#parental icemav!!!!!!!
pollyna · 2 months
au in which the Daggers do the interview thing to their parents to ask them which is their greatest accomplishment and everybody answers something different and sometimes wild. Until they ask Mav, and then Ice just a couple of minutes later, and they both answer, "Raising Bradley. And growing old with that idiot of my husband".
And Bradley tears just a little (more like for 10 to 15 minutes, hugging both of his parents so hard he's sure it's going to leave bruises).
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(IceMav as Dagger Parents AU) Maverick(hanging up the phone):...Goose says that Natasha, Callie and Bob are welcome to come over, and Jake is welcome to come over as long as he's nice to Bradley and they don't fight and start World War 3. Iceman:...So Jake can't come over. Maverick: Jake can't come over.
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whohasthecards · 10 months
Jake always had to be Hangman in front of the brass and the higher ups, he's always prepared and composed when at work. But, he got soft around Mav, the Dagger Squad, and even Cyclone and Warlock. They see Jake, he lets his guard down around them. So, when Mav invites him for a BBQ, he only expected the Daggers, Mav, Cyclone, Warlock, and maybe the mysterious husband Mav has.
But holy shit, Mav invited the Top Gun legendary class of '86, which consists of current and former high-ranking Navy officers. Including THE COMPACFLT, ICEMAN. Who is Mav's husband. All the Daggers are having fun mingling around and talking to others, but Jake was thrown off.
He was expecting a casual event, he didn't think a bunch of his superiors were here. He never had to interact with his superiors without any prep. Jake awkwardly hanged out at the edges or stuck close to Mav, Cyclone, or even Bradley because he suddenly lost all social skills because fuckfuckfuck his hair wasn't combed, he wasn't in uniform, and his clothes aren't even halfway decent. He's not Hangman and it’s only recently he’s gotten used to being Jake around the Dagger Squad. He was shy and only spoke when spoken too and only started to loosen up when he was primarily surrounded by the Daggers.
Although, when he was hanging by Cyclone, the class of '86 asked Cyclone if Jake was his son, which made Jake flush and look at Cyclone worriedly, afraid that he would be offended. He wasn't. He was flattered.
Mav was confused and worried about Jake's recluseness, but decided to wait until later to confront him about it.
Ice was confused because Hangman was quite far from what the rumors say or even what Mav says. (Later on he realizes that Jake was similar to him. Separating Hangman and Jake like how he separates Iceman and Tom/Ice).
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romcomxb · 3 months
Ice was the one to teach Bradley to drive.
They found a quiet parking lot, and he slowly but clearly walked bradley through the functions. (he learnt in a manuel). Ice was a very calm teacher, he knew Bradley needed to be able to figure it out himself, so the older man just sat quietly, giving some guidance when he needed it.
Bradley managed to learn pretty fast because of this and within no time he was driving on the road confidently. Ice trusted bradley to keep them safe, and only really intervened when it was really necessary or Bradley asked for help.
But when Mav tried to drive with him, a few months into having his learners permit, it didn’t go so well. He had trouble letting go and seemed to feel the need to tell Bradley what to do every two seconds and it really irked the teen.
Bradley would be taking a turn, and Mav would point out every detail of what he needed to do, when to indicate, when to slow down (more often than not it was way before he even needed to think of hitting the breaks). There was a lot of grabbing the door, flinching, and mumbled prayers, and because of this Bradley would tend to get into a reckless headspace, and it would just spiral from there. He would get snarky and talk back whenever Maverick would tell him what to do, and both of them would end up in pretty pissy moods by the end of the drive.
After the first few times, Mav gave up driving with Bradley, and left that to Ice. It was decided that they had plenty of other hobbies to could bond over. It was only after Bradley had his p’s for a while that they started driving together again, and Mav still had to forcefully calm himself down.
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paxdracona · 11 months
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"I've never heard THAT one before, huh kid. Rude."
Bradley needling the oldtimers (or, one specific oldtimer), this is how the movie ended right. Right. 🥺​♥
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roo-mantic · 1 year
Hangman waking up after a fantastic night with Rooster, stopping dead in his tracks as he enters the living room: Baby, why is the Commander of the Pacific Fleet in your living room?
Rooster, walking out of his bedroom after Jake: Oh hey, pops. Forgot you were gonna be here.
Hangman: Pops???
Ice: Please get dressed, your father will be here shortly.
Hangman: FATHER???
Ice: Captain Mitchell.
Hangman: I'M SORRY????
Ice: Could we please continue this revelation once you are properly dressed, Lieutenant?
Hangman, turning beat red and running back into the bedroom: Yes, sir.
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Thinking about supportive military parents icemav and Maverick insisting that their child(ren) use Kazansky as their last name instead of Mitchell or the hypheated Kazansky-Mitchell/Mitchell-Kazansky, 'cause he doesn't want them to miss out on opportunities like he did just because of his name...
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wearerandomlyyours · 1 year
Maverick: I've got an idea!
Iceman: *Writing in his notebook* Wednesday, March 22nd, Maverick had an idea!
Maverick: *Ten minutes later* I'm out of ideas.
Iceman: *Writing* Easy come, easy go.
Maverick: I've got another idea!
Iceman: *Writing* Today was a magnificent day for Maverick.
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the-ace-with-spades · 8 months
(an unfinished post I found as I scrolled through my drafts on the train to glasgow. putting it out there as i feel... something rn)
Whenever I think of Mav and Ice as Bradley's parents/parental figures, no matter what the scenario is, I always imagine that Ice is the softer one and Mav is the stricter one.
No matter whether the child acquisition happens when Bradley is in elementary school or when he's a teenager, I think Mav would already be more used to parenting Bradley, even if he'd never call it that, simply because I can't imagine him not helping Carole throughout the years. I imagine he's seen Bradley's first tantrums and was the one Carole called whenever Bradley was acting out, or whenever she felt like Bradley needed a 'man's hand' regarding issues with boys at school or was about to hit the big milestones like learning to ride a bike or start school or outgrow the car seat or anything that she felt she would be too emotional about to keep Bradley's confidence up. They'd always come to pick Mav up from deployment and would be at all of Mav's ceremonies and big events and it all worked in both ways --- Mav was a parent and Carole and Bradley were his family. He'd never call himself a dad, not even when Bradley started sometimes calling him that whenever explaining to the other kids that he's 'kinda like his dad' and Carole said it was okay, but he was a parent.
For a while after Bradley moves in with them, Ice is stuck in the fun uncle mode because that's who he was before. Carole called Mav whenever she needed help with parenting issues, and Ice was there when no one was available --- to watch Bradley when Mav and Carole were at PTA, or take him to the beach with Slider when Carole and Mav were at work on a Saturday, or to buy Bradley way too many birthday presents despite their protests. He's not here for discipline or to manage the tantrums or to guide Bradley from a toddler to a kid to a teenager to a young adult --- he's here to spoil him in ways Mav or Carole can't.
Even when Carole falls ill and he takes more responsibilities around Bradley, he's still managing them in the 'fun uncle' mode. He picks up Bradley from school and takes him out to eat junk food or out for ice cream, or takes him to baseball practice and ends up buying him a whole new set of equipment on the way, lets him stay up late and lets him eat too much sugar and then takes him out to the playground despite misbehaving and unfinished homework so Bradley can get rid of the energy.
When Carole passes away, it gets to the point where Mav has to have a talk with him.
When it became clear Carole wasn't going to make it, Mav and Carole sorted out her will, including Bradley's care. Mav had a whole breakdown about it, far away from Bradley's eyes, and when he told Ice he didn't know how he was going to do it all alone, Ice promised he wouldn't have to, that they would do it together.
But Carole passes away and Bradley starts acting out, like most grieving kids, and Ice is still stuck in the 'fun uncle' mode. He doesn't know what to do when Bradley sulks after school, or refuses to go to school in the morning, or refuses to eat what they made for dinner, or when he doesn't want to sleep alone, or 'forgets' to pack his backpack. He just---stands there and observes as Bradley gets chewed up by Mav. Or Bradley gets sent to his room to go and finally do his homework after the third time he comes back with a warning from his teacher and Ice can't get his sad face out of his mind and sneaks into his room and maybe helps him a bit too much with said homework. When Bradley doesn't want to eat the dinner he's cooked, even though he asked him three times what he'd want before he started cooking, he caves in and orders takeouts despite spending nearly two hours in the kitchen.
Mav is tired. He doesn't like being the bad guy all the time, he can't do everything either, and Ice disregarding any sort of discipline or change he tries to implement is not helping at all.
"You can't be the fun uncle anymore," is what Mav tells him. "I need you to be his parent, with me. I can't have you both working against me."
The thing is, Ice's never expected to be a parent. He realized he's gay since he was about fifteen and knew that if he ever married, it'd be a levander marriage, with a wife he'd never touch and probably divorce fast enough that the lack of kids would be understandable. He hasn't been around many kids either, mostly isolated throughout most of his childhood, certainly not enough to see healthy parenting in place. As a kid himself, he was mostly self-sufficient, with his mom dead and his father absent or disapproving most of the time. It's the only thing that got stuck with him when he's around Bradley --- he never wants the kid to feel alone or like he's doing something wrong just because the adults are not appropriative of it. He sees himself in Bradley whenever he looks upset when they tell him what to do or when they punish him for misbehaviour or when he simply doesn't know how to make it better for him. Spoiling Bradley is so much easier than denying him anything or even negotiating a compromise for him.
Mav might have been like Bradley in a lot of ways, but his mom never had a family friend that could take on a parental role for him --- he had to fill the void his dad left in their family from a very young age. When he entered foster care when she passed, he didn't have many options. It was either misbehaving and ruining his life before it started with a suspended sentence or an accident or pulling himself together. In some foster families it was misbehaving and not eating or walking around with a black eye or behaving and staying above the water line until they would relocate him again. He knew what discipline was and he met many many parental figures he could learn from, both bad and good stuff. He's met kids that were older than him and then became them and met kids younger than him. Learned tricks and things that work for certain development stages, learned parenting can't just be soft if he wanted to keep the kid alive and healthy.
So Ice starts to learn, slowly. Saying no is still really hard, but he starts negotiating and asking for things. Starts telling Bradley to do things he doesn't like. Sometimes he helps him do those things, but doesn't do them for him anymore, not from start to finish anyway. He tells Bradley Mav is right and he should listen to him, explains why he's right whenever Bradley talks back when Mav chews him out. He starts getting a grip on the things parents are supposed to be there to make sure that are happening --- homework, food, cleaning Bradley's room, making sure the kid is showering and sleeping, wearing clean clothes, managing tantrums and outbursts in a way that is different than caving in and leaving Bradley to deal with them alone. They become a team again, Ice as Mav's wingman in the whole parenting gig.
Mav starts to breathe again.
Eventually, Bradley grows out of the grieving phase. He's still a teenager, but Ice likes to think they did an alright job sorting him out. He's a sensitive kid, still, and Ice likes to think Bradley knows it's okay, that they love him no matter what. He likes to remind himself that the instances when Bradley makes puppy eyes at them to ask for a new guitar or for extra money for a theater or when he just crawled between them on the couch or the moments when he rumbles on about some asshole from his class freely as he peels potatoes for Ice --- he reminds himself Bradley feels loved enough to not feel like those moments are a burden on them. Reminds himself he's not only alive and healthy, but also happy and they made sure of that.
When Bradley calls Mav dad for the first time and Mav is mortified, Ice finds himself jealous. For the first time in his life, he realizes he wants to be a dad. Then he realizes he wants to be Bradley's dad and he feels equally mortified as Mav. Neither of them was ever supposed to be Bradley's dad.
Ice is still a bit softer. It's not that Mav can't be fun --- he can tease the kid, play around with him, take him on outings and places that Bradley enjoys more than anything. He is the one who takes him flying for the first time and the one that screams at his matches, and the one who teases Bradley relentlessly as he helps him prepare for his first date. But Ice gives in a bit more easily, let's Bradley make the choices a bit more freely as he grows up.
They both hover but in different ways --- Mav is always, always kind of around, trying to protect Bradley from anything he can, especially as the years go on and he realises how much shit teenagers get into. Ice likes to think Bradley is sensible and that even if something happened, he knows he can count on them and would let them help him if need be.
Mav watches like a hawk as if Bradley could ruin his life with one wrong move and tried to predict if it will happen at any given moment. Ice isn't stupid, he knows Bradley is going to fuck up time and again, everyone does. But unlike Mav, he doesn't want him to have a perfect, unproblematic life. He wants him to feel safe and loved enough that no problem would seem too big or irreversible.
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Hangman says weird shit when he gets nervous
As in, he overshares when he gets nervous and isn’t sure what to say, sometimes it’s just trauma dumping and sometimes it’s sexual and sometimes it’s just… idk weird
He usually has it under control, the pressure of his job is not the thing that gets him, it’s the stress of his life outside of work
Example 1:
Ice: nice to meet you, Jake
Hangman: pleasure’s all mine sir, you have a beautiful house, you know, I used to live in a house just like this before my dad kicked me out and disowned me
Hangman: sorry
Example 2:
Coyote: so?
Hangman: so what?
Coyote: did you tell him?
Hangman: I told him that I can’t stand him and that I want to **** his **** and then have him **** me until I can’t breath and hopefully until he can’t speak
Coyote: instead of… I love you?
Hangman: I got nervous ._.
Example 3:
Rooster: are you sure you’re ok?
Hangman: of course, it’s just a funeral, haven’t even seen the man in more than a decade
Rooster: yeah but he’s still your dad, you’re allowed to be upset
Hangman: hmm
Hangman: hey, did you know that like 1% of people get buried alive?
Rooster: I didn’t know that
Rooster: ready to go?
Hangman, taking his hand: hopefully he won’t wake up mid ceremony
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pollyna · 1 year
Ice is napping on the couch, with Baby Goose asleep on his chest, his little hands wrapped around Ice's shirt, and one of Ice's hands on the kid's back to keep him from falling down.
Mav snaps a picture.
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unlawfulchaos · 1 year
Ice: OK Bradley, let's go through your homework. Which class first?
7 year old Bradley: Maths first, we're doing adding.
Ice, looking at the worksheet: Right. So if Mav has 16 cans of diet coke-
Bradley: Why does Mav have 16 cans of diet coke?
Mav, struggling to carry 16 cans of diet coke into the kitchen: None of your business, Baby Goose.
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Iceman(after Mav nudges him awake): - What is it? What happened? What happened? Maverick: I heard something. Iceman: Oh. Maverick: I-I really hope it's not a burglar. I'm not good at fighting...Or running away. Iceman: Oh, God. What if it is? The house is a mess. I feel bad for the burglar. (after it turns out to be young Nat n the kitchen getting a snack) Phoenix:...[to Iceman]Why do you have a blow-dryer?[to Maverick]...And a pillow? Maverick: They're our weapons. Iceman: We thought there was a burglar. Maverick: We were gonna...style him....And then he could have a little rest.
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kathrahender · 2 months
Do you realize that if Ice had been well enough to teach, he and Maverick could have taught together the Daggers, just like Daniel and Johnny taught the Miyagi-Do students????
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icemavslastbraincell · 9 months
IceMav Wip Wednesday
Did anyone ask for a Fake Dating trope with IceMav attending Sarah's wedding 👀
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amostexcellentblog · 2 years
Rooster: Hey Mav, are you sure Ice won't mind us hanging out here tonight, I know he's got that big meeting in the morning?
Maverick: Of course he won't Bradley, he knows this comes with being a parent.
Iceman: *Storming downstairs in a bathrobe over his pajamas* For the last time, they're not our kids, they're in their 30s, and yes, I do mind!
*10 minutes of arguing later, the daggers are lined up and making their way out the door*
Maverick: *Standing next to door with a tray* Buh-bye now, don't forget to take a cupcake.
Iceman: *Holding the door open* Get out.
Maverick: See you soon.
Iceman: Get out.
Maverick: Don't be a stranger.
Iceman: Get out.
Maverick: Hangman, going for the extra icing.
Iceman: That one was mine.
Maverick: We never lock the back door.
Iceman: We do now!
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