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kristealberts · 11 months ago
Pasta La Vista, Baby: My Day as Jamie Oliver
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Channeling my inner Jamie Oliver for a day—turns out, mastering the art of pasta isn't just about surviving flour storms and dodging dough! From culinary chaos to chef-level cool, who knew a kitchen could be such an adventure zone? 🍝✨👨‍🍳
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squirrelchimez · 7 months ago
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some roblox myth oc doodles
doomed yaoi flag
Vet Z belongs to @salty-waterz
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hangries · 1 year ago
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🍝✨ Say Pasta La Vista to Boring Meals! ✨🍝
Indulge in a burst of flavors with our Red Sauce Magic at Hangries! 🌟🔥 Transform your dining experience and let your taste buds dance with joy. 🎉 Visit Hangries Now !! Or Order Your Favourite Food Now 👍 Call for placing an order ! ROORKEE:- 9745297452 ,9745397453 YAMUNANAGAR:- 8543885438 ,8543985439 PANIPAT:- 7559375593 ,75594 75594 JAGADHRI- 8542885428, 8542985429 MEERUT:- 63991-63991, 63992-63992 SAHARANPUR COURT ROAD:- 7872078720, 7872178721 SAHARANPUR VIJAY TALKIES - 63993-63993,63994-63994 AMRITSAR - 82913-82913,82914-82914 BARARA- 7098770987, 7498774987 SADHAURA:- 7558375583, 7558475584 YAMUNANAGAR ITI:- 7035703581, 7035703582 SHAHBAD:- 8930380808, 7027373210 Call for more enquires +91-9369-522-222 !
#hangries #pastalavista #fastfood #fastfoodlove #pastaheaven #foodiefinds #flavorfuldelights #tastetherainbow #foodgasm #eatsleeprepeat #foodforthesoul #foodieadventures #cravingssatisfied #foodfantasy #flavorfuljourney #nomnomtime #ınstafood #foodmagic #soulfulbites #foodielicious #pastaloversunite #foodieparadise #foodcoma
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ezraxdeo · 11 months ago
Ezra: Hey, it's pastalavista. Not Pasta boy Ezra: One of these days I'll shake that nickname! Ezra grinned to himself again, feeling as if he maintained some level of sanity. Sliding his phone back into his pocket, he sighed and took a sip from his water to prepare himself for going back into the fray. Just as he was going to step back into the cooking station of his booth, he heard a voice again. Not just any voice. It was the same one that irritated him just this morning, barking orders at some poor soul again. The universe must have been out to get him. "What's wrong with that one?" Ezra asked, as he watched some nervous assistant or whoever it was scurry off to get new order. Ezra recognized that the food in front of her was from the stall he was working at. "Not good enough for you, your highness?".
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Lia: You just haven’t met me yet Lia: Of course, gotta make sure that I’m eating too Lia: Thanks for reminding me I need to eat, Pasta boy Lia: I won’t be too picky though
Lia had been keeping up appearances, making sure the Cavendish name was in good standings within the community and being one of the faces that actually showed up for this event. Her father of course was far too busy to be here, it just gave her a little more freedom. But he was right, she needed something to eat, and the food truck was calling her name.
She made her way to the window, grabbing a few things and trying to get away from people, she made her way toward the back of the booths, trying to find somewhere to sit. She quickly checked her burger and groaned softly “Aw man, they put tomatoes on my burger.” She complained, a little whine coming from her. “Go get me another one, and make sure there’s no tomato.” She begged the same demanding tone from earlier, to someone who left before she rounded the corner and saw Ezra, rolling her eyes a little. “Wow... Perfect.”
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1fast3furious · 3 years ago
Tag 2: Mittag, Abendbrot, Feierabend
Frei nach dem Motto "support your local dealer" (und der Alternative "kein Mittag") ging es heute zum PastaLaden um die Ecke. Aus der großen Auswahl selbstgemachter italienischer Teigwaren, wurde es dann eine Lasagne mit Mangold, Zuccini, Aubergine, Schwarzwurzel, Radicchio, Mozarella, Parmesan in Rucola-Walnuß-Béchamel..dem geneigten Leser womöglich aus älteren Blogeinträgen schon bekannt. Sehr lecker!
Zum Abendbrot wurde es bunt mit diversen Aufstrichen (mit Gemüsesticks auch als Dips geeignet), Käse, Räucherlachs. Auch die Familie war ganz angetan von der Vielfalt und dem rumprobieren.
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So, Feierabend! Füße hoch, Netflix an und ein gutes tschechisches Bier - natürlich nealko.
Zur der Frage mit dem Familiensupport: Also mental ist der Support groß.. Kind 1 möchte auch auf Fleisch verzichten "außer wenn es Schnitzel in der Schule gibt" Kind 2 ist glaub ich unbeeindruckt von all dem. Die Dame des Hauses schließt sich Kind 1 an - nur ohne die Schnitzelklausel.
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lazysecretstarlight · 2 years ago
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"Where there's food, there we shall be" 😅🤭 Fancy talking with you ladies ☺ #pastalavista #weirdfoodnames (at Passiflora CAFE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIRBXuSgIAQYOV-xkNW1hBXpUw9mq95H8hkmA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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joehutsko · 3 years ago
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#pastalavista (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiEVK9QDPag5DsNl5DHGDDcP99SH7UOYj4z5eY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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humbugidy · 4 years ago
I have spent the majority of quarantine eating dry boxed noodles. Due to my new expertise here is a ranking with notes I have taken.
Anelli-Perfect. Very fun :)
Linguine-Sublime. Better spaghetti.
Cavatappi-Sublime. Better Rotini. 
Ravioli-Good. Fancy like bowtie and interesting to eat. Crunch.
Lasagna-Good. Interesting to eat and tastes good.
Bowtie-Good. Fancy shape but do start to get a bit bland. Fun to eat.
Spaghetti-Good. Regular but skinny, come in large amounts so its fun to chomp on a fistful of them. Angel hair not recommended.
Penne-Favorable. Smaller rigatoni and less of a crunch.
Rotini-Favorable. Fancy shape but also very hard.
Rigatoni-Acceptable. Very crunchy and hard.
Macaroni-Decent. They are tiny but start to taste the same after the 3rd box.
Tortellini-Eh. Usually comes prepackaged with filling.
Angel Hair-......avoid
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etvoiladesign · 4 years ago
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Seas the day. #italia #camogli #liguria #gohomecoronascoming #cinqterre #duestumpi #bawnjourney #grazee #pastalavista #salzwasserspühlig (at Spiaggia di Camogli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm1U-pFtMq/?igshid=fp0nkff8lx7a
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dantewtf · 5 years ago
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Incredible #stovetop #art with my lovely #fiancé @kahzria I’ve always had a hating relationship with art because of how subjective it is. The value of something and what is technically good but bad but good really annoys the ever loving... anyways, here is my #30daychallenge with dumb art because literally everything is art and isn’t art like some sort of dumb worldly Shrodingers cat! #arts #fart #farts #dumbart #noodleart #foodart #pastalavista #pastaart #instaphoto #artist #artists #doiy @doiydesign @yennlo #futurewifenoodlesbetterthanme https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDLTHHje9v/?igshid=13dg977f19jmo
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squirrelchimez · 1 year ago
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proof i do draw seriously nowadays since lately i been winging it
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casettadipasta · 5 years ago
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This Happened Today On The Pasta Bar. A Little Spicy Chicken Pad Thai w/ Peanut Sauce. #padthai #casettadipasta #wevgotstuff #pastaholic #pastahouse #pastalavista https://www.instagram.com/p/B43DvXtFYQq/?igshid=7b9ticg5dxp7
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erubinz · 7 years ago
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This is not just a shopping kinda holiday.... it's also a food pilgrimage for me. Thanks to @sp1ffy_cola I got to meet his grandma and learn to make pasta from scratch and the traditional way. Just look at us... LOVE AT PASTA 🍝 haha... I was learning some basic Italian words like egg, flour etc so I can understand here and there when she was teaching. Can't wait to do my handmade pasta when I'm back... grazie nonna! #ciaoitalia #food #pasta #italiancuisine #pastalavista #handmade #homechef #homecook #pastawithlove #grazie #yolo #wanderlust #cultlinary #neverwokalone #italy #thatsmizunoshortsnotFBT #auntiekiller (at Rome, Italy)
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clarktheshark-blog1 · 6 years ago
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"You Cant Make Everyone Happy, You're Not Pasta." #PastaLaVista #Pasta #LifeStyle #Motivation #SharkLife #Motivation #PositiveVibes #Noodles #Noodle #Vibe #Food #Goals #Foodie #Vibes #GoodEats #GoodFood #GoodMood #PastaNight #PastaBowl #ItalianFood #ItalianCooking #Italian https://www.instagram.com/p/By3Xg6yBwxw/?igshid=1mjpqzx0upz8p
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1fast3furious · 4 years ago
Kenn Dein Essen - und hab Spaß dabei
Abendessen, Tag 13: Wie in vergangen Posts ja zu genüge berichtet, unterstützen wir gern den lokalen Pastaladen mit BAFF. Unter anderem gab es da auch vor kurzem Ravioli. Aber wie macht man die eigentlich? Wieviel Arbeit steckt da drin? Und was für eine Füllung? Wir hatten hier ja schon über das Kochen als sehr nützliches Unterrichtsfach fabuliert - warum nicht mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen.
Also, die Kinder in dke Küche geholt, die Nudelmaschine ausgepackt (die wir seit dem ersten Lockdown unser eigen nennen), die Ravioliausstecher bereitgelegt und los gehts.
Zuerst ein klassischer Nudelteig (ital. ausgesprochen) aus Mehl und Hartweizengries (zu gleichen Teilen), Ei, Öl und etwas Salz. Gut und kräftig durchgeknetet, durfte der dann eine Weile ruhen. Der Glückliche..
Genug Zeit die Füllung vorzubereiten. Aus reichlich Zwiebeln und Knoblauch satt, Blattspinat und Ricotta wurde ein schon jetzt schmeckendes Gemenge zubereitet.
Dann kam die Stunde der Nudelmaschine und ihrer Walzen, die uns ordentlich dünne Teigbahnen bescherte. Auf die wurden kleine Kleckse der Füllung verteilt, mit Ei als "Klebstoff" bestrichen, mit den Ravioliausstechern in runde und eckige Formen gebracht und wahlweise vorher mit einer weiteren Teigbahn bedeckt oder einfach gefaltet und dann liebevoll, aber bestimmt festgedrückt.
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Dann alles in einem Topf mit kochendem Salzwasser ca. 8 Minuten köcheln lassen. In der Zwischenzeit noch schnell aus Salbei und Butter Salbeibutter gezaubert - fertig.
Das Ergebnis kann sich sehr wohl sehen, aber noch viel mehr schmecken lassen!
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tiddfull-talks · 6 years ago
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Pasta la vista, baby! In frame: Creamy pasta genovese - penne pasta dressed in pesto sauce, pine nuts n cream. MUST TRY! After tasting pesto pasta from the place it originated; Italy, this one @fumoattico has maintained the original flavors. Kudos! A perfect combination of flavourful leaves, oily nuts, cheese, garlic and olive oil. Tasted amazing. #pestopasta #pasta #pennepasta #pesto #pestosauce #cheesy #pastalover #pastagenovese #creamy #garlicbread #pastalavista #fumoattico #fodderforthoughts #ak #akfoodography #ankrish #tiddfull_talks #thechutneychor #jaipurfoodblog #jaipurfood #jaipurcity #bloggersmeet #jaipurcafe #reviewbyak #reviewpost (at Fumo Attico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx9kQ4RlWYp/?igshid=1f0m9bqtk0710
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