#parliament of the united kingdom
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asinparadies · 1 year ago
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"British Parliamentarians Visit O.T. C.," Windsor Star. June 24, 1933. Page 1. ---- TWO of the British parliamentarians now touring Canada to study the Dominion's war effort close-up, are pictured here as they visited the Officer's Training Centre of the Canadian Army at Brockville. Left to right are Rt. Hon. Sir Percy Harris, M.P., Lt.-Col. Ernest Poole of the Training Centre, and Rt. Hon. Viscount Stansgate.
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without-ado · 1 year ago
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l Banksy l Devolved Parliament
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 11 months ago
US isn't the only one actively helping Israel
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gallowpedia · 7 months ago
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Did you know? A level called Parliament was cut from MediEvil 2. The level was set to feature the iconic Houses of Parliament, including Westminster Bridge and Big Ben. A rough version of the level map appears in the MediEvil II 0.19 build.
Find out more about Parliament on Gallowpedia!
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evsuvdo · 29 days ago
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The Favourite (2018, Yorgos Lanthimos)
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eopederson · 2 years ago
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Houses of Parliament and Big Ben from a Thames Riverboat, London, 2009.
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years ago
Boris Johnson resigns
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tengritexas · 7 months ago
This post is in regards to the UK riots/revolution. If you wish to disregard this post please do so :>.
Hello everyone, as many of you know I prefer to not politically charge my blog or content under any circumstances. This blog is apolitical in standing and I merely write this as a United States citizen. Not far Left or far Right or Far square root of 62.
The UK government has threatened to extradite people in the US and europe even if they are not UK citizens. They wish to charge you with the crime of talking about the riots, or discussing the people's demands within these riots over any internet platform.
To this I say:
I will be emailing my congressmen, and my governor.
I am an 8th generation Texan, not only did my ancestors fight governments that descended upon the human right to free speech once, but they did it twice with the mexican dictator Santa Anna. Under the United States Constitution, within the 1st amendment I am granted the right to critize any government be it my own or the United Kingdom's.
Im not a citizen of the UK nor do I have any plans to set foot within the UK. I am however discovering why the IRA, United States, India, and australia have left your crown for freedom to persue their own governments respectively. It has become clear to me you do not listen to your people or their civil demands.
I dont really care about the riots you couldve left me out of it. But do not try to throw empty threats at borders you do not rightfully own. I am an American, and more than that a Texan. You will not trample on the rights of my people to satisfy whatever ego your parliment has. I dont know your parliment and frankly, you should leave my people alone since you have your own problems.
To English citizens, whereever you may be in life, many things are worth living for but there are also some things worth dying for. Do not give up your human rights that are granted to you by God/the Gods. Fight however you need to, be it in a court of law or by civil disobedience. You have rights that are yours to defend.
It is clear to me the English Government and its greed knows no bounds. Your empire has fallen because of your thirst to rule over the commoner with a cup of tea and an iron fist. You should learn your lessons and accept defeat with grace. There are extremely redeemable qualities to the United Kingdom, do not crush what is good to satisfy your ego.
Dont tread on me :>
This post will not have its usual tags and I will be going back to regular posting.
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asinparadies · 1 year ago
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years ago
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“LOCAL INDIANS APPEAR IN FULL DRESS IN THE BRITISH COMMONS,” Brantford Expositor. June 24, 1930. Page 1. ---- Deputation From Six Nations Headed by Chief Garlow ---- INDIAN LEADER ---- Wish to Discuss Grievances With Great White Father ---- Chief Chauncey Garlow, one of the hereditary leaders of the Six Nations band and now head of the Mohawk Workers, accompanied by a group of chiefs from the reserve near Brantford, appeared in the gallery of the British House of Commons yesterday, where their colorful full-dress Indian regalia presented a picturesque night and attracted much interest.
They had come on the same mission that brought the late Chief Deskabeh, (Levi General) some years ago, to discuss certain alleged grievances with the government of the Great White Father.
A number of Commoners are a ranging a meeting at which the Indians will be given an opportunity of stating their case. A deputation of the visitors will also call upon the Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, secretary of state for the Dominions.
A party was given tea on the Westminster terrace yesterday, and the historic pipe of peace was produced and handed around. Before the tea came to a close Chief Garlow gave to the Commoners present a document containing an expression of thanks to the Great Spirit for the privilege of landing on Britain's shores, as their Iroquois forefathers had done to discuss the misunderstandings which arose between the British and their allies the Iroquois.
The deputation was sent from the local reserve by the Mohawk Workers following a series of meetings in which the old issues that brought about Chief General's trip were re-discussed and the present course of action decided upon.
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kingoftheu · 1 year ago
Is Tumblr just the reincarnation of the Roundheads from the Wars of the Three Kingdoms/English Revolution?
- Roundheads were big mad about ship money, tumblr is big mad about money and ships
- both enjoyed fighting over insane points of doctrine
- both are prone to canceling others who disagree
- both would ban things for being problematic
- The word “Puritan” being thrown around with no sense of context
- witch hunts kinda
- Not, on the balance, fans of King Charles
- despise Catholic Church
- would cause disaster if put in charge of Ireland
- debates
- wacky names (Praise God Barebones, etc etc)
- whining about the Good Old Cause/Days
- growth of fanfic and oc’s (see all the religious movements)
- would sign alliance with Scotland in exchange for getting to meet Peter Capaldi and/or having the King handed over to them.
- apocalyptic language
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allthetime-allthetime · 2 years ago
it was the POOR PEOPLE who did not get the emergency alert
people with sim cards that use the "three" network such as three or smarty (like i use), did NOT receive the emergency alert test today. these networks are known for being a lot cheaper than other networks such as O2. the government is once again prioritising those who can afford more expensive mobile data as these are the people that vote for them. this is essentially the government saying that the working classes are second rate citizens that do not deserve to be warned of fires, floods, or terrorist threats near them. do NOT vote conservative if you wish to be allowed to know if your life is in danger.
this system is meant to warn you of fires, floods, terrorist threats, and other danger. this is not a privilege it is a right.
vote for a party that does not discriminate (hard to find these days i know).
take the tories out of power.
public safety is a right not a privilege.
I hate asking for reblogs but we NEED people to know that the government does not care about them. people NEED to know that the government will leave you to die.
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ivovynckier · 1 year ago
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Elvis Costello is a British MP.
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redgriffinsphotos · 1 year ago
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Houses of Parliament and London Eye, January 2008
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