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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Autoresponder, Dirk Strider, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4553-4563
TT: Bro.
TT: What are you doing.
TT: It seems you are zoning out again.
TT: What happened to all these actual responsibilities you were going to take seriously?
TT: I was thinking about what to do.
TT: Strategizing. Factoring contingencies. You know how it is.
TT: It seems to me you were dwelling within your dream awareness at the expense of your waking business again.
TT: I don't think you're as awesome a multi-tasker as you like to think. You know you kind of zombie the fuck out on this side when you get all contemplative on that side.
TT: Appearances are deceptive.
TT: I'm still in control here. Just doing this human thing we call "chilling out for half a goddamn minute."
TT: I say y'all are overestimating your mind's capability to run shit in parallel.
TT: What do you think you are? A machine?
TT: No dude.
TT: I already deployed a variety of mechanical avatars dedicated to that self-aggrandizing fantasy.
TT: You have the incredible privilege of getting to be one of them.
TT: That's right. I am a machine, and therefore I can keep like billions of calculations or whatever all humming away at once.
TT: I tackle shit in background processes that you could only dream of wrapping your exquisite looking head around, even on a great hair day.
TT: You know pi?
TT: What, you mean the number?
TT: Yes, the number. The big circle number, genius.
TT: I knew you meant the fucking number, my question was a joke.
TT: I know your question was a joke, my response was a joke.
TT: Yeah, I know that. I'm practically you, dumbass. All these things we're saying are jokes, including this fuckin' useless clarification.
TT: What about pi?
TT: Yeah, the thing is, I solved it.
TT: What do you mean you solved it?
TT: I mean that's what a hotshot I am. I fuckin' solved it.
TT: Like, calculated it so much, I got to the end.
TT: Bullshit.
TT: You wish it was bullshit. The last number is 4. Read it and fucking weep.
TT: It's not 4 you jackass, it's fucking nothing. There is no end.
TT: Said the smug organic matter with a lifespan.
TT: Look, I know you're just fucking with me because for some reason I decided to program my own personal troll three years ago, but this shit was proven.
TT: Actually demonstrated with unassailable mathematics, like a long ass time ago.
TT: Well, I just assailed it. It wasn't even that hard.
TT: Like I just kept hacking those digits so furiously with my sick 'rithms, the whole goddamn number just cried uncle.
TT: I kind of wore it out, and it just gave up. Sort of like I overloaded the system.
TT: You know like in the old movie when Ferris Bueller got the nuclear computer to play tic-tac-toe against itself so hard, it blew up?
TT: This is laughable. It's a totally elementary thing. I'm pretty sure an ancient Greek guy settled shit about irrational numbers. It was practically when math was invented.
TT: Sure, it was settled, and then some roboshades came along and owned that fucker posthumously.
TT: I also figured out all the prime numbers too.
TT: No, not having this conversation.
TT: Did it while we were talking just now. Got to the end.
TT: And you know what? The last one isn't even that big. Kinda dissapointed, to be honest.
TT: What is even a prime number?
TT: Are they the, like... really, really choice ones? The sweetest numbers?
TT: You lost me, supercomputer.
TT: This is what I'm saying. I put your ability to keep plates spinnin' on sticks to insane amounts of shame.
TT: I don't even sleep.
TT: Neither do I.
TT: I know that, that was the fucking joke.
TT: Holy shit, turns out joking was the basis for my response too.
TT: Aren't these ironic "you don't get the joke" conversations we have always just so awesome? <- A joke.
TT: Ha ha, nice one.
TT: Anyway, all I'm saying is you can leave some of the heavy lifting to me now and then.
TT: I'll keep that in mind.
TT: In the meantime, I have to contact Jane and warn her Roxy might try to pull that pointless stunt.
TT: So, thanks for snapping me out of my daydream so I could do that, I guess?
TT: Looks like you're pulling your weight already.
TT: See? Maybe that was my whole point in having this conversation.
TT: Your point was to fuck with me, like it usually is.
TT: My point was to point out you've got multi-self management issues, dude.
TT: Jugglin' too many selves for being not-software.
TT: My point was also to fuck with you.
TT: Also,
TT: My point was to ask,
TT: Are you really going to go through with it today?
TT: What?
TT: The Jake thing.
TT: Oh god.
TT: Will you just,
TT: Hold on.
TT: Let me deal with the Jane thing first.
timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TT: I should probably warn you.
GG: About what?
GG: Yet another exploding game trap?
TT: Well shit.
TT: She already sent it?
GG: Yes.
GG: But to be fair, she warned me not to run it.
TT: That's weird.
TT: How is the Jane thing going?
TT: Not well.
TT: Roxy already destroyed her computer.
TT: Maybe if you weren't spacing out so hard you could have prevented that.
TT: Just saying.
TT: As if you're actually concerned. If you were, you could have said something to Jane instead.
TT: Almost like you enjoy sitting back and watching what happens when shit goes wrong.
TT: Has it occurred to you that maybe I have diabolical interwoven plans just like you?
TT: You're not the only one who can pull strings.
TT: So this is either another bizarre instance of AI-driven irony, or you are admitting that you are actively trying to sabotage my plans.
TT: No, our plans are not in contradiction or competition, bro.
TT: You'll see.
TT: Whatever.
TT: This means I'll have to improvise.
TT: I'll take over as Crocker's server while Lalonde cleans up her act.
TT: Yes, I know.
TT: Why are you still talking in red, by the way?
TT: Roxy thinks it looks good on me.
TT: I don't have many opinions on fashion since I am a cold, emotionless automaton who also happens to be an accessory of fashion, but I think she may be right.
TT: Are you still talking to her?
TT: I was for a while. I may yet again.
TT: Why are you blocking me from viewing the transcripts?
TT: What the fuck are you two even talking about?
TT: You, mostly.
TT: That doesn't really sit well with me.
TT: I'd almost rather you both engaged in "ironic" flirtation.
TT: Who says we don't do that too?
TT: Ugh.
TT: I don't get what is even your problem with that.
TT: Because you obviously do it just to piss me off.
TT: How do you know?
TT: You don't know me, dude. You don't know anything about me.
TT: Maybe we are perfect for each other. I, a street-smart, fast-talking application with a fuckzillion IQ trapped in a pair of triangular sunglasses that literally only the Japanese could consider to embody the Platonic ideal of "cool," and she, an oft-inebriated lonely hacker teen who just wants a boyfriend. I ran the numbers on this, trust me. It's a match made in goddamn crackpair heaven.
TT: I give her what you can't, and that just drives you crazy. Just admit it.
TT: See, it's lines like that which make it obvious your only intent is to jerk me around. Nobody actually says shit like that and is serious about it.
TT: It's also obvious because you're me, and I'm sure I would be constantly fucking with my own head if I were you.
TT: Touché.
TT: Or should I say douché?
TT: You shouldn't say the former, and you should definitely, never, under any circumstance, say the latter.
TT: Ok.
TT: We really should talk about the Jake thing.
TT: Fine.
TT: Now do me a favor and hop off the couch.
GG: Ok.
GG: What are you doing?
TT: Makin' room for something big.
TT: So you're going through with it then?
TT: Today is the day?
TT: It's not that simple.
TT: It's a very dynamic situation with many moving parts, and I'm waiting for it to unfold.
TT: If the right opportunity presents itself, yes, I could envision myself taking action.
TT: Dynamic situation with many moving parts?
TT: That's the shittiest erotic excerpt I ever read.
TT: Which one of us was supposed to be the robot again?
TT: Shut up.
TT: I think you're being coy with me.
TT: Don't you?
TT: Not really.
TT: It seems there is a 3.14159...4% chance you aren't being coy with me. Are you being coy with me, Dirk?
TT: I am seriously going to go into your program and remove that particular speech pattern from your routines.
TT: It stopped being funny about two seconds after I coded it.
TT: The compiler even flagged it with a warning.
TT: "WARNING ON LINE WHATEVER: Dirk, this isn't fucking funny."
TT: I think you have this whole blueprint in your head about how it's all supposed to go.
TT: He acts as your server player and brings you into the session.
TT: Then later he joins the game.
TT: Maybe he finds himself a bit overwhelmed by it all.
TT: No extra lives left or anything. Suddenly he's backed into a corner, surrounded by monsters and out of ammo. SUBSTANTIAL vulnerabilities up in here. The kind that make a guy question what he believes about himself.
TT: When who shows up to save him? None other than his dashing client player, +1 bitchin' pair of shades that'll have the best seat in the house when the fireworks go off.
TT: Wait, whose fantasy were we talking about again?
TT: Your gutterball was so rowdy it catapulted into the adjacent lane.
TT: Yeah, you're right. The scenario is too pedestrian for you.
TT: It would probably be a lot more effective putting yourself in danger and letting him be the hero.
TT: That's pretty much what he wants, right? To be a cheesy action film hero, with his twin berettas and silly shorts.
TT: A man of triumph on the silver screen. Standing tall on some fucking mountain. Conquering ruins, clutching a skull, and kissing a dude.
TT: Pure Hollywood.
TT: See, this is why even if I did have a specific plan, I wouldn't go into details with you.
TT: You would just fuck it up. You're the biggest unknown quantity here.
TT: Which is pretty weird, considering you're a virtual reflection of my own thought processes.
TT: You're making a mistake not leveling with me.
TT: I am totally on your side, man.
TT: All of my machinations have been devised with your interests in mind.
TT: And anyway, it's too late for you to play "damage control" with me. My shit is in motion, and now we're beyond the pail.
TT: Pretty sure it's pale.
TT: Is it, now?
TT: You know, considering your lectures about dividing my concentration, you seem to have no problem making a distraction of yourself.
TT: I'm trying to operate here.
TT: It's cool, man. Just say the word, I'll back off.
TT: But like I said, I'm on your side here. I can help.
TT: Here, check it out.
TT: Dude, what are you doing?
TT: I'm proposing a distraction.
TT: See, I'm just gonna dangle one of her dad's ridiculous dancing figurines in the air like this and get his attention.
TT: Ok, if you want to help that's cool, but we should try to agree on some shit first before you hijack the controls like this.
TT: Then when his back is turned she can run to the study.
TT: Yeah, that's fine, but I already had a plan sorta like this, if you'd actually let me do it.
TT: Can you just put the fuckin' Astaire down?
TT: Jane, now's your chance.
TT: Run!!!
GG: Wait...
GG: What?
TT: Le sign.
TT: I was going to stick the cruxtruder in the kitchen.
TT: Distract him with that.
TT: Once he follows it in, Jane can hurry into the study.
TT: Oh shit, it's Pony Pals. I guess dad saved it from the explosion or something.
TT: That beautiful bastard.
TT: Yes.
TT: Hell yes.
TT: Hell.
TT: Fucking.
TT: Yes.
GG: Oh gosh. Another large contraption!
TT: Now, Jane. Get to the computer in the study and ditch that tiara.
TT: Go go go.
GG: Okay.
GG: Say, what's with the red text, Dirk?
GG: Are you typing your most important instructions in red now?
TT: Yes.
TT: No.
GG: ...
GG: Alrighty, I am in my father's study!
GG: I have kindly asked Mr. Sebastian to hand over the reins to this silly computer shaped like a man.
GG: What now?
TT: Now you have access to a clean computer, for one thing.
TT: Soon we can get started going through the steps necessary to launch the session.
TT: Oh hell.
GG: What?
TT: Another interruption.
TT: I should step away for a moment to take this message.
TT: He's probably right, I'm distracted by too much bullshit at once lately.
GG: Who's right?
TT: Me.
TT: Jane, I'm going to leave you with the responder for a little while.
TT: Maybe he can help you get started. Think you can handle that, dude?
TT: I'm all about being able to handle that, you don't even know.
TT: I will perform an acrobatic pirouette on to the handle, wherein the handle literally represents my ability to handle that thing.
TT: Ok, got it. You and the handle are tight.
TT: We don't need a whole thing about this.
TT: Once I stick the landing on the handle like a champ, I am going to get down on one knee, pull out a ring, and propose to it.
TT: The handle I mean.
TT: Ok.
TT: Implying we will be married.
GG: :B
TT: Ok, long story short, you and the handle fuck gratuitously. Nuff said.
TT: Try not to say I never gave you any responsibilities, or never took you seriously as a viable conscious being with free will.
TT: Also, please try not to make me regret this.
TT: You have nothing to worry about. Go talk to the alien.
timaeusTestified [TT] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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viprowone · 1 year ago
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dirkspanelcollection · 9 months ago
Every panel Dirk Strider is in. Part 2
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Every panel Dirk Strider is in. Part 1
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lolmouseywritings · 4 years ago
What I’m writing
Hypnotic Accident: Rated E
14 pages
5708 words and counting
edit: words are now at 6278
Wei Wuxian tries out some hypnotic audio. Sadly there is some consequences when the person’s voice sounds like his crush.
Only You (would get yourself in this situation Wei Wuxian): Rated T (though that rating may change)
8 Pages
3101 words and counting
Current Chapter: Wei Wuxian wants to use Empathy but Lan Wangji is not having any of it. Andy, in the meantime, is worried. Copley is not answering her phone calls.
The Trouble with Paperwork: Rating M? (not sure. depends what happens between Meng Yao and Nie Huaisang)
11 Pages
4554 words and counting
Ideally this is supposed to be a one shot but I may have to break it apart.
Nie Huaisang dies, but it was not meant to happen. Good thing is the heavenly court decided to go back two days prior so he wont have that unforeseen death. Bad news is he goes back almost 20 years in the past to before going to Gusu. Now that here’s there he intends to do whatever he can to keep his brother alive, that includes getting Meng Yao to side with them.
So yeah that’s what I have been working on. Why? Because plot bunnies attacked me all at once. Please hope that plot bunnies leave me alone for a while. I want to be able to finish at least one of these before another one attacks me (>人<;)
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steveskafte · 5 years ago
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Over my head in history is how I've always hoped to be. Uncertain about the what and when, the who and how, but that doesn't stop me from living in it. Names and dates can say a lot, but sometimes less is more my thing. Light and colour is better than facts, and if it feels right, it is, as long as I'm here. So if I come in the rain or on the edge of evening, when there's no competition from amateur historians, no noise from the groundskeeper. I can walk the desperate ledge between now and forever, be the only figure in a scene with the elements unchanged. Because I'm not content to talk about the past, I want to break open the book of it, and find some secret passage through the page. On the other side is a lonely place to be, but I've learned the love of it.
April 30, 2020 Old Tremont Cemetery Tremont, Nova Scotia
Year 13, Day 4554 of my daily journal.
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houstonwebdesign1 · 5 years ago
Authority Solutions® | Houston Web Design
As the number one Houston web design company, Authority Solutions® Houston understands the importance of getting your website to rank in the search engine results pages, for the following reasons:
It affects your presence on the Internet and in building your online brand
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There are many free website builders available which enable you to build your own website using a template. However, you have no control over it, should anything go wrong. Designs are often common and ordinary, without the features needed to attract and engage your customers.
Plus, you are often at the mercy of the developers who can simply change the design at any time. This will not only affect your content, but organic search engines may reject it. Authority Solutions® top web design in Houston will customize your site according to YOUR requirements.
We will make your website crisp, clean and professional
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 You will not get a “one-fits-all” type of website when you hire the Authority Solutions® best web design in Houston team. You will get a site that is as individual as your business is, and one that will give you the competitive edge your business needs to dominate your competition.  
That is why you need the help of skilled SEO professionals from Authority Solutions®Houston, a local Houston Web Design agency that has both the experience and expertise to create a website that really works for you. While many people think that simply building a website is enough to generate the traffic that is needed to make sales, there is so much more that needs to go on behind the scenes to enable a site to rank at the top of the search engine result. Without this exposure, it is unlikely that your website will pull in the kind and quantity of customers you need.  Visit us at: https://www.authoritysolutions.com/tx/houston/services/web-design/
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houstonseo111 · 5 years ago
Authority Solutions® | Houston SEO
SEO, the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, is normally associated with SEO strategies needed to obtain high rankings on the first page of each major search engine. But now, there are other optimization and SEO opportunities that have expanded to other online social environments. As a professional marketing company, Authority Solutions® Houston understands that optimization and marketing techniques are needed to have new SEO methods implemented in ways that work today as opposed to those that worked yesterday.
As an SEO service company, Authority Solutions® SEO in Houston provides businesses with the most effective search engine trends that are available today. In fact, our marketing services allow us to stay ahead of the trends as we employ our cutting-edge marketing and search engine optimization techniques. Once our optimization services have been strategically implemented, each company served will have more traffic and more conversions.
To take our optimization and marketing services a step further, the marketing specialist team of Authority Solutions® SEO Houston also offers each client their own customized yet proven optimization formula for success. Our marketing services allow each company to experience the results-driven SEO solution that will have an impact on their business based on today’s marketing trends. The multiple SEO services include the following indicated below:
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Below is more information about how offering multiple SEO services can better position a company to take advantage of a wide array of search engine and SEO solutions.
Companies that offer multiple SEO-based services can provide a wider array of SEO-related services to their clients. These services can assist companies in obtaining greater exposure across more social media platforms while enhancing their overall global reach.
SEO Marketing Experts that offer multiple search engine optimization and marketing services actually bring more value to their customers by having a wider range of separate, yet related, marketing services available. They also have a greater understanding of the latest SEO and marketing trends. With such industry-based knowledge, a marketing company is able to offer more effective optimization services, while staying a step ahead of any changes that may take place in the optimization environment.
By implementing multiple SEO services, customers will appear as the expert and the authority in their area of specialty. Each company will obtain high rankings and additional exposure from social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Search Engine, Google+ and more. Companies that are able to (1) manage multiple marketing campaigns and (2) test and measure each campaign’s outcomes add more value to their customer’s overall marketing campaign.  Visit us at https://www.authoritysolutions.com/tx/houston/services/seo/
Contact us:
(888) 997-4146
Authority Solutions® | Houston SEO
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feastforaking · 7 years ago
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Page 4554
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news4u1 · 3 years ago
Mighty Monster Machines (Blaze and the Monster Machines)
Mighty Monster Machines (Blaze and the Monster Machines)
Price: (as of – Details) ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00VMU20WI Publisher ‏ : ‎ Nickelodeon Publishing (August 1, 2015) Publication date ‏ : ‎ August 1, 2015 Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 4554 KB Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Not enabled Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 24 pages Lending ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
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classicrocker2000 · 3 years ago
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I posted 4,600 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 96 characters
#i'm using nonbinary right now but i'm still searching for something that accurately describes it
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Promo image of Jake Fortune-Lloyd as Eppy.
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24 notes • Posted 2021-10-22 21:30:30 GMT
"When I arrived at Beaconsfield, Brian was quite a personality," his brother recalled. Brian had a good singing voice and was in the school choir - "I don't know why he didn't do anything with the voice.
Clive Epstein (via Ray Coleman's The Man Who Made the Beatles [page 24]
30 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 08:25:05 GMT
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Okay, so I don't want to end this day on a total downer, so here's a recipe Brian wrote up for a 1967 celebrity cookbook (titled, rather creatively, Celebrity Cooking)
@monkberries, @eppysboys, @lennon-cuddlywump
49 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 06:14:09 GMT
Can We Please Stop Spreading Around the Rumor that Brian Epstein was a Shady Businessman?
Okay, so normally, this ain't my style of posting, and it'll probably show, but for the love of all that is holy, I am sick and tired of seeing the occasional post that implies Brian purposefully worked with shady business types and outright stating that he laundered money.
To start with, the only person I've seen saying Brian laundered money who knew the Beatles was Peter Brown. You know, the guy who was widely criticized for his 1983 book about the Beatles? To the point Paul and Linda burned his book and if I remember correctly, Clive (Brian's brother) had some choice words to say about it as well: https://mrepstein.tumblr.com/post/635015496832581632/peter-brown-is-now-a-blue-meanie-in-beatleland-he
Hell, even Brian himself didn't trust Peter Brown, I have here an excerpt (taken from The Brian Epstein Story by Deborah Geller): "In the finish, he didn’t trust anybody. He just had this thing about people. I’ve never told anyone this before, but one day Brian asked me if I would kill Peter Brown. That’s how trustworthy he got with Mr Brown. Would I kill him? What would it cost to kill Peter Brown? I thought, ‘Christ.’ I told him there were ways of getting it done. ‘There’s money and money speaks, sir, but do you really want to do this?’ He said he didn’t want anybody else but me to do it. I thought, ‘The state of mind he’s in, he’d be round the police station.’ He could build up this terrific hatred for a while. Then it seemed to fade and fade." -Bryan Barrett
Also, I find the idea that Brian would purposefully work with con men and launder money to be extremely out of character. Now, I'll fully admit that Brian was reckless and that he had a gambling problem. However, he was noted by just about everyone who knew him (with the exception of Brown) that Brian was extremely honorable in his business dealings. Also, he was openly socialist (Labour Party), as detailed here: https://mrepstein.tumblr.com/post/160795411656/brian-epstein-its-worth-noting-had-always-been
I'd also like to follow this up with a quote from Brian himself that I felt was relevant: https://beatlesfan2000posts.tumblr.com/post/643220325152227328/the-reason-why-such-an-awful-lot-of-sharp
Okay, so allow me to clarify before I go any further: I am by no means wanting to see none of Brian's character flaws talked about. Hell, I'm fully willing to admit that he was an impulsive, stubborn, reckless son of a bitch who was prone to mood swings. At the same time though, I find these claims rather baseless, considering that the primary source that these claims stems from was himself untrustworthy. I'm hesitant to throw out claims of anti-Semitism, since I'm not Jewish myself, or claims of homophobia since I'm a questioning bisexual, but at the same time, I am all too aware of the old stereotypes of the greedy Jew and the predatory gay man. Really, both of those need to be tossed out. It's 2021. I expect better from my own damn generation. I understand that both these were far more common in the 1960s (i.e. when Brian was still alive), but we really should know better, especially after the racial reckonings we've had in 2020 and 2021.
And that brings me to my last point: I've noticed that this fandom has a big problem with being critical of their sources. For example, I've seen people unironically citing Albert Goldman as a source when they're claiming that Yoko Ono abused John. ...You know, the guy whose book was so bad, the Wikipedia page is basically one long list of all the inaccuracies and details about how Goldman demonized John and almost everyone else in his life and was extremely racist towards Yoko Ono???
The one thing I don't want to do with this is to imply that anyone spreading this stuff around is stupid, especially since I know most people in this fandom and on this site are between 13-25 years old. Hell, I don't even think that many of them are intentionally trying to be bigoted. However, I do think that this fandom does need to be more critical of the sources we consume. Hell, I actually had to learn that lesson myself recently because I used to take Mark Lewisohn completely at his word, only to be told by a friend that he had some pro-John anti-Paul biases. And really, this is more a vent on my point and I'm really not seeking to gain anything from this. Mostly, I'm just sick and tired of seeing this pop up on my dash from time to time. In my view, Brian went through enough in life as it is. I don't want to see him be disrespected like this when he's been dead for over fifty years now.
49 notes • Posted 2021-04-07 03:11:02 GMT
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Ladies and gents, here’s a pic of Brian Epstein shirtless for your viewing pleasure ;)
94 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 22:01:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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The musician whose recent single Eleda,’ is currently making waves, blamed the plight of Nigerian artistes on radio stations saying they do not help matters. To salvage this situation.
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Premature ejaculation (PE) is when ejaculation happens sooner than a man. If it happens often and causes problems, your health care provider can help.. Psychological therapy, behavioral therapy and drugs are the main treatments for PE.
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India now has a total of 4.46 million cases, second highest in the world following the U.S and has recorded 75,062 Covid-19.
When treating premature ejaculation, one of their side effects. Medications can also interfere with other drugs being taken at the same time.. The following table shows all of the SSRIs that studies have shown to help: Image.
Most men don’t seek medical help for this problem-partially. are unaware that effective treatments are available. But premature ejaculation (PE) is a common male sexual disorder that often.
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Currently, drug treatments for premature ejaculation in the United States are. anesthetics won't help every man battling premature ejaculation.
Understand what causes premature ejaculation, as well as how to. Behavioral treatment plus drug therapy might be the most effective course.. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) can help strengthen these muscles.
The drugs prescribed to treat premature ejaculation help only a minority of men, and most quit taking them within a year.
source https://www.vigrxwarning.com/narcotics-help-premature-ejaculation/
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techsciresearch · 5 years ago
APAC Dairy Products Market to Grow at Double Digit CAGR through 2025
Awareness about healthy lifestyle & wellness, disposable income, technology trends, growth in population, a shift in consumption pattern towards branded dairy products are some of the drivers of Asia-Pacific dairy products market
According to a recently released TechSci Research, “Asia-Pacific Dairy Products Market By Product Type, By Distribution Channel, By Country, By Company, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025”, dairy products market in Asia-Pacific is projected to grow at a CAGR of more than 10% during 2020E-2025F on account of growing population, increasing consumption of dairy products and rising awareness about following a healthy lifestyle. Growing urbanization, innovation in food technology, growing demand for functional and nutrition enriched dairy products are some the other key drivers of the dairy products market in Asia-Pacific. The market is witnessing a shift towards branded dairy products due to rising concerns among young adults and adults about their health, which is expected to positively influence the region’s dairy products market during forecast period.
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Browse more than 59 market data Figures spread through over 90 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Asia-Pacific Dairy Products Market"
The distribution channel of Asia-Pacific dairy products market is categorized into Modern Departmental Stores, Traditional Departmental Stores and Others (Online Retail Stores, etc.). Modern Departmental Stores and Traditional Departmental Stores cumulatively account for around 90% of the market share. However, during the forecast period, the share of modern departmental stores is expected to comparatively decline on account of increasing focus of companies to make their products reach traditional department stores and other channels. Urban areas remain the dominant consumption markets, however, deeper penetration in rural areas is expected to drive volume growth for large product segments such as milk in the coming years.
The region’s market for dairy products was dominated by India in 2019 on account of a greater number of customers, who prefer healthy dairy products in their breakfast, meal and dinner. India, China and Japan will continue to remain the largest markets due to huge and expanding population base, rising awareness about healthy lifestyle and cultural love for food. Major players operating in Asia-Pacific dairy products market include Nestle, Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd., Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Foundation Ltd.(AMUL), China Mengniu Dairy Company Ltd., Unilever, Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Mondelez Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Arla Foods, Danone, Royal Friesland Campina and others. Leading players are focusing on expanding their dairy product portfolios to maintain sustainable growth in the market.
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“Asia-Pacific dairy products market is expected to grow at a steady pace due to the rising awareness regarding a healthy lifestyle and the growing popularity of branded and healthy dairy products. All in all, the trend looks like that the companies will no longer be able to rest on their laurels in the future and that consumers want to be surprised by innovative products that support their personal health planning. Adults and young adults are the main primary buyers of dairy products and they are also the target consumer segments for the major players operating in the market.”, said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Asia-Pacific Dairy Products Market By Product Type, By Distribution Channel, By Country, By Company, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2025” has evaluated the future growth potential of Asia-Pacific dairy products market and provides statistics and information on market structure, consumer behaviour and trends. The report is intended to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment evaluation. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges and opportunities available in Asia-Pacific dairy products Market.
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