for about an hour of poking and prodding to get even an inch of what was on your mind to come to your surface, you practically pushed him out of the room asking for peace and quiet.
ever since you turned 18, everything about love had been on your mind. there was no doubting that you were envious of your friends that were in healthy, happy relationships. hell, some of the people you went to high school with were getting engaged already. however, every single post that you happened to scroll past on social media, you couldn’t help but feel yourself cringe a little bit.
seeing your friends happy, and other happy, made your heart flutter. that was no secret, but when you stared at the pairs of man and wife, or girlfriend and boyfriend, your heart banged with confusion as to why it didn’t feel right to you. that was, until you went on a coffee run.
walking into the small coffee shop that had become your recent hyperfixation, you noticed two women in the corner. there was something different about this pair. they were closer than just friends seemed to be, they were holding hands, the shorter blonde leaning her head against the taller ginger. you were captivated by them, they were fucking 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮. then, as if the universe was watching you searching for answers, the two girls’ lips connected.
your heart fluttered and your eyes suddenly went a bit wide with awe. everything about the image in front of you felt so right. it was everything that you had been craving, all of the confusion about seeing the straight couples had fizzled away from your mind. it all made fucking sense. you liked women, there was no denying that, but how would you be accepted knowing everyone around you was always asking when you were going to get a boyfriend?
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ever since that trip to the coffee shop and seeing the lesbian couple, your mind had been running circles every second of every minute. you had tried your best to avoid everyone, being conflicted with yourself and wondering if it was just a phase or if you could change your feelings for something so trivial.
it was 1am, and you hadn’t gotten an inch of sleep. you were laying on your bed with your phone in your hand, scrolling on google at photos of lesbian relationships. there was a knock at your door, suddenly jolting you away from your obvious daze. shutting off your phone, you got off your bed and cracked the door open to see who could possibly need you at this time of night.
staring back at you was the quiet sokovian, with her brows slightly taut with worry. “wanda?” you had spoken, your voice a little broken from not speaking much the past few days. you cleared your throat as she offered you a small smile. her accent slipping through her pink lips as she spoke, “i wanted to check on you. i-i know we don’t know each other hardly at all but, you’ve seemed like you need some company.”
her voice was softer than you’d ever heard it. you tilted your head as you studied her for a few moments, debating on whether you should allow her to try and pick your brain, assuming that she’s going to be talking to a wall like the rest have. noticing you’ve been taking a while, you open the door just enough and step aside for her body to fit through before shutting the door once again.
“i know talking about your life isn’t easy, so i won’t push,” she starts off as she takes in your room, before gesturing to the trinkets you’ve made and the fully finished rubix cube that sits on your bedside table. “these are cool, did you make them all?” you looked over at them and hummed softly before nodding your head in agreement. “yeah, yeah i did.”
she hums as she spares you a slightly bigger smile than she had outside your door just minutes prior. “did one of them… tell you to come talk to me?” you couldn’t help but ask, you were mutual with each avenger but there were a handful of them that didn’t spare you more than small talk if you happened to run into each other.
her brows furrow slightly before she meets your eyes. “no, not at all. i’ve actually been worried about you myself. a very bright soul that’s comfortable around everyone in this building suddenly became a bit too quiet. i wanted to make sure you didn’t need help with something.” her words were swirling in your ears as she spoke them, her voice taking over you as if it was made of vanilla.
you contemplated for another moment, feeling a weight heavy on your chest as you thought about everything that you had been feeling the past few weeks. letting out a sigh, you took a seat on your messy bed. “i guess, there is… something, that’s been on my mind lately.”
wanda nodded as she took in your posture, before deciding to take a seat next to you on your bed while also keeping enough space for you to not feel suffocated by her presence. you didn’t know why she was the one you had chosen to share your problems with, you barely know the girl. but something about her made you feel like you could trust her with this information.
she eyed you curiously as you struggled to find the words, eventually giving up and deciding just to speak from your mind. “i’ve been having…. feelings lately. they’re different than normal feelings, you could say. all of my friends are, getting married and in really healthy relationships, which is great for them but, that’s not my issue..” you trailed off as you started to get nervous knowing you were just about to come out for the first time.
wanda placed her hand over yours softly, reminding you that she’s listening and that it’s okay. your heart did a somersault at the feeling of her skin against yours, and your stomach erupted in butterflies. all be damned, you realized why you had started feeling this way. what made you question in the first place.
you stared at her for a moment before you started again, “i went down to the coffee shop at the end of the street that i really like, and there was this couple. they were gay, two girls, and they were addicting to look at. i never felt happy staring at a couple until that moment and i…. i think it’s because i’m lesbian.” you looked down, not knowing what sort of reaction to prepare for.
she squeezed your hand softly, a small smile forming on her lips as she chuckled. “that’s okay, i’m gay too. i like girls just like you do, and i didn’t understand why i couldn’t be in love with vision like he is with me, until you came around.” your eyes blew wide at her statement before staring at her once again.
“me? why me?” you were confused. you weren’t anything special, at least not that you knew of. she smiled even wider. “from the second i saw you i was attracted to you. your energy felt good, every time i was near you i could feel you in my veins and it was like magic. not to mention, you’re pretty hot too.” you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
you bit your lip nervously as you contemplated before thinking to yourself, fuck it. “i started questioning because of you too.” you squeezed her hand back this time and smiled softly at her, both of your voices were only audible to each other. her smile spread even wider as she looked at you.
“it’s okay to feel this way. it’s not out of ordinary either, so don’t say you’re not normal. don’t worry about everyone else either, if you don’t wanna tell them, it’s none of their business. this stays between you and i, okay?” she tilted her head at you as you processed the delicate reassurance.
you let out a breath of relief. “t-thank you, wanda. it means a lot that you let me talk to you.” she scrunches her nose before quietly speaking again, “you’re welcome.” she delivered a kiss to your cheek, which prompted yours to turn pink.
she got up from your bed beside you and walked towards your door, looking at you one last time for the night. “see you in the morning, y/n.” she smiled at you and departed your room, leaving you to your own feelings. you touched your cheek and could feel all kinds of adrenaline rush through your veins. what was she doing to you?
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𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: thank you all for reading! i was just blotting words on the screen at 3 am but i hope it was a least a little enjoyable. as i get back into writing again i’ll have better ideas, but i thought this was a decent start. i love you all! <3
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dehemetera · 2 days
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Omg I can’t believe I am actually posting her. Pls enjoy my precious oc and her wardrobe
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Below you can find all the head canons I wrote so far about her, the relationship she has with her squad and with the other significant captains/lieutenants of the Gotei 13
Mira Komamura
General head canons
‌originally from the 4th squad ( vet section) on her own request as she doesn't really like to throw hands.
was assigned to captain Komamura strict medical crew when almost no one knew about his real appearance; specifically, she was tasked with providing emotional support for Sajin's social anxiety.
‌”Captain!? How did you dare to hide that lovely snoot for such a long time?! "
yes, she was basically his emotional support puppy.
as it happens very often, Sajin grew fond for his emotional support puppy and decided to adopt her ( literally) as his brand new sister, then insisted to move her to the 7th.
western origins ( abuses this 🤌🏼 while talking ).
fav animal: humpback whale.
fav food: eats almost everything, watch your hands. Really, this girl is a few snacks away from being your best friend. But if she had to pick one, it'll probably be french fries, no dressing, just salt.
‌fav colour : cold hues in general, blue/green/ purple.
likes stars. Like a whole lot. You give her something with stars on, she's gonna love it. She hoards things with stars on it. She doodles them on everything at hand. When friends are sad, she scribbles a star on the palm of their hand.
‌" you're now under the sign of the good vibes star. You can now enjoy the rest of your day. You're welcome."
now imagine her doing this on Captain Zaraki's hand and Iba's cold sweats thinking how to tell the poor Sajin about his adopted sister's premature departure.
the good vibes star must work thou, cause Kenpachi just patted her head like she was a puppy and walked away. Iba thanked whatever god was listening at that moment.
sassy AF
sarcasm native speaker.
cracks 2.000.000 dirty jokes in between three regular words.
must focus not to drop inconvenient comments during each Captains/ lieutenant meetings.
looks like a black cat personality at the beginning.
turns into a weird dancing parrot when comfortable around someone.
has a ridiculous attention span.
world of the living connoisseur ( western side). Spent several decades studying it by living among living people.
terrible traditional swordsmanship skills.
got Jedi Lightsaber classes on Earth and actually developed a pretty efficient fighting style; ‌Iba is genuinely confused and slightly concerned about that but as long as it works...
likes to sing, not very good at that but still on the average ( usually makes silly dances while singing to underline the lyrics).
pretty skilled belly dancer ( which at some extent she uses in controlling her shikai) but definitely won't dance in public cause she's too shy for that .
very body positive about other people, excessively critic about her own body.
very good painter. She mostly paint with her hands (" advanced kindergarten art skills") but could also use sponges, pieces or paper or rags, leaves, basically everything but a brush;‌most of the times she just likes to make little silly doodles.
then she turns those doodles into stickers and spread them across the seireitei.
Byakuya Kuchiki knows the Shinigami women's association held a secret meeting in his mansion when he finds small stickers with sassy quotes around the house.
take her to the water park; She just loves it.
beach girl
just loves to hang out in the water
‌of course this is the perfect excuse for captain Hirako to make jokes about her liking to be wet
she never denied the statement. 👍🏼
excellent resistence to alcohol. Hard to get drunk.
when that does happen though, she just unleashes all the power or her sass/ sarcasm/ unhinged comments
this usually leads to pretty amusing express stand up comedy shows where she eventually ends up oversharing something she would've preferred to keep for herself
pretends not to remember anything if the topic is pointed out the day after
About the 7th squad
she was gladly welcomed as lieutenant by almost all the soldiers due to her sincere support towards former Captain Komamura
Those affectionate soldiers appreciate her chill attitude prone to jokes and fun as a good balance to Iba’s serious demeanour
She introduced music during workouts and trainings. Music from the west, of course
Now witness the fierce 7th brigade soldiers casually humming Bad Romance while doing their daily chores.
Since Mira’s office is the coziest and most decorated once, Iba started throwing Shinigami Men’s Association meetings inthere
For Iba’s birthday, Mira decided to gift him a new HQ for his meetings by renovating an old, unused warehouse in the barracks, asking Ikkaku some help to edible and renovate the old furniture
Sajin Komamura : regardless of his full on canine appearance he is still officially her brother by previous adoption. Mira still takes good care of him, she has the most luxurious dog bed in her office for him to stop by. She also got him one of those speaking buttons board humans give their dogs to communicate.
Tetsuzaemon Iba : is definitely like a dad. All of their interactions have the warm yet bickering feeling of a father/daughter dynamic, including: communication issues, dad being jealous and over protective of his precious daughter when men buzz around, not understanding slangs. Mira signed up for Iba’s fan club to show support to her dad.
Shunsui Kyoraku : calls her Mira-chan and likes to invite her to drink together. He pays great attention to her drunken monologues as they’re usually pretty straightforward and accurate analysis of the current state of the Seireitei. He definitely trusts her guts and intuition in picking up the overall morale of the squads. Mira also signed up for his fan club ‘cause he’s the big boss and deserves support. Nanao Ise firmly oppose this.
Rose Otoribashi: is the only one whom has ever seen Mira dance. They sometime shares music afternoons with Rose playing music and her using it to practice her dance. They have a very respectful and delicate bond revolving on mutual arts appreciation.
Izuru Kira: it took them some time to get along due to Kira being really private person. Now they’re kinda cool about each other and Mira often tries to cheer him up telling him the whole hole in the chest thing is metal AF.
Shinji Hirako: this man bribed Mira in joining his fan club by offering her a bag of weed infused gummy bears. It worked. They operate at the highest level of shenanigans and communicate almost exclusively by flirting. Bombastic side eyes darting across the captain’s council room during meetings when they know the other one would be just about dropping the sassiest sh*t that would cost them the career. Regularly hangs out together both in the Soul Society and on Earth. Part of their flirt jokes revolves around the fact they would gladly date each other (but never actually did that).
Momo Hinamori: was the first to show Mira support when she was promoted to lieutenant. Therefore, Mira loves this girl and brings her gifts, treats and loves spending time together for a tea time. They share a heavy betrayal trauma and do their best to support each other in their healing journey.
Renji & Rukia: if Iba is her dad, Renji is her bro and Rukia is the sister in law you actually like more than your own brother. The three of them have a weekly “world of the living pop culture” themed night to binge watch series and movie marathons. Burping competitions between Mira and Renji are mandatory and Rukia is the judge.
Matsumoto Ranjiku: these two can love and hate each other depending on the mood and the topic. Sometimes they look like besties laughing together and mutually complimenting , ten minutes later they’re fighting over something, usually Matsumoto habit of exploiting men using her beauty.
Kenpachi Zaraki: these two really get along for reasons. Mira actually feels safe around him cause who would ever dare to fuck around close to him? She also thinks he’s illegally hot but never dared to voice that, not she would ever try to approach him with intentions. She just likes to fantasize about that amazing mass of wonder. On Kenpachi’s side, he likes to have a new brat messing around him without being scared, it feels heartwarming and nostalgic, sometimes feeds her the same candies he used to buy for Yachiru. Since Mira’s birthday is right after Kenpachi’s, she usually shows up at the 11th barracks with a cake to share to celebrate both their birthdays.
Ikkaku Madarame: for the better time they’ve been knowing each other, he just passively tolerated her, enjoying her little shows from time to time but never payed too much attention to the new lieutenant of the 7th squad. Then Mira came to ask his help in renovating the warehouse for Iba’s birthday gift and since the process took quite some time, they had the chance to spend time together, getting to know each other during those long crafty nights of recycling furniture. He is now heavily crushing on her and gets a little shaky and mildly flustered when she’s around, with Yumichika largest amusement. Mira has always appreciated her fellow colleague and was glad to have the chance to build up some kind of relationship with him but she’s genuinely confused by his friendly yet shifty and sometimes awkward behaviour towards her (she’s not good in getting the hint).
Yumichika Ayasegawa: oh the tea they spill. They don’t meet very often but when they do the amount of information they share can compete with the finest Seieitei’s intelligence. Sometimes they go shopping together. Yumichika tries his best to create opportunities for Ikkaku to be there when Mira comes over.
If you managed to read this far, thank you 💕
Some captains/ lieutenants are missing to the list but I already have them written, maybe I will add them in some future post.
Definitely expect more drawings about Mira’s adventures. I have more on the making (like about her zampakuto and other stuff.
I hope you enjoyed this little piece of my imagination,
✨comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated ✨
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citruswriter · 22 hours
Making Headcanons about the Rise Turtles as Somebody Who's Never Seen The Show
Listen With Me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
A/N: I've been reading a bit of fanfiction so I'm not completely clueless about their quirks and personalities but I thought I'd make this for fun til I get motivation to actually write again yk?
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Raphael 🧡
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First of all. This man is a cutie patootie. Like, come here. Lemme kiss yo forehead. Sweetie pie, baby, pookie. Mwah.
Now that I've gotten that outta the way, I feel like this dude has a lot of squishmellows. Especially the big ones. They're just so soft and, well, squishy.
Favorite season is summer. He likes all it gives and would kill to be able to go strawberry picking or go pick flowers in a flower field with other people without fear of being called a freak.
Speaking of which, this mans will 100% take you on picnic dates in a flower field. Fresh foods and flowers. Expect a flower crown at some point and to look at clouds.
Apparently he's apparently a bit of a crybaby? Which like, please don't hurt him. :(( Poor sweet baby just needs love.
Please give him flowers back. He'll love you for life.
His love language is touch but he's also afraid of hurting you sometimes so instead he really enjoys quality time.
On a more obscure level, his love language is biting. Just soft little noms on your shoulders and arms. Although he will bite in other places if you give him consent.
PLEASE KISS ALL OVER HIS FACE! Just grab his face and kiss his face all over. He'll just melt, maybe gently grab your hips or wrap his arms around your waist.
Will gladly pepper you with kisses as well. Especially those feather light kisses. Face, neck, shoulders, hands, wrists. He's such a sweetie.
Loves hands on dates. So cooking, flower picking, pottery, those kinds of things. And yes he'll keep that funky looking, poor excuse of a vase you made in his room and it will proudly hold the latest flowers you've gotten for him.
Will knit you things. Complaining about needing a new sweater? Bam. Sweater made. Whine that you need more socks because you keep loosing yours? Boom. Socksies.
Knit him something back and he'll sob and thank you a million times. He loves it. Even if you're not good at knitting. It's a prized possession.
Always kissing your hands or nuzzling into your neck. He's such a touchy fellow.
Yes he's the type of guy to have you sling your legs over his lap and just massage your knees or mindlessly draw patterns on your thighs while he reads.
PARALLEL PLAY! Can and will put on some soft jazz or lofi beats and just relax in your presence while the two of you do your own things. The occasional kiss or soft talk occasionally happening.
If you sleep over, good luck getting him off of you if you wake up first.
I see him as a late morning riser. So 10AM kind of thing. Will nuzzle into you and take his time waking up as he just gently rubs your side and breaths in your scent, peppering you with good morning kisses and soft laughter.
Cooks you breakfast and prepares your morning drink. He just loves you so much and the small small smile accompanied with a sleepy kiss and "thank you, my love" makes it all worth it.
Calls you things like my sweetheart, strawberry, and flower.
"Whatever would I do without my flower?
NSFW - Obviously aged up, don't be weird 💛
Terrified to be intimate with you for a good few solid months.
He'll prolly want to have a solid conversation about what you're both into, hard limits, soft limits, stoplight system vs safe words and what to use, and the likes.
Will need some time to warm up to the idea of sex. Expect months of heated make out sessions.
Eventually things will escalate. Steamy moments now accompanied with thigh riding, praises being muttered out to you.
Eventually the two of you will get to oral moments. Please be gentle with him. He's kind of sensitive.
He'll prolly also be very gentle with you when giving head. Tell him what to do, he's so lost. Praise him when he does something you like. He'll pick up on what makes your body sing for him and keep it stuffed in his mind for later.
In the early stages of having sex, he'll be pretty gentle as the two of you explore. Lots of "am I doing this right?" and "you feel so good".
Once he becomes more confident though? Oh shits over for you. 💀 R.I.P (y/n). Sorrows and prayers. You're gonna need em baby.
He's still somewhat gentle but since he knows your limits now, he's more willing to be rough and to bully you.
Ramming into you from behind as you babble out curses, Raph just grinning down at you. "What's the matter, sweetheart? Can't talk? Cockdumb already, are we?"
Remember how I said biting was his love language? Pray because he will bring it into the bedroom.
His love bites are more little nibbles or gentle noms. But give him permission and he'll bruise you while he fucks you.
Will refuse to do it beyond gentle noms in the beginning of the relationship but once he's confident, you're getting bitten.
Bites on your neck while he growls possessively and makes you wail. Bites to your sides as he grips your soft flesh. Bites to your thighs that bruise while he bullies your insides with his cock. He loves seeing you giggle at his soft nibbles, and he also loves hearing you cry out from his bite marks.
King of aftercare, especially after rough sessions. Grabbing a towel to wipe you down, helps you to the bathroom if needed, grabs you some water with some electrolytes added to it. Soft kisses as he praises how well you did and how much he loves you and how he's so lucky to have you.
Loves flustering the shit outta you. You could be talking and he'll just gently but firmly grab your jaw, making you look up to make eye contact and go "yeah love?" or "is that so, strawberry?"
The way your brain immediately stops working as you stutter and your facial expression becomes flustered. He can't help it.
He'll pair it with a soft rumbling chuckle he knows drives you up the wall, lean in and ghost his lips over your skin, maybe lightly kiss your jaw or neck, before backing up and letting you go.
"You were saying, sweetheart?"
Leonardo 🧡
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Little shit.
That's it. That's the post.
Jk. But from what I've gathered, he's absolutely a little shit.
Pray to whatever god you believe in because this man makes it his mission to annoy the ever living fuck out of you.
He will take note of the things that genuinely trigger or piss you off though. As much as he loves teasing you, he doesn't want you snapping at him or giving him the cold shoulder.
Favorite season is spring. He enjoys seeing all the critters and plant life slowly come to life.
Oddly enough, I headcanon him as an early morning person.
As energetic as he is, he loves quiet mornings. Watching the sunrise and taking his time to maybe shower and wake up slowly.
If you wake up early with him, he might make some drinks for the two of you and take you up top to watch the sunrise with him while the two of you whisper plans for the day together.
If you wake up later in the day, he'll wake you up softly and force you to turn his direction and cuddle up to him while he peppers your head with kisses and rubs circles into your muscles as you doze back off.
Once you do wake up, he'll stop what he's doing if he's able and prepare some food for you before making his way to his bedroom in time to see you do your morning stretch.
"Morning, sleepy head. Finally decided to rise from the dead?" He'll tease, smiling when you playfully glare at him. "Awwww, mi vida. Don't pout at me. I'm only teasing. Come. I made you food".
Once you step out of the room however, his tenderness gives way to his annoying ass ego self. But you love it all the same and he knows it.
Will expect praise for the food he made you. He's such an awesome chef, obviously he deserves it.
Loves pulling pranks on you and surprising you with tickles. Have your defenses up because his innocent hug will turn into him pinning you down and tickling you.
Pouty McPoutster. Heaven forbid you have a job or your own place. The audacity you have to spend time away from him is astounding. 🙄 /silly
Loves stealing your shit and then faking innocence when you demand it back.
Spams you with a million memes a day.
His love language is touch as well, but he indulges in it much more than Raph seeing as though he's not as heavy or strong as him.
On a more obscure level, his love language is deep pressure. Loves being your weighted blanket or giving you super tight hugs. Do it back to him please, he also loves it. But be prepared to smack him because he will make an inappropriate joke.
Will fling himself at you. He doesn't care if he knocks you down to the ground and knocks the wind out of you.
Aside from the normal Spanish nicknames, he loves calling you things like his number one, sweet thing, and doll.
Wraps his arms around you and just goes "how's my number one?" or cuddles up into you and goes "wanna watch a movie, doll?"
Our loveable, adorable, asshole.
Please have a sit down conversation with him about boundaries and safe words because this man will not think about bringing it up. He just wants to jump your bones.
In the beginning of the relationship, he'll act all cocky but when it comes down to it, he'll prolly get all flustered. He'll smile through the pain though. Bless him.
Please praise this man. He'll always love praise but he especially needs it in the early stages of ya'll's sex life. He just needs to know he's doing well.
Once he's confident though, it's a whole different story.
The nervous air and anxious jitters are gone and he's so much more cocky.
Praise him and tell him how good he feels in you and he'll just pop off with something like, "bet I'm the only one that can fuck you this good, huh?"
Licking. For the love of the gods. Licking.
Up your neck, up your thighs, on your chest, on your hips. The way you shudder under him just gets him going.
He will make you beg. He's an egotistical bastard and will make you embarrass yourself by having you tell him exactly what you want from him.
Might even grab your jaw and stick his thumb into your mouth and just taunt you. "Come on, mi amor. You can do better than that. Tell Daddy what you want."
Oh yeah, that's another thing. Daddy kink. Sir kink too. Call him Daddy or say "yes sir" to him and he'll go feral. If he's not already fucking you, count the minutes because he will be soon.
Pet 👏 play. 👏 Collars, leashes, ears, tails if you let him. Let him fuck you from behind while he jerks on the leash tight enough to mildly choke you. He loves hearing you whine and struggle to breath properly.
But on the rougher side. He wants to break you. Wants to see you cry as he pumps into you and pushes you over the edge again and again and again.
Will overstimulate you if you let him. "Please Leo I can't take it anymore!" "You can and you will. You wanted me to fuck you and now we stop when I'm done, not when you are. Understand?"
Degrading and brat taming. Loves calling you his cock sleeve, his whore. Just brat and you're guaranteed to have a firm hand to your hip or neck.
"Drop the attitude before I fuck it out of you, slut".
Please wear thigh highs and a short skirt around him. He'll go crazy and bend you over the closest surface.
"Such a whore. Wearing that around me. You know how much that turns me on. I'm sure you were betting on that though, huh? Fuck your such a cumslut for Daddy".
Bad at aftercare at first. But teach him how to do it and he'll quickly master it. Soft touches as he nuzzles into your neck, kissing any bruises or spots that will inevitably bruise. The two of you help clean each other up. You'll offer to get water while he offers to start a shower for you two.
Also loves flustering you. But with nicknames. He has a few nicknames that he has that he only pulls out with the intent to fluster you.
Sparring and you have him pinned down? "Good job, pet". Your brain will short circuit and oh will you look at that? You just lost the sparring match.
Ghosts his lips over your skin until your breath heavy and clutching onto him only for him to pull back and innocently rub your waist.
"You ok, mi vida? You're breathing awfully heavy."
Donatello (My beloved) 🧡
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Tsundere to the max. Omfg. 💀
You think he hates you until one day you need help with a bug on your phone and he fixes it, no questions asked.
"Wow. I honestly thought you wouldn't help." "Why wouldn't I?" "Ion know. I thought you hated me?" "Why would I hate you? Dislike maybe, but not hate. It would be illogical to hate somebody who's done nothing to deserve it".
Ever since that day, you become more comfortable around him and he definitely notices it too.
It doesn't take you long to pick up on all the ways he says he loves you. He doesn't say it often, he shows it. To you, to his brothers, to his dad, to April.
When the two of you first started dating, his affections became more common but albeit private.
Soft head bonks, rubbing your wrist while the two of you read, a soft kiss brushed to your cheek as you get him another cup of coffee.
Before you know it, he becomes much more comfortable expressing his affections to you.
Cuddling into you as the two of you drift off to sleep, sitting in his lap as he works, slinking his arms around your waist and kissing the junction of your neck when your in the kitchen doing something.
His brothers know better than to tease. They don't gotta worry about Donnie, no they gotta worry about your ass. The death glares you send. 🤭 If looks could kill, they'd be dead. Mostly just Leo though.
He's absolutely nocturnal. This man wakes up at about 3-5PM and goes to bed at like 3 in the goddamn fucking morning.
Pray if you're a morning person. Because he does not fucking care if it's time for you to get up. You're cuddling him dammit.
It takes several minutes of gentle kisses and tender words before he finally let's you go with a whine to let you get up.
If you're nocturnal like him though, he loves it. Waking up together and having your sweet moments together.
He'll practically purr into you as you hold him close and have a soft conversation with him. He'll pepper you with kisses and gently knead your plush skin, usually your thighs or sides.
His love language is quality time mixed with parallel play. He loves doing things with you and around you.
On a more obscure level, he loves support swapping. Loves it when you pull him away from his work after he's been staring at his computer for too long (will never admit it though).
Loves pulling you from your own work to force you to stretch or get a snack with him, taking time to sort of just exist in each other's presence as the two of you force the other not to overwork and maybe exchange a soft kiss or two.
Favorite season is winter. Doesn't exactly love the season more so as he loves the things that accompany it.
Warm sweaters, hot coco, cozy nights in with blankets, Christmas. But challenge him to a snowball fight and that man is gearing up to whoop your fucking ass. Prepare to die.
He usually just calls you by your name or simple things like love, hun, or dear. But occasionally, especially in private or when he's feeling extra lovey, he'll call you things like beloved, darling, or dove. (All Donnie's call their partner dove. Fight me).
"Come on, beloved. Break time. Let's get some food, yeah?" No that was not a suggestion.
He's probably gonna be the most confident, and I mean genuinely confident, once the two of you start getting intimate.
Bitch probably has a fucking bullet point list in his head of all the things he suspects you like based off of past reactions to things he's done.
Like Raph, he'll sit you down and have a serious discussion with you on do's and don't's, safe words or light system, what aftercare should look like, etc. He doesn't want either of you to accidentally cross any boundaries.
You don't initiate. You understand that this is something that he will need to initiate.
Like Raph, it'll probably get slowly steamier the longer ya'll date. Kissing will turn into make out sessions as he desperately grips your waist. Eventually he'll be the one grabbing your hips and having you grind into him, making you whine into his mouth. Which he eats up with a smirk because let's face it, he's just as egotistical as Leo. He just hides it better.
Once he finally gains the confidence to go all out on you then, with your consent, he absolutely will.
Please expect to be broken. This man can and will push you above and beyond your limits. He loves it.
The way you cry and wail as he brings you to another orgasm that you swore up and down that you wouldn't be able to handle while he chokes you or yanks your hair.
PLEASE wear cheap mascara around him. He loves to see you cry. Loves to see the mascara become ruined on your face as it streaks down with your tears.
Will bully you. Look at me when I tell you this. I hope you enjoy being degraded
"Fuck your so wet and I've barely even touched. You're an absolute slut for me, aren't you? How pathetic. Getting so horny just from a few simple touches, hoping that I'll stuff you full and fuck you so hard that your mind breaks. Turn you into a stupid slut".
Bondage. Need I say more? This man loves tying you up with different colored ropes and making you all pretty. Loves seeing the marks they leave afterwards.
Will strap you to a fucking machine and have it fuck you agonizing slow while he masturbates until your crying and begging him to fuck you.
Be on your fucking guard because that man will punish you for anything.
You catch an attitude? He's raising his eyebrows at you before giving you a dangerous smirk. "Go ahead, darling. Keep talking shit. It'll only end badly for you".
He'll bend you over his knee and seat your ass till it's red and welted.
Donnie is a man of science. That include biology, which in turn, extends to your biology. He loves finding out just what makes your body sing for him.
He can't get enough of it. He'll do things on purpose just to see your body respond to him. Anywhere from a hitch to your breath as he grips your hips and jerks you closer to him to the way your body arches and your eyes roll back as he moves those same hips so he can fuck you at a different angle.
Get on your knees and beg. It'll give him such an ego boost. Just prattle on about how much you need him and eventually he'll lean over and grip your jaw, prolly shove his thumb in your mouth if you're lucky, and just go "well since you asked so nicely".
Such a sweetie during aftercare. This man can fuck you like he hates you and then turn right around and gently kiss your sore and bruises body. Cleaning your body off and getting you some water. Will probably do his damnedest to convince you to take a post sex shower with him.
When it comes to flustering you, he enjoys man handling you. Sure man handling you during sex is also fun, but seeing the way you get all flustered as he easily maneuvers you however way he wishes in such a simple way just makes him want to laugh.
He'll also grip you in that way that makes your head spin. Grabbing your hips? Sure. It's sweet. Grabbing your hips in a vice grip and subtly jerking your lowering body to his? Your head is spinning and you're three seconds away from begging Donnie to fuck you on the nearest surface.
He'll feign innocence though. Because, of course he will. He's a bastard. 🙄 It doesn't help that he'll subtly grind up against you and drop his tone down to growl in your ear so only you can hear.
"Whatever are you talking about, dove? I'm not doing anything. Maybe get your head out of the gutter, hm?"
Michaelangelo 🧡
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Utter sweetheart. Very affectionate, even if you two are just friends.
Will sprawl himself out on your lap. Don't you dare move him or he'll hunker down into his shell to make you feel bad at the thought of moving him.
Heaven forbid ya'll are dating though. He's 10xs more affectionate. R.I.P to you. Get ready to drown.
He loves peppering you with those feather light kisses, just like Raph. Especially your neck and shoulders.
Loves holding your hand and will randomly kiss your knuckles or pull you towards him for a kiss on the lips.
Absolute baby. Please smother him back. He'll start chirping and nuzzling into you for more.
His love language is a mixture of quality time and touch. Please snuggle with him while you watch a movie. Let him crawl up into your lap while you're on your phone.
On the more obscure side, Mikey penguin pebbles a lot. Finding small rocks or trinkets he thinks you'd like and giving them to you. If you have your own place and you display them in plain sight, he feels very proud and accomplished.
Another biter. Just goes O: 3: on your damn arms and legs. Really anywhere he can reach.
It's soft don't worry, sometimes he'll nip a bit harder if he feels like you're not paying proper attention to him but not so hard that it hurts. Just enough that it jerks your attention to him.
His favorite season is autumn. Everything is yellow and orange! Why wouldn't he love it?
Loves sneaking up top with you to play in leaves with you. Making massive piles or just throwing leaves at each other. He adores it.
He'll pick spare leaves out of your hair before cradling your face and giving you a sweet kiss.
And then, obviously, shoving more leaves in your face. >:D
Please go to a pumpkin patch with him and get an absurd amount of pumpkins to place all around the lair.
Afternoon waker. Gets up at ready at about 11AM-1PM. If you're up before him, he'll prolly text you to let you know that he's awake and demand for cuddles.
Just lay down and let him straddle you, laying on your chest as he churrs while you kiss his face and ask him how he slept. He loves it.
If you wake up around his time, he'll prolly still pull himself up on top of you. Churring and nuzzling into you until your cracking your eyes open and smiling down at him. To which he'll respond with some sleepy morning kisses.
He loves getting ready with you. Brushing teeth together and maybe even picking out your outfit, if you'll let him.
Will make slightly inappropriate jokes. 😂
"You wanna wear pants today? I think these would make your ass look great."
Throw something soft at him and he'll just raise his hands up in surrender and go "heyyyyyy" and pretend to be offended with a giggle.
He loves cooking. So be a dear and brew some fresh coffee while he cooks you both a delicious breakfast yeah?
Always minding his P's and Q's. He's such a gentleman and always so eager to help. Opening doors for you, pulling out chairs for you, getting you flowers, the works.
Get him gifts back and he'll prolly cry from pure joy. Poor baby is almost always bursting with so much emotion. He's a bigger crybaby than Raph.
Other than normal couples nicknames, he uses other nicknames like angel, sunflower, and pumpkin.
"I saw this and thought of you! I love you, pumpkin".
When the two of you first start to get intimate, he's kinda 50/50. Like, he's chill with the idea and genuinely wants to explore your body and make you feel good, like bless his heart he's so honored you trust him with your body in such a way.
But like, he's also super nervous because he doesn't want to hurt you or mess up and then you loose trust in him and never wanna touch him again and then you leave and then-
Yeah he overthinks it just a tad.
Another one where you'll need to have the boundaries talk with him because he'll just never think to bring it up.
You'll need to initiate the first few times.
Get into a steamy make out session with him and place his unsure hands somewhere on your body like your chest, your neck, your thighs, etc.
He'll start to knead the flesh and once you start responding to him he'll have a sort of "oh shit, I kinda like that, I wanna make them do it again" sort of moment.
After that he'll slowly build up more confidence. Shyly exploring your body in moderation and finding your sweet spots and finding out what makes you tick.
Heaven forbid he's taller than you. Dear Lord, prepare to get caged. He enjoys just towering over you and caging you in, watching the way your breath hitches and your chest raises in a more dramatic way.
Once he's gained more confidence, Mikey has two modes. You begging and him begging.
If it's "you begging" mode, this man will tease you all fucking day long but never give you what you want.
Finally when you break he just goes "mmmm no. :D" before telling you that if your so desperate to fuck then you can ride his cock but he's not helping you at all.
He'll smirk up at you with an egotistical grin as he watches you fuck yourself on him. And right when you're about to cum, he'll grip your hips and forcibly hold you down and ruin your orgasm.
And he does it over and over and over again. Just continuously denying you until you're just utterly broken and sobbing for release. To which he'll finally let you.
And once you've finally came. You'll do so again and again and again. What? You wanted to cum so badly. You can do it a few more times right?
Will overstimulate you. He loves seeing your eyes roll back as you try to tell him it's too much.
He'll pepper you with kisses the whole time too. Nuzzling into your hair and breathing your scent in as he rubs your clit in order to drive you over the edge again.
If he's in "him begging" mode. Say your prayers. You're gonna need them.
He's arguably worse in this state. This usually happens when he's just super horny.
He'll just start advancing on you, and if you guys are in the eyesight of others, you'll need to move him before he gets too lost in your scent.
He'll start peeling your clothes off, whining and biting at you. If he could devour you, he would.
If you go to push him off or say no, he'll ignore you (unless you say the safe word, of course).
"No, no, no. Please don't make me stop. Please? Please I need you so bad. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please I need this. I'm so sorry. Please just let me use you. I'm so sorry, sunflower. Fuck please".
He's a menace and it's now your problem ✨thank you.✨
Of course you could never deny him. 🤭💅
He'll sling your legs over his shoulders and grip anywhere that he can, biting at the flesh on your thighs in hopes of leaving a mark.
He'll breed you over and over again while babbling about how good you feel.
Praise him and he'll go feral.
Call him a good boy, tell him how good he fucks you, tell him how full you feel, how nobody could ever make you feel as good as he does.
Boy oh boy.
Say good bye to your legs.
He'll overstimulate you in this mode, but he's much less mean.
"Please angel? Please? Just one more? For me? Please, please, please. Please, I'm so sorry. I need it. Just one more time, I promise. Need to feel you cum on my cock again. Please sunshine?"
Oral 👏 giving 👏 king. 👏 Be ready to have to push him off after spazzing out on his tongue for the 8th time. You just taste so fucking good. He can't help himself.
Afterwards, for whatever mood he's in, he'll take such good care of you. He'll clean you up and you'll shower him with affection, causing him to practically purr into your embrace as you draw him in for post sex cuddles.
As for everyday shenanigans. He's not as bad as some of the others but oh trust me, this bitch has his ways.
Usually involves obscure touches or biting. Like slipping his fingers up your skirt just little too high, kneading the flesh of your thighs or ass as you do your best to remain neutral, desperately clinging onto control as he nuzzles into your neck and groans lowly.
Or he'll bite you slowly but a bit more harshly than his simple love bites, looking at you to see your reaction and then giggling darkly when your body inevitably reacts to him in that way that he loves oh so much.
He gets a kick out of knowing that he can do such simple things to you and almost immediately make your body react to him. He loves knowing he has that much control over you. That your body just knows him and responds in kind.
Come on. Can you blame him? You're just so pathetic for him! It's soooooo cute how quickly you give into him. His pathetic, needy baby.
Catch this man gripping you at the junction of your jaw and neck, squeezing ever so slightly so your eyelids flutter before he leans down to gently kiss you, hand sliding down to squeeze your ass.
"Keep it together, lovely".
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When I tell you that I genuinely didn't mean to make it this long. 😭😭😭 But anyways! Tell me what ya'll think plsssssss. Even if it doesn't match up to the boys real well, I'm still pretty proud of it. >:3
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aki-anikk · 2 days
I don't think there are any Tw? But if there is something i missed feel free to dm me!
He didn't know why he even went there.
Maybe because it felt rude to not come when you were invited, maybe he came for the free food or maybe because his team decided it was a good way to "relax".
Sure. A good idea to relax was to go ans watch one of the soldiers to get married to a beautiful woman. It totally didn't make him feel envious.
It didn't make him jaelous that he wouldn't have anyone to wake up to or anyone to come back to after deployment.
Simon Riley wasn't a picky man. He didn't mind what gender his partner would be, he liked what he liked and he wasn't going to question it.
But no one stole his heart yet, and when they were close to it, he would get scared and push them away. He couldn't face rejection or even worse, handle the loss of another loved one.
So he was alone, alone with his dreams about a happy love life that would never come true.
He sat by one of the tables where in the middle were two small swans made out of paper. They really went all out huh?
There it was again, another pang of jaelousy when he realised that it was probably the best day of their lives.
The man sighed out as he downed another drink, thankfully it wasn't too strong or he would be drunk a long time ago.
Without any warning he was pulled out of his thoughts by the music.
First dance.
Simon turned his gaze towards the middle of the wedding hall and watched the pair get in their places. They both smiled at each other so lovingly, both looked sttuning.
Lucky bastards.
He huffed annoyed at his thoughts and focused on the music, not the best choice in his opinion, but who he was to judge?
With his sharp eyes he saw in the bride's eyes a hint of... displeasure. The music seemed to bother her too, her brow twitching slightly but she still had a bright, beautiful smile. Maybe she decided that she would handle it for her now husband.
The newlyweds took few steps into the dance, but then the music started to crash
He wasn't too proud of it, but a small smirk appeared on Simon's face. At least something wasn't perfect at their wedding. Maybe it was petty, even childish...
But his smirk disappeared immidietly when different music started playing.
Not only that, but the earlier covered scene began to uncover. He didn't even notice it at first as he was too focused on the pair and his dark thoughts.
"You have to be shitting me..."
He grumbled under his breath as his eyes widened slightly. There were few people on the stage that seemed to make a damn dedicated song just for the first dance. He guessed that the groom planned it all with the group, it was pretty obvious from the way he looked at his new wife with a small smirk.
Yet again, he felt a pang of jaelousy, but he couldn't be mad for too long when he saw how happy these two were. Some people just find their soulmate, and some people rot alone in despair.
Simon let out a sigh as he looked back on the table and fiddled with the napkin. The music started to fill the room and after a moment a smooth voice joined. It was the right amount of deep and high notes that were swiftly going from one to another, so natural. It felt as if whoever sang it truly enjoyed it.
After a moment of fighting himself he finally glanced at the stage. And there they were. Looking so calm, like if singing was as easy as breathing, the soft smile that shined on their face when they looked at the young pair. He recognized in them the groom's witness
So that's how he got a dedicated song.
At first he tried to not be bothered by it, why would he care? Many people did weird things on their weddings - keg stands, throwing the groom in the air, throwing cake... and even some family members proposing to their partner on your wedding. Though the last one was surely more controversial than what was happening right now.
This was just another case of it, yet...
His eyes were still on that person.
The dance had ended fairly quickly but people still clapped for the young couple and the group on the stage. The one who he kept his eyes on even bowed playfully with a cheerful smile.
The wedding continued in a much more relaxed atmosphere than earlier, the formalities and first dance were behind them already, so now all was left was to celebrate.
The people scattered around the place to talk with others as Simon kept sitting by his table.
He really needed a damn drink.
After a moment of debate with himself whenever it was appropriate to get another drink at the bar, Simon finally stood up and walked to the place
The catering runned around refiling the glasses and serving plates, they really looked just like ants at work.
But of course there were no left for him.
He cursed under his nose and already took a step to go back to the table, hoping that no one saw his little unsuccesful trip. But before he could walk away he heard that one characteristic voice.
He looked into that direction and again saw the groom's witness who was swarmed by some guests. It were all kinds of people, some praising the performance and others not so disecretly asking about how much they were getting paid for that.
You really had that charm huh?
Your one step, to whatever your destination was, would cause two people to come.
He wondered if you even liked the attention.
He saw your eyes look around and have that hint of disappointment when there were no drinks around. That throat was probably hoarse from all the singing and talking.
It was a bit impressive how you didn't just walk away or even frown when some young couple asked you to sing on their wedding too, probably not evening knowing you. At least that's what Simon assumed.
It seemed that fate wanted him to help you out, as the server walked next to Simon and offered a drink.
With a second of thought he grabbed two of those, ignoring the confused look he got from the server. She probably saw how he spent most of the celebration alone.
Maybe it would change in a moment.
After a moment of gathering courage he finally went up to the person who took his interest. When even was the last time he tried to talk to someone like that? He had to be much braver as a teenager.
With few big strides, that were good at faking confidence, he finally was next to you. And... he didn't think about the next step.
He watched how the couple keep talking to you and after a moment they looked at Simon a bit confused and annoyed. You also looked at him but rather a bit curious.
After All you hadn't yet have a man like that to come up to you and complement your performance, you also didn't see anyone with him so he shouldn't also ask to perform on his future wedding, right?
Simon stood there for a moment in silence, not really looking at anyone. His eyes firmly focused at two drinks in his hands as he thought about what to do. Was it too late to just leave? No. He couldn't. He made the first step and he would make the second one.
He finally looked up and saw your small confused smile, somehow gave him more courage.
"The groom asked to give you a drink, you will sound like a hoarse cat tomorrow if you don't drink it."
How could he fuck this up already?
It wasn't even a good lie.
Those years in the military really stripped away any soft words from his dictionary. All he did lately was reprimanding recruits and now it came back to bite his ass.
The couple looked rather dumbfounded and you looked rather sttuned. After All who would expect that in such a day?
What he didn't know was that you could see how the unknown man pressed his eyeslids together, rather firmly. As if he was scolding himself. And how could you not be a bit amused by that?
Even if the first sentence was rather suprising, you decided to go with it rather than against it.
"Maybe I do need it, I feel kinda rough already."
You said with a small smile as you took the glass from the man who seemed a bit suprised that it actually worked. But he quickly returned to his calmer expression.
Didn't want to mess up again.
The couple spoke to you for a moment longer and Simon just kept standing next to you for some reason. His silent presence finally made them akward enough to leave and join the others, leaving you two alone.
Your amusment fading into a small atmosphere of akwardness at the silence, your fingers tapping the glass before you finally looked at him again.
"Enjoying the night?"
He looked at you again a bit suprised but cleared his throat and gave a nod. His glass already almost empty.
You didn't need to know that he tried to calm his nerves.
He kept looking infront himself, almost ignoring you. But he still stood firmly next to you for some reason.
For a moment you thought about leaving, maybe it wasn't the best idea to drink from a glass that was given by a stranger.
"Liked your show."
He huffed, almost as if offended at his own words. But they didn't sound like a lie.
You waited for him to continue, Ask about whenever he wanted you for some show or any other occasion like other guests did. But the questions never came.
He just stood there in silence, his foot shifting slightly, just to do something.
You said simply, it didn't feel like not enough. The Man spoke rather bluntly and... It was quite new in a place where everyone danced on the floor and swiftly danced around the truth.
Somehow you two started to talk, even if at first it seemed that you two had nothing in common.
The most normal conversation, nothing too serious. Some simple sentences, asking about the groom and the bride, about the food, about decorations.
Nothing too serious. But... It felt comfortable.
After few drinks you somehow convinced him to come on the dance floor. You didn't push him in the middle of it or into any fast song. No. You wanted him to have fun too and not to make fun of him.
You got to the corner of it and slowly danced together, few swirls, few steps, few accidental bumps into each other that ended in an akward but yet also amused chuckle.
You didn't know why but your heart was beating a bit faster when you saw those slightly crinkled eyes. Your head bumpting into his shoulder with a small laugh. With a bit of hesitation he finally rested his head on top of yours. How could he not do it when this sweet sound of laughter left your lips?
The laugh and smile that were just for him right now.
And maybe many more would come his way in the future.
You didn't expect to find anything but your favourite food at the wedding and few praises, but maybe... just maybe you might have found yourself your new favourite man.
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jasonsknight3 · 21 hours
The story is in progress and the first chapter will be out soon. However, I had a writing spell today and had a little idea. A small story.
⚠️Warning ⚠️ : Drugs, club setting, a little something, and language.
Not my problem
Jason x reader
You were already home for the day just waiting for Jason to come back from his book shop job. However, he sent you a text saying he was going to be at Roy’s for a while tonight. You didn’t mind, you both loved each other to no end but sometimes you guys like to have time to yourself. Not because you were tired of each other but every once in a while like me time. For a while you watched some movies, and ate some dinner. That's when you had an idea, you’d make some food for and take it over to them. The dinner you made was just delicious sub sandwiches with grapes and chips. A simple but balanced meal. After wrapping the paper plates with the food on them, and grabbing your keys you head to Roy’s.
The drive was a good 20 minutes. The plan was just to drop off the subs, ring the bell and leave. After arriving at Roy's apartment and making way up the stairs. you hear their voices carrying from the open window. Which wouldn’t have bothered you except for your name being mentioned. Pausing, you listen intently. Jason sounded oddly calm and Roy just hummed in response every once in a while.
Jason: “I love her to death but please, if you have a problem you can't just complain. You have to make a change. Take a chance.”
Roy: “hm, yea.”
Jason: “Like the other day she was complaining about how she has no girl friends and can’t just go out and get one because she’s scared. Like, you just have to go for it.”
Roy: “Well, she really is a homebody Jaybird. It is harder for her.”
Jason: “I know, sometimes I just wished she’d just put herself out there you know? Be a little braver.”
That hurt. You only heard a few bits and pieces but it definitely didn’t feel good. Does he really feel bothered by that? Why would he tell Roy and not you? Does he wish you were different? After contemplating and the heartbreaking moment you set down the food. If he wants me more out there…fine. I’ll be out there. You thought. Going home a plan formed. Dressing up and making yourself look good you leave for the club.
Jason P.O.V
Sighing, I continued on “I know, sometimes I just wished she’d put herself out there you know? Be a little braver. She’s amazing and I really think if she could get past the fear she would get out there and make friends. Maybe she’d even see that she can make friends and people would love her like I do.” Roy nodded yea, she’s a great gal. Maybe if you go with her she’ll feel more comfortable and eventually do it herself.” Leaning forward I. The seat I nod in agreement. “Yea, probably.” Getting up I said my goodbyes and headed out. Just as I stepped out the door I heard a squelching sound and nearly slipped on something. Looking down I see a now ruined sub sandwich. “Hey Harper, you hungry?” Roy made her way over to see the destroyed sandwich. “Nah, I’m good. At least it was wrapped though. No mayo on the shoes.” He commented. “It was probably (y/n) that dropped this off. You know how she is.”
After cleaning the mess and saying a second goodbye I officially got on my bike and went home. Opening the door to our shared apartment I called for her. “(Y/N)! I’m home!” Silence. “(Y/N)?” I began looking around the house. She's not in the living room or the kitchen. When I get it to the bedroom I notice a few things. Closet is open, make up out, jewelry out, clear indecisive choice of earrings sense so many pairs were out still. Her silver shoes were gone, purse gone. She went somewhere. But where? I got a weird feeling in my chest. This is…wrong. I contemplated for a moment about checking her tracking device in her phone. The one I put in. “No, it’s not wrong, you are just making sure she’s okay.” I assured myself. Pulling out my phone I looked at her location. “A club? The iceberg lounge no less. By herself?! Hell no!” Throwing onto a brown leather jacket and snatching my motorcycle keys I sped off trying to swallow down the anger and panic. I probably should have been pulled over for speeding. If I was caught.
The lounge was full of acting, loud music, loud voices, lewd dancing among other things in that same realm, drugs and everything else I’d expect. My eyes scan the room for her and then there she was…I would have been doodling if she wasn’t talking to some other guy and or if I wasn’t a little pancaked and angry. Taking a quick breath I approached (y/n) “Enjoying your night?” I asked with a bit of a jealous edge among other things. She looked at me up and down before turning away and returning to her conversation. Did she just- I stepped in front of the guy blocking her view and leaning down to her level. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are princess, but what you not going to do is ignore me.” I said sharply. The guy behind me spoke up. “Hey pal, the lady was having a conversation with me.” Slowly I turn around to face this mediocre looking rich blonde. “Get lost pal, before you start choking on the teeth I’m about to knock out if you don’t get lost.” He put his hands up and backed off. Turning my attention back to (y/n) her arms were crossed angrily. “So, care to explain yourself?” She frowned, pointing a finger at me, very obviously angry. . “Just doing what you wanted Jason. Not your problem. Go cry about it.” She turned on her silver heels and began to walk away. “Wrong answer.” I said snagging her wrist and pulling her through the crowd, her feet fumbling a little on the way. She definitely was drunk.
Getting to a quiet corner trapping her between myself and the wall I leaned in close. “You better start giving me good answers or else I’m gonna start making assumptions, princess.” Her face reddened a little more than it already was. “I heard what you said. You wished I’d stop complaining about not having friends and should just put myself out there. That’s what I’m doing.” She slurred out. It all suddenly made sense. “Well did you eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation?” She folded her arms over her chest. “No. Didn’t need to. I heard what I needed to. I heard how you felt.” The feeling of panic, annoyance dissipated. “Babydoll, if you would have stayed you would have also heard I said you're amazing and I really think if you could get past the fear you could get out there and make friends. Maybe you’d even see that you can make friends and people would love you like I do.” I explained. “Well I-“ I put my finger to her lips. “Shhhh. No more. We can continue this later. Let’s get you home.” She shook her head, making her earring shake. “No, I’m having fun.” I wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Know you, this isn’t your kind of place for fun love. I’m taking you home.” I retorted, throwing her over my shoulder. “How many drinks did you have anyway?” She didn’t struggle in my grasp. “I just had a Shirley temple.” I pause, she only had one…”did you talk to anyone else besides that guy?” She answered “No.” That made my blood boil. That man will be lucky if he doesn’t get a bullet in the head tonight for trying that on anyone no less than his woman. However, (y/n) was the priority right now. She didn’t fight me at all. I knew deep down even in her drugged state she wanted to go home.
After getting her inside I got her ready for bed to help her take off the dress, no bra, a pleasant surprise, but I dressed her in a tank top and shorts with her “help”. Which was only really raising her arms and trying to stand up. Helpful but not entirely. Using makeup wipes I cleaned her face, brushed her teeth and finally laid her in bed. “Jason.” She sniffled. “What is it baby?” I cooed. “I’m…I’m sorry, I was just- really mad. I thought you weren’t happy with who I was.” Pushing back her hair I smile. “I know, just know. I would never change anything about you.” I say gently. “I love you.”
Not gonna lie, this art for this story is extremely self indulgent. Extremely. Lights and no lights. Jason just like 🤨 “what are you on about?”
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bananahkim · 3 days
who is The Star?
also what is their favorite food
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Ok very good question. I think you’ve first got to know who The Star really is to ask other questions about her, so here we go
The Star is… a star. In a human body. It’s an extremely powerful celestial entity, who only wants to consume and destroy everything. It’s an equivalent to a(or the) demon(though in this world people mistake tieflings for demons because of their looks, and blame them for the harm celestial entities have previously caused).
She unfortunately got isekai-ed to earth due to a forbidden spell going terribly wrong and is now trapped in a secret dungeon under a castle. Think of earth as a computer game that’s so ancient you can’t even make your own avatar even remotely close to your appearance so you have to choose between a weird but relatively high-quality avatar and a simpler one. That’s why it looks like a human, Earth can’t process its true form.
She altered her appearance to resemble The Sorcerer’s dead lover so it would be easier to manipulate him.
She doesn’t really have a favorite food, she likes to try everything at least once and if she eats one kind of food continuously she’ll quickly get sick of it. The one thing it doesn’t get easily bored of are wild berries. Each berry tastes different even if they’re the same species, and it enjoyed the tart and sweet flavor and succulent texture of wild berries when it first tried them.
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nthspecialll · 18 hours
Rockstar's realism slip
Red Dead Redemption is known for being extremely realistic and historically accurate in every aspect from characters, environment, speech and so on which is also why it is loved by so many, however there is one place where they have messed up quite massively and it is in one of the most well loved characters.
Sadie Adler.
Sadie Adler is loved for being a badass independent woman in a man's world doing her own thing after her life was ruined over and over, a trope loved by many and thus excused for being not so well executed and unrealistic.
While women could absolutely make a living as outlaws in the Wild West the Sadie kind was not seen often, instead, we often saw the badass woman leaning into femininity such as Karen or Black Belle.
Real life examples of women outlaws are Pearl Hart who robbed stagecoaches and stole worth 16.226,21 (modern) dollars from a single one and lefr each passenger with one (past) dollars so they could afford food. Belle Starr (inspiref Black Belle) who was known for helping outlaws by hiding them on her farm and later robbing horses, getting known for the quote "next to a fine gun, I love a fine horse." Etta Place who ran with Butch Cassidy, whom Dutch is based on, and is essentially the real life Bessie.
These women leaned into their feminity, even if it wasn't always, but the culture during that time did not allow for people like Sadie, even Arthur takes stabs at her while completely accepting Karen. Another major thing is the background, there is a massive difference between Sadie shooting warning shots at wolves on her farm with zero animals and jumping trains.
The idea of Sadie is great and implausible, even if possible, but the execution is poor, you don't suddenly gain those skills.
But now let's talk about 1907 where she could have had the time to gain these skills, we meet another problem, there were zero female bounty hunters, nish.
"But she could be the first!" Yeah, it isn't impossible, but it is implausible considering culture and a poor choice on Rockstars side considering that there were many badass women at the time living law abiding in ways Sadie could easily have been able to.
Stagecoach Mary was a stagecoach guard, an absolute badass killing or arresting anyone getting near the goods she protected.
Annie Oakley, a sharpshooter, known for shooting ciggerets out her husband's mouth and even the prince of France's mouth!
Calamity Jane, another sharpshooter and frontierwoman who ended up in show-biz because of her masculine attire, it simply wasn't seen that often. (That said she still sometimes wore dresses)
And the thing is, she does talk about working with transport, saying she is considering it, and that she would have been able to, just like Mary, so why Rockstar didn't do that in the beginning is weird to me.
And now to the big slip up that Rockstar made that cannot be defied. She talks about starting her own business, sorry love, you can't, because women couldn't make one before 1980 or so without a man's signature.
I love Sadie, she is great and the idea of her character is great too, but the execution is poor and that is generally why I prefer Karen over her and I wish she had been a bit different and drawn more off real life women.
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Belle Starr (Inspired Black Belle)
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Pearl Hart
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Annie Oatley
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Stagecoach Mary
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hate it when I say I'm allergic to a certain food and people go "so you've never had ___? I feel sooo sorry for you" thanks literally did not ask 👍
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