#peace love witchcraft
caitlinsinterlude · 10 months
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jeff buckley in an interview about bob dylan writing for nina simone. bob dylan’s wrote sad-eyed lady about sara.
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amy---pearson · 4 months
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There is something that calls softly and deeply in the mossy forest...
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solarspringg · 1 month
Jegulus is disgusting stfu
Hey, love. Thank you for your message and I hope you’re doing well ♥️
I’m responding not to prove a point or defend my honor, but as a gentle reminder to you and everyone else. You have every right to your opinion. I believe that everyone should be allowed to say what they stand for. I may not agree with every opinion in the world, but I believe that everyone should be able to express themselves.
The internet, especially recently, is a hateful place. It seems that everyone can’t do anything online without perpetuating hate. I, on the other hand, don’t want to become part of that percentage. I believe in treating everyone with respect and kindness, because even though I don’t agree with your sentiment, dear anonymous person, I am not going to fight fire with fire. It’s just not in my nature.
You are a person yourself and I believe you should treat others how you yourself would like to treated. In a world of hate and rage, I want to be a person of integrity.
This will be the first and last time I will be responding to anonymous asks here. One) Because me answering these messages is giving people exactly what they want: attention. Responding to the hate will only continue the cycle, and we’ll be going round and round, fighting pointless battles. Two) I turned off my anonymous asks. I believe that you have a right to say how you feel, but if what you say is something that has to be covered under a veil of anonymity, maybe you should stop and rethink. If you cannot say something that you can own, should you really be saying it all?
There are a lot of ships in the Marauders and Harry Potter fandom that I personally do not care for or agree with. There are also many head canons I dislike and think perpetuate harmful stereotypes, or are just not my cup of tea. But, rather than bashing those who ship those things, I block the tag and do not engage with that content, and then I move on.
If you do not like something, my advice is to simply not engage with it.
I, however, cannot control what others do. I cannot force you to stop what you are doing and I cannot change your mind. I can only control what I do. I’m going to continue going about my business here and I hope in the near future people on here relax, as it hurts me that people are receiving death threats and harsh messages. No one deserves that.
And to those reading this who have been on the receiving end of hate recently, I hope you are doing okay. The internet can be a pretty bad place, but don’t let people on the internet disrupt your mental, emotional, and even physical well being. Stay safe out there and remember to take care of yourselves 💕
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sacred-goddess7 · 21 days
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I’m glad I could do the things I love 😊💕🫶
#help reblog Tumblr family ❤️
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tryingtobegoodwitch · 4 months
This is not a drill, this is real.
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therosewitchcottage · 1 month
𝕸𝖞 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝕯𝖆𝖞…
Wake up early
Coffee & a muffin
A light walk in the cool air with music playing in my ear
A little soft yoga outside on the deck
A warm shower
A bigger breakfast
Hair & Makeup fun~
Sit down to journal, plan and write
Read for a little bit or work on a craft
Go on an adventure with my friends
Spend time with my partner and perhaps laze about with them
Cook dinner together
Have another small walk with them
Some time to myself to meditate
A relaxing bath
Read a little more with my partner
And bed snuggled up with cozy blankets and my human.
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artfulconjure · 1 month
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orion-sage · 1 year
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Unlock Your Inner Potential: A Pineal Gland Activation Meditation Guide
Introduction: Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Within you lies a hidden gem—the pineal gland, often referred to as the "third eye." By awakening and stimulating this mystical center, you can tap into your higher consciousness, intuition, and inner wisdom. Get ready to embark on a path of enlightenment with this Pineal Gland Activation Meditation Guide.
Step 1: Find Your Sacred Space
Choose a tranquil and comfortable space, free from distractions.
Light a candle or use soft lighting to create a soothing ambiance.
Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, keeping your spine straight.
Step 2: Mindful Breathing
Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath in through your nose.
Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension.
Focus on your breath, allowing it to become slow and rhythmic.
Step 3: Visualize the Pineal Gland
In your mind's eye, visualize a radiant and vibrant indigo or violet light at the center of your forehead.
Imagine this light growing brighter with each breath, illuminating your third eye.
Step 4: Chanting or Toning
Begin to chant or tone the sacred sound "OM" (AUM) softly or internally.
Feel the vibrations resonate within your head, particularly in the area of your pineal gland.
Step 5: Guided Imagery
Imagine a serene pathway leading to a luminous doorway within your mind.
As you step through this doorway, envision a breathtaking, starlit night sky.
Allow your inner vision to guide you to a space of profound tranquility.
Step 6: Connection with Universal Energy
Visualize a beam of pure, golden light descending from the cosmos and entering your third eye.
Feel this divine energy nourishing and awakening your pineal gland.
Sense a deep connection to the universe and a heightened awareness of your inner self.
Step 7: Gratitude and Closure
Slowly return your awareness to the physical world, gently wiggling your fingers and toes.
Open your eyes and take a moment to express gratitude for this transformative experience.
Conclusion: Congratulations on completing the Pineal Gland Activation Meditation! As you practice regularly, you'll notice an enhanced sense of intuition, clarity, and spiritual growth. Share this guide with others to help them embark on their own journey of inner awakening. Together, we can illuminate the path to higher consciousness.
Remember, the universe resides within you—unlock the power of your third eye and explore the infinite possibilities that await
FREE Energy Check HERE
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forestfairy9969 · 6 months
The earth speaks for those who listen ❀ ☾ ✭
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I love the way the forest smells after a nice rain. I love the way the sunset looks when it’s just above the horizon. I love the way the sunlight looks shining thru the leaves. I love that everywhere I look is a tiny ecosystem relying on a big ball of gas in outer space. I love the way dew looks on the tulips in the spring. I love the sounds the river makes and it flows.i love the sounds of the waves as they crash on the shoreline. I love the moss on the trees and the lichen as their neighbors. I love the mushroom village on the oak stumps. I love the way the trees rustle when the breeze whispers.
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eklektikamagika · 5 months
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Nymphaea caerulea.
Mystical Egyptian Blue Lotus Wine: a Potent, Magickal Elixir.
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julyourwitch · 1 year
I promise you that there is nothing more beautiful, more important, emotionally-mentally and personally healthy and healing than shadow work, I'll never stop doing shadow work. Until my soul calms down and acquires new experiences full of love, joy, happiness, longing, pain, anger, frustration, sadness, exhaustion, fatigue, strength, will, courage, compassion and whatever else it needs to feel complete fulfillment without any regrets and guilt.
I'm so grateful and proud of myself and I love it. Thank you<3
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amy---pearson · 2 months
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Baking bread and growing flowers and drinking tea while watching the sun set in the woods while becoming local folklore is a dream to come true
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amduism · 1 month
Why Amduism is for everyone!
There are only 2 requirements to be Amdu, they are:
1. Believe in the gods
2. Be kind!
THAT’S IT! You can work with the Divine but you don’t have to. You can become a priestperson, but you don’t have to. You can perform ritual prayer, BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO! All you have to want to do is be kind!
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theplotwizard · 7 months
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Wanted to document this year's Aphrodite/Amy Rose Day altar before I take it down.
Image IDs under cut
[Photo ID 1: A six-cube shelf used as a Hellenic Polytheist altar. The top two cubes are decorated for Hermes and Athena respectively; Hermes' altar consists of a statue covered in plastic blue and yellow butterflies, fake gold coins, dice, a decorated offering jar, silver offering plate, Blue Midnight Citrus candle, a glass container with sticks of incense, and other offerings. Athena's altar consists of a small plaster statue on a blue candle stand shaped like an owl, a statue of the Virgin Mary painted and decorated in purple and black to look like Arachne, a decorated offering jar, a blue and gold resin offering plate, a jointed dragon fidget, and other offerings. The top of the altar is decorated with cheap Valentine's Day decorations in commemoration of Aphrodite.
Photo ID 2: A close up of the top of the altar, decorated with two small white pillars, an anointed pink taper candle, artificial pink roses, a small heart shaped candy dispenser filled with valentine M&Ms, a red glittery heart decoration with a small Amy Rose figure in front of it, a small cardboard valentine mailbox, and a box of Furby themed valentines. In the background on the wall are shadow box shrines to Zeus and Hera.
End ID]
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tryingtobegoodwitch · 13 days
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Sacrum Dae Hekate
Her Altar
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explicitcensor · 2 months
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