#palestine diaries
youdontloveme-yet · 11 months
It seems people around here need a bit of an insight on the events that are happening in the Middle East currently. (btw, there has been a devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, which also needs attention) I will compile what my friend has said since this genocide started and what they're basically being forced to live through. Excuse me, survive through.
07.10.23: First thing my friend sent me in the morning was this:
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Saying the bombings have not stopped since 6am, while he texted me this photo at 8am. He said there're bombs and rockets flying in different directions from all over Gaza. Be it by Hamas or IDF doesn't matter. Our conversation continues to me witnessing a 22 year old man breaking down, wishing this was just a bad dream. A little while later as I bombard him with questions about the situation and what they're saying on the news and whatnot he simply said:
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When I asked if there are any protocols for civilians:
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As the day went on and I had to function like an actual person and go to work, in the evening I asked if his family has emergency plans.
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And asked for shelters.
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He joked about the situation. We joked about the situation. You know, to keep the normalcy rather than making it worse for everybody. He didn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop crying through the entire day and night.
08.10.23: First thing is the morning is to see if he's okay. Still alive, still joking about it. I asked about the bombing and he tells me they've been going on every few minutes through the entire night. We continue speaking through the entire day, as I cannot stop shaking nor crying, because I am absolutely fucking useless and helpless.
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Is what comes out as he is barely holding up, amidst joking around. He still asks me about my day, why I am scheduling therapy, if I have eaten anything and so on. Regardless the fact that he is now in an active warzone with very big prospects of him dying. So, I think you can paint a picture of the type of person he is. I try to keep our conversations light and normal, as they usually are, so as he doesn't lose his mind. He send me pictures of his cat and growing a stress beard. We joke around and keep up the normalcy as much as possible. We go back and forth with how he will not get rid of me especially in this situation. With him constantly telling me it's not worth it and how I'll only get hurt. As you can imagine I legit do not care, since I will stick with him 'till the very end. We continue going in circles with why I shouldn't get attached or how he's happy to see my ugly mug, some innuendos being throw around and whatnot. Every night I tell him to stay safe as if he has any power over it. In the evening I ask if he needs some distraction, either to talk or play games. He played a few games with the rest of the server, you know, to keep his sanity. I keep sending memes and stupid shit to keep it light. We got to the point where we started talking about books, so I ask him for his favourite:
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I unfortunately literally passed out after our book conversation, as I was fatigued from crying and shaking all day.
09.10.23: In the morning he tells me he is alive and doing okay-ish. After which we continue with the back and forth of "it's a waste of time to stress about me". I ask about his family, how I'll love and support him even if he commits war crimes and whatnot. To which he continues to answer with stuff like this:
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Well, we both know is a bit too late to not get attached. :)
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There is something so viscerally horrifying when a big, strong man tells you he is scared. There is something so incredibly painful, when the person you've grown attached to tells you he is scared. I cannot even start to explain how my heart sunk and the most abusive and profound sadness nested itself in my chest. I woke up every hour during that night, even though I smoked enough weed to keep me asleep for a week. And I woke up in terror every fucking hour of the night.
10.10.23: He's alive and well. As well as someone can be in his situation. Hadn't slept all night, but is alive. We continue our usual banter and jokes through the day. Later he apologizes for forgetting that I am going to therapy. We talk about flowers, because he loves flowers and we both need distraction. As we keep talking he casually throws in how he finally has his meds. Which to me is weird, because he hadn't mentioned any pills before. And this is how I learn he is on anti-depressants since his brother killed himself the previous year. He hadn't told anyone else. I will here remind that he is not even 22 yet and has gone through absolute shit. By absolute shit I mean the worst things imaginable. For example, he shared in the server how he witnessed a rocket split a person in half, nearly killing his brother when he was only 14 years old. Later on I had the small victory of making him laugh, while bombs were still raining on them. We even played a game that night. Then the horrors continued:
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I left him to his own vices for that time, as I knew anything I'd say would make it only worse. When I spoke to him next he had calmed down, even tho he was battling his demons. Even made him smirk with a pun. And the dread came back in full power after.
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So, as you can imagine, knowing that the person you most deeply care about doesn't want to exist is absolutely and irrevocably devastating. I do not recall if this was the same night, when he told us they started using white phosphorus rockets, but it might as well have been the same night. I would like to remind here that white phosphorus is banned as a weapon and is allowed only to use for smoke screen. While in this case they were launching rockets full of it towards houses and entire neighbourhoods. The whole idea behind it is that if a person doesn't die from an entire building collapsing, they will either suffocate or literally melt due to the phosphorus. Which automatically means that they cannot identify victims or have claims that a child has been killed. It is a very old tactic used in the majority of devastating wars.
So, here I will ask all the zionists and racists, how can a person like this be dubbed a terrorist? How can a person, who cares more about my well-being, while being actively under siege, a fucking terrorist? With what consciousness do you call all Palestinians terrorists? What goes through your silly little minds to support Israel in slaughtering such people?? Palestine is 2mil people, 55% of which are children. The average age in the country is 18. And people still dare to say that they are animals, subhuman and terrorists. You have no actual evaluation of what is right and wrong, if you cannot get it through your thick skulls that Hamas is but a fraction of Palestine, while the rest 90+ percent of people are just like you and me. Have you no empathy for those who have been subjected to severe ethnic cleansing for 80 fucking years? Because you all had sympathy for Ukraine when Russia attacked, but when it is not white fucking people, it is not a genocide, it's the colonial state of Israel defending themselves.
I will end this here for now, as I have to pretend to be a functioning person and work. I will continue this when I can.
Peace and may your Gods save your souls when karma comes for you. Everyone else, stay safe :)
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effen-draws · 26 days
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A small comic about Palestine I created to appeal to more passive family and friends
Anyways if you have the money I urge you to donate to Ibraheem Hadi, a Palestinian who contacted me and whom I promised to highlight in relation to this comic:
Otherwise there is always a need for eSims to keep Gazans connected
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arthurmargon · 7 months
i’m taking a class on post-civil war history and every single page of this textbook brings up extreme anguish and grief for all the black people brutally tortured, raped, and murdered so that this country can be built on their graves.
there is a large picture in one chapter of laura nelson and her teenage son hanging from on a oklahoma bridge as around 50 white people stand on the bridge, cheering and drinking and laughing. this was in 1911. mrs nelson and her son were accused of killing a cop who forcibly entered their farm with no warrant under the pretence that the nelsons were suspected of theft of livestock by a white neighbor.
the white mob got into the jail where the nelsons were imprisoned and took them to the bridge. no cop did anything to stop them, in fact i’d bet my entire home they gleefully joined in or even orchestrated their lynching. mrs nelson was brutally raped in front of her son for hours before they were hung.
the picture of them was turned into a popular postcard for the town and was sold in local stores and tourist gift shops. this was a little over 100 years ago. you can look up the photo right now, it’s out there. even in death, even a century later, the nelsons are a spectacle for whoever wants to look. there were over 4000 reported lynchings between 1880 and 1950, not factoring in organized, democrat-funded lynchings by the kkk.
if seeing and finding this out doesn’t make you want to douse the entire country in gasoline and watch it burn, i don’t know what will. to this day, all across the world, we’re watching the same white supremacist forces fund and sponsor racially motivated genocides, in palestine, in congo, in sudan. it never ends.
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soulmvtes · 4 months
i want nothing to do with anyone who isn't completely altered by the events of the last eight months
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maria-2017 · 27 days
please don't scroll🤚🙏
hello dear🌹
I am Maria from Gaza, I am eight years old. We lost everything we owned in Gaza. I was waiting impatiently to learn, but the occupation took everything my parents owned. We fled to Egypt without anything, but my wish is to learn, me and my brothers.
Please help us pay for education, we deserve it and we love education very much, please donate and share Via this link👇
may God bless your life 🌹
#free gaza #free Palestine
#save Palestinian #stop the genocide#stop wer#free gaza#I stand with palestine#khan younis#go fund them# all eyes on rafah #palestine news# stop gaza genocide #support # donate# donations# help#send help # give me attention # gazaunderattack#gaza #gaza relief #go fund me # gofundme# ngo# travel # save gaza# heartbreak
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mediademon · 4 months
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Lemon Tree (2008) dir. Eran Riklis
Palestinian Evacuation And Support Fundraisers
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strokeofserenity · 10 months
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Norman Finkelstein
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galina · 10 months
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In hundreds of thousands we put feet on the ground, voices in the air, strangers' hands clasping each other tightly, eyes ahead focused on love, compassion, hope, sunlight breaks through
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blackcrystalball · 2 months
My dad and I are watching the Olympic opening ceremony and so far it has served unbelievable amounts of cunt. There was not a single dull moment, it is excellent.
We are also absolutely appalled to see they actually let Israel come. Like not only have they been committing a genocide for nine months, but they have also been officially declared an apartheid state. Like wtf are they doing here.
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dailyworldcinema · 11 months
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Little Palestine: Diary of a Siege (2021) فلسطيننا الصغيرة Dir. Abdallah Al-Khatib
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bilalassadabedrou · 2 months
I hope this message finds you in better times.
   My family is going through a very difficult time, and are seeking support on Tumblr and GoFundMe to raise much needed funds 🙏❤️.  
A donation or reblog of this post can make a huge difference in our struggling lives My campaign is moving slowly.
  As people coming to this platform, every contribution means more than we can express in
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My donation campaign is going slowly. 
I wish you a life full of beauty, and that you find happiness wherever you are.💔💔🙏🙏💌
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abeerelnajar · 16 days
I'm tired of posting the link to no avail. Donations are very weak ‼️
I'm tired of surviving, I just want to live like anyone else in the world 😢
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bambalina777 · 3 months
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dolliesugar · 15 days
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out of my 3 week unstable moment, into I love myself one week era!
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the-legend-luci · 10 months
Mr. Zvahl supports Palestine
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Would be pretty cool if the rest of aphblr on this
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tsukiyon · 11 months
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If love makes a woman beautiful, what kind of medicine would it make?
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