cottoncandylesbo · 1 year
reddit users that use their post formatting adding "rule" and 196 to posts are like when you piss and don't wash your hands. stop putting your grimey peehands all over our perfectly good posts you barbarians
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I made spicy bis
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m00nfr3ak · 5 years
It’s 11:11 I wish for more spicy bis content
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Be More Chill Body Swap AU
-Jeremy Heere is the geekiest loser in all of Middleborough Highschool. He has glasses, only reads comics, has a stutter, can't run for shit. So of course he's an easy target.
-At school, Rick Goranski is one of the coolest kids. And Jeremy's bully. He makes fun of the teen all the time with his friends to seem more chill.
-The two are stuck together on a science project together and one night at Jeremy's house when working on the project the two begin to fight when something...weird happens.
-They pass out after a black out in the house only to wake up in each other's bodies.
-Rich and Jeremy begin to freak out trying to figure out how this happens and now the two struggle in each other's bodies.
-Jeremy learning that despite the act he puts on, Rich isn't the tough cool kid everyone thinks be is and after meeting the boy's dad he starts to figure out why Rich can be so aggressive sometimes.
-Rich meanwhile learns that what Jeremy goes through on a daily basis at school added in with an almost absent single father.
-While along the way the two begin to grow more than platonic feelings for each other as their friends try to figure out what's going on.
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The amount of cis men who will use the bathroom and leave without washing their hands is literally criminal and disgusting everytime im in a public restroom and doing my thing and another man walks in, pisses, and leaves without washing his hands i want to scream. Youre gonna go out and touch stuff with your pee hands? You think thats fine? That people will touch stuff your pee hands have been all over? Help
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electricbricks · 5 years
Captain Peehands and the Fuckwits:
Smooth Ska Tunes To Relax and Make Pipe Bombs To
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whiskyrunner · 7 years
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Look at these happy lap rats with their swank new cage!
It’s actually a pretty old and ugly cage that a shelter brought to us when they had some rats for us to adopt out. But we don’t quite trust these boys in any of our own store-use cages, which have 1″ bar spacing. To combat the ugly (and protect little feets and peehands), I cut up a bedsheet we had and wrapped the wire ramps and platforms.
Smart boy Ned made a hammock!
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He and his brothers Renly (the black one) and Ramsay (the dark agouti) are doing so good! Even better since we put them in the cage. They’re still in the back room so they can get used to it/being able to see and smell people coming and going. Initially they ran for cover whenever somebody walked in, but now it almost never bothers them. I spent a long time back there today making up cages for new animals, and it was just eating the boys up with curiosity! Every time I turned around there were noses poking through the cage bars. When I reached in to tickle them, Ned started hauling on my fingers as if trying to drag me into the cage.
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Renly is stuffing his face in the corner in that pic, but I assure you he’s every bit as needy! On Friday when they were still in the bin cage, I was feeding and spot cleaning everyone and glanced down to see a white tummy and pink peehands pressed to the side of the bin. I said “Hi, Renly,” and leaned down to wedge the tip of my finger in, and the white tummy started wiggling with excitement while he gave my fingertip gentle noms.
They are Best Boys and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise. Ned even let me pick him up and hold him (briefly) today so one of our groomers could meet him and pet him. I LOVE these boys. I want to steeeal them!
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my friends come up with the best names -submitted by @houseteeth
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blakeandwylde · 10 years
We're not sure what's more awkward: John Travolta & @IdinaMenzel Oscar moment OR @adamwylde having pee on his hands while he recreated the moment with @blakesshow. #PeeHands
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megpng · 10 years
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m00nfr3ak · 5 years
should I make a spicy bis comic,,,,,
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Be More Chill Crossdressing Jeremy Headcanons
"That's a girl's shirt."
"Yeah, I know."
-Jeremy was five when he found the girl clothes his mom bought before he was born and decided to try on a few of the dresses
-his parents found him and we're confused when he asked if he could keep the dresses and skirts
-unable to say no to their son Jeremy began wearing the dresses and skirts a lot more, even coming to school in the clothes
-Michael was confused by his friend suddenly wearing girls clothes but got used to it
-other kids began to make fun of Jeremy calling him names and she picking on him but Jeremy kept wearing girls clothes because they just felt more comfortable on him
-that's not to say the bullying didn't bother him, he just got used to it. Besides, he had Michael to support him
-it's highschool and Jeremy hasn't stopped liking "girly" things, usually wearing a skirt with tights and a striped shirt and cardigan
-he's also grown his hair out into a ponytail and has dorky Pac-Man hair clips in all the time
-Jeremy knows he's not a girl, he just likes a lot of stuff that's usually considered girly
-like make up, although he's not that great with it having almost stabbed his eyes it with a mascara brush multiple times
-when Jeremy gets the SQUIP it's confused by him, he's still a boy that wants to impress Christine but he won't give up wearing dresses?
"Wouldn't it be easier to be a boy? My analysis showed you're not transitioning so why not change your appearance for Christine?"
-regardless it strives to make Jeremy popular, starting with getting him and Brooke together
-the two bond over their love of Gossip Girl and neon nail polish
-while dating they exchange hair clips, Brooke can still be seen wearing Jeremy's Pac-Man hair clip
-the blonde taught Jeremy how to braid his hair, having never gotten the chance to learn from his mom and his dad having no clue
-Michael used Jeremy as his pretend girlfriend at Thanksgiving before he came out as gay
- Jeremy's dad is confused by his son but tries his best to be supportive
Also: Rich may or may not have had a crush on Jeremy since fifth grade but he had no idea how to verbally articulate his feelings and thus became Jeremy's bully
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Be More Chill Spicy Bi's Headcanons
-Rich and Jeremy used to be friends back in middle school when they were both nerds and Rich was still called Dick
-after taking the SQUIP, the first thing it had Rich do was distance himself from his former loser friends and name
-it's why Rich goes out of his way to built Michael and Jeremy, other than the fact they're the two dorkiest kids in school
-it isn't until after talking to Rich in the hospital does Jeremy realize he's Dick from middle school
-Rich hates that name with a passion because of the SQUIP flinches when Jeremy accidentally calls him that
-Jeremy gets out of the hospital after two days but he still comes to visit Rich and check on how he's doing
-it's awkward at first, especially with Rich trying to figure out how to communicate without the SQUIP for the first time in years
-Jeremy actually thinks the lisp is kind of adorable
-Rich fire not care for that word being used to describe him but he lets Jeremy get away with it
-Jeremy's surprised he's the only person that's been visiting Rich on a regular basis
"But you got all this cool stuff, and acetone at school's taking about you."
"Yeah but nobody actually misses me."
"What about Jake?"
"You mean the guy who's house I burned to the ground? Yeah right, he hasn't talked to me since he got out."
-Jeremy and Christine agree it's probably best that they don't date despite Jeremy's *slight* heartbreak
-Jeremy laments to Rich in the hospital because he knows Michael wouldn't want to listen to him
"Jesus Christ, Jeremy. Get over it. She's just some girl."
"Christine is not just some girl. She was THE girl...but I deserve this. After what I did, I don't deserve anyone."
"Would it make you feel better if I kissed you?"
-Rich's bi ass may or may not have fallen for Jeremy in the time they've been spending together and hearing him complain about Christine isn't exactly what he wants to hear
-despite the years of SQUIP Rich is still a nerd deep down and is more than willing to play Apocalypse of the Damned if offered
-Michael, who came with Jeremy on a Rich visit, immediately figured it out just from the way Rich looks at Jeremy
-as soon as Rich gets out of the hospital, Michael makes it his mission to get Jeremy and Rich together
Also: Their couple name came from Michael who told Rich not to touch Jeremy with his pee hands since he never washes his hands after using the bathroom
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Alternate Be More Chill Ship Names
Rich x Jake=Frying Pan
Rich x Jeremy=Pee Hands
Brooke x Jeremy=Electric Furries
Christine x Jeremy=Spotlight Players
Jenna x Jake=Rolan on Jake
Jenna x Chloe=Text Talk
If you have anymore feel free to add on.
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Why do we call Rich x Jeremy Bi Cycle when we could call it pee hands?
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m00nfr3ak · 5 years
Peehands is the superior jerrich name
Dang I forgot about that one. 11/10 too powerful.
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