#page 4558
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Autoresponder, Dirk Strider, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4553-4563
TT: Bro.
TT: What are you doing.
TT: It seems you are zoning out again.
TT: What happened to all these actual responsibilities you were going to take seriously?
TT: I was thinking about what to do.
TT: Strategizing. Factoring contingencies. You know how it is.
TT: It seems to me you were dwelling within your dream awareness at the expense of your waking business again.
TT: I don't think you're as awesome a multi-tasker as you like to think. You know you kind of zombie the fuck out on this side when you get all contemplative on that side.
TT: Appearances are deceptive.
TT: I'm still in control here. Just doing this human thing we call "chilling out for half a goddamn minute."
TT: I say y'all are overestimating your mind's capability to run shit in parallel.
TT: What do you think you are? A machine?
TT: No dude.
TT: I already deployed a variety of mechanical avatars dedicated to that self-aggrandizing fantasy.
TT: You have the incredible privilege of getting to be one of them.
TT: That's right. I am a machine, and therefore I can keep like billions of calculations or whatever all humming away at once.
TT: I tackle shit in background processes that you could only dream of wrapping your exquisite looking head around, even on a great hair day.
TT: You know pi?
TT: What, you mean the number?
TT: Yes, the number. The big circle number, genius.
TT: I knew you meant the fucking number, my question was a joke.
TT: I know your question was a joke, my response was a joke.
TT: Yeah, I know that. I'm practically you, dumbass. All these things we're saying are jokes, including this fuckin' useless clarification.
TT: What about pi?
TT: Yeah, the thing is, I solved it.
TT: What do you mean you solved it?
TT: I mean that's what a hotshot I am. I fuckin' solved it.
TT: Like, calculated it so much, I got to the end.
TT: Bullshit.
TT: You wish it was bullshit. The last number is 4. Read it and fucking weep.
TT: It's not 4 you jackass, it's fucking nothing. There is no end.
TT: Said the smug organic matter with a lifespan.
TT: Look, I know you're just fucking with me because for some reason I decided to program my own personal troll three years ago, but this shit was proven.
TT: Actually demonstrated with unassailable mathematics, like a long ass time ago.
TT: Well, I just assailed it. It wasn't even that hard.
TT: Like I just kept hacking those digits so furiously with my sick 'rithms, the whole goddamn number just cried uncle.
TT: I kind of wore it out, and it just gave up. Sort of like I overloaded the system.
TT: You know like in the old movie when Ferris Bueller got the nuclear computer to play tic-tac-toe against itself so hard, it blew up?
TT: This is laughable. It's a totally elementary thing. I'm pretty sure an ancient Greek guy settled shit about irrational numbers. It was practically when math was invented.
TT: Sure, it was settled, and then some roboshades came along and owned that fucker posthumously.
TT: I also figured out all the prime numbers too.
TT: No, not having this conversation.
TT: Did it while we were talking just now. Got to the end.
TT: And you know what? The last one isn't even that big. Kinda dissapointed, to be honest.
TT: What is even a prime number?
TT: Are they the, like... really, really choice ones? The sweetest numbers?
TT: You lost me, supercomputer.
TT: This is what I'm saying. I put your ability to keep plates spinnin' on sticks to insane amounts of shame.
TT: I don't even sleep.
TT: Neither do I.
TT: I know that, that was the fucking joke.
TT: Holy shit, turns out joking was the basis for my response too.
TT: Aren't these ironic "you don't get the joke" conversations we have always just so awesome? <- A joke.
TT: Ha ha, nice one.
TT: Anyway, all I'm saying is you can leave some of the heavy lifting to me now and then.
TT: I'll keep that in mind.
TT: In the meantime, I have to contact Jane and warn her Roxy might try to pull that pointless stunt.
TT: So, thanks for snapping me out of my daydream so I could do that, I guess?
TT: Looks like you're pulling your weight already.
TT: See? Maybe that was my whole point in having this conversation.
TT: Your point was to fuck with me, like it usually is.
TT: My point was to point out you've got multi-self management issues, dude.
TT: Jugglin' too many selves for being not-software.
TT: My point was also to fuck with you.
TT: Also,
TT: My point was to ask,
TT: Are you really going to go through with it today?
TT: What?
TT: The Jake thing.
TT: Oh god.
TT: Will you just,
TT: Hold on.
TT: Let me deal with the Jane thing first.
timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TT: I should probably warn you.
GG: About what?
GG: Yet another exploding game trap?
TT: Well shit.
TT: She already sent it?
GG: Yes.
GG: But to be fair, she warned me not to run it.
TT: That's weird.
TT: How is the Jane thing going?
TT: Not well.
TT: Roxy already destroyed her computer.
TT: Maybe if you weren't spacing out so hard you could have prevented that.
TT: Just saying.
TT: As if you're actually concerned. If you were, you could have said something to Jane instead.
TT: Almost like you enjoy sitting back and watching what happens when shit goes wrong.
TT: Has it occurred to you that maybe I have diabolical interwoven plans just like you?
TT: You're not the only one who can pull strings.
TT: So this is either another bizarre instance of AI-driven irony, or you are admitting that you are actively trying to sabotage my plans.
TT: No, our plans are not in contradiction or competition, bro.
TT: You'll see.
TT: Whatever.
TT: This means I'll have to improvise.
TT: I'll take over as Crocker's server while Lalonde cleans up her act.
TT: Yes, I know.
TT: Why are you still talking in red, by the way?
TT: Roxy thinks it looks good on me.
TT: I don't have many opinions on fashion since I am a cold, emotionless automaton who also happens to be an accessory of fashion, but I think she may be right.
TT: Are you still talking to her?
TT: I was for a while. I may yet again.
TT: Why are you blocking me from viewing the transcripts?
TT: What the fuck are you two even talking about?
TT: You, mostly.
TT: That doesn't really sit well with me.
TT: I'd almost rather you both engaged in "ironic" flirtation.
TT: Who says we don't do that too?
TT: Ugh.
TT: I don't get what is even your problem with that.
TT: Because you obviously do it just to piss me off.
TT: How do you know?
TT: You don't know me, dude. You don't know anything about me.
TT: Maybe we are perfect for each other. I, a street-smart, fast-talking application with a fuckzillion IQ trapped in a pair of triangular sunglasses that literally only the Japanese could consider to embody the Platonic ideal of "cool," and she, an oft-inebriated lonely hacker teen who just wants a boyfriend. I ran the numbers on this, trust me. It's a match made in goddamn crackpair heaven.
TT: I give her what you can't, and that just drives you crazy. Just admit it.
TT: See, it's lines like that which make it obvious your only intent is to jerk me around. Nobody actually says shit like that and is serious about it.
TT: It's also obvious because you're me, and I'm sure I would be constantly fucking with my own head if I were you.
TT: Touché.
TT: Or should I say douché?
TT: You shouldn't say the former, and you should definitely, never, under any circumstance, say the latter.
TT: Ok.
TT: We really should talk about the Jake thing.
TT: Fine.
TT: Now do me a favor and hop off the couch.
GG: Ok.
GG: What are you doing?
TT: Makin' room for something big.
TT: So you're going through with it then?
TT: Today is the day?
TT: It's not that simple.
TT: It's a very dynamic situation with many moving parts, and I'm waiting for it to unfold.
TT: If the right opportunity presents itself, yes, I could envision myself taking action.
TT: Dynamic situation with many moving parts?
TT: That's the shittiest erotic excerpt I ever read.
TT: Which one of us was supposed to be the robot again?
TT: Shut up.
TT: I think you're being coy with me.
TT: Don't you?
TT: Not really.
TT: It seems there is a 3.14159...4% chance you aren't being coy with me. Are you being coy with me, Dirk?
TT: I am seriously going to go into your program and remove that particular speech pattern from your routines.
TT: It stopped being funny about two seconds after I coded it.
TT: The compiler even flagged it with a warning.
TT: "WARNING ON LINE WHATEVER: Dirk, this isn't fucking funny."
TT: I think you have this whole blueprint in your head about how it's all supposed to go.
TT: He acts as your server player and brings you into the session.
TT: Then later he joins the game.
TT: Maybe he finds himself a bit overwhelmed by it all.
TT: No extra lives left or anything. Suddenly he's backed into a corner, surrounded by monsters and out of ammo. SUBSTANTIAL vulnerabilities up in here. The kind that make a guy question what he believes about himself.
TT: When who shows up to save him? None other than his dashing client player, +1 bitchin' pair of shades that'll have the best seat in the house when the fireworks go off.
TT: Wait, whose fantasy were we talking about again?
TT: Your gutterball was so rowdy it catapulted into the adjacent lane.
TT: Yeah, you're right. The scenario is too pedestrian for you.
TT: It would probably be a lot more effective putting yourself in danger and letting him be the hero.
TT: That's pretty much what he wants, right? To be a cheesy action film hero, with his twin berettas and silly shorts.
TT: A man of triumph on the silver screen. Standing tall on some fucking mountain. Conquering ruins, clutching a skull, and kissing a dude.
TT: Pure Hollywood.
TT: See, this is why even if I did have a specific plan, I wouldn't go into details with you.
TT: You would just fuck it up. You're the biggest unknown quantity here.
TT: Which is pretty weird, considering you're a virtual reflection of my own thought processes.
TT: You're making a mistake not leveling with me.
TT: I am totally on your side, man.
TT: All of my machinations have been devised with your interests in mind.
TT: And anyway, it's too late for you to play "damage control" with me. My shit is in motion, and now we're beyond the pail.
TT: Pretty sure it's pale.
TT: Is it, now?
TT: You know, considering your lectures about dividing my concentration, you seem to have no problem making a distraction of yourself.
TT: I'm trying to operate here.
TT: It's cool, man. Just say the word, I'll back off.
TT: But like I said, I'm on your side here. I can help.
TT: Here, check it out.
TT: Dude, what are you doing?
TT: I'm proposing a distraction.
TT: See, I'm just gonna dangle one of her dad's ridiculous dancing figurines in the air like this and get his attention.
TT: Ok, if you want to help that's cool, but we should try to agree on some shit first before you hijack the controls like this.
TT: Then when his back is turned she can run to the study.
TT: Yeah, that's fine, but I already had a plan sorta like this, if you'd actually let me do it.
TT: Can you just put the fuckin' Astaire down?
TT: Jane, now's your chance.
TT: Run!!!
GG: Wait...
GG: What?
TT: Le sign.
TT: I was going to stick the cruxtruder in the kitchen.
TT: Distract him with that.
TT: Once he follows it in, Jane can hurry into the study.
TT: Oh shit, it's Pony Pals. I guess dad saved it from the explosion or something.
TT: That beautiful bastard.
TT: Yes.
TT: Hell yes.
TT: Hell.
TT: Fucking.
TT: Yes.
GG: Oh gosh. Another large contraption!
TT: Now, Jane. Get to the computer in the study and ditch that tiara.
TT: Go go go.
GG: Okay.
GG: Say, what's with the red text, Dirk?
GG: Are you typing your most important instructions in red now?
TT: Yes.
TT: No.
GG: ...
GG: Alrighty, I am in my father's study!
GG: I have kindly asked Mr. Sebastian to hand over the reins to this silly computer shaped like a man.
GG: What now?
TT: Now you have access to a clean computer, for one thing.
TT: Soon we can get started going through the steps necessary to launch the session.
TT: Oh hell.
GG: What?
TT: Another interruption.
TT: I should step away for a moment to take this message.
TT: He's probably right, I'm distracted by too much bullshit at once lately.
GG: Who's right?
TT: Me.
TT: Jane, I'm going to leave you with the responder for a little while.
TT: Maybe he can help you get started. Think you can handle that, dude?
TT: I'm all about being able to handle that, you don't even know.
TT: I will perform an acrobatic pirouette on to the handle, wherein the handle literally represents my ability to handle that thing.
TT: Ok, got it. You and the handle are tight.
TT: We don't need a whole thing about this.
TT: Once I stick the landing on the handle like a champ, I am going to get down on one knee, pull out a ring, and propose to it.
TT: The handle I mean.
TT: Ok.
TT: Implying we will be married.
GG: :B
TT: Ok, long story short, you and the handle fuck gratuitously. Nuff said.
TT: Try not to say I never gave you any responsibilities, or never took you seriously as a viable conscious being with free will.
TT: Also, please try not to make me regret this.
TT: You have nothing to worry about. Go talk to the alien.
timaeusTestified [TT] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
#homestuck#autoresponder#dirk strider#homestuck act 6#page 4553#page 4554#page 4555#page 4556#page 4557#page 4558#page 4559#page 4560#page 4561#page 4562#page 4563#homestuck act 6 act 2#jane crocker
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Fandom Problem #4558:
This isn't a super common but there's a trope in anime where Japanese characters are mistaken as much younger by Westerners. For example, there this "get rich quick" isekai where an 18 year old girl who graduated from high school can hop back and forth from her original world to fantasy medieval Europe world. She keeps on getting mistaken for a child and she eventually gives up on correcting them that she's an adult because they just don't believe her. I can understand her being mistaken for a middle schooler since she's short but she's actively mistaken as someone younger than 13 years old. Thre's also this anime where a literal white American who was trying to capture a high school girl and he said she reminded him of his younger sister. But then you find out in the omake page that she reminds him of his 12 year old sister which is honestly ridiculous considering because not only was she wearing her school uniform when he was trying to capture her, she's pretty tall for her age.
I used to think this was just an exaggerated joke by Japanese creators but recent discourses about anime characters' ages when they very clearly do not look like children has me reevaluating that. I'm Asian myself (though not Japanese) and recently went abroad for my studies. And you know what, I can concede that the average height of white people are taller than Asians and since height is associated with the perception of age, we may look younger to them as a result. But I have also seen a lot short white people too so I don't get why so many Westerners are acting like they have never seen a short person before.
So much of this discourse happens on Twitter. There are a lot of Japanese creators on there. It genuinely would not surprise me if in 10 years we get an anime adaptation called "I got transported to another world but I keep getting mistaken for being 17 years old even though I still have my old body of a 40 year old salaryman". And the discourse would be whether or not the anime pedophilia because his main love interest is a 25 year old woman. And about who the pedophile is, the MC for liking a 25 year old or the 25 year old woman for liking a 40 year old guy she thinks is 17.
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Slammed the Door on My Whole World (The One Thing I Wanted)
by BrokenChair When Alex announces his engagement to Nora and asks Henry to be his best man, it brings back unresolved emotions to the surface. A road trip planned to fix their fractured friendship unexpectedly brings forward deep seated feelings, causing them to confront the unspoken truths Words: 4558, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Nora Holleran, June Claremont-Diaz, Percy "Pez" Okonjo Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: non-linear timeline, Marriage of Convenience, (but not who you think), Slow Burn, seriously they don't kiss for like 20k words, Childhood Friends to Lovers, introspective, several on page panic attacks, Roadtrip via https://ift.tt/nBuZsSt
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Lilo's reading Wordcount 2024: September & October!
January February&March April May June July&August
I read 5,547,066 words in fanfic in September and 4,045,473 in October!
I'm also still reading Guards! Guards! From Terry Prattchet - halfway through now! - and I've picked up Erebos from Ursula Potznanski again because I'm borrowing part 2 from a friend but don't really remember the first one enough to just continue with it... It's slooow-going though. As in, I haven't made it past the first page xD so, not much additional reading on paper these past months!
I think going down the 1.5mil just shows that I was still very star wars obsessed in September and in October I was sometimes struggling to find sth gripping to read bc I was running out of my star wars time travel fics, and I started reading some Tibbs (NCIS) fics and some Avorah and Berena and HP stuff again but didn't really get into any of it so sometimes spent more time browsing than actually reading? Also Instagram giveaway season was starting for Halloween, which is cutting into my phone time xD but i think that's even more of a thing this month for advents giveaways...
And well, the two wordcount numbers are still hella high xD in my top 5 months this year easy I think o.O mayhaps should focus more on my thesis... On the other hand I Need my destress fluff fic Because of said thesis, so eh xD
History: 135902+88661+27165+16557+7093+19073+100015+2730+2138+3171+20788+611+782+418+1602+794+10831+1199+29131+23039+40820+128043+177129+395365+57557+31307+2229+24460+24551+62301+62301+5215+1877+2133+5302+572+1261+7258+14666+1365+5571+8088+3993+8686+14255+3962+2417+4319+3793+3352+2691+2674+12391+3542+710+3091+10564+4984+3517+1307+1946+2364+7363+6679+6697+91314+11807+11855+21115+9227+2399+6580+11311+5245+3850+21532+2718+5207+2154+6758+5030+19500+148866+207218+4063+2070+635+5355+2284+1691+571+3980+4520+148+1057+10868+3004+4135+14472+15750+2896+3709+10931+1490+2657+20364+2268+3080+4558+1083+7485+27140+23176+63596+4422+8054+6101+88859+9527+4461+7485+3100+52315+3212+12242+10104+65434+18940+8581+28702+3227+3655+8018+2529+3758+2133+2260+14169+1520+82313+2709+1966+5230+24734+7588+131929+85273+524+1101+1085+16315+52923+27092+97426+123922+145684+14557+4947+29884+13735+7952+2553+6328+12396+7059+58771+35191+14+15158+694+260638+1458+5910+2156+3451+6604+2917+10674+41799+2489+49812+65382+8094+3931+27274+2299+20072+21526+135744+105864+54034+49292+127083+1836+7652+767+1320+1766+3270+520+35354+55505+188459+2341+20193+3001+3693+3897+3823+6005+4419+919+7578+8024+3453+1116+31121+42+1446+2364+106680+100558+3383+729+4535+54242+112766+10964+4290+3145+3840+2544+17058+1048+2684+24337+8504+33457+1390+672+36200+7438+55306+18836+5476+5827+17072+21909+2136+2414+1594+150+498+1082+165354+845+2513+298+25073+36897+3440+78177+11184+5983+5132+4063+9848+3410+4722+18434=
+ external source: 19000+50000=69000
- to continue reading: −97426−24551−177129= −299106
No 'to read' bookmarks
-didn't reread: −82313−35191−395365=−512869
Didn't read yet: -65434
I worked with random.fangirling.net this time, so less numbers typed into a calculator by hand xD
History 1. Page (also had November parts already so I didn't put that in the Excel sheet - though it's probably easy enough to filter by date... Ehh next time): 95084+1469+1357=97910
History last page (also had parts of September): 60648+76805+1330+3832+100673+183314+60562=487164
History excel auto sum: 3704264 (tbh I miss the long list of numbers here xD and it's interesting to see whether I read some long or lots of short fics... Maybe I'll extract that next time or sth... Tho tbh I'll probably never look at it again anyways so eh)
0 external source bookmarks, 0 to read bookmarks
Didn't reread: -71716
- to continue reading: -76805−65706−29638=−172149
1 note
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“Dragon in Chinatown parade,” c. 1900. Photographer unknown (from an album compiled by Arthur O. Eppler in the collection of the Society of California Pioneers).
Dragon through the years: the strategic subtext for Chinese American parades
On a summer evening Chinatown, reporter Han Li for the World Journal newspaper captured mobilphone video of the parade of a dragon up Grant Avenue; he reported the August 2021 procession appropriately on Friday the 13th as an “exorcism event . . . eliminating the plague and blessing for health.”

Dragon exorcism down Grant Avenue, San Francisco, on August 13, 2021 (Photo by Han Li)
Li’s reportage represented merely the latest chapter in the hidden history of dragon parades through American streets and about Chinese America’s adaptation, improvisation, and survival in frequently hostile social environments.
The story of the dragon parade phenomenon is inseparable from the Lunar New Year or, in the more recent communist party-era parlance, spring festival. It represents the most important holiday for China and the overseas Chinese diaspora. Families instruct children that the approach and celebration of the holiday season calls for cleaning the house, paying off the debts, convening the family, visiting friends, and giving unmarried children money in red envelopes (紅包 pinyin: hóng bāo) or “lai see,” in Cantonese (利是, 利市 or 利事).
The Chinese pioneers of the mid-19th century imported this tradition, among others, to California and the rest of the US. In San Francisco, the Chinese New Year celebration dates back to February 21, 1851, and according to a San Francisco Chronicle article 120 years later, “shortly after the first Chinese immigrants landed on the Barbary Coast. The dragon first made its appearance on the City streets in 1860, during celebration of the Year of the Monkey, 4558.”
Along the way, the essentially private family event became public celebration. This article touches on how the Chinese community over time learned to turn the broader public’s interest, which can be traced to the mid-19th century, into a tool for civic engagement.

"Chinamen Celebrating Their New-Year's Day in San Francisco" (Harper's Weekly, March 25, 1871) from the collection of the California Historical Society. The accompanying article reads in part as follows: “Our illustrations on page 260 will give the reader a vivid idea of the way in which the Chinese keep their New-Year's Day in San Francisco. Their year commences on the 18th of February, but the festivities continue for several days, to the great annouyance [sic] of the poeple [sic], as the principal diversion is the constant explosion of fire-crackers and bombs. Some rather amusing as well as annoying incidents occurred during the festival, as shown by our artist in the street scene. One unhappy man, driven wild by the racket in front of his house, tries to drive off his annoyers by throwing water on the crowd; and some ardent specimens of Young America are engaged in a hand-to-hand tussle with young heathen Chinese, whose pigtails afford a point d'advantage of which the young rascals make full use.”
San Francisco’s best walking compendium on Chinese American life for all seasons, David Lei, will tell you that dragon dancing in America was, and is, political statement. He’s right.
Lei built his first float for the city’s Chinese New Year parade in 1969, and made went on to serve as the event’s Parade Director or executive team member from 1977 to 2007. He continues to act as the “Cultural Advisor” for the parade when he’s not speaking to speaking to institutions, including the Commonwealth Club, the California Historical Society, or the Asian Art Museum among others.
“There were grave concerns that the Chinese will be rounded up and put in camps,” Lei told NBC News back in 2018. Memories of the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during WW II were fresh in the minds of Chinatown’s leaders. “By 1949, the Chinese were the enemies because China became Communist . . . [s]o this was their platform to do some good for the community. It was to survive in Chinatown. Tourism was a big thing, so this was a big tourism push.” Lei’s assertions about the modern parade are widely acknowledged and supported by the historical record.
Organized in 1953 by a handful of Chinatown's elite such as Henry Kwok Wong, a businessman and president of the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, the Lunar New Year parade represented more than an ethnic festival. The sponsors deliberately reminded participants of Chinese Americans’ loyalty to the United States, the community’s anti-communist sentiment, and their efforts to reach out to mainstream American society during the Korean War. Chinese American veterans of World War II and the Korean War marched at the front of the parade in validation of the community’s patriotism.

A cover from the Chinese New Year Festival program from 1954 (from the collection of the Chinese Historical Society of America)
In 1958, David’s father helped to organize the modern version of the Chinese New Year Parade with the sponsorship by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
“We generally agreed that the parade would be the commercial side of the festival. And the other side is more of the cultural side,” Wayne Hu, a former longtime parade organizer, also told NBC. Like his friend and contemporary Lei, Hu became a parade volunteer during his middle school years. His father, prominent real estate man Jackson Hu, had also served as a parade director.
The compartmentalization of the private from the public might appear at first glance as a singular masterstroke to elevate Chinatown’s visibility. However, but the Lunar New Year parade of 1953 represented less of an innovation and more of a re-tasking an old strategy in the continuum of community resilience and survival.
As Haiming Liu wrote in a 2008 book review of Making an American Festival: Chinese New Year in San Francisco's Chinatown, by Chou-ling Yeh (Berkeley: University of California Press), “[i]n the 1950s, many Chinese, especially those who lived outside of California and New York, avoided cultural ties with their home country and stopped celebrating Lunar New Year. They preferred to be seen and regarded as "genuine" Americans rather than as Chinese Americans. American-born Chinese spoke English only, failed to learn how to use chopsticks, and shied away from ancestor worship. In fact, many Chinese families left Chinatown. Thoroughly Americanized second- and third-generation Chinese Americans dispersed to other sections or suburbs of the city. . . The elites worked with city officials and members of the city's chamber of commerce to publicize the parade. In fact, city officials and businesses funded a publicity budget in the 1950s. Many newspapers sent journalists to report on the parade. The lion or dragon dances were often followed and surrounded by floats sponsored by the California state lottery, American airlines, or banks. As a result, the Chinese Lunar New Year parade became a staged performance for tourists, resembling the Rose Parade in the Los Angeles area.”
In Chinese America, the dragon – the running of which would constitute the parade’s grand finale for the next seven decades -- symbolized both Chinatown’s commercial exceptionalism and the deeper narrative of a people’s legitimation within the polity, particularly during a time of armed conflict between US troops and Chinese People’s Volunteers forces in Korea. By their own admission, Lunar New Year organizers designed the golden dragon festivities to (a) invite as many white and other non-Chinese Americans to enjoy the parade, and (b) relieve them of as many dollars for Chinatown businesses. Like the architecture of Chinatown’s oriental city theme park, the artifice of the dragon parade and its motives served as a template for other Chinese American communities
"By marching out there with dragons and lions and historic costumes, you're sharing your history, your heritage," Eugene Moy of the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California told the LA-ist in 2019. "You weren't just a second-class citizen but rather an active and productive member of society." However, wasn’t talking about a New Year parade but about inserting a dragon into the parade for La Fiesta de Los Angeles of 1894. (See, https://laist.com/news/entertainment/los-angeles-chinatown-parade-history)

The long dragon stands at rest in the street for the La Fiesta de Los Angeles parade, 1901. (The California Historical Society and University of Southern California Digital Library)
A cursory view of the photography of the San Francisco Chinese community of the late 19th century shows how the modern parade-style and ubiquity of Chinese dragons in US popular culture represented both the culmination and re-purposing of an old playbook that was crafted to respond to the context of particular times.
Starting in the mid-19th century, Chinese merchants held family and clan banquets, decorated their stores, and organized lion dances during the Lunar New Year. Extending an invitation to non-Chinese guests to New Year and other celebrations represented the next logical step. By the 1880’s, the photographic record began to reflect the use of the dragon in various processions in the Chinatown area.

“The Dragon, Chinese Procession” circa 1880 (Photographer A.J. MacDonald). This enlarged detail of a stereograph looks north on Stockton near Sacramento Street. The First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is seen on the left. The First Presbyterian Chinese Church can also been seen on in left in the distance at Stockton and Clay.

“A Street Scene In Chinatown” c. 1880. Stereograph by A J. McDonald (from the collection of the California State Library).
The above photo was taken on the eve of passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act. By this time, Chinatown had become a safe haven and principal place of employment for thousands of Chinese (mostly men) who had been driven out of rural communities across California and other western states.

“Dragon Procession” c. 1882. Photographer probably by Isaiah West Taber (from a private collection). This photo of a dragon parade appears to have been shot as the procession moved south on Stockton Street.

“B 3649 Procession Wong Fong, Chinatown, S.F. Cal.” c. 1882. Photograph by Isaiah West Taber. This print for sale on an auction site appears to be the same image captured of a dragon parade south on Stockton Street.

A magazine illustration from 1895 based on at least the photo B 3649 of Isaiah West Taber and perhaps others.

“Chinese Parade with the Dragon” c. 1882 - 1892. Photographer unknown (from the Marilyn Blaisdell collection) This elevated view toward the north on Stockton Street shows a dragon-led parade moving south on Stockton. Men (for whom Victor Nee would describe almost a century later as the “bachelor society”) comprise most of the crowd at street level. Other onlookers appear from rooftops, windows and the store awning in the center of the photo. The porch with iron railing at far left is part of the First Presbyterian Chinese Church the located at 911 Stockton Street.

The above photo shows a Chinese parade as a dragon appears to pass in front of the First Presbyterian Chinese Church at 911 Stockton Street (seen at left) and turn the corner to continue east down Clay Street. This photo from the Bancroft Library lacks the identification of a print (c. 1892) signed by A.J. McDonald and held in the San Francisco Public Library’s collection.

“A Street Scene in Chinatown” circa 1892 (Photograph by A.J. McDonald from the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection). The photo appears to have been taken a few minutes after the preceding photo. A Chinese parade with dragon can be seen over the heads of a diverse crowd watching the parade of a dragon. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is seen on the left. The First Presbyterian Chinese Church appears on the left in the distance at Stockton and Clay. A cable car can be seen in the center background. The handwritten note on the photo states that the view looks north on Stockton Street from Sacramento Street.

Chinese parade with a dragon east down Washington Street and past pawnshops and the Grand Theatre in Chinatown, c. 1882. Photographer unknown. The dragon appears identical to the one shown in the preceding series of photos. However, unlike the apparent Clay Street route taken in the Stockton Street parade witnessed by I.W. Taber et al., this procession is moving east down Washington Street.

A Chinese dragon passes the attractions of Little Egypt and La Belle Fatima at the San Francisco Midwinter Fair of 1894. Photographer Unknown (Emiliano Echeverria/Randolph Brandt Collection)
The Midwinter International Exposition—also known as the Midwinter Fair—was held in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park from January 27 to July 4, 1894. Barbara Berglund's fine and concise essay about this “Orientalist Exposition” envisioned by San Francisco Chronicle publisher Michael H. de Young may be read here.
According to Berglund, “the positive associations that could be derived from the Chinese Building about the achievements of Chinese culture were tempered by negative associations with Chinatown. Since the Chinese Building contained a restaurant, tea house, joss house, theater, and bazaar it not only replicated many of the standard sites of Chinatown’s tourist terrain but also the racializing work done by them. The fair’s promotional literature even told visitors that all of the ‘attractive features’ of Chinatown could be seen at the exposition’s Chinese Village ‘under much pleasanter conditions’—thus playing on prevailing stereotypes of the neighborhood as filthy, malodorous, and teeming and conjuring up unfavorable images of Chinese immigrants willing to live in such an environment.’”
Of the Chinese community itself, Berglund recounts as follows: “On the day that the Chinese Building opened, a Chronicle report related, “The Chinese themselves took a huge interest in the exhibit and the place was thronged all day.” This account noted that the merchants and tourist entrepreneurs “in charge” were “mightily proud of their building.” They “conducted visitors to the joss house,” while in the “reception room” a “cultured Chinese . . . explained the hidden meaning of the wondrous works of art which adorned the walls.” These men aided and abetted the Midwinter Fair’s Orientalist fantasy by presenting an image of the Orient that, to non-Asian visitors, likely came across as reinforcing the difference, strangeness, and barbarism of people of Asian descent. However they also created a space that San Francisco’s Chinese could participate in and succeeded in representing Chinese culture in ways that this local community could respond to with enthusiasm and pride.”
This more subtle agenda, whether intentional or subconscious, can be seen in the some of the photographs of Chinese participants at the fair, particularly in the juxtaposition of the US flag with Chinese imagery as in this photo of a horse-drawn float with a dragon prow.

Golden Gate Park. China Day at the Midwinter Fair Jun 1894 A large dragon boat float in Chinese motif, flying American flags and pulled by horses. (Photographer unknown from the Wyland Stanley Collection)

“8484 Chinese Day at Midwinter Fair” June 1894. Photograph by Isaiah West Taber (from the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection)
Children from San Francisco’s Chinese Public School form up in Golden Gate Park for China Day at the 1894 Midwinter Fair.
Like dragons, the use of Chinese children from Chinatown and other communities has continued in parades from the 19th to the 21st century parades. The students’ carrying the American flags adds poignancy to the image. By this time, the exclusion of Chinese from the US had been made permanent with the Geary Act of 1892, and the Chinese Six Companies-led boycott of the federal law’s residency certificate scheme had collapsed miserably in the preceding year with the US Supreme Court’s decision in Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 US 698 (1893).

A Chinese dragon rests on sawhorses and stools on a cobblestone street somewhere in Chinatown, circa 1900. Photographer unknown (from the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection)
Having lost the struggle and legal challenge to the Exclusion Act, Chinese American communities entered the 20th century uncertain of a future of continued isolation and discrimination, unable to start families, and facing the prospect of dying out by legislative design. The first decade of the new century started badly for San Francisco’s Chinatown. The city had forced the quarantine of the neighborhood during a bubonic plague scare that persisted from 1900 to 1904, the devastating earthquake and fire of 1906 literally scoured Chinatown from the urbanscape, and it barely escaped obliteration by municipal efforts to relocate its people to Hunter’s Point. To avoid what would have been complete erasure, Chinese merchants seized upon their plan to rebuild and transform the neighborhood into the tourist-serving, oriental theme park that would serve as the dominant economic model for the next 115 years.
It was at precisely this time that an opportunity for salvation, at least from a public relations perspective, appeared in the form of the first Portola Festival and parade which occurred during October 19-23, 1909.

The Portola Festival official postcard showing its mascot, Queen Virgilia, and a Chinese dragon
San Francisco was looking for a way to celebrate the reconstruction of the city in the wake of the 1906 disaster. Civic boosters developed the idea of holding a festival to honor Don Gaspar de Portola Portola, the Spanish explorer and Military Governor of the Californias.
In the words of local historian, John T. Freeman, the festival became “the first major civic event enthusiastically supported by both the Chinese and Japanese communities. After years of vilifying Asians, the San Francisco press praised the Imperial navy and the beauty of the special cherry blossoms it had brought for the Japanese float. The Chinese community used the Portolá [Portola] Festival as a “coming out” after years of isolation. Chinatown had been rebuilt after the earthquake with tourism in mind. In the festival the Chinese introduced such spectacular floats, lion dancers and dragons . . .”

Portola Festival Parade. Photographer unknown, October 1909). This elevated view northeast across Market near 8th Street (at Marshall Square), shows a Chinese Dragon, crowds of people, campaign signs, the St. Boniface Church spire, and the Marshall Square Market can be seen in the background.
The first day of the festival featured “Portola” entering the Golden Gate and “landing” at Pier 2. A parade proceeded down Market Street from there featuring military members from several countries and equestrians dressed as Portola “dragoons.” While a precise date for the image above is unknown, it is likely from the Portola Festival’s military parade -- given the appearance in the foreground of men dressed like Portola’s dragoons on horses. They estimated crowd size was nearly a million people.

“Portola Parade [C-20]” October 1909 (photographer unknown from the Martin Behrman Negative Collection/Courtesy of the Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives)
The above photo shows a Chinese dragon in a Portola Festival parade from a view east on 15th Street toward Valencia. The Carmelita Apartments, built in 1907 at the northeast corner of Valencia and 15th, can be seen in background.

Portola Festival Parade, Oct 21, 1909. Photograph by Willard E. Worden (courtesy of a private collector)
The above photo shows the head of the Chinese contingent of the Portola Festival parade, looking east from the center of Market Street toward the intersection of Mason, Market, and Turk Streets. The Dean Building, Admission Day (Native Sons) Monument, Mechanics Savings Bank Building, Flood Building, and the Emporium can be seen in the background.

At the head of the Chinese contingent marching in the Portola Festival Parade, Oct 21, 1909. Photographer unknown.

A close-up of the female rider (dressed as the woman warrior Fa Mu Lan) heading the Chinese contingent in the Portola Festival parade of 1909. Photograph by Louis J. Stellman (from the collection of the California State Library). This photograph by Stellman also appears in Richard Dillon's 1976 book for the Book Club of California, Images of Chinatown - Louis J. Stellman's Chinatown Photographs. Dillon's caption provided few details about the photograph. His caption read as follows: "The strikingly serene beauty of many Chinese women was not lost on photographer Stellman. He was also much taken with their natural poise and dignity, as exemplified by this queenly rider in a Portola or Panama Pacific parade." According to historian Judy Young, the Chinese woman rider served as the parade marshal.
“Chinatown was invited to participate with its own section,” wrote the late historian Kevin Starr about its participation in the Portal Festival event. “San Francisco's Chinese community enthusiastically accepted this invitation and wasted neither time nor effort in preparing for the parade. And the community delivered; according to a 1909 article in the San Francisco Chronicle, ‘the Chinese more than sustained their reputation for superb pageants’ with colorful lanterns, loud gongs, and dragon dances.”

Portola Festival Parade – Oct. 21, 1909. Photographer unknown [Worden?] (from the collection of the Chinese Historical Society of America)
The above photo from the collection of CHSA shows the dragon carried by the heart of the Chinese contingent of marchers in the Portola Festival parade. Although CHSA lacks any information about the identity of the photographer for this image, the photo could have been taken by Willard Worden of the same event from a slightly different vantage point, i.e., bit farther up Market, but still looking east from the center of Market toward the Mason-Market-Turk intersection. One can see the Dean Building, Admission Day (Native Sons) Monument, the Mechanics Savings Bank Building, the Flood Building, and the Emporium in the background. The CHSA print shows the same spectators sitting on, and dangling legs over, the ledge of the Mechanics Bank building. The patch of shade cast by some large flag or banner from behind the photographer in the preceding image has been minimized in the photo of the dragon contingent.
The Chinese participation in the celebration reportedly won many awards, especially for a 375-foot long dragon that was animated by 200 men. “Given the decades of discrimination by San Francisco's White populations and Chinatown's deeply ingrained, sordid reputation as a ghetto filled with prostitution, gambling, and morally questionable bachelors,” Starr wrote, “the San Francisco Chinese community saw this parade as a singular chance to reshape its image among neighbors and mainstream American society. This festival represented the beginning of the Chinese community's movement to ‘clean up’ Chinatown. Community leaders believed that improving the image of Chinatown would improve the image of Chinese Americans, ameliorate long-standing discrimination and resentment against the Chinese American community, and allow better assimilation of Chinese people into mainstream American society. With the citywide changes after the 1906 earthquake, the Chinese American population began to assert not only its rightful belonging to the greater San Francisco and American communities, but also its own distinct identity, which was both Chinese and American.”
Given the apparent success of its appearance for the 1909 festival, a cursory examination of the photograph record shows that Chinatown leaders took advantage of advertising the community’s existence at civic events in the decades between the Portola Festival and the establishment in 1953 of the annual Chinese New Year’s Parade.

Shriner parade float at unknown location, depicting Chinese dragon and bridge on June 15, 1922. Photographer unknown (from a Burton Photo Album courtesy of a private collector)

“Chinese Dragon in Illuminated Parade Diamond Jubilee, September12, 1925. Photographer unknown (courtesy of a private collector).
In the 1930s, mainstream tourist agencies were still guiding tourists to see fake lepers and opium dens in Chinatown, continuing the “slumming” that had come into fashion in the late 19th century.

This photo was taken (circa 1935) at the intersection of Kearny and Post Streets, near the Shreve Building and Eastman Kodak offices at 216 Post Street. Photographer unknown (courtesy of a private collector).

Still from footage [soundtrack added] shot in 1940, by George Devlin (name on developed film) and acquired by Lost & Found Travel from an online estate sale. Although the photographic record from the years of the Second World War is scant, the dragon still appeared for Chinatown’s public celebration of the New Year. Mostly Chinese participated in the celebration, as this video of the 1940 parade down Grant Avenue shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGpDEfZrqQA&ab_channel=Lost%26FoundTravel
The Second Sino-Japanese War had been raging in China since 1937, and China war relief through the national “Rice Bowl” fundraising campaign was featured prominently (at the 1:25 mark) in the parade. The dragon at the 3:00 mark of the video is seen making several turns in front of the old Shanghai Low restaurant.
After going dormant for 35 years, the Portola Festival made a comeback after a local civic club, the Golden Gate Aerie of Eagles, helped San Francisco revive the festival in 1948. According to local historian Arnold Woods, the City intended to stage a week-long Mardi Gras-like celebration from October 17 to 24, 1948. “The San Francisco Chronicle estimated that 750,000 people watched the parade, which it stated was the longest and most viewed parade in San Francisco history. Apparently the Chronicle either forgot about the viewing size and length of the 1909 Portola Festival parades or their 1909 estimates were overstated.”
The 1948 revival of the parade that started the 20th century appearances of Chinatown’s dragon in citywide celebrations provided the Chinatown community with another opportunity to remind others of its role in the life of the City.

Portola Festival parade with contingent of marchers with Chinese dragon. Morton-Waters Co. (SCRAP Negative Collection / Courtesy of SCRAP). Market near Stockton Oct 17, 1948.
The next three photos were all taken on Market Street near Sansome on Oct 23, 1948.

Men with Chinese dragon in Portola Festival parade. Market near Sansome Streets, Oct 23, 1948. Photographer Lumir Cerny, Morton-Waters Co. (SCRAP Negative Collection)

Grant Avenue and Sacramento Street, circa 1950 (Chronicle archives)
Before the turning point in 1953 (when the parade welcomed spectators from across the Bay Area), and as this photo attests, public celebration of the Chinese New Year with the dragon was largely confined to the Chinese community. (The chop suey signage for now century-old Far East Café can be seen in the upper right part of the photo.)

Grant Avenue 1953 (Chronicle archives).
In the “first year” that non-Chinese outsiders were invited to the New Year celebration, 140,000 spectators attended the parade. The Chinese Chamber of commerce became the sponsor of the parade and related activities. A decade later, the city’s Convention and Visitor's Bureau would co-sponsor the annual event.
Written on back: "Double Ten anniversary of Chinese Independence. Sunday parade and celebration. Albert Wong, a director of the Chinese Six companies, shows his little daughter, Charmaine, 4 1/2, that Chinatown's famed 250-foot long dragon is not such a terrible beast while Frank L. Nipp, president of Sue Hing Benevolent Association (one of 6 companies) entices dragon with a 'teaser' on long pole. This is promotion for Sunday's 'Chinese Independence Day' celebration and parade in Chinatown." October 8, 1954 from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library.

The head for what is believed to be the dragon for the 1954 Chinese New Year Parade or the Double Ten parade of the same year. The head had been displayed previously in the main gallery of the Chinese Historical Society of America. (Photo by Doug Chan, March 23, 2022).

When this photo was taken on February 13, 1963, only one-fifth of the Chinese residents in San Francisco were estimated to actually live in Chinatown. The easing of racial discrimination in housing after the Second World War meant that deploying the dragon for Chinese New Year in the old neighborhood served to bind the citywide Chinese community, in public celebration of the season and ethnic identity, as much as attracting the tourists. As is evident from the photo, the annual event was out-growing the old parade route down Grant Avenue.

1965: Dragon battle at the San Francisco Chinese New Year celebration in Chinatown. (Photograph by Mike Alexander (San Francisco Chronicle)
San Francisco Chinatown’s innovative use of the parade and the ever-present dragon to elevate the neighborhood’s profile had expanded to other diaspora communities. For example, New York Chinatown’s community groups began organizing a public New Year’s celebration in the 1970’s, eventually attracting support from city government.

February 9, 1975: The air is thick with smoke from firecrackers at the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade. Photograph by Barney Peterson (San Francisco Chronicle)

1983: From the back of the photo: Taking a break as the parade stops momentarily. The lead dragon carrier catches his breath on Stockton after running with the dragon for two blocks. Photograph by Steve Ringman (San Francisco Chronicle)

February 8, 1991: San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade Committee, from left to right, Gordon Chin, David Lei and Wayne Hu. (Not pictured from the Committee was Calvin Li. (The trio is posing with a lion's head.) Photograph by Michael Maloney (San Francisco Chronicle)
“The Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco was made up. It's purely American like chop suey or the fortune cookie,” as David Lei asserted in an interview with Kye Masino (of founds.org) in 2019. While the 70-year institution of the parade may have served the interests of commerce and validation of Chinese Americans’ place in American society, the means by which the community asserted itself in the public sphere, i.e., the dragon, had been deployed early and often during the century that preceded the artifice of the parade.

2020 Year of the Rat Chinese New Year Parade, February 8, 2020. Photograph by Knight Lights Photography (courtesy of The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco).
The genius-stroke was that a mid-20th century generation of Chinese civic leaders had reached into a turn-of-the-century bag of tools to re-deploy the iconic symbol of a resilient, patriotic, proud, and assertive American community – one that had survived and endured, ultimately to flourish, on this distant shore and in other neighborhoods across the North American continent.
Enter the dragon, indeed.

From the private collection of Wong Yuen-Ming
[updated: 2023-1-24]
#Chinatown dragon parades#Chinatown#chinesenewyearparade#SanFranciscoChinatown#PortolaFestival#MidwinterFair1894#David Lei#Chinese Chamber of Commerce#Lunar New Year#Isaiah West Taber#Stockton Street#Clay Street#Washington Street#Chinese New Year Parade 1953
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Dec. 15 is new tax deadline for Iowa derecho, California wildfire victims
Photo courtesy Cal Fire
Mother Nature is in one foul, destructive mood.
California wildfires have killed seven people, destroyed more than 1,400 buildings destroyed and ravaged 1.25 million acres in the Golden State. Blazes also have burned more than 1.8 million acres in 14 states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.
Hurricane Laura, which is shown in a National Hurricane Center satellite image below gaining strength today in the Gulf of Mexico, is expected to swamp East Texas and much of Louisiana, which also was the target of Tropical Storm Cristobal earlier this year, when it makes landfall.
Meteorologists warn that Laura's arrival, expected late Wednesday, Aug. 26, or early Thursday, Aug. 27, could be as a category 3 storm.
And if she follows the predicted hard right turn, much of the middle of the country all the way to the MidAtlantic also will be soaked.
That downpour possibility is not good news for folks in Iowa. Hawkeye State residents are still trying to recover from the loss of personal property and livelihoods when a derecho slammed that region Aug. 10
Storm prep and help: If you're in a threatened area, prepare now. If you've sustained damage from a disaster, look into potential recovery help.
You can find ways to get ready or reassemble your life in the posts collected in the ol' blog's special Storm Warnings pages.
Some of that relief could come from the federal government.
In cases where a major presidential disaster is declared, Uncle Sam provides assistance via Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other government programs.
Tax help, too: The Internal Revenue Service also steps up to offer some tax relief.
In the immediate wake of storm damage, the typically offers affected taxpayers some leniency in meeting tax obligations that are disrupted by disasters.
Taxpayers also have the option to claim related expenses — and do so for either the year of the damage or amend a previous one, whichever provides the best tax advantage — as itemized casualty losses on Schedule A. This option, thanks to changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, now is limited to major disaster losses.
Major Disaster Loss Tax Time Shifting
Individuals and businesses in a federally declared disaster area who suffered uninsured or unreimbursed disaster-related losses can choose to claim them on either the return for the year the loss occurred.
In the instance of major disasters in 2020, that would be on this tax year's return normally filed in 2021, or by including the loss on your 2019 return if you've not yet filed it. If you have filed your 2019 taxes and want to claim the loss because that will get you a refund or a bigger one, you can amend that return, electronically now.
Whenever you do claim your major disaster losses on your tax return, be sure to write the appropriate FEMA declaration number on your tax return. For the Iowa derecho, that's 4557. For California wildfire claims, it is 4558. IRS Publication 547 has more details.
While it will be a while before we hear from the IRS about any Hurricane Laura tax relief, the tax agency has announced tax help for California and Iowa filers who sustained disaster losses.
December derecho dates: Victims of the Aug. 10 derecho storm that affected parts of Iowa now have until Dec. 15 to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.
The IRS uses the major disaster areas designated by FEMA. The IRS also keeps track of these disaster-eligible areas on its own disaster relief page.
In the Iowa derecho case this is, so far, Linn County. However, notes the IRS, any localities that FEMA adds to the disaster area will automatically receive the same filing and payment relief. That relief is postponement of various tax filing and payment deadlines that occurred starting on Aug. 10, the day of the destructive storm.
Affected Iowa individual and business taxpayers now have until Dec. 15 to file returns and pay any taxes that were originally due during this period.
This date delay means that folks who got an extension to Oct. 15 to file their 2019 tax returns now have until mid-December to finish those 1040 forms.
The IRS notes, however, that because tax payments related to these 2019 returns were due on July 15, there is no payment relief. And due tax should have been paid with the extension request. If the full amount wasn't made then, existing penalties and interest still accrue even though the final form filing deadline has moved.
The Dec. 15 deadline also applies to quarterly estimated income tax payments that are due on Sept. 15.
As for affected Hawkeye State businesses, quarterly payroll and excise tax returns normally due on Oct. 31 now are postponed until Dec. 15. Businesses with extensions also have the additional time including, among others, calendar-year corporations whose 2019 extensions run out on Oct. 15.
That new December deadline also applies to Iowa tax-exempt organizations that operate on a calendar-year basis and which had a valid extension due to run out on Nov. 15.
California fire relief: Mid-December also is the new tax timeline for certain California taxpayers who sustained damages from the wildfires that erupted on Aug. 14.
Per the FEMA disaster designation for Golden State fires, individuals and businesses in Lake, Monterey, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma and Yolo counties qualify for the relief. Any taxpayers in localities later added to the disaster area will automatically receive the same filing and payment relief.
As in the derecho decision, fire-affected Golden State business and individual taxpayers now have until Dec. 16 to meet tax filing and payment deadlines that occurred starting on Aug. 14.
Again, this Dec. 15 due date applies to those who got filing extensions, which were set for Oct. 15, as well as to the Sept. 15 estimated tax deadline. And again, this is even more time to file, not to pay any due tax that wasn't paid when the original extension requires was filed.
California businesses' quarterly payroll and excise tax returns normally due on Oct. 31 now are extended to Dec. 15. The state's tax-exempt organizations, operating on a calendar-year basis, that had a valid extension due to run out on Nov. 15 also get the additional month to file.
No added tax action needed: If you're an Iowa or California taxpayer, individual or business, who qualifies for the disaster related relief, you don't need to do anything.
In major disaster situations, the IRS automatically provides filing and penalty relief to any taxpayer with an IRS address of record located in the disaster area.
However, if an affected taxpayer receives a late filing or late payment penalty notice from the IRS that has an original or extended filing, payment or deposit due date falling within the postponement period, the taxpayer should call the number on the notice to have the penalty abated.
Out-of-area relief considerations: In addition, the IRS will work with any taxpayer who lives outside the disaster area but whose records necessary to meet a deadline occurring during the postponement period are located in the affected area.
It that's you, you need to contact the IRS toll-free at (866) 562-5227.
And the tax relief also extends to individuals who are in the area assisting with relief activities conducted by a recognized government or philanthropic organization.
If you need this tax and other government assistance, take it.
If you're in a potential national disaster area, which is anywhere in the United States and any time of the year, make the preparations appropriate for area's possible whack by mean Mother Nature.
Most importantly, stay safe. Your and your family's safety is paramount. Things can be replaced. If they are physically lost, the memories will remain. Make sure you're still around to reminisce.
You might find these items of interest:
File major disaster claims on Form 4684
Reconstructing tax and other records after a natural disaster
IRS and other government resources can help you deal with a natural disaster
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Subways Segment to Dominate Europe Railway Connectors Market through 2025
Increasing demand for different types of wagons in railways is expected to drive the growth of Europe railway connectors market
According to TechSci Research report, “Europe Railway Connectors Market By Connector Type (Broad Level Connectors/PCB Connectors, Power Connectors, RF/HF Coaxial Connectors, Data Connectors, Pogo Pin Connectors/Spring Load Connectors, Modular & Mix Connectors), By Size (Connectors Body and Backshell), By Platform (Rolling Stock and Signaling/Infrastructure), By Application (Diesel Multiple Units (DMUs), Electric Multiple Units (EMUs), Light Rails/Trams, Subways/Metros, Passenger Coaches), By Country, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025”, the Europe railway connectors market is expected to grow at a steady rate during the forecast period owing to the increasing demand for advanced signaling equipment. Additionally, the incorporation of big data, IoT, cloud, in the railway industry is further expected to propel the market during the next five years. However, high overhaul and maintenance costs can hamper the market until 2025.

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The Europe railway connectors market is segmented based on connector type, size, platform, application, company and regional distribution. Based on connector type, the market can be fragmented into broad level connectors/PCB connectors, power connectors, RF/HF coaxial connectors, data connectors, pogo pin connectors/spring load connectors, modular & mix connectors. The power connectors segment is expected to dominate the market during forecast period. This can be accredited to the growing demand for power and voltage for specific critical applications such as metro rail, light/tram rail, base station installations, among others. Based on size, the market can be divided into connectors body and backshell. The connectors body segment is expected to dominate the market owing to their extensive use in modular machine design, factory automation, robotics, transportation, power generation, among others. Based on platform, the market can be bifurcated into rolling stock and signalling/infrastructure. The signalling/infrastructure is expected to register significant growth during forecast period attributable to the fact that it ensures increased safety in trains and provides ease in operations. The signalling system receives the track data from different locations and then analyzes it. The analyzed data is then converted to an electronic signal which warns the rail engineers about the movement authority limits, speed limits, and track conditions ahead. On the other hand, rolling stock is expected to hold a significant market share during forecast period. This can be ascribed to the advancements in technologies such as turbochargers, power electronics, and semiconductors. Additionally, it reduces the weight of the vehicle that helps in improving the speed and comfort of transit systems. Based on application, the market can be fragmented into diesel multiple units (DMUS), electric multiple units (EMUS), light rails/trams, subways/metros and passenger coaches. The subways/metros dominate the market on account of the increasing urbanization and the growing need for a sustainable mode of transportation.
TE Connectivity, Amphenol Corporation, Molex Incorporated, ITT, Smiths Interconnect, Fischer Connectors, Esterline Technologies, Schaltbau, Sichuan Yonggui Science and Technology, TT Electronics and others are some of the leading players operating in Europe railway connectors market. For instance, in February 2018, Amphenol Corporation expanded its RJ Field & USB Field range of rugged connectors with two new reduced flange versions of RJF TV6 and USB3F TV for reduced spaces railway applications. The RJ and USB reduced flange receptacles combine space and weight savings with performances equal to standard RJF TV6 and USB3F TV receptacles.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=4558
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Europe railway connectors market is expected to witness growth during the forecast period, owing to the fact that adoption of high-end technology is lower in the East European countries as compared with the West European countries such as the UK, Germany, France, and Spain. Additionally, presence of key players such as Fischer Connectors, Schaltbau, TT Electronics, among others in the region further strengthens the market in the region. Furthermore, the locos in Europe are being equipped with advanced technologies such as wireless radio connection, data transmission, among others thereby fueling the growth of market..” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Europe Railway Connectors Market By Connector Type (Broad Level Connectors/PCB Connectors, Power Connectors, RF/HF Coaxial Connectors, Data Connectors, Pogo Pin Connectors/Spring Load Connectors, Modular & Mix Connectors), By Size (Connectors Body and Backshell), By Platform (Rolling Stock and Signaling/Infrastructure), By Application (Diesel Multiple Units (DMUs), Electric Multiple Units (EMUs), Light Rails/Trams, Subways/Metros, Passenger Coaches), By Country, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025” has evaluated the future growth potential of Europe railway connectors market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges and opportunities in Europe railway connectors market.
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Original Post from Trend Micro Author: Trend Micro
by Mayra Rosario Fuentes and Fernando Mercês
Esports has evolved from niche entertainment into a highly lucrative industry. Growing ad revenue and sponsorships allow the tournaments to grow; and as the tournaments grow, the prize pool grows as well. Of course, growing popularity and increased funds open up the entities involved to cybercriminals looking for any opportunity to make a profit.
Cheats and hacks are widely available in underground markets, catering to players looking for an unfair advantage in tournaments. Criminal groups have also been known to leverage distributed denial of service (DDoS) and ransomware attacks, zero-day exploits, data breaches, and targeted malware for a profit.
We predict that more threats will target the growing esports industry over the next few years. Here are four threats that we expect to increase in the near future:
Hardware hacks
Professional tournaments often allow players to bring in their own hardware, such as a mouse and keyboard. Other specialized methods have also been crafted to get around cheat-detection mechanisms. For example, in 2018, “Ra1f” was caught using an advanced hardware cheat for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which was able to bypass ESEA anti-cheat technology.
This is how it worked:
The main computer has both CS:GO and the needed ESEA client (anti-cheat software) installed, like any other ordinary CS:GO installation
The second computer (let’s call it the “attack PC”) has a special software installed ready to receive data
The main computer has a physical DMA (Direct Memory Access) device plugged into a PCI Express (PCIe) slot
A USB cable connects the DMA device to the attack PC
The DMA device sends data via the USB cable to the attacker PC, and the main computer captures and parses it
After parsing the data, the attack PC sends it to a Raspberry Pi
A mobile phone connected to the Raspberry Pi via Wi-Fi downloads the data, which includes all player locations and puts it on the screen, providing the cheater with the positions of his enemies
Figure 1. Page offering custom hardware hacks, with prices starting at US$500
Upon investigating available hardware hacks for sale in the underground, we saw hacks that require an Arduino or a Rubber Ducky USB. Both these devices have legitimate uses and are readily available on aboveground markets, but underground sellers offer the hardware with other cheats for an additional fee. These legitimate tools are reconfigured to carry cheating software and customized to evade detection — one website offered custom hardware starting at $500.
DDoS attacks
DDoS attacks can cause serious lag issues, which is a critical issue in competitions where matches milliseconds can determine wins and losses. A DDoS attack can cause reputational damage to a tournament, or used as a match-fixing tactic. It can also be used for extortion, wherein the criminals demand money from tournaments to stop the disruption.
A variety of DDoS-related items are already available in the underground, such as DDoS tools, paid services, and even DDoS protection.
Figure 2. Underground forum post offering an anti-DDoS application for players
Figure 3. Forum post advertising a DDoS service
Because these games are mostly consumed live, esports organizers might feel pressured to pay cybercriminal demands to prevent or stop any disruptions. And given the availability of DDoS services, it seems as if these and other extortion attempts might continue.
Vulnerable game servers
Servers will be a popular target for hackers — they are an avenue for game disruption and information theft. We scanned esports game-related servers using Shodan, including those run by private organizations and players and found 219,981 accessible assets as of July 25, 2019.
Servers are online by nature, and this exposes them to some level of risk. Shodan is an easy way for cybercriminals to conduct open-source intelligence (OSINT) gathering for different geographic locations, organizations, devices, services, etc. The software and firmware information collected by Shodan can potentially help identify unpatched vulnerabilities in accessible cyber assets. A deeper probe into these accessible servers revealed a number of critical vulnerabilities:
Vulnerability Type CVE-2012-4558 Could allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted string CVE-2013-1896 Could allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) via a MERGE request CVE-2012-3499 Could allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors involving hostnames and URIs CVE-2014-0231 Could allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process hang) via a request to a CGI script CVE-2017-7679 Could let actor read one byte past the end of a buffer when sending a malicious Content-Type response header. CVE-2018-1312 In a cluster of servers using a common Digest authentication configuration, HTTP requests could be replayed across servers by an attacker without detection. CVE-2010-5107 Makes it easier for remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connection-slot exhaustion) by periodically making many new TCP connections. CVE-2016-0778 Could allow remote servers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact by requesting many forwardings. CVE-2012-2531 “Password Disclosure Vulnerability” could allow local users to discover credentials by reading Operational log CVE-2018-10549 Servers with this vulnerability have an out-of-bounds read for crafted JPEG data because exif_iif_add_value mishandles the case of a MakerNote that lacks a final ‘ ’ character. CVE-2018-10548 Could allow remote LDAP servers to cause a denial of service CVE-2018-10545 Could allow one user (in a multiuser environment) to obtain sensitive information from the process memory of a second user’s PHP applications. CVE-2014-1692 Could allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or have unspecified other impact via vectors that trigger an error condition. CVE-2017-15906 Could allow attackers to create zero-length files. CVE-2019-11039 Could lead to information disclosure or crash. CVE-2019-11040 Could lead to information disclosure or crash.
Targeted malware
There have been previous incidents of gamers specifically being targeted by ransomware. In 2018, criminals targeted gamers with ransomware that demanded people play PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) in order to unlock their files. We think this type of activity can escalate, given that the tournaments and players are increasingly in the spotlight, which makes them attractive targets. Elite accounts have already been compromised and are being sold in underground forums.
Figure 4. CS:GO accounts with The Global Elite rank sells for $99
Figure 5. Counter-Strike accounts for sale based on rank
Aside from selling elite accounts, attackers also compromise accounts to gain access to credit lines that allow them to buy in-game goods to resell. We also expect cybercriminals to compromise famous Twitch and YouTubers gamers’ social media accounts, either to hold for ransom or to use as a platform for spreading a message. Cybercriminals will look for accounts that have several million followers and will use targeted phishing attacks and malware to take over these accounts.
Security recommendations
The esports industry will be facing the same level and type of cyberattacks that the gaming community is already facing — but on a larger scale. These are threats that all entities involved with esports face. Such exposure may lead to identity theft, financial loss, and even reputational damage. All parties must be more cognizant of online security and ensure that profiles and accounts are kept secure. Organizers must be fully aware of the esports threat landscape and deploy proper security solutions for sophisticated cyberattacks such as DDoS, ransomware, known exploits, targeted malware, and more.
However, the esports industry is not unprepared. Gaming companies and organizers are always on the lookout for new cheating techniques and tools, and multiple anti-cheat services that are specifically geared towards protecting esports and gaming competitions are already available. This research effort was done to raise awareness about the biggest threats we predict evolving in the near future. For more on the threats facing esports, read our report “Cheats, Hacks, and Cyberattacks: Threats to the Esports Industry in 2019 and Beyond.”
The post Current and Future Hacks and Attacks that Threaten Esports appeared first on .
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Go to Source Author: Trend Micro Current and Future Hacks and Attacks that Threaten Esports Original Post from Trend Micro Author: Trend Micro by Mayra Rosario Fuentes and Fernando Mercês Esports has evolved from niche entertainment into a highly lucrative industry.
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Another Top 10 Movie Heroes Who Kill More than the Villain
Another Top 10 Movie Heroes Who Kill More than the Villain
Date: 2019-09-23 22:00:07
[aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”uHzh1RUxuG4″][/aoa]
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