#p. Santana
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mournfulroses · 1 year ago
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Lázaro Santana, translated by Constance Sullivan, from a poem titled "The Past,"
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mysteriousdragon2 · 10 months ago
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Art trade for @doctordoombignaturals Requested me to draw Santana and Wamuu! Had the freedom of choice in regards to which pose to give them, so I thought that this would be most fitting for them. Wamuu is my favorite Pillar Man I think, he's so courageous and felt like other than Kars, he had a lot of neat character and fights. Santana was introduced early, then when Stroheim was shown too, then got "killed". He a stone trapped in UV lights... But thank you for this art trade, I had a blast. Sorry for the delay!
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gcik · 6 months ago
Muitas vezes, o socorro de Deus se manifesta na coragem que Ele nos dá.
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boy-kisser-inc · 10 months ago
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giselle-archive · 1 year ago
enemies to dog sitters (& kidnappers) ➣ f2f
God, this wine is amazing. Giselle thought to herself as she downed her...third glass, maybe? She'd lost count by now, since she'd gotten so wrapped up in trying not to eye fuck Santana while she'd cooked, and trying to maintain some semblance of her self control — both of which she was failing at already. The only saving grace she'd had was that she'd been able to find that Prada dress Santana had requested she'd wear, and luckily for them both, it still fit like a glove. It hadn't been lost on her the way that her ex's gaze had lingered on her for a little too long when she'd shown up, spennanight bag in town and all, so at least she'd leveled the playing field somewhat.
Her nerves had only started to settle after her second helping of wine, which was expensive and the right kind of oaky, not that she had expected less from a Lopez wine collection. It even came with a smooth finish, the smoothest she'd ever had, so she was enjoying every bit of this. Santana had also kept her word and cooked dinner, even going so far as to make all of Giselle's favorites. If she hadn't been struggling with her feelings before, she sure as hell was now. The only other saving grace was the dog, which she'd had nestled in her lap and had been playing with while dinner was finished. She'd bonded more with the dog than she had with her ex, and although it hadn't been intentional, she'd been playing her feelings as close to the vest as possible..until now.
"You know, before we got here, we skipped a lot of stuff." Giselle pointed out between bites of her food. Pumping her with wine was always the best, or worst, way to get her out of her head. It did lead to her inquisitive nature shining it's light though, and everything she hadn't dared asked or mentioned before was about to start spilling out. "Like who else you dated after me, if you loved anyone else, why you came to college and decided to at least let people other than your parents know you're a lesbian yet you didn't come after me — the basics." Sure, it wasn't what most people would consider the usual bases to cover, but they'd already declared their love for each other so this was as basic as Giselle could start with.
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lopezpierce · 1 year ago
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I mean…I’m not mad about it.
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inkstainedfingersfabray · 8 months ago
Picnic Pals
Tagging: @magicalsantanalopez & @inkstainedfingersfabray Date: June 11th, 2024 Location: Central Park, NYC Summary: Picnic for Two in Central Park Warnings: None
Juliette settled back onto the rainbow gingham picnic blanket, then adjusted the floppy brim of her oversized hat as she took a moment to enjoy the view from her chosen spot. The light breeze tickling the loose strands of hair tucked behind her ears was just enough to take the edge off the heat of the early afternoon air. She would have been fine without it, but she knew that not everyone had her constitution when it came to temperature and she didn't want her expected company to be uncomfortable. Speaking of... Juliette checked her phone in case Santana had texted her while she'd setup, then double checked the relatively large wicker basket she'd prepared for their picnic. Happy to see that nothing had shifted in transit or sprung a leak, Juliette plucked a grape free and popped it into her mouth, letting out a contented hum as the cool, sweet juice filled her mouth. Today was going to be a good day.
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sendmyresignation · 2 years ago
just found out reading the wttbp excerpt from that book about anthems that chris lord-alge produced the song (and the record). which is hilarious bc i have incredible beef with TOM lord-alge’s mixing and he happens to be tom’s older brother lmaoooo. elder sibling superiority strikes again ig.
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adhdheather · 1 month ago
burt hummel is too powerful, he shows up in any scene of glee and i just start crying from how much he means to me
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kitstark · 4 months ago
me and you, and you and me, Just us, and a bottle of mead ⇌ kitana
WHO: Kit Stark & Santana Lopez @psusantana
WHERE: Santana's House
WHEN: Friday, September 27th
WHY: Kit takes Santana her mead and gets invited in for a drink.
NOTES: sorta unfinished
Kit Stark
Kit stared at the bag in their passenger seat. The one that contained not only the bottles of mead they told Santana they'd bring, but also a box of chocolates. Chocolates that Kit themself wasn't particularly fond of, but Santana was. They'd tossed them in their grocery order without even thinking. And sure, they could probably find someone else who liked them, but that would be effort they didn't feel like using. So, they'd put it in the bag with the mead and were simply going to hope she didn't notice until they'd made their escape. Wasn't likely, mind you, but they could hope. There was also a letter folded and taped to one of the bottles. Kit had found it in their pocket after therapy, having not come back to the front until well after. It was an exchange between Guardian and Katie, from what Kit could gather, that ended in the approval for getting the shark plush restored, as long as the integrity of its current state was maintained. Katie having been fronting probably explained more about Kit's mental status lately than anything else, because the whole system felt her, but Kit more than anyone else. They'd need to ask how their therapist had gotten her to front, eventually.
With a sigh, they grabbed the bag and climbed out of their car, having been sat in Santana's driveway for maybe a little longer than they should have, and made their way up to her door. They knocked, rocking back on their heels, free hand finding the length of rope closest to the hem of their shirt and running their fingers along it.
santana lopez.
With most of her day having been less hectic than usual, Santana had left the office early and come home to just relax, which was why she was in a crop top and shorts. Once Kit had offered to come over with the mead, she considered changing into something more appropriate but then again, they had seen her in much less so why should she? She knew she was hot and so did everyone else, so she figured Kit wouldn't mind it. She'd been scrolling through social media to pass the time until she heard the knock at the door, and she tossed her phone aside as she hopped up and walked over to peel the door open. Of course they'd show up with a bag full, which was probably both a good and bad thing, but she didn't care either way. "Hey." She stated, deciding not to size them up or glance over their appearance and commenting on it. She was trying to be better about who she judged and called out for one thing or another, and with Kit's current state, Santana wanted to stop giving them hell. A little, anyways.
Widening the door, she motioned for them to come in. "I know you're dumping them off because you have too much, but you're not leaving here without at least keeping me company for one drink." She decided, and she wasn't taking no for an answer, as usual.
Kit Stark
Kit smiled slightly when Santana opened the door. She was dressed comfortable, not that they could blame her. They were personally wearing a slightly oversized shirt and a pair of shorts, just something that would cover the rope they wore under their clothes. They'd used shibari for years as a way to manage anxiety that they ignored they had. So when they'd had the urge to scream, they'd elected to try that again. It had worked, but it had taken infinitely longer to get right because of the deliveries. Had not been their best idea, but they'd managed it.
When she opened the door and motioned for them to come in they simply nodded and did just that. They weren't sure why they didn't argue, but they knew she probably wouldn't take no for an answer. Or maybe they just didn't care that it was probably a bad idea. Whatever the reasoning was, they simply moved into her home, immediately heading towards the kitchen.
santana lopez.
Santana shut the door once they came inside, and while semi-holding her ex hostage for a drink wasn't the worst idea she'd ever had, she was sure that it wasn't very smart either. In fact, it was probably pretty fucking dumb of her to do such a thing, yet she was sure that she had a habit of being dumb around people she felt things for. She wasn't even entirely sure what she felt for Kit these days, but she did know that she wasn't mad about spending time with them. Heading fro the kitchen behind them, she hummed. "Are you Kit right now? Or..you know, who's fronting this time?" She asked curiously, mostly so she knew how to approach whoever she'd have the pleasure (or displeasure) of dealing with for the time being.
Kit Stark
"Kit. Though I think Guardian is lurking." Kit explained as they reached the kitchen, setting the bag on the counter and pulling out a bottle. They'd kept the individual bottles for themself, so just had the larger bottles to give to people. This wasn't the bottle with the note, they'd leave that for her to find. "I grabbed a couple of the more elaborate meads for you, that you either have had and liked or that fit a similar profile. That way I know you're getting the most out of it." Everyone else was bound to just get whatever Kit tossed in a bag for them, but they'd spent time selecting ones that Santana would appreciate, because they knew her taste.
santana lopez.
Raising a brow at that answer, Santana shrugged. "Does that mean something's wrong if Guardian is lurking?" Not that she wasn't opposed to Guardian coming out to play at all, but she'd rather know just how lightly she needed to tread here so she didn't do anything to force Guardian to the front. Watching them pull out a bottle, she was about to ask if she would like this one or not until they took care of explaining it, and she had to duck her head a little to hide the fact that she was blushing now. Although they were on better terms now, she still found herself smitten over the idea of Kit still doing even the little things for her. "You didn't have to do that, Kit." She whined, pulling herself back together before glancing up at them again. "But thank you. I appreciate that. And as much as I would love for you to actually drink this with me, do you want some water? Tea? Soda?"
Kit Stark
"Not necessarily? But given how earlier today went…" Kit shrugged. They still weren't sure what had set off their need to scream, so it could really go any direction. Not that they thought that was why Guardian was lurking, but still. They smirked at the way she ducked her head, how she whined that they didn't need to do that. "Yes I did. You'd have whined at me if I'd given you something you didn't like." They pointed out. "And you're welcome. As for me drinking, while the concern is appreciated, one drink won't kill me." They set the bottle on the counter and went about grabbing glasses for them. "A few of them are better chilled, but they're labeled, the rest are fine, or even better, at room temp."
santana lopez.
"Is everything okay?" Santana questioned, though she wasn't sure that was even an appropriate response. "Sorry, you don't have to..answer that." She quickly corrected, deciding she didn't want to upset them or come off as if she were pushing them to talk about whatever was going on if they didn't want to. When they clarified that she would have whined if they hadn't gone out of their way to pick out ones she liked, she shrugged nonchalantly. "You're not wrong, so thank you for making sure not to disappoint me." She teased. Kit still knowing their way around her kitchen would have made her smile if she hadn't instead started thinking about how she'd once longed to see them back in her space like this. "Yeah, one drink it is." She stated as she started to look through the box, wanting to find the ones that were labeled as needing to be chilled, when she spotted a note, and the chocolates. "Hey Kit, what are these?" She asked as she held them both up.
Kit Stark
"Uh, don't know. The whole wanting to scream thing is still confusing as to where the feelings came from, but presumably there is some kind of reasoning I'm just not privy to." Kit shrugged. They still weren't sure they'd ever figure out that whole thing. Some alters fed into them emotionally more than others. It could just as easily been remnants of whatever happened between Katie and Guardian in therapy for all Kit knew, or something up with Paras. "As if I don't know better." They stuck out their tongue at her teasing. They were in the middle of pouring the drinks when Santana spoke. They bit their lip at seeing what she held up. "The note is from Guardian, and sort of from Katie. The chocolates… dunno, was going through my groceries and I'd bought them." They shrugged, quickly turning back to the task at hand, knowing all too well a faint pink had taken to their cheeks and was quickly making its way up to the tips of their ears.
santana lopez.
Nodding, Santana figured she should drop her line of questioning there since Kit wasn't even sure where the urge to scream came from. As long as they got it out of their system, hopefully anyways, she wasn't going to keep prying. Not about that, anyways. She jokingly rolled her eyes as they stuck their tongue out at her, and she was slowly accepting that them returning to their old banter was just…a habit now. Eyeing the note first, she put it aside again before honing in on the chocolate. "So you were getting your own groceries and somehow, my favorite brand of chocolate just jumped out at you and you had to get them?" Santana asked. "One could say that you doing this meant that you were thinking about me, enough to buy these anyways, and then we knew you'd have to get them to me somehow, so did you just want another excuse to see me?"
Kit Stark
"You act like this was some elaborate plan, but no, it wasn't. And I don't particularly know when I grabbed them, or even if it was me who grabbed them. I disconnect a lot when I'm shopping, which is why I usually order them for delivery but sometimes you just end up in a store anyway." They shrugged. Not that she was wrong about them thinking about her, because they were. In sometimes frustrating amounts, but they weren't necessarily going to admit that to her, at least not sober. There was just some power they didn't need to hand her or she'd become unruly which would, admittedly, only fuel things further for them. "So no, I did not actively plan any of this." They knew the red was only growing brighter on their skin, but they were trying not to focus on that.
santana lopez.
Santana was barely even listening to Kit's explanation as she grabbed the bottle they'd taken out and poured them both a glass. She didn't care how they spun it, what mattered was that they'd been thinking about her enough to purchase the damn chocolate. She never fed into the details much anyways, so her mind only wanted to focus on that part. Letting them speak up again, she noticed the red tint to their flesh and sighed. "I was kidding, Kit." She whined as she held a glass out to them. "But thank you. I've been meaning to go and get some myself and just never have the time, so this is great." She hummed, grabbed in her own glass and taking a sip of it. "But for the record, you can and should think about me all the time."
Kit Stark
Kit rolled their eyes as she whined at them, taking the glass she held out. "Uh huh, sure." They knew she probably hadn't been listening too closely, if at all, she was a brat like that. Which made the reassurance feel like teasing. Not that Kit minded. "You need to take more time for yourself. The little things." They pointed out as they took a sip from their glass, all too aware she probably wouldn't. Kit had been responsible for those things when they'd been dating. The little treats, the reminders to take a little time. They missed that most. Having someone to spoil. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
santana lopez.
Santana drank some more mead from her glass as she tried not to be too much of a brat, though it wasn't exactly something she could control around Kit. She knew how to get things out of them by being a brat, and she liked using it to her advantage sometimes. She did listen to them repeat advice they'd tried to hammer into her more than once, which never stuck, but at least Kit used to go out of their way to try and make it stick anyways. It had been little things like that, simple things to help her be better, that she'd been desperate to have back. "Between work, teaching, and now spending time with my daughter, me time is very limited. Actually, it's almost nonexistent." Santana confessed before she drank some more. "And yes, I would like that. I always like when you're thinking about me."
Kit Stark
"So you inserted me into it?" Kit asked, raising an eyebrow. Were they surprised? No, not at all. Did it make her ridiculous? Yes, yes it did. They shook their head with a click of their tongue and a sip of their drink. "You like when anyone thinks about you." They pointed out, even if they knew that Santana knew, that the way they thought about her was probably different to how most did. There was no denying that.
santana lopez.
"Sorta?" Santana responded, though she wasn't entirely sure it was planned or anything. She'd simply just asked for the mead and hadn't intentionally planned on having them come over tonight, and she hadn't planned on forcing them to stay for a drink either — she sort of just decided that when they arrived. Grinning as another truth was pointed out, she nodded in agreement. "Well yes, I do like being the main thought in someone's brain, but especially yours." She teased, chugging down some more of the mead before she sat the glass back down. "And maybe, just maybe, I miss spending time with you."
Kit Stark
Kit hummed a bit. They didn't think she'd necessarily planned this, but it couldn't entirely be ignored that it was a certain kind of choice on her part. They rolled their eyes. "Of course you do." Though they couldn't help but smile when she said she missed them. "I miss spending time with you too, no maybe about it."
santana lopez.
Santana rolled her own eyes when Kit did it, and while she could have been more of a brat, she decided against it…for now. Luckily that changed once they clearly liked her confessing that she'd missed them. "I know you have a lot going on in your head right now, but if the rest of you agrees with it, we should start spending more time together." She suggested, and while part of her wanted to kick her for suggesting such, it wasn't like she didn't want it. "I promise I won't always be a brat, but then again, you always did like it so maybe I will be one."
Kit Stark
Kit chuckled, leaning against the counter as she spoke. "I don't think there should be much objection to spending time with you, maybe to you being a brat, but not to spending time with you." Not that her being a brat would ever be a deterrence. Kit did like her when she was being bratty. Liked her all the time, really, but especially when she was being a brat.
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unknownorgan · 6 months ago
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apocalyptic lyric, Cintia Santana
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broadwaybabymomma · 7 months ago
[Text Message]: Any chance I can crash at your place, till I have found a place of my own?
[Text Message]: I'll double check with Quinn, but I can't imagine why you couldn't. [Text Message]: Other than the horror stories I may have told her about you as a roommate while we were cohabiting. 😜
[Text Message]: But in all seriousness, I don't have a problem with it and I doubt Quinn will either.
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gcik · 1 year ago
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intuitively-her · 4 months ago
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You are so gorgeous/handsome, and you look very put together.😍 People know that they gotta come correct if they want to come towards you. You're a charmer. You might unintentionally flirt with people a lot. You're a HUGE lover girl/boy. Your hugs are the best. And you could be a gift-giver as well. I'm getting family vibes here. You seem to be detached and in your own world most of the time. You have this mysterious vibe to you. You don't give too much of yourself away at once. You like to take risks and can be a wildcard at times. This is really admired by others. You're the fun friend in your group. Your energy reminds me of Maddy Perez and Nikki from save the last dance. I’m also channeling Santana from glee lol. You could be very popular. Someone here is in a leadership position. Sports team captain? You lead with logic and practicality. Someone here likes to debate with others. This is my argumentative pile. King of swords energy. You're veryyy disciplined when it comes to your work. Literally nothing or no one could knock you off balance. And you've literally worked to bring your manifestations to life. You're that girl/guy because you remain strong even through your darkest times. You always stay committed to yourself. You remain hard on the outside, but soft n gooey on the inside.🥰
Extra confirmation: Famous, Mean girl, Younger woman, Elusive, Intoxicating, Bitchy, Stuck-up, Sarcastic, Apathetic, Smart ass, Beautiful, Sexy Voice, Friendly, Co-worker, Side chick/side man
Channeled songs: Try again by Aaliyah and Antidote by Travis Scott
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Things always seem to work out for you no matter what. Some people view you as a "good luck charm" lol. It's like you have the Midas touch or something. You're very strategic with your plans. Smart, sexy, and independent. You have a very balanced and precise mindset. People could never really cross you. You're always 10 steps ahead. Your energy reminds me of TheWizardLiz. This is my workaholic pile. You've built everything that you have from the ground up. Magician energy. You're a master manifestor.⭐ Your fairness is very admired. You're not afraid to speak up for what you believe in. You could give great advice as well. You have such a light energy! You have a very open and honest personality. You might be a social butterfly. You live more of luxurious lifestyle. I heard "livin like larry"😂. You could have a really nice car. Someone here has beautiful long legs. For someone specific here, you are that girl/guy because you didn't allow a heartbreak to change you. You stayed strong and compassionate.
Extra confirmation: Competitive, Obsessive, Impulsive, Pretty skin/skin tone, Liar, Charming, Player, Dark-skin, Boss, Confident, Humble, Big butt, Trustworthy, Mixed signals
Channeled songs: Act up by City girls and Independent women pt.1 by Destiny's child
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You've fought hard to get to the position that you're in today. The luxuries that you have did not come easy. I'm channeling the movies "The pursuit of happiness" and "The Wolf of Wall Street". You may have struggled a bit growing up. But you didn't let that define you. It took a lot of commitment to get where you are today. Someone here could work with stocks. I heard "business mogul". You like to remain optimistic and keep your options open. You're very kindhearted and uplifting to others. You are such a giver. Many people would consider you a "girls girl". Heavy water sign energy. People know that they can count on you for a good time. You have a very bold and confident personality. You walk into rooms like you own the place. Star energy. You're the kim k in your family/friend group lol. A lot of strangers assume that you're famous or some type of influencer. Someone here could wear afro-centric hairstyles.
Extra confirmation: Wifey energy, Trustworthy, Feline eyes, Introvert, Pretty eyes, Eccentric, One night stand, Younger woman, Charming, Cheater, Egotistical, Sister, Intoxicating, Funny
Channeled songs: P power by Gunna and Wife at home by Bryson Tiller
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🌸Please DO NOT copy, repost, or steal my work! Thanks!🌸
*Credits to @anitalenia and @sultryana for the text dividers🩷*
Paid readings
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ghsttk · 5 months ago
waking up the building.
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🎼: Acordando o prédio - Luan Santana
Scenario: You and Johnny not caring about keeping it quiet in a hotel room.
Warnings: smut, female reader, p in v, unprotected sex, a single slap (I wish there had been more), praise kink, creampie, dom!Johnny and sub!reader.
Word count: 1k
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It's 04:00 am, Monday. You were taking care of Johnny while he took a break from his busy schedule, resting in a hotel room. You and Johnny should be sleeping, since it is still early, but you two had other plans. You were grinding against each other's thighs, almost becoming one, sharing breathless confessions of desire. 
He kisses you hungrily, nibbing your lower lip. “God, Johnny…” You call, his name falling from your lips like a prayer, making his breath hitch. He moves to your neck, lips brushing lazily against your skin. You arch your back towards him, he always makes you so needy. His hands snake behind your back, reaching for the clasp of your lacy bra. Johnny leans and presses kisses on your chest while freeing your breasts, throwing the bra away. “I love when you wear them but- God…” He breathes, staring mesmerized. “It's also a shame to have to cover these beauties” He praises your breasts, giving a kiss to each one. You giggle at him, finding it amusing.
“You're so silly” Your fingers tangle his hair, pulling it as he starts sucking your nipples, making you moan softly. He hums in approval, his right hand leaving your waist to slide between your legs, going into your panties. He groans as he feels your arousal slicking his fingers. “My God, sweetheart, all this just for me?” He teases you with a smirk, caressing your folds, sliding two fingers on your soaked slit. “Mhm, of course, it is..” You gasp, closing your eyes as you enjoy his skilled fingers on you.
You whine for him “Please, John” He kisses your neck again, moving up. “Can we go raw, love? I didn't have time to buy new condoms” He whispers, nuzzling against your neck, fingers still working on your dripping pussy. “Fuck yes, I don’t care, just shove it inside and stretch my—” He laughs softly, the sound husky from desire “Calm down, sweetie.” He shakes his head and kisses your jawline. Johnny reaches down, removing his fingers from you, and takes off his boxers hastily, his hard manhood bouncing from his abruptness.
You reach down to tease his pink leaking tip, only to receive a hard stare from Johnny. “Careful now, hm.” He warns, as if that would stop you. He holds both of your thin wrists with a hand, pinning them above your head. “Now, be a good girl and wrap those gorgeous legs around me, pretty.” You oblige, crossing your ankles behind his back. He caresses your thigh with a hand, the other holding the base of his cock, rubbing the tip against your swollen labia to lube the head, then finally sliding it inside. He introduces slowly, stopping between thrusts, his mouth open in a soundless moan.
You feel every inch, every delicious detail of him, you love being so full of him. Johnny starts moving his hips, rolling them forward, against you. When you got used to his size, he continued to push slowly, which made you impatient. “Faster, John, please” You whine in his ear as he leans down, scratching his back. He hisses and shakes his head “Shhh… The walls are thin, sweetheart” He sighs “We can't lose ourselves now.” You could sense that it didn't please him either, he wanted more just like you needed more.
Then, being the good girl you are, you decide to ignore what he said and just beg and beg for more, until he gives in. You start with whimpers and tiny moans in his ear, calling for him, then kisses on his neck and scratches on his biceps. It didn't take long for his resolve to succumb, finally giving into your pleas. He holds your hips tighter, releasing a groan “You're going to kill me, but what a way to die.” He thrusts faster into your greedy pussy, the rhythmic sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing in the room — and probably in the hotel hallway.
You moan louder, tugging his hair. “Fuck it! Yes baby, let it out, scream my name.” He grunts, delivering a slap on one of your thighs before holding them even tighter, using them to keep you in place while he fucks you. “Johnny!” You cry out in pleasure, the head of his cock nudging a sweet spot inside of you. He smirks proudly, leaning down to kiss your collarbone. “Make them jealous, honey, scream louder!” He commands, an unquenchable fire in his eyes “Make them wish they were fucking like we do.” He kisses you hungrily, swallowing your moans, his pace never faltering. You feel it coming, your inner walls clenching tightly around him, gripping his girth as if it were a vital part of you.
He sucks his breath in surprise and moans, breaking the kiss. He doubles his efforts, thrusting harder inside your needy pussy, the soggy sounds making his eyes roll back, for him it was like hearing a sinphony. Someone knocks on the door, making your eyes widen. You try to push Johnny but he simply shakes his head, keeping his pace. “I'll take care of that later. Come, let it go for me, my love” He pleads breathlessly, his hips starting to grind, nudging your clit on his pubic bone.
You lose your voice, calling out his name as you tremble from your orgasm. Johnny groans and follows right after, filling your insides with his warm seed, making sure to flood it. After three or four thrusts, he pulls his cock out, a wet pop escaping from your pussy. You take a breath, eyes closed blissfully. Your lover watches you with a warm smile “You look so beautiful, dear” He kisses your cheek and leaves the bed, pulling the sheets to cover your vulnerable body. You blow a kiss to him. "Rest now, but we're not done yet." Johnny winks.
He sighs as he pulls a random pair of sweatpants on, reaching for his wallet before walking to the door, hoping you two won't be expelled from the hotel yet.
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a/n: I'm glad you guys don't believe when I say I'm going to write something that isn't smut.
taglist: @drugs-and-daddyissues ♡
-- If you want to be tagged, just dm me!
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dioslesbianwife · 21 days ago
Lowkey feeling freaky rn can I request the jofoes with a freaky partner ☹️
yes you can lol- hope you enjoy and here are the HCs!
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Dio thrives on power, indulgence, and hedonism so having a partner who's just as daring sends a smirk to his lips.
He loves the push and pull with you, finding your confidence utterly intoxicating. If you tease him back, he's living for it.
Into bloodplay? Because you probably will be after sleeping with Dio. He enjoys testing boundaries, but your eagerness makes it even more exciting.
Compliments your fearlessness constantly- "Finally, someone worthy of me," he whispers against your skin, voice dripping with praise.
Kars is fascinated by your uninhibited nature. He's never met a human so bold, and it stirs his curiosity as much as his desire.
He's meticulous, calculated- but with a partner who enjoys pushing limits? He can unleash the more primal side of himself without restraint.
He loves when you surprise him; even the Ultimate Lifeform needs a thrill once in a while.
He's got stamina beyond belief and smirks when you insist you can keep up.
Esidisi is passionate, and your adventurous nature feeds right into his desires.
He loves loud expressions of pleasure and will absolutely hype you up. "That's what I like to hear, don't hold back."
He can get creative- using his body heat to tease you and make you explore new sensations.
A true giver, and he revels in your excitement to try wild new things with him.
Wamuu admires strength and courage, so your willingness to dive into intense situations impresses him greatly.
He's thoughtful and attentive, ensuring that every encounter leaves you both satisfied and fulfilled.
Enjoys physical challenges, like lifting or pinning you down, but only if you're just as eager to test your strength against him.
The kind of partner who will respect your wild side but always keeps a protective, loving edge.
Santana's curiosity about human behaviors extends to your boldness, which fascinates him deeply.
Though he's usually stoic, he gets a mischievous glint in his eyes when he realizes you're as wild as they come.
He enjoys experimenting, and your openness makes him bolder.
Santana doesn't speak much, but his actions are deliberate and intense, matching your energy perfectly.
Kira appears calm and collected, but your uninhibited nature brings out the darker, possessive side of him.
He loves watching you revel in pleasure but wants to be the only one who gets to see that part of you.
Though at first he prefers things precise and neat, he'll later be more than willing to get messy for you.
The way you push him leaves him flushed but eager for more.
Diavolo is used to unconventionality, so your freakyness is almost expected.
He usually dislikes unpredictability but loves when you're the one to surprise him.
Rough, intense, and unrestrained– he’s more than happy to match your freaky energy.
Whispering promises in your ear, he revels in your confidence to meet him head on.
Doppio is both nervous and excited by your boldness. His shy stammering turns into a surprised laugh when you tease him.
"You really want that?" He blushes but secretly loves that you're not shy about what you like.
When he flips into his more assertive side, it’s because you’ve inspired his confidence.
Your freaky energy balances beautifully with his combination innocence and intensity.
Enrico Pucci
Pucci is initially conflicted, your uninhibited personality challenges his focus.
But something about your fearlessness tempts him. You draw out desires he’s long buried.
He finds himself whispering fragments of prayers between heated moments, torn between sin and salvation.
You make him question everything, but he’s hooked on the intensity you share.
Funny Valentine
Valentine is intrigued by your boldness. He respects strength, even in intimacy.
He enjoys crafting elaborate scenarios where you can shine. Roleplay is one of his favorite things to do with you.
Power dynamics are a game to him, and he admires how willing you are to play.
"You're a rare gem," he whispers, voice thick with admiration and desire.
Diego Brando
Your daring attitude excites him to no end. Diego loves competition.
If you tease or challenge him, he grins. "Why don’t we put that to the test, yeah?"
He's wild and unrestrained, matching your energy with fierce enthusiasm. Primal play, lots of teeth and claws are gonna be involved. Marking, biting, scratching, etc.
Diego loves that you’re down for this stuff that you’re never afraid to match his boldness.
Tooru is a tease by nature, so your freaky energy keeps him on his toes.
He loves the playful, chaotic dynamic you share and smirks whenever you catch him off guard.
"You're a little wild, huh?" he chuckles, eyes gleaming with interest.
He's experimental and thrives on the spontaneity you bring to every encounter.
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