#p5 monster au
symphonic-scream · 19 days
Monster AU? I tried searching for another post mentioning it but couldn't find one. I wanna know more about the coat proposal and stuff. The idea that "Everyone is aware that Makoto has a fiance(e) but her" is very funny to me.
Okay thanks! :)
Big fan of Phantom Queers btw, that shit slaps and I've reread it like three times since you finished it.
Okay so the search is often broken for my blog on mobile so I apologize for that, also. I'm realizing I've left a lot of that au unposted here
AND THANK HOU!! Queers is, deeply close to my heart, so hearing about others liking it and reading it makes my heart soar, y'all
Anyways. Here's some Monster/Magic au
Here's what everyone (in the team) is!
Akira, "Joker" - Witch
Morgana, "Mona" - god of light Sorcerer
Ryuji, "Skull" - undead, possessing his own body
Ann, "Panther" - succubus
Yusuke, "Fox" - kitsune
Makoto, "Queen" - turned werewolf
Futaba & Sophia, "Oracle & Sophie" - Sophie is an AI created with magic making her a "spirit", and she's been "haunting" Futaba since an accident
Haru, "Noir" - ragdoll cat Selkie
Sumire, "Violet" - jackalope based Changeling
Goro, "Crow" - Vampire
Now. Some notes
Makoto? Always has a tail. She can't get rid of it like her ears, due to some crossed wires with how repressed she was and is and it only goes away like the ears once she's fully made peace with her wolf side
Makoto's phone ends up just full of photos of kitty Haru
Also Strikers is a thing so-
Imagine you're Zenkichi. And you walk onto an RV and see a wolf, a cat, a fox, a ferret (Hifumi, Warlock), and a fucking weird Jackalope cuddling. And then another cat cause Morgana
"...did you do this?"
"No. No that's too far I'm going to go sleep."
Like. This is their plan on how to deal with Zenkichi
Joker: we need to drive this narc away
Ryuji: we should just have Makoto and Haru be themselves around him. But we make sure they only eat those like aphrodisiac foods
Haru: ...you want us to be so gay around him that he gives up?
Makoto: i-im down for that plan
Makoto: operation "drive the cop away with the power of gay" is a go
Haru: you wore that shirt on purpose... The sleeves are far tighter than they need to be
Makoto: true. But you like the way my arms look in it
Haru: absolutely right,,
And. They're kissing as Zenkichi enters the RV, and Haru climbs into Makoto's lap when he coughs to get their attention
Zenkichi: Ladies?
Haru: oh, Makoto~
Makoto sliding a hand down to grab her butt in full view of Zenkichi: Haru~
Zenkichi: ...I'll come back later
They break apart to giggle, foreheads pressed together after he leaves
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misty-wisp · 7 months
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hiiii here's my velvet room attendant minato
ok so this guy's deal is he's akechi's velvet attendant and he does all the fusing and stuff bc yaldy (or nyarly, i haven't decided) decided to give p5's other wild card a botched great value velvet room by ripping minato's still-not-resting soul from the great seal (dw it's still intact) and slapping that into a makeshift human vessel. not only that but this vessel also has a fuckton of other souls shoved into it to allow for fusing and stuff. this man isn't joking when he says he is the compendium
as a result his personality is inconsistent as fuck! one second he's blank-faced minato, the next second he's a Completely Different Guy. he has no idea who he really is and definitely does not have any memories associated with being minato
okok onto design notes--he's a bartender! goro's velvet room is like a bar so victor here's serving up drinks. i thought it'd be cool if a fusion animation was like, mixing a drink together. also i'm sick and tired of people designing velvet attendant versions of the protags and just giving them theo's outfit. enough of that. be more silly with it
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 month
Monsters and Magic: The Phantom Thieves, Part 2
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Eldritch!Futaba and Dhampir!Haru
Witch!Akechi and Fae!Sumire
Werewolf!Zenkichi and ???!Sophia
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nightshadedawn · 22 days
I'm so fucking tired right now, but I can't sleep so I'm thinking about Persona 5. I'll be 100% honest, I've never played P3 or P4 despite owning Golden (I've had struggles getting it to open on my computer). But a couple things the P5 community seems to take issue with it that the Phantom Thieves Persona evolutions are tied to their social links. I think the big problem with that lies in that... their introductory Palaces are so singular thief focused. All of them except Kamsohida, because he's the inciting incident for Joker, Ryuji, and Ann. Morgana to a lesser extent.
I think you'd avoid some of this problem and be able to tie Persona Evolutions by switching just a few things out. (As I stated before, I don't know how it was done in previous games, I'm just winging it)
We'll start off with Ann and Haru, because it's the one flitting through my head. Instead of running a fastfood chain, the Okumura brand is a modeling agency that Ann and her parents work for. Ann as a model and her parents as designers, of course. Haru gets introduced earlier, not necessarily as model. Maybe. Probably more as someone who's inherently fashionable due to her father and someone Ann looks up to. Modeling itself is seen as no hobby for a rich young lady, so she's not really allowed to do the work. Okumura can still plan on making a political entrance and marrying Haru off to her rotten fiancé, but the back and forth with Ann's work would allow her to be seen more. Tie in some of her social link, and it's Okumura's desire for drama and profit that demands models be pitted against each other and compete rather than work together. Haru keeps her storyline with her dad. Both she and Ann awaken their second Personas within this palace.
But if Haru keeps her thing with her dad, how does she awaken? Her fiancé. (Names escapes me.) Due to other reasons, I think Yusuke would awaken his second Persona in this Palace. Probably because he has the desire to protect Haru from being used for profit like he was. Added layers by the fiancé being a Madarame apologist or something, claiming it was Yusuke's duty, or even having copies of Yusuke's work Madarame sold under his name.
Yusuke's first awakening is the same as his first. It's the Ryuji/Makoto situation that starts getting weird. Ryuji's awakening is the same, because that's necessary for the first Palace. Makoto's is sorta similar. Buuuuut... for this scenario, Ryuji's dad isn't as distant as it would seem. He's still out of the picture, until Makoto stumbles into the yakuza den and gets them blackmailed. Instead of Kaneshiro, it's Ryuji's dad. Part of the deal, which Ryuji willingly and self sacrificially makes, is to not let Makoto immediately go into sex work and buy them a chance to pay the money off if Ryuji will start working for his dad if they fail. At the beginning of the palace, Makoto's still awakened when it's suggested Sae will get wrapped up in it all. After some growth from Ryuji, he fights back against his father and awakens his second Persona. Makoto's second awakening is in Sae's palace.
Morgana's social link is story locked so his stays the same. So does Joker's, because awakening his giant persona was epic. (It's 5am, shhhhhhhh, i know no names) Futaba gains her second persona after one of the miniboss fights in Shido's Palace, with someone who was directly involved with creating the circumstances around Wakaba's death. (Definitely a scene where the thieves talk about defeating that Shadow didn't do anything because it was just Shido's cognition, but Futaba isn't down about it. Because now she has a name, she knows where exactly to dig)
Akechi doesn't get one because I'm tired and he's not in the story/relevant as a thief long enough for one anyway. And he's already got two.
Anyway, just a ramble. I'm gonna go sleep night. Goodnight.
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mqqqteor · 2 months
yeah p5.4 outlines goin well
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vartouhix · 2 years
open to: any verse: Sailor Moon, Pacific Rim, MCU, DCU, Detroit: Become Human, Greek Mythology, Persona 5, Valorant, Life is Strange, Jujutsu Kaisen... honestly any world with clubs and aggressive people works lol. note: Your muse could be the person who was bothering her inside the club, or someone who witnessed it and came out to check on her. Or they could be getting a breath of fresh air at the same time. Or meeting up with her, etc.
When the light of her phone screen shut off, all that remained was the light of the bright, colorful signs on the main street. The rays of light reached into the darkness of the alleyway for her, but were ultimately swallowed up in shadow. She wasn’t bothered. She would rather remain hidden for the moment. Her heart was still racing from the encounter she’d just endured behind the wall she now leaned up against, lolling her head back to let it rest on the brick. People could be so aggressive in their sexual conquests, at times. It was simultaneously scary, frustrating, and pathetic how easily rejection coaxed them into rage. She rolled her hand on her wrist, still surprised at how strong they had been when they had gripped her wrist. No normal person should be able to hurt her so easily.
The cold winter air helped clear her head, ebbing away at the adrenaline until she was no longer shaking from the incident, but rather from the cold. She shoved her phone into her coat pocket to instead take a handful of fabric into each hand, pulling the garment closer around her small frame. She turned to lean on her side, putting her back to the wind to keep it from biting at her nose and cheeks any more.
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ellecdc · 7 months
A Man With a Plan.1
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7 // p8
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
CW: mentions of bullying - only one description of it, but it's chill cuz James tells them to fuck off like the king he is? Descriptions of werewolf behaviour idk. Use of Y/N
Synopsis: Remus planned to never fall in love. Moony had other plans.
“Don’t you think she’s just the loveliest thing, Moons?” James spoke in reverence.
Remus needn’t move his gaze from his book to know that Lily Evans just walked into the library – so he didn’t. 
“Sure is, James.”
“Don’t be getting any ideas though.” James said as he nudged his friend. He was clearly trying to go for light and breezy, but Remus caught the nervous twinge in his voice.
“You truly have nothing to worry about, Prongs.” He muttered.
“What? Don’t like birds?” James asked, though he was still watching Lily make her way over to her friends.
“Who doesn’t like birds?” Sirius questioned as he appeared out of nowhere, swatting Remus’ feet off a neighbouring chair and taking the seat for himself.
“Remus, apparently.” Peter answered from behind his book.
Remus finally lowered his book to regard his friends. “That is not what I said.”
“He said he doesn’t like Lily.” James told Sirius, finally turning his attention away from this girl to look at his mate like can you believe this guy?
“I literally just said I agreed that she was lovely.” Remus guffawed.
“If you think she’s so lovely, why don’t you go ask her out then?” Sirius asked with a smirk, causing James to let out a strangled groan. 
“What! No, common that’s like, against the bro code. Oh! Hi Y/N!” James cut himself off as he spotted you entering the library.
“Hello, James.” You greeted serenely as you started towards him. “What has your aura so pink today?”
This caused both Sirius and Remus’ eyebrows to cock, though neither of them interrupted yours and James’ interaction. 
“We were just talking about how lovely Lily is.” James answered solemnly.
“Yes, I suppose that would do it.” You answered as you turned to follow James’ gaze. 
“It’s funny, her aura turns the same colour when she looks at you. I wonder what that could mean.” You said softly, completely missing the way James’ head reared back.
“Well, I must be off. I’ve been trying to check out a book all week, but each time I’ve come to the library I’ve ended up distracted trying to clear the nargles from the shelves. The library is just full of them!” 
Your voice was feather light as you bid a simple goodbye to James who returned it with an easy smile before you floated away.
James turned from your retreating form to see the bemused faces of his friends, sans Peter who still hadn’t raised his head from his book.
“What was that?” Sirius finally asked.
“What was what?” James asked as he furrowed his brows. “Y/N?”
“Since when are you friends with her?” Sirius continued.
“We have care of magical creatures together. She’s tutoring me, actually. She’s really quite nice.” James said as he picked up his own forgotten textbook.
Sirius, still not able to let it go, added, “She’s an odd little bird, isn’t she?” 
James only shook his head. “She’s harmless. People give her a harder time than she deserves.” 
“Perhaps...” Remus acquiesced. “But what the hell is a nargle?” 
“Oh, not a clue.” James answered simply before beginning to work on his Ancient Runes translation.
Remus and Sirius exchanged one more look before moving to their own homework.
It’s not that Remus didn’t know who you were – Hogwarts wasn’t a big enough school to not know the other students in your own year – but there had never been any interactions between your circles of friends. Namely, Remus’ friends and whoever you happened to hang out with never seemed to intertwine. Remus had to assume you had friends – even he had friends, and he was a monster – but he had no idea who they could be. 
Remus had to admit you were a cute little thing, if a little odd as Sirius said. James could be a lot of things, but he always saw the best in people; so, it really shouldn’t have surprised Remus that James had made a friend of you. 
What Remus didn’t yet know was what your newfound friendship with James would mean for him.
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“So, what do we think? Does Lily here have some competition?” Marlene joked with a wicked grin as she threw her arm across Lily’s shoulders at the Gryffindor table.
“Competition for what?” Sirius asked around a mouthful of eggs from his spot across from Peter and Remus.
“James, of course.” Dorcas clarified.
Lily groaned. “I was never competing.”
“I mean, who needs tutoring in care of magical creatures? Don’t you just like, show up and feed them? Seems like a ruse to me.” Mary chuckled from her place.
Peter leaned into Remus before adding. “Does seem a little weird that James needs help in care of magical creatures, seeing as that’s exactly what he does once a month.”
Remus nearly choked on his tea before regaining his composure. Apparently, he hadn't regained it quickly enough. 
“What’s so funny over there?” Lily asked as she narrowed her teasing-filled eyes at the two offending boys.
“Nothing at all, Evans. But trust me when I say you have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to the future Mr. Evans-Potter.” He responded easily. All the mirth left Lily’s face as she turned her gaze towards her breakfast, but both Peter and Remus noticed the faint blush dusting her cheeks. 
It was surprising to all, although not surprising at all (I mean, come on, James has been at this for seven years – it was bound to come about eventually), that Lily was slowly beginning to warm up to James’ advances. It probably helped that they were head girl and boy this year, it also probably helped that James was less annoying about it and far more polite with his advances, and it also probably helped that the rest of Lily’s friends really quite liked James. 
As if summoned, James accompanied by Lily’s competition, entered the Great Hall together. 
“I’d really like that, Y/N. Thank you!” James could be heard saying as the two of you approached his friends.
“It’s really no problem, James. I’m sure they’d love to have more visitors.” You responded softly. Remus noticed your smile was just as soft as your voice; he thought it was lovely. 
What the fuck? Stop thinking people are lovely, you git. He scolded himself immediately. 
“Who’s this little birdie introducing you to, Prongsie?” Sirius asked as he shot a salacious wink your way.
You furrowed your brows at him in confusion.
“Birdie?” You asked James softly. He smiled kindly as he turned to you. “A nickname, Y/N. The way Sirius just said it could be taken as a compliment.” 
“Or an insult if you don’t appreciate such brazen flirting.” Dorcas added which earned her an elbow to the ribs from said flirt. 
“Anyway,” James interjected, looking towards you somewhat awkwardly. “Y/N here was helping me study facts about thestrals when she told me she has befriended a wild herd not far from Hogwarts. She said she’d take me to meet them.”
“Meet thestrals? Can you even see thestrals, Prongsie?” Sirius asked inquisitively. 
“There are other ways to enjoy the presence of beings without being able to see them.” You offered simply, your tone remaining nothing but kind even as you corrected him. Remus couldn’t help but smile at you.
Stop smiling, dumbass. He mentally berated himself.
“Quite right. I’d like to try feeding them and petting them.” James said with a level of finality. “If you think they’ll let me.” He added hastily as he turned to you.
You offered the git a soft smile and patted his arm placatingly. “I’m sure they will, James. In fact, I think your voice might be the perfect hertz; the thestrals will love your lower tones.”   
The majority of the group just furrowed their brows at you, but Marlene began to cackle. 
“Oh, sweetheart. It’s a good thing you’re pretty.” She said as she wiped a non-existent tear from below her eyes.
James’ eyes turned stormy as he locked his gaze on Marlene, but his voice remained somewhat relaxed as he addressed you. “Thanks again, Y/N. I’ll see you in class.” 
You smiled politely at him before making your way over to your house table.
“How ironic is it that such a ditz was sorted into the house that values learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect.” She snorted, either missing James’ glare or ignoring it entirely. 
“Marlene, I love you, you’re one of my best friends, we grew up together, you’re my sister from another mister, I would die for you.” he started, making sure she was looking at him before proceeding. “Do not make fun of my friends.”
Remus was certain his eyebrows had flown right off his forehead as he exchanged a look with his friends. Sirius and Peter seemed to be in agreement that they’d never seen James so stern as he sat down beside Sirius and started filling his plate. Unbeknownst to the boys, Lily was looking at James with a small smirk a look of respect from her end of the bench. 
“So, boys,” James began, “I was thinking, for our next brilliant prank...”
And just like that, James was back to planning pranks with the Marauders as if he hadn’t just blown the entire Gryffindor table’s minds. 
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The rest of the month went about the same; you and James could be found around the castle together, which Sirius was more than happy to take the piss about, and none of James’ friends made fun of you anymore - genuinely fearing James’ wrath ever since he hexed some Hufflepuffs who made a passing comment about you one day. 
Remus didn’t think you noticed any of it, however; at least it didn’t appear that way. He found that quite remarkable. He found you quite remarkable.
He hated that. 
It’s not that Remus was a prude, but he didn’t like liking you. It made him feel icky – out of control, like he didn’t have a say in any of it. Casual hookups were much more easy and comfortable for him, it was easy to roll over the next morning, say thanks, and carry on like nothing.
But just sharing a small nod of acknowledgment with you made him giddy. 
He hated that.
He certainly hadn’t agreed to liking you – he had rules. Rules like – having sex with someone was fine, having feelings for someone was not. And he didn’t want to have sex with you!
Okay, that’s not necessarily true.
He didn’t not want to have sex with you, but that’s not what drew him to you. You seemed ethereal; otherworldly; perhaps a touch too pure.
Certainly, too pure for a werewolf.
Which is why he had rules in the first place; he would not allow someone to get tangled up in his curse of a life, to suffer through loving someone as awful as him. It was painful enough being Remus, he wasn’t going to curse someone to loving him. 
So, Remus made a plan: he would ignore this friendship between you and James and pretend like you didn’t exist, only being as polite as humanly possible to stay within James’ good graces. 
That plan was fucked to shit in potions. 
The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff 7th year class was finishing up as the Slytherin’s and Gryffindor’s entered for their own class. Remus inwardly sighed as he spotted you across the room heading for the ingredient supply cupboard. Remus sighed again when some of your fellow housemates chuckled watching you struggle to carry the many ingredients on your own, none of which offered to help. 
“Oh! Are you headed to the supply closet? Mind taking these too?” A snarky little witch (Remus replaced that W with a B in his mind) said as she placed another vial on top of your load without waiting for your response. 
Remus had to give you credit, however, as all you did was smile kindly as you reconfigured the many vials and jars in your arms. 
Remus sighed outwardly, and loudly, as he made his way to follow you into the supply closet.
“Here, let me help you with that.” He muttered somewhat petulantly like he hadn't just volunteered his help unprompted as he relieved you of some vials and jars.
You looked at him with a face of surprise which quickly morphed into one of gratitude. Remus loved hated it.
“Thank you, Remus. That’s very kind of you.” You all but sung to him. Your voice sounded like angels. Fuck. 
Remus scoffed. “Not quite as nice as you, cleaning up for everyone else.” He muttered somewhat darkly.
You bobbed your head back-and-forth noncommittally. “Oh, I don’t mind so much. They do plenty for me in return.”
He turned to you, genuinely interested to hear what exactly those knob heads ever did for you. “Like what?”
You smiled to yourself as you continued placing ingredients in their rightful homes. “Well, they’re always keeping me on my toes by hiding my things around the castle. They must know how much I enjoy a good treasure hunt.”
Remus’ hand stopped in midair as he watched you continue to work. Did he hear you right? Did you actually believe these people were being kind? Did you think of those people as your friends?
“Or perhaps they don’t know that. Then in that case, I suppose the joke would be on them.” You said plainly as you turned your attention back to Remus, offering him a slightly pursed smile – like you were trying to hide the full extent of your joy at the thought, though the dimple that appeared on your left cheek gave you away.
It actually surprised a bark of laughter from him as he forced his hand to resume its task. “I suppose so.” He concurred. 
Remus heard a small tinkling sound and a gentle ‘oh’ escape your lips as a vial rolled into his foot. You both bent down to pick it up, but Remus was faster. As he went to hand you the offending vial, your fingers brushed gently.
For Remus, you may as well have set off a bomb.
Remus swore he felt every neuron in his body firing at the same time, his blood cells turned to lava and his veins turned to ice, his feet felt like they were fully rooted to the dungeon floor below him while his heart thrummed and took off in flight from his body. 
And through all of this, Moony was going feral. 
“Pack. Pack. Pack. Pack. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. MINE.”
Remus ripped his hand away from you like it burned – and in some ways it did – but the newfound space between your beings seemed to hurt even more. 
Remus’ chest was heaving, and his heart was going a mile a minute while Moony continued howling inside of his head. He could barely hear the classroom behind him through the blood rushing in his ears.
Remus could count many worst parts about this whole experience, but at this very moment, the worst part was your face.
Your head was cocked to the side like a confused cocker spaniel as your brows furrowed ever so slightly. You peered at Remus with a concerned gaze and your entire being just oozed kindness and understanding.
As if you could understand the clamoring of the 13-year-old werewolf living inside his brain screaming at him to lunge at you, bow down to you, fold you up and put you in his pocket, to crack open his ribcage and place you inside of him for eternity. What the fuck was wrong with him!?
“Are you alright, Remus?” You asked, so, so, so softly. In fact, you said it so softly that Remus was sure if Moony hadn’t just decided to dial into the exact channel of your frequency, he would have missed it completely. 
“Yes.” He breathed as he shook his head no. “No. I don’t know. I-”
You nodded sympathetically, as if Remus had said anything coherent at all. “That’s alright.”
Remus willed his lungs to take a deep breath. Because, was it really? Was it really alright? Because it sort of felt like Remus was dying; like his life was over as he knew it. 
“Ah, Miss. L/N, you should be off to your next class now, quickly. Mr. Lupin, please take your seat.” Mr. Slughorn said, poking his head briefly into the supply cupboard before retreating in much the same way.
You nodded politely at the teacher before offering Remus a smile.
“Thank you again for your help, Remus.” You said gently as you moved past him to retrieve your bag before exiting the classroom. Remus Moony wanted to follow you, begged to follow you. He could still smell you – you were everywhere. Fuck, Remus needs to shower.
Remus leaned his head against the cool stone of the dungeon walls. “What’s happening to me?” He moaned miserably to himself.
If only he knew. 
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Continue to chapter two here.
Taglist: @hanniejji
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dannydbeeto · 29 days
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OMG HAI so glad you askeddd I have like. Everything planned out for this au
‼️Huge spoilers for persona 5 base game hehe
I mentioned this in the tags in my first post but in my head the persona characters are functionally the owl house characters but I still want them to have their backstories and stuff and like i tweek the oh characters just a bit cos there are so many phantom thieves lol. so think of it as like a swap au but not really ok
Sojiro-> Eda
Sae-> Lilith
Futaba-> King
Ren/Akira-> Luz
Ryuji-> Gus
Ann-> Willow
Makoto-> amity
Akechi-> amity/hunter
Shido-> belos
For yusuke Haru and morgana Im just straight up using their p5 backstories
Yusuke is a student at st. Epiderm and he’s in the illusion track (cos one it’s blue and two he can use it for creative stuff I believe in him) he’s still under the tutelage of maderame and he still steals yusukes and all of his students hard work and ren/akira and the gang (Ann, ryuji) have to take yusuke into maderame’s brain à la understanding willow and show him maderame’s true nature and he confronts maderame in his brain and kinda “changes his heart” huge air quotes
Haru is the daughter of potion coven head kunikazu okumura and she is very skilled in plant magic, but to uphold her fathers legacy she is put in the potions track (like willow omg) her father is kidnapped shortly before the day of unity, blame for his murder being put on the “phantom thieves” after he is found dead in a prison cell
Morgana is. In this one. An actual monster cat, he’s like the bipedal monsters in the show and he finds ren/akira not too long from when he falls into this world and “takes him under his wing” he’s in the baby class at hexide and uses his new ride to scare the other kids into doing things for him this is how ren/akira finds himself in hexide and finds the school endearing (he’s only seen the baby class)
Makoto is less of amity in the way that they’re rivals to lovers (unless you want that im open to it) but more of Makoto is the star student and a very skilled witch and ren and co are wreaking havoc all around campus
Their tracks
Ren- multi tracks (excels in oracle magic though)(Arsene is a ghost he’s besties w)
Morgana- baby track he hasn’t decided yet
Ryuji- originally in the potions track but got lippy with the grudgby coach and got switched to the detention track
Ann- abomination
Yusuke- illusion
Makoto- healing
Futaba- oracle (because it’s funny)
Haru- plant (originally in potions)
Akechi- emperors coven/ multi track in his school (favoritism 🙄) also peep the parallels to ren/akira
I imagine sojiro is in a coffee lovers coven or something that’d be really funny
Anyway yeah I’m prolly gonna draw more soon but hehehehehehe
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feldsparite · 3 months
scraps of "zenkichi in base p5" au. basis is that akane's assassinated via mental shutdown for being too noisy about owada, and zenkichi's sole purpose in life becomes finding the culprit- even if it means dragging teenagers through the dirt to do so. oh and tw suicide to be safe
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-> zenkichi confronts the kids the next day because he got sent a calling card + no change of heart
-> kids start spouting shit about the metaverse
-> "let's say we go get you tested for drugs now" into the kids showing him the metaverse to prove it, into "monster cat?!!!". some shit stays consistent in every universe
-> zenkichi figures out they're probably NOT the ones behind mental shutdowns if they're so unwilling to kill him, but finds them useful anyways
-> ok not them. he finds the metanav useful, because it's essentially a way to quickly narrow down suspects in cases, in its ability to find people w distorted hearts or whatever
-> particularly useful because he's in danger of losing his job (only thing he's working on is the mental shutdowns, which we all know the higher ups don't want him finding out the truth of anyways) and earning confessions quick via changing criminals' hearts is a surefire way to keep it
and non chronologically:
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shephar · 3 months
It came to me in a vision (hah).
Furina (Genshin Impact, what else did you expect at this point) x Persona 3 (Reload, specifically).
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It's under the cut, seriously what do you expect. Spoilers for P5's Black Mask, and P3 in general, and the end of P2
Warnings: Canon-typical suicidal imagery, death, the everlooming concept of death being inevitable and unstoppable even with supercool magic powers : )
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"Come! Typhon!"
Furina's a special case in terms of Persona Users, she's much like the Black Mask in that she has two Personae, except she's not a Wild Card, Furina's just fucked up.
Her main, damage dealing Persona is Oceanus, the Greek Titan of Seas(hah) and Waters. This form mainly uses Aquas*, Mudo/Ei, and Buff skills. Oceanus favors Attack and Speed.
Her secondary, support Persona is Poseidon, the Greek god of the Sea. This one uses Aquas*, Hama/Kou, and healing skills. Poseidon favors Defense and SP, having higher HP and SP stats than Oceanus.
*Aquas is actually a damage type from the Persona 1 and 2 games, which was later taken out for reasons I didn't know.
Side note, the Bless and Curse skills are blatantly just in reference to the Ousia and Pneuma blocks in Fontaine.
"Well, I'm going to die anyway, so why not join SEES?"
Furina, because I hate myself, is basically just dying throughout the story of P3. In the story it's theorized that it's because she has the two Personae and that normal, non-Wild Cards normally aren't able to handle more than one Persona at a time*.
However, that's completely incorrect the player will learn during her S.Link, she has two Personae because she's just fucked up and possibly because she's dying**.
*I HC this came to be because of the world split after P2 and thus the people in general left their original souls behind, only leaving with unknowingly a fragment of themselves after the Split.
**I've thought about what would happen if a P3 Persona User was literally just dying, completely unrelated to their Persona, and I've thought that they just get stronger, in this AU it may or may not have affected her ability to summon two Personae.
Or, maybe, the knowledge that even if shooting herself with the Evoker doesn't kill her, she will die due to whatever illness she has anyway. Who knows : ).
"Furina, a third year at Gekkoukan High, suffers from an unknown illness."
Her ultimate Persona is Odysseus. I was going to do Focalors but that's obvious so I didn't. Odysseus, instead of having Bless or Curse skills, has stronger Buff and Healing skills, like P5R's Neo Cadenza but it also heals 15 SP.
Odysseus has a high SP stat but lacks HP, instead favoring hitting incredibly hard with Aquas skills and making sure not to die with their Dia skills.
"Things are getting interesting! Let the show go on!"
Her Arcana is The Actor, which is much like the Jester in P4 in that it's another name for the Fool, in this AU, at least. Or the Star, depending on which you like more.
Her Tarot card is meant literally in that she's putting on an act of being happy all the time, because, you know, she's dying and fighting literal monsters from hell itself.
She's putting on a Persona, you could say. I'll see myself out-
"So what! If the world ends either way, I'm going out fighting. I won't keel over like an animal!"
When the Choice during Christmas comes around, she's very vocal and ready to fight Nyx even before anyone else gets the chance to contemplate it. She's been fighting for a happy ending her entire life, so of course she's going to fight even when it's hopeless.
If the player chooses to kill Ryoji, even after she loses her memory the S.Link will be permanently reversed unless you reload (hah) or do NG+
To her, not putting up a fight when both outcomes are equally terrible makes not a lick of sense.
"Truthfully, I thought Nyx would be... A lot scarier?"
Choosing to fight Nyx Avatar is how her Persona is evolved, her will to fight is fully realized.
"I feel a little stronger, but I think it's the adrenaline talking?"
The Ultimate Persona of the Actor Arcana is Focalors.
"It's strange, it feels like this year flew by. What... What did I do this year, anyway?"
She doesn't remember the Dark Hour immediately, however she remembers quicker than most. This is because she is Just Like That, AKA her natural affinity for both Curse and Bless/Light and Dark elements and her dual Persona is what makes her just a little less susceptible to her mind being messed with than the others.
She remembers after the P3 Protagonist, but a day or two before the other party members, basically.
"Close your eyes, we'll be here when you wake up."
She is banned from the kitchen.
Her S.Link is night time only, and it's unlockable fairly quickly, not requiring any Social Stats, even raising the players Social Stats so they're optimal playthrough for Orpheus Telos isn't interrupted.
If her S.Link is done before completing Akinari's, they have an interaction where they chat about dying at a young age. Teehee.
She dies like a week after the Protagonist.
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This took six hours since I'm working and easily distracted.
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Yeah so after the chapter with the second half of the gangs origins I have a few chapters set up, whether or not I mix them with suggestions or not who's to say
Illegitimate lesbian wedding, officiated by a cat
Learning to blink
Government assigned fursona dealer
The tail chronicles
Aftermath of a bloodbath
You're also free to try to assume what any of these mean or suggest other such chapters I'm very excited about the P5 monster au
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byooregard · 1 year
hey give the people your p5 recs
cracks knuckles ok let's go
Between Scylla and Charybdis by KivaEmber
Akechi’s eyes were wide in disbelief - then he laughed; a sharp, ugly noise.
“Oh!” he leaned back on his heels, his vicious expression softening into a mocking smile, “I forgot. This is new for you, isn’t it? Fighting alone?”
Akira has a near-fatal encounter in Maruki's Palace. Akechi... barely takes it well.
[I have re-read this one so many times and I think about it & Goro Akechi so much. Also general reccomendation that everything by this author is good.]
The Plural of Soulmate is a Mess by VampireBadger
You're not supposed to have more than one soulmate. Everyone knows that.
Nobody told the Phantom Thieves, though, and Akechi...
Well, he's just kind of along for the ride.
[One time I made a whole PowerPoint where I talked about soulmate aus and I spent a whole slide on a tangent about Akechi & how he works with the themes in his character and I was thinking about This Fic Specifically. Look at this bitch. he doesn't realize that it's impossible to escape being loved!!]
Analogous by jortsbian
analogous colors: noun. of art: a selection of colors that, while not the same, bear more than a passing resemblance to each other. a palette of colors that are near each other on the color wheel, and are thus similar.
In the weeks following the interrogation room, it becomes clear Akira is struggling to cope with his situation. Yusuke and Futaba provide an easy evening to de-stress.
[I have written on my ao3 bookmark only "PHANTOM THIEVES AUTISM" and yeah. phantom thieves autism]
To Grate Against the World by pretentiousashell
“Nobody seems to know what to do with you. When I received the call, the warden seemed bewildered that you were even here at all.” It was a phone call that Naoto would not soon forget—the chilling way that the warden seemed to continually forget what he was asking mid-sentence, unable to latch onto Akechi’s name as if his existence was something contingent on his direct and immediate presence.
Akechi bared his teeth, eyes in shadow. “Nobody has ever known what to do with me,” he said, voice dripping acid.
“Then, this should be refreshing for you,” he said, delighting in the way that Akechi’s gaze sharpened as Naoto plucked a nonexistent piece of lint from his coat. “You’re coming with me. To Inaba.”
At the end of P5R, the world forgets Akechi.
[I'll admit that I haven't played p4 so I cannot attest to characterization on the p4 characters that appear; however this fic makes me insane. Off the charts Vibes with the feelings of longing and melancholy and growing up growing past trauma. Its very good I'm very normal.]
blood, guts, and chocolate cake by aesphantasmal
The aftermath of Akira Kurusu, Ryuji Sakamoto, and Ann Takamaki's first slaying of a monster.
[Magnus archives au; kamoshida is an avatar of the flesh and Akira Ryuji and Ann have to kill him. Read for the feeling of the unbreakable bond of friendship you form when you and your two acquatiences murder your gym teacher together. part of a series which you should read and I am not at all biased no sir when I reccomend also everything else by this author who I do not know at all nopenope nope.]
sagittarius by moonlight by Writeous
Futaba rescues Akira before, during, and after the interrogation. In the heat of the moment, it's hard to think of them as victories.
[good shit. siblings. phantom thieves.]
falling down, falling behind by intimatopia
Akechi: are you actually fine?
What was she even supposed to say to that? Being honest was out of the question, especially with him. She didn’t like him. She’d forgiven him, and she was friends with his friends and he was dating the one boy she’d ever let herself trust. He’d taken everything from her and she was better than him, or had to be, because that was all she had left.
Haru: Why do you ask?
[I have seen so many varying takes on Haru and her feelings about the whole Everything and so far this is the only one that I've read and went YEAH!!!! YEAH THATS HARU!!!]
The Diamond Chest by kinneas
“The quickest route to anywhere is a straight line,” Akechi says. “He’s a target, and I refuse to give up that easily. I’m doing this.”
Morgana turns his skeptical gaze on him. “Are you sure? You weren’t feeling so great earlier...”
Akechi watches their target for a moment longer, and the illusion of his soft yukata and softer hair dispels under his glass shard of a smile. There isn’t a trace of pain on his face anymore—only simmering, dark excitement. “As I said. I don’t like to lose.”
And neither does Ren. Yeah, they’re head to toe in yukata and sandals, and yeah, everyone is right: this is so, so stupid. Ren is so stupid. But he’s gonna climb this roof and catch that goddamn cop.
He meets Akechi’s gaze beat for beat. “Let’s do it.”
Who says you have to see Morgana speak in the Metaverse before you can hear him in the real world? Not the few hundred officers who arrested Ren in Sae’s Palace two years ago, that’s for sure.
[my favoritest persona fanfic ever I think so hard all the time about this author's writing style and how the characters are written how they handle trauma and growing up and moving on from all the Things that happened in the year they were phantom thieves. the way akechi and jokers relationship is written & the way their arcs are written . this is both a great take on the characters and persona 5 and also a very well written Story in general with well executed Plot and Arcs. Everything else by this author is also fire.]
Will You Fuse Hestia? by kinneas
He tells them on a Thursday, when they sign their second lease together. They knew Ren was seeing someone. They knew Ren had a roommate. Now, they know the rest.
He doesn’t hear from them for a couple of months after that, but that’s nothing new.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts have faced down angels, demons, and gods. Now it's time to face the parents.
[great and nuanced portrayal of jokers possible relationship with his parents. best one I've seen so far good shit.]
Interminable Ballistics by Stealth_Noodle
Amamiya isn't nearly as terrified as he was. As he should be. Instead his head is cocked, and he sounds equal parts frustrated and confused as he says, "I thought I was getting a do-over."
Akechi stares at him. Nearly drops the gun. Tightens his grip until his gloves creak. "You remember this happening before," he says slowly, more an accusation than a question.
"Yeah. I thought it was the drugs." Amamiya gestures at the floor, where wet syringes are scattered. "Is this real?"
Akechi realizes that he was tricked into killing a cognitive Ren in time to return and kill the real one. When he wakes up the next day, it's November 20th again, and he is a very stubborn man.
Unfortunately for his plans, so is Ren.
[Goro Akechi is insane and would rather die than do better. good news!]
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
How does Morgana interact with Ryoji and Minato?
I'm... not sure how to put this into words, really. They're Ren's family and guardians, so most likely the same way he interacts with Sojiro in P5 canon. Respectfully for the most part.
Though they were surprised when Ren brought him home... and again when they found out Ren gave Morgana the ability to speak. But other than that, they're pretty much find with him and treat him like another house pet/family member. Kind of like they do with Koromaru.
...Morgana definitely could've done without the surprise visit to the vet he was made to get, that was for sure.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
I'm making a persona 5 au of svsss (au in that it was the modern world that was the au, and sy brought something along with him), and I'm having a lot of fun with it!
Sy dies the same way as in canon, but this time as the leader/a member of the Chinese branch of phantom thieves (when and how a Chinese branch was made can be handwaved). He's a fellow wild card, a fool arcana, he's got third eye and a fully realised but unawakened persona.
When he awakes in sqq's body, he starts on as canon, but starts to notice strange fluctuations on qj that indicate the presence of the meta verse - and not only that, but a palace. The system notices the mysterious appearance of a new program it can't delete - the meta nav.
Without the key words, however, Sqq can't get in. He can't find who it belongs to, nor what it might be. One thing is for certain though: lbh cannot find out. The blackened protagonist with free reign of the meta verse? An undoubtedly powerful persona of his own?? It'd be the breakdown incidents all over again! He wouldn't stand a chance!
It takes a lot of arguing with the system about narrative directions and plot holes for it to not direct him to the nearest ripple in reality. In dreams, igor agrees (he has a lot to say about his new situation, but Sqq kinda ignores it).
Then, one day, he finds a fluctuation strong enough to fit a human, and slips right through, his scifi fantasy ninja outfit appears in flames, and he is faced with the distortion of qing jing peak - roiling dark clouds, bamboo towering impossibly far over his head, brown leaves thick on the ground and a thunderous gong ringing from somewhere down the path.
A coliseum.
Screams ring out, metal clashes, beasts roar.
And standing in front of the metal grill gate, tall and bedazzled in riches and more unmarked than shen yuan has ever seen him, is shen qingqiu.
What is persona if not themes of the inner self and fighting literal inner demons and learning to love, both yourself and others, and overcoming tragedy?
There are some things I'm still unsure of, but I really want to explore the idea of the ghost of sj lingering on, still haunting the narrative and how that affects everyone. Normally, when a palace ruler is killed, their palace crumbles as well, but with Sqq still walking around and the systems intervention with his soul (having not died then in canon) the original goods wouldn't be fully gone.
The soul is! It's not sjs ghost, but rather his shadow. Real souls cannot live in the meta verse. But with the real deal gone, sy would be unable to affect him in order to make his way through the palace to the treasure the way a normal heist would go. Instead, he'd have to learn about sj himself, uncovering secrets and dispelling rumours. As the new Sqq, he would have to change his perspective and uncover the story behind the scum villain in order to progress. Remove the distorted perspective from himself.
Mini bosses would be a bad faith interpretation of yqy from sjs perspective, qiu haitang as she was at the manor. Enemies would be the coliseum guards and jailers, the shadow populace qj disciples in general misery, often forced to fight each other or monsters as sj watches on from the top seat. Nyy would sit with him. Poor shadow lbh would be a prime gladiator slave, suffering constant defeat. Sin: envy. I really want to focus on the fact he is both abuser and survivor, and his 'I suffered, thus so should you' thing. A bit like p5 strikers in that.
The plot would be basically Sqq handling both the canon events of svsss and also his investigation into sj, tracing paper trails of slave documents, hunting for potential secrets in the bamboo house, learning about the ghost backstab incident from lqg (which leads him to airplane), building up the courage to go down and talk to the brothel ladies, carefully teasing bits of history out of yqy. Also beating up shadows with a jojo stand and a .7 calibre sniper rifle he can fire like an automatic in his spare time. (if you don't know, persona lets you hold shadows at gunpoint for cash and items, but also flirt, threaten and bribe. Also you can ambush them and sometimes collect them like pokemon it's fun.)
The final battle would have the palace ruler sj transform into his final form (I'm thinking something with chains) but there absolutely has to be a human duel for the first phase, xiu ya to xiu ya. The surrendering of the crown would end in a hug, and sj performing a sincere but bastardised version of the peak lord crowning ceremony before he dissipates, and the coliseum starting to crumble and burn. As for the treasure... In the distorted world, an elaborate peak lord ceremonial crown, in the real world, an old, worn hair ribbon.
If I wrote it, I'd probably keep it shorter. Just the one palace, maybe sqh awakens his persona by virtue of being squirrelly and getting on his last nerve™. I'm thinking of the 'what don't I dare when it comes to you?!' because if that isn't a persona awakening scene I don't know what is. Conquering the bamboo palace would free qj from some 'unnamable' dark cloud and just in time to push lbh in the abyss (the palace time limit bring that sjs spirit would cruelly push lbh into the abyss rather than sy doing it (and being kinder about it)).
If it was longer, more persona users would awaken, despite sqq's best attempts. Liu qingge, ning yingying, shang qinghua obviously, gongyi xiao, zhuzhi lang maybe (they'd both live). A real motley crew. There'd be more palaces along the journey, each with it's own deadline - old palace master, lbh (though his palace would have the gimmick of being actually xin mo's), tianlang Jun, qiu haitang. Sj would still be the overarching palace, this time being the only one without a deadline maybe, and the story would end with a 'not sj' reveal for the new phantom thieves (with a side order of 'we already know and care for you anyway').
A sequel would be shorter: sy visits qiong ding for the first time since its all calmed down and realises that the distortions of a palace are still there, that they weren't a product of the bamboo palace. Yqy has a palace (because you can't tell me that man is mentally well). For a side of angst maybe the sy reveal was more open secret for the need to knows rather than strictly 'whoever witnessed two identical versions of Sqq trying to kill each other' and Yqy develops the palace as a result of not taking that well.
In comparison to the others, Yqy is the strongest cultivator alive, has been sitting on a soul deep distortion and trauma for decades since childhood, recently went through a heartbreaking reveal pointed directly at every single one of those issues, and oh yeah, has his soul directly bound to xuan su.
His palace's difficulty level is nightmarish. The corrupt version of the lingxi caves is a terrifying subterranean crawl through blood soaked caverns and bottomless pits. The gimmick is that near everything wants to suck your soul out. The only saving grace is that distortions are not inherently malicious, and they manage to lever that to their advantage. Unlike the others, yqys palace does not focus on him abusing his power over others - quite the opposite, in fact.
Through murals, echoing voices, and what sy and sqh remember, they piece together his own heart demons. It's scary - outwardly, the sect leader is fine, clear headed, going about his days just fine. The bloodied caverns he sees the world through tell a different story. To gain access it's a long process of easing out stories, working through his deeply ingrained self reliance, helping him work up to confessing the truth of xuan su. Not only to xiao jius shrine, but to his closest martial siblings as well, allowing him to be vulnerable and protected as he never has been.
But Yqy follows them into the palace, curious as to why they visit his peak every day. It's unstable, very dangerous for a person to meet their shadow, but it's too late. Yqy meets his shadow self, small and furious and stuck through with a thousand swords he uses to his advantage, and does the impossible.
A palace ruler awakens a persona.
Even as a trained group, the life force powered xuan su boosted shadow is too strong - they've already failed to defeat it once. Yue qingyuan, breathing grief like air but finally ready to heal, stands for himself. Rips off the smiling mask he's been hiding behind since he was five years old and freshly a big brother. His persona is magnificent.
And just in time, too, because, uh, turns out the meta verse is the systems doing, this time. And it's evil. I'm thinking a giant brainwashing vr-esque super computer. And they defeat it with the power of friendship and also lucifer.
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kougaonn · 1 year
i finally got my p5 x tma assignments down. PLEASE talk to me about these i guarantee some of them don't fit- i didn't have anyone to use as a sounding board. here you go
Akira Kurusu: a Hunter and a servant of the Desolation
obviously for this au i needed him to be a Hunter. but he fits the desolation so well too... I say if robert montauk can double up with the Hunt and the Dark so can akira.
Morgana: Entity of the Hunt
he kickstarts akira's Hunt abilities! i was imagining him to be like the eldritch cat from guardians of the galaxy
Ryuji Sakamoto: The Flesh
ryuji gave me a really hard time mostly because i don't know his character as well as i might have liked. waffled between the Buried and the Desolation as well.
Ann Takamaki: The Corruption
i gave her the Corruption mostly because i don't think she's the kind of person to succumb to the lonely. what with her confidant and the conditions she lives with at home it reminded me of the more emotional side of the Corruption.
Yusuke Kitagawa: The Lonely
Okay this one i really don't know about. other deliberations included the vast, but i am really just not sure. i picked the Lonely because i can imagine yusuke feels alienated (even in some part among the thieves) because of his mannerisms and personality.
Makoto Niijima: The Dark
she is scared of the dark and i think we forget that. i like to think she becomes a servant of the Dark in a similar way to callum brodie
Futaba Sakura: The Eye
so the Lonely might be the obvious choice here. sure if you want to it works. i think the Eye fits into social anxiety much better than the Lonely does.
Haru Okumura: The Slaughter
i think she is sooo melanie king core. it might have always been in some part of her psyche but she gets attacked by the slaughter somehow and that's what really brings it to light.
Goro Akechi: The Web
Do i even need to explain
Sumire Yoshizawa: The Spiral
the spiral being known by the name It Is Lies. that's really all i need to say.
BONUS ROUND: Sophia: The Stranger
ohh robots are more fitting for the extinction whatever. not this one. She tries so so hard to understand humanity and is terrified by the suggestion she might not be who she is. she is so Stranger core.
these aren't all i have- these are just the phantom thieves. i have a list of "monsters" that akira has hunted, if anyone would like to see that as well :3
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randoimago · 1 year
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Yes, I know there's a bit until October, but I thought I might as well let you guys see what tropes/AU's I'm writing. I also made the graphic and divider. Graphic design is not my passion so sorry if the header and divider look like trash 😅
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Day 1 - Arranged Marriage - (Gunter from Fire Emblem)
Day 2 - Time Loop - (Hubert from Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Day 3 - Royalty AU - (Ansem the Wise from Kingdom Hearts)
Day 4 - Drunken Confessions - (Present Mic from MHA)
Day 5 - Sick Fic - (Franky from Spy x Family)
Day 6 - Fantasy AU - (Mori from OHSHC)
Day 7 - Huddling for Warmth - (Saejima from Yakuza)
Day 8 - Trapped Together - (Olivia from Fire Emblem)
Day 9 - Fake Dating - (Link from LoZ: BotW)
Day 10 - Body Swap - (Pucci from JoJo's)
Day 11 - Soulmates - (9S from Nier)
Day 12 - Only One Bed - (Reeve from Final Fantasy)
Day 13 - Exes to Lovers - (Toji from Jujutsu Kaisen)
Day 14 - Reincarnation - (Godot from Ace Attorney)
Day 15 - Hanahaki - (Ryuki from AI: The Somnium Files)
Day 16 - College AU - (Vexen from Kingdom Hearts)
Day 17 - Carnival AU - (Ienzo from Kingdom Hearts)
Day 18 - Secretly Dating - (Naoki from Persona 4)
Day 19 - Artist AU - (Hassel from Pokemon)
Day 20 - Childhood Friends to Lovers - (Mishima from Persona 5)
Day 21 - Roommate AU - (Mollymauk from Critical Role)
Day 22 - First time grocery shopping together - (Iwai from Persona 5)
Day 23 - Opposites Attract - (Herlock Sholmes from Ace Attorney)
Day 24 - Coffee Shop AU - (Maruki from P5)
Day 25 - Stuck in the Rain - (Dorian Storm from Critical Role)
Day 26 - Crime AU - (Moma from AI: The Somnium Files)
Day 27 - Enemies to Lovers - (Kendo from My Hero Academia)
Day 28 - Superhero AU - (Susato from Ace Attorney)
Day 29 - Secret Admirer - (Makoto from Persona 5)
Day 30 - Mutual Pining - (Artagan from Critical Role)
Day 31 - Monster AU - (Gumshoe from Ace Attorney)
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