killergee · 3 months
Wrote this on my phone so sorry if the formatting is wonky. First fanfic since I was a teenager, so pls be kind and enjoy!
Soshiro x reader fanfic where you're cold towards him so he thought you hated him but you actually like him.
Summary: Hoshina thinks you're only out for his position but turns out you might not hate him as much as he thinks.
P1 P2 P3
"I am grateful and honoured to be recommended for the position of Vice Captain for the second division. However, I wish to be only Captain Ashiro's Vice Captain. Until then, I am happy to remain a platoon leader."
Those were the first words Hoshina heard you say. The first time he met you was at the higher up conference. It was decided that you would be promoted based on your performance in the latest Kaiju attack. But in all honesty, he was barely paying attention as he stood in his position behind Ashiro at the round table. It was one of those monthly meetings that seemed to drag on and on, and he couldn't help but try to stiffle a yawn. It wasn't like he had a say in the decision anyway, so what's the point of listening.
His interest peaked slightly when you walked in. He had seen you around the base a couple of times and had heard your name every once in a while. But his mind was always on training himself, the rookies, and keeping them alive.
He would be lying if he said you weren't a sight for sore eyes. Your gaze was strong, and you held your head high as you presented yourself to the higherups. One of those ice princesses, he guesses, as he shifts his gaze to look at the clock.
Who would've thought you'd be so interesting.
"HAHAHA! It's great to have aspirations," one of the higher ups laughed at your rejection, "too bad Hoshina has already got you beat. You want us to replace Hoshina with you?" A series of giggles erupted around the room.
"Not at all," you said, and Hoshina swears he saw a small smirk break your cold facade. "Hoshina is a fine Vice Captain and one that Captain Mina personally appointed. Simply put, when the time comes and Captain Ashiro needs someone else, I just want to be ready for the call," you replied with what he thinks is a bit of mirth in your eyes. He also could've sworn your gaze shifted to him at the end.
Your statement was strong, ambitious, and slightly threatening even. You've practically announced that you were out for his position and if he is ever deemed unfit, you'll be the one who'll snag it from him.
He swears that was the moment he was hooked on you.
Yet, it seems it wouldn't be easy to see that break in your facade again. Well, at least not easy for him. Somehow it wasn't until this point that he noticed how popular you were. According to everyone else, you were cool, fun, and kind. So why is it that you're always so cold towards him? He's heard your platoon absolutely gush about you to everyone they've met. He's seen you crack an unwilling smile to some of the younger cadets on the training field from a distance. Hell, he's even eaves dropped on you joking with his own squad.
"Hibino-kun, I heard you wanted to stand beside the Captain," you said slyly as you sat infront of Kafka in the study room. You were resting your head on your hand and eyeing at Kafka in a way that makes even Hoshina gulp. Though, probably in a different way from Kafka. Kafka flushed and tried to look at anywhere but you, "y-yeah I'm gonna try my best to do so... I also heard that you, um, were also aiming for Vice Captain?" He scratched his head a bit embarrassed but you only looked even more amused as your gaze sized him up as if evaluating him and his ambitions.
"That's right" you said with a mischievous smile.
"So I guess that makes us enemies for now, haha"
"No. Not necessarily," you sighed crossing your arms on the table and leaning forward as if to tell Kafka a secret. "You know the saying, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. So you and I are friends."
"And who's the enemy?"
"Hoshina, of course."
Well, isn't that something Hoshina thought. At least Kafka was enjoying himself.
"I guess he is," he said shoulders slumping, finally loosening up and laughing.
"Once he's out of the picture then we'll be enemies and I'm warning you, you don't want to be my enemy," Hoshina heard you joke back.
"Is that so?"
"Vice Captain!" Kafka shouted as he stood up to salute him as Hoshina entered the room. You on the other hand, seemed to be taking your sweet time getting up to salute him.
"Sir," you said flatly, all the humour you once had vanishing. Your eyes bored into his as if you were looking at an ant beneath your boot.
Right. Not easy. Definitely not easy at all.
"Do ya really see me that way y/n-kun?" Hoshina said as he walked to stand infront of you. "Why, you're hurting my lil' ol' feelings."
He knew he was standing closer to you than you'd like. With how your cheek slightly twitched, he can't say he wasn't enjoying this.
"I apologize, sir," you mumbled as if it pained you to say. "If it pains you so much why don't you go on leave? Take as much time as you need to recover."
"Oh? And let you take over my position?" He responded with a growing smile that showed off his fang.
"Or Hibino-kun can," you responded bringing back Hibino into the conversation.
"Um!" Hibino squeaked and both you and Hoshino snap your heads to look at him. "I-I uh... Nevermind."
"That's 5 laps for you, Hibino"
"What? Why I didn-"
"You want to do 10?" Hoshina threatened as a sliver of his eyes opens.
"No, sir!" Hibino salutes before hurrying himself out of the situation—scared he'll upset his vice captain even more.
With only the two of you left in the room, your slight step backwards doesn't go unnoticed by Hoshina.
"And how many laps do you want me to run, sir?" You asked in a way that Hoshina knows that if he were to discipline you, you'd pull your rank and find a way to refuse. Or perhaps you'll do it anyways and exaggerate his cruelty as a Vice Captain. So instead, why not take this opportunity to interrogate you?
"None. Just wanna talk"
"But Hibino-"
"Hibino-kun this Hibino-kun that. Do ya like the guy that much?" Hoshina cuts in, irked in a way he doesn't really understand.
"Negative. Just thought you'd be more fair," you responded flippantly, your eyes sharp and questioning.
"And who says you'll go unpunished?" Your eyes widened at that—but just as quickly as it did—your face returned to its calm and collected facade. Enjoying seeing the briefest crack in your composure, Hoshina started to wonder what else makes you tick and what other expressions can you make.
With a smirk he leaned back and forth on the balls of his feet, his hands clasped behind his back. "Say how long have you been in the force?"
The twitch of your eyebrow tells him you're thinking, what does that have to do with being punished. But you still responded, "six years, sir."
"Ahh so a little bit after me. No wonder. I would've remembered a face like yours in my cadet days." He said with a teasing smile. You seem to freeze a bit at his flirtation and it might be wishful thinking but did he see a small blush? Before he could think about it any further you responded, "yes, how very unfortunate we couldn't have entered the force together. Perhaps things could've been different if I had," insinuating something else.
"You're really out for my blood aren't you y/n-kun?" He chuckled lightly.
"Nope. Not really," you said nonchalantly seemingly finding his shoulder more interesting to look at. Hoshina leaned down to cut your line of sight. Face tilted at an angle, he leaned close to your face to force your eyes on him.
"Hmmm this is no good y/n-kun. We're supposed to be comrades, but where's the comraderie? How can we fight kaiju while bickering?"
"We'll survive," you said exasperated.
"Say, ya know what? I think I've thought of the perfect punishment for ya!" Hoshina exclaimed with an almost boyish excitement. He leaned back against the table and crossed his arms. "Since ya wanna be Vice Captain so bad, for your punishment ya have to follow me 'round and help me out with my duties."
"Like a servant?" You responded bewildered with his idea.
"Servant, slave, Vice Vice Captain. Call it whatever ya want. This way we can form a better relationship, which, hey, will set a great example for the kids," he joked only to be responded with your incredulous face that couldn't even bother to hide your grimace. "If anything, it'll benefit you too since you get to see what I do," he continued, shrugging slightly. "Maybe you can even find all my weaknesses and make a huge list to use against me to get my position," Hoshina chuckled at the thought.
After a beat of silence, Hoshina was moments away from taking it all back when you said, "okay, send me your schedule." This time, it was Hoshina whose eyes widened. He fully expected you to reject it. Hell, he suggested it in the first place because he wanted to see your reaction and how'd you go about rejecting him. Well, things are about to get fun.
His mouth curled into a grin. "Meet me at my office by 7am tomorrow," Hoshina said as he headed out of the room. "Get some rest, you'll need it."
"Whatever you say, your highness, bowlcut motherfucker," he heard you mumble under your breath as the door clicks close behind him.
Oh yea. This will be fun.
It's been three weeks since you've been tasked to follow him around. Three weeks of teasing and getting to know each other. Three weeks of little change in your attitude towards him, Hoshina thinks sadly. He thought that he would've been able to win you over with this extra time together. Yet, it seems that he was the only one being won over.
He couldn't stop himself even if he tried. Your quick and witty comebacks. Your cold phrasing and comments that are unintentionally funny (or perhaps they are intentional and it's just your humour?). Your earnest efforts in completing the ridiculous tasks he's assigned you. The glimmer in your eyes and your attempts to stop a smile when you're trying to pretend he isn't funny. He couldn't help but be drawn towards you—basking in the light that you emit, the light you try to hide behind your cold facade.
He wonders if you could tell. If you noticed the glances he threw your way. If you saw how he lit up when you entered the room. If you could see how distracted he became when you sat and worked beside him. Shoulders only a hair's breath apart. So close that he could only smell your sweet perfume and watch your fingers fiddle with the edge of paper. He always had to stop himself from leaning closer until his nose rested in the crook of your neck—until he could breath you in deeper. Oh how he longed to close his hand over yours so that you could hold onto something more stable than paper. How he wished to distract you the way you distracted him.
Hoshina huffs out a sigh as he walks out of the captains meeting with the other divisions. Ashiro couldn't attend so he went in her stead—much to Captain Narumi's displeasure. He did take you with him hoping that after this maybe he could convince you to get ice cream with him or something on the way back home to base. He can already imagine how bored you were waiting for him and how that might higher your chances of saying yes. He remembers you were talking with some other recruit from the 1st division when he left you in the break room.
The sound of your voice makes him halt a couple of steps infront of the break room.
"Eh? No way you think Captain Narumi is cooler than Captain Ashiro," he hears you argue.
"I'm sorry are your eyes broken or something? He's so hot. You can't compare him to her like that. They're two different kinds of hot" the girl he assumes he saw earlier responds passionately.
"Sure I'll concede to that but not to him being cooler." That's not something Hoshina wanted to hear right after his hours long meeting. Leaning back against the wall beside the slightly opened door, he can't help but feel irked. He couldn't believe he's getting jealous of Ashiro.
"Ugh that's just cuz you haven't seen him up close yet, " the other girl responds. "But hey, at least there's one thing we can agree on."
"And what's that?" You ask and Hoshina can tell your interests has been peaked.
"That Vice Captain Hoshina is the worst of the bunch." Hoshina's eyebrow twitches and he has half a mind go in there and make the recruit do 200 push-ups or try to find Narumi and beat him into a pulp. He doesn't because he was more curious about your response.
"I saw you rolling your eyes at him before the meeting. It must be tough working for him," the recruit continues.
You let out a tired laugh, "oh yeah, he's the worst. He's got me running around like a servant!" You say with a sigh and you lean your head onto your crossed arm on top of the table.
"Really! That's crazy. I just can't get over his bowlcut."
"RIGHT! His stupid bowlcut. His stupid fangs. His stupid cocky attitude..." Alright, well. Hoshina couldn't handle anymore of this. He pushed himself off the wall ready to open the door.
"God, I want him so bad." Huh? Hoshina froze in his steps, eyes wide open. Did he mishear you? He must have misheard you.
"HUH?" The recruit repeats a second later. "But you were just calling his hair stup-"
"It is stupid. He should not look that hot with that hair cut," you ramble on seriously as if in a world of your own.
"Stupid little fangs. I hate the way he uses them to nibble on his lips when he concentrates. Why the fuck does he have fangs?! Is he a vampire? God, it's so distracting." Although you're saying all of this like a rant, Hoshina can't help but overheat in his uniform. Covering half his face with his hand he already knows he's red.
"What? Are we looking at the same person?!" The recruit exclaims exasperated with you.
"I think I'm losing my mind," you say running your hand through your hair trying to soothe yourself. "He's so annoying. Always teasing me and sticking so close to me. God I feel like I'm always a second away from tearing at my hair or tearing that stupid compression shirt off. Any tighter and he won't be able to breath. It's like he's doing it on purpose to show off his abs." Hoshina chokes on his own spit.
"You know what? M-maybe it's cuz you haven't gone on a date in a while. Maybe you just need to get laid." The recruit says with a touch of worry—genuinely trying to find any rhyme or reason to your attraction.
"Ughhhh," you say sliding down your chair. "Maybe you're right, I should get laid." There's a pause before you're suddenly sitting back up straight. You lean towards the recruit across the table, "maybe I'll ask Captain Narumi out."
NO "NO!! He's off limits don't you fucking dare!" The recruit screams standing up abruptedly and slamming her hands onto the table.
By the sounds of your maniacal laughter, Hoshina hopes you're only joking.
"Don't worry," you wheeze out, wiping a tear from your eye. "Your precious Captain is all yours." Hoshina hears the humour and mischief in your voice and he can't help but smile too. From the sound of your voice, he knows you're not done teasing the recruit.
"PLUS-" Ah, there she goes " Vice Captain Hoshina is much much MUCH cooler than Captain Snorumi anyways."
The scandalous gasp does well to hide his own snicker.
"That's just the truth, hun. We all know it," you say matter of factly as you lean back into your seat crossing your arms.
"You can't even compare someone who's only a Vice Captain to a Captain! Captain Narumi climbed the r-"
"Oh is being Captain all it takes to be cool? Well Narumi must've been a drag before he became Captain." You argue back defiantly and cheekily, clearly enjoying this.
"Well swords are powerless against a gun! He can't-"
"And yet he was able to be promoted to Vice Captain with his swords while some of us can't even become a platoon leader with their guns." Both the recruit and Hoshina gasp at that and Hoshina decides to interrupt before the situation escalates further. If only he was a little less responsible. He would've loved to see how far you'd go for him. Oh well, he has all the time in the world to corner you about it.
"Yoohoo! The meetings over y/n-kun- Ah, sorry, was I interrupting something?" He says with a grin as both your heads snap towards him scandalized. Well, the recruit appears to be scandalized. You seem to be mortified.
Your jaw dropped open and the red that was flushing your skin from the tip of your ears all the way down to your neck was so pleasing. To think that you yourself would be the downfall of your cool and collected image amuses Hoshina greatly. He can only stare and admire the mess you've become. Too cute. Way too cute for his heart.
"C-captain!" Your voice cracks. Oh, even cuter. "I uh- I, we were- you didn't interrupt anything at all" you say clearing your throat and trying to regain your composure.
"What's got ya all worked up l/n?" He asks with false innocence as he tilts his head, "were you talking about something you shouldn't be?" He teases with a slight lilt in his voice.
"Of course not!" Growing a shade brighter you add "Sir!" to try to save yourself.
"Well alright then, come on let's go, I'm over this place," Hoshina says nodding his head goodbye at the recruit and exiting the room. He hears you whisper shout your own goodbyes before running to catch up with him. You stop and walk slightly behind him and he can't help but revel in your embarassment. He wonders if he should let you off easy or see how far he can push you...
"So you think my hair is stupid?"
He swears he can hear you internally scream.
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entertext · 5 months
HGSN 26-2
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter on the Japanese site to show the author some support)
Rough translation by me
(sfx: train clacking over tracks)
Yoshiki: (It'll take a little under two hours on the Tanshou Line from Kibougayama Station, huh?...)
Yoshiki: (I haven't been to the ocean since elementary school...)
Hikaru: Whoaaa!! Coooool!!
Hikaru: What's that!? There's a building that looks like a butt!
Yoshiki: You sure are carefree...
(sfx: train clacking over tracks)
Yoshiki: That reminds me...a while back...
Yoshiki: I had to go to the Mikasa family's place on an errand
(Mom: Take them this as thanks for Kaoru's yukata)
Yoshiki: So I went to the shrine
Yoshiki: Then, at the torii gate...
(sfx: BZZT)
Hikaru: Huh? Why?....
Yoshiki: Dunno...After that, I was able to go inside like normal...
Hikaru: ("Mixed up"...)
Yoshiki: *sighs* Enough about that, let's talk about something else. There's still more than an hour left to go.
Hikaru: Something else to talk about...I don't really have anything
Hikaru: Just stuff like the time when for some reason your room was so packed to the brim with the ghosts of old men that it made me laugh...
(sfx: train clacking over tracks)
Yoshiki: You're kidding me right?
(sfx: stepping on sand)
(sfx: waves)
Yoshiki: Even considering it's evening, there are really few people here...Maybe everyone's gone to the new beach instead.
Hikaru: Whoa, so cool!
Hikaru: It's HUGE! The ocean's amazing!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Yaaaaay!
Hikaru: Shoes, shoes...
(sfx: waves)
(sfx: waves)
Yoshiki: Hey! Come over here!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: The ocean's great!!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Hahaha!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Woo-hoo!!
(sfx: ker-splash)
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Hah
Hikaru: Ha
(sfx: water sloshing)
(sfx: waves)
(sfx: water sloshing)
(sfx: waves)
Yoshiki: Hey, your pants are gonna get wet
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: You know, when I went into the hall, I also remembered what happened when I went into Hikaru's body
(sfx: water sloshing)
Hikaru: When Hikaru was dying, he wished for things like "if only no one had to be sad" and "I don't want Yoshiki to be left alone"
Hikaru: Because I granted his wishes, things ended up this way
Yoshiki: Hikaru's...
Hikaru: ...but sorry
Hikaru: I probably won't be able to fulfill those wishes
Hikaru: I'm...going to go back to the mountain
Yoshiki: ... Huh?
Hikaru: The time I attacked you recently? That was probably my true nature coming out.
Hikaru: In order to fill up the empty parts of myself, I have a desire for souls
Hikaru: It probably doesn't make sense to a human, right? I've also only just realized it myself
Hikaru: I think I was always that kind of being.
Hikaru: I've killed a lot of people too, and I might kill someone again in the future.
Hikaru: But I don't want to kill you, Yoshiki
Yoshiki: H-hold...on...a sec...! What?
Hikaru: If I go back to the mountain, even if the real problem isn't solved
Hikaru: At least it'll be peaceful for the time you're alive
Yoshiki: N-no way. You can't. What have we...been searching so hard for...all this time...!
Hikaru: The monster will go away, you'll be able to accept Hikaru's death
Hikaru: And look forward, living on as a human. Happily ever after. That's for the best.
Yoshiki: You..! You want to stay, don't you!? Are you stupid!?
Yoshiki: Enough!
(sfx: splash splash)
Yoshiki: This kind of thing...isn't something you have to learn to do!!
Yoshiki: Be more shameless, the way you've always been...
Hikaru: You know, Hikaru...he liked watermelon, but I like ice cream pops the best. And my favorite kind's not Gachigachi-kun but Papicco instead. I'm probably the one that likes cats.
Hikaru: And movies, too. There hasn't been a single movie I thought was boring. Hikaru hated studying, but I like it. Well, not that I'm any good at it though, haha.
Yoshiki: Stop it
Yoshiki: Stop...
Hikaru: You know, I...really had a lot of fun being with you.
Hikaru: Maybe to you, I was just a replacement for Hikaru, but you gave someone like me so much. I love you, Yoshiki
Hikaru: These feelings might not be romantic and they might not be friendship. But, they're definitely my feelings.
Hikaru: Not Hikaru's, but the monster's. Mine.
Yoshiki: No...
Hikaru: Yoshiki
Hikaru: Thank you for everything
Yoshiki: YOU'RE WRONG!
Yoshiki: You're not a replacement for Hikaru!!!
(sfx: splash splash)
Yoshiki: I don't think of you as Hikaru anymore!
Hikaru: We don't have any other solution...so I've got no choice...
Yoshiki: You've just given up! Don't you dare push stuff like "looking forward" onto me...not now, after everything...
Yoshiki: What's so "happily ever after" about that...!?
Yoshiki: Bullshit...!!!!
Hikaru: Even I...
??: Even if you go back to the mountain, it won't do any good.
Tanaka: 'Cause you see, 'Hikaru'-kun
Tanaka: You aren't Nounuki-sama
Tanaka: Thinking if you sacrifice something, something else will be saved...
Tanaka: You're under some wild misconceptions
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wayvment · 6 months
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Kun Xiaohongshu Update (240319)
Shoot in the mirror but with a camera.
p1/2 Hasselblad X2D
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
Guide to Persona MC names
Just a small guide to help newcomers understand all the names and nicknames/fannames for their fav Persona MCs. Keep in mind this is main games/nameless MC's only (so I won't list Aigis in the P3 but I will mention Maya as well as the notes at the bottom, this is due to how I structured P2 vs P3 sections) (Edit: may add to this list later but it's pretty complete for now)(Edit 2: Note that Shunjiko translates as Protagonist/Hero/Main character):
Persona 1:
P1MC: shorthand for Persona 1 Main Character
(P1) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Boy with Earring: In-game moniker
Naoya Toudou: Manga name
Yuuya Narumi: (one of the) DramaCD names (note: other dramaCD is just labeled "protagonist")
Jihei Suzakuin: Novel name
Persona 2:
Tatsuya Suou: MC for P2 Innocent Sin, can be renamed and it'll carry over in EP (and Katsuya's last name will change as well)
Maya Amano: MC for P2 Eternal Punishment. Cannot be changed, just like Aigis
Kazumi Kiba: MC for the manga Persona: Tsumi to Batsu. (not really related to the games but it takes place right before P2EP, Edit: mentioned him because I've seen some people think he's suppose to be an adaptation of Tatsuya or something when he's just a different character all together)
Persona 3 (Male):
P3MC: Short hand for Persona 3 Main Character
(P3) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Kitaro: The Japanese Fanname, due to his resemblance to the main character Kitaro from Gegege no Kitaro.
Minato Arisato: Manga name
Makoto Yuki: Movie name (*gets adopted later into games)
Sakuya Shiomi: Stage Play Name
Leader: Generic Name for MC in Drama CDs and such
Roger: A name used in AtlusUSA marketing (maybe related to this line in the game?)
Door-kun: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, spoiler reasons.
Gettaro/Tsukitaro* Yamada: provisional name for P3MC in the movies' script. A play on Kitaro. (thanks @aliliceswonderland for reminding me, as well as the other's! TToTT)
Persona 3 (Female):
P3FeMC or just FeMC (sometimes/old variations FeShe or MShee): Shorthand for (Persona 3) Female Main Character. Since SMT if/Tamaki, Maya, and Aigis have fixed names (in Persona canon), this one is usually who people mean when they hear "FeMC." Though some might use this word as a "what if" for P4/5/6 having a female protagonist. But it's usually for the P3 one.
Leader: Generic Name for FeMC in DramaCDs and such
(P3) Heroine/Josei Shunjiko : Japanese generic title
Hamuko (Arisato): The Japanese fanname, IF Arisato is used, it's derived from the P3MC's manga name.
Minako Arisato: The Western Fanname, derived from Minato Arisato but making it "ko" since a lot of females use that name (note: Minato is actually a unisex name to begin with)
Makoto Yuki: P3MC's movie name. SOME adopted this name after the movie was release due to being a unisex name)
Kotone Shiomi: Stage Play Name (*only official name she's gotten, and unlike P3/4/5MCs whose names were taken from anime adaptions, she's the only one to have her's taken from the stage play).
Door-Chan: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, spoiler reasons.
Canon-chan/Non-canon-chan: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, usually in regards to her canon status. (answer: she is canon)
Lunako Gekko: Name used for Famitsu article
Persona 4:
P4MC: Short hand for Persona 4 Main Character
(P4) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Leader: Generic Name for MC in Drama CDs and such
Bancho(u): Japanese Fan Nickname (he's also called this in Arena's files, short hand for his Arena fighter title)
Souji Seta/Soji Seta: Manga Name
Yu Narukami: Anime Name (*was later used for games)
Various Stage Names: Unlike the P3MCs who have a fixed stage play name, P4's gimmick was to change the name each showing. The ones used in the DVDs are: "Yuuya Seta" for the first one, "Hayato Asakawa" for the second. (complete list, at least for the 2nd stage play coming soon)
Charlie "Chuck" Tunoku: Giant Bomb Endurance run of P4 (I think this is the more famous one)
Kenpachi Ramasama/Ramasama Kenpachi: Two Best friends play P4
Chad: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, something something blame the anime (originated around it's run) esp the scene with the King's game. He got all the chicks or something.
Persona 5:
P5MC: Short hand for Persona 5 Main Character
(P5) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Joker: His in-game code name
Akira Kurusu: Manga name
Ren Amamiya: Anime Name (*was later used for games)
Various Stage Names: Like P4, they adopted the gimmick of doing different names each showing. The ones used on the DVDS are: "Itsuki Onda" for the first one, "Naoki Toudou" for the second one, "Nozomu Akase" for the third one, and "Kaito Shinno" for the forth/last one. (complete list here)
Chair-kun: In reference to the original teaser for P5 (there were a lot of chairs)
Pego: Fan nickname for P5MC, usually english fandom from what I've seen. Stands for Pe(rsona) and Go (aka 5 in japanese). It's a very common one and I...literally forgot TT0TT
Akiren: Alternative fan nickname for P5MC, for fans that like both Akira and Ren's names but don't want to choose I suppose.
Persona 5 X:
P5XMC: Short hand for Persona 5X Main Character
(P5X) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Wonder: His In-game code name
Fun facts/other notes:
FeMC is the only one who breaks the streak of using anime names (due to not having an anime adaptations), it also causes P3 to cross between two different kinds of supplementary canon. (see more on this reblog)
Not all of P4's various stage names are known, namely (haha) the first stage play. If you dig you can find all of the 2nd ones (I should really post that list one day DX)
Despite P1MC not having a consistent chosen name, Atlus seems fond of Naoya, specifically using Naoya/Kazuya together (Devil Survivor 1 manga and P5 Mementos Quest mission) with characters. If you read the P1 manga you'd understand why they put those two names together.
Kitaro and Hamuko were used as place holder text for the P3MC and FeMC chars names for PQ2.
Banchou was used for P4MC's mocking title card in Arena/Ultimax, it was translated as "Kingpin" in english.
Some other chars I didn't listed as having "Leader" could very well be called "Leader" at some point.
Shin Kanzato is the MC to the anime Persona: Trinity Soul, a series that takes place 10 years after P3. It's in it's own separate canon from the P3 we know, Edit: but I'm mentioning him because of it being the original sequel of P3 for a brief period.
Aigis' name obvie can't be changed just like Maya, but she is the MC of both The Answer, as well as the Aigis: The First Mission cellphone game. (sometimes fans refer to her as a "toaster"...bc she's a robot)
Edit: Anna is the MC of P2's novel adaptations iirc, and Naoto and Yosuke are protagonists of their own books/novels/manga. There are most likely others but I will probs end it there (as I just wanna stick with games/original MCs and having Aigis/Kiba/Shin was a bit dicey)
Similar to Pego, P3MC may also be referred to as Pesan, and P4MC as Peyon. I haven't personally seen it (considering the other more prominent names they've had) but I wanted to list it just in case.
To update: Since I mentioned Roger, it's only fair I dig for all the other ones used for other characters (it's just Roger is the most popular, and it's not used often even at that).
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squinoazine · 2 years
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🤍 Meet the contributors 🤍
We're very excited to reveal our contributor line-up for our ‘I’ll Be Here’ zine! Please look forward to everyone’s pieces as they’re hard at work producing them. ✨
Check out their social media below👇 Page Artists P1 Asiantearz: Twitter | Carrd Canny: Twitter | Instagram Holley: Twtter | Tumblr (@hollypollly) | Instagram Izusibiki: Twitter Katharynarie: Instagram | Twitter Kouri: Instagram | Twitter mari_m_rose: Twitter | Instagram | DeviantArt | Tumblr (@mari-m-rose) MercuryArtes: Twitter | Tumblr (@mercuryartes) | Instagram Miyukiko: Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr (@/miyukiko)
Page Artists P2 Moment: Twitter | Tumblr (@moment-live) Nataki: Tumblr (@nataki) | Twitter Noie: Twitter qvarr: Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr (@qvarr) Ranfea: Twitter | Instagram | DeviantArt Rinny: Instagram Roxe: Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr (@roxe-kun) Soubi Vee: Twitter | Website Twindoodle: Tumblr (@twindoodleart, @twindoodle) | Instagram Twinkle: Twitter Merch Artists Lunamayarts: Twitter | Reddit | Pixiv monstrocker: Twitter | Tumblr (@monstrocker) Quiss: Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr (@quissti) Spacupanda: Twitter | Tumblr (@spacupanda) | Instagram Starlotte: Twitter | Tumblr (@starlotte) *DiaXYZ: Twitter | Tumblr (@diaxyz) | Instagram **Astra: Twitter | Instagram **Skirtzzz: Twitter | Instagram | Patreon **Artsy Cantible: Instagram | Facebook *Cover Artist **Also Page Artist Writers Alessia Heartilly: Tumblr (@aleheartilly) Clementessa: Twitter | AO3 Lima: Twitter | Tumblr (@kokolockhart | AO3 Lyssa: Twitter | Tumblr (@lyssala) | AO3 Sanctum_C: Tumblr (@cateringisalie) | AO3 Sole: AO3 Vibranch: Twitter | Tumblr (@vibranch) | AO3
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zzzenmui · 1 year
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school culture thing where you paste heart stickers on uniforms of people you like or on your friends.
TL below
Tm: “masked pervert! president!! Wait up“ “Hibiki senpai!”
Tm: “I’ve finally caught you! ((Has been running around the school for 2 rounds))” Wt: “Oya? What does Tomoya kun need from his beloved president?”
Tm: “Well, I’ve notice you don’t have any stickers and I happen to have one left. Don’t take it wrongly, I didn’t keep it specifically for you”
Wt: laughing Tm: “...”
Tm: “Mm! Here!” Wt: “Tomoya kun is not going to paste it for me?”
Wt: “Hahaha” Tm: “—?! Why are you laughing!”
Wt: “Nothing nothing, I just thought how cute that was of you, but thank you”
Tm: “but i’m not cute...”
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glittery-ishfish · 1 year
Hetalia Drama CD Vol.7: Let’s Talk About the G8 Members☆, Part Four
(tw: swearing, lots of it)
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P2 (tw: Brief poor Ukraine characterization, swearing)
P4 (Hello)
P5 (tw: Poor Ukraine characterization)
P7 (tw: Poor Ukraine characterization)
P9 (tw: Poor Ukraine characterization)
P10 (End)
[Start scene, footsteps entering the room]
Narrator-san: And thus, the G8 conference drew its curtains open without any guidance from Italy, the host country of the meeting.
Eng: So, today's agenda is about us. 
Jap: Thinking about the G8 members, right England-san? 
Jap: R-Really?! I'm sorry, America-san. 
Ame: And on an unrelated note, when are ya gonna export that game about the two tied-up girls, and that manga with my president in it?
Jap: Uh…When I return, I will inform my boss and take care of it. 
Ame: Okay! I'll leave it to you! 
Can *at the same time as England*: America is turning the G8 meeting into his...My house is--
Eng: Anyway, let’s start with my opinion. It's time for the G8 to get out of the rut it's in. Don’t you think it’s time we ‘shape up'?
[England glares directly at Russia with 'staring arrows']
Rus: Don't stare at me so~ much!
[Russia grabs the staring arrows and breaks them]
Eng:…Don't break people's sight lines without permission!
[Dark aura sounds, Belarus edition, take three]
Bel: You harassed big brother, you harassed big brother, my big brother…MY BIG BROTHER… 
Eng: Er-
Bel: Big brother-- the guy who harassed big brother…*hissing/gurgling*
Eng: R-Russia, stop your little sister.
Rus: Ufu! I'm afraid I can’t. Anyways, I think we're fine with just the eight of us, but what about you guys? How about you, Canada-kun?
Can: Eh? Um…I, uh, my opinion. I think that before this…
Kumajiro: Who’re you? 
Can: I'm Canada! Let's see…So, I think we should--
[Poor Canada keeps talking in the background]
Fra: If you're talking about getting 'stuck in a rut', I wonder if a position will be given to someone new. Spain, for example, is my best bet right now.
Ame: No way, not him! Whenever he sees me, he tries to attack me with his knees!
Ger: Hm…Spain, huh? I agree with France's opinion.
Ame*upset*&Fra*pleasantly surprised*: Ehhh?! Germany!
Ger: HOWEVER, the G8 is still the G8 and only eight other countries will be considered. We will congratulate Spain for joining and thank you, for all you've done up until now…France.
[Cartoony shock sound]
Fra: EEEEEH??! MEEEE?! W-What the hell!? I thought we were getting to know each other a little better these days!
Is that a German joke or something? Huh?? You know what? I'll only drive a Peugeot if you keep talking like that, how does that sound~?
Ger: I'll give you an example of what you've done for us so far, France.
Fra: Don't go on at all if you don’t like meee!!
Ame: *AmericanLaugh.exe*
Fra: GODDAMMIT, STOP LAUGHING! *sniffle/whimper* You're making big brother cry...
Rus: Isn't this great? You love vacations, don't you, France-kun?
Fra: *annoyed* Well, you see, strikes are supposed to be for the betterment of the workplace, not to pile on whatever the hell you want!
Rus: *(probably) not paying attention* I see! I just love to take vacations, and I like to take vacations to museums, trains, palaces, and so~ on!
Rus: But those are all things I really like about you, France-kun.
Can: Um…I heard...about this invention--
Ame: *AmericanLaugh.exe*
[America (I assume) runs off]
Eng:…It's definitely Russia who should leave.
Jap: Um, if you want, would you like to look at the history of each nation from the last 10 years?
Eng: Huh? Okay, let me see. 
[England flipping through pages]
Eng: Mm-hmm *page-flip*…
Jap: What do you think?
Eng: Hm, Well...*page-flip* In terms of statistics and current performance, Italy--
[Germany knocks documents out of England's hands]
Ger:…Please. Pretend you didn't see that.
Eng: Germany…
Jap: Germany-san!
[Sparkly sounds]
Eng: Understood! I guess it can't be helped!
Jap: It doesn’t hurt to be a little lenient, does it~?
[More sparkly sounds]
Ger: I'm sorry…I'm so very sorry…
[Sounds of France getting bullied]
(T/N: From what I could pick up, I believe that France may have said something along the lines of "Evil, evil! I'm surrounded by evil!")
Jap: So, Germany-san, since everything ended up unchanged, please do your usual thing.
Ger: O-Of course, *ahem*...YOU BASTARDS! 
[Germany slams hands onto the table]
[End scene]
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infinitenthq · 1 year
most wanted faceclaims?
you can check our most wanted tag for more ideas but i’ll still list you some, dear !! i’d love to see yunjin (lssrfm), momo, dahyun, tzuyu (twice), lisa (bp), yoongi, hoseok + jimin (bts), kai, chanyeol, baekhyun, xuimin (exo), bangchan, leeknow, changbin (skz), seulgi (rv), the rest of ateez, theo, keeho + jiung (p1), wonwoo, jun, minghao, seungkwan, + scoups (svt), shuhua + yuqi (gidle), yujin (kep1er), siyeon, gahyeon + yoohyeon (dc), bibi, chungha, kwon eunbi, haechan, jaehyun, mark, xiaojun, kun + jungwoo (nct) and hyunwoo + changkyun (mx) ! i know that was a big list but members, feel free to add on<3
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sidlyrics · 2 years
WHAT's IN? - March 2011 - 50 Q&A
P1. ¿Qué es lo primero que se te viene a la cabeza cuando oyes la palabra "amor"? M: Canción de amor. S: Querer. A: Fukuhara. Y: Mis padres.
P2. Un dolor reciente. M: Dolor de cabeza. S: Corazón. A: Raspón. Y Dolor en la mano (¿es por el emulador de las congas...?).
P3. Los "créditos finales" de una vida. ¿Cuál es la última frase? M: Una sonrisa. S: En realidad no quiero que me digan adiós. A: Dolby Digital. Y: Volveré...
P4. Un "país extranjero" que quieras visitar. M: Nueva York. S: Grecia. A: Países del sur. Y: España.
P5. Los requisitos para que alguien sea una "belleza" desde tu punto de vista. M: Una persona que se esfuerza para llegar a ser guapa. S: Un corazón puro. A: Amami Yuuki. Y: Alguien a quien le guste mantener las cosas limpias.
P6. ¿A qué hora empiezan las "altas horas de la noche"? M: A las 3 de la mañana. S: A las 3 de la mañana. A: Sobre la 1 de la mañana. Y: A partir de la 1 de la mañana.
P7. ¿Cuál es tu hobby? M: Cámara. S: No lo puedo decir. A: Entrenamiento muscular. Y: Pescar, fútbol, batería.
P8. Un acontecimiento feliz reciente. M: El lanzamiento del Tokyo Dome. S: ¡Quiero ser feliz! A: Cuando salí a tomar algo con Aoi-kun de the GazettE. Fue muy interesante. Y: Tokyo Dome.
P9. ¿Qué se te viene a la cabeza cuando oyes la palabra "decepción"? M: Oscuridad. S: Desesperación. A: Gente borracha. Y: No lo sé.
P10. Ahora tienes tres horas de "libertad". ¿Qué haces? M: Darme un baño. S: Jugar al Monster Hunter. A: Ir al gimnasio. Y: 3 horas, eh~ ¿Dormir?
P11. Por cierto, ¿qué vas a hacer "esta noche"? M: Relajarme en casa. S: Sí que me apetece salir a tomar algo. A: Tener un debate. Y: Ver un programa de pesca y luego dormir.
P12. ¿Cuál es tu "regla" personal? M: Preocuparme de cortarme las uñas. S: Cuando bebas, no tomes carbohidratos. A: No traicionar a nadie. Y: Estar animado con ganas.
P13. ¿Cuándo te definirías como "desordenado"? M: Cuando junto mi colada. S: Siempre me definiría así. A: Cuando no hago la colada. Y: La manera en la que paso mis días libres.
P14. Te has enamorado. ¿De quién? M: Chopper. S: Una mujer. A: Neru (perra) y Gin (gato). Y: Chinu [un tipo de pez].
P15. Oyes una voz por la calle que dice "¡te admiro!". ¿Cómo respondes? M: ¡Gracias! (saluda). S: ¡Me admiran! A: Sí que lo tienes claro, eh. Y: ¡Gracias!
P16. Una "persona que amas", ¿qué tipo de persona es? M: Familia. S: Quizás las personas a las que soy incapaz de odiar. A: Fans. Y: Por alguna razón, una persona torpe.
P17. "Una buena persona", ¿qué tipo de persona es? M: Yuuya. S: La gente que no se enfada pase lo que pase. A: Una persona que beba conmigo. Y: Quizás Shinji.
P18. Cuando piensas "ya no necesito esto", ¿qué es? M: Vela aromática. S: Dibujos. A: Estrés. Y: No se me ocurre nada.
P19. Algo que quieras tener "cerca" de ti todo el tiempo. M: Humidificador. S: Humidificador. A: Neru y Gin. Y: Tabaco.
P20. Por favor, cuéntanos algo sobre un "sueño" que parece que se vaya a cumplir mañana. M: Puede que me llegue mi DVD. S: Es una lástima, pero no hay ninguno. A: Por fin podré dormir. Y: Ninguno.
P21. Cuando alguien te dice "te llevo", ¿a dónde te gustaría ir? M: Baños termales. S: Hakkeijima Sea Paradise. A: Hawaii. Y: No me gusta que me lleven a ningún sitio.
P22. Por favor, cuenta la primera "mentira" del año. M: He perdido la memoria. S: Tengo 18 años. A: Todavía no he dicho ninguna. Y: No quiero.
P23. Un miembro que trabaje muy "a la fuerza". ¿Quién es y por qué? M: Yuuya, por ningún motivo en especial. S: Aki, entrenando. A: Yo, por llegar tarde. Y: Mao-kun, se olvidó su teléfono.
P24. ¿Qué es lo que más haces por la "mañana"? M: Comer yogur. S: Fumar. A: Preparar comida. Y: Beber agua.
P25. Es el cumpleaños de tu novia. ¿Qué "regalo" le haces? M: Muchas flores. S: Play Station. A: Un viaje. Y: Un llavero que tenga las llaves de mi casa.
P26. ¿Qué es algo que te gusta "hacer a menudo"? M: Sí. S: Probablemente nada. A: Neru y Gin. Y: Nada en especial.
P27. ¡Dile algo bonito a los "niños"! M: ¡Ka-me-ha-me-ha! S: Vale, vale, tú también eres guapo. A: ¿Debería hacerte un regalo de Año Nuevo? Y: Caca~
P28. Algo que te haya hecho "dar vueltas" hace poco. M: Buscar un CD. S: El escenario del Tokyo Dome. A: Nada en especial. Y: Pues con nada. Quizá pescando...
P29. ¿Cuál es el "lugar al que regresar"? M: Fukuoka. S: Mi ciudad natal. A: Mi casa. Y: Mi casa. La de mis padres o algo.
P30. ¿Qué buscas en una "pareja"? M: Confianza. S: Existir. A: Que no se meta en el camino hacia mis objetivos, que no se vaya. Y: No sé.
P31. ¿Cómo te describirías a ti mismo cuando eras "pequeño"? M: Travieso. S: Niño malo. A: Travieso. Y: Mucha energía, no se relaja... Más o menos como ahora.
P32. Algo "vergonzoso" que hayas hecho hace poco? M: Un MC serio. S: Mientras me probaba ropa, me bajé al mismo tiempo la ropa interior. A: Nada. Y: Nada.
P33. Algo divertido que puedas hacer en "invierno". M: Un muñeco de nieve. S: ¡Nada! ¡Odio el invierno! A: Odio el frío, así que no mucho. Y: Pues la nieve, ¿no?
P34. Algo que siempre hayas "atesorado". M: Una chaqueta de cuero. S: Sentimientos. A: Instintos iniciales. Y: Mi pequeño orgullo.
P35. ¡Es un "milagro"! ¿El qué? M: Tras haber ganado la lotería. S: Cruzarme con Kojima Yoshio-san [un cómico]. A: Haberme cortado el pelo por la nuca. Y: Despertarme sin despertador.
P36. ¿Se te da bien la "historia"? M: Me encanta. S: Ahora me gusta. A: Se me da mal. Y: La odio.
P37. Dentro de "3 meses", ¿qué estarás haciendo? M: Monster Hunter. S: Quizá una gira. A: Tener energía... supuestamente. Y: Quizá en plena gira (ahora mismo es enero)
P38. "Pendiente", ¿qué es? M: La colada. S: Mucosidad nasal. A: Planes futuros. Y: La colada.
P39. "Barra". ¿Qué bebes? M: Vodka con red bull. S: DITA. A: Snowball. Y: Gin tonic.
P40. "Me robó el corazón", ¿el qué? M: Tortilla con arroz. S: Una chica. A: Amami Yuki. Y: Me pregunto qué sería.
P41. Por favor, "pide" algo. M: Por favor, tráeme una bolsa de calor. S: ¡Concédeme una casa desde la que pueda ver el mar! A: Dame 3 deseos más. Y: Poder seguir divirtiéndome y tener energía.
P42. "El rostro durante el día muestra a una persona diferente". ¿Qué rostro? M: Uno cuyas mejillas son rojas. S: Una bruja. A: Un rostro brillante. Y: En modo off.
P43. Una "trampa inocente", ¿qué trampa? M: Una colmena. S: Para chicas, supongo. A: Herida. Y: ¿Un truco de principante o algo?
P44. ¿A qué hora te "dormiste" ayer por la noche? M: A las 4 de la mañana. S: A las 7 de la mañana. A: Pasada la 1 de la mañana. Y: Justo pasadas las 12 de la noche.
P45. ¿Cuándo crees que estás siendo "injusto"? M: Cuando regateo. S: Cuando preparo temas de los que hablar. A: ... esto es profundo, ¿no? Y: Ninguno.
P46. La gira se "acerca". ¿Cómo crees que será? M: Una gira llena de sonrisas. S: Quiero mostrar un nuevo SID. A: Una gira feliz. Y: Quiero hacer un concierto divertido, eh.
P47. Algo "feliz" que te haya pasado hace poco. M: Salir en la portada de WHAT's IN? S: Estar de pie en el escenario del Tokyo Dome. A: El concierto en el Tokyo Dome. Y: Nada en especial.
P48. ¿Cuál es tu "valía"? M: Solo cantar. S: Mis ansias de ramen de wakame. A: Músculos. Y: ¡Energía! ¡Sonrisa!
P49. ¡Unas palabras para los lectores! M: ¡Gracias por haber leído hasta aquí! ¡¡Nos veremos de nuevo en algún sitio!! S: ¡Cuidados también a partir de ahora! A: ¡Por favor, cuidadnos este año! ¿Vale? Y: ¡Cuidadnos también en 2011!
P50. Ahora que ya se han acabado las 50 preguntas... M: La bolsa de calor ya está caliente. S: ¡Fue largo! A: Pues me gusta esta parte. Y: Tengo hambre...
Q1. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "love" M: Love Song S: Love (koi) A: Fukuhara Y: Parents
Q2. What a recent "pain"? M: Headache S: Heart A: Scratch Y: Hand pain (Is it the emluator of the congo drum...)
Q3. The "ending credits" for a life. What is the last line? M: A smile S: I don't really want to be told goodbye A: Dolby Digital Y: I'll come back again...
Q4. A "foreign country" that you want to visit? M: New York S: Greece A: Countries in the south Y: Spain
Q5. The requirements for a "beauty" in your opinion? M: A person who puts in effort to becoming beautiful. S: A clear heart A: Amami Yuuki Y: One who likes to keep things clean
Q6. When does "the dead of the night" starts? M: 3am S: 3am A: Around 1am Y: From 1am onwards
Q7. What's your "hobby"? M: Camera S: I can't say A: Muscle training Y:  Fishing, soccer, drums
Q8. A recent "merry" occasion? M: The launch of the Tokyo Dome S: I want to be merry! A: When drinking with the GazettE's Aoi-kun. It was so interesting~ Y: Tokyo Dome
Q9. What comes into mind when you hear about "disappointment"? M: Darkness S: Despair A: Drunk people Y: I don't know
Q10. Now you have 3 hours of "freedom". What will you do? M: Take a bath S: Play Monster Hunter A: Head to the gym Y: 3 hours huh~ Sleep?
Q11. By the way, what are you going to do "tonight"? M: Lay back at home S: I'll definitely go for a drink, right? A: Have a discussion Y: Watch a fishing show, then sleep
Q12. What's your own personal "rule"? M: Taking care to cut nails S: When drinking, no carbohydrates A: To not betray anyone Y: Be cheerful with vigor
Q13. When do you think of yourself as "untidy"? M: When I gather my laundry S: I always think that way A: When I don't do my laundry Y: The way I spend my off-days
Q14. You fell in "love". Who? M: Chopper [from One piece] S: A woman A: Neru (dog) and Gin (cat) Y: Chinu [some kind of fish]
Q15. You hear a voice in the street saying, 'I "admire" you!' to you. How do you answer? M: Thank you! (waves) S: I'm admired! A: You do know your stuff ne Y: Thank you!
Q16. "Person you love", what kind of person? M: Family S: People I can't hate, perhaps A: Fans Y: Somehow, a clumsy person
Q17. "A good person", what kind of person? M: Yuuya S: People who don't get angry no matter what A: Person who will drink with me Y: Perhaps Shinji
Q18. When you think "I don't need this anymore?" what is the thing? M: Aroma candle S: Drawings A: Stress Y: Nothing comes to mind
Q19. Something you want to place "next" to you all the time? M: Humidifier S: Humidifier A: Neru and Gin Y: Tabacco
Q20. Please tell us one thing about a "dream" that seems likely to come true tomorrow" M: My DVD might arrive S: It's a pity, but there's none A: I can finally sleep Y: None
Q21. When someone says "I bring you along" , to what place will you feel happy to be brought along? M: Hot springs S: Hakkeijima Sea Paradise A: Hawaii Y: I don't like to be brought along
Q22. Please make the first "lie" of this year. M: I have no memories S: I'm 18 years old A: I haven't made one yet Y: I don't want to
Q23. A member working really "forcefully". Who is it and what for? M: Yuuya, for no reason. S: Aki, even when training... A: Me, for the sake of not being late Y: Mao-kun, he forgot his cellphone
Q24. What is something you do the most in the "morning"? M: Eating yoghurt S: Smoke A: Making food Y: Drinking water
Q25. It's your girlfriend's birthday. What "present" do you give? M: Many flowers S: PlayStation A: Trip Y: A key that locks my own home
Q26. What's something that you "like to do often"? M: Un S: Probably nothing A: Neru and Gin Y: Nothing much
Q27. Say something happy to "kids"! M: Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha! [dragonball move] S: Okay, okay, you're handsome, yo A: Shall I give you a New Year's gift? Y: U○ko~ [poo]
Q28. Recently that got you "running about?" M: when searching for CD S: Stage of the Tokyo Dome A: Nothing much Y: Nothing, though. Maybe while fishing...
Q29. What's the "place to return to"? M: Fukuoka S: Hometown A: Homeplace Y: Home. At my parents' place or something
Q30. What do you wish for from a "partner" M: Trust S: Having an air of existence A: Don't get in my way, don't leave Y: I don't know
Q31. How will you describe yourself when you're still a "child"? M: Mischievous S: Bad kid A: Mischievous Y: Lots of energy, can't calm down... About the same as now
Q32. Something "embarrassing" that you did recently? M: A serious MC S: While trying out clothes, I took off my underwear along A: None Y: Nothing
Q33. What is something fun that you can do in "winter"? M: Snowman S: None! I hate winter! A: I hate the cold, so nothing much Y: That should be snow, right?
Q34. What's something that you've always "treasured"? M: Leather jacket S: Feelings A: Initial urges Y: My small pride
Q35. This is a "miracle"! What kind of miracle? M: After winning in Lottery 6 S: Passing by Kojima Yoshio-san [a comedian] A: Having trimmed hair to the nape of my neck Y: Waking up without an alarm clock
Q36. Are you good in "history"? M: I love it S: I like it now A: I'm bad at it Y: Hate it
Q37. On the day "3 months" later, what will you be doing? M: Monster Hunter S: Maybe a live tour A: Having energy... Supposedly Y: Maybe in the midst of the tour (currently in January)
Q38. "Dangling"... What is? M: Laundry S: Nasal mucus A: Future plans Y: Laundry
Q39. "Bar counter". What will you be drinking? M: Red Bull Vodka S: DITA Dareppu A: Snowball Y: Gin tonic
Q40. "It stole my heart". What did? M: Omelette rice S: A girl A: Yuki Amami Y: I wonder what it can be
Q41. Please make one "request". M: Please give me a heater pack S: Give me a home where I can see the sea! A: Add 3 more [requests] to it Y: Being able to have fun and energy from now on
Q42. "The face in the daytime shows a different person". What kind of face? M: one whose cheeks are red S: A witch A: A sunshine face Y: Off-mode
Q43. A "naive trap", what kind of trap? M: A bee hive S: For girls, I guess A: Damage Y: An amateur trick or something?
Q44. When did you "fall asleep" last night? M: 4am S: 7am A: Past 1am Y: Just about past 12am
Q45. What's the instant when you think you were being "unfair"? M: When I'm haggling S: When preparing topics A: ... this is deep ne Y: None
Q46. The tour is "approaching". What kind of tour do you think it'll become? M: One with a lot of smiles S: I want to show a new SID A: A happy tour Y: I want to do a fun tour ne
Q47. What is a recent "happy" thing that you feel about? M: Getting on the cover of What'sIn! S: When standing on the Tokyo Dome stage A: Live in Dome Y: Nothing in particular
Q48. What's your own "worth"? M: Just singing S: My craving for wakame ramen A: Muscles Y: Energy! Smile!
Q49. A word to the readers! M: Thank you for reading up till here! We'll meet again somewhere!! S: Take care of us from now on too! A: Please, take care of us this year kay! Y: Take care of us in 2011 too!
Q50. Now that 50 questions have come to an end....? M: The heater's warm S: It's long! A: I kind of like this corner Y: I'm hungry...
Español: Reila English: Pokkori-a9
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pattyosorio · 2 years
17 Preguntas y Respuestas ZOOL: Torao Mido
17 Preguntas y Respuestas
"Soy Mido Torao de ZOOL. Hoy responderé estas 17 preguntas con 17 respuestas. Vamos con todo".
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P1: ¿Algún alimento que te haya impactado? 
"Haruka lo compró, es una pizza que estaba hecha de dulces... Cuando la calenté, el queso se derritió y sabía a pizza. Ese fue el momento en que cambió mi concepto de dulces. Me encantaría conocer al tipo que lo hizo".
P2: Parece que Torao-kun es perfecto en todo, pero ¿hay algo en lo que no seas bueno? 
"Jaja, me gustaría decir que no, pero... Me corté mientras usaba un pelador en un programa de cocina antes. Ten cuidado de no cortarte las manos también".
P3: ¿Qué desayunaste hoy? 
"... Hoy... no. Todo lo que comí es pan yakisoba que vendían en un supermercado. ¡Por lo general, tomo el desayuno preparado por mi chef! …Sin embargo, el pan yakisoba que me dio Touma tenía un sabor adictivo, quiero comerlo de nuevo.”
P4: ¿Cuál es tu rutina nocturna? 
"A menudo veo películas en casa mientras bebo vino. Es divertido pensar en qué refrigerios lo acompañan todos los días. También como mucha bruschetta y canapés".
P5: ¿Qué cosa de verano haces este año? 
"Los cuatro encendimos bengalas nuevamente este año. Chicos, tengan cuidado con los fuegos artificiales en el aire. ¿Está bien vender esas cosas...?".
P6: ¿Has comprado algo como recompensa para ti mismo? 
"... Empecé a comprar lo que quería sin preocuparme. Me pregunto qué me preocupaba hasta ahora. Bueno, compré algo de mercancía de películas".
P7: ¡Díganos cuál era su materia favorita como estudiante! 
"Estudié idiomas y economía desde que era niño. El resto era inglés... Ahora que lo pienso, no puedo hablar inglés, ¿así que Touma no es el único...?".
P8: ¿Cuál es tu tipo de sushi favorito? 
"El Kaitenzushi o sushi servido en platos dispuestos en una giratoria de restaurant, estaba bastante bueno pero... si no estamos en un lugar así, el sushi que el chef recomienda ese día es el más delicioso. En esta época del año, la barracuda y la lubina están en temporada también".
P9: ¿Cuál es tu artículo favorito? 
"Atesoro el reloj que me regaló mi hermano cuando me gradué de la escuela secundaria. No lo uso todo el tiempo, pero... bueno, todavía me hace feliz".
P10: ¿Cómo pasas tus días libres? 
"Salgo mucho. El otro día, llevé a los otros miembros a comer conmigo a un restaurante junto al mar. No pude evitarlo. En el camino, me detuve en una estación al borde de la carretera por primera vez. El helado de sal marina era bastante bueno".
P11: ¿Cuál es el fondo de pantalla de tu teléfono? 
"Es una foto de mi auto favorito... pero creo que lo cambiaré pronto. Haruka dice que soy como un hombre rico... bueno, no se equivoca".
P12: ¿Qué miembro fue el que sintió que tenía la mayor diferencia entre su primera impresión y su impresión actual? 
"Hmm... ¿Haruka? No, ¿Touma también? Al principio pensé que sería un tipo enojado,  pero cuando hablé con él, parecía que estaba moviendo la cola y tenía una cara feliz".
P13: ¿Quién en ZOOL tiene la mejor habilidad de combate? 
"... Ya veo, definitivamente soy yo. La capacidad de combate no se trata solo de fuerza, sino que también se necesitan habilidades cerebrales y del habla. Tengo todas esas cualidades".
P14: De todos los miembros de tu grupo, ¿a quién te llevarías a una isla desierta? 
"Jaja, solo escuchar sobre estar en una isla deshabitada con un hombre me hace querer evitarlo a toda costa. Bueno... si tuviera que elegir, sería Haruka o Minami… Todo para sobrevivir, cocinar es algo importante".
P15: Si solo pudieras usar magia una vez, ¿qué usarías? 
"Bueno... ¿qué hay de volar? Se siente bien poder volar alrededor del mundo libremente... Eso podría ser un poco infantil".
P16: ¿Qué ingredientes llevarías a una fiesta de ollas calientes? 
"Nunca he comido estofado en un restaurante, pero... el repollo chino y el cerdo que comí el otro día con ese estofado estaban deliciosos, así que traería eso. Les prepararé buena carne. A esos tipos parece que les gusta mucho la carne, ¿no es así?
P17: ¿Qué secretos de los otros miembros sabes que ellos no saben que tú sabes? 
"Jaja, no estoy interesado en los secretos de otros hombres. Pero recientemente descubrí que Touma tiene dos remolinos de cabello. Estaba en el lugar de trabajo esta mañana y tenía sueño. Creo que fue entonces cuando me di cuenta. Aunque no lo creas, están ahí".
¡Eso es todo por las respuestas de Mido Torao! ¡Gracias por tu duro trabajo! 
"Oh, ¿hemos terminado con todas las preguntas? Ojalá pudiera tener más. Si quieres saber más sobre nosotros, sigue apoyándonos. Nos vemos pronto".
¡Fin de las 17 preguntas 17 respuestas de Torao!
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aparking · 12 days
Als je van plan bent om te vliegen vanaf Schiphol, is een van de eerste dingen waar je aan moet denken het parkeren van je auto. Schiphol biedt talloze parkeeropties, van lang parkeren tot valetdiensten, elk met hun eigen voor- en nadelen. De juiste parkeeroptie kiezen kan lastig zijn, vooral omdat er zoveel aanbieders en tarieven zijn. In deze blog helpen we je om de beste keuze te maken door verschillende parkeeropties op Schiphol te vergelijken. Meer informatie en scherpe deals vind je op Aparking.
1. Kort of lang parkeren?
De keuze tussen kort en lang parkeren hangt uiteraard af van de duur van je reis. Schiphol biedt officiële kort- en langparkeeropties direct bij de luchthaven, maar je kunt ook kiezen voor externe parkeerlocaties met een shuttlebus. Voor een korte trip is kort parkeren, zoals op P1 op Schiphol zelf, handig, maar wel prijzig als je meerdere dagen weg bent.
Lang parkeren, zoals op P3 of bij externe aanbieders, is vaak voordeliger voor langere periodes. Het nadeel kan zijn dat je een shuttlebus moet nemen naar de terminal, maar dit wordt gecompenseerd door lagere tarieven. Vergelijk de prijzen via Aparking om te zien wat het beste bij jouw plannen past.
2. Parkeren met shuttle service
Een populaire en vaak voordelige optie is parkeren bij een externe locatie met shuttle service. Hierbij parkeer je je auto op een bewaakte parkeerplaats op enige afstand van de luchthaven, en een shuttlebus brengt je naar de terminal. Deze parkeeropties zijn meestal veel goedkoper dan direct parkeren op Schiphol.
Bij het kiezen van een shuttle service, is het belangrijk om te letten op de wachttijden en frequentie van de shuttles. Als je snel wilt doorreizen, is het handig om een service te kiezen die 24/7 beschikbaar is en frequent rijdt, zodat je niet lang hoeft te wachten. Veel shuttle services bij Schiphol hebben een hoge mate van betrouwbaarheid en staan vaak binnen enkele minuten voor je klaar. Via platforms zoals Aparking kun je eenvoudig verschillende shuttle services vergelijken en de meest betrouwbare en voordelige optie kiezen.
3. Valet parkeren voor gemak
Als je liever zo min mogelijk tijd verliest, kan valet parkeren een uitstekende optie zijn. Hierbij rijd je direct naar de terminal, waar een medewerker je auto voor je parkeert. Dit bespaart je de tijd en moeite om zelf een parkeerplaats te vinden en is vooral handig voor mensen met veel bagage of tijdsdruk.
Valet parkeren is vaak iets duurder dan reguliere parkeeropties, maar het gemak maakt dit meer dan goed. Zeker als je op zoek bent naar een stressvrije start van je vakantie of zakelijke reis, kan valet parkeren de moeite waard zijn. Let er wel op dat je kiest voor een aanbieder met een goede reputatie, om zeker te zijn dat je auto in goede handen is. Gebruik Aparking om betrouwbare valet services bij Schiphol te vinden en te vergelijken.
4. Beveiliging van de parkeerplaatsen
Veiligheid is een belangrijk punt bij het kiezen van een parkeerplaats. Je wilt natuurlijk dat je auto veilig staat tijdens je afwezigheid. Schiphol biedt officieel beveiligde parkeerplaatsen aan met cameratoezicht en slagbomen, maar ook externe aanbieders bieden vaak goed beveiligde locaties.
Als je kiest voor een parkeerplaats verder van de luchthaven, let er dan op dat er beveiligingsmaatregelen aanwezig zijn, zoals 24/7 bewaking en CCTV. Het geeft rust om te weten dat je auto veilig geparkeerd staat. Via websites zoals Aparking kun je makkelijk zien welke parkeerlocaties beveiliging bieden en wat de ervaringen van andere gebruikers zijn.
5. Prijzen vergelijken en vooraf boeken
De prijzen voor parkeren bij Schiphol kunnen sterk variëren, afhankelijk van de aanbieder, locatie en duur van je reis. Het is altijd slim om van tevoren te boeken, aangezien de kosten vaak oplopen naarmate je dichter bij je vertrekdatum komt. Daarnaast kun je door vroeg te boeken profiteren van aanbiedingen en kortingen.
Door gebruik te maken van vergelijkingssites zoals Aparking, kun je snel zien welke parkeeraanbieders de beste tarieven bieden en direct je plek reserveren. Dit bespaart niet alleen geld, maar zorgt er ook voor dat je zeker weet dat er een plek voor je beschikbaar is.
Het kiezen van de juiste parkeeroptie bij Schiphol is een kwestie van het afwegen van je behoeften op het gebied van prijs, gemak en veiligheid. Of je nu kiest voor kort of lang parkeren, een shuttle service of valet parkeren, door van tevoren te vergelijken via platforms zoals Aparking, kun je veel tijd en geld besparen. Plan je reis goed en begin ontspannen aan je vlucht, wetende dat je auto veilig staat geparkeerd!
0 notes
entertext · 4 months
HGSN 27-4
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the Japanese chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Hikaru: Hmm....Well, ego's the only reason I do anything, so I don't really get it
Hikaru: I told you this before, but no matter how you thought of it,
Hikaru: It doesn't change that it was kindness to me
Hikaru: If all that was to serve your ego, then I love your ego, Yoshiki. 'Cause its saved me so many times til now
Yoshiki: ...
Hikaru: What do you really want to do?
Yoshiki: I...
Yoshiki: What I really want is to go somewhere far away with you and look around at all the different sights...
Yoshiki: I want to be free...
Hikaru: That's nice. Me too!
Yoshiki: But if something terrible happened to Kubitachi...I couldn't bear it.
Yoshiki: To me, that place might not be a place I like
Yoshiki: To be honest I... couldn't care less about it
Yoshiki: But my family's there.
Yoshiki: There's a lot of important people to me there too.
Yoshiki: And it was a place that was important to Hikaru, too.
Yoshiki: So that "hole" needs to be closed
Yoshiki: As much as I hate to do as that guy says...
Hikaru: Who exactly is that guy anyway? He's suspicious, but strangely, I didn't sense any hostility either...
(Tanaka: Thinking if you sacrifice something, something else will be saved...
Tanaka: You're under some wild misconceptions)
Hikaru: (Oh. I guess its not that simple, is it?)
Hikaru: (I was really sure if I went to the mountain, everything would work out somehow)
Hikaru: (And I was sure Yoshiki would agree with me, too)
Hikaru: (Yoshiki's always just gone along with my selfish whims after all...)
(Yoshiki: You're not a replacement for Hikaru!!)
Hikaru: (But...)
Hikaru: (Oh.)
Hikaru: (So that's how it was...)
(sfx: rubs eyes)
Yoshiki: Hey, 'Hikaru'. Is there anywhere you want to go?
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
Hikaru: Somewhere I want to go...?
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
Hikaru: ...That place a Ytuber went to a while back...That store in Tokyo...with the really big bread.
Yoshiki: A store with really big bread...
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
Yoshiki: Alright. After everything is over
Yoshiki: Let's go to that store with the really big bread, together
(sfx: brrr brrr)
(txt: Kurebayashi Rie)
Yoshiki: Kurebayashi-san...
Rie: Yoshiki-kun!? Where are you right now?
Rie: Can you take a look at the sky?
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
Yoshiki: What...is that?
(sfx: ka-thunk ga-thunk)
Twitter Extra (link):
Hikaru: Just fold it up and put it in your bag already.
Yoshiki: ...
The hat and pool float were shoved inside.
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won4kiss · 4 months
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၄.၃ overthinking 0.9k
၄.၃ our epic love! 2.2k
၄.၃ back to me. 4.1k
၄.၃ songs that remind me of enha | hyung line (drabble)
၄.၃ you belong with me! 2.0k
၄.၃ enough for u 2.5k
၄.၃ so high school! 2.0k
၄.၃ angry ! 1.1k
၄.၃ boyfriend texts w/ jake
၄.၃ i’ve never felt so alone 1.1k
၄.၃ your lips my lips, apocalypse 3.0k
၄.၃ do i wanna know? 5.2k
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ when you almost breakup during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ mornings with jake as your boyfriend 1.5k
၄.၃ when you hurt them during an argument (hyung line)
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၄.၃ songs that remind me of enha | hyung line (drabble)
၄.၃ happiness is a butterfly 1.2k
၄.၃ cigarette daydreams 1.5k
၄.၃ my only one 0.9k (pt2 of i’m not the only one)
၄.၃ l(inked) to you 1.3k
၄.၃ photograph 0.8k
၄.၃ magnetic 0.8k
၄.၃ it’s a date! 1.4k
၄.၃ three am in the morning 1.5k
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ when you almost breakup during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ my best friends brother is the one for me ! 4.5k
၄.၃ when you hurt them during an argument (hyung line)
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၄.၃ songs that remind me of enha | hyung line (drabble)
၄.၃ I’m in love with you! 2.5k
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ my love, mine all mine 1.3k
၄.၃ when you almost breakup during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ when you hurt them during an argument (hyung line)
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၄.၃ love apocalypse 3.1k
၄.၃ songs that remind me of enha | hyung line (drabble)
၄.၃ all too well 1.5k
၄.၃ loml 1.6k
၄.၃ i’m not the only one 2.0k
၄.၃ close to you 0.8k (drabble)
၄.၃ spidey-boy ! 0.8k
၄.၃ kiss me ! 1.1k
၄.၃ in my dreams 1.2k
၄.၃ vowed to be yours ! 0.8k
၄.၃ right where you left me 0.7k
၄.၃ situationship texts w/ sunghoon | (p2)
၄.၃ your sunghoon ! 2.5k
၄.၃ situationship w/ sunghoon 1.2k (p1 here)
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ sippin’ diet pepsi 1.1k
၄.၃ when you almost breakup during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ i’m in love with a criminal 5.1k . . . 📍 1K SPECIAL !
၄.၃ when you hurt them during an argument (hyung line)
၄.၃ jealousy, jealousy 1.5k
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၄.၃ jealous 0.6k
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (maknae line)
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၄.၃ love wins ! 1.4k
၄.၃ ykwim? 1.2k
၄.၃ ditto ! 2.1k
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (maknae line)
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၄.၃ call me baby ! 1.2k
၄.၃ get her back ! 1.4k
၄.၃ still get jealous ! 0.7k
၄.၃ love is hard for riki-kun ! 0.7k
၄.၃ mood swings ! 1.1k
၄.၃ super shy ! 1.2k
၄.၃ to know the real you 1.2k
၄.၃ they say something hurtful during an argument (maknae line)
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© won4kiss 2024
309 notes · View notes
aidendh · 10 months
BSD! OC! Kuuske Saiki | P1
Rework of my RAU! Kusuke Saiki
Kanji: 斉木 • 空助
Rōmanji: Saiki Kusuke
Also Known As: Dr. Kuuske, Ku-kun (mother), Dr. (Metaverse)
Namesake: N/A
-:Personal Information:-
Status: Unknown
Gender: Male (He/They)
Sexuality: Demiromantic, Asexual
Birthday: 19th June
Age: 19 (Persona Arc)
Height: 179 cm (5'10")
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: B
Likes: Reading, inventing, loosing to his sibling, minstrels, magic stars
Dislikes: Spiders, bats, the dark, glasses
-:Professional Information:-
Occupation: Inventor
Affiliation: Untouchables, University of Cambridge
-:Metaverse Information:-
Name: Kuuske Saiki / Kusuke Saiki
Location: Untouchables
Distortion: Laboratory
Treasure: Butterfly Hair Clip
Code Name: Dr.
Theme: Scientist
Mask: Telepathy Canceler
Weapon: Scythe / Explosives
Persona: Twin Demons
(Technically two entities as one Persona)
Osamu (Death)
[Has a black liquid dripping from his eyes and mouth (overdosed)]
Element - Curse
Repel - Psy
Weakness - Fire
Passive Skill: Null [all Elements except Fire]
Fyodor (Judgment)
[Ghostly white/blank eyes, Scar that bleeds on his neck (beheaded)]
Element - Psy
Repel - Psy
Weakness - Physical
Known Skill: One Shot Kill
Book: Unknown
Unknown Mother
Unknown Younger Sibling
Unknown Father
Pet(s): Kit (red panda)
Manga Debut: Lost Souls, Persona arc
Anime Debut: Bungou Stray Dogs: Lost Souls, Persona arc
Light Novel Debut: The Butterfly
Japanese Voice: Nojima Kenji
English Voice: Chris Patton
Dr. Kuuske to an unknown customer
"I could care less how you refer to me. Better yet, don't refer to me at all! .....Though I would prefer He/They."
Kuuske Saiki (斉木 空助,, Saiki Kusuke) is Survivor's weapon/medical supplier and the previous owner of Untouchables, not much is known about him
Personality: Prideful, Competitive, Sadistic, Attention Seeking, Selfish, Curious, Deceitful, Honest, Mutterer
Confidant/Arcana: Temperance
• (About his hair style) "I have terrible eyesight in my left, so I have no use for it."-Kuuske
'You just think it looks cool.'-Kusuo
• (Kuuske's Motto) "Curiosity killed the cat, but reincarnation brought it back."
• (After awakening his Persona) "Interesting.., so this is what happens when you unlock a Persona in your own Palace."
• (Shadow Kuuske while waving at the Phantom Thieves) "Have fun trying to find my Treasure!"
• The name Kuuske is a misspelling of his given name 'Kusuke'
• The name Saiki means 'equal' (斉/sai) and 'tree' (木/ki)
• His full name Saiki Kusuke is a pun on the Japanse pronunciation of the word 'Psychic' (Saikikusu), 'Suke' is common in Japanese given names for males
He has an IQ of 218
He studied at Cambridge at the age of 14
He has a muttering problem
He has notebooks filled with blackmail
Despite his inventions, he prefers to not use technology unless hes working
He has a flip phone that can do perfect video calls
He is protective and possessive of his younger sibling, though he still wants them to live their life
He made a Scythe based on a show he watched, he calls it 'The Green/Red Crescent'
He owns a Green/White one and gave Akira a Red/Black one
Kuuske will wear a skirt/feminine clothing just to spite others
He'll do a lot just out of spite
He hardly ever gets sick, but when he does, he gets it bad, this causes him to have panic attacks
This'll also happen when someone he is close to is sick
He's scared of bats and spiders
[Continued in P2]
Kuuske Saiki
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Dr. Kuuske
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A Clingy Older Brother and a Genius Inventor
'Curiosity killed the cat, but reincarnation brought it back.'
Confidant: Temperance
0 notes
maelkevejen · 2 years
Da jeg var til The Cure i Royal Arena for et par uger siden, stod jeg ved siden af en dame, der fortalte mig om at “da hun var teenager var der et program, der hed P4 i P1 hvor man kunne ringe ind, hvis man havde problemer, og så var der en, der hed Trine Bryld, der snakkede med dem”
Jeg måtte bare mumle for mig selv “Jeg kender altså godt Tværs :)))”, men hun talte bare videre. Hallo. Jeg er helt ufrivilligt tættere på 30 end på 25 nu. Selvom jeg stadig kun er 154 høj, er jeg altså ikke født en rum tid efter årtusindeskiftet. Eller er det mig, der er en nød? Jeg ved ikke, om det hed Tværs dengang, men altså... Jeg ved da godt hvem Trine Bryld er. Helt ærligt. Jeg var også med, da Barometeret fyldte 25, kan vi ikke godt lige...
I mandags var jeg til quiz på Studenterhuset med Mathias, og der sad der en anden ved et af bordene med en Stille-tshirt med logoet fra P4 i P1 på ryggen. Altså det er der selvfølgelig ikke på mine (bevares, jeg var 3 da de lukkede P4 i P1) men alligevel. I know what I’m about. I øvrigt er jeg kommet til at tænke på, at det er mindre skræmmende at være og blive mere voksen, når jeg tænker på, at jeg bliver det sammen med alle de andre i min aldersgruppe. Vi kommer jo ikke til at være voksne på samme måde, som dem, der er mere voksne nu, ligesom de heller ikke er voksne på samme måde, som generationerne før dem. Det er også derfor Faraoes Cigarer har idk, fem butikker inden for en halv kilometers radius i Indre By. Den her generation er jo bare... altså... en stor bunke nørder. Thank GLOB. 
Og jeg smider aldrig de stille t-shirts ud. Aldrig. 
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ultimateoptimus · 2 years
Persona SCUBA School Swimwear Duo Trilogy
And now, @aae-demon-zone333, Lady of Demons and fellow Persona Series fanatics, what you have been waiting for....
UltimateOptimus Presents...
Fresh Out Of The UltimateOptimus Junior Diver Fantasy DreamFactory...
From Within The Deep Depths of the Underwater Realms of the Twisted Worlds of the Persona Series...
The Persona Series High School Junior SCUBA Diver Duo Trilogy!
Welcome to the Twisted Worlds of Persona.
Where nightmares become reality and reality becomes a nightmare.
And welcome to the Persona High School Junior SCUBA Students alternate reality created by UltimateOptimus
If I may take a page from @pmiller1's Persona E Playbook, gameplaywise and storywise, my idea for SCUBA School Swimwear Sets in the Persona series is the Persona User heroes both boys and girls who wear the SCUBA School Swimwear Sets transform into High School Junior SCUBA Divers who can swim and breathe underwater with their SCUBA gear and their school's swimwear in certain underwater areas and dungeons, can Absorb Water Element damage, Halve Physical and Fire Element damage and are Weak to Ice Element damage.
First and Foremost...
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Revelations Persona SCUBA School Swimwear Duo
The Redhead Boy-Hero and Mary (Known as "The Boy With The Earring" and Maki Sonomura in the Japanese version) from Revelations Persona (Sony PlayStation, 1996) as High School Junior SCUBA Diver Persona Users of St. Hermelin High, suited and geared up in his and her St. Hermelin SCUBA School Swimwear Set and ready to SCUBA dive and take the battle to the underwater worlds of Persona!
(Yes, femmes and gentlemechs, bolts and gears, I am taking the Lunarvale, USA route by way of the US Revelations Series version style. My life, my world, my rules.)
"Proof That Demons Do Exist"
- Revelations Persona Tagline
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Persona 2: Innocent Sin SCUBA School Swimsuit Duo
Tatsuya Suou and Lisa Silverman from Persona 2: Innocent Sin (Sony PlayStation, 1999) as High School Junior SCUBA Diver Persona Users of Seven Sisters High, suited and geared up in his and her Seven Sisters SCUBA School Swimwear Set and ready to SCUBA dive and take the battle to the Last Batallion in the underwater worlds of Persona!
"Welcome Back To The Twisted World of Persona Where Nightmares Become Reality And Reality Becomes A Nightmare..."
- Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Tagline
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Persona 3 SCUBA School Swimwear Duo
Minato Arisato and Yukari Takeba from Persona 3 (Sony PlayStation, 2006) as High School Junior SCUBA Diver Persona Users of Gekkoukan High, suited and geared up in his and her Gekkoukan SCUBA School Swimwear Set, Minato's Boys' School Racing Swimsuit and School Rash Guard combo, Inflatable SEES Water Wing Armbands, Evokers and all and ready to SCUBA dive in underwater missions Mitsuru Kirijo sends them to and take the battle to the underwater worlds of an alternate Persona 3 reality set deep under the waters of Tatsumi Port Island!
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