elementclangen · 9 days
Moon 298-Leaf-bare
ElementClan welcomes two new warriors!  Longpaw (12) is named Longpelt for her honor and Skypaw (10), despite feeling like an outsider, has been given her warrior name of Skymoon early, honoring her tenderness.  It feels nice to be seen by Creekstar (152).  With the amount of pranksters in the Clan now, it’s amazing that more cats haven’t been getting hurt.  Still, Rimepaw (9) falls victim to a prank and finds a thorn in her bedding.  Crouchpaw (9) is still stressed over her visions, and Creekstar suspects that there’s something going on with her.  She doesn’t know what, though, and that makes her testy in general.  She hisses at Crouchpaw over a small mistake.  Downgaze (79) seems to be taking out some of his mixed feelings over Auburnpaw’s death on Echoarch (16) and gets in a fight with his son over who should get a pretty feather.  The feather ends up getting destroyed.  Bluestripe (73) has been spending time with Pebbletuft (31) lately.  The two enjoy each other’s company.  And it’s a nice break for Bluestripe from Tanglechirp (45).  Burdockbeam (14) has been keeping a close eye on Tanglechirp lately.  He’s a little nervous that she's planning on making him the victim of her next prank.  Copperheart (14), despite warnings from senior warriors, is planning her next prank.  If she pulls it off, she’ll blame it on the apprentices.  Boulderflood (14) is rethinking her life choices.  What made her think being close with her sisters was a good idea?
Healer’s den: Sweet Marmalade (bite wound), Cavecatcher (dislocated joint, join pain), Kestrelcreek (pregnant), Rimepaw (small cut)
New personalities: Skymoon (loving, keen eye, and a fast runner), Petalpaw (troublesome, splashes in puddles, and quick to help)
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meandmyechoes · 4 years
Helllo, I wanted to support more underrated artists and such and was wondering if you knew any? (Sorry if this is a totally weird question, you can ignore it if ya want)
Hello. Here is a list of artists in my following and followers that by my observation, fits your description: (by alphabetical order)
art-only blogs:
@bittertarinetea​ @carrinth​ @cobaltbeam @d-does-art @inky-axolotl @johdals @mk-otro​ @ovvca​​ @quickguig​ @sakua312 @samaniac17 @seokanori
art + reblogs:
@bifurious-rex @cacodaemonia @echoarcher @exsofa @ippsy @jarcue @jyvorakal @passingshadow @romanmoray  @sod-arts @stop-handing-me-knives
(more faves from previous art blog rec)
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loridrabbles · 5 years
So I've been working overnights and have no idea what day it is and forgot to upload the next chapter of imprisoned. I'm going to wait until this upcoming Friday to release it.
Until then, enjoy this pic of me and Dogma drawn by the amazing @echoarcher
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Thank you so much for drawing this! I love it so much!
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zanark99 · 7 years
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OW - The Genji Skins by EchoArcher
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elementclangen · 10 days
Moon 297-Leaf-bare
Creekstar (151) is feeling her age.  She’s starting to get more confused about things that used to come easily to her, and Dawnfreckle (81) is having to step up more.  However, Creekstar is still feeling up to giving some apprentices their warrior names.  Copperpaw (13) has always had a penchant for getting into (and starting) trouble, which has almost made Creekstar hold back from making her a warrior.  However, Creekstar can tell that Copperpaw’s been trying really hard lately to make up for it.  She feels it would be cruel to make her wait any longer and gives her the warrior name of Copperheart in honor of her enthusiasm.  Boulderpaw (13) also gets her warrior name of Boulderflood in honor of her observance and the way she saved Crouchpaw (8) from the flood.  Basaltpaw’s siblings are not fans of the constant reminder of how their brother died.  Brightmouse (72) is also feeling frustrated with Creekstar.  She feels like she should have made Bluestripe (72) deputy instead of Dawnfreckle, to better honor Skipneedle.  Boulderflood decides to help out the medicine cats for the day and grows some herbs for them.  Lakepelt (105) is grateful.  It reminds her a bit of working with Archdapple, though, which is a little bittersweet.  Kestrelcreek (86) has announced that she is, once again, expecting kits.  Brightmouse is excited to have kits of her own, this time.  Although Kestrelcreek is feeling a little lonely and wonders if anyone would notice if she disappeared.  Almondback (68) and Brightmouse reassure her that they would. Skypaw (9) is still feeling like an outsider in the Clan.  She overhears Copperheart spreading a rumor about her and her littermates and jumps in surprise when Rimepaw (8) sneaks up on her bad side.  She’s sure she did that on purpose.  Additionally, Echoarch (15) was finally able to make contact with Echomoor, so that Echomoor could tell him what really happened to Auburnpaw when they were apprentices.  Echoarch is horrified to hear about the traumatic event and does his best to comfort Echomoor.  He also, with Echomoor’s permission, tells Creekstar and Downgaze (78) the truth about what had happened.  Downgaze is shocked to learn these things he didn’t know about two of his littermates.  He wonders what else he doesn’t know about his family members.  He doesn’t blame Echomoor; he just wishes that he had told them sooner.  Creekstar takes the news a little bit harder.  She wishes that Echomoor had felt comfortable enough to tell her what had happened and feels bad that there was anything she did that made him, Primcrest, and Smokefoot feel like they couldn’t trust her with the truth.  She wants to see him and tell her son how sorry she is.  Crouchpaw (8) confides in Alderflight (53) that her dreams have recently been filled with shadows and. . .images.  And a gray and white cat.  Alderflight doesn’t know the Clan lore about Yuccawillow, but does his best to comfort the young cat.  In the dark forest, Yuccawillow is watching for her next victim.
Healer’s den:  Sweet Marmalade (claw wound), Embershell (whitecough), Kestrelcreek (pregnant), Skypaw (shivering)
New personalities: Boulderflood (nervous and a great mediator), Copperheart (troublesome, learner of lore, and a great mediator), Rimepaw (charismatic and interested in Clan history)
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elementclangen · 13 days
Downgaze's Kits' Adult Sprites and the Ground and Sky Kits' Apprentice Sprites
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Embershell; Fire-blessed she-cat with a power level of 58 (medium); Adventerous, a good speaker, and a learner of lore
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Hopcurl; Water-blessed she-cat with a power level of 70 (medium high); Compassionate and a fast runner
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Echoarch; Fire-blessed tom with a power level of 15 (very low); Playful and a great climber
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Basaltpaw; Water-blessed tom with a power level of 1 (very low); Ambitious, careful listener, and quick to make peace
Mentor: Sweet Marmalade
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Peatpaw; Powerless tom; Loving and splashes in puddles
Mentor: Hatchswipe
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Petalpaw; Powerless tom; Troublesome and splashes in puddles
Mentor: Cherviljumble
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Skypaw; Wind-blessed she-cat with a power level of 97 (very high); Loving, never sits still, and oddly observant
Mentor: Tanglechirp
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elementclangen · 13 days
Moon 294-Leaf-fall
As leaf-fall begins, a plague of minor illnesses and injuries plague the Clan.  Lakepelt (102) is a little overwhelmed with all the cats coming to her asking for help with their soreness, running noses, and stomach aches.  And it doesn’t help that Pebbletuft (27) has a more serious illness and has come down with whitecough.  But, in better news, the Clan has welcomed two new warriors and a new mediator!  Echopaw (12) is now Echoarch, in honor of his heart of gold.  Bluestripe (69) is proud of him, and is proud that Creekstar (148) gave him a name that honors both Echomoor, and Bluestripe’s sister, Archdapple.  Echoarch deserves it.  Emberpaw (12) is named Embershell for her spirit.  Nettlestripe (63) is also proud of his first apprentice.  And Hoppaw (12)  is given the warrior name of Hopcurl in honor of her observance, a useful skill in a mediator.  Something she has observed is that Kestrelcreek (83) and Brightmouse (69) have become mates!  Kestrelcreek is still mates with Almondback (65), but Brightmouse is only mates with her.  Downgaze (75) is proud of his kits and notices that Embershell is being very helpful around camp.  In reality, Embershell misses the structure of being an apprentice and is feeling a little lost.  She turns to her grandma, Creekstar and asks for advice.  Creekstar offers to send her on more patrols and keep her busy.  Sweet Marmalade (79) has never been very close with Creekstar.  He decides to spend some time with the old leader and comes to understand her better.  She’s stressed and worried about her Clan constantly.  She became a leader at a young age with no one to teach her, and it’s all she knows.  She’s doing the best with what she has and has led the Clan through some really hard times.  The Clan also has four new apprentices, as the Ground and Sky kits have turned six moons old.  Skypaw (6) has been apprenticed to Tanglechirp (41) and is hard at work thinking up ways to prevent cats sneaking up on her bad side in battle.  Basaltpaw (6) is apprenticed to Sweet Marmalade, who Creekstar hopes will tone down his ambitious tendencies.  Petalpaw  (6) and Peatpaw (6) are apprenticed to Cherviljumble (99) and Hatchswipe (39) respectively, giving both warriors their first apprentices.  Meanwhile, Crouchkit (5) is excited to get out of the nursery.  Mostly because Copperpaw (10) is big and fluffy and if they’re sharing the same den she’ll have more chances to cuddle and be warm.
Healer’s Den: Pebbletuft (whitecough), Petalpaw (claw wound), Greenrapid (grief stricken), Dawnfreckle (running nose), Lakepelt (sore), Aries (stomach ache), Sofanthiel (running nose), Tanglechirp (fleas), Hatchswipe (sore), Alderflight (stomach ache), Copperpaw (running nose)
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elementclangen · 1 day
Moon 306-Leaf-fall
Creekstar (160) is shaken.  Something happened this moon that took her straight back to when she was a kit, almost out of the nursery: a badger attack.  Badgers raid the camp and, when Creekstar sees them, she freezes.  All she can see is Songkit’s broken body falling to the ground.  That leaves the rest of her Clan to jump into battle without her guidance.  Downgaze (87) protects his mother and gets her to safety before leaping back into the fray only to find. . .Sweet Marmalade (91) and Alderflight (62) lying dead in a pool of blood.  Brightmouse (81) is a fury of fire in the center of camp, fighting back against the badgers trying to get into the nursery and at Bluestripe (81).  She manages to take down the badgers attacking her, but not before one deals her a fatal blow.  With this being their first battle, the young warriors are shocked, but are able to rally under Hatchswipe’s (51) instruction to drive back the attack.  Although neither of them are as powerful as a star-blessed cat, Echoarch (24) and Embershell (24) work together to drive the badgers back into Burdockbeam (22) and Boulderflood’s (22) trap.  The two of them collapse a hunk of earth on top of the remaining badgers and kill them.  The battle is won, but at the cost of three lives.  Downgaze is especially shaken.  He just can’t get the image of Sweet Marmalade’s and Alderflight’s bodies out of his mind.  He never even had a chance to confess his love to Alderflight.  And he can’t imagine life without Sweet Marmalade by his side.  They’ve been together for so long, and through so much loss.  He struggles-no, refuses-to accept their deaths.  Sweet Marmalade’s kits huddle together and take comfort in each other.  Echoarch comforts Hatchswipe and reassures her that she’ll see her father again in StarClan.  He cared about her, even if she didn't always feel like it.  Kestrelcreek (95) lies next to Brightmouse’s singed body as the Clan sits vigil for her.  Her world has ended with Brightmouse.  She can’t help her bitterness and rage as Brightmouse’s life is recalled at the vigil and she coldly turns away from Almondback (77) when he offers comfort.  She and Brightmouse had so little time together.  They should have had more.  And Brightmouse should have had more time with their kits, who are only apprentices.  Mitepaw (7) and Hollowpaw (7) are a little less energetic with the loss of their mom.  Hollowpaw can’t even think of any pranks to pull.  And then there’s Bluestripe.  When she sees Brightmouse’s body and realizes that she died protecting her, she screams at the sky, cursing the stars who took her sisters too soon.  Before the senior warriors can bury Brightmouse, Bluestripe lights her sister’s body aflame, giving her a pyre worthy of the greatest heroes.  With the new losses in the Clan, Creekstar is feeling a bit ill.  But, in some much needed good news, Hopcurl (24) has announced that she’s expecting kits.  It looks like Creekstar will have even more great-grandkits.  Downgaze appreciates his kits and grandkits.  He’s also glad that Burdockbeam has toned down her pranking during this time of grief and appreciates how nice she’s being to him.  Greenrapid (62) did not get the memo and still hasn’t grown up.  She complains that Copperheart (22) never does anything helpful and should be more like her sisters.  Because that’s not hurtful at all.  Bumble (83) thinks that pregnancy suits Hopcurl and is jealous of how shiny her pelt looks.  Aphidkit (3) decides to be a pain and asks Bluestripe where kits are from.  She makes up a story about eagles dropping them out of the sky.  It’s a way to get her mind off of Brightmouse, at least.  But the Clan is not done with loss yet.  In another blow to Kestrelcreek, Creekstar and Almondback run into a gang of rogues on patrol.  The two fight bravely but are badly outnumbered, and the rogues had dark-cursed cats with them.  They kill Almondback and take a life from Creekstar, leaving before she is revived.  She now has six lives left.
Healer’s den: Bluestripe (recovering from birth, infected), Petalfrost (claw-wound), Nettlestripe (mangled tail), Hopcurl (pregnant), Kestrelcreek (grief stricken), Downgaze (shock, grief stricken), Hatchswipe (sore), Hollowpaw (stomachache)
New personalities: Skymoon (thoughtful, keen eye, and a fast runner)
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elementclangen · 2 days
Moon 305-Greenleaf
Bluestripe (80) is not recovering well from giving birth.  This seems to be becoming more common in the Clan, and Lakepelt (113) is wondering why.  She’s determined to stop this from happening more.  In better news, Kestrelcreek (94), Almondback (76), and Brightmouse’s (80) kits have been apprenticed!  Mitepaw (6) is apprenticed to Cavecatcher (63), as the warrior has yet to train an apprentice to a full warrior.  Hollowpaw (6) is apprenticed to Burdockbeam (21).  The star-blessed cats need apprentices if they are ever to be deputies.  However, both Hollowpaw and Burdockbeam being trouble makers could have some. . .interesting consequences.  Hollowpaw has graduated from harmless troublemaking to something grander.  He starts a fight between Croucheye (16) and Peatfeather (17) and watches giggling as they fight.  Mitepaw is also proving to be a little bit of a problem-causer and argues with Sofanthiel (94) in the middle of camp.  She ends up revealing that she saw Sofanthial eating some kittypet food.  The Clan doesn’t know if she’s lying or not, but they decide to keep a closer eye on Sofanthiel anyways.  Burdockbeam is already messing with her apprentice’s sister.  She convinces Mitepaw to pull a prank on a clanmate with her, and then blames the fight on Mitepaw, leading to a big argument that Hopcurl (23) has to break up. Downgaze (86) seems to be working through his feelings about Echomoor and Echoarch (23).  He acknowledges his son with a twitch of his whiskers for what feels like the first time in moons. Boulderflood (21) has taken to spending time with Bluestripe’s kits.  She knows she’ll most likely have one as an apprentice and wants to get to know them.  Aphidkit (2) doesn’t seem too enthused with her, but Dapplekit (2) has grown to like her.  She appreciates that Boulderflood is a lot quieter than either of her sisters.    Petalfrost (17) seems to have noticed that Longpelt (19) has also felt like a bit of an outsider in the Clan and waves to her with his tail when they cross pass.  She returns the favor.   With Creekstar (159) getting older, Dawnfreckle (89) knows that there’s a good chance he’ll become leader.  He wonders who will give him nine lives.  Aries (71) gives some advice to Creekstar on how to prepare the Clan for her passing.  The Clan is full of pranks these days, with Bluestripe playfully pranking Aphidkit.
Healer’s den: Bluestripe (recovering from birth, infected), Petalfrost (claw-wound), Cherviljumble (joint pain)
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elementclangen · 3 days
Moon 302-Greenleaf
It is proving to be a hot greenleaf.  Embershell (22) has gotten heat exhaustion (maybe from playing with fire during the hot season), and both Lakepelt (112) and Creekstar (158) have gotten heat stroke.  Despite being sick, Creekstar checks in with Bluestripe’s (79) kits to make sure they’re doing alright.  Dapplekit (1) especially.  She’s just so quiet.  She’s doing fine.  She just prefers to watch stuff rather than get involved.  Downgaze (85) is a little uncomfortable with Pebbletuft (37) as the working healer who’s been in the Clan the longest.  He just doesn’t like the way she acts.  Greenrapid (60) feels like Echoarch (22) has been getting a lot of attention lately and is annoyed with him.  She rants about him to Cherviljumble (109).  Tanglechirp (51) is trying to spend time with his kits, but Aphidkit (1) keeps telling him to speak up.  She thinks it’s funny.  He does not.  Sweet Marmalade (89) spends some time with his grandkits this moon.  Boulderflood (20) has a nice time talking with him and Burdockbeam (20) gently teases him about a feather she stuck to his face.  Mitekit (5) needs a break from Hollowkit (5) this moon (she’s finally tired of getting caught up in his games) and plays with Cherviljumble, who theatrically dies after Mitekit ‘slays’ her.  She’s excited to become an apprentice.  Hollowkit plays with Sweet Marmalade instead and he has to pretend to be a captured warrior of FurledClan.  Seeing all the kits in the nursery is making Bluestripe a bit nostalgic for her childhood, with all of her sisters.  She misses them.
Healer’s den: Creekstar (heatstroke), Lakepelt (heatstroke), Embershell (heat exhaustion), Bluestripe (recovering from birth), Cherviljumble (joint pain)
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elementclangen · 4 days
Moon 303-Greenleaf
Bluestripe (78) and Tanglechirp (50) have had their kits!  And both of them inherited their mother’s magic.  Aphidkit (0) is already competing with her cousin for attention and Dapplekit (0), named for Archdapple despite their opposite powers, is content to sit quietly and watch her.  Creekstar (157) is determined to make these new dark-cursed kits feel more welcome in the Clan than Echomoor did, apparently, and is thinking of new ways to care for the Clan.  She seems to be regaining confidence in her old age.  Bluestripe doesn’t feel ready to be a mother, even with Tanglechirp at her side (not that he’s very helpful).  Kestrelcreek knows that her sister-in-law isn’t thrilled with how her partnership with Tanglechirp is going.  She listens in on her to make sure she’s doing alright with her new kits.  Bluestripe is annoyed when she catches her and snaps that she’s fine.  Almondback (74) is exhausted from raising his children and can’t wait to take a nap later.  Hollowkit (4) continues to find new ways to get into trouble.  He said he would cover for Downgaze, but, when the time came, he got Downgaze in trouble instead.  He runs off giggling.  Hopcurl (21) seems to be getting on cats’ nerves this moon and got in fights with both Kestrelcreek (92) and Dawnfreckle (87).  Downgaze (84) is spending some time with his granddaughter and shares tongues with Copperheart (19), getting caught up on what’s going on with the young cats in the Clan.  Despite being new to the Clan, Bumble (80) is already proving to be a dedicated healer.  Copperheart tells her grandpaw that she’s noticed him doing his best to get to know their Clanmates.  It seems that Echoarch (21) reciprocates Longpelt’s (17) crush and is admiring her from afar. . .
Healer’s den: Kestrelcreek (shivering), Cherviljumble (dislocated joint, bruises), Bluestripe (recovering from birth)
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elementclangen · 8 days
Moon 299-Leaf-bare
Kestrelcreek (88), Brightfalcon (74), and Almondback (70) have had their kits!  The first is the daring Mitekit (0), who’s powerless, and the second is the troublesome water-blessed Hollowkit (0).  What is it with this Clan and troublesome cats?!  However, soon afterwards, a tragedy strikes the family.  Rimepaw (10) is playing with her siblings when a snake comes out of nowhere.  She protects the newborns, but is bitten and succumbs to the venom.  Kestrelcreek and Almondback mourn the loss of yet another kit from their first litter.  Crouchpaw (10) can hardly believe that both of her sisters are gone.  They were always the rambunctious ones, the brave ones.  How is it that she is the one that survived while they died?  It doesn’t make any sense.  However, in a bit of good news, Peatpaw (11) has been made a warrior.  She is given the name of Peatfeather in honor of her honor (hah).  Skymoon (11) is, as per usual, feeling annoyed with the Clan.  She hisses at Tanglechirp (46) when he steps on her paw.  Why does no one in this Clan respect her, or her littermates?!  Said littermates have actually started to fit into the Clan.  Peatfeather appreciates how willing Almondback is to work and Petalpaw (11) sees Tanglechirp doing his best to bring back a lot of prey during leaf-bare.  Additionally, while on patrol together, Cherviljumble (104) and Petalpaw manage to drive off a group of rogues!  Very impressive for two powerless cats. Creekstar (153) knows that Alderflight (55) is interested in her son and spends some time around him.  She supposes that he’s nice enough.  Downgaze (80) is annoyed with his mom for being so invested in his life and complains about her.  Lakepelt (107) wishes that Embershell (17) would be more helpful around camp.  She complains about her as she shares prey with Longpelt (13).  Echoarch (17) is feeling lighter now that he’s gotten his namesake off his pelt.  And he has an admirer.  Longpelt has just noticed how beautiful his eyes are.   
Healer’s den: Sweet Marmalde (bite wound), Cavecatcher (dislocated joint, joint pain), Kestrelcreek (recovering from birth), Cherviljumble (joint pain)
New personalities: Peatfeather (loyal and a fish-like swimmer)
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