#pagan hellenist
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 year ago
I like drinking tea with them, keeping them in my thoughts doing things that remind me of them; i have a dog so like giving him attention is something i can do for hades and trying to be closer to nature is something i can do for persephone! Hades really likes dark chocolate too! Also you can make playlists to remind you of them; anytime i go to the store and see the flower section i say hi to persephone, i bring her pretty flowers i find, i try to help with cherity and be responsible with my money for hades (hes also pluton god of wealth) also i like to leave offerings to the dead give them a safe space where they can feel welcome. A color hades really likes is blue, also silver, keys are a important symbol. Spending time with your partner can be another devotional act, also thyme and rosemary are good offerings!
Hey darlings! 
I’m looking for ways to get closer and bond with King Hades and Queen Persephone. Anyone who can give me some advice or would like to share things they like to to with Lord Hades and Lady Persephone I would love to hear.
Bless, Never 
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apollophanes · 8 months ago
I've seen this saying being passed around a few times. Not sure where it is from, but I love it:
If you don't know who to pray to, then pray to Hermes. Even if he cannot help you, he knows someone who can.
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will-the-great · 1 month ago
“What is the difference between Orphic and Homeric Hymns?”
The Orphic and Homeric hymns are both significant in the context of ancient Greek literature and religion, but they differ in origin, purpose, and style.
1. Origin and Tradition:
- Homeric Hymns: These hymns are attributed to Homer, though they were likely composed by various poets in the 7th and 6th centuries BCE. They are part of the broader tradition of epic poetry and are generally seen as a way to honor the gods through narrative and invocation.
- Orphic Hymns: These hymns are tied to the Orphic tradition, which is associated with the mythical figure Orpheus. The Orphic hymns date from later periods (around the 3rd century BCE to the 3rd century CE) and reflect a more esoteric and philosophical approach to religion.
2. Content and Themes:
- Homeric Hymns: Each hymn typically praises a specific deity, recounting myths or stories related to their attributes, powers, and deeds. They often serve a liturgical purpose, meant to invoke the favour of the gods.
- Orphic Hymns: These often incorporate themes of mysticism, cosmology, and the soul's journey. They focus more on personal religious experience and metaphysical concepts, such as the nature of the divine and the afterlife.
3. Style and Structure:
- Homeric Hymns: They generally follow a narrative structure and employ traditional epic techniques, such as invocation and epithets. The language is grand and formal.
- Orphic Hymns: While also poetic, these hymns tend to use a more lyrical and mystical language, emphasizing philosophical ideas. The structure can be less consistent than that of the Homeric hymns.
While both types of hymns celebrate the gods, the Homeric hymns are more concerned with storytelling and invocation in a traditional epic style, whereas the Orphic hymns delve into mystical and philosophical themes, reflecting a different aspect of religious belief.
If I missed anything or messed anything up please let me know, I am up to hear about your opinions / knowledge on this too ^^
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apollon-worship · 6 months ago
devotional acts for Lord Apollon if you can’t have an altar or want to feel closer to Him:
listen to music!
sit out in the sun
write poetry
draw Him! you may not be the best at drawing but i’m sure He’d like to know how you depict Him
dance to music
create a playlist for Him (songs that remind you of Him or ones that you think he would enjoy)
sing along to music (you may not like your singing as the god of music, He would appreciate it)
if you take any medication, take it if you haven’t already!
being kind to people
celebrating pride
reading poetry if you don’t know how to write (or are too lazy to learn. it’s okay.)
listening to lyre music
maybe learn the lyre if you have the time (and money)
eating citrus fruits
taking care of yourself. He is the god of healing, He would want you to be healthy
every 7th of the month, celebrate Him!
if you have money, donate to LGBTQ+ people in need
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afroditi-anadyomene · 2 months ago
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Full pic of my Aphrodite altar <3
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boymanmaletheshequel · 4 months ago
Some subtle ways to honor Hermes 🪽💌
- Help guide or instruct lost or confused travelers to their destinations if you know how to
- regularly text and keep up with your loved ones and friends
- don’t snitch on shoplifters
- play string instruments like harp, guitar, or violin.
- be kind and respectful to your mail carriers
- enjoy your road-trips, vacations, or other travels.
- watch or support gymnastics events
- pirate media kept from you by corporate streaming services (hehe)
- watch and support those speaking in public
- engage in nuanced and eloquent conversations with people you interact with.
- invest in something that will bring you monetary wealth
- go for a nice drive or bus/train ride
- eat strawberries or strawberry flavored things
- be respectful and understanding of clerks, wage workers, and shopkeepers.
- watch the Olympics and especially the gymnastics.
If you like this post, and want to learn more about the gods of Hellen and Hellenic worship, please consider giving me a follow! I post daily. Blessed be your day 🏛️💙
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thegodsutekh · 1 year ago
“You worship so many deities how do you keep up with them all?”
Yes, that is kind of the point of polytheism.
Polytheistic worship includes a massive web of Gods who are all connected in some way or another, their domains overlapping as they work together.
You are just one person so you only have so much time and energy, of course you would worship one Deity who is linked heavily to your journey more than others.
You dont have to be every Deity’s devotee, just like you dont have to be everyones best friend. Sometimes you worship for a specific time, purpose or to bond with a loved one who worships that Deity.
Like I said in my previous post, the Gods will not get angry or clingy if you dont pay attention to them, they existed and have been worshipped way before you were born and way after you are dead.
If you devote yourself to a deity, dont be afraid to acknowledge their family, in fact they will encourage it.
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seafoamsister · 7 months ago
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you were created out of sand from the palm of aphrodites hand. she formed your body, your soul, your life out of bits of the sea & shells. every curve, every hip dip, every dimple, & every freckle she placed upon you for the goal to show beauty in various ways. the back rolls you loathe every time you look in the mirror was once a pebble from the ocean that aphrodite saw beauty in. the mole on your cheek was once a grain of sand aphrodite walked in. you were made with honor honey, you were made with a purpose from blessed lady aphrodite. do not be harsh on yourself. love yourself, treat yourself as a sanctuary. so mote it be
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dionysianivy · 1 month ago
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Dionysus Choroplekēs
"Danceweaving Dionysus”. This epithet suggests that Dionysus isn’t just a dancer, he 'weaves' the dance itself, creating a flow of harmony and balance in every movement. Dionysus becomes the dance, transforming it into a sacred ritual.
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squrrrrel · 8 months ago
Art depictions of Goddess, Aphrodite <3 part 1
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hellenicpagan7 · 5 months ago
Keen-minded Hermes, light-fingered one, light-footed one, quick and cunning, bright and merry, ever watchful, ever agile, ever sharp of wit.
The wings at your feet carry you to any landing-place, in any realm; wearing the cap of Aidoneus, you tarry, unseen by mortal mane. Wielder of the golden sword, player on the shepherd’s pipe, god of herdsmen, god of thieves, god of cities and of pastures, rustic and urbane, you walk the line between contradictions. Hermes of the borderland, Hermes of the threshold, god of the uncertain, consistent and contrary, you stand in the doorway, you stand at the edge; the knife-sharp boundary between two worlds is yours.
Hermes, child of rich-tressed Maia and thundering Zeus, I thank you for your many gifts, I praise your might.
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weary-caduceus · 4 months ago
I've seen other people post about this, but please remember not to blame the gods for the less than savory results of this election. Instead go to them for comfort and solace, and I'm sure they will have our backs during this trying time. I felt their presence with me alot today. May the gods be with you! 💙
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apollophanes · 5 months ago
Lately I've been trying to learn more about the aspects of Apollo that are not often discussed
I see so many seeing Him as only being associated with music and harmony and peace and light
But He is truly much more
Apollo is the light that drives out the darkness
His arrows are sharp and fierce, piercing the hearts of the wicked
He is the brilliant flame that burns evil down to ash
He is more than just gentle light and music and art
He is Alexikakos, the destroyer of evil
He is the Slayer of Python
Praise be to the Lord whose light pierces the darkness, like arrows flying through the air 🙏
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averytiredbitch · 12 days ago
Attention all witches (all genders)
I'm talking
Lilith worshipers
Left hand path takers
Those who work with demons
Those who work with the arch angels
Any and all witches,listen up!
Wednesday, February 19th at 11:05 pm EDT (Eastern daylight time), join me in doing a karma spell against the orange tyrant and all those like him.
In this server
Join the call 15 minutes before then so we may prepare. Do your protection spells 30 minutes before the call and have shit ready. (You may join and mute yourself if you don't feel comfortable with others hearing your voice. It will be a voice call, not a video one)
I cannot do this alone, so please join me and together we will ensure justice will be served
It's time we stop this fucker with a swing of a karmic sword!
Ave Lilith, Ave Satanas, Ave Lucifer, and Hail mother Hekate.
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shellsandsalt · 11 months ago
What really hurts about religious discourse is how much we all have in common. I know being a Hellenist brings me unfathomable levels of warmth and comfort that I can’t find anywhere else. And I know there are people of other faiths that feel that way with their deities.
There’s so much emphasis on who is “right” or “wrong”, but I don’t believe there’s one truth for everyone. We all have such different lives and paths. The way religion is used as a weapon of hate and not a tool for love and compassion will always sadden me.
I may not personally worship every deity of every religion, but I acknowledge that the feeling of spiritual fulfillment that other religions give people is real. That is enough for me to find love in my heart for them all.
If Allah can bring you that feeling, THATS BEAUTIFUL!! If Jesus can bring you that feeling, THATS BEAUTIFUL!! If any deity of any faith can bring you that feeling….THATS BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Personally, I don’t see my religion as an undeniable truth for everyone. I see it as spiritual connection that brings me love and warmth like no other. I know Lady Aphrodite is real in my heart, because I feel her. I can never give you an equation or a fact that proves my feelings, but I know it’s true in my life. How could you look someone in the eyes and tell them they’ll be punished for seeking love and warmth?
I know I’m just rambling, but I just wish we could live in a world where religion wasn’t a competition of who is right, but a way for us to find more beauty and fulfillment in our worlds.
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arttemisiia · 5 months ago
Lady Aphrodite 🐚🫧
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Digital Offering🏛️
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