elementclangen · 2 days
Moon 305-Greenleaf
Bluestripe (80) is not recovering well from giving birth.  This seems to be becoming more common in the Clan, and Lakepelt (113) is wondering why.  She’s determined to stop this from happening more.  In better news, Kestrelcreek (94), Almondback (76), and Brightmouse’s (80) kits have been apprenticed!  Mitepaw (6) is apprenticed to Cavecatcher (63), as the warrior has yet to train an apprentice to a full warrior.  Hollowpaw (6) is apprenticed to Burdockbeam (21).  The star-blessed cats need apprentices if they are ever to be deputies.  However, both Hollowpaw and Burdockbeam being trouble makers could have some. . .interesting consequences.  Hollowpaw has graduated from harmless troublemaking to something grander.  He starts a fight between Croucheye (16) and Peatfeather (17) and watches giggling as they fight.  Mitepaw is also proving to be a little bit of a problem-causer and argues with Sofanthiel (94) in the middle of camp.  She ends up revealing that she saw Sofanthial eating some kittypet food.  The Clan doesn’t know if she’s lying or not, but they decide to keep a closer eye on Sofanthiel anyways.  Burdockbeam is already messing with her apprentice’s sister.  She convinces Mitepaw to pull a prank on a clanmate with her, and then blames the fight on Mitepaw, leading to a big argument that Hopcurl (23) has to break up. Downgaze (86) seems to be working through his feelings about Echomoor and Echoarch (23).  He acknowledges his son with a twitch of his whiskers for what feels like the first time in moons. Boulderflood (21) has taken to spending time with Bluestripe’s kits.  She knows she’ll most likely have one as an apprentice and wants to get to know them.  Aphidkit (2) doesn’t seem too enthused with her, but Dapplekit (2) has grown to like her.  She appreciates that Boulderflood is a lot quieter than either of her sisters.    Petalfrost (17) seems to have noticed that Longpelt (19) has also felt like a bit of an outsider in the Clan and waves to her with his tail when they cross pass.  She returns the favor.   With Creekstar (159) getting older, Dawnfreckle (89) knows that there’s a good chance he’ll become leader.  He wonders who will give him nine lives.  Aries (71) gives some advice to Creekstar on how to prepare the Clan for her passing.  The Clan is full of pranks these days, with Bluestripe playfully pranking Aphidkit.
Healer’s den: Bluestripe (recovering from birth, infected), Petalfrost (claw-wound), Cherviljumble (joint pain)
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elementclangen · 6 days
Moon 301-Newleaf
Crouchpaw (12) has been made a warrior!  She is now named Croucheye in honor of her composure.  She still hasn’t told Creekstar (155) about her visions though.  She’s just not sure that’s what they are, either.  The Clan will also likely continue to grow.  Bluestripe (76) has announced that she is expecting kits.  Tanglechirp (48) is excited to be a dad.  Mostly so that he can do more moral preaching to his kits this time!  Lakepelt (109), knowing that Kestrelcreek (90) had a rough time after kitting last time, makes sure to check in on her.  Kestrelcreek appreciates it and is doing well.  Mitekit (2) has discovered that a great way for her to get attention is to help out around camp.  It makes everyone praise her, including Nettlestripe (70).  Sweet Marmalade (86) has decided to make an effort to make sure that the young cats all feel like an important part of the Clan.  He’s always happy to stop and chat with Petalfrost (13) and pays attention to how hard Peatfeather (13) is working to contribute to the Clan without powers or parents.  Hatchswipe (46) has taken more of a background role in the Clan, lately, but she is still well-liked.  She trusts Pebbletuft (34) with her insecurities over her twisted leg and how it impacts her ability to help out in the Clan, and she spends some time playing with the kits.  She also knows that Brightmouse (76) had a hard time with love, similar to how her and Treepelt did, and seeing her have kits gives her hope that she will find someone, again.  Cats seem to have a habit of trying to sneak Kestrelcreek’s latest litter out of camp, because Aries (67) really wants to take Hollowkit (2) to explore twolegplace. Hollowkit’s been asking and is just so cute!  Why should she resist?  Creekstar has decided to tell the Clan the truth about what happened to Auburnpaw.  Bluestripe listens intently and wonders if any of her kits will be dark-cursed.  She hopes that none of them have to go through what Echomoor and Auburnpaw did.  The Clan also welcomes a much-needed healer to the Clan, a former loner named Bumble (78).  He is also troublesome, which is exactly what the Clan needs right now.
Healer’s den: Pebbletuft (dislocated joint), longpelt (shivering, frostbite), Kestrelcreek (recovering from birth), Bluestripe (pregnant)
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elementclangen · 7 days
Ground and Sky Kits' Adult Sprites
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Skymoon; Wind-blessed she-cat with a power level of 97 (very high); Loving, fast runner, and has a keen eye
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Petalfrost; Powerless tom; Insecure, good swimmer, and a great teacher
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Peatfeather; Powerless tom; Loyal and a fish-like swimmer
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elementclangen · 8 days
Moon 299-Leaf-bare
Kestrelcreek (88), Brightfalcon (74), and Almondback (70) have had their kits!  The first is the daring Mitekit (0), who’s powerless, and the second is the troublesome water-blessed Hollowkit (0).  What is it with this Clan and troublesome cats?!  However, soon afterwards, a tragedy strikes the family.  Rimepaw (10) is playing with her siblings when a snake comes out of nowhere.  She protects the newborns, but is bitten and succumbs to the venom.  Kestrelcreek and Almondback mourn the loss of yet another kit from their first litter.  Crouchpaw (10) can hardly believe that both of her sisters are gone.  They were always the rambunctious ones, the brave ones.  How is it that she is the one that survived while they died?  It doesn’t make any sense.  However, in a bit of good news, Peatpaw (11) has been made a warrior.  She is given the name of Peatfeather in honor of her honor (hah).  Skymoon (11) is, as per usual, feeling annoyed with the Clan.  She hisses at Tanglechirp (46) when he steps on her paw.  Why does no one in this Clan respect her, or her littermates?!  Said littermates have actually started to fit into the Clan.  Peatfeather appreciates how willing Almondback is to work and Petalpaw (11) sees Tanglechirp doing his best to bring back a lot of prey during leaf-bare.  Additionally, while on patrol together, Cherviljumble (104) and Petalpaw manage to drive off a group of rogues!  Very impressive for two powerless cats. Creekstar (153) knows that Alderflight (55) is interested in her son and spends some time around him.  She supposes that he’s nice enough.  Downgaze (80) is annoyed with his mom for being so invested in his life and complains about her.  Lakepelt (107) wishes that Embershell (17) would be more helpful around camp.  She complains about her as she shares prey with Longpelt (13).  Echoarch (17) is feeling lighter now that he’s gotten his namesake off his pelt.  And he has an admirer.  Longpelt has just noticed how beautiful his eyes are.   
Healer’s den: Sweet Marmalde (bite wound), Cavecatcher (dislocated joint, joint pain), Kestrelcreek (recovering from birth), Cherviljumble (joint pain)
New personalities: Peatfeather (loyal and a fish-like swimmer)
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