Ask- Lil!Watcher
13 posts
Last active 2 hours ago
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Well, I don't think you're evil, so I guess my parents were wrong. I suppose I don't really know that much about you, but you seem nice anyways, so therefore you're not evil.
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Huh? I'm not a player, silly. I'm a Watcher!! And Admins aren't players, they're different- at least I think. I was told they're dangerous, but you don't seem that dangerous to me!
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Oh...okay. I haven't seen them in so long-
Why haven't they returned? What if they're hurt?
Do you know if they're okay? This was their first mission, I- I think, and I'm...worried.
[in the Watcher's dimension/hq]
...hello? Do you- Have you seen my friend Sidra? They were sent out on a mission to find a "Grian" a long time ago and I haven't seen them in awhile...
- @ask-lil-watcher
[OOC: hello :D this is my first time doing anything with an ask blog/rp wise so hopefully I'm not doing it wrong lmao- I hope you have a good rest of your day :]
. . .Oh.
That'd be me, actually.
Yeah, they found me. Don't know where they went, though.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Woah, a real Player? I've never met one of those before! My parents said that they're all evil, but I won't believe them until I meet a Player for myself.
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Note am I? I- uhmm... I haven't- I'm not sure... sorry.
hey kiddo, how are you?
Uhm...Sidra isn't here right now...they went somewhere else and I can't find them...
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Who's Netty?
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
hey kiddo, how are you?
Uhm...Sidra isn't here right now...they went somewhere else and I can't find them...
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
I dunno, I'm a little bit sick of purple- it's everywhere where I come from. I don't think I've ever been somewhere with this many colors! I really like the one that those things are! *points to the leaves of a tree*
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Okay! So...huh. I guess I'm not sure what to do anymore...what's your favorite color?
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Right. Well- I'm certainly not mad at you! Oh, I didn't introduce myself, did I? I'm Sidra.
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Hi Sidra! How are you?
Hello! Are you one of us? You don't look like us, but I've known someone who can look completely human! Isn't that crazy?
Oh, I'm good by the way! I've just got sent on my first mission!!! I really hope I don't screw it up.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
I'm not sure- They told me to become friends with "Grian". I didn't know there were others!
I- I was told to find you, I think. I'm not- I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, though. I think...I got lost?
Are you... Mr. Gri-an?
- @ask-lil-watcher
I am..
Were you told what specifically?
Cause there's like 4 people I know of with the name.
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ask-lil-watcher · 6 months ago
Hello :]
This is the ask blog for two of my watcher OC's Sidra and Lil! More info about both of them under the cut:
[mod is @mysteriouswolf- they/she]
- I am not associated with Grian in any way and this is purely just for fun :D
Note that I may not respond to asks that fast, as I have a fairly busy life with my own things I have to get to :)
Please do not send asks that contain anything nsfw, and please tw anything related to severe mental illness/symptoms [it is still completely fine to send, and I think characters who deal with panic attacks/eating disorders/etc are great and important but on some days things like that can be triggering]
Tags I use:
#sidra answers
#lil answers
#mod updates
More about Lil and Sidra!
They are both young watchers, and Sidra is planned to be the main watcher that I will use to interact with! They are both still fairly watcher like in appearance even when trying to pass as a human for being so young, and still have the violet eyes and feathers on parts of their bodies, and lil sharp teeth. They've been conditioned to be watchers their entire lives, and they both know nothing else.
Lil is a year younger than Sidra and is generally shyer, and Sidra kind of took up the "big sister" role for Lil. Lil got abandoned by their parents when they were young, for all they could do was Watch. They didn't speak, didn't listen, didn't fight. Just Watched.
Sidra, at first glance, seems like the ideal watcher child. She's praised by her parents, and seen as "perfect". She does everything without a second question. But she too has one fatal flaw- to the Watchers, at least. Kindness.
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