#page 647
pesterloglog · 3 months
Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Vriska Serket, Calliope
Page 645-650
ROXY: hey you 2!
ROXY: sorry abt him his manners are fuckin atroche
JOHN: for real.
ROXY: anyway hustle up and get in before someone sees ya
ROXY: also john wtf happened to the secret knock
VRISKA: Yeah, John!
VRISKA: What the hell!
JOHN: i-
ROXY: move it buster!!
ROXY: oh the kids are safe btw
JOHN: that's good!
JOHN: wait, they were in danger?
ROXY: yeah numbnuts in case u forgor theres a whole ass conflict goin on with kids gettin kidnapped n houses gettin targeted n shit!
ROXY: our house bein one of those hice!
JOHN: you never told me our house was one of those hice!
JOHN: you told me to go get vriska, which i did.
VRISKA: Actually, I pretty much got myself.
JOHN: fair.
JOHN: but i collected her!
JOHN: you didn't really say anything about harry or the other kids at all.
ROXY: oh man
ROXY: i guess i kinda didnt huh
ROXY: ...
ROXY: aw jeez
JOHN: hey!
JOHN: i'm sorry roxy, don't worry about it, you've got em now.
ROXY: what
ROXY: no i dont got em
JOHN: wait, what?
JOHN: then who has them!!!
ROXY: rosenaya and jade picked em up while they were
ROXY: um
ROXY: runnin around outside unsupervised
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: well... that's good!
ROXY: ...
JOHN: ...
VRISKA: Haha! You guys are terri8le guardians.
ROXY: hey stfu
JOHN: yeah, you're one to talk!
JOHN: you left your own clone on her own in a dungeon!
VRISKA: It wasn't a "dungeon" John, it was a high-security 8lack site!
JOHN: that's basically the same thing.
JOHN: if anything it sounds a lot worse!
VRISKA: She could handle it.
VRISKA: Unlike your lame-ass offspring who need to 8e gru8sat by an entourage of armed guards, I can tell that she's got that patented Serket panache.
JOHN: technically she's a maryam-lalonde.
VRISKA: Sure, whatever.
VRISKA: The point is, she's a Vriska.
ROXY: whatever is right
VRISKA: Hurry up and walk faster!
CALLIOPE: hello!
CALLIOPE: i'm so glad yoU all made it back alright.
ROXY: oh it werent no thang baby i was just answerin the door
CALLIOPE: not yoU, silly!
ROXY: hehe
JOHN: (a little, right?)
CALLIOPE: salUtations, vriska!
CALLIOPE: i mUst say it's a pleasUre to finally make yoUr acqUaintance!
VRISKA: What the hell is that thing?
CALLIOPE: hee hee, gracioUs.
CALLIOPE: yoU're as rUde as i imagined yoU'd be.
VRISKA: Not you. I know who you are.
VRISKA: *That* thing!
CALLIOPE: yes, that'd make sense.
CALLIOPE: that, my narratively significant friend, is the reason we've called yoU here!
CALLIOPE: allow me to introdUce...
CALLIOPE: The Plot Point.
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sakana-comic · 5 months
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Back to regular updates after this behemoth of a page! You wanted MORE backgrounds, huh? No? Nobody's forcing me to make pages like this?? Hold on. Wait. Hold o
Read SAKANA pages 647-648 here!
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A microfic written for Day 1 of Jily Week 2024, run by the very lovely @sunshinemarauder and @kay-elle-cee, and inspired by the theme Love is in the Hair - one of those iconic 'wow' moments!
647 words
Rated G
A flash of red catches James Potter’s eye for the very first time.
James Potter was twelve years old the first time he really noticed Lily Evans’s hair. Obviously, he’d seen it plenty of times before, just like he’d seen Sirius’s hair or his Mum’s hair. The difference was that he hadn’t ever looked at it properly before. 
The day it happened, he and Sirius were in their usual seats in the Potions classroom, at the bench in the back right corner; the one that was least visible from Slughorn’s desk and therefore offered the most potential for messing about. 
Sluggie had finished his opening lecture on the topic of Swelling Solution - or at least that was what James assumed he’d been talking about, since that was what was written on the board, but he honestly hadn’t heard a word; he’d been too busy scribbling notes to Sirius. In fairness, Swelling Solutions did sound like they could be quite entertaining, and the idea of slipping some into the pumpkin juice at the Slytherin table convinced him that it might be worth actually putting a bit of effort in for once.  
He and Sirius played Spell, Shield, Serpent to decide who had to go and get their ingredients from the supply cupboard. Sirius lost, and made a rude gesture at James as he scraped his stool back along the stone floor. James smirked at him, then started to flick through his textbook looking for the right page, when a flash of red caught his attention; Evans, sitting next to that greasy loser Snape at the bench immediately in front of him, had flipped her hair back over her shoulders.
Her hair, he noticed, was remarkably thick and shiny, and James idly considered asking what Sleekeazy products she used. It was a very unusual colour, too. Auburn, he thought it was called; not an obnoxiously bright red, like the Prewett twins, but a darker, richer shade altogether. It seemed to change as she moved her head, the lamplight creating rose gold highlights and purple-plum shadows amidst the rich chestnut. 
As he watched, she picked up three sections from near the front, and began to weave them together, nimble fingers dancing a fascinating waltz down her head. She deftly pulled more and more strands into the pattern as she went, and the repetitive movement was oddly hypnotic. It left James entranced.
She’d just reached the nape of her neck when Sirius returned.
“How the hell is she doing that?” he muttered. 
“How is who doing what?” asked Sirius, dismissively.
“Evans.” He nodded towards her. “Doing that with her hair, behind her head, without a mirror or a charm or anything.”
“Oh. I dunno. Oi, Evans!” called Sirius. “James wants to know what you’re doing?”
Quite unexpectedly, James felt his skin heat with embarrassment at the thought that Evans might know he’d been looking at her. It was the strangest feeling, one that was completely unfamiliar. James decided that he didn’t like it, not at all. 
Lily shot them a disdainful look as she secured the tail of her hair with a band. “I’m plaiting my hair, obviously. You know, so it doesn’t get in the way while I’m brewing.” She looked pointedly at Sirius’s collar length locks. “Maybe I should teach you?”
Sirius looked horrified. “What? Like a girl? No way!”
Evans rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the ingredients on the bench in front of her. 
“Why are you so interested in Evan’s hair all of a sudden?” asked Sirius, curiously.
“I’m not,” huffed James.
And he wasn’t. He had far more important things to think about after all, like Quidditch trials, for instance, and how he and Sirius were going to sneak their Swelling Solution out of the classroom without Sluggie noticing. Resolute, he started measuring out dried nettles to add to his mortar. He wasn’t going to think about Evans’s hair ever again; he was sure of it.
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welcometogrouchland · 7 months
I love Steph's origin as told in the Secret Origins 80 page giant- I just overall think it strengthens her character by giving her a lot of pathos and adding to her heroism (which isn't something writers were focused on in her actual intro in detective comics #647 since she was just meant to act as a plot device back then) BUT there is one tiny detail in it i will begrudge, and that is the portrayal of her having a minor love at first sight moment for tim
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Secret origins 80 page giant, ID in alt
(or well, technically this was their second meeting in that story (the brick was the first) so...love at second sight?)
Mostly because Stephanie showed no interest in her introduction and only showed romantic feelings towards Tim AFTER this moment here:
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Robin (1993) #4, ID in alt
Straight up the progression here goes:
The adventure in 'tec where they first meet -> Tim investigating the same crime scene as Steph -> she beats him up not knowing it's him at first, apologizes but says he shouldn't have scared her -> he remembers her/the moniker she goes by -> they talk about plot for a few pages -> Stephanie starts flirting
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Robin (1993) #4, ID in alt
Which...is so fascinating to me and says so much about Stephanie. She highlights the fact that Tim "remembered" her. Like. Steph. Girl. This is our bar? It's sweet but kind of speaks to how much Stephanie is ignored at home/how little and sporadically she's shown interacting with her peers (and rarely ever the same kids twice). Her idea of peak romance is just...being on someone's mind even when you're not there.
Kind of also adds layers to Steph's proclivity towards jealousy later on, a manifestation of her insecurity and loneliness (though don't get it twisted, she's not written this way bc Dixon and co think it's an interesting character flaw, they wrote it bc they think it's an inherent character flaw of (particularly young) women/girls, which is very apparent in how he approaches Ariana's character as well from what I've read)
Also the fact that Steph becomes so smitten for Tim almost immediately after this is (a few issues later she aggressively flirts with him during AN ACTIVE HOSTAGE SITUATION. WHERE SHE'S THE HOSTAGE) again is kind of a mixture of kind of funny and sad. One boy is nice to her once and she's fully ready to wife him. Girl you are deranged (affectionate) (concerned)
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#stephanie brown#tim drake#timsteph#meta#< ??? ig#robin 1993#made this post and forgot to finish. saved it in drafts. saw posts that annoyed me. proceeded to finish it#the subset of fans who think they're doing a righteous feminism by giving steph more flaws than she has in canon...headaches#yes flawed female characters are important representation no i dont think you projecting chuck dixons conservative values onto her-#-is doing her character a great favour. if so you need to commit to the bit and make tim a stone cold nark /j#sorry okay im done vaguing. there's real things going on in the world that matter. the bad take is the mind killer etc etc#anyway the zero to 100 progression of early timsteph is fascinating. on the one hand i know it's mostly a product of its time#both in terms of portrayals of romance (esp teen romance) and partially of women and girls by dixon (not extremely boy obsessed-#-but there's a. dark shadow of the boy crazy trope. a gentle whiff of it in the air. just a little)#but bc this aspect isn't blatantly/egregiously author bias i choose to analyse it#i could also analyse how steph in general is portrayed as liking guys she can't/shouldn't have a little#(her crush on the much older detective in bg2009 and also tim a little bit w/ the secret identity thing)#(but that's a whole other discussion. also that aspect of the romance in bg2009 is. also a little sexistly motivated-#-and also dropped part way through to an extent so like..not exactly ripe for analysis)#ANYWHO i love you Steph <3 you're unwell and yet so adorable and compelling Steph <3
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hi! i just have an idea carlos x reader imagine, do you mind writing it?
here’s the idea:
they’ve been dating in secret for a year and decided to go public soon, so they agreed to enter the paddock together at the next gp as a way to announce the relationship
but a few days before the gp started, reader feel nervous about what will people think about her, so carlos comforts her. Carlos also posted photos of reader and him on their last holiday to soft launch the relationship and show her what people think (fans loved her and their relationship)
sorry if it’s to long and there’s a mistake in grammar, english isn’t my first language hehe
thank you ❤️
hope this was okay sweetie!! (i also made a whole edit with this i may have a stroke)
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paddock walk (cs55)
summary: the one where carlos tries to calm your nerves word count: 647
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“what do you mean you’re not coming anymore?” 
you nibble on your bottom lip, listening to carlos’s soft breathing on the other end of the line. you and carlos had been planning your appearance to the spanish gran prix for a month now, finally coming to terms that a year of hiding your relationship was enough, and that you were both comfortable with sharing a piece of it with the world. but only a piece, and that would start with you can carlos arriving at the paddock together. 
it’s not your first grand prix. you had managed to sneak into a couple throughout the last year, like suzuka and singapore to name a few. you were always there, but always arriving when he was already deep in last minute meetings or warm ups. but this sunday in spain, you would instead be arriving with carlos. no more secretly kissing good luck in the hotel, or the subtle smiles in passing when he’d walk by you in the garage. you would no longer be just some girl, now everyone would know that you are carlos sainz’s girlfriend. and it made you nauseous. 
“i just think it’s too soon.”
“that’s not the reason amor. what is it?”
you don’t like that he can see right through you, even without seeing you. he isn’t wrong; it’s not too soon, if anything the timing was perfect. but going public meant opening yourself up to his world even more so. which means welcoming people following your every move because they were following his every move. you’ve seen the way other girlfriends have been treated online; the abuse and threats, the way their every move is analyzed down to the millisecond. truth be told, you weren’t ready for that. you weren’t ready to be scrutinized just yet. you just wanted a couple more weeks of bliss.
“what if they don’t like me?”
“your fans,” carlos sighs but your persist on, “what if they think i’m not pretty enough or they don’t like-“
“amor, that doesn’t matter. none of that matters, you know that. that’s not the point of this weekend. the point of us arriving together isn’t to receive public approval, but to share a piece of us with them.”
“i know…” you sigh softly, rubbing your eyes. “i know… i’m just scared.”
carlos sits on his bed, “well… you’re still coming to the race right?”
“mhm. i wouldn’t miss it.”
“okay.” he smiles to himself. “okay. we can decide when the day comes. if you’re still not comfortable by then, then we won’t do it this weekend. we won’t do it until we’re on the same page. okay?”
you fall back onto your bed, a bit of relief, “okay. thank you”
“of course baby. now, go to sleep. te veré mañana. buenas noches, te amo.”
“te amo.”
you go to sleep without another thought about the ordeal, agreeing that you both would figure it out when the day comes. between traveling to barcelona and making up for lost time with carlos, you barely had time to look at your phone. it was long forgotten, too wrapped up in your boyfriend to even care. 
finally with some downtime, carlos pulls out his phone. he scrolls some before handing it over to you. “i don’t know if this will make a difference on your decision, but i thought you should see.”
you take his phone, looking on his screen to not only see a his instagram open, but the countless comments underneath it. your heart beats out of your chest, reading all the kind words. the nice overpowers the mean, and your anxieties begin to disappear one by one. there’s still a bit of worry, but not as much as the night prior. you look over at carlos and smile, leaning over to plant a kiss on his lips. 
“let’s do it.”
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sneeb-canons · 3 months
When playing pokemon, Mind plays nuzlockes overly recklessly (he's a freak /lh who has the damage calculators and wiki pages open at all times), Heart plays nuzlockes overly cautiously because if one of his pokemon dies he will be INCONSOLABLE, and Soul just plays with the pokemon he thinks are neat. This infuriates Heart and Mind to no end because he will give an Inteleon Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Snipe Shot, and Muddy Water and see nothing wrong with it. They can't tell if it's a bit or if he genuinely thinks it's fine.
Headcanon #647
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franollie · 4 months
i finished batgirl (2000) and i loved it so muchhhh i cant even put it into words aaaaaahhhh
anyways do you have any more recs for Cass, Steph or Babs bc i need more (also any fic recs too?)
OKOK so I recommend this reading list for both steph and cass by @/jlquarterly. they also have a more condensed reading list for steph and cass individually as well as more extensive ones for them too. overall just a great account to follow if you need reading lists.
Some overall reads that I recommend:
Batman (1940) #567
Detective Comics (1937) #734
(No Man's Land in general is a good read for cass but these are considered her first appearances)
DC First: Batgirl/Joker
Superboy (1994) #85 (i love this issue it is very dear to me)
Detective Comics (1937) #647-649
Secret Origins 80 Page Giant
honestly all of Robin 1993 starting with issue #3
Robin (1993) #88 (Steph and Cass first meeting)
Batman: Huntress/Spoiler- Blunt Trauma (HELENA AND STEPH YIPPEEE)
Batgirl (2009)
The Batman Chronicles #5 (Oracle: Year One)
All of Birds of Prey 1999
General "batgirls" recs:
Convergence: Batgirl
Steph works in the medical field, the writers acknowledge her pregnancy, its about her relationship with the batgirl mantle, steph and cass live together and have a pet rat together, it's literally perfect
This is where we play the "pick and choose from canon" game
Let's Not Talk About It by Procrastinationfairy
T - 4k
Summary: cass explores how words fail to describe feelings, especially in terms of attraction.
God this fic....here to start. I'm obsessed with the way it tackles cass’s feelings for steph and the lack of language she would have for her emotions…insane...Her anger at tim for not “properly mourning” steph
If taken, I'm yours by evanescent
T - 8k
Summary: Sheer determination is not everything, though, and after exactly eight seconds Stephanie finds herself laying flat on her back after getting knocked down with a very real-feeling baseball bat. For a moment, she thinks the strange sound is her ears ringing, but then she sits up and finds Batgirl standing next to Batman, her shoulder shaking slightly. She’s laughing, Stephanie realizes. Batgirl must catch her staring because she makes a quick, swiping motion with her hand.
“I think,” Batman says, and Stephanie wonders if she has a concussion after all, because he kind of sounds amused, “she’s telling you to be faster.”
In a world when you have your soulmate's first words to you imprinted in their handwriting somewhere on your body, the fact Stephanie can't decipher hers seems like the least of her problems, most of the time.
A really sweet rewrite of Steph as batgirl
heroes and thieves at my door (i can't seem to tell them apart anymore) by hinn_raven
T - 4k
Summary: Bruce really can’t help but think that Stephanie Brown, pre-medicine, piano player, and honors student, with Leslie vouching for her, would be a far better girlfriend for his daughter than Spoiler, the new vigilante in town.
This one has me kicking and giggling every time i read it
It's delightful and funny and just an overall good time
Now Stick It Thick by thebodydies
E - 1k
Summary: Cass’s body always did exactly what Cass wanted. And now Steph’s body did as well.
nobody look at me
Highly recommend checking out all of Hinn_Raven's works especially if you're a steph fan!
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moreaulover · 2 years
Some law of talos facts and info off the top of my head (by someone who's very hyper fixated and wants people to know more about it!!!!)
Apparently some people just didn't know that law of talos was an oc tournament 😭??? I thought that was basic info but I guess not! I'm not counting it being a tournament as a fact but more people not knowing (also some people didn't know unknown person had comics for before and after each animation??? There's literally YouTube videos with both idk what to tell you guys 💀)
Unknown persons entries are the most popular, but the 5th animation is non canon! The canon ending was by the winner Blacklillian but it's currently lost media :( there's a description of it on the lost media page, a few meantions of plot points on the tv tropes (example)
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An ask + drawing related to what happened to Karl after on unknown person's tumblr (unknownpsn) we can also gather a tiny bit from the winner announcement post comments, the main point I've noticed is people talking about their disappointment in the lack of action and badly done Karl but praising the more satisfying ending. There was also apparently an epilogue by Blacklillian but that is also currently lost :(
Blacklillians entrees (along with the majority of others) are lost media! Some info can be gathered/interpreted from the lost media page and the tv tropes page (both linked at the bottom along with the intro/winner post for the contest and the wiki) A few entries are up although it's few and far between but I do encourage you to look for them on competitors' deviant art pages (I'll edit this and add list who's is up in a little while) here's a chart of the tournament though!
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Here's chimbley's reference page which is the only known piece for his portion at the moment (please lmk if more has been found) *update you can buy the official chimbley archive on the artist Iris Jay's patreon for just 5 dollars :3 !!!!!
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Chimbley's creator does have Twitter+tumblr but no longer makes content for him so savor what we have. We do know from the tv tropes page that chimbley was more flight than fight and all his competitors were disqualified rather than beaten in a combat (makes me giggle really hard ngl 😭)
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Climber and Karl (and Rachel + Clarice obviously) are both part of the unreleased.... comic? Series? (Whatever it was going to be!) Called Castle of nations by unknown person (ofc)! There's not a ton known about it as the actual media was never released/finished and unknown person stopped posting in 2016 but there's lots asks + content on his tumblr if you want to look into it some
Karl was not going to wish for Rachel back despite common misconception! According to unknown person he was actually going to wish for an unlimited power supply to escape the amusement park permanently
There's a silly joke cosplay video called "law of talos chimbley vs Karl live action" that's available on the internet archive but someone uploaded the whole thing on tik tok (linked here) chimbley does a heel click at 8:22 i feel it's important everyone see it.
People have also been uploading the voice actors singing various Christmas songs in character I haven't seen them all but I know Karl's video (What's this- the nightmare before Christmas) is pretty available and a clip of Chimbley's (little drummer boy) as also recently been uploaded. I think I saw Steffi's at one point but I don't remember it like at all sorry (EDJT I FOUND IT GUYS I'LL LINK IT BECAUSE IT'S HARDER TO FIND THAN THE OTHER TWO I MENTIONED)
Speaking of Steffi!!!!! She stars in her very own webcomic "Kiwi Blitz"!!! I'll link it here :3
That's all I can think of for rn I'll make another post if I get more info on the lost media or if I think/learn anything else!!! Here are the links to the law of talos intro/winner post, lost media page, wiki, and TV tropes!!! Once again I encourage you to look through them if you haven't!!!
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tweedlebat · 1 year
Part 6 of A Treatise of Embroidery, crochet, and knitting with illustrations
By George C. Perkins, Anna Grayson Ford, and M. Heminway & Sons Silk co circa 1899.
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Please note, this book was written in 1899, and as such uses a racist term to refer to the dyes that were used for the thread. If you'd like to read more about this period in time, the term, and the stereotypes that the Victorians had, I've actually linked the wikipedia article here that goes more in depth. It's not the end all be all of it, but it's a good starting place for anyone wanting to educate themselves on the topic.
Since the alt text was too long to fit in the actual pop up, I'm writing it down here!
Page 29. Lessons In Embroidery.
This page has the pattern for the strawberry and blossoms embroidery on it. It resembles a paint by numbers/letters image with a table showing the corresponding colours. I will try my best to explain the image, but first the colour charts.
Red: 655 shade number 1, 655 shade number 2, 656 shade number 3, 657 shade number 4, 658 shade number 5, 659 shade number 6, 660 shade number 7, 661 shade number 8.
Blossoms: 691 shade number 9.
Centre: 647 shade number 10, 409 1/2 shade number 11, 410 shade number 12.
Unripe Berries: 682 shade number 13, 683 shade number 14, 684 shade number 15.
Leaves and Stems.
Green: 0428 shade letter A, 428 shade letter B, 429 Shade letter C, 429 1/2 shade letter D, 430 shade letter E, 431 Shade letter F, 372 shade letter K, 373 shade letter M.
Brown: 300 shade letter O, 301 Shade letter R.
Strawberry Design. Materials. — M. Heminway & Sons' Oriental Dyes, Japan and Spanish Floss.
Berries. — Ripe and unripe; Red — "Sharpless variety" — 0655, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661. Unripe — 0655, 655, 656, 682, 683, 684. Blossoms.— 691, 682, 683, 0655. Centres. — 647, 409 1/2, 410. Leaves. — 0428, 428, 429, 429 1/2, 430, 431 ; or 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 300, 301. Scallop. — 581 or 691. —Spanish Floss.
Design No. 153 — Strawberry. 18 inch. See Colored Plate C1.
Description.— Fill in berry crosswise, shortstitch on the wrong side, not much filling. For filling to raise the berry use M. Heminway & Sons' white Persian Floss. Start at the point of berry with two strands of red, 655, shading with one strand as dark red as 661. For an unripe berry start with light green, 682 and 683, shading into the green the light pink, 655, making the berry as ripe in color as 660. The seeds on the red berries put on with small stitches, gold, 409 1/2. On those that are not ripe use green, 428.
Blossoms. — White, 691, shadow of green, 682 on lower petals, touching a few of the new blossoms with light pink, 0655; pollen of 647, 409 1/2, 410.
Leaves. — On the outer edge of the leaf use two strands, shading toward centre with one, use a little brown, 300 and 301, for faded part of leaf.
Scallop. — Button-hole stitch in pink, 581, Spanish Floss, or 691, with an outline above scallop of one strand filo, 310.
Now I will describe the first illustration which shows the embroidery by letters/numbers diagram. I will be describing the image from the bottom to top as the spray of strawberries and blossoms flow in a diagonal from the bottom left to the upper right.
We start with two parallel, diagonal stems that branch off in multiple directions to hold the entirety of the design. The two stems are done in shade letters D and E. The rightmost stem slips under two leaves, forking into a third tendril, before the left fork curves gracefully to the right and ending in a strawberry. The right fork goes downwards and forms the triple fork from where the three large strawberry leaves all come from in this piece. An upper one, a bottom one, and one off to the right that is slightly twisted so the underside of the leaf tip is visible.
Shade letters for the bottommost leaf, from base to tip, left to right. Starting at the top where the base joins the stem: 1st row: E, O, R. 2nd row: E. 3rd row: F, C. 4th row: D, E, E, D. 5th row: B, D, C. leaf tip: C.
For the twisted leaf at the right of the previous: 1st Row: C, D, C. 2nd Row: D, E, C. 3rd Row: C, D. 4th Row: E, D, B. 5th Row: F. Leaf tip: A.
For the Upper Leaf: 1st Row: D, E. 2nd Row: C. 3rd Row: B, D, E, D. 4th Row: D, C, D, C, D. 5th Row: A, B. 6th row: A, R. Leaf tip: A.
Back at the beginning, where the stems are parallel, the leftmost stem forks before the two separate bits slip under the upper large leaf that we described earlier. The right fork curves up and to the left into a strawberry while the left fork curves up behind it. It would seem a second strawberry also emerges from a stem coming from behind the same leaf, although it does not show a fork. This berry sits just under the other.
Higher Strawberry: 1st Row: 4, 6. 2nd Row: 3, 2, 5, 3, 3. 3rd Row: 2, 15, 4, 8, 3. 4th Row: 14, 2. Strawberry Tip: 13.
Lower Strawberry: 1st Row: 8. 2nd Row: 5, 6, 7, 5. 3rd Row: 4, 4, 5, 4. 4th Row: 2, 2, 2, 2. 5th row: 1, 1, 1.
Only two of the little strawberry leaf tops have any kind of letter indication, all of them combinations of C, D, and B, so your guess is as good as mine.
Emerging from the top strawberry is another series of three stems, two of which appear to have forked somewhere behind the berry unseen. The left stem goes up and then promptly forks before slipping under a fully bloomed strawberry blossom, and then emerging from the top with a single leaf gracing the end. Somewhere behind the flower another tendril has forked off this one and goes up to end in a tiny blossom not yet bloomed. Next to that is the stem that will be described in a few paragraphs, and then another stem leading to a small blossom, that is also not fully bloomed.
Big Blossom: This has 5 petals in total, and all the petals are tipped in shade number 9, and all excepting the leftmost petal gradiate to shade number 13. The leftmost petal gradiates to shade number 14, and then the center is shade number 10.
Small Blossom: 9 at the tip, 13 at the base, there are 3 petals showing.
Tiny Blossom: same, 9 tip, 13 base, also 3 petals showing.
Back to under the blossom, the right stem from the original fork leads up to an elegant waving stem that branches off into several tendrils mostly decorated with a pair of leaves each.
The left tendril from that fork extends up a ways, waving a bit and is done in shade letter B, and then forks one last time culminating in a pair of tiny leaves on the right fork and a waving tendril on the left that finishes in shade letter A.
Leaf 1: Base E, Tip D. Leaf 2: Base C, Tip B.
The right tendril from the fork that leads into the last also immediately forks again ending in a pair of tiny leaves coming from each tendril.
From lowest leaf to highest, base to tip:
Leaf 1 right tendril: E. Leaf 2 right tendril: D, C. Leaf 3 Left Tendril: D, E. Leaf 4 Left tendril: C, B.
all the tiny leaves leaves save one are done in two colours, one for the base and one for the tip. So wherever you decide to put a tiny leaf, you can keep the colour schemes in mind.
There is an image at the bottom captioned Design No 153- Strawberry. 18 inch. See Coloured Plate C1.
This has what appears to be a doily with an embroidered scalloped edge and the large strawberry image placed at the top and bottom of the doily, flowing with the circular edge. There is a small smattering of petals coming off of an extra pair of fallen blossoms that were added to one edge, and a small detached strawberry on the other.
All in all, thank you for your patience while I try to get these out. If anyone has any suggestions to make these easier to understand, my inbox is always open. I will be posting another pair of images sometime this week!
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emin-folly · 18 days
List of Vetted Gaza Fundraisers
I have been getting a lot of Palestinian asks to share their gofundmes and hopefully help reach their donations goal, so I thought it would be a lot more effective if I complied them all in one post. I'm begging you on their behalf to please take the time to reblog, share and donate if possible!! Every little bit helps!! - @rewaa33: Currently at $545/50,000 Link: https://gofund.me/4bca744d Not yet vetted but donations are protected so it's most likely legit - @shadowyavenuetaco: Currently at $4,505/50,000 Link: https://gofund.me/ba5b76e9 They have been vetted by @90-ghost - @freepaleatine95: Currently at $7,846/50,000 Link: https://gofund.me/19e0f69f They have been vetted by @90-ghost - @motaz352: Currently at $3,875/24,325 Link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-poor-injyred-in-gaza They have been vetted by @90-ghost - @eslamfamily1: Currently at $5,416/50,000 Link: https://gofund.me/a2ccf744 Eslam is vetted as line #175 on the Bees and Watermelons spreadsheet. - @emanabosedo: Currently at $445/50,000 Link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-eman-rebuild-after-the-war-in-gaza This campaign is vetted by association through @abdalhadiaburas (who was vetted by association here). Eman is Abd Alhadi's friend. - @majedgaza1: Currently at $3,552/70,000 Link: https://gofund.me/2b8a25aa They have been vetted! -@wafaaresh6: Currently at $10,575/50,000 Link: https://gofund.me/4ae11497 They have been vetted by @90-ghost - @ahmedmatatsblog: Currently at $647/70,886 Link: https://gofund.me/f18c36b8 Not yet vetted but they pass the Reverse Google image search + protected donations - @abedallhferwanagaza: Currently at $4,385/35,000 Link: https://gofund.me/f9b4c293 They have been vetted by /femmeintifada in Telegram - @anasalshrafa: Currently at $1,419/55,380 Link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/7fn48y-gaza-palestine Not yet vetted but they pass the Reverse Google image search + protected donations - @baraaalshrafa: Currently at $85/55,380 Link: https://gofund.me/a0d1052d Not yet vetted but they pass the Reverse Google image search + protected donations - @ahmad-syam-blog: Currently at $3,106/40,000 Link: https://gofund.me/665fbb6c This campaign is vetted by association! Ahmad is the brother of @yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi) - @ahmadallouh32: Currently at $1,477/55,380 Link: https://gofund.me/991535b1 Not yet vetted but they pass the Reverse Google image search + protected donations - @atalah-mohammed: Currently at $16,601/90,815 Link: https://gofund.me/8b2ac999 This campaign was vetted by @/90-ghost here.  - @mohamedabuzoor: Currently at $1,388/66,450 Link: https://gofund.me/8455ab28 Verified by The Butterfly Effect Project (#503 on the 'verified campaigns' page). €1,154 raised of €30,000 goal as of September 2 - @kareeem-sd: Currently at $2,310/55,380 Link: https://gofund.me/70501154 Not yet vetted but they pass the Reverse Google image search + protected donations
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steamworksfairy · 10 months
Ahhhh!!! New crazy The Last Shadowhunter theory! Also, this has a read more in case someone is still catching up on reading TDA or TftSA. Cuz spoilers. You've been warned!
Ok, so I'm reading Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, right? And this line jumped out at me:
"You are Nephilim now. I name you Simon Shadowhunter, of the blood of Jonathan Shadowhunter, child of the Nephilim." It was a placeholder name, until he chose a new one for himself.
(This is page 647 btw)
So, um...crazy thought, but what if The Last Shadowhunter is in reference to the last mundane to have sipped from the Mortal Cup?
We know The Mortal Instruments can be destroyed. The sword was broken by Emma in TDA. So what if the cup is? Oh God, what if this cup is destroyed!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! There are so many things The Last Shadowhunter could mean! I thought I stopped going nuts over the title, but nope! Cassandra Clare managed to find a way to make me freak out again.
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ayusosarchive · 2 years
linked in the source you will find 647 gifs of manu ríos in his role as marcos in la edad de la ira. these gifs are sized 268x170 and were made from scratch by me, so please like/reblog if you save, use, or found this helpful, & make sure to read over my rules in the pinned post. thanks! (content warnings are listed on page).
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mistersaturn123 · 5 months
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New page of IF I is up. Click here!
Time to switch the scene to Var and the sharks and see what they're up to now!
Also credit to @katxtoonz for the idea a while ago that Pike and Mari talk about in this page!
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periwinkle-the-11th · 25 days
You were write about ellipsus writing I decided to give it a try and wrote 647 words what are they putting in page layout there
idk dude but whatever it is, its addictive. I'm glad you like ellipsus tho, happy writing!
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deadwintercomic · 1 year
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A new page of Dead Winter is ready to read! https://deadwinter.cc/page/647 Today let's eavesdrop on a conversation, why don't we?
Thanks for reading!
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Grab Winds of War's eBook for FREE until October 14th at brswrites.com/heirs03 🎉✨
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To free the spirits of the Shadow Forest, the evil sorceress must fall.
The past of 647 years ago collides with the present as the fate of Tenebris and all of magic stands on the precipice of great devastation. As Astrid’s heir, Nyla must defeat Dinora, and the humans and pumpkies must forge a path for her to reach the evil sorceress. But is Nyla willing to risk the life she’s only just begun to guarantee the safety of those she cares about and strangers alike?
While the coalition of soldiers, Casters, and Royal Guards scramble to mount a defense against Dinora’s army, Shamira finds herself the leader of the three pumpkie clans in a clash against formidable beasts of stone. Can she put aside her own heart and convictions to become a leader?
Closer to home, Xander struggles to balance the desperation of his heart and the duties thrust upon him in the midst of the chaos. But when a crucial decision is made on the battlefield, he, Nyla, and Shamira are forced to confront their deepest truths. Will they conquer the challenges they face in the fight for Tenebris’s future, or will survival cost too much for them to bear?
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Grief (more so than F&F and EoE)
Anxiety, references to panic attacks
Emotional trauma (and unrealistic coping)
What to Expect in WoW:
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An evil sorceress
A battle for the future
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