#para cop
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obscure-nexus · 2 years ago
I'm gonna use this post to info dump about my paras!!
ONO2 (Obscure Nexus of Observers)
A note: I'm not from Illinois, nor do I know anything about how serial killers are actually handled. My knowledge comes from reading the online law book of Illinois, my living in a poor town, Vin's sp/in in serial killers/criminal justice, researching about Illinois and it's towns, and Google maps/Wikipedia. Use your suspension of belief with me here 😅
Lyra Jones' aunt is murdered shortly before she moves into the small town ( fictional, unincorporated) of Pigeonfield, Illinois. She acts as a vigilante to find the murderer behind it, soon uncovering the mass corruption in the town- in which her friend, Vincent, is caught up in as well because he can't escape his preteen mistakes. She also learns the murder is connected to a string of murders, belonging to a serial killer dubbed 'The Vulture' by the Cario Police department, in which, her father works.
This is the story. Do I ever actually drop lore about it? No lmfao! Who do you think I am? A productive member of society?
This one is a system para!
COP (Cult of Pain)
This is the story of Ezekiel Rivets, a delusional queer man in the 1950s of the south USA. He lives in a cult that has severely traumatized him and those around him. He romantically loves the God of the cult and despises himself greatfully for it. This follows him breaking out of the cult and healing his trauma and accepting his delusions not as reality.
This is based on my tramua and my journey of healing it. It is also a way to project pain onto a fictional character instead of myself or bottling up my feelings.
I drop cryptic lore about it, but will happily dump about it explicitly if asked. :D
This one is London's para
R&R (Robots and Romance)
Alabaster is an android that is made for cleaning and working. He works in children's entertainment as a cleaner while non-sentient animatronics play music. He deviates from his programming after falling in love with his technician, Calhoun (or Caz, as in Cazenovia). He works throughout life of an android, trying to understand human concepts and trying to express his sweetness on Caz.
What a reason to deviate! Falling in love with your caretaker!!
This one is a few alter's para.
Melon Causalities!
A DnD type story with my own original species added in. It follows Melon, a druid Elrim (said species), traversing the land to learn new magic and heal abilities. They are accompanied by a half-elf bard who wants to eat every food possible and a goblin barbarian who wants the benefits of two healers for her impulsive adventures. They adopt an antsy Dragonborn paladin.
This one is not as fleshed out the others, but just as fun to me :>
This one is Raziel and Vinny's para.
HAH-A (Homage to Another Homicide- Again!)
A story with no real plot about Vonté Collen and their life as a disabled queer person. They uncover and heal their trauma from their childhood and learn to love the "ghosts" that haunt them. It's kinda episodic with each day/week of their life ending in a moral that they tell to the deity of the world. They are self aware to a certain degree.
This is a perspective heavy piece of my own life, they are very oriented towards that. It deals heavily with our system's trauma and Vonté is used as a vessel for my life's story telling.
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ickyboygirl · 2 days ago
i need cop dick in me, need multiple cops to break me, i do not like the cops, but i do in fact need to be stuffed by them, so badly.
uniforms and authority figures my beloveds <3
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genbabureki · 13 days ago
being on this website is such a culture shock because of the deluge of white suburbanites asserting their way of thinking is completely normal and good instead of absolutely deranged
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inbooyork · 2 months ago
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Dogman: a subversion of the man-made creation story and reflection of police benefits in an anti-cop world.
Soo, I saw a trailer for the Universal pictures' movie, Dogman, and it reminded me of Frankenstein. Specifically, how both stories are antithetical. While Dogman frames its re-animation as a success for morality, Frankenstein argues it reflects man's hubris. In Dogman, the people see an amalgamation of two heroes, the officer and his dog. Seeing the tragedy of both losses, their reinstatement is a net-positive; seeing they will have to fight a villainous feline. While there are seemingly no benefit to Frankenstein's creation; it receives hostile responses from the village people, compared to Dogman. The film is a celebration of man's excellence and copaganda.
Notably, what lets the citizens accept Dogman is his career as protector, as an officer. The trailer begins with his death in police work. He-and other officers-are willing to risk their lives; even though on-duty police deaths occur 30% of the time. In Canada 2022, only 5 officers died in line of duty. They frame officers as helpful at a time of increased unrest and dissatisfaction. Following an array of police brutalities and pedestrian assaults, few-except the wealthy-support the institution. Hence, Universal's decision to release the film at this time seem like an attempt to salvage the little adoration before the younger generation are disillusioned.
With disillusionments, comes cries for change.
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kzooha · 2 years ago
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— caso 143
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revista-amazonia · 4 months ago
Ministro do Turismo traz do Azerbaijão para Belém árvore que simboliza a transição da COP29 para a COP30
Para simbolizar a transição da sede da COP de Baku para Belém (PA), o ministro do Turismo do Brasil, Celso Sabino, recebeu das mãos do ministro do Azerbaijão, Fuad Naghiyev, um pé de romã, árvore tradicional do país anfitrião. A muda será plantada na capital paraense, que sediará a COP30 no ano que vem. Ainda durante a tarde desta sexta-feira (22/11), ambos participaram de um plantio simbólico na…
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europahoynews · 5 months ago
Una 'COP de los pueblos' para sanar el planeta: se inaugura en Colombia la cumbre de la ONU sobre biodiversidad
El llamado del jefe de la ONU se produjo en un mensaje de video en la ceremonia de apertura de la reunión, que comienza oficialmente el lunes 21 de octubre en uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad del planeta. Durante las próximas dos semanas, expertos gubernamentales, activistas ambientales y grupos indígenas abordarán desafíos globales apremiantes en la protección de la…
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nando161mando · 6 months ago
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"Libertad para todas aquellas que luchan en nombre de la anarquía" (ES: Español)
"Freedom for those whom fight for the anarchy" (EN: English)
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yo-sostenible · 1 year ago
“Vanuatu has always been very frustrated with the whole COP process,” said Ralph Regenvanu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vanuatu Ralph Regenvanu es el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Vanuatu, una pequeña nación insular en el Pacífico Sur. La crisis climática lo amenaza a él y a su país de una manera que es casi difícil de comprender. Debido al aumento del nivel del mar, Vanuatu podría quedar completamente bajo el agua a finales de este siglo.  ”Vanuatu siempre se ha sentido muy frustrado por todo el proceso de la COP. No nos estamos moviendo lo suficientemente rápido para abordar la fuente de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que están causando el cambio climático, y todos sabemos que son los combustibles fósiles”, dijo el Ministro Regenvanu cuando se unió a nuestro Centro Climático COP28. Por extraño que parezca, los combustibles fósiles ni siquiera se mencionan en el Acuerdo de París. Es por eso que Vanuatu y varias otras naciones están pidiendo un Tratado de No Proliferación de Combustibles Fósiles para complementar el acuerdo y negociar una hoja de ruta para eliminar los combustibles fósiles lo más rápido posible.  Lea este artículo de nuestro socio, la Iniciativa del Tratado de No Proliferación de Combustibles Fósiles, para obtener más información. ­Leer la historia completa Fuente wedonthavetime.org
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edouardstenger · 1 year ago
Video : Energy efficiency's time has finally arrived
A great Youtube video by the channel Just Have A Think shows how energy efficiency's time has come. Let's review all the facts and be optimistic for a while.
Over the course of the years I have discovered a few Youtube channels that complement my research and sectorial intelligence work on energy / sustainability / climate. One of my latest favorites is Just Have a Think, by David Borlace. With over 545,000 subscribers at the time of writing, his weekly very well put videos showcase stellar research on new technologies or current topics, with just a…
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opencommunion · 1 year ago
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The Stop Cop City movement has sought to prevent the expropriation of part of the Welaunee Forest for the development of an 85-acre police mega training center: a model town to prepare the state’s repressive arms for the urban warfare that will ensue when the contradictions of their exploitation and extraction become uncontainable, as they did in 2020 after the APD murdered Rayshard Brooks.  That murder, and all those that came before, were the lodestars of the Black-led movement during the George Floyd uprisings; their demands were no less than the dismantlement of the entire carceral system. Unable to effectively manage or quell the popular street movements, the Atlanta Police Foundation set out to consolidate and expand their capabilities for surveillance, repression, imprisonment, armed violence, and forced disappearance. One result is Cop City, which has been racked by militant sabotage, land occupation, arson, and popular mobilizations, in an attempt to end the construction and return Atlanta to its people.  As the Atlanta Police Foundation was unable to contain the 2020 Black rebellion, so too have they been unable to quell the resistance against Cop City. The press reports that the project is hemorrhaging money and is mired in delays and difficulties. For their part, the city, the state, and the federal government, have in turn employed every tool in their power to destroy the movement. Last week, the Georgia State Senate passed a bill to effectively criminalize bail funds in the state; RICO charges have been contorted to target networks of support and care that surround the fighters; and last January, APD assassinated the comrade Tortuguita in cold blood while they rested in their tent in the forest. It is clear that Stop Cop City represents one of the conjunctural spear tips for expanding the existing systems of counterinsurgency that span Africa, Asia, and the Arab world.  Today the system’s belly rests atop Gaza, whose rumblings shake the earth upon which we walk. Through its Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) program, the APD has sent hundreds of police to train with the Zionist occupation forces. And in October 2023, after Tufan al-Aqsa, the Atlanta Police Department engaged in hostage training inside abandoned hotels, putatively intended to “defeat Hamas,” in an advancement of tactics for the targeting of Black people. With every such expansion, the ability of counterinsurgency doctrines to counteract people’s liberation struggles grows. The purpose of counterinsurgency is to marshal state and para-state power into political, social, economic, psychological, and military warfare to overwhelm both militants and the popular cradle—the people—who support them. Its aim is to render us hopeless; to isolate and dispossess us and to break our will to resist it by any and all means necessary. This will continue apace, unless we fight to end it. Stop Cop City remains undeterred: on Friday, an APD cop car was burnt overnight in response to the police operation on February 8; yesterday, two trucks and trailers loaded with lumber were burnt to the ground. An anonymous statement claiming credit for the former, stated: “We wish to dispel any notion that people will take this latest wave of repression lying down, or that arresting alleged arsonists will deter future arsons.”  As the U.S. government and Zionist entity set their sights on the Palestinian people sheltering in Rafah, as they continue their relentless genocide of our people in Khan Younis, Jabalia, Shuja’iyya, and Gaza City, the Stop Cop City movement has clearly articulated its solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. They have done so with consistency and discipline, and we have heard them. Our vision of freedom in this life and the next requires us to confront and challenge the entangled forces of oppression in Palestine and in Turtle Island, and to identify the sites of tension upon which these systems distill their forces. This week, as with the last three years, the forest defenders have presented us one such crucible.
(11 Feb 24)
National Lawyers Guild, Stop All Cop Cities: Lessons For a National Struggle (video, 1 hr 45 min)
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whysosillious · 22 days ago
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rqmaxsblog · 29 days ago
A Blankqueer that is focused around militant activism.
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The main point is not promoting violence but that they may include crimes in their activism. Like property damage, Squatting, militant Protest, Riots, Selfdefense Attacks and similar things.
It is stance for:
- Anarchism
- All Cops are Beastards
- Abolitionism
- All Men, as in the patriarchy
- Anarchistic Democracy
- Animal Liberation
- Communism
- Civil rights
- Environmentalism
- Feminism
- Intersectionalism
- Radical Queerness
- Radical Inclusivity
- Religious Freedom/including Fake Cults
- Xenoanarchism
- Youth Liberation
Its Pro:
- Pro-Abortion
- Pro-Consent
- Pro-CNC/Pro-CNCC
- Pro-Consensual Contact
- Pro-Fiction
- Pro-Gender identities
- Pro-Para
- Pro-Race identities
- Pro-Ship
- Pro-Sexuality of any kind
- Pro-Trans identities
- Pro-Xeno identities
Its Anti:
- Anti-Antisemitism
- Anticapitalism
- Antischristianism (Extremist Christians)
- Antifascism
- Anti-Homophobia
- Antiislamnism (Extremist Muslims)
- Anti-Islamphobia
- Anti-Non Consent
- Anti-Prison
- Antiracism
- Antisexism
- Anti-Transphobia
- Anti-Xenophobia
- Antizionism (Extremist Jews)
Yellow-Orange-Red: Fire, Passion, Violence, Revolution
Rainbow: Diversity and Queerness
Red: Solidarity, Leftism, Socialists of any Kind, Proletariat
Fist: Power, Rebellion, Resistance
Molotove-Cocktail: Riots, Protests, Violence, Revolutions
~ Comrade: Maxile ☭
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revista-amazonia · 5 months ago
Brasil e Colômbia lançam programa Quilombo das Américas na COP 16
  A ministra da Igualdade Racial, Anielle Franco, anunciou a implementação do programa “Quilombo das Américas”, em parceria com o governo da Colômbia. O anúncio ocorreu durante o lançamento do Pavilhão da América Latina do Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina e Caribe (CAF) na COP 16, em Cali, Colômbia. Brasil e Colômbia no combate as desigualdades raciais e…
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nando161mando · 4 months ago
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"Software libre para una sociedad libre" (ES: Español)
"Free software for a free society" (EN: English)
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neverpathia · 3 months ago
I'm just assigning weapons to the voices and vessels because I am a fantasy nerd like that. [WARNING: LONG ASS POST]
(alternative title: watch nevvey lose his mind over random blades and not-blades, and lie about being esoteric for who-knows-how-long minutes straight. gets exponentially both longer and worse the more you read.)
(@/phospolipid-bilayer influenced too many of these things by accident thanks to their lobotomy corporation series thing going on)
(this is also mainly for my AU, I guess)
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Hero - basic ass yee yee sword
Hunted - a kinda primitive cross between a mace and a spear? but it's really more like claws and teeth grafted to a sharpened stick. lord of the flies core and all.
okay i can also see him using a crossbow and bolts, or perhaps tribal darts. i don't really think he'd want to approach a potential threat up close. he'd prefer to shoot from beneath the concealments of foliage instead. singular fangs attached to splintered branches, whittled to straight implements of death, of defense. i kinda like this one more to be honest.
Beast/Den - no shit sherlock she already has pre-ordered weapons. claws. fangs. hack and slash and gore and tear.
Opportunist - switchblade. one that's small and easily concealed up his sleeve. the hilt is gilded with gold and embedded with emeralds because he's flashy like that. the thing's probably also soaked with some sort of venom for added inconvenience, though the blade is probably too small and thin by itself to actually be majorly dangerous.
(someone on discord suggested that he'd use a stiletto or cinquadea hidden up his boot instead and that's a pretty valid take, fuck that's cool as shit you brilliant brilliant fella, but i'm still kinda attached to my own take lol.)
Witch/Thorn - I mean she does canonically use her claws but I feel like I wanna lean more into the magic-user aspect of her. probably a sort of wand, that's also small and easily concealed up her sleeve like oppy's knife. greatest affinity with trees and roots and grass and the like. also easily smacked in someone's face and shoved down their throat or nose if needed. probably bladed at one end too, even if it does cut her a little when she's hiding it.
side note: she's definitely going to be amazing with poisons. would be able to pinpoint every single one of them, and she knows more specimens and symptoms than even the resident para(noid)medic. why? no reason. she's just a witch.
Wild - do I even need to. nerve root strangulation???
Skeptic - I mean he's a detective, so honestly?
OH. okay. good cop, I see you. cold harsh logic in the absence of the supernatural, I see you. LET HIM HAVE GUNS. specifically, revolvers, because I wanna stay loyal to the high fantasy aesthetics we have going on. he dual wields (something about covering every eventuality, blah blah).
(sigh now i'm getting an idea for a scene with stubborn, cheated, contrarian and broken playing russian roulette with skeptic's revolvers while the peepaw detective remains oblivious and wonders where the shit his guns went.)
Prisoner/Cage - GARROTE. GARROTE WIRE. YEAHHHHH BABY, ASPHYXIATION FOR THE WIN. like. she'd be a natural with the thing, she already strangles you with chains anyway. perhaps the thing is made of thin yet heavy chain-links with hooks at the ends, kinda like the chains in cage? a bit like a surujin, perhaps? maybe spiked? at this point i'm letting rule of cool drive all this.
although to be honest i'm also slightly enjoying the image of her using clinical instruments like a scalpel. she can share that with paranoid as a side thing, i guess.
or i can also see her using a weighted flail, because prisoner. god too many options
Drowned Grey - dunks you with water balloons and a super soaker. nah I'm just kidding, but I can see her using a sort of harpoon, perhaps?
at this point my brain is veering into Off Topic Land and proposing the headcanon that prisoner goes fishing. great. no thanks.
Smitten - for all his knight in shining armour rambling and shambling and garbling and warbling, fine. sword and shield. specifically, a grand broadsword and shield, both carved with very elaborate depictions of flowers and maidens and chivalry and the like. don't ask me how he's carrying both at the same time, each with one hand. he's probably freakishly strong, he's smitten after all.
Damsel/HEA - as damsel she's probably going to rely on smitten to protect her, but i like to think she picks something up after HEA. perhaps she gets a little rapier hidden up her skirts. plain and undecorated, unlike her opulent garments. sharp despite its small size. honestly i don't even think it'd be practical to get it out of there but i might also decide to redesign post-ending HEA for the sake of this thing. i do plan on redesigning the vessels anyway.
(also it took me this long to realise that technically she does have a weapon, and not a weapon, the weapon, the dinky little knife itself resting beneath her neck- nah. fuck it.)
I also love the idea of damsel with one of those crude little fairy godmother cartoon wands that's pretty much just a rod with a star on top. the one that's in all those transparent pngs and kindergarten textbooks. would be funny. wonder if she'd know how to actually cast with it, though? well, if it makes you happy.
Burned Grey - look, i absolutely adore the image of her just throwing around a flamethrower like there's no tomorrow. but i'm staying loyal to the high fantasy aesthetic so we sure as fuck can't have that. allow me to propose... yeah actually? i have no fucking idea. i'm going to google.
and one train of research and distractions later, i have been led to the handgonne which is pretty much a medieval flamethrower-esque kinda thingy. seems a little impractical. but hey, what with burning down both LQ and herself, which is sure to cause a LOT of inconvenience, the burned grey is all about impractical.
Stubborn - fists. do i even need to explain
Adversary - fists. do i even need to explain
okay but we do know that advy sort of has claws, but we don't really see her use them, though. and i like to think that stubborn attaches blades to his knuckles for maximum impact.
but in all fairness, when they don't use their fists, i like to think that they have matching sledgehammers. big and messy and violent. heavy. bloody. they love it.
Eye of the Needle - this is another one has who pre-ordered weapons free with her hands. claws. I'm not gonna bother. she probably retains the sledgehammer from advy though. or perhaps a gigantic battleaxe? don't know. probably has an entire arsenal because of how dang bloodthirsty she is.
Broken - would smack you upside the head with a bible while wailing and weeping. not funny, nevvey.
okay, he's probably the least combat-oriented of all the voices and I kinda see him as a sort of cleric? he's likely gonna be another magic-user like witch/thorn and paranoid. I can sorta see him wielding a staff like DnD-
WAIT. ALTAR KNIFE. ALTAR KNIFE. A FUCKING ATHAME. the thing's not even intended for genuine cutting, it's just there for ritual and channeling purposes. broken, I'm looking at you. PERFECT. and it's probably set in ivory and cracking porcelain and there's a bit of gold thread wrapping around it oh fuck yeah
Tower/Apotheosis - she would tell you that she doesn't need one, because her compelling voice is already enough. however, she is a girlfailure and you should never take her word for it.
I can low-key see her using a sort of scepter. something simple yet elegant carved from ceramic, radiating divine energy. yeah that's it. I don't really know. and she wouldn't stoop so low as to use a close-range bladed weapon, or anything that really uses a lot of physical effort at all. apothy's gonna need a HUGE one though
Fury - she can literally reduce you to subatomic particles. what need does she even have for a weapon? although I am SERIOUSLY digging the idea of her using a brutal bloody terrifying spiked club. way too large and way too many spines, perhaps ivory or bone. a bit of grisly membrane coating the material; a few fleshy tendrils travelling down its length. yeah. glances warily at body horror demon lady. would.
actually i can also see her using a meat cleaver because that would be kinda cute
Paranoid - FUCK YEAH I WAS WAITING FOR THIS ONE. staff. he wields a mage's quarterstaff. no question.
he definitely uses it for a ton of healing. the 'heart lungs liver nerves' mantra as a sorcerous incantation, fuck yeah. but paranoid is also really powerful and can probably use the same staff for minor transformative or conjuring spells.
now this one's probably been engraved all over with protective runes and symbols, to the point that you can barely even tell where one stroke ends and another begins. otherwise it's quite plain, but there's an orb at the top for better channelling. sometimes he uses it in conjunction with a grimoire.
it's also really handy for whacking annoyances upside the head as required.
side note: he uses a scalpel too. but he hates close-range, if he even needs to fight at all. he prefers to let hero or cold handle it while he plays support.
Nightmare/MOC - organ failure. why would i even need to elaborate.
well apparently i felt like elaborating anyway so i think she'd use...god, actually, this one is pretty hard.
OH, HOLD ON. Nightmare with oversized scissors/shears like a horror movie doll, all guro-lolita core. huh. that might be interesting. bonus points if the scissors are comically sharp. the handles are bone porcelain, smooth yet chipped, and painted with black-and-white patterns like her mask (so that I don't stray too far from the fantasy motif, because if i do, that would just completely break the rule of cool.)
Cold - well. phospo's (absolutely amazing beautiful splendid divine) cold wields a scythe and i am very extremely tempted to steal that concept from them. however, that would be plagiarism. and i am trying to avert plagiarism.
my original idea was always for cold to have a series of throwing knives and daggers like an assassin. i kinda see cold as someone who operates on stealth, shrouding himself in the shadows just as he shrouds his emotions. so he's just. throwing these things at you from out of fucking nowhere with deadly intent and precision. and he has excellent aim.
then again, this is probably really unoriginal but fuck cares
Spectre/PatD - does. a ghost. even need. a weapon?? how would a ghost even wield a weapon????
i'm gonna steal the flail from pris because she already has her nice little garotte and give it to spectre because it seems fitting enough. plus, i'm running out of ideas. sorry spectre.
although i like to think that patd gets a few avian features like talons and feathers in her hair, thanks to the switcheroo. so she can use those talons too, i suppose.
Wraith - OH. NOW THIS ONE. SPOOKY LITTLE SCYTHE, LIKE THE GRIM REAPER. no question. no question at all.
Cheated - so i apologise in advance because i am DEFINITELY committing plagiarism here. phospo, if you don't like me using your cheated-with-a-bayonet idea then i utter my sincerest regrets but. cheated. would use a bayonet.
i won't even talk about the fact that it's cool. but he'd also get it for the sake of maximizing his chances and for its versatility and, well, the fact that it is cool...and razor would still skewer him. not to mention it's not easy to use. so he'd probably attempt, and fumble, and attempt again, and just rage quit and smash the damn thing everywhere in combat like a berserker.
and it's probably just as fucked up and rusted and tattered as he is, but he still keeps it close, out of spite more than anything.
Razor - what are you talking about, she definitely isn't going to need a weapon, it's not like she's going to stab anyone anyway, it's definitely not like she's the weapon
discord said she'd use one of those disappearing trick knives. funny. nah, i think i'm giving that to...
Contrarian - you get the disappearing trick knife. and a nice rubber mallet. and a goose.
okay jokes aside i think he'd probably dual-wield as well, with weapons that have been specifically designed to be a pain in the ass for opponents.
personally i would give him a scimitar or khopesh because 1. i am OUT of ideas and 2. he's gonna have a lot of fun deflecting with the curved blades and using them to hook the opponents' weapons, then disarm them, then throw their blades out the window. then again, giving him a blade's a pretty bad idea. he'd throw it out the window himself-
wait. it's more like him to use a weapon that's not even designed to be a weapon. but that could be literally anything.
okay nevermind, contrarian is too hard to decide for. hell, he's a literal contrarian. fuck it, i won't be giving him a fixed weapon. he'd probably swap them out every two seconds and throw them out the window when he's done.
Stranger - oh shit. all five of her identities gotta have different weapons. this is the part where i'm getting lazy so i'll just steal from minecraft and go:
nondescript - bow
gentle - pickaxe
harsh - sword
evil - axe
depressed - spade
there we go. i suppose you can say she's multi-armed.
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man this took way longer than i thought it would. what the fuck induced me to do this for like every single voice and vessel-? oh well it was worth it, especially now that i've given myself even more drawing and writing ideas especially for adventuring and fight scenes. yay.
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