elementclangen · 5 days
Moon 287-Leaf-bare
After many moons of not having any kits, the nursery is full!  In addition to Whorlstorm’s (32) three kits, a ChaffinchClan queen leaves her litter with the Clan and Downgaze (68) and Sweet Marmalade (72) adopt them.  One of them, the sweet Hopkit (5), is water-blessed while the other two, who are both polite, are fire-blessed.  The she-kit is fittinginly named Emberkit (5) and the other is named Echokit (5), after Echomoor, Downgaze’s dead brother.  Additionally, Kestrelcreek (76) has announced that she is expecting kits!  Almondback (58) is excited.  And nervous.  He tries to set a good example for the younger cats in the Clan.   As a break from the business of Clan life, Kestrelcreek and Almondback have a nice little training session before Kestrelcreek moves to the nursery.  Almondback feels wild and free as he playfully pounces on Kestrelcreek.  He doesn’t know the last time he’s felt this light. However, all this good news is tempered by Whorlstorm’s death.  She couldn’t recover from giving birth and passed away, leaving her kits without their mother and Hatchswipe (32) the only survivor of Downgaze and Rootwing’s litter (look at that, more trauma in the Brightfalcon family).  Copperkit (3) misses cuddling with her mom and wants to learn more about what her mom was like as a kit.  Downgaze, who’s also in the nursery caring for his new kits, is glad to share what he remembers.  Hatchswipe has decided not to deal with her sister’s death and is instead sparring with Kestrelcreek.  She does make time to help care for her sister’s kits, though, and helps Boulderkit (3) pick burrs out of her fur.  Downgaze, having decided to help care for his orphaned grand-kits,  is feeling a little overwhelmed with six kits under his care and asks Sofanthiel (76) for some help.  She’s surprised, as she thought he had everything figured out, but helps out with the kits willingly.  It seems there may be a bit of a polycule brewing.  Downgaze is crushing on Alderflight (43) while his mate and Lakepelt (95) are crushing on each other.  Maybe he’ll have better luck than his great-grandparents? While Cavecatcher (45) is trying to be more mature, Greenrapid (43) is still acting like the young warrior she is.  She steps on Aries’ (53) foot and pretends not to notice.  Creekstar (141) just can’t seem to get along with her deputies.  First, she and Primcrest fell out, and now she’s fighting with Skipneedle (62).  Skipneedle feels like Creekstar needs to step down and/or take a break.  She’s been sick/grieving for moons and Skipneedle thinks a break would really help with her mental health.  But Creekstar is determined to serve her Clan until StarClan takes her.  
Healer’s den: Creekstar (whitecough), Pebbletuft (claw wound), Sweet Marmalade (whitecough), Brightmouse (mangled tail), Tanglechirp (yellowcough), Kestrelcreek (pregnant), Downgaze (stomachache), Cavecatcher (stomachache)
New personalities: Copperkit (lonesome, quick to make peace, and interested in Clan history)
Meta: Echokit’s original name was Fawnkit, but he looks like Echomoor and was adopted by Downgaze (Echomoor’s brother).  Also, the parent listed for the litter is a male loner but the game says that a Chaffinchclan queen left her litter with ElementClan, so the loner is their bio dad. Additionally, I'm going to start noting when a cat gets a new personality or trait, so that's why Copperkit is mentioned.
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romanoffscottage · 3 years
do you want me to hold you?
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*gif is mine
a/n: flufftober day 9 - shy about asking for cuddles
warnings: none
pairing: natasha romanoff x reader 
summary: all natasha wants to do after her bad day at work is cuddle with you, only problem is she is too scared to ask you to
words: 1014 | natasha x reader masterlist | navigation post
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated and welcomed <3
Natasha hated asking for anything. She hated having to ask for help, she hated asking for favors, but above all else, she hated asking for affection or comfort.
Deep down she still felt as though she wasn’t deserving of affection or comfort. Her mind filled with thoughts of all she had done in her past. Why should someone like her get to be loved? Why should someone like her get to be comforted?
You knew Nat never asked for anything, but you always did your best to figure out what she needed. When Natasha walked through the front door, you could immediately tell she had a bad day. The way she walked, her cast downgaze, the way she didn’t immediately say hello to you were all indicators that her day was a shitty one.
“Hi my love,” Natasha almost jumped at the sound of your voice, she just now noticed you were even in the room. “Hey.”
“What's the matter?” You patted the couch, inviting her to sit down, but she shook her head. “Nothing,” she flashed you a fake smile as she nervously fiddled with her fingers. “Love, you can talk to me.” You knew she needed to get something off her chest. She needed to talk it out or she was going to explode later. But of course in true Nat fashion, she told you everything was fine and that she was just tired.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” She almost ran into the bathroom. You took this as an opportunity to get into bed.
When your girlfriend emerged from the shower, she noticed that you were already in bed. Natasha desperately wanted to just cuddle with you all night. She wanted nothing more than for you to hold her tight, but she couldn’t ask for that.
“Are you going to lay down?” You asked, knowing she was still not okay, “Oh right.” Natasha hopped into bed and created an awkward distance between you two. “Nat I know somethings bothering you, I don’t want to force you to talk about it but I’m worried?”
“I just had a bad day at work and I wanted to-” she was too scared to finish her sentence and started hiding her face with the blanket. “You wanted to?” You paused to think and finally caught on to what your girlfriend was too afraid to ask for. “You wanted to cuddle? Do you want me to hold you, love?” Natasha slowly nodded. “Oh love, I’ll always hold you whenever you want.”
“I know, I just didn’t want to-” You cut the redhead off, “Ask me?” Natasha felt bad, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to ask you, she was just scared. She didn’t want to be annoying. She didn’t want you to think she was too clingy. She didn’t want to seem too needy. “I’m sorry,” Natasha said as she buried her head into your neck. “Oh love, hey come on now look at me, “ you waited for her to meet your eyes. God, you loved staring into her eyes. “You don’t need to apologize, you have nothing to apologize for.”
“I wasn’t communicating with you, so I’m so-”
“Don’t apologize, Nat, you have to be sorry for. I understand that asking for affection is hard for you and that's okay. Just know, I will never turn you away, I will never think you're annoying, and I will never think you are being too needy.” Natasha let your words sink in. No one has ever said things like this to her. She had always been told she was nothing and that no one could ever love her, but you loved her. You made her feel like the most loved person in the universe. You reminded her every day that she was beautiful and kind. You always reminded her how amazing of a person she was. “I love you,” Natasha said through her tears. You lifted her head and wiped her tears with your thumbs, “I love you more.” You pulled her closer to you so there was no space between you two.
“Did you want to talk about what happened at work?” Natasha took a deep breath, she knew talking about it would help, but talking about her problems was not her forte. “I was leading the meeting about the mission I have to go on this week and one of the new agents in the back was talking with their friend and was saying ‘why should we listen to her?’ and ‘why should we even trust her?” You were livid hearing this. “I am so sorry Nat, they are idiots who don’t know what they are talking about. You are an amazing agent and you deserve every ounce in their respect.” Natasha smiled up at you. She could always count on you to make her smile.
“You know you are the kindest soul in the universe Y/N. You always know how to make me smile. You literally light up a room when you enter it. I am the luckiest girl alive because I get to spend forever with you.” You pulled Natasha as close as you could and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
You two laid together in silence, just appreciating each other's warmth. Natasha had laid her head on your chest and was listening to the steady beat of your heart. You were running your fingers through her hair. It was so soft, it always was. You looked down to see if Nat was asleep and noticed she was still up. “Can’t sleep?”
“When can I ever?” Nat teased. You pull her into you, her small body curling into a ball around you and you moved her head to lay directly over your heart. “Close your eyes, listen to my heart, you’re safe with me love, you deserve some rest.” Natasha slowly found herself falling to the beat of your heart. Only once you noticed that she was in a deep sleep did you allow yourself to drift off to thinking of Natasha's emerald eyes and her soft smile.
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With The Wolves
I could have been on a moon; Soft pale dust beneath my feet, Barely surrendering footprints. A fog of other-worldly mist Spreading its tendrils with Other-worldly curiousity. I could have been on a distant moon, But no matter: My head was with the wolves. I could have been on a space craft; The downgazing portholes spinning slowly, Stealing me glimpses of the ant-people below, The crawling beetle-cars and the Pond-skimming ferries, Holding me aloft above this Vastly miniture cityscape. I could have been on a Spielberg spacecraft, But no matter: My head was with the wolves. I could have travelled back in time; Feet scuffing not-yet ancient cobbles, Through the twisting Renaissance streets, Pausing at grandfather clocks, Powered by steam, Chiming forgotten bells, And gliding by Broadwalk hotels With dustless french windows. I could have journeyed far back in time, But no matter: My head was with the wolves. I could have been in an Inuk legend; Rocking in storm-chopped ocean swell, My pine canoe blown and tossed Amid giants. Colossal titans hurling their rippling bodies At the sea goddess's wrath, Heaving backs knarled with barnacles. I could have been the hero of an Inuk legend, But no matter: My head was with the wolves. My head was with the wolves, Muzzle buried deep between Raised haunches, Greedily lapping at Drips of meat And honey and heat Until she joins in with my howls.
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elementclangen · 6 days
Moon 286-Leaf-bare
Nettlestripe (55) is feeling a little left out.  It feels like a lot of the cats in the Clan are finding love, and he’s still alone.  He decides to confess his feelings to Bluestripe (61), but she rejects him.  He likes her more than she likes him.  In other Clan news, another powerless former kittypet has joined the Clan, who takes the name of Cherviljumble (91).  With the Clan growing again, even in leaf-bare, Creekstar (140) is feeling like things are looking up.  She playfully teases Dawnfreckle (69) for missing a catch and lets Lakepelt (94) know that, despite their recent troubles, she appreciates how hard she works as a medicine cat.  Downgaze (67) is spending some time with his grandkits.  He grew up in a family of dark-cursed cats, so it’s weird for him to realize that he has star-blessed relatives now.  He spends some time playing with Boulderkit (2).  Meanwhile, Skipneedle (61) feels like Burdockkit (2), who’s always been a little troublemaker, needs to learn how to listen to adults rather than just doing her own thing.  So she’s bossing the kit around.  Her sister, Brightmouse (61), also is not a fan of Whorlstorm’s (31) litter.  She can’t stand Copperkit (2) and hopes that she won’t have to mentor her.  Almondback (57) and Kestrelcreek (75) enjoy a moment of downtime together.  They talk about what they want from the rest of their lives and find that their goals align: they both want to keep the cats they care about safe.  Sweet Marmalade (71) had a run of luck with not being in the Healer’s den, but that has ended now that he has whitecough.  He also can’t seem to get along with both of his kits at once.  He’s made up with Whorlstorm but now Hatchswipe (31) is annoyed with him .  Cavecatcher (44) is trying to take on more of a mentoring role this moon.  He’s used to being one of the babies in the Clan, but that’s not really true anymore.  He talks with Creekstar about getting an apprentice one day and gives some advice to Copperkit.  Tanglechirp (33) doesn’t seem to realize that some of the things he does are offensive.  He takes a piece of prey that Greenrapid was eyeing and the two of them get in a fight.  He also told Lakepelt someone else’s secret. Oops. With Whorlstorm feeling a little sick after having kits, Skipneedle makes sure to check in on her and gives her the last piece of fresh-kill on the pile.  She’s sure that she can find some more.  Aries (52) is doing her best to be a good mediator and cheers up Alderflight after he has a small disagreement with Downgaze.  She also makes sure to get to know the younger members of the Clan and shares fresh-kill with Copperkit.  Kestrelcreek is getting closer to Brightmouse and asks her more about Frostblotch.  Brightmouse is glad to talk about her sister, as she feels like cats forget about her and instead focus on Archdapple.
Healer’s den: Sweet Marmalade (whitecough), Downgaze (yellowcough), Brightmouse (mangled tail), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth, infected), Pebbletuft (claw wound), Greenrapid (shivering)
Sofanthiel got a scar
Meta: I think that the conflict between Sweet Marmalade and his adoptive kits is technically Brightfalcon family drama. Downgaze’s kits are Graysong’s great-great grandchildren and Brightfalcon and Bushmask’s great-great-great grandchildren. Also, take two on the adoptive father family drama.
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elementclangen · 7 days
Moon 285-Leaf-bare
Alderflight (41) has recovered from his head damage, although not without a scar on his face.  He’s excited to finally have a chance to help out the Clan and go on patrols.  Meanwhile, Skipneedle (60) is starting to understand why Primcrest was not a fan of Creekstar (139).  She’s a bit paranoid, especially with the new star-blessed cats in the Clan.  Skipneedle finds it hard to get her work done.  Brightmouse (60) has decided that the best way for Hatchswipe (30) to move on from Treepelt is for her to get in a fight to distract her.  She starts an argument between Aries (51) and Hatchswipe and then watches the chaos unfold.   Additionally, Aries, who doesn’t feel like she’ll be much use as a warrior, has decided to become a mediator instead. Whorlstorm (30) is busy with her three kits in the nursery, between grooming them and making sure that Copperkit (1) doesn’t burn down the nursery.  Burdockkit (1) is enjoying causing trouble in the healer’s den by messing up the herbs Lakepelt (93) is storing.  Lakepelt doesn’t understand why she’s being so rude. Sofanthiel (74), being from outside the Clan and not used to relying on powered cats to survive, teaches Downgaze (66) a useful hunting technique while they’re in the healer’s den together.  While on a patrol, Kestrelcreek (74) and Brightmouse find a loner named Pebbletuft (18) that they bring back to camp.  She’s Earth-blessed, and, if she recovers from her claw-wound, will be able to help out Lakepelt in the Healer’s den
Healer’s den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Downgaze (yellowcough), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth), Pebbletuft (claw-wound)
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elementclangen · 8 days
Moon 284-Leaf-fall
Whorlstorm (29) has had her kits!  No one knows who their other parent is, but they suspect they were a powered cat because all of the kits have magic.  The first kit, Copperkit (0), is a lonesome little girl with a medium high strength fire-blessing.  Thank StarClan her mom’s water-blessing keeps her from burning down the nursery.  Her other two kits are both. . .Star-blessed.  Boulderkit (0) would also like to spend time alone and has relatively low strength magic.  Relative compared to her sister, that is, the troublemaking Burdockkit (0) who’s magic is even stronger than Archdapple’s was.  Between the two of them, it’s hard for anyone to get sleep with the nursery (and camp) always being so bright.  Whorlstorm is also tired of not being able to get to sleep and wishes that Burdockkit would figure out how to turn off her glow.  Even Lakepelt (92) is getting cranky and gives Boulderkit some bitter herbs on purpose.  On the other paw, Sofanthiel (73) likes the new kits and keeps a bit of Burdockkit’s fluff.  Hatchswipe (29) makes sure to spend some time with her nieces, although it does make her a little sad that she and Treepelt never had a chance to have kits of their own. Downgaze (65) and Alderflight (40) continue to get along well.  Alderflight is curious about why Creekstar (138) has been avoiding the nursery lately and not going to see her great grandkits.  Downgaze tells him the story of Yuccawillow and Creekstar’s grandparents.   Despite some tensions amidst the terrible triad lately, Bluestripe (59) is proud of how well her sister is doing as deputy.  It’s not a job she would have wanted and thinks that Skipneedle (59) is handling everything very well.   While on a patrol together, the terrible triad find a former kittypet named Aries (50) who joins the Clan.  She is water-blessed, but very weakly.
Healer’s den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Alderflight (head damage), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth), Sweet Marmalade (cracked pads), Hatchswipe (joint pain)
Meta: Copperkit's original game was Echokit, but I didn’t like naming her after Echomoor.  He was Whorlstorm’s uncle, but he died before Whorlstorm was born.  If Copperkit had been dark-cursed, I would have kept the name, though.
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elementclangen · 9 days
Moon 283-Leaf-fall
It turned out that Cragstem (34) could not beat redcough and died.  Well, at least the healers tried.  Sofanthiel (72) recovered from her whitecough only to immediately get her tail mangled by a dog.  Oof.  With Whorlstorm (28) pregnant, Creekstar (137) is keeping an eye out for her granddaughter.  She offers to groom a hard to reach place for her.  It feels weird for Creekstar to think that she'll be a great-grandmother soon.  And that means that her grandparents will be great great great grandparents.  Weird.  With Creekstar getting older, it’s looking more and more likely that Skipneedle (58) could be the next leader of ElementClan.  She wonders who would give her nine lives and hopes that she’d get to see her dead sisters again.  Downgaze (64) and Sweet Marmalade (68) spend some time in the Healer’s den with Alderflight (39).  Downgaze appreciates it when Alderflight tells him about a feather that had gotten stuck to his face. And purrs for a long time at one of Sweet Marmalade’s jokes.  While Cavecatcher (41) also enjoys spending time with Alderflight, Greenrapid (39) just thinks the former kittypet is annoying.  
Healer’s Den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Hatchswipe (joint pain, whitecough), Alderflight (head damage), Whorlstorm (pregnant)
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elementclangen · 10 days
Moon 282-Leaf-fall
The Healer’s den was almost empty! Creekstar (136) had finally begun to move on from Primcrest’s death, leaving Lakepelt (90) just caring for the injured Alderflight (38) and Greenrapid (38).  But then Hatchswipe (27) and Sofanthiel (71) got whitecough and the population in the Healer’s den doubled.  But in a spot of desperately needed news, Whorlstorm (27) has announced that she is expecting kits!  These will be the first kits born in the Clan since she herself was born.  Whorlstorm and Sweet Marmalade (67) have had a bit of a rough relationship lately, but they had a conversation that went well.  Maybe the birth of his grandkits will help even more.  Dawnfreckle (65) continues to not be a big fan of Alderflight and is jealous of his warm, long fur.  Even with weak fire magic, it’s hard to stay warm while out on patrols.  Although Brightmouse (57) does her best to regulate the camp’s temperature while she’s there.  Downgaze (63) still really enjoys spending time with Alderflight and hopes that, once he’s up to going on patrols, they are assigned to go out together.  Also, apparently, Alderflight is a very skilled fighter, because both Cavecatcher and Almondback want to compliment his technique. The terrible triad is still having a bit of trouble.  Skipneedle (57) is developing a bit of a crush on Almondback (53), which does not thrill Brightmouse, as Brightmouse has a crush on Almondback’s mate, Kestrelcreek (71).  Yeah.  Drama.  The loss of Archdapple and Skipneedle’s promotion to deputy seem to be hitting the sisters hard.  In the short time she’s been in the Clan, Sofanthiel has made herself well liked.  Almondback sees how considerate she is and Sweet Marmalade (67) notices that she’s really making an effort to help out around camp, despite being sick.  Despite being close in age, Greenrapid and Cavecatcher (40) have never been very close.  But now Greenrapid is starting to notice just how pretty Cavecatcher’s eyes are.   .  The Clan also welcomes another couple of kittypets!  Skipneedle, Sweet Marmalade, Cavecatcher, and Bluestripe (57) find a powerless former kittypet named Cragstem (33) who has redcough.  There’s a pretty good chance he won’t survive, but they take him back to Lakepelt anyways.  Dawnfreckle and Nettlestripe (51) also find a kittypet, named Tanglechirp (29), who joins the Clan.  In a bit of a surprise, he has magic!  A medium strength wind-blessing, which is much needed as Almondback is currently the only wind-blessed cat in the Clan.
Healer’s Den: Alderflight (head damage), Greenrapid (beak bite), Sofanthiel (whitecough), Hatchswipe (whitecough), Cragstem (redcough), Whorlstorm (pregnant)
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elementclangen · 11 days
Moon 281-Greenleaf
While Dawnfreckle (64) is feeling better after Primcrest’s death, Creekstar (135) is still struggling with it.  Maybe due to the fact that she wishes she’d had a chance to reconcile with her friend.  She wishes that she could visit her in StarClan. Downgaze (62) tries to comfort his mother and the two of them spend a long time talking with each other.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle decides to get to know the newest member of the Clan, Alderflight (37).  They talk about their goals and aspirations and find that they have. . .very little in common.  Dawnfreckle wants to act as a guide for the Clan, sort of like his mother was, but Alderflight feels like the Clan mostly needs to work on being a safer place for cats before it can have a young guide.  Downgaze, on the other paw, really likes Alderflight.  He admires the other cat from afar.  Sweet Marmalade (66) teases him about it.  Hatchswipe (26) continues to gain popularity in the Clan.  This moon, she’s been hanging out with Skipneedle (56) and Creekstar wants to get to know her better.  Hatchswipe has noticed that Whorlstorm (26) is feeling a little left out lately and takes some time to surprise her sister with a sparring session.  She ends up drenched but it’s worth it.  Sofanthiel  (70) likes no longer being the newest cat in the Clan and tries to show off a bit for Alderflight.  He doesn’t notice.  He’s mostly been sleeping a lot so Lakepelt (89) can heal his head injury.  Later, Sofanthiel proves that she has all the courage of a clanborn cat by confidently striding up to an intruding rogue and chasing him off with only her words.
Healer’s den: Alderflight (head damage), Creekstar (grief stricken), Greenrapid (beak bite)
Note: I updated the pinned post on this blog to include a link to the moons in chronological order to make it easier for any of you who would like to read the earlier moons. Thank you so much for reading and liking these posts!
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elementclangen · 12 days
Moon 280-Greenleaf
Instead of processing her grief, Creekstar (134) has decided to spend time with the middle-ranked warriors.  She makes sure to share prey with her son and tells a joke to Greenrapid (36) that makes her laugh.  Bluestripe (55) is still not a fan of Creekstar.  She thinks the leader is very stuck up and rude. In the wake of tragedy, Hatchswipe (25) and Kestrelcreek (69) have become the best of friends.  Kestrelcreek really appreciates how helpful Hatchswipe is around camp.  She always seems to be busy doing something!   Almondback (51) decides to take Kestrelcreek on a nice date and surprises her with a pretty wind show.  She’s a little perplexed, but appreciates the gesture.  Whorlstorm (25) is not doing as well in the Clan as her sister is.  She doesn’t get along with Sweet Marmalade (65), her adoptive father, and thinks that Cavecatcher (38) never does anything.  Whorlstorm does like Nettlestripe (49), though, and goes on a nice long walk with him.  The newcomer to the Clan, Sofanthiel (69), is surprised to hear about all the hardships that Whorlstorm has been through recently.  She’s a little worried to learn that Clan life isn’t as easy as she thought it was.  She also wants to get to know Nettlestripe better.  The Clan also welcomes another new member.  Nettlestripe and Cavecatcher find an injured former loner by the thunderpath and bring him back to the Clan.  His name is Alderflight (36) and he’s powerless.
Healer’s den: Alderflight (head damage), Creekstar (grief stricken), Dawnfreckle (grief stricken), Whorlstorm (stomacheache)
Meta: I actually added 15 moons to Alderflight’s in-game age. He has a cute romance with a cat later on, but, at his original age, he would have been younger than that cat's kits. So, I aged him up. Problem solved.
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elementclangen · 20 days
Moon 272-Leaf-fall
Creekstar (126) decides to make sure that Lilacdrizzle (39) isn’t sucking up to Stonepaw (11) just because he’s star-blessed.  Her generation saw firsthand the problems that can cause.  She brings it up to him, but the two get in a fight that Hopedawn (61)  has to break up.  She’s not thrilled about having to mediate a fight between her leader and her son. Creekstar has also decided to get over herself and stop blaming Hollypaw (11) for Vaxxstreak’s death.  She decides to cheer up the young cat and hides behind a bush, ready to pounce.  Unlike some of the other young warriors, Greenrapid (28) gets along well with the senior warriors.  Primcrest (114) is glad to have a clanmate like her and Rubbleheart (68) likes how curious she is.  Tumbleswoop (61) notices that Brightmouse (47) still hasn’t fully recovered from losing Shinebreak.  She’s much more distant and withdrawn than she used to be.  He decides to see if she wants advice about moving on from lost love, or just a shoulder to lean on.  He knows what losing a mate is like, even if he does have Rubbleheart now.  Meanwhile, Tumbleswoop’s sisters are getting along well with each other and their clanmates.  Hopedawn is impressed by how insightful Kestrelcreek (61) is and Kestrelcreek bonds with Cavecatcher (30) while on camp guard duty.  Downgaze (53) decides to take his role as adoptive father to Stonepaw more seriously and offers him help with training.  Nettlestripe (41) thinks that Streamhiss (43) is really charming.  Her fierce personality just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Almondback (43) is feeling protective of his sister and is not a big fan of Nettlestripe.  Primcrest and Creekstar have been having some difficulties lately and decided to go for a walk to try and sort them out.  They didn’t do that, but they did see a twoleg kit playing with a dog.  Fascinating.
Healer’s Den: Downgaze (infected mangled tail), Archdapple (broken bone), Hatchswipe (mangled tail), Almondback (frostbite), Creekstar (grief stricken), Hollypaw (running nose, small cut)
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elementclangen · 25 days
Moon 267-Greenleaf
Sweet Marmalade (52) has been out of the Healer’s den for a while now.  So it’s about time he got in a fight with a rogue. He just came out of it with a couple of scrapes.  Better than another broken bone!  In better news, Rubbleheart (62) and Tumbleswoop (56) have become mates!  Tumbleswoop never thought he would love again following Echomoor’s death, but Rubbleheart has worked his way into his heart.  Aww.  Whorlpaw (12) has also been made a warrior with the name of Whorlstorm in honor of her consideration.  Hopedawn (56) doesn’t seem to be a big fan of her grandkits (Rootwing’s-34-kits) and is being condescending towards Hyacinthpaw (12) all day.  Hyacinthpaw doesn’t care.  He’s just determined to master a hunting skill before dusk and become a warrior like his sister. Streamhiss (38)  overhears Hopedawn being condescending about the apprentice and is annoyed with her.  As a mediator, isn’t she supposed to be better than that? Streamhiss thinks that even she would be better at it and she has no patience.  Additionally, Sweet Marmalade’s kits have become apprentices.  Hollypaw (6) is apprenticed to Lakepelt (75), so Archdapple (42) can return to being a warrior.  She is mentoring Stonepaw (6), as she’s the cat best-suited to mentor a star-blessed cat.  Stonepaw is very excited to be an apprentice and hopes that he does something that really impresses the Clan on his first day.  Lakepelt likes to run a strict Healer’s den, but Hollypaw is messing with that.  He turns a very serious herb gathering session into a tickle fight.  Lakepelt is not amused.    Meanwhile, Brightmouse (42) thinks it’s hilarious how Spotfoot (48) manages to look so grumpy all the time and is laughing about it with her sisters  Also, Downgaze (48) and Sweet Marmalade have decided adopt each others kits (after talking with said kits, of course).  Whorlstorm is glad to have another dad (she has three now!) and wonders how Sweet Marmalade is doing.  He’s alright, despite being injured.
Healer’s Den: Rubbleheart (mangled tail), Sweet Marmalade (claw wound, scrapes), Vaxxstreak (mangled tail), Tumbleswoop (running nose), Bluestripe (stomachache)
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elementclangen · 26 days
Moon 266-Newleaf
Creekstar (120) has known Vaxxstreak (152) for many moons.  They even have kits together.  For a while now, Creekstar has felt romantic interest growing between them, and now, she’s finally decided to act on it.  She confesses and the two become mates.  Creekstar is also glad to see that her mate is still good with kits.  Vaxxstreak checks in to make sure Hollykit (5) is alright and helps Stonekit (5) pick burrs out of his fur.  Downgaze (47) and Spotfoot (47) have no problems with it.  They’ve always known Vaxxstreak is their dad so it makes no difference for them that he and their mom are now officially together.  In other news, Treepaw (6) is now an apprentice with Greenrapid (22) as her mentor.  Hopefully Greenrapid’s childish nature will help Treepaw find her place in the Clan.  She’s a little lonesome.  She’s also trying to bat at her non-existent tail, which Hatchpaw (11) thinks is cute. Creekstar also worries that Greenrapid has been oddly quiet lately and hopes that having an apprentice will restore her good cheer.  Having a new mate himself and knowing the Clan’s history with mated cats, Downgaze asks Brightmouse (41) how she dealt with losing Shinebreak.  They have a nice long conversation and come out of it feeling like they understand each other better. On the other paw, Spotfoot is not a fan of Brightmouse and feels like she should do more useful things, like monitoring the camp’s temperature better.  The cavern is cold in the mornings.  Can’t she heat it up?  Bluestripe (41) takes a moment of downtime and basks in the sun with Skipneedle (41).  It’s nice that the fearsome foursome are still tight.  Meanwhile, Archdapple (41) isn’t getting along as well with Hatchpaw as she is with Hyacinthpaw (11). She tries to have a conversation with Hatchpaw, but it quickly peters out after neither of them speak up.  At least Whorlpaw (11) also likes her and promises to always look out for her.  Lakepelt (74) is impressed with the dedication Whorlpaw has shown with relearning how to hunt and fight with only one good ear.  She’s a hard-worker.  Hatchpaw and Treepaw are really enjoying being apprentices together.  Treepaw even gives her a twoleg trinket she finds.  Rootwing (33) seems to have realized that he’s not a great mediator and is doubting his decision to become one.  Rubbleheart (62) and Brightmouse go on a patrol together and get in a cold standoff with TulipClan.  Their alliance may be weakening.
Medicine den: Downgaze (broken bone), Greenrapid (broken bone), Primcrest (cracked pads)
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elementclangen · 28 days
Moon 264-Newleaf
After slowly getting closer over the past several moons, Downgaze (45) and Sweet Marmalade (49) have become mates!  Hopefully they’ll have better luck than past mated pairs in the Clan. Downgaze has also become quite fond of Sweet Marmalade’s kits.  He appreciates how Hollykit (3) is always the first to volunteer for a difficult task.  He may have to talk with his mate about them adopting each other’s kits.  Hopedawn (53) is still frustrated with Stonekit (3).  The kit seems oblivious to her glaring at him from across the clearing and just keeps showing off to Hollykit by lighting up in various fun patterns.  Stonekit also loves splashing in the puddles around camp but worries that the warriors will think he’s too silly.  Meanwhile, Hollykit says hello to Archdapple at least ten times in a row until the sick cat finally says hello back.  Once Stonekit and Hollykit are apprenticed, Archdapple (39) thinks she’ll switch back to being a warrior to train Stonekit.  And Lakepelt (72) will still have help around the Healer’s den with Hollykit.  Speaking of apprentices, Whorlpaw (9) is proving to be quite stubborn.  She refuses to follow Skipneedle’s instructions about creating a controlled wave and instead does her own thing.  The thyme doesn’t seem to have helped Creekstar (118) much.  Skipneedle (39) notices that she’s moping around camp again and wishes that she knew of something to cheer her up.  Creekstar’s also a little spacy and doesn’t even notice when she bumps into Lilacdrizzle (31). Streamhiss (35) seems to have become a victim of some cats prank, in a bit of irony.  She finds a thorn in her bedding, but gets it out before it hurts her.  Hah! Primcrest (106), with the lack of feedback from the Clan, still worries that she’s messing up.  She keeps confirming with Creekstar that the patrols she’s organizing sound alright.  Creekstar assures her that everything is fine and that she’s doing a great job.  Creekstar’s glad to have such a reliable deputy. While on patrol, Hatchpaw (9) and Lilacdrizzle find an abandoned kit that they take back to camp. Treekit (4) is a bit of a bully with a medium strength water-blessing.
Medicine den: Archdapple (yellowcough), Downgaze (broken bone), Bluestripe (frostbite), Almondback (frostbite), Greenrapid (broken bone), Skipneedle (joint pain), Whorlpaw (torn ear), Vaxxstreak (stomachache)
Lakepelt got an accessory (herb-covered pelt)
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elementclangen · 29 days
Moon 263-Leaf-bare
Hopedawn (52) seems to be taking a leaf out of Rootwing’s (30) book and, on a mediation mission to RaccoonClan over herb disputes, ends up making the situation worse.  She claims it due to her being little distracted lately because Stonekit’s(2) always getting under her paws and trying to hunt the bugs that hang out in the Mediator’s den. Downgaze (44)  tries to explain that the mediator needs space to work, but Stonekit doesn’t get it. While most of the cats are annoyed by Stonekit this moon, Bluestripe (38) is surprised to hear him express an ideal she agrees with. She didn’t expect that coming from a star-blessed cat.  Primcrest (104) continues to try and be friendly with Bluestripe and waves to her with her tail as they cross paths on the territory.  Primcrest’s son, however, is being argumentative.  Dawnfreckle (46) was assigned to fix something around camp with Vaxxstreak (146).  The elder was not thrilled at having to do something other than relax and argued with Dawnfreckle.  Tumbleswoop (52) stepped in and helped Dawnfreckle fix it instead.  There’s romance brewing between Tumbleswoop and Rubbleheart (59).  Tumbleswoop shows off some moves for fighting on unstable slopes, that can be done with any type of magic.  Rubbleheart watches with overly admiring eyes.  Tumbleswoop smirks and shows off a bit. Hyacinthpaw (8) continues to be a model student and makes sure to check in on Kestrelcreek (52) when she cleans out the warrior’s den. Kestrelcreek has always been a bit of a loner, but Almondback (34) seems to be growing on her.  Almondback makes her laugh again and again. Streamhiss (34) has no romance on her mind and loves having apprentices in the camp.  It means she gets to play pranks on other warriors and blame them on the apprentices.  Blizzardback (26) joins in on the fun.  Lakepelt (71), despite being relatively new to the Clan, has noticed that Creekstar (117) just seems generally anxious.  She checks in with the leader and offers her some thyme to help her relax.  Creekstar takes it gratefully.  Brightmouse (38) makes sure to check on Archdapple (38) after she gets yellowcough and asks her if she’s heard from StarClan lately.  Archdapple hasn’t, but reassures Brightmouse that she’ll tell her if she hears anything from StarClan, knowing that her sister is actually wondering after news from Shinebreak.  While on a patrol, Brightmouse and Spotfoot (44) encounter some twolegs.  They expertly hunt around them by using Brightmouse’s fire to flush prey towards themselves.  Maybe the Clan’s learning to keep its distance from twolegs! 
Healer’s den: Archadapple (yellowcough), Donwgaze (broken bone), Bluestripe (frostbite), Nettlestripe (dislocated joint), Greenrapid (broken bone), Skipneedle (joint pain), Hatchpaw (scrapes)
Meta: And here we are! We've reached the point in the game that I had played to when I started this blog! Thank you all for sticking with me through these many many moons. And there are many more moons to come! Now, I've played through moon 332. After I started this blog, I made a couple of changes to how I kept track of events in the game. For example, I started tracking who's in the healer's den (as you may have noticed). I also started taking screenshots of each cat's first page of relationships (so the top eight cats they have the most feelings for) every six moons. That means that I should be able to answer any questions about relationship statuses with some degree of accuracy! I also started keeping better track of personality changes, so I can note those too. Hope you enjoy the changes!
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