#peacock chloe
bigfatbreak · 5 days
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they both got bonked for being silly.
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
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Your Feelings Are Not a Burden.
Bonus Teenage Peachicks:
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Ko-fi | Patreon
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officialprimadonna · 1 year
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the miracle team (1/2)
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mirrorghosty · 6 months
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I got a tad bit carried away but hey magicalgirl Au Miraculous Ladybug
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bakawitch · 3 months
Continuing this nonsense au
(I can't draw right now, and I need to get it out of my system)
Marinette is best friends with Chloé (they're the mean girls)
She's the daughter of the most famous/expensive confectioners in all of Paris
She's a klepto and pick pockets the ladybug miraculous from Fu before he could give it to an appropriate holder
Her hero name is Lady Vermilion
She is the sole defence against Hawkmoth for a while and is perceived very positively by the public
Sabrina takes on Marinette's canon role and is constantly victimised by Chloé and Marinette
Que Alya's transfer to the class, her and Sabrina become fast friends and they bond over their mutual love for Lady Vermilion
Sabrina passes one of Fu's dumb tests and gets the black cat miraculous - becomes Calico
After Fu sees Alya help Calico while Lady Ver is down from an akuma attack, he gives her the dog miraculous
Alya becomes Huntara and Calico and her partner up!
(Fetch has a different ability, I don't know what yet, but it's something stronger. Maybe it's something like stealing distance between the user and targets the ball hit? Dunno lol)
After the akuma gets defeated, Lady Ver welcomes them to the hero business and tells them that one day, they might be as great as her if they try hard enough, because this time they definitely just got lucky
Lady Ver is fake nice to them in a condescending and belittling way, she's very angry and concerned that they might steal her spotlight
Alya and Sabrina are unaware of each others' secret identities because they don't know each other well enough to know if they're acting out of character or trying to cover for something but they will figure it out eventually
They do hero stuff, and Lady Ver usually steals the spotlight
She usually only appears for very dangerous akumas and lets Calico and Huntara deal with the small fries
Enter Adrien- dun dun dun!
He's also a mean girl™
Marinette still has a thing for him, but Adrien and Chloé are too oblivious to notice her advances and
Something something happens, Marinette gets the opportunity to snatch the bee miraculous from Fu
She gives it to Chloé and reveals her secret identity to her, believing that as a duo, they have better chances to rival the rising in popularity cat and dog duo
Chloé becomes Queen Frelon
Seeing the increasing amount of miraculous in play, Hawkmoth recruits his disgruntled estranged son and gives him the broken peacock miraculous (father of the year, ladies and gentlemen)
Adrien becomes Fanfare and almost immediately gets sick after detransforming
(He's probably not a senti-baby here...? Idk)
Fanfare eventually recruits Lady Vermillion and Queen Frelon from the shadows to start his own cause because there is no way that he's going to give the ladybug and black cat miraculous to his incompetent father
Queen Frelon and Lady Ver start openly sabotaging Calico and Huntara and try to set them up as fall guys for Fanfare's plan
Love square is Huntara/Alya->Calico->Alya<-Sabrina
Felix arrives and eliminates Hawkmoth/Gabriel with Adrien/Fanfare's help after figuring out their identities
Felix gets the butterfly and becomes Jaded Majesty
Lady Ver and Queen Frelon fully switch sides, and Lady Ver uses her influence to start portraying Huntara and Calico as villains, and the heroes become wanted criminals
The new actual villain team carefully craft a plan through which they will practically have full control over Paris
The goal is still to get the black cat from Calico, but their wish is now to heal Adrien
And yeah, that's as far as I have this au roughly outlined XD
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Possibly How It Should Have Been
Gosh, I've just thought about it sometimes, as I'm largely trying to turn my creative focus onto something more enjoyable than ML (hence less writing for ML fics), but sometimes I just can't help but focus on it. Cause it's a great concept and it's butchered and that bothers me so much.
And there's SO MUCH that could've been done to improve it. Some of which could be easy tweaks. Some of which needs massive overhauling. Some of it is just picking a lane, staying in that lane, and you follow the road to progress.
It's a great concept with a LOT of possibilities and ways it could've been done. I've actually thought about possible ML Rewrites a few times, I even reached out to a friend to try and help develop a Rewrite that we could've collabed on cause I was struggling to much to decide, and we both just got stuck cause there's so many options for characters and what could possibly be done as we could see so many pros for each option.
And of course, part of the pondering that came to my mind was seeing promising improvement with kwami swaps.
Like, Marinette and Adrien may have developed better if they had each other's miraculous. Plagg could've been the ideal foil to Marinette as he's the opposite of her in every way, addressing her overworking herself, prioritizing others over herself, and caring so much about her responsibilities that it just weighs and stresses her out. And with Adrien and Tikki, she could've helped him develop as an actual, step up in responsibility, learn to take on duty, to care about others over himself. She also would've helped him get the plot rolling, as Adrien is a stagnant character but Tikki is not. She's going to get him involved into the Agreste plot whether he wants it or not, and in turn, he's going to get Tikki to learn to be more attentive and considerate of her holders cause things can go south for Adrien very quickly if she pushes too much.
Gosh, another great kwami swap that could've been done that could've improved a lot was switching up who are the leads. I always wondered if Tikki and Plagg TRULY would've picked Marinette and Adrien, also if they were even the right picks now that we know that Fu doesn't know everything and is running on limited knowledge. As far as we know, they ARE the wrong picks for these two. And considering there was an ep of Tikki and Plagg picking their own users, I now wonder if Alya and Nino should've been our actual leads.
How Alya was initially as Scarabella screams to me that it would've better served in the Origins as a starting hero. Alya also has promising potential arcs as a starting hero, especially as being a superhero is her living her dream:
There's the struggle of balancing her civilian and hero life, she can learn that the civilian life is just as important.
She can learn that being a hero isn't all glory and isn't always easy.
She can learn the importance of secrecy, and what happens if she exposes herself to the public or to a friend (probably Marinette).
And a lot of the lessons Tikki is involved with would make more sense with Alya, who does get tunnel vision and isn't good at listening to others and isn't so considerate and can be very pushy with her own agenda. Alya naturally aims for the leadership position and Tikki wants her Ladybugs to be leaders, so Tikki can help guide Alya to improve as a leader. Lastly, Alya will challenge Tikki on her call outs, which could at certain points help established that Tikki isn't always right and is open to learn and adapt too. And Alya could busy herself looking into HM, making her theories and being nosy about his identity, which Tikki would readily be apart of and encourage. Which Alya should've done in the show than recklessly trying to expose the heroes identity to the public and help HM win. Which, if Adrien wasn't a hero, maybe that should have been his role instead, which Gabriel could encourage and Adrien is even more excited cause he thinks his father is taking an interest in what he does which can be some later Adrien angst for you.
With Nino and Plagg, the BIGGEST plus is that it would actually give Nino SOMETHING outside Alya and Adrien. It would've prompt him to get more focus, and based on what's seen, he's 2nd to Marinette in having the most friends, meaning he can be more engaging and present with what happens to his classmates. Plagg also could bring some needed chaos to his life. You can even expand upon what's seen in Horrificatr where Nino can be controlling, strict, and harsh so Plagg can work on that. Nino does have some similarities to Marinette where he does care a lot for his friends and is hardworking, so there's something there to make Plagg a bit of a foil to him. To expand on Nino's role as Alya embraces being the big hero and savior, could even do the fandom popular idea of him getting Guardian training.
With those two taken, this nicely opens up others getting the Five.
Marinette can work with either Bee or Fox. If you want to work off Chloe vs Marinette, it works best if Marinette has the Bee. Though I think Pollen's personality should be overhauled, but if not, at least there's a perk that yes man Pollen going to force Marinette to take initiative and decide things for herself instead of seeking advise from her kwami. And with Fox, that can work off Marinette being a meddler, schemer, being creative, and her more inclined to work from the shadows. There could also be a fun twist to explore with Marinette not liking liars and she has a miraculous tied to deception, plus her and Trixx could've been an interesting pair to see interact, especially if working off what's seen in Sapotis where Trixx is very observant and manipulative, but also a bit of a chaotic gambler (from what I've seen, later seasons seem to ruin Trixx as a character). And of course, Marinette having Fox could work off her vs Lila, you could even dabble in her vs Felix.
Arguably, Chloe MAY grow as Alya and Nino would NOT have been so tolerant of her unlike Marinette and Adrien, so Chloe could've gotten the Bee and actually be a good hero and character for it. But that can also come down to preference and how you want Chloe to go.
Adrien could've gotten the Turtle, which I think could've been one of the best miraculous he could've gotten as he naturally likes to be a protector, and this miraculous works off that while also giving him protection. Wayzz also could've maybe addressed Adrien readily sacrificing himself, help him learn to be more cautious instead of rushing in, or at least think and be smart about how you go forward. There's even a possibility of Adrien having Turtle full time, as Nino could share his suspicions with Fu about Gabriel, so Wayzz could be there as a spy to check things out, which would have Adrien eventually get involved in his own plot, but still allow things to be at a slower pace. And as Wayzz, ideally, seems to be serious and dedicated but also playful and open minded, I think he would be very engaging with Adrien, which in turn could mean that when Adrien needs a call out, he would listen to what Wayzz had to say more (as most of the time Adrien ignores what Plagg says).
As for the leads, both would have an equal neutral involvement in the plot that can explain why things don't resolve quickly (looking at you Adrien who won't even ask questions about the suspicious book your father has). Alya would be a hero and lead for glory and self-righteousness, Nino would be to genuinely help others. Neither would have a super close tie to Gabriel, allowing him to sit under their noses for a while.
Also, gosh, you even could've had a lot of fun with color coded rivals/foils/personal antagonists for Alya and Nino.
If you really wanted to do Alya vs Lila, let Lila actually have the Fox or maybe she bought the Fox in Volpina, and this has Alya and Lila having the miraculous the other is color coded for. She could work off being a hero initially for the wrong reasons, just like Alya who starts for the glory too, as well as integrity vs deception.
Something could also be done between Nino vs Felix, with Nino really color coded for Peacock while Felix is color coded for Cat. Could play off both being ambitious to a fault and being selfish and nosy, but Nino cares more for others vs Felix is more exclusive.
And if expanding to others...
Of course could do Marinette vs Chloe if Marinette has the Bee, Chloe could have the Mouse, which could be funny to see Chloe deal with herself. That might humble her.
As for Adrien... could do him and Max being foils, work off Max getting Horse while largely wearing green, and I think Adrien is most color coded for Horse. Could work off both being perfectionist and could delve into the shared interest of gaming, with Max trying to bring out the competitiveness in Adrien. Could be thinking vs action.
Either way, ML is frustrating cause it's a show with potential and great concepts and it's irritating that it got butchered so. And the most frustrating thing is that there is just so many options to how it could've been done better. And kwami swap wise, these are my top two picks that would've been better.
Thank you for coming to my TED talks.
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huli-jinx · 1 month
Chloé's Codenames for Each Miraculous:
Ladybug Miraculous: Ruby Lady
Black Cat Miraculous: Duchess Noir
Bee Miraculous: Queen Bee
Fox Miraculous: Vulpine Queen
Turtle Miraculous: Emerald Queen
Peacock Miraculous: Queen Pavone
Butterfly Miraculous: Queen Papillon
Snake Miraculous: Empress Cobra
Rabbit Miraculous: Lady Lapin
Mouse Miraculous: Queen Souri
Ox Miraculous: Royal Might
Tiger Miraculous: Grand Tigress
Dragon Miraculous: Grand Dragoness
Horse Miraculous: Royal Mane
Goat Miraculous: Queen Caprina
Rooster Miraculous: Dawn Duchess
Monkey Miraculous: Queen Simia
Pig Miraculous: Queen Porcine
Dog Miraculous: Bichon Frisé
Eagle Miraculous: Majestic Wing
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graaythekwami · 1 year
Chloe's Amok
So I kind of have a random theory on what Chloe's amok could be if she ends up being a senti like the other rich kids, and I'm thinking it is this bracelet:
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Yes, I know Rogercop is way back from season one and that we haven't seen this bracelet since, but here me out.
Now how Chloe and Andre act this episode isn't anything new for their characters, but there are a few things I find slightly interesting. First of all Chloe isn't wearing the bracelet at all, but keeping in a special case. Chloe doesn't strike me as the type to keep something carefully tucked away when she could be wearing it and showing it off to the world. So why is she this time? Not that I think she would have told it was an amok, but I could totally see a conversation about how important this piece of jewelry is and how it is absolutely priceless before it was given to her.
Of course this is speculation, but what isn't is what we see in this episode. When Chloe shows the bracelet to Sabrina she goes to immediately grab it, suggesting that Chloe hasn't been against Sabrina touching her things in the past. Of course Chloe is rude in telling Sabrina not to do so, then we get this line from Andre:
"Put it away, Chloé! It could get in the wrong hands!"
I mean yes it probably is expensive, but so is every other thing Chloe owns? And I don't think it would be out of budget for Andre to buy Chloe another bracelet if something were to happen to it, and it is a bit strange to not let her wear her own jewelry.
Unless this isn't just a bracelet, but rather his daughter's life force that he doesn't want in the wrong hands or anyone to know about it because whoever holds it controls Chloe?
From here the bracelet goes missing thanks to a combination of Marinette tripping and Plagg, the blame immediately being put on Marinette, and being passed around the classroom from there. Again I don't think Chloe's insistence for Marinette being searched is surprising, or the mayor backing her up on this, but I do find it interesting that Andre doesn't try to placate Chloe at all like he usually does when she starts making demands. There's no "Chloe dear" or "My little princess", but immediately Andre is trying to get Roger to do some illegal searches on a teenager.
Of course Roger is then also immediately fired over something that has no relation to his job (there's no actual proof the bracelet was stolen instead of just being missing at this point!). And there's no pressure by Chloe to have Roger fired, Andre does this to someone very loyal to him on his own accord.
Later Andre also tries to have Nino's phone taken so the video can be reviewed by professionals as they try to track down this bracelet thief. He's wasting no resources or power plays here to find the bracelet, and also goes after the principal of the school as well:
"I'm warning you! If you don't find my daughter's bracelet by this evening, I'll cut off all your city funds for the school. Understood?"
I mean him throwing around his power as mayor isn't anything new... but why not buy a new bracelet at this point instead of targeting everyone who isn't involved? And like before there is no influence or demand from Chloe at this point for Andre to keep this all up, but he's not letting up about this missing bracelet.
We also get this interaction between Andre and Roger too when he's fired:
"Mayor, you can't be serious! Over a missing bracelet?" "This is my daughter's bracelet we're talking about!"
Your daughter's bracelet? Or perhaps your daughter's life force?
Again, this attitude and demands is in no way strange for the Bourgeois family, rather I just find all the details in between this interesting, and that it could be implying that this bracelet is something more than just a regular piece of jewelry.
Now for the other major reason I think this could be Chloe's amok (or at least something more than just an average bracelet): Plagg's interaction with this bracelet.
Now I don't think Plagg can sense amoks or would know that an object is one, but I don't think it would be out of reason for him to notice something about it. He's a magical being, or why shouldn't he have a response for other magical things?
Plagg immediately takes a liking to this bracelet, at first thinking it was cheese. Upon discovering that it isn't cheese though, he isn't too disappointed (Plagg. Not upset about not getting any Camembert when he thought he was??). He also gets pretty reckless by not only staying in Chloe's bag, but throwing the bracelet up into the air where it could have been seen by others. Now Plagg isn't exactly the most responsible, but he's also not stupid, so I thought this was worth noting. (Especially by him not being mad it wasn't cheese. Personally I think Plagg would be really upset to find there was no cheese.)
Then of course this is where the bracelet gets lost, with Plagg stuck inside of it, and Adrien smuggles him away. And Plagg is stuck in the bracelet. The kwami is stuck. The kwami is stuck inside of an object when they can phase through any solid material. It's not like Plagg is under any orders not to phase through bracelets, and yet he is still stuck!
I'm sure we've all wondered why Plagg doesn't just phase out of it before, and we've never given a reason.
So... what if magic has something to do with it? Like there isn't any canon that we have that states kwamis can't phase through certain things, but if it was going to be anything I think a magical object created by another kwami's powers that's hosting someone's life force fits the bill.
Then finally, we get this bit of information:
"What do you mean I can't transform?" "If you transform, the bracelet will get absorbed with me and damage your powers!"
This is a bit of canon lore that we never hear of or see come into play again. We've seen transformations happen with kwamis in pockets, bags, hidden away, in another room, having a piece of food in their paws: but never has any of these physical objects with the kwamis or them standing between them and their Miraculous ever stopped a transformation, get transformed with them, or damage their powers in any form. Either Plagg was lying about this fact, or this bracelet had properties that were different from everyday objects that could impact magical transformations.
And honestly, a Miraculous and an amok aren't too different from each other. They're both an object that gives a magical being a physical form, allows them to be controlled, and can grant powers. While unification between kwamis exist, maybe them merging with other magical entities is in fact dangerous?
And we have seen interesting properties between amoks and transformations in canon. We have seen Gabriel transformed while giving orders to Adrien, and touch right where the amok ring would be even though it clearly isn't there or under the glove. Even if it isn't physically present it still exists in some form when a human transforms while wearing an amok, and the magic that binds the sentis to orders is still there.
As for why we never see the bracelet again? I imagine Andre thought it was way too dangerous to let Chloe have her own amok after everything that happened during Rogercop, and took it back to keep it safe once more.
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dannypinot · 2 years
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Poker Face — 1.04: Rest in Metal
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Ask for Kwami fusions: How about Taking Chloé's rooster design and mixing it with a peacock, because showboating+showboating=Chlocore
You got me. I got a little something something
The Resplendent Queen!
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So, I'll get a little more info regarding the rules I'm gonna go with in terms of the unifications. But, here we go:
Resplendent Queen is the combination of pretension and emotion. A pair of birds, so I stuck with a bird. I went with another fancy feathered bird and went with the resplendent quetzal (also where she gets her name). The concept nobility comes more from pretension (entitlement) than it does emotions, until we get to the powers (which I'm still a little on the fence for).
Now, the tool and powers. The fan and pen combined into a calligraphy brush (thought it was cute). Her power was a little tricky since the rooster can give any power while the peacock is manifesting emotions into monsters (which does fall under the category of empathetic constructs), so there's a lot of leeway and opportunity. So, there's a pair of powers I'm considering for the concept of nobility:
Empathetic Influence - This allows Resplendent Queen to influence and override emotions of her target. Say a target is happy and she influences them to feel something like fear, tying more into the tyrant side of nobility/royality.
Empathy - This kinda inspired by the song The Cost of the Crown by Margie Butler. That a queen cannot think only of herself, but also of the subjects that she is responsible for. Hence, her gaining the power of Empathy, allowing her to feel what others are truly feeling around her.
I like Empathy a little more, but I dunnno. But, there you go, Chloe's unification with the peacock.
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My favourite parts of BMC
this was a community production i saw and it should have been professional like it was so good im hyperfixating on it but anywaysss
female michael (this was her FIRST PRODUCTION SHE WAS INCREDIBLE)
rich wrote beans on jeremys backpack
He wrote les on michaels
can i just say that elliot was the best jeremy like idk if i can listen to the cast recordings anymore he knocled it out of the park he was so awkward and adorable and all of the right energy for jeremy
jake wasnt typical jock he was wearing pink and like this cute little neckscarf but he slayed every time he was on his voice was so good
rich was so funny
the squip looked like daniel radcliffe bc the actor looked like daniel radcliffe and during the halloween party he was wearing a Gryffindor scarf and tie and when he was drunk the tie was around his head
also squip was incredible sounded exactly like the cast recording
Christines squip was emma watson
Guy that id kinda be into had a dating sim in the background and at the end when she said jake the screen shattered and there was a picture of jake but it was so funny
also the set was so cool they had the front stage then a tv screen with more stage behind it
Michael was so good because she made it her own character and as such was able to be on the same level as george salazar because she wasnt stuck behind him and his legendary beautiful stunning performance
jeremy was red michael was blue
Jeremy i cannot get enough of him it was incredible
the energy was approaching six the musical levels soooooo it was incredible
If you are in perth go see it!
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zoe-oneesama · 5 months
What were the biggest changes you made from the old Blue Blood concept to the current one? I really thought the new outfit was more elegant
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I didn't make many changes, the major one just being her "shoes" and giving her a skirt. I also played more with the colors to make them darker.
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hanatsuki-esperanza · 5 months
Scarlet Lady Finale Prediction
Under the cut for spoilers.
Sometime within the next 10 or so pages, Chloe is going to start feeling the effects of the broken peacock miraculous.
Hawkmoth is going to make some careless comment about how he knew the peacock miraculous was broken, and he willingly gave her a broken miraculous. Bonus points if he's still salty over all the times Chloe has foiled his plans as Scarlet Lady.
Chloe, being the diva she is, is not going to react well to the knowledge that the "gift" that Hawkmoth gave her is in fact not a gift.
Chloe, being the queen that she is, is not going to react well to the knowledge that Hawkmoth is using her as a glorified pawn.
Now, Chloe might want her revenge against the "sidekicks" who "stole" her miraculous, but I think she hates the idea of being a pawn even more than she wants revenge. It's in her nature not to take attacks to her ego and pride laying down.
And so she'll turn on Hawkmoth.
This isn't redemption; Chloe would have a lot more work to earn such a thing, after everything she's done. This would just be Chloe acting true to her nature.
(That's my prediction, let's see how close (or off the mark) I am as we draw near to the end)
Edit 05/06: When I said "within the next 10 pages," I did not mean "2 pages after the prediction," nor did I expect it to hit Chloe like a freight truck, oh my gosh, YIKES. Also, with Chloe very much out of commission and Nathalie has taken the peacock, my prediction is basically moot. Oh well, it was fun, but I forgot how much of a punch any broken miraculous has.
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luckydiorxoxo · 17 days
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Chloe Bailey attends Peacock's "Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist" World Premiere
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ilikelookingatthings · 7 months
Thoughts on Miraculous Ladybug : A Comment from YouTube I'm proud of about themes and Gabriel
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and don't get me STARTED on Gabriel. the undercut and sabotaged any nuance this man had for 5 freaking seasons. every time he showed nuance or good feelings, they undercut it by forcing him to do something worse to snuff out any sense of sympathy or complexity, so we know who the bad guy and good guy is. yet they try to ham fist a last-minute redemption?!
don't get me wrong I actually DO want a redeemable complex Gabriel but its VERY confusing and just BAD how they handled it. at the very least they could have made it better if they literally said he was good and genuinely had good intentions to save his wife. after all she was 'missing' which means the plan was to use the wish to wake her up and she could come back using going missing as a cover. He wasn't raising the dead as she was in a magical coma.
he has a fix it as he knew if he lost that the ladybug miraculous would fix things and if he won, he could use the ladybug miraculous to fix any damage he did. by making 'hawkmoth' the villain it means people would have a target outside of the victims and the victims technically have to agree to the powers, so Gabe has the illusion of consent. and his plan to make a villain was to lure the ladybug and chat miraculous out of hiding by forcing them to activate to fix the problem since he couldn't track it down otherwise.
Overall, yes, it's not 'good' but his plan made sense in a way of minimizing damage for just wanting to save his wife. play up the fact they had no one to ask for help since the guardians were gone...from his view he was 'acting' as a villain. he had no training and didn't even have a properly translated book and wasn't chosen for his role.
just point to the fact Gabe has been using his miraculous of emotions wrong. he has been amplifying his own negative emotions to feel others negative emotions and forcing a fixation on the miraculous to get his victims to try to steal them. we have literally seen how even being a little emotionally off can have consequences.
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Feast with fu was a rouge Senti-monster that sensed Fu's negative emotions, negative emotions that weren't even a part of why he made the Senti-being (which was to get him some snacks, Marinette's miraculous immediately timing down when she used it to separate Adrien and Chloe instead of attacking bubbler due to her jealousy, how Tikki's snack attack affected Mari when Mari transformed. and how Akuma Victims are prone to making dumb mistakes and you literally can't reason with them properly and act more fixated and aggressive.
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they could have fixed the situation by just pointing out as a side effect from using his miraculous the way he was...his personality was literally getting twisted like his Akumas due to using mis miraculous in a way it wasn't supposed to be intended. Even more with how they mention using multiple ones can cause a strain on you and literally make you insane.
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that way it would validate the times Gabe was reasonable or genuinely cared as the real him while also validating and explaining all the times he became SO much worse and cartoonishly evil.
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while I would have preferred Adrien actually being there in the final battle with hawkmoth..... if they just played up that Mari being more willing to sympathize and see the villians genuinely needed help and weren't just evil was due to adrien's/chat's influence because that is adrien's strength in the show. his sympathy and ability to think deeper on motivations and not just punish and how he helped teach mari to not take things entirely at face value and be more patient.
heck the final battle could have worked if they played up the Mari and gabe are actually genuinely VERY similar. they have LOTS of parallels in the show...
like I think they were going for a parallel to collector/the end of collector when mari went to him to give him the book she took(even if lila took it first) where gabe surprised us by him admiring ehr stepping forward and not being mad at her, even answering her questions and agreeing not to tell adrien when she asked him to keep silent. and a reminder about how gabe did give a genuine apology to adrien at the end of collector when he could have gotten away with not doing so since adrien DID steal the book from his locker...Gabe genuinely apologized in depth.
but because the show had spent most of the season undercutting any goodness in Gabriel again with no explanation to cover it like saying it was the influence of him going insane like his victims due to how he had been using his miraculous....it just feels unearned and messed up. even more if he was going to use the wish...why couldn't he had used it so Nathalie and the mom would be okay? if his plan had always been to use himself in case there was a price how would Mari have reacted?
like I still don't get why she trusted him at all. and because they never mentioned Gabe going insane or his behavior was due to how he handled the miraculous (like Akuma victims)
...it just comes across as Gabe just being genuinely terrible and abusive as him as a default for most of the show which makes the redemption/him fighting his choice WEIRD.
like please for the love of GOD WHY did they not just make it a side effect of using his brooch the way he did literally! it would have used the fact they primed us to sympathize/not judge what people do under the Akuma influence/in the deepest throes of their negative feelings because its prompted by them being twisted by the magic to at least give Gabe a BUFFER(for the audience).
It would make him 'fighting' so to speak, literally him fighting how he had twisted himself literally with the way he used the miraculous...like how people can fight drugs or the fought akums before. and the tragedy that Nathalie thought Gabe was just bad...not realizing her enabling him using the brooch the way he did twists someone she genuinely cared about.
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like, it is easy to notice at judge the physical effects of the peacock broach, but the mental effect of the butterfly is HONESTLY terrifying/scary and has so many implications if their plan was to hint that original Gabe was more similar to Betterfly.
I think it works even more because it would also explain why Gabe seemed different in this specific fight because he didn't know Adrien was chat noir. people often use Gabe's reaction to Adrien being Chat Noir to validate seeing Gabe as just an abusive horrible person...but what I've also seen is if Gabe actually talks or is around Adrien for enough time Gabe WILL soften to some degree...pointing to how Gabe does care for Adrien and that it grounds him more in his original motive/personality.
So, the change might be because Gabe has been amplifying his negative feelings so 'hawkmoth' is more focused and fixated on the miraculous and defeating ladybug and chat...finding out Adrien is chat makes the 'hawkmoth' affects take over more.
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like how we saw Nate and others relax at times around certain people that breakthrough the delusion (like when Nate was actually convinced to leave Chloe alone to go hang with Marinette) but he snapped back into his villain mindset when Mari's actions echoed Chloe.
I think what's worse is it's not even a rewrite since all the blocks are THERE but the show just never acknowledges it.
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 33 - AO3
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes of keeping Rossi pinned to the ground while she hissed and spat at him, struggling against the superior strength of the Peacock Miraculous. Ten minutes of kneeling on her torso, unable but not incapable of fighting while King Monkey and Chat Noir picked off the rest of their akumatized classmates. Ten minutes of waiting, Rossi’s connection to Hawkmoth flashing for a few moments before extinguishing.
It was the longest ten minutes of Argus’ life.
The doors of the gym slammed open. Argus couldn’t spare a glance, but multiple people ran into the room, one coming up right behind him. He braced himself. “Oh thank god.”
“Ma—” Argus turned his head to look, but instead of who he was expecting, it was Ladybug behind him. Several police officers had arrived with her. “Ladybug. Did everything go well?”
She nodded, smiling. “Both Hawkmoth and Mayura were arrested and no one was hurt. And now—” She walked around him, so Rossi could see here. “It’s your turn, Lila Rossi. Are you going to surrender the akuma?”
“Never!” She snapped, spit foaming in her mouth. Argus wrinkled his nose.
“Hard way it is, then.” She glanced at Argus. “Do you know where her akumatized object is?”
“No idea. Everything about her is so ugly, it could be anything.”
Rossi hissed at him, trying to bit his arm. He slammed her head back into the floor, cracks radiating out on the wood under her.
Ladybug appraised the akuma. “There really is room for taste. But when Rossi was akumatized previously, the object was…” Reaching down, Ladybug plucked a necklace off Rossi’s neck. He hadn’t noticed it before due to the ugly prom queen aesthetic, but a dainty, tasteful necklace had been there the whole time, hidden in the ruffles of the bust. Ladybug snapped the necklace in half, and a black butterfly flew out. “This.”
Quickly catching the akuma, a loveliness of ladybugs washed over the gym and into the world outside. Damage from the battle healed, cracks fading and shrinking. His classmates transformed back into their normal selves, dazed and confused. Rossi, too, transformed back to normal, with none of the confusion previous akuma victims had. Instead, she continued to glare up at Argus and Ladybug, hands balled into fists (thumbs tucked under her fingers like she’d never learned to punch before, and the sadistic part of Felix really wanted her to try).
Ladybug helped Felix to his feet. His knees cracked from kneeling for so long. “Your costume looks good on you,” Ladybug said suddenly. He blinked at her and she flushed. “It’s… You kept the hoodie look. It suits you.”
Before Felix could truly question whatever that was, Rossi crawled to her feet. Her face had smoothed into false gratitude, a simpering smile trying to placate her audience. “Oh, Ladybug! Thank you so much for saving me—”
Ladybug stepped aside for the two policemen, who hauled her to her feet. She complained about the rough, only to scream when handcuffs clicked around her wrists. “Lila Rossi, you are under arrest for terrorism against the citizens of Paris. Everything you say can and will—”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” Rossi sputtered, trying to pull her other wrist free before it was locked behind her back. “I was an akuma, I can’t be held responsible for helping Hawkmoth! If I need to be arrested, so do they!” Unable to gesture with her hand, she kicked in the direction of dreadlock girl, goth girl, and boy with a skull on his shirt. They looked horrified at the prospect.
He really, really needed to learn his classmates’ names.
The police officers didn’t look inclined to answer, but Argus was ecstatic to inform Rossi of what was going on. He was a hero, at least for the day; he couldn’t let someone walk away ignorant after all! “So, that wasn’t you in the video I took? The video where you can clearly see someone who looks exactly like you snatches an akuma out of the air and negotiates with Hawkmoth for better powers?” He looks back at Ladybug, who was giving him a look. “Oh dear, we ought to go out and search for this mysterious doppelganger then. But… the doppelganger theory doesn’t explain the mountain of other evidence for more crimes we found on you. Whoops.”
“You—” She lunged for Argus, but the officers hold her back. “You ruined my life!” She spat.
Chat Noir approached, crossing his arms, and glaring at the girl. “Ironic, coming from End Days herself.”
Argus snorted. “I know, right?”
Rossi was dragged away by the bobbies, screaming at the top of her lungs about diplomatic immunity and that she’d been framed. Argus rolled his eyes. Turning back to the heroes, he flinched, finding Chat Noir staring at him with an unidentifiable expression. After a few seconds, the hero spoke. “I don’t like you.”
Argus cocked an eyebrow. “And why should I care?”
Chat Noir glared. “But, you did good in your first fight against an akuma. And hopefully, your last.”
“That was hardly my first fight against an akuma, remember?”
He stepped into Argus’ personal space, staring him down. Argus stopped breathing. “I won’t forget.” He stepped away. “But I guess you were lucky enough to find some people willing to tolerate you. That’s probably the reason why you’re not a loser anymore.”
“Chat Noir!” Ladybug stood in between the two, glaring at her partner. “There was no reason to say that to Argus! He’s the only reason we were able to defeat Hawkmoth!”
Chat Noir’s face darkened, and he looked away. “Yeah.” Like it was planned, Chat Noir’s Miraculous beeped, though the Ladybug and Peacock stayed silent. Ladybug must have recharged on her way over, and Argus never used his ability in battle—Duusu hadn’t even explained how, claiming that it was dangerous—so he was the only one who had to leave or risk his identity. Ladybug offered him a fist bump before he left, and Chat looked like he was about to cry. “Meet me in the usual place? Tonight, at ten?”
“Of course, Chaton. Take all the time you need.”
The black cat hero raced away to parts unknown after whatever that was (although, the dark part of Felix’s mind already had a suspicion he really didn’t like). That left Ladybug alone with the three temporary heroes, along with the three victims. She cleared her throat. “Thank you, everyone. With your help, we managed to finally arrest Hawkmoth—”
“So, who was it?” Chloe asked.
“You find that out tomorrow, with the rest of Paris. I believe a press conference is already in the works for the morning” Ladybug didn’t seem to care about the interruption, used to how Chloe acted. “I need to collect your Miraculous now, but Queen Bee, Argus, since you both have public identities…”
“You want ours back first before collecting the others,” Argus finished, snatching the Bee Miraculous out of Chloe’s hair. She yelped as she detransformed, and Argus tossed the hair comb to Ladybug. There was no sign of a kwami; did that happen when the Miraculous was removed without the transformation phrase? If so…
“Why you do that!?” Chloe screeched at him.
“Don’t act like you were going to return it willingly,” Argus spat back.
King Monkey agreed. “Yeah, you were probably planning to crash another train to impress mommy dearest.” He held out a fist to Argus, and the Peacock hero reluctantly tapped it.
Ripping the brooch off his chest, Argus turned back into Felix and he tossed it at Ladybug. She fumbled, bouncing the jewelry off her arms and chest before clutching it in a move so familiar it was burned into his retinas. “You don’t want to say goodbye to your kwami?” she asked.
Felix snorted. “If I never had to see that hyperactive monster ever again, it would be too soon. Keep the horrible thing.”
Ladybug nodded, gesturing for King Monkey to leave with her. She looked back at him over her shoulder. “I’ll see you soon.”
Felix nodded. And it would be soon.
As in, the next day of class, soon. They sat next to each other, after all.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny @nikipuppeteer
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