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Día Mundial del Cáncer de Cabeza y Cuello, Día Mundial de Andar con Zancos, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Natalia, Santa Liliosa y San Constantino.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2012
Con la participación récord de 204 países, igualando a las anteriores celebradas en Beijing (China), se inauguran en Londres (Reino Unido) las XXVII Olimpiadas de la Era Moderna. Se clausurarán el 12 de agosto. Por primera vez todas las delegaciones cuentan con atletas femeninas. También Londres se convierte en la primera ciudad en ser sede de las Olimpiadas en tres ocasiones: en 1908, en 1948 y en el día de hoy. (Hace 12 años)
Se firma en Panmunjeom el armisticio que pone fin a la Guerra de Corea entre Estados Unidos, Corea del Norte y China. Corea del Sur sólo queda como miembro observante al negarse a firmar el armisticio, quedando el paralelo 38 como línea de separación entre las dos Coreas, idéntica situación territorial que existía antes de la guerra. Este conflicto finaliza después de más de tres años de combates (iniciado el 25 de junio de 1950) y de aproximadamente cuatro millones de bajas (entre muertos y heridos). El daño económico y social de la guerra de Corea es espeluznante. No es, ni mucho menos, la una solución definitiva, sino tan solo a un arreglo transitorio. Durante décadas, el paralelo 38 continuará siendo un lugar de tensión. (Hace 71 años)
Se inaugura el primer cable telegráfico trasatlántico de 3.700 km de longitud que une Europa con América, más concretamente Irlanda con Terranova. Cyrus Field, ciudadano americano, ha financiado la operación con su fortuna particular. (Hace 158 años)
En Francia tiene lugar una revolución burguesa cuando el pueblo sale a la calle para protestar contra las medidas adoptadas por el rey Carlos X, que ha prohibido el Parlamento y pretende suprimir la libertad de prensa. Estas revueltas lograrán la subida al trono de Luis Felipe de Orleans, el "rey burgués". Carlos X y su familia, embarcarán rumbo a Inglaterra el 16 de agosto con un salvoconducto del propio Luis Felipe. (Hace 194 años)
En Inglaterra, el parlamento aprueba la segunda Acta de Navegación, mediante la cual todas las mercancías europeas con destino a las colonias británicas en América deben llegar a su destino en buques con bandera inglesa. (Hace 361 años)
En las cercanías del pueblo de Bouvines, en Flandes (actual Francia) tiene lugar la Batalla de Bouvines, decisivo choque militar entre el ejército francés y los ejércitos de una coalición de potencias europeas, lideradas por el excomulgado emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico Otón IV, por su tío el rey inglés Juan Sin Tierra, por Fernando, conde de Flandes, y por otros príncipes de menor entidad que han decidido poner freno al creciente poderío de Francia. El rey Felipe II de Francia, comandante del ejército francés, recibe el apoyo de Federico de Hohenstaufen, rival de Otón IV y pretendiente al trono imperial, al que apoya el Papa. Las tropas francesas, a pesar de ganar la batalla, tendrán que soportar, al igual que las tropas de coalición, miles de bajas. Tras la batalla, al año siguiente, Federico de Hohenstaufen será coronado emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico con el nombre de Federico II, y Francia seguirá extendiendo su dominio hasta convertirse en una de las primeras potencias de Europa. Para Juan Sin Tierra de Inglaterra la derrota también tendrá consecuencias: se verá obligado a firmar la Carta Magna el 15 de junio de 1215, al ser incapaz de resistir por más tiempo la rebeldía de sus nobles, debido a lo elevado de los impuestos que tienen que pagar y a la forma despótica en que ha venido ejerciendo los privilegios de su cargo a lo largo de los últimos años. (Hace 810 años)
Jerusalén, capital del reino de Judá, y su templo son destruidos por los ejércitos babilonios bajo su dinastía caldea, con el consiguiente cautiverio que durará hasta el 538 a. C. (Hace 2611 años)
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La guerra di Corea: una ferita ancora aperta dopo 70 anni
La guerra di Corea ha segnato uno dei momenti più drammatici della storia mondiale nel XX secolo, un conflitto che ha lasciato cicatrici ancora visibili nella geografia politica e sociale dell'Asia. Durata dal 1950 al 1953, questa guerra ha rappresentato lo scontro non solo tra le due coree ma anche uno scontro di ideali tra alleanze più o meno chiare. Cos'è cambiato 70 anni dopo la firma dell'armistizio che ha posta la parola fine a questa guerra? Come scoppia la Guerra di Corea? Le radici della guerra di Corea risalgono agli anni successivi alla seconda guerra mondiale, quando la penisola coreana venne divisa in due parti. A nord venne istituito il regime comunista di Kim Il-sung, mentre a sud si insediò un regime filo-occidentale. La tensione tra le due parti aumentò rapidamente, con attacchi e provocazioni da entrambe le parti del confine. La scintilla che ha fatto definitivamente scattare la guerra è stata l'invasione della Corea del Sud da parte delle forze nordcoreane il 25 giugno 1950. L'ONU, guidata dagli Stati Uniti, ha risposto con fermezza, decidendo di intervenire in difesa della Corea del Sud. Questa risposta ha suscitato l'ira dell'Unione Sovietica, che ha deciso di sostenere militarmente la Corea del Nord, trasformando così il conflitto in una vera e propria guerra fredda su suolo asiatico. La guerra di Corea è stata caratterizzata da una serie di operazioni militari, con avanzate e ritirate da entrambe le parti. La battaglia più celebre è stata quella per la conquista della città di Seul, la capitale della Corea del Sud, che ha cambiato più volte padrone durante il conflitto. Le forze americane guidate dal generale Douglas MacArthur furono in grado di fermare l'avanzata nordcoreana e sbaragliarla, ma vennero fermate dal massiccio intervento cinese. Quando venne firmato l'armistizio tra le due coree? Dopo tre anni di combattimenti intensi e perdite umane significative da entrambe le parti, le negoziazioni per un armistizio sono cominciate nel luglio 1951. Tuttavia, è stato necessario un anno intero di colloqui per raggiungere un accordo sulle condizioni di cessate il fuoco. Durante le trattative, le parti coinvolte hanno discusso di questioni come il confine tra i due paesi e la creazione di una zona demilitarizzata (DMZ) al 38º parallelo, che sarebbe diventata la linea di separazione tra Nord e Sud Corea. L'armistizio è stato firmato il 27 luglio 1953 a Panmunjeom, un villaggio nel confine tra le due Coree. L'accordo ha stabilito: - il cessate il fuoco - ha istituito la DMZ (Demilitarized zone) - ha creato una commissione di controllo militare con rappresentanti di entrambe le parti e ha preveduto lo scambio di prigionieri di guerra 70 anni dopo, cosa ci lascia la guerra di Corea? La guerra di Corea ha lasciato un'amara eredità nella penisola coreana. Le perdite umane da entrambe le parti furono enormi, con un totale di oltre tre milioni di morti. Inoltre, il conflitto ha avuto un impatto devastante sull'economia e sull'infrastruttura dei due paesi. Questo portò al realizzarsi di un enorme divario di sviluppo tra il nord e il sud. Nonostante la firma dell'armistizio, la situazione nella penisola coreana rimane ancora incerta, poiché tecnicamente le due Coree sono ancora in guerra. Un trattato di pace permanente non è mai stato firmato tra le due parti, e la tensione tra Nord e Sud Corea continua a persistere fino ai giorni nostri. Nonostante ciò, l'armistizio del 27 luglio 1953 ha contribuito a mantenere una relativa stabilità nella regione per oltre mezzo secolo, anche se i conflitti occasionali e le dispute territoriali persistono. Foto di kirill_makes_pics da Pixabay Read the full article
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U.S. national being held in North Korea after crossing border, UN says
North Korea’s village of Gijungdong seen from a South Korea’s observation post inside the demilitarized zone. Pool | Getty Images News | Getty Images A U.S. national may be in North Korean custody after crossing the inter-Korean border without authorization, the U.N. Command said on Twitter Tuesday. The person was touring the Joint Security Area — a site at Panmunjeom in the Demilitarized Zone…
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Post Fifteen of the “We Didn’t Start the Fire” series focuses on the North Korean village of P’anmunjom (also known as P’anmunjeom.) This village located in Kaesong, North Hwanghae Province of North Korea was important since it held the meetings between North Korea and South Korea concerning bringing an end to the hostilities between both countries.
Fighting between both countries (and their international allies) was raging hard for a year when in July 1951 both sides agreed to engage in truce talks. While the war was still being waged on the Korean peninsula, the talks were being held at the village of P’anmunjom as of October 1951. Because of the ongoing talks between both sides, P’anmunjom would earn the moniker of “truce village.”
It would take two years before an armistice was agreed upon between both countries on July 27, 1953 thereby ending hostilities. Though the fighting ended, a peace treaty has still not been signed by both countries. The armistice allowed for the exchange of prisoners of war and also created a demilitarized zone (DMZ) between both countries. The DMZ roughly follows the original border of the 38th parallel. P’anmunjom, which is located within the DMZ is home to the Joint Security Area where many talks and conflicts have occurred between the North and South Koreans since 1953. It is also the only part of the demilitarized zone where soldiers from the two Koreas face one another every day.
For Further Reading:
7 things to know about Panmunjom, the truce village where time stands still from the Straits Times website dated January 9, 2018
North Korean and US officials are meeting in the 'truce village' of Panmunjom — these extraordinary photos show what it's like from by Tara Francis Chan from Business Insider dated May 27, 2018
#Panjunjom#Panmunjeom#Korean War#Korean Conflict#We Didn't Start the Fire#Billy Joel#North Korea#South Korea#Cold War#Cold War History#Asian History#Korean History#World History#History#Historia#Histoire#역사#Yeogsa#HistorySisco
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Panmunjeom Hall of the Armistice Talks in 1953, Pen Varlen
Audio Commentary by Kim Namjoon Transcription
Born in a settlement of ethnic Koreans in Primorsky Krai, Russia, Pen Varlen studied Socialist Realist art at the Russian Academy of Arts in Leningrad, where he later taught as a professor. In his long and successful art career, he produced many magnificent oil paintings, etchings, and drawings, while proudly asserting his identity as an ethnic minority. Showing his pride in his Korean heritage, he kept his Korean name—Byeon Wolryong—throughout his life.
In 1953, the Soviet Ministry of Culture sent Pen to North Korea, where he spent fifteen months helping to reconstruct Pyeongyang University of Fine Arts, which had been devastated in the war. Following the model of his alma mater, he taught the theory and techniques of Socialist Realism. During this time, he formed close bonds with various North Korean artists, some of whom he depicted on his canvases.
He also loved to paint beautiful mountain landscapes and scenes of honest life among the common people.
While in North Korea, Pen painted Panmunjeom Hall of the Armistice Talks in 1953, which demonstrates the quintessential style of the Leningrad school of painting, mixing Impressionism and Academic Realism. As the title indicates, the painting shows the conference hall in Panmunjeom where representatives from South and North Korea held armistice talks after the Korean War, and also exchanged war prisoners. Even though he had never set foot in his native homeland until after the Korean War, Pen became a witness to this historic event. The tragic circumstances of the scene can be felt in the contrast between the empty, desolate interior and the bright exterior sunlight shining through the windows.
#pen varlen#Panmunjeom Hall of the Armistice Talks in 1953#art#paintings#korean art#the space in between#the modern in korean art#art history#history#lacma#lacmamuseum#rm#kim namjoon#bts#rm audio commentary#rm narrations
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A beautiful country, still divided, and for no real good reason. South Korea & North Korea. DMZ. 🇰🇷 🇰🇵 #southkorea #northkorea #seoul #seoul🇰🇷 #dmz #dmz국제다큐영화제 #demilitarizedzone #korea #united #together #peace #peace✌ #panmunjeom #divided #tension #unitity #canon #canon_photos #canon600d #igers #thelenslives #natgeotravel #natgeocreative #wanderlust #wonderful_places #theglobewanderer #explorekorea #seeseoul #seekorea #lockedliving #bestearthplaces (at DMZ - North & South Korean border)
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President Bung, invitation to north-south celebration event to the north → completely ignored and held alone in Korea
President Bung, invitation to north-south celebration event to the north → completely ignored and held alone in Korea News, Panmunjeom, politics, society https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-783Hr-cgFUY/XMV_91ci5XI/AAAAAAAAT5I/Ua7xBGXKZB4KsVqWOpJeC8zkhcGpR5NwACLcBGAs/s1600/03279ba82e74410794165c0aeb5204359a77c5b21556446574.jpg http://mimicjapan.blogspot.com/2019/04/president-bung-invitation-to-north.html
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Korea: Militärische Nord-Süd-Verhandlung
Militärische Nord-Süd-Verhandlung auf Generalsebene
Nach der Vereinbarung der Nord-Süd-Verhandlung auf hoher Ebene für Ausführung der historischen „Pyongyanger Gemeinsame September-Erklärung“ fand am 26. September im Tongil-Haus in Panmunjom die militärische Nord-Süd-Verhandlung auf Generalsebene statt.
Zugegen waren die Delegation unserer Seite unter Leitung von An Ik San, Generalleutnant der…
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#AiP#AiP-D#An Ik San#Antiimperialistische Plattform#Antiimperialistische Plattform Deutschland#Antiimperialistische Plattform Deutschlands#Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea#DVR Korea#DVRK#Haus#Imperialismus#KDVR#Kim Do Gyun#Korea#Koreanische Demokratische Volksrepublik#Nation#Nord-Korea#Nordkorea#Panmunjeom#Panmunjom#Südkorea#Souveränität#Sozialismus#Tongil#Unabhängigkeit#Verhandlung
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Day 189 of 365 of 2018: First in South Korean Variety Shows I watched 2 Days and 1Night (1박 2일) today, and they have two episodes where they went to the South Korean DMZ 🇰🇷 they went to the Peace Village, where the residents still live within the DMZ, and Panmunjeom Joint Security Area... It is a very emotional episode, and I am hopeful that the peninsula will unite as one again 😇🇰🇷🇰🇵 #2018Goals #365days2018 #Korea #Panmunjeom #1박2일 #판문점
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Nord- und Südkorea: Joggende Bodyguards von Kim Jong-un sorgen für Verwirrung
Nord- und Südkorea: Joggende Bodyguards von Kim Jong-un sorgen für Verwirrung
Neben der gepanzerten Limousine des nordkoreanischen Diktators Kim Jong-un, rennen 12 Bodyguards mit. Der Nutzen der joggenden Sicherheitsbeamten ist dabei nicht ganz klar.
Die WELT Nachrichten-Livestream
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#Bodyguards#demarkationslinie korea#fernsehsender#grenze#Kim Jong- un#Korea#N24#Nachrichten#News#Nordkorea#Panmunjeom#Pjöngjang#president moon jae-in#Südkorea#tv#Welt
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उत्तर कोरिया और दक्षिण कोरिया के बीच ऐतिहासिक शांति वार्ता
उत्तर कोरिया और दक्षिण कोरिया के बीच ऐतिहासिक शांति वार्ता
दक्षिण कोरिया के राष्ट्रपति मून जे इन और उत्तर कोरिया के राष्ट्रपति किम जोंग उन ने दोनों देशों के बीच शांति स्थापना और एकीकरण की गति को तेज करने की आवश्यकता पर जोर दिया। शिखर बैठक के बाद उत्तर कोरिया के नेता किम और दक्षिण कोरिया के मून 1953 के बाद ‘नया इतिहास’ रचने वाले पहले नेता बन गए।
इस ऐतिहासिक शिखर बैठक का आयोजन शुक्रवार 27 अप्रैल को दक्षिण कोरिया के पनमुंजियोम के पीस हाउस में किया गया।
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What if... things were different?
So my dream was to stand on both sides of this separated country and learn for myself about the situation on the Korean peninsula. My curiosity for one of the most secluded countries in the world and the idea of taking pictures there blended perfectly when I got the chance to travel together with my group and Young Pioneer Travels.
I enjoyed my trip and tried my best to take you with me onto this fantastic journey. The DMZ is a fortified place. A political place to discuss peace as you can almost smell the hundreds of folders and papers that were negotiated at this halls. Be it on the north or the southern strip of this border you don’t have the feeling things are moving anywhere.
For the next treaty I hope the leaders of whatever nations are involved will set up a nice table in a lush garden or a mountainous retreat in the Korean alpine region and discuss this matter in a more personal way. This may sound naive, but I don’t see how a delegation of lawyers, generals, officials may come to an agreement that egocentric leaders would accept in the end. I think this can only be sorted out with country leaders shaking hands and lawyers sorting out the details, A deal so to say.
Whenever this happens one of the most interesting questions remains: What would happen to the society in the DPRK when the country opens to the rest of the world. These people have lived up to the doctrine of the government since decades. Is there a space for change in their minds. I would feel blessed if however I could experience this during my lifetime. Visiting this country again after liberation would be THE most interesting thing in my travelers life for now.
A summary of the articles of my 19 part series through the DPRK
Throwback: Photography trip to DPRK
DPRK: Why did I go?
Kim-Il Sung square after the rain
Grand Ryugyong Hotel
Mangyŏngdae - Kim Il-sung’s Birthplace
Trolleybusses of Pyongyang
Metro of Pyongyang
Latest news
DIY Arch of Triumph
Street Cornering
At the Sci-Tech Complex
Movie sets
Outbounds of the DMZ
Waterparks over revolutions
Road to reunification
Juche Juche
Dancing at Moranbong
May Day Stadium
What if... things were different?
I hope you enjoyed the trip. Visually and literary I tried to give my best. But as I once said in the first ever post. Please take everything you see, read and think with a grain of salt. There is no such thing as the one opinion an this country and I don’t claim any more knowledge than anyone else. Traveling to the DPRK was my first ever group tour and I enjoyed it with a size of 2 people on the group. I shared the pleasure of photography with two other persons who are enthusiastic and talented photographers.
For anyone interested in this topic I compiled a list of videos and books that appear to be worth to be consumed to gain even more insights and add to the oeuvre I compiled here:
JSA - Joint Security Area (Trailer on youtube)
Crossing The Line (BBC Documentation on youtube)
Under the sun (Trailer on youtube)
Educating North Korea (Documentation on vimeo)
I am Sun Mu (Trailer on youtube)
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea (amazon)
Escape from Camp 14: One man's remarkable odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West (amazon)
The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future (amazon)
The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters (amazon)
North Korea Undercover (amazon)
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty (amazon)
Comrades and Strangers: Behind the Closed Doors of North Korea (amazon)
Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea (amazon)
Dear Leader: North Korea's senior propagandist exposes shocking truths behind the regime (amazon)
The Reluctant Communist: My Desertion, Court-Martial, and Forty-Year Imprisonment in North Korea (amazon)
The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag (amazon)
Die große Heimkehr (amazon)
The Great Man Kim Jong-Il (amazon)
The End
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2017.4.17 開城の市街地から8kmでDMZに到達。板門閣から自由の家(韓国側)を臨む。間に建つ停戦会議場は軍事境界線上にある。#dmz #panmunjeom #dprk #dprkorea #판문점 #자주통일 (Joint Security Area)
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Broadcasting live from the 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국. The gravel side of the line is the #RSA & the gravel side of the line is the #DPRK. It's quite ironic that we were only allowed to take photographs facing the "😈 North" & not the "Free South." Propaganda works both ways... #조선민주주의인민공화국 #hermitkingdom #dmz국제다큐영화제 #DMZ #JSA #campbonifas #Panmunjeom #Kijong-dong #freedomvillage #UNCMAC (at JSA공동경비구역/판문점)
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A beautiful country, still divided, and for no real good reason. South Korea & North Korea. DMZ. 🇰🇷 🇰🇵 #southkorea #northkorea #seoul #seoul🇰🇷 #dmz #dmz국제다큐영화제 #demilitarizedzone #korea #united #together #peace #peace✌ #panmunjeom #divided #tension #unitity #canon #canon_photos #canon600d #photooftheday #igers #thelenslives #natgeotravel #natgeocreative #wanderlust #wonderful_places #theimaged #theglobewanderer #letsdiscover #photographersdiscovery #explorekorea #seeseoul #seekorea #lockedliving #bestearthplaces (at DMZ - North & South Korean border)
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