#parent coach
forestpixies · 4 months
no actually you’re either gentle parenting your child or you’re being emotionally and/or physically abusive to them, whether or not you’re aware of that.
because the term gentle parenting already includes discipline and teaching your kid right from wrong. gentle parenting doesn’t mean you can’t tell your kid no. it means you can tell them no when they do something they shouldn’t, but instead of punishing or yelling at them, you’re explaining and giving them reasons why they can’t do that, you are helping them learn and encouraging them to be better. gentle parenting means you’re using reasons built on mutual respect instead of anger. because yes, no matter how young your child is, they deserve respect too.
I’m sorry but most of the times when someone says they’re a strict parent, what it means is that they give their child childhood trauma that’ll last a lifetime, whether or not they’re aware of it. especially parents who brag to other people about how strict they are and how they punished their children.
and I’m sorry but saying you have a short temper is never an excuse to be emotionally and/or physically abusive towards your kid either.
“I yelled at you because I have a short temper” then why am I the one suffering? if you can’t control your anger, then get help. work on it. do better. be better.
also… your child standing up for themself against you, when you’re being abusive to them, isn’t them being disrespectful towards you. it means they are defending themself because you wouldn’t do that for them and so they had to step in and be their own protector.
if you’re a parent and can defend and stand up for yourself when you feel like you need to, but at the same time punish your kid when they stand up for themself against you, then you are the problem.
I was that child and I’m gonna make it as simple as I can for any parent out there — because no kid deserves to go through what I went through — imagine yourself owning a dog. really. you can either
a.) beat that dog whenever they do something wrong and simply take your anger out on them until they’re fully submissive and are terrified of you
b.) train them with love and gentleness and earn their love and loyalty in return
now imagine both A and B dogs on leashes and imagine them no longer being on leashes one day. which dog do you think will run away as far as they can and never look back, and which one do you think will stay because they love and want to be with their owner?
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bloody-shadow666 · 2 months
"Do you have a warrant?"
"Do you have a fucking warrant? Get out."
Gorgug is so done
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radio-show · 3 months
Thinking about how Grant (and the other kids yeah but specifically Grant) had only known Henry (yeah the other dads too but I'm thinking about Henry) for less than a day before getting dropped into the forgotten realms and then at least a month later when he sees him again he has to see totally different sides of him and his dad. How jarring must that be? You meet a guy and his insane sons and your first impression of him is that he's some tree hugger granola dad who's a total pushover and then the next time you see him it's in a death game where he volunteers to kill a man by shotgun blast to the face and then leaves the dead body of the guy outside to send a message to the other players. Imagine meeting this guy whose whole gig is being vegan and a free range granola parent and the next time you see him he's breaking into another explosive burst of anger and yelling at the arena that he will fight and/or kill anyone who comes to hurt you or his friends. Imagine knowing your dad all your life and seeing him one day and then having to know that your dad has killed someone. And then you kill a chimera and you're changed forever. And then you grow up and marry a man named Marco.
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californiannostalgia · 2 months
everyone who took tashi extremely literally when she told patrick he can go crawl back to his rich parents for money any time he wants is misreading patrick's situation (tashi has resentment and derision for rich white boys, in case that wasn't clear)
you think a guy raised rich doesn't know the comforts of money? you think he's performing the cracked phone, the shit car, the people rapping on the window waking you up, labeling you undesirable? you think any human person would voluntarily choose the dehumanization of poverty?
he's the starving artist archetype. either he gives up tennis or he gives up money. he gave up money because yeah, questionable life choices, and he fucking revels in the freedom to choose them. (also he's obsessed with tennis but don't tell him that.)
but genuinely. there is a reason people will not go to their own parents when they are at the brink of bankruptcy. and I don't know how to explain this if you already don't understand, but there is always a good reason when you're avoiding parents who can give you monetary security.
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a-jar-of-beetles · 3 months
I know it would be amazing if Buddy had a crisis of faith by meeting Helio but I kinda think it's funnier if he gets revived and is just like "heaven was great and Helio was a lot more chill than I expected, what do you mean my teammate slit my throat"
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quartergremlin · 10 months
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fun fact, in america when your kid joins a club, sometimes the school will unceremoniously add you to a parent's club about the club. This club will send you ten billion emails, ask for free labor, solicit money (separate from the fee to join and for equipment), and seem to never inform you of important events and meetings until it's far too late to ask off of work.
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thankstothe · 11 months
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Eli Inherited Stiles' Lacrosse Skills Coach: So which one's your Kid? Derek: *Pointing at Eli* That One. *Eli Fumbling with Lacrosse Sticks* Coach: *Stiles induced Flashbacks* Stilinski!? Eli: Yeah Coach?
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My supervisor sent me to pick up one of our kids from soccer practice bc their regular worker was called out on an emergency and I got there early so I sat in the bleachers where all the parents were waiting and some of the parents asked me which child on the field was mine and bc I’m not allowed to wear my badge or identify myself to random people if it risks outing a child as a foster child I just said “oh I don’t have a kid here” without ONCE considering how fucking terrifying that must’ve sounded to those poor people (a grown woman with no kids watching a random middle school girls’ soccer practice) bc not even 5 mins later the coach ambles over and I get pulled aside to have a private chat about who I was and why I was there
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kateinator · 1 year
Coach Beard doing a press conference and immediately turning it into a debate over which classic rock guitarist is the best is something that can be SO personal
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ninugh29 · 1 month
Does anyone have any teen parent Neil Josten fic recs?? Preferably one set in canon where everything is the same except Neil has a kid hanging around!
If anyone else is looking for one Hope Was a Dangerous Disquieting Thing by BisexualChaosDemon on Ao3 is my favorite!! I also really like The Sun Still Rises by mordax also on ao3 (but that one has Neil with a little brother instead of a kid)
Anyways yeah if anyone has any recs send them my way!
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dayurno · 2 months
i'm always so gobsmacked baffled confused when kevin is blamed for not telling wymack that he's his dad???? like???)! of course he would be scared he literally has no family and the "family" that he does have is extremely violent and abusive why would he assume other people aren't!!!! and the foxes involving themselves in it and saying it's unfair is soooo irritating! kevin my princess
SO UNSERIOUS!!!! i genuinely find it nonsensical to worry about the man who, while receiving hard news, is otherwise fine and entirely safe and not the child that up until this point had been Human Trafficked and Kept Captive in a Cult and only shared this life-changing piece of information because it would help neil. like first of all. it is never the child's job to fix the relationship with the parent so jot that down, but even with that put aside, kevin had so much to lose!!!!!!!!!!!!! he could be sent back to the nest for once, could be accused of lying, could be hated by his only living family member, could be blamed for kayleigh's mistakes, and that's all without taking in consideration kevin's only experience with men coach wymack's age has been tetsuji moriyama, FAMOUS child beater and the reason kevin was human trafficked at all in the first place
coach wymack will be fine anyway! can we worry about kevin. even just a little bit. can someone please be nice to kevin. thanks
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not-another-robin · 1 year
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Happy Father's Day to Robert Hawkins specifically
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abysskeeper · 10 months
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They're parenting their nerdy, awkward, teenage son through his first major breakup encouraging their bestie through an incredibly difficult time and really hoping he doesn't explode.
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surr3al1sm · 2 months
I fear I may get robbed for posting this but I found my old Just Dance games from when I was a kid.
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This is there too
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Unsure how to feel about it.
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legolasghosty · 3 months
🐑 Alternate Universe- Magic, Mutual Pining, Demonic possession, Furbies
Oh dear...
Alex is attending one of the most prestigious magic academies in the country, on the orders of his parents of course. Even though Laiz Fier Academy reviles even the name of the only type of magic he's ever been good at. His parents swore he'd find another specialty here, and he'd let himself believe them, like the idiot he is. He's scraping by in classes. Barely. At least he's managed to make a couple of friends and figure out how to sneak into the library stacks to find books that will actually help him hone his skills.
However, Alex realizes now there's a reason why it's not recommended to do your first summoning alone. Because, while he does manage to summon a demon, it doesn't exactly end up in the silvery urn he'd laid in the center of the pentagram.
So now he has a talking, demonic Furby to hide. One that, despite its too-wide eyes and disconcertingly smooth voice, Alex thinks he might be developing feelings for.
(Fake fic ask game!)
#legolas tag#legolas ask#julie and the phantoms#willex#so okay in my head#Alex is super good at a specific branch of magic#which usually would be awesome since he was born into a high power magical family#unfortunately the thing he's good at is demonic magic#which is.... unpopular to put it lightly#his parents send him away to school in the hopes that he'll latch onto something else with so many options to explore#that doesn't happen#he meets Luke and Julie (both music magic) and Reggie (animal magic)#and they all become friends#and they all figure out how to sneak into the stacks together#where Alex finds all the hidden away books on demonic magic#cause it's not actually Evil like people think#just... darker in source than most#Alex may fall down a bit of a spiral about his abilities and worth though#and ends up attempting to summon an actual demon to help him learn magic#but... well he must have messed up the binding part of the ceremony?#Cause he does get a demonic magic coach#but said coach (Willie) goes into the Furby Reggie got him as a prank birthday present#and well... Alex knows he should figure out how to undo it and send Willie back to Hell or wherever#but then he has to rush to hide him first before he gets caught#and then they end up chatting a fair amount over the next few days#because Alex is a world class insomniac and Willie just doesn't sleep#but Alex is kept too busy with classes and stuff to go back to the library to find the stuff to sort out the mess he's made#and if Willie knows how to do it he isn't sharing#(he totally knows but it's his first time in the human world in ages and Alex is nice and kinda cute tbh so...)#and...they become friends? And also develop massive crushes on each other?
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