elementclangen · 2 days
Moon 290-Newleaf
Whorlstorm’s kits have been made apprentices!  Burdockpaw (6) is apprenticed to Dawnfreckle (73), as he will do a good job of keeping an eye on the little trouble-maker.  Now that she can leave camp, the whole mountain is fair game!  The quieter Boulderpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Skipneedle (65).  Creekstar (144) feels like Skipneedle will help bring her out of her shell. And Copperpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Brightmouse (65), just like Brightmouse had hoped would not happen.  Copperpaw still makes sure to watch out for the remaining kits and brings some feathers back from patrol for them to play with.  On top of that good news, Creekstar has been having another good moon!  She really appreciates how often Lakepelt (98) has been checking in on her.  It’s been helpful.  Kestrelcreek (79) loves being a mom and is proud of how outgoing Rimekit (1) is.  When she and Troutkit (1) team up, though, chaos ensues.  Troutkit will create a small fire and the two of them will take turns jumping in and out of it.  Kestrelcreek does her best to catch them, but they’re good at doing it in secret.  Almondback (61) is also spending some time with his kits, and the other kits, in the nursery.  He takes some fresh-kill and eats it near Petalkit (2) to make sure he feels included. Despite a few rough patches over the past moons, the terrible triad still care deeply about each other.  They have inside jokes that only each other can understand.   Lakepelt, despite once being a newcomer to the Clan herself, is annoyed by some of the more recent cats to join the Clan.  She doesn’t feel like Cherviljumble (95) and Aries (56) understand how to be Clan cats and how to stay safe in the wild.  They’re just making more work for her!  Burdockpaw and Dawnfreckle are already clashing and get in a fight over the best way to do a hunter’s crouch.  On the other paw, Echopaw (8) and Bluestripe (65)  are getting along really well.  Creekstar sees how well Bluestripe is doing as a mentor and regrets not giving her an apprentice earlier.  Primcrest was right about her.  Meanwhile, Echopaw had a strange dream where there was a cat who looked like him telling him that ‘the truth must come out’.  What truth?  And who was that cat?
Healer’s den: Cherviljumble (dislocated joint), Kestrelcreek (recovering from birth), Downgaze (sprain), Aries (running nose)
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Any calico/tortoiseshell warrior names little bit stuck over here
off the top of my head;
also other combos like Dapplestreak, Sunnypetal, Dawnstorm, Brightspot, etc.
I hope these help :0
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elementclangen · 6 days
Moon 286-Leaf-bare
Nettlestripe (55) is feeling a little left out.  It feels like a lot of the cats in the Clan are finding love, and he’s still alone.  He decides to confess his feelings to Bluestripe (61), but she rejects him.  He likes her more than she likes him.  In other Clan news, another powerless former kittypet has joined the Clan, who takes the name of Cherviljumble (91).  With the Clan growing again, even in leaf-bare, Creekstar (140) is feeling like things are looking up.  She playfully teases Dawnfreckle (69) for missing a catch and lets Lakepelt (94) know that, despite their recent troubles, she appreciates how hard she works as a medicine cat.  Downgaze (67) is spending some time with his grandkits.  He grew up in a family of dark-cursed cats, so it’s weird for him to realize that he has star-blessed relatives now.  He spends some time playing with Boulderkit (2).  Meanwhile, Skipneedle (61) feels like Burdockkit (2), who’s always been a little troublemaker, needs to learn how to listen to adults rather than just doing her own thing.  So she’s bossing the kit around.  Her sister, Brightmouse (61), also is not a fan of Whorlstorm’s (31) litter.  She can’t stand Copperkit (2) and hopes that she won’t have to mentor her.  Almondback (57) and Kestrelcreek (75) enjoy a moment of downtime together.  They talk about what they want from the rest of their lives and find that their goals align: they both want to keep the cats they care about safe.  Sweet Marmalade (71) had a run of luck with not being in the Healer’s den, but that has ended now that he has whitecough.  He also can’t seem to get along with both of his kits at once.  He’s made up with Whorlstorm but now Hatchswipe (31) is annoyed with him .  Cavecatcher (44) is trying to take on more of a mentoring role this moon.  He’s used to being one of the babies in the Clan, but that’s not really true anymore.  He talks with Creekstar about getting an apprentice one day and gives some advice to Copperkit.  Tanglechirp (33) doesn’t seem to realize that some of the things he does are offensive.  He takes a piece of prey that Greenrapid was eyeing and the two of them get in a fight.  He also told Lakepelt someone else’s secret. Oops. With Whorlstorm feeling a little sick after having kits, Skipneedle makes sure to check in on her and gives her the last piece of fresh-kill on the pile.  She’s sure that she can find some more.  Aries (52) is doing her best to be a good mediator and cheers up Alderflight after he has a small disagreement with Downgaze.  She also makes sure to get to know the younger members of the Clan and shares fresh-kill with Copperkit.  Kestrelcreek is getting closer to Brightmouse and asks her more about Frostblotch.  Brightmouse is glad to talk about her sister, as she feels like cats forget about her and instead focus on Archdapple.
Healer’s den: Sweet Marmalade (whitecough), Downgaze (yellowcough), Brightmouse (mangled tail), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth, infected), Pebbletuft (claw wound), Greenrapid (shivering)
Sofanthiel got a scar
Meta: I think that the conflict between Sweet Marmalade and his adoptive kits is technically Brightfalcon family drama. Downgaze’s kits are Graysong’s great-great grandchildren and Brightfalcon and Bushmask’s great-great-great grandchildren. Also, take two on the adoptive father family drama.
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elementclangen · 10 days
Moon 282-Leaf-fall
The Healer’s den was almost empty! Creekstar (136) had finally begun to move on from Primcrest’s death, leaving Lakepelt (90) just caring for the injured Alderflight (38) and Greenrapid (38).  But then Hatchswipe (27) and Sofanthiel (71) got whitecough and the population in the Healer’s den doubled.  But in a spot of desperately needed news, Whorlstorm (27) has announced that she is expecting kits!  These will be the first kits born in the Clan since she herself was born.  Whorlstorm and Sweet Marmalade (67) have had a bit of a rough relationship lately, but they had a conversation that went well.  Maybe the birth of his grandkits will help even more.  Dawnfreckle (65) continues to not be a big fan of Alderflight and is jealous of his warm, long fur.  Even with weak fire magic, it’s hard to stay warm while out on patrols.  Although Brightmouse (57) does her best to regulate the camp’s temperature while she’s there.  Downgaze (63) still really enjoys spending time with Alderflight and hopes that, once he’s up to going on patrols, they are assigned to go out together.  Also, apparently, Alderflight is a very skilled fighter, because both Cavecatcher and Almondback want to compliment his technique. The terrible triad is still having a bit of trouble.  Skipneedle (57) is developing a bit of a crush on Almondback (53), which does not thrill Brightmouse, as Brightmouse has a crush on Almondback’s mate, Kestrelcreek (71).  Yeah.  Drama.  The loss of Archdapple and Skipneedle’s promotion to deputy seem to be hitting the sisters hard.  In the short time she’s been in the Clan, Sofanthiel has made herself well liked.  Almondback sees how considerate she is and Sweet Marmalade (67) notices that she’s really making an effort to help out around camp, despite being sick.  Despite being close in age, Greenrapid and Cavecatcher (40) have never been very close.  But now Greenrapid is starting to notice just how pretty Cavecatcher’s eyes are.   .  The Clan also welcomes another couple of kittypets!  Skipneedle, Sweet Marmalade, Cavecatcher, and Bluestripe (57) find a powerless former kittypet named Cragstem (33) who has redcough.  There’s a pretty good chance he won’t survive, but they take him back to Lakepelt anyways.  Dawnfreckle and Nettlestripe (51) also find a kittypet, named Tanglechirp (29), who joins the Clan.  In a bit of a surprise, he has magic!  A medium strength wind-blessing, which is much needed as Almondback is currently the only wind-blessed cat in the Clan.
Healer’s Den: Alderflight (head damage), Greenrapid (beak bite), Sofanthiel (whitecough), Hatchswipe (whitecough), Cragstem (redcough), Whorlstorm (pregnant)
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elementclangen · 11 days
Moon 281-Greenleaf
While Dawnfreckle (64) is feeling better after Primcrest’s death, Creekstar (135) is still struggling with it.  Maybe due to the fact that she wishes she’d had a chance to reconcile with her friend.  She wishes that she could visit her in StarClan. Downgaze (62) tries to comfort his mother and the two of them spend a long time talking with each other.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle decides to get to know the newest member of the Clan, Alderflight (37).  They talk about their goals and aspirations and find that they have. . .very little in common.  Dawnfreckle wants to act as a guide for the Clan, sort of like his mother was, but Alderflight feels like the Clan mostly needs to work on being a safer place for cats before it can have a young guide.  Downgaze, on the other paw, really likes Alderflight.  He admires the other cat from afar.  Sweet Marmalade (66) teases him about it.  Hatchswipe (26) continues to gain popularity in the Clan.  This moon, she’s been hanging out with Skipneedle (56) and Creekstar wants to get to know her better.  Hatchswipe has noticed that Whorlstorm (26) is feeling a little left out lately and takes some time to surprise her sister with a sparring session.  She ends up drenched but it’s worth it.  Sofanthiel  (70) likes no longer being the newest cat in the Clan and tries to show off a bit for Alderflight.  He doesn’t notice.  He’s mostly been sleeping a lot so Lakepelt (89) can heal his head injury.  Later, Sofanthiel proves that she has all the courage of a clanborn cat by confidently striding up to an intruding rogue and chasing him off with only her words.
Healer’s den: Alderflight (head damage), Creekstar (grief stricken), Greenrapid (beak bite)
Note: I updated the pinned post on this blog to include a link to the moons in chronological order to make it easier for any of you who would like to read the earlier moons. Thank you so much for reading and liking these posts!
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elementclangen · 16 days
Moon 276-Newleaf
Newleaf has arrived, and maybe it will be a new start for the Clan.  Skipneedle (51) is still adjusting to her new role as deputy and is muttering to herself, running through the patrols she’s planning on sending out.  Gusts of wind stir up the flowers around her as she walks.  Skipneedle, with the loss of Archdapple (who was her favorite sister) is also lashing out at Bluestripe (51).  Brightmouse (51) challenges her to spar (far from camp so she doesn’t burn anything down) to work out some of her feelings. Kestrelcreek (65) reaches out to Hatchswipe (21), as they’ve both lost siblings recently.  They enjoy each other’s company. Despite her losses, Hatchswipe is very happy with her mate and purrs for a long time at one of Treepelt’s (16) lame jokes. Dawnfreckle (59) is dealing with his adoptive older brother’s death by. . .not dealing with it.  Instead, he’s flirting with cats who aren’t interested in him, giving Whorlstorm a pretty feather and complementing Brightmouse’s eyes.    Creekstar (130) is proud of how well her Clan is handling the loss.  They’re managing a big change very well and she promises to take care of the Clan with the rest of her lives.  Primcrest (118) is still not thrilled with how Creekstar’s been doing things.  Even though she’s no longer deputy, she comes up with a list of complaints for Creekstar.
Healer’s den: Lakepelt (greencough), Whorlstorm (broken bone), Hatchswipe (mangled leg)
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elementclangen · 17 days
Moon 275-Leaf-bare
After serving the Clan as deputy since she was only 23 moons old, Primcrest (117) has decided to retire from the position and move to the elder’s den.  She and Creekstar (129) have been through a lot together, but Primcrest doesn’t like how her leader and former friend has changed.  She doesn’t feel like she is the best fit for deputy anymore.  Creekstar respects her decision and the Clan is excited to dote on their hard working former deputy.  But that means that Creekstar must choose a new deputy, for the first time in almost 100 moons.  None of the cats alive (other than her) have ever had a deputy that was not Primcrest.  It will be a hard adjustment.  Stonetuft (14) is too young to take on the role, so she’s left to choose between Dawnfreckle (58), Archdapple (50), and Skipneedle (50). Bluestripe (50), isn’t an option as she’s not proven yet. Creekstar lands on Skipneedle.  Despite her reservations about having a lot of dark-cursed cats in the Clan, it feels right to have two dark-cursed cats at ElementClan’s head.  And Skipneedle, despite being younger, is a bit more mature than Dawnfreckle.  It’s a proud and celebratory moment for the Clan.  However, the mood is dampened when, a quarter moon later, a gang of rogues attacks the camp.  Rubbleheart (71) and Tumbleswoop (64) are on guard duty together.  They’re the first casualties.  The rogues seemed to know what they were doing and headed straight for the Healer’s den.  Hopedawn (64) and Archdapple, who were both too ill to fight, were killed before Hollypaw (14) formed a wall of thorns around the other cats in the den.  But the rogues killed him too.  Stonetuft saw his brother fall and lunged into battle, but even the might of a star-blessed cat wasn’t enough to save him and he, too, died.  Rootwing (42), despite being a mediator, did his best to fight off the rogues.  But he couldn’t do enough and he was killed, alongside Lilacdrizzle (42).  The rogues went for Brightmouse (50) next, seeing that she was the most powerful cat in the Clan, but a grieving Bluestripe leaped in front of her sister and drained the life from her attackers, earning her the proven status.  By the end of the battle, ElementClan won, but not without also losing Hyacinthstripe (20) and Blizzardback (38).  Creekstar wonders what she is doing wrong.  The Clan has known so much loss under her.  How can she fix it?  Should she just give up, and retire like Primcrest did?  Why must her Clan suffer?  Skipneedle, Brightmouse, and Bluestripe are back down to being the terrible triad instead of the fearsome foursome.  They managed without Archdapple when she was captured by twolegs, but there was the hope that she would return.  Now, she’s gone for good.  Skipneedle helps Primcrest bury Archdapple, carrying her sister’s body even as her weak leg threatens to give out.  Kestrelcreek (64) mourns the loss of the rest of her siblings and hopes that Tumbleswoop and Hopedawn are safe and happy in StarClan, reunited with their mother and sisters.  Hatchswipe (20) and Whorlstorm (20) mourn their father and brother, staying up all night at their vigils.  Primcrest curls around Dawnfreckle, glad that at least one of her sons is still alive.  She tells a story about how she and Rubbleheart bonded at his vigil, laughing through her tears.  She’ll miss him, but is glad that he gets to be with Cypressbadger.
Healer’s den: Lakepelt (greencough), Cavecatcher (whitecough), Whorlstorm (broken bone), Hatchswipe (mangled leg), Dawnfreckle (shock)
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elementclangen · 24 days
Moon 268-Greenleaf
Hyacinthpaw (13) and Hatchpaw (13) have both been made warriors!  Hyacinthpaw is now Hyacinthstripe, in honor of his drive.  During the ceremony, his eyes gleam as he stares up at Creekstar (122).  He’s determined to be up there one day and serve the Clan as best he can until then.  Hatchpaw is now Hatchswipe, in honor of her loyalty.  Despite not being very involved in their lives, Rootwing is proud of his children.  Speaking of children, with Vaxxstreak (154) injured in the medicine den and Creekstar herself getting older, she decides to make some time to spend with Spotfoot (49)  Her son has become so cranky-she just wants to tell him to lighten up!  He refrains from mentioning that she was the one who needed to lighten up when he was young.  Rubbleheart (64) loves spending time with Tumbleswoop (57) and feels most like himself arond him.  However, Tumbleswoop is ready to have kits and Rubbleheart wants to wait a bit.  They should settle into their relationship first, right?  Meanwhile, Hopedawn (57) decides that it can’t hurt for her and Lakepelt (76) to freshen up on some battle moves.  And she compliments Lakepelt the whole time they’re training.  Dawnfreckle (51) and Spotfoot are also doing some training.  Dawnfreckle’s supposed to be showing Spotfoot a cool battle move but messes it up so badly that Spotfoot cringes.  Nettlestripe (37) spends some time with Almondback (39) and Brightmouse (43) and complains about how Skipneedle rolled her eyes after he asked for help.  Brightmouse laughs, mostly at him.  Nettlestripe and Brightmouse decide to go out on a patrol together and are ambushed by rogues.  They easily drive the group off using their knowledge of the rocky terrain and Brightmouse and Nettlestripe’s fire-blessings to scare them off.  Treepaw (8) really looks up to her mentor, Greenrapid (24), so she is surprised when Greenrapid asks for help.  Treepaw doesn’t give her any useful answers or advice, though.  She just keeps asking ‘why?’  Archdapple (43) has seen a lot of cats complaining about how ‘soft’ and ‘stupid’ kittypets are, but she doesn’t agree.  She met quite a few kittypets during her wander and was impressed with their bravery.  Kittypets aren’t really that bad.  However, It turns out that Creekstar was right to want to get to know Spotfoot.  While on a patrol with Dawnfreckle, he is captured by twolegs. 
Healer’s Den: Rubbleheart (mangled tail), Sweet Marmalade (claw wound), Vaxxstreak (infected mangled tail), Greenrapid (sprain)
Hyacinthstripe gave Streamhiss nettles (accessory).
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elementclangen · 27 days
Moon 265-Newleaf
After getting an ear injury in a fight with a dog the previous moon, Whorlpaw (10) has permanent hearing damage in her injured ear.  She can still hear out of it, but it’s hard.  Brightmouse (40) offers to show her some tail signals that her mentor, Smokefoot, used to communicate and gives her some tips she picked up for reading lips.  Whorlpaw's brother, Hyacinthpaw (10), has discovered that he gets along well with Archdapple (36).  He can’t help but laugh when she tells a funny joke.  However, when Hyacinthpaw asks Kestrelcreek (54) for some help with a battle move, she ignores him.  He vents about it to Whorlpaw, who makes use of her new lip-reading skills.  Greenrapid (21) has realized that tom doesn’t describe how she feels anymore and has come out as a trans she-cat.  Creekstar (119) remembers how Blizzardback (28) used to look over the border and has been checking in with them pretty often since then.  Tumbleswoop (54) enjoys spending time with the kits.  He wants to spend all his freetime with Treekit (5) and promises to always look out for Hollykit (4).  He wishes he and Echomoor had had a chance to have kits together.  But maybe he’ll get that chance someday with someone else.  Kestrelcreek is convinced she’s fine on her own and spitefully swears that she doesn’t need others.  Almondback (36) gently presses up against her and calms her down.  Later on, Skipneedle (40) and Almondback are sparring, while Dawnfreckle (48) and Brightmouse watch.  Dawnfreckle wants to critique Almondback’s fighting techniques, but Brightmouse wants to compliment them. Creekstar is getting old and has been leader pretty much her whole life.  Primcrest (107) wonders if she will ever be leader, and if she would be any good at it. 
Medicine Den: Archdapple (yellowcough), Downgaze (broken bone), Almondback (frostbite), Greenrapid (broken bone)
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elementclangen · 29 days
Moon 263-Leaf-bare
Hopedawn (52) seems to be taking a leaf out of Rootwing’s (30) book and, on a mediation mission to RaccoonClan over herb disputes, ends up making the situation worse.  She claims it due to her being little distracted lately because Stonekit’s(2) always getting under her paws and trying to hunt the bugs that hang out in the Mediator’s den. Downgaze (44)  tries to explain that the mediator needs space to work, but Stonekit doesn’t get it. While most of the cats are annoyed by Stonekit this moon, Bluestripe (38) is surprised to hear him express an ideal she agrees with. She didn’t expect that coming from a star-blessed cat.  Primcrest (104) continues to try and be friendly with Bluestripe and waves to her with her tail as they cross paths on the territory.  Primcrest’s son, however, is being argumentative.  Dawnfreckle (46) was assigned to fix something around camp with Vaxxstreak (146).  The elder was not thrilled at having to do something other than relax and argued with Dawnfreckle.  Tumbleswoop (52) stepped in and helped Dawnfreckle fix it instead.  There’s romance brewing between Tumbleswoop and Rubbleheart (59).  Tumbleswoop shows off some moves for fighting on unstable slopes, that can be done with any type of magic.  Rubbleheart watches with overly admiring eyes.  Tumbleswoop smirks and shows off a bit. Hyacinthpaw (8) continues to be a model student and makes sure to check in on Kestrelcreek (52) when she cleans out the warrior’s den. Kestrelcreek has always been a bit of a loner, but Almondback (34) seems to be growing on her.  Almondback makes her laugh again and again. Streamhiss (34) has no romance on her mind and loves having apprentices in the camp.  It means she gets to play pranks on other warriors and blame them on the apprentices.  Blizzardback (26) joins in on the fun.  Lakepelt (71), despite being relatively new to the Clan, has noticed that Creekstar (117) just seems generally anxious.  She checks in with the leader and offers her some thyme to help her relax.  Creekstar takes it gratefully.  Brightmouse (38) makes sure to check on Archdapple (38) after she gets yellowcough and asks her if she’s heard from StarClan lately.  Archdapple hasn’t, but reassures Brightmouse that she’ll tell her if she hears anything from StarClan, knowing that her sister is actually wondering after news from Shinebreak.  While on a patrol, Brightmouse and Spotfoot (44) encounter some twolegs.  They expertly hunt around them by using Brightmouse’s fire to flush prey towards themselves.  Maybe the Clan’s learning to keep its distance from twolegs! 
Healer’s den: Archadapple (yellowcough), Donwgaze (broken bone), Bluestripe (frostbite), Nettlestripe (dislocated joint), Greenrapid (broken bone), Skipneedle (joint pain), Hatchpaw (scrapes)
Meta: And here we are! We've reached the point in the game that I had played to when I started this blog! Thank you all for sticking with me through these many many moons. And there are many more moons to come! Now, I've played through moon 332. After I started this blog, I made a couple of changes to how I kept track of events in the game. For example, I started tracking who's in the healer's den (as you may have noticed). I also started taking screenshots of each cat's first page of relationships (so the top eight cats they have the most feelings for) every six moons. That means that I should be able to answer any questions about relationship statuses with some degree of accuracy! I also started keeping better track of personality changes, so I can note those too. Hope you enjoy the changes!
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 254-Newleaf
The terrible triad is now back to being the fearsome foursome!  After a long, hard journey, Archpaw (29) has found her way back to the Clan.  In a much overdue (and much celebrated) ceremony, she is given the warrior name of Archdapple in honor of her spirit.  She’s already making her sisters laugh with her antics, although she is saddened to hear of Frostblotch’s death and the loss of Brightmouse’s (29) mate.  And it’s good news for Paleburst (33) to have a star-blessed cat in the Clan who can assist with healing.  She helps Sweet Marmalade (39) heal from his broken bone, only for him to immediately get his tail injured by falling rocks.  Primcrest (96) feels like they should just declare Skipneedle (29) and Bluestripe (29) proven already, but Creekstar (108) disagrees, leading to an argument.  However, their argument turns out to be somewhat unnecessary when Skipneedle saves Spotfoot (35) from a dog and selflessly takes the lion’s share of the run leading the dog away from the territory.  That earns her the title of proven.  Her sisters are glad to celebrate with her. Vaxxstreak (140) is also excited to have Archdapple back and tells her an embarrassing story about Skipneedle.  Dawnfreckle (37) sees Bluestripe stumble while hunting and thinks it’s cute that the usually poised she-cat can stumble.  Nettlestripe (23) is not a fan of the Clan’s youngest warrior and thinks that Cavecatcher (12) is annoying.
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 253-Newleaf
Paleburst (32) is overwhelmed.  There are too many cats in the Clan and he can’t take care of them all on his own.  None of the dark-cursed cats can help him and Rindlefur (20) just died of whitecough.  Whitecough!  He’s doing his best but he’s not sure if he can keep up.  Paleburst is even so busy that he ignores Nettlestripe (22) when he says hello. In a spot of good news, Downgaze (34) has announced that he’s expecting kits.  Yay!  And Cavepaw (11)  has been made a warrior with the name of Cavecatcher in honor of his dedication.  Dawnfreckle (36) is proud of his former apprentice.  Bluestripe (28) looks at Dawnfreckle’s fighting techniques and is wowed by them.  Maybe he could show her a couple. Creekstar (107) wonders if Brightmouse (28) could help her with defending the borders, but Brightmouse refuses, saying she needs more time to grieve before jumping right back into battle.  And besides, she hasn’t been able to conjure a flame in weeks.  Vaxxstreak (139) understands that Creekstar is stressed and adds a bit of her fluff to his nest.    Primcrest (95)  is keeping watch over Greenpaw’s (9) journey as an apprentice and making sure that he’s doing alright.  He’s not really falling behind-he just feels that way.   And he’s been trying to find ways to cheer up his mentor.  He turns sparring practice into a tickle fight, making Brightmouse laugh a little.
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 251-Leaf-bare
Surely the world can’t go on, surely the sun won’t rise and the seasons won’t turn, not now that Echomoor is dead.  Tumbleswoop (40) doesn’t know how to go on without him.  He tosses and turns, finding it difficult to sleep with his thoughts lingering on Echomoor’s cold last moments.  Tumbleswoop can only hope Echomoor knows how loved he was.  Vaxxstreak (137) feels like he’s living through a nightmare.  Echomoor, his kit, can’t really be dead.  Vaxxstreak can’t handle the vigil’s entirety, despite his best efforts.  Echomoor’s death has drained him.  So much so that he has decided to retire to the elder’s den.  Tumbleswoop notices that Vaxxstreak is grieving, too and asks him how he’s doing.  The two of them share memories of Echomoor long into the night. Creekstar (105) misses her son and is sad for his loss.  But less so than she thinks she should be.  Is she a bad cat for not being devastated at her son’s death?  Primcrest (93) is taking some time to be with her own son and comes up with a plan to sneak out of camp with Dawnfreckle (34).  Brightmouse (26) knows that Dawnfreckle may be feeling down at the loss of another dark-cursed cat and brings him a mouse in sympathy.  Meawhile, Streamhiss (22) is losing sleep trying to think of ways to impress Shinebreak.  What can she do with her water powers that Shinebreak can’t? Creekstar is impressed with how well Cavepaw’s (9) been doing in training and thinks that he’ll be ready to be a warrior soon.  Cavepaw’s nervous and feels like that puts more pressure on him.
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 250-Leaf-bare
Greenkit (6) is now an apprentice and his mentor is Shinebreak (25), giving her her first apprentice.  Tumbleswoop (39) and Echomoor (31) have both made full recoveries and are excited to spend some time together as mates (outside of the healer's den!).  Almondback (21) also recovered from dislocating his leg only to break it falling off of a snowdrift.  Poor guy.  Streamhiss (21) wishes her brother would get healthy already so they could spend more time together.  Sweet Marmalade (35), having spent most of his time in the Clan in the healer's den, is grateful for all Safariaster (157) does. Both Primcrest (92) and Creekstar (104) are annoyed by Orioleclover (16).  Wow, something the leader and deputy agree on! They have been growing apart these past couple moons, so it’s nice for the old friends to find something to bond over, even if it is dislike of a clanmate.  Dawnfreckle (34) insists on trying to help Echomoor prove himself.  Echomoor is unenthused.  Spotfoot (31) is having a bit of trouble getting along with Echomoor.  He finds the way he acts uncomfortable.  Echomoor doesn’t notice his brother being awkward around him.  He’s too busy purring at one of Tumbleswoop’s lame jokes. They decide to go out on a walk together, using their water magic to make sculptures out of the snow.  Sadly, Echomoor and Tumbleswoop’s outing is ill-fated.  A storm rolls in and Echomoor freezes to death.  Tumbleswoop is left to carry his mate’s body home.
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 249-Leaf-bare
Rindlepaw (16) has finally earned her full Healer name!  Though her actions often come across as lighthearted, she has worked hard to earn her name of Rindlefur, and mews that she’ll protect ElementClan as a Healer.  Though she starts giggling right after she says it, causing a few purrs of amusement from starry onlookers.  Blizzardpaw (12) has also been made a warrior with the name of Blizzardback for their forethought.  Streamhiss (20) considers herself lucky to have been able to train such an amazing young cat and looks forward to seeing the warrior they become.  Sweet Marmalade (34) is proving to have good luck (or maybe bad luck, depending on how you look at it).  He got dropped by an eagle but miraculously survived with only a broken leg.  At least it’s not a broken back this time!  While Echomoor (30) and Tumbleswoop (38) are both in the Healer’s den after Echomoor came down with greencough, they realize that they don’t want to live without each other and become mates.  Yay!  Rootwing (16) is still struggling with mediating and makes a situation with ChaffinchClan worse.  Maybe Hopedawn (38) should stop sending her son out on his own.   Hopedawn, instead of helping her son become a better mediator, is joking about ChaffinchClan with Kestrelcreek (38).  That’s a choice. Vaxxstreak (135)  appreciates his kits and thinks that Echomoor was nice to him today.   Downgaze (30) is developing a bit of a crush on Shinebreak (24).  Maybe Brightmouse (24) would be open to an open relationship?  Echomoor feels inadequate because he hasn’t proven himself.  He wishes that Dawnfreckle would be a bit more considerate when he’s boasting about saving Hopgrowl.  Lilacdrizzle (16) finds a kit while out on patrol and decides to bring him back to camp.  He names the kit Greenkit (5).  The kit is water-blessed and excited to learn as much as he can about ElementClan’s history.
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 248-Leaf-fall
Skipneedle (23) may have spoken too soon.  Hopgrowl (271) did manage to survive her broken jaw. . .only to be killed in an avalanche.  Dawnfreckle (32)  is probably most impacted by her loss, as he helped save her.  However, his spirits are lifted and he is reminded that he is still proven when Creekstar (102) gives him Cavepaw (6) as an apprentice.  In other news, Blizzardpaw (11)  has come out as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.  Vaxxstreak  (134) worries that Dawnfreckle isn’t ready for the responsibility of an apprentice and gets in a fight with him over it. Thank StarClan that Tumbleswoop (37) is feeling much better, at least.  His leg is still broken, but at least it isn’t festering.  He does his best to stand tall when Echomoor (29) walks by.  Echomoor is still not getting along with the Healers.  He gets in a fight with Paleburst (27) over a pretty feather.  Hopedawn (37), for some reason, is obsessed with Brightmouse’s (23)  attention.  She’s even jealous when she catches Brightmouse staring at another cat (that cat being Brightmouse’s mate).  Streamhiss (19) is checking in with Almondback, who is telling her that he doesn’t think Sweet Marmalade (33) is very considerate.  Orioleclover (14) is thinking the exact opposite and is developing a crush on the young tom.  Primcrest (90) has been deputy since she was very young, but she’s still not sure what the Clan thinks of her.  Do they like her?  Do they hate her?  She doubts she’ll ever know.
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