#penny forrester
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cryptid-moone · 5 months ago
Sooo i have a CRAZY idea, guys what if we combined the Futuristic Four and the Hope Kids guys please please PLEASE I NEED IT
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It would be such a cool group! Plus if we’re bringing back rotbtd we might as well do what they did back then and make a group of 8, i forgot what it was called but it was the og big four, Elsa and Anna, then Kristoff and Eugene and they cooked every time (almost)
Anywho uhh I’ll probably post more of them but for now i gotta figure out what to call this group
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futurealchemy · 4 months ago
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the hope kids (+ wildrey & penlet) as textposts⠀(2)
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ifwebefriends · 10 months ago
“Oh look at that! A short little video essay on YouTube about a movie I liked as a kid! Maybe I should watch that movie again…”
*15 hours later*
“What do you mean that there’s a spiritual successor to Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons and it’s mostly goth/nerdy tweens from 2000s-era experimental Disney movies?!”
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trickostars · 1 year ago
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Someone ask me about my thoughts on them I have soo many thoughts
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winterxisxcomingx · 24 days ago
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Futuristic four + text posts part 4
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pikapig183 · 4 months ago
Wilbur: I think I’m bi…
Penny: Which one?
Wilbur: What do you mean?
Hiro: Bisexual? Bilingual? Bipolar?
Violet: I know
Violet: A bitch.
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evilclone056 · 5 months ago
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futuristic five
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lilandraws · 9 months ago
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some doodles based on my tadelsa hunger games au fic that i havent updated in a while (the lil comic is based on a chapter i havent published yet) lmao woops (read the fic here) pls ask me questions abt the au i Will Yap About It
tadashi and penny are from district 3 (tech) while elsa, anna, and hans are from district 1 (luxury) !!
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nt-1115 · 10 months ago
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I was thinking about these guys again, more specifically the amazing Au that @midnight-raven created where they’re villains. I really want to make more Art of them but I haven’t been to creative recently 😭.
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disneydarlin · 4 months ago
Bolt: Penny & Bolt —Aesthetic
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Bolt & Penny's Relationship
Penny is a tween girl who loves her pet German Shepherd. Likewise, Bolt is a loyal dog to his person. The two are known to be quite protective of each other. If one of them is in danger, they'll do whatever they can to rescue the other or refuse to leave their loved one behind. Thus, no doppeldinger dog can fool Penny or replace Bolt in her heart. Likewise, the German shepherd reciprocates these feelings towards his owner. Since Penny lives in the countryside on a farm, the two of them often play together outside regardless of the season. As long as the pair are together, they feel at home.
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pennysperfectpolls · 2 months ago
Penny Poll Round 1 match 14
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Penny Forrester (Bolt)
Persephone (Greek Myth)
Propaganda under the cut
Penny Forrester (Bolt) propaganda
Just a girl who loves her dog
Persephone (Greek Myth) Propaganda
Listen. I think itd be funny. Me and a friend have decided on a character being named Penny short for Persephone. its like if you took the rsepho out youd get the name Penny
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cryptid-moone · 2 months ago
(For my AU)
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I’m so proud of these yall don’t even know
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midnight-raven · 1 year ago
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joslincox · 3 months ago
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Happy 32nd Birthday, Miley Cyrus!
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tiktokattic · 2 years ago
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This Barbie selfie generator is awesome 🤣🤣
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trickostars · 1 year ago
What r your thoughts on each Futuristic Four member 👀👀👀 (i am holding back a flood of excitement i like ur art btw)
WAHHH thank you I am also very excited. I have soo many thoughts. More under the cut
- I am totally unbiased abt her she totally isn’t my favourite incredibles character. I totally didn’t basically kin her when I was little
- also her speech about like “the government only gives rich people a slap on the wrist and lets them go” like girl the second supers get legalised you work for the government!! your mom works for a billionaire!! Do you know that?
- down to some headcanons. I think she’s very much the voice of reason in the four, between both of the boys being kinda impulsive and penny just eager to do things, someone has to make sure they don’t blow themselves up. She’s the only eldest child amongst the four and it heavily shows, half the time she looks like this:
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- that said she isn’t above the mischief they all get up to, she likes being able to relax and not think with reason for a wee bit as long as it doesn’t cause mass destruction. She’s the logical friend but she isn’t like the mom friend or anything like that.
- she’s also the tank which is funny considering she looks like a twig but those shields + two traumatic experiences sure do a lot in terms of fighting skills.
- I also think she involves her life the least in the sphere of the four. she has a decent social life at home and she almost sees the four as an extension of her hero life rather than her personal life, they don’t know anything about tony and have never interacted with dash and Jack jack, maybe one time one of them interacted with her parents but it wasn’t what she wanted. this might cause problems down the line.
- she’s a very musical girlie, I definitely stole this from someone else but her friends like dropping off vintage vinyl in their homes to her since she doesn’t like buying them herself and she’s very much a teenager with music blaring from her room but it’s like. The Beatles or something instead of my chemical romance. until it IS my chemical romance because penny drops off one of her old cd players and you know violet would THRIVE with early y2k pop rock and it only gets better when Wilbur donates his mom and dad’s old cd collections. this ends up with her having insane taste, half franny’s broadway tracks, electro swing and emo phase and half lewis’ lonely island and weezer tracks
- she also very much is an “acts of service” kinda affectionate for her friends. She’s the tallest so she grabs things from high shelves, opens jars, luges things around the lab for Hiro, organises Penny’s stuff for her sometimes, definitely helps organise Wilbur’s space cause it’s a mess etc.
- oh and. idk if you wanted lgbt headcanons but. bi violet. she learns what it from one of the others (probably Hiro considering his friends are a fruit salad) and is like “OHHHH that makes sense.”
- there’s something wrong with him. I fully believe that it is not the future that is Like That but in fact just the Robinsons that are Like That and that becomes more believable when you realise most of the weirder robinsons’ family members were kids, teens and young adults right between y2k and now. They are pretty much eccentric rich people, but like morally good.
- he’s not much of an engineer or inventor like his dad but is actually way more artsy like his mom, but instead of music he likes model making and Lego like stuff. he’s thinking of studying architecture when he’s older though he’s pretty unsure of his path forward in life in general. He’s only a kid.
- in general actually he’s pretty unsure of himself, often dotting back from interest to interest, whim to whim until it doesn’t interest him. 99% sure he has adhd tbh but surprisingly he doesn’t struggle with things like school, but more with his sense of identity, he cannot define himself properly quite often and is constantly driven to find a purpose in life, since both of his parents knew who they were rather early in life and as he gets older this is just a more stressful prospect to him. He is very loud and boisterous to make up for this
- so as can be expected, the adventure that landed him to meet the others was just a whim that stuck. And maybe he feels guilty for that but he’s happy it happened.
- he’s very much the kinda teenager boy who sees himself as invulnerable and he often is the one who creates humiliatingly dangerous scenarios the other three have to save him from. Sadly, none of these saves have halted his own belief in his invulnerability, but instead made him wanna reach greater heights of almost dying. at least he’s pushing his friends’ limits, both power wise and nerve wise.
- I headcanon he didn’t really do school, more like a private tutor, as the youngest in his entire family and only child he very much is the kinda kid who’s best friend is one of his uncles or his cousins. No, he doesn’t let any of the others come around to his, his parents would kill him, does he steal the Time Machine to visit at least one of them at least ONCE a day, of COURSE what ELSE will he do all day??
- to no ones surprise, he’s very much the distraction of the group, a master of distracting people as much as himself so Hiro and violet can GET em. It’s how he makes up for being the one who starts most of the fights.
- definitely organises group dnd sessions that he dms and when he gets bored he sculpts their characters for funsies. he has 10k+ word docs worth of lore.
- speaking of which, loves giving gifts, usually little models and projects he makes.
- he is the most social member of the group but it was not his decision, he inherited his brother’s friend group of full grown adults and I’m not entirely sure if he would be socially conscious enough to keep up with the four if not for everyone wanting him to finally have friends his own age. It’s not that he doesn’t like any of his friends, in fact he loves a lot of people pretty easily, it’s just that he gets dragged down in his personal projects so much that he maybe struggles to put in effort a wee bit sometimes.
- he is also the main host for hangouts, in his workshop or the cafe because the other four can poke around too much in his bedroom and he doesn’t really like anyone going near tadashi’s part of the room or messing around with his “order” of things, aka the mess he understands.
- it was priority one after they all become besties that he design supersuits for them, he especially liked the challenge of actually working and amplifying violet’s power while creating abilities for penny and wilbur. for penny he of course included bolt as well, copying a lot of the tech shown in the movie to make them a tag team duo with matching coloured armour while wilbur he just gave green lantern construct thingies. He gave them these as a gift and sadly none of them get a lot of use out of them but they appreciate it none the less and he enjoyed the project A LOT.
- he is also very much a gift giver, he’s not good with words so effort is the best he can show.
- he’s a little bit hypocritical in that if he gets hurt he’s very stubborn with baymax’s attempts to heal him but if ANY of his friends get even a scratch on them he’s pushing Baymax on them like “no no, get that cleaned up. get a bandaid. come on. Don’t fight him about it.” With his arms crossed
- he felt so awkward when he introduced the six to the four. they got along great, besides some lingering awkwardness and Fred’s joking attempt at a rivalry but he couldn’t help but feel like SOMETHING was gonna go wrong at every turn. He was surprised in fact to see them get along so well.
- Hiro often acts as the secondary fighter for them all, most of the time when he’s with them he doesn’t have access to Baymax so he just tries his best with armour and it’s small amount of gear.
- he’s the one who gets talked into doing dumb things for the sake of doing them. He doesn’t have the teenage boy invulnerability of Wilbur, more like the scientific mind that wants to do the most dangerous version of every test on mythbusters. He always has Baymax on stand by, his fatal flaw is just thinking that will always be enough.
- oh and just as a wee add on, I like to imagine him as autistic and aroace. And maybe trans, mostly because the idea of Baymax doing t-shots is fun to me.
- probably my biggest character change, cause penny is a wee bit nothing in the original movie. Not her choice really but there are things to expand on which I do. I know one of the more common things to do is make penny an actual secret agent like she in her show but I think it’s funnier for her to just be like. a retired child actor who hangs out with a bunch of superheroes and geniuses by accident. She is just a guy.
- But she is a very traumatised guy, between the fire incident and just y’know- being a child star for a semi Disney coded network, she’s got some stuff going on. Mainly breathing problems and some panic attacks. Thankfully, Bolt is a very job-oriented dog so with acting out of the picture, they had him trained up as a therapy animal which of course he does amazingly and diligently. Her mom moving them onto a farm was also very much a part of this, the clean air and work she thought would be good for her.
- She’s just now adjusting to being a more regular child, having acted for a long time, and is on the path back into integrating into school but she has yet to make any friends, especially not her own age. She’s often stuck at home so she’s very welcoming to her friends’ visits to her as it eats up her time.
- Penny’s place is the most common hangout spot for all of them as it’s just her, her mom and the animals and a lot of room to do whatever they want. Penny is always find with them being around and actively makes attempts to keep em around as long as possible so she doesn’t go stir crazy, week long sleepovers in summer and stuff like that.
- She also likes how if she travels to any of their own time period, she doesn’t have to deal with the fear of paparazzi and gossip tabloids and that’s probably why she’d rather travel to San Fransokyo for anything like buying a toothbrush or a snack rather than drive down the road.
- Treats Baymax like a pet quite often, petting him and calling him a good boy just out of habit, the others find it funny but she always gets embarrassed.
- she’s the healer of the group, when Baymax isn’t around, and Bolt acts as an attack dog part time. she gets panicked a lot by seeing her friends hurt so running in with a medkit to clean them up is always her top priority. She hides it well but it stresses her out when hiro and violet aren’t around cause she’s worried they’ll get grievously injured in battle.
- she’s also big on words of affirmation, team hypeman to the extreme. She cares about her friends a whole lot and she will tell them exactly why with no excuse or insecurity allowed. This doesn’t go over well most of the time considering violet and hiro can’t handle compliments and wilbur will soak it in with way too wide a grin.
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