a rose bi any other name
737 posts
pearlie <3femme bisexual. fic writer she/her. 23 Buffy, Merlin, Twilight, Dr Who & Marauders@pearlofthewoods on AO3
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pearlofthewoods · 8 hours ago
Willow: I got called a lesbian at the coffee shop!
Xander: were you being gay while ordering coffee again?
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pearlofthewoods · 14 hours ago
‘ur maximum energy level has increased’ sounds like thinking bisexual thoughts allows you to level up like a Pokémon.
and like yes. I’m levelling up my manna. bisexually.
i’m metamorphosing like a butterfly.
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i love this game
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pearlofthewoods · 21 hours ago
A few hours ago I had to call my boyfriend to tell him how sad I was when I finished watching Buffy for the first time, Spike's sacrifice, Anya's barely mentioned death, Slayers all around the world, I was legit sobbing my precious spuffy nooooo. Here I am on Elysian Fields reading a fanfic post season 7 to console my sad heart.
I'm amazed at how big the fandom has been for at least two decades, so much to read, I barely know where to even begin. I'm so excited.
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pearlofthewoods · 23 hours ago
obviously he'd fucking hate how whiny and pathetic the twilight vampires could be sometimes, but putting that aside for a second...
if spike was a twilight-vampire™, what do u think his special vampire gift would be?
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pearlofthewoods · 23 hours ago
Hey, do you ever wonder if Spike being the first to realize that Tara's family were manipulating her with the demon-bit, was because it reminded him of another young girl being blamed and shunned for magical attributes she had no control over?
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pearlofthewoods · 23 hours ago
Tillow said:
“The only thing I was ever good for were the moments, just moments, when Tara would look at me and I was wonderful.”
“I am, you know. Yours.”
“She’s my girl.”
“I found you. I will always find you.”
“Can we just skip it? Can you just be kissing me now?”
“I think about what you grew up with, and… then I look at what you are. It makes me proud. It makes me love you more.”
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pearlofthewoods · 23 hours ago
drusilla's version of text.
I sent you omens and all kinds of signs please respond
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pearlofthewoods · 23 hours ago
Hc that Andromeda put Tonks into ballet as a kid to ‘improve her clumsiness’ and made her do it until she left school even when it obviously didn’t help.
Sometimes Remus will walk into the kitchen and see Tonks casually en pointe in her steel-toed boots as she makes coffee
It’s not like it could make her balance worse
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
the only thing more powerful than a weird little girl is a weird middle aged woman. the only thing more powerful than a weird middle aged woman is a weird old lady. and the only thing more powerful than a weird old lady is a weird little girl. thus the world is balanced.
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
Man, we have got to stop treating art like it has an expiration date. That show stopped airing? Doesn’t mean it can’t haunt your every waking thought. Everybody’s into this album, but you don’t have the energy for new music right now? It’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready. That movie’s fifty years old and indie as shit? Incredible, you have the chance to share it with folks who might never otherwise feel that particular punch of delight. Books don’t go bad. Shows inspire fandoms decades after they’ve wrapped up. We’re still looking at cave paintings and statue work from ancient times and letting the joy of creation bring tears to our eyes. That’s the point of art. It’s as close to immortality as we ever get. Why try to give that magic a shelf life?
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
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flower queens
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
okay breathe. more positive posts incoming i promise. I’m gonna restrict myself only to bi joy posts and fandom related rambles for a little while now. thanks for bearing with me my loves <3
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
this is why as a bisexual woman, i’m veryyy wary of the ‘decentering men’ discourse in the sapphic community at the moment.
because when brought up in good faith, it can yield some pretty important discussions about how we as bi women are still capable of perpetuating homophobia despite our queerness. it can facilitate topics such as how ‘queer’ is a political & moral identity as well as just a sexuality. it can include discussions about we as queer women should still educate ourselves about queer history and culture so we don’t perpetuate stereotypes/harm others in the community.
‘decentering men’ can also mean trying not to perform for the male gaze, or coming to understand and deconstruct the ways in which you have internalised the patriarchy. it can be a fruitful thing to discuss.
but usually, I find it’s a topic that’s hardly ever discussed in good faith. and to be honest, i’m beginning to consider ‘decentering men’ a little bit of a bimisogynistic dogwhistle at this point.
cause tell me why I have seen a relatively prolific wlw (non-bi) tiktoker say in the past few weeks, both that bi women must work to ‘decenter men’ before we engage at all in sapphic spaces….
…but then also blithely say in the comments section of another video that we inherently cannot ever ‘decenter men’, because we are capable of attraction towards them.
well, why should i bother then?? my guy. this is just old, toxic, recycled ‘bi women aren’t queer enough to sit with us’ rhetoric repackaged as 'bi women are inherently less able to decenter men’.
Like I dunno, maybe my sapphicness doesn’t revolve around who I’m not sleeping with? Maybe i don’t define my sapphicness around the exclusion of men? Cause ironically, i would argue that’s centring them more.
I define my sapphicness by the depth of my love and attraction for women. I centre it around the woman that I’m in love with. not a hypothetical man i’m excluding.
and frankly, if i would never truly be able to ‘decenter’ men sufficiently to meet your impossible standards, then maybe i don’t care to.
Because you’re just conflating ‘centring’ men with being attracted to them. And if you’re going to do that, well then I’ll forever fail at the first hurdle by virtue of…. being a bisexual??
newsflash. i can’t turn off my attraction to men. and if that’s what you require for me to ‘decenter men’ sufficiently… well then i’d have be a lesbian.
Because when it comes down to it, I think that’s what you’re really saying. That bi women will never be ‘queer’ enough. Never ‘sapphic’ enough… until we’re no longer bisexual.
i don’t know. perhaps i’m being uncharitable.
i just think we need to think very carefully before using academic/theoretical concepts like ‘decentring men’ to measure the queerness of real life women and place us in a hierarchy of whose sexuality is most-to-least 'male-centred'.
bottom line is, i’m a woman. neither men, nor my possible attraction to them defines me or my sexuality.
i am my own autonomous being. nobody defines my sexuality but me.
also as a woman, i can never inherently ‘centre men’ just by existing. even by existing as a bisexual.
to say otherwise would be to veer dangerously close to blatant misogyny.
If you answer the question of “what defines a bi woman” with “men” you fail the test automatically. Accepting my bisexuality was realizing I didn’t have to be with men and tailor my life to their expectations. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it a thousand times more: if I say “bi woman” and, instead of thinking of an individual woman you think first and foremost of men, you are contributing to the misogyny we face
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
also i’m so sorry to all my fandom mutuals for flooding u with pearl’s bisexual ramblings™
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
Sirius probably got really upset when he found out jily were getting married bc if Lily chose to take James' name, he technically couldn't call her 'Evans' anymore and would have to start using her first name instead
Until she told him that he can still say it even if it isn't technically her name anymore
She remains 'Evans' forever even though her documents now say Lily Potter
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pearlofthewoods · 1 day ago
Oh patron saint of the bisexuals 🙏, there’s a crochet pattern on Etsy
i’m a woman in love.
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petition to make the rose a bisexual signifier, because, y’know, (as many great men and women before me have observed)…
a rose bi any other name would smell as sweet
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