#past romione
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ethan-torchios-bitch · 3 months ago
(blaise watching a young hugo and rose)
hugo, running in: blaise! blaise!
blaise: yes?
hugo: rose said the b word!
rose, also running in: motherfucker doesn’t start with a b, hugo
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elliemarchetti · 1 year ago
Lost See Lost
A Dramione drabble for @liquidluckdrabblechallenge's prompt #60
Plot: Hermione breaks up with Ron after yet another accident caused by his career as an Auror and shares a cigarette with an old acquaintance.
Words: 435
Hermione knew what the look in his eyes meant. He was begging her to contradict him, to run into his arms and kiss him as she had done when they realized they had survived the war. But Hermione couldn’t, because she wasn’t the same person anymore. Years had passed, she had a career, and so did he, careers that hardly hallowed them to see each other and drained their time and patience.
Ron too must’ve seen in her eyes what was going through her head. He must’ve understood that in front of him there was no longer the reckless little girl who had abandoned everything to be by his and Harry’s side, but a woman who in the rough, fast and unfair days at the Ministry had no one else to rely on but herself. He must’ve known they were held together by a paper clasp, drenched in moments from a past that wasn’t going to come back.
 “When I’m not around, do you even miss me?” he asked, but he already knew the answer, and wasn’t surprised when she left the keys to his Diagon Alley’s apartment on the plastic table and mouthed him a soundless goodbye.
She walked through the white corridors quickly, allowing herself to really breathe only when she came out at the back, into a dirty side road that reminded her much more of Muggle London than the magical one. From the right pocket of her large coat she took out a pack of cigarettes and once she had lit one, she leaned with her back against the hospital wall as if seeking for support.
“I’m sure I don’t have to tell you it’s bad for your health,” said a voice she hadn’t heard in years, the tone different but the timbre still the same. Draco Malfoy hadn’t changed much: same pointy features, same eyes too light to not tighten her stomach when he looked at her with the same intensity with which he was doing it now, and same porcelain skin; the ghost of dark circles made him seem older, and perhaps his cheeks were a bit hollower than before, but he still wore his platinum blonde hair slicked back, and his tapered hands still gripped his wand in the same way.
He lit a cigarette too.
“What a Muggle vice,” she commented, returning her attention to the bricks of the opposite building.
“One day we’ll regret it, but for now we do what we can,” he replied, and Hermione wondered if he was still referring to smoking and she had just imagined the implications hanging in the air.
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the-mellow-drama · 11 months ago
Drabble #3
It was the scent of his shirt that threw her off. Instead of a woody scent, it was flowery and sickeningly sweet. She shrugged it off, considering the fact that maybe someone wearing far too much perfume brushed against him in the lifts.
But it happened again, and what was worse, a faint print of lipstick stained the color of his otherwise crisp button-down. She frowned and made her way to the kitchen.
Ronald sat, almost comically in the chairs nowhere near big enough for his wide frame. He was thick by all definitions of the word, with thick thighs and wide shoulders. He scarfed down the pot pie she had made, sauce dripping from his chin.
"Who's perfume is this," Hermione asked, her tone unnervingly calm. Ron's gaze drifted to the shirt and a blush instantly stained his cheeks.
"I-I'm not sure-"Ron started, but Hermione was tired of having this fight with him.
Hermione sighed and threw the shirt on the table, but before she left the cramped dining area, she threw over her shoulder, "Next time, tell Lavender to Scourgify your shirt before she sends you home.
Ron spluttered but Hermione was already in the bedroom, packing a bag. Her boyfriend at least had the decency to look aghast as he shoved his chair backward and stalked to the bedroom.
"It was an accident, 'Mione, it'll never happen again," he tried but Hermione shook her head.
"I'm going to stay at Ginny and Harry's for a while. I want you out, Ronald. No more." Hermione stomped off, leaving a befuddled Ron in the doorway of their bedroom.
Hermione had finally found her out.
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handledwithgloves · 2 months ago
How about ron and hermione judging harry and draco's relationship? (At first) it would be funny 😄
lover’s spat
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past selves
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t1oui · 7 months ago
what are your thoughts on the “canary incident” in half blood prince?
ok tbh i had to look this up it's been so long 😭 but honestly icon behavior. if my man could not take a hint i too would send birds after him
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springairs · 2 years ago
The last place Harry expects to find his soulmate is in Azkaban.
“Hello,” Harry tries again. “What are you doing up?”
“Can’t sleep in this place.” Malfoy smiles slightly, and Harry can’t help but be a little creeped out by the way his lips curl. “I’ve finally went fucking insane, then?” he asks, every word posh and delicate and slow, like he’ll break something other than silence if he raises his voice too much.
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ronhazmione · 3 months ago
Thinking about Harry who’s only friends were spiders, who never had any friends of his own because of Dudley’s bullying and who was avoided because of his dirty hand-me-downs, and Hermione who didn’t feel like she could connect to people and isolated herself with books and felt alone because people were intimidated with her intelligence and thought she was obnoxious for being outspoken, and Ron who never had any friends of his own and always felt like a spare and like an afterthought to his brothers, finding friendship in each other and realizing they didn’t have to change or diminish any parts of themselves and truly accepting one another,
They mean so much to me, the way they can just sit in silence with each other and just exist is so precious to me, the idea of them hanging out is just doing homework next to each other in the common room, occasionally taking walks to the lake and hogsmeet and sipping butter while gossiping, Ron copying Hermiones notes while Harry struggles to write his potions essay, Hermione grumbling while Ron and Harry make up random predictions for divination, Harry petting crookshanks while Ron and Hermione play chess… they’re so 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽😭😭
It’s also the way they’re incomplete without the other,
Ron is the joy/humor in the trio and when he’s not there you can see the happiness and joy leave Hermione and Harry, the way they mope at the library quietly because they don’t know how to start conversation without Ron and miss the way he grounds them to normal life where they can just be Ron, Harry, and, Hermione and not have to hide behind personas to please other people,, Hermione needing someone to contradict her and threat her just like a normal person and so she can be challenged to think past what she already knows who needs Ron to challenge her thinking and push her beyond her usual intelligence and Harry who needs Ron to remind when what truly matters and to validate how he’s feeling and making him laugh when his whole world feels like falling apart
Harry who is the perspective/clarity when Ron and Hermione get too caught up to look at the big picture, Romione who constantly fight and nitpick the tiniest details even to their own detriment, and can keep grudges like it’s a professional sport not wanting but needing Harry to remind them about the important things in life and keeping them on the right track even when they lose themselves in the forest and wander off path. But he also lets them wander off the path and goof around, Ron and Hermione who need Harry because Harry looks at them like they are is whole world, no matter how ridiculous they act and how stubborn they are to prove they’re right and win whatever argument they’re having, and Harry will let them because he doesn’t care about it as long they’re happy, Harry will go the library even when he doesn’t want to, he’ll sneak into Hogsmeet to see them, He’ll go through hell and back if it meets he can go back to them, Harry indulges they’re silliness because he loves them unconditionally, they are his family
Hermione who is clearly the logic and knowledge in the trio, Ron needs her to humble him and Harry needs Hermione because unlike Ron reminds Harry that he doesn’t have to anything other than Harry, Hermione pushes Harry to be a better version of himself and truly find his confidence. Ron and Harry are so aimless without her, yes they get along but they need her because she reminds them to never overlook anything and always looks out for her younger friends, she reminds them to finish their homework and to not do anything that could get them into trouble. Ron and Harry can be so dismissive of their own health but Hermione reminds them to take care of themselves
They’re so realistic too, they way they fight and bicker but always come though for each other,
Golden trio is important to me because they never leave each other, yes they fight and quarrel but they always come back, they care so so much about each other <33 they truly do provide a safe space for each other where they can truly be themselves,, They find each other in every life
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months ago
Thoughts on Ron x Hermione? Were they a good pairing or should they not have been endgame
I think it makes sense that they're endgame, and I like them as a pairing. I'm not passionate about them, so you won't catch me reading/writing fic where they're the main couple, but as a side couple while Harry's having the main romantic drama, sure.
My problem with Romione is how they were written a bit. Like, in my current reread, I noticed I actually kinda shipped them in books 3, 4, and 5 but like, Romione in books 6 and 7 really doesn't do it for me.
I'll try to organize my thoughts. Like, I do like Hermione and Ron's banter, I honestly think a lot of the petty arguments Harry tunes out are just fun to them. They are both very verbose people and they enjoy bantering and arguing over petty bullshit (bar a few exceptions like 3rd year). I mean, there is a reason these two are bantering and Harry just tones them out:
“Well done, Ron,” snapped Hermione. “What?” said Ron indignantly, having managed, finally, to swallow his food. “I’m not allowed to ask a simple question?” “Oh forget it,” said Hermione irritably, and the pair of them spent the rest of the meal in huffy silence. Harry was too used to their bickering to bother trying to reconcile them; he felt it was a better use of his time to eat his way steadily through his steak-and-kidney pie, then a large plateful of his favorite treacle tart.
(OotP, 210)
“That was really, really good, Harry,” said Hermione, when finally it was just her, Harry, and Ron left. “Yeah, it was!” said Ron enthusiastically, as they slipped out of the door and watched it melt back into stone behind them. “Did you see me disarm Hermione, Harry?” “Only once,” said Hermione, stung. “I got you loads more than you got me —” “I did not only get you once, I got you at least three times —” “Well, if you’re counting the one where you tripped over your own feet and knocked the wand out of my hand —” They argued all the way back to the common room, but Harry was not listening to them.
(OotP, 596)
It makes sense they are like this. Hermione is argumentative in general and Ron grew up in a large family with a lot of siblings. He spent all his childhood arguing with people he loves — arguing over petty shit is a love language. I think, as a couple, they'd just continue doing this.
I mentioned in my Harmony post that I think Ron is closer to Hermione than Harry is. Ron is protective of both Harry and Hermione and stands up to Snape and Malfoy multiple times on behalf of both his friends (as I mentioned in the past, Ron is the friendship glue here, in my opinion) even when Harry and Hermione don't stand up to each other. And yes, Ron had his faults in books 4 and 7 (book 4 is the worst one in my opinion since in book 7 he tried to return immediately, he just removed himself from a volatile situation that can actually be super healthy as a means to calm down) but I do think he's a good friend to Harry and Hermione and knows how to connect to both of them.
Like, I kinda hate that the fandom just ran with Ron having the emotional range of a teaspoon. I mean, he's often the most emotionally intelligent person in the Golden Trio, and he should be given more credit. He is the only one of them who knows to change how he talks depending on who he's talking to on a somewhat conscious level. Hermione is too rigid in her views and doesn't really do social chameleon-ing. Harry does do it, but through mirroring and he does it differently than Ron.
And I think Romione's personalities do work really well together. They complete each other in a nice way. Hermione is all book smarts and memorization, and Ron is strategy and plans (street smarts). They are both brave in different ways and have a different temperament. Like, they get emotional under different circumstances, so one of them would usually end up being cool-headed.
Like, they both require a similar level of attention in a relationship so they work well on that front. Ron knows how to be supportive of Hermione's pursuits, even when he doesn't fully get them, and Hermione (at least in the early books) is aware of Ron's cleverness and appreciates it and his sense of humor. They are good to each other in how they push the other's worldview. Hermione pushes Ron out to rethink things he always considered fine (House Elfs). And Ron pushes Hermione to have more fun and relax a little.
The reason I have a problem with how they are written is that I hate how Hermione's crush on Ron is treated in HBP. Like, that shit was painful to read. I would've loved for them to get together without Hermione being the bitterest, meanest girl out there. Like, I don't mind Hermione being mean, she can be mean on occasion, it's part of her character. Like, I have no qualms about her using that Confundus Charm on McLaggen, that's in character. My problem is how she treated Ron when he was dating Lavender.
Like, I didn't mind the insults towards Lavender too much, that's in character (she is a bit of a pick-me girl like Ginny too, especially in book 6, but even before), but attacking Ron with birds when he never dated Hermione was overkill. Ron's shit towards Hermione and Krum in the fourth year was less extreme than this, I mean, he would never attack Hermione physically. Ron would argue with her, sure, he does so plenty, but he never did and never will attack her and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see Hermione willing to attack him quite violently over kissing Lavender when Ron wasn't dating Hermione, it wasn't fucking cheating, Hermione!
Like, I hate it.
In general, I like Ron more than I like Hermione, and this means it's never going to be a pairing I'm invested in, but, it makes sense and could've been done way better than it was in the books. I think Romione had potential and was done dirty.
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victorialestrange · 22 days ago
Harmony 🖤
Okay, I'm really tired of these ''js read the books'' comments under the Harry x Hermione edits, written by romione shippers. I just can't understand why so many people hate this ship. I know that they didn't end up together in the canon, but y'all like other non-canon ships (like jegulus, dramione etc.) Yes, I've read the books many times and yes — I still ship Harmony. They're endgame in my head, and no one can change this. I absolutely love their dance scene in the movies, but that's NOT the only reason I ship these two. They were literally made for each other. While Ron and Hermione always argued, Harry and Hermione rarely did. They were always there for each other, she was the only one that never left his side. So let me show you some harmione scenes from books that hold a special place in my heart. ''They had reached the hospital wing. Pushing open the doors, Harry saw Neville lying, apparently asleep, in a bed near the door. Ron, Hermione, Luna, Tonks, and Lupin were gathered around another bed near the far end of the ward. At the sound of the doors opening, they all looked up. Hermione ran to Harry and hugged him; Lupin moved forward too, looking anxious.'' — Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, chapter 29, ''The Phoenix Lament'' I think this is the most underrated hug shared between Harry and Hermione. (if y'all wondering — this scene happened after Dumbledore’s death.) It may seem like a regular H/Hr moment, but it's so deep and emotional. She comforted him after his mentor had died. — ''His eyes fell instead on the girl next to Krum. His jaw dropped. It was Hermione.'' Harry obviously doesn't find Hermione unattractive. ''And it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think I am, too,'' Hermione added as an afterthought. ''But I don't think you're ugly,'' said Harry, bemused.'' — ''Did you—did you get—?'' She spotted the badge in Harry’s hand and let out a shriek. ''I knew it!'' she said excitedly, brandishing her letter. ''Me too, Harry, me too!'' ''No,'' said Harry quickly, pushing the badge back into Ron’s hand. ''It’s Ron, not me.'' ''It – what?'' ''Ron’s prefect, not me,'' Harry said. ''Ron?'' said Hermione, her jaw dropping. ''But…are you sure? I mean—'' This scene speaks volumes, she believed in him so damn much. — [ This scene takes place at Bill and Fleur's wedding ]
''Hermione turned and beamed at Harry; her eyes, too, were full of tears. ''…then I declare you bonded for life.'' And why was Hermione looking at Harry the moment the narration says ''bonded for life.'' </3 — ''As soon as he stood up he wanted to leave: He did not think he could stand another moment there. He put his arm around Hermione’s shoulders, and she put hers around his waist, and they turned in silence and walked away through the snow, past Dumbledore’s mother and sister, back toward the dark church and the out-of-sight kissing gate'' Oh. My. God. — [ The fanart is not mine!! Credits to Hastyhand ]
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unhingedromione · 7 months ago
Hullo there! I've had really bad Romione brainrot for the past six years and as a result, I present to you a bunch of fics!
I mainly write Romione missing moments, but I also have a lotta AUs (Muggle and otherwise), steamy post-war one-shots, and a gen ficlet featuring the incomparable ✨Luna Lovegood ✨
And without further ado... *sweeping hand motions*
Mine (T): 6-chap 6th year AU where Romione got together and Hinny takes things to the next level. Hermione and Ginny are kinda hoe-y in this and I love it 🤪 WIP - but Romione part is COMPLETE
"What If" Romione Kisses (T): anthology of seven one-shots, one for each year, answering the question, “What if Ron and Hermione had kissed earlier?” COMPLETE
Let's Go (T but prolly will change to M): Muggle AU of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley meeting one magical night at a pub during their final year of uni. WIP
Ocean Eyes (G/T): Hermione demands that Ron explain the meaning behind his Christmas gift in OotP.
moving into me (T): Yule Ball Romione starring transmasculine Ron 🙂🏳️‍⚧️
Before Daybreak (T): flash fic of Romione in a secret relationship during DH
Virgo's Groove (T): the festivities in Shell Cottage when Lupin announces Teddy's birth get a bit out of hand. Also, Ron and Hermione talk about babies…and what it takes to make babies.
Stand Still (G/T): ever wonder what was going through Hermione's mind when she asked Ron to Slughorn's Party? I did a lil take on it!
Say Yes To Heaven (G/T): Romione's dance during Bill and Fleur's wedding.
Hermione Granger & The Baronet's Son (G): A lil Bridgerton-inspired Regency AU I wrote for the 2024 @romione-masquerade!
Shameless Smut
All post war. All rated E (obvi).
Dive: Hermione finds a particular book that Ron hoped she would never know about. But what happens next is more than he could have ever bargained for.
Moment: Romione's first time.
lips slightly parted: a collection of probably mostly unrelated horny Romione drabbles and flash fics. Title is a reference to the brief moment in canon when Hermione was stuck in her fight-or-fuck response when Ron came back in DH.
Gen Fics
What in God's name is the Umgubular Slashkilter? (G): missing Hogsmeade 5th year moment post Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter.
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actuallymoon · 8 months ago
I recently met a girl that’s so freaking cool. I found out that she writes Harry Potter fanfics just like me (mostly romione). She was showing me her ao3 and then she suddenly goes on a rant on how she HATES drarry with a passion. After her rant she asked to see my ao3 and I was like 😃
I just told her that her writing is better than mine so I didn’t want her to see my fics and judge me. She kept telling me she won’t but I just wouldn’t let her. I felt so scared she might just cuss me out if I said I shipped Drarry for like the past 7 years. What do I do now 😭
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delumineight · 1 year ago
romione fic list
because it’s hard to find good ones
disclaimer, these are mostly all on ao3. this will be updated every now and then and open for suggestions !!! if you have any suggestions please reblog with them. this is an ongoing list that i will be adding to whenever i find something that i like enough to rec.
list below the cut, just so people who aren’t on my account or in the tags for this don’t have to see it.
rec list
the reasons by incalculablepower
— RATED T: background harry/ginny, past lavender/ron, a tad of inappropriate humor at the end, takes place at the end of sixth year or half-blood prince
SUMMARY: “As the school year comes to an end, it's time to reflect on the one that's passed and prepare for the next year. And with their two best friends otherwise occupied (that is, snogging all over the castle), that means a lot of quality time spent together...”
resistance of the mind by tuesday_piracy
— RATED G: background harry/ginny, current lavender/ron, pining hermione, black hermione, black lavender, takes place during christmastime sixth year or half-blood prince
SUMMARY: “Hogwarts is hosting a Winter Solstice Ball for their older students, and naturally, Ron and Lavender plan on attending together. However, as the night of the Ball arises, Ron is racked with familiar concerns over his attire, his looks, and his hair. So, naturally, he turns to Hermione, and she can't help but aid him. — Or: Hermione gives Ron a haircut. Absolutely nothing (something) happens.
anywhere with you by kieunlocked
— RATED G: takes place during deathly hallows during the horcrux hunt before ron leaves, discussing where they would rather be then in a damp tent in the middle of nowhere
“One-Shot of Ron and Hermione talking about places they’d rather be than the cold, miserable tent during the Horcrux Hunt. / “Though, to be honest I might rather be in the Potions dungeon right now than in this bloody cold tent any longer,” Hermione groaned, wrapping her arms around herself. / “Not the Potions dungeon, Hermione!” Ron said with mock disgust, slinging an arm around her easily, effortlessly. As if he’d done it a million times. And when Hermione thought about it, he really had been doing it quite a bit lately.”
don’t talk (put your head on my shoulder) by sarahxxxlovey
— RATED T: shell cottage, pre relationship, aftermath of torture, missing scene, takes place during deathly hallows
““I don’t know what I would’ve done if—” Ron said in an uncharacteristically tender voice, pulling away slightly to cover her cheeks with large hands, tears dripping down his nose. “I couldn’t— I thought I was going to lose my mind.” / “Me too,” she said, swallowing and nodding, looking up at him. “I didn’t think I could take it… I—” / Words failed her. She broke down into sobs again. / “Hermione,” he said, his voice cracking, kissing her wet cheek quickly before hugging her even tighter. “I’m just so glad you're okay.””
let the golden age begin by incalculablepower
— RATED T: missing scene, during lavender/ron, during apparation testing, maybe a tad and i mean tad bit of emotional cheating, as in people mistake them for boyfriend and girlfriend and neither of them make corrections, half-blood prince, sixth year
“A couple of awkward moments in a still-healing friendship. Half-Blood Prince missing moment.”
funny little frog in my throat by anonymous
RATED T — pining, specifically pining ron, fluff and humor, idiots in love, my personal all time favorite, they’re still magical but no war au
“Ron loves Hermione. It's an ugly business, he's very upset about it, but he loves her and that seems to be the axis on which his world turns.”
self recs
meet me in the woods
— RATED T: secret dating au, starts at the end of sixth year and runs until the shell cottage scene in deathly hallows, written for romione week 2023, oblivious harry, 9k words… oops
““We could just… not tell him.” / “Just keeping it a secret? Okay.” / Whatever Joanne wrote for Deathly Hallows was NOT real. This is (trust me).”
that damned cat
— RATED G: post-war, hermione’s eighth year, crookshanks fic, cuts to around 2009/2010 i think, cat dad ron, and just general dad ron, wine uncles drarry
“Ron hates that cat—but he loves Hermione more.”
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wolfpants · 1 year ago
harry potter's most miserable year - chapter one | a drarry bridget jones fic
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Roll up roll up, it's the Drarry Bridget Jones adaptation no one asked for!
This concept has been living rent free in my brain for months. I just had to get it out. Thank you so much to my little team of readers and betas: @getawayfox @citrusses @oknowkiss, thank you for indulging my crazy ideas and allowing me to write this nonsense.
Harry Potter's Most Miserable Year | Chapter One
Rating: E Relationships: Harry/Draco (endgame); Harry/Theo; past Draco/OMC, Minor Dean/Ginny, Minor Ron/Hermione, Minor Justin/Ernie, Minor Luna/Neville Tags: Endgame Drarry, EWE, POV Harry, Quidditch, Quidditch Manager Harry, Quidditch Player Draco, Sports Journalist Theo, Romantic Comedy, Romance, Diaries, New Year's Resolutions, Human Disaster Harry, Buttoned-up Draco, (a lot of) smoking, (a lot of) drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Explict Sexual Content, Banter, Pubs, London, Friendship, Charity Balls, Romione's naughty children, Dinner Parties, life in your 30s, Lying/Emotional Deceit, Smear Campaign, Infedeility (but not between Drarry)
After running into Malfoy at a New Year's Day party and overhearing some choice opinions he has on Harry’s character, Harry decides to change his life for good. Quit smoking, drink less, dress better, excel at his brand new role as Puddlemere’s manager, and find a nice, adult man he can settle down with. Sounds easy, right?
“What’s he like, then?” Ron asked a second later, suddenly at Harry’s side, plate piled high with turkey curry and rice.  Harry patted his pockets for his cigarettes. “A dickhead.” Ron laughed heartily. “Ha. I was right.”
read chapter one on ao3
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neverenoughmarauders · 10 months ago
HP canon debater & fanfics writer
I am in my 30s, genderfluid - she/they - Scandinavian, but live in the UK, and I am a long COVIDer/CFS/ME and lifelong PoTSer!
On this blog, I am (mostly) a canon-compliant Marauder fanfic writer - who likes to discuss the canon. I mostly ship canon (especially JILY!!!, Hinny, Romione, Tedromeda, Remadora) because I am boring, but I adore Prongsfoot and Sebinis, and I’m not anti most non-canon ships if they are true to their canon characterisation.
I will argue and discuss canon with anyone who's interested. If you don't care about canon, fine, but you and I probably won't enjoy each other's posts very much.
I don’t support JKR’s views (Read: I AM EXTREMELY ANTI HER VIEWS). I regularly question whether I should just abandon the fandom because of her (I have stayed away in the past), but then again, I have a strong emotional attachment to these fictional characters.
My fanfictions:
When we were up to no good - long fic that aims to be a canon compliant interpretation of the marauders - obsessively so, if I might add.
Never saw one without the other: a collection of one shots obsessing over Sirius and James' relationship
First betrayal - first ever fanfic - Jily (borderline Jilypads). Set during the first war as Lily discovers she's pregnant
Jily microfics
My @sorenphelps The Bodyguard AU inspired stories can be found here (but check out the whole AU!!!)
Wolfstar stories: A Close Second (Wolfstar raising Harry) and It doesn't matter (a wolfstar and Jily Christmas story)
A bit of anti-werewolf legislation - my Dolores Umbridge fanfic (yeah, I write weird shit!)
When we were up to no good
This long fic consists of 4 parts, and was me very much wanting more fics that are consistent with canon as per this post.
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Part 1: I solemnly swear - COMPLETE
Quote: 'No friendship is an accident'
We meet our cast of heroes age 11 and follow them as they become the dear friends we know them to be. James and Snape become sworn enemies. This part ends shortly after the big discovery.
Part 2: Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
Quote: 'The best memories come from bad ideas with best friends'
The boys really become that tight-knit group we like to call the marauders: they set out to become animagi; Sirius and James become the popular, bullying gits we see in the Pensieve; the Whomping Willow incident happens and this part ends shortly after Snape's worst memory.
Part 3: Mischief Managed.
Quote: 'They say I changed a lot. I say a lot changed me' 
The war has always been in the background (quite present actually), but it's at this point our story takes a really dark turn. The Marauders face their last two years of Hogwarts, James does some serious growing up, becomes Head Boy - and of course, starts dating Lily Evans. This ends with our heroes graduating Hogwarts.
Part 4: Until the very end.
Quote: ' Let us live, since we must die' 
One Order, a wedding, two childbirths, one prophecy, lots and lots of death, and one big, heart-breaking betrayal.
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eastwindmlk · 3 months ago
19) getting turned on by their partner’s new uniform for work and then roleplaying a bit
My OTP Romione
Please and thank you 🥺
This is something, I think. I wrote like 1/3 of it between 2 and 4am but we got there.
2.1k NSFW under the cut! Or on AO3
Prompt from this prompt list! Ask box is still open! As you can see, I will try any pairing at least once.
Hermione never had a thing for uniforms, not in the way she'd heard other people talk about them. Certainly not in the way Harry would talk about his wife in her uniform. 
It wasn't like she couldn't see it. Ron had always been fit in his quidditch robes. But it wasn't drastically different. 
Though, well, she supposed that she had thought Viktor had looked quite dashing in his uniform at the Yule ball. 
Still, Hermione did not see the appeal of pilots and police officers, until about ten seconds ago when she walked in on Ron fidgeting with his new Ministry-issue Auror robes. There was just something about it. 
Maybe it was the stretch of the fabric across his chest or how it, impossibly, made him look even taller. Should could even argue that the way the collar was cut complimented his jawline, but that would mean she'd given it more thought than she cared to admit. 
Hermione leaned in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest. She watched Ron tug and pull at the fabric and the way he adjusted his sleeve, looking proud and confident in a way she'd not seen him in such a long time. 
It was endearing, thrilling, and just a little hot. Well, more than a little hot. It was like being hit by a tidal wave when Ron noticed her and flashed a grin that could have knocked her over. 
"Like it?" he asked, his fingers brushing along the row of buttons on his tone chest. Hermione's eyes honed in on the motion that made her a little weak in the knees. "It's a little tight," Ron added when she was too distracted to answer. 
Hermione gave her head a little shake, trying to clear her thoughts while she hummed. "Mhm, looks good," she replied, her tongue swiping along her lip.  "Very- Uhm. Professional." 
She shifted her weight from foot to foot and the friction from that was enough to heat her face. "Dammit," she muttered under her breath while she flustered a little. 
It had been a long few weeks, Hermione told herself. They'd had little time together and the time they did have Ron was tired and sore from training. It was normal for her to have some pent-up frustration. Something they could work out later, when he wasn't busy. 
Hermione pushed her hair up, out of her neck to release some heat. Once there, she thought she might as well keep it up, so she twisted the curly mess and secured it with her wand, like she'd done a million times before. 
When she looked up after catching a stray strand, she found Ron looking at her. His lips pressed together, eyebrows slightly drawn as he swallowed thickly. 
"You can't do that," Ron told her, arms crossing light over his chest, the words taking her by surprise. 
Something about his tone stopped her from bristling, something in his look made her toes curl in anticipation. "Why not?" Hermione asks, her head tilting and her brows raising, trying to figure out where this was going. 
Ron's lips pulled into a knowing smirk and the energy in the room shifted. A draw that went unnoticed before luring her into the room, closer to Ron. "It's illegal," he said matter-of-factly. 
"Yes, ma'am. Very much so," he said and she recognized the cadence, the sudden undeniable authority that she rarely heard. They'd joked, in the past, that it was his Auror voice. 
It doesn't take Hermione long to decide to brush the strap of her top down her arm and step forward, hips swaying a little too much. She enjoyed the way Ron's eyes travelled down as she folded he hands in front of her, pressing her breasts together, deliberately making use of her low neckline. 
"I'm sorry, officer. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" Hermione asked, her voice low and sultry, her teeth caught on her lower lip. Her eyes lingered on the way Ron gulped at that. 
He closed the distance with two long strides and leaned down to whisper to her. His lips brushed along the shell of her ear. "What do I do, 'Mione? Is this a muggle thing?" 
Hermione clasped her hand over her mouth in an effort to stifle the giggle that threatened to completely shatter the tension. She drew a deep, shaky, breath through her nose to regain her compose.
"I think it might be," she admitted and let out a breathless laugh. "Just pretend that you want to touch me-"
"I don't need to pretend." 
"Good, then just be an Auror on a case," she said and for a moment they're just there, too close for nothing to happen. His heat radiated through the thick fabric of his uniform.
Then Ron nodded and straightened up. He stepped back and Hermione could see him snap back into his role now that he fully understood what was going on. “What are you trying to achieve here, ma’am?”
He once again stepped into her space but this time there was something different about it, making her inch backwards. Like she needed to get away from him looming over her, somehow taller than he’d been just moments before. 
“I-I just don’t want to get into trouble. I’ll do anything,” Hermione stammered, her fingers trailing down her neck and catching on her cleavage, pulling the fabric down a little more and exposing the lace trim of her bra.  She didn’t even notice the door swinging closed until she heard the click and felt her back press against the cool, smooth wood. Her breath hitched when Ron’s hand rested next to her head, caging her in. “Anything?” 
“Anything to not get into trouble, sir.” 
“And you think that is going to work on me? You flash me a little skin and bat your lashes and just like that I’ll let you go?” Ron’s face was right there, just inches away from hers, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. 
Hermione shook her head quickly, blinking at him innocently. “Of course not,” she replied, finding it difficult to meet his intense stare. She averted her eyes for just a moment like it would grant her some sort of reprieve. 
“Right you are,” Ron agreed and he used his free hand to guide her face back to his. “Turn around and tell me if you have anything of note on your person.”
“What are you going to do?” she asked, not sure if the fluttering in her stomach was anxiety or arousal. All she knew was that regardless of what it turned out to be, she wanted to follow his instructions. 
Ron helped her turn around, gently guiding her hands over her head and pinning her wrists together effortlessly with one of his. His full body pressed into hers when Ron’s lips found her ear once more. “I’m going to feel for anything dangerous you might be hiding. Just stand still and follow my instructions.” 
Hermione swallowed and nodded, leaving her arms where they were as his hands travelled downward, curing around her shoulders and brushing along her waist. The gentle touches raise the temperature in a not-so-gradual way. If she’d been hot before, she was on fire now. 
The first sound he drew from her was a gasp when, instead of down, his hands moved back up along her stomach to cup her breasts. He took his time weighing them in his hands, thumb brushing along her firm nipples. Breath hitching when he squeezed them and she could feel his hips press into her arse. Feel the outline of his hardening cock press into her thigh. 
“Anything dangerous here?” Ron asked, his voice gravelly and hot. Teeth nipped at her earlobe as she shook her head no. “I must insist you use your words.” The words made her knees weak. 
Hermione swallowed and hummed before finding her voice sounding raspy and brimming with anticipation. “No, sir,” she answered, a soft moan falling from her parted lips when he tugged at her bra and let her breasts spill out. 
“I can’t wait to bury my face between these,” Ron muttered against her ear, peppering the soft, sensitive flesh behind it with kisses. “Nothing here, let’s see…” He drew out the last word while his hands wandered back down, making no prelude as to where they were going.  They were both starting to lose patience and interest in the little game they were playing. Too hot and bothered to keep up the charade. 
Hermione pressed her thighs together when Ron's’ fingers brushed along the expanse of her stomach and tutted in disapproval. “Spread your legs please,” he instructed when he slipped past the waistband of her trousers and dipped straight into her knickers. As if he knew he’d find a damp spot between her thighs. 
His momentum didn’t slow there, without hesitation he slipped one finger into her wet centre, making her clench around him in surprise. “Merlin Hermione, you’re so wet already,” he whistled appreciatively, slowly moving in and out of her. 
Her cheeks flushed, and she pressed her hips back into him, hoping for a reaction, to coax something more out of him now that he’d crossed that he’d broken that spell. Her name on his lips took them out of their play and into reality where she wanted nothing more than to—to put it frankly—fuck him. 
“Ron, can we?” Hermione nudged him with her hip and hoped to motion him to the bed. “I’m about ready to rip that uniform off you. So, maybe you should take it off before I vanish it,” she told him, turning around the moment he gave her enough space to move. 
He stood there, uniform askew, pupils blown out as he sucked her off his finger. Hermione thought to herself that if she wasn’t soaked already, that sight would have instantly done her in. “I need you on the bed,” Ron instructed and glanced at her trousers. “Without those.” 
Hermione did not need to be told twice and kicked off her trousers, tossing them in the corner to bother with later. By the time she sat on the bed, Ron was there too, tall and nude and hard. The sight of him making her mouth water. “Ready?” she breathed. 
“Ready,” Ron replied, his fingers brushing along her collarbone before settling on her shoulder, guiding her to lay back. One of her legs draped over his shoulder before Ron’s hands gripped onto her hips. 
He thrust into her in one smooth motion and she felt him bottom out, hips flush against hers. Both of them hissing and groaning. Hermione admired the stretch of his neck when his head tipped back. “Sweet Circe, you feel so good,” he moaned, starting with shallow thrusts, which turned into long strokes.
Hermione found the rhythm and started to meet his strokes with her own, his name falling from her lips over and over again. Never devoid of meaning or affection, never a mindless chant but a call from her soul to his, begging to be closer still. 
Ron leaned forward, his hands moving from her waist to rest against her stomach, fingers sliding up and trapped between her sternum and his chest when his lips found hers. Both of them sought more of each other. 
He swallows her moans and breathes into her, tongues sliding together, tangling in a now practised dance. Tasting the roof of each other’s mouths. Only breaking apart when she taps him. “Switch please,” she pants against his lips.
Then Ron did something she would never get sick of. He gripped her waist, knee planted firmly in the mattress as he effortlessly flipped her over, still buried deep inside of her. “Like this?” he checked, one hand massaging her arse while the other trailed along her spine.
“Perfect,” Hermione told him, rising onto her knees and moaning as she felt him hit a different spot inside of her, eyes rolling back in pleasure. “I need you fast and deep.” 
Her words were barely out of her mouth when she felt his large hands take hold of her hips, fingertips pressing into her flesh firm enough to leave bruises that she’d cherish for days. Ron set the pace, just as she’d asked, fast and punishing. He pulled her into him with every thrust, hips crashing together loudly. Every stroke hits the right spot, making her feel full. 
There was no time, no breath for words. Only moans and whimpers. She wound tighter and tighter, being dragged closer to her climax. Then the pendulum swung and she crashed, thighs shaking, stomach twitching as Ron chased after. 
They collapsed in on each other, him still filling her while his lips found the nape of her neck, sucking at the tender spot. He drew a strangled cry from her lips, a tired moan. Too blissful, too spent to speak.
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maxdibert · 1 month ago
James vs Snape has to be the biggest conflict in the HP fandom right now 😭, it even went past Romione/ Dramione, Wolfstar/ Remadora and even Jily/ Snily, it’s just the characters now
I’ve always found ship wars kind of absurd because, honestly, I don’t think you can compare a fanon pairing to a canon one. I mean, if both pairings are fanon, sure, we can debate, but it doesn’t really make sense to argue about a dynamic we’ve actually seen in canon versus one that’s entirely based on the readers’ imagination. And this is coming from someone who isn’t a fan of Romione, for example—but it still doesn’t make sense to compare Romione to the "what if" that is Dramione.
Then there are ship wars like Wolfstar/Remadora, which, to me, often falls into overwhelming misogyny. While I do think Tonks deserved better than to end up being Lupin’s token love interest, whom he got pregnant and then abandoned, I also think the arguments for why people prefer Wolfstar are steeped in internalized misogyny. Because honestly, as much as you might like the idea of Wolfstar, the truth is that Sirius never gave a damn about Lupin until Lupin was the only friend he had left.
Anyway, beyond that, I don’t think ship wars have much to do with the ongoing conflict between Severus and James fans. That debate, in my opinion, is more about ethics and morality and touches on deeply personal principles for people. It’s the eternal discussion between those of us who defend the victim and those who defend the aggressor—those who argue that no matter how unpleasant the victim might be, the harm they suffered shouldn’t be downplayed, versus those who minimize the abuse for narrative convenience.
The dispute between Severus and James fans has been a constant in the fandom ever since the fifth book came out and introduced the SMW scene. The debate about whether the bullying "was that bad" or not has been ongoing ever since. And I’m afraid it will always be this way because many people don’t want to admit that the character they project their wishes and ideals onto might have been a total jerk. Some people just can’t handle being fans of imperfect characters. But at its core, it’s purely an ethical issue—nothing more.
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