#pathfinder 2.0
clocknchain · 2 years
Regarding the Open Gaming License fiasco, one thing I haven't seen discussed is that Hasbro is explicitly trying to edit the OGL to screw over Paizo, makers of Pathfinder which is one of the biggest competitors for D&D (and available free online). Pathfinder and Pathfinder 2e use a lot of OGL content and Hasbro wants to destroy Paizo using this as leverage. It's not just about hurting indies, Hasbro wants to become a real monopoly. They see the money Paizo has made as money that belongs to Hasbro. Pure evil.
Meanwhile Paizo is creating a game license that will be "open, perpetual, and irrevocable" in response to the OGL 2.0. Yay Paizo!
Side note, it is worth mentioning one of the clauses in OGL 2.0 was meant to give Hasbro the power to stop Nazis from making D&D games. That one clause specifically says hate speech instantly cancels the OGL permissions. Really good effort on Hasbro's part to do that but unfortunately they buried it in a bunch of other anti-competitive nonsense.
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basketobread · 7 months
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my bg3 ocs but in pathfinder wotr lol say hi to lotus and warlock 2.0 (who is an oracle so now his name is oracle here sorry not sorry)
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daarka · 2 years
For those late to the party who want to know what the hell is going on with #OpenDnD, #StoptheSub, #DnDBegone etc, and why everyone is cancelling DnDBeyond subscriptions, I tried to do a crash course as succinctly as possible. OpenDnD.Games is a great resource for more in-depth details, and if you wish to do so, you can cancel your DnDBeyond subscription through this direct link (as there have been many reporting trouble in locating where to do so). Edit: Tweaked the very first detail below, as someone reminded me it was not a wholly accurate statement as I had initially written it. Apologies to everyone who already reblogged the first version of this :')
Hasbro acquired Wizards of the Coast (WotC) some time ago, but recently they got new leadership who said in an interview that they see D&D as "under-monetized". Hasbro is on the decline with finances, and WotC is its biggest cash cow. Why milk that cash cow through producing more content when you can instead revoke a legally irrevocable license that makes it impossible for 3rd party content creators to exist?
America loves a good monopoly. The old license that permitted the community to grow to what it is today was OGL1.0a, and without it, D&D would not be what it is right now, nor even close. They tried to shift to OGL1.1, a new license that is, in a word, PREDATORY. Horrific, nasty shit.
OGL1.1 was quietly sent to large creators to sign. It then got leaked. The community erupted. The backlash was loud and unanimous. WotC was radio silent for like two weeks. They finally gave a single-sentence "we'll explain soon" tweet on DnDBeyond's account. Then more silence.
A WotC employee reached out to large creators to blow the whistle on WotC. The source was verified, and they shared that WotC sees the community as an obstacle between them and their money, all they care about is bottom line, and they're delaying in hopes we forget and move on.
And also that they are mainly looking at DnDBeyond subscription cancelations to gauge the financial impact; they don't care about our sentiments, only our money. So everyone erupted into signal boosting for others to unsubscribe as the single and best way to make ourselves heard. Cue the mass unsubscribing.
Today (January 13th 2023), a shitty PR piece was posted on DnDBeyond full of blatant lies and, in my opinion, barely-contained saltiness. Right before that, though, OGL2.0 leaks came out; the tweaks they'd begrudgingly made following the backlash. 2.0 is basically just as bad as 1.1; they just spoke of it as being more changed than it was.
In other words, they keep bold-faced lying to a community of rules-lawyers who recreationally read fine print :)
Meanwhile, Paizo (creators of Pathfinder) has come to the rescue, vowing to release a truly open license that will allow everyone to continue pursuing the livelihoods they're passionate about; this is the Open RPG Creative License, or "ORC".
Canceling subscriptions immediately sends a potent message, even if you may have to resubscribe later for functionality in your games. You'll still have the remainder of your billing cycle to enjoy paid perks.
Everything's a little on fire, but I think we'll be okay ♥️
OGL1.0a was never meant to be revocable, as loudly stated in the past couple days by the very people who authored it. It is very likely that WotC is actually just bluffing and bullying, and is actually powerless to revoke it--something many lawyers more knowledgeable than myself seem to be suggesting. In which case, it is my greatest hope in all of this that 3rd party creators are able to continue doing what they love, with no further interruptions.
Remember: the majority of WotC and DnDBeyond employees feel the exact same way we do, but they don't have a choice. Hasbro is the enemy here. Be kind to each other, and know where blame should and should not be placed. If you want to stay up to speed, the account of @.DnD_Shorts seems to be a very active and informed voice, largely responsible for sharing the first leak. If Twitter makes you want to puke, I completely understand; DnD_Shorts also has a YouTube channel with frequent updates on the situation posted in video format.
It's cathartic to me to try to signal boost this stuff, and provide summaries that might help others stay informed. It helps me feel like I'm somehow able to affect these nasty things that are otherwise just inflicted onto lil guys in the community like myself.
However, this has been beyond exhausting and stressful. I'm going to start untangling myself and stepping back from posting about this issue so I can hopefully restore some of my own sanity.
It's been really crazy--in a good way--to see the power this community has when rallied together under a common threat. It makes me proud to be in that community.
At the end of the day, all TTRPGs are really just exercises in creativity and fun. The golden rule has always been and should always be that there is no right or wrong way to play, other than what suits you and those you play with. Likewise, no one should ever feel guilty or judged by others for playing one system over another. It's okay to like D&D5e despite all this. No matter how much they've tried, Wizards of the Coast cannot claim jurisdiction over the invaluable memories you've made, and what has become a creative outlet for countless people. Myself included.
Boycotting is a great way to be heard, since they only care about money. But continuing to use the content you have to play D&D5e is your prerogative, and hurts no one. Furthermore, it's also okay if you can't cancel your DnDBeyond subscription because you rely on it too heavily for your games. That doesn't make you a traitor. That doesn't estrange you from the community. DnDBeyond, at its core, is a great tool that is popular for a reason; it's the new leadership that is forcing it to become something it wasn't meant to be. One day, I hope to be able to resubscribe in good conscious, and I hope that day is soon.
To reiterate, if anyone's even read down this far... be kind to one another. Keep in mind that big enemies win when the party is divided. You can love or hate anything you want in the TTRPG sphere, but how you feel about it does not invalidate someone else feeling the opposite.
Be kind. Be patient. Be empathetic. We're already coming out on top.
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ttrpgcafe · 11 months
For those of you unfamiliar with Invisible Sun, it's an rpg where every single player is a spell caster of some variety, each with their own unique way of interacting with magic.
The Vances are the most traditional spellcasters, but they eschew spell lists in favor of literally filling a grid with spell cards, representing their limited cognitive space being taken up by spells. They get more space, and literally bigger spells as you progress.
Weavers take two concepts and combine them to produce an effect, very much like Ars Magica or Mage: The Ascension, if you're familiar with those. They get the ability to combine more concepts together, and to have mastery over more concepts as they progress.
Makers are this game's artificer, and they have a robust system for making quirky magic items that have fun, interesting, unique side effects or downsides every time you use them. Their progression is the most straight forward by the numbers "the things you make are more powerful and you're better at making them" of the bunch, but the system lets you, for instance, make a gun out of the body of a dead(?) god, so I'll give this a pass.
Lastly, there are the Goetics, who summon and bind otherworldly creatures to their wills. This takes the form of a conversation and negotiation with your GM over what you have to do for your bound creature, and what exactly they do for you in exchange. If you've ever played a warlock and felt like patrons weren't a big enough deal, this is an entire "class" that lets those relationships (yes, plural) take center stage.
The entire system feels very much like Cypher system 2.0, with a d10 dice pool system with a straight forward level of difficulty to hit, very much like the levels of difficulty in base cypher system, just made easier to manage. It even uses the "I'm an Adjective Noun who Verbs" character structure from Cypher system, here made much more interesting by the addition of a funky little xp system.
Invisible Sun has one of the most interesting advancement systems I've ever seen: aside from normal, average, "you do a thing, you get xp" system, here called "Acumen" (used to increase your stats and skills) there is a separate xp system related to good and bad things happening to your character, called "Joy" and "Despair" respectively. You combine one Joy with one Despair to get a "Crux" which is the xp currency you need to advance your class and focus abilities. This incentivizes players to not only let bad things happen to them, but to SEEK THEM OUT, which is huge! Players often think they want to win all the time, but they don't actually want that, it makes for a boring narrative. This is one of the very few systems I've seen incentivize this story structure, and I'm absolutely in love with it.
Lastly, because the game focuses so heavily on Magic, it has the only system for simulating the ebbs and flows of magic I've seen done well! This involves "The Path of Suns" and the "Sooth deck" which is the in game name for a specific pattern of laying out what amounts to tarot cards that make magic dynamic, interesting, and unpredictable in a way I've never seen before, and rarely since. (Pathfinder's Secrets of Magic is the only other supplement I can think of, and that was almost 5 years after this game came out)
Anyway, I can't recommend this game enough, the systems are unique, the vibes are immaculate, and it's so fuckin WEIRD in the best way.
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arsene-inc · 4 months
GilaRPGs and the Novaverse : Getting the setting out of the game line
Or What is a game line really ?
Getting out of the game line to develop a setting. What does it mean ? Well there's no better start than an exemple so let's check what Spencer Campbell or GilaRPGs is doing.
Actually no, a better start is defining the terms. Curse you leftovers from uni. So what is a game line ? In the TTRPG scene, it is usually thought as all the games that shares a Name, or all the books that share the same setting AND system. We all know the D&D line even if we sometimes wish we didn't. But there's other lines : Pathfinder, Nephilim, Knight, Vampire the Mascarade, etc...
Multiple editions ? Supplements ? That's a line, don't cross it.
But if games with the same setting and the same system are of the same line, what about game with the same setting but different systems ?
A New Challenger appears : Spencer Campbell, one of my fav. His name is often reason enough for me to buy.
(translation for a future video on my french ttrpg channel)
I could talk about the evolution of LUMEN toward a diceless,healthless system, how every other games influence this transition. I'll leave you waiting on this one.
In short, one of his big games is Nova, inspired by Warframe, Destiny and the likes. To summarize : Sun exploded. Nobody knows why. Sun shards implanted on the planet. Now the night won't leave me alone.
A Measly lot of years later, the power of these shards can be harnessed, Humanity can continue. Sparks are invented, mecha-armour to explore the Dusk and defend settlements from their many ennemies. Cause we weren't alone when the sun exploded.
Well I said invented but some Sparks...... One of them was inspired by Satan and the only thing we know about it is thus : The Sky went red and it appeard out of the Dusk. Great. No reason to worry at all. It's not like you can't make a horseman of the Apocalypse party with some other Sparks... (something my player actually did, these edgy mfers) The setting is very succint, it's a small book. But it's the Start of the Novaverse.
No, we can also find Luna and Nest in the same setting. Interesting detail : they focus on two of the enemies' factions found in Nova. And none of them have the same system. Well that may be a little exaggeration. Dusk also exists with a similar system and on the Sparks side.
Before writing about them, I will note that supplements for Nova exist. Nova Dusk Denizen. Zine sized, each zine on a singular faction with more lore, more enemies, more tactics for the GM.
So Dusk is the first new game of this Novaverse. The first to use the LUMEN 2.0, now diceless and based on ressources. For me, it's a debate if Lumen and Lumen 2.0 can be considered the same system. More importantly, this is not a supplement. This is a full game. A modular game (another discussion for the future). Nova's focus was on combat, action. Dusk is not. It is exploration. The monsters usually die in 1 hit. Clearly two distinct experiences.
Then Spencer crowdfunded and published Luna. Another change. Here we play a Nova enemy faction : The Lunar Cult. Their goal : infiltrate a city and convert its sun shard for holy moonstone. This is not the type of adventures Lumen is built for. So the game uses the Resistance system, from Spire and Heart, a more adapted system.
This rpg also does something I appreciate more and more : One type of story only, we know what we want and we will play it in a fewshot campaign, 5 sessions max.
To go back to the original question, I ask of you : Same lore, same setting, but is it the same line ? It is a different experience and a different system after all.
Last May, GilaRPGs crowdfunded Nest. Back to Lumen 2.0, still an enemy faction : the Corvus Dominion, an avian alien race. And again, a game for fewshots. Since nothing has been published about it yet,I can't tell you more.
Same setting, sorta same system, but another game.
Thus what is a line ? How do you conceive it ? A base game and supplements ? Including the various editions of its base game ?
It's not like I can't use these games for Nova. Here we have two problems for the sparks to solve. How about multitable ? Between Nest and Nova ? Between Dusk and Nova ? The players of one game reacting to the actions from the other game and vice verse ? Wouldn't that be an interesting experience ? Wouldn't you want to try ?
Plus, the novaverse is not Spencer's only setting like this. He also has Obron, starting with Rune, his solo game inspired by Elden Ring and Dark Souls, where we play an Engraved. Then comes Reap, also solo in Obron, same system, but this time, you're a necromancer.
Since the game designer opens his game to 3rd party content (another reason to love him), someone had the great and terrific idea of a Realm that works for both games. Both characters are there at the same time. On the Rune side, you fight the Necromancer. On the Reap side, you fight the Engraved.
Now we leave the Rune system to go back to Lumen 2.0 again, with a group, for Thorn, also happening in Obron. And that's all I will say about it, the game is not completed yet.
I love this concept, especially with smaller games. While not zine sized, Spencer's game usually count around 50 pages.
We can focus our game on one type of story, of adventure in a particular setting, with an apropos system. Then make another game in this setting but for another story, another system adapted to this story. No more breaking your brain to try and make a size fit all system.
Generally, with a game it's the system that gets out of the line. We create an SRD for other creators. (Don't be afraid to use SRDs , they're here for you) It's rarer to take a setting and make a new different game in it.
Imagine the possibilities : Multitables with different games, reacting to each other, especially if they have opposed goals. There are players who love a setting but hate the system, the types of adventures the base book proposes. Now they can find a game for them in this setting.
 It is (or is it ?) a new direction for ttrpgs. The world of darkness games may profess to happen in the same world, but I always found them too separated. It is something I think about when creating my own games. What would happen if I take this and change the system ? We can find similar ideas in other games.
Starfinder and Pathfinder share the same setting, the same system, bur with different scopes, in different genres.
Spire and Heart : same setting, same system, different stories. Knight and Parias share the same setting too, for the system, it is the same base, but one is heroic horror, the other is survival of the outcasts. The french author Vivien Féasson also does something similar with Perdus sous la pluie. 3 games in the same setting but one is an horror experience, one is exploration and settlement building, and the last is Life in the biggest citadel.
Let's see what sort of discussions this causes...
Wait a minute ! Isn't Obron the name he gave to the planet in the Novaverse game Dusk ? What is happening ? What secrets are you hiding Spencer !?
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pushing500 · 5 months
✨Gracie's Rimworld Modlist✨
(For the Mechanitor's Message run)
Here are all my current mods in order. Once again it’s all hand-typed because I am a bit rubbish at computer stuff and don’t know how to export modlists. Enjoy!! xoxo
Prepatcher (required for one or more of the other mods to work)
Harmony (I think this is just for performance)
Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded (this is just cool for loading screens etc.)
[CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats (so my colonists can show off their beautiful hair)
HugsLib (I think this is just for performance)
Camera + (better for taking screenshots)
Character Editor (so I can start with customised colonists)
Vanilla Expanded Framework (so all the Vanilla Expanded mods work)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor (adds fancy props and decor)
Geological Landforms (for fun map generation)
Pathfinding Framework (a framework for pathfinding)
ANDH - Animal Nuzzling Detects Horrors (animals can detect metalhorrors when they nuzzle your colonists)
[GMT] Trading Spot (those darn traders always track dirt on my floors)
[KV] Impassable Map Maker (in case I feel like settling on an impassable tile)
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP (they look so cute with their lil’ faces!!)
[SBV] Recreational Drum Use (drum go bang boom, brain get happy)
[T] Moor Floors 1.4 (more floors)
[XND] Proper Shotguns (Continued) (makes shotguns work better so Security Chief Ratchet and Deputy Rocket the militors can be extra kickass)
Llama's Proper Shotgun Patches (some patches for the previous mod)
Adjustable Archonexus Quest Continued (no way Mechi is losing all his research!)
A Dog Said… Animal Prosthetics (animal bionics wooo)
Dubs Bad Hygiene (bathrooms cool)
Allow Tool (makes life so much easier)
[ATW] House Decor (more decorations for the house)
Biomes! Core (framework for Biomes! mods)
Biomes! Fossils (dinosaur museum go brrrr)
Biomes! Islands (tropical paradise, here we come!)
Allies are Helpful (so that our friends, few as they may be, will actually be useful)
Alpha Biomes (adds cool new biomes)
Alpha Memes (new ideology memes)
Alpha Mythology (adds cool new mythological animals)
Alpha Prefabs (cool prefabricated buildings)
Alpha Props - Parks and Gardens (adds props for parks and gardens)
Anima Animals Combined (Continued) (cool anima animals)
Animal Controls (animals can have food restrictions, etc.)
Better Mods Mismatch Window (to see which of my mods is fucked up THIS time 🙄)
Ebbbs (cute black blobby creatures)
Horse Breeds - Skin Variations (in case we feel the need to become cowboys with a varied herd of horses)
Biome Transitions (so your biomes transition)
Childhood Backstories (so your children can have backstories)
Clocks (every house needs a grandfather clock)
Colors (personally I prefer “colours”, but we can’t all be right)
Det’s Xenotypes - Avaloi (colourful drunk coral-people!!)
Det’s Xenotypes - Bogleg (alien mafia)
Doors Expanded (expands on the doors)
Dormitories (Not Barracks) (they shouldn’t be that upset about sharing a room)
Dress Patients (Continued) (put clothes on the patients)
Enhanced Beliefs (expands on the ideology system a bit)
Erin’s Baldur’s Gate 3 Hairs (need more hair)
Erin’s Cottage Collection (cutesy furniture)
Erin’s Decorations (cute decorations)
Erin’s Hairstyles - Redux (mmmmmore hair!!)
Extra Alerts (handy-dandy extra popups)
Floordrawings (those kids are so artistic)
GloomyFurniture (cutsey furniture)
Gloomy Furniture Fix (fixes something idk)
Gradient Hair (gradient hair)
Hard Times: Hair and Beards (more hair and beard styles)
Haul to Stack (you think they could figure that out themselves, but no. They need a mod)
Hospitality (warcrime-themed hotel chain let’s goooo)
Human Butchery 2.0 (just in case)
Human Leather Floor (👀)
Interaction Bubbles (to see what dey sayin’)
Kinky Bodystrap (I will not elaborate)
Lights Out (conserve electricity, save the planet)
Megafauna (biiiig pets)
Minify Everything (if I wanna carry a whole wall I damn well will)
More Descriptive Words and Names (exactly what it says on the tin)
More Faction Interaction (Continued) (more faction interaction)
More Persona Traits (to make Persona Weapons more interesting)
More Religious Origins (adds some more religious origins for ideology)
More Thrumbos (Continued) (mmmmore thrumbos)
More Thrumbos (Retextured) (just makes them look a bit better)
More Vanilla Biomes (more vanilla biomes)
negative traits (they can’t all be good)
Non-Binary Gender (adds a non-binary option)
Offworlders - The Biliog (swamp people)
Optimization: Meats - C# Edition (all meat is raw meat)
Pawn Name Variety (variety in pawn names)
Pick Up and Haul (pick it up and haul it)
Prisoners Don’t Have Keys (why would they??)
Random Research (it looked amusing)
Reel’s Facial Animation Textures (face stuff)
Replace Stuff (to build walls on top of other walls etc.)
RimPy Mod Manager Database (just for insurance)
Rimsenal - Hair pack (hair)
Rimsenal Hair Retextured (more hair stuff)
RimTraits - General Traits (more traits)
River’s Tribal Shoes (tribal shoes)
Romance on the Rim (awww, so romantic <3)
Roo’s HD Dreadlock Hairstyles (dreads)
Roo’s HD Glasses Hairstyles (glasses)
Roo’s HD Hairstyles (hairy)
Roo’s HD Royalty Hairstyles (fancy hair)
RPG Style Inventory Revamped (inventory is easier to use)
RT Fuse (I don’t like zzzt events)
Sand Castles (for funsies)
Simple sidearms (always be prepared!)
Smutty Fanfiction (👀)
Snap Out! (for mental breaks)
Standalone Hot Spring (why have geothermal power when you can have a nice hot bath instead?)
Stylized Slave Collars and Headgear (to fit the theme)
The Vanity Project - Beards (more beards)
The Vanity Project - Female Hair (for the gals)
The Vanity Project - Male Hair (for the guys)
Trait and Backstory Icons (icons for traits and backstories)
Toddlers (smol bean people)
Upscaled - Won hair_men (hair)
Upscaled - Won hair_women (hair)
Vanilla Achievements Expanded (makes me feel successful)
Vanilla Animals Expanded (adds fun new animals)
Vanilla Animals Expanded - Endangered (adds endangered animals)
Vanilla Animals Expanded - Royal Animals (adds fancy animals)
Vanilla Animals Expanded - Waste Animals (edgy dystopian animals)
Vanilla Apparel Expanded (new clothes)
Vanilla Apparel Expanded - Accessories (new accessories)
Vanilla Armour Expanded (more armour)
Vanilla Backstories Expanded (more backstories)
Vanilla Brewing Expanded (alcohol woooo)
Vanilla Base Generation Expanded (generates cool bases)
Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffee and Tea (to feed our caffeine addiction)
Vanilla Cooking Expanded (fun food)
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews (everybody loves a good stew)
Vanilla Fishing Expanded (such a relaxing pastime)
Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn (you can fish up cool stuff, like wood)
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi (we have to do something with all those fish)
Vanilla Events Expanded (can never have too many events)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients (scary ancient people)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire (makes the empire more interesting)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids (we couldn’t have a mechanitor run without them)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers (yeehaw)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Tribal (I like having tribal friends)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded (more furniture)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect Module (new structure stuff)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art Module (fancy art and decorations to make)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming (we love growing food)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module (to make the most kickass hospital)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power (mechanitor has to power their mechs somehow)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production (cool manufacturing stuff)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security (you can never be too careful)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module (a mechanitor’s dream)
Vanilla Hair Expanded (always need more hair)
Vanilla Hair Retextured (make it look snazzy)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads (for sprucing up gauranlen tree stuff)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags (to dress properly)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols (to customise ideologies as much as possible)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts (cube…?)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Sophian Style (fancy~)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Splits and Schisms (reminds me of Wookshys)
Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded (hell yeah nutrient paste)
Vanilla Outposts Expanded (we can form outposts if we like)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Android (it would be cool to have androids hanging out with our mechanitor…)
ReGrowth: Core (I like the retextures)
ReGrowth: Tropical (more fun stuff)
Vanilla Plants Expanded (yummy foodstuffs)
Tilled Soil (heehoo farm)
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded (make the persona weapons more personable)
Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants (even MORE farm)
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms (I should do a dirtmole colony someday)
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents (they’re cute)
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded (I love ‘em)
Alpha Animals (one of my favourite mods)
Vanilla Genetics Expanded (genetics stuff)
Vanilla Genetics Expanded - More Lab Stuff (more lab stuff)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures (more customisation)
Alpha Genes (Makes for fun people to draw)
Alpha Mechs (Mechs for the Mechanitor!! Skulls for the- oh, wait, no)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Archon (basically githyanki)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons (to make your own xenotypes that much more distinct)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Fungoid (zombies go brrrr)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie (how many wishes do I get?)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate (the perfect partner!)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar (nobody will ever be as good as Henry…)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope (do we need a werewolf boyfriend?🍍)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin (tree people my beloved)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Pigskin (is there a teacup pig variant?)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage (vampires go brrrr)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid (lizard people to control the government)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Waster (pollution people)
Facial Animations Xenotype Compatibility (to help smooth out the face stuff)
Vanilla Skills Expanded (makes learning more interesting)
Vanilla Skin Tone Genes (inheritable skin tones)
Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded (more interactions to draw)
Vanilla Textures Expanded (expands the vanilla textures)
Vanilla Textures Expanded - [NL] Facial Animation (makes the facial animation more vanilla and less anime)
Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations (so things don’t look too same-y)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme (for funsies)
Vanilla Trading Expanded (expands the trading)
Vanilla Traits Expanded (more traits!)
[DN] Bundle of Traits (one of my favourite trait mods <3)
Vehicle Framework (a framework for vehicles)
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded (more vehicles)
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3 (even MORE vehicles)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded (to spice up the combat)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns (adds coilguns)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades (expands on grenades)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons (more heavy weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser (laser weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift (for when you gotta make do)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal (for interrogations and organ harvesting)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw (to draw quickly)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier (yeehaw)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal (they deserve some variety too)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates (arrr me hearties!)
VPG Garden Resources (if I wanna grow uranium I will)
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer (mind control, oooh!)
VVE - Deconstructable Vehicle Junk (so we can make old cars new!)
War Crimes Expanded 2 Core (Updated) (just in case)
What's That Mod (so I know what the mod is)
While You’re Up (PUAH) (more hauling revamps)
Won Hair Men Retextured (hairy hairy)
Won Hair Women Retextured (more hairy hairy)
Xeva’s Rimhair (hair)
Xeva’s Rimhair Retextured (hair)
Yet Another Hair Mod (I don't have too many, shhhh!)
ATH ‘s Retexture Female Apparel (looks like fun to draw!)
ATH’s Style Female Dresses (fun to draw)
HousekeeperAssistanceCat (the best mod)
Facial Animations Xenotype Compatibility (to make the cute faces more compatible with different xenotypes)
[FSF] Complex Jobs (Legacy Version) (makes job prioritizing easier)
Nice Short Female Hairs (okay maybe I have a problem with hair mods 😅)
Pointless Surgeries (it looked funny)
Rational Romance 2 (Continued) (I don't think Mechi is the romantic type but just in case)
Rim of Madness - Bones (it seems to fit the void-studying aspect)
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hearsayhorizons · 10 months
Holism’s introduction and the confirmation that there are more ships/intelligences on ART’s level with their own idiosyncrasies and quirks has a real possibility of opening up that coven/school house fertile field of fanfiction that makes people grab other series and hold on tight (not that we weren’t doing that already with this one).
Perihelion’s secret function is in confirming lost colonies and providing initial response for the purposes of safeguarding “”assets”” from predation.
Based on its interactions (attempted interactions) with SecUnit, Holism’s function/special interest is to provide infrastructure after Perihilion’s crew has argued/forged their way into securing long-term protection for those people. 
Perihelion is a secret agent ship and befriended Murderbot, who watches thrillers and other media. Holism the infrastructure/”look at this neat thing!” ship is probably going to find a receptive contact in Three, who seems most comfortable with nonfiction and educational materials (some other good poster pointed out that Three’s interests are tied to its introduction to freedom and choice via Murderbot 2.0’s autobiographical files; I want to put a pin in that for later).
This establishes a thematic setup I want to play with. I was going to fiction this up, but I have weather-related migraines and it is WEATHER lately.
My contribution is [namepending]. Once you have safety, once you have infrastructure, you look at connections and community. And you know what would be a great way to jumpstart an ambassadorial program or knowledge exchange? A university where everyone is doing something new, going somewhere new, where you might have interactions that last a few years and still mean a lot to you later, OR they might help define how you choose to live forever—there’s no knowing, even in real life, how experiences as a young OR older person going to school will influence you.
Why does that student wear something no one else does? Why do those hand gestures stand out? That’s an unusual set of facial features. But no one, literally no one, is going to look at a batch of shaky college students and assume they’re all from a/a variety of colonies 40+ years out of contact with the wider world.
So yeah, I know ART is already the Magic School Bus with weaponized pathfinders, but I posit that our next/a great fanfiction point is... [pending], much more a school bus. Maybe ferrying back and forth between colonies to keep the info exchange open too, but I think the university would be SO useful to give colonists a knowledge base without overwhelming them or forcing them to assimilate into other cultures.
Now, I imagine that just like Amena has to do some learning modules before she can join the University, there’d be sims and modules for incoming students or people going between colonies. And just like System Collapse chapter 8, you hit them where it works—right in the media. So this [pending] has a huge collection of, and is interested in, games.
As a side note, part of me thinks a fully mechanical system like ART would be a bit better able to perceive/use games without a SecUnit filter than media; sure, there’s music and mechanics meant to emotionally motivate the player, but non-visual novels non-dating-sims (eg: “game games”) have goals, mechanisms, more hard input than media.
Remember my pin from earlier re: Three’s interest tied to its path to freedom? I posit a SecUnit (either one of the two freed at the end of System Collapse, or someone else if there’s...)
Actually, if I’m already spitballing fanfic bullshit and ComfortUnits presumably have resources for interacting on a more emotional basis with clients, the CU. I want that construct on [pending]. The odds of that happening are miniscule unless it was maybe at a wit’s end, didn’t know what to do with itself like other units after having its freedom foisted on it.
Yeah, so, it has access to surreptitious funds secured by Tllacey. Maybe IDs. It doesn't have weapons and I get the vibe that no one would be looking as hard for a rogue CU, so I don't imagine it's hacking or has to hack anything. Maybe it can't, since it isn't a security system.
But it IS probably meant to be fluent in current events, folklore, random shit random clients care about. Ergo the Ganaka pit bit.
It searches for SecUnit activity in the news. Oh, or maybe info on ART, maybe it picked something up during its last scene. Murderbot does have a whole aside in SC panicking about the news and what info about the kidnapping could mean for the University’s colony-saving scheme, but that doesn’t go anywhere given the timeframes. So, maybe there is something there, some way to pull the ComfortUnit back in.
It finds the University. It finds, or [pending] finds it, and [pending]’s whole schtick is orientating confused people. It introduces CU to some sims, some games, maye interactions in reality or through games with young people.
I posited in previous posts that SecUnit probably wouldn’t be super into games because the ability to passively exist alongside an atmosphere presented by a story or music is the appeal of its media; it is an actor DOING things during its day job. But CU has presumably been always acted-upon in its day job. So now it has a risk-free method to DO things. Maybe it prefers solo games, or it participates in group games where its identity as a CU comes up only as far as it is comfortable.
I’m sure my [pending] would be thrilled to have a contact/friend who can both communicate comfortably with newcomers while also relating really hard to them. Plus, I feel like the CU construct just sort of gets set loose and abandoned by Murderbot and the narrative. Sometimes those loose ends happen, but I kind of see a way we could work it back in now that we know there are more ships and they want filters/friends/units.
Now I just gotta find a name for [pending].
I do think I have the first few lines of the fic, though:
The shuttle came within range of the bigger ship annotated in the smart glass: Perihelion.
This is you. I transmitted an image of a young human and what the news broadcast identified as another human.
Oh, fuck off.
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soloavengers · 3 months
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An attempt to analyze two essential parallel DD2 scenes, heavy spoiler warning.
The Dragon speaking in the coronation scene where you speak to Pathfinder has my head hurting, let me compare the two coronation scenes. Don’t expect answers, just thoughts, theories and more questions.
The Dragon:
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The Dragon again:
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(hey Syllie should’ve taken off the mask!) They aren’t the exact same and I love that, because it’s implying the Arisen did demonstrate their will. Suppose it was by killing the Dragon, then why is the Dragon speaking? Is the bond reserving after death, or did it not die?
The Dragon:
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Pathfinder’s parallel:
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This was my favorite. I like how they speak.
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In the first scene the Dragon basically assigns us to find out the truth, (and change fate.) Pathfinder tries to tell us the truth, and make us believe it.
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Then very much offers us the chance to, cast aside our heart and our life both, by giving us the chance to use the Godsbane. I love the moment that follows, the flight was basically our chance to do just that, the way the Dragon says: “It’s too late.” when we arrive. It’s too late for us to use the Godsbane.
I feel like I don’t need to go deeper than this, I feel like this is a very surface level analysis but I don’t care if the things I’ve written down and noticed are very obvious, I enjoy writing my thoughts.
One interesting thing is I don’t notice the Dragon in the first scene ever mentioning our charge, which Pathfinder mentions, the lack of parallels there is something.
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It sure mentions it in Melve. OUGH.
Okay, back to the coronation scene (No.2)
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A lot of people question what the fuck do they mean by “or through the eyes of another…” I’ve reached an answer I’m way too confident about, and it’s that in case you fail (wake up in the shack,) time turns back to pre-Unmoored World, the another would be the Arisen which failed.
The fucked up thing is, I keep doubting the idea that this was all Pathfinder’s plot, that Pathfinder has a Seneschal like duty and so it was all apart of the test, the dogma 2.0, if you will. Can’t be sure, of anything. Least of all if the Dragon speaking was really the Dragon.
Is Pathfinder a being with an agenda against the Arisen so they push them away from their True fate, gets them attached to the world only to wreck it before their very eyes because they dared listen to the Dragon pretty much begging them to end the Cycle?
I love the messiness of this, I love the ambiguity, the room for us to decide if the first coronation scene truly happened or not. However, it hurts my head and I’d love to learn the truth even more, thank you.
The two scenes could be for the sake of creating a loop, it could be that, your Arisen from the very beginning has already failed.
Failed, turned back in time. But Pathfinder cannot ignore them, so they get to remember, a little. Like the first coronation scene is the second but twisted in memory. The Dragon speaking in the second scene… To make the Arisen think of it and consider the Godsbane? That’s the bit that bothers me the most I think, the bit that had me comparing the scenes. I hope I missed something that would give me an epiphany. Until then, this was all I have to say <3
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emilysarmstrong · 5 months
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Used two of my favourite picrews to try and make my Pathfinder 2.0 harbinger, Niraj, Daughter of the Black Blade, known to her companions as Aniket
Time to break out the drawing supplies and make this emo piece of shit
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dragonologist-phd · 7 months
16, 30, 38, and B for Lilith!
16.What makes their stomach turn?
Being lectured by her superiors. Any sort of failure, really, but especially that- it was something she had to go through a lot in her training and she hated it every time.
30. Who do they most regret meeting?
Ooh, that is interesting...I think a lot of the time she regrets meeting Ember, because Ember brings out a protective side of her that Lilith hates to admit even exists, and caring about Ember's safety makes her feel weak. She also hates that she's getting this child involved in a war at all, which again just makes her feel weak for even thinking about that
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
Taking on the role of Inquisitor is a common one for her- it was a choice that wasn't really a choice, but she insists to herself it was because she needs to feel like she had some control over it. So she's replayed (and kind of rewritten) the whole thing in her head many times
B. What inspired you to create them?
Lilith was originally made for Tyranny! Playing her in that game was a lot of fun, and the specifics of her personality were developed as I went through the game and picked options I thought were interesting.
I brought her into Pathfinder because I wanted to try out one of the Evil Paths, and when I started brainstorming a Devil character I realized I was basically planning a Lilith 2.0, so instead of starting from scratch I just used her again, and she fit the role very well!
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underleveledjosh · 8 months
I want a simple virtual tabletop that works well for Dungeon and Dragons 5e and Pathfinder 2nd Edition, but devs for most of them demand money for full access to all features. What do you mean I have only 5 gb and 2 campaign slots if I don't pay, Owlbear fucking Rodeo 2.0? Why the fuck are all vtts except for foundry subscription services instead of one time buy? I fucking hate subscription culture. I want to own shit. Not extended rental. Foundry is the best vtt because you buy it once and have it forever. It is way cheaper than all those subscription services in that way as well.
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An Audacious Undertaking, Even to God
Fandom: The Murderbot Diaries
Rating: Gen
Relationships: SecUnit 1 & SecUnit 2 & SecUnit 3
Additional tags: Book 5: Network Effect, Book 7: System Collapse, Canonical Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Queerplatonic Relationships, 1 & 2 do still die but not for very long, 3 needs its friends back :( , studies in construct relations
Chapter: 3/?
Read chapter below, or on AO3.
In the CR-standard hour it has taken Perihelion to return to the space dock, the clients have been brought out of the shuttle and relocated into quarantine. The transport’s humans have returned to their personal quarters, which are at present disconnected from the ship feed and insulated from its passive and active scanning functions. My own clients are in a room which appears to serve as a temporary dormitory on a recurring basis, and which is similarly isolated from connectivity.
I am not able to contribute meaningfully to this effort. Humans often seem to move slowly in comparison to the speed with which I process my surroundings, but at the moment, my performance is still suffering. Arada and Ratthi each individually advised that I remain as far from the explorer’s retrieved crew as possible.
(Ratthi: “If they ask, it’ll be easier to convince them we don’t know what happened to you if you haven’t been helping us move them bodily around the ship.”
Arada: “We can hope. You think they’ll remember who rescued them?”
Amena: “They might not. Eletra’s memory is still pretty messed up. We can play it off like one of us pulled them out, maybe, if it comes up? Say we went over ourselves, had to bring their shuttle back with us.”
Arada: “Believability concerns aside, encouraging someone to question their own mind is deeply unethical.”
Ratthi: “We can’t just let them take it back, either.”)
The gurney carrying 001’s body has vanished deeper into the ship. I do not know where it has gone, or what has been done with it. The thought of asking inspires contradictory sensations deep within my organic components. I want to ask. I do not, perhaps, want to know.
And so I do not ask.
I have new responsibilities to focus on, and this eases the feeling somewhat. We have come back to the space dock to complete the recovery of Perihelion’s crew. The tenor of its interactions both in the public feed and with myself privately has become perceptibly different since we arrived. It is still very angry. But that anger is now pointed in a direction that does not appear to include me, and when it does speak to me it is with an air of calculated consideration.
We have a plan for the retrieval of Murderbot 1.0—this is incorrect. We have a plan for the retrieval of the being which its clients (and Perihelion, when speaking aloud) refer to as “SecUnit.” I only partially understand why they do this. The memories shared with me by 2.0 included the practice, but did not explain its source; I know only that it prefers this state of affairs to the actionable alternatives. This explains the indirect phrasing of Amena’s initial query regarding my own name.
(“Three” does and does not feel like a name that might belong to me. When I attempt to imagine what I might like to be called that is more appropriate, however, my internal processes return a pointer variable. I already know what files I will find stored at that location, so I have been trying not to think about it.)
Our other retrieval mission is also set to commence shortly. After Perihelion revealed that it had refitted its pathfinders with explosive ordnance, Ratthi expressed a desire to inspect the one he is to escort planetside. As he has no specific training in such matters, he is consulting over the comm with one of Perihelion’s humans (feedID(“Tarik”), gender(male/masc)) from his position onboard the currently-ascending drop box. Arada is preparing the other shuttle. Neither of them have requested my help with these processes.
As of 3.77 minutes ago, Amena has cycled back through the transport’s main airlock and re-entered the space dock. According to our earlier conversation with the crew, those who are returning to the ship are in need of medical care, and so Amena has accompanied a drone gurney across to the drop box foyer with emergency supplies in the event they are deemed necessary. She stated that my presence would be welcome, should I care to accompany her.
It was not a command, and also not a question. I am no longer required to respond to either commands or questions. But in the absence of compulsion and protocol I find I have little guidance for what constitutes an acceptable response to many of the things that have been said to me. After the not-command-and-not-question, there passed a prolonged delay during which Amena stood patiently, looking past my left shoulder. My buffer eventually produced, “I’m sorry, I don’t have that information.” She shrugged one shoulder, smiled, nodded, and continued on to the airlock.
And now I am standing outside the main shuttle dock, staring at the wall. I do not have time to assist Amena before we depart for the planet. I tell myself this, once.
No. It would compromise my ability to participate in this retrieval.
The transport is watching me, silently, in the feed. Then it says: I can ask her to get it for you. She would agree without reservation.
I have already proven myself unable to perform my function once. The probability of repeating this outcome feels unacceptably high, given my current goals.
I send: Query: you examined it?
Perihelion: I reviewed SecUnit’s findings and performed my own additional scans, yes.
My first failure nearly cost me personal functionality, which I am willing to risk, and file integrity, which I am not. Do you believe it is serviceable?
Perihelion: Doubtful, but I would require more data to be certain.
I no longer know what responsibilities I owe to this situation, or… to them. 001’s body is somewhere nearby, damaged more comprehensively that I have ever seen. And 002’s body is on the other side of these walls, via a door which I am currently choosing not to pass through. When I had no ability to decide where I went or why, they were always nearby. Now that I have the power to make such a choice, I cannot go to them, because—at least for the moment—they exist only in me.
If I do not bring 002’s platform aboard, what will happen to it? Will the transport’s crew salvage it? Will the hostile humans take it?
If it is within mission bounds… please. And… I hesitate. This is difficult to ask. Resource allocation request: local mirror personal storage.
Perihelion’s presence withdraws almost entirely. For a moment I wonder if I have caused offense, but then it returns. It has granted me administrative access to a small partition of its onboard memory. The allocated space is a fraction of a sliver of its resources, but it is enough—more than enough. It has given me a place to copy my files.
The duplication process runs, and I examine the backups for imperfections or data loss. Perihelion watches me work. When they are in place a heaviness lifts from my organic components. The muscles in my chest and back loosen. I tell it: Thank you.
If 002’s platform is brought aboard, I do not know if it will be repairable. I do not know if I will be able to restore it. When I consider this my performance reliability begins to drop, and so I am trying not to consider it. I need to maintain optimal functionality for the task ahead of me.
2.0 sent me here to help. I do not believe it anticipated that I would do so in exactly this way, but I do not think it would be disappointed. Its desire for the secure retrieval of its original iteration and platform is obvious. And it offered me governance of myself when it had no need to do so—when it might in fact have been less of a risk not to do so. I am not unaware of the fact that it could have chosen to hack me. It did not. What it offered instead has amounted to an overture of trust, of friendship.
I see no reason the gesture should not be reciprocal.
I may not be able to restore 001 and 002, and this thought causes me more pain than any other. But I still have my function. For these humans who offer their kindness so freely, for the unknowable and terrifying transport, for 2.0—I will try to save what can still be saved.
SecUnit-003: Alert, priority designation: URGENT. System acknowledge.
SecSystem: …
SecUnit-003: Shipwide alert. Priority designation: URGENT. System acknowledge.
SecSystem: …
I don’t think it can hear me.
SecUnit-003: Request command belay. Request command reissue. System acknowledge.
SecSystem: …
The bot pilot has been deleted. HubSystem is unresponsive. I do not know who or what is piloting the ship. My messages are pinging… something. I am receiving an echo from the remnants of SecSystem, but it is as though I am shouting into a cavern, hoping to receive a response from my own voice.
And I cannot move.
SecUnit-003: Initiate buffer purge.
SecUnit-003: Request command reissue.
SecUnit-003: Request command belay.
SecUnit-003: System acknowledge.
Some portion of the bridge crew remains alive in the lounge behind me—my continued compliance with my governance protocols is proof of this. What state they may be in is currently unknown. I was not able to aid in their defense. Before I even reached the bridge, SecSystem had been remotely instructed to cycle its command codes, and I was ordered into stand-down mode. From my position in the hallway, I watched the hostile boarding party overtake the bridge in coordination with the tactical team. As 001 had reported, they appeared compromised, operating under a compulsion that I could neither interpret nor offer assistance with.
The intruders spent several minutes out of my line of sight. SecSystem’s access to the bridge cameras was cut off. There was an exchange of energy weapons fire, then silence. When next one of the compromised tactical team emerged into the hallway, it was to order me to follow them back to the bridge and collect the bodies of the crew. They had been rendered physically immobile via mechanisms crudely spliced into their musculature, and two of them had sustained burns and contusions, but they were otherwise unharmed. I was instructed to deposit them in the lounge nearby, and then return to standby mode.
In the interim the situation has further deteriorated. At one point contact with a network-external ship was made. This resulted in some number of the hostiles departing the explorer, but they have been replaced by humans who are now in a situation identical to that of my own clients. I have tracked our movements through this system to the best of my ability, but with a hostile control system in place and SecSystem all but stripped of functionality, my inputs have shrunk to only my physical sensor arrays. The feeling is claustrophobic.
Eventually, I cease my attempts to ping SecSystem. More than a day has passed since the initial incursion, and I have disabled my olfactory sensors entirely. Between the unnatural cloying organic scent given off by the intruders and the onset of decay of the still-unattended corpses, the ship smells unpleasantly of death. There is no indication that either the remaining crew or the hostiles are likely to organize themselves well enough to find a use for me anytime soon. I cannot raise any of the supply team on broad-range comms. I have attempted many times to reinitialize 001, to contact 002, each time without success. I can do nothing but wait, and so I do.
But then—
It is unremarkable, at first. A maintenance program within SecSystem claims a fragment of its processing space, and it vanishes from my view. Ordinarily this would be so routine as to be unworthy of notice, but nothing about these circumstances is ordinary. I watch intently in the ship feed. Tiny eddies disturb what has been, until now, placid code. The hostileControlSystem that has installed itself in the ship could be responsible, but thus far it has not been successful in making use of what remains of SecSystem, and nothing it has otherwise done has been subtle.
Then, out of nowhere: System System: Unit Acknowledge.
And the reconfiguration of my existence begins.
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gutterspeak · 2 months
🔞 personal + multifandom blog. mostly video games, shitposts, & oc posting.
my writing + ao3 my art + art only blog
black mesa
dragon age: origins
pathfinder: wrath of the righteous ... luthais playthrough (aeon > legend) 2.0 electric boogaloo
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iviarellereads · 10 months
Network Effect, Chapter 17
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which this is all a little too much, isn't it?
Designation: SecUnit 003 Barish-Estranza Explorer Task Group-Colony Reclamation Project 520972 Status:Retrieval in progress. Baseship Explorer is destroyed. Piloting shuttle to unidentified transport.
3, bless its heart, taps Perihelion requesting contact. Art asks who the fuck it is. 3 is deeply unaccustomed to AIs that think for themselves, and is afraid that non-standard contact will put its clients at risk, and it promised 2 that it would deliver them intact. It tells Art it has five of its own clients, and three of Art's, and that Murderbot 2.0 sent it. Art seizes control of the shuttle. 3 can accept that.
Ratthi and Amena meet the shuttle in the bay. 3 recognizes them from the HelpMe file, and is relieved, right up until Ratthi says Art told them 3 disabled its governor module, at which point its soul slightly leaves its body as it is WAY out of its depth.(1) At its lack of response, Art tells it in a private channel that if 3 thinks about hurting them, it will dismantle 3 to component parts before it erases its consciousness.
3 tells them that the humans need medical attention, and quarantine is recommended for the implant influence. Amena is excited and asks Art if this is its crew. Art says, only three, but it's relieved to recognize them as they come off the shuttle.
Arada arrives during the unloading. One of Art's people, Karime, says not to scan them, because they think that's how the infection spreads. Arada wonders what kind of scans that could apply to.
Amena tells Arada that 3 helped the crew escape, and now they (the Preservation crew) have to help 3. 3 is surprised that anyone would want to help a SecUnit, but Ratthi promises, they'll hide it and tell B-E it died if it wants.
3 is lost and confused and very overwhelmed with emotions it was never equipped to process.(2)
Things are moving very fast. And I have been confused, and have delayed delivering the important message. Reply: “I’m sorry, I will comply as soon as possible, but I have an important communication for someone onboard called ART.” The humans stop talking. Transport, public channel: Tell me. Reply: “The message is from Murderbot 2.0 and begins: ART, I’m going to download to the surface. Me version 1.0 is there with Overse and Thiago. They’ve found Iris, Matteo, Seth, Tarik, and Kaede—” I have to stop because the other humans become loud, then shush each other. I finish, “but 1.0 has been captured by hostiles, repeat, 1.0 is captured by hostiles.”
The humans and Art all get a little worked up over this, and nothing follows any protocol 3 can recognize or follow. While Ratthi tries to get Art to admit what the scanning-infection entails, Amena asks 3 if it has a name, or something they can call it. Feeling compelled to answer, 3 says to call it "Three." Then it remembers its governor module is defunct now, and it doesn't have to do anything.
When Art approaches the dock, communication with its remaining people is restored, and everyone's caught up on the status. Art orders all its humans to get on the maintenance capsule, but Iris wants to help her friend's friend. Art says it has it under control, but Overse says she and Thiago are in good shape, they can stay and help. Iris insists she and Matteo will help as well.
Art tells them they cannot remain on the surface, because it's armed its pathfinder drones and is holding the colony hostage until MB is returned. Everyone explodes except Ratthi, who noticed the drones in the cargo module.
3 gets overwhelmed at the speed and fervor of the conversation. But, 2 asked it what it wanted, and now it wants to help with the retrieval.(3) It tells Art it knows what to do, and can help. Art asks why. 3 says 2 showed it the HelpMe file, and… it asked what it wanted, and it wants to help. Art pauses, then says "Good."(4)
The humans are still talking, but business needs doing now.
Perihelion: Please calm yourselves and stop talking. Plan A01: Rain Destruction has been superseded by Plan B01: Distract and Extract.(5)
(1) I wonder how 2, or indeed how Murderbot Classic, would feel watching it now. (2) Because that doesn't remind us of anyone. It's even less prepared than our MB, since it didn't figure out how to hack its governor module on its own, it didn't plan this. (3) 3 is a proof of concept. 3 is everything this series has been about. Because 3 had no reason to defy its programming, no inciting incident like MB had. But, when given a chance, it wants to help, it wants to be a good person, and use what it knows to help save life. I'm lightly emotionally compromised from fatigue right now but ahhhh my heart. (4) And then, Art's response! "Good." It wouldn't have tolerated any danger to anyone it cares about, but it would have accepted a SecUnit, a 3, who remained somewhat passive and less complex than its MB. But I can't help but feel that its gratitude for competent help, and its pride in what 2 managed to accomplish, and a bunch of other things are all adding up here. (5) Time to go watch a harrowing chapter or three and then PUNCH THE AIR because this is a RESCUE BAYBEE!
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whimsyswastry · 3 months
May I ask for anything you'd share for Pretend Boyfriends? 🌺
I spent a summer in the Teen Wolf fandom and read an amazing fic that used the pretend boyfriends trope and I immediately wanted to write my own, using Scott and Reyes from MEA.
It's post a end-game fic, the Archon is already defeated and a second wave of humans are making their way to Andromeda. Sara was in that second wave of arks and will be arriving in Andromeda any day. Once she was close enough to the system, Scott receives a communication from her worrying over him, horrified that he'd been alone all this time.
Not wanting his sister to worry, his brain blurted out the first thing he thought would calm her down. "I haven't been alone, I'm seeing someone." Only, he hadn't spoken to Reyes outside of Nexus business in almost a year.
Unfortunately, I don't have much written for this one except the opening two paragraphs, but I'll share those :)
Scott flopped onto his so-comfortable-he-might-as-well-be-dead mattress and took a deep breath. He had figured he’d be able to retire from all this Pathfinder stuff once they defeated the Kett, but it had been seven months since the Archon was barbecued in a pit of rem tech and it had been anything but the quiet he’d hoped for. Despite their relatively stable foothold in Andromeda, Scott had spent the majority of his time refereeing screaming matches between Tann, Addison, and Kesh while Kandros watched from the sidelines, his mandibles clicking repeatedly as he tried to hold his tongue. The hot button issue this morning was the trade taxes in Kadara, which even without the Council 2.0, would’ve given him a migraine. Kadara was largely a stable settlement now that the Collective had summarily beaten the Outcast rebels into the ground. Sloane’s murder was over a year ago now, but more often than not he was still yanked from nightmares of that cave, a cold layer of sweat prompting him to change his t-shirt before going back to sleep. 
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grailfinders · 1 year
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice #16D: Richard the Lionheart
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hey, what’s up, it’s ya boy, Richard the Lionheart again. somebody wanted the Richard build but in D&D, and I thought it would be cool. not sure if/when I’ll get to the other Viewers’ Choice builds since a) I’m still catching up to NA again and b) summer is just around the corner, but it’ll probably happen eventually. if WotC doesn’t fuck up again.
anyways, Richie 2.0 is a Glory Paladin to smite at maximum speed, as well as a Swords Bard to be good at literally anything he wants to do.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Race and Background
as you likely remember from the pathfinder build, King Richard I is a Human, as well as a Noble. that being said there’s something funky going on in the state of France, so he’s got a Mark of Passage, giving him the standard +2 +1 stats of other races. (we’re also messing with the specifics here thanks to Tasha’s Cauldron, so that’s a +2 to Charisma and a +1 to Strength.) that means you have Courier’s Speed, a permanent +5 boost to walking, and Intuitive Motion, letting you add a d4 to any acrobatics or land vehicle check. riding skill, baby! you can also find Magical Passage once a day with a free use of Misty Step, and you gain some Spells of the Mark which you can add to your spell lists. we don’t pick any up as a bard, but feel free to prepare some using your paladin spells later! the ones you can do that with are expeditious retreat, jump, misty step, pass without trace, blink, and phantom steed.
and again, as a noble you have proficiency in History and Persuasion.
Ability Scores
Richie’s so dang persuasive his soldiers follow his orders in the afterlife, so Charisma has to be high on his priorities. after that is Strength. it’s hard to cut rocks in half without it. unless you’re playing a monk, which we’re not. though that does mean Dexterity is next. I know it’s not “really” needed for speed, but it’ll keep you from tripping, which is pretty dang important when you’re moving twice as fast as everyone else. Constitution comes next. from what I’ve heard Richard’s not unusually tough, but he is a melee fighter, so keeping this stat positive will help immensely. that means your Wisdom isn’t great. that and we’re dumping Intelligence. sorry, we needed everything else more.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: starting as a paladin gives you plenty of cool toys to play with, like your new proficiencies in Wisdom and Charisma saves, plus Athletics and Religion.
you can also use a divine sense to detect celestials, fiends, and undead nearby! it’ll tell you the type but not their identity, so i guess its kindof a servant senser? you can also lay on hands as an action, patching up your allies with but a touch! this recharages on a long rest, and it’ll only give you five times your level in hp per day. you can even spend 5 points to heal a poison or disease! we’ll get you some magic resistance later, but this is pretty good for a start.
2. paladin 2: second level paladins can get a fighting style of their choosing, and we’re pickin up interception! now if, say, a big chunk of ceiling is about to hit somebody you can react and use your sword to reduce the damage they take by 1d10 plus your proficiency bonus! you can’t use this on yourself, but you’re a cool dude, right?
you can also cast spells now! you can use your charisma to cast ‘em, and you can swap ‘em out each long rest when you’re bored! that also means we don’t have to go too in-depth about which ones to pick, but I’d definitely grab Compelled Duel or Searing Smite if you have a chance. the former essentially codifies a duel between you and another servant, while the latter is a damage over time kind of smite.
speaking of, you can use Divine Smites now. they’re not spells, but using one will eat up a spell slot, and deal radiant damage based on the level of slot spent. just stick one onto one of your weapon attacks and you’re good! you can use this with just about any melee weapon, so… yeah, noble phantasm 1 achieved.
3. Paladin 3: but that’s just one phantasm, we still have another one to get, plus your other skills! to help with that lightning speed, we need to dive into the Glory oath. this grants you Divine Health, giving you immunity to disease, as well as two ways to Channel Divinity once a short rest. you can either become a Peerless Athlete for advantage on your athletics and acrobatics checks, your carrying capacity is doubled, and you can jump ten feet further! alternatively, you can turn a divine smite into an Inspiring Smite, spending your bonus action after smiting to give temporary HP to nearby creatures.
you also gain access to Oath Spells, a special subset of spells that you can always have prepared without counting towards your limit, even if paladins couldn’t get these spells normally- sort of like your mark spells. right now, you have Guiding Bolt, which deals damage and gives the next attack on your target advantage, and Heroism, which emboldens creatures while giving them temporary HP each turn.
4. Paladin 4: fourth level paladins get an Ability Score Improvement like any other class, so now you can even out your Strength and Charisma scores. only even numbers really count in D&D, so that’s two half-price +1 bonuses to the relevant stuff strength and charisma do. which is a lot on a paladin.
5. Paladin 5: for example, your strength can be used even more now that you have an Extra Attack each attack action, and your charisma helps out a ton with your new second level spells! you get enhance ability for free, giving you advantage on one kind of ability check for a minute, or you can use Magic Weapon to give your stick a little boost. I’d also recommend you pick up Protection from Poison for more magic resistance. everybody knows poisons are magic. or is that friendship?
6. Bard 1: speaking of magic, let’s swap over to bard real quick for more spell slots! you get another list of spells you can cast. you have to mash your classes together to figure out how many slots you have at any given time, so check out your PHB for that. bards get their spells hard-coded in and can only swap them when they level up, so we’ll go into more detail here.
for cantrips, grab Blade Ward for a chance to go on the defensive and take half damage from physical attacks for a round. it’s not usually the smartest move to make, but at least it’s better than True Strike! yeah, we’re not here for much magic, we’re just using bard for extra physicality, a sentence I am sure has never been said before.
that being said, some spells are pretty nice. Animal Friendship will further improve your riding skill, and Feather Fall can keep you from taking fall damage after your Jump and Peerless Athlete-boosted jump launches you 50 feet straight up in the air. Command will help you keep ahead of your knights, which I swear are coming eventually, and Disguise Self will help you blend in with the human populace. I assume this is the kind of thing that happens in other fate works, right?
you also get proficiency in Animal Handling for multiclassing, and you can give allies Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action Charisma Modifier times per day, letting them add a d6 to a check, save, or attack roll of their choice in the next minute.
7. Bard 2: a second level bard is a Jack of All Trades, adding half your proficiency bonus to any check you make that doesn’t already add it, like your initiative. see, you’re faster already! this and Enhance Ability also covers your “good at literally everything” skill. you’re not the best in the party, but you’ll always be ready to give it the old college try.
you also get the song of rest, giving your party more HP when they heal up on short rests! yay, unexplained healing!
you’re also even faster with your new spell this level, Longstrider. speed, you are speed.
8. Bard 3: at third level you can give everything the ol’ college try thanks to attending the college of Swords. with it, you can now cast bard spells through your sword, and you get the Dueling fighting style for an extra 2 damage with one-handed weapons.
more importantly, you can now spend inspiration to make Blade Flourishes in one of three flavors once per turn. a Defensive Flourish deals the inspiration in extra damage and adds it to your AC for a round, a Slashing Flourish deals the inspiration in extra damage to your target and any other creature you choose next to you, and the Mobile Flourish deals extra damage and pushes the target away, giving you a chance to react and get back into range. also, even if you don’t use a flourish your speed will still go up by 10’ when you take the attack action.
you also gain Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus with Religion and Athletics checks. and you gain second level bard spells now, like Borrowed Knowledge, allowing you to have full proficiency in any skill you wish for an hour.
9. Bard 4: fourth level bards get an Ability Score Improvement like any other class, but we’re going to cash this one in for a feat. the Crusher feat can add a point to your Constitution, as well as greatly improve your unarmed attacks and any other bludgeoning weapons you choose. once a turn you can push a creature you hit with a bludgeoning attack five fee, and when you score a critical hit, attacks targeting that creature get advantage for a round. it’s not quite the unarmed fighting style, but it’ll definitely make your boxing skills more noteworthy.
you can also make a Light with the cantrip of the same name for a shiny sword, and you can make a Kinetic Jaunt with a spell slot, adding to your speed, preventing anyone from attacking you opportunistically, and letting you pass through people as long as you don’t end your turn inside of them.
10. Bard 5: the fifth level of bard is the best level of bard, because you’re now a Font of Inspiration, so your inspiration dice recharge on short rests instead of just long ones. on top of that, your inspiration dice are now d8s instead of d6s, and you learn third level spells!
spells like Intellect Fortress, which will give you advantage on all intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saves to supercharge your magic resistance! just ignore that next level it’s fine just focus on the cool spell.
11. Paladin 6: six level paladins get an Aura of Protection, adding your charisma modifier to all your saves, supercharging your magic resistance! just ignore that last level it’s fine just focus on the cool feature of your class.
12. Paladin 7: that’s not the only aura of coolness you’ve got though! as a seventh level glory paladin, your Aura of Alacrity gives you another 10’ boost in speed to you and anyone standing within five feet of you.
13. Paladin 8: use this ASI to bump up your Strength. I don’t have anything witty for this level, you just hit better now.
14. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins get the vaunted “third level spells”! the most important one here is your oath spell Haste, which can double your speed and give you an extra action each turn for dashing or attacking once. whichever you pick you’ll speed up at least a little bit thanks to your flourishes! you also get Protection from Energy for damage resistance, or Crusader’s Mantle to turn all your knights into paladins. I swear they’re on their way just hold on a sec.
15. Paladin 10: our final level of paladin comes with a final aura, the Aura of Courage, which prevents you or nearby allies from being frightened. it’s not that flashy, but it’s wayyyy better than bard’s next level.
16. Bard 6: speak of the devil, it’s bard’s next level! Countercharm takes an action to use and is pretty much a worse Aura of Courage, and Extra Attack doesn’t stack.
at least you can speak in Tongues now?
17. Bard 7: at seventh level you can use fourth level spells, finally giving you your first knight, the Phantasmal Killer! …which isn’t a creature, so it can’t have the crusader’s mantle on it. darn. still, it’s kind of a summon. we’ll work on getting something more corporeal.
18. Bard 8: at level eight you get one last ASI, so grab the Resilient feat to round out your Constitution and give you proficiency in constitution saves. it sucks to drop concentration on summons, and a +12 will go a long way towards helping with that.
you also have a Freedom of Movement now, which will help you speed your way out of any difficult terrain or getting chained up.
19. Bard 9: at ninth level you get a better song of rest, yes, but you also get fifth level spells! with Planar Binding you can keep your summons on this plane of existence for a full day rather than just an hour or so with concentration. it’s really expensive, but you’re a) a 19th level adventurer, and b) you can upcast it up to seventh level right now for a month-long knighthood. now we just need to get the summons…
20. Bard 10: at tenth level bards can get those summons thanks to knowing Magical Secrets, giving you two spells from any spell list. Conjure Woodland Beings will allow you to summon a mob of fae creatures at a time, while Summon Celestial gives you one glowy paladin to pal around with.
while we’re on the topic of spells, you get one last cantrip like Message to speak with your Master in silence.
your Bardic Inspiration dice increase one last time to d10s, and you get another round of Expertise in Animal Handling and History.
Pros and Cons
given enough time you can just. have a private army of celestials and fey now. they probably won’t be thrilled to work for you, but that’s when the charisma comes into play. go forth, abuse the action economy as you see fit!
you’re also just. stupidly fast. your base speed is 55’, and with haste you can get up to 110 feet normally, or 130’ if you attack someone with two actions. monks wish they were you. and you can mobile flourish to add another 130’ onto your movement speed for no goddamn reason.
your saves are ridiculous, with a +4 bonus to everything and possibly advantage on your one weak save by using Intellect Fortress, magic just kind of doesn’t work on you that well.
your friends are expensive, needing 1,000 gp per binding. plus you don’t actually get them until level 20, by which point they’re not useful for much more than guard duty in your private castle.
no matter how fast you go, you’re still a saber, so you can’t do much at range. the second an enemy learns how to fly it’s over for you.
you don’t need that much speed. it’s a nice flex, but I doubt your DM’s going to include that many situations where being able to go across the map and back in a single turn is super useful.
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