#pedro pascal x teen!reader platonic
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afictionaladventure16 · 2 years ago
hi!! maybe a fic where pedro has been away from his daughter for a while due to filming and just before a few days before he’s supposed to come home, he calls her saying he has to stay for a couple more weeks. she gets upset and maybe rebels and acts out in some way. the eventual reunion could either be a angsty or fluff depending on what ur goin for!! love ur writing btw!!
Broken Promises (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Word Count: 4,516
A/N: First of all, thank you for your kind words! It means a lot! <3 I live for angsty requests! This one was fun to write! I kind of took what you asked and did some twists... I hope you like it, though!! Requests are open to anyone who wants to send something in! Also, I don't know if Pedro's older sister has a husband so, i made it up. ALSO, 4.5 k words! This might be my longest one yet. I stayed up till 4:30 am writing this one....
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You anxiously looked over at the clock that was mounted on the wall, “The more you look at it, the slower it’ll move,” your tia commented as she noticed you looking at the clock for the seventh time in the past five minutes. “He said he’ll call before he got on his flight, his flight isn’t until Seven. Hours away, so would you please finish your homework before your father kills me because your grades slipped while he was away.” 
You groaned, “It’s killing me that he hasn’t called to let me know he made it to the airport, not even a text!” 
“He’s a busy man, Y/N. Plus you know how he is, he forgets where he places his phone like ever single minute, that’s why he’s so attached to that damn iPad,” Your tia commented as she continued to chop up vegetables for dinner. But she had a point, he could have let his phone in his carry on, or some obvious place that was in plain sight. 
You knew your dad too well, sometimes you thought you knew him better than he knew himself. Sometimes it was true and it scared you. Why? Maybe it was because he was everything to you and you were everything to him. It had just been the two of you since your mother passed and it was as if her passing brought the two of you closer. You bonded over her death in a morbid way. 
His mother passed when he was young, so he knew how to be a shoulder to cry on.
 He knew the right things to say and the wrong things to say. 
He knew the things you would want to avoid, the people you wouldn’t want to see. Overall, he just knew the pain you would go through. Ever since you were just this dynamic duo. 
When he was away filming, you missed him dearly, but it gave you time to spend with your cousins and family you don’t get to see as often. 
“Any plans for his return home?” your tia asked, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Well, I do have my tournament coming up, which is out of state and papi said we can go on a road trip. Take the scenic route and do all the stops.” 
“He did mention that, he sounded pretty excited.” 
“Yeah, plus this tournament is a pretty big deal, the top four teams will be competing to go to championship,” you explained. You wouldn’t say that soccer was your life, but you did love playing soccer. There was something about being on the field and just leaving everything on the sidelines, leaving all your trauma and past for a few hours and just being free. 
You had gotten into soccer when you were fairly young. You remembered your parents always cheering for you in the sidelines and then it was just your dad, then sometimes it would only be your tia who always had her phone up with most likely, your dad on the other side of the phone. Slowly the emptier the sidelines got, the reason for you to play grew, the more you wanted to just be free from your mind. 
The sound of your phone ringing interrupted your thoughts, you jumped up and ran towards your phone that sat at the kitchen counter. “Papi?” You said as you answered the call. 
“Y//N,” he began to say. 
“About time you called, I was beginning to worry you had missed your flight or something. Are you at the airport already?” 
“No,” He sighed. 
“You’re kind of cutting it close, you know that right?” you glanced at the clock, six thirty, it had read. 
“Cariño, I need you to listen to me,” he sighed. 
You sat back down at the kitchen table, “What’s wrong?” you asked. Your mind was quick to race to certain thoughts, someone could be dead, you thought. Who could it be? You had been with your tia Javiera for the past month and she was the oldest. Usually she was the first to know everything. 
“I’m sorry, Cariño,” he began. Your heart began to race, an uneasy feeling crept over you like storm clouds. “I’m gonna have to stay here for a few more weeks.” 
“A few more weeks? B-But you’ll be here for our road trip right?” You were met with silence, a sinking feeling took hold in your stomach, “Right?” you asked again. 
“Mija,” he muttered. Pedro spent the whole day putting off this phone call for this reason. He had gotten your hopes up and he knew you weren’t going to take it easy. 
“Did you tell them no?”
“I can’t tell the directors no,” he answered. 
“Did you even try?” Your voice choked with disappointment, he couldn’t be doing this. He promised he wouldn’t become that parent.  
“Mija, I can’t say no, I have to stay here and do reshoots.” 
“But our road trip!” You exclaimed. 
“I know and I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
“Just like you promised to take me on this road trip?” 
“Mija, por favor, Don’t do this to me,” he said, Pedro felt his heart heavy, he knew he was disappointing you and as much as he wanted to tell the directors to shove it and say no, he knew he couldn’t. 
“Or like how you promised you’d never do this? How you promised you wouldn’t become that person.” 
“Y/N,” When the first name came out, you knew he was beginning to get upset. 
“Mija, give me the phone,” your Tia stepped in. She knew someone might say something they might regret and she didn’t want to see either of your hurt. But she forgot to realize you were her brothers daughter and just like him, you were stubborn too. 
You held onto the phone, “You promised,” disappointment written over your voice, tears began to well up in your eyes. 
“I know,” he whispered. If you had only seen how torn your father was at the moment, maybe you would have been okay with situation. Or maybe things would have turned differently, but you could only hear his voice and although, you heard the disappointment in his voice, you couldnt be bothered to care about it. All that mattered to you was that he had broken his first promise and you didn’t know if this was going to be the first of many and if so, what was next? 
Would you be one of those kids that grew up only seeing their parents on the holidays and eventually writing a book titled, “My Parent, the Mandalorian, and the neglect I endured.” You never wanted to be one of those kids and when your dad first began to get bigger roles, he had promised you that you wouldn’t. That he wouldn’t become one of those famous parents. 
You remained silent, hoping it was some kind of sick joke and maybe he’d say something along the lines of ‘Gotcha!’ or maybe he’d say ‘I’ll be there tomorrow, don’t worry!’ But seconds pass and he didn’t say any of it. “Okay,” you finally said. 
“Mija,” Pedro began to say but you handed the phone to your tia. 
“Pedro, it’s Javiera,” your tia said, a somber look fell on her face when she had heard him apologizing when she first took the phone. She felt bad for her little brother, but she also felt bad for you. 
“Is she still there?” Pedro asks
Javiera looked at you, you wiped away tears that were managing to escape. You groaned to yourself, irritated with everything around you, you left the room. “She just left,” she replied. 
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed. 
“How do I fix this?” Pedro pleaded. Ever since your mother passed away, Pedro called his big sister for any little thing on parenting, he felt like every choice he made was the wrong one. Most of the time, it wasn’t, he was just overthinking it. 
“There really is no way out of the reshoots? No way to reschedule?” 
“Directors call,” he sighed. “I really fucked up, Javiera. No me va a perdonar” (She’s not gonna forgive me). 
“No mas nicesieta tiempo. Let me talk to her, but for now
 give her some space.” 
“Are you saying not to call her?” Pedro questioned. 
“Or text
 just for a couple of days. If anything send her a goodnight text, but let’s not anger her more.” He let out a small sigh, Pedro always texted you. Even if he went the whole day without responding, he made sure to send a goodnight text every night. 
“Alright,” he muttered. “I’m gonna need you to get in contact with the school, she’ll have to go with her team to the tournament.” 
“I’ll contact them, and Pedro?”
She let out a deep breathe, “It’s gonna be fine.” 
Pedro tried his hardest to give himself a smile, to reassure himself that it would be fine and eventually it’ll pass, but he couldn’t. At the moment his heart was utterly broken, he had broken a promise, what felt like a sacred vow and now he had disappointed you. It probably wouldn’t be the first, but he sure as hell, hopes it wouldn’t become a habit. 
Over the past week, you only left your room to go to school and shower. Your cousins dropped off your food in your room every day, you felt like they were somehow on your side. Your friends eventually began to blow up your phone, not only had you been distant with your family, but you’ve also been distant with them. 
You felt your phone vibrate beside you, you groaned at the thought of getting a phone call from anyone. Picking up the phone you realized it was one of your teammates, Cassandra, “Yeah?” 
“Finally you pick up,” Cassandra muttered. “Look, a bunch of us are going to go on a drive later tonight with Justin’s brother, he just got his license and we wanted to know if you want to join.” 
“Oh come on, Y/N! You’ve been so distant and what will it hurt? You’re dad isn’t home anyway so he can’t say anything!” 
You let out a sigh, she had a point, “I still have curfew.” 
“So? Sneak out.” 
You had to admit that Cassandra was a bad influence. She wasn’t your best friend, she was one of the girls in your soccer team. She was part of the older group in the varsity team, but she always invited you out. Part of you felt like she only did it because of your dads social status which is why you always declined her offer. That and because your dad didn’t really approve of you hanging out with her, he could always tell when someone was a bad influence. But Cassandra was right, he wasn’t here. 
“Really?” Cassandra asked taken back by your response. 
“Like you said, my dad isn’t here, so it shouldn’t matter right?” 
“Trouble in paradise?” She chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes, “What time should I be ready?” 
“We’ll pick you up at midnight, we’ll shoot you a text when we’re down the block,” Cassandra said before she hung up the phone. You felt your nerves beginning to get worked up, you had no idea what you just got yourself into, yet something inside you felt carefree. 
If your dad were home, you knew he wouldn’t approve of you going out so late. He definitely wouldn’t have approved of you going on a joy ride with someone you didn’t even know and had just gotten their license. He wasn’t here though. 
You remained in your room while you waited, your Tia Javiera came to check on you before she went to bed. Soon after you heard your phone vibrate on your desk, for a moment you thought it was Cassandra but it was still an hour away from midnight. You glanced at your phone, 
Goodnight, Mija ♄ 
It was a message from your dad. You rolled your eyes and put your phone away. You spent the rest of your time getting ready, you wore something simple, but made sure to cover up from the cold. A few minutes past midnight you received a text from Cassandra saying that they were waiting down the block. You began to quietly make your way out of the house.
“Where you going?” you heard someone whisper. 
You turned around to see your cousin Pedro in the middle of the kitchen, “Pedro, what are you doing up?” 
He held up a sandwich, “where you going?” 
You looked at him with pleading eyes, “I’m only going to be gone for an hour, it’s just a drive around the block with some friends.” 
He chuckled, “I don’t care what you do, Y/N. I’ve been there before. Have fun and if you go to McDonalds bring me some fries, kay?” 
You rolled your eyes, “whatever.” You playfully flipped him off before walking out of the house. You made sure to close the door softly behind you. Once you were in the clear you booked it down the street. You spotted Cassandra waving you down from a dark green Tahoe. 
“This car is a piece of junk,” you commented as you got into the Tahoe. 
“Hey, no disrespecting Hilda!” The driver who you assumed to be Jasons brother, exclaimed. 
“She’s a piece of junk but she’s Marty’s piece of junk,” Jason commented. 
“Correct!” Marty said. “Now let’s get this party started!” 
Pedro woke up in a startle to the sound of his phone ringing, at first he had thought it was just his dream, but the sound slowly began to get louder and louder until finally he woke up. He groaned, “who the fuck is calling so early?” he muttered to himself. 
“Hello?” he answered in an annoyed tone. 
“Pedro?” he heard his sister on the other line, her voice sounded strain. 
“Javiera?” Pedro quickly sat up. 
“Pedro,” Javiera’s voice trembled, there was some ruffling sounds on the other line. 
“Javiera?” No answer. “Javier, que te pasa?” 
“Pedro?” Javiera’s husband had taken over the phone. 
“Augustine? Que esta pasando?” (What’s happening) Pedro was no sitting on the side of his bed, he no longer felt drowsy. 
Augustine sighed, “Pedro, no se como dicier te. Y/N snuck out a few hours ago,” 
“Shit,” Pedro let out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding in. His mind had been racing to a million scenarios. “Well that’s a first,” he chuckled. 
“Pedro,” Augustine said softly. 
Pedro closed his eyes, the way Augustine said his name, he knew what it meant. “Is she okay?” Pedro asked as his voice trembled. 
“She was in a car with a bunch of her friends and some drunk driver, he was driving over a hundred miles, the kid didn’t have a chance to react.” 
“Augustine, is my baby okay?” Pedro was beginning to get ansty. 
“She’s in the ICU,” Pedro could hear his sister crying in the background. 
“Is she okay?” Pedro asked again. 
“You need to get here as fast as possible, Pedro. She’s at Saint Mary’s Memorial Hospital, you know where that is?” 
“Saint Mary’s, yeah,” Of course he knew where it was. He could never forget, it was the same hospital you were born at and now you were there again, but in different circumstances. Pedro was quick to hang up, calling his Director in the middle of night was something he would never do, unless it was something like this. Something like his daughter was hanging on by a thread and he didn’t care about anyones sleep, he just needed to get on the first plane back to New York. 
The directors were understanding of the situation, they even helped Pedro get back to New York within the hour. He had never received treatment like that, but he was thankful for it. 
Pedro had just a carry on, leaving most of his luggage back at the hotel with his assistant. He didn’t need much anyway, just the essentials. 
Once he got out of the airport, he flagged down a taxi. The ride to the hospital seemed to be the longest ride ever. Pedro was anxious to get there, anxious to see you and to make sure you were okay. She’s in the ICU, Augustine’s voice kept repeating those words in his head like a broken record player. The sound of his sisters cries over the phone brought back memories he had thought he buried. 
His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the brief halt of the car, Pedro looked out of the car window to see that he had arrived to his destination. “Thanks,” he said to the cab driver as he handed him some cash before bolting out of the car and into the hospital.
The sun was beginning to rise when Pedro finally arrived, he rushed over to the front desk. “May I help you, sir?” 
“Uh- my, my daughter,” Pedro let out a shaky breath. 
The receptionist knew that look too well, she had seen it so many times. “What’s the name?” she asked softly. 
“Y/N Pascal.” 
SHe was quick to type the name in, knowing that the last thing he wanted to do was wait any longer. “Take the elevator to floor three.” 
“Thank you!” Pedro ran over to the elevator, punch the button for floor three. 
He ran out of the elevator once they opened. 
“Pedro!” He heard his sister exclaim. 
Pedro let out a sigh of relief, he ran over to her and gave her a hug. 
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. 
“It’s alright,” he looked over at his nephews, they both were distraught of the situation. “You boys okay?” 
Young Pedro looked over at his uncle, tears in his eyes, “I should’ve stopped her, Tio. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” he pulled his nephew into the hug. Pedro didn’t know why he was trying to comfort everyone at the moment, maybe a part of him felt like it was his responsibility because he felt so much guilt. “Where is she?” 
“The doctors have her in surgery right now, she had some internal injuries they hoped to repair.” Pedro choked back the tears, he sat down on one of the chairs nearby. “They said by the looks of the crash site, she got the worse of it. She was sitting in the spot the car impacted with.” 
Pedro pinched the bridge of his nose, “How bad is it?” 
“The doctors said something about possible physical therapy,” Javiera added. “It’s still all unknown at the moment.” 
“This is all my fault.” 
“Don’t say that, Pedro.” 
“She isn’t that kind of kid, Javiera! She would’ve never done this unless she was really mad at me,” Pedro let out a shaky breath. Javiera placed a comforting hand on her brothers shoulder. “I can’t lose her, Javiera,” Pedro sobbed. 
“I know,” she whispered. She let Pedro cry into her shoulder and he cried for a while. After about an hour, he began to calm down, everyone sat in silence as they waited for the doctors to come out. Hours passed by when finally a doctor walked out of the doubled doors and to the Pascal family. 
“Family of Y/N Pascal?” the doctor nervously figeted with his hands. 
Pedro stood up quickly, “How is she?” 
The doctor cleared his throat, he never like this part of the job, speaking to the family. “There was a lot of damage and we did the best we could,” Pedro felt a sob make its way into his throat, he tried his best to hold it back, it wasn’t bad news yet. “But she’s steady now.” Pedro let out a deep breathe. “This isn’t the end of her journey yet, she has a long road of recovery. She’s lucky to be alive.” 
Pedro had tears falling from his eyes, his baby girl was okay. “Thank you,” he said to the doctor, “Can I see her?” 
“Of course, I’ll take you to her.” The doctor led Pedro through the doubled doors, “She’s in the post Surgery, we’ll be moving her back to the ICU later today.” The doctor stood beside one of the doors, “She’ll have a lot of wires surrounding her, it may look scary but it’s what’s keeping her alive. She might not wake up right away, if anything we don’t expect her to wake up for a few days. It’s common in severe crash victims,” the doctor explained. “The tube in her throat will be taken out once she can breathe on her own.” 
“Can I touch her at least?” 
The doctor nodded, “It’s like handling a newborn, you have to be a bit careful.” The doctor tried to give Pedro a reassuring smile. 
“Thank you,” he said softly before opening the door. The doctor was right, the way the wires surrounded you scared Pedro. “Oh baby girl,” he said softly as he walked up to the bed. “I’m sorry,” he let out a sob. He sat on the chair beside your bed, taking your hand into his, he placed a kiss on the top of your hand. “I’m sorry I broke our promise, but you need to wake up for me okay?” He slowly moved a strand of hair out of your face, careful to not touch the tubing and wires. “Te quiero mucho, Y/N. No puedo vivir sin ti.” (I love you so much, Y/N. I can’t live without you). 
As the days passed, Pedro stayed beside your bedside during the day and during the night. He never left your bedside, not even to shower although he was beginning to get remarks about how he smelled. He didn’t care, he wanted to make sure he was there when you woke up. 
It had been a full week and you still hadn’t woken up. The doctors were beginning to worry, they started to do more tests to make sure they didn’t miss anything before or to see if anything new showed up. 
“Pedro, you need to go home and at least shower,” Augustine said as he placed a plate of food on a small table nearby. 
“I’m fine,” Pedro said as he kept his eyes on you. Augustine sighed, it was no use, there was really nothing that was going to convince Pedro to leave the room. 
“Come on, Cariño,” Pedro said softly. “You need to wake up.” he squeezed your hand gently. Pedro was about to let go when he felt you squeeze his hand, his eyes widen and he squeezed your hand again. Few seconds later your squeezed his hand, “Yes!” he exclaimed. He got up from his chair, “She squeezed my hand!” he yelled out to the nurses that were outside the door. They came rushing in, beginning to check your pupils and your vitals. 
“Get the doctor,” one of them commanded the other. 
The doctor was ecstatic to see the vitals go up, “Y/N, if you can hear me, squeeze your dads hand.” You squeezed your dads hand again. Seconds later your eyes fluttered opened, you winced at the brightness of the room. You felt something lodge in your throat, you lifted your arm to touch it, “no, no we’ll take it out for you, dear.” 
“She’s awake,” Pedro said in disbelief. 
“We’ll need to get the tubing out,” the doctor said. Pedro got up from his spot on the bedside, let the doctor take the tubing out from your mouth. “Your mouth is gonna feel dry for a couple of days, it’s common,” he began to say as he checked your pupils again. “Do you know where you are?” 
“The-” you coughed, a nurse handed your cup of water. “The hospital?” 
“Good, what year is it?” 
“Twenty Twenty Three.” 
“What’s your name?” 
“And who’s that?” The doctor pointed over at your dad. 
“My dad,” you said softly. 
The doctor smiled, “We’ll run some more tests later,” he said to your dad, “I’ll leave you two alone for a now.” 
Your dad thanked the doctor, he waited until they all left to go back to his spot by the bedside. You bothe remained quiet for a few minutes, one waiting for the other to speak. The other trying to get the courage to speak. 
You let out a shaky breath, “I’m sorry,” you whisepred. “It was really stupid.” 
Pedro shook his head, pulling you into a warm embrace, “It doesn’t matter,” he said softly. “All that matter is that you’re here and you’re alive.” He let go of the embrace, holding your head in his hands, “that’s all that matters to me right now, okay?” You gave him a nod, “I thought I was gonna lose you,” he choked out. 
“I’m sorry,” you trembled. 
“Que paso, Amor? How did it happen?” 
You shrugged, “One second we were heading back and the next thing I know, I heard screaming and it was dark,” you sniffled. “Is everyone else okay?” 
Your dad nods, “You got the worse of it. Cassandra was pretty shooken up, but they all got minor scratches and concussions.” 
“Lucky me,” you said sarcastically. Your dad kissed the top of your head, “I really am sorry about everything.” 
“No, I’m sorry, I broke a promise.” 
“I overreacted,” you confessed. 
“I don’t think you did,” he said softly. “I mean, I get it, we had a promise I wouldn’t break promises or cancel on you for work, especially with thing like your tournament. I wouldn’t let you become one of those kids with a book on how their parent was the worst parent ever.” you chuckled, causing your dad to smile, “I broke that promise and it scared you, and I’m sorry.” 
“Thank you and I’m sorry I overreacted and landed myself in the most expensive place on earth that isn’t Disneyland.” 
Your dad let out a laugh, “Forgiven.” 
“Forgiven,” you repeated. “Now, how bad is this?” you gestured to your broken leg, “Is my soccer career totaled?” 
“Soccer career? I thought you wanted to become an actor like your old man?” 
“Well, acting wasn’t my first choice, but depending on this, it might just become my first choice.” 
Pedro rolled his eyes, “Well, you’ll have physical therapy for sure, but let’s talk about it when we get there.” 
“Alright, but can we talk about something else?” 
“Dime (tell me).” 
“Can you go shower?” you scrunched up your nose, “I’m pretty sure your B.O. is what woke me up!” 
Pedro rolled his eyes, “Alright, alright, I’ll call your tia over to be with you while I go shower.” Pedro watched as you covered your nose in exaggeration, usually he would say something petty, but right now he just wanted to admire you and the fact that you were still alive. “Te amo, mija.” 
“Y yo a ti, papi,” you gave him a smile, knowing that everything was going to be okay and that if you did write a book in the future, it’d probably be about how you grew up blessed to be Pedro Pascal’s daughter.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnookok  @cilliansangel @change-the-world-someday @graciegoeskrazy
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 27 days ago
BTS: Where the Wild Things Are
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Plot: An audition leads to unforgettable moments on a hit show.
Word Count: 6.3K
Pairing: Paul Mescal x Reader
Warnings: fake fight scene, protective Paul and Pedro, fluff, potential spoilers to Where the Wild Things Are [read here]
The cityscape was something you welcomed, honking traffic, people shouting in the streets, and the chaos and beauty that came from living in New York. Your partner on the other hand was still adjusting, having moved in about 4 months ago. In that time so much has occurred, hosting SNL, attending premieres for films you both starred in as well as attending award shows that you had the honor of presenting an award at one. The most recent event that passed was the Met Gala and your birthday was now on the latest agenda. You hear the front door unlock over the light music and traffic from outside before clicking shut.
“I got bagels for the birthday girl,” Paul calls out coming from the entryway to find you curled up on the couch watching Hannibal the last show on your binge list. He comes from behind the sofa and you pause to lean back and look at him upside down as he gives a charming smile.
“How was your run babe?” You ask accepting the sweet kiss he gives before coming around easily sinking into the couch. His headphones around his neck, he’s dressed in a cap, a sleeveless t-shirt, and those shorts he loves.
“I found this runner’s route about 3 miles and got to see some of the sights around here before I got hungry for food,” He says while pulling out the two sandwiches, “Made sure it was an everything bagel before I left.” He passes yours over you smile quickly feasting on the treat.
“Wow my order is finally right, it’s a birthday miracle.” You tease and he rolls his eyes eating his sandwich.
“Ran into these two nice girls as I was leaving and got a picture they also said happy birthday. I was surprised they even recognized me.” He comments and you poke with your free hand his bare sweaty thigh.
“It’s those damn shorts, they’re a magnet to any Paul Mescal fan in a 20-mile radius.” Since he moved into your cozy apartment in Greenwich Village those shorts have become a staple in his New York City lifestyle. You’ve never seen more paparazzi photos of him in shorts since he moved here.
He smirks leaning close to you, “Are these shorts a magnet to you?” He flirts as he raises a brow only making you snort. The moment is cut off by your phone ringing seeing it is a call from your agent. Paul groans at the name, “Don’t they know it’s your birthday that means no work.”
“Oh hush, they’re probably calling to say happy birthday,” You say getting up to enter the home office. You knew most likely it was that but also something you’ve been sorta keeping from Paul and also Pedro and Bella. So during that interview, the year prior involving a certain video game that had a book it was mentioned of a potential fan-casting involving you. You joked about being involved just to appease the fans of the hit show. It was only after the Emmys with your win that news came out of the hit video game book Where the Wild Things Are was being adapted into a spin-off series from The Last of Us. Immediately the world blew up, with fan-casting and speculations of when what, and who. You were excited to see a novel you enjoyed being adapted but it was only when you got an email sent from your agent and told to record a self-tape that you recognized the scene and what was being asked of you. That was a month ago when you sent in the tape and it was only this week you heard back that you got the job. Luckily Paul was busy with his projects and promotions so it was easy to be at virtual meetings or having to fly out to LA for negotiations with The Last of Us team and your team under the guise of negotiation for the latest Star Wars film you were meant to start in.
“Hey Cathy,” You answer while closing the office door behind you.
“Happy birthday Y/n I hope you’re enjoying your day,” She greets you.
“It’s been good relaxing, definitely mentally preparing myself for whatever Paul and Pedro have planned for tonight.” That makes her laugh. It was good with everyone in the city for the Met Gala they planned to remain for your birthday. It was all planned out with spending the day with your childhood friends the day before as a pre-celebration. You weren’t sure what they had planned but with Pedro involved it could only be as crazy as your twenty-first.
“Well be safe tonight, but I just got off the phone with Jeanine. She says Craig and Neil are all good on their end with the paperwork. We’ll send you an email in regards to obtaining your script and any upcoming schedule. News of your casting will be drafted up soon to be published,” She says and you smile, “But tonight enjoy your night with your friends and family.”
“Thank you so much, Cathy. Guess now is a better time than ever to tell them I auditioned and got it.” You hear her gasp on the other line.
“You haven’t told them you auditioned?!” You shrink pacing the office looking over the collage you have on the wall at your desk. Photos of your friends and family, but also photos on sets, from your earliest projects to even now. Your favorite is of you and Paul in Malta exploring the city together. You had tried getting a nice photo of the two of you until a kind couple offered to take it for you. You guys weren’t even looking at the camera as it's taken mid-laughter, your head thrown back mid-laugh while Paul has a cheesy grin having just told a joke to get you to smile.
“I was gonna tell them when I knew I got a callback, then it just felt right to surprise them. So now here we are, I’m gonna see them all tonight so best time to tell them.” You say with a laugh and you hear her sigh on the other end.
“Well enjoy your night and congrats again!”
When your friends and family let your boyfriend and second father-figure to plan your birthday you had to know they had something crazy planned. When you first got with Paul your birthday was only shortly after you made it official so you didn’t do anything insane with him. You guys had a nice dinner with live music together and he got you a gift card to one of your favorite stores. But with you know a year together and knowing each other you’re not sure what he has in mind.
It was immediately swept away by your glam team who completely pampered you with your favorite rituals, cocktails, and Frank Ocean. Elvira keeps your hair in its natural style leaving it down, René creates this sultry look with accents of pink glitter across your lids.
“Guys what hell,” You gasp when Juliano reveals a gorgeous pink set from Brielle that you’ve been dying to wear, from the lace leggings, the asymmetrical mini skirt, the off-the-shoulder gloved top with squared jewels as the button of the opening at your wrists and on the skirt, to the scarf with a large gem buckle. Even down to a new pair of shoes that match perfectly.
“Don’t look at us, this is all your lovely boyfriend’s doing we just made sure it was in your measurements,” Juliano says and your eyes start watering up about to cry.
“No! None of that I just did a sickening eyeliner just for you to ruin it!” RenĂ© scolds you fanning your tears away and you force yourself to suck them back.
“I’m sorry okay,” You take a deep breath before giving a big smile, “I’m all good I swear no tears I promise.”
The three of them pull you into a hug, “Alright go get dressed, enjoy tonight!” Juliano says pressing kisses to your cheeks.
You give them all looks, “You have any idea what those two have planned?” They all give devilish smiles completely aware.
“We have been sworn to secrecy for this,” Elvira locks her mouth before throwing away the key. You groan making the three laugh before they all head out to let you get dressed. Deciding to add a pair of square diamonds to match the whole ensemble when you hear a knock on the door.
“Come in,” You call out seeing from the reflection Paul enters freshly showered and dressed in a casual black suit the first few buttons undone. You can see him drinking up your appearance as he slowly stalks over as you put in one of your earrings.
“Hi, handsome.” You smile as his hands rest your hips pressing featherlight kisses across your shoulder slowly creeping up to your neck. “Thank you for the outfit.” He just hums continuing his path of kisses you hear him inhale slightly the scent of your perfume as you put your other earring in.
“I kinda regret planning this whole elaborate birthday night,” He mutters into your skin and you can feel his body heat against your back fully pressing up against you wrapping you up in his arms, “Just wanna rip these clothes off and give your birthday gift.” He bites at the crook of your neck drawing a gasp mixed with a laugh from you.
“Down boy,” You spin in his arms leaning against your dresser letting your fingers twirl the curls at the base of his neck, “As much as I would enjoy your gift. I intend to take this pretty outfit out at least once to celebrate my birthday with our friends and family before you quote ‘rip these clothes off’ end quote.” That makes Paul chuckle pressing a kiss to your lips before sighing and resting his forehead on your shoulder.
“Fine let’s go see all our friends and make you happy,” He grabs your hand and guides you out of your apartment.
You laugh as you follow after your sulking boyfriend, “Don’t act like you’re not gonna enjoy whatever crazy shit you and Pedro planned.” You're unsure whether to be excited or scared about what they have planned.
It started with a nice dinner just between the two of you. Nothing too crazy a simple romantic dinner with a drink or two. You were getting nervous as the night continued letting Paul lead you through the streets constantly glancing at his watch for the time.
“You’re making me nervous, Paul, " you say as you cross the street, your heels clacking against the pavement. You hold his arm, guiding him out of the way of other people walking, his gaze glued to his phone.
“We’re here!” He stops abruptly in front of a building that looks very pretty. He leans you inside before speaking briefly to the receptionist who scans you in before entering an elevator and pressing the roof floor.
“Paul, what do you have planned?” You give him a questioning look as the floor number increases and he only gives a bright smile.
“Don’t worry,” He presses a kiss to your temple as you reach the top floor exiting and are immediately bombarded by loud confetti cannons go off as you both turn the corner.
“Surprise!” A chorus of people shocked to see so many people there, your family, college friends, coworkers, actor friends, and people from all aspects of your life. The entire place is decked out in decorations, an open bar, and a DJ playing your favorite songs. There’s a cheesy grin on your face spotting Pedro beside Oscar Issac with party blowers in their mouths. A good portion is reuniting with people you haven’t seen over music and drinks, finally making your way to your core group. Bella practically tackles you with a hug most definitely a few drinks.
“Happy birthday gorgeous,” They cheese and you return an exactly as bright one.
Pedro quickly gives a bear hug pressing a kiss to your temple. “Happy birthday chiquita.”
Bella claps their hands, “Wait picture!” they pull their phone out and you roll your eyes striking a peace sign while Pedro gives a kissy face. Paul stands beside Bella laughing at your antics. The beginning of ‘Thinkin' Bout You’ by Frank Ocean comes on and you grin.
“I love this song,” You start dancing but Bella shakes their head.
“No hold still the last one was blurry,” Holding up their phone you return to your pose with Pedro, how you didn’t spot the mischievous looks on their faces until it was too late.
“A tornado flew around my room before you came,” Frank Ocean's live voice comes through the speakers and your jaw drops. Immediate laughter from them and cheers from those around you as you whip around to see the DJ booth behind you. “Excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain in South California.” There he was in all his glory Frank fucking Ocean singing at you.
“Holy Shit!” You scream fangirling at this point. You cover your face with your hands in shock, feeling someone come from behind pulling your hands down.
“Happy birthday,” Paul whispers in your ear, pressing a kiss. You’re glad he held you as you sang along, or you probably would’ve collapsed. You’re practically floating once he finishes, wishing you a happy birthday, hugging you, and taking a picture! Fourteen-year-old you can die happily now.
“How the fuck did you do that,” You ask still in awe cradling the custom birthday cocktail made for you. They had pulled out all the stops.
“Pedro cashed in a favor to Omar who’s friends with him,” Paul says and you spot Pedro over with his singer friend Omar Apollo who is speaking to Frank.
“Paul this is insane
like this has to be the best birthday ever.” You say.
Oscar comments in passing, “Better than your twenty-first?” That makes you burst out laughing. The infamous 21st birthday was one in the history books even if you have zero memory of it, only videos and photos serve as it.
“Seriously this is ridiculous. I love you so much.” You kiss him and he doesn’t reject answering it in kindness.
With more music and drinking the party was well celebrated but soon winded down with your core group and family there. You were sorting through the gifts received as music plays.
“Shut up P, the fuck is this?” You laugh holding what looks like a bouquet but instead of flowers, it is gift cards taped onto sticks.
“A bouquet of gift cards duh,” He says while sipping his beer, “All your favorite places from father number 2.” That makes your parents laugh and your father claps Pedro’s shoulder.
You put the gift off to the side, “Thank you, Pedro these will be gone in the week.” Paul rubs circles on your shoulder as you lean into him.
“I have something for you as well,” You look at him surprised.
“Paul you're kidding, right? You’ve already done so much tonight.” He shakes his head getting up.
“You’re my girlfriend. You think I’m not going to get you a gift. Now close your eyes” he says before heading off behind you. Bella and your sister make gagging noises and your mother shushes them.
“Paul if it’s a dog or something like that. I am not ready to be a mother,” your comments make the others laugh. Paul's chuckle comes close again and you hear the clunk of something resting on the outdoor coffee table.
“Okay open.” Opening your eyes you see a case immediately recognizing the familiar shape.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Paul teases as you frantically fumble to open the latches with your gloves revealing a gorgeous caramel acoustic guitar. Pulling the guitar out of the case someone moves it to the side looking over how beautiful it is.
“This is exactly what I wanted.” You look over at Paul with teary eyes and he swipes a stray one before it falls, “Thank you.” You pull him into a hug and you hear your mother coo to your father at the two of you.
“That's so sweet of you Paul.” She smiles as you pluck at the strings already in tune.
“Funny enough, I have something to tell you all,” you say resting the guitar to the side. A bit of nervousness crosses your face being around your closest people.
“You're pregnant.” Your sister blurts out making your parents gasp, Bella’s eyes widen, Pedro half spits out his drink and Paul chokes on his.
“No!” You see those all around you sag in relief, “I am very much not pregnant you just saw me drink all night.”
“Oh yeah.” Your sister nods forgetting that key detail.
“Like I was saying,” You give her a look before continuing, “I’ve been holding onto this news for a bit waiting for the right moment and if it was all confirmed. I auditioned for a television series and they hired me as the lead.”
“Oh sweetie that’s great.” Your mother squeezes your hand and your father nods in agreement.
“That’s amazing kid,” Pedro says and Bella nods excitedly.
Paul squeezes your arm a wide grin on his face. “That’s incredible babe.”
“What show is it?” Your sister asks those around you nodding in wonder. You try to suppress a grin as you speak.
“It’s an HBO series
called The Last of Us: Where the Wild Things Are.”
There’s a beat of silence before absolute chaos.
“We’re gonna be working together?!” Bella jumps up and down shaking a shell-shocked Pedro’s arm.
“You’re gonna be a part of The Last of Us. Oh my god, my friends are gonna freak,” Your sister screeches. Your father tries calming her down.
Your mother cries, “Oh my god honey that’s wonderful,”
Paul is just staring at you who has a sly grin across your face. “It worked out getting the guitar. I was gonna buy one to start practicing.” You shrug smugly and he just laughs shaking his head.
Your family’s reaction to the news was well-received; once it was revealed to the public, it was an explosion in media. The other projects worked on leading up to the shooting were filled with questions about this spin-off show from such a hit series. It was stressful once you got to shooting balancing being in Calgary and then flying down to California for The Mandalorian and Grogu but your team made it all possible. While you already knew some of the cast through Pedro and Bella, working on it was a completely different experience. The crew and cast were all so welcoming having these new components added to their production.
“This is weird,” Pedro says when he sees your new hair for the first time. You flash him a look. “I’m not going to be able to recognize you with your new hair.” You laugh alongside your hairstylist as she tweaks some flyaways.
“I hope you can recognize me I’m meant to be your daughter,” Craig and Neil had reached out on your opinion about dying your hair to make Pedro minus the grey aging and you had been completely on board. You weren’t concerned about getting your hair to that dark brown that would match your co-star and were honestly excited about the transformation.
“How has Paul reacted to this change? " he asks as you head to the wardrobe together.
“He likes it, definitely pushed the allegations of me being your long-lost child,” You say with a laugh and Pedro gives a concerned look.
“I don’t think I could’ve handled a child at twenty-five I could barely handle myself.” He has the most concerned look on his face just imagining being a father and you laugh.
You see two men before you one you recognize as the man you let go, Trevor or whatever the fuck his name was. The other next to him you’ve never seen but the two did look like similar brothers maybe. The revolver is aimed at the Travis guy you do know and you see the older man raise his rifle at you while the man with the gun pointed at him makes no move with his own. “I fucking told you I would kill you if I saw you again.” You hiss trying to shift your weight letting a hiss from the burning pain in your side. Thomas looks down at your side and sees your hand pressed against its blood soaking the fabric.
“You’re hurt.” He takes a step forward and your finger rests on the trigger while the other man has a clear shot at you, “Drop the gun girl.” The older man hisses and you barely glance at him as you speak.
“You’re in my fucking house dickwad don’t tell me shit.” You say before you open the chamber showing there are no bullets left, “If you’re here to get your shit back, it’s all gone or used to kill this fuckers.” You wave the empty gun to show the damaged room and the two bodies that are with you.
“Like I said before, get the fuck out of here and let me die in peace. Better yet toss me a bullet and let me finish the job.” You spat leaning your head back against the wall, waiting to hear them leave or maybe give you a way to bite the bullet.
At that moment you shift, acting as if you were bleeding out when your back seizes and you’re unable to hide the true pain.
“Holy fuck my back is seizing,” You yelp, and Pedro and Gabriel break and you can hear the laughter from the crew and camera team. “Y’all this isn’t fucking funny I’m literally dying.” You hear Craig yell cut and Pedro comes over to your hand desperately grabbing a section of your lower back.
“Jesus kid way to make us feel old as hell,” Pedro says before helping you lay down fully on the ground instead of propped up in the corner.
“You guys need to kill me I can’t deal with this,” You’re left at the mercy of Pedro who doesn’t hesitate taking embarrassing photos of you stuck on the ground that ended up as a y/n on the floor meet and greet. The internet found it very hilarious to see a picture of Pedro, Craig, and Neil all posed above you as you give a double middle finger from the floor.
With Paul working on his projects it was a bummer not having him around, especially with the time differences it was either staying late up at night to be able to talk with him briefly before you crashed or the other way around. So when he had breaks between productions he had flown to Calgary to visit you and see you in action on set. When he first saw you on set was during the fight sequence between Derek and the other boys. There were lots of pauses given this fight ends pretty bloody in the end. The SFX team dabs a bit of blood from the cut on your temple and makes sure the blood looks fresh on your knuckles.
“Awww aren’t you so pretty,” Bella coos standing beside Isabela who plays Dina while in the scene but not as active just witnessing the fight break out. Pedro and Paul stand more off to the side since he is needed in the scene. You smile at them with your split lip as they finish up your makeup letting you pop in a capsule as the actor playing Derek finishes up.
“Alright camera and sound roll,” Craig calls out from video village as you shake out your hands hoping to get the blood rushing as your scene partner smirks, “Action!”
Seeing Derek with blood pouring down his nose fire in his eyes as he holds his fists up.
“You fucking bitch!” He hisses and blood coats your teeth as you grin more sliding down your temple and you bring your fists up waving at him to come at you. With a roar, he swings a fist and you dodge landing a shot right at his kidney. A sharp gasp from the sudden pain as his hands go to grab his side not able to block his face as you drive your fist forward. The punch brings him to the ground as you pin him down your fists slamming into his face and beating the crap out of him.
He lands on the crash mat while you land behind camera taking a knee while he’s fully on his back. “Cut!” Craig calls out as the crew gets to switching things around for the new setup as you pull your scene partner to his feet. Sauntering over to Paul and Pedro off to the side as your assistant helps pull your parka at least around your shoulders keeping you warmer than the thinner coat your character wears.
“I don’t know how you like all that stunt works,” Pedro complains from his chair with Paul sitting beside him in your seat, “Makes me want to kill myself.” That draws a chuckle from you and Paul.
“I find it fun. It’s like my personal stress reliever,” You say unaware of the mildly concerned looks from Paul and Pedro.
“That sounds mildly concerning
” Paul says from beneath his scarf. Compared to most on the crew he was bundled up the most from a thick parka, gloves, a heavy-duty scarf, beanie, and probably layered up underneath.
“You all cozied up babe?” You tease and you can see his eyes roll his nose a flush to it from the cold.
“I don’t know how all of you aren’t fucking freezing,” Paul shudders as the wind blows onto the set.
“Well honestly I’m sweating from this scene so I’m protected,” You comment.
“How are you handling the New York cold,” Pedro questions.
You laugh loudly, “He hasn’t experienced it yet, currently, his attire is t-shirts and shorts. I’m surprised you even wanted to come up when it’s so much nicer back home.”
“I wanted to see you, of course, I’d deal with this cold for you,” He says, pressing a kiss gently so as not to touch the blood. You give a big smile and both Paul and Pedro grimace, “I completely forgot your mouth was bloody that was frightening.”
“Would you still like me if I looked like this?” You question.
“I think I’d be concerned why you’re beaten but yes I would still date you,” Paul confirms and you’re called back onto the set.
Whenever Paul was able to visit your spirits and energy on set were doubled. Even the day before he would arrive you’d have a skip in your step the only thing on your lips, “Did you guys know Paul is coming?” “Paul’s flight gets here in about 4 hours.” “I’m so excited to see Paul.”
It was so nice filming and not worrying about the snow as the majority of the show takes place during the winter. You had the absolute joy of meeting and working alongside the two young actresses performing the younger version of your character and Lila your half-sister. The two girls were sisters so it was plenty of fun meeting them during the read-throughs and them coming on set the first time. Your younger counterpart Haley, and your half-sister Deliah were absolute gems and the three of you grew quite attached. Even when you didn’t have shoot days coming in to see Haley, only twelve destroyed her performances and kept her occupied during breaks much to her parent’s delight. With Deliah, it was such an easy bond with this young eight-year-old playing on sets, and having lunches together. Pedro with his father figure magnet quickly pulled the two girls under his wing and his welcoming personality those kids ate it up. There was one picture you treasured during a rehearsal for the playground scene where she sees Joel again after joining her parents. Deliah has taken the rehearsal as an opportunity to play given the context of the scene. Haley had been on set that day for a costume fitting and to see her little sister, so when the crew found you, Haley, Pedro, and Deliah on a couch in a greenroom all passed out the teasing and photos pursued. Your head rested on Pedro’s shoulder with his head on top of yours, Delilah on your lap curled up into your chest, and Haley on Pedro’s side tucked under his arm asleep against him.
Some set days were better than others, especially given the topic and character development she goes through. You thought it was a skill to be able to deeply dive into these characters to create an authentic performance but sometimes it felt like a curse how it had started to take its toll against you.
“Kids go,” Joel says and Jesse and Dina nod, starting to trail away he sees Ellie look at him hesitant before she too leaves. Joel takes a step into the clearing, the crunch of snow makes you whip to face him and he raises his hands like taming a wild beast. Your chest heaves as you eye him with sharp panicked eyes. Tears stream down your flushed cheeks as you continue making that pained noise.
“I’m not gonna do anything kid,” Joel says calmly as one of your hands that grips your hair moves to your flannel clutching your collar as if it’s choking you. Joel rushes as you drop to your knees with an unhuman cry like this tidal wave of emotions finally takes over. He pries your blood hand from your hair to stop harming yourself allowing you to death grip his sleeve as you scream this gut-wrenching sound. Joel squeezes you close to his chest as your screams muffle in his coat soon it turns into a heartbreaking whimper. He has to look up to the sky to blink back the burn in his eyes holding you close to him, his hand stroking your hair to soothe you.
“It’s okay
I got you,” He says as you tremble in his hold, weak sobs and hiccups as you break down.
“Cut!” Craig calls out and Pedro pulls back and is a bit surprised seeing you’re still crying this time with your head in your hands.
.Chiquita,” Pedro calls out to you softly, his hand stroking your back before flashing a concerned look to Craig who quickly understands the situation.
“Let’s take ten!” He yells to the crew who look in concern at you crying with Pedro trying to soothe you but their instruction from their boss offering semi-privacy.
“Y/n you’re okay,” He whispers, “Breathe.” He forces you to notice your erratic breathing pattern borderline a panic attack. A PA rushes over with a foldout chair and some water which Pedro quickly takes. He helps guide you to sit instead of being in the cold snow, your breaths shaky but follow his calming voice. It didn’t take long for Paul who happened to be on set that day to come running over with your assistant hot on his heels. Practically skidding to his knees Paul replaces Pedro who stays by your side rubbing a strong hand up and down your back.
“Baby, what happened?” Concern in his eyes as he holds your face wiping away the tears that slide down your face. “You’re alright, you’re safe with all of us.”
“I’m sorry,” You hiccup, swiping at your face and smearing some of the fake blood on your face. Your breathing had significantly calmed still a stutter with each inhale, “Oh my god this is fucking embarrassing,” You curl up into the chair and the three people around you immediately disagree with your comment.
“Stop it you just got in your head a bit, you’re alright,” Paul reassures you, cracking open the water bottle for you, helping you take a sip until you take over drinking to hydrate yourself. Paul nods to your assistant and they head over to speak to Craig and the team. “You’re okay baby, take your time.”
“I thought you were crying because my acting was that bad,” Pedro comments and that makes a smile cross your face and a light giggle. His hand squeezes your shoulder, “Take your time kid until you’re ready. You nod grateful for them and the crew. After a minute or so of drinking enough water that you don’t feel dehydrated, you nod letting them know you were good.
Craig comes over, “Are you good to go? We can give you more time.” You are grateful for his concern and you shake your head.
“Thank you but I’m good to go, I’m so sorry for that I just got so far in my head for the scene,” You apologize and Paul shush you while Craig gives you a look.
“Don’t apologize, we wanna make sure you’re good. It’s a complex role I can understand getting that deep in that headspace.” He says before heading to the crew as they prepare.
“Are you sure you’re good,” Paul looks you over, swiping away stray tears at your waterline.
“I’m good I’m sure thank you,” You promise him and he nods, pressing a quick kiss letting you know he was there for you.
“I love you,” He says and you respond in kind. Paul heads off camera though staying near in case you needed him. Both you and Pedro return to the ground and he squeezes your shoulder as a reassurance before you two hop back into the emotional scene.
You and Paul sit at one of the lunch tables watching Haley and Deliah being chased around by Pedro. The two young girls squeal as they weave through tables too fast for him as he takes breaks to catch his breath.
“Jesus Christ they’re fast,” Pedro hunches over his hands on his knees as Bella laughs from their seat. Delilah rushes over to you and Paul.
“Hide me!” She yells and you let the two girls crawl underneath the table hidden behind your knees as Pedro comes over with a playful look.
“Hmmm, I wonder where Haley and Deliah are..” He stalks by your table and you can hear the muffled giggles from underneath.
“I guess I have to take Y/n hostage!” He grabs you and you play into the bit getting up from the table.
“No! Someone help me!” You fight against Pedro as he laughs like an evil villain and you hear a faux gasp from Paul as the girls pop up from under the table.
“Y/n!” They cry out rushing over to save you. Haley jumps onto Pedro’s back and he acts like it wounded him deeply while Deliah pulls you away.
“Oh no you defeated me,” Pedro closes his eyes and Haley rushes over to you.
“We saved you!” The two cheer and you smile dropping to your knees letting the two girls hug you.
“Oh my heroes what would I’ve done without you!” You praise them and the two girls are already thinking up a new game when their mother calls for them to lunch. They groan that the fun is over but listen rushing over to their mother yelling goodbyes to you all. Returning to your table Paul has a very gentle look though his mind is a bit elsewhere.
“All good?” You ask leaning against him and returning to your food and he nods, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Yeah, you’re just good with kids.” He says and you smile up at him. You were always good with everyone but seeing you, especially around children or younger fans you have such a light to you. Speaking at their level instead of above them willing to talk about what runs through their active minds. Any other person wouldn’t sit and have an hour-long discussion with an eight-year-old about what crayons would look best for their picture but you would.
“I always liked kids. Even as a kid I also wanted a younger sibling to look at so I always loved spending time with my younger cousins or my friends’ young siblings.” You hum taking a sip of your water, “I’d want them someday, they would be so cute as babies then growing up I would spoil them rotten.”
When you talked about children he pictured you as an amazing mother, teaching your kids to respect others but also themselves, nurturing and loving them with everything in your being. As he pictured these kids running around they shared a mixture of features from both you and himself. Would they have his eyes and your hair, maybe your smile but his humor?
“You’d be a good mom to them.” He says and that makes your insides all warm as you press a kiss to his cheek.
“You’d be a good dad to them too.” He looks at you in a bit of shock, surprised that you imagine that life. With the kids and raising them but with him as their father. A smile grows on his face and you laugh at the flush that crosses his face.
“I think we should have two.” He says with all seriousness and you laugh out loud in shock but he keeps pushing, “Keep it even so one is too lonely and three is an uneven number for everything.” He had thought this all out for your imaginary family together.
“Christ Paul I’d need a ring first before even thinking about a kid.” You chuckle keeping the air light but he just nods at you, his face sincere but certain.
“I can do that.”
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daughterofthequeen · 2 years ago
Incorrect Quote:
(Based after season 3 episode 2 so spoilers in a way)
*Bo-Katan and Din on the ground after she saves him from drowning with Y/n kneeling over Din to make sure he’s ok*
*Grogu staring at Din and Bo-Katan in concern while Y/n runs back over to put her face back into the water*
Bo-Katan: Kid get out of there!
*Y/n with her head finally out of the water staring straight ahead sitting on her knees not moving an inch of her body*
Y/n: Oh. My. Maker.
Din: Y/n are you okay?
Y/n: *Calmly* A beast so large and so long it rivals cities. A species so old they were known as a myth. The original natives of this amazing once beautiful planet, the Mythosaur.
Bo-Katan: *Whispering* Is she okay? Where is she going with this?
Din: *Whispering back* Idk this is the first time this has happened, just roll with it.
Y/n: The species that is only heard of in stories, an amazing creature thought extinct. Right under us in these mystic waters.
Y/n: . . . .
Bo-Katan: 😑
Din: *sighs*
Bo-Katan: She does know that a mythosaur is a predator that would eat her given the chance right?
Din: Unclear.
*Y/n running around*
Din: She loves animals.
Bo-Katan: I see.
Grogu: *Staring and cooing in worry*
Y/n: *Starting to run towards the water* IM GONNA HUG IT
Din: NO!!!
Bo-Katan: NO!!!
*Din carrying Y/n over his shoulder after her almost giving him a heart attack*
Y/n: *😭😭😭* But I want to give it looove.
Din: *😒🙄* It’s a killer.
Din: *sighs* Come on Grogu.
Grogu: *Coos in agreement*
*Bo-Katan talking to Grogu*
Bo-Katan: You have a weird family
Grogu: Tell me about it.
Bo-Katan: *😳*
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moiravim · 2 years ago
Found part 2
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Dad!Din Djarin x Teen!GN!yn part 2
Summary: Din bonding with his children; Grogu and YN.
it had been just a few days since Din had taken you in. He was quiet at first but slowly started warming up to you.
One of the first things you noticed about him was how protective he was of you. He took you and Grogu's wellbeing very seriously.
You had gotten sick and are currently in 'bed rest'. It was miserable. You were sweating and your head was aching worst than you'd ever felt before.
You could tell Din was stressed by the way he was acting. He wouldn't let you get up and would do everything for you. He was already like this, but now that your sick it's ten times worst.
He babies you but you just want to get back to normal again. You've been bored out of your mind.
Grogu and you had become close friends. Although you were very different, you both shared a father figure. That was the main cause of your sibling-like relationship.
It was also nice being around someone who wasn't an adult. Someone you could play around and get into trouble with.
You room was very small and had a mattress placed in the corner along with a few toys scattered and a basket of clothes. A few hours ago Din had tucked you and Grogu in bed and the two of you were supposed to be sleeping.
But currently you and Grogu were playing catch. Grogu was using the force while you played how you used to see other kids play.
Din walked in to check on you and when he realized you were playing he said; "Hey, stop that. Grogu, you need to save your energy. And YN. your supposed to be sleeping. Go to bed." He says as he takes the ball from you.
You frown and lay back down. "How much longer?" You ask in a miserable voice. He looks down at you and responds; "just a few more days. It'll go by faster if you sleep."
You nod your head and close your eyes. Din grabs your blanket and tucks you in before picking up Grogu and leaving the room.
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rnebbie · 2 years ago
Omgg okay sine you are doing platonic asks I have a request. They are all in Jackson and Ellies steals or something like that some alcohol and she and readers drink it and get drunk and Joel catches them and goes all dad on them and grounds them? <3
Half empty (request)
Requested by: anonymous
Pairings: Ellie Williams x platonic!reader, Joel miller x platonic!reader
Warnings: vomiting, underage drinking, mentions of abuse but no abuse is written. Insecurity in relationships and just sadness yassss
A/n: I wrote something omg! This might need a second part? I wanted to get it out as soon as possible bc I’m going away for my friends bday and wanted to put it out yesterday but I’ve been busy af. So sorry if this is rushed it’s not proof read and I can do another part if it’s necessary! Anyway I love Ellie and I got drunk last night so I’m really fucking hungover rn and sleepy so I’m sorry if this is shit but yeah I had a little Ellie moment underage drinking yusss ianyway enjoy yusasssssssssssss:)):):):)::)
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“No, Ellie. Absolutely not,” You say, turning your back to her. You two are usually on the same wavelength and agree to do the same things, but sometimes Ellie’s naivety becomes too much for you. You’ve seen more than she has despite being the same age as her. And much to Ellie’s demise, though she would never admit this, you know better.
“C'mon, y/n! It's Friday night! We never do anything fun anymore. We always just sit and do the same thing. Read dead people's journals, play board games, or sometimes go to the movies. God, last week you even did your homework on Friday night! You’re becoming too accustomed to domestic life. Don’t you miss it being a little crazy,” Ellie questions you, the way she always does. Sometimes you can’t even keep up with what she’s saying.
You narrow your eyes, looking dumbfounded as you turn to face her, “miss it being a little crazy? What, like when we were almost devoured by clickers? When we were almost murdered by raiders? When we had to aid Joel back to life-“ you begin to list off the things that had happened in the past few months just to remind Ellie, but she cut you off with a waving hand in your face before you could continue.
“Not that. Like
” she pauses to sigh, “when we played soccer with Sam in that bunker. All the cool things we saw when we were traveling, the stars when we slept under the open sky, or when Joel let us try his whiskey,” she shrugs.
You don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to say you miss that, because it was the most exhausting thing you’ve ever done. It was the hardest thing you’ve ever done, and you lost so much because of it. But you couldn’t help feeling a little nostalgia for that portion of your life. You, Joel, and Ellie, were all each other had. And as much as it was hard having only each other to rely on, with this weird dynamic going on, it was nice only having each other. It was a simpler time and a part of you missed when things were like that.
But you wouldn’t say that to Ellie. Some part of you always told yourself you had to be strong around her. You couldn’t be vulnerable with Ellie or Joel. You’re Ellie’s best friend, and she’s something of a little sister to you despite only being a few weeks younger than you. You always felt the need to protect her, especially since the whole point of the trip that changed your life was to deliver her to make this vaccine.
And with Joel, well, you didn’t know what to make of your relationship with him. You wanted to seem strong and mature around him, so as to be respected by him, and it’s gotten you this far, so why show your true colors now? He sees you as an equal somehow. You see how he looks at Ellie, with some sort of paternal love in his eyes. But you tried to treat him as a peer instead of someone you needed to look up to.
You felt selfish for that little part of you that missed being out in the open world with Ellie and Joel. You were safe here, and happy. You had enough to eat, you got to learn, and you even have a healthy comfortable home, and friends your age. You’re not fighting for your life, so what’s there to miss?
So you shrugged in response to Ellie. “I’m thankful for how far we’ve come.”
“Bullshit. You used to be fun! What happened to you,” she pushed you. You sighed deeply as an older sibling would. You partly agreed with Ellie, you did use to have more fun with her. You two got into trouble all the time when you first got to Jackson. But you felt bad making Joel parent the both of you, so you eventually stopped agreeing to do things with Ellie. You did become accustomed to domesticity. But it was a good life.
You look up at her and smile softly, “what’s your plan, Ellie,” you say slowly. A part of you is excited to let loose a little. She smiles the biggest, toothiest grin you’ve seen from her in a long time. She looks how she did before everything happened.
“Okay, Joel is in town, so his stuff is unguarded. And I just so happen to know where he keeps his whiskey,” Ellie says in a mischievous voice, your mouth immediately falls agape.
Before she had time to continue with her master plan, you cut her off, “Ellie, are you fucking crazy? I thought you would want to go for a night walk or like, I don’t know, play a prank on the kids in town watching a movie. Stealing Joel’s whiskey,” you breathe out sharply, unable to compute. You couldn’t imagine doing that to Joel. You could only imagine the pressure that he’s under with the two of you and you would never purposefully add more to his plate.
“Y/n, please? He wouldn’t even notice. He’s been so busy lately that he’ll probably just forget about it altogether, and he can go get more now,” she says, giving her infamous Ellie puppy dog eyes. It’s hard to say no to her, especially when you feel so much for her and your mind automatically goes back to Everything that she’s gone through.
You shake your head and look away, “what if he notices,” you say quietly, allowing yourself to slip out of that fearless front for a quick moment.
“Y/n, he’s like seventy years old, also if he does notice anything, it’s just Joel,” she says with a shrug. Yeah. Just Joel. Just Joel who you’ve spent so much of your energy trying to impress. Just Joel who brought you two across the country safe and alive, somehow. Just Joel who you owe your life to.
You look up at her emotionlessly and nod slowly. “Go get it.”
Ellie returns to your room a few minutes later with Joel’s whisky bottle which has half of its contents left. “It’s half full, this will be enough to get us drunk, right,” she says as she tears the cap of the bottle off.
“Half empty,” you say as you examine the bottle, before taking a hefty swig of it. “Jesus!”
“How is it,” Ellie says with her classic naive and interested expression on her face. “It’s whisky,” you say stubbornly, before handing her the bottle. She takes a sip and tries her hardest not to cough, but it’s too strong for her. After she swallows what’s in her mouth, she starts coughing like a maniac and you cringe, patting her on the back. “Get it together, partner. There’s more where that came from.”
After twenty minutes, you two are sitting on your bedroom floor chatting normally. Or boringly, as Ellie put it. This whiskey was taking forever to kick in, you almost wanted to pull your homework out of your bag and start to do it right then and there. Suddenly, Ellie exclaims loudly.
“What the fuck is taking so long! I’m putting my tastebuds through hell just to sit here sober,” she says with an exasperated voice. You smile at her softly and take a breath, just feeling tired, “I’m bored,” you say.
“Me too,” she says, throwing herself back onto the floor. “Should we go do something?”
You shrug, “it’s better than sitting here doing nothing,” you say. The alcohol must be affecting you because otherwise you would have thought logically about this. The two of you got up and exited your room, and then the house. It was a bit of a walk to the town from your house, but with the bottle of whisky coming along for the ride, it was definitely entertaining.
On the walk to the town, you definitely started feeling it. Your vision became gradually more blurry, you had to focus on walking straight, and for some reason, Ellie’s loud mouth was a lot funnier to you than it usually is.
“What do you call a chicken who crossed the road?”
You look up into the night sky, focusing on the stars as you try to guess what the punchline of this joke is gonna be. Before you’re able to guess, Ellie corrects herself, “Fuck, I messed it up,” she snorts as the two of you start laughing uncontrollably as you’re walking up the uphill road.
“Ellie, you’re so funny,” you say between chuckles, as you wipe the tears of laughter off your cheeks. “You make everything so funny and fun. You're so funny,” you smile as you messily gush over her. You feel so much love for her, but when in your everyday life while you're sober, you don't know how to tell her that. The two of you aren’t very expressive about your emotions with each other.
You look over at her and see her smiling softly and looking down. You can’t tell if she’s embarrassed or if she’s just taking in what you’re saying. You wonder if you’re going to remember this in the morning as the town lights come into view.
Ellie sighs, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. “Where are we going,” she turns to look at you. You shrug, “tipsy bison?”
You guys head for the restaurant, unsure of what your plans are for when you get there. You’re not thinking very far ahead. You’re just living in the moment talking to Ellie about things that don’t even make sense.
Walking into town on a Friday night made you remember why people always wait for Friday. Why people always rave about Friday. The lights on around the buildings in town and the quiet chatter coming from people with busy, happy lives is a beautiful sight to see. And you miss going out as much. You miss interacting with people. You miss live being unpredictable, or even having a little bit of fun. It makes you sad to think about, so you wrap your arm around Ellie’s shoulder.
She puts her arm around your figure and you push the door to the tipsy bison open with your foot. Most people stay engaged in conversation, but some heads turn to you. You’re not worried though, you just continue your conversation with Ellie as you walk up to the bar, “I don’t understand how it works, like, yeah, atoms or whatever but it’s just weird that we grow and expand into nothing
 like it’s just air I don’t-“
“Y/n? Ellie,” You hear a familiar voice question from behind you. You abruptly end your not very intellectual conversation and turn to Ellie and widen your eyes dramatically before turning to face the figure behind you. It’s Joel and he doesn’t look that surprised to see you.
“Hi Joel,” Ellie says with a big smile as she waved to him. You wave awkwardly after you see Ellie do it, figuring that’s the appropriate thing to do. He narrows his eyes, walking closer to you guys. He lifts his hand up slowly to wave but something in him decided against it, he only lifts it halfway before dropping it.
“I thought you guys said you were staying in tonight,” he says looking between the two of you who are awkwardly standing like puppies who have obviously done something wrong. Ellie shrugs, looking to you to respond this time.
You take a moment to collect your thoughts, “we were hungry.”
He squints his eyes at you slightly but corrects himself soon thereafter. “Do we not have any food left at the house?”
You shrug, this time looking to Ellie to answer. Maybe you should’ve just taken this one, because Ellie bursts out, “please don’t be mad, Joel!”
You let your mouth fall agape at her sudden outburst and quickly scan the room to see if everyone heard that, surprisingly not a lot of people are phased by Ellie, which is weird because she sounds like the loudest person in the room to you. You try to read Joel’s expression but somehow his face remains blank. After maybe five seconds of silence, Joel suddenly pushes the two of you towards the door, you kick it open once more, quickly shuffling out the door.
After the three of you are out of the restaurant, he walks in front of you both, as to get a good look at your red, hot faces. “Are you guys drunk,” he asks in a panicked voice.
“No,” Ellie says.
You stay silent.
Suddenly feeling bile rise to your throat, you lean over into the bushes in front of your favorite restaurant. You violently vomit onto the ground. You don’t focus on much except for the burning in your throat. But you can feel someone’s hand on your back and someone pulling your hair back out of your face. You’re guessing that’s not Ellie, because the only other thing you can register is her voice getting rapidly further away as she exclaims, “ew! Gross! Holy shit!”
You just keep throwing up. It’s painful and you can feel tears running down your face. Suddenly the sick feeling in your stomach feels like something similar to guilt and shame. You try to not feel this often. You used to be someone who put yourself in bad situations because you wanted to be helpful or respected. But long before you met Ellie or Joel, you changed your ways and tried to be someone who didn’t have anything to regret. Someone who made mature decisions, since you didn’t have anyone on your side to defend you. In this moment, you know you’ve become too comfortable.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you sob between gags. You hate yourself for crying in front of them. You can hear someone telling you it’s okay. Saying over and over again it’s okay, it’s okay y/n. You don’t expect to look up and see it coming out of Joel’s mouth. Even though he’s reassuring you that you’re okay, his expression says otherwise. He looks mad. He hasn’t looked this mad in a long time. This makes you cry harder as the vomit forces it’s way out of your stomach.
You continue to apologize while vomiting and don’t even know where Ellie is, until at one point you hear Joel yell at Ellie to sit in the snow and not move. This brightens your mood a little bit, as you think it’s funny that Ellie’s getting told off. You can’t help but giggle, followed by a hiccup as you bring your hand up to your mouth, subconsciously begging your brain to let you have a break from the vomit.
“Hey, fuck you, y/n,” Ellie yells at you loudly through her slurred words as you continue to giggle. “Ellie,” Joel forcefully says back at her as she sits motionlessly in the snow. She doesn’t react, just sits there with an angry look on her face. She doesn’t seem like a fun drunk.
“Are you finished,” Joel says softly, leaning down to your level as you’re breathing heavily. You burp quietly before saying, “I think.” The owner of the tipsy bison comes outside and throws his hands up in the air, scoffing at Joel. “I’m sorry man, I’m sorry,” he says, taking your shoulders and leading you back towards your house. “Come Ellie.”
At some point on the walk back, Ellie started crying too. She just kept saying she was sorry, she was stupid, she was sorry, she wouldn’t ever do it again. Joel stopped answering a while ago. Helping you walk and yelling at Ellie to keep up when she fell to far behind. That made her cry harder.
“What did you drink,” he asked at one point, his voice staying steady and strong. Ellie starts to answer, but you cut her off before she get the two of you in more trouble than you already are in. “It was my idea. I traded with my friend from school.”
Ellie just looks at you. The two of you make eye contact for a long time, silently, only hearing your footsteps under you. Joel doesn't answer. He doesn't say anything for the rest of the walk. Ellie keeps sniffling and complaining about her legs hurting, despite the house being in your view at this point.
Once you arrive home, you sit on the couch motionlessly. In your mind, you feel like if you’re still enough you could disappear into the couch cushion and wake up tomorrow in a reality where none of this ever happened. Hoping you won’t have to face the consequences of your actions.
You hear Joel sigh as he pulls the door of Ellie’s room shut quietly. You follow his dark shadow with your eyes slowly. You accidentally sniffle and through the dark, you can see Joel’s figure jump. He quickly clicks on the lantern on the side table.
“Jesus, y/n,” he says, rubbing his eyebrows together, wearing a tired expression.
“I'm sorry.”
Joel starts to say something but stops himself. Taking a deep breath and standing still for a moment. Before coming closer to you. You expect him to hit you, you would even understand if he beat you senselessly and threw you out of the house.
But he just stands above you as you sit on the couch for a few more seconds before taking a deep breath and starting. “You're smart, y/n. You know better.”
You try not to react. You try to keep a still, blank face like you usually do. But it's difficult this time. You already failed once tonight and you feel like you're on the verge of breaking again. You don't say anything.
“I know you care about Ellie, so why would you put her in this situation,” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. You wish you could be honest with him, you wish you could tell him everything that's going on in your mind, but something is keeping you from doing that. This man isn't your father, and he obviously doesn't want to be. It's hard for you to connect with him, and you don't think he has any interest in doing that anyway.
“You know, my birthday was yesterday,” you say emotionlessly. There's no way for him to have known that, and you don't feel upset that he didn't know. You don't feel upset that Ellie didn't know and you don't feel upset that no one knew, because that part of your life is over. Your parents are gone and so is anyone who loved you before, so you don't have a reason to hold what happened to you against anyone. You just want him to know.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have put her in this situation, and I do know better.”
You don’t know what to make of this situation. You don’t know how to connect with him.
You just keep crying. You want to stop crying but you don’t know how. You don’t know what you’re trying to say, you just wish he knew. You shake your head. “You’re right,” you repeat yourself.
He sighs and rubs his eyes. Seemingly tired from the long day, or week, or months that he has had. Maybe even years. You know you and Ellie aren’t helping and that makes you feel worse. But he draws a long breath in. “Get up,” he says with the same blank face. You get up, not wanting to make anything worse than it has to be.
When he moved his hand you expect him to reach out and hurt you, but he wraps his arms around your small figure and gives you a long hug. This was your first hug. You two barely talk, the only thing the two of you had in common was ellie. Sometimes you felt so out of place. You felt like you didn’t belong and you were tagging along with the two of them. But you tried to brush those feelings off so you didn’t have to think about it.
“Go to sleep. We can talk about this when you feel better.”
He pulls out of the hug and doesn’t look at you. Instead starts to walk to his room, but he stops and says one last thing before going up the stairs.
“Wake Ellie up in the morning and tell her that you two are going to the tispy bison to clean the flower pots and planters first thing. And you're apologizing to the owner.”
Let me know if I should start a the last of us tag list and if u wanna be added
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 years ago
Come check out my works bellow!
I've seen how devastatingly little male!reader fics are in my big fandoms, and as a gay man i feel like i should provide us with said fics! Which is why I'm opening my ask box for any and all male!readers and gn!readers requests! (Including anon requests!)
I WON'T ACCEPT FEMALE!READER FICS REQUESTS. I’m a trans-masc genderfluid, so male!Readers or gn!Readers are the ones that I usually write and am comfortable with. It’s hard looking for male!reader fics, especially in female-dominated fandoms, that's why I'm opening requests for any and all sad and touch-starved dudes out there! If these don't fit your preferences then you are free to leave, and if you're a female user/reader entering my blog, I hope you remain respectful about the fics I write or get requests for, thank you.
NOTE: I NEVER USE ANY FORM OF Y/N IN MY FICS. Please be aware that i write based on my current fixations. Fixations may vary in how much i want to write them so i’ll be ranking from the MOST interested to the LEAST interested but will write. Please be patient in waiting for your fics as i, sadly, have IRL work to worry about too! 
What i will write:
gender-neutral reader
Ftm! Reader
Platonic or Romantic relationships
Kid!reader (ONLY platonic-parental relationships)
nsfw alphabets
What I Won't write:
underage characters (anyone under 17)
real people
age play
offensive/harmful things
Current immediate fixation:
HOUSE MD (Up to s2)
Gregory House 
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Lisa Cuddy
Ezra (prospect)
Joel Miller
Javi Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Whiskey (Kingsman)
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Tomas Vrbada
Dr. Ratio
Satoru Gojo
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Ryoumen Sukuna
Yuuji Itadori (Fluff)
Toge Inumaki (Fluff)
Less interested (but will write) Fixations:
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Connor (RK800)
Nines (RK900)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Hannibal (NBC)
The Corinthian (Netflix Sandman)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE4 Remake)
Luis Serra (RE4 Remake)
Understand that these are all works of fiction; I am perfectly fine with writing for topics including mafias, mobs, murder, organized crime, war, mental illness, abuse, etc.; but please do not romanticize them in any way. Reading it is fine; please don't romanticize them in your head.
If any of this provided information may seem confusing or have any questions, feel free to drop a DM and I will explain further! I will try to post fic requests as regularly and as fast as I can!
For refrence, these are fics i've written and uploaded to my AO3!
Steven Grant/Male Reader fluff
XMEN Family Pride Fic
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #1
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #2
Deadpool/Male Reader Fluff Confession
Deadpool/Ftm Reader Smut
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader Fluff
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader sunshine x grumpy
Tangerine/Male Reader Fluff/Angst Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader (Escort Fic) Mature
Tangerine/NB Reader Teen&Up
Tangerine/Gender-Fluid Reader (Coming out fic)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Husband Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Ellie Fluff
Joel Miller & Kid Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Tess Fluff a bit Angst
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Fluff slight Angst
Din Djarin/Boyfriend Reader Smut
And the Short Fics/Drabbles on Tumblr!
Pulse (Tangerine/M!reader)
Deep Dive (Namor/M!reader)
Hold Tight (Tangerine/gn Reader)
Ner Mesh'la (Din Djarin/Male Reader)
Trinkets (Kurt Wagner/Gender-fluid Reader)
"Anythin' you wanna be." (Hobie Brown & Ftm Reader)
Little Nap! (Meows Morales Drabble)
Anyone that starts an argument about me writing exclusively for men and gender neutrals alike will get a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic reply to your request. There is an abundance of female!readers fics and writers who provide them; I am just here for people that takes a whole day searching for good male!reader fics. IF you do start an unnecessary rant about my fics or my writing preferences at a given moment; I’ve been in fandom spaces for the last 7 years of my life and run on pure manic adrenaline, I will throw hands. 
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 4 years ago
Grogu’s Gift
Summary: Y/N makes a gift for Grogu.
Pairing: Dad!Din Djarin x gender neutral, teen reader 
word count: 329
Rating: G
A/N: it is a personal headcannon of mine that Grogu eventually ends up with a frog plush and I thought “man who better than his sibling Y/N to make him one?”. Especially after its premiere in My Heart Is With You Two lol. I just want Grogu to have his own little frog plush. Please enjoy this small drabble <3
“What are you working on?” Y/N looked up from their little project, greeting Din with a small smile, a needle in their hand. It was just them inside of the cockpit, stars overhead giving the area a dull glow around them. “You remember the nice frog lady we escorted?”
“How could I forget?” Din huffed as he turned back to face the front of the pilot’s board, remembering how much trouble it was to keep Grogu away from her eggs. Assuming that he was left to his own devices, he was sure that Grogu would gladly eat all of them if he could. Little monster.
Y/N giggled, shaking their head before biting off the string on their needle. They took a moment to inspect their work and when they felt satisfied they lifted it up to show Din. He turned back once more at their call for him to look. 
“ A...frog?” Din tilted his head in confusion.
“It’s for Grogu!” Y/N handed the plush to Din who turned it around, inspecting their craftsmanship. It was well made, making Din wonder where they’d learned how to sew. He lifted the plush’s thin arms and came to a revelation.
“Did you use my cape for this?” He held out the frog toward Y/N, who was quick to interject.
“Not the one you use now!” They held their hands out in defiance. “I found an old one in some of your old boxes. I just thought it could have been put to better use.”
A laugh escaped from Din’s lips, making Y/N relax and smile even more. “It looks nice, kid. You sure he won’t try to eat it?”
“Hmm,” They took the frog from Din’s hand and made it dance in their lap, making him unsure if they paid any attention to his remark. The frog moved with grace and waved at him. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him.”
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castielli · 3 years ago
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF
) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
(a -> z)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Alejandro Vargas
Alex Keller
Drew Stiles
Frank Aiello
Gaz Garrick
Ghost Riley
John Price
Joseph Turner
Phillip Graves
Red Daniels
Robert Zussman
Rudy Parra
Soap MacTavish
Vladimir Makarov
William Pierson
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonicđŸ«¶)
Spencer Reid
Caleb Prior
Albus Dumbledore
Credence Barebone
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Lucius Verus
Marcus Acacius
Maximus Decimus
Cedric Diggory
Charlie Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Oliver Wood
Percy Weasley
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
Sirius Black
Tom Riddle
Viktor Krum
Coriolanus Snow (young)
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy
Peeta Mellark
Sejanus Plinth
El Profesor
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Alex Summers
Bobby Drake
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Charles Xavier
Clint Barton
Eddie Brock
Erik Lehnsherr
Hank McCoy
Jake Lockey
Loki Laufeyson
Marc Spector
Matt Murdock
Mobius M. Mobius
Peter Maximoff
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Peter Quill
Phil Coulson
Pietro Maximoff
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Sam Wilson
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Steven Grant
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Timothy McGee
Chase McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Archie Andrews
Fangs Fogarty
FP Jones
Hiram Lodge
Jughead Jones
Kevin Keller
Moose Mason
Reggie Mantle
Sweet Pea
Billy Loomis
Casey Becker
Dewey Riley
Randy Meeks
Sidney Prescott
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Carl Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Greg Lestrade
Jim Moriarty
John Watson
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anakin Skywalker
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Jason Carver
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Steve Harrington
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
Bobby (platonic)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Aiden Steiner
Corey Bryant
Danny Mahealani
Derek Hale
Ethan Steiner
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Liam Dunbar
Mason Hewitt
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
Alan McCarthy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last seasonsđŸ„±)
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Number Five
Viktor Hargreeves
Aaron Raleigh
Abraham Ford
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter
Glenn Rhee
Lee Everett
Morgan Jones
Negan Smith
Paul Jesus Rovia
Rick Grimes
Shane Walsh
Spencer Monroe
The Governor
Clinton Jones
Mozzie (platonic)
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
911 (and LONE STAR)
Bobby Nash
Carlos Reyes
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Owen Strand
Paul Strickland
TK Strand
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Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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levirgil420 · 2 years ago
TASM!Peter Parker x reader: 
You're sick Love : Male reader, fluff
I'm always here for the one I love : Gn reader, angst hurt/comfort
Clint Barton/ Hawkeye x reader:
Well I see a handsome boy : teen!FTM reader, angst hurt/comfort, dysphoria
Top Gun: Maverick:
Rooster x reader 
Our saviour : Hangster x Gn reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Hangman x reader 
 Our saviour : Hangster x Gn reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Celebrity :
Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal x reader
A Zaddy ?: Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal x male reader, spicy fluff
Your beautiful smile: Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal x male reader, fluff
Timothée Chalamet X reader
Actors on Actors: Platonic Timothée Chalamet x Gn reader, fluff
Anime :
Dr Stone :
It terrified me: Ryusui Nanami x GN reader, fluff, love confession, a bit angsty
Bands :
Bad Omens :
So, what's your name?: Platonic Bad Omens x trans FTM reader, fluff/comfort, a little bit of angst
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panic-in-the-multiverse · 4 years ago
*:.ïœĄ.─_*✧.ïœĄ.:*# ïŸŸđ‘đ„đđ”đ„đ’đ“ 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 
This is a list of fandoms and characters that I write for, I might add more later or take away some, but for the moment I write for all of these
I will always write for Marvel, Superntaural and Star Wars
Requests are always open If you want to request you can either private message me or just write in my inbox
I write: teen!reader, gn!reader, platonic!reader, sister!reader, adopted!reader, brother!reader, son!reader, daughter!reader,
I also write for lgbtq+ so you can request with anything from that
I can also write romantic but I usually prefer platonic
I can write nearly everything except I do not write smut so if that’s what you want it’s better if you go somewhere else
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# MARVEL 
— all characters from marvel but below is the ones I prefer
— avengers [ steve rogers, tony stark, clint barton, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, thor ]
— falcon and the winter soldier [ sam wilson, bucky barnes, baron zemo ]
— moon knight [ marc spector, steven grant, jake lockley, layla el-faouly, konshu ]
— kate bishop
— yelena belova
— loki
— guardians of the galaxy [ peter quill, gamora, rocket raccoon, nebula, yondu ]
— daredevil [ matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page ]
— punisher [ frank castle, billy russo ]
— venom [ eddie brock, venom ]
— miguel o’hara (spider-man 2099)
— jack russell/werewolf by night
— x-men [ logan howlett, erik lensherr, charles xaviar, deadpool, scott summers, alex summers, mystique, beast ]
— marvel cast [ all cast members from mcu ]
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# SUPERNATURAL 
— castiel
— dean winchester
— sam winchester
— crowley
— lucifer
— jack kline
— gabriel
— the supernatural cast [ all cast members ]
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# STAR WARS 
— prequel [ obi-wan kenobi, ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, cody, rex, fives, fox, wolfee, waxer, boil, (pretty much all clones tbh), kit fisto, darth maul ]
— bad batch [ hunter, tech, crosshair, wrecker, omega, echo ]
— star wars rebels [ kanan, hera, sabine wren, ezra bridger, zebb ]
— reva sevander
— cassian andor
— mandalorian [ din djarin, grogu, bo katan ]
— the book of boba fett [ boba fett, fennec shand]
— sequel [ poe dameron, finn, bb-8 ]
— Pedro Pascal
— Oscar Isaac
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# TOLKIEN 
— lord of the rings [ aragorn, legolas, faramir, meriadoc brandybuck, peregrin took, samwise gamgee, frodo baggins, boromir, gimli, elrond, gandalf ]
— hobbit [ bilbo baggins, thorin, kili, fili, (pretty much all dwarves tbh), bard, tauriel ]
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# THE WALKING DEAD 
— rick grimes
— daryl dixon
— glenn rhee
— maggie rhee
— aaron
— gabriel stokes
— jesus
— mishonne
— carol peletier
— carl grimes
— judith grimes
— negan
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# THE ROOKIE  (will come more soon)
— tim bradford
— lucy chen
— angela lopez
— wesley evers
— tamara collins
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# CRIMINAL MINDS 
— aaron hotchner
— spencer reid
— derek morgan
— penelope garcia
— david rossi
— jennifer Jareau
— luke alvez
— emily prentiss
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# HANNIBAL NBC 
— will graham <3
— hannibal lecter
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# HARRY POTTER 
— golden trio era [ remus lupin, sirius black, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, fred weasley, george weasley, oliver wood, neville longbottom, draco malfoy ]
— fantastic beasts [ newt scamander, young albus dumbledore, gellert grindelwald, theseus scamander ]
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH  (will add more later)
— izzy hands <3
— jim jimenez
— edward
— frenchie
— stede
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# SHERLOCK  (not taking requests for at the moment)
— greg lestrade
— sherlock holmes
— john watson
— diego hargreeves
— klaus hargreeves
— ben hargreeves
— viktor hargreeves
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# HEARTSTOPPER 
— nick nelson
— charlie spring
— isaac henderson
— imogen heaney
— tao xu
— elle argent
— darcy olsson
— tara jones
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# ARROWVERSE 
— arrow [ oliver queen, thea queen, roy harper, felicity smoak, john diggle, slade wilson ]
— flash [ barry allen, harry wells, harrison wells, HR, cisco ramon, caitlin snow, wally west, eddie thawne ]
— legends of tomorrow [ john constantine, sara lance, rip hunter, leonard snart, ]
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# DOWNTON ABBEY 
— thomas barrow
— tom branson
— matthew crawley
— sybil crawley
-*✧.ïœĄ.:*# DRAGON AGE 
— dragon age origin [ morrigan, alistair ]
— dragon age II [ hawke ]
— dragon age inquisition [ dorian pavus, cole, iron bull, sera, varric tethras, blackwall, cullen rutherford, leliana, josephine montilyet, solas ]
— dragon age veilguard [ lucanis dellamorte, bellara lutare, taash, davrin, lace harding, emmrich volkarin, neve gallus, viago de riva, teia cantori ]
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# FATE: THE WINX SAGA 
— saul silva
— beatrix
— stella
— musa
— riven
— sky
— andreas
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# ONCE UPON A TIME 
— killian jones
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# PEAKY BLINDERS 
— alfie solomons
— thomas shelby
— ada thorne
— arthur shelby
— john shelby
— polly gray
— michael gray
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# THE LAST OF US  (only platonic for now)
— Joel Miller
— Ellie Williams
-*✧.ïœĄ.:*# NEW AMSTERDAM  (only platonic for now)
— Max Goodwin
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# THE RESIDENT  (will be adding more)
— conrad hawkins
*✧.ïœĄ.:*# WALKER 
— liam walker
— cordell walker
— stella walker
— august walker
— trey barnett
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0funkyducky0 · 2 years ago
~| ᖇᑌá’ȘES, GᑌIá—ȘEá’ȘIᑎES ᗩᑎá—Ș á—ȘᑎI |~
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Yandere/Dark blogs
Minors under 10
Basic DNI 
Don't repost my work with out permission. I just want some credit please!
Likes and reposts are appreciated!
Any prompts that I make can be used but, yet again I just want to be credited for my work.
I have the right to deny any requests so if your request gets denied I will let you know but I may not explain why if it make me feel uncomfortable to explain.
x Female!Reader/Gn!Reader only
Mention if you want male or gn, or else I’ll automatically do gn.
I might to some Character x Character 
Make sure to say if you want a fic or headcanons
Trans or Cis reader/character are allowed
I will do poly ships
I will write minors but only platonically (Siblings/Friends/Reader being their parent) 
Single Dad/Mom/Parent reader is also fine with me (prob going to be a character that Pedro Pascal did)
I will write teen relationships (but no smut for them)
I will do smut when i feel like i can write it properly
Proposal/wedding headcanons are good too
Romantic or Platonic
Reader as parent or sibling is allowed
I will do angst but it might get a tiny be intense so i will put warnings when it get to the heavy angst parts
No Yandere/Dark requests
NO kidnapping
AU's are also welcomed
Non Human readers/characters are also okay with me! (I won’t do zoophile-related things) (Ex. Werewolf Reader is allowed but a person straight up sleeping with a dog).
You can use either one of your own or someone else's (prompt list is coming
Make sure to be specific about who the prompt is for and if it's a dialogue prompt make sure to say who is saying it
Make sure to say whether it is female or gn, if you don’t specify I’ll do Gn or female.
Now that you have read through my rules, have fun! :}
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afictionaladventure16 · 2 years ago
Ahh im a sucker for angst😭i think pedro would be the most amazing dad but maybe a fic where reader was an unplanned kid and pedro never paid that much attention to her ?? Happy ending if you can i love your writing !
Did You Forget? (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
A/N: I'm a sucker for angst too!!! Hope you enjoy this!
A/A/N: Also, for everyone, Don't quote me on where his sister lives or anything like that, I do not know and do not wish to know for their privacy. It's all fiction, so not everything is gonna be realistic.
Word Count: 5,283
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Warnings: mentions of self harm, depression, and panic attacks.
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“I think I’d rather stay home,” you said to your Tia Javeria, you sat down on your bed in protest. You were being sent to spend the day with your dad while he did a press junket for his newest show The Last of Us, you had gotten out of school early for this. Much to your protest, your tia thought it was a good idea for you to spend some quality time with him since you really only saw him in the summers when you spent your summer vacation in New York with him. 
Throughout the school year, you stayed in California with your Tia Javeria. Your dad thought it would be wise for you to have a stable environment, rather than constantly being on the road for filming or switching schools because you would have to stay with Javeria. So, in reality, Javeria had full custody over you, it wasn’t something that was through the court, it was just an agreement between the siblings. 
What did this mean? You didn’t see your dad too often. Of course, he stayed in California from time to time, he had his own house here, but even then you never stayed with him. 
“Y/N, we’ve already spoken about this,” Javeria said, walking into your room to put some clothes away. 
You did speak about it, well, she spoke and you listened. Javeria didn’t like seeing her brother neglect his only daughter and well, although Pedro was a family man, he treated his daughter like she was never there. Javeria could never understand why he did it and if she tried to call him out on it, he denied the fact that he was doing it. 
She thought that maybe she was overreacting, but it was hard to ignore the facts. 
You let out a deep sigh, your dad played a good father on T.V. but it hurt that he couldn’t actually play your father in real life. “Does it even matter at this point?” You asked. 
“Does what even matter?” 
“Trying to build something that obviously isn’t there.” 
Javeria sighed, “He’s trying.” 
You shrugged, “I still think he’s just doing it to give him a good image.” You heard the doorbell ring. 
“That’s him,” Javeria stated, “I really need you to try, Y/N.” 
You wanted to say something clever or petty, but you kept your mouth shut. You respected your tia too much to say it, but you couldn’t help but feel hopeless. Javeria was the only true parent that you had in your life right now and it was sad for you to admit it. 
Following Javeria to the front door, you stood off to the side as you watched your dad greet his sister with a big hug. “There she is!” He exclaimed, “You ready? We can’t be late.” 
You gave him a nod, walking up to your tia for her to kiss you on the cheek. You didn’t receive a hug like she did, but you were used to it. You walked past your dad and towards his car that was in the driveway. 
“Be easy on her,” Javeria began, “She’s had a rough week.” 
Pedro sighed, “You say that every time I pick her up.” She gave her brother a sincere look, “Just stating the facts. I’ll bring her back around six.” 
The drive to the press Junket was quiet, your dad played the radio as he drove, not saying a word to you. 
Not a ‘How was your day?’ 
Or a ‘How’s softball going, kiddo?’ 
Nothing like the dads on those sitcoms. 
Nothing like the dad in your dreams. The one that would actually be present in your life. 
Maybe it was hard for people to ask how you are or to even make conversation. 
Once you arrived at your dads' press junket, you watched your dad be swept away by a makeup artist. 
“Y/N!” his manager said walking up to you, “so good to see you! How you’ve been?” Or maybe it wasn’t that hard at all. 
“Okay,” you said with a small smile. 
“Come on, I’ve got to introduce you to Bella!” You knew who Bella was, well, you knew about them. You’ve never met them before, but you’ve heard stories, mostly from your father, and boy did he speak so highly of them. “Bella!” Scott called out, you watched as Bella walked towards the two of you. “Bella, this is Y/N, Pascal’s daughter!” 
“Pascal’s daughter?” Bella questioned, but then a second later realization struck. “Oh, I totally forgot Pedro has a daughter! It’s so nice to meet you!” 
You forced a smile on your face, even though deep inside you were breaking. Here was Bella, they were the ones that you felt replaced you. They were the ones that your father spoke so highly about as if it was his own child. Yet, you were so forgettable, why? Because you knew your father didn’t speak so highly about you. 
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you smiled. 
“Are you excited to see the show?” They asked. 
“Uh- yeah, I mean, I’m a big fan of the game.” 
“Oh yeah, Pedro told me you were,” They said. Someone began calling for Bella, it was time for their interview. They said a quick See you later before walking off. You walked over to the side and saw that your father was already sitting down on a chair next to Bella’s. 
Over the next few minutes, you watched as your father spoke among side Bella in an interview. You couldn’t help but feel jealous as your father laughed with Bella the way you wished he did with you. 
“Pedro, what made you take this role?” 
He laughs, “my nephews actually, they’re huge fans of the show and well, when I told them about the part they told me I had to take it.” 
You felt like your memories were lies, you remembered how your dad got the part and that moment was one of the only moments in which you felt like your dad actually cared. Now it was taken from you. All the moments you had left were from you were younger and you didn’t know how much longer you could hold onto them because you felt them slipping away. 
One of the crew told everyone to take a break while they set up for the next interview. You felt anger boiling up inside you, you couldn’t handle this any longer. You couldn’t handle watching Bella talk with your dad the way you wish you could or how he treated you the way you wished to be treated. It was all too much. 
“We have about fifteen minutes-” Your dad began to say to you, but you quickly pushed past him. “Y/N?” He called out. 
You ignored him, making your way towards the hallway, but Bella stepped in front of you, “Hey, Y/N, everything okay?” 
“How about you just stop stealing other people’s dads and maybe everything will be okay!” you snapped. You couldn’t believe that you snapped like that, it wasn’t your character and for a moment you felt embarrassed. 
“Y/N!” your dad yelled. 
But that embarrassment was quickly replaced with anger again. You ignored your dad as you walked into the hallway and out of the building. You heard the door open behind you, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” your dad exclaimed. 
“Me? What the hell is wrong with me!?” You yelled. “How about, what the hell is wrong with you!?” Your dad rolled his eyes, “You know what, forget it! I didn’t even want to be here today.” 
“Fine,” He snapped, “I told Javeria this was a bad idea anyway!” He pulled out his phone. 
“I fucking knew it! I knew you never wanted to spend time with me!” The anger took over and you didn’t try to stop it. 
“Well, how could I!? You’re so impossible to deal with!” He yelled. 
“Then it’s your fucking lucky day because you won’t have to deal with it much longer! I’m leaving!” you began walking away. 
“Don’t expect me to run after you,” He said. 
“I don’t!” you heard him sigh and then you heard the sound of the door opening and closing. He wasn’t running after you and you felt okay with that, for the moment. You walked yourself over to the bus stop, your adrenaline still running in your veins. Anger still boiling, you wanted to punch a wall or a tree, but you knew it wasn’t the wisest thing to do. 
The bus didn’t take long to arrive and luckily you had enough change in your pocket to make it home. Well, you had enough to go to the stop near your home. 
Your mind wandered to what had just happened with your dad, was it even worth calling him dad at this point? Because he didn’t feel like a father. 
A father was someone who was there for your children and he wasn’t. 
Well, he was, but then he wasn’t. He stopped. It felt like Thanos had snapped his fingers on your earth and your father turned to dust, only, he didn’t turn to dust, he just stopped showing up. 
He wasn’t there for your award ceremonies anymore, or any of your games. 
The spot next to your tia was now filled with a black silhouette in which you imagined him there. You began to see him more and more on the television and less and less in your own life. Sure, you were happy for him to achieve his dream, but at what cost? 
Well, your dad was the cost. 
You didn’t have your mother anymore, she died when you were young. The both of you had been involved in a drunk driver accident, which left you without a mother and soon without a father. You were left without a visible scar, but the doctors forgot to check about the invisible damage that could’ve been done. 
Did anyone think to check about the invisible damage? No. Now it felt like a dam being held together with tape. 
You felt the bus come to a stop, your stop. You got off and walked the rest of the way to Javeria’s house, your house. Once you arrived, you walked in, Javeria was surprised to see you home so soon and she had expected to see her brother follow a second after you, but was met with a door slam. 
“Y/N?” she asked as she got up from her spot on the couch, she watched as you tossed your keys into the dish on the coffee table. 
“Stop trying,” you said softly, tears in your eyes. “Please.” 
“What happened?” you just shook your head, walking up to your room and slamming the door once again. Javeria had a feeling what had happened, maybe she had meddled a little too much this time. She just wanted to see her brother and niece interact the way they used to. 
A couple of hours later, Javeria was met with a knock at the door. When she opened it, she saw her brother on the porch looking angry. “Is she here?” Javeria nodded as Pedro walked in, “You wouldn’t believe what your niece did, she snapped at Bella-” 
“Your daughter,” she corrected. 
“You said your niece when you should’ve said your daughter.” 
Pedro pinched the bridge of his nose, “She embarrassed me Javeria.” 
She shook her head, “For some reason, I don’t blame her for what she did.” 
“What?” Pedro asked in a confused manner. 
She sighed, “Pedro, don’t you see it?” 
“See what?” 
“You’re fucking loosing her, dammit! Ever since her mother died, you’ve acted like she doesn’t even exist for fucks sake!” She exclaimed. 
Pedro knew what he was doing. Was he doing it purposely? Kind of. Well, at first he wasn’t but then the pain of seeing you and being reminded every single day of what happened, he just couldn’t help it. He didn’t want a reminder of that day, and he didn’t want to hurt you either, but he didn’t stop himself. 
“She already doesn’t have a mom and now she feels like she doesn’t even have a dad. Fuck, Pedro, she lives with me. She only sees you a good three months out of the year! Do you even know that she has to go to therapy? And it’s not just because of the accident, but it’s because she feels like you don’t love her.” 
“No, you need to listen to me because you keep shutting me out when I tell you this. She needs her father back. She needs you, Pedro. I’m trying my best to keep her from falling apart but she’s slipping through my hands.” 
Pedro’s heart began to race, and he sat down on the couch, head in his hands, “I didn’t mean to push her away.” 
“But you did. You pushed her so far away, she’s in a different state.” 
Pedro looked up at his sister with tears in his eyes, “She has to go to therapy because of me? Why didn’t you-” 
“I tried telling you.” 
Pedro didn’t argue with her on that because she was right. He had shut her out when it came to things about you. He didn’t want to hear it, he felt like knowing anything about you was too much pain because he saw more and more of your mom in you. 
“She even started self-harming at one point, we had to hide the knives and anything that she could potentially hurt herself with. She was a mess at one point and I somehow brought her back but I don’t know for how long.” Javeria had a lot to say and she finally was able to get it off her chest. “She needs her dad, Pedro and you’ve been acting like you don’t even want her.” 
“Fuck!” He exclaimed as he got up from the couch, “What do I do?” 
“Talk to her, Pedro, and actually talk to her.” 
Pedro nodded, “alright.” He made his way up the stairs and towards your room. He was about to knock when he heard voices on the other side of the door. He leaned his ear against the door. 
“I don’t know, Marciela,” he heard you say. “Sometime’s it feels like I’m just invisible.” He didn’t hear anything for a few seconds. “Maybe you’re right,” he heard you sigh. “Do you ever think about how things would be if you didn’t exist?” you stayed quiet for a moment, “Sometimes I think my dad would be happier if I didn’t exist,” you choked out. 
“I fucked up,” Pedro whispered to himself. He stepped away from the door. He couldn’t do it. He needed time to think first. He walked back down the stairs, “I-I
” he began, “I’m gonna pick her up from school tomorrow,” he then stated. 
“What happened?” 
“I just need to think,” he said as he left the house. 
“Sometimes I think my dad would be happier if I didn’t exist,” you choked out. 
“Y/N, don’t say that,” Marciela softly said. She had been your best friend since elementary and she has always been the first person you called when you needed someone to just listen. 
“It feels like it,” you shrugged. “You should’ve seen the way he was with her, Mar.” 
“Things are gonna get better, Y/N. Just remember how he used to be.” 
“It just makes me feel worse,” you said. She sighed, you heard someone calling her name on the other end, “Is that your mom?” 
“Yeah, I have to go, I’ll see you at school tomorrow okay?” 
“Alright.” You ended the call. 
You spent the rest of the night in your room, Javeria checked on you multiple times and although you protested, you promised to keep the door open throughout the night. Just for her to feel like you weren’t doing anything that meant hurting yourself. 
The next day at school felt like any other day. You met up with Marciela at lunch and filled her in on what had happened after the call. When the lunch bell rang, you and Marciela walked together to your next class, you were lucky to have most classes with her. 
“Well, if it isn’t little Miss Pascal,” you heard a voice say from behind you. You rolled your eyes as you turned to face Jenna. Believe it or not, the duo was once a trio. Jenna was you and Marciela’s best friend up until middle school. “I saw your daddy on HBOmax last night.” 
“Please don’t call him that,” you cringed. 
She rolled her eyes, “It’s funny how he plays the father role so well on T.V. but when it comes to real life,” she chuckles, “doesn’t it make you jealous?” 
It did, but you weren’t gonna give her that satisfaction. “I don’t know, does it make you jealous that I at least have a dad?” 
“Y/N,” Marciela warned. 
“What did you say?” Jenna asked. 
“Did I stutter?” you asked Marciela before looking back over at Jenna, “I said does it make you jealous that I at least have a dad because you know, you’re dad left before you were even born.” Jenna glared at you, “Hey, you already know I’d fight back, but I never said I’d fight fair.” 
“You’re a little bitch, Y/N. No wonder your dad never wants to be around you.” 
“Takes a bitch to know a bitch, it’s no wonder your dad left,” you turned around to walk away, but you didn’t expect Jenna to lunge at you. You fell to the ground, landing on your nose, groaning in pain you turned around to face Jenna. She was quick with her punches catching you off guard. You held up your arms to cover your face, giving you a chance to push her to the ground. 
It didn’t take long for the crowd, which was quick to surround the two of you, to draw the attention of the teachers. One of them dragged Jenna away from you as she tried to lunge toward you again. 
“Principal's office, now!” the teacher yelled as he pulled Jenna by the arm. “The rest of you get to your classes!” 
Another teacher helped you up from the ground, and you lost your balance, “Whoa, easy,” he said as held your arms.
“Holy shit,” Marcela said as she looked at the blood on the floor. 
You already knew your nose was broken, just by the throbbing feeling you had. The teacher helped you walk to the nurse's office, and she was able to stabilize your nose until someone could get you to the ER. 
You knew that someone meant Javeria. You waited in the nurse's office for the receptionist to call Javeria. Not too long after you heard the door open, footsteps soon followed. You heard someone clear their throat. 
“It wasn’t my fault, Javeria,” you began to say, looking up, but it wasn’t Javeria. It was your dad. “Where’s Tia Javeria?” 
Pedro felt his heart drop at the sight of your nose and bruised eye. He sighed, opening his mouth to speak, but the door opened and Javeria walked in. 
“Oh my god,” she exclaimed at the sight of her niece. “We’re suing!” 
You and your dad couldn’t help but chuckle at her initial reaction, “We’re not suing.” 
She looked over at her brother in disbelief, “Her nose is gonna be all crooked! We’re suing.” 
Your eyes widened, “Wait, it is?” 
Pedro rolled his eyes, “No, it isn’t.” 
Javeria sighed, “Let’s get you to the E.R.” 
“But what abou-” 
“Already dealt with,” your dad said. You shrugged, following them out of the nurse's office. You noticed that they both came in separate cars, meaning that your dad came here on his own free will. “I got it,” you heard him say. You turned around to see Javeria giving him a look, it was a look only siblings knew. Pedro nodded at her.
“Alright, I’ll see you at home then,” you watched her walk up to her car. 
“Come on,” you heard your dad say. 
You expected the car ride to the E.R. to be quiet, but you were surprised. “Looks pretty bad,” he began to say. 
“She surprised me,” you responded. 
He hummed in response, “principal is giving you a few days to rest,” he began, “I thought you and Jenna were friends though.” 
“We were friends, but we had a falling out in middle school.” 
There was that feeling again. He really didn’t know you anymore. “Really?” You nodded. This whole time he thought everything was the same with you, but little did he realize you had grown up. 
He remained quiet for the rest of the ride to the E.R. mostly because he didn’t know what to say. He was still in shock about all the information he had found out in the past twenty-four hours and he didn’t know how to talk to you. 
Once at the E.R., he made sure to help you out of the truck. He also made sure that they checked to make sure you didn’t have a concussion. They did some X-Rays and CT Scans, all highly suggested by your dad who was feeling overly anxious and kept asking the nurse to make sure to do every test. 
You didn’t know how to feel as you watched your dad suddenly act like
 like a dad. 
After all the tests, the doctor came in to let you know that you had a small concussion and your nose needed to be realigned. He explained that he would numb your nose before proceeding. 
Sitting down on the exam bed, you prepared yourself for the worst. You watched as a nurse came in with a tray, setting it down on the side. You took in a deep breath when you saw the needle. Your dad quickly noticed your behavior, “hey, hey, look at me,” he said gently. You looked at him, tears welling up in your eyes, “close your eyes.” He took a hold of your hand. 
You closed your eyes, “Now talk to me about anything,” he said, trying to distract you from what was going on. He nodded at the nurse, telling her to proceed. 
“Um, well, I learned Matilda on the guitar the other day,” you began to say, eyes still closed. 
 isn’t that the Harry Styles song?” He asked as he gently rubbed your hand. 
“Yeah, Marecela suggested it, it’s one of her favorite songs.” 
“All done,” the nurse said. 
You opened your eyes, and you didn’t feel a thing. “I forget how good that technique works,” you said as you watched the nurse walk out of the room. 
“Used to do that with you all the time when you were a kid and I took you to the doctor.” 
“I remember,” you whispered. 
He opened his mouth to speak when the door opened and the doctor walked in. “Alright, let’s see how numb you are,” the doctor said. You weren’t completely numb yet, but the doctor took that time to explain the aftercare for your nose. Once he had done the alignment he placed a splint and some packing. He handed your dad a prescription for antibiotics and sent you on your way. 
You got back in your dad's car, “I gotta go somewhere first before we pick up your prescription,” he said as he put his seatbelt on. 
“Okay.” Part of you was trying to take in what had just happened, how you were going to live with a broken nose for the next couple of months. Then the other part was just amazed at how your dad was treating you so suddenly. You were surprised he wasn’t yelling at you for what had happened yesterday. 
He drove for a while but eventually turned into a parking lot that overlooked the ocean. He put the car in park and turned the car off. You didn’t say anything at first, unsure of what you were doing there. “When your mom died, I felt like my world was crashing down,” he began to say, “but you lived and I felt like maybe everything would be okay.” He sighed, “But you look so much like her, and you act like her, it’s like she copy and pasted.” 
You remained quiet, “you were not planned.” 
“Gee, thanks,” you said sarcastically 
“Let me finish,” he sighed. “Initially, I didn’t want kids, not yet anyway. But I wanted kids with her and so, I grew to the idea of kids and you were my world. Then your mom passed and it felt like you were just a reminder of pain.” 
“Why are you telling me this?” 
“Because I want you to understand what I was thinking.” 
“You want me to feel sorry for you?” 
“No, I want you to understand, that I couldn’t look at you without thinking of your mother so, I shut you out. I thought you as the kid that I never wanted-” 
“I know you never wanted me, you made it perfectly clear.” 
“Mija, please, just listen,” you sighed, “I was just trying to avoid grieving your mother and you were in the line of fire. So, I reverted back to thinking that you were unplanned and it didn’t matter, but it does matter. You were and always have been my whole world and I will never forgive myself for what I did to you.” You looked at your feet the entire time, not daring to look at him for fear that you would end up crying. You didn’t want to cry, not now anyway. “Mija,” he said gently. 
“What?” you hissed. 
“Can you look at me?” you shook your head, and he gently placed his hand on your chin, careful to not touch any bruises. He gently moved your head so you could look at him, “There she is.” 
You moved your head away from his hands, “No, you don’t get to just come back whenever you want and think it’ll be okay.” 
“I know.” 
“No, you don’t know!” you yelled, tears welling up in your eyes. “You left me when I needed you the most! You left and I didn’t know if it was because of me or because of Mom, you left without giving me a reason why! Did you forget about me!? Because it felt like I didn’t even exist to you!” 
Pedro felt like he didn’t have the right to speak, the hands of guilt crawled their way up his throat. He choked back his tears, he did this. 
“I felt like I lost both parents,” you choked. “And then I saw you treat Bella like she was your daughter and I kept thinking, that should be me.” Tears fell down your cheek, “I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand why you could treat her like that when I was right there begging for you to even give me a sliver of attention!” You felt like the doors to the car were caving in as you tried to take a deep breath. 
“Mija, breathe,” your dad tried to console you. 
You couldn’t catch your breath. Your hands shook as you felt your heart thudding in your chest. Not now, you thought. You held your hand against your chest. 
Pedro was quick to notice, he opened his door, jumped out of the car, and ran to your side of the car. He opened your door and quickly knelt down beside you, “Mija, breathe with me,” he said as he took a hold of your hand, “Inhala,” he inhaled, holding it for three seconds, “exhala.” He exhaled. “Do it with me.” 
You nodded as you inhaled with him and then exhaled. It took a few minutes for your breathing to go back to normal. 
“You needed me,” he still had your hands in his, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t think I can ever make it up to you, but I am going to spend the rest of my life trying if you’ll let me.” It was all you wanted. He gently rolled up your sleeve, placing a soft touch on your scars. “I’m sorry if I am the reason these exist,” you watched as tears flowed down his cheeks. 
He then did something you didn’t expect him to do, he placed a gentle kiss on your wrist and it was enough for you. You let out the sob that was dying to be let out, and he pulled you in for an embrace, “I’m sorry, muñeca.” 
You wrapped your arms around him, “I don’t think I could ever forgive myself, but from here on out, it’s me and you, okay? I’m gonna change things, no more staying with Javeria. I’m sorry I did it in the first place, it was selfish of me. I want you to know that my life wouldn’t be better without you in it. My life would suck without you, Mija. I have just been a shitty dad and I’m sorry.” ” 
You wanted to say that it was okay, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t okay at all, but you were so used to always saying ‘it’s okay,’ that you had to tell yourself that this time it’s fine if you don’t say it. You could not say it and not feel guilty, especially if it’s not your fault. 
“What do you say? Are you willing to give your dad a second chance?” 
You needed your father and your heart would probably give him a million chances, even if it couldn’t handle it, but for now, you were willing to give him a second chance. You nodded, “Okay.” 
He pulled you in again for another embrace, this time he held on for as long as he could. Pedro wanted to make up for all the times you needed an embrace and he wasn’t there. 
After a while, Pedro got back into his side of the car. He took you to get your prescription before taking you back to Javerias. You both walked in with smiles on your faces causing Javeria to smile too. 
“Everything okay?” she asked. 
Pedro placed a small kiss on your temple, “Go grab your things.” You nodded as you ran up the stairs. Pedro waited until you were out of earshot range. 
“I don’t know how she forgave me,” he choked back a sob. “I’m such a horrible father,” he sobbed.
“A horrible father wouldn’t have done what you just did,” Javeria stated as she pulled her brother in for an embrace. “Just promise me, you won’t break her heart again, I don’t think she can handle it, Pedro.” 
“I won’t,” he let out a deep breath, wiping away his tears. “She’s gonna stay with me tonight, we’ll come back for the rest of things later.” 
She smiled, “That’s fine.” She looked at her brother in awe, “I’m proud of you, Pedro.” 
He smiled at her, “Thank you.” 
You came running down the stairs with a bag of your essentials. “Is that everything?” Javeria asked. 
“Yeah, it’s just the main stuff,” you explained. She nodded, and you said a quick goodbye, knowing that you’ll be back the next day. 
The car ride to your dad's house was different than the past few car rides. This time he had music playing, “So, we’re still friends with Marcela?” And he asked questions. 
“Yes, best friends.” 
“What about Monica?” 
You shrugged, “We talk a little bit.” 
He sighed, “You mentioned playing the guitar, when did you pick that up?” 
“Beginning of the year, I was a bit bored,” you smiled genuinely. Your mind still felt weary about the situation but you wanted to trust your heart for once. You ached for the presence of your father in your life and now was finally your chance and you weren’t going to let it go. 
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @tracysnook @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger
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soulreader05 · 2 months ago
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I’ve been waiting for this moment.
Where the Wild Things Are - Chapter 10
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Chapter Ten: Family Line
Plot: Wild men or monstrous infected creatures, the world is wild and ravaged by Cordecyps but some are raised in it and flourish becoming a wild thing.
Word Count: 4K
Pairing: Joel Miller x Platonic!Teen!Reader, Ellie Williams x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical fighting/violence, injuries, harsh language, tw: NOTES OF SELF HARM, ANXIETY ATTACKS/RESPONSE, trauma from abusive mother, description of child neglect/abuse
a/n: I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season and here is a Christmas angsty post
Scattered 'cross my family line.
I'm so good at telling lies That came from my mother's side. Told a million to survive
Scattered 'cross my family line.
God, I have my father's eyes But my sister's when I cry.
I can run, but I can't hide From my family line
Anything could happen. One wrong move can turn this into a bloodbath. You can see each individual, pausing at a woman who wears a balaclava covering the lower half of her face but you recognize those eyes. Lila squirms seemingly recognizing the group as the woman lowers her mask, both you and Lila saying the same thing.
“Mom..?” “Momma!”
The air is like daggers filling your lungs, stabbing you as you inhale, scraping and cutting you as you exhale. You’re not sure if she knows you anymore. Are you some fleeting memory of her poor child that left her? Abandoned her all those years ago. Do you even recognize her? Of course you do, she is the same in your memories, in your dreams and nightmares. She probably smells the same if you were to be in her embrace. The smokiness and burnt smell that others would cringe away but you seek comfort from it, the smell of burning wood always reminds you of her. The sharpness of almost rubbing alcohol changed to something more fruity whether it was wine or yeasty beer. But that smoky smell never left her. Even now breathing in fresh air you expect to get that hint of smoky. You are surely death gripping the reins as Lila vibrates in your saddle her hands reaching out to be taken
by her mother. You see the shocked looks from Tommy and Ellie as their gaze darts from you to the woman staring at you with equal shock. She finally speaks and it sends chills of fear but also safety through you.
is that really you honey
you’re alive?” She says and you think this a dream? As you see tears fill her eyes. The others that a with your mother lower their weapons and even Tommy and Ellie lower theirs too. You are speechless afraid if you say something you’ll wake up or she’ll disappear hearing you confirm you are the child she lost all those years ago.
“I’m sorry. I know this is all overwhelming. But it’s getting close to dark and infected tend to roam here. Look you should all come back with us to Jackson so we can figure,” Tommy says glancing over at you who is still silent dead staring at your mother someone he can’t help but feel like he knows, “Figure this all out.”
Your mother quickly wipes the tears from her face, “Yes I’m sorry. Thank you that is so kind of you.”
With that decided you all head towards Jackson. Tommy leading up front, Ellie in the middle with the other group including your mother, and you in the back with Lila. You’re sure Red could sense your complete shut off and taking over. You take in everything about her, her hair is longer and greying with age, and she looks the same but just older and weathered with time. She dressed normally for the weather nothing standing out, a sawed-off shotgun in her free hand the other holding her reins. You had so many questions since you knew that Kansas had fallen to infected where had she been this whole time? Lila yawns snuggling into your chest. When did she have time for another child, she could be old maybe five or six. She could have had her when you were gone makes sense, you wouldn’t know if your mother was pregnant when you were in the QZ. Or would you have? The way she just acted was nothing you experienced in the fourteen years with her. Was your leaving cause her change? Did she miss you? Looking down at Lila you feel your chest tighten, did having her change her? Was this child the reason she wanted now to be a good mother? You wince already remember her words at that comment. She was the best mother she could be with the resources she had. It’s your fault you made it harder on her to raise you. You wouldn’t have a better childhood if you listened more. Did Lila listen? Was she better at things you struggled to do before? Did she have your mother’s affection? Did she have your mother’s love? Was Lila being born a way to heal her broken heart from you abandoning her?
Your restless thoughts keep you occupied for the duration of the trip and when you come partially aware you are at the gates of Jackson right as the sunset dips below the horizon and the lights of the community start turning on. Watching the large gates open to a small crowd of people waiting for your return but also hearing of the newcomers. Your gaze sweeps seeing members of the council, Dina and Jesse there most likely for Ellie, and Joel and Maria are waiting in the forefront of the crowd. All your horses draw to a stop the stablehands come and start guiding the Jackson and outsider horses to the stables for food and rest. In your arms is a sleeping Lila, your pack and rifle still on your back an empty expression on your face. There might be a look on your face but you can’t think of one as you stare off as the man with the gruff voice helps your mother off her horse and you see a slight weight shift to her, something is either wrong with her leg or foot. You are motionless as everything else moves around you, Dina and Jesse greeting Ellie who seems to be keeping an eye on you. The council alongside Maria with their son as they speak to Tommy about the newcomers, his gaze also flickering back to you as you still just stand there. Other members of Jackson check out the new people the local doctor coming to check some of their injuries, especially a man who’s currently in a makeshift sling. You don’t notice Joel’s concerned gaze on you as people move around you but remain frozen with a little girl in your arms. One person comes over a nurse or someone comes and takes Lila from your arms and you slip your rifle and revolver off to someone so they can be locked up with the other weapons. You mumble lightly that she might have some minor injuries to check, but it comes out like, ‘Cuts
no bites
she’s hers.” Your gaze is still locked.
It’s a shock to the Millers and even those that know of you. Since you’ve been here, it’s harsh, bitter, curses or glares thrown. A hot temper, but then it mellowed out still a spitfire but wasn’t picking fights. This version was frighteningly silent, like the entire world around you faded away only focused on one thing, but even you didn’t dare to speak up or try and react. Joel just sees someone coming at you and he makes a step to go protect you but a woman throws her arms around your shoulders pulling you into a tight hug and crying into your shoulder.
“Oh thank god you’re alive. I thought all these years I lost you and I never forgave myself.” She sobs into your flannel her tears and snot getting on it, your body rigid hands held at your side as she holds you with such tender affection. This was the first time she hugged you, you would remember other times trying to get one only for her to push you away. It was always you trying desperate to initiate one but here she was holding onto you like you were going to crumble apart if she let go. She pulls away with teary eyes she clutches your cheeks looking over you taking in every detail of you and keeping it in your memory. You shudder at the eye contact, you don’t think she’s ever stared at you for this long and it only gets your heart racing more.
“You are so beautiful and all grown up. I’m so sorry I couldn’t find you then, but I was given a second chance now,” She sniffs and you don’t know what to say your hands clenching and unclenching trying to keep yourself grounded. A burning sensation at the back of your eyes.
Everyone could sense how uncomfortable you looked, not knowing how to act in this very emotional situation, “Tommy who is that?” Maria asks not fully able to hear every word being said but it was clear whoever this was knew you.
“The little girl, Lila that’s her mother,” Tommy hesitates in dropping this bomb, “She is also Y/n’s mother.” Joel’s eyes widen once he gets a better view of the woman immediately getting thrown back almost 20 years ago remember her. It was still early in the Outbreak with people being evacuated to other QZs. They were all together in the Dallas QZ until they got separated when it reached capacity. Tommy and he went to Boston and she went to another QZ. He wouldn’t have forgotten her.
“Tommy what did you do,” Maria asks immediately on edge. If that was your mother she knew exactly what she was capable of. Does she warn them to stop this? Had things truly changed with time? No, she abused you as a child she can’t change
but with her crying in front of you Maria felt hesitation to speak. Both Tommy and Joel give her a confused look before returning to look at what’s happening before them.
Your throat feels tight as you barely get the word, “M-mom
I..I” out and she’s all teary while you feel on the edge of having a breakdown.
“Shhh don’t worry about anything. All that matters is that we are together as a family. You, me, your sister,” Her mentioning Lila pushes you further to the edge, your hands squeeze so tightly you’re sure blood is drawn, “Oh honey you’ll love it,” She gushes. Honey that name you only dreamed she’d call you another step towards the edge.
“We’ve been waiting for this moment and
you have Derek
your father.”
You are shoved off the ledge as tears spill from your eyes but you know they aren’t tears of joy. It’s far from it as you see the gruff man with the bandana now lowered come over standing beside your mother. He rests a hand on your shoulder and you can feel it burning through your clothes and scarring your flesh.
“Hey kiddo
it’s been some time,” It’s like every warning bell is ringing in your head. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. You’re not supposed to get a face to the name ‘dad’, he was nameless. A bastard father to a bastard daughter. You were going to die and never know what he looks like conjured up some image of a man that is always changing. You shove your mother off you and she gasps as your father goes to steady her all eyes immediately on you. Your hands are clenched so hard in fists that your face tenses up with these wide frightened eyes. An almost pained noise comes from your throat like you want to scream or cry but are forcing it back.
“Honey..” “Kiddo.” Both your parents try reaching back to you but you take a clumsy step back and then book it pushing through the crowd. Your vision is a blur and you nearly run into Joel who tries to steady you but you shove him away and book it down the street darting down an alley. Your mother tries going after you but is held back by your father.
“Ellie,” Joel calls out getting the girl and her friends' attention, “Try and find her please.” The younger girl nods and the three young kids run off in search of you. Joel turns back to the couple bickering as Tommy and Maria approach.
“I told you it would all be too much,” The man says and the woman runs her hand through her hair, “It doesn’t matter now. We can’t take it back.” She turns to look over at the adults her gaze pausing on one familiar man.
“Joel Miller?” She seemed shocked to see him especially alive after all these years there almost seemed to be a twinge of fear in her eyes.
“It’s good to see you after all these years,” Joel says and Tommy looks between his brother and your mother and it clicks how he recognizes her. The QZ was back in Dallas in their early days. She and Joel were pretty close that was
like 18 ye— Immediately his gaze darts from both Joel to your mother, then to your ‘father’. His first memory of you was thinking how familiar you looked then when he came back with Joel it was like staring at a mirror from face down to attitude. Especially now looking at your ‘father’ you didn’t look a lick like him, maybe Lila did but you certainly did not. He squeezes his wife’s hand and flashes her a small ‘when need to talk’ look which she understands and squeezes back. Your mother laughs awkwardly.
“Yeah, what are the odds
anyway thank you for all you’ve done for our daughter it’s good having her safe with us.” She says and the irony from it given the fact you just ran off.
“It’s glad to see you alive and well,” Maria says fixing her grip on her son, “Y/n has said much about you
but not much about her father.” Her gaze moves from your mother whose gaze almost narrows to daggers to your father who looks a bit nervous.
“Unfortunately Y/n and her father haven’t had the best relationship but we’re hoping to reestablish that, especially in this world where anything can happen,” Your mother says smoothly and Maria tensely nods.
let’s get you situated with some food, check in on your other daughter, and then we’ll get you and your people settled for the night,” Tommy suggests, and your mother and her group all nod. Tommy begins leading them off to the Tipsy Bison. Maria goes over to Joel who watches the whole scene.
“Joel go find Y/n,” She says and Joel nods but he notices the conflicted look in her eyes.
“You know something,” He questions and she flashes him a look but sighs.
“Just give me time Joel, please. Go worry about her for now.” She pleads and Joel looks at her trying to unpick her but sighs and goes off and looks for you.
Joel hits your normal spots, the stables, specifically Red’s pen but not there, checks Maria and Tommy’s house to see if you’re there, and even goes to his home to see if you decided to run off there but no, he was going to head to the library when he runs into Dina who tells them they found her. The pair head out into the woods to reach a clearing, there’s an unlit stone firepit and some benches made my logs, he’s been here a few times with Ellie and Tommy, but this was mainly a spot for the younger kids.
“Go!” You screech like a wild banshee as a rock hits a stray tree. There he finds, Ellie and Jesse on the outskirts where the forest ends and the clearing starts. You are in the middle of it pacing and he feels a spike of concern seeing flecks of red in the snow.
“Y/n let’s just talk—” Ellie starts jumping back as another object is thrown in their direction a pained held-back scream.
“Fuck off!” You grit out. Your bloody hands grip your hair, your gloves tossed amongst the snow as you pace your heart racing and they can see you choking to get air in your system.
“Kids go,” Joel says and Jesse and Dina nod starting to trail away he sees Ellie look at him hesitant before she too leaves. Joel takes a step into the clearing the crunch of snow makes you whip to face him and he raises his hands like taming a wild beast. Your chest heaves as you eye him with sharp panicked eyes. Tears stream down your flushed cheeks as you continue making that pained noise.
“I’m not gonna do anything kid,” Joel says calmly as one of your hands that grips your hair moves to your flannel clutching your collar as if it’s choking you. Joel rushes as you drop to your knees with an unhuman cry like this tidal wave of emotions finally takes over. He pries your blood hand from your hair to stop harming yourself allowing you to death grip his sleeve as you scream this gutwrenching sound. Joel squeezes you close to his chest as your screams muffle in his coat soon it turns into a heartbreaking whimper. He has to look up to the sky to blink back the burn in his eyes holding you close to him his hand stroking your hair to soothe you.
“It’s okay
I got you,” He says as you tremble in his hold weak sobs and hiccups as you break down. It took a while for your cries to settle down just sniffles fill the clearing, the cold snow seeping into both of your pants a grounding force. Joel pulls back to get a good look at you and you see the pity frown as he takes in your bloodshot eyes, snotty and just out of it from your breakdown. His thumb swipes at your cheek to help rid the stray tears and you don’t even react to it. You don’t flinch at his eye contact unlike your mother, his contact doesn’t send pain throughout your body, your heart doesn’t race, nor does your chest tighten as he holds you. It’s quiet between you too as he helps you to your feet, shrugging his coat off and putting it over your shoulder to stop your shivering. Your stare is endless completely checked out as he rushes to collect your gloves shoving them in his pocket turning and seeing you still standing there. The coat seems to engulf you and he sees little droplets of blood fall from your slack fingers staining the pure snow crimson. Wrapping his arm around your back he begins guiding you out of the clearing to civilization. The other proof something happened would be the stains of blood that litter it. Like a sacrifice was needed to completely let yourself go.
Joel brings you to Rancher Street but instead of the home you’ve been staying at the past month he guides you up the porch steps to the place where it all started. The lights are dim as he guides you to sit on the couch before the still-crackling fire. Footsteps from upstairs and he sees a concerned Ellie coming down the stairs taking in the sight of you unmoving on the couch.
“Ellie get some blankets and a clean rag with water,” Joel says and Ellie rushes off the complete the order. Joel leaves his coat still on you but kneels to untie your boots and you do little to help just a deadweight. Your eyes were almost lifeless the flames of the fireplace flickering in them. Ellie returns with the items before heading off to the kitchen, Joel takes the cloth getting it damp before pushing back some of your hair seeing the scratches you caused, and being gentle to clean them away. You don’t barely react when he accidentally puts pressure on a cut as he cleans the blood and tears from your face. Once your face is clean he goes to work on your bloody hands when their a knock on the door.
“Joel, go I got this,” Ellie says returning with a steaming cup of what looks like hot chocolate, to try and lift your spirits. Joel lets the young girl take over heading to answer the door. There he finds his brother alongside his wife and child.
“Did you find her?” Tommy asks and Joel leads them inside from the cold but not completely in. They can see Ellie speaking softly to you as she cleans your hands but your gaze remains on the flames an exhausted look on your face. “Christ,” Tommy sighs pinching the bridge of his nose and Maria looks over a high wave of emotions seeing you completely shut down.
her mother
wanted to see know if she would be staying with them,” Tommy asks and Joel immediately feels a rush of anger, “I know it’s a stupid question.”
“Hell no Tommy,” Joel spats, “You think any normal person would react the way she did if they saw their mother and father again? I won’t let that happen.” He points at your lifeless body as Ellie tries offering you the drink but it’s like she’s invisible staring right through her.
“I know that Joel, you think I didn’t see that as well, but that’s her kid. Y/n is their family,” Tommy sighs and Joel scoffs.
“And is she not ours?! Who took care of her all these months? Who let her in their home when she thought she had no one? Who did she cry to and confided to? Us Tommy!” Joel points at himself then at his brother and wife, “Sure I know her mom and we all had our history together, but if my child tears themselves to the point of bleeding at the sight of them I’m not going to stand by.”
“I agree with Joel,” Maria's voice is smooth but a held-back anger in her tone. She holds her son with the protection of a mother and if she could she would be right over by you holding and comforting you. Both Miller brothers are surprised at Maria’s stance and Joel scrutinizes her trying to pick her apart to learn what she knows.
“You know they aren’t going to like this,” Tommy says but the looks on both Maria and Joel’s faces make him sigh. Both of them are willing to die on this hill. “I’ll go let them know that she’s already asleep.” With that, Tommy presses a kiss to his wife’s temple before leaving the home. Joel looks back seeing that you are indeed asleep with Ellie resting her head on the armrests looking over you. Maria rests a hand on Joel’s shoulder as he looks down at his sister-in-law.
“Just take care of her Joel,” Maria says and Joel nods as Maria leaves. Joel comes over to Ellie who looks over you with such genuine concern and care.
“Come on kiddo,” He says offering a hand and pulling the teen to her feet keeping her close to his chest, both drained from the high emotions.
“Will she be alright Joel?” She asks and Joel is silent looking down at you resting on the couch a frown on your face. Even in sleep, you were being tormented.
“She will
come on up to bed,” Joel says and Ellie tiredly listens heading up the stairs as Joel begins putting out the fire. He turns to where you lay lit by the sliver of light from the window and the hallway lights. His hand pushes your hair back making sure you’re comfortable, he doesn’t stop himself from smoothing out the crease between your brows and you seem to settle more a bit of tension released. A flash of Sarah covers your feature and he flinches at the resemblance of his daughter. Why looking at you brought memories of the daughter he lost confused him. There were moments when Ellie acted that reminded him of Sarah but the two of them were nothing alike, while Ellie was loud and brash, Sarah was gentle and soft-spoken This brief moment you look so young and innocent, a child that never got to be a child. You looked like his child.
“No one’s going to hurt you babygirl,” He says as he rises to his feet looking down at his daughter until he blinks and there you lay. He whispers into the air his oath to you.
“I promise.”
Where the Wild Things Are Tags
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afictionaladventure16 · 2 years ago
bb I'm feeling the angst and hurt/comfort hyperfixation choking me out. what about... Pedro's daughter is incredibly stressed out. She doesn't ask for help because she doesn't want to be a bother. It comes to a head and she breaks down crying when he asks how her day is. Being the amazing dad he is, he cares for his baby and makes sure she takes a break and gets extensions for assignments
Stressed Out (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Word Count: 1,712
A/N: I got you, bb!!! <3 I hope this isn't too short btw!! I hope you like it!!
Warnings: mentions of burn out.
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Pedro had been keeping a close eye on your door, watching the small glow of light coming from underneath. It had been over two hours since you last came out and when you did, you barely said a word. He didn’t want to seem like an overbearing father going in to check on you 24/7, but he also didn’t want you to think he didn’t care. 
Maybe this was all his anxiety getting to him. 
“What is she doing?” He asked himself as he got up from the position on the couch. He hesitates walking over to your room, and eventually, he allows himself to go cook dinner. “I’ll cook dinner and then if she doesn’t come out, then I’ll check on her,” he tells himself. 
You, on the other hand, were stressing out about all the assignments that somehow your teachers had due in the same week. You had no idea how it all came crashing down on you, as a well-organized person, you always had everything done on time and never dealt with things being due all in the same week, until now. 
You had not had a good night's rest since Thursday night. It is Tuesday. Most of your weekend was spent trying to figure out what assignment you could do the quickest and which one needed your most attention. Then you spent a good amount of your weekend researching and crying and then doing more research and some more crying. 
Part of you was glad that your dad had to be away for most of the day because you didn’t have to deal with him coming in every hour to check on you. Also, you didn’t have to bother him for help. Even if he had offered, you’d still refused because you didn’t want to be a bother. It wasn’t his mess, but yours. 
“Focus, Y/N,” you said to yourself, it was hard to keep your eyes open. They were closing every other minute, stinging with any little breeze that came from the A.C. Growing heavy with every waking moment, you wanted so badly to just close them for a few minutes, but you knew it wouldn’t just be a few minutes. 
Naps were a no-go, there wasn’t any time in your schedule for them. You slapped your face, hoping that the stinging of your cheek would distract you from the stinging of your eyes, and for a moment it worked. Only a moment. Then it was both your cheek and eyes stinging and no work getting done. 
You groaned to yourself, resting your head on your desk, “Fuck me,” you muttered. 
Your current subject was Chemistry and boy did you hate chemistry. Yes, the concept and the way it works are interesting, and the experiments you did were cool and interesting, but the work? Difficult. You hated it. You weren’t a chemistry type of person. Nor were you a math person. 
You sat at your desk, staring at the word problem in front of you for about thirty minutes. The longer you stared at it, the less sense it made. You moved the paper to the other side of your desk, maybe if you looked at it from a different angle it would make more sense. You knew it wouldn’t work, but at this point you were desperate. 
A knock at your door disrupted your thoughts, “Come in,” you said softly. 
Your dad walked in, a smile on his face, “Hey, not sure if you smelled it, but dinner is just about ready.” 
You hadn’t. You were so focused on your homework that you didn’t even smell dinner and you didn’t notice how hungry you were. Maybe some food in your system would help. 
“Thank god,” you muttered as you got up from your desk, following your dad out into the kitchen. 
“Mind setting up the table?” He asked as he gestured towards the small mess of miscellaneous items on the kitchen table. 
You groaned at the sight, “Can’t we just eat at the counter like we always do?” 
He chuckled, “Alright, but I swear, we keep putting it off.” You didn’t say anything else, your mind lingered back over to the assignments that were waiting for you at your desk. You could be finishing them right now. Your dad noticed how you got quiet, “you okay, hon?” 
You hummed a response, sitting down on the stool next to the counter. “Looks like something is on your mind.” 
“It’s nothing,” you said with a smile.
He sighed, placing one of the plates down, “Mija, I know you too well to know when you’re lying to me.” He walked over to you, leaning against the counter. “What’s on your mind?” 
You let out a shaky breath, “School,” you said as tears began to well up in your eyes. 
Your dad's face instantly softened, “Oh, Cariño, what’s wrong?” 
You took in a deep breath, “I’m just stressed out,” you began, “I have two assignments for chem due on Thursday, Two Essays due Friday, Three assignments for Calculus, and an art project all due Friday too.” 
Your dad wouldn’t say it to your face, but you were fucked. It was a lot of assignments and so little time. “Oh, Mija,” he cooed. “No wonder you’ve been locked up in your room!” 
You let out a small sob, and your dad pulled you in for a hug, “I don’t know what to do,” you sobbed. “I’ve been working nonstop on my assignments since Thursday, I barely got any sleep over the weekend. I’m so tired, Dad.” 
“Mija, how come you didn’t tell me?” he asked. 
“I didn’t want to bother you,” you sobbed into his shirt. 
He let out a disappointed sigh, rubbing your back gently. “Mija, you’re never bothering me when it comes to these things, you know I’d rather you tell me than you be all stressed out.” 
You let go of the embrace, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your shirt, “I didn’t want you to feel stressed. I know you had a long weekend with all the press you had to do.” 
“Just because I have to stand in front of a camera and answer a few questions for a duration of time, doesn’t mean you can’t tell me these things. You come first in my life, if there is something you need help with I want you to tell me. I’ll make arrangements,” he gently wiped away the tears on your face with his thumbs. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
It was beginning to all make sense, why you hadn’t come out of your room and why you were always yawning around him. He was slowly starting to believe that you thought he was boring. 
“It’s okay, but from now on you tell me if you need help, okay?” You gave him a small nod, and he placed a kiss on your forehead. “Alright,” he began, “this is what we’re going to do. I’m going to go to your school tomorrow and ask for extensions on your assignments, you are also going to take the night off. That means no more working on these assignments for the night, okay?” 
“No buts or ifs about it, senorita!” He said sternly but with a smile on his face. “Tomorrow when you get home from school we’re going to work on your assignments together, Okay?” You nodded, “Now go change into your pajamas and hop into bed and wait for me.” 
“What about dinner?” 
You rolled your eyes and jumped off the stool, your dad placed a quick kiss on your cheek before you walked off. 
“Aye esta nina,” he muttered to himself as he watched you walk down the hall. He couldn’t believe that you tried to hide this from him, especially since you told him almost everything. But it was okay, he was going to make sure you got the help you needed for your assignments. 
After a few minutes, Pedro carried two plates with him to your room. You were already laying down under the covers when he walked in, “thought you were going to send me to bed without dinner,” you commented. 
He chuckled, “Nope, we’re having dinner in bed,” he stated, placing one of the plates on the bedside table before handing you the other plate. He laid down beside you, grabbing his plate. Your dad grabbed the remote that was on the bedside table, “alright, what are we watching?” You shrugged, “Paddington 2?” 
You groaned in annoyance, “Not Paddington 2, I already feel shitty, I don’t wanna feel shitty and sad.” 
“Alright, alright, no Paddington 2. Even though it’s a masterpiece.” You rolled your eyes at his comment, “I know!” He exclaimed. 
You watched as he began to put in the letters in the search bar, “Bridesmaids?” 
“It’s a classic!” 
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, “alright, I can agree with that.” 
You were quick to finish your dinner, laying your head on your dad's shoulder as the sound of his laughter slowly drifted you to sleep. 
Pedro wasn’t sure when you had fallen asleep and he wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for your snores. He smiled to himself as he gently moved you so you were in a better position on the bed. He grabbed the plate from your lap before attempting to leave the bed, but he felt a tug on his sleeve. 
“Don’t leave,” you muttered in your sleep. 
He sighed, “I’ll be right back,” he whispered. He was quick to go place the dishes in the sink and get into his pajamas before heading back to your bedroom. 
He got back into the bed, “Cuddle, por fav.” (please) 
He chuckled, you hadn’t asked to cuddle since you were little and he had missed it if he was honest. “Alright,” he said as he lifted his arm so you could lay beside him. He placed another kiss on your forehead, “Go mimis, mija, I’ll be right here.” That was all you needed. You were safe in his arms and you knew that you could get a good night's rest now. Your assignments could wait one day. Your dad moved a strand of hair out of your face, “my stubborn girl,” he whispered. 
Pedro Pascal Taglist:  @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato
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afictionaladventure16 · 2 years ago
Because of You (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Fem!Reader)
Summary: Pedro is the reader's only support system after her suicide attempt and protects her from her narcissistic mother after a bad family therapy session.
Word Count: 2,353
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, abandonment, neglect, and a narcissistic mother.
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“Let’s talk about your relationship with your mother,” Your therapist begins. 
You let out a sigh. Pedro was quick to catch on, he placed a gentle hand on your knee. You looked up at him, he gave you a smile and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
“I believe we have not seen eye to eye with some subjects, but we have a wonderful relationship,” your mother stated, a smile plastered on her face. You scoffed, “What?” she hissed, sending you daggers through her eyes. 
“Funny, I don’t recall us having such a wonderful relationship,” you said, emphasizing on the wonderful. “If we’ve had such a wonderful relationship then why did it take you six weeks to come to one of the sessions.” You lifted your hand up to your mouth, beginning to bite the skin that was hanging off your cuticles. 
“Y/N,” Pedro warned quietly, he took a loving hand on yours. Giving you a knowing look, it was one of your habits, bite your nails when things were beginning to become too much. It was something you were trying to break because although it may seem small and meaningless, it was a way of self-mutilation. If you bit your nails now, then eventually you would do more harm to yourself. 
“I don’t understand why he’s here,” your mother told your therapist as she gestured towards Pedro. 
“Because, unlike someone in this room, he actually cares about me and my well-being,” you hissed. 
Your mother rolled her eyes, “It’s supposed to be a family session.” 
Pedro looked over at your therapist, “I can leave if-” 
“Please don’t,” you begged. 
“It’s up to Y/N, she can decide who can be in these sessions,” your therapist stated.
Pedro nodded before giving you a reassuring smile. He had been the one to find you the day you tried to commit. You don’t remember everything that day, it felt like the day had never existed, but to Pedro, it was a memory he wished he could forget. He felt so guilty that he couldn’t be there for you when you needed him that he helped you get into this program. At first, he didn’t show up to the first two sessions, mostly because he couldn’t face you just yet and you didn’t blame him. 
You were mostly afraid that because he didn’t show up, he wasn’t going to show up in general. That you had ruined a bond with someone who truly cared about you. Someone you actually trusted and were able to speak about your feelings and actually be heard. Then when he did show up, you felt relieved.
He knew that your home life wasn’t the most welcoming, which is why you spent a lot of time at his place when he was in town. He didn’t mind, he wished things were better for you at home, but at the same time, he liked imagining how things could be if you were his daughter. So, he did, he treated you like his own and sometimes he’d lie to a waitress and call his daughter. 
Your therapist knew that this subject was beginning to be a bit much for you. Although she wanted to try and touch on these subjects to help you through the trauma, she could only go so far. “Let’s try a different subject,” your therapist suggested. 
Your mother scoffed, “Well, it’s obvious my daughter has more to say and this is a therapy session isn’t it? So, let’s just have her say it,” your mother stated as she gestured for you to continue. 
You looked over at your therapist, you knew she wanted to know how you’d respond. The person you were six weeks ago would’ve probably started yelling and shouting things out into oblivion, but that was six weeks ago. “I’d rather not.” 
Your mother ignored you, continuing with what you had previously said, “I didn’t come to your sessions-” 
“Mom,” you warned. 
“Maybe it’s best if we-” Pedro tried to interrupt. He couldn’t bare to see your mother treat you this way. 
But she raised her voice, “Because I was taking care of your siblings and let’s be frank, sweetie, sometimes you can overreact.” 
“Overreact?” You asked in disbelief. 
“Oh come on, the self-harming? The trying to kill yourself?” you sat there in disbelief, you couldn’t understand how someone who was supposed to have a maternal instinct. Someone who was supposed to love, care, understand, and even be there for you through the bad and the good. A mother. Could just have no feelings toward their own child. “I mean it’s no wonder you’re in this piece of junk and don’t get me started on your father.” 
“Don’t,” you warned. 
“What? Are you still pissed about that?” She scoffed. “It is not such a big deal.” 
“You lied to me about who my real father was! How is that not such a big deal!” You yelled. 
“Maybe this is where we should end the session,” your therapist suggested. 
“I did not come here to only spend twenty minutes of my time,” your mother stated. 
You were fuming and all you wanted to do was bite your nails, but you couldn’t. Your leg bounced up and down as you stared at your mother. You felt a gentle hand on your leg, you knew it was Pedro, but you didn’t look towards him. He let out a frustrated sigh, it was wrong to hit a woman, he reminded himself. 
Your mother looked over at you, “Was it worth it? Getting so damn upset over a man who doesn’t even share the same DNA? So what he wasn’t your dad-” 
“He was my dad,” you hissed. “He was there for me unlike you and even though he never knew I wasn’t his daughter because someone withheld that information, he always treated me like I was up until the moment he died.” 
“Here we go,” she scoffed, “‘you abandoned me as a child,’ bit, I didn’t abandon you. I just didn’t have custody of you.” 
“Don’t pull that bullshit!” you groaned, “I was there! I was the kid waiting by the window because Mommy said she’d be here in twenty minutes! You never put in the fucking effort and I had to live with it! Me! Not you! Because of you, I am the way that I am!” 
“I’m sorry I had to take care of your siblings!” 
“Oh my god!” you put your hands on your head, “what about me?!” 
She rolled her eyes, “It’s always about you isn’t it.” 
“I was your kid too! I needed you too!” You felt the tears begin to well up in your eyes. 
“Look at you, you’re fine now, I mean you were just five I bet you didn’t even notice.” 
You shook your head, “I was four. I was four and waiting by a window. I was four and wondering ‘Where’s mommy?’ I was four and sat in the corner of the classroom because ‘Y/N doesn’t have a mommy so she can’t participate in the mothers Day craft!’ I was four and I fucking needed you just as much as my siblings did.” Pedro felt his heart drop, he couldn’t imagine having to go through such heartbreak at such a young age. 
“Alright, fine! Let’s all hear about how horrible of a mother I was! Is that what you want?!” 
You groaned as you got up from your seat, “oh my god! Why can’t you see it! You abandon-” 
“God you have to make a big deal out of everything, huh. No wonder you’re such a great actress.” 
Pedro was trying his best to remain calm, but all he wanted to do was lose his cool. He knew he couldn’t though, you needed someone who would stand their ground and support you. He watched as you paced near the window, he got up and walked over to you. 
“Mija, breathe,” he whispered. 
“I can’t do it anymore, I can’t handle it,” you choked out. 
“I know,” he said as he gently rubbed your back. “Do you want to end the session?” You gave him a nod. 
“What we ending the session now because Y/N is too sensitive?” Your mother hissed. 
Pedro couldn’t handle it anymore, “Alright, if you hate your daughter so much then why not give her up, then? Why make her life so miserable?” Pedro finally said. 
Your mother hesitated, she had been trying to paint herself in good light all day, “and who would I even give her to?” 
“Me, because I can do a better damn job being her parent than you ever could, hell, I’ve been a parent since I met Y/N.” 
“Then why is she in this mess?” 
“Have you tried looking in a mirror? Maybe you’re the reason why she’s in this mess. I couldn’t always be there with her, but this girl has been a blessing in my life. She is like a daughter to me and I will do anything to make sure she gets the proper treatment and that she is happy in life.” 
You looked at Pedro in awe, you were aware that he thought of you as a blessing in his life. He had said the same about Bella before, but you never imagined him saying that he thought of you as a daughter. There were times when you thought of Pedro as a father figure and even times were you almost did call him dad. 
He knew how to talk to you about certain subjects in life, he knew how you felt about things. 
He did everything a father should do and more. 
Your mother looked at your therapist, “Can we do that?” 
“I’m not really the person you should be asking, but I’ve seen situations where home life isn’t good, so the child goes to live with someone else. Adoption is a process, but you may want to look into having guardianship over Y/N,” she said the last part towards Pedro. 
Pedro looked over at your mother, she got up from her chair, “Alright,” she said as she grabbed her purse. “If that’s what y/n wants.” You gave her a nod, “we’ll talk about it then.” She turns to your therapist, “Am I done here?” 
Your therapist nods, “We’re done for the day.” Your mother then walked out of the room, not saying another word. You felt like it was too good to be true. She was a woman who liked having a puppet to torment. “I’ll leave you two alone for a little bit, but you do have activities in fifteen minutes, y/n.” 
Pedro thanked your therapist as she walked out before walking back over to you, “you okay?” 
“She’s not gonna give up that easily,” you stated. 
“I know,” he said softly, pulling you in for an embrace. 
“She’s a bitch,” you commented, “and I don’t get how she can just be so, ugh!” 
“Breathe,” he let go of the embrace, motioning for you to sit down on a nearby chair. 
You sat down on the chair, letting the tears make their way across your cheek, “I needed her,” you choked out. “Is it me? Am I the reason why she’s like this?” 
“No, Cariño. Don’t think that.” 
“Then what?” 
Pedro sighed, “Sometimes people who hurt end up hurting other people, especially those who don’t deserve to be hurt.” Pedro placed a hand on your back, “But you’re breaking that cycle, Cariño.” 
You let out a shaky breath, “I just wanted a mom. I wanted to be that girl who can call her mom up and chat about a cute boy.” It was all you wanted. A mom. Someone you called your best friend and occasionally fought with like you saw in the movies. 
“What about me, hmm?” You gave him a confused look, Pedro cleared his throat, “Okay, girl, dime,(tell me) did he like open the door for you?” He said in his best Cali girl voice. You couldn’t help but chuckle, but it soon faded, “I’m sorry, Cariño.” 
“For what?” 
He sighed, gently resting his head on top of yours, “If I could go back in time I’d rescue you from her, I hope you know that.” 
You smiled, “Pedro, you don’t have to be sorry-” 
He shook his head, “I hate that you had to go through that. I wish there was a way I could create a childhood you should’ve had.”
You felt tears well up in your eyes, “Thank you.” 
Pedro let go of the embrace, placing his hand on your cheek, “I don’t ever want to live in a world where you don’t exist. You’ve been a blessing in disguise and I’d be proud to call you my kid if you’ll let me.” You gave him a nod before choking out a sob, and he pulled you back into the embrace. “Eres como un hija para mi and I don’t need to share any DNA with you feel that way.” (you are like a daughter to me) 
You heard a voice over the intercom announcing that activities were about to begin. “I can’t wait to get out of here,” you managed to say. 
Pedro chuckled slightly, “A few more weeks.” 
You let go of the embrace, wiping away the tears, “few more weeks,” you repeated. You looked at Pedro and smiled, “Thank you.” 
“Of course,” he smiled. 
“I really mean it, thank you,” you began, “for being there when you didn’t have to be and for being my support system through my craziness.” 
He placed a kiss on your forehead, “Like I said, you are my blessing in disguise and I’m not letting anyone take it from me, not even you.” The voice came on the intercom again, “You should probably get going, but I’ll see you this weekend for the family outing?” 
You nodded, “Yes!” You began to walk away before turning back around, “Love ya!” 
“Love you too, Mija.” Pedro waved as you walked out of the room. Although nothing was certain yet, you were his kid. With or without documents. 
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @tracysnook @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog
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afictionaladventure16 · 2 years ago
Reader being Pedro’s co-star (maybe along Bella in TLOU or if not in another show/film) and him basically taking her in after finding out she’s not being well taken care of in her home, so he becomes her surrogate dad
It's Gonna Be Okay (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Word Count: 5,091
A/N: I may have took this request and ran with it.... but uhhhh I hope this is somewhat what you least expected... enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of neglect and abuse.
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If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have taken up acting when you were younger. You were forced into it at a young age, it was so you could help pay bills because your father was on disability and your mother didn’t want to give up her position as a housewife. You eventually fell in love with acting, being able to just escape your life and family and just be someone completely different. 
You’d had been getting bigger roles now that you were older. At only age fourteen, you had gotten many roles in shows and movies. You were proud of yourself. Someone had to be. You were currently working on another film after just finished working on the Prospect, which starred Pedro Pascal as Ezra. You played Cee, a girl who is traveling planets with her father. This film you were starring in now was a small indie film, which had been something different than what you usually worked on. That didn’t mean that you didn’t like it, you liked the challenge. 
You walked into your trailer after shooting a couple of scenes. Your mom was on the phone with god only knows who. For the longest, you wished your relationship with your parents was better. You wished they could be proud of you and that maybe they did this because they wanted a better life for you. But that wasn’t the case, they were only thinking for themselves. 
Your mom hung up the phone, “your father and I were thinking about buying a new house.” 
“We just bought a house,” you stated as you began to undress from your wardrobe for your character and into some regular clothes. 
“Well, I think we could use something new. Plus with the money you made from your previous role, we can afford it?” 
You let out a deep sigh, “but that’s my money, shouldn’t I have a say?” 
“Your money? Sweetie, it’s our money.” 
“I was the one who did all the work, my name is on the checks!” 
“Don’t raise your voice at me, you know the money goes to an account that has me and your father as the trustees.” You couldn’t take it anymore. You’ve taken it for years and years, them using you to get money and you knew eventually you would be left with nothing. 
“It’s my money, that money is supposed to be left untouched.” 
Your mom let out a deep breath, “Well, it’s the least you could do for all we do for you.” 
“All you do for me? What? Sit around and not do anything!?”
She began to rub her temples, “sometimes I wish I never had you,” she spat. 
“If you hate me so much then why did you ever have me?” You asked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
“We had you because we thought you could fix us!” 
“So what I’m just some kid you have when your marriage is falling apart? So if that doesn’t work you can blame the kid? You were better off getting a dog!” 
“Maybe we were better getting a dog! At least the dog would listen and be more appreciative! And you know what? You shouldn’t even be talking to me like that, I am your mother!” 
“Barely! I only see you when it’s convenient! All I am to you is an ATM!” 
“You are so ungrateful, you have no idea what we do so you could be some superstar!” 
“You didn’t do shit! I did this! I walked myself to auditions! I took the bus to film locations! I did it!” You yelled, allowing yourself to finally yell out everything you had been holding back. 
“Fuck this,” she said as she walked away to grab her bag. 
“I’m not going home,” you said. 
“Ni te quiero ahi de todos modos,” (I don’t want you there anyway) she hissed as she walked out of the trailer. You didn’t know where you could go if you couldn’t go home. If you could even call that place home. 
You felt the warm tears make their way down your cheeks, and you were quick to wipe them away, “I don’t need them,” you said to yourself. You grabbed your backpack of essentials, you usually carried it around because it was stuff you needed for before and after shoots and now it was convenient because you couldn’t go home. 
When you walked out of your trailer, almost everyone had gone home for the night. Most of the shooting took place in Los Angeles which was where more than half the cast and crew lived. The others rented places to live in until the end of the shoot. 
You didn’t know where to go, but your feet seemed to lead you the way to the bus stop. It was almost like you were on autopilot to the only place you knew you’d welcomed. 
Once you had gotten on the bus, you noticed dark clouds beginning to cover the sunset sky. Usually, you would be happy to see that it was about to rain, but since you were stuck in a bus and would eventually have to walk the rest of the way to your destination, you were feeling the opposite to see the clouds. 
You had ridden the bus for a good twenty minutes, this was one of the routes you got to know over the past couple of months since filming. You’d ride the bus for twenty minutes and then walk the rest of the way, which was another twenty minutes. 
It only sprinkled during the walk to your destination. But it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. The whole walk to the neighborhood, you couldn’t help but wonder what life could have been if maybe your parents actually cared. What will life become if this continued? You couldn’t handle the way they treated you as if you were just an employee, you yearned for that feeling of being loved by your parents. 
You couldn’t quite remember when exactly it started, you thought it could’ve been when your dad got injured at work, but even then you felt it was before that. You admit, that the words your mother said hurt. You were only created to fix their marriage and even that couldn’t fix it because it was obvious to everyone that it was falling apart day by day. 
Once you had gotten to the neighborhood, you were glad that they didn’t live in a gated community or else this walk would’ve been for nothing. You ran the rest of the way to the house, running up the steps, and knocking on the door. 
You stood in silence for a few seconds until the door opened, “Y/N? What are you doing here?” Pedro asked in shock, “Mija, you’re all soaked, get in.” Pedro pulled you into the house, before running off to grab you a towel. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve called,” you began to say. 
He chuckled, “Yeah, I could’ve gotten you a ride.” 
That was true, but part of you just wanted to be left alone. “Sorry,” you said again. 
Pedro wrapped the towel around you, “Take your shoes off, make yourself at home.” You never understood that phrase, maybe because you never knew what a home should feel like. You cleared your throat as you took your shoes off, placing them by the door. You followed Pedro into the living room, “You came just in time, I was gonna start a movie marathon
” Pedro looked over at you standing by the couch. “Pues, mija sit down.” 
“I don’t want to ruin the couch,” you gestured to your wet clothes. Pedro could care less if you got his couch a little wet, but he probably thought you felt uncomfortable in wet clothes. 
“Hold on,” he said as he ran up to one of the rooms. He came down a few minutes later, “I remembered one of my little cousins left some of their clothes here the last time they came to visit. These pajama pants should fit and I have one of my old Fleetwood mac tees here.” He handed you the clothes, giving you a grin. 
“Thanks,” you said with a smile. 
“You know where the bathroom is,” he gestured towards the hallway. This wasn’t your first time in Pedro’s house, in fact, you came over to his house pretty often. Since being in the Prospect together, you have developed a strong bond with Pedro. You still hung out with him whenever he was in town and you even went to visit him in New York a few times. This house has become like a home to you, a true home. One in which you could actually be yourself, when you came here you never wanted to go to the one where your parents were. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t as surprised to see you, just more surprised you didn’t call him. You quickly changed in the bathroom, and when you walked back out to the living room, Pedro had microwaved some popcorn. He pats the spot next to him for you to sit down. 
You rolled your eyes and sat down beside him, “What are we watching?” 
“I’ll tell you if you tell me what’s going on,” he asked in a serious tone. 
You sighed, “don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Do your parents know you're here?” 
“All they know is that I’m not home and they’re happy with that,” you picked up some popcorn and began eating. 
“Now why would you say that?” At this point he turned the T.V. off, giving you his full attention. 
“My mom and I got into this big argument,” you said, hoping he would drop it and you could just go back to ignoring the situation. 
“About?” But part of you knew he wasn’t going to just drop it. Pedro was a good listener and for some reason, he had done more for you in the little time he has known you, than your parents ever have. 
“Money,” you began, not even trying to hold it in anymore, maybe he could help you do something about it. “They’ve been spending everything I’ve earned like it’s no tomorrow and now I’m scared that that’s all they care about.” 
“What?” Pedro sat up, “They can’t do that, it’s your money,” he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he knew he had to be somewhat illegal. 
“I know,” You sighed, “but they're my parents” 
“Mija, they signed a contract. Only a certain percentage of that money goes to an account that they could spend for you, the rest has to go to a savings account for you.” 
“It’s all in one account,” you responded. “I don’t know what to do, I’m too young to get emancipated, and even then
 I have no other family I can stay with.” 
Pedro got up, he knew he had to talk to someone about this, maybe one of the directors or even your manager. He just knew this wasn’t right. He grabbed his phone from the counter, Pedro hesitated for a second, what was he doing? The choices he made right now could change your life either for the better or for the worse. 
He went into his contacts, tapping on his phone a few times before pressing it to his ear, “Pedro?” You called out, walking in the direction he went. “What are you doing?” You asked as soon as you saw him. 
Before he could respond to you, someone had picked up, “Hello?” 
“Chris,” he began, your eyes widen, you couldn’t believe he had called your manager, you had forgotten that they had been good friends. “It’s Pedro.” 
“Pedro, what are you doing?” 
Pedro didn’t respond to you again, “Pedro, what’s up?” 
“Any chance you can come by my place? Y/N is here and we have something to talk to you about.” 
“Um, yeah, I can be there in like thirty minutes, sound good?” 
“Yeah, see you then,” Pedro hung up the phone, looking over at you, “It’s  gonna be okay.” 
“How do you know that?” 
He sighed, “because I’ll be there to help you, okay? You’re not alone, Y/N. Do you trust me?” You didn’t trust a lot of people, but Pedro was one of the few you did trust. He had shown you that you could trust him time and time again. You gave him a small nod. He smiled softly at you, “you hungry?” 
“I don’t think I can eat at a time like this,” you said nervously. Pedro understood he didn’t think he could eat either, but he knew it was rude to not offer. 
When Chris arrived, Pedro did most of the talking. You sat on the couch, nodding every once in a while or talking when things needed more clarity. But for the most part, Pedro was your advocate and you were content that you didn’t have to deal with it. Chris was overwhelmed with the information he was given, but he knew what to do in these kinds of situations. 
“I can get you a lawyer,” he began, “but I’m letting you know now, it’s gonna get messy. We’ll have to find a family for you to stay with-” 
“I have no other family,” you confessed. 
“Well, they might have you-” 
“She can stay with me,” Pedro blurted out. “If she’s able to.” 
“It’s possible. We’d just have to provide evidence that temporary guardianship is needed in this case,” Chris stated. 
“I have evidence,” you began, “just do whatever is needed and I can provide the evidence.” 
Chris sighed, “alright. I’ll keep in touch and It’s probably best if Y/N goes home tonight.” 
“My mom told me not to come home.” 
Chris glanced at Pedro before looking at you, he didn’t know what to say, “then I guess you’ll stay with Pedro for the night.” He didn’t say anything else before leaving. 
“You think it’ll work?” you asked Pedro, he had sat down next to you once Chris had left. 
“I like to think it will,” he gave you a reassuring smile before pulling you to his side. 
“Did you really mean it?” you asked, receiving a confused look from Pedro. “When you said I could stay with you.” 
“Of course I meant it,” he said. “You’re like a daughter I’ve never had, in just a few months we’ve known each other you have brought me so much joy and I have to admit, seeing you shoot your scenes, makes me feel so proud.” 
You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes. Someone who didn’t even know you for your whole life was proud of you, more than your parents ever could be. “What’s wrong?” Pedro asked as he wiped away a tear off your cheek that had managed to escape. You shook your head, “Something has to be bothering you, muñeca, what is it?” 
You let out a shaky breath, “it’s just
 I wish my parents could say that they’re proud of me. I wish they could at least act like they loved me.” 
“Oh, mija,” he cooed. 
“You know what my mom said to me today?” you sniffled, “she said that they only had me because they thought I would help make their marriage work. What kind of person says that to their own kid?” You let out a soft sob, “Do I even matter to them? To anyone?” 
Pedro held you tight, “you matter to me.” He placed a small kiss on your temple, “they may say all these awful things but you are here for a reason.” 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Sure.” 
“I’m serious, Y/N. You’re like a daughter to me and I believe you were brought onto this earth to shine some joy into my life,” he gave you a reassuring smile. “Okay?” You gave him a nod, “Now let’s watch our movie marathon, we’ll worry about everything else tomorrow.” 
You laid your head on Pedro’s lap, watching as the opening credits began to play on the screen, but you couldn’t help but wonder if everything was going to be okay. When you woke up that morning you didn’t imagine this was how you were going to end your day, but then again, no one ever really imagines how they would really end their day. 
You wondered if you’d need to move out and if so, how would everyone take it? Did that really matter? No, it didn’t. You know Pedro said he’d take you in, but would he be true to his word? You couldn’t help but think about all these intrusive thoughts, all you wanted to do was watch the damn movie, but your mind was so loud. 
The next day came and no word from Chris. You went back onto the set, your mother was there too. You played your best role yet, the obedient daughter. You sat and listened to your mother as she lectured you for not coming home last night, even though she had told you not to. 
Days went by and only one call from Chris, he was working on it. That’s all he said. You visited Pedro a few times before he went back to New York. 
Then weeks went by and eventually you finished filming. You hated when you weren’t filming, it meant you had to go home and spend most of your time there. 
It wasn’t until a month after the whole talk with Chris was when your parents received the knock at the door. You were at the kitchen table when your mother answered the door, you could hear the shock in her voice when the gentleman said the four magical words, “You have been served.” 
Your head the door shut, and the smile on your face only lasted a few seconds before it was met with anxiety. You heard the sounds of the envelope being torn apart and then complete silence. You were beginning to regret everything that had just happened, maybe it was just all a big mistake. Suing your parents was a big deal, accusing them of stealing was another big deal. 
You heard footsteps inching closer to where you sat. Then silence. You looked up at your mother standing at the doorway, It was at that moment you knew that it was probably best that she was served the papers when you weren’t there. Because up until that moment, you had thought that all your mother would do was mentally and verbally abuse you, or steal from you. 
“You bitch,” she spat as she threw the papers onto the table, “after everything we did for you!” She smacked her hand across your face, your hand instantly touching the spot she had slapped. “This is how you repay us!?” 
You felt tears well up in your eyes, you got up from your seat to leave but your mother quickly blocked your way, “move.” 
“This is how you repay us?” She asked again. You remained silent, not daring to look at her. It was all quick, her hand on your throat pushing you against the wall, “I’m asking you a question!” Her grip was strong, you scratched at her hand, hoping that it would pain her enough to let go. 
It felt like you were against the wall for minutes. Her phone began to ring, allowing you to break free. You fell to your knees as you attempted to catch your breath. “Leave,” she began. “No te quiero ver en esta casa nunca mas, no me importa donde vas.” ( I don’t want to see you in this house anymore, I don’t care where you go) You remained silent as you got up from the floor, “Me oiste?” You didn’t say anything again as you grabbed your phone from the kitchen table. “I asked you a question!” 
“Yes! I fucking heard you!” You yelled. 
Your reflexes weren’t quick, maybe it was because you were still trying to recover from being choked, or maybe it was because your nerves were everywhere. You weren’t quick enough to dodge your mother's fist, and you stumbled back. Quickly covering your eye, you groaned as you felt it throbbing. 
Your mother shook her hand, “Leave before I do something I’ll regret.” 
“You’re fourteen years too late for that,” you muttered. 
“Eres una disgracia, no eres mi hija. Quiero que todos que sepan que no tengo hija.” (You’re a disgace, not a daughter. I want everyone to know I don’t have a daughter) she muttered as you walked out of the room. You walked into your bedroom, and quickly looked at the damage to your eye, it didn’t look too bad but you knew it would bruise, not to mention the red marks on your neck. You couldn’t worry about it right now, you had to pack what was important and the essentials. As looked around your room, you couldn’t think of anything you wanted to take, just things you needed. 
As you began to pack things, you decided to call Pedro, it had only rang a few times before he answered, “Hey, Y/N! I was just about to call you,” He began to say. “I was gonna surprise you, but I might as well just tell you, I’m in LA! I have an interview tonight an-” he had rambled on, but you had to interrupt, or else he wouldn’t have stopped. 
“I need you to pick me up,” you cut him off. 
Pedro went silent for a moment, “Everything okay?” 
“My mom just got served, Pedro.” 
“Shit,” he mumbled, “I was hoping they’d tell me before they did anything, that way
” Pedro hesitated, he didn’t want to think about what could have happened. “are you okay?” he asks instead. 
“Can you please pick me up?” You asked shakingly. 
“Of course, Mija, I’ll be there right away, okay?” He said. 
“Don’t hang up,” you pleaded. 
Pedro’s heart sank, he could hear how torn you were, “okay, I won’t hang up.” You could hear car keys jingling on the other side of the phone, “I’m gonna connect the Bluetooth to my car, okay?” 
“Okay,” you had zipped up the last of your stuff into one of your suitcases. 
Pedro stayed silent for a few seconds, “are you still there?” 
“I’m here,” you said. You began to make your way out of your room, and you spotted your mother still in the kitchen, phone pressed against her ear. You walked out of the house, without saying another word to her. You didn’t know how your father would react and you didn’t want to know. “I’m outside,” you said into the phone. 
“I’m only a few minutes away.” 
It felt more than a few minutes, it felt like hours. You stood at the driveway, anxious that you wouldn’t leave in time, you wanted to make sure you weren’t home when your father got there. 
“I’m down the street,” Pedro announced. 
You quickly spotted his car and you ended the call once he was close enough. Pedro parked at the curb, quickly getting out to help you put your stuff in the car. Before you could get in, he grabbed your arm, placing a hand on your face, “Mija,” he began as he noticed the marking on your neck and the swelling of your eye. “Did they do this to you?” 
“Let’s go,” you pleaded. He sighed, he knew you were anxious to get out of there. He glanced over at the house you had come out of as you got in the car, he closed the door for you before getting in the car. 
The car ride was silent, which was different. Usually, the car rides with Pedro were filled with music and laughter, but this time there was no music and no laughter. You stared out of the window for most of the ride. Once you got to the house, Pedro took your bags and you followed him inside. 
“I need to make a phone call,” He informed you as he walked into his office. 
You walked over to the window, looking out at the scenic view. Were you making a big mistake? Was he beginning to realize it? 
You did the right thing, right? 
You took charge of your life and you did the right thing, right? Even if it feels completely wrong and you feel so much guilt. Is it wrong to feel a little relief? Usually, relief meant a good thing, so did this mean it was a good thing?
You felt something on your shoulder, you jolted a bit at the sudden touch. 
“Sorry,” Pedro apologized. You calmed down when you realized it was him, “I was on the phone with Chris and the lawyer.” 
“What they say?” 
“Well, I told them what happened and the lawyer is attempting to get an emergency temporary custody agreement from the judge so you could stay with me. He said he’ll be coming over to take pictures for evidence, but for now
” He sighed, “are you okay?” you shook your head. You didn’t need to say anymore, Pedro pulled you in for an embrace and you allowed yourself to feel everything. 
For once you felt like you were able to feel everything without feeling guilty for doing so or even wrong to think such horrible things. But now that the truth has come to light, you were able to feel. 
In most cases, this process would have taken days, but somehow the lawyers your manager hired made the process go by fast. Within a couple of hours, Pedro received the call that he was able to get temporary custody, but that’s all it was. Temporary. Eventually, you would have to go to court and maybe end up in foster care, but you didn’t want to think about that now. 
“Let me see,” Pedro said softly as he joined you on the couch once again, he had been making some phone calls for the past twenty minutes. “Fuck,” he said softly, “They really hit you pretty well.” 
“It hurts,” you groaned. 
“I know,” he had a frozen pack of peas in his other hand, along with a small towel. He wrapped the bag of peas in the towel before gently placing it on your eye, “leave this on for twenty minutes, then rest it.” You gave him a nod as you took a hold of the bag of peas. “You want to talk about it?” 
You shook your head, “not really.” 
“That’s fine,” he said, trying not to push you into talking. 
But that’s the thing, you wanted to talk about it. You wanted to cry it out, you just didn’t want to feel like a burden, especially not to him. Not after all he has done for you so far. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes, Pedro quickly took notice, pulling you back into an embrace. “I thought that I would be happier,” you cried. “They’ve always treated me so terribly and now that they’re no longer a part of my life
 I don’t get it.” Pedro rubbed your back, “Why does it hurt so much? Why does it feel like-” 
“Like you’ve lost your parents?” you nodded. 
“Even if they never acted like parents.” 
“I don’t know, grief is funny like that,” he said softly. “Some people don’t deserve to be parents, Y/N.” 
You took in a deep breath, “you know what she said when I left?” he hummed in response, “Quiero que todos se sepan que no tengo una hija.” Every girl needs a mother, you needed a mother, and you had one. You just didn’t have the one that was portrayed in movies or the ones that your friends had. And you were always envious of that. You wished you had a mother that truly loved you and took pride in being your mother. Maybe you didn’t understand, what it was like to be a mother, but you think you could. 
Because if you ever had a daughter, you knew you would love that person unconditionally without hesitation. So, why couldn’t she? 
Pedro couldn’t understand it because like you if he had a daughter or even a son. He would love them unconditionally, just like he had tried to do with you. Like he was doing with you. Right now there was a hurting child in his arms and all he could think to do was comfort them even if he was fighting everything inside him to go punch your parents. He knew what he had to do at that moment, he had to comfort you because you needed him. 
He kissed your temple, “She doesn’t deserve such a beautiful, intelligent, talented daughter like you and it hurts that she can’t see what I see.” He leaned back from the embrace, holding your head in his hands. “Just because someone shares your DNA doesn’t mean that they are family. If there is anything you have shown me in the time I’ve known you, it’s how to be a father to someone who isn’t even my own kid.” 
You gave him a small smile as he wiped away a tear from your cheek with his thumb, “from here on out, we’re in this together, mija, okay?” you nodded.
Yeah, you really couldn’t understand it, but you didn’t have to because DNA didn’t mean they were truly your family. If there was anyone who actually knew you like the back of your hand, it was the man that was sitting beside you. The man who took time to be there for you when they couldn’t. 
The man who knew what to say on your bad days and what not to say, who knew your favorite foods and knew your pet peeves, just like a father would. He knew what time you should go to bed for you to be not grumpy in the morning and he knew what subjects in school you needed help in the most. 
And he mostly knew all of this in a short period of time. He spent time with you and not because he needed to, but because he wanted to. It didn’t take him long to create a bond with you and it didn’t take you long to consider him like a father. 
“Okay,” you said softly. The pain would only be temporary, you knew that and you allowed yourself to feel it. You were still nervous about the outcome of the future, but you knew you had a small support system and that was all you needed.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r
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