#paranormal friendship
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Hey guys so I'm back with this last part for Ghosts that We Knew! The story isn't over, I'm still gonna write for ghost!Ghost, just think of this as like...a season finale if that makes sense! I'll be back for "season 2" in December but I wanna take this month to work on my original story. That being said, this is kind of a long one! I hope you guys like it ^^
Taglist: @stargatenovus
Ghosts That We Knew
Part 8- Abandonment Issues

You were more than excited to hear the news: your deal had gone through for your new Cafe and bakery! The lease would be there for two years, and if your business was profitable, the place would become yours. The previous owner, now your lease holder, was a sweet older lady who had originally tried to use the place as a small tea shop, so everything you needed was mostly there. You sat Ellie down and told her the news, the little girl squeaking loudly with excitement. It was only a short distance away, about a ten minute drive from your place, so you didn't need to move, much to Ghost's relief.
He was happy for you, he really was. But he was certain that he wouldn't be able to bear it if you left. Maybe it was his abandonment issues talking, but he always had a feeling you would leave. He couldn't blame you. The apartment wasn't the best admittedly, despite your best effort to make it a home. His death, he knew, left a heaviness around and he knew that wasn't good for Ellie. Or really you for that matter.
Now that he knew the truth, he had been contemplating the best way to tell you. But how best to do it? You even said you didn't want to know about your donor, that the heart would feel even less like yours. But if you found out on your own, it would breed resentment.
There was no "right" way to go about this. Only the lesser of two evils. A rock and a hard place.
Wasn't the first time Simon was stuck in a situation like that, though he had hoped the last one would legit be the last one.
He was selfish, he knew. He didn't want you and Ellie to leave. As far as he was concerned, you two were his family and he loved you both as best he could. But at the same time, he knew his presence in your life would only hold you back. He had thrown away his chance to live and he knew it was wrong to be so clingy to the living.
But it was a fact. One day you and Ellie would leave, and most likely he would never see you two again. The thought filled him with dread. He wanted you to stay, but knew that just wasn't possible. The thought of you one day leaving broke something in him as he turned from the living room and back down the hall to his closet. It slammed shut, startling you and Ellie as the room grew cold.
"Ghost?!" Ellie hopped off the sofa to the closet door and thief to open it, but it wouldn't budge, "Ghost?! What's wrong?!".
You followed after your little girl, worried for him too. "Ghost? Hey, what's going on? Come talk to us"
You pulled the communicator app back up, wondering what was going on. He hadn't done anything like that in months and it was concerning. He didn't want to talk, though. He wanted to be left alone, to get used to solitude again. It was best to start breaking hearts now rather than waiting for you two to break his anew.
"Ghost…please. I can't fix this if I don't know what's wrong".
"You can't fix this" he wanted to tell you, just like you had told him that night a few months ago, but he stayed quiet.
"Ghost, are you mad at us?" Ellie asked, sad and worried.
Horrid negative thoughts were going through his mind, the same ones from the night he died. He was useless, thinking that he could make the world a better place by himself. No one loved him, and anyone who did was dead because of him. Everyone would be better off without him, they just tolerated him because of the job. And now he felt like you two only tolerated him because you lived here. The hall was going icy cold as those thoughts pervaded his mind.
Ellie wasn't about to stand for it. The little girl stepped to the closet door and put her hand on the knob. You moved to grab it.
"Sweetie no, that's his space" you told her.
"He needs us mama! We gotta go in there!".
"Nöelle, listen to me. We do not overstep boundaries. Much less the boundaries of the dead when they've drawn a hard line. The closet is his space and we need to mind it"
"But mama-"
"Nöelle L/N! No more. You heard me. He will come to us in his own time. He'll be fine, I promise".
Ellie looked saddened at that as she looked at the door. "I just want him to know that we're here for him…he thinks of us like family".
Your tone softened at that. "He does now?".
The little girl nodded. "We talk a lot".
"I can imagine…" you responded thoughtfully, "we talked a little bit a few nights ago. I…I actually saw him, felt him".
"You think Didi would've liked Ghost?" Ellie asked, cocking her head.
Didi was the title Ellie had given to your late partner, and she hadn't talked about them in a long time. Although assigned male at birth, they didn't conform to gender norms and preferred to be referred to by they/them. When picking a parent title upon Ellie's adoption, they picked Didi because one they thought it was cure, and two it was probably the least confusing option.
"I think Didi would've taken a while to like him, but I think they'd be good friends in the end" you finally answered.
"Maybe Didi sent him!" Ellie's face lit up at the idea, which made you smile.
"It's…plausible" you shrugged a little.
As negative as his feelings were in the moment, Ghost listened in. He definitely wasn't sent by anyone, but he didn't want to crush Ellie's belief in that. From what he understood, Didi had also been a soldier, unfortunately killed in the line of duty while trying to protect younger members of his unit. They had died honorably, a hero's death, very much unlike himself.
"Fucking coward" his mind hissed at him viciously, "at least their death fucking meant something…while you made yourself brain dead in a tiny cramped closet…".
He didn't want to think about it, but the mind was a terrible thing even in death…
Ghost didn't know how long he stayed in that closet, wallowing in his misery. It made him feel pathetic. He was supposed to be better than that, stronger than that. But ghosts were by nature miserable creatures, and unfortunately he was no exception. When he did finally emerge, he didn't know who to really go to first. You were in your room, making plans for your new bakery and Cafe. He didn't want to disrupt you. Ellie was in her room, playing with her stuffies and dressing them up for the night's events.
It was that day again.
It explained why he felt his emotions more vividly today. It was the anniversary of his death. Now it was three years ago…
Damn time really did fly by when you were dead.
He watched from a corner of Ellie's room as she sat her three favorite plushies (a bunny, a red panda, and a grizzly bear) at a play table and was giving them tea. It seemed he was interrupting a Halloween themed tea party. This could've been his life, he realized sadly. He could've been here playing with her, or at least helping you with preparations.
Could've, Would've, and Should've…the three damn stooges of life (and death apparently…).
He knew it was selfish, but he didn't want either of you to leave. He wanted this to be forever, to be permanent. You and Ellie were all he had now, all that reminded him of what it was like to be alive. You both made him feel something so sweet, a feeling that filled his chest and seemed to spread to every fiber of his being. It was warm, so warm, he realized, that for a moment he almost felt like he was indeed alive again.
Was this love? Was this obsession? Maybe a combination of the two? He knew he didn't want it to go away. He didn't want either of you to leave him. Ghost just…didn't want to be alone anymore.
"Ghost?" Ellie's voice pulled him away from his thoughts, "what's wrong?".
Something inside of him softened at the question. Ellie was a complete sweetheart and he adored her. She had a huge heart for someone so small.
"I'm alright, lovely. It's just…a rough day for me is all" he answered.
"Why's that?" Ellie asked, pulling out a small chair for him at her table.
Behind his mask, he smiled half amused. It was so tiny but he'd never turn down an offer to sit with the little girl's favorite friends. He sat down and she stayed close to him.
"Halloweens a rough one for me. I…I did a really dumb thing that-"
"Did you die today?" She asked, still feeling sad for him.
There was no point in hiding it. "Unfortunately…"
"What's it like?".
"To die? Not something you need to know about yet. Not for a very, very long time".
"Like when I'm thirty!"
He couldn't help but chuckle at that. Kids were funny even when they weren't trying to be.
"Way longer than that lovey".
Her eyes widened. "When I'm a hundred?!".
That actually got him full on laughing. "That would be preferred actually".
A long full life is what she deserved. It's what they both deserved, really. Ellie looked at him, her eyes warm and sweet, but there was concern in them.
"What's the matter, Ghost? Why were you sad earlier?" She asked.
"It's not something for you to worry yourself with sweetie" he tried to assure her, "my troubles are mine to deal with".
"But Ghost…you're family" she told him, "and family's always there for each other".
Ghost frowned but his eyes softened. "It's just…I don't wanna lose you and your mum. I care about you girls, a lot. More than I ever expected to. But at the same time…I know you guys can't stay forever".
"Who says that?" Ellie asked.
"It's complicated. You may be able to stay now but…eventually I know you both are gonna wanna leave. And when you do, I don't know if I'll be able to follow you. I mean, I might but it's gonna take a lot out of me".
"We would never leave you" Ellie looked at him with utmost determination, "at least I wouldn't".
"Thank you darling. I wouldn't even think of leaving you either" he wanted to keep himself from going into too much depth about his feelings.
A lot of them were too heavy, too complicated for a little child to understand. He just didn't want to feel like he did in his last days: alone, and like he had no one. His loneliness was not her burden and he wouldn't dare burden her with it.
"Oh! Mama helped me get a costume together! I'm gonna be a skeleton ghost like you!".
Ghost blinked. Wait…she wanted to be him for Halloween? That was…interesting. He looked at Ellie intrigued.
"I'll show you! I won't look as cool as you, but I wanted to do something like you-".
"Honey?" Your voice called through the door, "Ellie? Is everything okay?".
"Yeah mama…Ghost came out of the closet!".
That got a chuckle out of him. Ellie turned to him.
"Something funny?" She asked as you came in.
You yourself couldn't see him but felt he was definitely there. The chill was the best indicator. It wasn't a sad chill unlike earlier though, it was more of just how he was naturally.
"Just a funny thought, dear" Ghost told Ellie as he stood when you came in.
You looked at Ellie. "We'll need to get you ready soon. Is it alright if I borrow him for a bit?".
Your little girl nodded. "He likes to talk to you mama. I don't mind. I think he was scared earlier".
Ellie nodded. "He'll explain it if he's up for it".
You raised a brow as you looked toward the empty seat. "I'll wait for you in my room".
Ghost nodded, though he knew you couldn't see. Mostly out of respect, being rather disciplined even in death. You waited for him as Ellie busied herself for the night's candy hunt, setting up the app and placing the phone between the two of you.
"So…Ellie says you're scared. Something scares you?" You asked, looking ahead, as Ghost stood at the end of your bed.
He responded, the app only picking up: Don't. Leave.
"I'm just taking Ellie out for-" it dawned on you, "wait you mean…don't leave here, as in don't leave you?".
You frowned at that. "Ghost, we aren't gonna leave you. You're pretty much a part of our family at this point. Why would you think we'd just up and leave you?".
Better. Home.
"Well yeah the apartment's a bit small, and eventually I would like to get my own place-".
Don't. Leave. Me.
"Ghost, can't you follow us? I've seen ghosts do that on TV all the time".
Not. Strong. Enough.
That didn't help things. "We have a few years, Ghost. We'll cross that bridge once we get there. But I want you to know that Ellie and I, I promise you, we will not abandon you. If you're able to come with us, if we do get a new home, there will always be space and room for you. I'll even make sure we get a spare room, to use for you most days. My sister or my mom might come over every so often so you'd have to take the haunting down a tad, but other than that, it'd be yours. I just want you to be happy and if we make you happy, then you're definitely free to come with us. I won't stop you. I don't want to".
And you meant it. Ghost really was a part of your family, in a way. He made life interesting. He was kind, when he could be, and gentle when he had to be. Who knew a ghost could be such a positive thing? To an extent, you wondered if he was a guardian angel of sorts, perhaps even sent by your partner. It was a stretch but an interesting thought.
As for Ghost, he sensed no lies on you. You meant every word and then some. He could trust you, despite something in him deep down telling him it wasn't smart.
"Be careful who you trust, sergeant. People you know can hurt you the most" he remembered telling Soap all those years ago…
But just like Soap, he trusted you. You, just like him, had weaseled your ways into his heart, figuratively and literally. It seemed his defenses were easier to slip through than he realized…
"What?" That was the second time in the past month he mentioned soap. You looked at your phone puzzled.
You didn't know anyone named Johnny. You looked up at the supposed blank space where the apparition was. "Who is that?".
Mac. Tavish.
"Johnny and Mac Tavish?" You didn't get it.
"Okay you aren't making any…wait" you blinked, putting the pieces together, "Johnny MacTavish? I don't know anyone with that name".
You picked the phone up and made a note in it of the name. If time allowed, perhaps you could look it up?
"Friend of yours?" You asked.
At least yes or no questions could be easily answered. You gave a soft half smile. "I'll try to look him up later. Gonna help Ellie get ready for trick or treating. Wanna try and join us?".
And that was all you could ask of him. It's all anyone could really ask of anyone...
If you guys liked this please let me know! I love when you guys comment so please feel free to like, comment, and please reblog and tell me your thoughts! I'll be continuing this in December, but for now, I got an original story to work on ^.^ thank you so much :)
#fanfiction#ghosts that we knew#ghost x reader#ghost call of duty#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley × reader#simon ghost riley#ghost!ghost#paranormal friendship#eventual paranormal romance#cod fanfic
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"That's what friends are for, right? "
#international friendship day#gravityfalls#stevenuniverse#gravity falls#steven universe#ok ko let's be heroes#craig of the creek#amphibia#the owl house#final space#inside job#kid cosmic#star wars visions#tuttle twins#monkie kid#dead end paranormal park
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Was originally going to make something feelsier with Ericka comforting Ford by saying she's weird/was an accomplice to terrible things herself, but...I kinda like this as is too much to mess with it.
I just like the idea of these two freaky monster lovers as pals. I gotta admit it's hard to pick a favorite Gravity Falls character for me but Ford is definitely up there.
@lovelylivelyv @martin44444 @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @serial-serializednovelreader @doberart @thedobermutt @cipher-club @deathfangirl9 @heartsong1994 @kittyball23 @wingingfromthezing @dreamlanddoll @crazybookenthusiast @genderqueer-bithing @morsobaby @ebevkisk @howling-nightmare @nerdalmighty @dolls-self-ships @dorykinny @royaledevil
#hotel transylvania#ericka van helsing#captain ericka#gravity falls#ford pines#stanford pines#gravity falls stanford#friends#monster lover#paranormal investigator#monster hunter#monsterhunter#friendship#crossover#my art#eddie the shiny swoobat#shiny swoobat#pokemon#swoobat#gravity falls ford#gravity falls art
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Also for International Friendship Day (and originally for Pride Month), here’s my drawing of Norma, Courtney and Barney with their Pride colors! 🏳️🌈
#fan art#my art#international friendship day#dead end paranormal park#dead end netflix#dead endia#barney guttman#dead end courtney#norma khan#pride month
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Trick or treat :3
Trick-or-Treating Mishaps!
Summary: On a chilling Halloween night, you and Sebastian go trick-or-treating and discover a mysterious house offering enchanted candy. After indulging your curiosity, you unleash mischievous ghosts and a lurking specter. Together, you confront the supernatural chaos, forging a strong bond as you uncover the secrets of the night.
Tags: Halloween Special Fanfic, Human! Sebestian, Supernatural, Horror(kinda? I tried my best 😔), Adventure, Trick-or-Treating, Enchanted Candy, Ghosts(👻), Suspense, Platonic Relationship, Friendship, Human! Sebestian.
Warnings: Mild horror elements, Spooky themes, Paranormal activity, Intense situations, Human! Sebestian.
A/N: As someone who has never celebrated Halloween her whole life, I hope you enjoy this piece of fic 😇
The chill of Halloween night hung heavy in the air, the moon casting an eerie glow over the neighbour hood. Your heart raced with excitement as you adjusted your costume—a makeshift witch ensemble complete with a crooked hat. You turned to Sebastian, who was beside you, dressed in a simple black cloak. He had always had a serious demeanor, but tonight, something about the atmosphere made him appear more intense, as if he sensed the looming darkness around you.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked, his voice steady yet laced with an undercurrent of anticipation.
“Absolutely! Let’s get some candy!” you replied, your voice bright against the backdrop of creaking branches and rustling leaves.
The night was cloaked in darkness as you and Sebastian set out for a night of trick-or-treating. The crisp autumn air was alive with the sounds of laughter, distant music, and the rustle of leaves as other kids darted from house to house. Dressed in your costumes, you felt the thrill of Halloween, but the atmosphere had an underlying chill that sent shivers down your spine.
As you strolled through the neighbourhood, you admired the elaborate decorations—glowing jack-o’-lanterns, cobwebs clinging to trees, and ghosts hanging from porches. But as you turned onto a quieter street, the mood shifted. The lights flickered ominously, and an unsettling silence settled around you.
“Does it feel… off to you?” you asked Sebastian, glancing sideways at him. He nodded, his expression serious.
“Yeah. It’s too quiet here.” Just as you were about to suggest turning back, you spotted a house at the end of the street, adorned with an eerie glow and a sign that read,
“Magic Candy: Trick or Treat at Your Own Risk.” Intrigued, you exchanged glances with Sebastian, and he shrugged, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Let’s check it out. It might be fun.” you said, excitement mingling with unease.
Approaching the house, you knocked on the door. It creaked open, revealing a shadowy figure in a tattered cloak. With a raspy voice, he offered you a bowl filled with strange, glittering candies.
“Take one, if you dare…” he rasped, his gaze penetrating. You hesitated, glancing at Sebastian, who stepped forward, a protective instinct flickering in his eyes.
“Do you really think we should?” he asked, his voice laced with caution. But your curiosity got the better of you, and you reached into the bowl, pulling out a shimmering piece of candy that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.
As you popped the candy into your mouth, an electrifying sensation coursed through you. The world around you twisted, colors blending and morphing, and suddenly, you were surrounded by ethereal, shimmering figures—ghosts that danced in the air, laughing and swirling around you.
“Whoa!” you gasped, your eyes wide with wonder and fear. “What’s happening?”
Sebastian’s face was pale as he took a step back, his instincts kicking in. “Stay close to me! We need to get out of here!”
But before you could respond, the ghosts turned their attention to you, their laughter echoing eerily. They moved closer, their translucent hands reaching out, and you felt a cold grip on your arm.
“Help!” you cried, panic rising in your throat. Sebastian immediately stepped in front of you, eyes narrowing as he faced the spectral figures.
“Get away from them!” he shouted, a surprising fierceness in his voice. The ghosts paused, their laughter fading into a low murmur, as if they were assessing him. A moment of tense silence hung in the air, and you could see confusion flicker across Sebastian’s face.
Just then, a larger specter emerged from the shadows, its eyes hollow and mouth twisted into a menacing grin. It reached toward you, and instinct kicked in.
You grabbed Sebastian’s arm, pulling him backward as you dashed for the nearest tree, pressing your backs against the rough bark, heart racing.
“What… what just happened back there?” you whispered, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I don’t know,” he replied, his brow furrowing as he peered around the tree. “That candy was definitely enchanted. I’ve never seen anything like those ghosts—or whatever was that thing.”
You shivered at the memory of the creature’s hollow eyes. “Why were they after the candy? And who was that man? He sounded… off.” Sebastian nodded, his expression serious.
“There’s a lot we don’t understand. That candy could have been a trap—something meant to lure unsuspecting trick-or-treaters into danger. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more going on in this neighbourhood than meets the eye.”
“But why now?” you asked, struggling to piece it all together. “Why do this on Halloween? Isn’t it supposed to be a fun night?”
“It might have something to do with the thinning of the veil between our world and the spirit world,” Sebastian speculated, his voice low as the specter’s form hovered dangerously close. “On Halloween, the supernatural often becomes more active, and it’s possible that the candy was some kind of conduit for those spirits to reach out.”
You frowned, the implications heavy on your mind. “So, this could happen… again?”
“Maybe,” he said, his gaze still fixed on the specter. “We need to be careful, especially if we encounter anything strange. And we should warn others.”
A chill ran down your spine at the thought of what might lie ahead, but there was a strange comfort in knowing you weren’t alone in this. “I’m glad I have you here,” you said softly, casting a sideways glance at him. “I don’t think I could face this kind of thing on my own.”
Sebastian gave you a quick, serious glance, and for a moment, his usual stoicism cracked, revealing a flicker of warmth. “I won’t let anything happen to you. We’ll figure this out together.”
As the specter finally moved away, the tension in the air began to lift. You felt your heart rate start to normalize, but the shadows still danced at the edges of your vision. The laughter of other trick-or-treaters rang hollow against the backdrop of your encounter, a reminder that not everything was as innocent as it seemed.
“Do you think this was just a random occurrence or perhaps a dream or something?” you asked quietly, still peering out from behind the tree.
“I can’t shake the feeling that it’s part of something bigger and something real,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “We need to keep our eyes open. Whatever is happening here might not be over yet.”
Together, you stepped out from behind the tree, the night still young and fraught with mysteries yet to unravel. With newfound resolve and the strength of your bond, you ventured back onto the path, ready to face whatever the Halloween night had in store.
Does anybody play DTI 😭? I NEED HELP IN CH2!! 😭
#roblox pressure#pressure roblox#human sebastian#roblox pressure x reader#sebastian solace#pressure x reader#Before Sebestian turned into what he is now#halloween#Halloween special#halloween 2024#jack o lantern#ghosts#spooky season#spooky month#spooktober#supernatural fanfiction#friendship#Friendship saves the day 💪#platonic relationships#horror#adventure#trick or treating#Enchanted candy#suspense#Mild horror elements#mild horror#Spooky themes#paranormal#paranormal activity#Intense situations
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Bro, yesterday Cellbit went offline right when Roier logged into the server and the latter went "NOOO CELLBIT WENT OFFLINE? You're shitting me, no way. I wanted to play with him, well fair enough he's preoccupied with the RPG."
ROIER WANTED TO PLAY WITH HIM *cries* oh i love their friendship so very much.
#cellboier#qsmp#qsmp cellbit#qcellbit#guapoduo#qsmp roier#qroier#cellbit#roier#my beloveds#their friendship is so precious to me#never take them away from me please i need them as an emotional support or I'll have a breakdown#ordem paranormal quarantena#ordem paranormal
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June 21: Favorite classic Ianthony moment! (Highlighting your favorite classic Ianthony moment! Pre-divorce! If you don’t have a classic moment today is a good day to check some classic Smosh out!)
My classic ianthony moment! It's from Paranormal Easy Bake Oven! (PEBO) my favorite classic Ianthony sketch! I love, love, love the one bed trope.
Gif credit: @xxmoonch1ldxx
#ianthony#ian hecox#anthony padilla#smosh#the besties#the husbands#ianthony week: a celebration of friendship#ianthony week: acof#ianthony week: a celebration#PEBO#paranormal easy bake oven#smosh sketches#classic smosh
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Chapter 2
Jasper has an idea...everyone should be scared...
Jasper didn’t trust Meredith, and Meredith did not trust Jasper, but they had agreed to work with one another. The time spent the rest of the afternoon after this agreement was used to pull all of the different volumes off of the shelves that they would need to do a thorough investigation. Jasper also was trying to determine how to keep Annabella and Adriel from discovering the mission that Meredith had been given.
She was now sitting cross-legged in one of the large, plush, leather chairs in his library, looking over an old tome that he believed had the history of Jean Pierre before in it somewhere. Even he wasn’t quite sure where the Grigori came from before he had turned up in New Orleans. He’d never really dug into it either, not really caring. Watching her, Jasper was vexed on how to keep his friends from all killing her, whilst simultaneously proving two of their innocence. Answering to the Phanuel was not on the top of his “to-do list” anytime between the current day and the end of time.
“Finding what you are looking for, Princess?” Jasper leaned back in his chair, crossing his long legs at the ankle atop the leather ottoman before him. He was currently leaving the research up to her, since she was the one who had all of the details.
Meredith’s eyes rose from the typed text before her, but her head stayed bowed over the book. The look she pinned him with just made him smirk, which made her eyes narrow. “I’m not a princess, we covered this.” Her eyes rolled, and she looked down at the book again before she blew a puff of air to try to get an errant lock of hair out of her face.
“Touchy, touchy there, are we, sweetling?” Jasper leaned over from the other side of the table, reaching forward to let his fingers skim her forehead to remove the lock for her. He swore that he saw her jaw clench and he loved it. Getting under her skin was a favorite pastime of his.
There was a heavy sigh. “Must you? Really?” She tried to ignore him. She failed.
“Oh, why yes, darling, I very much must.” He grinned and put his hand on the top of the book to flatten it down on the table they were both leaning over. This earned him a glare, which made him smirk all the more. He loved getting under her perfect exterior, he couldn’t even say why. “If you aren’t learning what you want to know from that, I do have another idea how we can find out the information.” His head tipped, waiting for her to ask.
For a full minute, silence filled the air of the library. It was probably the first actual silence there had been since Jasper had caught her in there. Meredith, however, was trying to figure out what his angle was, because she couldn’t believe he actually wanted to help her. “Well…carry on…what is this idea you have, Jasper?” She finally gave in and asked when it was clear he was not going to volunteer the information.
With a smirk that he saw caused her to have to purse her lips to keep from another snarky response, he replied: “we’re going to live together in my mansion in the Garden District of New Orleans. Blend into society as a couple.” His smirk grew as he watched her eyes grow wider and her jaw go slack.

reblog banner - @cafekitsune
#writeblrcafe#writeblr cafe#Jusice In The Crescent City#CL Jordan#The Imperium Chronicles#writeblr#writerblr#women writers#female writers#fiction#fantasy#paranormal#supernatural#demon#justice nymph#mystery#suspense#thriller#friends to more#complicated relationships#complicated feelings#friendship#adversaries#trust#forgiveness#my writing#my ocs
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Diego heard once that you die two times, once when you die for real, and a second time when people forget about you. He swore to himself that he would never forget Lucie, so she would stay alive in his memories until the end. It was the least he could do.
He never had much, he carried half of his world in his backpack and he held the other half by the hand. It has always been just the two of them. Diego and Lucie. And that was enough for him.
Losing her was like losing part of himself. She was his best friend, his soulmate, his partner in crime. Without her he was just a broken piece of what was once a beautiful thing.
He blames Emi for that. He blames Carol. He blames Panacea. He blames the world. But mostly, he blames himself. He should have been there. He should have done something, anything. He just wasn't enough. And she died because of that.
Benito tried to tell him that yeah it was Carol's fault nevertheless but it was also Lucie's choice in the end. He calls him crazy, and worse things.
He can't believe it. She wouldn't sacrifice herself for a kid she had just met. She wouldn't be that stupid. She wouldn't leave him. She wouldn't die that way.
He knows deep down that he is wrong. He knew her better than everyone after all.
She had made her choice, and he should respect it. She was a hero, even if she didn’t believe in that, he knows that she probably didn’t, she would have made the same choice a million times over, she was ready to die, even if it wasn't fair.
And it wasn't.
He learns to forgive himself with time. He never hated Lucie for what she did. He tells her that. They never found her body and they couldn't really bury anything in a cemetery without raising suspicions, so they made her an altar at Luis's abuela home.
He tells her about everything. About his job at the taqueria. About Benito finally going to medical school. About Wallace II. And Wallace III. About Jeffrey learning to cook. About Luis' strange but effective Spanish classes. About Emi. He tells her a lot of things about Emi. He knows that she would like to hear about her the most, beside the usual gossip.
He never got a call back from her parents. He told her not to worry about it. Her real family was there with him, and they would keep her memory alive. They would remember her forever. The good, the bad, and the truth. She wasn't perfect by any means, she made many mistakes in life, and she would have probably continued to do so, but she tried, she really tried, and she was human, and that was enough.
He tells her that, at the end of every conversation, he knows that she had trouble believing in herself, he also knows that it is silly to try to bust a dead person's self esteem but he does anyway. She was his best friend. She will always be his best friend. And until they meet again he will keep her alive in every step he takes and choice he makes.
#ordem paranormal quarentena#opq#diego thalles#lucie pocharde#i will miss them with every fiber in my being#MUAHAHAHAH YOU THOUGHT THAT I WAS DONE????#their friendship was everything to me#yeah i wrote this after seeing felps quote about richas#i was going to make it a little gay in the end but i decided to go against it and maybe do a post only for the boys polycue#this tags are way to long#i should stop now
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A bit of a shorter update tonight guys! But I hope you like it anyway ^^
TW: mentions abuse/childhood trauma, non descriptive.
Taglist: @stargatenovus
Ghosts That We Knew
13- A Dead Man's Letter

You were still on the hunt for a therapist weeks after the confrontation with Ghost. Getting one wasn’t easy, and to be honest you weren’t in any rush to find one. It wasn’t that you had lied to him, at least not intentionally. You had already mentioned you didn’t like therapists, you didn’t trust them. You didn’t want to be just another doctor’s paycheck. It wasn’t like they cared about you anyway. However, to set Ghost’s mind at ease, you told Ellie’s therapist you were searching for one. Thankfully for you, they were more than willing to help you find an ideal one.
For the time being, you were perfectly fine with running your business, which was doing pretty well. Life went on as normal. You kept Simon’s file in a locked safe in your room, so no one could get to it and you still had it close at hand in case you needed it. But on more than one occasion you found an envelope either on your bed, your nightstand, or on the floor in your room. You knew what it was. Simon’s letter. Ghost was asking you to read it, without speaking of course. Needing to regain his strength, he had gone quiet in the weeks following.
You sat in bed, contemplating opening it, when your phone rang. An unknown number…
You didn’t pick it up, as you didn’t pick up unknown numbers. If it was important they’d leave a message. You flipped the silent phone over, thinking it wouldn’t be so distracting as you picked up the envelope. But after a minute, you just decided to put it in the nightstand and just focus on what it was he had written. Taking a slightly shaking breath, you decided to open the letter and give it a read, being delicate so as not to rip anything. The paper was already yellowing a little, meaning he wrote this a good long time ago. You blinked as you took in Simon Riley’s handwriting, which admittedly wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t illegible.
To the poor soul reading this,
Since you’re reading this, two things have happened. 1. I’m dead. And 2. You’re the poor sap who got stuck with this heart. Just to let you know, you’re only one of a few letters I’ll be writing, as I’m hoping all my bits get used. Hell knows I’m not using them anymore.
A heart’s a heavy burden, and believe me I know that better than most. You’ve probably read all my stuff, as I signed the release forms earlier today. Without it, it’d be illegal for you to even see my records. But as the knew…keeper, I guess, for arguably my most important organ, I figured that was important info in there for you to know. But it doesn’t tell you everything. Only what you need to know. Maybe some notes from therapy thrown in for flavor, mental evaluations and all that. But they don’t tell you a damn thing about me. Who I was, what I wanted from life, all of that. Things about me that not even my closest friends know, few as they are. The dreams I had, the hopes I mislaid. They’re not mine anymore. But…I want you to know this: They aren’t yours either.
The truth is, I wanted to spend my life making the world a better place, so no one has to know what it means to suffer the way I did. This isn’t meant for you to pity me, but to understand why I made the decision to become a soldier and a donor. I lived a hard life, came from a bad home with a half mad father and, for a time, a drug abusing brother. I rose above that though, challenging as it was. I got my brother the help he needed, kicked our father out, and did my best to make sure everyone was happy before I made that choice. You, whoever you are, are the last person I’m saving, and the one who’s face at the very least I won’t know. And yet you’re being trusted with the most vital part of me…crazy isn’t it? And I don’t trust easy admittedly.
All I got is one last wish, one last demand. I want you to live. I want you to live your life, and live it in the best way you can. Live it harmlessly, if you can. Help others when you can, but don’t enslave yourself. Live selfishly, at least a little, something I never got to do. Live…fully. I guess is what I’m trying to say.
And drop that thought most likely going through your head: “This heart isn’t mine”. Trust me, it’s yours. It was meant to be yours the second I signed that paper to become a donor. This heart was always mine to lose, and it was always yours to gain. No matter what your silly brain is telling you, I’m telling you this right bloody now: I did not die because of you. You. Did. Not. Do. This. I chose, as I always have. And now you have a choice. Choose better than me. Choose to live your life. Be a bit selfish, because I wasn’t always able to be. But live. Just…live. And know, even though we’ll never meet, know that I’m so proud of you for fighting this battle, whatever it is that landed you this. I’m happy that I got to help you. And now you know the only thing I ask in return.
Live your life. And take care of my heart. It was always meant to be yours, in some way or another…
Stay frosty.
Simon “Ghost” Riley, out.
You didn’t know what to think when you read it. It seemed a bit devoid of emotion, but it was rather matter of fact. The last part got to you. It wasn’t exactly a confession as he stated, but a reiteration of the truth. Simon lived on. Was living on. And he was doing it through you. There was something so humbling about that, now that you were thinking about it with a clearer head. It didn’t entirely change how you felt, but it put it in a different light. The familiar feeling you had at the beginning of your friendship now made more sense. Simon was a part of you now.
Taking your phone out, you decided to see who had called, and lo and behold they left a message. You listened to the voicemail, heart pounding. An unfamiliar male voice sounded.
“Hey, Y/N, I think that’s what Soap called you? Anyway, he told me about your situation. My name’s John Price and I’m also interested in meeting you. I hope you don’t mind, there’s actually two of us coming with him, the other being Kyle Garrick. We look forward to meeting you and hopefully clearing some stuff up” there was a pause before the man continued, “We were there that night, Y/N. The night of your transplant. As I said, I can’t wait to meet you, and I hope you and your kiddo are doing okay. Don’t hesitate to give me, Soap, or Gaz a ring, alright?” he proceeded to give you the number of their last member, Kyle Garrick, before ending the message.
You almost dropped the phone.
They were there.
They. were. there…
If you guys enjoyed this please consider liking, reblogging, and commenting! Yall seriously give me life and keep me motivated! Thank you so much ^^
#fanfiction#cod fanfic#simon ghost riley#ghosts that we knew#ghost x reader#ghost!ghost#paranormal friendship#eventual paranormal romance
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hi ho dear friend
also girls night
fascinated by all of them tho
girl’s night is part of my pibe urban fantasy au. it’s jenny, kirsten, vanessa, and brittany hanging out and having a sleepover!! why is it urban fantasy au you ask? i truly don’t know rn. maybe it won’t be. also ft jenny+tyler siblinghood bc i am who i am
nsbu ghostbusters au is my current child of a fic (and the ghostbusters au ive been referring to the past few days) !!
dave’s video world isn’t really a video store, nor is it really going out of business — in reality, it’s a coverup for a ghost hunting business. it functions similarly to how the store itself works in relation to the cast and their positions — usha manages the finances, russell deals with the equipment and upkeep, paula handles security while they’re out, dang takes their calls and goes out when needed, and liv + wendell are the ones actually hunting the ghosts. why they made the teenagers do it, we’ll never know. mostly silly goofy awesome action heroes friendship, but things slowly start to turn more… sinister, as monsters seem to lurk around every corner and darkness creeps into lake elsinore. something feels… weird about dave’s video world… and maybe even dave himself…?
it’s also still a wip so like idk maybe none of that will end up being true but that’s what i have rn!! snippet under the read more btw
Really, Liv doesn’t know why they’re making the literal teenagers be the ones to go out and fight the ghosts. At least half of her coworkers are full adults, have been adults far longer than her barely-legal status — she turned eighteen a whole month ago — and are probably a little more qualified to carry around the ghost… sucking… tube she currently has strapped to her back. Dang’s crash course before sending her and Wendell out had been… enlightening, even if not remarkably informative.
She hadn’t signed up for the job. Or, well, she had, but all the questions on the dinky little website she’d pulled up on her laptop in the school library a week before graduation had been about, like, regular job stuff. All she’d expected was a normal summer job, with normal hours and normal coworkers. Instead, she finds herself lying to her parents about where she is on weekends — she hasn’t stayed in touch with a single person she’s told them she’s spending the night with — and worrying about whether or not she’s going to get literally possessed. She’s pretty sure she was supposed to sign a waiver.
How is any of this meant to go on a resume?
#thanks for the ask !!#i love goofy paranormal comedy romance friendship stuff#as evidenced by spirit week#and i’m very excited about this fic!!#sorry i know you asked about both but ghostbusters has been on my mind since the finale
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2024 reads / storygraph
So Witches We Became
YA horror
a girl and her friends go on vacation to a house on a private Florida island, but when a strange mist and toxic tar surrounds them, trapping them there, they have to find a way to survive and/or escape
while she’s being haunted by a traumatic experience with her friend’s boyfriend - who just showed up - that she’s been unable to tell anyone about, and by a shadow from her childhood that she fears might have something to do with what’s happening
sapphic, explores complicated friendships, and surviving assault
#So Witches We Became#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#Ooh yeah I thought this was good!#the first half especially was super atmospheric and had some Very creepy horror moments.#I do wonder if it would have been better if the witchy stuff was a bit more ambiguous and just its own unique paranormal thing-#if it weren’t for the title I feel like it would have felt especially random. As it is; it felt a little basic; comparatively? idk.#(I did wonder for most of the book what witches had to do with anything).#A few aspects felt a little heavy handed & I wonder if they could have been handled with more subtlety? But maybe the directness is needed.#I kinda wish there was a bit more with Nell and Harper’s relationship over the weekend#obviously the build up of tension is the point but I wish we’d seen some of the positives of their friendship#not just the flashbacks to when they were kids; because it felt like such a sudden shift from resentment to friends again at the end#I just didn’t really have any empathy for harper for most of it especially with Gavin being SO blatantly and unsubtley horrible#(though I guess Nell’s POV was biased toward showing that for obvious reasons)#but those are two specific things - broadly speaking I enjoyed it a lot!#Yay for some love for zines! though “blogs/tumblr and the like had made them all but obsolete’ false!!!!! zinefests still go hard!!#sapphic books#ya horror
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I been thinking of Ericka + Ford's dynamic and thought Ford MIGHT be the sane man to Ericka's crazy, then realized that, No, Ford's ALSO unhinged just in different ways. Considering that bit in Journal 3 about Giant Vampire Bats of Ford craving Human Blood "more than usual" and Ford's recklessness when excited, she may have to stop the guy from doing crazy things like TASTING the ink machine ink. Then I realized that actually fits McGucket better since he has a running gag of eating unusual things (a trait he apparently had BEFORE he went insane, judging by the paranormal milk story I saw.) And I'd been wanting to draw Ericka + McGucket interacting anyhow. I like the idea of these 3 hanging out on Paranormal investigations sometimes, Real or WIR-Verse. (Bonus: McGucket's weapon is a banjo. XD)
And thanks to my little Book of Bill jumpscare, @deathfangirl9 's ribbing, and our discussion about Bill's ability to spy through depictions of him, plus @lovelylivelyv 's theories involving the ink writings on the walls and the use of Bill as an Easter Egg...I hid a Bill in there because I thought it'd be funny.
...I now realize "Dreams Come True" would have been a better joke than "I'm Watching You" XD Ah well, Hindsight is 20/20.
@black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @serial-serializednovelreader @wingingfromthezing-deactivated2 @heartsong1994 @kittyball23 @dreamlanddoll @dolls-self-ships @thedobermutt @morsobaby @howling-nightmare @nerdalmighty @genderqueer-bithing @royaledevil
#hotel transylvania#ericka van helsing#my art#captain ericka#gravity falls stanford#standford pines#gf stanford#fiddleauthor#fiddleford hadron mcgucket#fiddleford mcgucket#old man mcgucket#bendy#the Cycle#thick ink#bendy and the dark revival#bendy and the ink machine#paranormal investigation#monsterhunting#friendship#chaotic + lawful#reasonable + chaotic#someone's gotta be the braincell#unfortunately that's me#dreams come true#gravity falls#unconventional food choices#unconventional weapon
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I love these stupid lil pixel men and their stupid lil friendship.
#darkside detective#detective mcqueen#francis mcqueen#officer dooley#patrick dooley#buzz dooley#(buzz is patrick's nephew)#buy hard#photo montage#i love their friendship so much#also officer dooley is apparently pansexual which is neat#get you a bestie who will willingly go christmas shopping with you on christmas eve#AND also help take your siblings' child to see santa#(and also solve paranormal investigations together)
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Why do I feel like the english Order fandom is crazier about ships than the Brazilian ones?
#I've seen ships that have three different opq characters#dude stop being crazy-#sometimes friendships exist#I even learned this from Ordem#I want to see when these people discover Joesar Danthur and Milovier#ordem paranormal#opq
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