#particularly for riz and Kristen
feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
Jesus FUCK Riz just taking a free stress token when Kristen gets expelled
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carrotchipper · 8 months
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Individual designs for the bad kids from the piece I posted yesterday
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queernarchy · 9 months
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villadiodatis · 1 year
Fantasy High Junior Year: level 10
As psyched as I am for the jokes and character moments we'll get with FHJY, I am a mechanics nerd at heart, so! Here is a preview of what awaits the Bad Kids when they hit Level 10. This assumes no one multiclasses into a new class.
Adaine's level up is relatively simple: as a level 10 Divination wizard, she gets an ability called The Third Eye. Once per long rest, she can use her action to gain darkvision (not useful, since she already has it as an elf), see into the Ethereal Plane, read any language, or see invisible creatures/objects within 10 feet. This lasts until she is incapacitated or takes a short/long rest.
She will also learn an additional cantrip and get another 5th level spell slot, and she can add two new wizard spells of level 1-5 to her spellbook.
Fabian could hit level 7 in fighter or level 4 in bard. At level 7, Battlemaster Fighters get an additional maneuver and superiority die, plus a feature called Know Your Enemy, which allows him to determine if other creatures he interacts with outside of combat are his equal, superior, or inferior in terms of ability scores, AC, level, and HP.
If he takes another level in bard (remember, he dances now!), he'll get a new cantrip, another 2nd-level spell slot, a new 1st or 2nd level spell, and an ability score improvement or feat. There are a million directions he could go with an ASI or feat, so I won't speculate here.
Fig will be either level 9 in bard or level 2 in warlock. As a 9th-level bard, she gets an additional 4th level spell slot, her Song of Rest goes from a d6 to a d8, and the big one: she gets a 5th-level spell slot. There are a few options here, but some that I think Emily could be absolutely devastating with are Dominate Person, Geas, Mislead, Scrying, Seeming, or one that I've seen make a lot of trouble in other actual plays, Modify Memory.
If she takes another level in warlock, she gets an additional warlock (1st-level) spell slot, another 1st-level warlock spell, and two Eldritch Invocations. There are also some that would be incredible for Fig--some that do things like strengthen her Eldritch Blast, but particularly Mask of Many Faces, which lets her cast Disguise Self without using a spell slot, or Misty Visions, which lets her cast Silent Image without using a spell slot. Fig may be getting more comfortable being herself, but she's still gonna find a way to cause trouble.
Gorgug could hit level 9 in barbarian or level 2 in artificer. If he goes with barbarian, he gains Brutal Critical, which means he gets to roll an extra damage die (d12 with his Heavy Metal Axe) whenever he scores a critical hit. Additionally, his Rage Damage bonus increases to +3.
If he goes with artificer, things get more complicated, and very fun. Level 2 artificers get Infuse Item--basically, he can create magic items. He'll be able to pick 4 infusions off of the table, and can have 2 infused items at a time. Some options that catch my eye: Enhanced Arcane Focus, Enhanced Defense or Weapon, Homunculus Servant, or Replicate Magic Item, which would let him make items like a bag of holding or rope of climbing.
In addition to a second 5th level spell slot and a new cantrip, Kristen Applebees will get access to an incredibly exciting feature that I would bet money on Ally using in an insane, perfect story moment: Divine Intervention. By rolling a d100 and getting your cleric level or lower (so 1-10 for Kristen, a 10% chance) (D20 has done this as hitting a 19 or 20 on a d20), Kristen can ask Cassandra to intervene on her behalf in a way that Brennan decides. If you've seen The Seven, you may remember Ostentatia's successful Divine Intervention, when Logren shattered the aspect of fire, put a vein of mithral under Elmville, and ended Charity Blythe's Greater Invisibility. I am very eager to see what happens with it.
Riz's next level is very simple, but brings a lot of options. At level 10, rogues get an ability score improvement or feat. There are a lot of useful feats for rogues, and ASIs are always helpful, so frankly I won't even begin to speculate.
And of course, they may go in an entirely new direction, whether with homebrew, multiclass, or something I haven't thought of! I'm so excited to see where this goes, and I can't wait to see where the players bring these characters.
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twinstxrs · 8 months
in light of recent canon academic conversations, riz adaine gorgug study sessions have never been more real to me. gorgug helps riz + adaine get out of their own heads when they’re overworking themselves, riz + adaine help gorgug with alternative studying methods because he learns best through visuals + experience. fabian’s there occasionally when he has a particularly difficult assignment/test but he makes them all swear never to speak of it in order to protect his “image.” kristen has shown up exactly twice: once for advice on a group project that was two months overdue & once to just lay on the floor and relax for an hour before leaving. fig didn’t know the study sessions were happening until sophomore year & now keeps getting monthly bans because every time she shows up she ends up accidentally distracting riz + adaine. also, sometimes after/in the middle of really long study sessions riz adaine & gorgug go to basrar’s together to unwind but fabian kristen & fig Are Not Invited (they do still text to ask if anyone wants something brought back from basrar’s. they’re not heartless, after all).
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Honestly, you'd think seeing the same six performers have characters discover the power of friendship and the meaning of family would get boring after a few times, but D20 makes it work every time, and I have a theory as to why, and the answer comes in three parts.
1 - It's never the same set of dynamics twice. The Bad Kids feel like siblings with friendly rivalries and stuff while the Heroes of New York have older sibling/younger sibling dynamics (with Kingston and Pete having a father/son dynamic). Crown of Candy has a conventional family dynamic, but Starstruck doesn't and Neverafter has hints of parental dynamics in Red and Mother Goose.
2 - The situations are different. This is probably the most self-evident, but the Found Family you find in a John Hughes High School is different from one you'd find in an extreme late-stage capitalist hellscape future which is different from one you'd find in an otherwise cold, unfeeling fractured fairy tale universe filled with unknowable eldritch monstrosities.
3 - The performers themselves. It feels like every season the cast try out new dynamics with each other. For example, Riz and Fig aren't particularly close (they're best friends and part of the Bad Kids, but they're closer with other members of the group) while Sof and Kug are drinking buddies and best friends and Barry and Syd are almost inseparable despite all three pairs being played by the same actors, and it feels like every cast member experiments with dynamics like that so part of tuning in to a new season is seeing how these actors bounce off of one another in new, exciting ways.
And when they do return to settings (like Elmville and New York), new dynamics are explored that bring the families together. All the little moments in Sophomore Year where the Bad Kids are there for each other in ways that mean the world to each other and build on dynamics like the three-sided friendship that The Bad Boys develop or the quiet moment Kristen and Gorgug share in the road where they console each other and tell each other how special they are. Or, in The Unsleeping City Chapter II, seeing how much Kingston, Sophie and Ricky ground Pete (a major theme of the season is that Vox Phantasmas are prone to ennui and self-destruction) and the fact that all three of them go to bat for Pete when he isn't around, with Kingston and Pete's dynamic going from the aforementioned father/son to a dynamic of older and younger brothers.
Tl:Dr Dimension 20 does found family real good.
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Fantasy high characters @one-time-i-dreamt posts <33
captioning under line
[an image of Fabian Seacaster with a post by one-time-i-dreamt overlayed stating, “Death appeared to me as a blue ghost pirate and tried to get me to sit on a shitty act to send me off to the afterlife, but I kept getting off the raft and he got so annoyed that he sat on the raft and died himself”]
[an image of Gorgug Thistlespring with a post by one-time-i-dreamt overlayed stating, “I laid down on my face to sleep and all my teeth bent inwards but it was all okay becuase my mom put them back.”]
[an image of Riz Gukgak with a post by one-time-time-i-dreamt overlayed stating, “I was going to buy weed but the circumstances of the deal kept changing. It started with me going into an abandoned building to steal it and ended with me in a nice hotel room buying it with a friend.”]
[an image of Kristen Applebees with a post by one time i dreamt overlayed stating, “I got high and Jesus came down to share my blunt but then he turned into some sort of shrimp creature and declared me worthy of death.”]
[an image of Adaine Abernant with a post by one time i dreamt overlayed stating, “I went outside and there was a giant toad in the garden. Not like the size of a car or just like, “Hey, this is a particularly big toad.” it was the size of like, a dinner plate.”]
[an image of Fig Feath with a post by one time i dreamt overlayed stating, “I was taking night classes but in high school and ditched them to see what would happen. The school’s police officer caught up to me and cuffed me. Ya’know, me on my stomach, hands behind my back while he sat on my ass. I turned around and asked “What if this is my kink?”]
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deconstructthesoup · 7 months
What Fear Entities the Bad Kids would serve
Yeah, you know what, I'm doing this. *cracks knuckles*
Adaine: If her fear dream sequence in Sophomore Year is any indication, Adaine is very much a Lonely avatar. Her story has several reoccuring themes of feeling isolated and abandoned, and I could definitely see her retreating into the melancholy of the Forsaken after a particularly devastating loss. She'd probably fight it at first, though---I don't see Adaine becoming an avatar willingly.
Fabian: He was very hard to pin down, but I think he'd be pretty fitting as an avatar of The Vast. This is in no small part due to the fact that his father was a pirate, he himself has a lot of piratical imagery, and pirates are tied with the sea and the amass of wealth---two things that The Vast has wrapped up in it---and let's not forget the fact that Fabian is someone with vast opportunity ahead of him. Plus, he's got the energy necessary for a Vastard, so I think it fits.
Fig: The Stranger is the most obvious choice for her, seeing as she has a love of disguises and being something she's not, but I think that she could also just as easily slide into The Desolation. She's all about rebellion and chaos and "burn towns, get money," after all---makes sense that she'd be a little flamey.
Gorgug: Oh, Slaughter for sure. No question about it, especially now that we see him start to embrace his rage. It's all about the anger, baby.
Kristen: When we first meet her, I'd say that she would be on the cusp of becoming part of The Hunt---in the eyes of her community, someone who hunted the people that the church of Helio regarded as sinners, but in reality, someone who was desperately hunting for answers and a truth that would work for her---but right now? Absolutely The Dark. She's embrace the darkness and the unknown and the comforts of the Forever Blind, and there's no Entity that's more fitting than that for her.
Riz: The Eye. Every single person who is a fan of both Dimension 20 and The Magnus Archives has made this connection, and it's redundant for me to go into it at this point. Riz is one of the most Eye-coded characters in a piece of media ever.
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amorhedera6 · 4 months
the bad kids as pixie hollow fairies
psa: i’ve only seen the movies and i haven’t read the books, so if you’re a book person pls bear with me.
gorgug thistlespring - tinker fairy
tinker fairies are known for ingenuity and creation. they make all kinds of tools and contraptions to help their friends lives easier. they mend things, create things, and their signature color is green. it just makes sense.
kristen applebees - light fairy
also fairly obvious. with kristen’s connection to the sun through her family and the moon through tracker, this one was bound to be. light fairies can bend sun or moonlight, keep pixie hollow aglow, and are known to make rainbows. the mechanics of species don’t exactly line up, but i could see a young kristen being a sunlight fairy, devoted to keeping the sun filtering in the direction it was meant to and keeping everything a light. a growing kristen would work instead with the moonlight, training fireflies, and keeping a lantern of moonlight that keeps darkness from being threatening.
fabian seacaster - water fairy
he lives in a boat, people. what else was there? water fairies and manipulate water, shape it, control it, and also are often found seeking boats in the waters. they can create fountains and communicate with water-animals, often assisting fish and tadpoles in learning how to swim. imagine the hangman as a fish. come on.
fig faeth - animal fairy
animal fairies are known to interact with and feel the emotions of any animals in pixie hollow. they are also known to be the most emotional fairy type, as they are feeling others emotions. they help animals reach the mainland and are skilled trackers. fig’s constantly summoning animals (sexy rat, the daymare), comparing herself with animals (the “german shepherd” mode), connecting with animals (giving a dog a bardic at the black pit, the pet oyster that she supposedly carried around for weeks in freshman year) or pretending to be an animal (orangutan at loam farm), and i think that the mask gorgug gifts her for moonar yulenear is an extension of that. fig’s very very caring for all her friends, and i think that would easily extend over to animals.
riz gukgak - fast flying fairy
fast flying fairies have control over winds, can create breezes, go up to triple the speed of a normal fairy. they also carry bigger wings, which might, in turn, make them look smaller. such speed would be incredibly helpful for stealth, when trying to get away from someplace and hide quickly. i think riz would fit will here as someone who’s constantly running around searching clues, not sleeping, doing the most that he can. he needs extra speed to keep up.
adaine abernant - frost fairy
i think adaine being a winter fairy makes a lot of sense, with her family being ambassadors from fallinel. maybe the winter fairies are just british. a forst fairy can create frost from their fingertips, or if they are particularly skilled they can conjure it from anywhere. they can freeze plant life, make icicles, and need to keep cold in order to live. with adaine pulling a wand of frost out of her jacket in freshman year, her personal connection to basrar’s ice cream shop, and her most prominent color being blue (the school uniform of hudol, her denim jacket, her eyes, her sword, her character art even has her magic depicted as blue), i think she makes a perfect frost fairy.
i have no idea what kind of story this would make, but i love it. like a small flock of fairies accidentally getting lost, leaving pixie hollow, and having to find their way back from neverland while accidentally fighting a dragon? idk i just love them thanks
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dullgecko · 28 days
To go with my earlier ask I was thinking more about goblin tail flirting (I love that as a thing now) and what would be considered particularly forward/almost indecent.
I’m thinking that touching the tuft and anything below a halfway point is fine but the higher you go the more intimate it becomes.
So Fabian maybe gets annoyed with rizs thrashing tail hitting him in the face from where he’s perched on his shoulder or in an attempt to calm him down grabs rizs tail near the base and in a clearly jokingly intense way tells him to stop or he’ll pass him to gorgug to sit on instead (his second favourite perch, he likes being taller than most for a change).
Only the goblins who can’t speak common see is Fabian suddenly grab rizs tail way too high up (scandalous) and say something very intense they can’t understand.
The entire hoard just look at each other like 😳
Also if it is ever brought up to riz; maybe someone congrats them on his relationship to Fabian, or one of the bolder teens just straight up asks how sex works between them “cause ya know he’s like twice your size?!”
Either way poor riz is incredibly embarrassed and desperately tries to explain that no him and Fabian are not dating or fucking and no they definitely don’t need a separate room in one of the more sound proof section of caves.
I don’t think riz would immediately say anything to Fabian and the rest of the bad kids but they definitely notice how upset and embarrassed he’s suddenly become and manage to eventually get the info out of him. Xx
Riz only realised that he should have stopped Fabian from being so unintentionally grabby well after the point where it would have saved him the embarrassment. He had a good excuse at least, basically noone in Elmville even knew about goblin social graces or how physical contact could be interpreted differently. It was easier to just view everything through the eyes of a Solesian and move on with your day. Getting into a fight because someone insulted you or groped you unintentionally wasn't worth it so Rizs default reaction was to just let it go.
His problem this time though was that they were currently surrounded by people who DID know those social customs, and were currently holding them to them. Fabian had no way of knowing that what he just did was the equivalent of shoving your hand up your partners shirt in public, the INTENT wasn't there and that was the important part.
His friends were used to treating him with some care but he still hadn't had a chance to teach them everything. These goblins were gracious enough to forgive the weird tall-men for any minor blunders they made anyway.
Riz had mostly zoned out by this point, safe from any harassment on Fabians shoulder, and had settled into people watching mode. He was currently watching the girls on the other side of the cavern, some tiny goblin kids trying to teach them how to play a traditional game. Adaine must have used one of her few remaining spell slots (kristen and fig were completely out due to a fight earlier in the day) to cast comprehend languages at some point because she seemed to have caught on pretty well.
He was so focused on watching the game that he'd stopped paying attention to his own fidgeting. Tail flicking in such a way that he accidentally thwacked Fabian in the face with the tuft. The move earning him a flinch and a surprised sputtering g from the fighter.Riz was about to apologise for the affront but the words died in his throat with an embarrassing choking noise because, in an effort to stop Rizs tail moving and hitting him again Fabian had reached behind him, grabbed the base of his tail and /squeezed/. From Fabians point of view the manoeuver had the intended effect, because the goblins tail went completely limp as if his spine had been snapped.
"If you don't stop you're going to loose perching privileges. You can sit on Gorgug for the rest of the night." Fabians tone was playful but Riz absoloutly did not absorb what he'd actually said. Brain having ground to a screeching halt as he tried to switch gears from 'those goblins were grabbing me like that to flirt' to 'Fabian is grabbing me like that because he doesn't /know/ any better'.
"Hrkkgh." Nope, try again Gukgak that's not a word. Riz swallowed, relaxing his hand on Fabians shoulder from where he'd clenched down to the point his claws had almost punctured his armor with a shuddering sigh. He was glad they were more geared up than usual for this mission or there would have been bleeding.
"Sorry. My bad. You can let go now." The rogue sounded a little more strained than he meant to, having absoloutly whiffed his attempt at deception to make it seem like nothing was wrong.
Fabian gave him a sceptical look, releasing his tail even as he readjusted his seating position slightly so he was cross legged. Riz sweaing when the fighter suddenly pitched forwards to dislodge him from his perch with practised ease so he landed with an 'oof' on the balled up battle sheet in his lap.
"You can't fool me that easily The Ball." Fabian said with some annoyance, grabbing the base of Rizs tail again (more gently this time) so he couldn't scamper away.
"I knew that little shit that upset you earlier did something. You should have told me you were injured when it happened I would have gutted him like a fish."
"It's wasnt something worth fighting over I'm not even - ow what the /fuck/ Fabian." Riz flinched and hissed the last few words, baring his teeth because Fabian had flicked him on the ear with the hand not holding him in place with a grip on his tail.
"You are going to shut up and let me check to make sure nothing is broken or dislocated. If it IS I will force feed you a potion, I know they're in limited supply but letting a spinal break set wrong will cause issues in the long run and Kristen and Fig are tapped for spells." Fabian said matter of factly, pinning Riz down as he started squeezing at his tail again. Starting at the base and carefully feeling to make sure nothing was out of place or broken as he worked towards the tip.
Riz brain fully stopped producing coherent thoughts at that point and he tried very hard to focus on NOT biting the armor on Fabians thigh that was right in front of his face. He was suddenly very glad they'd been forced to wear more armor than usual or they WOULD have to use one of their few emergency potions. The rogue also having to remind himself that there was no amorous intent involved right now; Fabian was just worried he was injured and was conducting a medicine check.
Huffing when Fabian finally stopped and released him from the pin Riz reached around and thumped him in the side with the side of his fist.
"Nothing broken, but if hurts that much you should get one of the girls to heal you in the morning" Fabian shrugged, leaning back against the wall and getting comfortable.
Riz hit Fabian lightly again, flinching and whipping around to face the rest of the cavern when the elderly goblin woman from earlier laughed from where she was still trying to feed Gorgug with the others.
"THATS how you do it elf-lad. You shouldn't have stopped it looks like he was enjoying himself." She heckled, one of her friends rolling her eyes and handing something to her. Apparently someone had just won a bet of some kind. "Or do you two perhaps need somewhere a little more private now?"
Riz sputtered, belatedly remembering that they were in fact currently in a room full of other goblins. Face blushing all the way to the tips of his ears as he tried to duck down to hide more in Fabians lap.
"He's not... we're not... it's not LIKE that." Riz protested, voice breaking as he tried to curl up smaller. Critically failing on an attempt to stealth as he tried to get under the battle sheet and disappear.
His prayers to Cassandra for the ground to open and swallow him whole went sadly unanswered, but he redoubled his efforts when one of the teens from earlier came over and crouched down to speak to him.
"You should have just said your boyfriend was the possessive type. Niktlek was worried he was going to attack him since he's been glaring at him all night." She whispered, glancing up at Fabian who just looked incredibly confused by the commotion. "I mean, he could always join us if he wanted to though you'll have to explain the logistics. How does it even work with you two... is it proportional?"
Riz made a choking noise, covering his face with his hands which muffled his voice substantially.
"We're not /fucking/, gods we're not even. NO. Thankyou. We're not interested. I'M not interested. At all. Ever."
The teen shrugged, eyeing off the rest of his party before trotting over towards the girls. Riz had so thoroughly curled in on himself to hide that he missed Fabian mouthing 'what the fuck was that' to a thoroughly confused Adaine. The elf shrugging and looking just as perplexed; even though she understood what the goblins were saying she had totally missed the events leading up to it.
Fig was grinning like a maniac though because she totally had caught everything. She had also been pretending not to understand what anyone was saying for the whole night because it would spoil the surprise she'd been working on for months. The bard may have also been doing a bit of extra study on goblin customs as an addition to learning the language and 100% knew why Riz was suddenly so horribly flustered.
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asexual-disaster · 8 months
what do you think the bad kids are like at a cig figs concert? like I imagine the vibe of those gigs is very like moshy/crowd surfing esque.
Like I imagine Kristen (especially this new buff Kristen) is absolutely the one to make sure the crowd is continuing to move and having fun, and hyping everyone up, and is opening pits and like full moshing with like Ragh.
I imagine Fabian is definitely right in the action of the crowd with Kristen but more to the sidelines, mostly making sure all his friends are safe and okay. From time to time he will absolutely join Kristen.
Adaine would either be at the back/on the balcony or backstage, gigs can be super overwhelming for people with anxiety. However, I do think when she’s had a particularly bad day and she needs to let off steam, she’s right in there with Kristen moshing and using it as an excuse to just hit shitty men.
Riz, I reckon is probably a bit small to mosh. He’d get stood on way too quickly, but I imagine he’s probably constantly crowd surfing and getting up on stage with Fig and Gorgug, and stage diving off, basically just being a little menace.
idk just something I started thinking about
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saingirl101 · 4 months
Okay had some time and shitposts to really think about the finale of FHJY
I literally have rewritten this post several times thats how complex it feels.
Spoilers under the cut
First off I love that potential threads are hanging in the air particularly for adaine and kristen.
Character wise kristen ironically could have been the most complete storyline after FHSophY however with how Ally played her this season i think narratively she is the bad kid who absolutely needs a continuation for her story - tracker, bucky, her messy enemiess beebees ship, her parents, the whole buddy/bobby dawn thing, FUCKING KALINA, like the way brennan ended the season its like he's T-ing up another narratively perfect season for kristen.
Fabian, our darling boy makes several strides in improving himself and several steps back in other ways. I for one would die from laughter while he deals with having a GF, his mom, step father and grandpapa all living in the same house with a new elf baby (and also potentially stepsibling Fig).
Adaine - godamn what a fantastic narrative season as well, her confidence this season was so hot and siobhan continues to just be a dream TTRPG player. Like she's been killing it with her character decisions, impeccable comedic timing, and knowledge of the game out of the park for literally the past year and half.
Riz, like my god, such a perfect season for him and getting to see his character growth as well. He's also literally the hottest he's ever been and while I am sad he is aroace so i cannot make an OC to smooch him, he's just so fucking ool it doesn't even matter. ALSO RIZ YOU HAVE MULTIPLE QUEER PEOPLE ON YOUR TEAM YOU CAN DEFINITELY TELL THEM YOU ARE AROACE KING.
Gorgug, wow what a fucking season. Zac always kills it with his characters but besides the bit in freshman year I don't know that I ever clicked with gorgug as much as I did this season. He also had an amazing arc all those nat 20s in the last stand, the nat 20s to get them the academic help while he took on four years of school in one year, using his aertificer stuff to help take down his literal nemesis and the person whose put him down for years.
And now we come to fig and my controversial opinion. I still feel like despite them trying to T-up this possibly being emily's fairwell from playing fig I don't feel like narratively it makes sense. theres just still so much in the air and I would love to see her relationship with ankarna grow and blossom. Also despite the talk theres just so much left unresolved between her and sandra lynn. That said I'll be sad but understand if emily plays another character if they do ever make FHseniorY. THAT SAID, BRENNAN YOU OWE ME A SEASON OF GILEAR SHENNANIGANS. FIG DID SAY SHE MIGHT MOVE INTO SEACASTER MANOR, LET HER PULL LOONEY TOONS SHENNAIGANS TO PREVENT FABIAN FROM MURDER THEIR NEW SIBLING.
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smolandweirdwriter · 27 days
Got headcannon(s) for you!
For literally every long trip the Bad Kids go on, Kristen and Adaine are the certified mother hens.
Kristen tries to have cool aunt vibes and she does. Just. She's still an older sibling. But she makes it work
Adaine has the baking down flat, she'll carry a nice Tupperware or 5 of baked goods to last the entire day. Cooking doesn't exactly fit with her, she's tried and although nothing was burnt (*coughfabiancough*) she isn't a big fan of it.
Kristen is a genius at anything corn, and ever since her mission to bulk up, amazing at salads and sandwiches. Her salad game is amazing. Her cooking is fine in general, but her absolutely shit dexterity does not help. If she's preparing food you better be prepared for batter on the ceiling and flour inside the drawers.
The two meet up the night before any long trip and the two grab a huge dufflebag and fill it with Emergency stuff like bandages and Epipens and sick bags etc. Yes Adaine could pull most of those out her jacket. Yes they'll still prepare for things.
If they need to cook food in the middle of a trip, Kristen and Gorgug will team up and make the food. Gorgug has probably the most kitchen skills aside from Kristen, but they do good together.
So the thing is, all of the Bad Kids have a specific set of behaviors that simply DO NOT CHANGE regardless of the nature of the road trip.
Kristen, for one, desperately wants everyone to have a good time and also, she doesn't want to get out of the van. she wants to enjoy her time listening to music, playing punch buggy, eating snacks, talking to people; she wants everyone to have everything they could ever need or want, right there in front of them. this means that she wants to bake allllll the goodies. Unfortunately for Kristen, she has Sookie St. James level clumsiness, especially in the kitchen, where there are far too many things to burn yourself with, trip over, spill, et cetera. She's been banned from cooking in Mordred Manor because she's set off the smoke detector so many times it broke. So she cooks at Seacaster manor with Cathilda's help (Fabian is NOT aware of this). She bakes up a storm of corn bread to take with them on the trip.
Adaine, for her part, is quite good at baking. Recipes are easy to follow, easier than spells. All you have to do is read the instructions and do what it says. She's not very good at cooking because she's not particularly skilled in the kitchen, and doesn't have quite the (albeit messy and chaotic) finesse that Kristen does. Adaine loves sweet things (a byproduct, perhaps, of not being allowed them as a child) and will help Kristen bake corn bread. (She sprinkles in chocolate chips sometimes.) She'll also bake cookies, muffins, brownies--whatever she's in the mood for, it makes it on the trip. (She usually ends up "accidentally" making a double batch of everything. Whoops.)
Kristen makes salads and sandwiches for everyone and has everyone's lunch and snack desires down to pat: Riz takes the extra-spicy chicken with lettuce and pickles, and he's addicted to those sweet and spicy candied nuts (so is Adaine, they usually sit together for a bit so they can share them); Fabian will not eat anything but kippers and the plainest salad known mankind (iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber slices); Adaine takes a steak sandwich, the bread toasted a bit too much but not burnt, with lettuce and cheese, and she also always packs chocolate-covered pretzels and lembas; Fig also loves an extra-spicy chicken sandwich, but she takes hers with tomatoes, salt and pepper, and mustard. Finally, Gorgug has a salad of so much quantity Kristen will pack two separate lunches for him: steak, olives, corn, chicken, arugula, spinach, tomato-- the works. He loves it every time.
Adaine and Kristen 100% end up, every time, unplanned and without fail, in the kitchen together at about 4:30 am the day of a trip going over the itinerary, packing list, making sure they have extra bandaids and blankets and sleeping bags and signal flares and spare tires. (they do. they can pull these things out of adaine's jacket. they don't care. better safe than sorry, right? they spend half an hour trying to fit everything in the trunk every. single. time)
Gorgug, of course, is the designated driver, and every time Adaine makes sure to tell him he gets a good night's rest, and makes sure he's taking breaks, drinking water, keeping his eyes on the road, everyone stop talking you'll distract him, Gorgug are you sure you're alright? She mothers him so hard he almost goes into a Rage just from sheer irritation despite knowing she truly means well.
Fig tries to play music; Riz tries to put on some boring podcast. they spend half the time listening to rock music and half listening to the corruption of the criminal justice system. gorgug hates both no mater what (the rock music because it's always fig and the sig figs and he truly can't stand listening to himself sing/play, and the podcast because, duh.)
Fabian refuses to help in any capacity. He sits in the backseat, kicks his feet up, and tunes out. He wanders out when they have breaks, and if there's a flat tire he's the one for the job, but honestly, he's not big on road trips. he goes because his friends are all going, but if he had to choose, he'd ride the hangman for days on end.
adaine is the one who checks them into hotels if they ever stay in hotels, and kristen scopes out the facilities and points out all the things everyone will like.
kristen takes soooo many pictures and forces everyone to pose for them every time and they all hate it. adaine can't take a good picture to save her life, and she physically doesn't know how to take a selfie and always makes someone else do it despite the fact that she's one of the tallest bad kids. she also has social media but is NEVER on it (she's always the first to respond to the text chain, though).
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harpers-tartarus · 4 months
I am deep in my d20: fantasy high obsession and now I'm thinking up aus:
Where Adaine makes a friend in a race that her parents detest. Riz is never allowed over by the nature of him being a goblin, but Adaine is a staple in the Gukgak home growing up and learns to cook bc they are a single parent household and still they split what they have with her ("You, goblin, unhand her!" Sklonda looking at Adaine who is red in the face and mouthing apologies: "Sir, we met literally years ago. I'm the mother of your youngest daughter's best friend.")
All the parents find out that Fabian's been essentially abandoned by his absentee mother and gets strong armed into so many sleepovers between Mordred Manor, his place, and Riz's apartment. Riz and Sklonda investigate where the food actually is in his house bc Fabian cannot survive on milk alone. Fig comes over with so many casseroles and bags of tea from Jawbone. Fabian cries.
Future au from the perspective of students at AAA who have come to know Gorgug as the great barbificer instructor, Kristen as the cleric teacher (with the infamy of being the blessed saint to lesbian gods that she played a hand in resurrecting both) and Fabian as the fighter bard teacher who is married to the amazing choreographer Mazey Phaedra who he raves about every lesson. PI Riz Gukgak stops by to speak with Fabian and his class thinks he's getting arrested. The Elven Oracle is still in Kristen's room up until the bell and her students think a terrible fate is about to befall her. The Archdevil of Rebellion and the bassist and singer of Fig and the Cig Figs shows up in Gorgug's class and that's how his students find out the reason they only tour during summer break is bc it's drummer is their teacher. The students are mystified.
The parents staying up waiting for their kids to come home after the Last Stand and the profound relief when they get home bc it's been a whole fucking DAY. Sklonda is in a state and Sandra-lynn has to talk her off a ledge.
Fic about the difficulties all the Bad Kids: Riz with being a goblin, Fabian only having one eye, Adaine with her anxiety particularly after the Court of Stars kidnapped her, Fig about her insecurities, Gorgug feeling like he is the cause of his parents losing their family, and Kristen struggling with her parents casting her out without a second thought.
Someone wrote this idea on tumblr but it's gold: by some random chance (I know it's governed by seven immortal dancers but what kind of government is that??) The king of Fallinel has died and with so many descendants dead to disease or violence, the crown passes all the way to Solace, oddly enough to a young goblin. Riz is going to kill his distant ancestor for dying.
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rooolt · 5 months
okay fun little game I’m gonna play, who would win bad kids 1v1 their rat grinder counterpart, under the cut bc I ramble (also I fully understand within canon I’m aware that the rat grinders have far less experience and that may affect their strategies in battle, but I’m trying to think largely mechanically bc I’m a loser who likes rules)
Adaine vs Oisin: I do think this one would be close bc ultimately wizard v wizard is rough and I think comes down to initiative order bc that’s gonna determine a lot of counterspells. For example, if oisin goes first, adaine has to decide whether to waste a counterspell on something he’d predictably summon as a conjuration wizard, which he himself then would probably counterspell, which does use his reaction meaning he can’t counterspell later in the turn, however if Oisin is 10th level or higher he can’t lose concentration on conjugation spells which means the only way to get rid of stuff that was conjugation would be dispel magic, but then that becomes a matter of whether or not adaine “wastes” her turn on that. Neither of them have healing spells, and adaine has portent and also summons, but one could assume Oisin has more stocked and is more built upon that so I think in a 1v1 he may be at a slight advantage. This one I think would be very close
Fabian vs Ivy: This is another one that I think can depend on circumstances bc ivy is a ranged fighter and so if she surprises him from far away, he’s not as good in ranged combat, however, in melee, Fabian is so stacked with battle master + swords bard + fandrangor, but as a ranger (? I think, the wiki says she is but I don’t remember) ivy could have healing spells on top of second wind as well, and while Fabian can know healing spells, idk if we’ve ever seen him cast them
Fig vs Ruben: she stomps his ass easy. Paladin and warlock levels are so good. If fig hits once + spirit guardians she can do seriousssss damage. Bards are largely support anyways and so I think pure bard against a multiclass is at a disadvantage. Also I don’t know what Ruben’s subclass is, but fig has cutting words so
Gorgug vs Mary Ann: I think Gorgug wins. Because if Mary Ann is strictly barbarian, no matter how good of a barbarian she is, gorgug has spells and artificer stuff to buff and heal himself as well. He also has clobeca which in a 1v1 is definitely beneficial. We don’t know much about mary Ann other than a very good strength score but I think brute forcing it vs more strategy gorgug could bring I think gorgug wins
Kristen vs Lucy: they’re kissing on the mouth
Kristen vs Buddy: this one is rough purely bc they’re both obviously support classes, and specifically subclass wise not particularly offense oriented. However, if Kristen goes first in initiative and gets off a successful banishment the fight could be over very quickly. Buddy is presumably a life cleric and based on the rat grinders and his vibe in general I think he’s probably even more healing and support based than Kristen and thus would be at a disadvantage during a 1v1
Riz vs Kipperlily: FIGHT I WANT TO SEE SO BAD GIVE ME A ROGUES 1V1 GIVE IT TO ME BRENNAN PLEASE!!!!!!!! Anyways, we have confirmed subclasses for them both and I think based off of them riz wins???. Like, kipperlily is a mastermind and mastermind’s abilities are largely social and to do with helping their allies and commanding them like that. Riz on the other hand is an arcane trickster and thus has spells. Now, it seems that kipperlily can turn invisible, whether this be oisin’s doing or not, if it is a thing kipperlily can do herself, we know riz has see invisibility and there’s still one eye of the vulture king left, so ultimately I think he could get around it. Both of them seem to have ranged weapons (kipperlily’s crossbow from the last stand) and so I think they would both probably attempt to stay hidden in ranged fighting in order to get sneak attack. It is very possible that kipperlily has various bullshit fuckyou items she could use, but with our current understanding I think riz is at an advantage due to his ability to use his subclass features
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18catsreading · 7 months
Fabian: hi
Rat: hi there
Fabian: how are you?
Rat: I'm okay. You gonna come here and step on me?
Fabian: no, actually, we wanted to know more about the steppers.
Rat: well, all right
Fabian: what can you tell us?
Rat: there's a bunch of people who come here and step in us, and they attack us with swords, and they shoot spells.
Fabian: okay, great. Hey, okay --
Emily/Fig: can I Minor illusion Lucy Frostblade? Ask the last time it saw this girl.
Fabian: okay, do you see this person? When's the last time you saw them?
Emily/Fig: I do like a nice photo shoot, like a prom queen photo shoot.
Brennan: I just hit a nat 20 on this rat's history check.
Lou: okay!
Ally: this rat was best friends with Lucy before she died!
Brennan: you see the rat looks and he says [as Rat]: aw jeepers, she was always really nice.
Fig: did she have tension with the other ones?
Rat: well, you know, we didn't like her at first because she used to come here and kill us all the time. But some time last year or something like that she started to bring us back from the dead after her friends left.
Fabian: oh
Siobhan/Adaine: oh, that's nice
Fabian: that's so sweet
Siobhan/Adaine: that is nice
Emily/Fig: oh my goodness
Fabian: wait, is there a place that they hung out in the woods, or particularly liked? Did you guys ever have a --
Kristen: what's their zone
Fabian: -- a lair, or their nest?
Rat: they sorta hung out all over, but there's a place where I go sometimes because it was the last place I -- uh, I'm not supposed to say nothin'.
Fabian: No, no, no
Kristen: hey that's okay.
Fabian: You can talk to us.
Gorgug: what's it saying, Fabian?
Fabian: it's having kind of an emotional moment.
Fig: I know how to handle this! I'll minor illusion a sexy rat
Fabian: no, come on! Come on, dude! Dude!
Ally/Kristen: I step on the sexy rat
Rat: Aaaahhhhh!
Fabian: sorry, no! We're not those guys
Brennan: aaahhh! Aaahhh!
Kristen: sorry, sorry, that was fake! That was fake! She was so sexy
Brennan: aaahhhh!
Fabian: you know that's triggering for me!
Kristen: can you get a little rat stuffed animal out of your coat?
Fabian: you know that's triggering for me!!
Adaine: oh yes, a little rat
Ally/Kristen: we get a little rat stuffed animal out of the coat. It's extra tiny and it can hold it while it's --
Rat: it's like a Mannequin, like they have in rat stores.
Fabian: I'm sorry? I'm sorry? Wait, hold on, what'd you just say?
Rat: what?
Adaine: you have rat stores?
Rat: what?
Fabian: what'd you say? Rat store?
Rat: there's not a rat world under the school.
Adaine: what
Rat: what
Gorgug: I don't know what he's saying
Fabian: he's talking about rat stores under the school.
Gorgug: got it
Fabian: where you can get rat mannequins
Riz: steer it back! Steer it back, Fabian! All we hear is squeaking, steer him back!
Fabian: I'm sorry it's just interesting you know? Did you guys know about rat world? Now we do!
Gorgug: just keep going!
Riz: where was Lucy Frostblade?
Fabian: all right, nobody else wanted to eat the fucking tongue or the organs
Adaine: you volunteered!
Riz: you volunteered so hard!
Fabian: it made it better!
Ally/Kristen: I'm petting the rat, I'm trying to keep it kinda calm.
Brennan's rat's sort of crying a little bit
Kristen: aw, it looks sad
Fabian: I know it would be hard for you, but it would mean a great deal to us - and that person - if you could show us that place.
Rat: all right. I could take you. It takes about two days to get there.
Adaine: we can carry you!
Fig: oh that's two days for you
Riz: two days Rat Time
Kristen: tell him we could carry him
Fabian: we can carry you
Rat: okay
Fabian: we move faster than the wind
Fig: do you wanna ride -- ask him if he wants to ride the skateboard
Fabian: do you want to ride in a skateboard? Do they have those in your rat world?
Rat: a skateboard?
Kristen: make the battle sheet into a Baby Björn for the rat
Fabian: okay. We're gonna wrap you up and put you on the skateboard
Rat: Lucy used to call me Spot
Fabian: Spot?
Spot: mmhmm
Fig: tell him that we are to help Lucy and so if he can help us we can help Lucy
Fabian: we're trying to help Lucy, so if you can help us --
Brennan: go ahead and give me persuasion with advantage
Ally: yess
Emily/Fig: do you want a bardic?
Lou/Fabian: yea, can I get one? D8?
Emily/Fig: yea
Murph/Riz: be so careful
Lou: okay I got a 19 plus 8 so that's 27 [goes to Rolla. D8]
Murph: maybe you don't need it
Ally: you don't need it, then, you don't need it.
Murph: you could save it, right?
Ally: it could kill the rat, honestly. Imagine the Rat getting bonked in the head by a a fucking skateboard wheel.
Lou/Fabian: it's my bardic, so I think I would be the one.
Zac/Gorgug: it's up to you
Fabian: I mean, what do you guys ...? Eh. *Rolls the dice* 3! 30
Brennan: you see Spot goes [as Spot]: yea, absolutely! You can come with me right now. I'll show you where it is.
Fabian: fantastic
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