cryptid-moone · 6 months
lol what’s up Futuristic Four tumblr, i bring mood boards
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winterxisxcomingx · 2 years
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Futuristic Four + ao3 tags part 2
Part 1
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magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
Hirolet’s aesthetic encompasses a monochrome, black and white, very sleek vibe while Penbur’s is just bursting with colour and life and vibrance
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es2rism · 9 months
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cringetober day 9: crossover/rarepair ship (i just saw the word crossover and ran with it so now they're all poly lmao)
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rejamart · 25 days
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design + art commission for penbur of a creature ascended
hello. i'm a broke artist looking down the barrel of homelessness. if you like my work, consider tossing me a dollar or two on venmo $rejamrejam
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fenickfox6113 · 4 months
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Pixel chibi commissions for Penbur on Toyhouse!! They were all really fun to do ^^
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ausp-ice · 1 year
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Some discounted esk painting commissions I did a while ago on a plane ride. Enkira, belonging to mondayecho.  Celeste, belonging to Penbur. Bonbon, belonging to cnida (huskies709). Personal Website | Discord Server | TWWM Tracker
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millies-theme · 11 months
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a biiiiig batch, doing some more scenes :3
For mattfrostpaws, mazegonemissing, pinkpufferfish, penbur, starryfl0wer, and spicyisopods :V
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How would death note canon go if Ray Penbur never showed his ID on the bus/Naomi actually went to L directly instead of being intercepted by Light?
That's the thing, though, Naomi probably wouldn't be involved.
Background on Raye and Naomi
Raye and Naomi are from America, with Raye being an FBI agent (that L hilariously somehow aquires for use in Fucking Japan even when the FBI are a domestic law enforcement agency, but alright, Death Note, you do you). L brought them in... somehow, don't know how he got Japan to agree to that, to tail their own domestic law enforcement agency (again, not sure how L negotiated that one, but rock on, man).
The plan was always for them to go back to America when this was finished.
If Raye never shows his ID on the bus, then Light never gets his name. Without the name, Light can't kill Raye, nor any of the other FBI agents he tricks Raye into giving up. None of the FBI agents die, Raye doesn't have his suspicious heart attack in the subway, and L both a) doesn't notice Raye's suspicious death and b) Naomi isn't propelled into invistigating Raye's murder herself and getting into contact with L.
The reason Naomi tried to contact L/give a tip for the investigation was because she'd a) done her own internal investigation and came up with her theory b) Raye had died.
Without Raye's death, they're going back to America to get married.
The FBI Agents Never Died
L's shit out of luck
Light did nothing remotely suspicious during his time tailed by Raye. He was one of many family members of policemen. L knows there's a leak in the NPA, and he's able to plug it by moving HQ and shutting out most of the NPA save six people, but now he has no leads again.
He may pick Light anyway, as a clearly brilliant young man who's scoring the best in the country, is young enough that this sort of cause would appeal to him, conceivably has access to police information, and L just doesn't like the cut of his gib.
He actually probably would do this, and come up with some reason for the task force to take this seriously and "we totally need cameras all over your house, Yagami, totally".
However, it may take him time to find Light after having to profile every single family member of anyone with access to the homicide division information.
When he does, though, we're back to pretty much canon.
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penburr · 2 years
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ArtFight attack! I'm participating on Team Wither this year. My profile is https://artfight.net/~Penbur if you were interested :o Recipient: Archalyte Character: Symphony Original artwork finished 07-03-2022
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maniacace · 3 years
2 AM ilumination just hit me.
All my ships are literally:
✨Dumbass (affectionate)✨
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cryptid-moone · 1 year
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Penbur au stuff
Haha let it be known NOW, Wilbur is not gonna have a fun time for awhile
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winterxisxcomingx · 2 years
Penny: Wilbur is really hot, isn't he?
Violet: I think u meant "short" and yes, he is
Hiro: *falling from the bed, snorting*
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magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
yeah i totally dont have my own penbur blog for my fanfic for them.....  no one’s ever gonna see this theme if i never publish it so HERE IT IS. LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS
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nttctf · 3 years
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Had this saved for awhile thought I’d finally post it or something :P. You could look at this as a couple picture or just as friends either way I support them as bffs and maybe even more.
Just thought this is how they would both look when they’re a bit older since both I’m assuming are about 13 in their movies.
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idyllias · 5 years
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The Futuristic Four
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