#page 198
pesterloglog · 7 months
Kanaya Maryam, Rose Lalonde, Alfonz, Jade Harley
Page 198-203
KANAYA: Try Calling Her Again!
ROSE: I HAVE tried, but she's not picking up!!
KANAYA: What About Harry Anderson Or Tavros!
ROSE: Kanaya, nobody is answering!!!
KANAYA: Rose I Feel Like I Must Sink To The Level Of Stating The Obvious But This Is Terrible!
KANAYA: This Is Awful!
KANAYA: This Is!
KANAYA: Aaaaaaargh!
KANAYA: I Cant Think Of Any More Related Adjectives!
ROSE: It's...
ROSE: Kanaya, I don't want to resort to idle, baseless platitudes.
ROSE: So I won't.
ROSE: I don't understand what's going on any more than you do, and I'm sorry.
ROSE: I'm sorry!
KANAYA: Rose Our Daughter Is In Danger And We Are But Powerless To Help Her!
KANAYA: I Do Not Understand Why This Is Happening Or What Precise Series Of Events Led To This Predicament But I Doubt That They Are Directly Or Indirectly Your Fault!
KANAYA: I Feel Like Your Apologising Is Serving As The Very Baseless Platitude Which You Sought To Avoid!
ROSE: No, I know.
ROSE: I know, dear.
ROSE: I just wish I had answers!! My useless powers aren't being any help, and what's worse,
ROSE: I can't see ANYTHING useful on this stupid news channel!!
KANAYA: I Think It Is A Cruel Irony That We Are Forced To Depend On Crocker's Branded Coverage Of Our Own Daughters Headhunting!
KANAYA: Not To Mention That The Quality Of This Broadcast Leaves Something To Be Desired!
KANAYA: I Know That We Are Enemies But I Really Expected Better Of Such A Shrewd Businesswoman!
ALFONZ: excuse me mA'Ams
ROSE: I just don't understand what Vriska was doing there in the first place...
ROSE: Forgetting the fact that Gamzee's dead for a moment,
KANAYA: No I Cant Do That Theyve Just Started Showing The Picture Of Him Again
ROSE: Ugh, god.
KANAYA: For Once The Thought Of His Putrescent Corpse Does Nothing To Quell My Anxiety!
ALFONZ: if i could just tAke A moment of your time
ALFONZ: its A mAtter of some urgency
KANAYA: This Is All So Upsetting That I Cannot Even Find Satisfaction In His Death!
KANAYA: Not When They Have Started Using It As Justification To Call Our Daughter A Terrorist!
KANAYA: And All That Is Without Even Mentioning The Fact!
KANAYA: That Somehow!!
ALFONZ: (*deep breath*)
KANAYA: The Other Vriska Is Also Here!!!
ALFONZ: the reconnAissAnce teAm is bAck eArly, mA'Ams
ALFONZ: the ship docked A few moments Ago
ROSE: And the scouting party???
ALFONZ: i expect she's Zipping her wAy up here now, mA'Am
ALFONZ: should be here Any minute n
ALFONZ: oof!
ROSE: Jade!
KANAYA: Oh Thank God
ROSE: We weren't expecting you to get back so soon.
KANAYA: What Is Going On Down There
ROSE: What happened to the rest of your scouting party?
KANAYA: What Is Another VRISKA Doing Here
ROSE: Where is John?
KANAYA: Where Is Dave
ROSE: Where is our *daughter*?!
KANAYA: (Rose I Think We Must Try To Remain Calm And Give Jade A Chance To Answer Our Queries Difficult Though It May Be In This Moment Of Intolerable Anguish And Suspense)
ROSE: I... yes, of course.
KANAYA: Jade It Is Okay
JADE: its........
JADE: *sniffle*
KANAYA: Please Take Your Time
JADE: we dont HAVE any time!!!
JADE: its too late!!!!!!
JADE: janes forces were just too fast...
ROSE: You don't mean...
JADE: theyve taken her
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twelvefifteencomic · 21 days
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198 - The Watcher
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hourly-yugi · 1 year
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arataka-reigen · 9 months
Happy Will Solace first appearance in the series 🥳🥳
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
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NOOOO DON'T GO OUT THERE literally when in these past 3 arcs or any other instance has it ever been okay to wander the halls at night
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goinggoats · 2 years
Season 3 is just unbearable but it’s also the source of like half the series’s worldbuilding :-/
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gotta be honest the reading actually wasn't very peaceful a lot was happening, but I have reread that scene more times than I care to admit I was not expecting that!! and have not stopped thinking about it since!
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theendofuno · 1 year
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two sillies
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teamdays · 2 months
Hi, I am Mahmoud Helles from besieged Gaza. My family consists of 40 people, most of whom are young children. I have a simple request.
I hope you will donate and participate to save my family from the catastrophic situation and get them to safety.😥
Thank you for your kindness and support of my story.. 🙏🍉🇵🇸
please dont hesitate to donate whatever you can, and please keep sharing.🍉🍉🥹
Thank you for sharing your story. I’ve shared your campaign, and ask of all my followers to please do the same and donate if possible. I hope you and your family can soon find safety and peace 🙏
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sumitthakur09210 · 8 months
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goblinham · 1 year
christ Backloggd is scratching my Autistic Sorting Urge in a way nothing has in a long time.
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im rating them on how i felt about them on the first playthrough. not how well they hold up
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heahven-2023 · 1 year
july 17, 2023
mom and i spent the whole day together- we made presents for family and friends. it was a good date day with mom. i also dont want to put this in my diary but just for records, i wasnt really feeling in my head. i tired to do things that would keep the jerk out bc he just texted to see if i blocked him and tell me he moved on/ is happier. legit over him and how fast he’s moved on, but it still hurts.. move on monica. you can find better
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robertreich · 1 month
Project 2025: The MAGA Plan to Take Your Freedom 
A second Trump term would be more dangerous than the first — in part because of something called Project 2025, a plan to extend Trump’s grip into every part of your life.
Trump’s gross incompetence in his first term wasn’t all bad. It kept some of his most extreme goals out of reach. That’s why his inner circle, including more than 20 officials from his first term, have written a step-by-step playbook to make a second term brutally efficient.
At nearly a thousand pages, it’s longer than most Stephen King novels, and a lot scarier. The Associated Press wasn’t kidding when they called it “a plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision,”
Project 2025 is a road map to ban abortion, give greedy corporate oligarchs everything they want, and strip Americans of our most basic freedoms — all without needing any support from Congress.
There’s more to it than I can get into, but here are three things I want you to know.
#1 How would Project 2025 work?
Every nonpartisan government agency would be turned into an arm of the MAGA agenda.
Some of the worst things Trump reportedly tried to do as president — like having the military  shoot protesters or seize voting machines to overturn the election  — were only stopped because sensible leaders in the military or the professional civil service refused to go along with it.
In a second term, there would be no sensible leaders in the military or professional civil service because Trump would fire anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.
Trump started the process in October 2020 with an executive order that would have let him fire tens of thousands of civil servants and replace them with MAGA henchmen. I’m talking about traditionally non-political positions, like scientists at scientific agencies and accountants at the IRS.
Trump could not act on the executive order then because he lost the election. If he wins now, he’s pledged to pick up where he left off and go further…
TRUMP: …making every executive branch employee fireable by the President of the United States.
#2 Project 2025 is about controlling Americans’ lives & bodies
Restricting abortion is such a big part of Project 2025 that the word “abortion” appears 198 times in the plan.
Trump largely made good on his campaign promise to ban abortion.
Thanks to Trump’s Supreme Court justices, 1 in 3 American women of childbearing age live in states with abortion bans. Project 2025 would make that even worse, without needing new laws from Congress.
Page 458 of the playbook calls for a MAGA-controlled FDA to reject medical science and reverse approval of the medications used in 63% of all abortions, effectively banning them.
Page 455 plans “abortion surveillance” and the creation of a registry that could put people who cross state lines to get an abortion at risk of prosecution.
Another way around Congress is to enforce arcane laws that are still technically on the books. Page 562 plans for a MAGA-controlled Justice Department to enforce the Comstock Act of 1873, which bans the mailing of “anything designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion.” This could be used to block the shipment of any medications or medical instruments needed for abortions.
But Project 2025’s control of American families goes even further. It plans for government agencies to define life as beginning at conception — a position at odds with the process used for in vitro fertilization.
Page 451 declares that “Families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society,” thereby stigmatizing single parents, same-sex couples, unmarried coparents, and childless couples.
Project 2025 even takes a stand against adoption, declaring on p. 489 that “all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them.”
#3 Project 2025 would turn America into a police state.
Maybe you live in a blue city or state, where you think plans like arresting teachers and librarians over banned books (which is on p. 5) could never happen. Well, guess again.
Trump has said one of the big things he’d do differently in a second term is override mayors and governors to take over local law enforcement.
Page 553 lays out how to do this, and even plans for Trump’s Justice Department to prosecute district attorneys he disagrees with.
Immigration enforcement is to be conducted like a war, with the military deployed within the U.S., and millions of undocumented immigrants rounded up and placed into newly constructed holding camps. This is outlined starting on p. 139.
Members of the Project 2025 team also reportedly told the Washington Post about plans to invoke the Insurrection Act to deploy the military against anti-Trump protests.
There is much more to Project 2025. There are more than a hundred pages of anti-environmental policies that would help Trump make good on what he reportedly promised to do for oil executives if they contribute a billion dollars to his reelection. It would make drilling and mining a top national priority while killing clean energy projects, barring the EPA from regulating carbon emissions, and replacing all government climate scientists with climate deniers.
There are even cartoonishly cruel plans like slaughtering wild horses. Yes, that’s really in there on p. 528.
I thought I understood the stakes of this election, but reading this plan… Well, it gave me chills. If Trump gets the chance to put this plan into place, he will. The country it would turn America into would be hard for any of us to recognize.
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comrademango · 1 month
These are just some campaigns who frequently reach out to me to boost or donate to their fundraisers:
@abdelmutei - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@mahmoudkhalafff/@supportgaza - here - #155 on this vetted fundraisers list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi
@mohammedaldeeb - here - vetted by @/90-ghost and @/el-shab-hussein, #212 in on this vetted fundraisers list
@mazenmanal - here - vetted by @/apollos-olives
@alaaalkhateeb - here - #99 on this vetted fundraisers list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi
@danashehab - here - vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
@aseelo680 - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@asmaayyad - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@monashamali90 - here - vetted by @/nabulsi
@zeanyahya3 - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@mahmoud0hilles - here - #198 on this vetted fundraisers list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi
@safaa18mero - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@momenalostaz/@momenalstaz - here - #125 on this vetted fundraisers list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi
@adham-89 - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@ahmedalnabeeh11/@ahmed-nabeeh32 - here - #218 on this vetted fundraisers list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi
@mohdiwais - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
@kareem-family2 - here - vetted by @/90-ghost
This is a post by @/tamarrud listing organisations currently providing assistance for the people in Gaza directly.
Already linked above but here is the vetted fundraisers list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi. @gaza-evacuation-funds posts about vetted campaigns which don't get many or are slow to get donations. There is also gazafunds.com which selects a random campaign to spotlight every time you reload the page.
Free Palestine.
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rassicas · 2 years
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Splatoon 3 artbook is coming! and they gave us hi res sample pages! so i translated them!
I’ve already preordered the book, and since I live in Japan I should be getting it very soon after release. mark my words I’m gonna go crazee translating it i need that Lore
In the meantime, some translations of the sample pages! take a look under the cut:
Page 44, IKIMONO (Living things)
yellow text: Among the living things in the Inkling world, a wide variety of species exist. There are creatures that can take on a humanoid form as well, called "Inklings" and "Octolings", the former being squids, and the latter being octopuses. white text in gray box: The old and the new mix to make the Splatland's youth culture The young people who grew up in Splatsville take pride in being born and raised in the Splatlands, and there is an extremely strong sense of solidarity in the community. They deeply cherish their old local culture, which is unsophisticated and simple, yet strong. At the same time, they like to make fun of urban areas such as Inkopolis for acting like they're "all that". On the other hand, many of them secretly yearn for that sophisticated, high-collar, Inkopolis culture. The current culture of chaos created by the youth with such a flip-flopping mentality is becoming increasingly global.
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I’m going to translate these roughly. character select screen outfit, left: lines pointing to reflective goggles, a mask that blocks dust, and the cape. the cape is made from kelp, and is meant to block out sunlight. hero suit outfit, right: the “ultra light earpiece” is so light, it doesn’t even feel like you’re wearing it. The ink display is a digital screen. Boots are meant for rough terrain. Interestingly, agent 3 is holding a weapon called a “Hero Extinguisher.”
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the gear on the left is called “hunting equipment”. The earpiece is based on an udon noodle. It’s small, but it has a deep sound (with bass i assume instead of sounding tinny?) Around the neck are cooling pads. The shirt is made from a seaweed fabric. apparently its wrapped around their upper body and kind of hurts to wear. you can see their underwear, but its the kind of underwear that’s supposed to be seen for Fashion. idk what its called but you guys know what im talking about. The ink tank is homemade. in the pouch of the backpack are snacks. to the right are very early concepts.
Page 62, Deep Cut concepts
It’s a lot of handwritten notes with a lot of pointing out what the drawing is, so I’m going to translate roughly.
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bottom left is pointing out various things about frye’s head anatomy. small chin, forehead sticks out, thick neck, head curves like this and this etc. middle frye with the bit of green and red makeup is described as having a clown-like feel to it. tiny furthest right drawing is commenting on a specific nose shape concept as “bird-like.” she almost had the same nose as my main OCs what the
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red arrows on the right: long arms, long thighs, squared shoulders are pretty. hand in the middle with black text: something like ‘if she has hands with ornamentation like this it makes her hands seem long’ bottom left: the little doodle of the face reads that her ‘mouth is kind of like this.’ the other text talks about how her eyebrows move asymmetrically, as having that kind of variety in the movement is key.
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left: she’s saying something about sharks? apparently she was going to be associated with sharks with shiver being associated with eels instead. right: various sound effects. “looking around absentmindedly” “rocking back and forth” “dozing off.” on the bottom it shows her suddenly stiffening to attention.
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left: in her left hand, it’s a sensu (japanese folding fan). in her right, its a harisen (the kind of folding fan used to smack people in slapstick routines) gonna be real here the text on the right is too cursivey i cant read it
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shiver mask designs. neat stuff.
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early design concept.
Page 198, Scorch Gorge
not a lot of text on this page, mostly images, have a look yourself. top right passage: A majestic canyon where the history of the Inkling world can be seen in the strata and rock formations. Many enjoy rock climbing here. There's a spawn point that was once used for ink battles that no-one has bothered to remove.
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dragoneyes618 · 4 months
"Moral non-Jews who fail to counter antisemites often suffer because of them. For example, during the 1930s, American isolationists regarded Nazi antisemitism as an unpleasant feature of a country that was otherwise highly civilized. Throughout the 1930s and early 1940s, they refused to see Hitler and the Nazis as dangerously evil, and urged Americans not to fight them. Indeed, the leading isolationist, Charles Lindbergh, warned American Jews against fomenting anti-Nazi feelings in the United States. But had Hitler been confronted earlier - when his evil was primarily expressed through his antisemitism - not only would six million Jewish lives have been saved, so too would fifty million non-Jewish ones.
During the 1970s, the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin sent a message to the United Nations announcing his admiration for Adolf Hitler's "Final Solution." At the time, only Jews and the American ambassador the U.N. protested. Fortunately, Amin was in no position to carry out his evil designs against the Jews. But several hundred thousand Ugandan Christians whom Amin later butchered suffered from his evil nature, which should have been universally apparent from his antisemitic utterances.
When Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini assumed power in Iran, his first act was to occupy the Israeli embassy in Teheran, which he immediately turned over to the PLO. The world dismissed this as the Jews' problem, until the Iranians took over the American embassy less than a year later, and held over a hundred people hostage.
Finally, widespread hatred of Israel in the Arab world is often dismissed mainly or entirely as a Jewish problem, one that reveals little about the Arab or Islamic states. But clearly, the Arab world's hatred for Jewish nationhood is not an unrepresentative quirk of otherwise tolerant lovers of democracy. Rather, it is a quite precise moral indicator, as evidenced by the Christians of Lebanon, who have suffered far worse from Muslim hatred than have Israel's Jews. As Dennis Prager and I have written, "There is often a direct correlation between the ferocity of a Muslim leader's hatred of the Jewish state, and his hatred of democracy and other Western values. Iran's Khomeini, Libya's Qaddafi and Iraw's Hussein are three such examples. Conversely, Arab and other Middle Eastern Muslim societies that are less characterized by despotism and wanton cruelty, such as Tunisia and Turkey, are also characterized by a greater tolerance of the Jews" (Why the Jews?, pages 197-198)."
- Jewish Wisdom, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, pages 462-463
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