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nrosei · 9 months ago
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lifeinbooks · 7 months ago
Um je mjesto za sebe pa od raja može načiniti pakao, a od pakla raj
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nadjinovuljubav11 · 1 year ago
Mogao bih da ti priznam
da jos si nesto najljepse
sto nikad nisam imao
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e-kultura · 1 year ago
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Bioskopi ~ Od 11.4.2024. u bioskopima film Mladena Đorđevića - Radnička klasa ide u pakao
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pleatonitum · 20 days ago
'Poison cake' pobjednička pjesma ovogodišnje 'Dore'
‘Poison cake’, pobjednička pjesma ovogodišnje ‘Dore’. Što mislite? Bezazlenost? Slučajnost? Zavedenost? Otrovnost? Bitka za duše?… Evo teksta pjesme i mojih par misli ispod teksta… POISON CAKE (tekst) Hladno je sad u kuhinjiIt’s cool now in the kitchen To se dogodi kad si ugriženThat happens when you’re bitten Miješam i miješam, slasno sipamI’m stirring and stirring, deliciously poruing I…
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hafizsenadbrkic-blog · 2 years ago
Ljudsko ugnjetavanje nije isto što i Božja kazna
Podložni smo ugnjetavanju od zlih ljudi koji uživaju u patnji drugih ljudi. Muče nas i ubijaju, tako da se osjećamo kao da smo kažnjeni od Boga, ali realnost je da smo ugnjetavani. Bog kaže u Kur’anu da njegova kazna nije isto ili kao ljudsko ugnjetavanje, već je mnogo teža. Baš kao kada je faraon tlačio magičare do tačke njihovog mučenja i pogubljenja, ipak je njihov odgovor bio da im to ne…
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manitat · 11 months ago
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prankvids · 1 year ago
Gold Digger Prank | Karachi Pakistan
https://PrankVids.com gold,digger,prank,gold digger,gold digger nadir ali,gold digger p 4 pakao,gold digger shahmeer abbas,gold digger lahorified,lahorified,p 4 pakao,nadir ali,gold digger prank india,gold digger prank in india,pranks in india,pakistani prank,indian prank,prank in pakistan,chair pulling prank,chair pulling prank india,chair pulling prank pakistan,gold digger prank vitaly,
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moviesandmania · 2 years ago
WORKING CLASS GOES TO HELL (2023) Dark comedy horror - trailer
Working Class Goes to Hell is a 2023 Serbian dark comedy horror film in which workers from a factory that has closed reach out to the supernatural in a struggle for personal dignity. Written and directed by Mladen Djordjevic (Life and Death of a P**** Gang). The Adriatic Western-Corona Film-Sense Production features Tamara Krcunovic, Leon Lucev, Ivan Djordjevic, Mirsad Tuka, Szilvia Krizsan,…
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happypotato48 · 11 months ago
I think it would be fun to highlight some changes wandee goodday made as an adaptation. so here a few notable things in no particular order.
I'm not going into spoiler territory, but even if i want to the book didn't had a lot of plot to begin with and i doubt the show will follow what gone down in the book without adding a lot to it.
In the book Wandee is 29 and Yak is 20. cause of the age gap their dynamic is slightly different than in the show. Yak called Dee Phi and he use Nong as 1th person pronoun with Dee.
the convenience store scene is where they first met in the book. there was no hospital visit at all. Dee legit was following a complete stranger and being unhinged for the first peice of man meat he can find.
Yak have more of a passive personality in the book. the book made a point that although he looks like a thug Yak is actually very soft spoken and polite. this + the age gap made it feels like Dee is the one in charge in their relationship.
there was no scholarship in the book. Dee asked Yak to be his fake bf solely for petty reason, people in the hospital were gossiping and he just don't want to be the loser who got rejected.
Ter didn't said "I only like girls" in the book and made it clear that he didn't wanted Dee because Dee was too boring for him.
Pakao is not a doctor who work at the same place as Dee. his sexuality was never stated and he barely shows up in the book.
Taemrak gender was never clearly stated in the book (in the thai version at least.) but it's heavily implied by their appearance description and Yak choice of pronouns that they're a boy. Taem same with Pakao in the book had zero characterization and mostly there just to be plot points than an actual characters.
I really loved what they've done with the show so far. and although i had fun with the book, i'm way more excited and invested in what going in the show. @shortpplfedup put it best "i read the novel and it is truly porn without plot"
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ivanaaar · 11 months ago
Prodju pakao
da joj se priblize
a ne znaju da taj haos
nije nista u odnosu na onaj
koji je u njoj.
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nrosei · 2 years ago
Ako moraš hodati paklom, hodaj kao da ga posjeduješ.
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lifeinbooks · 1 year ago
Netko je jednom rekao da su pakao drugi ljudi. Imao je pravo.
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recentadultburnout · 1 year ago
Wandee Goodday
วันดี เลาหวัฒนา Wandee Laowatthana
Wandee=good day
I'm not sure what Laowatthana should mean. The first word seems to have no meaning in Thai. I found a post speculating that it is a word in Chinese, and all those surnames with เลาห in the front are of Chinese descent. Watthana mean prosper, grow, develop.
ยอยัก เผด็จศึก Yor Yak Phadetsuek
Yak in this spelling (ยัก) means lift, sting, swing, and embezzle, but with "yor" in the front, it's pretty clear that the writer meant for it to be the letter that is typically spelled with ษ์, "ย.ยักษ์".
Yor Yak=The 34th consonant of the Thai alphabet “ย”. Its name means a mythical being, which translates to giant, titan, or demon.
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Phadetsuek=put an end to the war,Defeat the enemy decisively, A slang refer to sex. It's kind of rape-y more often than not, tbh.
โอเยะ เผด็จศึก O-ye Phadetsuek
O-ye=no meaning
แต้มรัก Tamrak
Tam=smear, tinge, anoint, paint, daub, dot, spot, score, mark, point
The most likely intended meaning, in my opinion, would be "paint" or "to paint."
กวิน สุขะพิสิษฐ์ Kawin Sukhaphisit
Kawin=Very good, excellent, lovely, classy
Phisit=excellent, superfine, superior
ปาเก๋า Pakao
Pakao has no meaning, but if we add another letter, it becomes ปลาเก๋า-plakao, which is a type of fish, and as I get the ปาเก๋า from Twitter, I think it might just be a misspell, but maybe it's something else, idk.
รชา-เชอรี่ Racha-Cherry
Racha=hope, determination
Cherry is Cherry. Not a Thai word
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e-kultura · 11 months ago
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Dom omladine ~ Ciklus Gnevni filmovi - Razgovor sa Mladenom Đorđevićem o filmu Radnička klasa ide u pakao
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pleatonitum · 2 months ago
Biblijski opis pakla
Matej 7:13-14 BKJ[13] “Uđite na uska vrata; jer su široka vrata, i prostran put koji vodi u propast, i mnogo ih je koji na njih ulaze. [14] Jer su uska vrata i tijesan je put što vodi u život, i malo ih je koji ga nalaze!” Zar bi Isus izrekao ikad ovo upozorenje ako poslije smrti nećeš postojati? Luka 12:4-5 BKJ[4] A kažem vam, prijatelji moji: ne bojte se onih koji ubijaju tijelo, a poslije…
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