#part 1 !! <3333
artemistics · 3 months
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[Chani] was like a touch of destiny. He felt caught up on a wave, in tune with a motion that lifted all his spirits.
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erwinsvow · 22 days
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you had once thought rafe was bad at being a boyfriend. turns out, he was even worse at being an ex.
you couldn't pinpoint where it had all gone wrong in your relationship—mostly between days spent alone and nights wondering where he was and what he was doing, even who he was with. you felt constantly out of the loop, and though you tried to make it work for as long as you could, there was no denying that it wasn't working.
you thought you knew what you wanted, what you needed, when you told rafe the two of you needed to stop whatever this was. you could hardly call it a relationship anymore.
maybe some part of you felt happy when he tried to fight for you, when he wasn't letting you go that easily. but you had won in the end—thinking you were going to walk away scot-free and find some guy who would take you on dates and treat you right.
that had been two whole months ago—and you had tried. you'd been on three dates in that time, somehow each one worse than the last and never, ever leading to a second one. everything felt so forced and robotic—though you had never felt that way with rafe.
no, you and him had been electric from the start. that's why it was even harder to stop thinking about him, to push away every stray thought that crept into your mind in the middle of the night. you resist every urge to send a text or dial his number that you've memorized and are unable to forget.
if only someone would tell rafe to do the same. his contact in your phone—a simple r and nothing else—lights up your screen much too often for comfort. everytime you see it, your mind thinks about what it used to look like, his name spelled out with a blue heart and a photo of him that you had to take off his contact because staring at it for too long led you into temptation.
at first it had been fine. how are you? followed by one-word answers and then something that made your heart burn in your chest. good. gotta make sure you're ok.
you should have told him two months ago that how you're doing is no longer any of his concern—that this concern should have appeared when you were his girlfriend. instead you reply with a thank you and turn your phone off, because no matter how much you want yourself to hate rafe cameron, you never have and you never will.
the texts had recently been getting more frequent—something else that should have been alarming. instead you find yourself staring at your phone, biting your lip and wondering what rafe was doing right now that he stopped and thought of you.
it's terrible—it's akin to torture, the worst form. you slip down the rabbithole and start replying mere minutes after he's sent you a message—because you never keep rafe waiting. never have, never will.
the third date since the breakup is a worse than the other two put together, and it's your own fault, you should have never suggested the country club for a harmless lunch. your boyfriend—shit. your ex-boyfriend spots you from half a mile away, only waits for you to smile politely and step away to the bathroom before confronting the boy you're with.
when you get back, your date cuts lunch short, dodging out and staring back at someone with a touch too much fear in his eyes. you don't want to know what rafe said. you can barely get yourself to think about why he did it.
like always, you go home alone. there hasn't been anyone you've met since your breakup that you've liked enough to bring home, or rather, dared to bring home.
quarter to eleven on a saturday night. you should be at the party right now, the one that everyone on your side of the island is at, but you can't find the will to go. you'd gotten dressed up—hair and makeup perfect and pretty, just for a night in. a thought rushes through your mind—one you really wish had just stayed away.
you've done your hair how rafe likes, your makeup the way he always commented that looked nice. even the dress you'd picked out was one of his favorites, now perched across a chair, though you can distinctly remember the last time it had been dropped on the floor of rafe's bedroom.
and though you really, really shouldn't, when your phone buzzes with a call, and that familiar number dances across the screen, you answer.
you bring the phone to your ears, bringing your knees in and curling tightly into yourself. your back is perched up against the headboard, you watch goosebumps dance across the skin of your thighs. you don't stay anything yet.
"hey, kid." you wish you could melt through your bed, through the floor and into the ground. that would be a better fate than what you're about to subject yourself to.
"what'd you want, rafe?" it comes out too quickly, too harshly. you only half meant it—but it's too late to retract the statement. with bated breath you wait, wondering what's to come.
"what? can't check in on my girl?" the way he says it, you almost believe it, almost delude yourself into thinking you're still rafe's and rafe's still yours.
"i'm not your girl anymore, remember?"
"you should be."
you shut your eyes, eyes feeling surprisingly wet. you blink away the tears, not really upset but more... hurt. hurt by what he did, what you went through. hurt by what he's doing now. but you don't stop and hang up the call, like you should. you listen carefully, the faint noises in the background that sound like rafe went to the party you were supposed to be at tonight.
"are you drunk, rafe?" you ask it with too much concerning pouring into your voice.
"nah, kid. don't worry about me."
you pause again. you should really, really shut up.
"i always worry about you." you hear a rush of breath—half a laugh, half a sigh. rafe's probably smiling right now, happy that he got you to finally cave.
"m'fine. listen, i-"
"no," you interrupt, heart beating quickly and not sure if you can handle what he's about to say. "don't. just go back to the party. have fun. hang up and we'll both stop thinking about each other."
"i only came here to come find you," rafe says, and now you're the one letting out a shuddery breath, wondering if it would be better if you just ended the call and went to bed. "c'mon kid. there's nothin' i could do to stop thinkin' about you. i-i know i've been the worst. i'm tryna do better, okay? i'm-"
"rafe?" you ask, suddenly breathless and all too impatient to get him to stop talking.
"you wanna come over?"
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buck2eddie · 10 months
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you drew stars around my scars / happy birthday @buckleyseddie <3
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sillywabbits · 3 months
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳💞💫
~Some sappy feelings below:
A year ago, probably at a similarly obscene time of night, I hurriedly rushed to make this account before midnight because I didn't want it to land on April Fool's Day fhfjfjdjdj ☀️🌙✨
So here I am again, trying to rush and upload this before midnight for the exact same reason fjfjfj
Wanted to draw a celebration/anniversary pic, and per usual can't pick between Sunny and Moon. So here's a peek at the Eclipse design I have yet to properly share lmao 💞💞💫
-There are many sappy words, but so little time before midnight fjfjf in short, thank you all for everything ❤️ and I hope to be able to share even more of myself than I could last year. 💕
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kisaamisa · 4 months
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; Bully! Katsumi x F! Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ; When a woman meets her middle school bully in a party, things seem to go down a path she didn't expect it to.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; smut, virginity loss, non-con/dub-con, yandere tendencies, delusion, obsession, masturbation, breeding kink, cream pie, bully x victim trope, blood and gore, mentions and scenes of beating up and attacking someone, spitting, threats, smut with a plot, p in v sex, fingering, size kink, undressing w/o consent, public sex, public masturbation, pet names; darling, sweetie, love, and basically a mess! 😝
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; no i don't condone bullying, if you have been bullied, please contact someone to talk about it. there's no comfort in this because im lazy but if you would like comfort please request.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 ; 𝟔,𝟓𝟔𝟔
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Katguria Academy for Young Excellences.
A prestigious school in Japan, where only the best of the best could attend. Tuition was always expensive but it was no problem for the kids who went here. The kids that attended were from well respected families such as Samsong, Abbias, Mine, and many more.
In this school resided the adopted son of the man known as Doppo Orochi, God of War, and the daughter of a prestigious company called SVP.
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“Guys, look at my new gold medal! I swear, those stupid karate competitions my dad puts me in are wayy too easy!”
November 4th, 2012
The day everything went bad.
It was gloomy day, the clouds covering the sun as rain poured. Most people if not everyone brought an umbrella except you so you were soaked and wet. You sat was near the window in the classroom and you were lost in thought. You had so many tests today and you were hoping one of them got rescheduled to another day. The rain knocked on your window and you finally came back to reality to see your crush, Katsumi Orochi.
You were honestly disappointed to be in love with him, I mean, every girl in the school liked him. It was all girls, loners, popular girls, and even gothic kids. He was the embodiment of perfect. He was good looking, had good grades, was favored by all students and teachers, and even knew how to fight. You were kinda jealous, he had everything. Money, girls, and talent.
You were talented too but not to his extent. You always got what you wanted because of the funds you had from family, you had the best grades in your class, and people liked being in your company. You weren't popular but well known but you had a few close friends to get you through the sixth grade. You were just about to go back to zoning out untill something Katsumi and his friend group said caught your attention.
“Yeah, it's kinda dumb to think that some people couldn't fight at all, its just so easy!”
Well, that was controversial.
You looked his way, your hand on your face with a dead panned expression. You rolled your eyes and muttered a slight ‘stupid’ under your breath before you were interrupted once again by your friend storming towards you.
“Hey [Nameee]! Di- ack, Did you study for the test todayyy?”
Your best friend, Los was in front of you, out of breath. Why the hell would they run here, we aren't even starting class until 8:15. You looked up the clock with your eyes. It read 8:12. Three minutes left, no need to run.
“Well? Did you?”
“Obviously, did you?”
“Of course! I just wanted to make sure my best friend won't fail the next test! We both need to make it in good high schools, y'know?”
All of the boys who were previously talking to each other decided to whisper amongst each other after Los's comment on succeeding in life. After the whispering came snickers.
You ignored their stupid laughs and decided to prepare yourself for the first test of the day, Language Arts.
“Uh, [Name]? Um, you might wanna stop preparing yourself. Karateka is approaching us, like right now. At a fast speed, well not really but he's coming.”
Your best friend kept urging you to look forward and your were so tired of them bugging you so once they stopped talking and only huffs of breathe came out of them, you looked forward to see Katsumi's face right in front of yours.
A loud scream erupted from you so suddenly every single person in the rom or outside of it jumped at the sound of it. You fell over in your chair trying to get away from the guy you considered your crush.
You were scared out of your mind while your crush and his friend group just laughed loudly.
“Hahaha, Dear God, you should've seen your face! You looked like a pufferfish when startled, damn, you could be a comedian with this stuff!”
You slowly got up with a glare on your face. You made sure to shake off any dust on your skirt or cardigan. You picked up your stuff that fell off because of your stupid fall and sat down.
“That wasn't funny Katsumi. That actually hurt.”
“Whatever, boo hoo, you'd never make it in the fighting world.”
“So? I don't even want to fight anyone without a reason so you can respectfully get out of my face.”
“Yeah yeah, suck it up already and hop off me for a sec.”
He rolled his eyes as he walked away from your desk. You started feeling really mad and angered by him but Locs told you it wasn't worth it. You sat back down once the teacher entered the classroom.
“Alright, since everyone is present, we will be commencing our exam now.”
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“UGHHHHH! Those test study guides were total scams! I didn't seem half of the question I was expecting to see on the exam. I'm so deadddd…”
Los was trailing behind you as the two of you walked to the lunch room. You both complained about the two unfair exams you just went through because of an inaccurate study guide.
“I know right! I probably got lower than an 80% on the stupid thing!”
As you two entered the luxurious lunch room, you got into line for the lunch lady to serve you both.
“Ooh! Chicken sandwiches, not to bad for a day like this, right?”
“Yeah I guess,”
You couldn't even finish your sentence before you felt a push on your back.
“What the-”
You were about to fall face first unto the floor untill Los caught you just in time.
“Oh Gosh! You okay?”
You somehow managed to shake your head a bit to hard which cracked your neck harshly. You hissed in pain while rubbing your neck in an effort to make it feel better.
“Yeah..Just cracked my neck wayy to hard for my own liking.”
You both laughed it off while you said ‘Thank Goodness for Los’ internally as you looked behind you to see the perpetrator of this heinous act.
“Well hey there, Miss-I-Can’t-Keep-Myself-Off-The-Floor, how are you?”
“Dude, what's your problem? I didn't even do anything to you, why are you just randomly picking on me for? What’d I do?”
“Well, you pissed me off this morning so I'm just teaching you a lesson! Simple, really.”
“Not my fault your such a prick, I can't believe there is actual girls who like someone like you.”
What a nice way to out yourself [Name].
“The hell you say? You wanna repeat that for everyone to hear?”
Katsumi walked up to you, practically towering over you. He leaned down to get on your level to try intimidate you. All you did was smirk, if he thought that he would scare you while being a 10 year old, he thought wrong.
You were strong at your age so you didn't mind if you had to fight even though you and Katsumi had a diffrence in height, despite being the same age.
You took a deep breath and screamed with all your might,
Every student, teacher, staff member, and anyone who was in the school probably heard the scream. Katsumi stood there with a shocked expression on his face, absolutely baffled that you actually went through with it.
“You b-”
Shortly after your scream, teachers and lunch ladies separated the two of you and sent you both to the Principals office.
You didn't regret it, not one bit.
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‘Keep looking at me and I'll beat the shit out of you, stupid Karate Major.’
You and Katsumi had been sitting in Principal's office for about a good 30 minutes and counting while shooting dirty looks at each other to pass the time untill he finally entered. The room was clean and organized but the feeling of dread surrounded the place as he walked in. Not one of you even dared to say a word to each other or to the Principal himself. The scent of paper and rain started to be suffocating.
“So, what happened exactly?”
The Principal tried to break the ice but it wouldn't budge. It seemed if the tension could be cut with a knife, it was just such an uncomfortable room to be in.
After a few minutes of the Principal waiting for a response, Katsumi decided to speak up.
“She called me a prick.”
“Well you pushed me.”
“So? It was by accident.”
“Really? Even though you called me Miss-I-Can’t-Keep-Myself-Off-The-Floor?”
“It was a harmless joke, I don't know why you got so hurt by it.”
You and Katsumi kept going back and forth, spewing insults and starting to raise your volume. That's is until the Principal put your whining to an end.
“That's enough!”
You both went silent as the Principal continued.
“Do you two want me to contact your parents because I will if you two keep provoking me.”
The both of you agreed on something. You couldn't have your parents come here or all hell would let loose. The two of your heads shaked in sync, both signalling the fact of the discomfort at the sound of their parents coming there.
“That's what I perceived. Okay, you two obviously don't get along so I won't waste any more of my time dealing with this. Both of you will a detention on Saturday and you will write apology letters to each other. Understood?”
The sound of his voice and the things he listed made you sick. Apologize, to him? Hell no. You rather die first than apologize to a dick like him. Seemed like Katsumi agreed with you on this one thing and gave you a nasty glare.
But did you have a choice?
“Fine, we'll do it.”
Katsumi’s face seemed like someone just killed his mom. He was furious. You gave him a sign to tell him to shut up so you won't get into more trouble and of course, he obliglied. You decided to speak for the both of you to avoid him protesting.
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The following days were absolutely amazing. You kept feeling Katsumi's glare on you and you were dreading the sound of Saturday. You had to tell your mom and dad and of course they were disappointed, they ended up taking away your iPod and Computer so here you were.
Saturday, November 9th
Here you were. In front of the school you went to daily. You were absolutely terrified, you just had a very bad feeling about today, you had a feeling. You tried to tell your mom and dad but they told you that it was punishment and you couldn't escape the ‘consequences of your actions.’
“Love you sweetie! Don't forget, okay?”
You simply waved to your dad who tried to keep everything positive, no matter how negative it might be.
“Love, she's in trouble! We have to be mean and angry!”
Your mom is goofy too but she is wayy more serious than your dad.
“But dear! I just love our little girl, she's such an angel!”
“Ugh, just drive you idiot!”
Your mom and dad were just so lovey dovey, you were kinda glad that they were kissing and making out.
Anyways, on the more important subject at hand, how will you survive the dreading feeling in your stomach?
It didn't matter, you were going to be late, it was already 12:38 and you needed to be there by 12:40.
You quickly rushed inside and got to the library where detention was held.
‘‘What the?’’ you muttered so quietly, you're sure no one heard.
As soon as you walked into the room, you saw Katsumi's whole friend group. They looked at you with the same shit-eating grin that Katsumi had. One of them got up and purposely bumped your shoulder. You looked at him baffled.
Why was Katsumi's whole friend group here? What business did they do?
Whatever, not your problem. You kept walking to an empty seat in the back of the library where a window was. Then came the King.
Katsumi walked in with a duffle bag, he probably just came out of karate practice and came straight here. He looked behind to make sure you were there, which was weird, and once he locked eyes with you, he grinned.
Oh gosh, what are they planning?
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The two hours of detention finally went by and you and Katsumi exchanged your apology letters. His glare was deadly and you could tell that everything he wrote wasn't sincere but who cared? You wanted out of here. Like now. Your gut feeling got even worse, it was like you were getting kicked in the stomach.
You were looking really beat up so you asked the teachers who were supervising you to go to the restroom. They told you yes but after going, go downstairs because your parents were already here to pick you up.
You silently agreed and went to the bathroom quickly.
You were inside of the girls bathroom fixing your hair and doing basic toilet things. Of course, as expected, you were the only one there.
That is until you heard Katsumi's voice.
“Knock, knock! Anyone home?”
He intruded anyway, peeking in and telling his friends to follow him.
This wasn't good in any possible way.
“What the hell Katsumi? You guys can't be in here! It's the damn girl's restroom!”
“So? You think I really care about the fact that I can't be in here right now? What I care about,
Katsumi approached you slowly, almost like a snake waiting to bite it's prey.
Is to fucking make your life miserable.”
And with that you were jumped.
“Pleas- ACH!”
You tried to scream out for help but one of the boys holding you down covered your mouth.
“Oh shut up bitch. No one will hear you anyway.”
Tears fell from your eyes, you couldn't see at all. All you could feel was every one of Katsumi's friends beating you up. Kicks, punches, slaps everywhere. One of them kicked you so hard in the stomach to point blood came out of your mouth. They all in unison laughed.
“Guess you won't try and mess with us again right bitch?”
“Hah! If she even tries, she'll be dead!”
They all kicked you and continued to mock you.
“Wah Wah Wah! I want mommy!”
“Hey guys, move out the way. I have something for her.”
Katsumi came from the background, just watching all of this. He stepped up to you while you were now on the floor coughing up blood. You were clutching your stomach and you felt like you were about to die.
“Hey whore! You're done for!”
“Hey Katsumi, try to not kill her, I don't wanna go to juvie!”
“Whatever, whatever. Hey bitch. Look up will you?”
You refused to, keeping your head pointed downward. You couldn't, the pain was excruciating.
“I said to fucking look up.”
His tone got even harsher, you terrified. What could you do? What the hell would happen if you kept disobeying his orders? Well, you were about to find out.
“Fine, I'll force you then. Grab the scissors.”
You froze. Scissors? Was going to stab you? Kill you? Cut you? What the hell was about to happen to you? Oh Gosh. You wished you hadn't talk badly about him that Wednesday. As if one of Katsumi's friends shared a brain with you, he asked the same question you had in your mind.
“Uh Katsumi, I hope you're not planning to hurt her with them?”
“Of course not! I'm just going to cut her clothes.”
Clothes? My clothes? What the hell. Oh God help me, what did I get myself into.
Katsumi bent down to your shriveled figure, shying away from him and his crew.
“Well, you're about to be naked! We might even take pictures!”
He came closer to your face, practically breathing on it.
“So you better make up your fucking mind before I decide to stab you instead.”
‘How the hell was this a 10 year old?’ was the only thought going through your mind.
“Well whore? Speak up!”
All of the boys kept yelling at you to respond to Katsumi's question and you were stuck there. Motionless.
It felt like someone just pushed down a cliff of abyss. You felt like you were falling and the tears came gushing out. You were terrified. Scared. This boy was going to kill you, you didn't know what the hell to do. So many thoughts were running through your mind. Help me. You didn't know what to do, your body shaking rapidly. It was over. And you knew.
“Well, Miss Whore won't respond so I'll just make the decision my self!”
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part 1 because this thing is longggg 😝👍
rip [name], she be going thru it..
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starry-blue-echoes · 8 months
Thonking about StarSwap again -
The scene where Jonathan attacks Dio full force after he assaults Erina is probably going to end up going pretty differently - Jolyne is going to fight dirty, and be absolutely vicious in a way Jonathan could never manage.
Dio burned Danny alive in retaliation for Jonathan managing to successfully beat the shit out of him and scare him - what might he do in response to Jolyne's cunning and aggression?
holy fuck wait a minute yeah-
While the nature of the relationship likely wouldn't be the same as it would be in canon (after all, Erina would be like. 12/13 years old and Jolyne is 19), she still would've seen Erina as a very close friend. I don't doubt that Jolyne would still step in when those two other kids were bullying her, albeit unlike Jonathan her reasoning wouldn't be anything chivialry related. Hell, with the help of Stone Free, Jolyne might even be able to win that fight
Erina would still seek her out afterward, and while Jolyne wouldn't reciprocate the romantic feelings the other girl had...... well, Jolyne's pretty lonely. Sure there's Danny, but he is a dog, and Erina's kind and sweet and nice to hang around, and open minded enough that I think she'd be okay with Jolyne asking if they could be just friends
but of course, this is the 1880s in England, and naturally most people assume the pair to be romantically involved, especially given how close they are
Dio being one of them
you're absolutely right in how Jolyne is going to be brutal. Words can not properly express how overwhelmingly pissed she is going to be about all this, and what makes things worse for Dio is how no matter what he does, Jolyne just won't go down. Despite how much he punches and kicks, all his attacks seem either magically miss or just bounce right off (ofc, this is thanks to Stone Free), so Jolyne gets hardly a scratch on her. Hell, she's probably not even going to stop when George arrives, no matter what he says or what punishments he threatens to inflict.
now, do the both of these things make it easier for Dio to spin the story in his favor? Admittedly yes. I'd imagine she tries to tell George about what happened, about what Dio did, only to get brushed off because in his eyes Jolyne was the instigator here who beat poor, poor Dio near to death over some girl
I'd imagine after this incident, the shakey bond Jolyne might've had with George snapped completely
as for Danny........
Dio would probably still kill him. Sort of as a last ditch effort, a final attempt at getting some kind of control over the situation to remind Jojo of his place and what happens if he were to cross Dio
it backfires horribly
because before, Jolyne might've forgiven him. It would have taken YEARS and a lot of growth, but Jolyne is not blind to the environment and time they live in, where women are barely more than pretty objects and Dio has been given almost free reign as a noble's new adopted son. Before, she might've been able to forgive him because Dio was barely 12 and still a child and had likely learned a lot of things that weren't good. It could have been a mistake, one that someday he could look back at and be ashamed of
but then he kills Danny. He kills Danny by locking him in the incinerator and burning him alive
and Jolyne realizes he's doing this on purpose. That this wasn't just plain jealously, this was Dio actively doing everything in his power to make sure Jolyne would hurt
He's still 12. He's still a child.
But Jolyne will not take this lying down and she vows to herself she will never be his friend
(one night when she's alone, Jolyne feels the briefest bit of relief that she's here in this body. Just for a moment, just for a second, if only so the kindhearted 12 year old Jonathan who's messy journals sit on the bookcase didn't have to face Dio by himself)
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callsign-relic · 6 months
tell me the g/t fearplay wouldn’t go hard as fuck with this guy (source)
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eyelessfog · 2 years
When Pearl walks into Sausage’s base, it’s familiar. It sounds the way it always has, smells delicious (although it rarely ever smells the same), and has the same warm feel that she associates with Sausage.
The thing is, she notices, just before she gets to the kitchen, Sausage’s base has long since stopped feeling familiar. When it turned cold, empty - when he was always out practicing magic that didn’t suit him - the base stopped feeling familiar. It had felt hostile, even, and she often left before she got a chance to do what she was supposed to do.
Well, she supposes, standing a little shocked in the hallway before the kitchen, she’s doing it now.
But still, oh, the sound. Sausage is half-humming-half-singing a song (presumably of Mythland origin, as Pearl had never heard it before), and there is the sizzling of food on a pan, side by side with something bubbling atop a stove.
The smell too - meat, mushrooms, potatoes, carrots... Spices galore! Gravy too, if she breathes in deeply enough. It wafts through his base, making her sigh contentedly.
All of it was familiar, but most of all, the idea of it. The idea of a Sausage that enjoyed making and eating food. Because he hadn’t, when his eyes were red and his armour dark and magic twirling around him in a way it wasn’t supposed to. He’d eaten only when he needed to heal, with food that was so barely prepared, because it wasn’t about the taste, it was about how quickly he could get his hearts back up. And it made something in Pearl hurt, because her home was food, her home was based so heavily on it, and his kitchen was just as much her home as her kingdom was.
So. She listens to the sizzling of meat and the humming of her friend, and breathes in the aroma of the vegetables cooking in the furnace, holds the basket in her hands tighter. Inside is bread, made the way she’d learned is his favourite, wrapped in a towel, and still warm. For another half minute, she waits there.
Then, she turns, moving to stand at the doorway of the kitchen, and knocking on the doorframe. He turns to look at her, and his smile isn’t mean and his eyes aren’t red and his counter isn’t empty and the room isn’t cold. She grins at him, ignoring the burn of tears behind her eyes because if she cries, he’s going to get sad, and she’s too happy to bring the mood down like that.
She places the basket of bread down and opens the towel up enough to let him see the crust. He recognizes it immediately, and gasps, and tells her that, oh, she didn’t have to, and she tells him that, oh, she did. He tells her what he’s made today, and she walks over to the cabinets to pull out his plates, and they argue over the better way to present it, because they’re both artists, and they enjoy decorating a plate for the other to eat from. They talk food, and his face lights up.
Sausage drags a potato cube through the gravy and lifts it, dropping it onto her plate. She slices a piece of bread from the loaf and lathers it with a generous amount of butter, then places it into his hand. They take a bite of the other’s gift first, savour it, before beginning on the meal of their own plates.
It’s as it’s always been. It’s as it should be.
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diamondsheep · 4 months
5, 12 and 23 for Luffy for the character ask game!! :D
Hiiii !! Thank you for the ask !!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder
Mr . Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Well apart of the aroace / ace headcanon
I like to think that in his free time he likes to draw different sea creatures and insects with Usopp
Also that when he is hanging out with the other straw hats be probably clings onto them like a monkey, just to see what they are doing and he has actually learned a lot about his friends and their hobbies bc of that ( Luffy Backpack lol )
Oh and that he probably is a pretty cuddly person while sleeping but he tends to move a lot making it a nightmare for whoever is sleeping next to him ( usually it is Usopp Zoro or Chopper ... Sanji doesn't have patience for that so he just kicks him out of his hammock lol )
23. Favorite picture of this character?
This one !!! I love it so much that i redrew it !
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But here are others that i also love
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I'm not immune to early movies luffy and wano luffy <3333
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
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happy 2 help!!
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girlblocker · 2 years
got stuck in a hotel the night i was supposed to go home from college because the weather conditions are too dangerous to drive :(
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whump-queen · 1 year
We ever gonna see more Kane and Raiza?
yes!! there is a lot more kane and raiza @whumpsday and I have written I just need to transcribe and edit it— this is just smth I will have to do when I have the bandwidth — but it def helps motivate me to know people are interested so I appreciate you!!!
I don’t have my laptop atm but when I get it back it’ll be easier to edit!!
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scattered-winter · 2 years
I agree with you on the El Topo and Le Cherve depiction in the show. I agree that their relationship shouldnt be made a big thing. I want their relationship to be treated as normal. When I say I wanted them to kiss, I mean a casual peck. Similar to the kiss Benson and Troy from Kipo briefly shared in the timeskip. Its not a big deal, just a bit of irrefutable confirmation that they are in a relationship.
Love the rant about the difference of family in VILE and Team Red! However, I’m not sure how much I agree that the Faculty isn’t exactly family. Brunt certainly believes they are. Maelstrom certainly doesn’t. I get the impression that Bellum and Cleo do genuinely care for each other, but not the other faculty members as much. I also think they did somewhat enjoy each other’s company at their Halloween party, though its definitely not in the same way Team Red does.
What do you think of Brunt’s perception of Family in VILE?
-Anon 1
fair enough!!!!! I think that definitely would've been a cute addition <33
I also agree that vile isn't necessarily not a family; in the last post I was mostly focusing on how they were different from team red so some things got lost in translation. I agree that brunt is the strongest believer in the "family," and maelstrom is probably on the opposite end of the spectrum, with bellum and cleo somewhere in between. I think the biggest thing is that each faculty member has a different idea of what they all are to each other. to coach brunt, they're a family that has each other's backs through the thick and thin. to bellum and cleo, they're allies who collaborate together and are working toward a common goal. with maelstrom, I get the vibe that he's only really part of the faculty because he can accomplish more with all the resources of vile at his disposal; but the second it gets dangerous/inconvenient for him, he dips. and the way brunt and maelstrom were captured at the end just really highlights this. coach brunt fought and punched her way through entire squads of acme agents before eventually being brought down. meanwhile, professor maelstrom snuck out through a secret tunnel that probably only he knew about. brunt was fighting to protect her home and fellow faculty, but maelstrom just cut his losses and ran.
which brings me to my next point!!! coach brunt!!!!
she's actually one of my favorite faculty members because this is so interesting!! to her, the "family" of vile was more important than anything. so important, in fact, that she was willing to crush her adopted daughter to death because she'd betrayed that family. but as we saw at the end, maelstrom and the other vile operatives (not even just the faculty, but everyone) either tried to escape on their own or simply resigned themselves to capture, leaving brunt alone to try and fight for them. you could write this up to brunt's more aggressive and confrontational nature, but I like to overcomplicate things so to me that was brunt trying to protect her family...even if they never extended the same courtesy to her. and this is where I really like to play in the mud pit, because somehow coach brunt was raised in vile believing that they were all a family. which, to me, means that at some point they must have been. maybe when they were all students together, or during some of the heists they worked together on. maybe not with those specific faculty members, but with vile as a whole. sometime during brunt's life in vile, she grew to love her fellow operatives like family. and then they all slowly fracture apart and leave her alone to try and defend them.
I just....I want to play with that concept a bit. we can see some members of vile being ride-or-die for each other (le chevre and el topo, and even just most of the group in carmen's graduating class) so I'd imagine they weren't the only ones. but in the end, when acme was coming down on them and their entire world was crumbling, family didn't matter when it came to survival. no honor among thieves and all that
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skyrigel · 26 days
Hi! I love all of your writing, could please do Benedict and best friend reader at a ball and he over hears some girls bullying reader and goes OFF and reader runs off and he thinks he’s embarrassed her but when he finds her she explains she found it super hot and then some smut please! 💖
You are in love 1 || B.B
Part 2 of " you are in love"
Pairing: Benedict bridgerton x best friend! Reader, + Polin
Warning: fem! reader, no description of reader, friendly flirting and teasing, mutual pinning, use of inappropriate words, reader has a step sister. Fluff and angst, part 1 of you are in love. Part : 2 will be smut
Rigel's note 🪩: Thank you for requesting, and the compliment<3333 *smooches* I hope you don't mind me doing it in two parts :) the title is taken from Taylor Swift's song " you are in love", it popped as soon as I read best friend reader, hope it's not as bad as it's in my head, sending love back, also part 2 soon.
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" Perks of being a woman, you don't have to dance with Eloise bridgerton." You remarked when it was the fifth time Eloise stepped on lord White's toe.
Benedict snorted on his lemonade as he looked at you sideways, his iconic lop sided grin plastered to his smug face.
" I was her dance partner, " Benedict fake sniffed, wiping the fake tear, ", that too, before she started lessons."
You winced at the idea of Eloise before her lesson and gave Benedict a pat on his back for being ever the sacrifice.
" I thought that's why you danced wierd " you told him, smiling when he looked at you scandalously.
" Excuse me ?! " He narrowed his eyes, " you take that back ! " He slammed the glass down with force.
" Will not, you dance like...like a snowman ! " You beamed, slamming your fan down and glaring back, nose to nose, eye to eye.
" That never stopped you from dancing with me." He said smugly and retreated to his space with a satisfied look in his eyes when your jaw slacked slightly.
" You don't dance like a snowman with me." you told him in a small voice and that's when it hit you how gracefully he twirled you around when he was practically running away from other beautiful young ladies.
Benedict smiled, his eyes twinkling at you as he raised his brow, like in a question.
" And why would you think that ? " His mouth twisted and you didn't know what to say.
" Perhaps because I dance well...? " You tried and despite it being not the answer he expected, he laughed all the same.
" You dance like a ... a Kangaroo." Benedict thought hard and a muscle in his jaw twitched, he smiled proudly when he got the right word to annoy you.
" What's a kangaroo ? " You asked, you had heard it somewhere but it was easier to ask him than think hard.
" It's like..." Benedict motioned with his hands something like a vase," it's a cute animal." He finally said when nothing more could be made out from his gestures.
"Oh." You nodded and then it hit you, " Did you just call me an ANIMAL ?! " You snarled at him and he shaked his head with a chuckle.
" I called you cute too." He squabbled.
" Kangaroo's aren't cute ! " You jabbed at him and he chuckled, grabbing your wrist firmly, a spark so bright jolted inside you and you felt your face grow hot.
" Then I don't dance like a snowman—" you sticked your tongue out at him and he was lost in words, just looking, you saw the opportunity and yanked your hand away from his grip. He relented like a gentleman.
" You are always like..like running away and leaning off while dancing and it's so so snowman like." You argued and Benedict's eyes twinkled like moon.
" Have you seen a snowman waltzing ? " Benedict asked and you shaked your head, while clutching at your chest, you couldn't help the giggling.
" Yes if we are talking about a tall, handsome and smug snowman."
" You think I am handsome ? " Benedict ducked his head closer to your face and you felt your breath hitching in your throat, like air was punched out of your chest.
You rolled your eyes when it became too apparent that no word would come out of your traitorous throat and you couldn't help but gaze back at him, he looked back just the same, all fire and blaze.
" You didn't answer my question." He said slowly, each word carefully and it squeezed your heart how close his face was, how beautiful those eyes were, and that nose, and those cheeks, those lines when he smiled, he oftened and it was so warm and gorgeous, how you never noticed how captivating he was, every atom of his body was tied with an invisible thread with yours, a golden one. And you would be damned to think of that mouth, your lips parted at the ethereal site and Benedict smiled at that.
" No." You just said it, eager to say anything and break this moment, it was swirling you around in a storm.
" No ? " He questioned, frowning and he was handsome at that too, you were so doomed.
" You are silly like handsome, like some lord Byron poetry." you murmured softly, safe guarding the hammering heart in your chest and blinking at the sudden burn from his gaze on you, drinking you in, his brow knitted in funny way, a mock annoyance crossed his face.
" Lord Byron ?! Really, " he dropped back to his seat and you finally took a breath, then he covered his face like a damsel in distress and when he glanced sideways at you, he was smiling his brightest, oh, you just realised how goofy and precious and mesmerizing his smile was, you wished to stop time and paint it under your lids so everytime you close your eyes, you could meet him there, in your secret gardens and then a death like that would be sweeter.
" What ? " You exasperated when he refused to look away, even when your nose wrinkled and face basked in it's warmth, he wouldn't let go of you, taking each and every detail in like he was wishing to stop time too and paint you. He could, he was an artist.
" You called me poetry..." His mouth quirked up in a delightful grin, like it explained all the merry and you groaned, looking away as you huffed the tingling in your body that wouldn't go, your eyes landed on a very eventful moment.
" Is that our Colin ? " You raised your brow at Benedict who sat up straighter and turned his gaze to the other side of the hall.
" Why is he eye murdering lord Debling ? " You asked him, he winked and pulled your chair closer, not caring if any mama saw or perhaps lady whistledown herself.
" Penelope is dancing with lord Debling, and well she's laughing at something too, oh—" Benedict whispered in the shell of your ear and you barely nodded, Colin looked like he had enough, he was making his way through the crowd towards Pen.
" Forty shillings if he punches lord Debling." You piped up, Benedict shaked his head.
" You are gonna lose cupcake, he's gonna take Miss Featherington's hand and—" you gasped when Colin stopped abruptly, said something urgently and took Penelope's wrist between his hand, Benedict cocked his head to his side and winked smugly.
" And ? " You drawled and it amused Benedict beyond limits, like he has been waiting for it.
" Birds and bees." He said in a code like hushed whisper, you smacked the back of his head.
" I don't have a mother, you know." You told Benedict and he touched his upper lip with the tip of his pink tongue, he nodded along knowingly.
" Well, someone's gotta teach you."
" Mm.. you are my best friend." You would look anywhere but at him but your eye's were locked in his, he was being brave then so can you. One step, not much.
" I can not tell you birds and bee." Benedict said sincerely.
" Colin helped Pen ! " You said, nose flaring as he worried his jaw but didn't say anything.
" He told her how kids are made, something like going to a farm and then...well he kissed her but that's not the point." You blurted in a whisper, he listened intently.
" He kissed her already ? "
" Well a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell but a lady can, but that's not the point! " You pouted, his resistance crumbled but then again, bloody bridgerton.
" That's not my place cupcake." He was breathing hard, his mouth would open and snap close again, taking back all the things left unsaid.
" Well then—" you hated how choked your voice got, you tried, didn't you, it's not like you left it on god's cue, this was the biggest hint you could have given him and if he didn't got this, then only bricks might work.
Give him one more, a small voice said in your head, it was yours, but stronger and braver than you.
" —then you can tell me about love."
Benedict laughed on that, like it was the funniest thing you had said.
" You know what? I take it back, I am gonna ask someone—" you smoothed your skirt and began to get up when he pulled you down.
" Sorry, I didn't mean that, sorry, don't go leaving me stranded." He pleaded.
You looked at him hard, looking for any sign of humour and you found none, he was glittering when he clapped his tongue and opened his mouth, his soft tongue resting like a tired cat.
" Love," he began," is like music."
" Like music." You repeated, struggling with the fit laughter that shook your shoulders.
Benedict glanced at you offended but when he spoke next, it was how the poets said, with longing and desire, like bleeding for your beloved and when no blood was left then it was ink and parchment.
" You can hear it in the silence." He said, you remembered those afternoons when no word was said between you and your bestfriend and yet nothing was hidden and left unsaid.
" You can feel it on your way home." He said, penetrating his gaze in you eyes and he remembered damn well that night after he rescued you from the lake when you almost drowned, the terror of losing you, the spark of holding you closer than ever.
" You can see it with the light's out, it's so bright and golden." Everything is more beautiful with you Benedict, you told him one Sunny afternoon, basking under a tree while he read you poetry, Better than Byron.
" Loving that one person will make you love yourself, with them, you are enough." He was whispering now, chest heaving as his hand trembled and unknowingly yours found his under the table, locked eye's and joined hands and sacred whispered chants. It was enough.
" You aren't too much, or too little, or loud or boring, you don't have to be interesting or witty or anything, being youself with them is enough." I like myself with you, he had told you when you were sixteen.
" That's love, being safe with them is love, being their home is love, to be able to leave all shades behind and be naked in just body and soul and not being afraid, not being embarassed is love."
" Benedict..." Your voice was soft and sweet and it took him a moment to realise he was crying, when you gently wiped it's proof with your handkerchief.
" I...I will be back in a moment—" he stumbled out, still smiling a small smile and oh god what you have done, you have ruined him as well your self and nothing will ever be the same.
" Yes...." You said, because he was waiting for your approval, he nodded back when he got it and disappeared amongst the crowd as you watched him leave.
Love was indeed like music, the one you liked, it could be light as bee buzzing and sharp as thunder roaring in clouds, it could be slow and rhythmic and soft like water flowing, it could be the sound of his laughter and the way he drew his breath, it could be how he whined and joked and played and teased, for you, love was the music and muse of Benedict bridgerton and yes, you were very much doomed.
" What a pleasant site, a spinster smiling on her own, have you planned some scandalous plan of yours to bag some noble man ? " Claire wheezed in a duckling like laughter, shared with Asha Patil and Gissele Turner.
You refused to say anything, it only further added spice to their boring marital lives, with their husbands out and wombs empty.
" Would you look at her ? She's giving us that attitude, no wonder she's still unmarried ! " Scowled Asha, with her frizzy hair and crooked nose, her eyes coated in loathing of most tainted kind.
" She might had gotten the ring if she wasn't being Mr. Bridgerton's bitch." Gissele whispered it down to you and anger shot up through your veins and your eyes snapped to her, it didn't matter if she was your elder sister and the rage that blinded you was so fierce that you didn't feel when two big tears rolled down your cheek.
" Don't cry now, you can always be his mistress atleast." They all laughed, loud and big and white teeth flashing, with their fake diamond rings rubbing in your eyes but it was too blur, you saw nothing, you heard nothing, everything was drowning around you.
" Speaking of mistresses, Lord Hasting has bought a bigger estate for his mistress than your home in east London and I wouldn't blame him lady Hasting."
You can hear it in the silence.
It was your love's voice, it was your Benedict speaking and you lifted your mascara stained lashed eyes at him.
If you had known him less than you couldn't have known of the terrible anger that was shaking him, that smile was no ordinary, it was feral and stray, wanting to tear anyone who dared to come near, he was burning in anger that was beyond words.
Claire sizzled at that remark, turning her hand to her palm side and only moments ago she was flashing her ring and now, she was hiding it.
" Don't ruin your reputation by showing ungratefuls such as her your pity Mr. Bridgerton." It would've hurt less, were it Claire or Asha, but it was your own half sister, be it half blood but blood all the same.
" Lady Turner, i have no wish to speak to you, you have hurt my best friend beyond words, you had taken her affections for granted so if someone's ungrateful then it's sorely you, you don't deserve a sister like her, she's too good for all of us." He was carefully placing the word and his anger slipped between, his teeth grinded and breath hitched, you stared, just at him and him, everything was getting dimmer but you knew in that moment, you would know him in darkness.
you can feel it with the light's out.
He had done many things for you, Benedict stole Anthony's horse to take you out on a midnight ride, he nicked Colin's sword and taught you fencing, bought ribbons of your favourite pastel silk, saved your favourite sweets, and so many and so more, but this was something you couldn't have done yourself if you wanted, he had done it, he had stood up for you and it was the most gleaming moment of your life, he wasn't playing hero, he wasn't being mean, he was protecting your with your honour and Benedict, the gentleman who wouldn't hurt a fly, he was going to dagger them down with words alone.
He was speaking and speaking and they were all quiet, their eyes low and nose bowed down, he was speaking and speaking, words clear with pure affection and respect and then your felt it.
The warmness aroused in your womanhood and an inaudible gasp parted through your lips as you felt the slicky wet feeling caress your inner thigh and the sensation was so electrifying that you had to close your eyes in order to take a breath and even then, you could feel his words, soft and praising, " ......if you were half good as a woman she is....." He was breathless and he wasn't stopping and something inside you wanted to cup his face and tell him, don't Stop, never stop.
And then his eyes looked for you, he found your gaze and held it and you felt the shame, you couldn't do this to him, this burning desire would take you both down in flames and what it would be to become one, only in ashes, it was scaring you.
And before you could think of say anything, you were already on your feet, stumbling through the crowd with your gown kissing the floor behind you.
You didn't know where you were going but far, away and this feeling wouldn't let go, you knew well but you wanted air, the warmness that was spreading was maddening and the hunger was tugging under your skin.
He was calling out your name, you hated yourself but you needed to run, this love would ruin you, what if Benedict hated you if you told him how you felt, how you thought about him, would he call you a whore along with Gissele, would it hurt more ?
More than anything.
His voice turned to pleading as crowd thickened and you were getting out of his sight. You wouldn't look back, because if you did then you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from doing something very stupid.
You were out of the gates, descending down the stairs as one heel slipped out but you didn't care, you were on a run.
Johnny was already motioning the horses as you frantically climbed in, you could see Colin chasing down Penelope's carriage in a distance as you opened the window to inhale heavy gulps of air.
Would Benedict Chase you down too ? Would he come and look for you ? And if he did, what would you tell him ?
You are my best friend.
Part 2
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kevinsdsy · 25 days
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foxes social media au (pt. 1): first part is FINALLY here omg— for the ones following my trojans social media au. i know i’m posting for that au basically every day, but i think this will have slower updates bc i’m trying to not go too much out of character but it proves harder than i thought so yeah 🫣 hope y’all enjoyed this one tho <3333
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eyes-of-nine · 5 months
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part 2 | part 3
since s2 i decided to do some screenshot redraws of my favorite sillies (not counting hualian bc they would automatically win and i already have like ten wips of them) so here's part 1
anyways sqx haiiiii ily<3333 can I have your gender pls
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